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A41236 Festa Anglo-Romana, or, The feasts of the English and Roman church, with their fasts and vigils being an exact and concise accompt of their various etymologies and appellations, with the reasons and grounds of their celebration : together with a succinct discourse of several other grand days in the universities, Inns of courts, and the collar and offering days at White-Hall, tending, to the instruction of all persons in all capacities, and the dilucidation of several seeming difficulties in the ancient, as well as modern English and Roman calendar / by a true son of the Church of England. True son of the Church of England. 1678 (1678) Wing F821; ESTC R7435 34,996 146

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third in the year following Holy-Cross or Holy-rood-Day St. Matthew On the 21th of this Month is Celebrated the Festival of St. Matthew Heb. Reward an Apostle and one of the four Holy Secretaries of the most Sacred Gospel He was by Birth a Jew by Profession a Publican or Toll-Customer was at length Converted and became a Disciple Apostle Euangelist and Martyr He wrote the Gospel of Christ in the Hebrew Language and delivered it to James the Brother of our Lord who was at that time Bishop of Jerusalem He Preached in the Kingdom of Aethiopia where he was kindly entertain'd by the Eunuch Chamberlain or Chief Governor to Candace Queen of Aethiopia as it is Recorded in the Acts of the Apostles Acts the 8th 27th and was so successful in his Teaching that he prevail'd and perswaded Aeglippus the King and his People to be Baptized but after his Decease there succeeded him one Hyrtacus by name who Detested the Apostle and therefore Commanded him to be run through with a Sword which was accordingly done Anno Dom. 71. This is one of His Majestie 's Collar-Days without Offering St. Michael the Arch-Angel The 29th of this Month is the Feast of St. Michael Heb. who is like God the Arch-Angel who figur'd Christ or Michaelmas that is a Solemnity or Mass in honour of St. Michael Prince of the Heavenly Host and one of the Nine Orders of Angels aswel to Commemorate that famous Battle fought by him and them in Heaven against the red Dragon or the Devil and his Apostate Angels Apoc. 12. in Defence of God's Honour as also say the Romanists to Commend the whole Church of God to their Patronage and Prayers and by them 't is nam'd the Dedication of St. Michael because there is a Church at Rome dedicated on that day to St. Michael by Pope Boniface This is one of King Charles his Offering-Days at His Court of Whitehall And on this day also the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the year ensuing is Elected There is another Feast observ'd by the Romanists call'd the Apparition of St. Michael and is in Commemoration of his Wonderful Appearance on Mount Garganus where as the Papists fondly flatter themselves by his own appointment a Temple was Dedicated to him in the time of Pope Gelasius St. Luke October the 18th is a Day Consecrated to the Memory of St. Luke Heb. Taken the Euangelist Syria was the Place of his Nativity by Profession he was a Physician of Antioch after that an Euangelist and the Holy Penman of the Acts of the Apostles in their Peregrination but especially of St. Paul's He died at Ephesus in the 84th year of his Age where he was inhum'd Anno Christi 74 and was together with Andrew and Timothy Translated to Constantinople many years after in the Reign of Constantius Son of Constantine the Great but Nicephorus the Historian says that he was Hang'd on a Green Olive-Tree This is one of His Majestie 's Collar-Days without Offering The 21th of this Month Dedicated to Ursula Lat. a little She-Bear The Name of a Female Saint heretofore of great Honour and still continued in the Calendar and this Day was kept solemnly in Commemoration of a Famous Religious British Virgin who notwithstanding the Tenderness of her Sex and her Zeal for the true Religion was most Inhumanly Martyred under Attila King of the Huns styled Flagellum Dei a Bloody but Valiant Scythian who over-ran Italy and Gallia and at the Perswasion or rather Intreaty of Pope Leo retired into Hungary St. Simon and Jude The 28th is the Festival of St. Simon and Jude Simon Heb. Hearing or Obedient sirnamed Zelotes Gr. Fervent was born in Cana a Town of Galilee the Son of Mary and Cleophas as Euseb affirms L. 3. C. 11. and taught the Gospel in Aegypt and Persia from thence he returned and succeeded St. James in the Bishoprick of Jerusalem where under the Reign of the Emperor Trajan he was Crucified in the 120th year of his Age and consequently the last Martyr of all the Apostles St. Jude Heb. Jude Judah and Jehudah all three signifie Confession called also Thaddaeus and Lebbaeus Preached the Holy Gospel to the Edessaeans a sort of People of Edessa a City of Syria and throughout all Mesopotamia he was Murdered at Berytus a City of Phoenicia in the Reign of Agbarus King of Edessa according to the most Authentick Tradition where he was very Honorably Sepulchred in the year of our Lord 21. This is one of His Majestie 's Collar-Days without Offering The next day after being the 29th is a day whereon the Elected Mayor for that year accompanied with the Aldermen of London on Horseback to the River of Thames and the Companies of Freemen wait upon him in Barges with Drums and Trumpets to Westminster and there he walks with the Aldermen round the Hall and then goes up to the Exchequer where he is Sworn and returns to the City and at his Landing he is waited upon by several Companies of Soldiers and several stately Pageants are erected and carried about in a Triumphant manner All Saints November 1st Begins with the Festival of All Saints or Allhallows and this time is commonly call'd Allhallontide T is a Solemnity in Honour and Memory of all the Saints as the Papists maintain that so at least they may obtain the Patronage and Prayers of them all since the whole year is much too short to afford us a Particular Feast for every Saint All Souls The next day Novemb. 2d is All-Souls a Day Instituted by the Church of Rome in Commemoration of all the Faithful departed this Life that by the Prayers and Suffrages of the Living they may be discharged of their purging Pains and at last obtain Life Everlasting to this purpose the Day is kept Holy till Noon Hence proceeds the Custom of Soul-Mass Cakes which are a kind of Oat-Cakes that some of the Richer sort of Persons in Lancashire and Herefordshire among the Papists there use still to give the Poor on this Day and they in Retribution of their Charity hold themselves obliged to say this old Couplet God have your Saul Beens and all Both these days were of such eminent observance with our Ancestors that they still continue no Court-days at Westminster-Hall but are the Lawyers and Judges Holy-days All-Saints is one of His Majestie 's Offering-Days at Whitehall and one of the Houshold-days when the Besant is given by the Lord Steward or one of the other White-Staff-Officers November the 5th commonly call'd Gun-Powder-Treason-Day Anno 1605. and in the third-year of the Reign of King James in England of Happy Memory of which take this Brief Narrative Collected out of Sir Richard Baker in the said King's Reign The 19th day of March-was a second Parliament appointed to sit at Westminster the said Parliament beginning the King made a long and Loving Speech to both Houses wherein he signified the Cause of his Calling it but in the time when it should
hard Eggs and Green-sauce The Robigalia and Ambarvalia of the Antient Romans did after their Heathenish manner in something resemble these In●●itutions They were call'd Robigalia from Robigus one of their numerous Deities to whom they ascribed the preserving of Corn from Blasting therefore these Feasts were sacred to him particularly And Ambarvalia quòd victima arva ambiret because the Sacrifice to be offered at that time did walk round the Fields May the 21th 1662. K. Charles was Married at Portsmouth to Donna Catarina Infanta of Portugal by Gilbert Bishop of London May the 22. is a Feast dedicated by the Romanists to one Julia a Holy Devout Virgin and is placed in their Rubrick not mention'd in our Calendar Holy Thursday or Ascension-Day The next Feast celebrated by our Holy Mother the Church is Holy-Thursday or Ascension-Day which is the 40th day after Easter or his Resurrection call'd Holy-Thursday because so Holy a Work was perform'd on this Holy-day and Ascension-day in memory of our Saviour's Ascension into Heaven in the sight of his Apostles and Disciples then present Acts 1.9 there to prepare a place for all true Christians being preceded by whole Legions of Angels and attended by Millions of Saints whom he had discharged set at large out of their imaginary Prison of Limbo as the Romanists fondly conceive In short and in truth this Festival of Christ's Ascension is the Consummation of all he did and taught during his Residence here upon Earth and therefore it was not without great reason termed by the Antients Felix Clausula totius Itinerarii Filii Dei the Sabbath or Consummation of all his labour in the Great and stupendous Work of Man's Redemption This is one of his Majesties Offering-dayes Next comes the 6th Sunday after Easter call'd Exaudi from the beginning of the 27th Psalm Exaudi Domine vocemmeam c. The Week after Ascension-Day is Expectation-Week for now the Apostles were earnestly expecting the promise of our Lord If I go away I will send the Comforter to you Jo. 16.7 King Charles 2d Nat. May the 29th is Celebrated upon a double account first in Commemoration of the Birth of our Soveraign King Charles the Second the Princely Son of his Royal Father Charles the First of happy Memory and Mary the Daughter of Henry the 4th the French King who was born the 29th day of May Anno 1630. and also by Act of Parliament 12 Car. 2. by the Passionate desires of the People in Memory of his most Happy Restauration to his Crown and Dignity after 12 years forced Exile from his undoubted Right the Crown of England by Barbarous Rebels and Regicides and on the 8th of this Month his Majesty was with Universal Joy and great Acclamations Proclaim'd in London Westminster and after throughout all his Dominions the 16th he came to the Hague the 23th with his two Brothers Embarqued for England and on the 25th he happily Landed at Dover being received by General Monk and some of the Army From whence he was by several Voluntary Troops of the Nobility and Gentry waited upon to Canterbury and on the 29th 1660 he made his Magnificent Entrance into that Emporium of Europe his Stately and Rich Metropolis the Renowned City of London On this very day also Anno 1662. the King came to Hampton-Court with his Queen Catharine after his Marriage at Portsmouth as is before mention'd This as it is his Birth-day is one of his Collar-days without Offering Pentecost or Whitsunday After this succeeds the Grand Solemnity of Pentecost or Whitsunday Pentecost from the Greek because 't is the 50th day from Easter or Christ's Resurrection and Whitsunday or White-Sunday from the Catechumeni who were apparell'd in White Garments and on the Eve of this Feast admitted to the Sacrament of Baptisme But Verstegan affirms That it was of old nam'd by our fore-fathers Wied-Sunday or Wihed-Sunday because Wied or Wihed in the Saxon Tongue signifies Sacred Now this Festival was antiently celebrated among the Jewes on the 50th day after the Passeover in the memory of Promulgation of the Divine Law of God on Mount Sinai and our Whitsunday is kept 50 dayes after Easter by all True and Good Christians to commemorate the Mission of the Holy Ghost on that day which descended on the heads of the Apostles in Tongues resembling fire Act. 2.3 who is the only and most Infallible Interpreter of the Divine Law This is one of his Majestie 's Offering-dayes and a Houshold-day when the Besant is given by the Lord Steward or one of the other White Staff-Officers and all the Holy-dayes in Whitsun-Week are Collar-days without Offering Ember-Week follows Whitsun-day which is one of the 4 Grand Seasons of the Year as is before specified at large Trinity-Sunday Trinity-Sunday falls next in course which is always the Lord's day following and the Octave of Whitsunday so nominated in Honour of the most Blessed Trinity and to signifie unto us that the holy Works of our Redemption and Sanctification which were then Consummated are common to all Three Persons in the Trinity This Festival was first Instituted by Gregory the 4th who then sate in the Episcopal Chair in the year of our Lord 827. It is one of his Majesties Offering-days at White-Hall St. Barnabas June the 11th St. Barnabas the Apostle comes next in the Calendar commonly call'd Barnaby The Name is Hebrew signifying Son of the Master of Prophecy or of Comfort The proper Name given him at his Circumcision was Joses for Joseph by a sweeter Termination or Cadence From the Apostles he received the Sirname of Barnabas He was born in the Isle of Cyprus an Island in the Mediterranean between Cilicia Syria and Aegypt whose Ancestors fled thither for their greater safety in the Tumultuous and Distracted Government of Antiochus Epiphanes or as some imagine when Pompey with his Romans Conquered Judaea He descended of the Tribe of Levi his Parents were Opulent and Pious he was committed to the Tutelage of the Great Doctor of the Law Gamaliel at whose Feet he was educated with his Fellow-Pupil St. Paul He was an Eye-witness of the Miracle in the Cure of the Paralytick at the Pool of Bethesda which soon convinced him of the Divinity of our Saviour He was one of the 70 sold all his Lands on Earth to Purchase in Heaven and when God gave Saul his Fiat for an Apostle's Place they two were Joynt-Commissioners for the Church Fellow-Travellers Consorts and Zealots for Christ c. Dr. Brough on the Fest And both Preached the Gospel in Seleucia Salamis Paphos Cyprus Perga in Pamphilia and here Mark the Son of Barnabas his Sister Mary whom they took with them as their Minister and Attendant weary of this Troublesome Itinerant Life departed from them which occasion'd the unhappy Difference between these two Apostles Paul and Barnabas afterwards they Travell'd to Iconium Lystra Derbe and so back to Antioch and then they parted with some discontent because Barnabas would take
in Honour of those Chains wherewith Herod caused St. Peter at Jerusalem to be bound from which he was disengaged by the Angel of God Acts the 12th by the sole Touch whereof not only the fore-mentioned but many other Miracles were wrought nay some of that Church are so superstitiously Credulous as to believe their Miraculous joyning together many years after into one intire Chain with those Iron Fetters wherewith the Holy Apostle was loaden when he was Imprisoned at Rome August the 5th in some of our ancient Calendars is known by the name of Gowrie's Conspiracy and tho now omitted the reason thereof you shall soon understand yet it was kept very devoutly in the Reign of King James as a Day of Thanksgiving to the Almighty for his Deliverance from the Treacherous Conspiracy of the Gowries in Scotland The Story runs thus as Baker relates it in his Chronicle p. 382. out of which take this Abstract The Earls Gowry Marre Lindsey and others Invited the King to the Castle of Reuthen in the absence of the Earl of Arran and Lenox and there detain'd him not permitting him to walk abroad all his Trusty Servants they remov'd from him and Compel'd the King by Letters to Queen Elizabeth to approve and allow of this his Thraldom After his Mother Queen Mary had sent to Queen Elizabeth complaining of the Usage of her Son he himself sent Colonel William Steward and John Colvill to the Queen of England and after the Death of Lenox in France the Surprizers being lifted up in their Conceits thinking they had him safe enough he on a sudden tho scarce 18 years of age with some few others convey'd himself to the Castle of St. Andrews to whom the Nobility Repair'd with Armed Bands fearing some danger might befall him afterward with fair words he advised some of his Surprizers to go from Court to avoid Tumult promising them Pardon if they would crave it but Gowry only asked Pardon and submitted himself using this Distinction that he had not offended in Matter but in Form and farther Baker saith p. 384. that Gowry was tried by his Peers at Sterling Anno 1600. where being accus'd of many Treasons tho he gave colourable Answers to them all yet was found Guilty Condemn'd and Beheaded whose Head his Servants sewing to the Body committed to the Grave Baker farther saith p. 428. At this time Anno 1603. the King forgat not a Deliverance he formerly had which tho it were in Scotland yet he would have notice taken of it in England which was this his Deliverance from the Conspiracy of the Gowries on the 5th of August 1600. three years before and thereupon Friday being the 5th day was by Commandment appointed to be Holy-Day with Morning-Prayer Sermon and Evening-Prayer read with Bonefires at Night which was then and after during his Life solemnly observ'd August the 6th is the Transfiguration from Transfiguro Lat. to change shape a Feast Celebrated by the Papists in Memory of our Saviour's Transfiguring himself upon Mount Thabor and shewing a Glimpse of his Glory to his Apostles St. Peter St. James and St. John And his Face saith the Text shone as the Sun and his Garment became white as Snow Matth. 17.2 and in them also unto us for our encouragement to Vertue Perseverance in Faith and mutual Love one toward another St. Laurence The 10th of this Month is a Day Dedicated to St. Laurence Lat. flourishing like a Bay-Tree the same as Daphnis in Greek who was Deacon to Pope Xistus then sitting in the Chair at Rome a very Zealous Person according to Tradition for the Catholick Cause who thereupon in the Primitive times was by the Cruel and Barbarous Pagans most inhumanely Broyled on a Gridiron for the Faith of Christ which Martyrdom he suffered with undaunted and matchless Fortitude This is in the Roman but not in our Rubrick The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary The 15th of this Month is The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of the Holy Jesus so call'd from Assumo Lat. to assume or take up 't is observ'd in Memory of her being Assum'd or taken up as the Papists confidently maintain into Heaven both Soul and Body after her Dormition or Dissolution and this is a constant Tradition of their Church This is also in the Roman not in our Rubrick St. Bartholomew The next is the Festival of St. Bartholomew solemnized on the 24th of August The Name is Chaldee and signifies the Son of him that makes the water ascend He was Nephew as some maintain and Heir to a King of Syria yet both an Apostle and Martyr He Preached the Glad Tidings of the Gospel to the Indians where he by the Command of Polemius King of India was sorely beaten with Cudgels the first day the next Crucified and Excoriated or flean alive while he was fastned on the Cross and finally still breathing and alive Beheaded in the year of our Lord 51. For this Reason it was named Duplex Festum some observing the 25th as we the 24th of August Here was a Complication of Punishments for no Crime at all This is one of His Majestie 's Collar-Days without Offering The 29th is the Decollation of St. John Baptist Beheaded by Herod at the request of Herodias which we have praementioned in the Festival of St. John Baptist Septemb. the 2d On this day hapned that Dreadful Conflagration of the City of London about one of the Clock in the Morning Anno 1666. beginning at the House of one Mr. Farryner a Baker in Pudding-Lane near New Fish-Street which consumed in four days time the greatest part of this Flourishing Metropolis 'T is supposed to be fired by one Robert Hubert of Roan in Normandy with one Peidloe the chief there being in all 23 Complices as he confessed for which he was hang'd at Tyburn and dyed a Roman Catholick Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary The 8th of this Month is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Heb. Exalted or from Marah as some conceive i. e. Bitterness which is a Festival observ'd by our Holy Mother the Church in Commemoration of her Happy and Glorious Birth who brought into the World the Author of all Life and Salvation our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Holy-tood-Day or Holy-Cross The 14th is the other Holy-rood-Day or Holy-Cross the Invention of the Cross being on the 3d of May which we have given you an account of 't is call'd Holy Cross or the Exaltation of the Cross in Memory of the Exaltation or setting up the Holy Cross which was found by St. Helen as we have already acquainted you by Heraclius the Emperor who having regained it a second time from the Persians after it had been given over for lost the space of 14 years carried it on his shoulders to Mount Calvarie and there Exalted it with more than ordinary Solemnity Then follows the Ember-Week according to the Rule before laid down Post Cineres c. this being the