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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08269 A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections. 1569 (1569) STC 18602; ESTC S110162 92,217 282

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these pleasant birdes bicause they did eate and consume their fleshe They rebuked their euill corrupt maners and vnrighteous dealing their wicked and abhominable life therefore they make warre against Christ where so euer the worde of God was sincerely preached and taught the glorye of God preferred and the securitie and naughtinesse of mannes sinfull and abhominable life reproued there hath alwayes insurrections tumultes and seditions risen amongst the hipocrits of traiterous enterprizes For the word of God is a signe of contradiction and the stone of offence These Princes and captaines with their most cruel souldiers are set on prouoked and stirr●d by the malice of these Idolatrous Bishops and Prelates euen as Pilate and Herode were moued of Annas and Caiphas to put Christ to death And as Felix gouernour of Iurie at the request pleasure of Ananie the hie priest kept S. Paule in prison The Emperor Traian and other tyrants should neuer haue persecuted the Christians vntil this day if their horsses had not bene pricked so fast and so often with the spurres of wicked and leu●e Prelats And what diligence endeuour they haue done to ouerthrow vanquishe and roote out the truthe may be seene by their letters wrytten and sent to so many Kings and Princes No small a doe had they to bring Iohn Wicliffe in discredite and slaunder with the people the which after he had ben buried fortie yeares toke vp his bones and burned them with fire and cast the ashes into the riuer shewing their tiranny vpon his bones whome they coulde not be reuenged of in his lyfe time no not for all their requestes and sutes made to the kyng of Englande Richarde by name Againe Sigismunde the Emperor wold neuer haue done contrary to his promise fortified by a safe conduct graunted vnto Iohn Hus to goe and come safely to the Counsell at Constance and in a manner forced hym for if he would be the image of the beast an obedient child of the Romish church he must doe all as it pleased them It is manifest what diligence and trauaile they haue assayed what violence and force they haue vsed to banishe and chase the truth of the Gospell out of Germanie what practises craftie policies and fetches they haue sought to deface it here in Englande and what crueltie and tyrannie they shewe in France to the vtter destruction of the countrey we haue séene and see and yet dayly at this instant seele they And aboue all haue we felte and 〈◊〉 yet féele the experiēce of it in low Germany our natiue countrey and Flaunders where as soone as Gods worde was sincerely preached and the Gospell of Iesu Christ opēly declared O how Satās kingdome was rente diminished how idolatrie and superstition was brought low all excesse surfetting dronkennesse all wickednesse and vice all pride naughtinesse beat down forsaken The whooremongers adulterers began to be ashamed of their filthinesse priests Friers misliked of their estate and durst not say Masse go on procession funeral other of their abhominatiōs they couered their crounes let grow their beards hid thēselues yea demed y t they were such Many light women were conuerted many ruffians baudes were astonied for y t they saw their houses not so much haunted as before These with y e rest of the spiritual baudes and ruffians were well ashamed and wist not where to hide thēselues bicause of y ● light which did shine so bright in the worlde On the other side consider how the kyngdome of Christe increased augmented and multiplied daily how the honor of God was set foorth the name of the Lorde was magnified and inuocated praised and blessed Howe many people whiche hitherto haue liued like ignorant doltes in al securitie beastlynesse were then come to knowledge and vnderstanding leauing their former life gaue thē selues to vertue godlinesse cleauyng to that whiche they heard expressed it in their life cōuersation Last of al it was maruel to see how charitie humilitie sobriety honesty al other godly exercises y e works of the spirite wer put in practise amongst this new springing churche and contrarywise the dedes of the flesh forsaken layed aside But that great dragon the diuel that olde serpent who from the beginning hated the truth mans felicitie seing his kyngdom go to wrack hys gay finely disguised church d●cay hys pilferyng trashe beggerly Ceremonies nothing set by yea and seing his beastly bodie al his membres by y e preaching of Gods word so cleane vncouered and beaten to the grounde did waxe madde and outragious Wherefore he moued stirred vp kings who entring in allegiance and alliaunce with his Antechrist gathered a counsell against the Lorde and his churche to scatter and put asunder hys flocke aud to kill and slay his chosen Which thyng afterwarde they practising made them vp and not without treason inuaded the countreys there not to gouerne accordyng to iustice and equitie but violently and tyrānously to rule and reigne yea notwithstanding their priuileages enacted and giuen by acte of parliament confirmed and established by othe of the Prince him selfe haue they yet against all reason and lawe oppressed the commons and innocents As for the christians it is too well knowne howe they are vsed therfore I leaue of to speake any more of that matter not mistrusting but that it shall be declared at large of some diligent writer But what is their purpose The Lorde against whom they striue is too strong he knoweth all theyr enterprises and imaginatiōs laugheth them to scorne He seeth their fall and ouerthrowe and the victorie of his chosen and the deliuerāce of his people is in his hande Let them rage neuer so sore lette them murther and slay neuer so many blessed are they whiche die in the Lorde they shall neuer be able to roote oute the truth muche lesse to obtaine any victorie agaynste God for the Lambe is strong and abideth valiantly vpon that vnmouable inexpugnable mounte Syon hauyng wyth hym an hundreth and .4400000 These be as many as haue receyued hys true faith and are the true séede of Abraham hauing the seale of the holy Ghost bearing the name of their father engraued on their forhead redéemed bought from the earth predestinated and chosen to life euerlasting whiche are not defiled with women whose soules and faith are not spotted with false doctrine or idolatrie and superstition papistical These ar virgins which receiue not the false hipocriticall and whoorish doctrine of y e Antechrist These be the virgins whereof the holy Ghost speaketh and not them only as they saye whiche neuer maried else Abraham Moyses Dauid Zacharie Peter Philip and the reste of the godly whiche haue bene maried coulde haue ben of the number of those virgins for they iudge mariage to be vncl●ane and a deede of the