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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05983 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1603 (1603) STC 16326; ESTC S101416 290,715 467

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concerning the saide seruice shall at the costes and charges of the Parishioners of euery parish and Cathedrall Church bee attayned and gotten before the feast of the said Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist next following and that all such Parish and Cathedrall Churches or other places where the saide bookes shall be attained and gotten before the saide feast of the Natiuite of S. Iohn Baptist shall within three weekes nert after the said bookes so attained and gotten vse the said seruice and put the same in vre according to this Act. And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaide that nopetson or persons shall be at any time hereafter impeached or otherwise molested of or for any of the offences aboue mentioned hereafter to bee committed or done contrary to this Act vnlesse he or they so offending be thereof indited at the next general Sessions to be holden before any such Iustices of Oier and Determiner or Iustices of Assise next after any offence committed or done contrary to the tenor of this Act Prouided alwayes and bee it ordeined and enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that all and singular Lords of the parliament for the third offence aboue mentioned shal be tried by their peeres Prouided also and be it ordeined and enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Maior of London and all other Maiors Bailifs and other head Officers of all and singular Cities Boroughs and Cownes corporate within this Realine Wales and the Marches of the same to the which Iustices of Assise do not commonly repaire shal haue full power authoritie by vertue of this Acte to inquire heare and determine the offences abouesaid and euery of them yeerely within fifteene dayes after the feastes of Easter and S. Michael the Archangel in like maner and forme as Iustices of Assise and Oyer and Determiner may doe Prouided alwayes and be it ordeined and enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that all and singular Archbishops and Brishops and euery of their Chancellors Commitraries Archdeacons and other Ordimaries hauing any peculiar Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction shall haue full power and authoritie by vertue of this Acte as well to inquire in their visitation synodes or elsewhere within their iurisdiction at any other time and place to take accusations and informations of all and euery the things aboue mentionned done committed or perpetrated within the limits of their iurisdiction and authoritie and to punish the fame by admonition excommunication sequessration or depriuation or other Censures processes in like forme as hereofore hath bene vsed in like cases by the Queenes Ecclesiasticall lawes Prouided alwayes and be it enaeted that whatfsoeuer petson offending in the premises shal for the offence first receiue punishment of the Ordinarie hauing a testimoniall thereof vnder the said Ordinaries seale shal not for the same offence eftsoones bee conuicted before the Iustice and likewise receining for the said first offence punishment by the Iustices he shal not for the same offence eftsoones receiue punishment of the Ordinarte any thing couteined in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Prouided alwayes be it enacted that such ornaments of the Church and of the ministers thereof shal be reteined and be in vse as was in this Church of England by the authoritie of parliament in the second yeere of the reigne of king Edward the sirth vntill other order shall bee therein taken by authority of the Queenes Maiestie with the aduise of her Commissioners appointed and authorised vnder the great seale of England for causes Ecclesiastical or of the Metropolitane of this Realme And also that if there shall happen any contempt or irreuerence to be vsed in the Ceremonies or rites of the Church by the misusing of the orders appointed in this booke the Queenes maiesty may by the like aduise of the saide Commissioners or Metropolitane ordaine and publish such further Ceremonies or rites as may be most for the aduancement of Gods glory the edisying of his Church and the due reuerence of Christes holy mysteries and Sacraments And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that all lawes statutes and ordinances where in or where by any other seruice administration of Sacraments or Common prayer is limited established or set foorth to be vsed within this Realme or any other the Queenes dominions and countreys shall from henceforth vtterly be voyde and of none effect The Preface THere was neuer any thing by the wit of man so well deuised or so sure established which in continuance of time hath not bin corrupted as among other things it may plainly appeare by the cōmon prayers in the Church commonly called Diuine Seruice The first originall and ground whereof if a man woulde search out by the ancient Fathers hee shall find that the same was not ordained but of a good purpose and for a great aduancement of godlinesse For they soordered the matter that all the whole Bible or the greatest part thereof should be read ouer once euery yeere entending thereby that the Clergie and specially such as were ministers of the Congregation should by often reading and meditation of Gods word be stirred vp to godlinesse themselues and be more able to exhort other by wholesome doctrine and to confute them that were aduersarics to the trueth And further that the people by dayly hearing of holy Scripture read in the Church should continually profite more more in the knowledge of God and be the more inslamed with the loue of his true religion But these many yeres passed this godly and decent order of the ancient Fathers hath bene so altered broken neglected by planting in vncertaine stories Legends Responds Verses vaine Repetitions Cōmemorations and Synodalles that commonly when any booke of the Bible was begun before three or foure chapters were read out all the rest were vnread And in this sort the booke of Esay was begun in Aduent and the booke of Genesis in Septuagesima but they were onely begun and neuer read through After like sort were other bookes of holy Scripture vsed And moreouer whereas Saint Paul would haue such language spoken to the people in the Church as they might vnderstand and haue profit by hearing the same the seruice in this Church of England these many yeres hath bin read in Latine to the people which they vnderstood not so that they haue heard with their cares only and their heart spirit and mind haue not bene edif ied thereby And furthermore not with slanding that the ancient Fathers haue deuided the Psalmes into seuen portions wherof euery one was called a Nocturne now of late time a few of them haue bene dayly sayd and oft repeated and the rest vtterly omitted Moreouer the number and hardnesse of the rules called the Pie and the manisold changings of the seruice was the cause that to turne the booke onely was so hard and intricate a matter that many times there was more businesse to find out what should be read then to reade it when it was found out
HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE THE 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Common Prayer and 〈…〉 Sacraments 〈…〉 ●●●●monies of the Church of England ⚜ 〈…〉 by Robert Barker Printer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●●●●lent Maiestie Cum priuilegio ¶ The Contents of this Booke j AN Act for the vniformitie of Common prayer ij A Preface iij Of Ceremonies why some bee abolished and some reteined iiij The order how the Psalter is appointed to be read v The order how the rest of holy Scripture is appointed to be read vj Proper Psalmes and Lessons at Morning and Euening prayer for Sundayes and certaine Feastes and dayes vij The Table for the order of the Psalmes to bee said at Morning and Euening prayer viij An Almanacke ix The Table and Kalender for Psalmes and Lessons with necessarie rules appertaining to the same x The order for Morning prayer and Euening prayer throughout the yeere xj The Letanie xij The Collects Epistles and Gospels to bevsed at the ministration of the holy Communion throughout the yeere xiij The order of the ministration of the holy Communion xiiij Baptisme both publike and priuate xv Confirmation where also is a Catechisme for children xvj Matrimonie xvij Visitation of the sicke xviij The Communion of the sicke xix Buriall xx The Thanksgiuing of women after child birth xxj A Commination against sinners with certaine prayers to bevsed diuers times in the yeere ❧ An Acte for the vniformitie of Common prayer and seruice in the Church and administration of the Sacraments WHere at the death of our late Soueraigne Lorde King Edward the sixth there remained one vniforme order of Common Seruice and prayer and of the administration of Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies in the Church of England which was set foorth in one booke entituled The booke of Common prayer and administration of Sacraments and other Rites Ceremonies in the Church of England authorised by Acte of Parliament holden in the fifth and sixth yeeres of our saide late Soueraigne Lord king Edward the sixth entituled An Acte for the vniformitie of Common prayer and administration of the Sacraments the which was repeated and taken away by Acte of Parliament in the first yeere of the reigne of our late Soueraigne Lady Queene Mary to the great decay of the due honour of God and discomfort to the professors of the trueth of Christs Religion Bee it therefore enacted by the authoritie of this present Parliament that the saide Statute of repeale and euery thing therein contained onely concerning the saide Booke and the Seruice administration of Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies conteined or appointed in or by the saide Booke shal be voyd and of none effect from and after the feast of the Natiuitie of S Iohn Baptist next comming And that the saide Booke with the order of Seruice and of the administration of Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies with the alteration and additions therein added and appointed by this Statute shall stand and be from and after the said feast of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist in full force and effect according to the tenour and effect of this Statute any thing in the aforesaid Statute of repeale to the contrary not withstanding And further be it enacted by the Queene Highnesse with the assent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authoritie of the same that all and singular Ministers in any Cathedrall or Parish Church or other place within this Realme of England Wales and the Marches of the same or other the Queenes dominions shall from and after the feast of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptist next comming be bounden to say and vse the Mattens Euensong celebration of the Lords Supper and administration of eche of the Sacraments and all other Common and open prayer in such order and fourme as is mentioned in the saide Booke so authorized by Parliament in the sayde fifth and sixth yeere of the reigne of King Edwarde the sixth with one alteration or addition of certaine Lessons to bee vsed on euery Sunday in the yeere and the forme of the Letanie altered and corrected and two sentences onely added in the deliuerie of the Sacrament to the communicants and none other or otherwise And that if any maner of Parson Vicar or other whatsoeuer Minister that ought or should sing or say Common Prayer mentioned in the saide Booke or minister the Sacraments from and after the feast of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist next comming refuse to vse the saide Common Prayers or to minister the Sacraments in such Cathedrall or Parish Church or other places as hee should vse to minister the same in such order and fourme as they bee mentioned and set foorth in the sayd Booke or shall wilfully or obstinately standing in the same vse any other Rite Ceremony Order Fourme or manner of celebrating of the Lordes Supper openly or priuily or Mattens Euensong administration of the Sacraments or other open Prayers then is mentioned and set foorth in the sayde Booke Open prayer in and throughout this Acte is meant that Prayer which is for other to come vnto or heare either in common Churches or priuate Chappels or Oratories commonly called the Seruice of the Church or shall preach declare or speake any thing in the derogation or deprauing of the sayd Booke or any thing therein conteined or of any part thereof and shall bee therof lawfully contuicted according to the Lawes of this Realme by verdict of twelue men or by his owne confession or by the notorious euidence of the fact shall lose and forfaite to the Queenes highnesse her heires and successours for his first ofience the profite of all his Spiritual Benefices or promotions comming or arising in one whole yeere next after his conuiction And also that the person so conuicted shall for the same offence suffer imprisonment by the space of sixe moneths without Baile or maineprise And if any such person once conuict of any offence concerning the premisses shall after his first conuiction eftsoones offende and bee thereof in fourme aforesaide lawfully conuict that then the same person shall for his second offence suffer imprisonment by the space of one whole yeere and also shall therefore bee depriued ipso facto of all his Spirituall promotions And that it shall bee lawfull to all Patrons or Donours of all and singular the same Spirituall promotions or of any of them to present or collate to the same as though the person or persons so offending were dead And that if any such person or persons after hee shall bee twise conuicted in fourme aforesayd shall offende against any of the premisses the thirde time and shal be thereof in fourme aforesaid lawfully conuicted that then the person so offending and conuicted the thirde time shall be depriued ipso facto of all his Spirituall promotions and also shall suffer imprisonment during his life And if the person that shall offende and bee conuict in fourme aforesayd concerning any of the premisses shall not bee beneficed