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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A82314 The city-ministers unmasked, or The hypocrisie and iniquity of fifty nine of the most eminent of the clergy in and about the city of London. Cleerly discovered out of two of their own pamphlets, one intituled, A serious and faithful representation; the other A vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel, in and about the City of London. Together vvith a prophesie of John Hus, touching the choosing of a new ministry; and an ancient prophetical farewel of Hildegards, to the old corrupt ministry. Both very useful for the knowledg of the long deceived nations. / By a friend of the Armies, in its ways to justice and righteousnes. Dell, William, d. 1664. 1649 (1649) Wing D920; Thomason E546_2; ESTC R206085 24,534 40

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against his Person or against his shadow but now I minde it his Person was then but the shadow of Regall power for Mr. Pryn published a book in those times that the Parliament and Kingdom were the supream Power themselves But to return back to the Covenant You did covenant to defend and preserve the Kings Person and Authority not absolutely good men but in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and liberties of the Kingdom do you minde this now for would any men of Religion or Reason in the world have covenanted to maintain the person of a man what ever wayes and wickedness he should walk in or to protect a man further then God himself promises protection to any which is only in his wayes O most excellent Covenant-takers and Covenant-expou●derslto covenant to give a man a blessing where God hath d●nounced a curse against him to covenant to defend and preserve a man in those wayes wherein the most righteous God hath threatned destruction to him c. to covenant to defend a man in his wickedness treachery curelty murder tyranny and in the constant and manifest breach of all the Laws of God Nature and Nations Be astonished at this O all ye people that these Clergy men of the highest form should take so good a Covenant in so ill a sense and according to this perverted and evill sense should lift up their hand as they say to the most high God would any man in England have thought these men shauld have so little conscience in taking this oath if themselves had not discovered it yea would any man have thought that they should so strangely forget themselves as to go about to make the world believe that they have taken an oath of God to uphold the Kingdom of the devill in the world and to maintain the open enemies of God against God himself No wonder now you should be so strict against Toleration which let it be what it can yet is righteousness to this sworn and covenanted sin of yours But I pray you who take upon you to catechise all others I pray suffer your selves to be catechized a little for I perceive you stand in need of it To whom did God give the Morall Law and whom meant he when he said Thou shalt do no murder did he meane men of low degree only and excepted men of high degree or no Pray answer And when God said He that sheds mans blood by man shall his blood be shed that is he that sheds mans blood unjustly by man shall his blood be shed justly Do you finde any Kings name excepted here And have not the generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland declared the King to be guilty of the innocent blood shed in England and Ireland even an ocean of innocent blood And did not you your selves quote this Scripture in your own discourse out of Rom. 2. That there is no respect of persons with God which I wonder how you would suffer it to shew its face among the rest of your Writings Wherefore if there be any light of the Scriptures yet shining in your hearts or any sparks of right reason remaining in you you may soone perceive how grosly and odiously you have prevaricated in this matter and how you have turned backward and forward for your advantage first preaching Curse ye Meroz because they went not forth to help the Lord against the mighty after curse Israel because they did goe forth to help the Lord against the mighty So that hard it is for the best men at all times to escape your curse but the best of it is it will do as little harme now as the Popes That which you talk of the tenents and practises of Jesuits the worst of Papists in killing and murdering Kings is but a fallacie to intangle simple people It is true indeed that some Jesuites have taught and others have practised the private killing and murthering of Kings but what is this to the present case of the Parliament and Army calling the King to publique tryall for his treasons and murders and judging him according to the known Law of God and the Kingdome and what is this so much as in one tittle to the Jesuits killing of Kings But you must be medling though you talk no reason And whereas you say The tenor of the Scriptures is against this thing and the constant Judgment doctrine of protestant Divines at home and abroad I shall make it appear you mistake in both First you say The constant tenor of the Scriptures is against this thing But you erre neither knowing as it seemes nor understanding the Scriptures For the Scriptures say that they that do such things shall be punished with death and are any of you or all of you who have subscribed your names or all of your generation able to give any man an Indulgence in this matter or to dispense with the unchangeable Laws of God yea in this case the Scripture priviledges a King no more then a beggar what ever your flattery can pretend to the contrary Besides the Scriptures shew how ten Tribes together did revolt from Rehoboam for his threatned tyranny in matter of exactions ond unjust taxes how then would they have dealt with him in case of cruelty and murder And also 2 Chr. 25. 27. it is written That after Amaziah King of Judah turned from following the Lord they bound themselves in a bond or covenant against him which our translation calculated for the Meridian of Kings renders conspiracie whereupon he fled to Lachish but they sent to Lachish after him and slew him there and having done so they brought him upon horses and buried him with his fathers in the City of Judah which shewes it was not done privately but by the publique Justice of the Kingdome And to passe by many other Scriptures which might be named how clear is it in Dan. 2. that the best Monarchy which Daniel cals the Kingdome of the God of Heaven shall smite the feet of the Image of worldly Monarchy and dash all the toes of it that is the ten Kingdomes in peeces which is foretold again by John Rev. 17. 12. c. And where he saith the ten hornes that is ten Kings of Europe all which have one mind and give up their strength and power to the beast shall all of them wage war with the Lamb and the Lamb should overcome them for he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithfull When Christ shall call together such a company of people as these about him then shall the Tyrants of the Earth come down apace the first fruits of which the godly people of this Nation are counted worthy to reap And so they say with the Angel of the waters that is the Ministers of the true Doctrine Just art thou oh Lord which hast judged thus for they have shed the blood of Saints
great evils of this age for men to admire and adore Laws and yet not to understand or minde the reason and equity of them and hereupon to prefer Laws above the safety and welfare of the people as though men were made for the Laws and not the Laws for them Our Ecclesiastical men not well understanding these things cry out against changing the Fundamental Laws and bringing in a new Agreement of the people which they think will be prejudicial to them who never prospered so well as by the peoples disagreement and therefore have they still stirred up such broyls and troubles in the world And therefore the peoples Agreement so much desired by all honest men is ready to break their hearts Again they see more right reason and equity appear in this Agreement then they think they shall be well able to master Besides it shews a more righteous way of Government then will stand with the profit of their Ecclesiastical Kingdom which can never be maintained by Laws of right Reason but only by the Authority and Tyranny of Kings And hereupon both these of England and those of Scotland cry out so much against this Agreement of the people which as the Proverb is Will mar their market But pray suffer me to ask you but one question here and I will no longer exercise your patience in this matter Why may not the Parliament and Army as well change the Government of the State as you of the Clergie the Government of the Church Why might not they as well change those Laws that were the slavery of the people into the Agreement of the people as you change Prelacy into Presbytery Why might not they propound as well a new Agreement as you a new Directory Catechism Confession and Discipline You said heretofore there might be a better Government then the former for the Church and they know assuredly that there may be a better Government then the former for the State Wherefore then do you deny them that libertie which your selves contend for But it hath been your ancient way always to approve what is for your own commodity and always to disapprove what is for the peoples to ease your selves of your own burdens but to endevor to continue theirs But this is not to fulfil the Law of Christian love but the lust of self-love Fourthly You farther declaim here and there against Toleration which yet the Commissioners of the Kirk of Scotland have allowed in a case not their own viz. in the Agreement of the people and what they plead to exempt all men from compulsion in this matter may equally be pleaded to exempt them from compulsion to their Government Let therefore but the word Government be put in the place of the peoples Agreement and observe then how notably they plead for Toleration in their own book against it their own Pen betraying their own cause Their own words are these How comes it to pass that a few take upon them to impose this Government upon others and that it is desired the opposers may be punished Let it be yielded that some at first may condescend unto the moddel without the knowledg of the whole body yet when it is offered to them what if the one half or the greater part shall refuse to consent or submit thereto Shall they be compelled by others to do it and be destroyed if they will not obey Is not this to take power over those who have equal power with themselves and to incroach over the freedom of those who are as free as themselves If they say they impose in things necessary We demand who are judges of these things Have not those that refuse as much power and freedom to judg as those who would impose it upon them And if they judg it to be contrary to their freedom who can controul them herein without incroaching thereupon and offering violence to their Consciences who may conceive such a way neither to suit with Religion nor Righteousness So that if the case be but altered who can speak more clearly against the inforcing the Scotch Goverment then the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland And so in the snare they have laid for others is their own foot taken But by the way What have the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland to do with the Agreement of the people of England Why are they so busie to impose their own Church Government on us and to hinder us from our own State Agreement Reader do you think yet they are out of their sphere or no Or are they yet become our Lords and Masters that they thus set themselves over us Can the Church of Scotland thus commission them to deal and trouble and then after fish in the State of England O the boundless priviledges of the Church But I hope the Common-wealth of England will not long allow them any such Toleration as this is Well now because you are so hot against Toleration of Sects I will make it appear that there can be no Sect so prejudicial to any State as the grand and dominecring Sect of Presbytery which is the third disguise of Antichrist as the Papacy and Prolacy were the first and second And in all these three gra●d Sects of Papacy Prelacy and Presbytery which make up the triple crown of Antichrist these things are notably remarkable 1. That they were set up and preserved and established by the power of the Mgistrate but not one of them by the bare power of the Word 2. That each of them in its season would endure no Sect besides themselves but would sit as Queen alone 3. That they all would have an outward and visible Kingdom and Dominion in the world and yet this should be independent on the worldly Kingdoms wherein they lived All which things have made this Antichristian Sect which is but one and the self same though under three disguises Antichrist having this policy that when he is discovered in one guise presently he goes off the stage and puts on another and being discovered in that he withdraws again and puts on another I say these three things make this Sect the most dangerous Sect in the world For to insist only on the last how dangerous a thing is it to any State to have two outward powers or two outward Kingdoms in one Nation But would Presbytery have so Art thou a stranger that thou knowest not this Why all their Writings are stuffed with this particularly the Commissioners of the Kirk of Scotland which corrupt fountain hath filled all the Clergy of England with its impure streams do blame the Parliament of England for incroaching upon the Royal Sco●●er of Jesus Christ as they call it in denying to him any externall government over his house but such as is dependent upon them See here they would have an external Government ●f the Church not depending upon the civill Magistrate and for such a government the Pope pleaded first the Prelates next and
though there be not so many Robes and Titles in it yet there is more honesty integrity 〈◊〉 and righteousness which are 〈◊〉 greatest glory the Parliament can be capable of And yet you learned Orthodox men call this the destroying of Authority and Magistracy which is as clear as the Sun to be the strengthening and perfecting of it But your mistakes are everlasting But because you have been so busie in charging the Army with this crime who yet appear to be innocents Notwithstanding all that you have said we will consider a little whether you your selves be not guilty of that crime that you have sought to fasten on others And seriously who are there who have resisted lawful Authority as you the pretended Ministers of the Gospel have done Yea the more lawful the Authority hath been the more have you resisted it The more the Parliament as it had power and opportunity hath appeared against 〈…〉 Interests and all treacherous compliances the more they have tendred the just freedom of the people of God and the true welfare of the Common-wealth the more have you oppose● them How have you consulted and plotted against them in private as your Babylon Colledg can witness and how have you prayed and preached against them as your Pulpits and Congregations can witness and how have you endeavored by all means you and your confederates could devise to discourage their hearts and weaken their hands in the work of God after you perceived they were like to prove too honest and righteous to further your Antichristian designs and would not suffer you to inslave both themselves and the people by your Ecclesiastical Judicatonies Since that time how have you sweated by your own and the Malignant party in both Kingdoms to oppress them and if the former Summers City-Malignant Ingag●●●●● and the last Summers fierce and sharp War in England and the 〈◊〉 from the trusty Covenant-k●epers of Scotland did 〈◊〉 out of this Fountain many are much mistaken but 〈…〉 did the Lord will not hold you 〈◊〉 but the 〈…〉 will cry till it hath cryed you down 〈…〉 blood of divers faithful Christi●●● 〈…〉 whereof the Lord holy and 〈…〉 men may ●light 〈◊〉 And 〈…〉 of lawful Authority 〈◊〉 do you being 〈…〉 use the 〈…〉 Parliament of England in your 〈…〉 are not satis●●●d in 〈◊〉 present ●ot●ngs at W●stm●nster 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 worthy 〈…〉 no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Parliament I remember that 〈◊〉 body once told you That you would no longer 〈…〉 for a Parliament then they did the things yo● l●ked 〈…〉 you have 〈…〉 good whether he would 〈…〉 And thus 〈◊〉 y●● the open and angry Enemies ●●●●ority and so the Scripture you brough● 〈…〉 Army prove your own portion ●s 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 despise 〈◊〉 〈…〉 for you have gone 〈…〉 his worship 〈…〉 accepted of G●d but ●is own carnal 〈…〉 after the error of Balaa● 〈…〉 being 〈…〉 the people of God for 〈◊〉 own advantage and so are like 〈◊〉 perish in the 〈…〉 instruments raised up by God for the deliverance of his people And this leads me to that other Scripture produced by you against the Army which yet doth most truly turn its point and edg upon your selves it is touching the forementioned Rebellion of Corah and his confederates who said to Mos●● and Aaron You take too 〈◊〉 upon you seeing all the Congregation 〈…〉 lift you up your selves above the Congregation of the Lord Mark here now you strange Interpreters of Scripture who alwayes make it sound after your own fancies Moses and Aaron were as mean as any of the people of Israel till the Lord appeared to them and called them forth to the great work of Israels deliverance from the Egyptian Tyrant and this presence of God with them made them great Now Corah and his complices thought every one of the Congregation as good as they not understanding how the presence of the Lord had made a difference and so tell them they took too much upon them c. and this Moses calls truly a gathering themselves together against the Lord So you not seeing the presence of God with the Army nor understanding that he hath called them forth and sanctified them to deliver the people from the English Tyrant think every one of the people as good as they and tell them they take too much upon them and are but private men and thus like Corah you have gathered your selves together against the Lord in his chosen and sanctified ones There were two hundred and fifty Princes in that Rebellion against God and there are nine and fifty Priests in and about the City of London in this besides the rest of the same confedracie all the kingdom over they then and you now rebell against God himself in his chosen instrumnets and therefore let all good people depart from the Congregations of these wicked Priests as the Israelites were commanded to depart from the tents of those wicked Princes lest they be consumed in their sins And now it appears why you were so willing to put off these Scriptures to the Army to wit because they lay such load on your selves as is likely to sink you under them The second crime you charge upon the Army is Their seizing and imprisoning the person of the King in order to his triall And here also you scrape together those very Scriptures which the Prelaticall Clegry were wont to use in the beginning of these times as Fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change and again Put them in minde to be subject to Principalities and Powers and to obey Magistrates c. and these Scriptures these Presbyterian Ministers handle with the same spirit as the Prelaticall and to the same end and purpose and never a barrell the better Herring Besides they tell of many Declarations of Parliament touching the preservation of the person of the King and above all they rehearse the solemn league and Covenant that Systeme of Presbyteriall Religion wherein say they We do in the presence of almighty God promise vow and protest that we will sincerely really and constantly in our severall vocations indeavour to defend the Kings Majesties Person Authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and liberties of the Kingdom c. and therefore to meddle with his person is to break the oath of Allegiance the Protestation of May the fift and the solemn league and Covenant from all or any of which ingagements we know no power on earth able to absolve us or others O glorious pretenders to conscience we have Covenanted to defend and preserve the person of the King and therefore no man upon any termes must meddle with him But why then did you incourage men at first whilst the hope of Bishops lands was rooted in your hearts to go forth and fight against him and used all the Scriptures you could devise to this purpose did you mean they should fight