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A79864 A rod discovered, found, and set forth to whip the idolaters till they leave off their idolatry (which yet remains in the rulers of England, their ministers, and the people who follow thier wayes) which doth consist in the houses of high places, falsly called churches; the two universities, Cambridge and Oxford, (and their ministers, which are made by man, and not of God) and their ministers maintenance (not the ministers of Christs) which is portions of lands, tythes, offrings, oblations, obventions, and great houses for a certain dwelling place on the earth, and forms of oathes, all which is the fruit of idolaters, and the abomination of the heathen. So likewise here is described the true magistrate and his work; and the way (for he who is not) to become such a one; and likewise, the way for all people to come out of their idolatry, vo worship the true God in spirit and truth. Written by me Henry Clark. Unto which is prefixed the epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Laodiceans. Clark, Henry, 17th cent. 1657 (1657) Wing C4457; Thomason E926_1; ESTC R207580 107,831 79

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and Diocess and of all other Suffragans to worship our Lady MARY the Mother of God our Patroness and Protectoress evermore in all adversity with such like kind of Prayer and accustomed manner of ringing as the Devotion of Christs faithful people is wont to worship her at the ringing of Coure Lesson when before day in the morning ye shal cause them to ring that with like manner of Prayer and ringing she may be every where honored devoutly by the aforesaid Our and Your Suffragans and other subjects as well religious as Secular in your and their Monasteries and Collegiate Churches And they had likewise the Image of St. Petronel and the Image of St. Christopher and the Image of the Crucifix all which and more were worshipped with Profession bowing of the Knees Oblations offering of Frankincense going on Pilgrimage kissings and setting up of Tapers or Images of Wax lighted and burning before them according to a Decree made by Pope Gregory the third at a Council at Rome held in the year 732. Fifthly In the Houses of high places that the Heathen and the Idolatrous Kings of Judah and Israel built they made Altars and reared up in them Ahab he reared up an Altar in the House of Baal 1 King 16.32 Chron. 33.3 and Manasseh he reared up Altars for Baal and a Grove as Ahab King of Israel did whereon they burnt Incense And Jeroboam stood by the Altar and he offered upon the Altar and burnt Incense And so likewise there was in those Houses of high places falsly called Churches here in England Altars and Super-Altars Rails Transubstantiation Reservation of the Lords Body as they called it and Mass Mattens and Evening-song holy Bread and holy Water Auricular Confession Absolution and Blessing and Cursing with Bell Book and Candle and singing of Dirges and playing on the Organs and burning of Lamps Now Now all this stuff and more was fetcht out of the bottomless Pit and turned into Decres to be observed and done by both Priest and people according to the Decrees made by the Popes viz Sebevianus Vitalianus Pelagius Martin and Benidicto the third And the ground and the end of all which doing was but to maintain the filthy lusts of the learned men who were trained up at Oxford and Cambridge to do all these things Sixthly The Houses of high places were consecrated for Pope Felix the third made a Decree That the Churches so called should be made hallowed by none but by a Bishop And Pelagius a Pope he devised a Memento to be used at the consecrating of them And Anselm Arch-bishop of Canterbury by the permission of King Henry the first and about the sixth year of his reign assembled a great Council of the Prelates and Clergy of England together at Westminster in which Synod and other Councils by them it was decreed That no Churches as they called them should be hallowed before the necessary provision be made for the priests and for the Church to be maintained And again the high places that the Heathens and the idolatrous Kings built up M●cca 10.83 84. Amos 6.13 were called by these Names following viz. Dagons House Dagons Temple Baals House and the House of High places that Jeroboam built up was called the Kings Chappel these Houses of high places are falsly called churches chappels Kings chappels Queens chappels Cathedal Churches and according to a device of Pope Felix the third they dedicated their Churches so called one to Christ and that is falsly called Christs Church and one to Peter and that is falsly called St. Peters Church and one to Paul and that is falsly called St. Pauls Church and others are falsly called by Name St. Georges Church St. James Church St. Maryes Church St. Katherns Church St. Bennits Church They might as well a called it Pope St. Benidicts Church and St. Martins Church or alias Pope Martins Church and Pope St. Nicholas Church Quest But some it is very like will say That their Churches are reformed of all such things as is before written To this I shall answer First The Names that was given them at their dedication by the Popes and popish bishops stands still as Christs Church St. Pauls Church St. Peters Church And again they are not yet reformed of all those PICTVRES and Images for still there remains the PICTVRES of men women and children in many of them and especially in and about London of Kings and Queens Earls Lords Ladyes and their children and others and in many places there is made by the Painters and others the likenesses of Angels Eagles Doves Lyons Wolves Hinds Asses Snakes the likeness of Boughs or Trees and the likeness of Water and the likness of the Sun Moon Stars and Firmament And their Churches so called are places of vanity and lightness and pleasures still and likewise they are places of false Worship Deut. 4.16 17 18 19. like the House of Rimmon still and they are Houses of Pictures and the likenesses of creatures is still in them which is contrary to what God did forbid the doing of saying Take ye therefore g●od heed unto your selves lest ye corrupt and make you a graven Image t●e similitude of any figure the likeness of male or female the likeness of any Beast that is on the earth the likeness of any winged Fowle that flyeth in the Air the likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground the likeness of Fish that is in the waters beneath the earth for ye saw no similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb And so yet the Houses of high places here in England were never reformed but in part like those of Israel and Judah that Jeroboam Rehoboam Ahab Manesseh and of other of those Kings caused to be set up were but in part reformed until such time that King Josiah came 1 King 13.1 2 3. according to the Word of the Lord spoken by the prophet when Jeroboam stood by the Altar at Bethel to burn Incense of which reformation I have set down some particulars as followeth For although much of the Idolatry that Jeroboam Ahab and others had set up were pulled down destroyed at several times by other Kings that succeeded them yet the complaint was That the high places was left standing still and not pulled down And so say I that some Kings and Rulers that succeeded the Saxons here in England have reformed many things that the Saxon Kings and others did do but to this day the houses of high places falsly called Churches the Tythes and the Priests remain standing up still like the stump of Dagon For Asa King of Judah did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God for he took away the Altars of the strange gods 1 King 15.14 2 Chron. 14 15. chap. and the high places and he brake down the Images and cut down the Groves that his Fathers had made and Asa removed his Mother
according to all the acts that he had done in Bethel And Iosiah he turned himself and spyed the Sepulchres that were at Bethel in the Mount and sent and took the bones ●ut of the Sepulchres and burnt them upon the Altar a●d polluted it according to the Word of the Lord which the man of God proclaimed by the Altar before the face of Ieroboam as he stood by the Altar at Bethel to burn Incense and he slew all the priests of the high places t●at were there upon the Altars and burnt mens bones upon them And then he returned to ●erusalem and that he might perform the words of the Law which was written in the Book that Helkiah the Priest found in the House of the Lord Iosiah he put away all the abominations that were spyed in the Land viz. the Images and the Idols and the Wizards and the workers with familiar spirits and the times that Manasseh observed too And thus Iosiah he went on and prospered in his work Lev. 26.30 31. Deut. 18.9 to the 14. and made a thorow reformation both in Israel and in Judah for he turned to the Lord with all his might and with all his soul and with all his heart according to all the Law of Moses neither after him arose any like him Here ye may see that King Iosiah did not do as other Kings did before him that is reform Idolatry in Judah and let it remain in Israel and take away Baal the Altar and the Grove and the House of Baal at Samaria and leave the two golden Calves the high place and the Altar standing still at Dan and Bethel which Ieroboam set up Nay he reformed Iudah and Ierusalem Israel Samaria Dan and Bethel Lev. 20.27 and all of the abominations that were spyed in the Land according to the Law of Moses And now ye shall see what reformation hath been made in England since that the Saxon Kings the Danes and other Idolaters built up the high places falsly called Churches Monaste●ies Nunneries Fryer-Houses Chant●y-Houses and Colledges Now the first beginning of any reformation that I find of the Idolatry that they had set up was in the dayes of Henry the eighth wherein a Parliament was called it was enacted and decreed That in causes and matters happening in contention no person should appeal provoke or sue out of the Kings Dominions to the Court of Rome Secondly It was designed and concluded That all exportation of Anuities first Fruits out of this Realm to the See of Rome for any Bulls Breefes or Palles or expedition of any such thing should utterly cease Thirdly It was enacted That the Pope all his Colledge of Cardinals with his Pardons and Indulgences which had so long clogged this Realm of England to the miserable slaughter of so many good men and which never could be removed before was now abolished eradicate and exploded out of this Land and sent home to their own country from whence they came and what reformation was this none at all for all this which they took away from the Pope in a manner was setled upon King Henry the 8th For first they made him Head of the Church as they called it instead of the Pope Their words of the Act are as followeth Be it enacted by this present Parliament That the King our Soveraign Lord his Heirs and Successors Kings of this Realm shall be taken accepted and reputed the onely supreme Head in Earth of the Church of ENGLAND so called Anglicanâ Ecclesia Secondly And shall have and enjoy annexed and united to the Imperial Crown of this Realm as well the Title and Stile thereof all Honours Dignities Preheminences Iurisdictions Priviledges See Foxes Acts Monuments Vol. 2. Authorities Immuniti●s Profits and Commodities to the said Dignity of Supream Head of the same Church belonging and appertaining Thirdly And that our said Soveraign Lord his Heirs and Successors Kings of this Realm shall have full Power and Authority from time to time to visite repress redress reform order correct restrain and amend all such errors abuses offences contempts and enormities whatsoever they be which by any manner of spiritual Authority or Iurisdiction ought or may lawfully be reformed repressed ordered redressed corrected restrained or amended any usage custome forraign Laws forraign Authority Prescription or any thing or things to the contrary hereof notwithstanding Now for my part I see that none of the poor common people were ever the more eased of their burdens onely the King and the Bishops with the rest of the Clergy except their paying of Peter-Pence to the Pope and that was none at all because now the Priests have a Penny for the smoke of every Chimney as the Pope had Now see where the reformation was first That a Bible of the largest Volume and in English be provided and set up in some convenient place of every Church as they called it Secondly The Pater-Noster was to be in English Thirdly Sermons was to be made quarterly Fourthly Such feigned Images but not all which were abused by Pilgrimage and Offerings were to be taken down without delay Fifthly Tho. Bockets day was forbidden to be observed but no other And sixthly The knoling of Aves was forbidden lest the people should hereafter trust to have pardon from the Pope for the saying of Aves between the said knoling as they have done in times past Seventhly The Abbies Monasteries Fryar-Houses were many of them pulled down destroyed And eighthly The Abbots the Monks the Fryars were suppressed but the Popish Bishops viz. Arch-Bishops Bishops and Priests were upheld stil maintained by their goodly Lordships Glebe-Lands Rectories and Tythes as well as when the Pope was the Head of the Church and men and women were burned for Hereticks as they called them then as they were when the Pope was Head of the Church so called And Transubstantiation and the Communion in both kinds and Vows of Chastity and the forbidding of Priests marriage and private Masse and Auricular Confession and all Images which served for no other use but as Books for unlearned men that can no Letters to be admonished by them as they said All such stuffe was left with the High Places falsly called Churches standing without any scruple at all And again in the dayes of King Edward the sixt many or very near all the aforesaid stuffe was laid aside onely the Houses of High Places the Bishops Arch-bishops Parsons Vicars Curates their great Lordships Rectories Parsonages Glebe-lands Tythes first fruits and all these remained still unpull'd down But when Queen Mary came to the Crown and ruled then all that her Father and Brother had reformed she set up again except Abbies Monasteries c. and fell to burning of men and women for declaring against her and her Bishops and the Clargies and the peoples abominations according to the measure of light by them received faster then all the Kings that were before her And Queen Elizabeth she and
and such were never made priests by the command of the Lord but by man onely for Ieroboam he returned not from the evil of his wayes but made again of the lowest of the people priests for the high places and whosoever would he consecrated him and he became one of the Priests of the high places after the manner of other Nations viz. the Heathen 1 Kings 13.33 34. 2 Chron. 13.9 and this thing became a sin unto the House of Ieroboam even to cut it off and to destroy it from off the face of the earth And the Kings of Judah they set themselves against the Lord and agaist his Anointed as the Kings of the Heathen did do so did they for they ordained priests to burn Incense in the high places in the Cities of Judah 2 Kings 23.5 Acts 14.13 and in the places round about Jerusalem unto Baal the Sun the Moon and the Planets viz. Mars Venus Mercury Iupiter and Saturn and to all the host of Heaven after the abomination of the heathen and the Kings of the earth made Iupiter a priest and Pharoah King of Aegypt he had made him priests gave them portions to eat the Land the priests of Pharoah had Gen. 47.22 26 2 Kings 17.13 was not sold with the rest of the Aegyptians and Baal had priests made for him Now in the dayes of these Kings of Israel and Judah God raised up his own prophets and sent them to declare against these priests false prophets which the Kings of Judah and Israel had made for the Houses of high places like unto other Nations and likewise against both the Kings 2 Chron. 36 1● Ier. 25.3 4. the people and the high places too for all had transgressed very much after all the abominations of the Heathen go read and see the testimony that the man of God bare against Ieroboam 1 King 13.1 2 3 4. and of Elijah against Ahab and the prophets of Baal 1 King 18. chap. and the Vision that Isaiah saw in the dayes of Vzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah Kings of Judah Isa 1.1 2 3. concerning Judah and Jerusalem Thy princes said he are rebellious and companions for thieves every one loveth gifts and followeth after rewards And of such priests as they had made he said His Watchmen are blind they are all ignorant they are all dumb Dogs they cannot bark yea they are greedy dogs which can never have enough they are Shepherds that cannot understand they all look to their own way every one for his gain from his Quarters Isa 56.10 11 12. Ier. 1.1 2 3. 2.13 7.31 8.1 2. 19. chap. And Ieremiah to whom the Word of the Lord came in the dayes of King Iosiah and in the dayes of Iehoiakim King of Judah unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah and unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive saying My people have committed two great evils they have forsaken me the Fountain of living Waters and hewed them out Cisterns broken Cisterns that can hold no water they had forsook the Lord and his Commandments and his House at Ierusalem wherein he had placed his Name They have forsaken me said the Lord and have estranged this place both the Kings of Judah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem They have built also the high places of Baal and have burnt incense unto other gods and they have built the high places of Tophet which is in the Valley of the son of Hinnom which I commanded them not and the prophets prophesied by Baal and walked after things that do not profit And said the Lord the prophets prophesie lyes in my Name I sent them not so the Lord by his true prophet Jeremiah Ier. 14.14 Read Ier. 23. chap. whom hee sent himself disown'd those that the kings of the earth had made and sent forth neither have I said the Lord commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesie unto you said the Lord a false vision and a divination and a thing of naught and the deceit of their heart Ye may see that the prophets the priests and the high places that the kings of the earth 2 Kings 17 1●● 15. Ier. 7.31 19.5 who sate and took counsel together and built high places and made priests for them that was such a work and is such a work now as God never required at their hands to do for the Lord disowns all and said Who hath required this at your hands I commanded them not nor spake it neither came it into my minde and those priests they preacht for hire and studyed or divined for mony but such the Lord never sent for see Ezekiels testimony against them Ezek. 13. chap. of Israel And in chap. 22. against both the princes prophets priests and people of Ierusalem And likewise in chap. 34. against the shepherds of Israel And Hosea he bate testimony against them Hos 4.6 7 8 9. 5.1 8.3 4 5. 10.8 And Amos he bare testimony against them Amos. ver And Miaah he bare his testimony against them also Mic. 1.5 ver and Zachariah 11.17 And thus you may here all see how the Lord God by his prophets disowned and abhorr'd the works of the Kings and Rulers of the Earth and peo●le for making Images and worshipping of them and for building up of Houses of high places such as are now called Churches and likewise for their consecrating and ordaining of priests for those high places Well then was it a sin in those days And do not the Kings and Rulers of the earth that do the same things either in whole or in part now commit sin as well as they did And do ye think that the Lord God does not abhor their works now as he did then And do ye think ye Rulers of England priests and people to escape the judgements of the Lord for your doing of such things more then they Or do you think that they were greater sinners then you are I tell you nay for except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish You see that many generations passed before King Iosiah came and what do you think that the Lord cannot raise up the like in England to do the like work here as Iosiah did do and pro●per in it likewise till it is finished I tell you all That your time is drawing on and a reward for your works you shall be sure of for such as you have sown such you shall reap for in a●l that ye have done ye have but sown to the flesh and of the flesh ye shall reape death and destruction from the Lord God Dist 23 ●ist 3. Can. ADRIANUS ● P. FOXES Acts 1 oMnumentt Vol. 1. Constitutions Canons 32 39. And now I shall shew you that read this Treatise what I have read and gathered out of Histories how that the Rulers of the Earth have with the Pope made Cardinals Bishops Deacons Suffragans Priests
persons so offending their aiders comforters counsellors consenters and abettors therein being thereof convinced in form under-written by the Authority abovesaid shall be deemed and adjudged Hereticks and every such offence shall be adjudged manifest Heresie and that every such offender and offenders shall therefore have and suffer judgement execution pain and pains of death by way of burning without any abjuration Sanctuary or benefit of Clergy to be therefore permitted had allowed admitted or suffered and likewise the forfeiture of all the Estate real or personal to the King c. And by the same Parliament it was likewise enacted That Parliament confirmed the Spanish Inquisition The Oath for the Commissioners of the bloody Inquisition That for the more effectual execution of the Premises full Authority of Inquision of all such Heresies c. should be committed and directed down into every Shire to certain persons provided that the Arch-Bishop or Bishop or his Chancellor or his Commissary to be one and that every person that should be named Commissioner in this Inquisition should first take a corporal Oath the tenor of which Oath here ensueth Ye shall swear that ye to your cunning wit and power shall truly and indifferently execute the Authority to you given by the Kings Commission made for correction of Hereticks and other offendors mentioned in the same Commission without any favor affection corruption dread or malice to be born to any person or persons as God you help and all Saints c. All you Rulers and Magistrates of England that swear and take Oaths what spirit is it that teaches you to frame Oaths leads you to swear Oaths and to give Oaths to men or women Heb. 6.16 Exod 22.10 11. 1 Kings 8.31 were they that forged the Oath above-written and sware and required people to take the said Oath guided by the spirit of God so to do yea or nay And again Was that Oath the Oath of the Lord that they had forged to be taken yea or any Did the Pope and his Adherents give or administer the Oath of the Lord to any yea or nay Was the Pope and his Adherents taught by the spirit of God to frame Oaths to be taken yea or nay Or did the spirit of God lead the Pope and his Adherents to swear and to take Oaths against the Saints and Servants of God whom they persecuted to death yea or nay I say Nay the spirit of God neither taught them to make or to forge Oaths neither did the spirit of God teach or guide them to swear by their own forged out of the bottomlesse pit Oaths Neither are Parliaments nor Councils in these our dayes taught by the spirit of God to make Oaths nor doth the spirit of God teach them to swear neither by the Bible or by their hand Iames 5.12 Matth. 5.34 35 36. 23.16 to 22. or by any other creature or part of any creature nor by any of their framed Oaths but the spirit of God did teach and does teach the contrary now as it did in the dayes of Christ and the Apostles which spirit I own and obey but that spirit that frames Oaths which are not the Oath of God and swears and requires people to swear by an Oath forged out of the bottomlesse pit FOX Act. Mon. Vol. 2. L. CROMWEL made Earl of Essex Great Chamberlaine of ENGLAND and Vice-go●●rnor to the King I deny that spirit and its practise for it is not the spirit of God but the power of the prince of the Aire that rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience I have read in the Book of Martyrs of one Thomas Lord Cromwel that in the dayes of King Henry the eigth did this Nation of England a deal of good service as the story of his life death doth relate how profitable an Instrument he was in destroying Abbies Monasteries Nunneries c. and routing out of the Land the works of the Monks Fryars Nuns and other such like brutish drones and pulled down the Rood called the Rood of Grace and all his Engines and shewed them openly at Pauls Crosse with the blood of a Duck which the papists made the people to believe it was the blood of Hailes and other such like pieces of Idolatry and Witchcraft he removed out of the way that the people was seduced by with the learned men of Oxford and Cambridge So likewise he was an Instrument to discover the treachery of the Bishops and the Clergy who had sworn to be true to the King and afterwards swore also to be so to the pope and for the proof of the same he produced a copy of their oath to the pope which was read in the Convocation-House before them and the matter was so plain that they could not deny it And likewise Thomas Lord Cromwell presented the Bible to the King and obtained License that the same might freely passe to be read amongst all his subjects This Bible was of the lesser volume but a Bible of a large Volume began to he printed at Paris with an intent of Marginal Notes to it of which the said Lord Cromwel was a great helper of it forward At which the Clergy was offended and the cursed Bishops bringing their purpose to passe brought Thomas Lord Cromwell out of favor with the King and after to his death For after the six Articles with the penalty annexed to them and the full Authority of the bloody Inquisition was confirmed then the said Thomas Lord Cromwell being in the Council-chamber was suddenly apprehended and committed to the Tower of London and sundry crimes surmizes objections and accusations as they called them were brought against him c. The best of men in their generations have alwayes been counted Hereticks by they who are Hereticks indeed 1. The first and chiefest Article that they had against him to accuse him with was above all others Heresie alias an Heretick 2. That he was a supporter of them whom they counted for Hereticks as Barns Clark and many others who he by his Authority and Letters written to the Sheriffes and Iustices in divers Shires rescued and discharged out of Prison And I say he did well in so doing 3. That he did disperse among the Kings subjects great numbers of Books containing as they said manifest matter of much Heresie Diffidences and Misbeliefe was their manifest Heresie in the Bible that he disperst abroad let the Hereticks themselves answer 4. That he caused to be translated into our English Tongue books comprizing matter expresly against their Sacrament of the Altar and that after the translation thereof he commended and maintained the same for good and Christian Doctrine and good reason he should so do 5. They charged him with some hainous words spoken against the King in their falsly called Church of St. Peter the Poor in the month of March so called in the thirteenth year of the Kings reign which was about 18. years before but
reigned in Jerusalem and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord after the abominations of the heathen for he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his Father had destroyed and he reared up the Altars for Baal and made a Grove as Ahab King of Israel did and worshipped all the host of heaven and he seduced the people to do more evil then did the Nations whom the Lord destroyed before all the Nations and made Judah also to sin with his Idols and he used inchantments Read 2 Kings 21. chap. and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards and observed times Now was not Manasseh one that did forsake the Lord and his commandments and did not he lead the peoplc on seduced them to do wickedly in serving strange gods and worshipping Idols in the houses of high places and thus you may see that the ground and foundation of the houses of high places which we in England call Cathedral Churches Churshes and Chappels was from the heathen and Idolatrous Kings and Rulers and popish Kings and others built up to worship their Idols in now in these our days are upheld in pretence to worship the true God in but I say that God dwells not in temples made with hands neither is he worshipped in them with those that assemble together in them for God is a Spirit and is wor●hipped in spirit and in truth And now I will compare those houses of high places which Jeroboam Ahab Manasseh and the heathens made with those that we have in England which are falsly called Churches and see how far short they have fallen and how far they do now fall short of being the same or such like as they were First The founders or builders of those houses of high places that the Scripture speak of that I have before mentioned were built up by the heathen and idolatrous people at the command of the wicked and ungodly Kings and Rulers of the Earth such as Jeroboam Rehoboam Ahab and Manasseh were and now by hypocritical Kings and Rulers and idolatrous Kings are upheld and maintained So these that we have here in England were all of them built up by the popish Saxon Kings and other Idolaters I will onely instance some particulars of them as I sound them written in our English Histories About the year 604. by two of the Saxon Kings viz. Etholbert King of Kent and Segebert King of Essex was founded the greatest house of high places in London falsely called by the name of the Cathedral Church FOXES Acts Monumen●s Vol. 1. or St. Pauls Church and through the instigation of Etholbert King of Kent a Citizen of London began in the year 614. to build the house of high places at Westminster falsly called a Church And in the year 636. King Gilsus King of the Moreians began and founded the house of high places falsly called a Church at Winchester but it was finished by his son Kenwalcus And about the year 932. by King Athelstone was founded and by him builded the Cathedral at Exceter HOLLINS Chr. pag. 1009. as said Hollingshood in his Chronicle who hath said likewise that it is recorded in the History of the said Cathedral thus as followeth Atholstone the Cornish being subdued returned to the City which anciently was called Monbeton but now Exceter and the●e sitting down Anno Dom. 932. he repaired the Walls of the same City not much torn also he gave a certain pension for the sounding a Monestry for the Monks of the Family of God and St. Peter alias who served God and St. Peter And Hollingshood saith that in the year 1198. Pope Innocent the third established the erroneous Doctrine of Transubstantiation and as it appeareth in the Decratals made it an Article of the Symbole And in the year 1218. his next successor Honorius the third did confirm the same and by a Decree also did establish Reservation Candle-light and praying for the dead by which means the great number of Sacrificing and Massing p●iests did not onely encrease but Churches falsly so called and Chappels began in all places every-where to be builded and erected for to wor●hip Images in and the Saxon Kings and others built Monasteries Abbies Nunneries Chantry-houses and Fryer-houses for their Monks Nunnes Priests Fryars Abbots And thus the founders or builders of your false Churches were Idolaters as those were spoken of in the Scriptures and it was one and the same Spirit of Error and Witchcraft that guided them to do them in rebellion against God for God never required it at their hands to do 2 King 17.12.15 Jer. 7.31 19.5 Secondly The Houses of high places that the heathen and the Idolatrous Kings of Israel built up were built so large for height length and breadth and so strange withall Iudges 16. 1 Sam. 5. that they did contain and hold thousands of people for the House that Dagon the god of the Philistine stood in was so large that it held about three thousand men and women upon the Roof and the House was full of men and women and the Lords of the Philistines were there And Jehu he proclaimed a solemn assembly for Baal 2 Kings 10. 1 Kings 18.22 and Jehu sent through all Israel and called for all the Prophets of Baal and all his servants and all the Priests of Baal and all the worshippers of Baal and they came all into the House of Baal and the House of Baal was filled from one end to another Now the prophets of Baal was in the dayes of Ahab four hundred and fifty men and sure his priests and his servants and his worshippers were many more for the House was filled with them from one end to the other as saith the Scripture So likewise the Houses of high places here in England which are falsly called Churches are for height length and breadth builded so strong especially the Cathedrals and some of the others that above in their Galleries and below they will hold thousands of men yea and the Princes and the Rulers and the Nobles and the Judges and the Priests that preach in them for hire and the Prophets that study or divine for money all in a Parish will but scarce fill them up from one end to the other and another to help them Thirdly The Houses of high places that Jeroboam and Ahab built they had Vestries and Vestments belonging to them and likewise they had men that had the charge over them take one for a pattern of all the rest 2 Kings 10 2● And Jehu said unto him that was over the Vestry Bring forth Vestments for all the worshippers of Baal and he brought them forth Vestments So likewise the Houses of high places falsly called Churches here in England they have men appointed to take the charge of them and their Vestries too who are called by the Name of Churchwardens Vestry-men Clarks and Sexstones and these with Priests and the Vestry-men are the Rulers of
c. but such a work God hath not required any one of them to do but they have in their own wills and by their own imaginations done it for I have read That it was thought good that the Election of the Bishop of Rome should be of no strength without the consent of the Emperor of Rome the Emperor did choose the Bishop of Rome But saith my Author This is now void for now the Cardinal they choose the Pope and the Pope he makes Cardinals and Bishops and the Bishops they ordain the rest with their Assistants viz. their Ordinaries Suffragans Arch-Deacons and by a carnal commandment did they ordain and consecrate them Pope Iohn the thirteenth writ to King Edger in England and willed him to see in his Cathedral Churches that none be promoted to be Bishops but such as were of the Monastical Religion Anno 747. And likewise willed the said King Edger To seclude all the Secular Prebendaries at Winchester to place in Monks And that no Secular Clark should be chosen a Bishop And so in King Edgberts reign Dunston Bishop of Canterbury Oswald Bishop of York and Ethelwaldus Bi●hop of Winchester they discharged the Priests and Cannons out of their Houses to place Monks in their Cells and Cathedral Churches as they called them but in former times the black Monks who went all in black clothes as the priests of England now do that followed the order of pope St. Bennit were called Regulars and Votaries and had nothing to do with any Ecclesiastical Ministry Anno 606. till the time that Bonifacius the fourth made a Decree that Monks might use the Office of Preaching Christening and of hearing Confessions and assoyling them from their sins And in King Edwins dayes the black Monks of Bennits Order began to swarm in England out of which Habite of black clothes the priests of England cannot yet get out of to this day And now seeing that I have mentioned these black Monks of pope Bennits Order I will put forth three Queries for the parish-Ministers so called of ENGLAND to answer with moderation First Seeing that you now in these dayes so many of you go in black Apparel and in long black clokes especially Whether the Chemarims which were certain idolatrous priests who wear black apparel as you may read in the Marginal Note upon the tenth chapter of Hosea and the fifth verse be your example so to do yea or nay Secondly Or whether do ye in love follow the fashion of the black Monks of Pope St. Bennits Order in your so doing year or nay Thirdly Seeing that Anselm Arch-Bishop of Canterbury with the Prelates and Clargy of England in their Synodal Council decreed Hen. 1. and about the sixth yeer of his reign at Westminst That the Garments of the priests should be of one colour and that their Shooes should be decent then I say Whether a black colour was thought to be most decent for the priests ga●ments and if it was then Whether you the priests of England who are now called Ministers do out of conscience at this day observe that Decree and so wear your garments all of a black colour as m●st decent yea or nay The Kings and Rulers of the earth with the pope made for themselves Bishops Danes Danes and Chapters Parsons Vicars Priests Ministers and by their own carnal commandments were they made and not otherwaies as you may see hereafter In the dayes of king Henry the fourth it was agreed upon by the king Statu●o ex Offi●i● Reg. Hen. 4. and the bishops and other lords That no man within this Realm er other of the Kings Majestyes Dominions presume to take upon him to preach privily or apertly without special License firct obtained of the Ordinary of the same place And in the dayes of the said king Henry the fourth Constitutions was made by Thomas Arundal Arch-bishop of Canterbury and others and he directed his Mandate and sent to all and singular as he said our Reverend ●rethren Fellow-bishops and our Suffragans and to Abbots Priors Danes of Cathedral Churches Arch-Danes P●ovests and Cannons also to all Parsons Vicars Chaplins and Clarks of parish-churches as he called them and to all Lay dwelling in his province of Canterbury Greeting That no manner of person secular or regular being authorised to preach now by the Laws prescribed or licensed by special priviledge shall take upon him the Office of preaching the Word of God or by any means preach unto the Clargy or Laytie either within church or without in English except he first present himself and be examined of the Ordinary of the place w●ere he preacheth and so being found a fit person as well in manners knowledge he shall be sent by that said Ordinary to some one chur●h or more as shal be thought expedient by the Ordinary according to the quality of the person Now take notice that all Laws Decrees Ordinances and Constitutions were made and established by the Authority that the kings and bishops had from the pope and by the pope and his authority was all the bishops danes arch-deacons suffragans priors priests vicars chaplains made and ordained here in England An. 25. Hen. 8. chap. 20. For first the king he was to nominate who should be appointed to be bishop to any See or Diocesse within this Realm and that then every person so presented to the pope and by him approved of was to be consecrated here in England by the Arch-bishop in whose province the said bishoprick shall be Read the Act at large An. 26. Hen. 8. cap. 14. but when king Henry the eighth had cast off the pope then it was enacted by the King and the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons assembled in parliament That no person or persons that the King should nominate to be a bishop or arch-bishop in this Realm hereafter should be commended to the pope or to the See of Rome to have the dignity or office of arch-bishop or bishop within this Realm And it was likewise enacted That King Henry the eighth should nominate the person to be bishop or arch-bishop to the bishopprick that shall hereafter be void and that he was to send his Letters Missive to the Prior and Covent or the Dane and Chapter of the cathedral Churches where the See of such Arch-bishopprick or bishopprick shall happen to be void and they was to choose and elect that person whose name was contained in the Letter Missive to the Office and Dignity of the arch-bishopprick and then the party so chosen was to be presented to the King the other bishops was to consecrate him and then he was to be invested into his place And so king Henry the 8th was set in the popes place to be Head of the church An. 26. Hen. 8. cap. 1. and the Defender of the Faith and the same thing that the pope did for the most part he did with his bi●hops and others to help
after they had sung a Psalm the Assembly was to be dismissed with a blessing Canon 33 35. and then they was to give with him a Testimonial of his ordination for the which he was to pay ten shilllings to the Register of the Assembly March 20. 1653. Ordinance O. P. and his Council Can. 39. and Can. 51. And an Ordinance was made by the present Rulers of this Nation for appointing Commissioners for Approbation of publike Preachers that the places destitute throughout this Nation may be supplied with able and faithful Preachers And for this end Commissioners were authorized to judge and take knowledge of the ability and fitness of any person that was nominated and presented to them and before any person was to be admitted to be setled in any Benefice or publike Lecture to preach and to take the stipened or profits thereof he was to be judged and approved one by the persons hereafter named in the Ordinance of whom you may see in the said Ordinance at large First They were to see if the party nominated and presented be a person for the grace of God in him Can. 36. 39. Secondly of his holy and unblameable conversation And thirdly as also for his knowldege and utterance able and fit to preach the Gospel And fourthlyly upon their Approbation of such his ability and fitnesse according to the qualification above mentioned they are to grant unto such Parson admission to such Benefice or Lecture by an Instrument in Writing under a common Seal Can. 41. The Bishops Cannons and Constitutions and the two Ordinances are in part equivolent each with other But in the latter end of the Ordinance they conclude and say It is not intended n●r shall be construed to be any solemn or sacred setting apart of a person to any particular Office in the Ministry of which I let passe for others to judge what difference there is betwixt this solemn and sacred setting apart and fome others in the foregoing generations for the Pope he gave power to the Cardinals who were his Legates and by them to the kings and the bishops And a Parliament they set King Henry the eighth in the seat of the Pope and then the bishops received their power from the King and the Parliament to make Ministers by a carnal commandment and so it continued so long almost as Kings and Queens reigned in England And the Parliament of Lords and Commons they took that power from the late King and his Bishops Articles of Religion 36. to themselves and gave power to an Assembly of Presbyter Divines to make Ministers by but that lasted but until the Parliament was dissolved And since the dissolution of the short Parliamont O. P. and his Council have taken the like Power and given the like power to their Commissioners for to judge and approve of who are fit to be preachers only in those places destitute throughout this Nation So that the Kings Queens and other Rulers of this Nation having got into their hands the same power that the Pope had did and do the same works in effect as the pope did but say I Who hath required this at their hands to do seeing that it is the alone and proper work of Christ to make and send forth his Messengers and Ministers as the Scripture testifieth how that Christ Jesus said unto his Disciples Luke 10.2 Matt. 9 37 38. Eph. 4.8 9 10 11 12. 1 Cor. 12.28 The Harvest truly said he is great but the labourers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest that he would send forth labourers into his Harvest And Christ when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men and he gave some Apostles and some Prophecs and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers And said Paul God hath set some in the Church first Apostles secondly Prophets thirdly Teachers for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ and for the perfecting of the Saints Now I say That God nor Christ did not give that power neither to pope nor to Cardinals nor to Bishops nor to Kings or any other Rulers nor to Councils or Assemblies nor to Commissioners since the dayes of the Apostles neither did he command them nor any one of them to go and ordain men to be preachers for hire nor to make ministers of the Gospel nor to give any man a commission to go to a parish in a city or to a town or to a village and there of the people take tythes and money for their preaching to the value of 100.l 200.l more or less by the yeer this is a work that God never required at any one of their hands to do no more then he did of Ieroboam who for making and consecrating of the lowest of the people to be priests for the high places which thing doing became a sin unto the House of Ieroboam even to cut it off from the face of the Earth 1 King 13.33 34. and to dedroy it Ye may read in the Scriptures that Moses he had a command from God alone for to go and take Aaron and his sons the Levites with him Exod 28 29 chap. to 12 13 14 15. c. Lev. 8.1 2 3 4 c. Numb 8.5 6 19. ver from among the children of Israel that they might minister unto the Lord in the priests office and to do the service of the Tabernacle of the Congregation But who gave Ieroboam and other the Kings of Israel and Judah any command to make priests for the houses of high places And who required any Emperor King Queen or any other Ruler of the Earth to make ordain or consecrate bishops priests ot ministers for to pray read or preach in the houses of high places falsly called churches And Elijah he had a command from the Lord to go and annoint Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-Meholak to be a prophet in his room 1 King 19.16.19 20 21. ver FOXES Acts Monuments Vol. 1. but by what authority did the pope go annoint cardinals bishops c. for did not the Emperor and others choose the pope or popes then had not the pope his command and authority from the Emperor and others and not from the Lord God that commanded Elijah to do what he did Matth. 28.19 20. And Je●us Christ said unto his Disciples All power is given to me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all Nations teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you alway unto the end of the world But the Bishops of England they had their power in the dayes of King Henry the eighth An. 25. Hen. 8. cap. 20. Luke 24.49 Acts. 1.4 and 2.4 Eph. 4.11 from him and the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament to make ordain and consecrate Arch-Bishops Bishops Deanes and Chapters Deacons Priests Ministers
the Lord God will lead you out of all strife and contention and teach you how to agree with your adversaries quickly and to love your neighbor as your self and to forgive your enemies and to live in peace with all men Therefore I say to all people Cease from the Lawyers and follow the Lord wholly who giveth to man every good thing And again I say people Cease from the Doctors for so long as ye follow them ye will never enjoy your healths and come to God who sent his Word and healed the people and delivered them from their destruction Christ healed the woman of her Issue who had spent all that she had and had suffered many things of many Physicians and was nothing bettered but grew rather worse Therefore I say Forsake the Physicians and come to Christ who rebuked the Feaver and it left Peters Wives Mother God he wounds and he heals he kills and makes alive he brings down to the Grave and raiseth up again But some it is very like may say Must we not use the means when we are sick and take something to do us good Yea but I say Wait with patience upon the Lord stand in awe and sin not and if the Lord command thee to go and take a Plaster of Figs and lay to thy sore or to go and drink water 2 King 20.5 6 7. 2 King 5.14 Luke 17.19 or wash in the water and thou shalt be whole then go in the name and in the fear of the Lord and do as he commands and believing in the Lord so shalt thou be made whole Now I say That these three sorts of men for I will put the Doctors and Astrologers together the Priests who are called Ministers the Lawyers and Physicians are all unto the people like the Locusts the Caterpillar the Palmor-worm for all of them will have the peoples money and what the one leaves the other comes after and takes And again I say That these learned men have been ever a generation of persecutors of the people and servants of God and the Scriptures doth testifie with me that those Priests that were made and consecrated by men end the false Prophets were in all generations persecutors of the true Prophets and servants of the Lord which he sent forth to declare his Messages and this I will prove both by Scripture and History to be true For it is thus written in the Scriptures That Ieroboam the son of Nebat King of Israel 1 King 12.31 13.33 34. made at Bethel Priests of the lowest of the people which were not of the sons of Levi for the high places But in the dayes of Ieroboam the son of Ioath King of Israel God sent Amos an Herdsman of Tekoa to Bethel and Amos in the Name of the Lord declared against the high places and said The Land should be desolate and the Sanctuaries of Israel should be laid waste and that the Lord would rise against the House of Ieroboam with the Sword But Amaziah the Priest of Bethel he sent to Ieroboam King of Israel Amos 1.1 7.10 11 12 13 saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the House of Israel and the Land is not able to bear all his words for thus saith Amos Ieroboam shalt dye by the sword and all Israel shall be led away captive out of their own Land And Amaziah the Priest of Bethel said unto Amos O thou Seer go flee thee away into the Land of Iudah and there cat bread and prophesie there but prophesie not again any more at Bethel for it is the Kings Chappel and the House of the Kingdome 1 King 22.11 22 24. ver 2 Chron. 18.10 11 23. ver And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah one of Ahabs false prophets went and smote Micaiah the true Prophet of the Lord upon the Cheek c. And in the dayes of Iehoiakim King of Iudah God sent Ieremiah to go and stand in the Court of the Lords House and God commanded Ieremiah saying All the words that I command thee to speak unto them diminish not a word And Ieremiah said unto all the people that came to worship in the Lords House Thus saith the Lord I will make this House like Shiloh and I will make this City a curse to all the Nations of the earth c. And when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking Ier. 26.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 16. ver Luke 22.2 66. ver Matth. 26.3 4. 2● 1 2. then the priests and the false prophets and the people took Jeremiah saying Thou shalt surely dye And the priests the prophets spake unto the princes and to the people saying This man is worthy to dye but the Princes and all the people said unto the priests and to the prophets This man is not worthy to dye for he hath spoken unto us in the Name of the Lord our God c. And the chief Priests and the Scribes and the Elders conspired against Christ Jesus the Son of God and held a consultation and they and the whole Council took Jesus and bound him and carryed him away and delivered him to Pilate and would not cease till they had got him crucified and put to death for said they We have a Law Iohn 19.7 Act. 4.7 chap. 23. ch v. 2. 25. ch v. 2 3 and by our Law he ought to dye because he made himself the Son of God c. And so likewise in the dayes of the Apostles if any tumult or imprisonment or death fell upon them the Priests the Scribes and the Rulers of the Temple would often have a hand in in it first or last And as the priests and false prophets were that Jeroboam and other of the Kings of Israel and Iudah had made such like persons for persecuting were the Bishops and the Clergy of England who were bred up at the Vniversities of Cambridge and Oxford and such are the priests who are called Ministers in these dayes for I say The same spirit that ruled the Pope Cardinals Bishops c. in the persecution of the servants and saints of God the same spirit ruled the Bishops and the Clergy in the dayes of the Kings and Queens of England and the same spirit rules the priests called Ministers in England now in these dayes as it did them in those dayes Pope INNOCENT the third Pope LEO at RATISBONE See the form of the Spanish Inquisition FOX Act Mon. Vol. 1 2. See the Table of Germany Spain France Italy and other Countreys as well as the English Martyrs JOHN CLARK of Melden in France a Wool-Carder by Trade This latter was done upon him at METZ in LOTHERING 1524. for the Pope in his Councils made Degrees and Canons Institutions for the correction of Hereticks as they called them for whosoever did speak against him his Laws Decrees Canons and Institutions or the Popish Religion in general or particular either by disputing
God and man and the Canonical Institutions in this behalf accustomed That such Hereticks convict and condemned in form aforesaid ought to be burned with fire We command you as straitly as we may or can firmly injoyning you that you do cause the said William Sautre being in your custody in some publike or open place within the Liberties of your City aforesaid the cause being aforesaid published to the people to be put in the fire and there in the same fire really to be burned to the great horror of his offence and the manifest example of other Christians Fail not in the execution hereof upon the peril that will fall thereupon Teste Rege apud Westmonast 26. Febr. An. Regni sui And the like was done upon Iohn Badly a Taylor and Sir Iohn Oldcastle alias Lord Cobham and William Thorp for denying swearing by the Book and saying the Priests had no title to tythes under the Gospel was committed to prison in which it was thought that he dyed Now here I observe that in the Scriptures and in the heart it is written that Christ said Swear not at all and likewise that those Ministers that he sent out to preach the Gospel writ to the Brethren saying My Brethren swear not neither by heaven nor by earth nor by any other oath c. Now Christ that taught men they should not sweare at all he was by the Scribes and Pharisees and the high Priests who taught men to swear counted a perverter of the Nation and was vehemently accused and said that they had a Law and by that Law he ought to dye and they did not cease till that he was put to death And Iames he was by Herod slain with the sword who writ to the twelve scattered Tribes saying Above all things my brethren swear not c. And William Thorpe for denying to swear by a Book at the Pope and his Adherents command was put in Prison wherein it was thought that he dyed And now in these dayes some lye in prison because they will not swear at all Now I suppose that none will be so impudent as to say that Christ and the Apostles were not guided by the spirit of truth but that they will say on the contrary viz. That Christ and his Apostles were guided by the spirit of truth Then I say thus That the Scribes Pharisees and the high Priests and the Pope and his Adherents viz. the Rulers of the earth the Bishops and the Clergy were and are all guided by a spirit of error by which spirit of error the Scribes Pharisees chief Priests the Pope and his Adherents viz. the Bishops and the Clergy and the Rulers of the earth taught men to swear and do teach and compel men to swear by the same spirit of error And again The same spirit which Christ Jesus and his Apostles taught men that they should not swear at all taught many of the Martyrs to deny swearing at the Pope and his Adherents command And the same spirit teacheth us the people called Quakers to deny swearing at all for say we It is better to obey God rather then man and therefore we rather choose to suffer for the name of Christ then to obey man by swearing contrary to the Law written in our hearts by the spirit and by the power of the spirit of truth are we taught and do deny the paying of tythes to the priests of this Nation who are called Ministers or any other and by the power of the same spirit of truth do we so many of us as are called thereunto suffer not only bonds with patience but likewise the spoyling of our goods with cheerfulnesse for the Name of Christ Jesus our Lord our Law-giver our Judge and our Priest for ever of God by the power of an endlesse life and not by a carnal commandment as the priests of this Nation called Ministers are now made by But of tythes I have more to say hereafter and the priests likewise Anno 1540. 31. year of H. 8. April 8. And now I come to shew what an Act was made in the dayes of King Henry the 8th the popes Successor here in England who by the means of Stephen Gardiner was stirred up to shew himself severe and sharp against those new Sectaries Anabaptists and Sacramentaries as they called them and that some Articles might be set forth to confirm the ancient Catholike Faith and for this and other ends through the device of the popes Adherents the King summoned a parliament to be holden at Westminster of all the States and Burgesses of the Realm also a Synod or Convocation of all the Arch-bishops Bishops and other of the learned Clergy of this Realm to be in like manner assembled in which Parliament and Synod of the Bishops and the Clergy and by their means viz. the Bishops and Clergy it was decreed in pretence of unity among the Kings subjects That the six Articles which they had made should be received among the people and withall a penalty to be inflicted upon them that refused them which penalty and the Articles were called the Whip with six strings And the six Articles consisted the first of Transubstantiation The second of their Sacraments of both kinds FOX Act. and Mon. Vol. 2. The third about Priests Marriage The fourth was about the Vows of chastity or Widow-hood The fifth was about private Masse helping of souls out of purgatory And the sixth was about Auricular Confession And for the bloody penalty that was annexed unto those six Articles take as followeth and then judge whether the King and his Bishops and Clergy did not act like the Pope and whether they were not led all by the same spirit as the Pope was led by yea or nay Item That if any person or persons within this Realm of England or any other of the Kinge Dominions after the twelfth day of Iuly next coming by word writing printing cyphering or any other way should publish preach teach say affirm declare dispute argue or hold any opinion that the blessed Sacrament of the Altar under the form of bread and wine after the consecration thereof there is not present really the natural body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ conceived of the Virgin Mary or that after the consecration there remaineth any substance of the bread and wine or any other substance but the substance of Christ God and man or after the time abovesaid publish preach teach say affirm declare dispute argue or hold opinion that in the flesh under the form of bread is not the very blood of Christ or that with the blood of Christ under the form of Wine is not the very flesh of Christ as well apart as though they were both together or by any means abovesaid or otherwayes preach teach declare or affirm the said Sacrament to be other substance then is abovesaid or by any means contemn or deprave or despise the blessed Sacrament that then every such person or
if any such words was spoken as tended to Treason they were Traytors for concealing it so long Read the story of the life and death of THO. L. CROMWEL in FOX Act. Mon. Vol. 2 Here you see what was charged against the man for his good service and for all his good service that he had done the King and the Nation by the means of the blood-thirsty clergy had his head cut off at the Tower-Hill in London One thing I observe at the doing or bringing about this thing to be done is That before time the two Bishops viz. Sardiner Bishop of Winchester and Bonner bishop of London were made friends who before were the greatest enemies each to other that might be and by their means Barns Clark and many others were burned all that was contrary to themselves must be burned in the fire and they so delighted in burning of people that they burned some papists of their own Religion as well as Hereticks as they called them And thus ye may see what a bloody generation these learned men have been who were brought up at Cambridge and Oxford and other schollars and by a carnal commandment of man made Ministers and Preachers for no sooner did any thing of God appear in a King or other Magistrate but these like the red Dragon were ready to deuour that good thing in them For I find that young King Edward was one of a meek spirit Re● 12.4 and much inclined to clemency for he alwayes spared and favoured the life of man and favoured the life of those they called Hereticks for one Ione Butcher should have been burned and all his Council could not move him to put his hand to have her burned but were fain to get bishop Cranmer to perswade him to do it but Cranmer could not with much labour induce the King to do it do but take notice of the Kings answer to bishop Cranmer said the King What will ye have me to send her quick to the Devil in her error And yet although one Cheek the Kings School-Master could not perswade the King nor his council could not perswade him to set his hand to the burning of the woman Yet the bishop like the old Dragon overcame him to put his hand to the writing but Cranmer confessed that he had never so much to do in all his life as he had to cause the King to do it for said the King to Cranmer I will lay all the charge upon you before God So likewise his council sent the said Cranmer then Arch-bishop of Canterbury and Ridley bishop of London to perswade the King to permit his Sister the Lady Mary that bloody Queen to have private Masse in her House without prejudice of the Law for the which they alledged their reasons and perswasions for the accomplishing of the same but the King replyed to them by answering to them from the Scriptures so that they confessed what he said was true But still they like the Devil did urge him to it politickly and alledged what danger it might be to him if he should deny such a thing but the King answered them and willed them to be content for he would said he spend his life and all he had rather then agree and grant to that which he knew certainly to be against the truth Yet notwithstanding they urged him still to grant it and would by no means have his nay whereat the King seeing their importunity burst out in bitter weeping and sobbing and desired them to be content c. And by these two before writ of viz. King Edward and Thomas Lord Cromwell ye may see how those learned men could turn and wind about to destroy the appearance of God not onely in Kings and Rulers but likewise in others and if they could not destroy it one way they would destroy it another and that was by causing their bodyes to be imprisoned wracked whipped hanged burned c. as witness all the Martyrs in Queen Maryes dayes whereof Cranmer himself was one and the same spirit that ruled in those bishops and the clergy ruled in the bishops and the clergy in the days of the late King as witness the cruel sufferings of Henry Burton Iohn Lilburn William Prynne and Iohn Bastwick c. and the same spirit of envy and cruelty reign now in these dayes in the parish-ministers * But not in the Ministers of Christ of England for the Tree is known by its fruit for not only by their deeds but by their words do I judge them to be such as for what I have heard from some of their own mouths I shall let it pass and their deeds to me likewise But by the way take notice what Mercurius Politicus said viz. that several petitions were presented to the House Thursday the 18. day of Decemb. 1657. containing divers complaints against the growth and exorbitances of the people called Quakers and so did Pharoah against the children of Israel was this day read Exod. 1. chap. The first was from the county of Devon and Exceter The second was from the Ministers of Northumberland Durham and New Castle upon Tine but not from the Ministers of Christ And the third was from the Justices of the Peace Gentry Ministers of the Gospel as he said and others in the county of Palatine of Chester and the attestation of the same petition by the Mayor Aldermen and Ministers of the city of Chester not the Ministers of Christ The fourth was from the Mayor Aldermen and Common-counsel of the city of Bristol with the Ministers of the Gospel as he said and other chief Inhabitants there The fifth was the humble petition of divers well-affected persons Gentlemen Ministers he did not say here Ministers of the Gospel and others in the county of Cornwall which said Politicus were all referred to a Committee to consider of them and to collect such heads as may be fittest for a Bill for the suppressing of the mischiefs and inconveniences complained of therein c. And let the prisons in England testifie of the sufferings of those people called Quakers by the means of the Parish-Ministers of England and also the losse and spoyle of their goods for non-payment of tythes and likewise the whipping stocking and stoning of them by the brutes of this Nation above all other Nations for whereever they have yet come the Rulers hath not dealt the like to them as they of their own Nation have done unto them which Nations may be a witness against England in the day of Judgement for the hypocrisie and cruelty in her Rulers and their Ministers c. Quest But it is very likely that some may say They be not all such as thou shewest them to be for some of them are better then others therefore thou must not condemn all to be alike c. Answ I do grant that amongst the Rulers and Magistrates of this Nation there is some that are more sober moderate and discreet
proud nor wanton nor given to filthy lucre to run in the way of Baalam for gifts and rewards neither were they any persecutors fighters quarrellers c. but were in all generations persecuted stoned whipped stocked and imprisoned and put in Dungeons and hailed out of the worlds Synagogues or falsly called churches and brought before Magistrates and by the Devil some were cast into prison many slain which for the most part was done by the means of the priests the false prophets for said Christ O Jerusalem Jerusalem Matth. 23.37 1 Kings 12.4 18.4 22. c. 24 27. v. 2 Chr 24.21 Jer. 20 1 2 3. 26.7 8 11. 28.1 4 6. Amos 7.10 11 12 13. Matth. 26.34 Acts 5.24 25 33. Acts 7.54 58. 12.2 3 4. 14.19 Acts 16 22 23 24. Acts 21.27 28. 2 Cor. 11.24 25 26 27 28. thou that killest the pr●phets and stonest them which are sent unto thee And the chiefe priests and all the people transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen and mocked the Messengers of God and despised his word and misused his Prophets c. Read the Scriptures quoted and see how they were misused and by whom And again the Prophets of the Lord and the Apostles and true Ministers of the Gospel they did not preach for hire nor did they study or divine for money as the false ones did Mich. 3.11 and do still Neither did they seek for gaine from their quarters as the false ones did Isa 56.10 11. and do still Neither did they feed themselves with the fat and clothe themselves with the wool as the false ones did Ezek. 34. and do still Neither did they bite with their teeth nor prepare war against them that put not into their mouths as the false ones did Mic. 3.5 and do still Neither did the true Prophets nor the Apostles or the true and faithful Ministers of the Gospel steal the word from their neighbour and then cry and say Thus saith the Lord when the Lord had not spoken to them as the false ones did Jer. 23.3 chap. 14. v. 19. and do still Neither did the true Prophets and Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel come before they were called nor run before they were sent of the Lord as the false ones did Jer. 14.15 23.32 and do still by a carnal commandment of manl Neither had the true Prophets nor the Apostles and Ministers of Christ any Lands and Houses appointed them by the Kings of the earth for a certain dwelling place upon the earth as said Paul 1 Cor. 4.11 Heb. 11.37 36. as the false ones had Gen. 47.22 26. 1 Kings 18.19 and have so to this day Parsonages Vicarages Rectories and Glebe-Lands here in England which was given to the Pope and his Adherents viz. the Clergy who were called the Church with their high places all together by popish Saxon Kings and others as hereafter shall appear out of their own Records for see the Oration of King Edgar one of the Saxon Kings to the Clergy as followeth in part Fox Act. Mon. Vol. 1. Let said he the great devotion of our Ancestors move you whose Alines the madness of the Clerks doth abuse My Great-Grandfather as ye know gave the tenth part of all his Lands to the Churches and Abbyes And my Great-Great-Grandfather Alferdus of holy memory thought it not meet to spare his Treasures his Goods nor Costs nor Rents that he might enrich the Church My Grandfather the elder Edward your Father-hood viz. the Pope is not ignorant of how great things he gave to the Churches it becometh you to remember with what gifts my Father and his Brothers did enrich Christs Altars c. But by the way take notice of another piece of service that was done by another of those Kings that is Oswald King of Northumberland when he went to fight against Cadwalla set up at Hevenfield in Northumberland an altar and a cross unto which he kneeled down and prayed for victory Anno 635. The Donations and Priviledges granted and given by King Ethelbald to religious men of the Church as he called them It is wont for the most part to come to passe that by reason of the uncertain changing of the times that those things which have been confirmed by the testimony and counsel of many faithful persons without any consideration of reason may be dang●rously and fraudulently dispersed so as to come to nought by the contumacy and dissembling devices of many unlesse they be committed to eternal memory by the Authority of Letters with the testimony of Hand-Writers Wherefore I Ethelbald King of the Marshes for the love of the heavenly Country and a remedy for my soul have foreseen that I must take care that I make it free for some good work in every bond of the beloved for because that Almighty God through the mercy of his clemency without any desert of mine hath bestowed upon me the Scepter of Government therefore I do willingly retribute unto him out of that which he hath given for this cause Whilest I live I grant this Donation That all Monasteries and Churches of my Kingdom be made free from publike charges and labours and burdens excepting onely the building of Towers and Bridges which are no more profitable for any thing at any time Let the servants of God have a peculiar freedom in the fruits of the Woods and fields and in taking of fish Let them not give any gifts either to Kings or Princes unlesse it be of their own accord but let them be free to serve God c. Now followeth the second gift given by the abovesaid King to the Clergy The Priviledges and Donations given by Ethelbald to the Clergy Anno. 844. Our Lord reigning for ever Forasmuch as in our dayes we see dangerous times are upon us by reason of burning of Warres and taking away of our Riches and the most cruel depredations of barbarous Enemies and of the Paganish Nations wasting us therefore I Ethelbald King of the East-Saxons with the Council of my Bishops and Princes have avouched it as wholesom counsel and an uniform remedy That I grant an Hereditary Portion of Lands to God and St. Peter and all the Saints by a perpetual right to be possessed to wit a part of my Land that it may be secure and free from all secular services and tributes to the King both great and small without taxes which we call Witterden and that it may be free from all things for the remission of our souls and of our sins to the serving of God only without any expedition or building of a Bridge or fortifying of a Tower that so they may without ceasing pour out prayers to God for us so much the more diligently to the end that we lessen their servitude in some measure c. So now here you may see by these gifts above written of what persons they were that gave and setled the Parsonage-Lands Glebe-Lands
Vicarage-Lands and other Lands and likewise for what use the parties gave them the end wherefore they gave them and by this you may see how the Kings of the earth provided for the Clergy of their own and the Popes making but for the Prophets and Apostles and Ministers of Christ they would not provide any such things for them but instead thereof they and their Churches provided for them Prisons Dungeons Whips Stocks Bridewells Saws Swords Wracks Fire and Faggots And as for the Messengers and Ministers of Christ that he ordained and sent they would not receive them into their Houses nor their Doctrine neither but those who they ordained and consecrated themselves See Cesar Due by Tho. Bradley D.D. and Minister of Nettlebed in Oxfordshire but not Minister of Christ. or such as were made by a carnal commandment by the Pope and his Adherents or by a Commission of Tryers that come in their own names and not in the Name of the Lord such are received and provided for and called by them Master and a House and Land for a certain dwelling place is prorided for them worth 100. l. or 200. l. more or lesse by the year for the Rectory of Alsford in Hampshire stands in one of the Kings Books at 29. l. a yeer but said Bradley It was let at 450. l. communibus annis viz. one year with another beside a reserve of 30. l. a yeer that the Rector lived in himself And this was not sufficient but the Kings of the earth have taken away from the people and given to their Ministers as their servants to preach them up their Fields their Vinyards and their Olive-yards even the best of them and given them to their servants and the tenth of the peoples sheep and the tenth of their seed and of their vinyards and given them to their Priests Ministers and servants And thus the Kings of the earth have done according as God bad Samuel tell the people the King they asked for would do 1 Sam. 8.1 to the 18. But some it is like will say that the Kings gave their own lands to the Clergy Read Hollinshead Chron. Fox Act. Mon. Vol. 1. But I say How came the Saxon Kings by their Lands here in England that they gave to the Clergy Did they not take it from the people by their Swords And did not William the Conqueror do the like And did not the Saxon Kings and William the Conqueror prove tyrants to the people and treacherous likewise And one thing I do grant that is this That the Kings or Rulers of the earth may with the consent of the people assembled in counsel raise money for the publike good that is for the defence of the Nation and for the preservation of the Nations peace and welfare at home or abroad by Land and Sea and defence of the nations enemies But I say again That the Kings and Rulers of the earth ought not to take away the peoples Goods or the Fruits of their labour nor the increase of their seed nor the increase of their Flock or Herd or their Vinyard to give unto others nor to sell unto others Isa 1.23 Hos 4.6 7 8 9 Lam. 4.13 as some Kings of this Nation have done and taken away from the people the tythes and sold them to Improprietors others they gave to their own Ministers which thing is not good but evil and abomination in the sight of God and the buyer and the receiver are as bad as the seller and the giver But some will say it is like Must not our Ministers be maintained how should they live for they cannot work for they were never brought up to work and they cannot starve Thus I answer That they are big enough and strong enough to work therefore it is now time for them to begin to labour with their hands the thing that is good Act. 20.33 34. 1 Cor. 4 12. 1 Thes 2.9 2 Thess 3.6 7 8 9 10 11. and in the sweat of their brows to eat their own bread for our order is That they that will not work shall not eat provided that they be strong and able to work as your Ministers are and they that set them to work let them pay them their wages out of their own Purses and not out of theirs that own them not And again The true Prophets and Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel that Christ sent they did not take tythes nor gifts nor rewards for preaching nor prophesying for tythes was not the Gospel that they liv'd by But those Ministers that the Kings and Kulers of the earth the Pope and his Adherents make and sent forth they take gifts and rewards and tythes for their preaching therefore they commit sin with greedinesse and do the thing that is not right in the sight of God for God did not require tythes to be paid to those Ministers that are made and sent out by the Kings and Rulers of the earth the Pope and his Adherents but when God required tythes and first fruits to be paid he required that the tythes and first fruits should be paid to the Levites Aaron and his sons whom God did ●et apart to minister in the Priests office Exod. 24.12 Lev. 27.30 to 34. Ioh. 1.17 and for the service of the Tabernacle of the Congregation Exod. 28.11 Numb 3.12 Heb. 7.5 I find in the Scripture that God gave the Law in Mount Sinai unto Moses for the children of Israel to observe and keep even the Law which was a shadow of good things then to come for said Iohn The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Iesus Christ Now I say Deut. 26. chap That Law by which the children of Israel was commanded to pay tythes was given in Mount Sinai to Moses for the children of Israel to observe and keep when they came into the Land of Canaan Heb. 10.1 Deut. 7.6 7 8. 14.2 Ps 147.19 20. And this Law which was a shadow of good things to come was committed unto the people of Israel to observe and keep and to no other Nation for the Lord God had chosen them to be a peculiar people unto himself above all people that were upon the face of the earth and said David He hath shewed his word unto Iacob his Statutes and his Iudgements unto Israel he hath not said David dealt so with any Nation for his judgements they have not known And Paul said Rom. 3.1 2. That unto them were committed the Oracles of God And now I come to write more largely of tythes then hitherto I have written Exod. 34 26 27 28 29. Lev. 27.30 to 34. Deut. 10.8 9 10 11 12 13. 18.1 2 3 4. Deut. 12.10 11 12. 26 1 2. 19. v. 25. c. Lev. 27.30 32. Exod. 34.26 Mal. 3.8 9 10 First I finde that God did not command or require any people to pay tythes and first fruits but only by
of the Disciples Christs Annointed a yoke of bondage which Christ their King and Law-giver hath freed them from as hereafter you may read how the Saxon Kings who governed or ruled this Land About the year 604. they began to build the high places called by the Names of Cathedral Churches Churches and Chappels And about the yeer 635. they began to build up Crosses and Altars And about the yeer 666. they began to build up Abbiet Monasteries Fryar-Houses See Fox Act. Mon Vol. 1. Chantry c And about the yeer 720. King Inas alias Ina King of the West-Saxons made a Law That the first fruits of all that was sown should be paid at the day of St. Martin as he called it And in the yeer 933. King Adlestan made a Law That tythes should be paid of all the proper goods as well of living Cattel as of Corn and the first fruits of the ground c. And in the yeer 940. King Edmond made a Law That tythes with the first fruits of every mans Crop should he duly paid c. And in the year 959. King Edgar ordained and decreed concerning Liberties and Freedoms of the Church as he called it That tythes and first fruits of Corn and Peter-pence be all duly paid c And about the sixt yeer of King Henry the first Anno 1106. Anselme Arch-Bishop of Canterbury by the permission of the King assembled a great Council at Westminster of the Prelates and Clergy of England and amongst other Councils and that it was decreed That no tythes should be given but to the Church so called And in the yeer 1215. Pope Innocent the third sent his Decretal Epistle into England to the then Arch-Bishop of Canterbury by whose means it was decreed That private tythes should be paid at Easter so called And in th● yeer 1274. at a Council at Lateran held under Pope Gregory the tenth a Canon was made in this manner that is Let no man give his tythes where he pleaseth as before but let them be paid to Mother-Church as he called it And in the dayes of King Henry the 8th by his Authority and the Lords spiritual and temporal and the Commons assembled in Parliament an Act was made for the payinng of tythes offerings and other duties of Holy Church Now I say What were these Offerings Were they Heave-offerings or Wave-offerings or Burnt-offerings or Sin-offerings or Trespasse-offerings that were to be paid to the Parson Vicar Curate c. I would have all people to take notice also of the Preamble of the said Act because that Thomas Bradley tells us Tho. Bradleys Book called Cesars Duc. That the Lords spiritual sate in one Parliament in the Vpper-House in great Power and with them in that Parliament twenty six Abbots which together with the Bishops were able to carry a great Vote against the Lords temporal which in those dayes said he were not so numerous and besides there was full convocation of the Clergy sitting and unanimously assenting c. I do not doubt but the Bishops the Abbots and the Clergy would assent to any thing for their own profit right or wrong But wo be unto them that decree unrighteous Decrees and that write grievousness which they have prescribed Isa 10.1 2. and to turn aside the needy from judgement and to take away the right from the poor of my people that the Widows may be their prey and that they may rob the fatherlesse c. The words of the Preamble of the Act are as followeth Forasmuch as many evil disposed persons have attempted to withhold their tythes as well predial as personal An. 27. Hen. 8. ch 20. due unto Almighty God and holy Church and also have contemned and disobeyed the Processes and Decrees of the Ecclesiastical Court of this Realm Be it enacted c. that every subject of this Realm according to the Ecclesiastical Laws of this Church of England and after the laudable usage and custom of the Parish where he dwelleth or occupieth shall pay his tythes offerings and other duties of holy Church c. An. 26. Hen. 8. cap. 1. An. 28. Hen. 8. cap. 11. Now they had made King Henry the eighth the supreme Head of their Holy Church by an Act of Parliament instead of the Pope so that their Churh was as unholy as the Popes was and is for one and the same spirit guided them all in making their unrighteous Decrees for tythes first fruits and offerings c. So in the dayes of King Edward the sixt Personal tythes was the tenth part of a Tradesmans clear Gaius an Act was made for the true payment of all manner of predial Tythes and personal Tythes Offerings Obventions Profits Commodities or other Duties to the Parsons Vicars Proprietories c. Be it also enacted c. That every of the Kings Subjects shall from henceforth truly and justly without fraud or guile divide set out yeeld and pay all manner of their predial tythes in their proper kind as they rise and happen c. And the parsonal tythes was to be paid at Easter An. Ed. 6. cap. 13. and the offerings were to be paid at four offering-dayes or in default thereof to pay the said offerings at Easter then next following And likewise the Parliament of Lords and Commons they made an Ordinance for the payment of tythes c l take their words as followeth Ordinanee of Lords Commons Die Veneris 8. Novemb 1644. Be it therefore declared and ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled That every person and persons within the said Realm and Dominion shall fully truly and effectually set out yeeld and pay respectively all and singular tythes offerings oblations obventions rates for tythes and all other duties known by the Name of tythes to all and every the respective Owners Proprietors Improprietors and possessors Ordinanco of Lords and Com. Dei Luna 9. Aug. 1647. as well Lay as Ecclesiastical persons respectively viz. Parsons Vicars Rectors c. And another Ordinance they made to award trebble damages to the parties complaining of the non-payment of tythes whether minister or other person which Ordinances of the Lords and Commons was renewed and confirmed to stand in force by Oliver Protector and his then Council Ordinance of O.P. and his Council Aug. 1654. by a Clause in an Ordinance made for the ejection of scandalous ignorant and insufficient Ministers and School-Masters And this last parliament that sate have confirmed the said Ordinance made by Oliver Protector and his then Council to continue for three years for the proof of which see their Declaration of Acts and Ordinances made by this last Parliament and assented unto by Oliver protector When thou sawest a thief Psalm 50.18 thou thou consentedst with him and hast been partaker with the Adulterers And now I say In the presence of the Lord God and from his power who bears me witness and whose testimony I bear
said unto them Freely ye have received freely give Go ye preach saying Matt. 10 5. to 14. Mark 6.7 to 12. Luk. 9.1 to 6. Luk. 10.1 to 12 The kingdom of Heaven is at hand provide neither Gold nor Silver nor Brasse in your purses nor Scrip for your journey neither two Coats neither Shooes nor yet Staves for the workman is worthy of his meat And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter enquire who in it is worthy and there abide till ye go thence And he called the twelve and sent them forth by two and by two and they went out and preached that men should repent Christ said to his Apostles that the workman is worthy of his meat Now do but take notice how they were maintained that Christ sent forth said he Into whatsoever City ye enter and they receive you 1 Cor. 9.4 eat such things as they set before you for the workman is worthy of his meat And said Paul Have not we power to eat and to drink Yea Christ gave them power to eat and to drink such things as was set before them by them that did receive them they were to eat and to drink And again said Christ Into whatsoever house ye enter say Peace be unto this House if the Son of Peace be there your peace shall rest upon it and in the same House remain eating and drinking such things as they give for the labourer is worthy of his hire the workman is worthy of his meat And Iesus said unto the twelve When I sent you without Purse and Scrip and Shooes c. lacked ye any thing Luk. 23.35 and they said Nothing And again Christ said unto them Into whatsoever City ye enter and they receive you not go your wayes out into the streets of the same and say Even the very dust of your City which cleaveth on us we do wipe off against you notwithstandithstanding be ye sure of this That the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you 1 Cor. 4.11 12 13. Acts 20.33 34 35. 1 Thess 2.9 2 Thess 3.8 9 10. And so likewise they was to do by a House where they would not receive them nor hear their words for of such they were not to take any thing of nor to abide with them to eat nor to drink for the world was not worthy of them for the world hated them because they were not of the world but of Christ therefore the Kings of the earth nor the Rulers nor the people would not provide for them neither parsonages vicarages rectories nor glebe-lands nor tythes nor first fruits nor offerings nor oblations nor obventions nor hundreds of pounds by the yeer to maintain them with but instead thereof they provided Swords to slay them with 2 Cor. 11.25 26 27. Acts 12.2 3 4. 16.23 24. and prisons to put them in and whips and stocks and stones to stone them to death Now had they been of the worlds Ministers the world would have provided for them for the world loves its own and provides well for them as you may see in these our dayes how the Kings and Rulers of the earth the Pope and his Adherents have provided for theirs here in England but as for those that are now come in the Name of the Lord there is prisons dungeons stocks whips passes stones threatnings and fines provided for them beside beatings and mockings and reproaches and spoyling of their goods But is this the work of the Magistrate to do and to suffer to be done I say nay For he that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God they must be able men men of truth fearing God hating covetousnesse for said David Exod. 28.21 The Spirit of the Lord spake by me the Rock of Israel spake to me his word was in my Tongue The God of Israel said He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God 2 Sam. 23.2 3 4. ver And thus the Magistrates ought to be from the highest to the lowest that ruleth over men and then shall he be as the light of the morning when the Sun riseth even as a morning without Clouds and as the tender grasse springing out of the earth by the clear shining of the Sun after rain c. Now the work of the Magistrate is 1. He is to be a protection to them that do wel that is 1 Pet. 2.14 Rom. 13.3 4. Tit. 2.11 12. Rom. 8.14 Gal. 5.22 23. to such who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit of God now they who walk after the spirit of God are taught by the grace of God to deny all ungodlinesse worldly lusts and likewise to live soberly peaceably honestly righteously and a god-like life and conversation in this present world and they who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God and by them is the fruit of the spirit seen which is love joy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meeknesse temperance and such are the well doers that the Magistrate is to be a protection too for against such there is no law c. 2 Sam. 23.6 7. But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away because they cannot be touched with hands for the man that shall touch them must be senced with Iron and the staffe of a Spear and they shall be utterly burnt in the same place c. Therefore 2. The Magistrate is likewise to be a terror to the evil doers that is to such as are lawlesse 1 Tim. 1.8 9 10. Levit. 20.15 16 27. Gal. 5.19 20 21. disobedient unruly ungodly unholy and prophane murtherers man-slayers fighters quarrellers whores whoremongers adulterers fornicators Buggery Thieves Robbers men-steeaers swearers cursers drunkards lyars cheaters false-witnesses and perjured persons Idolaters witches amongst whom is hatred variance emulation wrath strife seditions heresies and these and whatsoever things else that is contrary to the law that is holy just pure and good are the evil doers that the Magistrate is to be a terror too and for such the Law is made and not for a righteous man and that Ruler that doth contrary hereunto bears the sword in vain c 2 Chron. 19.6 Exod. 18.22 Deut. 1.16 17 e. 16.18 19 20. Exod. 23.3 6 7 8 9. 2 Chron. 19.5 6 7. Mic. 3.9 10 11 12. 3. The Magistrate that ruleth over men are not to judge for man but for the Lord and they are to judge the people at all seasons with just judgement He is not to wrest the law for if he wrest the Law he wrests Judgement which he ought not to do but to judge righteously between every man and his brother and the stranger that is with him he is to hear the cause of the poor as well as the cause of the rich the small as well as the great he is not to respect persons in judgement he is not to countenance a poor