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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06315 [Charter to Shipwrights company] Worshipful Company of Shipwrights (London, England); Egerton, Thomas, Sir, 1540?-1617.; Fleming, Tho.; Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. 1612 (1612) STC 16785; ESTC S114020 51,816 72

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Citie of London and the Sheriffes Iustices Constables and other officers and ministers of the said Citie for the time being And also the seuerall Mayors of our Cities of Bristoll and Rochester and of our seuerall Townes of Yarmouth Plymouth Dartmouth Ipswich Southampton Woodbridge Hull and Newcastell respectiuely for the time being And all other Mayors Sheriffes Iustices of Peace Bayliffes Constables and other officers and ministers of vs our heires and successors whatsoeuer within our said Realme of England and Dominion of Wales That they and euery of them be from time to time and at all times heereafter helping aiding and assisting to the said Master Wardens and Cominalty and to their successors and to euery or any of them for the time being and to euery of their deputie or deputies Officer or Officers for the time being for euer aswell in and for such search view and suruey so to be made as aforesaid As also for and in the execution of all and singuler graunts ordinances lawes constitutions and orders heerein contained or heereafter vpon or by vertue of these presents to be made allowed and approued in all things according to the true intent and meaning of the same vpon paine of our high displeasure and as they will answere the contrary And these our Letters Patents or the Inrolement thereof shall be good and effectuall in the Lawe to the said Master Wardens and Cominalty and their successors to all intents constructions and purposes against vs our heires and successors for euer Any Act of Parliament statute Law Prouision Proclamation restraint or other matter cause or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Prouided alwaies that these our Letters Patents or any thing therein contained shall not in any wise extend or be construed to extend or be prei●ditiall to our Cinque-Ports or to the liberties or members of the same or any of them or to any Iurisdiction power or aucthority of the Lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports for the time being which hee hath or in any wise or sort hee ought or may lawfully vse exercise or claime to or with the office of the Lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports or of any other office or offices belonging incident or appertaining to the said office of Lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports Any graunt power priuiledge matter or thing before in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Although expresse mention of the true yearely valew or certenty of the premisses or of any of them or of any other gifts or graunts by vs or any of our Progenitors or Predecessors to the said Master Wardens Cominaltie before these times made in these presents is not made Or any statute act ordinance prouision Proclamation or restraint before this time had made set forth ordained or prouided or any other thing matter or cause whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding In wittnesse whereof wee haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witnesse our selfe at Westminster the sixt day of May in the 10. yeare of our Raigne of England France and Irland and of Scotland the fiue and fortieth To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Thomas Lord Ellesmere Lord Chauncellor of England Sir Thomas Flemming Knight Lord cheef Iustice of England and Sir Edward Coke knight Lord cheefe Iustice of his Maiesties Court of Common Plees Send greeting in our Lord God euerlasting Whereas in a certaine Act or Statute in the Parliament holden at Westminster the fiue and twentieth day of Ianuary in the Nineteenth yeare of the Raigne of the late king of famous memory Henry after the conquest the seauenth made and ordained for the weale and profit of the subiects it was amongst other things ordained established and enacted that no Master and Wardens and fellowship of Crafts or Misteries or any of them no rulers of guildes or fraternities should take vpon them to make any Acts or ordinances ne to execute any Acts or ordinances by them theretofore made in disinheritance or diminution of the Kinges Prerogatiue or of others nor against the common profit of the people but if the same Acts and ordinances were examined and approued by the Chancellor or Treasorer of England or cheefe Iustice of either Bench or three of them or else before the two Iustices of Assises in their Circuit or Progresse in the Shire where such Acts or ordinances be made vpon paine or forfaiture of xl li. for euery time that they doe the contrary As by the said Act of Parliament doth and may appeare Know you now that Phinees Pett Master of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith in the County of Surrey and William Bright Nicholas Symonson and Nicholas Clay now Wardens of the said Art ot Mysterie with the whole Assent and consent of the Assistants of the same willing and desiring the said Act of Parliament in all and euery thing to be duely obserued and kept the twentieth day of Iuly in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defendor of the faith c. the tenth and of Scotland the fiue and fortieth haue exhibited to vs a certaine Petition containing diuers Articles Acts and ordinances for the better order rule and gouernment of the said Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights and of the person and persons now practising and professing or which heereafter shall practise or professe the said Art or Mysterie or any thing thereunto appertaining dwelling and inhabiting or which heereafter shall dwell and inhabit within the Realme of England or Dominion of Wales and for the Common weale and conseruation of the good estate of the said Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights And haue instantly desired vs that wee all and euery their Acts and ordinances heereafter mentioned by them to vs exhibited would examine and approue and them and euery of them to correct and amend in due and conuenient manner and forme as the said recited Act of Parliament requireth Wee well perceiuing and considering their said supplication to be good and acceptable according to their said desires and by the aucthoritie of the said Act of Parliament to vs giuen all and euery their Acts and ordinance so to vs exhibited haue seene read wel vnderstood and all and euery of them examined corrected and reformed the tenor whereof heereafter followeth viz. Inprimis it is ordained that vppon the day of election of new Master and Wardens of the said Corporation the same Master and Wardens so to be elected shall choose foure persons whereof two to be of the Assistants and the other two to bee of the better sort of the Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie who are not Assistants who haue called the Auditors of the said Company for the Accompts and reckonings of all such Officers and Accompts of the said Art or Mysterie are or ought to be Accomptable for or concerning any money goodes plate profits or
IAMES BY THE GRACE OF GOD King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come greting Whereas wee are credibly informed as well by our right trustie and right welbeloued Cosin and Counselor Charles Earle of Nottingam Lord high Admirall of England and Captaine Generall of our Nauy Royall as also by our principall officers of our said Nauy how slenderly and deceiptfully aswell our owne Ships and Barges as also other Shippes Boates Pinnaces like vessels of our Marchants and other our subiectes vsed in continuall seruice and trafficke are made and wrought to the great losse danger and preiudice of vs and our said subiectes and also of the great needlesse and wastfull charge and expences which wee doe from time to time beare and susteine in building and repairing of our owne Shippes and Pinnaces which are and haue beene the chiefest and greatest defence of this our Realme from the assaults of such enemies as haue practized the ouerthrow of the same Wee weighing the manifould dangers losses and hinderances which might and were likely more and more to ensue thereof if speedy remedy be not therefore had and prouided And intending to prouide for the strengthning of these our Kingdomes and Dominions with sufficient Shipping for defence and seruice thereof And to th' intent that aswell our selfe might from time to time be furnished stored and supplied with the fittest and ablest Ship-wrights and worke-men for the building making and repairing of our owne Shippes Pinnaces and other vessels As also that our Marchants and other our subiects might also in their worke and building from time to time be stored and supplied with skilfull able and sufficient Ship-wrights and work-men And for the better suppressing of deceiptes and abuses of diuers persons which should take vpon without sufficient skill and knowledge to make or repaire any Shippes Boates Pinnaces or other vessels to the great danger and hindrance as well of our selfe as of diuers other our louing subiectes Wee did by our Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England bearing date the two and twenteth day of Aprill In the yeare of our raigne of England France and Ireland the third and of Scotland the eight and thirteith Incorporate the Company of Ship-wrights and the Persons being Ship-wrights or Carpenters vsing the art or mistery of building and making of Shippes within our Realme of England and dominion of Wales by the name of Maister Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mistery of Ship-wrights of England and did grant vnto them by our said Charter or Letters Pattents diuers Preuiledges Liberties and immunities mentioned and contayned in the saide Letters Pattents tending to the reformation of the saide Abuses and deceites And whereas diuers defects and imperfections haue been sithence by experience found to be in the said Charter aswell in the extend thereof to what persons it should extend As also in the want of sufficient aucthoritie and meanes to gouerne and order the said Corporation and the men and members thereof and the affaires of the same and the Shipwrights workemen apprentices and seruants vsing the said art and for want of power and meanes to reforme preuent order and correct many contempts misdemeanors deceits and offences in the said art or misterie and the matters and things thereunto appertaining and to punish stubborne obstinate and disobedient persons of that profession whereby manifold errors deceits inconueniences are stil practised and continued to the great hindrance of the Nauigation of this kingdom the often losse hazard of mens liues and goods and the especiall preiudice of our owne seruice and the Common-wealth Know yee that wee for reformation amendment and supplie of the defects and imperfections aforesaid and for redresse of the said great and manifold errors enormities deceits and inconueniences at the Petition of the said Master Wardens and Cominaltie and for the great desire wee haue that good and conuenient lawes orders and ordinances should be established and vsed in and about the Corporation and Companie and the said Art or Misterie and for the aduancement of the good estate of the Shipping and Nauigation of this Kingdome to the good seruice both of our selfe and the Common-wealth Haue of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion granted constituted and ordained and by these Presents for vs our heires and successors doe grant constitute and ordaine That all and euery person and persons being Ship-wrights Calkers or Ship-carpenters or in any sort vsing exercising practising or professing the Art trade skill or misterie of building making trimming dressing grauing launcing winding drawing stocking or repairing of Ships Caruels Hoyes Pinnaces Crayers Ketches Lighters Boates Barges Wherries or any other vessell or vessels whatsoeuer vsed for Nauigation fishing or transportation within or about our Realme of England and dominion of Wales or of making trymming or repairing of Masts Toppes Pullies Pumpes for ships Oares or any other instruments or appurtenances of wood thereunto belonging or any other Carpentrie worke whatsoeuer belonging to or vsed occupied or imployed in or about any Shippes Pinnaces or other vessell or vessels aboue mentioned or in any sort appertaining to shipping sayling rowing stocking launching or Nauigation shall from henceforth foreuer be and shall be taken and accounted to be one body Corporate and politique in matter deede and name By the name of Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey and them by the name of Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey wee doe for vs our heires and successors really fully and wholly erect make ordaine create incorporate constitute and declare by these presents one body corporate politique in matter deede and name And wee will and by these presents for vs our heires and sucessors of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion doe graunt to the said Master Wardens and Cominaltie and their successors for euer That they by the said name of Master Wardens and Cominalty of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid shall from henceforth haue perpetuall succession And that they and their successors by the said name of Master Wardens Cominaltie of the said Art or Misterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid be and shall be at all times hereafter a bodie Corporate and politique able capable in deed in law to haue hold occupie enioy possesse and retaine all and singuler vsages customes liberties priuiledges immunities iurisdictions franchises preheminences benefits profits and commodities whatsoeuer to them heeretofore granted or belonging or heereafter to be graunted or belonging or incident requisite or fitte to or for them or for such a Corporation to haue and enioy of what kind nature or qualitie soeuer they shall be to them and their successors for euer And that also by the same
by their said Charter there is an oath to be administred to the said Master Wardens and Assistants and also to Iorney-men vpon their admittance and noe fourme of the said oath set downe It is ordered and decreed that the fourme of the said oath shall bee as followeth That is to say The Oath of the Master You shall be true to our Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie his heires and successors and you shall endeuour your selfe the best you can iustly lawfully and indifferently to execute and cause to be executed your Office of Master so farre forth in euery respect as lawfully you may And in like manner shall obserue and cause to be obserued all the good and lawfull Orders Ordinances and Constitutions herein contained and heereafter to be made for the common good weale and profit of the said Corporation and all the grants powers and aucthorities granted by the Kings Maiestie to the Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey without sparing any person for affection meede dreade or promise of reward during the time you shall remaine and be in the said Office of Master And of all and euery such goods plate and summes of money or any other thing or things that by reason of your said Office shall come to your hands or possession you shall according to Th'ordinances heerein specified make a good true iust and plaine accompt or else pay such fines as you shall be ordered to pay for your not so doing You shall not for any malice nor for loue or affection assesse any person in a greater or lesser summe than after the quantitie and qualitie of his offence according to your discretion and according to th' ordinances in these presents mentioned So help you God 43 The like Oath for the Wardens and Deputies respectiuely mutatis mutandis The Oath of the Assistants You shall sweare that you shall bee true to our Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie his heires and lawfull successors and you shall indeauour your selues so farre forth as you lawfully may to the best of your skill aswell for and concerning the giuing and vsing your faithfull aduices and counsell to the Master and Wardens of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey for the time being for their more better execution of their said Offices And to giue vse your faithful aid and assistance in euery respect as much as in you lyeth and lawfully you may doe for the due obseruation of all the good and lawfull ordinances heerein contained or heereafter to be made according to the true intent and meaning of the same and of the powers grants and aucthorities granted by the Kinges Maiestie to the Master Wardens and Cominaltie without sparing or impeaching any person or persons whatsoeuer either for affection or malice or in respect of any reward meede dread or promise of reward during the time you shal be an Assistant touching the said Art or Mysterie So help you God 44 The Oath of euery one that is made free You shall be true to our Soueraigne Lord the King to his heires and successors you shall be obedient from time to time in all matters lawfull to the Master and Wardens of this Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights for the time being and readie to come to their lawfull summons except you haue a lawfull excuse Or else you shall pay such reasonable penalties as you shall forfait for your disobedience according to the Ordinances heeretofore made by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie Which Ordinances and euery of them to your power you shall obserue and keepe and all the lawfull counsels of the Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie which at any time of assembly shall lawfully be had in Communication among them then at their common Hall you shall keepe secret not disclose the same to any person of the same Cominaltie nor to any other especially to any such person whom the same matter doth concerne and touch So help you God All which Ordinances and constitutions in manner and forme aforesaid at the request of the said Phinees Pett Master of the said Act or Mysterie of Ship wrights and of the said William Bright Nicholas Symonson and Nicholas Clay now Wardens and Cominaltie of the same by aucthoritie and vertue of the said Act of Parliament made in the said nineteenth yeare of King H. 7. Wee the said Chauncellor and cheefe Iustice of either Bench aforesaid haue seene read examined and perused and for good laudable and lawfull Ordinances constitutions and Oathes so far as we lawfully may wee doe allow and approue by these presents In witnesse whereof wee haue heereunto subscribed our names and set to our seales the tenth day of September In the yeares of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defendor of the faith c. the tenth and of Scotland the fortieth THO. ELLESMERE Cane THO. FLEMING EDVV. COKE The preamble The reasons and ground of this Charter Who are to bee of the Corporation The name of the Corporation To haue a Common Seale To haue a Master three Wardens and sixteene Assistants Nomination of the first Master Nomination of the first Wardens Nomination of the first Assistants The day of election of Masters Wardens To bee remoueable for misdemean or and others chosen To be fined for refusall or neglect To appoynt Deputies in remote places Their duty and office To haue a Clarke Power to choose inferior officers To take in any person to bee of the company and again to displace them Keeping retayning of Apprentices To be boūd and enrolled at their Common Hall Courts and consultation Power to make lavves Offendors to be fined Power to leauie and recouer duties fines c. by distrease or action of Det. Restraint from discouery of the secrets of of the trade Punishmēt of such as shall depart from their worke and be mutinous Hearing of complaints Searches surueyes Power to trade beyond the seas Surueying of Tounage Power to punish Imprisonment of offendors Freedome from Size or Sessions Submission to the Charter Power to purchase The Kinges charge The Preamble Election of Auditors Election of Stewards The company to heare a sermon vpon the election day For prouiding a dinner vpon the election day Election of Beadles For hauing a Chest with foure lockes and keyes Searches and surueies None to be set to worke vnles he hath beene aprentice to the trade For distinction approbatiō of Mr. workemen Admittance of yard-keepers Taking of apprentices Binding enrolling and presenting of Apprentises Formerly bound to be enrolled at the Hall Making of Indentures Setting ouer of Apprentices Submission to the ordinances Appearance at the Hall vpon summons Restraining of worke on Sundaies Against inticing away of prentices Contributions for maintenance of the Corporation Suppressing of conspiracies against Charters and ordinances None of the company to reuile another Payment of quarterage Perfecting the company in the Knowledge of the Trade Coming to departure from worke Continuance at worke begun Tonnage of Ships poundage vpon old taske worke Poundage of persons that goe to Sea No insufficient person to goe to Sea Keeping of monthly quarterly Courts Restraining of worke to any forraine Prince Yeelding vp of accompt Deciding of controuersies To restrane the discouery of the Secrets of the trade For imployment so the company at their dweling places An order for Calkers Buriall of the Assistans Freemen to be imployed be one Forrayners Di●strayning for Fines Deputy Assistants in the Thames Oath of the Maister c. 1612