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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A45253 The first part of the young clerks guide, or, An exact collection of choice English presidents according to the best forms now used for all sorts of indentures, letters of atturney, releases, conditions &c. very useful and necessary for all but chiefly for those that intend to follow the atturney's practice / compiled by R.F. ... : and revised by an able practitioner. Hutton, Richard, Sir, 1561?-1639. 1649 (1649) Wing H3842A; ESTC R31658 215,119 372

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T. W. WHereas in Trinity Terme in the twentieth year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles over England c. there was a Judgement had and obtained in His Majesties Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster against A. P. of c. for c. debt and c. damages and costs at the suit of c. These are to require you to acknowledge satisfaction upon the said Judgement and this shall be your sufficient warrant for the same In witnesse c. Another Warrant to acknowledge satisfaction Mr. T. F. WHereas I heretofore retained you my Atturney in His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench at Westminster to sue charge and implead R. E. upon severall Actions and a Habeas Corpus depending against him and whereas you thereupon further proceeded by my direction to the recovery and entry of four severall Judgements the one of 500 l. debt and 7. l. 10. s. and 〈◊〉 d. dammages another c. another c. and the other c. for that I have received full satisfaction from the said R. E. for and concerning all those actions and severall executions by you in my behalf obtained and entred against him by force whereof he remaines Prisoner in the custody of the Marshall of His Majesties said Court these are therefore to will and require you to discharge those severall actions by search or otherwise out of the entry book of the Marshall of that Court or other declarations remaining on file there And further I do hereby direct and authorise you to acknowledge satisfaction upon Record upon the severall Judgements above specified and all other Judgements chargeable against him for my satisfaction and so to release his person out of the Marshals custody from all causes touching me And for the doing thereof this shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge In witnesse c. An Assignement of an Annuity TO all c. T. D. of c. send greeting Whereas T. D. of c. late of c. Uncle to the said T. D. party to these presents in and by one Indenture bearing date c. and in the c. made between the said T. D. Uncle of the one party and B. E and B. C. Gentleman of the other party purporting certaine Uses as in the said Indenture is limited and expressed Did give and grant unto the said T. D party to these presents one Annuity or yearly payment of c. per annum for and during the naturall life of the said T. D. party to these presents to be issuing and going out of the Messuages Lands Tenements c. of the said T. C. the Uncle scituate lying and being in c. to begin to be paid yearly to the said T. D. party to these presents from and after the Decease of A. D. late wise of the said T. D. the Uncle as by the same Indenture amongst divers other things therein contained more at large appeareth And whereas the said A. D. is since deceased Now know ye That the said T. D party to these presents for and in consideration of the sum of c. to him in hand at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by W. P. of c. well and truely paid whereof and wherewith he doth acknowledge himself fully satisfied contented and paid by these presents and for divers other c. Hath given granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents doth fully and absolutely give grant bargaine sell assigne and set over unto the said W. P. his Executors Administrators and Assignes as well the said Annuity or yearly payment of c. as also all the estate right title interest property claime and demand whatsoever which he the said T. D. party to these presents now hath or may can might should or ought to have or claime of in or to the said Annuity or yearly payment of c. To have hold perceive receive take and enjoy the said Annuity or yearly payment of c. unto the said W P. his Executors Administrators and Assignes from the day of the date of these presents for and during the naturall life of the said T. D. party to these presents in such like and in as large and ample manner and form to all intents and purposes as the said T. D. party to these presents now hath may might should could or ought to have and enjoy the same by force and vertue of the said Indenture of uses or any thing therein contained or otherwise And the said T. D. party to these presents for him his Executors Administrators and Assignes doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said W. P. his Executors Administrators and Assignes by these presents in manner and forme following that is to say That he the said T. D. party to these presents now hath full power and lawfull authority to give grant bargain and sell the said Annuity or yearly Rent of c. in manner and forme aforesaid And that neither he the said T. D. party to these presents nor any other person or persons by his appointment or with his consent hath heretofore made any former bargaine sale gift grant assignement surrender extinguishment charge or incumberance of the said Annuity or yearly payment of c. or any part thereof Nor that he the said T.D. party to these presents nor any other by from or under him or with his consent hereafter at any time shall do or commit or suffer to be done or committed any act Deed or thing whatsoever whereby the said W. P. his Executors Administrators or Assignes shall or may be letted or hindered of or in the having receiving and injoying of the said Annuity or of any part thereof And that the said W. P. his Executors Administrators and Assignes shall or may from time to time and at all times from henceforth for and during the naturall life of the said T. D. party to these presents lawfully peacefully and quietly have hold receive perceive take and injoy the said Annuity or yearly payment of c. and every part and parcell thereof to the only use and behoof of the said W. P. his Executors Administrators and Assignes without the let suit trouble interruption or disturbance of him the said T. D. party to these presents or any other person or persons by his act meanes title or procurement And further that the said T. D. party to these presents shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the reasonable request cost and charge in the Law of the said W. P. his Executors Administrators or Assignes do cause procure or suffer to be done all such further act and acts thing and things device devices in the law whatsoever for the further assuring of the premisses to the said W.P. his Executors Administrators and Assignes for and during the naturall life of the said T. D. party to these presents As by the said W. P. his Executors Administrators or Assignes or by his
Namely of one hundred twenty and four Chaldron of Coles valued at one hundred and two pounds two shillings and nine pence forty thousand of Oaken Billets at c. Six Horses six Carts with their furniture Cole-sacks Lighters Planks Cole measures and new and old wheels about the yard valued at c. All which did amount in the whole to the summe of three hundred two pounds five shillings and nine pence and did commit unto him the said I. C. the use occupation and mannaging of the said stock of Wood and Coles and of the summe of one hundred ninety seven pounds fourteen shillings and three pence of lawfull money of England to be laid out in buying of wood and coles to make up the whole stock five hundred and two pounds to be used managed imployed and supplied from time to time by him the said I. C. at the said Wharfe for the terme of seven years then next ensuing if the said J. and I. should so long live upon such conditions covenants and agreements and in such sort as were mentioned expressed and contained in certain Articles of agreement indented bearing date the sixteenth day of August 1637. in the said thirteenth year of his said Majesties Reign made between the said I. G. of the one part and the said I. C. of the other part as in and by the said Articles at large it doth and may appear And whereas it is agreed that the Agreement in the said Articles shall cease and be determined and that the said I. C. shall have hold retain and keep the said stock of goods and money to his own use in consideration of the summe of c. of lawfull money of England agreed to be secured to be paid by the said I. C. to the said I. G. at certain daies agreed upon Now this Indenture therefore Witnesseth That the said I. G. for the consideration aforesaid Hath granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said I. C. all the said stock of goods and money before mentioned formerly delivered into the hands of the said I. C. as aforesaid and doth also remise release and for ever quit claim unto the said I. C. all actions accompts claimes and demands whatsoever touching or concerning the same stock of goods and money or any part thereof To have and to hold the said stock of wood coles money and other things before mentioned and every of them unto the said I. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof and as his and their own proper Goods and Chattels for ever And the said I. G. for himself his Executors and Administrators and for every of them doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said I. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and to and with every of them by these presents that he the said I.C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and may from henceforth for ever peaceably and quietly have hold and enjoy the said stock of goods and money and the same and every part thereof to dispose and convert to his and their own proper use and behoof without the let suit trouble claim or disturbances of him the said I. G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them or of any other person or persons whatsoever claiming by from or under him them or any of them or by or under or by reason of his their or any of their act or acts right title interest means or procurement c. In witnesse c. An Assignment of a Lease of a Messuage divers plats of Grounds with Buttals and Boundals severall Covenants c. with an Exception c. THis Indenture made the c. day of c. Anno Domini 1632. and the eight year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charls c. Between S. H. of c. Gentleman of the one part and F. L. of c. Esquire of the other part Whereas Sir John T. late of c. Knight and Baronet deceased and the late right honourable N. Lord Tufton and Earl of Thanet by the name of Sir T. N. Knight Son and Heir apparent of the said Sir John T. now also deceased by their Indenture bearing date the thirtieth day of May in the fifteenth year of the reign of our said Soveraign Lord King Charls over England c. for the consideration therein expressed did demise grant and to farm-let unto E. W. of c. his Executors and Assigns all that the Messuage or Tenement shed and plat of ground scituate lying and being in Chick-lane c. containing by estimation one hundred foot in length from the North to the South and in bredth forty one foot from the East to the West The Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure of I. W. lying on the East side thereof and the said Chick-lane on the North side thereof And the Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure of one R. S. on the West and South sides thereof And also their part of one Messuage or Tenement or shed and parcel of a Ground lying and being in Chick-lane aforesaid containing by estimation fourscore and twelve foot in length and in bredth eighteen foot the Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure or occupation of one A. B. on the West side thereof the said Chick-lane on the North side thereof and the Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure or occupation of one H. S. on the South side thereof and then or late before in the tenure or occupation of the said A.B. his Assignee or Assignees and all and singular the Messuages Tenements Houses Edifices Buildings Rooms Shops Cellers Sollers and voyd ground unto the said Messuages or Tenements shed and plats of ground before mentioned to be demised belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold to the said Edmund Waight his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Feast of th' Annunciation of the blessed Lady S. Mary the Virgin last past before the date hereof unto the full end and term of thirty and one years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yeilding and paying therfore yearly during the said Term unto the said Sir I. T. yearly during his life and after his decease to the said right honourable N. Lord T. and Earl of Thanet his Heirs and Assigns the full sum of eight pounds of lawfull money of England at two of the most usuall Feasts or Terms in the year That is to say at the Feasts of S. Michael the Archangel and th' Annunciation of the blessed Lady the Virgin Mary by equall portions as by the same Indenture more plainly may appear And whereas by certain other Indentures bearing date the said thirtieth day of May made between the said Sir John T. and the said N. Lord T. and Earl of Thanet by the name of Sir N. T. Knight on the one