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A13742 The ioiefull and blessed reuniting the two mighty & famous kingdomes, England & Scotland into their ancient name of great Brittaine. By John Bristoll Thornborough, John, 1551-1641. 1605 (1605) STC 24036; ESTC S118409 39,081 92

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matter to vnite and keep them togither who liue vnder the same climate of heaven are of like language manners countenance lawes customes forme of bodie fashiō of behavior yea and religion à religando Rightly called the chiefest band of hearty vnion For though the Hand Salamis bee controverted betweene Aelian 7● the Athenians Megarenses yet must it be adiudged to the Athenians because they lived after the same fashion and lawes as now the skilful in the lawes of this land easily acknowledge what congruity and affinity is betweene most of the ancient lawes of both our kingdomes more then is to be found betweene those of any other two nations And albeit the Towne Sidas be controverted Athene 1● betweene the Athenians Beotians yet Epominondas wil adiudge it to the Beotians and not to the Athenians because the Athenians called an apple malum punicum but the Beotians called it Sidas There is betweene English and Scottish smal or no difference nay now none at al in vnion al being Brittaines not so much as betweene Gileadites and Ephraimites in pronouncing Shibboleth or Sibboleth but al are of one language even of one Canaan language only a little River Twede is common limit or rather imaginary bounde to both and al from Twede Southward is Brittaine within Twede and al frō Twede Northward is Brittaine beyonde Twede yet both on this side that al but one Brittaine non nos mare seperat ingens exiqua prohibemur aqua as al France hath formerly bin divided into two parts the one beyonde the Alps the other within the Alps and all Jndia Westward within the River Gange and Eastward beyonde Gange And all Scithia within Imaus and without Imaus And though the Iland hath bin long time divided into two kingdomes yet England it selfe hath oft times of divers bin called Brittaine as by a Surname and if pars prototo might haue that denomination much more ought the whole being now made one Therefore Linacre Grocinus of the one part called thēselues Brittaines and Iohannes Maior of the other affirmed that the kings of England and Scotland wanted good Councel to advise them to marie togither so to make of both one kingdome of Brittaine that only envious men and they who neglected the Weale publiq ue did hinder this vnion of peace Which thing King Henry the seventh and King Henrie the eighth wisely forsaw seeking by mariage to vnite both kingdomes into one Discordantis saepe patriae non aliud est remedium quam si ab vno regeretur Therefore the wise men haue most religiously observed two beginnings of things one of evil divisible imperfect manifold called duallitie or Binarius numerus Another of good indivisible perfect and in name and nature alwaies one called vnitas If Duallitie or Binarius as cause efficient beare sway then in the aire it breedeth intemperature if in citties families or kingdomes wars and discorde if in the body diseases if in the minde of men vice and wickednes But where vnion possesseth chiefe place her fruites are to the aire wholsome temper to citties families kingdomes mutual loue and ioie to the bodie health and strength and to the minde vertue godlines For vnitie admitteth no duallity knoweth no contrarietie and by consequence no infirmitie But Duallitie seduced Adam in disobedience seeking to know aswel evil as good who before was sole Monarch of the whole earth and was wholly good and perfect both in bodie and Soule vntil hee drew with a dubble twisted corde of contrarieties vnto his body in steede of health sicknesse infirmities and vnto his soule in steede of Righteousnesse sinne and miserie needing now to strengthen his body bread and to repaire his soule grace euen for body soule Gods mercy For so he turned the Monarchy of perfect good into a Monomachie or duellum of good and euil sin and righteousnes peace and war ioie and sorrow sicknesse health yea life and death And now when the sole Monarch of the whole earth left of to abide in the common obedience and vniuersal vnion of al things to his creator albeit al the creatures were before in voluntary subiection vnited also to their sole Monarch Adam on earth yet now everie creature lifteth vp himselfe against his sole earthly Soveraigne and against his Succession for euer The earth wil not yeeld Adam bread but by the sweat of his browes the beasts become wilde cruel yea the earth openeth her mouth against the succession of disobedient Adam and swalloweth vp Corah Dattan Abiram the waters drowne the whole world except eight persons the poore flie can and doth sometimes choake a man having before neither power nor wil to doe it Lice can devoure and eate vp Herod euen the vilest and weakest creatures can and often doe destroy the greatest Tirants of the earth And in opinion of some the holy Ghost seemeth in misterie to open this matter to a man of vnderstanding forbearing in the second daies worke to say all was good as is plainely said of al the other fiue daies and he saw all things good not but that the worke of this day was also good for al his workes are and were exceeding good but because of waters which in many places of the scripture signifie troubles yea intollerable afflictions and because of division of waters in that daies worke God being a God not of division but of peace therfore the holy Ghost seemeth to forbeare to say in that place and it was good And yet would not these bee mistaken in their curiositie as if they concluded the diuision of waters in that daies worke not to be good seeing that waters in the clowds diuided from the Seas are vpholden by Gods prouidence not to powre down and over whelme the earth for they approue divisions of constructions to be good as the diuiding the light from darknes the day from night and of whatsoeuer into parts for ornament and beauty of the forme diuided but vtterlie condemne diuisions of destructions or of distractiōs which is frangere non dividere comminuere non distinguere to part the body from the head or the members from the bodie to bring order to confusion vnitie to distraction forme to a Chaos ens to privation such division was that whereof Caselius answered the merchant Navem si dividis Macr. 2. sa● nec tu nec socius habebit such diuifion the vnnatural harlot entended requiring the liuing childe to be cut into two partes let it bee neither 1. King 3. mine nor thine but divide it Where two or three are made one there is the image of God of truth of peace of fortitude of praise of perfectiō but where one is drawn diuided and torne a sunder there breaketh forth falshood war feare dishonor confusion They which are of God embrace the one and they which are of the deuil the other For God both in the Center and Circumference of truth
THE IOIEFVLL AND BLESSED REVniting the two mighty famous kingdomes England Scotland into their ancient name of great Brittaine By JOHN BRISTOLL SAPIENTIAE ET FELICITATIS ACADEMIA OXONIENSIS Printed at Oxford by IOSEPH BARNES are to be sold in Paules Church yarde at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson TO THE KINGS MOST EXcellent Maiestie IAMES by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France Ireland defender of the faith THE ioyfull and happie proclaimed vnion of your Maiesties two famous kingdomes England and Scotland into the name of Great Brittaine in one dutifull obedience of all to one Royall Rightful Soveraigne over all is the very Treasurie of the whole State where your Maiestie is sole high Treasurer of weale publique your soveraigne authoritie beautified with Iustice for executing lawes with wisedome for determining Right with mercy and grace for releeving distressed Subiects is the glorious abundant Treasure it selfe And albeit I haue in my two bookes like the poore widdowe offered into your Treasury but only two mites yet I hope for that doe most humbly pray your gracious favor that your highnesse will bee pleased in goodnes to accept my humble service duty to lay vp my two mites with the rest of the rich Treasure though in the account they be scarcely reckoned for a farthing I haue with that care and caveat as is meete only observed the Tenor of your highnes proclamation and with dutiful and due regard left all other incident circumstances and great considerations to the wisedome of the Honorable Commissioners authorized by your Maiestie in both your Parliaments As for all others which dislike mine industrie and distaste my zeale esteeming my labours lost and better left vndone then my reputation left vndone amonge them I esteeme them only tanquam Pedarios Censores trampling on truth and carying their eies in their heeles and not in their head neverthelesse I desire if may be to avoide their kicking and spurning if not yet because I knowe my farthing good silver able to indure touch and triall I haue without other respects in publishing this booke scattered abroad the fire of my zeale to shew it felfe in its own shine and placed my happynesse in your Maiesties approving mine endevours knowing that the king of kings acknowledged the poore widdowe to haue cast in more into the Teasury then al the rich men Me selfe verily doe cast in all that I haue and for my part doe iudge it everie mans part to depart from all where hee oweth all To this I can only adde my dayly praiers and doe presently and will still powre them forth to the God of all glorie and mercie lifting vp hands heart that his manifold and dayly blessings may bee multiplyed vpon your sacred person vpon our gracious Queen and vpon your Royall Seede for ever and that all your kingdomes may flourish to your owne hearts desire for terror of foes and endlesse comfort of all your loving Subiectes Your Maiesties faithfull Subiect and humble servant Io. BRISTOLL THE IOYFVLL AND HAPPY vnion of the two famous kingdomes England and Scotland into the name of Great Brittaine THE State of England and Scotland may bee resembled to the condition of Israell and Iuda not only for emulation who haue most right to the Royall person 2. Sam. 19. of the Kings Maiestie for their defence and government but also for that the two kingdomes were at first both but one Besides God as he speaketh by his Prophet did also at first alike leade both them and vs with Gords of a man euen with Hose 11. Bands of loue And as it pleased God for sinne of people to breake those Bands even both the Staffe of bands and of bewtie to dissolue the brotherhoode Zach. 11. of Israell and Iuda so for the iniquitie of our forefathers God brake the Staffe of bands signifying mutuall loue and also Staffe of bewtie signifying order of government and brought in vpon them vpon their posterity even to these Is 9. our latter daies a staffe of diuision and yoke of burden vpon theirs and our shoulders which nowe for al that out of the riches of his mercie he hath also broken in peeces making al one againe as he spake by his Prophet Ezechiel concerning Israel Ezec. 37. and Iuda saying I wil make them one people in the land vpon the mounetaines of Israell and one king shall be king to them all they shall be no more two peoples neither be diuided any more henceforth into two kingdomes This foundation laide as proiect of our whole purpose The trueth sheweth it selfe howe two kingdomes severed in place not much differing in lawes nor dissonant in language but only disagreeing heretofore in neighbourhoode may bee comprehended vnder notion of one name specially seeing when one ruleth both and both become Subiect to one they are no more two but one body lincked in like duety and knit togither in one bande of obedience To doubt this is in Strangers ignorance but in Subiects a great offence For who so considereth that many Shires with the principality of Wales heretofore made one England cannot but confesse that likewise England Scotland with al their territories Ilands Shires and Countries make now one great Brittaine and al the people of both the mighty nations Brittaines and that the Kings Maiestie hath done as princely an Act in vniting both the kingdomes into one name as hee did in vniting the Armes of both the Realmes into one Scutchion hauing a like Right in both For all great Brittaine being his Maiesties inheritance all his Subiects within that continent are Brittaines Iust and reasonable was the demande of Annius chiefe Governour of Latines in vniting Romanes and Latines saying Ex vtraque gente vnum Liv. 1. Dec. 8. lib. oportet esse populum vnam fieri rempub eandē imperij sedem idemque omnibus nomen And albeit the Latines were cōtent for sake of Weale publique to preferre Romanes before themselues and bee called by their names as the History there farther reporteth Quoniam ab alter vtra parte concedi necesse est quod vtrisque benè vertat sit hat sanè patria potior Romani omnes vocemur neverthelesse the case not standing so with vs that Scottish should be called by our name nor we by theirs me thinks a thirde name of great Brittaine might easily equally please both otherwise as King Deiotarus cut of al his children saving one Plut. 3. mor because he would leaue the kingdom but to one so should English swallowing vp name of Scottish or Scottish drowning name of English prooue such a Vine which to bring but one grape to ripenes is content that all Branches bee cut of but one But the questiō here is not which of the branches should best prosper but how all the branches may flourish which abide in the Vine and verily the question carieth in it selfe his
brother it was subiect to storme ful of contentions war shedding of bloud but ioined with his brother it flourished with peace and at this day is blessed in the vniformity of government there established And in mine opinion it is well observed in the Cronicle of Wales how God was not pleased with the first change of the name of Brittaine into the name of England for presently followed the terrible and cruel invasion of the Danes after that the conquest of the Normans But memorable is it that the Brittaines ruled al the whole I le togither with the out Iles of VVight Mon in English Anglisee Manaw in English Man Orkney and Ewyst 1137. yeares before Christ and after the yeare of his incarnation 688. even to the death of Cadwallader the last King of Brittaines and of the noble race of Troians Which when in succeeding age many mightie famous Kings of England considered they laboured by al meanes to recouer and resume the name and stile of Kings of great Brittaine accounting it dishonorable to leese any iot of the honor of there most princely progenitors And therefore King Knute King of England mighty in his dominions of Swethen from Germany to the North poles with Norway and Denmarke having obtained prosperous successe in warring against Scotland is recorded after his death the mightiest prince in the West parts of the world and of al the noble I le of Brittaine And so VVilliam the Conquerer for the good successe he likewise had in Scotland is recorded king of al Brittaine Henry the second surnamed Curtmantle is also for like successe recorded king of al Brittaine And if they be Renowned and honored with name and stile of Brittaine which by rightful descent or by conquest were inheritours but to one part only though by their fortunes in warre they also claimed the other what rightful title must we then acknowledge most iustly now to belong to his most excellent Maiestie in the imperial crowne of both who by lineal descent inheriteth both Which thing seemeth in his highnesse late proclamation to be strongly and truely enforced for that his Maiesty doth not covet any new affected name but assumeth a title warranted by authentical charter and records of great antiquity not borrowed of forraine nations but from the actes of his progenitours both before and sithence the conquest who had not so iust nor great cause as his Maiestie hath Causa iubet superos melior sperare secundos Here I wish I had as many eies as Argos to looke into their devises who seeke to divide England from Scotland Scotland from England renouncing the name of great Brittaine least ioined in one they might as the forenamed stars appeare togither shine togither and bring ioy togither I would then not spare to lay open as Cneius Flavius did reveale to the world the tricks and misteries of Lawyers of that time and therefore was said to put out their eies and to cut their purses how also these Adamants hinder the natural power and vertue of the load stone whom I cal Adamants aswel for repugnant qualities as that they be truely Adamants even Sonnes of Adam practising rather in disobedience dissention and ruine of al to lay hands vpon that is forbidden then to draw the yron nay golden chaine of lincks of loue in obedience to the king and for common peace and preservation of men But herein such imitate the devise of Q Fabius Labeo Val. 3. 3. seeking to haue the ship of common weale divided in partes as when by compact of league with Antiochus he ought to receiue halfe part of Antiochus shippes cut them al in the middest craftely so to defraude Antiochus of his whole Nauy or else imitate they Cyrus Herod 1. dividing great Rivers into many litle Brookes til they be not only passable but even dried vp for so these seeke to stay the maine mighty Streame of great Brittaine by dividing it and in dividing to make it of sundry kindes vnlike it selfe Such dividing into parts is disioyning of the parts by disioyning dismembring and by dismembring spoyling making Plin. 36. 17. the stone Scyros which whole and firmely compacted doth swim and floate aboue the waters to sincke and be drowned because it is divided But our two famous kingdomes with al their provinces shires and Countries vnited into the name of great Brittaine are like the goodly and pleasant river Danubius which passing by many Countries keepeth his name til it enter into Illiricum where receiving into it sixtie other rivers of diverse other names leeseth not only his owne and al their other names of parts but is called Ister one for al containing al. Here I require both of English and Scottish is either of them now as a people disiointed one from the other Or as Sande without Lime Or scattered straw without binding Or as Sampsons Foxes running divers and contrary waies with fire-brands of dissention among them Nay here in the glory of great Brittaine is renowned that King Iames and his Royal issue doe gather togither that which was scattered and vnite that which was divided and restore that which vvas lost and saue that which was endangered even by this meanes vniting al in one name of Brittaine as it was saide of Rome vniting so manie Countries into it selfe al parts which disagreed heretofore are now well agreeing Heerevpon Rome was said to be anchora a fluctuanti mundo as he faith in Tacitus regnae bellag per Gallias semper fuêre donec in nostrum ius cōcederetis So happily doeth this vniversal coniunction of all vnder one head take away al discorde and maintaine coniunction of loue for everlasting continuance Onely they which wil be alone and not contained vnder one name of great Brittaine are not bound vp with the sheaues nor carried home into the Barne and therefore are like gleanings after harvest left behinde in the field subiect to storme they come not two and two into this arke and whatsoeuer remaineth alone extra arcam perit Such are not vnlike that captaine whom Xerxes Herod ● rewarded with a garland for escaping aliue when al other Souldiers were slaine and yet because he came alone without the rest he hanged him and as the Athenians in the warre with the Herod 5. Aeginetae when one returned without his fellowes ranne al vpon him and killed him asking where were the rest And what can such I pray you as seperate themselues from the happy vnion of al Brittaines answere for themselues if they be called to account Can any be English not Scottish can any be Scottish and not English Let that outcry against the Romanes be ingeminated against such saying Quintilius Varus restore vs our Legions where are our souldiers what is become of them Where are the English where are our Scottish let al restore themselues each one the other to the name of Brittaines And so I say to al and everie one of both
al confesse our vnion in our obedience to the King as to the head but yet without that vnion also in the name of great Brittaine already concluded of other things thereto requisite to be farther by the Honorable Commissioners considered I feare wee shal proue as imperfect if not deformed bodie as Apelles before noted painted Venus only perfect in the head and left al the partes of the bodie vnperfect Neither can I for my part imagine that parte of the bodie well vnited to his heade which doeth not concurre withal the body in all his parts perfect with the head Vt nec pes nec caput vni reddatur formae Herein let natures workmanship in our natural bodies lead vs to the imitation of her wisdom in the government of bodies civil and as shee hath in naturall mixtion reduced the fowre contrary Elementes into a temperate and agreeing conformitie by taking away suspition of emulation making them loose their proper names and iointly called mistionis forma so shoulde wee by temperate discretion bee willingly vnited with our neighbour friends into one corporation especially seeing the reality of everie thing wee enioy is to continue in al respects the same and only a formality of appellation a little changed Naturam ducem dum sequimur non aberrabimus said he and the God of nature hath spoken it so that we must beleeue that a kingdome divided cannot stand howsoever it may glorie in the multitude of his parts wherein a common weale may fitly be resembled to musical instruments which howsoever consisting of the multitude of strings yet the harmony is in the vnity of proportion with agreeable consent of distinct sounds Now as a little iarre in musicke a little intention or remission of any one string discordeth al the harmony so in this excellent musical concorde of a wel-ordered kingdome never so smal difference though it be but titular betweene the severall partes of one common weale sometimes breedeth hatred oftentimes envy but alwaies emulation Wherevpon Phillip Comines wel observed finitimorum amulationem nativam esse that it was essentiall for neighbour regions to emulate one the other which is only remedied by taking away the frets and by incorporation making them not now our neighbours but al one with our selues And herein consisteth the nature of true mixtion whereat al common weales shoulde tende when every thing remaineth that was yet nothing as it was when many contrary things yeelde vp their contrariety and plurality vnto one consisting of all which participating of al their recōciled natures imposeth only a new name to their new manner of being which is to be one insteede of many that not by coacervation or apposition of things without farther mixtion remaining stil distinct within themselues but by vnion of consociation which taketh nothing away frō these things that were before distinct but their distinction Out of vvhich mistion wil arise excellent temperature which we hope long to see in our British Common weale wherein no humor either of English or Scottish may be predominant but temperamentum aequabile and that ad pondus too Which as it is seldome founde any where so it is alvvaies found where it is foūd with perennity And concerning such mistion was that saide of Romulus Traianus and now may it bee saide of our King Iames diversas gentes it a commercio miscuit vt quod genitum esset vsquam id apud omnes natū esse viderctur And of such mixtion may that of Zeno be said alterius chorus maior meus autem concinnior an other Kings Empire may be greater cōsisting of diversity of nations but ours more compact and vnited in one And this mixtion of both our nations so mixed in one bringeth forth but one titel of GREAT BRITTAINE Vnū sedleonem as the proverbe hath Which I the rather vrge here against Politeans if any such be of this age who seeke to nourish faction and opposition in the State and cōmon Weale and thinke nothing better quam si in commune non consulant who ever haue a Rowland for an Oliver where feareful experience doth often shew the fruites of that Axiom contraria contrarijs curantur Which manner of keeping Subiects one opposite and offensiue to the other is a flinty and fierie societie even societas lapidum fornicationi similima quae casura nisi invicem obstarent hoc enim ip so continetur And this practise wheresoever prevailing is more then Machivelian even divellish sowing seede of dissention in parts to destroy the whole Therefore it being an infallible but wofull grounde of truth nulla salus bello It is meete that all and every Subiect of great Brittaine vnderstand and professe the other part of that verse pacem te poscimus omnes For so I thinke this Axiome in a State is better for preservation of Weale publique similima similimis nutriuntur And if I were worthy here would I advise all the Magistrates of great Brittaine which either now doe or hereafter shal beare rule vnder their high Soveraigne in any partes of his dominions to remember in al their high honours that Cleo and Themistocles tooke contrarie courses were both misliked in time of their Magistracie For Cleo called al his friendes and old acquaintaunce togither and renounced them openly giving thē to vnderstand that now he was so advanced they shoulde expect nothing from him for former friendships sake And Themistocles answered one wishing him to be alike to al and not partial that he would not sit in Seate of honour and not doe more good to former friends then to others But trueth is in a common wealth nor disdaine of former friends becommeth Cleo nor partiall favours Themistocles for communitie regardeth neither any man neither any cause for private respects but is as the Sunne yeelding alike commō Pli. paneg comfort to al which thing I wish al as one man wisely to perceiue and willingly performe And Zenop. yet may Cirus haue in remembraunce the verie meanest of them with whom somtimes he lived and Ahasuerus looking into the Chronicles may remember those which haue saved the king frō any who sought to lay violent hands vpon him And the Macedonians may not either grudge or disdaine that Alexander prefer the Persians before them of his owne Country Ecquis est qui vestra Liv. 1. Dec. 6. lib. necessaria suffragia pro voluntarijs serva pro liberis faciat But to returne into the kings high way for the name of Brittaine seeing his Maiestie may saie non me Troia capit Scotland alone doth not containe my greatnesse and therefore speaketh also to England salve fatis mihi debita tellus England is also the lot of mine inheritaunce and both England and Scotland wil I make one Empire and renew their names into first title of great Brittaine as it were Ilium in Italiam portans though in removing all the Gods out of Tēple to giue place to Iupiter only that petty God
hurt can be wished to our enemies then to be disvnited among themselues and if they will not be at one with vs that they may bee at oddes betweene themselues mane at quaeso duretque gentibus si non amor nostri at certe odium sui Quando nihiliam praestare fortuna maius potest quam hostium discordiam And nowe farther to enforce this vnion into both nations the rather because we are both alike vnder one head and governour hath not his Maiestie two eies to respect both kingdoms two eares to heare a like the cause of both two shoulders to beare alike the burden and care of both two hands to distribute honours alike to both two feete to goe one before the other yet both alike to support but one body The inequalitie only is if we are not alike duetifull and thankeful neither doe we as the Apostle Rom. 12. exhorteth carrie like mindes one towardes another nor make our selues in our owne conceipts equal to them of the lower sorte And where Xenophon calleth Magistrates and mighty men the kings eies the kings ears the kings shoulders yea also his hands and his feete it is not thereby meant that they should thinke they also had two eies to envie one the other two eares to listen after advantages or offenses one against the other two shoulders to shoue at and shoulder out one the other two feete to outrunne and preuent one the other to hands two catch snatch one from the other or to carrie fire in one hand and water in the other or to builde with the one and to pull downe with the other or with the one to offer a guift and with the other a stab altera manu panem altera lapidem but that their eies eares shoulders feete and hands are or should be mutuall helpers one to the other for the common good and publique service of the whole State And I perswade my selfe that all Magistrates vnder his Maiestie of the one or other nation vnited now in one common name of Brittaines will for publique Administration of the common Weale so see with their eies heare with their eares beare vp the head with their shoulders and walke vprightly having pure and cleane handes that as the fingers in the hande are distinctly divided and yet doe clap and claspe themselues togither for more strength so all of commande and in authority within great Brittaine though they haue distinct offices yet will so concurre and agree togither that though there appeare among Aug. de Chatizandisrudibus them and their distinct publique services as in digitis divisio it shall not bee ab vnitate praecisio And verily the two kingdomes are like tvvo handes warming and enfolding each other continuing two yet in one bodie vvhere if the right hand challendge more necessarie vse and service in the bodie then the left or the left hande more then the right one not readyly yeeld to ioine with the other as is meete the head may in his good pleasure make choice and vse of either as in the Romane Storie when Tribunes Liv. 1. Dec 4. lib disagreed for chiefest honour Quintus Servilius Consul of much lesse dignitie and authoritie then a king tooke the matter into his own hands saying patria maiest as altercationem istam dirimet Here Prudence among Subiectes hath neede intermeddle with all other vertues and shew the power of vnion in her selfe where Iustice demaundeth righte fortitude tollerateth what ought be borne temperance reformeth wil subdueth anger moderateth passion and represseth ambition and al in vnitie of obedience coupled togither bring forth plentiful fruit for societie honour and ioy Which thing wel pleased Marcus Furius Camillus Dictator of Rome seeing all the Senate and Subiects of Rome not only accorde in the common execution of each office for common good of al but willingly and lovingly both highest and meanest to embrace one the other saying that the common Weale was flourishing Liv. 1. Dec. 6. lib and most happie sitales viros in magistratu habeat tam concordibus iunctos animis parere atque imperare iuxtaparates laudemque conferentes potius in medium quam excommuni ad se trahentes whereof the Senate Consuls and Tribunes gaue testimonie and good proofe vvhen they all submitted all authorie to Camillus perswaded in themselues nec quicquam de maiest ate sua detractum quod maie statieius viri concessissent In Brittaines vniō England may not exalt it selfe aboue Scotland nor Scotland striue against England but both as mēbers of one body vnder one head ought to haue the same care one for the other as if one member suffer all suffer with it and if one be honoured all the members reioice with and as in the church so in the common Weale one is my doue one is my darling shee is the onely beloved of her mother deere to her that bare her so I know there are diversities of guifts and differences of administrations and diverse manners of operations in both and God hath set the members of the whole body everie one of them several in the body as it hath pleased him but omnia ab vno ad vnum All from one head and to one ende He that is wise will consider this Qui Aug. de cōsensu evāg vero curiosiores sunt quam capaciores quaedam magis contentiosè obiectanda quàm prudenter consideranda esse arbitrantur And nowe seeing I haue waded so farre in the vnion of Brittaines English may not mislike that Scottish beare office among and with them as if they were of a farre Countrey hunting after others Treasures serving the king of Babilon and not as the same Subiects to Hezechias for they are of and for England as we and wee of and for Scotland as they and both for both being made one Nay rather we ought desire their society reioice in this community setting before our eies for example that saying of Austin of the communiō of Saints made fellow heires with Christ through the mercie of our good God Deus cum haberet vnicum noluit esse vnum sed habere fratres And if in humane matters humane examples more mooue remembring that Scipio was as glad of his Brothers preferment as of his owne and that Castor would not be a God without his brother Pollux but would be only Semideus that his brother might partake with him as Aug. de bo no viduit is wel said habent oculi in corpore magnum honorem sedminorem haberent si soli essent Tac. 11. An. In the time of Claudeus the Emperor when it was consulted that the Senate should be supplyed with more Senatours the Peires and Nobles of France long before enfranchised free denisons of Rome sought also to participate in honours magistracies and dignities with Romanes and the matter beeing handled on both sides with greate consideration the Romanes alleadged against the French that Italie wanted no sufficient men
patriaeque remittat And to conclude in nomine omine Concordiae to consummat this structure of vnion and to consecrate it to all eternity as the Romanes did their Temple of concord Behold now is the time Liv. 8. of vniting both nations togither as he saide Si quando vnquam consociandi imperij tempus eptastis en hoc tempus adest virtute vestra deûm benignitate vobis datum Heretofore as C. Marius said he could not audire ius prae strepitu armorum so by reason of civil discord betwixt both nations the name of vnity was but as a pleasant song touching the eare but not entring into the heart or serious consideration of either part And so vntill this day this contagiō hath crept in every where The name of Brittaine seemed as a brutish name al commixtion betwixt vs seemed confusiō any mutation for vnion sake an vtter subuersion of all the state But now the matter is come extra Rubiconem iacta est alea the matter is proceeded in aut nunquam tentes aut perfice Such a matter of state is not slightly to be intended And I know that al the honorable Cōmissioners on both sides thinke every one of them selues not to be imploied in this so great busines only as pro Consule and in his own person but pro Consulibus in commune omnium therfore will bee assembled like wise Romanes who after long dissention and part takings made ful reconcilement concord perpetuall for all matters in Aede Concordiae And I doubt not but al Subiects wil in all places as the Graecians did after long variaunce embrace that ioyful 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 agreed on for good of al not for fashion sake as among heathen but for conscience sake as among such which truely know and feare God who is author of Vnity but one God that so there be henceforth a perfit and perpetuall establishment according to the lawes of Medes Persians which may not nor cannot be altered remembring inimicitias mortales amicitias immortales esse debere Only yet I would set before all mens eies that worthy speech of the renowned Tullus Hostilius king of Romanes in the reconcilement of Rome and Alba represented vnto vs in vniting England Scotland by our gracious king Quod bonū Liv. 1. Dec. 1. lib faustum felixque sit populo Romano ac mihi vobisque Albani populum omnem Albanum Romā traducere in animo est Civitatem dare plebi primores in patres legere vnam vrbem vnam Rempublicam facere vt exvno quondam in duos populos divisa Albanares est sic nanc in vnum redeat And now also concerning the name I recite only a poetical fable yet moralized no fable that whē Neptune Pallas did striue whether of them should giue name to Athens it was agreed that hee or shee should name the Citty who could bring the best guift for common good Wherefore Neptune did strike the Shore it brought forth an horse fore shewing that Athens should be warlike but Pallas gaue the Cittie an Oliue signifying peace that the Citty should flourish by peace where vpon peace being more profitable then warre Neptune was enforced to yeelde his interest and Pallas gaue the name Oh how blessed are the peace makers Howe beautiful are their feete How glorious and ioyfull the light of their countenance pax optima rerum Quas homini novisse datū est pax vna triumphis Innumeris potior King Iames doue-like bringeth the Oliue branch sheweth that the vvaters are abated anger a ppeased dangers escaped forrows fled and that salvation and ioy entereth the Arke of great Brittaine God saue the King JOHN BRISTOLL
answere Abide in the Vine This Vine is but Ezec. 37. 19 one though of many branches and much fruite And thanks be given to God that his Maiesty by publique Proclamation hath divulged the inserting and fast grafting of each branch and al fruite into his owne Royal person as into a fruitfull and flourishing vine even into the head of the whole body of howe many so ever partes consisting Wherein his Highnesse hath laid the first stone as he is the true and only foundation of happy vnion and yet as yet like Apelles fashioning onlie the exquisite and most excellent beauty of Venus in the head but I hope also will pray for perfection in the rest that the saying may be true Rex velit honesta nemo non eadem volet and that an vniversal vnion may be as happie in successu as it is most iust by proclamation in inceptu That the head going before the whole body may followe after in imitation to worke out perfection of the desired happy vnion That it may be verified quod diu parturivit tandem peperit what God had in his providēce long purposed is fulfilled in these our happy daies And that by no meanes that of the Poet may be imputed to vs either by disobedience to our head or disagreeing among our selues humano capiti vartas inducere formas Grammarians doe obserue that Metallum is so called quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is post 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is aliud because there is scarcely found no veine of Mettal where is not more of that sort adioyning to it so among English and Scottish they are not to bee thought of the true metalline Mine but as drosse canker corrupting consuming each other which ioine not in the vniversal name of great Brittaine so to continue and dwel togither to grow vp and agree togither seeing nature hath made them all of one kinde forme complexion habit and language growing togither And verily divine is the mistery of vnion whether the provident wisdome of nature from God hath ingendred it or the skil of mans reason hath observed it where one of and in it selfe doth out of it selfe powre foorth innumerable formes of things as Brittaine doth even two kingdomes the principalitie of Wales with many Shires Rivers Ilands and people and yet conteineth them all within it selfe one having many many making one where one of many is not divided against it selfe and the many in one make no division to overthrow the whole but all are the same whither we respect vnion or division And this doubtlesse is a divine power or celestial vertue not only for our purpose but compassing passing through the whole world making things either simple or coniunct but one subsisting by vnder the divine essence which is one and consisting in all his members parts vnited but one where each every part of this vniversall world respecteth the whole otherwise innumerable but brought by vnion to a number without number even beginning of numbers which is but one And this is most agreeing to the conceipte of wisest Philosophers skilful in natures Secret teaching all whatsoever is to be but one and that in the vniversal nature of things there is an agreeing amitie and intermixed affinitie where all the partes of the whole world accorde by one transfused continuat spirit among them being compact togither with one and the selfe-same agreeing force forceable agreement of nature proceeding from one beginning continued by one meane and referred to one end everie particular being knit togither with the whole vniversality diversity of things wrapt vp in one round orbe togither that as partes of this worlde they may dwell in one Center or Circle togither To shut vp many things in few and to shevve how certainely all things are contained in one one doth comprehende all verily in Schooles of Philosophers it is an infallible Maxime that all things are communicated in one Vnum hoc praeque omnibus vnum This one is al in al. Ruunt autem omnia vbi vnitas non firmamentum diffluunt vbi non coagulum The demonstration in our entended purpose is plaine Many villages make one Shire many Shires one kingdom many kingdomes one Imperial Monarchy all which is Brittaine and Brittaine al these and the Kings Maiestie possessing governing Brittaine possesseth and governeth al these and the Subiect knovving Brittaine knoweth al and every of these for al these are one and this one is al these That as this excellent workemanship of Vnion sheweth it selfe in the mightie Masse and fabricke of the whole worlde so much more particulerly and plainely doth it appeare in a modell of the same even in the name and honour of great Brittaine where every Subiect ought cleerely to see in him selfe that though he be tearmed the little world and compact of infinite varietie and multiplicity of things yet is he not two but one man Here let the neere neighbourhoode and coniunction of man and man in mutual societie and participation of profites which man hath with man where two friends are but one and not parting meum and tuum confesse that though they are in person two yet in deede doe with idem velle idem nolle enioy the fruition of heaven with the same aspect the commodities of the earth with the same minde where all things are common to both and yet proper to each one All which things are alleadged to shew that as every kingdome State of the world is vphelde with one and the selfe same power life wherewith the vniversall world consisteth So now it concerneth al every one Subiect both of England and Scotland to participat in the cōmon obedience transfused into al vnder the governmēt of one which duety is neglected of him vvho against the kings designement right against his owne incorporation reiecteth his vniting into the name of Brittaine And in this vnion qui non colligit dispergit Where sacred vnitie is guide and director there even from distinct of nature vse of mutuall societie and good of weale publique many are knit togither inseperably and great and infinite numbers of all Sorts of people are contained in one narrow compasse of neere coniuuction for so the most populous and powrefull kingdomes though two or mo vnder one Soveraigne seeme to be but as one whole body And the whole body of Weale publique in subiection and obedience but as one man sic enim omnes aquoiure parent omnibus imperature And as in al things so specially in this are we bound to render al praise and thanksgiving to that thrice sacred Vnity from whom as from the first author and fountaine is sowen abroad in the world that fruitful seede of cōstant vnitie whose force draweth many of one houshold to be of one minde and is ever doing good in its owne nature keeping Israel togither like a flocke of sheepe Neither is it an hard
in the whole common Weale it is wholly and in every part thereof whither it be of English or Scottish entire Tota in toto tota in qualibet parte As a shining light it sheweth a way for common good and as a reasonable soule giveth vnderstanding to the blindest body to see the full fruition of al worldly happinesse let no man shut his eies against the Sun nor refuse a living soule for his Carcas If I could expresse the image of this vnion in liuely colours I would surely make her a Goddes faire and beautiful having a garland crowne of al blessings vpō her head sitting in a Chaire of State with al good fortunes vertues and graces attending her and as a Goddes in triumphant chariot going into the capitol or temple of mighty Iupiter where also the Poets haue found her but called by another name even Pallas who is also named Monas that is vnitie because having Macrob. one only parent shee resideth in Iupiters braine even in the chiefe seate of his wisedome where al the Muses are her companions so called Musae quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is altogither in one where al the Graces go hand in hand congratulating to vnion their mutual societie where al vertue and knowledge are neere of affinitie but Iustice and government of cōsanguinity to her her selfe stil holding primacy over al as England Scotland are cheerefully looking one towards the other in the name of great Brittaine as the two Cherubins did looke one towards the other in one propitiatory And thy royal state ô great Ezech. 28. Brittaine is as the annointed Cherub And as in the hart of man is placed fortitude in his liver temperance and in his minde Iustice yet al these with al other vertues are annexed to Prudence the common ligament of al so is great Brittaine by vniting al his kingdomes principalities countries and honours the compleate proportioned forme of al and al in it both vniversally and particulerly are fashioned and made fit on every side for happy coniunction and mutual correspondence For this renowned name of great Brittaine standeth in steede of a Loadstone drawing al into one chaining them togither with links of loue as Lisippus made an image of fowre mettals mixed togither gold silver brasse and yron expressing hereby absolute perfection of vertue putting in gold to signifie Prudence silver Iustice brasse Fortitude and yron Temperance whereof they are altogither ignorant as if they had never seene vertue so much as painted who to overthrow vniō in the name of great Brittaine bring no vnion of vertues euen excellencies of many Countries to this so excellent worke But skilful Zeuxes going about to depaint an absolute worke of a perfit virgin tooke not onlie view of one womans beautie but had varietie of many the fairest to accomplish out of al these a more excellent and consummate forme of bodie Shal we not thinke the kingdome of Fraunce containing Pickardy Normandie the I le of France Champaigne Averne Dalphenie Bry Bloys Turin the Dutchie of Aniow Xantoin Burgundie and vniting to it little Brittaine to be more glorious in al these being made one then if but one only of al these were that kingdome Doe we not see that the enlarging of the dominions of Spaine in vniting and establishing diverse kingdomes and territories as those of Aragon Castile and that of Portugal with others hath so enlarged that kingdome as that the like hath not befallen other Christian Potentates Hath not the King of Denmarke beside the Cimbrian Chersonese where Holsatia Theutomartia the Dukedome of Sletia Flensburgh Friesland and Iuthland doe lie other spacious Ilands fifteene in number all comprehended vnder the name Denmarke and vnited to that Crowne Did not Iagello taking to wife in the year 1380. the princes Hedingee the last of the blud Royal of Polonia after he was installed king there vnite al his owne principalities of Lithuania and Samotgathia Provinces of Russia to the kingdome and Esth 1. Crowne of Poland Did not Ahasuerus raigne from India to Ethiopia over an hundred twenty and seaven diuerse Provinces And was not he so mightie by reason of this varietie subiected and vnited to his sole government that hee was an hundreth and fowrescore daies shewing the riches and glorie of his Greatnesse to al his Princes and to the mightie men of Persia Media But to take example of one only Rome for all How hath it beene renowned through the whole world by ioyning al the nations of the world into one euen to it selfe Herehence it was called terrarum dea gentiumque Roma communis patria mundi compendium Omnia Romanae cedant miracula terrae Propertius Natura hîc posuit quicquid in orbe fuit But the Maiestie of this Empire grew so great by adioining other nations and bringing them all into one Haec est in gremium quae victos sola recepit Humanumque genus communi nomine fovit Matris non dominaeritu civesque vocavit Quos domuit nexuque pio longinqua revinxit And againe Fecisti patriam diversis gentibus vnam Dumque offers victis proprij consortia iuris Vrbem fecisti quod prius orbis erat And so may wee say of this renowned name of great Brittaine comprehending vs all of diverse nations in one vnder our gracious King Huius pacificis debemus moribus omnes Quod cuncti gens vna sumus I could set forth and confirme by sundry examples this vniting of many into one and thereby shew that the enlarging of dominion consisteth in vniting altogither into one name and establishing diverse Territories vnder one Soveraignetie and government and that the greater states and Imperial powers of larger extent and far spreading domination are the more durable Arist Pol. and that the Monarchie of great Brittaine is like to be hereafter of more durance strength honor as partly comming vnder our Kings government without conquest or constraint nam errat longè mea quidem sententia qui credat imperium stabilius aut firmius quod vi adiungitur quam quod facilitate clementia so now especially it beeing vnited in the whole then heretofore divided in parts his contexture being of a greater frame thē before holding by more then one naile and vp-holding it s own greatnes even as great buildings endure and subsist by their owne weight as the Poet speaketh Pondere tuta suo est But I thinke it here as needeful to lay open that great fault imputed to Constantine dividing the Empire among his Children whereby of one Empire hee made three and withal a memorable diminution of his authoritie and forces which part Brutus also played dividing this whole Empire of great Brittaine among his three Sonnes of which though two parts afterward namely England Wales were againe in good time vnited yet Scotland stood till now divided from the rest the rest from it till God in special goodnes nowe restored to
former name and government al into one againe for which our King Iames may challendge more glory by vniting al into one thē Brutus or Constantine dividing it from one and though Constantine the great was counted the glory of Brittaine as being borne and made Emperour here yet may that commendation better fit our King Iames then Constantine Tu nobiles fecisti Britanias quod illic ortus factusquees imperator The Platan tree hath many goodly Branches and boughes and leaues in one body and therefore Xerxes in Herodotus crowned him with a golden Garlande doubtlesse there is a deserued glorious garland due to the name of great Brittaine bringing forth many goodly boughes and branches like to the faire and wel spred Platan tree or rather for the height of his honor like the tall and goodly Cedar in whom the dreame of Nabuchodonoser hath beene verified for he saw a tree in the middest of the earth great strong whose height reached vnto the heaven and the sight therof to the end of the earth whose leaues were faire and the fruit thereof much in which was meate for al yea the beasts of the field had Dan. 4. shaddow vnder it the fowles of the aire dwelt in the boughes thereof and al flesh fed of it But Nabuchodonosor heard also a watch crying out mightily hew downe this tree breake of his brāches shake of his leaues scatter his fruit that both beasts and fowles may be put from him neverthelesse leaue the stumpe of his rootes stil in the earth So was the ancient honor and glory of great Brittaine great and mighty high to heaven faire and fruitful of power over the whole Land from one end to the other but the highest who hath power over al did for the sin of the inhabitants hew downe this goodly tree yet left the Stumpe of the rootes in the earth And out of it the tree is growne vp againe to former beautie that we might learne to magnifie the King of heaven as did Nabuchodonosor restored to the honor of his kingdome to his glory and beautie againe to his Counsailours and Princes and to the establishment of his Throne with augmented glorie And here let vs now consecrate to al eternitie the ancient name of famous great Brittaine as a Pantheon of al blessings in peace prosperitie and honor for as Pantheon was a Temple at Rome rounde and like to the capacitie of heaven wherin were put al the images of their Gods So I say in the name and stile of great Brittaine as in a Pantheon are placed al worldly blessings like stars shining from heaven and having their influence into the whole body of common weale euē perfection of beautie in Sion Superstitious antiquity framed false Gods one indued with this vertue and another with that this a wise that a warlike and another a iust God yea for so many vertues they framed so manie Goddesses where one Temple might not be consecrated to two Goddesses but distinct vertues must be worshipped with distinct worship So Val. Max. 1 as Marcellus dedicating one and the same Temple to honor and vertue was thought to offende against religion But our happy and better instructed age reducing al to one as it teacheth vs in religion both nations to be one truely to worship one true and only God so in civil things government it offereth only one aboue and for all that whatsoeuer is seperate and distracted frō it may be counted as anathema excommunicate divorced or as a barren handmaide to be sold to the vsurer vnprofitable imperfit or as it were not at all And now as vniō into the name of great Brittaine is like a Pantheon and bringeth manifolde abundant blessings meeting togither concurring in one so let vs account our selues most blessed in our soveraigne vnitor in whose Royal person and princely Succession is laide vp al our obedience and dwelleth al our happynes even as that worthy Scipio is said therefore to be borne that there might be one in whō al vertue should shew it selfe effectually and absolutely perfect hic est Scipio quē dij immortales nasci voluerunt Val. Max. 6 9. vt esset in quo se virtus per omnes numeros efficaciter ostenderet This is the voice of trueth it selfe England and Scotland are so naturally vnited in the name of great Brittaine that the one neerely alyed to the other can no longer be an alian or stranger one to the other except it may be said that Quia meus est non est meus ipsaque damno est mihi proximitas So this natural coniunction should be no vnion because it is both natural in the Soile and real in the Subiect But albeit the Romanes put into the Temple called Pantheon that precious Macrob. 3. gemme named Vnio divided and cut in two yet we with al our goods and geare ought willingly be borne into the bosome of great Brittaine quae fundit in omnes imperium not distributing vnion into parts but knitting vp al parts into one as Ciceroes orator had al sciences and Aristotles good man al vertues as Cato was counted like perfect in al vertues or as the divine Plato sealed vp in man the lesser world whatsoever vertue was in the whole world or rather as Eden the plentifull Ezech. 28. garden of God sealing vp the summe of all perfection and glorie was fraight and deckt with all manner of precious stones the Rubie the Topaze and the Diamond the Chrysolice the Onix the Iasper the Saphir the Emeraude and the Carbuncle and gold Even now may it be said of this vniversal name of Brittaine as it was saide of Rome Imperij virtutumque omnium lar and virtutum omnium latissimum templum In ancient time it was counted ominous if a stone fell or a dogge came among brethren And Cic. Off. 3. Socrates was wont to curse those who by selfe cōceipts and head-strong opinion attempted to set a sunder those things which nature coupled togither And now if any factious Tribune of the people interpose himselfe to divide vs and to disturbe the peace of Israel thinking there is good fishing in troubled waters and that the honours and benefits they hunt after are attained in perturbata Republica whereof they vtterly dispaire in a peaceable State quia in concordia ordinum nullos se vsquam esse vident verily such are not vnlike Medea who so dispersed her brothers limmes that they could not be gathered againe cuius etiam vultu laeditu pietas as the Mariners at Sea wel obserue in the two stars Castor and Pollux that if one without the other appeare they foresee a troubled Sea but peaceable and quiet without storme and without danger in the sight of both togither The principality of Wales shall witnesse this truth which never receaved any thing more beneficial for the people there then vniting that Country to the crowne kingdom of England For whilest it was alone without his
the day the Lord hath made for vs to reioice and be glad therein For as it is said we owe to God our selues for creating vs when we were not and more then our selues for re-creating and restoring vs when wee vvere lost So ought al good Subiects thinke the daies more happy and ioyful in which they are nowe as it were new borne then those in which they were first borne as is wel said non minus illustres atque iucundi sunt illi dies quibus conservamur quàm quibus nascimur Happie art thou ô Israel ô people saved by the Lorde who is like vnto thee Thou wert lost and art found bond and art free Eclipsed and art glorious dead and art aliue thy name forgotten and beholde it resoundeth even among hard rocks and in the hollownes of moūtaines thy beautie withered and behold thy vallaies stand thicke replenished and adorned with fairest varieties of al good thy yeares forgotten thy feathers plucked and thy strength weakned and behold thou waxest young and lustie like the Eagle yea thine honor the honor of thine ancient name ruined like an old house but beholde it is now repaired and called after his owne olde name even as deliaca navis torne and taken in peeces was renued and built againe to his most ancient forme and called stil deliaca navis Sic rerum summa navatur And albeit worldly kingdomes and civil states seeme subiect to alteration and do carrie in their outward appearance faces sometime shining glorious as the Sun and sometime defaced darkned and deformed conquering and conquered triumphing and enthralled yet the common weale it selfe like the ship before mentioned ruinated and repaired is stil the same even as the Sunne though eclipsed is stil the same and a river sometime shallow sometime deepe stil the same and a man now sicke now in health stil the same Respublica enim semper vt ciuitas est contigua vnâ perpetuâque serie compacta though admit it mutation as our state did long time ever since the first division til this blessed day yet Brittaines cōmon weale was but sicke for a season til health returned into the whole bodie by the glory of the head So as now the first and Ancient common weale of great Brittaine is againe cōformed to his prime estate sound the same like it selfe and is likely so to continue and flourish so long as it retaineth the common band of communitie individual knot of vnitie As Socrates is saide as long as he is Socrates to bee one and the same Whither in childhoode or manhood in infancy or in age the same Socrates But Heraclitus denyed because of the sodaine change of men and things that one man could goe into the same river twice and ill debtors borrowing mony heretofore refuse payment because they thinke them selues not the same men plead the day is past and cannot be againe deluding with that saying Ego non sum ego hodie heri But such conclusions or rather collusions are simple rustical follies as he saith rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis at ille labitur labetur in omne volubilis aevum For howsoever times alter yet truth ever sheweth it selfe as the river Lycus running a long vnder the earth for a long space breaketh fourth againe as is said alioque renascitur orbe The sleepers in Sardos when they awaked Arist Phys thought they had passed no time but we shal be more drowsie and sottish then they if now rowsed from our long sleepe wherein the honourable name of great Brittaine was forgotten we now not open our eies to acknowledge the happynes of these our daies wherein our hearts may leape for ioy to see our most gracious king as a father of peace and procreator protector and perfitour of Subiects ioie sit in Royal seate of great Brittaines most ancient most absolute Monarchy whereby our strength peace wealth and honor is the more increased in that our Soveraigne is the more vniversallie obeyed and we are doubtlesse hereby more blessed thē al our fore fathers of whom we say as Demaratus the Corinthian said that al dead Grecians are deprived of greate ioy in that they lived not to see Alexander in Darius Chaire But comfortably spake hee in the Comedie gaudeo cum video huius generis reliquias and how ioyful is it for vs to acknowledge one an other Brittaines as it was for them brethren in the Comedie which after so long time came to knowledge one of an other yea now for vs to knowe one an other to bee Brittaines by all signes and tokens non naevo aliquo aut crepundijs sed corpore omni And though he may bee pittied which sitteth alone mourning and crying nec mihi cognatus quisquam fuit isto nomine yet may both English and Scottish reioice because neither Sister is a widdow but all their legitimate children are now of one name and one bloud become and borne againe Brittaines as it were by a Pithagorical Palingenesia even twice Brittaines as Hippolitus was called Virbius because hee lived againe and was twice the same man Aeson miratur olim ante quater denos hunc se reminiscitur annos And surely as Plinie saith sparsas laceras gentilitates colligere connectere est vt it a dicam rena sci iubere Thus we say and thus we sing Redeunt Saturnia Regna even the golden age of Brittaines Monarchy is come againe Alter Tiphis altera quae vehat Argo delectos Heroas atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittetur Achilles another governour and chiefe Master of the common weales Ship and another Arke or Argosie as before doth transport the Nobles and Commons both of England and Scotland to fetch the golden fleece which Egbert that Dragon held so long time in his iawes Quondam etiam victis redit in proecordia virtus Now then siquid patriae virtutis if there be in vs vallour of men stirred vp with remembrance of the name and honour of our Country Si quid antiquorum hominum if any drop of our Ancestors blood liue in vs Si quid humanitatis if any touch of brotherly kindnes wee cānot but readily imbrace each other as the ancient Romanes reconciled after long civil war shedding much bloud Iungebant Castra consalut Tac. Hist abant Cives yea and triumph also as they did saying exurgere reviviscere Romani nominis memoria incipit gloria vnlesse it may be saide of vs as of that base minded Vitellius tant a torpedo invasit animum vt si eum principem fuisse Caeteri non meminissent ipse oblivisceretur or it may be said to vs Brittaines descended from Erutus as sometimes to another Brutus in an other sense not here intended Dormis Brute nones Brutus Our Countrie men neighbors of Wales as Chronicles reporte deriue them selues from ancient true Brittaines and doe retaine the Brittish tongue though somewhat mixed
called Camberaec which could never be extinguished by anie attempts of Romanes Saxons Danes Normans that famous Citty London is stil by them called Trenwith of Brutus first named Trenovantō And the Countrey it selfe is called Cambria of Camber Brutus Sonne though we cal it VVales a word imposed by Saxons naming thē VValshe which is strange and many mountaines rivers cities are among thē stil retaining British names extremos pudeat redijsse let vs be ashamed to bee last or backward seeing another Arthur king of all great Brittaine raigneth least we stil seeme overawed and captivated to the Conquerour Egbert his wil and by his beating vs to bee made as base vassals forgetting our selues our names and our Countrie and not daring to challendge or acknowledge them even as that base Slaue Sosia was enforced to yeeld to his Master Mercury Plau. Amph. and say pugnis me fecisti tuum etsi sum ego tamen non credomihi nomen simul abstulit cum forma Neither doe I esteeme the change of name a matter of indifferencie as if it were all one whither we were called Brittaines or cōtinued English and Scottes But in my Iudgement it is reason to alter all into Brittaines because it was our most ancient and is the more honorable name except we wil weare the Badge of slaverie on our sleeue to brag to the world that we are not ashamed to be conquered so to shew our nakednesse and shame which Adam sought to cover when he once saw it Neither in mine opinion is it reason that the now Nobles or Gentlemen of England should delight in name imposed by that Saxon seeing the whole race of Saxons is for the most part rooted out by the Danes and Normanes and none of Saxons blood that vvas Noble or almost but Gentil is left and seeing as Chronicle reporteth it was counted in the daies of the Conquerour a reproach to be called an English man or to ioine in mariage with any of the English which in my vnderstanding is Saxons nation Redit ad authores genus generosa in ortus exurgunt semina suos And verily names and titles are matters of great consideration vnlesse like Varro not caring Aug. de civ 1. 22. for name we should also say that the God whom the Iewes worshipped was but the same Iupiter and common God of other Countries though otherwise called nihil interesse censens quo nomine nuncupetur dum eadem res intelligatur But in the vnion of the Sabins and Romaines as Eutropius reporteth this was especially agreed vpon that the Sabins and Romaines should assume one an others name promiscuously so that by no meanes they should bee distinguished by name Andalbeit among vs custome hath begotten prescription yet we may remember what is wel said in the Commedie nunquam it a quisquam benè subduct a ratione fuit quin res at as vsus aliquid apportet novi vt quae prima putes post in experiendo repudias As in the Romane storie when it was obiected that innovations were dāgerous to the state and nothing was to be done whereof formerly there was no president saith Livi. 1. Dec. 4. lib Canuleius Quid postea nullane res nova institui debet quod nondum est factum multa enim non dum sunt facta in novo populo ea ne sivtilia quidem sint fieri oportet Whilest we of England were put a part from Scotland it was reason wee should haue a name divided and distinguished from them retaine that name and condition as pleased fortune to impose as Andromache saith to her Sonne sume quod casus dedit but being restored in integrum and every part knit togither it is a like reason we returne to our old name say as in the Prophet Hose 2. I will goe and returne to my former husband for at that time it was better for me then now And no man when he hath tasted the new wine but saith the old is better So that as the Romaine Empire first was a Monarchie afterwardes governed by two Consuls and so a long passing through divers kindes of governments til it returned to his former state of Monarchie to be as it was at first even so the state of great Brittaine first was as a Monarchie al governed by one since it was divided but nowe it returneth to his Monarchie againe Moribus antiquii res stat Romana virisque For men wax wearie in time of their present condition and Rome mole laboravit sua or rather and more truely God setteth bounds to al things which they cannot passe even the mightiest powers haue their periods And al worldly kingdomes thus changing after long experience say the first is best and so likewise vt rerum it a verborum interit vsus quem penes est rerum vis norma loquendi But in this case neither the thing nor the name being changed but wee lawfully recovering that which was lost renewing the title of great Brittaine enioying our Coūtry as we did before calling al Brittaines holding al things in the same safety and security vnder name of greate Brittaine as before vnder names of England and Scotland say all and each one to other pascite vt ante boues pueri submittite tauros It is a good and gracious deede to provide for real agreement in al equal coniunction and mutual participation But in my simple opinion it had beene verbo tollere reipsa relinquere only in shew to take away difference but not in deed without vniting both kingdomes into the name and stile of great Brittaine for as he complained Cic. Ep. ad Att. Tirannis occidit Tirannis vivit So if the olde enmity of English and Scottish be removed and yet the names stil remaine I feare that the verie names woulde ever put ill men in minde of olde grudge and incite new variance as is said of one that he was Romani nominis inimicus at deadlie hatred with the verie name where the name is taken for the very cause of hatred As eo nomine hostis for that cause even for name sake he is an enemie even as in Rome when all things vvere accorded and all parties pleased only a name which was in dislike among them was thought hinderance to their mutual Concorde and content Liv. 1. Dec. 2. lib saying nō placere nomen id pericule sum esse id officere id obstare libertati and therefore the Senate perswaded Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus otherwise in al respects approved and beloved of al even for his names sake to forsake his office saying absolve beneficium amicus abi exonera civitatem vano for san metu This I speake least retaining former name of English and Scottish which heretofore hath beene offensiue to each other we cal as before is spoken the ill disposed to former opposition as betweene fire and water even to kindle such a fire in Iacob as wil devour in Israell
and no water shall bee able to quench it in Bethell Where it may be thought more fit to set aside al difference of former names vt exoneremus rempub vano for san metu as it is said of one quod nihil est metuit metuit sine corpore nomē And if any account the feare of name nothing be it also say I nothing yet a man cannot be to careful or feareful of that which is counted even nothing seeing it is said Qui cavet vix etiam cavet dum cavet Let former destructions bee present instructions Offensiue distinction of names hath bred much wo. In Italie faction of Guelphs and Gibelines arose for name sake In Englande much blood for the white and red Rose In Iustinians time feareful division betweene the Veneti and Prasini about colours blew and greene In which grievous contentions arising first of small or no cause but only of difference in name and diversitie of colours deadly hatred is oft times kindled among former friends as against sworn enemies After Phalarides death the Agrigentini made a decree that none should vse glauca veste because the Tirants did vse glaucis subligaculis for they hated whatsoever might remember them of former Tiranny And the Romanes publiquely ordained that no Romane should be ever called after the name of Manlius for because his remembrāce Liv. 1. Dec. 6. lib was displeasing they would haue his name vtterly perish I wish that nomen or mentio ipsa the names English and Scottish borders former feud warres and bloudshed betweene the two nations were not once mentioned within our lips but as nomen Pelopidarum vtterly put out abolished and never heard of as that which is laid vp in silence in the Graue even now that not the least occasiō be left no not in sport or inter ludicra certamina as we haue a name of plaie amongst vs called prison base one part striving for England and an other for Scotland representing vnto vs the variance betwixt both nations lest it proue as that betwixt them two brethren Demetrius and Perseus king Phillips sonnes who in ludicio certamine opposite one to the other with their companies divided on both sides fell in earnest vnto a maine deadly warre one against the other I say as neere as may be these opposite tearmes of Scottish and English should cease except they remaine as only they oughte remaine Epithits pertaining to one name of great Brittaine and to one people Brittaines as al the Iewes of al the several Tribes were called Iacob Gods people and Israell his inheritance And herein seeing as Vegetius saith principis est pro salute Reipublicae nova excogitare antiqua restituere both nations ought ioyfully applaud the late proclamation and in al humblenes of duety submit themselues to the kings Maiesties good pleasure seeking thereby the common good of Weale publique and not his owne glory as they doe who cal their lands after their owne name to get a name vpon earth as Valens the Emperor desired according to his ambitious vaine-glorious humour to call this whole Continent Valentia after his owne name for which thing also Henoch the Son of Caine building Gen. 4. a Cittie was first noted but as a king most gracious not natus sibi sedpatriae as Hadrian the Emperour professed before al ita se rempublicā gesturum vt sciret populi rem esse non propriam thinketh only on the ancient name non tam mutans quam aptans so to roote out remembraunce of former hatred and to vnite both into one Pastor populi non suum ipsius sed Subditorum quaerit commodum officio suo semper fungitur vtilitati consulens societati Chaunge of names hath ever beene thought meete in policie even where men formerlye Strangers and of diverse kingdomes were to bee trained vp togither and framed in fashion one to the other as were giuen to Daniell Hananiah Dan 1. Mishaell and Azariah new and other names And Daniell was called Baltasar and Hananiah Shadrah and Mishaell Mesach and Azariah Abegnego of purpose by changing their names to make these forget themselues their country and if it were possible the God of their fathers And so the Turkes haue from time to time in their pollicie changed the olde names of those places they now possesse which before professed Christianity and when vpon any Conquest they take into their government Christians they impose on them new names to liue like them and as one people among them shal we thinke it a wrong or inconvenience that if a Grecian Prince or other Christian king recover against the Turke they afterward abolish a name imposed on them and calany province people or city after their old and ancient name Et si hoc in arido quid in viridi If this be done ex facto by the children of this world vnto an evil end may not his Maieiestie in his princely wisedome fas estet ab hoste doceri exiure for the vndoubted good of the children of light cal to remembrance and put in Dio. 52. execution the wise councel of Maecenas to Augustus to take away al differences whatsoever even of the meanest thinges which might bee thought on whither of name or apparell or anie thing else to the intent all thinges might bee throughly composed in one vniforme fashion conformitie among al his Subiects to their vndoubted good It hath beene often observed that parva scintilla neglecta magnum saepe excitavit incendium And sores sleightly cured break forth into greater danger And if I might boldly write my mind without mistake I would vndertake sufficiently to proue that if the name had not beene chaunged into great Brittaine it might be feared we should not long as we ought ever continue one that loue being not without dissimulation we would among our selues as is vpbraided to the inconstancie of another nation now not to be here named Ridendo fidem frangere and so loue as that we would hate againe For as a chiefe inhabitant and commander in privernum being asked in the Senate at Rome what peace they should expect Livi. 1. d ee 8. lib auswered sibonam dederitis fidam perpetuam simalam haud diuturnam So here may it be saide if vnion in name bring also in deed a good composition and faithful coniunction bona fide it will doubtlesse by Gods goodnes last ever but otherwise I feare which God forbid may againe rent in sunder and make the newe breach worse then the former And therefore wise was that saying eiusdem iuris esse debent qui sub eodem rege victuri Curt. 10. sunt and that practise of Romulus renowned who by vnion of divers nations eodem nomine et Liv. 1. Dec. 1. lib eodem iure latinos vocavit And hereof grew the Italicum bellum because the Latines vnited in other respects were not ioined eodem iure with the Romanes To speake plaine wee
Terminus refused and would not moue yet let the Termini and bounds of both our nations all the people therein contained willingly giue place to the iust pleasure of their sole Monarch and even in this also acknowledge King Iames their supreame head and governour where obedience in each Subiect is like reconciled Genius vtriusque Regni which though before was as angrie Iuno much adverse to the Romanes yet now like Iuno out of her very image seemeth to speake alowd Romam se velle ire Anger is appeased displeasure forgotten and discorde come to a perpetual ende Nec quenquā incuso potuit quae plurima virtus Esse fuit toto certatum est corpore regni And now the whole common weale odijs saturate quiescit Neither may contention either of antiquity or any other dignity whereabout Albanes and Dionys Ha licar 3. Romaines so much contended and woulde not yeeld one to the other break this common band of loue among our selues or loyaltie to our Soveraigne who imbraceth both nations with equall and indifferent loue But we ought to consider that both English and Scottish quis maior aeque Plau. Menec ambo pares making no question of difference for common good sake without difference may challendge like interest in his Maiesties favor vitula tu dignus hic to be divided equally and graciously among al by Geometrical proportiō as his Maiestie shal bee pleased to deeme meete Which thing may moue al to mutual kindnes reciprocate loue one towards the other with an orderly conformity of both to liue togither in all peace and Christian charitie affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue and in giving honores Rom. 12. goe one before the other as it is said of Scipio and Lelius actuo savitaeiter aequali graedu exequebantur not grudgingly nor contentiously striving for prerogatiue of blessing and birthright in his Maiesties favour as if it might be saide to Gen. 27. his highnesse hast thou but one blessing my father for his Maiesties aboundance and overstowing measure of honour powreth fourth as out of a fountaine streames to fill vp every empty channel nemo ex hoc numero mihi non donatus abibit and where every one may bee contented cuncta aderunt animus site non deficit aequus Herein let vs take example frō the Romane common weale and surely for our instruction may it be said nulla vnquam resp nec maior nec sanctior nec bonis exemplis ditior fuit where Dyonisius Halicarnasseus Lib. 5. giueth vs a straunge shewe of two Consuls Largius and Claelius who both stroue to giue precedence one to the other preferring each other before himselfe and reckning one an others worth before his owne this done two or three several times neither presuming to goe before the other but stil refusing could by no meanes either bee perswaded to take the preheminence one before the other But is any mans eie evill because the Kings eie in speciall and gracious aspect is good Doubtlesse when a king doth not all things ad voluntatem sed ad vtilitatem omnium they which mislike and yet seeme of the same league and society with others doe notwithstanding like Nahaz the Ammonite ioine in commō 1. Sam. 11. covenaunt with others but on condition only that they may thrust out the others right eies Hoccine Liv. 1. Dec 6. lib est in commune honores vocare quaenam ista societ as quaenam censortio est But whosoever entendeth truely the common good let him remember that Solon said the only way to keepe Subiects in vnitie is to mainetaine an equalitie for al for motus as Plato saith is in inequalitate but status and quies in aequalitate which thing is spoken not to breed or maintaine parity in condition of men for that equality were true inequalitie nay iniquitie so to confound the world But these things are alleaged to shew that our gracious Soveraigne may herein I speak vnder favor be resembled to IANVS who had two faces to looke forward to looke backeward for so his Maiestie is set in the middest sole Soveraigne of al great Brittaine to looke on England to looke backe to Scotland and with princely favourable aspect to countenance both Tros Rutulusve fuat nullo discrimine habebo where both being made one common Country that saying may wel befit our common Emperor Hostem qui feriet mihi erit Carthaginensis quisquis erit And there is that equalitie before mentioned distilling from his Grace and Maiestie in honouring and defending both alike Iusta pari premitur Tib ●… veluti cum pondere libra prona nec hac plus parte sedet nec surgit ab illa where none ought striue contentiously least they seeme to offer violence to the kings Grace or to his honor or to both as the Mid wife charged Pharez in making the breach between him and his brother by forcing his birth before his brothers through strife in his mothers wombe whose name therfore was called Pharez which signifieth division But our brotherhood is not in strife as that of Caine and Abell Esau and Iacob Ismael Isaac nor as that of Geta and Antoninus Sonnes to the Emperor Severus after whose death their mother Herodia 4. Iulia was forced to divide the Empire betwixt her sonnes severing and setting them a sunder into seperate governments with a sea betwixt them because of their hot contentions and implacable hatred And God forbid that we should by opposite contentions one against another provoke the common parent of both our nations as those two brethren did their parent Iulia to cry out against vs as shee did against them O my sonnes you haue found the way how to bee severed and divided by sea and land into distinct regiments and as you say the water diuides you one from the other but how will you divide mee your mother How shal I bee divided betweene you both Will you distract me into parts also As them two louers mentioned by Plutarke striving for their loue dum vterque ad se certatim rapere conatur rent her in pieces Let our strife rather be like that of Ephestien and Craterus who Diodor. 17 contended whither should loue their king Alexander most in so much that Alexander was enforced to decide the controversie adiudging that Ephestion loved the king best and Craterus Alexander best So it pleased the king in his sentence equally to divide his loue and so did they both equally strine to loue and after this manner did the Iones and Chij contende in loue to Hercules Paus 7. and Iuda and Israel for David And so I doubte not but our contention is of the like loue dutie towards our Soveraigne but as for hatred and malice amongst our selues so seperating vs that we cannot be mixed togither Dij talia Graijs erroremque hostibus illum Seeing as he said no greater Tacit. de Germ.
being like to one Cittie even one Ierusalem which is a Cittie at vnitie within it selfe Hoc verè Regium duos populos vnum efficere As the king of kings hath in mercy done to Iew and Gentile to Grecian and Barbarian fecit vtraque vnum he brake downe the partition Wall and hath gathered the people and kingdomes togither to serue him dissociata locis concordi pace ligavit And why should not many and moe then two kingdomes as well civilie abide in vnitie of Subiection as many Christian nations continue in vnitie of faith But that the one hath the spirit of God which is authour of peace and louer of concorde directing them and the other the spirit of Satan authour of contention and cause of confusion perverting them Which thing King David well perceaved praying God for his Sonne Solomon that hee might enioye the fuil possession of the whole dominion from sea to sea promised to Israel vnder Moses but not fully obteined till then because of the peoples sins And albeit for our manifold great sins this whole Iland hath been overlong divided into two and forced by former division to many battels much shedding of blood yet we praise God that in these our daies the ful possessiō therof is restored giuen to our peaceable Solomon so as not only al his own subiects even from Sea to Sea of both the kingdomes are in him vnited into one but even the potent powerful neighbour kings seeke peace and make league with Israell even the kings of Tharsis of the Isles bring presents the kings of Sheba Seba brings guifts as in the daies of Solomon This change even the happiest chaunge that ever was from a people so divided from one by Gods eternal decree and special mercy to bee made one biddeth vs open our eies calleth vs a lowd come see speque fideque inquit maiora videbis For our Iland formerly for sin divided as the Echinades Insulae were fained by Poets once far seperate distracted for contempt of their Gods is now become like that Iland Delos which though it floated was tossed sometimes vpon the waters àgente in gentē as one waue forceth another was neverthelesse reported to bee afterwards truly firme and stable Doubtles that God which hath written in the waters the Sea legible for every eie to see read Mare Britannicū who hath continually carried in directing the pens pēsils of al Cosmographers Mapmakers or whatsoever Historiographers whō Alphon sus Siciliae calleth optimos Consiliarios mortuos not to alter the first old name but to cal it in all their writings descriptions Mare Britannicū hath graciously miraculously effected for the lande also that out of the dead ashes of olde great Brittaine should be raised evē the selfe same Brittain as the Phenix living and dying est cadem sednon Lactan. eadem quia ipsa nec ipsa est O admirable Metamorphosis happy change England Scotlād haue left though not lost their names both being preserved in the Bosome of great Brittaine nō duo sunt nec forma duplex but neutrūque vtrūque videtur and of both vs English Scottish being now Brittaines may it be said as of thē two brethren altervter vterque altervter est vterque vterque autem neuter Which I againe call that faire Phenix dying living eadem non eadem quia ipsa nec ipsa est In which excellent wonderful work the rather better to bring to passe the good purpose of vniting the two kingdoms people into one it hath seemed best to the godly wisedome of divine prouidence first long since to knit all our harts in one holy religion in the same service godly worship to make vs al like Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God renewed in Christ and reconciled into one body acknowledging but one God professing but one faith religion the hope of our vocation Whereby we learne cannot but confesse if as Ciprian saith consiliorū gubernaculum lex sit divina that that common Weale best pleaseth God which commeth neerest to the Church of God that wisest Politeans are best Christiās that best governments haue correspondence with Gods lawes that those kingdomes are best ruled the more blessed which are of one heart one obedience even as al are one in Christ who is the head al vnder his government are by one spirite but one bodie Wherfore the good Emperors Theodosius Valentinianus writing to Cipriā Bishop of Alexandria were bold to cōmende their government according to the platform before described saying A pietate quae in deū est Reipublicae nostrae cōstitutio pendet multa vtrinque est cognatio societ as c. Which most excellent patterne and forme of government is after the example of Christ vniting al into one this the Psalmist resembleth to that precious ointment powredon the head of Aaron running down his beard even to the skirts of his cloathing for so doth sweete and precious vnion rest chiefly in the heade which is but one from thence run al along alike to al the parts of the people which are but one But shame on Schisme whither it be civil or ecclesiastical for it renteth the seamlesse Coat of Christ both in the Church and in the Civil state even in the doctrine ceremonies of the one against the truth of God in christian charitie common civillity of the other against the peace of mē Wherfore whosoever opposeth himselfe against the one or other is more vnreasonable may be thought more cruell then the souldiers which would not divide Christs seamlesse Coat but castlots whose it should be saying sortiamur cuius sit For it caunot be denied but that they which divide great Brittaine to haue it divided within and against it selfe divide that for which they cannot say sortiamur seeing cuius is known sit cannot be denied but sortiamur cuius sit must wholly and only be left to king Iames to his royal succession for ever Only let our contention be as was that of Israell and Iudah who should be forwardest in bringing our king vnto the seate of his kingdome so nowe to preserue the possession of his kingdome sartum tectum inseperably vnited to the king iointly vnited and vndivided within it selfe Vnus rex vna lex vnus pater vna communis patria vnum caput vnum corpus Let not privat respects hinder a common good let every man be as one man of one hart one soule vnited to the kings designe for the everlasting good of every one If the king had commanded thee a great thing wouldest not thou haue done it How much more then when he saith be you all of one minde to liue agreeably togither in one vniforme gouernment for your owne vndoubted good Cedat ius proprium regi