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A22992 Anno primo & secundo Philippi & MariƦ actes made at a Parliament, begon and holde[n] at Westminster, the xij. daye of Nouember, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde and lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne and Cycilie, archedukes of Austria, dukes of Myllayn, Burgondie, and Braband, counties of Haspurge, Flau[n]ders and Tyroll, and there continued and kept to the dissolution of the same, beynge the xvi. day of Januarye then next ensuynge, were enacted as foloweth.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1553-1558 : Mary I) 1555 (1555) STC 9447.9; ESTC S1983 63,068 70

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HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Anno Primo secundo Philippi Mariae ACTES made at a Parliament begon and holdē at Westminster the .xij. daye of Nouember in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne Lorde and Lady Philip and Mary by the grace of God kinge Quene of England Fraunce Naples Ierusalem and Ireland defendours of the fayth Princes of Spayne and Cycilie Archedukes of Austria dukes of Myllayn Burgondie and Braband counties of Haspurge Flaūders and Tyroll and there continued and kept to the dissolution of the same beynge the .xvi. day of Ianuarye then next ensuynge were enacted as foloweth Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The Table AN act touchyng letters patentes and other writynges to be sygned by the quenes Maiestie Ca. i. An act for the reformation of excesse in apparel Cap. ii An act against seditious wordes and rumours cap. iii. An act for the punishment of certayne persons callinge themselues Egiptians Cap. iiii An acte to restrayne caryinge of corne victuals and woode ouer the Sea Cap. v. An act for the reuiuynge of three estatutes made the punyshement of heresyes Cap. vi An act that persons dwellyng in the countrey shall not sell dyuers wares in cytyes and Townes corporate by retayle Cap. vii An act repealing al statutes articles and prouisions made agaynst the sea apostolyke of Rome synce the twenty yeare of kynge Henry theyght and also for the establishemēt of al spiritual ecclesiastical possessions and hereditamentes conueyed to the laytye Cap. viii An act for the punishment of trayterous words agaynst the quenes maiesty Cap. ix An act wherby certayne offences be made treasons and also for the gouernement of the kynges and Quenes Maiestyes issue Cap. x. An act for the punishment of bryngynge in of counterfeyt coyne of forreyne realmes being curraunte within this realme Cap. xi An acte touching the impoundyng of distresses Cap. xii An act appoyntyng in order to Iustyces of peace touchyng the bailement of prysoners Cap xiii An act for the makyng of russels satens sattens reuerses and fustian of Naples in Norwyche Cap. xiiii An acte to confirme the liberties of the lord Marchers in Wales Cap. xv An act for the continuaunce of certayne statutes Cap. xvi An act touching leases hereafter to be made by certayne spirituall persons Cap. xvii ¶ An act touchynge letters patentes and other writinges to be signed by the Quenes maiestie ¶ The fyrst Chapter WHere in the Parlymente begonne and holden at Westminster the seconde day of Apryl in the fyrst yere of the reygne of our mooste dreade and gracious Soueraygne Ladye the Queenes maiestye and there cōtinued kept til the dissolutiō of the same being the fift day of May thē next folowing one acte was made touchinge the articles of her highnes most noble mariage In y● which act amōgest other thinges it was enacted ordred established by thauctority of the said parliament that all and singuler giftes grauntes letters patentes exchanges confirmations leases and other writinges which after the sayd mariage and during the same should passe and be made of any benefices offices landes reuenues and fruites or of any of them should be intiteled and made in the names of our Soueraigne Lord the king and of her most excellent highnes whether his Maiesty should be present within the realmes and dominions of her highnes or wtin any of them or absent An● that the same giftes grantes letters patentes eschanges confirmations leases and other writynges so sette forth and made should be sealed and firmed with the signe manuel of her highnes and the same so signed sealed with the great seale of this realme or with such seale as hath bene accustomed should be by thauctoritie of the said parliament demed adiudged declared and pronounced to be as good perfect and of like force strength effect in the lawe to al intentes constructions and purposes against our sayd Soueraigne Lord and Lady the king and the Queenes maiestyes and her highnes heires and successours as yf her maiestye had bene at the tyme of the making therof sole and vnmaried and that al giftes grauntes letters patentes eschaunges confirmatiōs leases and other writinges which after the sayde mariage and during the time of the same should passe and be made of the said be nefices offices landes reuenues and fruites or of any of thē wher vnto the signe manuell of her highnes shoulde not be sette made or put shal be by thaucthoritye of the sayde parliament from to tyme demed adiudged accepted taken and decreed to be of no force ne effect but vtterly frustrate and boyde in the lawe to all ententes con structions and purposes the sayd mariage or any law vsage or custome to the contrary in any wise not withstanding as by the sayde act more at large doth appeare Sithence the making of which Statute and the solemnisation of the sayd mariage the queenes most excellent maiestye hath bene greatly molested greued and troubled with oftē signing of letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaunges leases and other writynges concerning and touchinge benefices offices landes reuenues and fruites made and graunted by and from our sayd soueraygne lord the kynge and her highnes to sundrye of their most louynge subiectes to whome also it hath bene and is no smal charge to attēde vntyl such tyme as they may procure and obteyne the signe manuel of her highnes vnto their sayd letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaunges confirmations and leases without which signe the same are vtterly voyde by force of the sayd statute to the great daūger losse and vtter vndoing of diuers persons that haue lately bought purchased or obtayned of our sayd soueraigne Lord and Lady the kyng and Quenes maiesties diuers landes tenementes and other hereditamentes to their great costes and charges For remedy wherof be it enacted by the auctoritie of this present parliament that the sayde braunche or article touchinge or concernyng only the signing of letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaūges confirmations leases or of other writynges for any landes benefices offices reuenues fruites or other hereditamentes shall be from henceforth clearely repelled and made frustrate and voyde to al intentes and purposes And be it further enacted by auctoritie of this present parliamēt that al and singuler letters patentes touching or concernyng anye gift grannte eschaunge confirmation lease or other writynge the whiche sithence the sayde mariage hath passed and be made of any benefices offices manours landes tenementes renenus fruites liberties or other hereditamentes or of anye of them in the names of our most dread Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the kynge and the Quenes maiesties the waraunt or writyng or warauntes or wrytynges wherof being signed with her highnes signe manuel in such fourme order and degre as the same heretofore haue bene accustomed to be signed when her high nes was sole and vnmaryed shal be by auctoritie of this present parliament of the same like force strength and effecte in the lawe
the sayd offences to ward there to remayne without bayle or mainprise vntil he shal be deliuered accordyng to this act Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by thauctorytye aforesayde that no maner of person or persons shal be molested or impeched for any of thoffēces concerning speaking or reporting as is aforesayde oneles he or they be thereof accused and conuicted wythin thre monethes next after his or their sayd offence so committed or done And in case any person shal be imprysoned for any of the sayd offences concerning speakynge or reportyng and not therof conuicted within thre monethes next after his offence supposed to be by him done and cōmitted that then the person so imprysoned shal be set at lyberty and no lenger deteyned in pryson Prouided also and be it enacted by auctoritie aforesayd that euerye suche Maiour Maiours Bayliffes and other heabe offycer and officers of cytyes borowes and townes corporate which haue or hereafter shall haue iurisdiction and auctoritie within the seueral limittes of thyr office or offices to hold and kepe sessions as iustice or iustices of the peace shal and maye by auctority hereof aswell arrest commit to ward all and euery person and persons beyng vehemently suspected of any of thoffences aforesaid as also to procede to the execution hearing determining of euery y● sayd offences and to see and make due execution therof according to the purporte meaninge and effecte of thys present acte Any thinge in the same act heretofore made to the contrary notwithstandyng Prouided alwayes that the sayd Iustice of peace aswel wythin liberties as without the which shall for any the offences aforesayd commit any person or persons towarde as is aforesayd shal wythin tenne dayes next after such committyng with one other Iustice wherof one of them to be of the Quorum directe theyr precepte to the Sheri●e or Sherifes of the countie where th offence shal be commited or to other ordinary officer if it be within any cyty or town corporate where the Sherife can not intromit commaunding him or them by the same impanel and retourne as they shal assigne .xxiiii. good and lawful men of hys or their bayliwike or bayliwikes to en quyre of the sayd offence or offences the whiche any such person or persons shal be so imprysoned for And thervpō within one moueth after the date of the said precept to procede determine as aboue is expressed Euerye one of the same Iustices vppon payne of to be payed to the kyng and Quenes hyghnesses as often as they shal be founden in defaulte of any the same Prouyded also and be it enacted that thys act shal be proclamed in al the shyres within thys realme before the .xij. day of February next commyng to thintent that al persons may haue notice therof and auoyd the peryl and daunger that myght ensue by offe●dyng agaynst the same And thys act to be only in force vntil the ende of the next parlyament and no longer Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by thauctorite aforesayde that none of the peares of thys realme shal be arested or imprisoned for any of the said offences but only by order or commaundement geuen from the kyng and quenes priuye counsayle or of the heyres of the quene and that the sayd peares and euery of them that shall hereafter fortune to be indicted of any thoffences aforesayd shal be tried by their peares as before hathe bene accustomed in cases of treason or fellonye ¶ An act for the punishement of certayne persons calling them selues Egiptians ¶ The fourth Chapter WHere in a parliament holden at Westminster in the .xxij. yere of the reygne of our late Soueraygne lorde kyng Henry theyght for the auoydinge banyshyng oute o● this realme of certaine outlādishe people callynge them selues Egiptians vsing no craft nor feate of marchaundises for to liue by but going frō place to place in great companies vsyng great suttel crafty meanes to disceaue the kynges Subiectes bearing them in hand that they by palmestry could tel mens and womens fortune and so many times by craft and subteltie disceyue the people of their money and committed diuers great and heynous fellonyes and robberies to the great hurt disceyt of the people It was amongest other thinges then enacted that frō the tyme of the making of the sayde acte no suche personnes shou●de be suffered to come within this the kynges realme vpon payne of forfeyture to the kyng al their goodes and catels and then to be commaunded to auoyd the realme within .xv. dayes next after the commaundement vpon payne of imprisonment such persons callyng themselues Egiptians as then were within thys realme shoulde depart within .xvi. dayes next after proclamation of the sayde acte vpon payne of imprisonment and forfeyture of all their goodes and cattels with diuers other clauses articles cōteyned in the sayd acte as by the said act more at large it appeareth For asmuch as diuers of the sayd company and such other lyke persons not fearynge the penalty of the sayd Statute haue enterprised to come ouer againe into this realme vsyng their old accustomed deuilysh and noughty practises and deuises with such abhominable lyuyng as is not in anye Christian realme to be permited named or knowen and be not duly punyshed for the same to the peryllous and euyl exāple of our soueraygne lord and lady the kynge and the Queenes Maiestyes mooste louyng subiectes to the vtter and extreame vndoynge of diuers and many of them as euidently doth appeare For reformation wherof be it ordeyned and enacted by the king and quene our soueraygne Lord and Lady the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in presente parliament assembled and by thauctoritie of the same that yf any person or persōs after the last daye of Ianuary next commyng do willyngly transport bring and conuey into this realme of England or Waies any such persōs callynge them selfes or cōmonlye called Egiptians that then he or they so transporting bringing or conueying in any suche persons contrary to the true meaning of this acte shall forfeyte and lose for euery tyme so offendyng .xl. pounds of lawful money of England And be it further ●nacted by thauctority aforesayd that yf anye of the said persons called Egiptians which shal be transported and conueyed into this realme of England or Wales as is aforesaid do continue remayne within the same by the space of one monethe that then he or they so offending shall by vertue of this acte be demed and iudged a fellon and fellons and shal therefore suffer paynes of death losse of landes goodes as in cases of fellony by thorder of the common lawe of this realme and shall vpon the tryall of them or any of them therin be tried in the countie and by thinhabitauntes of the countie or place where they or he shal be apprehēded or taken and not per medietatem linguae and shal lose the benefit and priuiledge of sanctuary and clergye And be
realme aswelspiritual as tēporal in exciting of the people to the greate peril of al the realme which preachers cited or sommoned before the ordinaries of the places there to aunswere of that where of they be impeched wil not obeye to there summons and commaund ements nor care not for their monicions nor Sensures of the holy churche but expressely dispise them And moreouer by their subtyl and ingenious wordes do draw the people to here their Sermons and do maintayne them in their errours by stronge hand and by greate routes It is ordeined and assented in this present Parliament that the kynges commissions be made and directed to the Sheryffes and other ministers of our souer aygne Lorde the kinge or other sufficiēt persones learned and accordyng to the certificatiōs of the prelates thereof to be made in the Chauncery from tyme to tyme to arrest al such preachers and also their fautours mainteiners and abbettours and to holde them in arrest and strong prison tyll they wyll iustifye them accordyng to the lawe and reason of holy Church And the kynge wyll and commaundeth that the Chauncelloure make such cōmissyons at all tymes that he by the prelates or any of them shall be certyfyed and thereof required as is aforesayde ¶ The tenor of the seconde acte made in the second yeare of kynge Henry the .iiii. is as foloweth Cha. xv ITem where as it is shewed to oure Soueraygne Lorde the kynge on the behalfe of the prelates and Clergye of hys realme of Englande in this presente Parlyamente that although the catholyke fayth buylded vpon Chryste and by his Apostles and the holy churche suffycyentelye determined declared and approued hathe bene hether to by good and holy and moste noble progenitoures of oure soueraigne Lorde the kynge in the saied Realme emongeste all the realmes of the worlde mooste deuoutlye obserued and the Churche of Englande by his sayd moste noble progenitours and auncestoures to the honoure of God and the whole Realme aforesayde laudablye endowed and in her ryghtes and lyberties susteined without that that the same faith or the sayde Churche was hurte or greuouslye oppressed or ells perturbed by anye peruerse doctrine or wycked hereticall or erronious opinions yet neuerthelesse dyuers false and peruerse people of a certayne new secte of the fayth of the Sacramentes of the Churche and the aucthorytye of the same damuably thinkynge and agaynst the lawe of GOD and of the churche vsurpyng the offyce of preachynge do peruerslye and maliciouslye in dyuerse places within the sayde realme vnder the colour of dissimuled holynes preach and teach these dayes openlye and priuelye diuers newe doctryues and mycked heretical and erronious opinions contrarye to the same faythe and blessed determinacions of the holye Churche And of suche secte and wycked doctryne and opinions they make vnlawefull conuenticles and confederacies they holde and exercyse scholes they make and wrytte bokes they do wickedly instructe infourme people and asmuche as they maye excite and stirre them to sedition and insurrection and maketh great stryfe and diuision emonge the people and other enormities horrible to be heard daylye doo perpetrate and commit in subuercion of the sayde catholyke faith and doctryne of the holy churche in diminucion of Gods honoure and also in destruccion of the estate ryghtes and liberties of the sayde churche of Englande by which secte and wycked and false preachynges doctrynes and opmions of the sayde false and peruerse people not onely most greatest peryll of the soules but also manye more other hurtes slaunders and peryles whych God prohibite myghte come to thys realme onlesse it be the more plētifullye and spedely holpen by the kynges maiestie in this behalfe namely where as the diocesans of the sayd realme cannot by their iurisdiction spirituall without ayde of the sayde royall Maiestie sufficientlye correcte the sayde false and peruerse people nor refrayne their malice because the sayd false and peruerse people do go from Dyoces to Dyoces and wyll not appeare before the sayde Diocesans but the same Diocesans and their iurisdiction spirituall and the kayes of the churche with the censures of the same doo vtterlye contem●●e and dispise and soo their wicked preachynges and doctrines doeth from daye to daye continue and exercise to the hatrede of right and reason and vtter destruction ordre and good rule Vpon whyche nowelties and excesses aboue rehersed The Prelates and clergye aforesayd and also the commons of the sayd realme being in the same parliamēt praying our soueraigne Lord the king the his roial highnes woulde vouchesafe in the sayde parliamente to prouyde a conueniente remedie the same our soueraygne Lord the kyng gratiouslye cōsideryng the premisses and also the laudable steppes of his sayde moste noble progenitiours and auncestours for the conseruation of the said catholyke faythe and sustentation of Goddes honour and also the safegarde of the estate ryghtes and liberties of the sayde Churche of Englande to the laude of God and mer●●e of our sayde soueraygne lorde the kynge and prosperitie honour of all his sayde realme and for the eschewinge of suche dissentions diuisions hurtes slaunders and peryles in tyme to come and that this wicked secte preachynges doctrynes and opinions shoulde from hence for the cease and be vtterlye destroyed by thassente of the states other discrete men of the realme beyng in the sayde parliament hath graunted stablished and ordeined frō henceforth fermely to be obserued that none within the said realme or any other dominions subiectes to his royall maiestie presūe to preache openly or priuelye without the licence of the Diocesan of the same place fyrs●e required and obteined curates in their owne churches persones hetherto priuileged and other of the canon lawe graunted onelye excepte Nor that none from henceforthe anye thynge preache holde teache or instruct openly or priuelye or make or wrytte any boke contrarye to the catholyke fayth or determination of the holy church● nor of suche secte and wicked doctrines and opinions shall make anye conuenticles or in any wyse holde or exercyse Scholes And also that none from hence forth in any wyse fauoure suche preacher or maker of any such and lyke conuenticles or holdynge or exercysynge scholes or makynge or writing suche bokes or so teachynge infourmynge or exciting the people nor any of them maintaine or in anye wise susteyne And that al and singuler hauynge suche bookes or anye wrytynges of such wycked doctrine and opinions shall really with effecte delyuer or cause to be deliuered al suche bokes and writinges to the Dyocesan of the same 〈◊〉 lace within .xl. dayes from the tyme of the proclamation of thys ordinaunce and statute And yfany person or persones of whatsoeuer kynde estate or condition that he or they be from henceforth do or attempte agaynst the roial ordinaunce statute aforesaid in the premisses or in any of them or suche bokes in the fourme aforesaid do not deliuer then the diocesan of the same place in his dioces suche personne
or persones in this behalfe defamed or euidently suspected euerye of thē may by the aucthoritie of the sayde ordinary and Statute cause to be arrested and vnder saufe custody in his prisones to be deteined tyll he or they of the articles layed to him or them in this behalfe doo canonycallye purge him or themselfe or ells such wycked secte preachynges doctrynes and hereticall and erromous opiniōs do abiure according as the lawes of the churche doth require so that the sayde dyocesan by him selfe or his commissaryes do openly and iudicially procede against such persones so arrested and remaynynge vnder his sause custodye to all effecte of the lawe and determine that same busines accordynge to the Canonicall decrees within three monethes after the sayde arreste any lawefull impedimēt ceassynge And yf any person in any case aboue expressed be before the diocesan of that place or his commissaryes canonicallye conuicte then the same diocesan may do to be kept in his prison the sayde person so conuicte for the maner of his default and after the qualitie of the offence accordyng and as longe as to his dyscretyon shall seme expediente and moreouer to put the same person to the secular court excepte in cases where he accordyng to the canonicall decree ought to be left to paye to our soueraygne lorde the kyng his pecunier fine accordyng as the same fyne shall seme competente to the dyocesan for the maner and qualitie of the offence in whyche case the same dyocesan shal be bounde to certifye the kynge of the same fine in hys esche ker by his Lettre Patentes sealed with his seale to the effecte that suche fyne by the kynges aucthoritie maye be required and leuyed to his vse of the goodes of the same person so conuycte And yf any persō within the sayd realme and dominions vpon the sayde wycked preachynges doctrynes opinions schooles and hereticall and erronious informations or any of them be before the diocesan of the same place or his commissaryes sentenciallye conuicte the same wicked sect preachynges doctrynes and opinions scholes and informations do refuse duelye to abiure or by the dyocesan of the same place or his commyssaryes after the abiuration made by the same person pronounced fal into relapse ●o that accordynge to the holy canons he oughte to be left to the seculer courte wherevpon credence shal be geuen to the Dyocesan of the same place or to his commissaryes in thys behalfe then the sheryffe of the countie of the same place and Maior and sheryffes or sherife or Mayor and Baylyffes of the Citie Towne and borowe of the same countie nexte to the same diocesan or the sayde Commissaryes shal be personallye presente in preferrynge of such sentences when they by the same diocesan or his commissaryes shal be required and they the same personnes and euerye of them after suche sentence promulgate shall receaue and them before the people in an hyghe place dooe to be brente that suche punyshmente maye strike in feare to the myndes of other whereby no such wycked doctrine and hereticall and erronious opinions nor their abbettoures and fautoures in the said realme dominions agaynst the catholike faith christen lawe determination of the holy church which god prohibite be susteined or in any wise suffered in which al and singuler the premisses concerning the said ordinaunce and statute the sheriffes maiors and baliffes of the said counties cities boroughes and townes shal be tendyng aydynge and supportyng to the sayd diocesans and their commissaries ¶ The tenor of the third act made in the second yere of kynge Henry the fift is as foloweth Cap. vii ITem forasmuch as great rumors congregations insurrections here in the realme of England by diuers of the kinges liege people aswel by them which wer of the sect of heresies cōmonly called lollardry as by other of their confederatie excitation abbetment now of late were made to the intent to adnul distroy and subuerte the christen faythe and the law of god and holy Churche within this same realme of England also to destroye the same our soueraygne lord the kyng all other maner of estates of the same realme of Englād aswel spiritual as temporal and also al maner of policye and finally the lawes of the land The same our soueraygne lorde the kyng to the honor of god in conseruation fortification of the christen faithe also in saluation of hys royal estate of the estate of al his realme willing agaynst the malice of such heretikes lollardes to prouide a more open remedy punishement then hathe bene had vsed in the case hertofore so that for feare of the same lawes and punishement such heresies and lollardries may y● rather cease in tyme to come by the aduise assent aforesayd at the praier of the sayde commons hath ordeyned established that fyrst the chaunceler treasurer Iustices of the one bench and of the other Iustices of peace shirefes maiors and baylifes of cities and townes and al other officers hauing gouernance of people which now be or hereafter for the tyme shal be shal make an oth in taking of theyr charges and occupatiōs to put their hole power diligence to put out do to be put out cease destroy al maner of heresies errours cōmonly called lollardries wtin the places wher they exercise their offices occupations from tyme to tyme with al their power and that they assiste the ordinaryes and their cōmissaries them fauor maintaine as often as they or any of thē to the shal be required by the same ordinaries or their commissaries so that when the said officers ministers trauayle or ride to arrest any lollard or to make assistence at the instance request of the ordinaries or their cōmissaries by vertue of this statute the the same ordinaries cōmissaries shal pay for their costes reasonable And that the kyngs seruices to the which the same offycers be fyrst sworne be preferred before al other statutes for the libertie of holy church the ministers of the same in espicial for the correction punishmente of the heretikes and lollardes before this time made not repelled being in their force And also the al persons cōuict of heresie of what estate condition or degre that they be by the sayd ordinaries or other cōmissaries left to the seculer power according to the lawes of holy church shal lose and forfeyt al theyr lands and tenementes whiche they haue in fee simple in the maner as foloweth that is to say that the king haue al the lands tenementes which the sayd conuictes haue in fee simple holden of him immediatly as forfeyt that the other lords of whom the lands tenementes of such conuictes be holden immediatly after that the kyng is so seaced answered of the yere the day and the wast haue liuery our of the kynges handes of the landes tenemētes aforesaid of
paye beare but to their vtter vndoing beyng fewe in number to paye and bear the same but also the same cities boroughes and townes corporat are lyk to come very shortly to vtter dystruction ruyne and decay by reason whereof the occupyers linnen drapers wollen drapers haberdashars and grocers dwellinge in the countries out of the said cities boroughes townes corporate and market townes do not onely occupye the art and mistery of the said sciences in the places wher they dwell and inhabite but also come vnto the said cities boroughes townes corporat and market townes and ther sell their wares and take away the releif of the inhabitaūtes of the sayd cities borowes townes corporate and market townes to the great decaye and vtter vndoyng of the inhabitantes of the same yf spedy reformation therin be not had in time conueniēt For remedy whereof for the better amendment of the sayde citities boroughes townes corporate market townes and to thend the same cities boroughes and townes corporat may be the better able to pay the sayd fee farmes and also to beare the other ordinary charges within the same cities boroughes and townes corporate and to furnyshe the kyng and queenes maiestyes with numbres of able persons like as they heretofore haue done in times past in tymes of warre Be it therfore enacted by our soueraygne Lord and Ladye the kyng and Quene the lordes spirituall and temporal and the commons in this present parlyament assembled and by thauctoryty of same that any person or persons which do nowe inhabite dwell or hereafter shal inhabite or dwel in the country any wher or countye with in thys realme of Englande out of any of the sayd cities boroughes townes corporate or market townes from after the feast of S. Michael tharchangel next commyng shall not sell or cause to be sold by retayle any wollen cloth linnen cloth haberdashe wares grocery wares marcery wares at or within any of the sayd cities boroughes townes corporat or market townes or with in the suburbes or liberties of the sayde cities boroughes townes corporat market townes within the sayd realme of England except it be in open fayres vpon payne to forfeyt lose for euery time so offending the summe of .vi. s. viii d. the whole wares so solde profered and offered to be sold contrary to the forme entente and effect of thys present act as aboue is sayd the one moyte of al whiche forfeytures to be to the vse of our say● soue raygne lorde and ladye the kynge and quenes maiesties and the other halfe to hym or them that shal sease and sue for the same in any of the kynge and queenes courtes of recorde by byl playnt action of debt information or otherwyse wherin no essoygne proteccion or wager of law shal be allowed Prouided alway that this acte shall not in any wyse extende nor be hurtful to any person or persons that bryng any of the sayd wollen cloth li●en cloth haberdash grocerye mercery ware or wares to any of the sayd cities boroughes townes corporate or markette townes to be solde or cause to be solde by whole sale in grosse and not by retayle but they and euery of thē may lawfully sel the same in as large and ample maner forme and condition by whole sale in grosse not by retayle as they and euery of them might haue done at any tyme or tymes before the makyng of thys acte Anye thinge herein to the contrary not withstandinge Prouided alway that thys present acte shall not extende to anye person or persons that now dwel or inhabite in the coūtry or herafter shal dwel or inhabite out of any of the sayd cities borowes townes corporate or market townes but that they and euerye of them at any tyme hereafter when they or any of them shal be fre of any the guyldes libertyes of any the sayd cities borowes townes corporate or market towns and dwel or inhabite within any of the same cities borowes townes corporate or markette townes that they and euery of them so beyng free shal and may sel or cause to be solde any of the wares aforsayd by retayle in as ample and large maner as they and euery of them might haue done beyng free of the sayde cities borowes and townes a●oresayd before the makyng of thys acte Any clause or article in thys act to the contrarye notwithstandynge Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by thauetoritye aforesaid that it shal be laweful to al persons to sell or cause to be solde by retayle or otherwyse al maner of cloth linnen or wollen of their owne making in euery city borough towne corporat and market towne within the realme as frelye and francklye as they might haue done before the makyng of thys acte Any thynge in the same conteyned to the contrary hereof notwithstandyng Prouided alway that thys act or any thyng therein conteyned shal not be preiudicial or hurtfull to the liberties and priuileges of the vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxford or eyther of them Any thyng in thys act heretofore mencioned to the contrary notwithstandynge ¶ An acte repealyng all Statutes articles and prouisions made agayn●t the Sea Apostolike of Rome synce the .xx. yeare of kyng Henry the eyght and also for the establishment of al spiritual and ecclesistical possessions and hereditamentes conueyed to the laytie ¶ The eyght Chapter VVHere as synce the .xx. yere of kynge Henry theight of famous memory father vnto youre maiestie our most naturall soueraygne and gratious Lady and Queene muche false and erronious doctryne hath bene taught preached written partly by dyuers the natural borne subiectes of this realme partely beyng brought in hether from sondry other forreyne countryes hath bene sowen spred abroad within the same By reason wherof aswel the spiritualtie as the temporaltie of your highnes realmes and dominions haue swerued from the obedience of the sea Aposto lyke and declined from the vnitie of Christes churche and so haue continued vntyl such time as your maiestye beyng fyrste reysed vp by god and set in the seate Royall ouer vs and then by hys deuine gratious prouidence knit in mariage with the moste noble vertuous prynce the kyng oure soueraygne lorde youre husbande the Popes holynes and the Sea apostolyke sent hyther vnto your maiestyes as vnto persons vndefiled by gods goodnes preserued from the common infection aforesayd and to the whole realme the moste reuerende father in God the lorde Cardinall Poole Legate de latere to cal vs home agayne into the ryght way from whence we haue al thys long while wādred and strayed abrode And we after sundrye longe and greuous plagues and calamities seynge by the goodnes of god our owne errours haue knowledged the same vnto the sayd mooste reuerend father and by hym haue bene and are the rather at the contemplacion of your maiestyes receyued embraced into the vnitie and bosome of Christes church and vpon our humble
submission promise made for a declaration of oure repentaunce to repeale and abrogate such actes and statutes as had bene made in parliament synce the sayd .xx. yere of the sayd kyng Henry theyght agaynst the supremacy of the Sea apostolyke as in our submission exhibited to the sayd moste reuerende father in God by your maiestyes appeareth The tenor wherof ensueth We the lordes spiritual and temporall and the commons assembled in thys present parlyament representyng the whole body of the realme of Englande and the dominions of the same in the name of our selues perticulerly and also of the sayd body vniuersally in this our supplication directed to your maiestyes with most humble suit that it may by your graces intercession meane be exhibited to the most reuerende father in God the lorde cardynall Poole Legate sent speciallye hyther from our mooste holye father Pope Iuly the thyrd and the Sea apostolyke of Rome do declare our selues very sory and repentaunte of the scisme and disobedience committed in thys realme dominions aforesayd against the sayd Sea apostolike eyther by making agreing or exec●yng any lawes ordinaunces or commaundementes agaynst the supremacy of the sayd sea or other wyse doyng or speakyng that might impugne the same offerynge ourselues promysing by thys our supplication that for a token knowledge of our sayd repentaunce we be shal be alwayes ready vnder and with thauctorities of your maiesties to the vttermost of our powers to do that shall lye in vs for the abrogation and repealyng of the sayde lawes and ordinances in this present parlyament aswel for our selues as for the whole bodye whome we represente whervpon we most humblye desyre your maiestyes as personages vndefiled in th offence of hys body towardes the sayd Sea whych neuertheles god by hys prouidence hath made subiect to you so to set forth this our most humble suyte that we may obtayne from the Sea apostolyke by the sayde most reuerend father aswell perticulerly as generally absolution release and discharge from al daunger of such censures and sentences as by the lawes of the churche we be fallen into And that we may as children repentaunt be receiued into the bosome and vnitie of Christes churche so as this noble realme with al the membres therof may in this vnitie and perfect obedience to the Sea apostolyke and Popes for the tyme beynge serue god and your maiesties to the furtherance and aduauncemēt of his honor and glory We are at the intercession of your maiesties by thauctoritye of our holy father Pope Iuly the thyrd and of the Sea apostolike assoiled discharged and deliuered from excommunication interdictions and other censures ecclesiastical which hath hanged ouer our heades for our sayde defaultes synce the tyme of the sayde scisme mencioned in our supplication The whyche tyme the sayde lorde Legate and we do al declare recognise and meane by thys act to be onely synce the .xx. year of the raigne of your most noble father kyng Henry the eyght It maye now lyke your maiesties that for the accomplishment of our promyse made in the sayde supplication that is to repeale al lawes statutes mode contrarye to the sayde supremacy and Sea apostolyke durynge the sayd scisme the whych is to be vnderstande synce the .xx. yere of the raygne of the sayd late kyng Henry theyght and so the sayde lorde Legate doth accept and recognise the same Where in the parliament begonne and holden at Westminster in the .xxi. yere of the raygne of the late kynge of most famous memory kyng Henry theyght one act was then and there made agaynst pluralities of benefices for takynge of farmes by spiritual men and for none residence in the which act amongest other thynges it was ordeyned and enacted that yf any person or persons at any tyme after the fyrst day of Apryll in the yere of our Lord God a thousand fyue hundred and thirtye contrary to the same act should procure and obteyne at the court of Rome or els where anye lycence or lycences vnion tolleration or dispensation to receaue or take anye more benefices with cure then was limitted and appoynted by the same acte or els at any tyme after the sayde daye shoulde put in execution any such licence tolleration or dispensation before the tyme obteyned contrary to the sayd acte that then euerye such person or persons so after the sayd day suyng for himselfe or receauynge takyng such benefice by force of such lycence or lycences vnion tolleration or dispensation that is to saye the same person or persons only and no nother should for euery such defaulte incurre the danger payne and penaltie of .xx. li. sterl and should also lose the whole profytes of euery such benefice or benefices as he receaueth or taketh by force of any such licence or licences vnion tolleration or dispensation And where also in the sayd acte it was ordeyned and enacted that yf any person or persons dyd procure or obteyne at the court of Rome or els where anye maner of lycence or dispensation to be none residēce at their dignities prebend or benefices cōtrary to the sayd acte that then euerye suche person or persons puttynge in execution any suche dispensation or licence for him selfe from the sayd fyrst daye of Apryll in the sayde yeare of our Lord God a M. fyue hundred and thirtye should runne and encurre in the penalty damage and payne of .xx. li. ster for euery tyme so doinge to be forfeyted and recouered as by the sayd act is declared And yet suche licence or dispensation so procured or to be put in execution to bee voyde and of none effecte as by the same acte more playnely it doth and may appeare Be it enacted by thauctoritye of thys present parlyament that asmuch only of the sayd act as concerneth the articles and clauses aforesayd and al and euery the wordes and sentences conteyned in the sayd act concernynge the sayde articles and clauses and euerye of them shal from hence forth be repealed adnulled reuoked adnihilated and vtterly made voyde for euer Any thyng in the sayde act to the contrary in any wyse notwythstandyng And where also at the session of the same parliament holden vpon prorogation in the .xxiii. yere of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henry theyght one act intituled the act that no person shal be cited out of the diocesse where he or she dwelleth except in certaine caces And where also at the sayd parliament in the session holdē at Westminster vpon prorogacion the .xxiiii. yere of the raygne of the sayde late kyng Henry theyght one act was made that appeales in suche cases as hath ben vsed to be pursued to the sea of Rome should not from hence forth be had nor vsed but within this realme And wher also at the sayd parliament holdē at Westminster in the .xxi. yere of the raygne of the sayd late kynge Henry the eyght and there continued by diuers prorogations vntyl the .xxiiii. daye of
it further enacted by thauctoritye aforesayd that yf the Egiptians or other persons commonly callyng them selues Egiptians and euery of them now beyng within thys realme of Englād or Wales do not depart out of the same within .xx. daies next after proclamation of thys present acte shal be made that then he or they which shal not depart within the said time accordynge to the true meanyng of thys act shal forfeyte and lose al hys and theyr goodes and cattels and that then it shal be lawfull to al and euery the king and the Quenes subiectes to sease the same th one moyte therof to be to the vse of our soueraygne lord and lady the kyng the quene and thother moyte therof to be to the vse of hym or thē that shal so sease the same And be it also enacted by thauctority aforesayde that yf the Egiptians and other persons commonly called Egiptians and euery of them now beinge within this realme of England or Wales do not depart out and frō the same within .xl. dayes next after proclamation shal be made of this act ▪ that then he or they which shal not depart and auoyd within the sayd time of .xl. dayes accordyng to the true meanyng of this act shal be iudged and demed accordynge to the lawes of this realme of England a fellon and fellons shal suffer therfore paynes of death losse of landes and goodes as in other cases of fellony and shal be tryed as is aforesayd wythout hauing any benefite or priuilege of sanctuary and clergie And be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayd that yf anye person after the fyrst day of Ianuarye next cōmyng shall sue for the obteyning of any licence letter or pasport for any of the sayde persons called Egyptians to abide or continue within this realme of Englande or Wales contrary to the tenoure of this acte that then euery such person so suing shall forfeyte and lose for the same fortye ponnds of lawefull monye of Englande and that euerye suche license letter and pasporte shal be by vertue of this acte voyde to al intentes purposes th one moytie of all whych summes of moneye to be forfeited as is beforesayde shal be to the kyng and Quene our Soueraygne Lord and Lady and the other moyte therof to be to him or them that wyl sue for the same in any courte of recorde by action of decte byl plaint or information wherein any essoygne wager of lawe nor protectyon shal be admitted and allowed Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that thys present acte nor any thynge therein conteyned shal not extende nor be hurtefull to any of the sayd persones commonlye called Egyptians whych within the sayde tyme of twentye dayes nexte after the sayde proclamation to be made as is before saide shall leaue that noughtye ydle and vngodly lyfe and company e and be placed in the seruice of some honeste and able inhabitaunte or inhabytauntes within this realme or that shal honestly exercise him selfe in some lawe full worke or occupation but that he or they so cōtinuing in seruice or other lawful worke or occupation shal during such time as he or they shall so continue be discharged of all paynes and forfeytures contayned in this acte Prouided also and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide tha● this acte shall not in any wise extende to anye chylde or children being not aboue the age of .xiii. yeares nor to any of the said personnes being nowe in prison so that he or they so being in prison doo departe out of thys realme within .xiiii. days next after his or their deliuery out of pryson nor shall extende to charge any maner of person or persones as accessary to anye offence or offences conteined or specified in this estatute ¶ An acte to restrayne carriing of corne victuals and woodde ouer the sea ✚ The .v. Chapyter WHere as sundrye good estatutes and lawes hath bene made within this realme in the tyme of the Queenes highnes most noble progenitours that none shuld trāsporte carye or conueye oute of thys realme into anye place in the partyes beyond the seas any corne butter chese ▪ or other victuall excepte onelye for the vitaling of the towne of Caleys Hames Guysnes and the marches of the same vpon dyuerse greate paynes and forfeytures in the same conteyned that notwithstandyng many and sundrye couetous and vnsacyable persones sekyng their onely lucres and gaines hath and dayelye doeth cary and conueigh innumerable quantitie aswel of corne chese butter and othe● victual as of woode out thys realme into the parties beyonde the seas By reason whereof the sayd corne vyctuall wood are growen vnto a wonderfull dearthe and extreame pryces to the greate detriment of the Commonwealth of this your hyghnes realme and your faythfull subiectes of the same For remedy whereof it may please youre hyghnes that it maye bee enacted and be it enacted by youre highnes by thassente of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parlyament assembled and by thauctoritie of the same that no maner of personne or personnes after the .xx. daye of Ianuary next commynge shall carye transporte out of this realme by anye Shippe Craier or other vessell whatsoeuer into anye place in the parties beyonde the seas or into the realme of Scotlande any wheate rye barley or other corne or grain growing within this Realme or anye malte made within the same or any bere butter chese herrynge or wodde excepte onely to and for the victualing and furniture of the townes of Callys Hames and Guysnes and to the towne of Ba●wycke and the marches of the same wyth out sufficient and lawefull aucthoritie so to do vpon the paines and penalties hereafter ensuinge that is to saye thowner and owners of the sayde shyppes and other vesseles to forfeyte the sayde shyppes craiers and other vesseles with al their apparels to them and euerye of them belongyng wherein the sayde corne butter chese herrynge vyctuall or wodde shal be so transported and caryed and the owners and owner of the sayde corne butter chese hearynge and wodde to forfeyte the double valewe of the same so caried and conueyed and the mayster and mareners of euery of the sayde shippes craiers and vessells for euerye suche offence to forfeyte all their goodes and to be imprysoned by the space of one whole yeare without bayle or maynepryse And be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that yf anye person or persones after the sayde twenty day of Ianuary do cary and conueye awaye by Boote Crayer or other vessell or otherwyse anye wheate rye barleye malte or other corne or grayne or any beare butter chese herryng or wodde to anye Shyppe or vessell beynge on the Seas or within any Hauen creke or other place of the border of thys Realme to be transported caried and conueyed into anye place in the parties beyonde the Seas or into the realme of Scotlande wythout
thē so holdē as it hath bene vsed in the case of attainder of felonie except the landes tenemētes which be holden of t he ordinaries or their cōmissaries before whome any such persons impeched of heresie be cōuict which landes tenemētes i●●●●rly shal remayne to the kyng as forfayte And moreouer that al the goods cattels of these persons so cōuicted be forfait to our soue raygne lord the kyng so that no person conuict of heresy left to the seculer power after the lawes of holy church shal for feyt his lāds before that he be dead And if any such person so cōuict be enfeffed be it by fyne by dede or wtout dede in lādes or tenementes rentes or seruices in fee or otherwyse or hath any other possessiōs or catels by gift or graūt of any person or persōs to anothers vse thē to the vse of such conuictes the the same lands nor tenementes rētes nor seruices nor such other possessions nor catels shal be forfeit to our soueraign lord the king in no wise And moreouer that the iustices of the kings bench iustices of pece iustices of assise haue ful power to enquire of al thē which hold anierrors or heresies as lollards which be their main teine ●s receyuers fauorers susteyners cōmen writers of such bokes aswel of the sermons as of their scoles conuēticles congregatiōs and confede racies And the thys clause be put in commissions of the iustices of the peace And if any persons be indicted of any points aforesaid the sayd iustices shal haue power to award against thē a capias and the shiref shal be boūd to arrest the person or persons so endicted as sone as he mai thē●ynd by him or by his officers And forasmuch as the cognisance of heresy errors lollardries belongeth to the iudges of holy church not to the seculer Iudges suche persons indicted shal be delyuered to the ordinaries of the places or to theyr commyssaryes by indentures betwyxt thē to be made wythin .x. dayes after theyr arrest or soner yf it may be therof to be acquit or conuict by the lawes of holy church in case that these persons be not indicted o● another thyng wherof the cognysaunce belongeth to the seculer iudges and officers in whiche case after that that they be acquyte or delyuered before the seculer Iudges of such thinges to the seculer Iudges belongyng they shal be sent in safegarde to the sayde ordinaryes or to their cōmissaries and to them deliuered by indentures as before to be acquite or conuict of such lollardries errours or heresies as is aforesayd after the lawes of holy churche and that within the terme aforesayde Prouided alwayes that the sayde endictementes be not taken in euidence but for information before the spirituall Iudges agaynst suche persons so endicted but that the ordinaries commence theyr processe agaynst such persons endicted in the same maner as though no endictment were hauyng no regarde to such endictmentes And yf anye be endicted of heresye errour or lollardrye and taken by the Shyreffe or other officer he shal be let to maynpryce wythin the sayde tenne dayes by good suerty for whom the sayd shyreffes or other officers wyl aunswere so that the sayde person or persons which were so endicted be ready to be deliuered to the sayde ordinaries or to their commissaries before the ende of the sayde tenne dayes yf he may by any meanes for syckenes And euery ordinarye shal haue sufficient commissaries or commissary dwellyng in euery countie in a place notable so that if any such person so endicted be taken that the sayde commissaryes or commissarie may be warned in the notable place where he dwelleth by the shyreffe or some of hys officers to come to the kynges iayle in the same countie there to receyue the same persō so endicted by indentures as before And that in the inquest in thys case to be taken the shyreffes and other officers to whome it beloogeth shal do to be empanelled good and sufficient persons not suspected nor procured that is to say that euery of thē which shal be so empanelled in suche inquest haue wythin the realme of England C. s. of landes tenementes or of rent by yere vpon payne to lose to the kynges vse .x. li. and thei which shal be empanelled in such inquestes in Wales euery of them shal haue to the value of .xl. s. by yeare And yf anye suche person be arrest be it by the ordinary or by the kynges officers or ministers escape or breake the prison before that he be acquit before the ordinary the goodes and cattels whiche he hadde the daye of suche arreste shal be forfeyte to the kynge and hys landes and tenementes whych he had the same daye seased also into the kynges handes the kyng shal haue the profytes therof from the sayd day vntyl he be yelded to the pryson frō which he escaped And that the forsayd Iustices haue ful power to enquire of al such escapes breakyng of pryson and also of lands and tenementes goodes and cattels of such persons so endicted Prouided also that yf any such person endicted do not retorne to the sayd prison and dieth not conuict it shal be lawfull to his heyres to enter into the landes and tenementes of their auncestre without any other pursuyt makynge to the kyng for thys cause and then al they which haue libe●tyes and fraunchises royall in England as in the countie of Chester the countie and liberty of Durham other lyke and also al the Lordes which haue iurisdiction and fraunchisns royal in Wales where the kynges writtes do not run haue power to execute and put in due executiō these articles in al pointes by thē or by theyr officers in like maner as the Iustices and other the kinges offycers before declared shoulde doe ¶ An act that persons dwellyng in the countrey shal not sel diuers wares in cities or townes corporate by retayle ¶ The .vii. Chapter VVHere before this tyme the auncient cities boroughes townes corporat and market townes within thys realme of Englād haue bene very populous chiefly inhabited with marchantes artificers handye craftes mē during which time the childrē in the sayd cities borowes townes corporat market townes were ciuilly brought vp and instructed and also the sayd cities borowes and townes corporate kept in good order and obeysaunce and the inhabiters of the same wel set on worke and kept from ydle nes By reason wherof the sayde cytyes borowes and townes corporate did then prosper in riches and great wealth were as then not only able to serue and furnysh the kyng and quenes maiesties and other their noble progenitours kynges of thys realme aswell with great numbers of good able persons and wel furnyshed mete for the wares as also then charged and yet chargeable with great fee farmes quindemes taxes and diuers other paymentes to the kyng and Quenes maiesties which at this present they be not able to
Apryll in the xxvii yere of hys raigne one act was made concerning restraintes of paymentes of annaties and firste fruites of archebyshopryckes and byshopryckes of the Sea of Rome And where at a Session of the sayd parlyament holden in the .xxv. yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kyng there was also one act made in tituled the submission of the clergie to the kynges maiesties and one other act intituled one act restraynynge the sayde paymentes of annates or fyrste fruites to the byshop of Rome and of the electing and consecrating of the archbyshoppes and byshoppes within thys realme And one other act was then and there made entituled an act cōcernyng the exoneration of the kynges subiectes from exactions impositions before that time payed to the Sea of Rome and for hauing licences and dispensations within this realme withoute suynge further for the same Be it enacted by thauctorytye of thys presente parlyament that the sayde seuerall actes made for the restraynt of payment of the sayde annates and fyrste fruites and all other the sayd actes made in the sayd .xxiiii. and .xxv. yeres of the raygne of the sayd late kynge and euery of them and al euery braunch article matter and sentence in them and euery of them conteyned shal be by auctorytye of thys present parliament from hence forth vtterly voyde made frustrate and repealed to al intentes constructions and purposes And be it further enacted by thauctority of thys present parliament that al and euerye these actes folowyng That is to saye one act made at the session of the sayd parliament holden vpon prorogation at West in the .xxvi. yere of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henry theyght entituled an acte concerning the kinges highnes to be supreme head of the church of England and to haue auctorytye to reforme and redresse al errours heresies abuses in the same And one other acte made in the same session of the same parliament entituled an acte for nomination and consecration of Suffragans within this realme And one other acte made in the .xxvii. yeare of the raigne of the sayd late kyng Henry the eyght entituled an acte wherby the kynge shoulde haue power to nominate .xxxii. persons of his Clergy and Lay fee for the makyng of Ecclesiastical lawes And also one other act made at the parliament holden at Westminster in the .xxviii. yere of the raygne of the said late kyng Henry the eyghte entituled an acte extinguishynge thauctorytye of the Bysshop of Rome And one other act made in the same parlyament entituled an act for the release of suche as then had obteyned pretended licences and dispensations from the Sea of Rome And also al that parte of the acte made in the sayde .xxviii. yeare of the sayde kynge entituled an acte for the establishement of the Succession of the imperial crowne o● the realme that concerneth a prohibition to marrye within the degrees expressed in the sayd acte And also one other acte made at the parliamente holden at Westminster in the xxxi yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henrye the eyght entituled an acte auctorysynge the kynges hyghnes to make bysshoppes by his letters patentes And one other act made in the session of the same parliament begon in the sayd .xxx. yare holden vpō prorogation the .xxxii. yere of the reygne of the sayde kynge Henry the eyghte entitu●ed an acte concerninge precontractes of marryages and touching degrees of consanguitie And one other acte made in the parliament holden at Westminster in the .xxxv. yere of the reygne of the said late king Henry theyght entituled an act for the ratification of the kings maiesties stile shal henceforth be repealed made frustrate voyde and of none effect And where also at the said parliamēt holden at Westminster in the .xxxv. yere of the raigne of the sayd late kyng Henry theyght one other act was made entiteled an act concerning thestablishment of the succession of the sayd king in the imperial crowne of this realme In the which act there is a forme of a corporall othe deuised and set furth that euery subiect of this realme should be bounde to take against the power auctoritie and iurisdiction of the sea of Rome Be it enacted by thaucthoritie of this present parliament that so muche of the sayd acte as toucheth the sayd oth agaynst the supremacy and al othes ther vpon had made geuen shal be from henceforth vtterly voyde repealed and of none effect And wher also one other act was made in the xxxvii yere of the raigne of the sayd late king Henry theyght entituled an act that doctours of the cyuyl law being maried might exercise ecclesiastical iurisdiction Be it enacted by thauctority of this present parlyament that the sayd act last before mencioned and all and euerye braunche article sentence and matter conteyned in the same shal from henceforth be repealed and vtterly made voyd and of none effect And where one other act was made at the fyrst session of the parlyament holden at Westminster in the fyrst yere of the raigne of king Edward the syxt entituled an act for the repeale of certayne Statutes concernyng treasons fellonies c. In the whych act amongest other thyngs ther is conteined certeyne prouisions paynes penaltyes and forfeytures for agaynst suche as shoulde by open preachynges expres wordes sayinges writyng pryntyng ouert dede or act affirme or set furth that the kyng of this realme for the tyme beyng is not or ought not to be supreame head in earth of the churches of England and Ireland ne of any of them or that the byshoppe of Rome or any other person or persons other then the kyng of England for the tyme beyng is or ought to be supreame heade of the same churches or any of thē as in the same act last before rehersed more at large is conteyned and may appeare Be it enacted by auctority of this present parlyament that these clauses before rehearsed and other of the sayd act concerning the supremacy and all and euerye braunche article wordes and sentence in the same soundyng or tēdyng to the derogation of the supremacy of the Popes holynes or the sea of Rome al paynes penalties forfeytures made against them that should by any meanes set fur●h or extol the said supremacy shal be from henceforth vtterly boyde and of none effecte And be it further enacted by thauctoryty aforesayd that al clauses sentences and articles of euery other statute or act of Parlyament made sithence y● sayd .xx. yeare of the raygne of kyng Henry theyght agaynst the supreame auctoryty of the Popes holynes or Sea apostolike of Rome or conteyning any other matter of the same effect only that is repealed in any of the Statutes aforesayd shall be also by auctoritie here of from henceforth vtterly voyd frustrate and of none effect And where we your most humble subiectes the lordes spirituall and temporal and commons in this present parliament assembled haue exhibited to your
if the same had not bene so abolyshed or extinguyshed Forasmuche as the sayd Acte is here before amongest other repealed and made voyde Be it therefore enacted by aucthoritie of this present parliamente that all Bulles dispensations and priuileges obteyned before the sayde .xx. yeare or at any tyme sythence or whych shal hereafter be opteined of the Sea of Rome not conteining matter contrarye or preiudicial to the aucthoritie dignitie or preheminence Royal or imperiall of the realme or to the lawes of this realme now being in force and not in this parliament repealed may be put in executyon vsed and alleged in anye courte within this realme or elles where whether the same remayne yet hole or can appeare to haue bene cācelled in as vayleable and effectuall maner to all intents purposes as yf the sayd Acte had neuer bene had or made Anye obiection by pretence of extinguyshment or cācellyng of the sayde Bulles dispensations or priuileges or of any other matter or cause by the pretente of the lawes of this realme whatsoeuer in any wyse notwithstandyng And wher as by dissolution of monasteries and other religious houses certayne paryshe churches and chappeles which wer before exempte from the iurisdiction of the Archbyshop and byshop of the diocesse and by speciall exemption and priuelege from Rome were vnder the gouernement and order of the Abbotes and Prioures of those religious houses whych sayde churches by colour of the sayd exemptions be nowe of speciall graunt from Kyng Henry kynge Edwarde vnder the rule and gouernement and iurisdiction of tēporall and laye men who can no more enioye that supremacye ouer those particuler churches then the king might ouer the hole realme Be it therefore enacted that all Archbyshoppes byshopes in their dioces and all other spirituall person and persones hauynge iurisdiction and their ministers and offycers and no laye person or persones in euery Churche and place within the precincte of the same beyng exempt or not exempte ●aye freely and without impedimēt execute their spirituall iurisdictiō in al pointes articles as though no such exemption or graunt had neuer bene made Prouyded alwaye and be it enacted that this act extend not to take awaye or diminyshe the priueleges of the vniuersitie of Cambrydge and Oxforde ne the priuileges or prerogatiues graunted heretofore to the churches of Westminster and Wyndesore ne the Tower of London ne preiudiciall to suche temporall Lordes and possessioners in this realme as by auncient custō● haue enioyed probate of Testamentes of their tenauntes or other And forasmuch as after this reconsiliation and vnitie of this noble realme to the body of Christes church it is to be trusted that by the aboundaunce of Goddes mercy and grace deuotion shal encrese and growe in the hartes of many Subiects of this realme with desire to gyue bestow their worldly possessions for the resuscitating of almose prayer and example of good lyfe in this realme to thintēt such godly motions and purposes should be aduaunced Be it therefore enacted by the aucthoritie of this present parliamēt that it shal be lawefull to suche as shal be sessed of any manours lāds tenementes personages tithes pencions portions or other hereditamētes whatsoeuer in fee symple in possession reuertiō or remaynder in their owne ryghtes not beyng coppy hold may therof make feoffamentes grauntes or any other assuraunces or by his last will and Testament in wryting may be queath and geue in fe symple al and euery the sayd manours lādes tenementes personages tithes pencions portions or other hereditamentes to any spirituall body politike or corporate in this realme or dominions of the same nowe erected or founded or hereafter to be erected or founded withoute any lycence of mortmayne therein to be opteyned or any wrytte of ad quod dampnum to be sued out for the same the actes de terri ad manum mortuam non ponendis or any other acte or statute heretofore had or made in any wise notwithstanding Sauyng to the Lordes of the fee all rentes seruices dew or goyng out of any of the sayd land or tenements or hereditaments so to be amortized as is aforesayd Prouyded alway that this clause of this acte for geuing the libertie of or for the amortezing of landes or tenementes shall continue for and duryng the space of .xx. yeares nexte and immediatelye folowyng and no lenger And forasmuch as we your maiesties humble and obedient subiectes the lordes spirituall and temporall and commons in this present Parliament assembled neither by the making or deliuering of either the supplications aforesayde nor by any claufe article or sentence thereof or of any other clause article or sentence of this or any other Statute or any of the pream●●es of the same made or agreed vpon in this session of this present parliamēt by any maner of interpretation cōstruction implication or otherwise intende to derogate empaire or diminishe any of the prerogatiues liberties fraunchisies preheminences or iurisdictions of your Croune Imperiall of thys realme and other the dominious to the same belonging we do most humbly besech your maiesties that it maye be declared and ordeyned and be it enacted and declared by aucthoritie of this presēt parliament that neither the makyng exhibiting or insertinge in thys present statute or in the preambles of the same of the supplications or promys aforesayd or either of them nor any other thing or thinges wordes sentences clauses o●●rticles in the preambles or body of the actes aforesayde ▪ shal be construed vnderstanded or expoūded to derogat diminishe or take away any the liberties ▪ priuileges prerogatiues preheminences auctorities or iurisdictions or any parte or percel therof which were in your imperial croune of this realme or dyd belong to your said imperiall croune the twenty yeare of the reigne of yours the Quenes maiesties moste noble father or anye other your most noble progenitours before the sayd twētye yere the popes holines and Sea Apostolike to be restored and to haue and enioye such aucthoritie preheminence and iurisdiction as hys holines vsed and exercised or myght lawfully haue vsed and exercised biaucthoritie of his supremacie the said twētie yere of the reign of the kynge your father within this your realme of Englande and other your Dominions without diminution or enlargement of the same and none other And the Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the Archebyshoppes Bishoppes and ordinaries to be in the same state for processe of suites punyshment of crimes and execution of censures of the churche wyth knowledge of causes belongyng to the same as large in these poyntes ▪ as the sayd iurisdiction was the sayde .xx. yeare Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that in and vpon euery such gyftes and deuyses to be made to such spirituall corporations or persones as is aforesaid the donor feoffer or diuisor thereof may reserue to hym ▪ and to his heires for euer a tenure in franke almaine or a tenure by diuine seruice
to haue all remedies and actions for and vpon the sayde gyftes or deuyses and tenures in lyke maner forme as was vsed before the estatute of Westminster thyrd commonlye called Quia emptores terrarum The sayde estatute or any other lawe or custome nowe beyng to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted that all and euery persō persones and bodyes politike and corporate whyche nowe haue or hereafter shall haue any estate of enheritaunce freholde terme or in trest of in or to any portiō pention tithes glebelandes or other ecclesiasticall or spirituall profytte whyche by this acte and lettres of dispensatiō rehearsed in the same be permitted suffred to remaine and continue in laye mens possessions shall and may haue like remedye for the recououery of the same and euery parte thereof as they and euery of them myght haue had before the fyrste day of this present Parlyament Any thynge in this acte conteyned to the contrary in any wyse notwithstanding ¶ An Acte for the punishment of traiterous wordes agaynst the Quenes maiestie ¶ The .ix. Chapiter FOrasmuch as now of late diuerse noughty sedicious malicious heretical persons not hauing the fere of god before their eies but in a deuillishe sort cōtrary to the duetie of their allegiaūce haue cōgregregated thē selues together in cōuenticles in diuerse sondr● prophāe places with● this citie of Lōdō esteming thē selfes to be in the true faith wher in dede they are in errours here sies oute of the true trade of Chrystes catholike religion in the same places at seuerall tymes vsing theyr phantasticall and scismaticall seruices lately taken awaye and abolyshed by aucthoritie of parlyament haue of theyr most malicious cankerde stomakes praied agaynst the Quenes maies●ie that God would turne her hert from Idolatrye to the true fayth or ells to shorten her dayes or take her quickely out of the waye whyche prayer was neuer harde nor rede to haue ben vsed by anye good Chrystian manne agaynste anye Prynce though he were a pagan and infidele and much lesse against any christiā Prynce and especially so vertuous a Princes as our soueraygne Lady that nowe is knowen to be whose faithe is and alwayes hath bene most true and catholique and consonaunt agreing with Chrystes catholique church throughout the worlde dispersed For reformation whereof be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parliament that euery such person and persones whych sence the begynnyng of this present parliament haue by expresse words and sayinges prayed required or desyred as is aforesayd or hereafter shall praye by expresse wordes or sayinges that God should shorten her dayes or take her out of the way whose lyfe almighty god lōge preserue or any such lyke malicious prayer amounting to the same effecte their procurers and abbettours therin shal be taken reputed and iudged traytours and euery such praying requiring or desyryng shal be iudged taken and reputed hygh treason and the offendours therin their procurers and abbettours beyng therof laufully conuicte accordyng to the lawes of this realme shall haue suffer and forfeyte as in cases of high treason ¶ Prouyded alway and be it enacted that yf any person or persons shall be indicted for any the offences aforesayde done and perpetrated duryng this session of this present parliament and vpon hys or their arreignement shal shewe him or themselues penitent for ther offence and submitte him or them selues to the kyng and Quenes mercy and humbly desyre the same before such Iustices or commissioners before whom he or they shal be arraygned that thē no iudgement of conuiction or attayndour of treason shal be gyuen agaynste any such person or persones so beyng penitent and submittinge thēselues as is aforesayd And in euery such case the iustices or cōmissioners before whome such person or persōs shal be arraygned shall haue aucthoritie by vertue of this acte to prescribe adindge appoynte such corporall punishment other then death to such offēder and offenders as to them by their discretion shall seme conuenient and vpon that penaunce prescribed and done to be discharged of the sayde treason comprised in that inditement ¶ An acte wherby certayne offences be made treasons and also for the gouernement of the kynges and quenes Maiesties issue ¶ The .x. Chapyter FOrasmuch as the greate mercy clemency heretofore declared bi the the Quenes highnes in releasing the penal lawes made by her progenitours hath giuen occasiō to many cankarde traiterous harts to ymagine practyse attempte things stirring the people to disobedience rebellion against her highnes common polecy and duetie of subiectes require that some lawe be eftsones establyshed to restrayne the malyce of suche wycked euill doers wherby they may be prehibited to blowe abrode such shamefull slaunders and lyes as they daylye inuente and imagine of her highnes and the kynges maiestie her mooste lawefull husbād which when they be hard can not be but odible and detested of all good mē consyderyng they touche their maiesties vpon whome dependeth the whole vn itie and vniuersall welth of this realme In consideration whereof be it ordeined and enacted by the king and the quenes maiesties with thassente of the lordes spirituall and temporall and of the commons in this present parliament assēbled and by the auctoritie of the same that if any persō or persons after the first day of February next to come during the mariage betwene the king the quenes maiesties do compasse or imagine to depriue the kinges maiestie that nowe is frō the hauing inioyning ioyntly together with the quenes hyghnes the stile honour and kinglye name of the realmes and dominions vnto our sayd soueraygne Lady the quenes highnes appertaining or to destroie the kyng that now is duryng the sayd matrimonye or to destroye the quenes maiesti● that nowe is or the heires of her bodye begotten beynge kinges or Queenes of this Realme or to leauye warre within thys Realme of England or within any of the marches of the same agaynste the kynges maiestie that nowe is duryng the sayd mariage or against the quenes maiestie that nowe is ▪ or any of her sayde heyres beyng kynges or quenes of this Realme or to depose the quenes maiestie that nowe is or the heires of her body begotten beynge kynges or quenes of this realme from the Imperiall croune of the Realmes and dominions abouesayd And the same compasses or imaginations or any of thē maliciously aduisedly and directly shall or do vtter by open preachyng expresse wordes or sayings or if any person or persones after the sayde fyrst day of February by preching expresse wordes or sayinges shall maliciously aduisedly and directlye saye publyshe declare maintaine or hold opinion that the kynges maiestye that now is duryng the said matrimony ought not to haue or inioy ioyntlye together with the queenes maiestie the stile honoure and kyngly name of this realme or that any persō or persons being neither the kyng or
in such maner and forme as by the sayde ordinaunce shal be ordeyned and declared And the such as now be and the hereafter shal be makers of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustian of Norwich euery of them within the sayd city shal not from hence forth occupy the sayde mysterie making of the said russels sattēs sattens reuerses fustyan of Norwiche nor any of thē within the sayde city by them selues or by anye other before he or they so occupying the sayd mystery within the sayd citie be made free of the sayd citie and admitted to be of the sayd felowship by the maior of the sayde citie wardeyns and felowshyp of the said mysterye for the tyme beyng And that no person do occupy by him selfe or any other for him out of the sayd city the sayd mysterie of makyng of russels sattens sattens reuerses fustians of Naples or of any of them before he or they so occupiyng the same haue ben prētice to the said mysterie by the terme of seuen yeares or els admitted by the sayde maior and felowshyp or the more part of them vpon payne of forfeyture of the same russels sattēs sattens reuerses fustiā of Norwich by thē or any of thē to be made cōtrary to the forme of this act Prouided alwaies be it enacted by thauctoritye aforesayde that the sayd maior and wardeyns for the tyme beyng shal not take anye summe of money or reward to their owne proper vses for the admitting of any person or persons to occupy the said mystery vpon paine of forfeyture of treble the value of the reward or summe of money so by them or any of them to be taken Prouided also that it shal be lawfull to the sayde wardeynes and to euery of them for the time being by al wayes and meanes at al lawful times diligētly from time to time to make search by dewe ordinary waies for al maner of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustian of Norwiche that shal happen to be found by them defectiue for lacke of good and true workmāshyp And that it shal be lawfull to the sayd wardeynes euery of thē for the time being by vertue of this acte to sease take the sayd russels sattens sattens reuerses ▪ and fustian bringe and present the same clothes so seased taken to the Maior of the said citie for the time being vnto his successors ▪ to thintent that twelue honest lawful and expert men of the said mysterie felowship being sworne before the said Maior mai by vertue of their othes make inquirie and present the maner of the sayde defaultes before the said Maior for the time being according to such good and holsom ordinances and rules as shal be ordeined and made for the conseruation good continuance of the saide occupation and misterie the true makyng and working of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustians of Norwiche And that al euery persō and persons that shall occupy vse exercise the said misterie or making of the said russels sattens sattēs reuerses fustians of Norwiche or any of them contrary to the forme tenour playne meaning ▪ intent of this act and of the rules and ordinaunces that at any time hereafter by auctoritie of this acte shal be ordeyned made for the continuaunce of the true perfect making of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustian of Norwiche shal forfeyte and lose for euerye tyme so offending or making any russels sattens sattens reuerses fustian of Norwiche contrarie to the meaning tenour effect of the said acte rules and ordinaunces concerning the same suche fines amerciamentes paines as shal be adiudged assessed and affered by twelue experte men of the said felowship vpon their othes the same twelue persons to be sworne before the said Maior wardeynes to enquire and make true verdict presentment of such defaultes the one half of al which forfeyture to be to the Maior of the said citie for the time being his successors and thother moitie to the said wardeins for the tyme being ther succssours by action of dette bil playnt or informatiō in any courte of record in which action bil plaint or information no wager of lawe protection inuenciō or forren I le shal be allowed And in case it shal fortune hereafter that any of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustian of Norwich shal lacke of such lengthes bredes or of the true ensuing making or sorting of the yarne as shal be appointed set furth by the sayd rules ordinaunces and the same so to be found defectiue by verdict of twelue men of the sayd feloshyp before the sayd Maior wardeins their successors That thē the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustians of Naples euery of them so found defectiue to be cutte in two peeces to paye such fine or fines as shal be offered affered by the saide twelue expert men by vertue of their othes the one moitie of which fine or fines to be to the Maior of the sayd citie for the tyme being to his successours and thother moytie to the wardeynes of the sayd felowshype for the tyme beyng and to their succcessours Prouided alwaies and be it further enacted by thauctoritie afore sayd that if any wardeyne or wardeines for the time beyng of the said myst erie or occupation of making russels sattens sat tens reuerses sustian of Naples shal at any time hereafter seale or cause to be sealed any russels sattens sattens reuerses or fustians of Naples that shal not be wel sufficient and truely wrought and made according to the true entent and meanyng of thys present act shal forfeyt loose for euery pece so sealed being not wel sufficient and truly wrought and made the whole value of euery such pece so sealed th one half of whiche forfeytures to be to the kyng and Quenes maiesties her heyres and successors and thother moyte therof to be to such person persons as shal sue for the same by byll action or information in anye of the kynges courtes of record in whiche byl action or information no essoygne protection or wager of lawe shal be allowed ¶ An act to confirme the liberties of the lorde Marchers in Wales ¶ The .xv. Chapter HUmbly besechen your excellēt maiesties your true faythful Subiectes the lord Marchers bothe spiritual and temporal within your highnes dominion of Wales that wher as in the parliament holdē at West the .xxvii. yere of the raygne of kyng Henry theyght father vnto you our natural Soueraygne ladye amongest other thinges one acte was made established for lawes iustice to be ministred in the sayd dominiō of Wales in lyke forme as it is in this realme of England in the whiche acte one article is that for that the lords Marchers before the parliament had vsed to put their tenauntes wythin the lordships