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A33419 The Clerks vade mecum, or, A choice collection of modern presidents according to the best forms extant, and such as have not formerly been printed : containing all sorts of bargains and sales, leases, mortgages, grants, covenants, surrenders &c. : usefull for all persons that have relation to the practick part of the common law ... / fatihfully perused by T.P. T. P. 1655 (1655) Wing C4651; ESTC R25308 386,429 737

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him and his heires doth give grant bargain sell and confirm to the said C D and E F all that Tenement c. And also all and singular messuages mils houses buildings structures barnes stables dove-houses gardens orchards tofts crofts curtelages lands tenements meadows feedigns pastures rights jurisdictions franchises priviledges liberties fruits profits commodities advantages emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtenances by what names or additions of names they are called reputed named or known situate lying and being arising increasing or growing within the Villages fields places parishes or hamblets aforesaid or within any of them to the said tenement and other the premises above by these granted bargained and sold or to any of them in any wise belonging or appertaining or as member part or parcel thereof at any time heretofore accepted known occupied used or reputed As also the reversion and reversions whatsoever of all and singular the said tenements lands and other the premises above by these presents granted bargined and sold expectant and depending of in and upon any demise or grant demises or grants for term or terms of life lives or yeares or otherwise made of the premises or any part thereof And also all and all manner of woods underwoods and trees whatsoever of in and upon all and singular the premises above by these presents granted bargained and sold or upon any part or parcel thereof growing or being and all the reversion and reversions thereupon whatsoever As also the rents and yearly profits whatsoever reserved upon any demise or grant of the premises by these presents before bargained sold or of any parcel thereof made And the rents and yearly profits of all and singular the premises above by these presents granted and of every parcel thereof As fully freely and intirely and in as large and ample manner as the late King c. by his Letters patents under the great Seal of England made doth c. the same all and singular the premises above by these presents granted c. with the appurtenances amongst others to him the said A B his c. for ever lately hath given and granted the same as by the same Letters patents amongst others more fully appeareth Excepting neverthelesse alwaies and out of this present grant reserved all Advowsons Donations free dispositions right of patronage of all and singular Churches Vicarages Chappels and other benefices ecclesiastical whatsoever to the said premises above by these presents granted c. or to any parcel thereof belonging or appertaining To have hold and enjoy the aforesaid tenement c. and all and singular other the premises above by these presents granted c. with all their appurtenances and the reversion and reversions whatsoever of all and singular the premises and every of them except before excepted to the said CD and E F and to the heirs of the body of E F. the remainder thereof to the right heirs of the said C D for ever To be holden of the said late King his heirs successors as of his Manor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent by fealty only in free and common Sockage and not in chief nor by Knight Service and the aforesaid A B and his heires the said tenement all singular other the premises above by these presents granted c. with all their appurtenances to the aforesaid C D and E F and to the heires of the body of the said E F lawfully begotten the remainder thereof to the right heirs of the said C D for ever to the only proper uses and behoofs aforesaid against him the said A B his c. will warrant and for ever by these presents defend And also the said A B doth covenant and grant for him his c. by these presents to and with the said C D and E F their c. and with every of them That he the said A B his heires c. aswel all and singular the premises above by these presents granted c. with the appurtenances and every parcel thereof as the aforesaid C D and E F their c. and every of them of and from all statutes merchant and of the staple recognizances former bargains leases grants and other charges and incumbrances whatsoever by him the said A B or by any other person or persons by the assent consent commandment or procurement of the said A B before the sealing and delivery of these presents in any manner had made acknowledged or granted besides the services and charges by or in the said Letters Patents for the premisses reserved or mentioned at all times hereafter will for ever acquit exonerate and keep har●●esse by these presents And lastly the aforesaid A B hath made ordained constituted and in his place by these presents put F G and L M Gentlemen his true and lawfull Attorneys joyntly and severally to enter in his stead for him and in his name into the aforesaid c. and other the premisses by these presents granted or into any or some part or parcell thereof in the name of the whole And full and peaceable possession A Letter of Attorney to deliver Seisin and seisin of and in the premisses with the appurtenances for him and in his name to take after such possession and seisin so thereof taken and had to deliver full and peaceable possession and seisin of and in the same premisses with the appurtenances or of some parcell hereof in the name of the whole to the said C D and E F or either of them or to their certain Attorney or Attorneys in that behalf according to the form and effect of this present Indenture to them thereof made Ratifying and confirming all and whatsoever his said Attorneys shall do or either of them do in the premisses or in any part thereof by these presents In witnesse c. A Surrender to the King of a Lease for years TO all Christian people to whom this present Writing shall come P E of c. sendeth greeting c. Whereas our Soveraigne Lord King Charles by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England dated at Westminster c. for the considerations in the same Letters Patents expressed and specified Hath demised granted and to farme let to the aforesaid P E amongst other things All that his manner of L with all the rights members and appurtenances thereunto in his County of I. and all Houses c. as in the said Letters Parents And also the reversion and reversions whatsoever of the said Mannor Lands c. and all and singular other the premisses with all their appurtenances and every parcell thereof All and singular which premisses with the appurtenances to the late Monastery of X then dissolved did heretofore belong and appertain and were parcell of the possessions thereof to have and to hold all the said mannour lands tenements meadows feedings pastures rents reversions services Courts Leete view of Frankepledge perquisites of Courts and all and
singular other the premisses above recited and by the same Letters Patents demised and granted with all their appurtenances except as in the said Letters Patents are excepted to the said P E his executors and assignes from c. untill the full end and terme of c. then next insuing and fully to be ended Rendring yearly to our said late Soveraigne Lord the King his heires and successors of and for the said Mannour with the app●rtenances c. of lawfull English money at the feasts of c. to the hands of our Bayliffs or Receivers of the premisses for the time being by equall portions payable during the terme aforesaid thereout by the said Letters Patents above recited granted as by the same Letters Patents more fully appeareth Now know ye me the aforesaid P E for divers good and reasonable causes and considerations me in this behalf especially moving To have given granted surrendred and confirmed and by these presents for me and mine heirs to give grant surrender and confirme to our said Soveraigne Lord King Charles c. All my right estate title terme of years interest and demand of me the said P E which ever I have had have or in any wise hereafter may have of or in all and singular the messuages houses buildings lands tenements hereditaments meadows feedings pastures commons rents and all and singular other the premisses scituate lying and being coming growing or arising in X aforesaid in the said County of I and of and in every parcell thereof with all their appurtenances to the said late Monastery of X heretofore belonging or appertaining by vertue or colour of the aforesaid Letters Patents above recited To have hold and enjoy the aforesaid messuages houses buildings lands tenements hereditaments meadows feedings pastures commons rents and all and singular other the premisses with all their appurtenances in X aforesaid in the said County of I. and all my right estate title terme of years interest and demand of me the said P E of and in the same premisses in X aforesaid with their appurtenances to our said Soveraigne Lord King Charles his heirs and successors to do therewith at his and their will and pleasure In witnesse c. A Surrender of a lease for lives to the King TO all Christian people to whom this present Writing shall come W D c. greeting Whereas our Soveraigne Lord King Charles by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England dated at Westminster c for the considerations in the said Letters Patents mentioned and expressed Hath given granted and to farme letten to me the said W D M H and A L all those Tenements c. And all and singular houses buildings structures store-houses stables chambers shops cellers solars wayes void grounds springs easements lands meadows feedings pastures commons profits commodities advantages emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever in W or elsewhere to the premisses by the said Letters Patents afore demised or to any of them in any manner belonging or appertaining or thereout growing or arising or with the same or any of them then heretofore for the severall rents by the same Letters Patents reserved demised disposed used or occupied being either as part parts or parcels of the premisses had known or reputed Except neverthelesse alwayes and to our said Soveraigne Lord his heirs and successours altogether reserved all great trees woods underwoods mines and quarries in the premisses To have and to hold all and singular the premisses by the said Letters Patents demised with all their app●rtenances except before excepted to the aforesaid W D and his assignes for the terme of his life and after his decease surrender or forfeiture Then our said Soveraigne Lord willeth and granteth by the same Letters Patents that all and singular the premisses by the same Letters Patents demised with all their appurtenances except before excepted should wholly remain to the said M H and his assignes for the life of him the said M H And after the decease surrender or forfeiture of both the said W D and M H then our said Soveraigne Lord the King hath willed and granted by the same Letters Patents that all and singular the premisses thereby demised with all their appurtenances except before excepted should wholly remain to the said A L and his assignes for the terme of his life Rendring yeerly to our said Soveraign Lord the King his heirs and successours of and for the aforesaid Tenement c. of lawfull English money at the fe●sts c. at the Receit of the Exchequer or to the hands of his Bailiffes or Receivers of the premisses for the time being by equall portions to be paied during the severall termes aforesaid And after the decease of each of the said W D M H and A L deceasing Tenants in possession of the premisses then rendring and paying to our said Soveraigne his heirs and successours sixty shillings of lawfull c. of him who should so die in the name of a Herriot And whereas in the same Letters Patents a certain Proviso is contained amongst others That if the said W D at any time during his life would surrender the said Letters Patents and all his right estate and interest of and in the premisses by his Writing sealed with his seal to our said Soveraigne Lord the King his heirs and successours in Chancery That then and from thenceforth the estate and interest of the said M and A and either of them of and in the premisses should cease and from thenceforth the said Letters Patents should be void and of none effect in law any thing in the said Letters Patents to the contrary thereof notwithstanding any Statute Act Ordinance provision proclamation or restriction to the contrary thereof then before had made published ordained or provided or any otherthing cause or matter whatsoever in any wise notwithstanding as by the same Letters Patents amongst other things more fully appeareth Now know ye me the said W D for divers good causes and considerations me at this present especially moving To have given granted and surrendred and by these presents To give grant and surrender to our said Soveraigne Lord the King his heirs and successours the aforesaid Letters Patents and all my right estate title claime terme of life or yeers interest and demand whatsoever which I have had have or in any manner may or ought to have of and in the aforesaid Tenement c. and of and in all and singular the lands tenements and hereditaments by the said Letters Patents demised and of and in every part thereof by vertue or colour of the said Letters patents to me the aforesaid W D and the aforesaid M H and A L as aforesaid made To have and to hold to our said Soveraigne Lord the King his heirs and Successours to do therewith at his said Majesties good will and pleasure for ever In witnesse whereof c. A Grant of Indenization to Aliens borne CHarles by the Grace of God
after the date within writtten procure obtaine and get of C F c. in his owne name a good lawfull lease and grant in the law of and in one Tenement c. and of all that pasture lease interest and terme of yeares as the said H B hath obtained or before that time shall obtaine procure or get of the said C F of and in certaine tenements c. in G c. in such manner and forme as by the Councell learned in the law of the said C D. at the costs c. of the same C D his executors c. shall be reasonably advised or devised and if in case the said tenements and other the premisses so to be conveyed to the said C D his c. shall at any time after such conveyance had and made bee evicted or recovered out of or from the possession or occupation of the same C D his executors c. before the end and expiration of such term of years as shall thereof be granted to the same A B. or if the said C D his c. shall not or cannot by force of such lease conveyance and assurance as shall thereof bee made in manner and forme aforesaid quietly and peaceably have hold occupie and enjoy the said tenements according to the tenor of the same conveyance Then if the said A B his executors c. do within ten dayes next following such eviction recoverie or interruption well and truly content and repay or cause to be repaid unto the said C D the said sum of 100 l. c. abating deducting and defaulking out thereof for every year that the said C D his executors c. shall have hold and occupie the said tenement and other the premisses only six pounds ten shillings of c. That then c. To save one harmless of a baile in the Kings Bench. THe condition c. That if the within bounden A B his c. do at all times hereafter and from time to time cleerly acquit exonerate and discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and keep harmlesse the within named C D his heires executours c. and all and singular his and their goods chattels Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever as well against E F of L c. his executours c. and every of them of for and concerning one assumpsit baile or recognizance wherein and whereby the said C D at the speciall instance and request and for the meere and onely cause of the said A B is and standeth bound as pledge and surety of and for the said A B in his Majesties Court c. at Westminster as by the Records thereof it doth and may appear as also of for and from all and all manner of actions suits troubles costs dammages judgments extents executions and hindrances whatsoever which shall or may at any time or times hereafter happen come grow or be unto upon or against the said C D his heires executours c. goods chattels lands tenements possessions or hereditaments of him the said C D for or by reason of the said assumpsit bail or suretiship as aforesaid That then c. To acknowledg satisfaction upon a judgment in an information THe condition c. That where an information was exhibited by A B c. for and in the name of our Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie that now is against C D of c. in his Hignesse Court at Westminster called c. for and concerning the transporting of gold and silver out of this Realme of England into parts beyond the seas contrary to the lawes and statutes in that behalf made and provided whereupon judgment was given with the Kings Majestie and the sum of fifty pounds recovered against the said C D and thereupon a fieri fac ' awarded and directed to the Sheriff of the said Countie of S for the leavying of the said summe of fiftie pounds and where the said C D by the hands of the within named E F hath paid to the within bound A B the summe of fortie five pounds in full satisfaction and payment of the cause aforesaid and of the summe of fiftie pounds and of the execution thereupon to be had If therefore there be a sufficient and lawfull acknowledgment of satisfaction had and made in due forme in the said Courts called c. of and for the said sum of fifty pounds in such sort as the said C D and the sureties of the said C D standing bound in the said Court for and ●●●cerning the same and everie of them and th● 〈◊〉 c. of them and of every of them and th●●s and every of their goods chattels Lands Tenements and hereditaments shall be utterly discharged thereof before the fourth day of M. or of this present terme of c. And in the mean time if the said C D and his said sureties and also the now Sheriff of the said Countie of E and his undersheriff and everie of them be well and sufficiently saved and kept harmlesse ●s well against our said Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie as against the said A B and all other person and persons of for and concerning the foresaid judgment execution and sum of fiftie pounds and of every part and parcell hereof That then c. For delivery of wool THe condition c. That if the within bounden A B his c. in consideration of the sum of fiftie pounds c. to him at the ensealing and deliverie of these presents by the within named C D well and truly paid doe well and truely deliver or cause to be delivered unto the within named C D his executours c. the number and quantitie of fiftie todde of Wooll good and merchantable without any manner ot refuse whatsoever of the growth of the countie of N. of the like goodnesse and finenesse as anie one man shall have of this yeares growth and growne within five miles of C. at or within the house of c. between the 14th day of A and the fourteenth day of I. next ensuing frank and free without any thing thereof to be given or paid by the said C D his executors administrators or assignes Tha●●●e● c. That the Lessee shall pay the rent reserved by his Lease THe Condition c. reciting the demise of the Lease and the Reservation of the Rent of c. as by the same Indenture of Lease more plainly at large it doth and may appeare If therefore the said C D his executors c. or any of them do at all times hereafter for and during so long time of the said term of 20 yeares before mentioned as he the said C D his executors c. or any of them shall or may lawfully and peaceably have hold occupie possesse and enjoy the said premises and every part thereof so mentioned to be demised by the said Indenture of Lease as aforesaid well and truely pay or cause to be paid to the said A B his c. or any of
summe of c. according to the forme and effect of the Proviso and Condition hereafter mentioned shall and will upon reasonable request unto him or them to be made in that behalf convey and assure an estate of all and sigular the said premisses with all and singular their and every of their appurtenances unto the said I H his c. at his and their costs and charges in the Law to the use of the said I H his c. during the term of c. with warranty only against him the said VV P and his heirs and against all persons any thing claiming in by from and under the said VV P and also deliver up unto the said I H his c all such deeds evidences and writings concerning the premisses as he the said W P hath received the same without being defaced or impaired by the act or meanes of him the said VV P his c. And the said W P for him his c. and for every of them doth further covenant promise and grant to and with the said I H his c. by these presents in manner and form following viz. That if so be that the said W P his c. shall not leave notice in writing at the capital Messuage in W aforesaid that he or they will refuse the said Lands and Tenements and give warning there that he or they will have 140 l. paid unto them at the day and place limited for payment thereof in and by the Condition hereafter mentioned That then the said W P his c. or some or one of them notwithstanding any forfeiture shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said I H his c. or some or one of them at or in the now dwelling house c. the full sum of c. in full payment of the said Purchase which said summe of c. is agreed between the said parties to be the full price and value of the said Manor and premisses Provided alwayes and it is neverthelesse conditioned and agreed by and between the said Parties to these presents that if the said W P his c. shall be minded hereafter to refuse the purchase of the tenements aforesaid and to have their or his mony again and do and shall for that purpose by writing under his or their hand or hands expresse and signifie the same and at and before the c. next ensuing the date hereof deliver and leave the said writing or notice of his or their mind and purpose at or in the capital Messuage of W. aforesaid that then if the said I H his c. or any of them do or shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said W P c. at or in the common Dining Hall c. the full sum of c. then and from thenceforth as well the said recited Indenture of Bargain and Sale as also this present Indenture and every clause article and argreement in the said Indentures or either of them conteined this present proviso or condition and the covenants in these presents expressed on the part and behalf of the said W P his heirs and assignes for re-assurance of the premisses unto the said I H his heires and assignes if the Proviso and condition in these presents expressed shall be performed only excepted shall cease and be utterly void frustrate and of none effect to all intents constructions and purposes any thing in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding In witnesse c. A Grant of Receivorship from a Noble man TO all Christian people to whom this present Writing shall come R. Earl of E. and E. Viscount of H c. Know ye that I the said E. for divers good causes and reasonable considerations me moving have granted and given and by these presents confirmed unto my servant R S of c. the Office of Receivorship of all and singular my Lordships Manors Lands Tenements Possessions and Hereditaments whatsoever within the County of c. And the same R S Receivor of all and singular the premisses for me the said E and my heires do make and constitute by these presents giving and granting unto the said R S my full power and authority in all things touching the Receipt and Receipts aforesaid and to make lawful and sufficient Acquittances or Discharges unto all and every person and persons touching the premisses and that in as large and ample manner and form as any other Receivor or Receivors of me the said Earl at any time heretofore have used to do within the several Counties of c. In witnesse c. A short Letter of Atturney for the setting over of a bond KNow all men by these presents that I H H of c. Have made ordained constituted and appointed and by these presents do make ordain constitute and appoint my trusty and well beloved friend W M of c. to be my true and lawful Atturney for me and in my stead and name and to his own use to ask levy recover demand and receive of T M and N L of c. Gentlemen and either of them their executors and administrators the sum of c. which they have forfeited and from me unjustly do detain and keep for non-payment of the sum of c. at a certain day past as by one Obligation with condition thereupon endorsed bearing date c. more at large it doth and may appear giving and by these presents granting unto my said Atturney my full power and authority in all things touching this my present businesse and in my name to commence and prosecute any Action or Actions Suit or Suits for the recovery and getting of the said sum of c. and every or any part thereof and Atturney or Atturneyes in that behalf to constitute and make and upon receipt thereof or of any part thereof Acquittances or other lawful discharges in my stead and name to make seal and deliver ratifying and allowing by these presents all and whatsoever my said Atturney or his Assignes shall for obtaining and recovery of the said summe of c. or any part thereof do or cause to be done in my stead and name And also I the said H H do covenant and promise by these presents That I the said H H have not released nor will not release the said T M and N c. of the said Bond nor of the penalty therein contained nor countermand this present Letter of Atturny nor the Authority thereby granted nor any suit act or proceeding at any time hereafter by vertue of these presents to be done In witnesse c. A Letter of Atturney to receive a sum of money out of the Exchequer being parcel of a greater sum given to me by the King by Privy Seal TO all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come I L one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber of our Soveraign Lord King Charles that now is sendeth greeting Whereas our said Soveraigne Lord the King by his Highnesse Letters of Privy Seal dated at Westminster the c. directed to his Highnesse Commissioners for the Office of his Majesties High Treasurer of England hath
countermand this present letter of atturnie nor the authority thereby granted nor any suit act or proceeding at any time hereafter to be had by vertue of these presents In witnesse c. The forme of a deputation of a Patent TO all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come G VV of c. Esq sendeth greeting in our Lord God everlasting Whereas our Soveraigne Lord the Kings most excellent Majestie that now is by his Highnesse Letters patents sealed with the great seal of England bearing date at VVestminster the c. hath given and granted unto mee the said G VV the office and offices of Receiver general of the issues and revenues or all and singular his Majesties Honors Castles Lordships Mannors Lands Tenements Rents and other Hereditaments whatsoever with their rights members and appurtenances parcel of the lands and possessions of M. late Earl of L and M. his wife in the said County of Y. and in all Cities Townes and places whatsoever as well within liberties as without within the precincts limits and circuits of the foresaid County of c. and him the said G VV Receivor general of all and singular the premisses the Kings Majestie by his Letters patents aforesaid hath made and ordained to exercise execute and do any thing touching or concerning the said office And further whereas our Sovereign Lord the Kings Majestie hath by the Letters patent given and granted unto the said G VV the office and offices of Steward and keeper of all and singular Court-leets and view of frank-pledge of all and singular the said Honors c. ut supra in the said County of c. To have enjoy exercise and occupie the said severall offices and either of them to the aforesaid G W by himselfe or by his sufficient deputie or deputies unto the term and for the term of the life of the said G W. together with all profits commodities advantages authorities and preheminences whatsoever to the same several offices or either c. belonging or appertaining And further whereas our said Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie hath by the said Letters patents given and granted unto the said G W. for the exercising of the office of Receiver Generall of all and singular the lands and possessions aforesaid with the appurtenances the wages and fees of thirteen pounds c. by the year and for the exercising of the office of Steward and keeping of the courts leets and view of frankpledge of all the lands and possessions aforesaid with the appurtenances the wages and fees of c. by the year and also twenty shilligs for the portage of every 100 l. of mony paid by the said G W out of the issues of his said offices or either of them at the receipt of his Majesties exchequer his heires or successors or otherwise to be paid by warrant from his Majestie his heirs or successors or by warrant from the Lord High Treasurer of England for the time being To have and yearly receive the aforesaid several wages and fees in form aforesaid unto the said G W during his life out of the issues and rents of the foresaid Honours Castles and other the possessions aforesaid at the feasts of the Annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Arch-angel by even portions to be paid together with all other wages fees allow●●ces liveries diet profits commodities and preheminences to the said offices or either of them by right due accustomed belonging or appertaining as by the said Letters patents amongst other things therin contained more plainly may appear And wheras our said Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie by other his Letters patents under the Seal of his Highnesse Court of Exchequer bearing date at VVestm the c. hath assigned and appointed the said G W unto the office and offices of surveyor General of all his Majesties Honors Castles Lordships c. in the County of Northumberland and in all Cities Towns Hamblets c. as by the said last recited Letters patents c. Now know yee that I the said G W for special causes c. have made constituted and appointed and by these presents do make constitute and appoint my loving friend R M of c. my true and lawful deputie irrecoverable to exercise and execute all and every the offices aforesaid in as large and ample manner to all intents and purposes as I my self may might or ought to do by force vertue or means of the several Letters patents above recited or either of them that is to say the office of Receiver General and office of Steward of all the Honours Castles Mannors an● other the possessions of the said late Earl and Countess of Lenox for and during the natural life of me the said G W. and the office of Surveyor General of all his Majesties possessions within the county of Northumberland during his Majesties pleasure And I the said G W doe hereby also give grant assign and appoint unto the said R M my deputy for exercising and executing of the said several offices the several yearly wages and fees above mentioned given granted assigned unto me by the several Letters patents above recited that is to say for the said office of Receiver General the sum c. for the said office of Steward and keeping of Courts the sum of c. and for the said office of Surveior General of the said county of Northumberland the sum of c. at the feasts of c. and St. c. by even portions to be had and received in such set manner and form by my said deputy as I the said G W may might or ought to have had and received the same if this present deputation and grant of severall fees aforesaid had never been made And I doe also give grant and assign unto my said deputie all other wages fees allowances portage mony livery diet profits and commodities whatsoever to the severall offices aforesaid or any of them incident belonging or appertaining with liberty to and for the said R M my deputie at any time hereafter to surrender the several Letters patents or either of them unto the Kings Majestie his heirs or successors and to take a new grant or grants of the said offices in his own name or in the name of any other person or persons without the let trouble or contradiction of me the said G W or any claiming by from or under me In witnesse c. An assignment of a lease in trust whereof the assignor is to take a further estate in the premises THis INDENTURE made c. between Sir A C of c. on the one part and E H and C D of c. of the other part Witnesseth That whereas Sir I D c. by his Indent of lease bearing date the c. Reciting the grant and the habend as in and by c. Now this Indenture further Witnesseth That the said Sir A C for and in consideration of the trust hereafter
say every of them a full third part of all and singular the premisses into three equall and even parts to be divided for and during the several termes hereafter mentioned that is to say for and during the terme of fourteen yeares mentioned and granted in and by a certain Indenture of Lease bearing date c. made by one M N c. to the said A B. of and touching the premisses which Terme did commence at the feast of c. then last past before the date of the same Indenture and for and during the terme of thirty yeares mentioned and granted in and by the Letters patents of our soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie under the great seale of England bearing date c. granted by our said Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie unto c. of and in the premisses as by the said indenture of lease and Letters patents aforesaid more at large appeareth It is now covenanted granted concluded and agreed by and betweene the said parties to these presents and every of them and every of them doth severally covenant and grant to and with the other of them severally by these presents that they and every of them and the executors administrators and assignes of every of them for his her and their and every of their parts shal not only wel and truly content and pay or cause to be contented or paid the full third part and portion of all and singular such yearly rents as are reserved in and by the said Indenture of lease and Letters patents aforesaid and either of them at the daies times and place limited and appointed for the payment thereof and that from time to time for and during the said several estates and termes of years before mentioned But also shall at all times hereafter and from time to time for and during the termes aforesaid pay beare allow and disburse the full third part and portion of all such summ and summes of money and other charges whatsoever as shall grow due or payable or be convenient or necessary to be borne or paid for the reparations of the premisses or for the recovery or defence of the title thereof or of any parcel thereof and shall also condescend and agree to all and every such action suit and other act and acts which shall be necessary or convenient to bee attempted prosecuted or done for touching and concerning the premisses or any parcell thereof tending to the profit or benefit of the said parties and shall not do procure or cause to be done any act or acts thing or things whereby or by reason whereof the estate interest or title of the said parties or any of them shall or in any wise may be impaired hindred determined or avoided except it be by and with the assent consent and agreement of the other of them in that behalf first had and obtained And further the said A B doth covenant c. That the said C D his executors and assignes and every of them shall have occupie use and enjoy all such easements waies and liberties and passages and shall quietly have free egress ingress and regress into and from the said Inne tenement field and other the premises for the using and occupiing of a full third part of the premises without let or disturbance of the said A B his c. in such manner and forme as the said M N hath heretofore had occupied used and enjoyed the same premisses The like Covenant to E F and the like from C D to AB and EF and the like from E F to A B and C D mutat mutand et tunc In witnesse c. An Indenture for an under Sheriff THis INDENTURE made c. betweene R L c. and I C c. Witnesseth that where the Kings Majestie by his Letters patents under the great seale of England bearing date the c. hath appointed and made the said R L high Sheriff of his County of Surrey and Sussex The said R L hath by these presents ordained deputed constituted and made the said I C his deputie and under Sheriff of the said Counties of S and S. To have enjoy and exercise the said office of under Sheriffwick by himselfe his deputy and deputies during such time as the said R L shall continue and be high-Sheriff of the said Counties by vertue of the said Letters pattents made unto the said R L as is aforesaid without let or interruption of the said R L or any other person or persons by his meanes or procurement giving unto him the said I C his atturnie deputie and deputies by these presents full power and authority to receive and take to his and their own use and uses all manner of profits commodities fees advantages and all other casualties whatsoever belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said office of Sheriffwick growing coming or happening by reason of exercising and using the said office Neverthelesse excepting and alwaies reserving unto the said R L and his assignes the nomination appointing and returning of all such Juries and pannels in any writs of attaint and of all other writs which during the time aforesaid by any manner of means shall come to the hands of the said R L or I C. wherein the Kings Majestie is or shal be partie or shall concern any Nobleman or Gentleman all which Juries or pannels it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said R L for to appoint and return at his pleasure and in default of such return or appointment to be made it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said I C for to returne the said writ or writs In consideration whereof the said I C for him his heires executours and administratours doth covenant and grant c. That hee the said I C his executours and administratours shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter discharge acquit or save harmlesse the said R L his c. and every of them and his and their goods chattels lands tenements c. against our said Soveraigne Lord the Kings most Excellent Majestie his heires and successours and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever of and from all and all manner of Actions Suits Charges Amerciaments Fines Impositions Condemnations Dammages Losses and troubles whatsoever which shall happen or come ensue or be imposed to or upon the said R L his c. or any of them by reason of any warrant returnes executions returning or making of any pannels of Juries assessing of Fines Amerciaments Collections escape or escapes of any prisoner or prisoners apprehended arrested or attached by the said I C within the said Countie of S. at any time during the continuance of this deputation and within the said County of S. at any time before the said prisoner or prisoners shall be committed to the Jail or by reason of any other escape or escapes of prisoner or prisoners which shall happen by the negligence or means of the
thereupon built which now are and usually heretofore have bin demised with the same as belonging to the same as shall amount to the yearly value of 1500 l. per an or thereabouts Provided that the same be not parcell of the possessions of the Dutchie of Cornwal or belonging to the Manor of Lanceston in the county of Cornw. or belonging to the Manor of c. in the countie of Denbigh These are therefore to will and require you to make forth and send unto us fair written in parchment under your hands such and so many particulars within your severall offices as shall amount unto the said yearly value of 1500 li. per an in Mils with their lands and appurtenances as the said Contractors or any for them shall from time to time come to require the same and that you certifie to us what number and quantitie of acres belongeth to every such Mill and that you put into every particular if it be so required so many severall things as shall amount unto the sum of 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. so as the same several things do lie with one Audit taking only but one fee for the same particular as if it had been for one thing only And further we will and require you to permit and allow the said Contractors their deputies agents and assigns to have a sight of and to peruse all such your books and records as they shall have need or require for their better instruction and furtherance of their businesse in that behalf and withall that you forbear to make forth any particulars of any the mils or lands of that nature to any person or persons whatsoever for any lease or leases upon surrender or in reversion or for any grants in Fee farm or in Fee simple or otherwise but onely to and for the use of the said Contractors their agents and assignes for the supplying and filling up of the value of 1500 li per ann other then for the places before excepted Whereof fail you not as you tender his Majesties service and will answer the contrary at your perils To our loving Friends the Auditors of his Majesties Revenues within the survey of his Highness Excheque Dutchy of Lan. and to their sufficient Deputies in their absence and to every of them and to the Auditors of the Principality of VVales and Earldom of Chester and to all others his Majesties Officers of the said Courts A Letter of Atturney to take possession of a Patentee TO all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come G M and H L of London Esquires send Greeting c. Know ye that we the said G M and H L have made ordained constituted and in our stead and place have put and Authorized our well beloved I VV and S D and either of them our true sufficient and lawful Atturnies joyntly and severally to take and receive for us and in our names places and steads of R N A P T VV and J VV Atturnies for our Sovereign Lord the Kings Majestie authorized constituted and ordained joyntly and severally by his Highnes Letters patents bearing date c. under as well his Highness great Seale of England as under the Seal of his Majesties Dutchy of Lancaster or of some of them full and peaceable possession and seisin of and in the several Parks hereafter mentioned That is to say of and in the new Park of VVakefield in the County of York and of and in the Park of Hungerford with the appurtenances in the County of Berks and of and in the Park of VVicks with the appurtenances in the County of Essex and of and in all and singular the Parks houses buildings lands tenements meadows feedings pastures and hereditaments with their appurtenances which are mentioned to be given and granted in and by the said Letters patents of the Kings most excellent Majesty that now is to us the said G M and H L made Sealed as well with the great Seal of England as with the Seal of his Majesties Dutchey of Lancaster bearing date as in and by the same more at large appeareth Or of or in any part or parts parcel or parcels thereof in the name of all or as much thereof as they or either of them shall think good and Atturnment and Atturnments of the Farmors and Tenants of the said several Parks for life lives yeares or in Fee or otherwise and of every of them for and in our names places and steads to take and seisin of their or any of their rents and services or any of them to receive to and for us and our use according to the meaning of his most Excellent Majestie expressed in his Higness said Letters patents in and by which said Letters patents his Highnesse hath Authorized made ordained constituted and specially appointed the said Reignald N. A P. T VV and J VV and every of them as a foresaid his Highnesse true and lawful Atturnies joyntly and severally to enter for and in his Highnesse name into the said Parks and other the premises specified and expressed in the said Letters patents and possession thereof and of every or of any parcel thereof in his Highnesse name to take and after such possession and seisin so had to deliver for him and in his name to us the said G M and H L or either of us or to our certain Atturnie or Atturnies in that behalf full possession and seisin of and in the premises or any of them To have hold or enjoy the same to us the same G M and H L our c. according to the form effect of the said Letters patents thereof to us made holding firm and stable all and every act and thing whatsoever as our said Atturnies or any of them shal do in or about the premises by these presents In witnesse c. A Warrant from the King for a Lease in reversion RIght trustie and right welbeloved Cosin and Councellor and right trustie and welbeloved Councellors we greet you well Letting you wit that in consideration of the good and acceptable service heretofore done unto us by our welbeloved servant A B. We are contented and pleased to grant to him and his assignes a Lease in reversion for 21 yeares without fine of such and so much of our manors lands tenements and hereditaments as well within the survey of our Exchequer as of the Revenue of our Dutchie of Lancastar as together shall amount unto the clear yearely value of 100 li. or thereabouts Wherefore we will and command you that when our said servant or any other for him shall bring unto you any note or notes of any such our manors lands tenements or hereditaments usually letten or meet to be letten to the yearely value aforesaid or thereabouts ye give him meanes to have the just particulars thereof at the hands of our Auditors And thereupon cause a Book to be drawn in due form of Law concerning a Lease to be made by us to the said
A B and his assignes for the term and number of yeares before expressed Reserving unto us our heires and succssors the yearly rent now reserved upon the premises And with such other clauses and covenants as in like cases are used and accustomed and the same Lease fair written in parchment and by you subscribed to send to us to passe our Signature and Seals as appertaineth And these our Letters shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf Given under our Signet at c. To our trusty and welbeloved Cosin and Counsellor the Earle of Dorset Lord high Treasurer of England and to our trusty and right welbeloved Councellors Sr. John Fortescue Knight Chansellor of our Dutchie of Lancaster and Sr. George Howme Knight Lord of Barwick Chancellor of our Exchequor The fees and Charges for passing a book of fifty pound per Annum in the Kings general sale at every Office c. TO Mr. Atturnie for his fees being 3 s. 4 d. in the pound 8 li. -6 s. -8 d. To his man for drawing and engrossing the book for every leafe of paper 2 s. Note if the Solicitor draw the Book his fee is 3 s -4 d in the pound and Mr. Atturny but 20 d. To his man for his paines viz. for ingrossing the book 20 s or 10 s. To Mr. Solicitor for his fees being 20 d in the pound 4 li. -3 s. -4 d. To his man for his pains in examining the book 20 s. At the Court To Mr. Windenbank for getting the Kings hand 40 s. To the Clarke of the Signet for the Fee of the Seal 3 li. -6 s. -8 d. To him for ingrossing every skin a peece 20 s. To his man for writing every skin a peece 10 s. Note that if the Patent be above fifty pound value then all these Fees are double To the Clark of the Privie Seal for the Fee thereof 2 s. -8 d. To himself and his man for writing every skin as for the Signet And if the book exceed the value then all the Fees double as before 30 s. To the Chamber keeper at Court voluntarily having no Fee allowed but in Courtesie 3 s -4 d. The Fees of the great Seal 2 li. -01 s. -8 d. The signing of the Docket 2 s. The divident and inrolement of every skin 40 s. The Seal examination and laces 5 s. The vellome and flourishing every skin 5 s. The Chafe wax 2 s. -6 d. To the Clark for writing every skin a peece 20 s. To Mr. Pitt the teller in the Exchequer for every acquittance of the first payment 12 d. for the second 2 s. To him for his certificate for the whole book 10 s. To his men then 05 s. For the Talley and Constat 7. s. To the Auditor of the rates for his certificate 10. s To his man then 5. s To Mr. Cartwright for his certificate for bonds to be taken for the woods 2. s The Charges at Mr. Osbornes office and Mr. Fanshawes office for suing out a bond entred for Wards in the sale In Mr. Osbornes office FOr the warrant and signing thereof 4. s For filing the warranty 1. s For making the commission 6. s. 8. d For the Master of the Office his fee 6. s. 8. d For inrolling the bond 6. s. 8. d For a copie of the bond 2. s In Mr. Fanshawes Office TO Mr. Fanshaw for his fee 7. s For entring the Judgment 3. s. 4. d To the Atturney and his Clerk 7. s. 8. d The Signet and the manner of passing thereof TO our wel beloved and faithful Counsellour c. greeting We command you that under our Privy Seal for the time being remaining in your custody you cause to be made our Letters to be directed to our Chancellour of England wee commanding him that under our great seale of England he cause to be made our Letters patents in forme following The King to all c. The Privy Seale JAMES by the Grace of God c. to our well beloved and faithfull Counsellour T. Lord Ellesmere our Chancellour of England greeting Wee command you that under our great Seale of England being in your custodie you cause to bee made our Letters Patents in form following The King c. The Privy Seale to the Chancellor of the Dutchy JAMES by the grace of God c. to our beloved and very faithfull Counsellour Jo. F. Knight Chancellour of our Dutchie of Lancaster greeting Wee command you that under our Seal of our said Dutchie being in your custodie you cause to be made our Letters patents in form following The King c. The charge of the Dutchy Seale The Chancellors fee for the Seale only for every Mannor that passeth is 8. l. 9. s. 4. d And for every quillet 40. s The charge for drawing are as to the Kings Attorney or Solicitor To Mr. Gerrard Clarke of the Dutchie for every Mannor or intire thing that passeth 7. li. For every quillet 40. s. A Letter of Atturnie to deliver a Lease upon the ground for triall of an Ejectment TO all Christian people c. I A B c. greeting c. Know yee that I the said A B have ordained constituted apointed and in my place put my trustie and well beloved in Christ C D and E F my true and lawfull atturnies jointly and severally for me and in my name and to my use to enter into all that cottage c. or into any part or parcel of the premisses in the name of the whole and possession thereof or of any part or parcell thereof in the name of the whole to my use to take and after such possession thereof or of any part thereof in the name of the whole so had and taken for me and in my name and as my deed to deliver unto G H of c. that part of an Indenture bearing date c. purporting to be made betweene me the said A B of the one party and the said G H of the other partie which is sealed with the seal and subscribed with the name of me the said A B. but not as yet delivered as my act and deed and purporting a demise to be thereby made of the premises by me the said A B unto the said G H for the term of certain years mentioned in the same Indenture And I the said A B doe by these presents Ratifie and allow all and whatsoever my said atturnies joyntly or either of them severally shall do or cause to be done in or about the premises In witnesse c. Forster Concil An indorsement upon the same MEmorandum that C D and E F by vertue of a letter of attorney to them made by the within named A B did the c. day of c. in the 44 year of c. enter into one close or parcel of land called or known by the name of c. parcell of the lands and tenements within mentioned in the name of the lands and tenements within mentioned and
us or in our names or for or in the name of any of us to be had made moved stirred or procured against the bodies of the said G E and I G. their executors administrators servants goods or debts for or by reason of any debt dutie or sums of mony now growing due or owing by them or either of them to any of us And we all and singular the said Creditors for us and every of us our executors and administrators do by these presents covenant promise and grant to and with the said E G and I G their c. That if contrary to any part or clause of the tenor of this our grant and Licence it at any time shall happen the said E G or I G their or either of their executors administrators servants goods chattels or debts at any time or times during the said Term of three yeares to be wittingly or willingly letted troubled sued attached or arrested by us or any of us or by the consent or procurement of us or any of us for or concerning the said debt or debts or any part or parcel thereof now growne due or owing by them the said E G and I G or any of them towards us or any of us That then and at all times after these presents shall be unto and for the said E G and I G their c. against us and every of us our c. by whom or through whom and whose debt or meanes it shall happen the said E G and I G their executors administrators servants goods chattels or debts so to be attached arrested letted or sued by any order of Law A clear sufficient general and absolute acquittance and release for ever of and for all actions suits debts and demands that any such of us by whom or by whose debt or meanes it shall fortune the said E G and I G their executors servants goods chattels or debts so to be attached arrested sued or troubled as aforesaid shall or may have claim challenge or demand of or against them the said E G or I G their c. or any of them In witnesse c. A Licence to passe over Sea JAMES c. to all and singular our Justices Sheriffs Bailiffs Constables Customers Controlers Serchers and to all and singular other our Officers Ministers and Subjects to whom in this case it shall appertain Greeting We let you wit that we of our grace espicial for certain considerations us moving have Licenced and by these presents do grant and give Licence unto our trustie and welbeloved Subject T M Esquire That he the said T with foure Servants and twenty pound in mony shall and may passe out of this Realm of ours and other dominions into any forreign Country or nation being in amity with us there to remaine so long as he shall think good and expedient for the recovery and accomplishment of his health Wherefore our will and pleasure is that according to this our free licence and Letters of pasport ye and every of you permit and suffer him with all and singular the premises to pass by you without any manner of your let restraint or impeachment Taking the transcript hereof for your discharge and leaving still these our Letters of pasport in his custodie for his discharge hereafter Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster the 20 of October in the tenth yeare of our Raigne A Licence for a Buck and a Doe during the life of the grantee WEe E D c. for divers good causes and respects us moving Have given and granted and by these presents for us and our heires do give and grant unto our welbeloved servant C D our Secretary during his life one Buck in season in Summer and one Doe in season in Winter to be had taken hunted and killed at or within our Park of B in the County of W either with Dogg or Bowes by the same C D or his assignes at his or their free libertie commoditie and pleasure during his said life wherefore we will and command you and every of you our keeper or keepers there or your deputie or deputies for the time being upon the sight hereof or of the true Copy hereof signed by the proper hand of the said C D that you and every of you do peaceably and quietly permit and suffer the same C D and his assignes during his said life yearely from henceforth to have kill and take at or within the said Park the said Buck in Summer and the said Doe in Winter according to the tenor of this our gift and warrant dormant any restraint or commandment heretofore had made or given to the contrary hereof notwithstanding And this our warrant signed and Sealed with our proper hand shall be unto you and every of you a sufficient warrant and discharge against us and our heires at all times in this behalf given under our Seal and signe Manuel c. A Licence to transport Beer TO all Majors Sheriffs Customers Controlers and to all other the Queens Majesties Officers Ministers and Subjects whatsoever and to all and every of them We T Lo. B and Sir I F Knight Chancellor and under Treasurer Greeting Know ye that we by vertue of the Letters patents of our Sovereign Lord the King under the great Seal of England bearing date c. To us in that behalf directed have given licence libertie and authority and by these presents do give licence liberty and authority to B C of D to buy and provide within the Citie of L and the Suburbs of the same Citie and to transport from the Port of L out of this Realm of E to Emden in F. and to such towns in the Low-Cuntries as are in amity with his Majestie the number of one hundred Tuns of Beer paying for the Licence Custome and Impost of every tun thereof 20 s. of c. to the hands of the Customer or Collector of the custome or his deputie of the port of the said City of London to his Majesties use and putting in sufficient bonds to his Majesties use in the said office of the Custome-house to transport the said 100 tuns of Beer to Emden and to such towns in the Low-countries as are in amity with his Majestie and not to any the territories or Countries of the King of Spaine or Pope Provided that true indorsement be made upon this our licence of every tun of Beer from time to time required to be passed by the said A B and his Factors that there passe no more then 100 tuns of Beer by vertue hereof And this our licence shall be to you and to the said A B and his Factors and to all other to whom it shall or may appertain a sufficient warrant and discharge for and concernning the premises In witnesse whereof we have set our hands and Seals to these presents the 2d of M c. A Certificate for payment of the Subsidie WEe whose names are here under-written Commissioners of
our Sovereign Lord the Kings Majestie amongst others within the Citie of London for the taxation levying assessing and collection of the first Subsidie of the three Subsidies granted to his Majestie in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the c. year of his Highnesse Reign do certifie unto the Right honourable Sir I F Knight Chancellor of his Majesties Court of Exchequer The Lord chief Baron and other the Barons of the said Court and to all other his Majesties Commissioners and officers to whom it shall appertaine that A B of c. is taxed and assessed to pay to our Sovereign Lo. the Kings Majestie for the said first subsidie and hath paid the sum of 26 s. -8 d. after the rate of ten pounds in goods amongst the inhabitants of the Parish of c. in the ward of c. at which place the said A B was resident with his Familie at the time of the taxation of the said subsidie Given under our hands and Seals c. A Licence to a Butcher to sell Flesh FOR as much as it hath been alwayes heretofore graciously allowed and permitted that some honest persons should provide kil sell and retail flesh victual during the Lent season to any of his Highnesse Subjects sick weake and impotent persons These are to will and require you to allow and suffer this bearer A B of c. Butcher by himself or his servant to provide kill sell and retail flesh victual within the Parish and County of c. by and during all the time of Lent now ensuing without any of your restraints denial or disturbance Whereof faile you not Dated c. Your very loving friend c. To all Justices of the peace Majors Sheriffs Bailiffs Constables and all other his Majesties Officers Ministers and Subjects to whom it doth appertain and to every of them For an Undersheriff a Condition THe condition c. That whereas our Soveraign Lord c. the Kings Majestie that now is by his Highnesse Letters patents under his Majesties great Seal of England bearing date the c. in the fourth year of his Majesties Reign did appoint and make the within named R K high Sheriff of his Highnesse countie of S. which said R K afterwards by his Indenture bearing date c. in the said 4th year c. did ordain depute constitute and make the within bounden I H his deputie and Under-sheriffe of the said Countie of S. as by the same Indenture more plainly at large doth and may appear If the said J H. his heirs c. and every of them do at all times hereafter and from time to time for ever clearly acquit exonerate and discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and keep harmlesse the said R K his heirs executors and administrators and every of them and his and their goods chattels lands tenements possessions and hereditaments and every of them of and from all and every the sum and sums of money wherewith the said R K shall be charged by reason of the said Office of Sheriffwick and shall fall out not to be answered upon the accompts and of and from all action and actions plaint or plaints of debt or debts that shall be commenced against the said R K. his c. by reason of any escape or escapes committed of any prisoner or prisoners arrested and not committed to the common Jail of the said Countie or afterwards by the act or negligence of the said J. or any the Bailiff or Bailiffs or any his servants or deputies and of and from all actions suits costs losses dammages hinderances and demands whatsoever which shall or may at any time or times hereafter come grow or be to or against the said R K. his c. or his or their goods chattels lands tenements possessions and hereditaments and every or any them for or by reason of the premises or any of them c. To surrender lands THe Condition of this Obligation c. That if the above bounden A B. or his heirs doe or shall within one yeare next ensuing the date hereof at the reasonable request and at the costs and charges in the Law of the above-named C D. his heires or assignes sufficiently surrender to the use of the said C D. his heires and assignes for ever according to the customs of the Mannors of R and B. in the Countie of S. all such Copie-hold lands as late were the Copie-hold inheritance of E C c. and before that of J C of c. and purchased by the said A B set lying and being in A c. reciting the parcels being parcell of the said Mannors of R and B. And also if the said Copie-hold lands at the time of the making and perfecting of the said surrender or surrenders shall be and so shall continue clearly discharged or otherwise sufficiently saved and kept harmlesse of and from all former charges estates titles troubles and encumbrances whatsoever made committed or done by the said A B. That then c. To cure a Disease or to repay the money THe Condition of this Obligation is such That whereas the within named A B. the day of the date within written hath delivered and given the within bounden C D the sum of eight pound in consideration that the said C D should on this side and before the third day of J. next coming after the date within written cure and make whole the said A B. of the disease or diseases wherewith the said A B is now grieved If therefore the said C D do before the said 3d day of J. next well and sufficiently and safely cure and make whole the said A B of the said diseases And also in case the said A. at any time after and before the fourth day of M. next following be grieved or vexed with the said diseases or any part thereof or that the said disease or any part thereof do before the fourth day of M. issue or grieve upon any part of the bodie of the said A B. Then if the said C D. his executors or assignes within twentie daies next after the said fourth day of M. do well and truly repay or cause to be repaid unto the said A B. his executors administrators or assigns the said sum of eight pound without fraud or covin This present Obligation to be void c. To stand to an Award THe Condition of this Obligation c. That if the within bounden A B. his heirs executors and administrators and every of them do stand to obey observe perform fulfill and keep the Award arbitrament order rule and judgment of E F Arbitrator indifferently elected named and chosen as well on the part of the said A B as on the behalf of the within named C D to arbitrate award ordaine judg and deem as well for and upon the right title claim possession and interest of one close containing by estimation twelve acres of land be it more or lesse with the appurtenances lying and being in G
or against the said A B c. for or by reason of the same That then c. For a Purveyor of wheat for his Majestie THe Condition c. That if the within bounden A B. purveyor of Wheat or his Deputie at all times hereafter do take and receive to his Majesties use and behoof all such Wheat as by his place of purveyorship from time to time he shall be appointed or thought convenient to receive out of divers Shires within his charge and for the same do make due and readie payment according to the usuall prices of the same unto all and every his Majesties subjects of whom the said Wheat shall be received or to the High Constables or petie Constables in his said charge to pay the said severall prizes and that he do his and their endeavour to deliver or cause to be delivered unto his Majesties Garners the selfe same Wheat which he or his Deputies shall receive both sweet and good meet for the expences of his Majesties house and that he deliver the self same Wheat which hee or his Deputies shall so receive without either changing or mingling the same or any part thereof making withall a true and just accompt of all such summe or summes of money as he or his Deputies shall at any time receive or the within named C D or his Deputies And that he do discharge and save harmlesse as well the Kings Majestie his heirs and successors as the said C D his heirs executors c. against all manner of persons and causes whatsoever touching his said room or place of Purveyorship of Wheat c. That then this c. To seal a lease by a day according to a draught thereof already made THe Condition of c. That if the within bounden A B his heires c. or some of them do on or before the fourteenth day of M. next ensuing the date hereof at or within the now c. make seale and deliver as his or their Deed before sufficient witnesse unto the within named C D his executors c. at his and their own proper costs and charges One good sure sufficient and lawfull Lease Demise and Grant to be made and ingrossed in parchment and that in and by all things according to the form effect and true meaning of a certain paper book already thereof made and drawn and remaining in the custodie of the said C D. whereunto the said A B hath subscribed his name That then c. To procure lands to be passed in Fee-simple from his Majestie and the Patentee to convey it to the Obliligee by a day hee then paying the Patentee a sum of money THe Condition c. is such That where the within named S W. the day of the date within written hath delivered to the within bounden A B. one particular of certaine Lands Tenements and Hereditaments situate lying and being in C. parcell of the Mannor of W. in the Countie of O. and in the Borough and Parish of L in the said Countie of O of the yearly rent of c. under the hands of I T and I S Auditors and Surveyors of the same Countie Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to the intent the same may be granted and passed amongst some other things from the Queens Majestie her Heires or Successors by her or their Letters patents under the Great Seale of England unto the right Honourable Robert Earle of Leicester his heires and assignes in Fee-simple for ever If therefore the said Earle of Leicester or his heires within one month next after the date of the said Letters Patents by which the premises shall be granted unto him the said Earl his heires and assignes sufficiently grant convey and assure unto the said I his heires and assignes or to such other person or persons and their heires or assignes as the said S. shall name and appoint to the onely use and behoofe of the said S. his heires and assignes for ever All and singular the said lands tenements and hereditaments and the woods under-woods and trees standing growing and being in and upon the same premises In as large and ample manner and forme as the same shall be granted in and by the Letters Patents aforesaid and in such manner and forme and by such conveyance assurance in the Law as by the said S. his heires and assignes or by his or their Councell learned in the Law and at the costs and charges in the Law of the said S his heires or assignes shall be reasonably advised or devised and the said S c. within the time aforesaid required So that the said Earle or his heires be not required to travell to any place distant above two miles from the place wherein he shall be at the time of such request to be made for the making of such assurance and that there be not any other or further warrantie therein contained then onely against the said Earle and his heires and all person and persons claiming from by or under the interest meanes or title of the said Earle or his heires The said S his c. well and truely paying unto the said Earle or his heires or assignes at and upon the making of such assurance the summe of six hundred pounds of lawfull money c. for the full and cleer purchase of the premises That then c. To pay a sum of money upon the passing of lands from his Majestie in Fee and to procure a survey of the woods and to pay for them THe Condition of this Obligation is such That where T L Esquire is minded to do as much as in him is to obtain procure and get of our Soveraign Lord the Kings Majestie a grant in Fee farm to him his heirs and assigns or to such other person or persons and their heirs as he shall nominate and appoint the Manor of R. with the appurtenances in the Countie of L the same to passe under the Great Seal of England in due form according to a particular thereof made by the Auditor of the same countie if in case the said T R or such as he shall appoint shall procure the said Mannor with the appurtenances to passe from his Majestie by Letters patents according to the said Particular If then the within bounden c. shall well and truly content and pay or cause to be contented and paid unto the said c. the sum of c. in manner and form following viz. At or within c. within one month next after the same Letters patents shall passe under the Great Seal of England the sum of c. and within two months then next ensuing the sum of c. in full satisfaction and payment for the said purchase of the said Manor And also do within three months next after the date of the said Letters patents procure a perfect survey of all the woods and under-woods growing in and upon the said Manor and also do pay or cause to be paid to our said
effectuall manner as we our selves might or could do if we were personally present In witnesse c. An Assignment from Patentees of part of their Grant TO all people to whom this present writing shall come we R W and D L gent. send greeting Whereas our Soveraign Lord the Kings Majestie that now is by his highnesse Letters Patents under the great seal of England bearing date c. for the considerations therein mentioned Hath given and granted unto us the said R W and D L c. Recitall of the grant Reciting the grant as in and by the said Letters Patents amongst divers other provisions liberties power priviledges and things therein contained and to us granted more fully at large it doth and may appear Now know ye that we the said R W and D L for and in consideration that the said Letters Patents have been and were procured and gotten unto us by and through the great charges Labour Industrie and solicitations of H R of L. Gent. and for other good considerations us hereunto moving have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said H R his executors Administrators and assignes full power and authoritie to bargain for procure or buy or cause to be bought procure or bargained for by his or their factors Agents or assignes the fifth part of the said 3000. barrels of B aforesaid in five parts to be divided from year to year and every year yearly during the said Term of 21 years and the said B not exceeding a fifth part of the said 3000 barrels in five parts to be divided as aforesaid yearly and every year during the said term freely and lawfully ship lade transport and carry or cause to be shipped laden transported and carryed by way of Merchandize out of and from any Citie or Port in the City of Bristoll and Barnstable Cardiffe and Ch. or out of or from any of the creeks members or places to the same ports or any of them belonging or out of any other ports or creeks whatsoever within Southwales to any of the Ports beyond the Seas being at the time of any such transportations in League or Amitie with the Kings Majestie his heires or successors and the same here from time to time to utter sell dispose or put away at his and their free wills and pleasure to make thereof his and their best advantage to his and their own proper use and behoofe And we have and do by these presents make ordain and appoint the said H R his executors administrators or assignes an Agent for that purpose for and concerning that fifth part and for his more full and absolute assurance in that behalf we have assigned and set over and by this presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grant assigne and set over unto the said H R his executors administrators and assignes one and the full fifth part of all and every sum and sums of money gain profit benefit commodities encrease and advantage whatsoever which shall or may during the said term of 21. years be yearly from time to time had made gotten or obtained by reason or means of the said fifth part before to him by these presents granted or assigned and also one full fift of the benefit priviledges preheminences forfeitures seizures profits and commodities which shall or may be obtained or gotten by force and vertue of the said Leters Patents before mentioned or of any libertie priviledge power or authoritie thereby granted or by reason or means of the yearly buying bargaining for procuring transporting lading venting and shipping of the said c. into the parts beyond the Seas in such form as in the said Letters Patents is Limitted set down and expressed in as full and ample manner and form to all intents and purposes as we the said R W and D L have Habend shall or have by vertue of the said Letters Patents To have and to hold the said fift part of c. and the power and libertie to transport the same as aforesaid and all other the premisses with their appurtenances before by these presents given granted assigned and set over or meant mentioned or intended to be c. and every part and parcell thereof unto the said H R his executors Administrators and assignes to be done and executed to him and them and every of them or by his or their or any of their factors servants Agents assigns also for and during the whole term of 21. years granted and by the said recited letters Patents in as large ample and beneficiall manner and form to all intents and purposes and in every condition and degree as we the said R W and D L or either of us our or either of our executors Administrators or assigns or any of us may or could do by force and vertue of the said recited letters Patents That he shall quietly enjoy a fift part of the premisses or any thing therein contained And we the said R W and D L for us and either of us our and either of our executors c. That he the said H K his executors and Administrators shall and may lawfully and peaceably and quietly have take and receive and enjoy the said first fifth part of the said c. so to be yearly transported as aforesaid And the said power and libertie to transport the same and all other the premisses with their appurtenances before by these presents mentioned to be hereby given granted assigned or set over to his and their own proper uses and behoofes during the term aforesaid by the said letters Patents granted without the lett trouble denyall hinderance revocation countermand or contradiction of the said R W and D L or either of them their executors Administrators or assigns or of any other person or persons whatsoever and free and clear without paying allowing or disbursing any sum of money or other charges other then the allowance and payment of 2 shillings reserved to his Majesty by the said letters Patents for every barrell so to be transporred as aforesaid for the same and in as large and ample manner in every condition and degree to all intents and purposes as we the said R W and D L or either of us our executors or assignes might or could have and enjoy the same by vertue of the said letters Patents or any power grant priviledges or things therein contained In witnesse c. A condition to pay money within four dayes after if the parties bound in an obligation pay it not at the day THe condition of this obligation is such That whereas W H and R B by their obligation or writing obligatory bearing date c. are and stand jointly and severally bounden unto the within named I L in the sum of c. with condition endorsed and at large appeareth now if the said W H and R B their executors Administrators and assignes shall make default in payment of the said sum of
c. Between W K of c. on the one party Recitall of the Sentence in the Star-chamber and I P of c. on the other part Whereas by Sentence given and pronounced in the Court of Star-chamber the 14. day of c. by the then Lords and others of the said late Kings Privy Councel W K of F in the c. for an offence by him committed and perpetrated was censured and judged and sentenced to pay for the same offence by him committed unto the late King the summe of 31000 pound for a Fine as by the sentence of the said Court of Star-chamber appeareth And whereas upon the said estreated in the Court of Exchequer proces and extent was awarded out of the said Court for the levying of the said Fine or debt of c. whereupon it was found by divers severall Inquisitions in due forme had and taken That the said W K was then seized of an estate in Fee-tail of and in the Mansion house or Scite of the late Monastery or Priory of Finshead and of the Lands and Tenements thereunto belonging with the appurtenances in the said County of N being of the yeerly value of c. above all reprizes All which said premisses amongst other lands of the said W K whereby the then severall Sheriffs in the County aforesaid seized and extended at the severall yeerly values aforesaid as by the same severall Inquisitions returned into the Court of Exchequer may at large appear upon which seizures there hath been levied and paid unto the late King the sum of c. in part of the said rent or summe of c. and then remained due unto c. the summe of c. And whereas our Soveraigne Lord the King Recitall of the Letters Patents by his Highness Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England bearing date at Westm the c. for the considerations therein mentioned did for him his heirs and successors give grant and assigne unto C V Gent. one of the Pages of the Kings Majesties Privie Chamber his executors c. All the said residue and remainder of the said debt and fine of c. And also the said extent or extents and all benefit commodities and advantages that may might or ought to come grow and renew 〈◊〉 belong unto his Majesty his heirs or successors for or by reason or means of the said remainder of the said fine and extents or any of them And further for him his heirs and successors did give grant and demise unto the said C V his c. amongst other the lands of the said W so extended all that the said Mansion house or Scite of the said late Monastery or Priory scituate lying and being in the said County of N All which said premisses above mentioned were parcell of the lands and possessions of the said W K and late were in his Highnesse hands as taken and seized for the said debts or fine of c. Together with the severall yeerly rents issues mean profits and arrerages of the said land and premisses mentioned to grow or which shall or ought to be to his said Majesty then before or at any time then after satisfied contented and paid for or by reason of the said extent or extents or seizure or seizures or any of them and all and singular houses edifices buildings c. to the said premisses in any wise belonging And also all rents and other yeerly profits whatsoever reserved upon any leases or grants then to fore made and granted of the premisses or any part thereof To have and to hold all and singular the said premisses with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said C V his c from the Feast day of the c. then last past for and during such terme and time as the same ought or should have remained in his Highnesse hands or in the hands of his heirs or successors for or by reason of the said extent or extents or any of them and in as large and beneficiall manner as his said Majesty might should or could have had held or received the same if the said grant had not been made and untill the residue and remainder of the said debt or fine of c unsatisfied be contented and paid with such power and authority as in the said recited Letters Patents is contained And for and under the yeerly rent of c. to be yeerly paid into his Majesties receipt of Exchequer at the Feast of c. yeerly during the said terme as by the ●ame Letters Patents whereunto relation being had more at large it doth and may appear The state right title interest power priviledge property terme of yeers claim and demand whatsoever of which said C V as well of in and to the said Mannor Mansion house or Scite of the said c. and the lands and tenements thereto belonging And of in and to the Mannor of E c. and the lands c. As also of in and unto all those three closes called c He the above named W K now hath and holdeth and thereof is and standeth now lawfully and absolutely estated and possessed amongst other things by vertue and force of one Indenture of Assignem nt to him thereof made by the said C V bearing date c. as in and by the said Indenture of Assignement whereunto relation being had c. Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said W K for and in consideration of the great love and affection which he the said W hath and beareth to the said I P and to his Issue lawfully begotten and to be begotten of E his now wife the naturall sister of him the said W K And to the intent and purpose that the said Mannors lands tenements and hereditaments and all other the premisses with the appurtenances herein before mentioned or recited shall and may from and after the decease of the said W K during the whole time and terme of the said extent or extents above mentioned then to come and unexpired remaine continue and abide in the blood of him the said W K and also for and in consideration of the summe of c. to be paid by the said E P his c. unto F M now wife of G M Gentleman and to E L now wife of E L Gent. two other sisters of the said W K viz. to each of them c. in such sort as hereafter in these presents is set down and expressed And for divers other good causes and considerations him the said W hereunto especially moving Hath granted bargained sold assigned and set over Graunt and by these presents doth fully cleerly and absolutely grant bargain sell assigne and set over unto the said I P all the estate right title interest property possession terme of yeers to come power priviledge benefit reversion claim and demand whatsoever which hee the said W K now hath might should or ought to have or claim of in and
stead and name to enter and come into and upon the farm and lands of T in the Parish of c. now in the tenure or occupation of R T or of his assigne or assignes or upon any part thereof then and there for me and in my stead and place to deliver as my deed unto H M of c. or to his assignes one Indenture whereunto I have already sealed bearing date c. made between me the said R R on the one part and the said H M on the other importing a lease of the farm and lands unto the said H M his executors Administrators and assignes for the term of four years next c. as in and by the same Indenture more at large appeareth which Indenture after the same shall be so delivered by my said Attorney I the said R R do promise by these presents shall be my effectuall deed in Law to all intents constructions and purposes as if I the said R R had sealed and delivered the same then and there my self In witnesse whereof c. A defeasance upon a Bond sued to A Iudgement THis Indenture made the c. between W R of c. on the one part and I P and G H of c. on the other part witnesseth That whereas the said I and G together with one E A of c. by one obligation bearing date c. became joyntly and severally bounden unto the said W R in the sum of Recitall of the Bond. c. with conditions thereupon made for the payment of c. As by the same obligation and condition thereof at large appeareth which said sum of c. or any part thereof or any thing in lieu of the same was not paid unto the said W R in the said c. nor any at time before or sithence by meanes whereof the said obligation became meerly forfeited And whereas the said W R hath brought severall Actions of debt in the Kings Maiesties Court of Commons Pleas at Westminister upon the said obligation against the said I P and C A upon which said Actions severall Judgements are had in the said Court Yet neverthelesse the said W R is contented and pleased and doth covenant that he the said W R Not to take out execution untill c. his executors nor administrators nor any of them shall at any time before c. take out any execution or executions upon the said Judgements or either of them And further the said W R doth c. That if the said I P and G A or either of them c. do pay c. That then he the said W R his executors or administrators shall upon request made and at the charges of the said I P and G A c. shall not only acknowledge satisfaction upon Record of To acknowledge satisfaction c. upon payment and for the said severall Judgements but shall also deliver unto them the said c. the said obligation to be cancelled and the said I P and G A to be thereof and of the said Judgements discharged In witnesse whereof c. A Recognizance from one to one A B. of H. in the County of S before our Lord the King in his Chancery personally being acknowledged to owe to P W of c. 200. pounds of c. to be paid to the said P W his executors c. in the feast of c. after the date of ●his Recognizance and unlesse he do it he willeth and granteth for him his heires c. that the said sum of money may be levied and recovered of his goods Chattels lands tenements and hereditaments to the use and behoofe of the said P W his heirs c. for ever wheresoever they shall be found within the Kingdom of England witnesse our Lord the King at W c. A Recognizance from two to one W I of c. and I H of c. being personally before our Lord the King in his Chancery did acknowledge themselves each of them did acknowledge himself to owe to I B of lawfull money of England to be paid to the said I B or his Attorney certain his exe c. upon the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next ensuing the Date of this Recognizance And except he do it he willeth and granteth for himself his heirs c. and either of them that the said sum of money should be leavied and recovered of his goods chattels lands tenements and hereditaments to the use and behoof of him the said I B his heirs c and assignes for ever wheresoever they shall be found within the Kingdom of England Witnesse our said Lord the King at Westminister the 20. day c. In the yeer of the reign our said Lord Charles by the Grace of God of England c. A surrender of a Lease for obtaining a New Lease TO all people c I A S c send greeting c. whereas I the said A now am and stand lawfully possessed of a lease for term of my life to me made and granted by c. bearing date c. of and in c. All which premisses are scituate c. and are of the yearly value of c. As by the said c. Now know ye That I said A have granted and surrendred unto the said c. his heires und assignes the said messuage c. demised by the said c. to mee the said A. by the said recited indenture of lease as aforesaid and all the estate right title interest terme for live and demand whatsoever of me the said A. of in and to the said messuage and other the premisses with the appurtenances and of in and to every part and parcel thereof by force and vertue of the said recited Indenture of lease or otherwise whosoever together also with the said Indenture of lease to the intent neverthelesse that the said c. may by his Indenture of lease make a new demise and grant of the premisses to I H and C his wife and N their son for term of their natural lives and the life of the longest liver of them successively or otherwise as shall be thought convenient and for and under the accustomed yearly rent and under such provisoes covenants and articles as shall be thought fit therein to be comprised In witnesse c. A revocation of a suit TO all people c. I A B sends greeting c. whereas an action hath been brought at the common law in my name against P F upon a bond wherein the said P F and one D W. became bound unto me in the summe of c. with condition to pay c. at or in c. on the c. as by the same obligation c. Now know yee that I the said A B do by these presents revoke and withdraw the said action and suit brought against the said P F upon the said abligation and all proceedings thereupon had in my name and doe also
of N. after the Feast of c. now next coming yearly from thenceforth for ever And there on every such first Sunday of every quarter shall dine together at one Table in the Hall where they shall have two messe of meat every messe of two dishes one of pottage and boiled meat and the other of roast if it be no fasting day And if it bee a fish day then they shall have two like messes of white meat and fish at the charges of the Lo. B or of his heir if the Lo. B or his heire or his wife or heir apparant shall be then there And moreover the said Lo. B for the more certainty and assurance for the continuance imploying and disposing of the said annuity or yearly rent according to his honourable intent and meaning herein expressed doth by these presents further ordain and appoint and doth repose his trust and confidence in all and every the person and persons aforesaid their heirs and assignes and every of the said E B c. for himself his heirs and assignes doth covenant and grant severally to and with the said Lo B his heirs and assigns that from time to time hereafter when it shall happen that 5 or 6 of the said E c. or 5 or 6 of any other person or persons to whom the said annuity or yearly rent shall at any time or times hereafter be granted conveyed or assigned according to the true intent and meaning of these presents shall be deceased or departed out of this mortal life that then and so often all such and so many of them as shall so happen to survive shall and will by sufficient and lawful conveyance and assurance in the law upon the request of any the heirs of the said Lo. B or of c. or of any one of them grant convey and assigne or cause to be granted conveyed and assigned the said annuity or yearly rent to so many other able sufficient and worthy persons inhabiting in the Countys of c. to be named by the said persons surviving or the more part of them as shall supply the number of the said grantees so deceased To have and to hold to them their heirs and assignes to the use of the said persons surviving and of the others so named and their heirs and assignes upon such trust and confidence and in such set manner and form to all intents and purposes as the said persons so surviving and the others so named their heires and assignes shal or may from time to time for ever succeed and be inhabited in the stead and place of all such and so many of the persons so deceasing and together with the others of them surviving to have hold receive perceive imploy and dispose the said annuitie or yearly rent and every part and parcel therof according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and of the said ordinances In witnesse c. A bargain and sale of land mortgaged made from the mortgagee and the morgagor before the day of redemtion to another THis INDENTVRE made c. between H B and R H c. and M C. of c. of the one partie and R S of c. of the other partie witnesseth that whereas our said Soveraign Lady Elizabeth the Queens Majestie that now is by her highness Letters patents under the great seal of England bearing date at Westminster c. for the considerations therein mentioned and expressed hath betaken granted and to farm letten unto the said M C all that the site and capital messuage of her Hignesse Mannor of Hardwich with the rights members and appurtenances whatsoever situate lying and being within the Lordship of Chertsey in her Highnesse County o● Ch. c. and all c. the words verbatim in the Letters patents with the Habendum and Reddendum recited as by the same Letters patents amongst divers covenants clauses and agreements therein contained more at large it doth and may appear And whereas also the said M C by her Indenture of assignment bearing date c. for the considerations therein mentioned and expressed Hath granted bargained sold aliened assigned and set over unto the said H B and R H as well the said recited or mentioned Letters patents to her the said M C granted as aforesaid and the said Site and capitall Messuage of the said Mannor of H lands meadowes feedings pastures demesne lands stock and all and singular other the premises thereby mentioned to be demised and granted and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances As also all the estate right title interest term of yeares then to come and unexpired reversion possession propertie claime and demand whatsoever which she the said M C hath or had or may might should or ought to have or can or may claime challenge or demand of in or to the said Site and capitall messuage meadowes feedings pastures demesne lands stock and all and singular other the premises with the appurtenances and of in and to every part and parcell thereof by force and vertue of the same Letters patents to her the said M C made and granted as aforesaid or any thing therein contained or otherwise howsoever To have and to hold the said Site and capitall messuage c. as in the Indenture of Mortgage unto the said H B and R H their executors administrators and assignes to the only proper use and behoof of them the said H B and R H their executors administrators and assignes from the ensealing and delivery of the same Indenture of Assignment for during and untill the full end and accomplishment of all the rest and residue then to come and unexpired of the said term of 21 years by the said recited Letters patents to her the said M C granted as aforesaid together with the same Letters patents In which said Indenture of Assignement there is a certaine proviso or condition conteined in these words or to this effect following That is to say Provided alwaies that if the said M C her heires executors administrators or assignes or any of them doe well and truely content and pay or cause c. verbatim as in the Assignement as by the same Indenture of assignement amongst divers other covenants grants articles clauses and agreements therein contained more at large also it doth and may appear Now this Indenture further witnesseth That for and in consideration of the sum of 650 pounds of good c. to her the said M C in hand at and before the ensealing and deliverie of these presents by the said R S well and truly paid whereof and wherewith shee the said M C and the said H B and R H acknowledg themselves fully satisfied and paid and thereof c. they the said H B and R H have bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents do c. unto the said R S. the said recited Letters patents and all the said Site and capitall messuage of the said Mannor of
c. in manner and form following viz. that the foresaid wardship custodie and marriage and other the premisses before by these presents bargained and sold stand and be at the time of the making of this present indenture cleer and cleerly discharged exonerated and free of and from all manner of former bargains sales grants promises titles charges demands and incumbrances had made committed growne done or suffered by the said A B or by his meanes or assent And further that he the said C D his executors administrators and assignes shall or may by vertue of these presents immediately have take and enjoy the said wardship custodie and marriage and all other the premisses by these presents bargained granted and sold to the said C D as abovesaid without any eviction expulsion let disturbance or interruption of him the said A B his c. or any other person and persons And further that hee the said A B at the time of the making of these present Indentures hath lawfull authority and power in the law to grant bargaine and sell the aforesaid wardship custodie and marriage and all other the premisses to the said C D his executors and administrators in form above mentioned In witnesse c. An Assignment of a Ward THis INDENTURE made c. witnesseth that whereas our said Soveraigne Lady the Queenes Majestie that now is by her Highnesse Letters patents under the great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the c. hath given and granted unto the said R F one annuity or yearly rent of c. to be appointed by the Master and Councell of her Highness Court of Wards and Liveries out of and in the Manners of C with the appurtenances in the County of W. and of and in five messuages c. and so recite the Letters patents as far as is requisite as by the same Letters patents more at c. Now the said R F with the counsel licence and agreement of the said Master and Councel of the said Court first obtained and had for divers causes him especially moving Hath granted bargained assigned put over and sold and by these presents doth fully and cleerly grant bargain assigne put over and sell unto the said I S the said custodie wardship and marriage of the said H P her Majesties Ward and all his right title interest and claim which hee the said R F now hath may might should or ought to have of in or to the said Wardship and marriage of the said H P. or hereafter may have of and in the Wardship and marriage of the next heir male of the same H P. and so from heir male to heir male being within age untill the said I S his executours or assignes have taken the effect of the said marriage of the one of them without disparagement together with the said annuity or yearly rent of twenty shillings to be paid yearly to the said I S his executors or assignes in manner and forme as in the said Letters patents is declared and expressed together also with the same Letters patents and one indenture bearing date c. made betweene our Soveraigne Lady the Queens Majestie on the one partie and the said R F on the other partie touching the premisses And the said R F doth covenant c. That the said wardship and custody of the said H P and of other the heires aforesaid for and during the minority of the same H P and of other the heires aforesaid and all and every such profits availes and commodities belonging and appertaining and which by any manner of waies may arise grow or come by reason of the wardship of the said H P and of other the heires abovesaid together with the said yearly annuity or exhibition above specified may be and during and by all the minority of the said H and of other the said heires shall be discharged or otherwise saved and kept harmless of and from all former bargains sales grants or other incumbrances whatsoever had made or done by the said R F. the covenants clauses conditions and agreements in the said indenture contained and expressed alwaies excepted And the said I S doth covenant c. that he the said I S his c. and every of them shall well and truly obey observe perform fulfill and keep all and every the covenants clauses conditions and agreements specified comprised and mentioned in the said indenture which on the part and behalf of the said R F standeth bounden to our said Soveraigne Lady the Queens Majesty for the performance therof and of all actions suites forfeitures penalties judgments condemnations extents executions charges incumbrances for or touching the said covenants clauses conditions agreements obligations and writings obligatory or for or touching every or any of them shall or will sufficiently save or keep harmless the said R F his c. and every or them from time to time and at all times hereafter In witnesse c. A Deede of gift upon condition to bee void upon the the tender of 5 s. TO all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come A B of c. greeting Wheras I the said A B the day of the date hereof am indebted unto C D c. in divers great summes of money as by bonds and bills of debt under my hand may plainely appeare And also unto E F c. in the sum of ten shillings and to divers and sundry other persons certain other several sum and sums of mony which I have not at this time presently to pay and to that intent and purpose that the said C D and E F may be truly satisfied and paid their said several sum and sums of mony Know yee that I therfore the said A B for the considerations aforesaid have given and granted and by these presents do give grant and confirme unto the said C D and E F all and singular my goods chattels leases terme and termes of years plate jewels housholdstuff corne cattell horses mares geldings sheepes lambes wooll debts summe and summes of mony and other things whatsoever they bee moveable and unmoveable as well quick as dead of what nature kind qualitie or condition soever they bee and in whose custodie or possession or in what place or places soever they bee or remain or may be found within the City of London or elsewhere wheresoever within the Realme of England and of the Remaine thereof if any be to make and yeild an accompt to me my c. To have and to hold all and singular the said goods cattels leases plate jewels houshold-stuffe corn cattel horses mares geldings sheep lambs wool debts sum and sums of money and other things whatsoever unto the said C D and E F their executors and assignes as his and their owne proper goods for ever Provided alwaies that if I the said A B do at any time hereafter during my natural life tender offer or pay or cause to be tendred offered or paid unto the