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A23013 Anno primo Reginæ Elizabethæ at the Parliament begunne at Westminster, the xxiij of Januarie, in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, queene, defender of the fayth &c., and there prorogued till the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued, vntyll the dissolution of the same, being the eight day of May then next ensuyng, were enacted as foloweth.; Laws, etc. (Session laws : 1559 Jan.-May) England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) 1572 (1572) STC 9460; ESTC S4086 98,906 110

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as houe obteyned pretended licences and dispensations from the sea of Rome and all and euery braunches wordes and sentences in the said seuerall actes and statutes conteyned by aucthoritie of this present Parliament from and at al times after the last day of this session of Parliament shal be reuiued and shall stande be in full force and strength to all intentes constructions and purposes And that the braunches sentences and wordes of the sayde seuerall actes and euery of them from thencefoorth shal and may be iudged deemed and taken to extend to your hyghnes your heyres and successours as fully and largely as euer the same actes or any of them dyd extend to the sayde late kyng Henry the eight your hyghnesse father And that it may also please your highnesse that it may be enacted by thaucthoritie of this present Parliament that so much of one acte or statute made in the .xxxii. yere of the raigne of your sayde deare father kyng Henry the eyght entytuled An act concernyng precontractes of maryages and touchyng degrees of consanguinitie as in the tyme of the late kyng Edwarde the sixte your hyghnesse moste deare brother by one other acte or statute was not repealed And also one acte made in the .xxxvii. yere of the raygne of the sayde late kyng Henry the eyght entituled An act that doctours of the Ciuile law beyng maryed may exercise Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction and all and euerye braunches and articles in the sayde two actes laste mentioned and not repealed in the tyme of the sayde late kyng Edward the sixte may from hencefoorth lykewyse stande and be reuiued and remayne in their full force and strength to all intentes and purposes any thyng conteyned in the sayd acte of repeale before mentioned or anye other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstandyng And that it may also please your highnesse that it may be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that all other lawes and statutes and the braunches and clauses of anye acte or statute repealed and made voyde by the sayde acte of repeale made in the tyme of the sayde late king Philip and Queene Marie and not in this present acte specially mentioned and reuiued shall stand remayne and be repealed and voyde in suche lyke maner and fourme as they were before the makyng of this acte any thyng herein conteyned to the contrary notwithstandyng And that it may also please your highnesse that it may be enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide that one act and statute made in the first yere of the raigne of the late king Edwarde the sixte your Maiesties moste deare brother entytuled An acte agaynste suche persons as shall vnreuerentlye speake agaynste the Sacramente of the bodye and blood of Christe commonlye called the Sacrament of the aulter and for the receauing thereof vnder bothe kyndes and all and euerye braunches clauses and sentences therein conteyned shall and maye lykewise from the last day of this Session of Parliamente be reuyued and from thencefoorth sha and may stand remayne and be in full force strength and effecte to all intentes constructions and purposes in such lyke maner fourme as the same was at anye tyme in the first yere of the raigne of the said late king Edward that .vi. any law statute or other matter to the contrary in any wise notwithstāding And that also it may please your hyghnesse that it may be further established and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that one act and statute made in the first and second yeres of the sayd late kyng Philip and Queene Marie entytuled An acte for the reuiuing of three statutes made for the punishment of heresies and also the saide three statutes mentioned in the sayde acte and by the same acte reuiued and al and euery braunches articles clauses and sentences conteyned in the sayde seuerall actes or statutes and euerye of them shal be from the last day of this Session of Parliament deemed and remayne vtterly repealed voyde and of none effecte to all intentes and purposes anye thyng in the sayde seuerall actes or anye of them conteyned or anye other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstandyng And to the intent that al vsurped and forraigne power and aucthoritie spirituall and temporall maye for euer be clearely extinguished and neuer to be vsed or obeyed within this Realme or any other your Maiesties dominions or countreyes may it please your highnes that it may be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that no forraigne prince parson prelats state or potentate spiritual or temporal shal at anye tyme after the last day of this Session of Parliamente vse enioy or exercise any maner of power iurisdiction superioritie aucthoritie preheminēce or priuiledge spiritual or ecclesiastical within this realme or within any other your Maiesties dominions or countreys that now be or hereafter shal be but frō thēceforth the same shal be clearly abolished out of this realme al other your highnes dominions for euer any statute ordinaunce custome cōstitutions or any other matter or cause whatsoeuer to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And that also it may lykewyse please your hyghnesse that it may be established and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that suche iurisdictions priuiledges superiorities and preheminences spirituall and ecclesiasticall as by anye spirituall or ecclesiasticall power or aucthoritie hath heretofore ben or maye lawfullye be exercised or vsed for the visitation of the ecclesiasticall state and persons and for reformation order and correction of the same and of all maner errours heresies scismes abuses offences contemptes and enormities shall for euer by aucthoritie of this present Parliamente be vnited and annexed to the imperiall Crowne of this Realme And that your highnes your heyres and successours kinges or Queenes of this realme shal haue ful power and aucthoritie by vertue of this act by letters patentes vnder the great Seale of Englande to assigne name and aucthorize when as often as your highnes your heyres or successours shall thynke meete and conuenient and for suche and so long tyme as shall please your hyghnes your heires or successours suche person or persons beyng naturall borne subiectes to your hyghnesse your heires or successours as your Maiestie your heyres or successours shal think meete to exercise vse occupy and execute vnder your highnes your heyres and successours all maner of iurisdictions priuiledges and preheminences in anye wyse touchyng or concernyng anye spirituall or ecclesiasticall iurisdiction within these your realmes of Englande and Irelande or any other your hyghnesse dominions or countreyes and to visite refourme redresse order correct and amende all suche errours he resies scismes abuses offences contemptes and inormities whatsoeuer which by any maner spirituall or ecclesiasticall power aucthoritie or iurisdiction can or maye lawfully be refourmed ordered redressed corrected restrayned or amended to the pleasure of almyghtie God the encrease of vertue and the conseruation of the peace and vnitie of this Realme and that such person or persons so to be named assigned
be conuicted before the Iustices And lykewyse receauing for the sayde firste offence punishment by the Iustices he shall not for the same offence eftsoones receaue punishment of the Ordinarie any thing conteyned in this acte to the contrary notwithstandyng Prouided alwayes and be it enacted that suche ornamentes of the Churche and of the ministers therof shal be reteyned and be in vse as was in this Churche of Englande by aucthoritie of Parliament in the second yere of the raigne of kyng Edwarde the .vi. vntill other order shal be therein taken by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie with the aduise of her Commissioners appoynted and aucthorized vnder the great Seale of Englande for causes Ecclesiasticall or of the Metropolitane of this Realme And also that if there shall happen any contempt or irreuerence to be vsed in the ceremonies or rites of the Churche by the misusyng of the orders appoynted in this booke the Queenes Maiestie may by the lyke aduise of the sayde Commissioners or Metropolitane ordayne and publishe such farther ceremonies or rites as may be moste for the aduauncemente of Gods glorye the edifying of his Churche and the due reuerence of Christes holye Mysteries and Sacramentes And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that all lawes statutes and ordinaunces wherein or whereby anye other Seruice administration of Sacramentes or common Prayer is limited established or set foorth to be vsed within this Realme or anye other the Queenes dominions or countreyes shall from hencefoorth be vtterly voyde and of none effect An acte of Recognition the Queenes hyghnesse tytle to the imperiall Crowne of this Realme The .iij. Chapter AS there is nothing vnder God most dreade Soueraigne Ladie where we your moste humble faythfull and obedient subiectes the lordes spiritual and temporal and commons in this present Parliamente assembled haue may or ought to haue more cause to reioyce then in this only that it hath pleased God of his mercyfull prouidence and goodnes towardes vs and this our realme not onely to prouide but also to preserue and keepe for vs and our wealthes your royall maiestie our most ryghtfull and lawfull Soueraigne liege Lady and Queene moste happylye to raigne ouer vs for the which we do geue and yeelde vnto hym from the bottomes of our heartes our humble thankes laudes and prayses Euen so there is nothyng that we your sayde subiectes for our parties can may or ought towardes your hyghnesse more firmely entirely and assuredredly in the puritie of our hearts thinke or with our mouthes declare and confesse to be true then that your Maiestie our sayde Soueraigne Lady is and in very deede and of moste meere ryght ought to be by the lawes of God and the lawes and statutes of this Realme our most rightfull and lawful soueraigne liege Lady Queene and that your highnes is rightly lineally and lawfully descended and come of the blood royall of this realme of Englande in and to whose princely person and the heyres of your body lawfullye to be begotten after you without all doubt ambiguitie scruple or question the imperial royall estate place crowne and dignitie of this realme with all honors stiles titles dignities regalities iurisdictions preheminences to the same now belongyng and apparteining are and shal be most fully rightfully really and entirely inuested and incorporated vnited annexed as rightfully and lawfully to al intents constructions and purposes as the same were in the sayd late king Henry the eight or in the late kyng Edwarde the .vi. your highnes brother or in the late Queene Marie your highnes sister at any time since the act of parliament made in the .xxxv. yere of the raigne of your said most noble father kyng Henry the eight entituled An act concerning the stablishment of the kings maiesties succession in the imperial crowne of this realme For which causes we your said most louing faythfull obedient subiectes representing the three estates of your realme of England as therunto constrained by the law of god and man except we should ouermuch forget our dueties to your highnes and to the heires of your body lawfully begotten can no lesse do but most humbly besech your highnes that by thaucthoritie of this present parliament it may be enacted established and declared that we do recognise acknowledge and confesse the same your estate ryght title and succession as is aforesaid to be in and to your highnes and the heyres of your body to be begotten thorowoutly and in the whole and in euery part therof in such maner fourme as before is mentioned declared or confessed and therunto most humbly faithfully we do submit our selues our heires posterities for euer And further do make our most heartie humble petition vnto your highnesse that it may please the same not only to accept this our said recognition but also our faythfull promises that we accordyng to our dueties shall and will stand to assiste and defende your royall Maiestie and the heires of your bodye to be begotten beyng Kynges and Queenes of this Realme and your sayd ryghtes and titles in to the sayde imperiall estate place crowne and dignitie in all thynges thereto belongyng at all tymes to the vttermost of our possible powers and therein to spende our bodies landes and goodes agaynst all persons whatsoeuer that any thyng shall attempt to the contrary And that it may be enacted by thauctoritie aforesaide that aswell this our declaration confession recognition as also the limitation declaration of the succession of the imperial crowne of this realme mentioned and conteyned in the sayde acte made in the sayde .xxxv. yere of the raigne of your sayde moste noble father shall stande remayne and be the lawe of this realme for euer And that all sentences iudgementes decrees had made declared set foorth published and promulged and also as muche of euery clause article braunche matter or thyng contayned and expressed in any acte or actes of parliament as be in any thyng repugnaunt contrary or derogatorie to this our saide confession declaration and recognition or to any parte or parcell thereof or contrary to the said limitation of the succession of the imperiall crowne establyshed and made by the said act in the said xxxv yere of the raigne of the said late king Henry theight by whatsoeuer power or aucthoritie the same ben or haue ben had or made shal be vtterly frustrate voyde and of none effecte and also shall and may be cancelled defaced and put in perpetuall obliuion at your highnes wyll and pleasure as yf the same had neuer ben had made declared set foorth published or promulged An acte for the restitution of the first fruites and tenthes and rentes reserued nomine dicime and of parsonages impropriate to the imperiall crowne of this Realme The .iiii. Chapter IN their most humble wyse besechen your moste excellent Maiestie your faithful and humble subiectes the lordes spirituall and temporall and the Commons of this your
aucthorized and appoynted by your hyghnes your heyres or successours after the sayde letters patentes to hym or them made and delyuered as is aforesayde shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this acte and of the sayd letters patentes vnder your hyghnesse your heires or successours to exercise vse and execute all the premisses accordyng to the tenour and effect of the sayde letters patentes any matter or cause to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng And for the better obseruation and mayntenaunce of this acte maye it please your hyghnesse that it maye be further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that all and euerye Archbyshoppe Byshoppe and all and euerye other ecclesiasticall person and other ecclesiasticall officer and minister of what estate dignitie preheminence or degree soeuer he or they be or shal be and all and euery temporall Iudge Iusticer Maior and other lay or temporall officer and minister and euerye other person hauing your hyghnesse fees or wages within this Realme or anye your hyghnesse dominions shall make take and receaue a corporal othe vpon the Euangelist before such person or persons as shall please your hyghnesse your heyres or successours vnder the greate Seale of Englande to assigne and name to accepte and take the same accordyng to the tenour and effecte hereafter folowyng that is to saye I.A.B. do vtterlye testifie and declare in my conscience that the Queenes hyghnesse is the onlye supreame gouernour of this realme of al other her highnes dominions countreys aswell in all spirituall or ecclesiasticall thinges or causes as temporal and that no forraigne prince parson prelate state or potentate hath or ought to haue any iurisdiction power superioritie preheminence or aucthoritie ecclesiasticall or spiritual within this realme and therefore I do vtterly renounce and forsake al forrayne iurisdictions powers superiorities and aucthorities and do promise that from hencefoorth I shall beare fayth and true allegiaunce to the Queenes hyghnes her heyres and lawfull successours and to my power shall assiste and defend all iurisdictions priuiledges preheminences and aucthoties graunted or belongyng to the Queenes hyghnes her heyres and successours or vnited and annexed to the imperiall crowne of this Realme so helpe me God and by the contentes of this booke And that it may be also enacted that if any suche Archbyshoppe Byshoppe or other Ecclesiasticall officer or minister or anye of the sayde Temporal Iudges Iusticiaries or other lay officer or minister shall peremptorilie or obstinately refuse to take or receaue the sayde othe that then he so refusyng shal forfeyte lose only duryng his life al and euery Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall promotion benefice office and euery temporall and lay promotion and office which he hath solye at the tyme of such refusall made and that the whole tytle interrest and incumbencie in euery such promotion benefice and other office as agaynst suche person onlye so refusing during his lyfe shall clearely cease and be voyde as though the partie so refusyng were dead And that also all and euery such person and persons so refusyng to take the sayde othe shall immediatlye after suche refusall be from thencefoorth during his lyfe disabled to retayne or exercise any office or other promotion whiche he at the tyme of such refusall hath ioyntly or in common with any other person or persons and that all and euery person and persons that at any tyme hereafter shal be preferred promoted or collated to anye Archbyshopricke or Byshopricke or to any other Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall benefice promotion dignitie office or ministery or that shal be by your highnes your heyres or successours preferred or promoted to any tēporal or lay office ministerye or seruice within this realme or in any your highnes dominions before he or they shal take vpon him or them to receaue vse exercise supplye or occupye any suche Archbyshopricke Byshopricke promotion dignitie office ministery or seruice shal likewise make take receaue the sayd corporal othe before mentioned vppon the Euangelist before such persons as haue or shall haue aucthoritie to admit any such person to any such office ministery or seruice or els before suche person or persons as by your highnes your heires or successours by commission vnder the great Seale of England shal be named assigned or appointed to minister the said othe And that it may likewise be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that if any such person or persons as at anye tyme hereafter shal be promoted preferred or collated to anye suche promotion Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall benefice office or ministerye or that by your highnes your heires or successours shal be promoted or preferred to any temporall or laye office ministerie or seruice shall and do peremptorily and obstinatelye refuse to take the same othe so to him to be offered that then he or they so refusing shal presently be iudged disabled in the lawe to receaue take or haue the same promotion spyrituall or ecclesiastical or the same temporall office ministerie or seruice within this realme or any other your highnesse dominions to all intentes constructions and purposes And that it may be further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that all and euery person and persons temporal suing liuerie or oustre le maine out of the handes of your highnesse your heyres or successours before his or theyr liuerie or oustre le maine sued foorth and alowed and euery temporal person or persons doing any homage to your highnes your heyres or successours or that shal be receaued into seruice with your highnes your heyres or successors shall make take and receaue the said corporall othe before mentioned before the Lord Chauncelour of England or the Lord Keper of the great seale for the time being or before such person or persons as by your hyghnesse your heyres or successours shal be named and appoynted to accept or receaue the same And that also all and euery person and persons takyng orders and all and euery other person and personnes which shal be promoted or preferred to any degree of learnyng in anye Vniuersitie within this your Realme or dominions before he shall receaue or take any such orders or be preferred to anye suche degree of learnyng shall make take and receaue the sayde othe by this acte set foorth and declared as is aforesayd before his or their Ordinarie Commissarie Chauncelour or Vicechauncelour or theyr sufficient deputies in the saide Vniuersitie Prouided alwayes that it may be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaide that yf any person hauyng any estate of inheritance in any temporall office or offices shall hereafter obstinately and peremptorilie refuse to accept and take the said oth as is aforesaid and after at any time during his life shall wyllingly requyre to take and receaue the saide oth and so do take and accept the same othe before any person or persons that shal haue lawful aucthoritie to minister the same that then euery suche person immediatly after he hath so receaued the same othe
to haue or execute any iurisdiction power or aucthoritie Spirituall or to visite reforme order or correct anye errours heresies schismes abuses or enormities by vertue of this acte shall not in anye wyse haue aucthoritie or power to order determine or adiudge any matter or cause to be heresye but onlye suche as heretofore haue ben determined ordred or adiudged to be heresie by the aucthoritie of the canonicall Scriptures or by the fyrst foure generall counsayles or any of them or by anye other generall counsayle wherein the same was declared heresy by the expresse plaine wordes of the said Canonicall Scriptures or such as hereafter shal be ordered iudged or determined to be heresie by the hygh Court of Parliament of this Realme with the assent of the Cleargie in theyr conuocation Any thing in this acte conteyned to the contrary notwithstandyng And be it further enucted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that no person or persons shal be hereafter indicted or arraigned for any the offences made ordeyned reuiued or adiudged by this acte vnlesse there be two sufficient witnesses or more to testifie and declare the sayde offences whereof he shal be indicted or arraigned And that the said witnesses or so many of them as shal be liuing and within this Realme at the time of the arraignement of such person so indicted shal be brought foorth in person face to face before the partie so arraigned and there shal testifie and declare what they can say agaynst the partie so arraigned yf he requyre the same Prouided also and be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that if any person or persons shal hereafter happen to geue any reliefe ayde or comfort or in any wyse be aydyng helpyng or comfortyng to the person or persons of any that shall hereafter happen to be an offendour in any matter or case of Primunire or treason reuiued or made by this acte that then suche releefe ayde or comfort geuen shal not be iudged or taken to be anye offence vnlesse there be two sufficient witnesses at the least that can and will openlye testifie and declare that the person or persons that so gaue suche releefe ayde or comfort had notice and knowledge of suche offence committed and done by the sayd offendour at the tyme of suche releefe ayde or comfort so to hym geuen or ministred any thyng in this acte contayned or any other matter or cause to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And where one pretensed sentence hath heretofore ben geuen in the consystorye in Powles before certayne Iudges de legate by the aucthoritie Legantine of the late Cardinall Poole by reason of a forraigne vsurped power and auctoritie against Richard Chetwod Esquire and Agnes his wife by the name of Agnes Doodhul at the sute of Charles Tyrrell gentleman in a cause of matrimonie solemnised betweene the said Richard Agnes as by the same pretensed sentence more playnely doth appeare from which sentence the said Richarde and Agnes haue appealed to the court of Rome whiche appeale doth there remayne and yet is not determined May it therefore please your hyghnes that it may be enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that if sentence in the said appeale shall happen to be geuen at the said court of Rome for and in the behalfe of the said Richard and Agnes for the reuersing of the said pretensed sentence before the ende of three score dayes next after the end of this Session of this present Parliament that then the same shal be iudged taken to be good and effectual in the lawe and shall and may be vsed pleaded and alowed in anye courte or place within this Realme anye thyng in this act or in any other act or statute contayned to the contrary notwithstanding And if no sentence shal be geuen at the court of Rome in the sayde appeale for the reuersing of the sayde pretensed sentence before the end of the said three score dayes that then it shall and maye be lawfull for the sayde Richarde and Agnes and eyther of them at any tyme hereafter to commense take sue and prosecute their said appeale from the said pretensed sentence and for the reuersyng of the sayd pretensed sentence within this Realme in such like maner fourme as was vsed to be pursued or myght haue ben pursued within this realme at any time since the .xxiiii. yere of the raigne of the said late kyng Henry the eyght vppon sentences geuen in the court or courtes of any Archbyshop within this Realme And that such appeale as so hereafter shal be taken or pursued by the sayd Richarde Chetwood and Agnes or eyther of them and the sentence that herein or thereupon shall hereafter be geuen shal be iudged to be good and effectuall in the lawe to all intentes and purposes any law custome vsage canon constitution or any other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstandyng Prouided also and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that where there is the lyke appeale nowe depending in the sayde court of Rome betwene one Robert Harcourt Marchant of the Staple and Elizabeth Harcourt otherwyse called Elizabeth Robins of the one partie and Anthonye Fydell Marchaunt straunger on the other partye that the sayd Robert Elizabeth and Anthonye and euerye of them shal and may for the prosecutyng trying of theyr said appeale haue and enioye the lyke remedye benefite and aduauntage in lyke maner and fourme as the sayde Richarde and Agnes or any of them hath may or ought to haue and enioy this acte or anye thing therin contayned to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng An Acte for the vniformitie of Common prayer and seruice in the Churche and the administration of the Sacramentes The .ii. Chapter WHere at the death of our late Soueraigne Lorde kyng Edwarde the sixt there remained one vniforme order of common seruice prayer and of the administration of Sacramentes rites ceremonies in the Church of England which was set foorth in one boke entituled The boke of common praier administration of Sacramentes and other rites ceremonies in the Church of England aucthorised by act of parliament holden in the fifte and sixt yeres of our sayde late Soueraigne Lorde kyng Edwarde the syxte entituled An acte for the vniformitie of common prayer and administration of the Sacramentes the whiche was repealed and taken away by acte of Parliament in the fyrste yere of the raigne of our late Soueraigne Lady Queene Mary to the great decaye of the due honour of God and discomforte to the professours of the trueth of Christes religion Be it further enacted by the aucthoritie of this presente Parliamente that the sayde estatute of repeale and euerye thyng therein contayned onelye concernyng the sayde booke and the seruice administration of Sacramentes rites ceremonies contayned or appoynted in or by the saide booke shal be voyde and of none effect from after the feast of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist next comming And that the sayde booke
the eyght or any other his progenitors so that they and euery of them pay the customes and subsidies that shal be due and discharge and lode within the tymes and houres before mentioned any thyng in this present acte to the contrary notwithstandyng An Acte agaynst the deceiptfull vsyng of lynnen Cloth. The .xii. Chapter WHere certayne euyll disposed and deceiptfull persons vsyng to bye and ingrosse into theyr handes great store of linnen cloth do vse to cast the peeces of cloth ouer a beame or peece of tymber made for theyr purpose and do by sundrye deuises racke stretche and drawe the same both of length and breadth and that done do then with batteldores peeces of timber and wood and other things sore beate the same euer casting therupon certaine deceiptful liquors mingled with chalke and other like things wherby the said cloth is not duly made to seeme muche finer thicker to the eye then it is in deede but also the thredes thereof be so losed and made weake that after .iii. or .iiii. washinges it will scarcely holde together to the great disceipt hinderaunce and losse of the subiectes of this Realme be it therefore enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament that yf any person or persons shall hereafter wyllingly vse or cause to be vsed the aforesayde deceytes or any other acte or actes meane or meanes to in or with any kynde of linnen cloth whereby the same shal be deceitfull or worse to for the good vse thereof that then the said cloth shal be forfaited thoffendour therin to be punished by one monethes imprisonment at the least and shal pay such fine as shal be assessed for his or their offence or offences by the Iustices before whom he or they shal be condemned accordyng to the tenor of this acte And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that al and euery the Iustices of oyer and determiner and Iustices of assyses in all theyr sessions and all Iustices of peace in euery Countie and place of this Realme or .iii. of them at the leaste whereof one to be of the Quorum shal haue ful power and aucthoritie to enquire heare determine the offences aforesayde in theyr sessions by information inditement or vppon the trauerse of anye presentment or inditement founde before the sayde Iustices or any of them And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that yf any person or persons shall at the next sessions of the peace after the sayd seaser to be kept within the shire or place where the seaser was made or before two Iustices of peace wherof one to be of the Quorū make due information of the offence and of the seaser of the sayde cloth or els shall procure the offendours to be therof indited at the sayd next sessions after the sayde seaser and shall also be bounde before the sayd Iustices by recognisaunce or obligation to the vse of the Queenes Maiestie her heires and successours in such fourme as the said Iustices or any of them shall thinke meete for the greatnes of the matter and to pursue the same matter with effecte and to geue euidence as of right apparteyneth and also to pay and gyue the moytye of all that he or they shall so recouer and receaue to the Sheriffe or other accomptaunt to the vse of the Queenes Maiestie her heyres and successours and the one halfe of all the forfaytures and fynes of and for the premisses to be vnto the Queenes Maiestie her heyres and successours and the other moitie to him or them that shall make information or procure inditementes of and for the premisses and shall folowe the same with effect And further be it ordained and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that the Iustices before whom any suche offence shal be tryed shal certifie the same by their estreate into the Exchequer at the least yerely at Michaelmas as they be boūd to do other their estreates vpon that certificate the Barons of the Exchequer to haue ful power aucthoritie to make proces for so much therof as by this estatute shal apparteyne to the Queenes Maiestie in lyke maner fourme as they only do for any other fines and amerciamentes so certified before them An Acte for the shipping in Englishe Botomes The .xiii. Chapter WHere by diuers statutes made in the tyme of the Queenes Maiesties most noble progenitours it hath ben enacted prouided that no person borne within the Realme of Englande or beyng of the legiaunce of the prince of the sayde Realme or any the dominions of the same should ship any maner of marchaundize either out of the realme or into the same but only in a shyp or botome wherof the said prince or some other of their subiectes were owners possessioners proprietaries and maisters the mariners of the same vessel for the more part to be also theyr subiectes vpon diuers paynes and penalties as in the sayd statutes more playnly appeareth Since the making of which sayde statutes other forraigne princes fyndyng them selues agreeued with the said seuerall actes as thynkyng that the same were made to the hurt preiudice of their countrey nauie haue made like penall lawes agaynst such as should shyp out of theyr countreys in any other vessels then of their seueral countreys and dominions by reason whereof there hath not only growen great displeasure betwixt the forraigne princes and the kinges of this realme but also the marchauntes haue ben sore greeued and endomaged For reformation whereof and for increase of continuaunce of amitie be it enacted that the seuerall actes made in the fyfth yere of kyng Richarde the seconde the third Chapter and in the fourth yere of the late king of famous memory king Henry the seuenth intituled Of wine and tholouze ode shal be from henceforth clearely voyde of none effect And neuerthelesse for auoyding of great disceyt practised nowe a dayes vsed by sundry subiectes borne within this Realme of England and dominions of the same whiche enter in the customers bookes wares and marchaundize of aliens borne in theyr owne name whereby the Queenes maiestie is defrauded in her customes and subsidies to the great decaye of the auncient reuenues of the crowne be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this present parliament that all and euery person and persons beyng owner or owners of any goodes wares or marchaundizes whiche after the first day of Ianuary nexte ensuyng the sessions of this present Parliament shall in tyme of peace and when there is no restraynt made of Englyshe shyppes embarke shyppe lade or discharge by waye of marchaundize any wares or marchaundize mastes Raffe Pitch Tarre and Corne only excepted out of or into any shyppe barke hoye vessell or botome whereof our sayde soueraigne Ladye the Queene her heires or successours or some of her or theyr subiectes of this Realme or the dominions of the same be not possessioners and proprietaries and the maisters vnder God and the mariners of the same
and prouisions in them and euery of them conteyned were by the aucthoritie of the sayd Parliament there reuiued and continued to stand in their force and strength vnto the last day of the next Parliament And where also at a Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the .xxi. day of October in the seconde and thirde yeres of the raignes of the sayd late kyng Philip and Queene Marie and there continued vntil the dissolution of the same beyng the .ix. day of December then next ensuing one acte was then and there made for the kepyng of Milche kyne and for the breading and rearyng of calues and one other acte for the reedifying of decayed houses of husbandrye for the encrease of tyllage the sayde two seuerall actes to endure tyl the last day of the next Parliament as by the same more at large doth appeare And forasmuch as all and singuler the sayde seuerall actes aboue mentioned be good and beneficiall for the common wealth of this Realme be it therfore enacted ordeined and established by the Queenes most excellent Maiestie with the assent of the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that all and singuler the said seuerall actes and estatutes aboue mentioned and rehearsed euery of them and all clauses articles and prouisions in them and euery of them conteyned shal be reuiued continued stande and endure in their ful force and strength to all intentes constructions purposes and shal be obserued and kept in all thinges vntyll the last day of the next Parliament And where in the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the .xxi. day of October in the second and third yeres of the raignes of the sayde late king Philip and Queene Marie and there continues and kept vntyll the .ix. day of September then next ensuing one acte was then and there made entituled An act for the reliefe of the poore and to endure to the latter ende of the first session of the next Parliament Forasmuch as the sayde acte is good and beneficiall to the common wealth of this Realme be it therefore enacted ordeyned and established by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament that the sayde acte last aboue mentioned and rehearsed and all clauses articles and prouisions in the same conteyned shal be reuiued continued stande and indure in full force and strength to all intentes and purposes and shal be obserued and kept in all thinges vntyll the last day of the next Parliament An acte of a subsidie of Tonnage and Pondage Chapter .xix. IN their most humble wyse shewen vnto your moste excellent Maiestie your poore and obedient subiects and commons in his your present Parliament assembled that where aswell your noble graundfather of worthy memorie kyng Henry the seuenth the most victorous myghtie prince king Henry the eyght your most deare father the late prince of worthy memorie kyng Edwarde the sixte your moste entirely beloued brother and our late soueraigne Ladye Queene Marie your most deare sister as other your ryght noble and famous progenitours kynges of this your Realme of Englande tyme out of mynde haue had and enioyed vnto them by aucthoritie of parliament for the defence of the same now your Realme and the kepyng and sauegarde of the seas for the entercourse or marchaundize safely to come into and to passe out of the same certayne summes of money named Subsidies of all maner of goodes and marchaundize commyng in or goyng out of the same your Realme And forasmuche as we your sayde poore commons vndoubtedly and most assuredly do trust and haue sure confidence in your Maiesties good fauour and wyll towardes vs your sayd poore commons in and for the kepyng and sure defendyng of the seas agaynst all persons intendyng or that shall intende the disturbaunce of vs your sayde commons in the intercourse and the inuadyng of this your Realme to our modestation inquietyng and losse whiche at any tyme cannot be borne without the great excesse and intollerable costes charges and expences of your Maiestie whiche is not when neede shall require in suche cases to be lacked at any tyme But rather we your sayde commons wishyng that suche furniture of all thynges may be had in redynesse from tyme to tyme when necessitie shall require for the spedie indilayed prouision and helpe for the suppressing of such inconueniences disturbances and inuasions humbly desire your most excellent Maiestie benignely and fauourably to take accept and receaue these our poore grauntes hereafter ensuyng as graunted of true heartes and good wylles whiche we beare vnto your highnesse towardes your sayd great costes charges and expences whiche may be expended and layde out by your Maiestie for the causes aforesayde when neede shall require as the firste fruites of our good wylles and heartes towarde your hyghnesse although the same do or hereafter shall nothing in effect counteruayle the same your great charges nor yet we your sayde poore commons able fully to gratifie your highnesse by any meanes yet neuertheles we your sayd poore commons by thaduise and consent of the Lordes spiritual and temporall in this your present Parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same to the intent aforesayde geue and graunt to you our supreme liege Lady and soueraigne one subsidie called Tonnage that is to say of euery tunne of wyne commyng or that shal or is come into this your realme by way of marchaundize the summe of iii.s and so after the rate And of euery tun of sweete wyne alwell maluesey as other that shall or is come into the same your Realme by euery or any marchaunt alien aswell by the marchauntes of Haunse Almanie as by any other marchaunt straunger of what nation so euer he be iii.s and so after the rate ouer and aboue the iii.s afore graunted And of euery aume of rennish wyne commyng or that shall or is come into this your Realme by way of marchaundize by euery or any marchaunt denizen or alien of what natiō soeuer he be xii.d And also one other subsidie called Pondage that is to say of all maner of goodes and marchaundizes of euery marchaunt denizen and alien whatsoeuer he be caried and to be caried out of this your sayde Realme or brought or to be brought into the same by way of marchaundize of the value of euery xx.s of the same goodes and marchaundize xii.d and so after the rate And of euery xx.s value of tynne and pewter vessell caried out of this your Realme by any and euerye marchaunt alien xii.d ouer and aboue the xii.d aforesaid Except and alwaies foreprised out of this graunt of subsidie of Pondage al maner of wollen Cloth made or wrought or that shal be made and wrought within this your Realme of Englande by euery or any marchaunt denizen and not borne alien caried or to be caried out of this your sayde Realme and all maner of wolles molfelles and hydes and backes of leather
also caried or to be caried out of this your Realme and all wynes and all maner of freshe fishe and beshall commyng or that is or shall come into the same your realme And further we your sayd poore commons by the aduise assent aucthoritfe aforesayd geue and graunt vnto you our sayd soueraigne liege Lady and soueraigne for the causes aforesayd one other subsidie of al maner of wolle wolfelles and leather caried or to be caried out of this your Realme in maner and fourme folowyng That is to say of euery marchaunt denizen of and for euery sacke of woll xxxiii.s.iiii.d and for euery xxxl wolfels xxxiii.s.iiii.d and of and for euery last of hydes backes of euery suche marchaunt denizen And of euery marchaūt stranger not horne your liegeman aswel those that be made denizens as hereafter shal be made by letters patentes or otherwyse as all other marchaunt straungers of and for euery sacke of wol .iii li. vi s viii d and of and for euery .ccxl. wolfels .iii. li. vi s viii d and also for euery last of hides and backes .iii. li. xiii s iiii d And so of all the sayde wols wolfelles hydes and backes euery of them after the rate that so is or shal be caryed to haue take enioy and perceaue the subsidies aforesaid and euery of them and euery part and parcell of them to your highnesse from the .xvi. day of Nouember last past duryng your lyfe naturall And further we your sayde poore commons most humbly desire your Maiestie that it may be enacted by your highnes by the aduise and assent of the Lordes aforesayd vs your sayde commons and by the aforesayd aucthoritie of this present Parliament assembled that the giftes graunts aforesaid shal be good and effectual accordyng to the true meaning of the same And that it may be further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide that if any wines goodes marchaundize woll wolfels hides and backes of leather aforesaid or other thinges afore specified whereof the subsidies aforesayde or any of them is or shal be hereafter due shal at any tyme hereafter duryng the tyme aforesayd be shipped or put into any boate crayer ship or vessell to the intent to be caried into the parties of beyond the seas or els be brought from the parties of beyond the seas into any port hauen creeke or other place of this your Realme by way of marchaundize there laid on lande the subsidies aforesayd of the premisses due or to be due by the reason of this graunt not paide or the collector of the same subsidie or his deputie with by the consent knowledge and agreement of the cōptroller surueyor or one of them at the least not agreed with for the same in the custome house according to the true meaning and intent of these aforesaid graunts euery of them that then from the said .xvi. day of Nouember last past and not before al the said wines goodes marchaundize wols wolfels hydes backes and other the premisses aforesayd euery part and parcell therof so shipped or els put into any boates crayer or other vessel aforesayde to the intent aforesaid or brought into this Realme there layd on land as is also aforesayd shal be remayne forfait to your highnes during the tyme aforesayd th one moytie or the value therof to your hyghnes the other moitie to him or them that shall sease the sante or sue for the same And that it may please your highnesse that all marchauntes aswell denizens as straungers cōming into this your Realme be wel honestly entreated demeaned for such things as subsidy by this act is graūted for as they were in the time of your sayd noble progenitours without oppression to thē to be done paying the subsidies aforesaid And further that it be enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that yf any goodes marchaundizes wolles wolfelles or leather aforesayde or any part thereof of any marchaunt denizen naturally borne your liege man whiche hath or shall passe out of this your sayde Realme after the sayde .xvi. day of Nouember last past duryng the tearme of this gyft and graunt hath or shall happen to be taken with enemies or pyrates vppon the sea or peryshed by infortune in any ship or shyps that shall happen to be taken or perished within the time of the fayde graunt wherof the subsidies aforesayd or any of them to your hyghnes due or to be due is or shal be in fourme aforesayd duely payd or agreed for without fraude or collusion such losse or losses as ben before rehearsed be found and proued before the Treasurer of England or the cheefe baron of your Exchequer for the tyme beyng by the examination of the same marchauntes yf they be aliue or of their executours or administratours yf they be dead or two true credible persons sworne or other reasonable witnesse and proues sworne witnessing the same marchaundizes so to be lost or perished that then the same marchauntes denizens that were or shal be owners of the aforesayd goodes marchaundizes wol wolfels hides or other marchaundizes aforesayde a shal be so perished or lost if they be on liue or their executours administratours if they be dead and euery of them by force vertue of this acte when them lyketh during the sayd terme shall or may newly ship as much wol wolfels hides or other goodes and marchaundizes in the same port or portes in the which the same woll wolfelles hydes or other goodes and marchaundizes aforesayde so lost and perished were or shal be shipped without any of the subsidies aforesayde nowe graunted to be had or payde therefore to your hyghnesse in any wyse and that al suche profites of the premisses so to be lost or perished be certified into your chauncerie by your sayde treasurer or cheefe Baron there to remayne of record And after such certificat made the chaunceler of England or the Lorde Keper of your great seale for the tyme being shall make and deliuer vnto the sayde marchauntes their executours or administratours or any of them or to theyr atturney or atturneys in that behalfe or any of them as many and such writtes and warrauntes to be directed aswell to the collectours of the subsidies aforesayde or any or euery of them for the tyme beyng as to the treasurer and Barons of your Exchequer for the tyme beyng shal be thought requisite and needefull for the sayd marchauntes their executours or administratours or their atturney or atturneys or any of them or the sayde Collectours or any of them to haue for the obtaynyng aswell of the shipping as of the alowaunce thereof And further that euery marchaunt denizen that shall shyp hereafter any woll wolfelles hides or any other goodes and marchaundize in any Carricke or Galley shal pay to your Maiestie during the tyme aforesayde all maner of customes and all the subsidies aforesayde as any alien borne out of this your Realme God saue
Queene An acte of a subsidie and two Fifteenes and Tenth by the Temporaltie The .xx. Chapter THE care which we do perceaue your Maiestie hath moste noble and redoubted Soueraigne to reduce this Realme and the imperiall Crowne thereof nowe lately so sore shaken so impouerished so infeabled and weakened into the former estate strength and glory doth make vs not onlye to reioyce much in the great bounteousnesse of almyghtie God who hath so marueylously and beyond all worldlye expectation preserued your Maiestie in these late difficult and daungerous tymes but also to studie and bende all our wittes and force of vnderstandyng how we may lyke louing and obedient subiectes folowe our head in this so noble and so necessarie an enterprise And consydering with ourselues that the decay hath ben besides many other thinges especially in these three Fyrst wasting of Treasure abandonyng of strength and in diminishing of the auncient aucthoritie of your imperiall Crowne We do most earnestly and faythfully promise to your highnesse that there shall lacke no good wyll trauell nor force on our behalfe to the redresse of all this but we shal be readye with hearte wyll strength bodye lyues and goodes not onlye to recouer agayne that whiche is thus diminished but yf neede be to recouer farther as far as ryght and the wyll and pleasure of God shall suffer the olde dignitie and renownie of this Realme The tyme and place whereof doth not rest in vs but as most reason is in your moste noble Maiestie with the aduise of your honorable Counsell Neuerthelesse since it doth so manifestly appeare to vs all what inestimable wastyng and consumption of the Treasure and auncient Reuenues of this Realme hath ben of late dayes and what great newe charges and intollerable expences your highnesse is forced nowe to sustayne by reason of the decaye and losse of percell of your auncient Crowne So beyng not ignoraunt that no worthye enterprise no noble attempte no not so much as the preseruation of a strong and puisaunt estate may be without some masse of Treasure presentlye to be had and redye agaynst all occurrentes Therefore we your most obedient and louing subiectes the lordes Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this present Parliament assembed to shewe our wylling heartes and good mindes vpon mature consultation had haue condiscended and agreed with one voyce and most entire affections to make your highnesse at this time a present not such in dede as in our affections we do wishe it as we know most certaynely ought to be But yet of your accustomed clemencie which you do shewe to all men we humbly on our knees pray your highnesse not to reiect it but to accept our good wylles and heartie desyres therein and that this our small gyft maye be by your highnes the lordes spiritual and temporall and the cōmons in this present parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same enacted And be it enacted that your highnesse towardes the sayde great costes and inestimable charges shall haue by aucthoritie of this present Parliament two whole Fifteenes and Tenthes to be payd taken and leuied of the moueable goodes cattelles and other thinges vsuall to such Fifteenes and Tenthes to be contributorie and chargeable within the Shires Cities Boroughes Townes and other places of this your Maiesties Realme in maner and fourme aforetime vsed Except the summe of twelue thousande poundes thereof fully to be deduced that is to say .vi. M. poundes of eyther of the sayd whole Fifteenes Tenthes of the summe that one whole Fifteene and Tenth attaineth vnto in reliefe comfort discharge of the poore Townes Cities and Boroughes of this your saide Realme wasted desolate or destroyed or ouer greatly impouerished after such rate as was and hath afore this time ben had and made vnto euery Shyre to be diuided in suche maner fourme as heretofore for one whole Fifteene and Tenth hath ben had and diuided And the sayde two whole Fifteenes and Tenthes thexceptions and deductions aforesaid thereupon had deducted and alowed to be paide in maner and fourme folowyng that is to say the fyrst whole Fifteene Tenth except before excepted to be payde to your highnesse in the receipt of of your highnes Exchequer before the tenth day of Nouember next comming And the said ii.xv and .x. except before excepted to be paid to your highnesse in the receipt of your Exchequer before the .x. day of Nouember in the yere of our Lorde god M.D.lx. And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the knightes elected and returned of for the shyres within this realme for this present parliament citizens of cities Burgeses of boroghes townes where Collectours haue ben vsed to be named appoynted for the collection of any Fifteene Tenth before this time graūted shall name and appoynt yerely before the last day of August in eyther of the sayde two yeres sufficient able persons for the collection of the said Fifteenes Tenthes in euery of the saide shires cities borowes and townes the saide persons the hauing landes tenementes and other hereditamentes in his or their owne right of an estate of enheritaunce of the yerely value of tenne poundes or in goodes worth a hundreth pound at the least And also such person or persons so by them to be named and appoynted for the collection of eyther of the said Fifteenes and Tenthes shal be by them seuerally appointed and allotted into Hundredes Rapes Wapentakes Cities Boroughes and Townes And also the sayde persons so named and appoynted for the collection of the same Fifteenes and Tenthes shal be charged and chargeable vppon his or their accompt or accomptes in the Exchequer to be made with al such summe or summes of monie as the Hundredes Rapes Wapentakes Cities Boroughes and Townes where he or they shall so happen to be appoynted amount vnto and of no more summe or summes And vppon the payment of such summes of money as he or they shal be charged with shal be discharged and haue his and theyr Quietus est the non accompting or non payment of any other his felowes or the insufficiencie of them or any of them notwithstandyng And the names and surnames of euery of the sayde Collectours for the sayde Fifteenes and Tenthes during eyther of the saide two yeres together with the place allotted to their collection and charge the said Knightes Citezins and Burgesses for the Shires Cities and Boroughes whereunto they be elected named and retourned shall certifie before the Queene in her Chauncerie before the .xiii. day of October in euery of the same two yeres accordyng to the tenor of this acte And yf default of any such certifying be had or made in fourme as is aforesayde then the Lorde Chauncelour of England or keper of the great seale for the time beyng shall immediatly after name and appoynt Collectours for the Collection of eyther of the said Fifteenes Tenthes in maner and fourme as the sayde
vpwardes shall pay to and for the firste payment of the sayde subdie ii.s.viii.d of and for euery pounde and to and for the seconde payment of the sayde subsidie xvi d of for euery pound And euery alien borne out of the Queenes obeysaunce in suche case to paye at the firste of the sayde paymentes v. s.iiii.d of euery pound and at the second payment ii.s.viii.d of and for euerye pound And that all summes presented and chargeable by this acte eyther for goodes and debtes or eyther of them or for landes and tenementes and other the premisses as is in this acte conteyned shal be at eyther of the sayde paymentes set and taxed after the rate and portion accordyng to the true meanyng of this acte landes and tenementes chargeable to the dismes of the Cleargie and yerelye wages due to seruauntes for their yerely seruice other then the Queenes seruauntes takyng yerelye wages of fyue poundes or aboue onlye excepted and foreprised And that al plate coyne iewels goodes debtes and cattelles personelles beyng in the rule and custodie of anye person and persons to the vse of any corporation fraternitie guylde mysterie brotherhead or anye comminaltie being corporate or not corporate be and shal be rated set and charged by reason of this acte as the value certified by the presenters of that certificate to be sworne of euery pound in goodes and debtes as is abouesayde And of euery pounde in landes tenementes annuities fees corrodyes or other yerely profites as is abouesayde and the summes that are before rehearsed set and taxed to be leuyed and taken of them that shall haue such goodes in custody or otherwise charged for landes as is before rehearsed And the same person or persons and body corporate by aucthoritie of this acte shal be discharged agaynst him or them that shall or ought to haue the same at the time of the payment or deliuerie therof or at his otherwyse departure from the custodie or possession of the same Except and alwayes foreprised from the charge and assessement of this subsidie all goodes cattelles iewels and ornamentes of Churches and Chappels whiche haue ben ordeyned and vsed in Churches or Chappels for the honour and seruice of almyghtie God. AND the first payment of the saide subsidie shal be by the aucthoritie aforesayde taxed assessed and rated according to this acte in euery Shire Riding Lathe Wapentake Rape Citie Borough Towne and euery other place within this realme of England and Wales and other the Queenes dominions before the last day of Aprill nexte comming And the secon̄d paiment of the said subsidie shal be by thaucthoritie aforesaid taxed assessed rated before the .xx. day of Ianuary next cōming And the perticuler summes of euery Shire Riding Borough Towne and other places aforesaid with the perticuler names of such as are chargeable for and to the firste payment of the sayde subsidie to be taxed and set by the Commissioners to the same limited or two of them at the least with the names of the hygh Collectours and in the same fourme shal be certifed into the Queenes Exchequer before the last day of May next commyng And the perticuler summes of euerye Shyre Rydyng Borough Towne and other places aforesayde with the perticuler names of suche as are chargeable for and to the seconde payment of the said subsidie to be taxed and set by the Commissioners to the same to be limited or two of them at the least with the names of the hygh Collectours in the same fourme shal be certified into the Queenes Exchequer before the .xx. day of February whiche shal be in the yere of our Lord God M.D.lix. and the saide summes in maner fourme aforesaid to be taxed for the first payment of the sayde subsidie shal be payde into the Queenes receipt of her Exchequer aforesayde to the vse of our sayd soueraigne Lady before the .xxiiii. day of Iune next comming and the sayd summes in maner and fourme aforesayd to be taxed for the second paiment of the said subsidie shal be payde into the receipte aforesayd to the vse aforesayd before the firste daye of March which shal be in the yere of our Lorde god M. D.lir And the summe abouesayde of and for the sayde subsidie shal be taxed set asked and demaunded taken gathered leuied and paide to thuse of our sayde soueraigne Lady her heyres and successours in fourme abouesaid aswell within the liberties fraunchises sanctuaries auncient demeane and other whatsoeuer place exēpt or not exempt as without Except suche Shyres places and persons as shal be foreprised in by this present acte any graunt charter prescription vse or libertie by reason of any letters patentes or other priuiledge prescription alowaunce of the same or whatsoeuer other mater of discharge heretofore to the contrary made graunted vsed or obteyned notwithstandyng AND it is further enacted by the aucthoritie of this present parliament that euery such person aswel such as be borne vnder the Queenes obeysaunce as euery other person strange borne denizen or not denizen inhabiting within this realme or within Wales or other the Queenes dominions which at the tyme of the sayd assessinges or taxations or of either of them to be had or made shal be out of this realme and out of Wales and haue goodes or cattels landes or tenementes fees or annuities or other profites within this Realme or in Wales shal be charged and chargeable for the same by the certificate of the inhabitauntes or the parties where such goodes cattelles landes tenements or other the premisses then shal be or in such other place where such persō or his factour deputie or atturney shal haue his most resort vnto within this realme or in Wales in lyke maner as if the said persō were or had ben at the time of the said assessing within this realme And that euery persō abiding or dwelling within this realme or without this Realme shal be charged or chargeable to the same subsidie graunted by this acte accordyng and after the rate of suche yerely substaunce or value of landes and tenementes goodes cattels and other the premisses as euery person so to be charged shal be set at in the tyme of the sayde assessyng or taxation vpon hym to be made in none otherwyse AND further be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that for thassessyng and orderyng of the sayde subsidie to be duely had the Lorde Chauncellour of Englande or the keper of the great Seale the the Lord Treasourer of England the Lord Steward of the Queenes Maiesties housholde the Lorde president of the Queenes honourable counsell and the Lord priuie Seale for the tyme beyng or two them at the leaste whereof the Lorde Chauncellour of Englande or keper of the great Seale for the tyme beyng to be one shall and maye name and appoynt of and for euerye Shyre and Riding and other places aswell within this Realme as in Wales and other the Queenes dominions and also of and for euery Citie Towne being
a Countie in it selfe and of and for the Isle of Wyght suche certayne number of persons of euerye of the same Shyres Rydynges Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes and Isle of Wyght and euerye other place and other thinhabitaunts of the same to be Commissioners of and within the same whereof they be inhabitauntes And also of and for the honourable housholde of the Queenes Maiestie in what Shyre or other places the said houshold shall happen then to be And the Lorde Chauncellour or keper of the greate Seale and other with hym before named in lyke maner maye name and appoynte of euery other such Borough and Towne corporate aswel in Englande as in Wales and other the Queenes dominions as they shall thinke requisit vi.v.iiii.iii or .ii. of the head officers other sad honest inhabitauntes of euery of the saide Cities Boroughes and Townes corporate accordyng to the number and multitude of the people beyng in the same the whiche persons if anye suche be thereunto named of the sayde inhabitauntes of the sayde Boroughes and Townes corporate not beyng Counties in them selues shal be ioyned and put in as Commissioners with the persons named for suche Shyres and Rydynges as the sayde Boroughes and Townes corporate not beyng Counties in them selues be set and haue their beyng whiche persons so named for and of the sayde Boroughes and Townes corporate not beyng Counties by reason of their dwelling in the same shall no take vpon them ne none of them to put any parte of their commission in execution for the premisses out of the sayde Boroughes and Townes corpoporate wherein they beyng so named onlye for the same be dwelling And also no to execute the sayde commission within the Borough or Towne corporat where they be so dwelling but at such daies times as the said other Commissioners for the same Shire and Ryding shal thereunto limit and appoint within the same Borough or Towne corporate not being Countie corporate whereof they so be and not out of such Borough or Towne and in that maner to be ayding and assisting with the said other Commissioners in and for the good executing of theffect of the saide Commission vpon paine of euery of the saide Commissioners so named for euery suche Citie Borough and Towne corporate not being a Countie to make such fine as the saide other Commissionrs in the commission of and for the saide Shyre or Riding so named or three of them at the least shall by their discretions set and certifie into the queenes Exchequer there to be leuied to the vse of the queenes maiestie in like maner as such or like summes had ben set and rated vppon euery such person for the said subsidie The which Commissioners so named of and for the said Cities Boroughes and Townes not being Counties onlye put in the sayde commission by reason of their dwelling in the same shall not haue any part of the portion of the fees and rewardes of the Commissioners and their Clarkes in this acte afterward specified And the Lorde Chauncelour of Englande or keper of the great seale for the time beyng shall make and dyrect out of the Court of Chauncerie vnder the great seale seuerall commissions that is to say To euerye Shyre Ridyng Lath Wapentake Rape Citie Towne Borough Isle and housholde vnto such person and persons as by his discretion and other with him aforenamed and aypoynted in lyke maner and fourme as is afore rehearsed shal be thought sufficient for the sessing and leuying of the saide subsidie in all Shires and places accordyng to the true meaning of this acte which Commission for the first payment of the sayde subsidie shal be dyrected and deliuered to the sayde Commissioners or to one of them before the fyrst day of Aprill next comming And the Commission for the seconde payment of the sayde subsidie shal be dyrected and deliuered to the sayd Commissioners or one of them before the fyrst day of Ianuarie whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fiue hundred fiftie and nine And to euery of the saide Commissions ten scedules conteyning in them the tenor of this acte shal be affiled By which commission the Commissioners in euery such Commission named accordyng to this acte as many of them as shal be appoynted by the said Commission shall haue full power and aucthoritie to put theffect of the same commission in execution And that by aucthoritie of this act after such Cōmission to them directed they may by their assentes agreementes seuer them selues for the recution of their cōmission in Hundredes Lathes Wardes Rapes Wapentakes Townes Parishes and other places within the limites of their said commission in such fourme as to them shal seme expediēt to be ordered betwene them to be cōmoned and agreed accordyng to the tenor and effect of the commission to them therein dyrected vpon which seueraunce euery person of this present Parliament that shal be Commissioner shal be assigned in the hundred where he dwelleth Prouided alwayes that no person be or shal be compelled to be any Commissioner to and for the execution of this present acte but only in the Shyre where he dwelleth and inhabiteth And that anye person beyng assigned to the contrary thereof in any wyse shall not be compelled to put in execution the effecte of this acte or anye part thereof And it is also enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament that the Commissioners and euery of them which shal be named limited and appoynted accordyng to this acte to be Commissioners in euery such Shyre Rydyng Lath Wapentake Rape Citie Towne Borough Isle and the sayde householde or anye other place and none other shall truely effectually and diligently for theyr part execute theffect of this present acte accordyng to the tenor thereof in euerye behalfe and none otherwyse by anye other meanes without omission fauour dread malice or any other thing to be attempted and done by them or anye of them to the contrarye thereof And the sayde Commissioners and as manye of them as shal be appoynted by the sayde Commission and none other for th execution of the sayde commission and acte shall for the taxation of the sayde first payment of the saide subsidie before the sixt day of Aprill next comming and for the taxation of the sayde seconde payment of the sayde Subsidie shall before the sixt day of Ianuarie whiche shal be in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fiue hundred fiftie nine by vertue of the commissions deliuered vnto them in fourme abouesayde directe their seuerall or ioynt precept vnto iiii or .iii. or mo as for the number of thinhabitants shal be requisit of the most substantiall discrete honest persons inhabitances to be named by the saide Commissioners or by as many of them as shal be appoynted by the saide Commission of and in Hundredes Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Wardes Parishes Townes other places aswell within Liberties Franchises auncient demeanes places exempted
place where he shal be Commissioner and that if anye person chargeable to this acte at the tyme of the same assessing happen to be out of this Realme and out of Wales or farre form the place where he shal be knowen then he to be set where he was laste abydyng in this Realme or within Wales and best knowen and after the substaunce and value and other profites of euerye person knowen by the examination certificate and other maner of wyse as is aforesayde The sayde Commissioners or as manye of them as shal be appoynted by the Queenes Maiesties Commission shall after the rate aforesayde set and taxe euery person accordyng to the rate of the substaunce and value of his landes goodes and other profites whereby the greatest and moste best summe accordyng to his moste substaunce by reason of this acte myght or maye be set or taxed Prouided alwayes that euerye suche person whiche shal be set or taxed for payment of and to this subsidie for and after the yerely value of his landes tenementes and other reall possessions or profites at any of the sayde taxation shall not be set and taxed for his goodes and cattels or other moueable substaunce at the same taxations And that he that shall be charged or taxed for the same Subsidye for hys goodes cattels and other moueables at anye if the sayd taxations shall not be charged taxed or chargeable for hys landes or other reall possessions and profites abouesayd at the same taxations nor that anye person be double charged for the sayde Subsidye neither set or taxed at seuerall places by reason of this acte any thing conteyned in this present acte notwithstanding AND that it be ordeyned by the sayde aucthoritie of this present Parliamente that no person hauyng two mansions or two places to resorte vnto or calling hym selfe housholde seruaunte or wayghtyng seruaunte to the Queenes Maiestie or other Lorde or Layde Maister or Maistres be excused vpon his saying from the taxes of the sayde subsidie in neyther of the places where he may be set vnlesse he bryng a certificate in wrytyng from the Commissioners where that he is so set in dede at one place And if any person that ought to be set by reason of his remouyng or resorting to two places or by reason of his saying that he els where was taxed or by reason of anye priuiledge by his dwellyng or abydyng in anye place not beyng forprised in this acte or otherwyse by his couin or crafte happen to escape from the sayde taxations and be not set and that proued by presentment examination or information before the sayde Commissioners or as manye of them as shal be by the same commission appoynted or by the Barons of the Queenes Maiesties Exchequer or two Iustices of the peace of the Countie where such person dwelleth then euerye such person that by such meanes or otherwyse willingly by couin shal happen to escape from the sayde taxation or payment aforesayde and not to be rated taxed and set shal be charged vpon the knowledge and proofe thereof with and at the double value that he shoulde or ought to haue ben set at afore accordyng to his bahauiour The same double value to be leuyed gathered and payd of his goodes and cattels landes and tenementes towardes the sayde subsidie And further to be punished accordyng to the discretions of the Barons Iustices and Commissioners before whom he shal be conuicted for his offence and deceipte in that behalfe AND further be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the sayde Commissioners or euerye commission shall accordyng to their diuisions and after they be deuided haue full power and aucthoritie by this acte to set taxe and sesse euerye other Commissioner ioyned with them in euerye suche commission and diuision And shall also assesse euery assessour within their diuision for his and their goodes landes and other the premisses as is abouseayde By the which sayde Commission the said Commissioners shall indifferentlye set taxe and assesse them selues and the sayde assessours And that aswell the summes vpon euery of the sayde Commissioners and assessours so sessed rated and taxed as the summes made and presented by the presenters sworne as is abouesayde shal be wrytten certified set and estreated and the estreates thereof to be made with other the inhabitauntes of that parties within the limits of the same commission and diuision so to be gathered and leuyed in lyke maner as it ought or shoulde haue ben if the sayde Commissioner had not ben in the sayde commission And that all persons of the estate of a Baron or Barons and euerye estate aboue shal be charged with their free holde and value as is abouesayde by the Chauncellour or keper of the greate Seale Treasurer of Englande Lorde President of the Queenes Maiesties priuie counsell Lord priuie Seale for the tyme being or other persons by the Queenes Maiesties aucthoritie to be limited they to be charged for the saide seuerall paymentes of the sayd subsidie after the fourme of the sayd graunt accordyng to the taxation aforesaid and the summes vppon them set with the names of the Colloctours appoynted for the gathering paying of the same to be estreated delyuered and certified at dayes and places aboue specified by the Lorde Chauncellour or keper of the great Seale Treasurer Lord president of the counsell Lord priuie Seale for the tyme beyng or suche other persons as shal be limited by the Queenes Maiestie And after the taxes and assesses of the said summes vpon and the said assessing and certificate as is aforesayde made the sayde Commissioners or as many of them as shal be thereunto appoynted by the Queenes Maiesties commission shal with all spede and without delay by the writing estreated of the sayde taxe thereof vnder the seales and signes manuel of the said Commissioners or as may of them as shal be appoynted at the leaste to be made shal be delyuered vnto sufficient and substantiall inhabitauntes Constables Subconstables Bayliffes and other officers ioyntly of Hundredes Townes Parishes and other places aforesayd within their limites or to other sufficient persons inhabitauntes of the same only by the discretion of the sayde Commissioners and as the place and parties shall require aswell the perticuler names surnames as the remembraunce of all summes of money taxed and set of and vpon euery person aswell man as woman chargeable to this act housholder and all other inhabitauntes and dwellers within the sayde Parishes Townes and places contributorie to this acte of subsidie By aucthorite of which wrytyng or estreat so delyuered the said officers and other persons so named and deputed seuerallye shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this acte immediatly after the deliuery of the sayde writing or estreat to demaund leuy and gather of euery person therein specified the summe or summes in the same wryting or estreate comprised And for none payment thereof to distrayne the same person or persons so beyng behynde by their goodes