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A06137 The first part of the diall of daies containing 320. Romane triumphes, besides the triumphant obelisks and pyramydes of the Aegyptians, the pillers, arches, and trophies triumphant, of the Græcians, and the Persians, with their pompe and magnificence: of feastes and sacrifices both of the Iewes and of the Gentils, with the stately games and plaies belonging to these feastes and sacrifices, with the birthes and funeral pomps of kinges and emperours, as you shall finde more at large in the 2. part, wherein all kind of triumphes are enlarged. By Lodowick Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16621; ESTC S108766 125,621 204

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ouer the Romanes at the riuer Allia in the taking of the Citie of Rome by the Gaules for the great ouerthrowe of the Romanes at the battell of Canes by Hannibal The Bishops and the Southsayers made a decrée that n● exploit nor battell should be taken that day and these daies to be recorded Atros dies Macrob. lib. 1. cap. 16. It was also an vnfortunate day amongst the Aegyptians for the Prophet Ezechiel did foreshew the calamitie and ruine of the kingdome of Aegypt vpon this day Ezech. 29. This day the statue of Commodus Antoninus was thrown downe from the place where it stood within three daies after his death So wicked an Emperour was this Commodus and so farre from the vertues of his father that all Rome honoured the father and hated the sonne and the moneth of September which he commaunded to bee called Commodus was after his death presently restored to his former name Charles the second was crowned king of Hungarie with much solemnitie and pompe vpon this day 1310. Philippus surnamed Longus king of Fraunce died 1320. Pantal. lib. 1. Iohn the fourth king of Lusitania and father in lawe to Charles the second died leauing his wife with childe which within twentie daies after his death brought a sonne and a Prince named Sebastianus 1542. Galeatius Duke of Millaine was slaine in the Church at seruice by a Citezin of Millaine named Andreus Lemponianus 1477. Charles the fift caused a méeting of many learned Catholikes and Protestants at Vnormatia a Towne in Germany for conference sake about the religion 1541. Sleid. lib. 13. Pius the fourth was elected Bishop of Rome vpon this day of whose solemnitie I haue laide downe in his inauguration of his papacie Upon this day Iohn Baptist bare witnes of the true Messias before his comming Math. 3. Machareus priest of Alexandria was martired 314. This day sheweth the nature and state of September The third Daie THe third day of euery moneth was in Gréece consecrated vnto Minerua among the ancient Gréekes of whose feasts sacrifices and ceremonies you shall read in their seuerall places for Minerua had her festiuall daies and all solemne sacrifice in Athens as Iuno had in Rome Marcus Tullius Cicero was borne at what time Quintus Scipio and Quintus Serrano were Consuls before our Sauiour Christ 110. yéeres This verie yéere the Cymbres inuaded Italie Gellius lib. 15. cap. 28. Vitellius was proclaimed Caesar by the souldiers in Germany after the foundation of Rome 821. yeeres Nicholaus Bishop of Florentia was elected to bee Bishop of Rome 157. Antherus Bishop of Rome and many other Christians suffered martyrdome vnder the Emperour Maximinianus 239. There was in Rome vppon this day a meeting of the Citizens to see the performaunce of vowes which they made to the Gods for their victories and to finde out the effect and purpose why these were made but being made they would also knowe the cause of the breach thereof if any were such The order and maner of vowes in what sort they were made and solemnized are set downe Upon this day happened such an earthquake so violent and so straunge that all the parts of the world were shaken therewith and much losse thereby in euery place sustained in the yeere of Christ 1117. The fourth Daie IN the moneth of Ianuary when the daies began to lengthen they held a great solemne feast at Rome with publike games and plaies in which the women went before they sacrificed vnto Venus to wash and to bath themselues in swéet water the next morning they were crowned with garlands of mirtle and so passing most solemnly through the stréetes of Rome into the Temple of Venus they offered to the Goddesse in sacrifice certaine yoong white pigeons In Athens this feast was so celebrated with great mirth and triumph in ioy that the spring came on the yong men had a publike feast wherein they vsed many ceremonies to the moone In India the king with his traine according to the maner of the countrie was wont to wash himselfe at a certaine riuer and after offered to the Gods in sacrifice blacke horses blacke buls for that colour is of greater estimation than white and more holy and acceptable to their Gods and after vsed much mirth He thought himselfe a most happie and fortunate prince to sée the sonne to come to visite him Genial lib. 4 cap. 20. Calis a hauen towne in France for the space of 211. yéeres in the possession of English kings was againe recouered and woonne vpon this day but Aemilius Paulus referreth it to the sixt of Ianuary Pantaleon lib. 1. Sigismundus king of Poland and sonne to Cazimerus was borne this day some say the first of Ianuary Charles the fourth of that name the Emperour entred into Paris in Fraunce with great pompe and brauery to make peace betwéene the king of England and Charles the first of that name king of Fraunce 1378. Iulius Caesar with a great armie passed into Gréece after Pompey the great whom Caesar the next yéere after ouercame in the battell of Pharsalia This day dooth forshew the nature and state of Nouember The fift Daie ALL Nones Calends and Ides marriages were prohibited with the Romanes Macrob. lib. 1. cap 15. The None of euery moneth was made a solemne day and kept holy in Rome for that Seruius Tullius the sixt king of the Romanes was borne vpon the selfe same day vpon the which day the seruants and bondmen of Rome had as much libertie as their maisters in some things like to the feast Saturnalia Caius Iunius Brutus at his beeing Consul in Rome the 2. time triumphed ouer them of Lucania and after ouer the Brutians after the building of Rome 470. yéeres solemnly with such pompe and solemnitie as was then in Rome vsed Rome was not yet come to hir great pompe and dignitie for none of their seuen Kings rode in any triumphant Chariot but eyther on foote like the triumph of Ouation or else on horsebacke from the Temple of Bellona where the Senators met them and brought them through the Cittie into the Capitoll where after sacrifice done they celebrated the feast called Epulum Iouis which feast was also called Epulum triumphale In the Ile of Andria a Well was consecrated to Liber Pater and two other fountaines the one in Caria the other in Arabia which being drunken this day tasted like wine Calend. Rom. Rodulphus surnamed Haspurgensis was crowned king of the Romanes this day 1274. Benth The pompe of Caius Marius in his triumph which hee had in Rome ouer Iugurth king of Numidia at what time Metellus depriued him of much of his honour in the conquering of Iugurth which spited Marius sore that the glory of his triumph should be thus hindered by Metellus but the greatest glory of his triumph had Silla by the meanes of Bocchus king of Numidia father in law to Iugurth who through trecherie deliuered Iugurth into the hands of Lu. Silla This was the
should be doone vnto her feast Carmentalia other opinions there be of this Carmenta which I heare omit The temple of Iuturna was dedicated in Martius field as vpon this daie Ferdinandus was elected Caesar after the manner of the Electors and was crowned with great solemnitie at Aquisgraue 1531. Stauratius the Emperor of the Aest kingdomes died vpon this day 804. Higinus a Greeke borne Bishop of Rome was martyred vpon this daye vnder Antonius Pius the Emperour and was buried in Vaticano in the first yeare of his consecration 144. This Bishop commaunded that one Godfather should be present at Baptisme also that matters belonging to the Church should not be vsed prophanely by laie men Likewise M. ltiades an Affrican borne suffered to be martyred vnder Maximianus the Emperor 309. some doo referre this to the tenth of December Marianus Scotus saieth that vpon this day Christ by the commandement of the Angell in the seauenth of his age was brought againe from Aegypt when Herod was dead in Galilie and Archelaus raigned in Herods place Before noone this day declareth the nature of December and after noone the nature of Nouember Laurentius Surius saith that vpon this day great sedition insurrection fell in Colleine at what time two of their cheefe Councellors were beheaded The twelft Daie CArolus the third surnamed Crassus the Emperour was driuen o●t of his empire in the tenth yeare of his raigne and died a verie poore man and was buried at the lake Podimi●us in Augia 888. At Colonia a great meeting with triumph at tilting and barriers of al the nobilitie of Germanie both on horse and foot with great pompe and solemnitie appointed by Florentinus countie of Holland and Sealand 1179. Also at Bamberga in Germanie the like turnement where many of the nobles and of the peeres met vpon this day 1486. Uppon this day 1514. were seene at Whittenberge three Sunnes in the firmament as Licosth de Prodig●js affirmeth Maximilian the Emperour in 33. yeare of his raigne died at Velsa a towne in Austra whose death an eclips of the Sunne the eight day of Iune before he died foreshewed the same Upon this day ended the feast called Compi●alia which endured three daies in Rome Iohn Castellanus a Doctor of Diuinitie was burned for his religion in Lotharingia 1524. Satyrus Ciriacus and Nicanor became martyrs vnder Claudius the Emperor 45. This day being the twelfe dooth foreshowe the nature and condition of the whole yeare and dooth confirme the eleuen dayes going before The thirteenth Daie THe Ide of euery moneth is consecrated vpon Iupiter Satori at what daye all kinde of Minstrels and all Trumpetors doe celebrate a great feast with much mirth dauncing and leaping in womens apparrell through the whole Citie of Rome for the Ides of euery moneth is with great care solemnlye celebrated with the sacrifice of a white Oxe by the priest of Iupiter called Flamen Dialis This day of any day in the moneth is most in reuerence and honour not onelie among the Romanes but also the Graecians as in the Ides of October the Mysteries and solemnities are such as they sent the Idol of Dionsyus out of Athens to ●leusina during the mysteries of the feast of the which Ides you haue in euery moneth the feast and seuerall ceremonies of the Ides this Ide of Ianuarie they had beside the Oxe which was sacrificed vnto Iupiter a Weather to be brought into the Temple of Iupiter crowned with a Garland of Oken leaues in memorie of the victorie that Augustus had ouer Marcus Antonius at the battell of Actium Quintus Publius the Consul of Rome triumphed ouer the Latines vpon this day after the cittie of Rome was builded 414. Caius Marius a Romane was borne as vpon this day and was afterward the first Consul that was elected out of the common people for before Marius time the Consuls were chosen out of the companie and societie of the Patritians this Marius grew so great in Rome that he became seauen times Consull of his victories triumphes and exploits doone you shall in their place and time find them but in the honor and memorie of this his birth they solemnized feasts and plaies called natalitij ludi and Plutarch saith that Marius died vpon that daie of the yeare that he was borne vpon as Pompei the great did and diuers others Marius died the same yeare that hee was made the seauenth time Consul being seauentie yeares of age You must vnderstand that nether these last conquerours or any other were he Dictator Consull or Pretor might enter into Rome with anie triumph vnlesse he had quieted the countrey subdued his enemies slaine 5000 in the field and the deliuerance of his charge to his successor by the appointment of the Senat then had he his triumph graunted him and the Senators Bishops and the priestes called Flamines in their purple robes and seuerall sumptuous garments then the nobilitie the magistrates and the Romane tribes with all the state and solemnitie of musicke came to meete the conqueror at the temple of Bellona out of the citie and so to march before the triumphant chariot with great pompe and state through the citie into the capitol singing hymnes in the praise of the victor in verses the temples decked with crowns and garlands the streets with sweet flowers trimmed and decked There certaine bulles were sacrifized vnto Iupiter with solemne ceremonies after sacrifice the feast called Epulum triumphale was celebrated this feast was often solemnised as occasions of triumphs forced of the greatnes of these feastes and of the sundrie seuerall pompe of some triumph more than others I haue in their time place spoken of them Octauius was vppon this day first named Augustus at what day a weather was brought into the temple of Iupiter as I wrote in the Ides and there was offred by Iupiters priest of the order of Flamines 711. Fridericus archduke of Austria being elected Caesar died of a consumption vppon this day 130. Ioannes king of France sailed ouer into England to redeeme his sonnes being pledges to Edward king of England as in the French chronicles is set downe 1364 Such a terrible tempest fell ouer all Germanie that they thought doomes day was at hand 1551. Uppon this day our sauiour Christ fedde fiue thousand men with fiue loues and two fishes as Beda affirmeth Carolus a king of Fraunce concluded a peace with Pope Alexander 1495. Philip duke of Burgundie gaue an ouerthrow to the English men in Ba●auia 1425. The fourteenth daie AS vppon this daie the feast Chytra was celebrated to Neptune among the Grecians with due and solemne sacrifice in this feast the chiefe dish was broth or rather poddage made of all kind of hearbs which was so daintie in those daies in Athens as ius nigrum Lacedemoniorum called the black broath of Sparta they had yet not common to their
head of anye enemie to the king he● should haue a blacke Horsse and a blacke Bull for his rewarde If in Scythia any victorie had beene gotten the Conqueror should drinke of the kings cuppe which was carried for that purpose with the armie and that euerye yeare during his life he might after that victorie drinke of the kings cuppe as a rewarde for his seruice In the games of Isthmia the victors were crowned with the Garlands made of Pine appointed by Solon that they should haue one hundreth drachmes In the games of Olympia the Uictor should be crowned with Lawrell and haue fiue hundreth drachmes and he that wonne the masterie thrise should haue his statue erected beeing 496. yeares after the building of R●me Martinus the second of that name a French pope of Rome died 884. It is written that this Pope got his office by enchantment or such other euill meanes Upon this daye appeared a great Comet after the which Lodowicke King that time of Germanie died within three dayes after 882. Petrus Benbus a Uenetian cardinall of Rome died 1547. I reede in Pandolphus Chronicles that Peter the Apostle came into Rome first vpon this day 44. In the cittie of Caesaria in Palestina Priscus Malchus and one Alexander three countr●emen were crowned martyrs vnder the Emperor Valerius vpon this day 259. Likewise Prisca a Virgine of that name a martyr vnder Claudius the Emperor 45. Iohn Philpot an Englishman a great deuine was b●rned at Smithfield 1556. Lispia was besieged by Iohannes Fredericke a Saxon being one of the Electors in the Empire but his siege was in vaine 1547. The 19. Day MArcus Aemilius Paulus proconsull of Rome triumphed ouer the Affricans by Sea In this triumphe of M Aemilius Paul as it did in fight differ from others so in victorie and triumphe he was contrarie to others triumphes for their Banners Flagges and Ensignes were set vp in most braue manner their shippes hanged ouer with cloth of Tishue Golde and Siluer decked and trimmed with Garlandes of seuerall floures and the Souldiers crowned with all manner of crownes Nauales coronae Images and statues and all the rich ●po●les set in publike places to bee seene their Captiues and Prisoners bound fast to the Mastes of the Shippes thus with all kinde of Musicke and pompe of triumphe they saile with victorie towards Rome M. Amilius Pau. Procon●ul of Rome triumphed ouer the Affricans by sea 499. yeares after the building of Rome Theodosius Hispanus was by Gratianus appointed Emperour in the East countrie vpon this daie in the roome of Valens the Emperour 389. And after that this Emperour Theodosius appointed his Sonne Arcadius to be with him a Caesar in the Empire died vpon this day at Constantinople 413. Henrie the eight King of England after he had raigned almost 38. yeares dyed vpon this daye as Sleidon affirmeth others saye and affirme it to the eight and twentith of this moneth at what daye Edward the sixte his sonne succeeded him 1541. As vpon this day in France were many martyred vnder the Emperour Antonius Verus specially three notable martyrs Maturus Attalus and Blaudina a Maide of such woonderfull constancie that when she was martyred she much astonished the tormentors and the beholders on Likewise Potentiana and Pontianus and many others vpon this day was made martyrs vnder Commodus the Emperour In Portingale vpon this daye a great Faire or meeting of men for the space of 15. daies is appointed The tvveentith Day VPon this day Gordianus the Emperor was borne 259. of whome games and plaies were celebrated with much mirth at Rome in remembrance of Gordianus birth Theophilus Emperour of Canstantinople being ouerthrowne twise by the Sarizens of very shame and greefe dyed in the twelfth of his Empire 842. Carolus the eight king of Fraunce was created Emperor of Constantinople vpon this daye by pope Alexander the sixte of that name Seruius Fuluius Proconsul at Rome triumphed by sea ouer the Affricans vpon this day 499. years after the building of Rome Frāciscus Valesius king of France with great regal pompe and solemnitie was crowned vpon this day at Remes 1515. some referre it to the 25. of Ianuarie Vladislaus duke of Lithuania was made a Christian by the Popes legat and was crowned king of Poland the selfe same day with great solemnitie in the citie of Cracouia 1320. whose posteritie continueth to this day as Mart. Chromerus a Polonian writer doth affirme Sebastianus a cittizen of Millaine a captaine vnder Dioclesian the Emperour in his warres suffred euerie torment and was martired with diuers others in Fraunce for the profession of Christ as vpon this day 304. Likewise Fabianus bishop of Rome was vnder the emperour Decius tormented with martirdome as vpon this day It is written in Martinus Cromerus that Margareta the countie Verboslay had aliue 36. sonnes Si credi potest Upon this day at Basil the riuer of Rhine was frosen ouer which was seene in no mans age before The 21 Day VPON this day the Iewes began their moneth Schebat their eleuenth month on the which they held a feast as they do vpon the first and the last day of euerie moneth celebrate solemnity in memory of their gouernment vnder Moses in the wildernesse also in remembrance of their deliuerance out of Egypt from Pharaos bondage and crueltie The 21 day of euerie moneth the Calcedonians hold it as an vnluckie and euil day for as the Romanes the Grecians and other countries recorded their altros dies blacke dayes vpon the which daies they would take no warre in hand nor enter into anie battell nor take in hand any great action so this daye the Calcidonians much lamented for that Darius lieftenant and generall of his warres after he had vanquished subdued and had spoiled and ransacked all the countrie to adde more crueltie he caused all the male children within Calcedon to be gelded and to be sent as Eunuches vnto Persea Lodowick king of Germanie died and was buried with his father as Melancthon affirmeth but Scotus referreth it to the 20. of August of the next yeare following Lodouicus the third and the last emperour of the house and stocke of Charles the great and first of that name died for verie griefe on this day for that hee was by the Vngarians ouerthrowne 911. Hadrianus the third was elected the eight pope of Rome who decreed that in the election of the pope the consent of the emperors should not be sought nor looked for 884. Likewise as vpō this day Innocentius the fifth a Burgandin● was elected pope of Rome who raigned sixe moneths Carolus the eight king of France departed from Rome with a great armie vpon this day inuaded Naples and help the whole kingdome for a time 1495. Georgius Sigismundus Chauncelor to the great Emperour Charles the fifth Ferdinandus and Maximilian the second was vpon this day
borne in Augusta 1516. The 22 Daie PErtinax the ninth emperour of Rome which succeded Cōmodus in the Empire beyng a verie aged man of seauentie yeares old after he had raigned eightie daies was slaine as vpon this day in an vprore which fell among his garde through the treason of Iulianus who succeded Pertinax in the Empire 194. Selymus Emperor of the Turkes vanquished the Sou●dan and the Mameluchos in a great battaile of this historie reade Sabel Iouius Carolus prince of Lotharingia was solemly maried to Claudia the daughter of Franciscus the second of that name kinge of Fraunce at Paris 1559. Edward Seimer an English man duke of Somerset and vncle to Edward the sixt king of England was beheaded vpon this day in the tower of London 1552. Ioan●es the second of that name was elected bishop of Rome vpon this day and died after within ● yeare 4. months 332. Anastasius surnamed Iconomachus was created patriarch of Constantinople vpon this day 710. Vincentius was martired vnder the Emperour Maximianus vpon this day which day amongest the auncient Romanes was holded a fortunate day for marriage and as Casparus Goldworne affirmeth being a faire day sheweth much good lucke to the Romanes I can read no more for this day The 23 daie MArcus Attilius Regulus being then Consull at Rome after he had giuen diuers ouerthrowes to the Carthaginiās hauing discomfited Hamilcar with Hannibals father and after ioyned battaile with 3. Carthaginian Captains ouerthrew them and wan 73. citties in Affricke ouer whom he solemly tryūphed vpon this day 485. Antonius surnamed Caracalla the 22. emperour of Rome of the age of 43. yeares s●cceeded his father Seuerus in the Empire and was like to his father in condicion hee was out of measure giuen to sensualitie and vnto carnall concupiscence that he espoused his mother in law called ●uba he founded the bathes in Rome which were called Antonianae he dyed at Edissa as Eutropius affirmeth but Mar. Scotus saith that he was slaine in his viage against the Parthians as vpon this day after he had raigned sixe yeares and two moneths hee wanted the solemnitie of imperiall funerall for he was buried verie poore and simplie Otto the 3. Emperor of Constantinople was poisoned in Italie on this day 1000. his bowels were buried in Augusta and his bodie at Aquisgraine two yeares after that he had named the seauen electors of the empire called Septem●er● Many houses and many other buildings fel down in Thuringia by winde and tempest 1410. as is affirmed in the Chronicles Ioannes Leydenses king of the Anabaptists after hee had laid siege to the citie Monasteria killing and murthering for 6. moneths without mercie was iustlie punished and plagued for his tirannie vppon this day 1536. Emerentia a Romane virgin became a martir vnder the emperour Valentinianus 360. The 24 Daie CAius Caligula the some of Germanicus the fourth emperour of Rome with his wife Caesena and his Daughter were slaine in his owne pallace after he had three yeares raigned a vicious wicked and cruell emperour who had carnal copulation with all his sisters and vpon his daughter g●tten by one of his sisters he was cruell and horrible towards all men altogether addicted to auarice to fleshly lust and as he liued dishonourably so hee was slaine miserably as Sueton affirmeth and Eutrop. Philip king of Macedonia and father vnto Alexander the great ob non punitam libidinem was slaine by Pausanias in the mariage of his daughter with Alexander king of Epire in the middest of his regal pomp going most solemnlie with a traine of Princes into the theaters to see games and publick playes hauing before him twelue statues and Images of the Gods and hi● owne statue besides deckt with chaines Iuels most ritch and sumptuous before Christes birth 334. Anna the daughter of Ladislaus king of Vngaria the wife of Ferdinandus Caesar mother to Maximilian the Emperour and sister to Lodowick king of Germanie died vpon this day 1547. Aelius Adrianus the fifteene emperour of Rome was borne vpon this day in Italicia a Cittie in Spaine for whome the Romanes kept a yearely feast vpon this day and graunted publike playes to celebrate the memorie of Adrianus birthe called Natilitij ludi for hée was one of the number of the best Emperrours 119. Lu. Iul. Libo Consul of Rome vpon this day triumphed ouer the Salentines 486 yeares after the building of Rome Iohn the tenth was elected pope of Rome 914. This Pope gaue an ouerthrow to the Sarazens in Campania and after was taken by some Romanes in the 14. yeares of his papacie and was smoothered by thrusting the boulster where he lay into his throate Timotheus the disciple of Paul and Bishop of Ephesus suffered martyrdome vpon this daye vnder Nero the Emperour 50. Upon this daye the auncient Romanes vsed to sacrifice to Ceres and to Tellus and with all they celebrated the feast called Sementina The 25 Daie VPon this day the Apostle Paul was conuerted from his cruell persecution of the Christians who liued when the Emperor Caligula liued 34. Of this day the Husbandmen prognosticat the whole yeare if it be a faire day it will be a plentifull yeare if it be windie it will be warres if it be cloudie it dooth foreshowe the plague that yeare Clara dies Pauli c. M. Ati Regulus triumphed vpon this day oure the Salentines 486 yeares after the building of Rome Martianus the 64 Emperor of Rome dyed vpon this day after he had raigned sixe yeares And Leo the fourth of that name was vpon this day borne 751 who left behinde him his wife Irenes and his sonne Constantinus Fardinandus king of Sicilia died also this day leauing his kingdome to his Sonne Alphonsus 1494. Selymus the Turke vpon this day gaue an ouerthrowe to the Solthan of Aegipt and tooke Aelcairum which was somtime called Memphis the strongest Cittie in all Aegipt 1517. Gregorie the 4. Pope of Rome died on this daie he instituted the feasts of all Saints 844. Gelasius the second was elected Pope 1118. An Earthquake in Germanie happened vpon this day that 26. Castels fell and many townes beside 1349. The like happened in Uenice Adolphus Duke of Holsatiae was borne as vpon this day 1527. The Greekes were woont to sacrifice a feast in memorie of Theseus for the deliuerie of Greece from Minotaurus beside diuerse other feasts and sacrifices which they had in remembrance of Theseus the tenth king in Athens and the first that brought Athens to any perfection of good gouernement The 26 Day AS vpon this day Maximinus the 26 Emperor was slaine at Aquileia by Pupeinus his fellow in the Empire for after Maximinus time Albinus Pupienus and Gordianus were all three Emperors of Rome at one time and named Augusti This Maximinus was first a Shepheard in Thracia after became a
Souldiour and from a Souldiour became an Emperour who raigned three yeares then was slaine he and his sonne being a verie childe 240. C. Iulius Caesar entred into Rome from mount Albanus with great pompe and triumphe vpon this day 727 years after the building of Rome in the which yeare hee also was slaine Leo the sonne of Martianus the Empepor was chosen emperor of the East after his father vpon this day 457. Editta Wife to Otto the Emperor died vpon this day and was buried at Magdenburge 948. Henrie the eight king of England died vpon this day leauing a sonne behind him his successor Edward the sixt 1547. Lusitania a countrey of Spaine was so shaken with an Earthquake that much harme and great losse of it ensued at what day the Cittie of Ulisbone fell prostrate to the grounde 1531. Upon this daye in Rome was builded a temple and dedicated vnto Castor and Pollux 270 yeares after the building of Rome Polycarpus Bishop of Smyrna Pionicus and diuerse others after much constancie and bouldnesse were martired vnder Antoninus Verus 150. Of Polycarpus death Euseb. writeth very strange things read 3. booke and 15. chap. of his martirdome in Smyrna Sextus Apuleus proconsul of Rome had his triumph granted him out of Spaine vnder Octauianus the Emperour 727 yeares after the building of Rome The 27. Daie COcceus Nerua the thirteenth emperor of Rome who succeeded that deadly tyrant Domitianus after that hee had raigned almost two yeares died vpon this day at Rome 66. This Emperour aduaunced the publike weale behaued himselfe verie soberlie vpright and courteous and yet stoute and manfull he adopted after him a good man to gouerne named Traianus for it was hard to finde a good Emperour then in Rome and harder for a good Emperor to liue in Rome such treacherie and tirannie raigned thē that one Caesar kiled an other and one Emperor destroied another that the empire continued not aboue 400 yeares but was carried from Rome to Constantinople Henricus the s●nne of Fredericus Barbarossa king of the Romanes was married to Constantia daughter to Rogerus king of Sicilia of whome Fredericus the second was borne Seffanus and Constantinus both then Emperors were apprehended and taken by Constantinus the some of Leo and put into a Monasterie being shauen like Friers both head and beard Upon this day by the commaundement of Charles the fift a speach was had concerning religion fiue yeares after the first controuersie at Ratis●one in Germanie but because of the busines and warre ensuing it tooke no effect 1546. Stumpf. affirmeth that vpon this day a great battell was fought betweene the Tigurines and Heluetians at V●ila a towne in Germanie Vitilianus Bishop of Rome died as vpon this daye 670. after he had beene elected 14. yeares this bishop brought into the Romane Church the Organes and musicke Licosth in his bookes of woonders saith that vpon this day appeared two golden pillers the one on the right hand of the sunne and the other on the left 1704. Ignatius bishop of Antioche suffered martirdome vnder Arcadius the Emperor this Ignatus committed his Church to Policarpus bishop of Smyrna The 28 Day VPon this day Charles the Great King of Fraunce and the first of that name of a Frenchman was made Emperour of Rome by Pope Leo this brought the Empire from Rome into Germanie and hauing doone many great exploits after he had erected Colledges Schooles in Bononia Papia and Lutetia died at Aquisgrane in the 46. yeare of his raigne Of this Charles the great the Frenchmen haue their cheefe antiquitie in matters touching the roialtie and dignity of their inaugurations of their kings and of the buriall of their princes the solemnitie of either began by this king and from his time whose Eusignes and reliques are left as monuments to be vsed at the coronation of the Kings of Fraunce at this daye as I haue written in the generall inauguration and crowning of their kings Alexius the 4. emperor of Constantinople was slaine vppon this day 124. Lu. Cornelius Dolabella triumphed ouer the Lusitanians and Spaniads 6●5 yeares after the building of Rome Mari. Scotus saith that vpon this daye 1079. a terrible battaile was fought in Germany by a place called Fladechies where countie Manfridus with many others died A terrible earthquake was heard ouer all Siria vppon this day at what time many townes and manie thousands of people perished Cedrenus in his chronicles of the Greekes 746. Pascalis was elected pope of Rome without the consent of Lewes surnamed Pius king of Fraunce and also Emperour of Rome Upon this day at Darmset by the riuer of Rhine a great solemnitie of the nobles and peers of Germanie with running at tilt and at barriers and other games was celebrated 1496. Amongest the old and auncient Romanes the feast called Equitia was solemnly wont to be celebrated and kept in Mars his field at Rome sometime in Circo Maximo For this feast Equitia they had certaine plaies and games where horses and Mules some lose and some bound together and shoult so run in Circo Maximo Some vsed one race some vsed another These mules and horses made such a sport at Rome that while this play was celebrated Romulus caused the Sabine virgins to be rauished for the which cause great warres grew betweene the Romanes and the Sabines and in memorie of this Romulus appointed the feast called Consualia The 29 daie AS vppon this day the auncient Romanes were woont to create their kinges and euerie yeare they celebrated a solemne feast in memorie of their Kinges The solemnitie of inauguration and crowning of the Kings of Rome I did write in my other Booke Aurelianus Emperour of Rome borne in Ponnonia after he had subdued the Gothes vanquished the French men tamed Egypt and recouered both the East and West countries vnder his dominion and empire of Rome and triumphed ouer Zenobia Queene of Palmeria after he slue Odenatius the king her husband And after manie other famous exploits done he vsed Solons law called Amnistian which Thrasybulus reuiued in Athens after the banishment of the thirtie tyrantes and was as vpon this day slaine by his owne seruants betweene Constantinople and Heraclia some referre it to the fourth of Februarie ●76 Likewise Dagobertus Magnus king of France died at Spinetum of the f●ixe on this day 645. Philippus the 28. emperour of Rome and the first of that name with his sonne named also Philippus were slaine in one daie the elder at Verona the yonger at Rome after they had raigned seauen yeares as Mar. Scot. affirmeth but Eutrop. sayeth 5. yeares Batildis the wife of Clodoueus the second of that name king of Fraunce died at Paris 670. Isabella the wife of Edward the second king of England after manie broiles threw her husband the king into prison and caused her sonne named also Edward being
of fourteen years of age to be crowned king of England 1326. Gelasius the second Pope of Rome died in exile in the second yeare of his papacie 1119. Upon this day great disputation began at Tigurum in Germanie for religion after which a great chaunge began vppon the same to be in Helue●ia 1523. This was accompted an vnfortunat day amongest the Romanes called aterdies The 30 Day GOrdianus the 27. Emperour was slaine as vppon this day through the treason of Philip who succeded him in the empire after good seruice and maine victories ouer the Parthians in his returne from Parthia towards Rome ouer whose graue one of his captaines erected a monument for a memoriall of him yet his funerall was solemnized by a decree of the Senate Ludouicus the last Earle of Flanders of his familie and stocke dyed and the self same day Philip duke of Burgundie and sonne to Ioannes king of Fraunce succeeded him 1384. As vppon this day Lu. Cornelius Silla then Dictator at Rome triumphed most solemnlie ouer Asia Grecia and ouer Mithridates king of Pontus The pompe of this triumph endured two daies so set forth and solemnized to the great glory of Silla for this triumph of Silla and the roiall magnificence thereof was compted among the Romans one of their hundred great triumphes though from Romulus time the first king of Rome vntil Probus the Emperors time were registred 320. triumphes Anthimus bishop of Nicomedia a with manie moe Christians euen three hundred were tormented and martired vnder Galerius the Emperour after whom succeeded Constantinus the great Iulianus bishop of Cenomanenses and Adelgundis did suffer vpon this day tormentes vnder the Emperour Vespasianus 665. In old time at Rome the Romanes were woont to celebrat in the temple of concord in memorie of peace and quietnesse and this Ouid saith was appointed vppon this day H●c erit a mensis fine secunda dies The inhabitants of Berna in Germanie with the aide of the Heluetians afflicted and troubled sore the people of Germany wasted tooke and occupied much of their territories 1536. The 31 Daie VPon this day being the last day of Ianuarie the Romanes vsed in auncient time to do sacrifice to their houshold gods called di●penates Husbandmen say that trees hewen or wood out downe vpon this daie will endure longer then other in anie building Clodius a noble Romane but yet malicious and enuious of other mens good fortune one that much troubled Rome by his greatnes and caused manie good men to bee banished as Cicero and others but as he returned from Aricia to Rome he was with all his companie by Milo slaine of whose death few semed to be sorie but Cicero had good cause to reioice and therefore Cicero defended Milo before the Iudges at Rome for the killing of Clodius as it is in his oration pro milone prooued 701. yeares after the building of Rome Noah vpon this day did let out a rauen and after a rauen a do●e which returned both in one day without finding of any land after the creation of the world 1657. Stephanus the third Bishop of Rome a Cilician borne di●d 772. this bishop called together Consilium Lateranense vnder Pipinus king of Fraunce In this councell Images were restored againe into the Romane church against a decree past before in the councell of Constantinople Within the moneth of Ianuarie died 29. Romane Emperours and in the said moneth the Romanes had 20. triumphes with great pompe solemnity 7. publicke solemne feastes with so manie sacrifices The names of the triumphers 1. C. Marius 2. L. Antonius 3. M. Censorius 4. C. Iun. Brutus 5. I● Caesar. 6. August Caesar. 7. Q. Publius 8. Sp● Car●ilius 9. M. Aemil. Paulus 10. Ser. Ful. Petinus 11. M. Atil Regulus 12. L. Iulius Libo 13. C. Iulius Caesar 14. Sex Apuleus 15. Cor. Dolabella 16. L. Corn. Silla The names of Feasts Gamelia Compitalia Epiphania Carmentalia Agonalia Chytra Equitia Of the moneth of Februarie with the Hebrewes called Schebat with the Athenians called Elaphobelion and with the Agiptians called Mecher Also of triumphes feasts playes funerals and natiuities within the sam● moneth The first Day THis moneth in the olde Romanes time was dedicated vnto Neptune for vpon the first day of this moneth they were woont to sacrifice a sheepe to Iupiter in the Capitoll and withall a great feast they celebrated in the honour of Hercules for that Hercules was borne vpon this day Elaphobelia is a feast solemnized in Athens to Diana at what time the Athenians vsed to sacrifice a Hart vpon the f●rst day of Februarie to honour Diana and therefore the moneth of Februarie was so named according to the name of the feast Elaphobelia for in this moneth yearelie the Athenians held this feast with great solemnitie with sacrifices and ceremonies of Harts vpon the altars of Diana M. Valerius surnamed Cor●us then Consul at Rome triumphed ouer the Vulscanes Satricians and the Antiates 407 after the building of Rome Q. Fab. Maxims Consul of Rome triumphed ouer the Ligurians vpon this daye after the building of Rome 520. And before him Fab. Pictor had a triumph graunted him ouer the Salentines and Mesapians 487. Tit. Coruncanus likewise Consul at Rome triumphed ouer the Vulscans 473. And Lu. Aemil. Regulus hauing subdued the lieutenant of Antiochus the great by sea had a triumph graunted him by the Senators at Rome 487. Lu. Cornelius Dolabella proconsul then in Spaine vnder Constantine then emperour had a triumph at Rome ouer the Lusitantans so that as vpon this day sixe seuerall solemne triumphes were in Rome by the aforesaid Consuls as you heard 655. Lu. Sergius Catilina conspired vpon this day the destruction of Rome but his conspiracie was preuented by M. Cicero 691. Lewes the twelfth king of Fraunce entered in league of peace with the Heluetians for ten yeares called Decennale faedus 1499. Car. Pulcher the 48 king of Fraunce died without children vpon this day 1327. After whome succeeded Phil. Vales●us Hic seminarium belli Anglicifuit Ladislaus the thirteenth king of Vngaria died on this day 1172. Upon this day Damiata a cittie in Egypt was taken by the Christians from the Sarazens but with great effusion of blaud 1220. Tritemius an histographer was borne on this daye 1462. And Con. Celtes a Germaine poet was also vpon this daye borne 1454. The second Day VPon the second of Februarie Christ Iesus the sonne of God borne of the Uirgine Marie 40. dayes was presented in the temple of Salomon in Hierusalem according to the lawe of Moses where iust Simeon and Anna confessed him in the presence of the people to be the sauiour of mankinde saying with exceeding great ioy Nunc dimittus This was amongst the Romans accounted one of their dismal daies for in those daies that some victory was lost or some vnfortunate expl●its
Arabia into Egypt are by the birdes Ibides fought withall and vanquished and thereby Ibis doth often saue Egypt from the harme and danger of these serpents and therefore recorded in the bookes Memphis as one of the gods of Egypt by the priestes of Vulcan In Germanie great triumphes with tilting and barriers and other playes at Ratisbone by the nobles and peeres of ●auaria were as vpon this day solemnized This was the 35. turnement had in Germanie 1487. Under the Emperour Maximinus many were on this day martired as Veronica Philea with others of these martirs I haue in an other place entreated where you may haue infinite number that stoutly stood to the profession of Christ Iesus The 5. daie IN Rome as on this day two solemne feastes were celebrated the one amongest the Romane Uirgins called puellarum fer●ae the other amongest the nurses and mothers that gaue sucke called nutricum lactantium feriae on the which day among the Romanes the women sacrificed to Nundina the goddesse of infancie and consulted touching the bringing vp of these infants with their nourses prescribing lawes and orders of diet to the nurses that gaue sucke lest by libertie of feeding the infant might miscarie at what time they appointed vppon what day the infant should be named which was among the old Romanes vpon the ninth day and among the Grecians the fift day the ceremonies and the sacrifices that are vsed by the nurses for the health of the infant to the goddesse Nundina are manie in diuers countries according to their superstitious customs As vpon this day a feast and solemne sacrifice in old time was appointed in Quirinus valley against the furie of fire dedicated to the goddesse Agatha with torches done in the night time Octauius Caesar was now the third tiwe by consent of the Senators Consuls Magistrates ●and people saluted by the name of Augustus and also called Pater patriae as the most fortunate and best beloued Emperour of anie that raigned after him in Rome As vpon this day Iunius Pera at his being Consul of Rome with great pompe by the licēce of the senators triumphed ouer the Salentines and also the Mesapians in such solemne sort as you read in the generall triumph The yeare that this triumph was solemnised fell vppon the time of Lustrum which was appointed euery fift yeare the state of the cittie should be examined per Censores at what time a generall mustering was had at Rome in the which were 360 and od thousands found of able men within the citie of Rome 487. Clemens the fourth a frenchman was on this day chosen pope of Rome 1265. this pope called Carolus the French king his cosyn germane went into Italie fought against Manfredus and Conradinus two noble captaines of Germanie whom Carolus that time vanquished and was by pope Clemens therefore crowned king of Sicilia paying yeerely to the Pope 40000. crownes as a tribute to the church of Rome The cittie of Millaine in Italie was taken by duke Franciscus surnamed Sfortia after long besieging of it 1444. The 6 Day THis was a dismal day to the Romanes fore those causes before reheased so the priestes of Memphis recorded this day vnfortunate for as the Romanes obserued their vnluckie daies by the name of Atridies so the Grecians the Egyptians and all nations haue recorded good and bad daies according to the first cause giuen whether it were good or bad though in truth none were more superstitious than the Romanes neither had such cause offered to note these daies because their ouerthrowes were great and their victories far greater Manfredus the Sonne of Fredericus the second and tutor to Conradinus his brothers sonne was slaine in a battaile at Beneuentum on this day by Carolus the French king 1126. Iohanna Borbania Queene of France and the wife of Charles the fifth died on this day 1378. and afeer within three daies hir daughter called Isabella died also which doubled the griefe of the king Beorgor king of Alania was on this day slaine and found dead at the foote of Bergome a mountaine so called 473. As vpon this day Pelagius the second of that name bishop of Rome died of the plague at Rome after whom succeeded Gregorius surnamed the great this was the last of 92 bishops that raigned in Rome then followed the race of Popes from Bonifacius the third which was the 63. bishop the first pope of Rome vntill Gregorius which was the 13 Pope 166. Eusebius a Greeke borne bishop of Rome was vpon this day 310. made martire for Christ Iesus vnder Maxentius the Emperour The 7 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The eight Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 9 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The tenth Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 11 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 a part of Africa in consideration of this peace for 〈◊〉 Rome with al hir pompe and dignitie became to decline and the kingdomes in Germany began to florish and within a short time after to challenge the Empire Elizabeth wife to Henry the seauenth king of England died as on this day in London by childbirth 1503. Gregorius the second pope of Rome died on this day 731. he defended Images and extolled them to the highest honor in spite of Leo the Emperour for then Popes made Emperors sometime without the leaue of the electors The 12 Day ANdronichus Palaeologus the Emperour died on this day 1330. Leo the ninth was elected pope in Rome being before the 〈…〉 and now sent to Rome by Henricus the third then Emperour 1049. to bee chosen pope Iageslo duke of Li●uania afterward called Vladislaus was crowned king of Poland on this day in Craconia the chiefest cittie in Polonia 1386. Iane the daughter of the duke of Suffolke was maried to Gilford Dudley the duke of Northumberlands some was named and pronounced Queene of England and therefore on this day was beheaded in the tower at London 1554. Religion was changed in Basil in Germanie by the perswasion of Io. Occolampadius learned and a Godly deuine 1529. 〈…〉 In Italie on this day ●he ●ayres called Nundine nucerienses are kept which endure for 15. dayes Dionisia a maide of Alexandria was persecuted and beheaded for the Gospel as Eusebius saith Also Sosanna and Eulalia two other 〈◊〉 of Alexandria died mart●rs on this day 262. The 13 Daie THe Romanes in times past vpon this day with great solemnities verie deuoutlie sacrificed vnto their god Faunus to whom they dedicated their plaies Lupercalia and also on this day they builded a temple vnto Iupiter hard by the riuer Tiber. Noe the third time did let a doue from the arke which returned not to the arke againe Upon this day the citie of Rome was by Camillus deliuered from the French men who tooke hir and possessed her for 7. moneths as Plutarch in Camillus life reporteth
the Heathens and Sarazens as ouer diuers parts of France and speciallie the great victorie which he had vpon this day ouer Chilpericus the second of that name and 19 king of Fraunce at a place called Camericus in the 718. yeare of Christs birth Henrie the fourth king of England vpon this day after hee had beene deliuered from many hard chaunces and had diuers good haps in ciuill warres languished in sicknesse and died vpon the 20 of March and was buried at Canterburie One sacrifice the Scythians haue in this manner in the moneth Nisan which is March when one dieth in Scythia of any great state his friends and his neighbours carie all his beasts and kill them for a feast to solemnize the funerall of the dead as the Romans and the Gretians doe celebrate a feast for the honour of Emperours and Princes birthe The sonne of this Scythian dead man causeth his fathers head being filled with all sweete odors to be guilted ouer and to be set as a monument of his father where once euery yeare vpon the very daye that his father died he keepeth a solemne feast wher his friends and his neighbours doe yearely at this feast offer sacrifice with ceremonies therevnto belonging vnto this gilded head abhorring the rites and sacrifices of any countries beside their owne as you heard what they did to Anachares and Siales for the ministring of the sacrifice and ceremonies of the Gretians The 21 Day MAximus the Emperour or rather tirant after hee had raigned in the empire 77. daies and had in that short time slaine Gratianus at Lugdunum after he came from Brittain and had driuen Valentinianus from his empire in the west was vppon this day as Mar. Scotus affirmeth cut in peeces by the souldiers of the Emperour Valentinianus yet Functius saieth that he was beheaded not farre from Aquilea 430. Also on this day 269. Galienus the emper●ur who raigned 15. yeares 7. with his father and eight yeares he gouerned the empire after his fathers death as Eutrop saith but he was slaine with his brother Valerianus both Emperours at Millaine and that vpon this day some varie in his saying that Valerianus was brother to Galienus but I let such controuersies passe After that Carolomaunus the sonne of Lodowicke the second of that name and brother to Lodowick the third who raigned both kinges of France had recouered Italie and setled himselfe quiet hee died vppon this day of a sicknesse called Apoplexia 880. Maximilian the Emperour son to Frederick the third was borne vppon this day in the new cittie of Austria 1459. Rodolphus Sueuus was crowned king of the Romanes by the bishop Sigisfridus against Henry of Mag●ntia who stood against him in the election to be king 1077. The 22. Day THe Iewes whose fiue daies of intercalation do now begin after the moneth Adar which is the twelft moneth with the Iewes and the Egyptians do vse this kinde of intercalation as the Romans do with Iulius Caesar who brought from Egypt to Rome a cunning Mathematician and made the Romane yeare to agree with Egyptians by adding euerie foure yeare a day Henrie the fourth being before elected Caesar returned vppon this day from Campania●o Rome in triumphant sort with great honor ouer the Normans 1084. The English men had an ouerthrow by the French men and the Scots in the territorie of Anioy as vpon this day 1421. Hennibal the scourge of Rome beeing called from Italie into Africk to resist Scipio being made a new Consul and sent from Rome as generall ouer the Romanes Hannibal before he returned from Italie caused a triumphant arch to be set vp by the temple of ●uno Lucina in the which hee caused to bee engrauen his exploits and noble victories and the name of all the Consuls Dictators and gallant Romane captaines which he vanquished and slue at three great battels T●ebeia Trasymene and Cannes which were set in Greek and Punicke letters for a memoriall of his being in Italie as a Trophie and a monument of his feats and victories against the Romanes The 17 Daie POlomie counted this day to be the equinoctiall of the spring being the fourth day of the creation of the world on the which day the Sunne the Moone and the starres were created This was the fifth and the last day of Quinquatria festa which was consecrated to Minerua in mount Caelio vpon the which day all the Trompeters should come to the said mount and there begin to sound from thence through all the streets of Rome sounding the Trompets vntill they came to the Capitol which was warning to the Senators the Cousuls and magistrates of Rome to come to the Capitol to finish the sacrifice of Qui●quatria into Minerua and to make an ende of the feast which is called Tubilusthium Of this day Ouid saith Summa dies ● quinque tuba lustrare canora c. Cornel. Scipio then Proconsuld in Africk in most solemne sort within a triumphant chariot came victor into Rome ouer the Africanes The same Scipio might be wel compared vnto Sesostris who for his victories and conquestes was called the Hercules of Egypt This Sesostris exceeded for his pro●nesse and valure These lef● more trophes and monuments of his triumphes behind him in Egipt in Ethiopia in Asia and in S●ithia then either Alexander or Cirus such 〈◊〉 Archers 〈◊〉 pillers of brasse copp●● and of Iuorie according to the custome of Egypt This Sesostris carried kings captiues bound to his chariot from place in place whose monumentes after his death were by the priestes of Egypt so kept and defended that they would not permit Darius to haue his statue exected before Sesostris though Egypt was at that time 〈…〉 The courage of this Scipio in Carthage 〈…〉 Sardima and in all Africa seemed no lesse but that among a number of Romane Hercules which in Scipios daies florished in Rome he might chalenge 〈◊〉 ouer them all Selymus the Turke and second of that name satled from his 〈◊〉 of Constantinople towards the Ile of Melitea with a great and huge number of shippes and he bestowed there a whole Winters warre without anie conquest done at all In the warres which chaunced betweene the Romanes and the 〈◊〉 after much slaughter on both sides they agreed that there should bee three men vppon the Romans side and three also vppon the 〈◊〉 ●ide which should end this strife and finish this warre betweene them Three Romanes came into the ●ielde which were both horne at one birth beeing Brethren and called Horatij and the other three Sabines called Curiatij these were likewise bretheren in like sort borne 〈◊〉 one 〈◊〉 called ●rigemini fratres cousin germanes to the Romanes they fought it so valiantly that two of the Romanes 〈…〉 other Romans which liued who perceiuing their eagernes the Romane made as though he would flee and the Sabine that was not hurt followed him hard at the heeles the other being sore wounded
the riuer of Almono the sacred ceremonies were called Megalesia sacra This Berecynthia was called Pessinuntia to whome M. Iunius Brutus builded a temple dedicated those games and plaies called Megalenses ludi which should bee plaide in the spring time before the Idol of Pessinuntia by the finest and gallentest yongmen within Rome piched and chosen out by the Alcidebes the matrons of the cittie were cheefe in those plaies in their most sumptuous apparrell for in these playes were moddest shamefast chaste and honest actions vsed gesture Phocas the Emperour by the conspiracie of certaine that sought the Empire was slaine and vpon the same day Heraclius was elected in his roome Emperour yet Scotus referreth this murther vnto the nineteenth of Aprill in the yeare 611. Iohn Valesius the 50 king of Fraunce and father to Charles the fift surnamed the wise dyed as vpon this daye at London in England 1364. Lu. Posthumius Megellus the second time that hee was Consul at Rome with great pompe and glorie triumphed ouer the Samnits and ouer the Hetruscans by the appointment of the Senators 459 yeares after the building of Rome vpon the which selfe same daye 734. triumphed Lu. Cornelius Balbus ouer the Affricans in the beginning of the raigne of Augustus Caesar for the triumphe of those Consuls in those dayes were much obscured for the dignitie of the Consuls was defaced through the glorie of the Emperours who tooke from the Consuls all pompe and glory to set foorth their owne triumphes Upon this day 169. Lu. Septimius Seuerus was borne in a Towne called Lepus which was in Tripolinata a Prouince of Affricke This Emperour willed all men to call him Pertinax for the great zeale and goodwill which hee bare vnto him which Pertinax was slaine by Iulianus This Seuerus the Emperour by his victories ouer the Parthians and Arabians was surnamed both Parthicus and Arabicus Gregorie the eleuenth Pope of Rome died as vppon this day vnder this Pope all the Townes of Italie which were in subiection to the Pope reuolted and therefore this bishop remoued his seat from Fraunce into Rome againe The 8. daie FOr the space of thirtie daies the Israelites lamented much the death of Moses in the plaine of Noab vppon this day for after that God shewed all the land of Canaan hee went to the plaine of Moab to the top of mount Nebo where hee died and no man knoweth his graue to this day In Rome as vppon this day great solemnities of ceremonies and sacrifices were had and celebrated vnto Ianus in the temple of Concord in the temple of Health in the temple of Peace and in the temple of Ceres by all the women and matrons of the Cittie of Rome Aelius Pertinax the 26. Emperour of Rome when hee had raigned but 80 daies being a verie aged man was slaine in an vprore which fell among the gard through the reason of Iulianus who succeded him in the Empire notwithstanding some saie otherwise 194. Mar. Atil Regulus triumphed ouer the Samnites and ouer the Uolscanes I do not meane the great triumph which Regulus got ouer the Africanes when he s●ue 18 thousand enemies and tooke prisoners 5000. men when hee had receiued vnder his obeisance 73. cities and tooke 8. elephantes and sent them to Rome this was vpon an other day of which I shall speake of in an other place 459. Albertus marques of Brabenburge the scourge of Germanie with long warres manie yeares was borne vppon this day 1520 at which time died Henrie Glareanus poet Laure●tus in Friburge a towne in Germanie 1563. Aron and his two sonnes Madan and Abiliu remained at the dore of the taber●acle seauen daies and seauen nights and perfourmed that which Moses commaunded him from the spirit of God 2455. yeares after the creation of the world The 29 Day VPon this day Iosua the second Iudge of Israell that succeeded Moses sent out of Sichim two men to view Iericho and to spy the land at what time Rahab the harlot acknowledged the God of Israel and lodged the two Israelites and hid them from the king of Iericho who sought to kill them C. Claudius the 5. Emperour of Rome sonne to Drusus which was brother to Tiberius and vncle by the fathers syde to Caligula after he had raigned 13. yeares and 9. moneths hee was poisoned by his owne wife in the yeare of our Lord 41. Lectisternium a feast among the Pa●nims in the honour of Iupiter Iuno and Minerua at what time sumptuous ritch beddes were spred in the Temples in the which their Images and Idols dect with all kindes of chaines of gould crownes garlands beset with Iewels and pearles were first laied in most magnificent and roiall manner with all ceremonies and solemnities in these gorgeous beds and a great feast celebrated with musick and mirth before them And after in the residue of the beds which were made within the temple as many as mightlie and eate and bare companie with their gods thinking themselues happie that they in this feast in their temples accompaniing their Idols had the fruition of so sacred a feast The Rabbies do affirme that as at this time our Sauiour Iesus Christ came to raise vp Lazarus from death at what time he came to Iericho and by the way gaue sight to the blind man and lodged in Zachaeus the publicans house The 30. Day THe French chronicles affirme that vppon this day the great and bloody victorie of Edward duke of Yorke fell which afterward was called Edward the fourth king of England Frederick the third being arch●uke of Austria was crowned emperour and raigned almost 54. yeares he was also vpon this day elected and crowned king of the Romans as Nauclerus saith but Cuspinianus who best knew y e state of Austria referreth this to the first day of Ianuarie It is not much to bee maruelled that writers contend for daies syth they in greatest causes varie much in yeares vetustas erroris plena and there●ore I repeat sometime histories that I wrot before The 31 Daie THe old Romans vppon thes day vsed solemne sacrifice and oblation to the moone vpon mount Auenti●e with such rites and ceremonies as the Augurers and high bishops had obserued for all ceremonies and sacrifice were by Numa Pomp. from the nimph Aegiria and also after Numa in the time of Torquine the prowd the booke of Sibill which were kept by the 3. magistrates called triumveri were full of these supersticious vaine ceremonies and sacrifices which the Romanes much honowred Ti. Pomp. Atticus died vpon this day 12. yeares after his frend M. Cicero was slaine by Hierenius and Popilius by y ● procurement of M. Antonius who likewise was ouerthrowen with his frend Cleopatra queene of Egipt by Oct. Augustus in this yeare that Pomp. Atticus died at what time ended the wars in Rome after the building of the citie of Rome 722. Henrie the first of
that name King of Fraunce died of a wounde that he got with running at Tilt on this day after hee had raigned 12 yeares after whom succeeded his sonne Franciscus the second of that name Pantaleon affirmeth that Franciscus the first raigned 32. yeares 1557. Alphonsus king of Spaine 1259 was by the Princesse of G●rmanie elected to the empire which he refused for then the empire had bin void of an emperour 17. yeares which was the time of interegnum at what time Richard the Duke of Cornewall sonne to the king of England was crowned king of Rome of this time and of the certeintie thereof as Functius saieth writers do much varie Henricus the fourth of that name Emperour of Germanie was vpon this day being then the feast of Aester by Pope Clement the third as Functius saieth by Pope Steeuen the ninth crowned emperour who ranged 50. yeares whose wife named Bertha vsed the gouerment at her pleasure for she was the empresse and emperour Melancthon saieth in his chronicles that saint Ierom died on this day 420 at Betheme yet Volateranus affirmeth it 30. of September in the yeare of our Lord 442. Nehemias came vppon this day with letters from Artaxerxes to Hierusalem for the repairing of the Temple and also for the building vp of the walles of Hierusalem againe In the moneth Munychion among the Egiptians called Pharme Menede● K. of Egypt ended his great and wonderous tombe which for the rarenesse thereof was called a Labyrinth the patterne whereof Dedalus brought with him from Egipt vnto Creet where he builded the like to king Minos It was hard for any that entred into this Labyrinth to come out thence without a guide This Labyrinth was made a place of buriall for the kinges of Egyptlineallie descending from the bodie of Menedes and not for others in so much that the kinges of Egypt afterwardes contended who should excell in these woorkes some in Labyrinthes some in building of Piramides and some in building of monsterous great Temples for their burials as the priestrs of Vulcan affirme in their sacred bookes at Memphis that 43. of the most a●ncient kings of Egypt were buried in these Pyramides of the which number 17. remained vntill the time of Ptolomi the sonne of ●agi one of the souldiers of the great Alexāder This was the first king of the Ptolomeis after the name of Pharaos for the first kinges of Egypt from Menas time vntil the time of 52. kings we haue as litle to write of as we haue of the first anciēt kings of Assiria The names of the Triumphes solemnized in Rome within the moneth of March and by whome 1 P. Valer. Publicola 2 L. Aemil. Mamertimus 3 L. Cornel. Lentulus 4 Q. Luctatius Cerco 5 M. Claud. Marcellus 6 A. Manl. Torqua Atticus 7 L. Papyrius 8 C. Fabricius Luscinius 9 C. Papyr Maso 10 L. Aemil. Papus 11 Cn. Manl. Volso 12 T. Manl. Torquatus 13 L. Aemil. Papus 14 C. Flamineus Nepos 15 L. Conel Scipio 16 C. Flamineus 17 Pub. Furius 18 Manlius Volso 19 M. Valerius Coruus 20 M. Pomp. Matho 21 M. Valer. Maximus 22 C. Conelius Scipio 23 L. Posthumi Megell●s 24 L. Conel Balbus 25 M. Atil Regulus The names of the solemne feasts and sacrifices within the moneth of Marche Munichia Matronalia Quinquatria Bachanalia Iunonalia Equiria Liberalia Quinquaria Minerualia Hylaria Megalesia These games and plaies called triumphant plaies vowed games must of neces●itie bee celebrated and solemnized after any great triumphe together with the feast Tri●mphale Epulum which is also a feast appointed in the Capitoll belonging alwaies vnto any great triumphe Ludi Votiui Ludi Triumphales Ludi Natalitij Finis mensis Martij Of the moneth of Aprill which with the Iewes is called Nisan their first moneth with the Athenians called Thargelion their eleauenth moneth and With the Aegiptians Pharmute their eight moneth The first Daie THis moneth of April is called of the Iewes Nisan which is the first moneth with the Hebrues for the Iewes beginneth their yeare in this moneth in the old time this moneth was of the Romans consecrated vnto Venus at what time they celebrated a feast called Vernalia where the Romanes vsed sacrifice and solemine ceremonies vnto Venus bedeckt with garlands made of diuers flowres on their heads and mirtle branches in their handes Likewise the women and matrones of Rome washed and bathed themselues in sweete water and with garlands of mirtle crowned came vpon this day to the temple of Fortune and offered oblations and sacrifice with Frankencense and other sweete odors for their husbandes good successe and euents in warres In like order the auncient Greekes had vpon this day two great solemne feasts the one called Thargelia festa celebrated with many ceremonies vnto Apollo and vnto Diana according to the manner of the Gretians the other feast called Apaturia solemnized with diuers kinde of sacrifices vnto the goddesse Venus In Rome vpon this day Sempronius Blesus when he was Consul at Rome triumphed ouer the Affricans at what time woone many cities and though hee suffered shipwracke in his returne from Affrike to Rome with great riches and spoile yet the Senators graunted him to come with a triumphe into the Cittie of Rome 500 yeares after the bulding of the Cittie Q. Martius Philippus Consul of Rome made a braue entrie into Rome with great pompe and honor triumphing ouer the Hetruscans a people of Italy before the first warres of the Romans against the Carthaginians eight yeares for at this time the Romanes had enough to doe at home by meanes of the warres of the Tarentines Samnits Latens and of other nations about them Also on this day Ser. Caruilius Max. being Consul then at Rome triumphed most solemnely ouer the Sardintans 519. Tacitus the 34. Empero●r of Rome after he had raigned but sixe moneths dyed by an vprore among the Souldiers the most common death that then happened to the Emperours of Rome one preuenting an other by treason that in 277 yeares 34 Emperours raigned in Rome as Onoph affirmeth but Iustine saith that Tacitus died of a feauer at Tarsus but I leaue contention Valens was by his brother Valentinianus made Emperour of Constantinople to gouerne ioyntlie the Empire vpon this daye 367. This was a cruell persecutor of the Christians for he commaunded that 80. Christians should be drowned that were sent to him frō the other Christians to entreat for mercie and fauour but Valeus being most worthyly afterward wounby the Gothes and flyeng from the battell so wounded to a little cottage in a podre village was burned most miserablie by the Gothes in his cottage where hee hid himselfe His brother Valentinianus had no better end for both were cruell Emperours Iustinus Thrax a base man borne who was first a Swineheard and then a heardman and afterward became to bee a Souldiour who after by manye euents of warres was made by the
at that time with great solemnitie was according to the commaundement kept at Ierusalem of the often inuation spoile destruction of Ierusalem you shall many times heere for it was destroyed fiue times first by the Egiptians they by the Chaldeans and after by the Romans c. The Frenchmen after many harde conflicts by the Germans and the Germans by the Frenchmen as vpon this day through the aid of the H●luetians vanquished and ouerthrew the imperiall armie of Charles the fift in Pedemontana at what time the Frenchmen got such a victory yet to their smart insomuch that Charles the Emperour and Frances Valoys the French king were both contented to conclude a peace 1544. Leo the fourth Emperor of Rome in the fift and last yeare of his raigne at the earnest sute and request of his Nobles and also of the people elected and made his sonne Constantine the seauenth of that name his fellow Emperour to gouerne with him in the empite which was the onely sure way to staye himselfe in the empire being matcht with his sonne as it was the costome and manner of the Romane Emperours to do 776. Philip a verye y●ong man in the 20. yeare of Lodowike ●urnamed Cra●sus was crowned king of Fraunce vpon the sixteene kalend of Maye which is the foureteene day of Aprill 1128. The 15 Daie THis was the seauenth day and last of the feast called vnleauened after the Israelits passed through the red sea and had giuen thankes to God for their deliuerance they came to the wildernesse of Sin which is betweene Elim and Sinai where they wandred three dayes murmering against God and Moises who tooke them from the flesh pots of Egipt at what time Quales couered their tents and Manna couered the ground so GOD pleased then their humors and yet were these people not pleased Numa Pompilius the second king of Rome instituted a feast to appease the goddes at what time the plague fell vpon their cattell this feast was called Fordicidia in which feast it was not lawful for the priests to offer no sacrifice but pregnantem bouem at what time the Idols of their housholde gods which were called Lares had vpon them a long robe made of Dogges skins and crowned with a Garland made of sweete flowers to whome sacrifice was offered with corne and Frankencense for their Idols were kept in their houses and in theyr gardens to driue sprites away and to watch their houses from any harme or danger that might happen in the night time Pipinus sonne to Charles the great king of Fraunce and Emperour of Rome was crowned king of Italy by his father and Lodouicus surnamed Pius his other sonne who succeeded him both in the Empire and in the kingdome of Fraunce was made king of Aquitania 781. Romanus Argyropylus Emperour of Constantinople when he had raigned fiue yeares and sixe moneths died vpon this daye Iustine saith that he was through treason drowned where he hathed himselfe 1033. Henrie the sixt of that name was crowned Emperour of Rome by Pope Celestinus with great pompe and solemnitie this was sonne to Fredericke surnamed Barbarossa who raigned 38 yeares Emperour during which time this Henrie was crowned king of Rome 1191. Balduinus first Earle of Flaunders and after was elected Emperour of Constantinople after he had raigned scant one yeare leauing the Empire to his brother Henrie who succeeded him and raigned after him sixe yeares 1205. I find in some Chronicle that Charles the seauenth king of Fraunce as vpon this daye gaue a great ouerthrowe to the Englishmen in Normandy but it was well requited for Henrie the sixte king of England in the tenth of this Charles his raigne was crowned king of France in their cheefe Church at Paris Functius could say no lesse with wounds and calamities enough to requite the first ouerthrowe so that Victor became Victus 1450. The 16 Daie I Finde not much that were doone vpon this daye worth the writing sauing of the death and election of some Bishops of Rome amongst whom Anicetus the tenth bishop of Rome suffered death vnder the emperour Seuerus this Bishop instituted that no priest should haue a beard nor let his hatre to growe long 160. Lodowicke Countie of Helsfenstein was most cruellye murthered and slaine in an vprore of the Countrie men in Sueuia but after they were like sheepe slaine in manye places of Germanie for the same 1525. I reade that in Scythia they were wont to celebrate a feast once a yeare in the moneth Thargelion to worship and to honour Mars his sworde in the which beside the sacrificing of a horse they vsed this ceremonie to lay the sword of Mars called Acinax as Mercuries sword was called Harpen vpon a pile of wood vnto the which the Scithians did more reuerence then to anye of their other gods and did sacrifice vnto this sword of euerie 100 prisoner one as the beastes were saficed but in this maner first they powred wine vpon the heads of the prisoners that should be slain in sacrifice after they tooke them into a certaine great vessell where they were slaine and from thence caried to the place where Mars his sword was put vp and taking the bloud of the sacrificed men they powred it vpon the sword of Mars for among the Scythians the chiefe seruice is to drincke of the blood of the first man that they kil of their enemies and to bring his head to the king of whose scull if hee be a great man the king doth drinke of The 17 Day VPon this daie the Iewes were wont to celebrate a feast in memorie of their Passouer which they vsed for a long time after the departing of the Israelites out of Egipt this was called Festum vincite in remembrance of the noble victorie and glorious triumph they had ouer Pharo with all his peers nobles and al the force and power of Egipt at what time the read sea was appointed by God to make an end of Pharos tyrannie and to giue his people victorie Felicianus with his naked sword in his hand most cruelly wounded Carolus king of Hungarie beeing at meat at one table with him and had then slaine him had hee not bin saued by the companie which were with him conuersant at the Table 1330. Martin Luther being as on this day before Charles the 5. and all the states of Germanie shewed and opened the falshod the abhominations and wickendes of the Romane religion of their indulgences and defended most syncerely this religion It is written that as vpon this day the sea brake into Flanders and drowned an hundred thousand people beside the losse of Cattels infinit number the like hath not bin seene before as Munster affirmeth he 18 Daie THe feast Equiria was celebrated with great solemnitie at Rome as vpon this day in Circo maximo with other pastimes and plaies called Circenses ludi which were alwaies appointed
ouerthrew the Uenetians as vpon this day in a great and terrible battaile at Bondinum where 8000. Italians were slaine Cleomenes king of Sparta being taken of Ptolomi king of Egipt in the wars was put in prison but Cleomenes brake the prison in Alexandria but when he saw he could not escape the handes of the king after much slaughter within the towne exhorted his companie which were but thirtie in number to die like men by their own handes and not by the enemie saying let not Fortune triumph ouer fortitude which being perfourmed and the newes brought to Ptolomie hee caused the bodie of king Cleomenes to be hanged vp vpon a Crosse and commaūded also his bodie their to bee kept and watcht the watch at length espied a serpent wreathed about his head and coueres all his face in so much that no ra●●ning fowle durst come neere him the king fell to so super●●icious a feare that hee had offended the Goddes that hereup●on he with his nobles and all the Ladies of the court began to make manie sacrifices of purification making also their praiers and supplications vnto Cleomenes as vnto ademie God calling him the sonne of the Gods with sacrifising of diuers oblations in the verie place of execution so supersticious and blinde were those Egyptians in religion towards their gods The 15. daie FRom the desarts of Sinay the children of Israell departed vpon the twenteeth daie of the second moneth and rested in the wildernes of Pharan at what time the Lord commaunded Moses to make two trompets of syluer to call the congregation together when y ● campe should iourney these trompets should bee sounded also on their feast daies in the beginning of their moneths they were likewise commaunded by the Lord to sound these trompets ouer their burnt sacrifices and peace offeringes The Romanes vsed sacrifice after their heathenish custome vppon this daie to Iupiter feretrum and vpon the which daie they were wont to make Images of rushes called scyrpea simulacra to offer vppon the Altar of their Idols when none might celebrate sacrifice or approch nigh to any of the sacred altars before he had sprinckled his bodie with cleane water and had vppon his head a crowne of lawrell consecrated by Iupiters Priest called Flamen dialis to whom the sacrifice was solemnised besides he should be instructed in the secrete misteries of the hidden ceremonies belonging to the sacrifice Uppon this day God Mercurie was born to whom the Romanes builded a Temple in a place called Circus maximus there they celebrated a great solemne feast and vsed sacrifice and appointed sundrie games and plaies and all kind of exercise both on horsebacke and on foot and at that verie feast they kept mercatorum ferias the Marchants feastes where they offered oblations and sacrifices in the honor of God Mercurie The ten magistrates of Rome called Decemuiti vpon this daie after they were first created and the lawes of the twelue tables brought from Ath●ns to Rome came with great pompe and glory to the market place of Rome hauing an 120. sariants bearing maces and 〈◊〉 before them as though they were ten kinges thereby grew sedition in the cittie for their pride ●ust rape and other wicked dealings which were intollerable they were put downe after they had by force gouerned 3. years more like to ten tirants or ten Torquins then to ten ciuil magistrates C. Plautius proculus Consull at Rome triumphed ouer the Hernices with whom Marcus Fabius Ambustus was made Consull at which time the Torquinians so called for that they held with Torquinius the prowde offered 307. Romane souldiers being taken prisoners in the waie of sacrifice I meane killed them most cruellie and offered their blood vp insacrifice to the furies called Eumenides but they were well requited for so manie Torquinians were at an other time slaine and sacrifised in the maket place at Rome Valentinianus Iunior the third of that name as Iustine affirmeth which was by the souldiers proclaimed emperour being but a boie after his fathers death was by Maximus that then was made emperour of Brittaine by the souldiers driuen out of the empire to Theodosius after a while through the treason of Eugenius was slaine but herein writers do much varie On this day Rodulphus surnamed Burgundus died being the 31. king of France after he had raigned two yeares by himselfe then Lodowick with his mother returning from England whither before they fled for succour is restored to his kingdom againe Funct affirmeth that he died the first callends of Iune Also the Christians besieged Nicea a cit●ie of Stria for this time the Saracens had scattered themselues not onely in Asia and Affrick but also vnto Europe but they were met withal in all places by the Christian Princesse and fought with all with manie ouerthrowes geuen vnto them 1097. The 16 Day THis is one of the daies that Titus the Emperour besieged and wan the inner part of the wall called of the Iewes Acran where the Romanes set vp their ensignes and aduaunced themselues vppon the walles at what time a great slaughter was made in Ierusalem by Titus Vratislaus The first king of Bohemia was crowned as vpon this day beeing the 17. kalend of Iune by the bishop of Treuira called Eugelbertus in the chiefe church of Praga who died by a fall from his horse within few daies after the coronation after whom succeeded his brother Conradus who raigned king of Bohemia for the space of seuen moneths Conradus the second of that name and sonne to Henrie the fourth emperour of Germanie was vppon this day being then the feast of Pentecost crowned king of the Romanes at Aquisgraue by Hermanus archbishop of Collen The 17 Daie AGaine the Israelites offended the Lord and the fire of the Lord burnt amongest them and consumed them that were vttermost of the host and Moses praied for the people and the fire staied they loathed Manna which the Lord raigned vnto them from heauen they desired the flesh of Egypt the Cucumbers Melons Leekes Onions and Garlike and Moses was wearie with the crie of the people and hee praied vnto the Lord for them and for himselfe and the Lord eased Moses of his chardge and caused him to bring 70. of the elders of Israell to the tabernacle that they might haue the spirit of Moses to gouerne the congregation with Moses The 18. Day THe Romans record in their old Calēders that Iupiter Ammon their god as borne vpon this day and therefore in memorie of his birth they held a feast and vsed solemne sacrifice Alexander the great was made to beleeue by the priests of Ammon that hee was this Iupirers sonne and therefore he commaunded that he should be so called Upon the 23 day of the second moneth Simon the brother of Iudas Machabeus succeeded after his brother Ionathan wonne the castle of Ierusalem and entred into it with thankes giuing with
heereof he setteth his bowe in the clowdes in memorie of his promise A great solemne day among the Romanes at what time they with processions sacrifices went to visit their corn this feast was called ●ustratio segetum on the which day they builded vp a temple and dedicated the same to the goddesse Fortune that shee might vouchsafe to accept their processions and sacrifice and to prosper their corne Constantinus the great that good Emperour that fauoured the Christians and the church of Christ after manie great good thinges by him done died as vpon this da●e at Nicomedia a cittie in Bithinia after he had raigned 31 yeares and had liued 66. Lodowick the fourth of that name surnamed B●uarus was most solemnly crowned Emperour of Germanie by all the Cardinals of Rome in spite of pope Iohn the 22. of that name in saint Peters Chuch at Rome for the Pope had elected Friderick duke of Austria and would haue crowned him and stood against the state of Germanie for the space of 8. yeares wars did grow in so much that Frederick was taken and killed by Lodowick the fourth 1327. Henrie the third surnamed Niger sonne to Gerardus the second who was by his fathers meanes crowned king of the Romanes as vpon this daie and afterward by consent of all the Princes of Germanie was elected emperour who streight inuaded Bohemia and subdued them hee plagued Hungaria spoiled their countrey and subdued two of their chiefe citties and restored their king whom they had driuen out of his kingdome againe 1054. The 23 Day CRunnus the Prince of Bulgaria gaue a great ouerthrowe to the Christians as vpon this daie at Adrinopohs a town which Adrian the Emperour builded and called it after his own name about which time Mahomet the 2. went to Rode vppon this day with an infinite number of souldiers and there plaied the cruell tirant for three moneths both on sea and vpon land besieged Rhode and seeing that hee could do no good hee returned his siege and marched with his army toward Apulia 1474. After the Philistines had the great victorie ouer the Israelites when they had found the bodie of Saul being slaine and his three sonnes dead in the field with him they stripped Saul out of al his armour they cut of his head and sent it to the land of the Philistines to publish the victorie and they hanged the armour of king Saul in the temple of Astaroth their Assirian idol they commaunded also that his body should bee hanged on the wall of Bethshan and his head to be set on a pole they sent also the heads and the quarters of Ionathan Abinadab and Malchisha being the three sonnes of king Saul vnto diuers cities of the Philistines to hang them vpon poles in the temples before their Gods in token of victorie and triumph An ouerthrow was geuen to Charles the fifth his armie at Uisurgine and vppon the same day Wittenberge was yeelded vp vnto the Emperour for this Charles the fil● neuer quieted himselfe before he had subdued all Flanders and the most part of Germanie vnder his empire 1547. The 24 daie A Great daie among the Syracusans and commaunded to be solemnly celebrated in memory of their famous victorie had ouer the Athenians by the riuer called Asinara at what time Niccas generall for Athens with all his whole armie were ouer throwen slaine and scattered This Syracusa the chefe citie in Sicilia was by the perswasions and councell of Alcibiades taken in hande to the great hurt and losse to Athens Otto the thirde was crowned Emperour of Germanie by Gregorie the 5. pope of Rome after hee returned to Saxonia and hearing that Gregorie the 5. whom hee had caused to bee made Pope was deposed by Crescentius and by the cittizens and had put in his roome a Grecian borne named Iohn the 17 of that name the Emperour returned in all hast besieged the cittie and tooke it tooke Crescentius pluckt out both his eies cropt his eares off and put him vppon an asse to ride through Rome as a spectacle and after slue him he restored Gregory to his papacie and made Iohns eies to bee had out and after to be banished 1000. Edward the 5. with his brother Richard sonnes to Edward the fourth king of England were slaine some say smothered some say drowned in the tower at London by that cruel monster Richard the third their owne vncle Edward the 4. his brother 1483. The 25. Day SEruius Tullius the sixt king of Rome triumphed on this day ouer the Hetruscans and ouer the Sabines this annexed to the cittie three hilles or litle mounts called mount Q●irinall mount Uiminall and mount Erquiline he entrenched rounde the walles of the cittie and he did first inuent the mustering of men at what time their was not found in Rome past 84. thowfand cittizens M. Marcellus being againe reconciled to the Emperour Caius Caligula was slaine by his familiar frende Magius Chilo as he returned to Rome by the way and after Magius slue himselfe the 43. yeare of our sauiour Christ. Sethon one of Vulcans priestes afterward made king of Egypt being so hated of his people and in such contempt with his subiectes that at what time Senacherib king of the Assirians came with a great armie of Arabians to inuade Egypt at what time in the moneth Pachon the people forsooke Sethon and reuolted from him how be it hee was warned by a vision in sleepe to geeue battail to the Arabians which he perfourmed he pitcht his tentes at Pelusium hauing fewe souldiers in his band the night before the battail should bee fought a great and huge swarme of rats and mise came and deuoured their bowstringes their quiuers spoiled their targets bucklers and did eat vp al their matches for their shot in fine they disordered all thinges in the Arabian camp that in the morning they were sorced to flie in which flight manie were slaine and taken Sethon the king hauing this victorie in this the priest of Vulcan caused an arch to be made on which y ● statue of Sethō was set in Spayrs holding a rat in his hand with this inscription In me quis intuens pius est in this order did the Egyptians triumph in their monstruous huge works and buildings setting vp their pictures Images to stand in Spairs to manifest their triumphes but in their sacrifices and superstitious ceremonies they farre exceeded the Romanes which I haue for example set downe for that they began long before the Romanes who had most of their sacrifice and ceremonies from the Grecians and the Grecians from the Egyptians The 26 Daie VPon this day beginneth the third moneth which the Iewes call Siban or Syuan the seuenth of this moneth answeareth the first of Iune In the third moneth in the which the Israelites went out of Egypt they came vnto the wildernesse of Sinay where the Israelites pitched their Tentes and
camped before the Lord there the Lord commaunded Moses to sanctifie the people and that they should be ready vpon the third daie to heare the Lord saying you shal bee vnto mee a kingdome of priests and an holy people In the first day of the thirde moneth the word of the Lord came to the prophet Ezechiel who spake vnto Pharao king of Egypt Assur is a Cedar in Libanon with faire braunches and thicke bowes of a high stature all the foules of the aire made their nestes in his braunches all the beastes of the field brought forth their yong vnder his bowes and vnder his shadow dwelt all mightie nations thus the Prophet setteth foorth the prosperitie of the Assirians and prophesieth a like distruction vnto them both Germanicus the sonne of Drusus and father to Caius Caligula which was the fourth emperour of Rome had a solemne triumph graunted him at Rome ouer the Cheruscians Angriuarians the Catteians and ouer the nations that dwelt as farre as Albis This Germanicus chaunged the name of the moneth September to be Germanicus as Iulius Caesar and his nephew Augustus changed the two monethes before called Quintilis and Sextilis to Iuli and August after their names which still continued but Germanicus after his death y ● moneth called Germanicus recouered his first name which was September Malancthon in his fourth booke saieth that vpon this daie Lotarius King of Fraunce also emperour of Germany was fought withal by his brethren in this great battaile all the whol stock af Charles the great were slaine for it is set downe that aboue 100000 were on both parties slaine of this day writers varie some referring it to the 11 of Maie and some to other daies 841. Ladi●laus sonne to Charles third King of Sicilia entred Rome in armes threw downe Adrian the emperors pillers raised many auncient monuments and got the possession of the Cappitoll but by the meanes of Paulus Visinus a noble Romane who ayded pope Gregory the 7 Rome was recouered and Ladislaus put to flight 1410. Upon this day Basilius Macedo of a poore boy became one in Michaell the emperors chamber and whome the emperor often times commanded to be slaine for he had some diffidence in Basilius yet he was slaine by this Basilius and after was crowned Emperour of Constantinople such was the state of emperours in those daies 870. Alphonsus king of Arragon besieged Iohanna queene of Naples in the castle at Capua but he was thence remoued put to flight at that time but with in a while after he tooke Neapoles and subdued Apulia and draue their king Reuatus to forsake his kingdome and after comenced warres against the Florentines 1443. The 27 Daie GReat solemnities sacrifices rites and cerimones were in Rome on this day in the temples of welthe honor vertue three goddesses among the Romans of great authoritie whom they celebrated with seu●rall seruises according to their custome The people of Israel being sanctified and their cloathes washed also hauing abstained from their wines being commaunded the second day to be ready for the next morning at what time God appeared in thunder and lightning commaunding the priests and the people not to touche the hill least they should perish The birth day of Antonnius surnamed Geta sonne to Septimius Seuerus the 21. Emperour of Rome who was slaine by his brother Antoninus Caracalla in his mothers lap 213. Spartianus referreth this to the first of Iune Lewis the 12. was as on this day with great ioy and gladnesse of all the kingdome of Fraunce elected king after his Father Charles the eights death as Aemilius affirmeth 1497. Some say that he was crowned vpon the very same day in the yeare following The 28 daie THis was the third daye wherein Moises and Aaron were commanded by the Lord to co●e to mount Sinai and the people to stand at the foote where they sawe the thunder and lightning and the noise of the trumpet and the mountaine smoking and the Lorde deliuered vnto Moises the second table of the commaundements As vpon this day the games and plaies called Fabrici lud● the feastiuall day of Smithes who met vpon the Theators and made a common feast together with great pompe which they sacrificed vnto Vulcan with all solemne ceremonies according to their supersticious customes Titus the sonne of Vespasian the 11 Emperour of Rome after he had liued 42. yeares died in the third yeare and eight moneth of his raigne at the same manner place where his father the good Emperour Vespasian died this emperor builded the Theator at Rome yet Sueto and others referre his death with more reason to the 13. of September 83. The Cathedrall Church at Misena when they sang Te de●m for ioye and gladnes of the taking of the Elector the author of a great commotion where many were slaine and the church burnt vnto the very ground by lightning 1547. The 29 Day AS vpon this daye Octauius Augustus M. Antonius and M. Lepidus three mē called Triumuiri after some bibering betweene Octauius and Antonius were made by the meanes of Lepidus friends after which all three ioyned their forces together against the Cittie of Rome at what time diuers of the Senate were banished and many that had beene Consuls were slaine as Cicero and diuerse other noble men The famous Cittie of Constantinople after long warres and often repulses giuen was vpon this day being on the feast of Penticoast by Mahomet the second of that name and the sixt Emperour of the Turkes taken and the head of Constantius then Emperour being slaine at that assault as hee fled set vpon a long pole and carried through the Cittie of Constantinople Philippus Valesius the 49. king of Fraunce and the first king of the house of Valoyes was with great pompe and solemnitie crowned as vpon this daye king of Fraunce during this kings raigne Fraunce had most terrible wars with England and since Fraunce neuer had the like since the Romane warre this is called with writers Atrox cruentum funestum bellum 1328. The 30 Day BErna a towne of Heluetia was besieged as vpon this daye by Rodulphus countie of Haspurge who after 12 yeares of interregnum which was with out y ● Empire was elected emperor of Germanie not by the Pope of Rome crowned but by the Bishop of Lusitania for said he manie emperours went into Italie with an huge armie few or none retorne resiting the fable of the foxe being desired by other beastes to come to visit the Lion being sicke I wish him wel sayd the foxe but I passe not for the sight of him I saw the steps of many going in but I saw the steps of none comming out 1287. The 31 Daie THe Iewes kept the feast called Pentecost on the 6. daie of the third moneth called Syuan which was 50. daies after the feast of the first fruites In this feast they
battaile geuen on the Sea ouer whom he with great commēdation triumphed cum nauali triumpho Mahomet the second of that name and the 6 emperour of the Turkes the onely scourge that plagued the Christians and also the only t●rant that afflicted Asia who did much augment his empire as vppon this day againe the third time hee laied siege to Rhodes and yet failed of his purpose and was forced to passe with his armie to Apulia The Heluetians being in warre with their next neighbours gaue them battaile at Lauppen a cittie in the Confines of Heluetia ouerthrew them and slue them to the number of three hundreth 1338. The 22 daie PHilip the sunne of Frederick surnamed Barbarossa and the first Frederick of that name after his great warres against Alsatia Argentina and Thuringia taking some repose in the castle of Bamberga was there traiterouslie slaine by Otto the County of U●ietelspatch to the great grief of al Germanie after he had raigned 9. yeares 1208. The mariage of Philip king of Spaine was solemnly celebrated as vpon this daie at Paris in Fraunce vnto Elizabeth daughter to Henrie the second but Functius saith the first of that name king of Fraunce with great pompe roialtie magnificence in the which feast 8. daies after the marriage Henrie king of Fraunce was slaine by apeece of a staffe which brake ran through his eie into the braine pan as hee was running at T●●t 1559. The 23. daie AS vppon this day the Romanes vsed to sende mutuall presentes one to another and to salute their neighbours with diuers kind of sweet sauours as ginger peper suger and such like and likewise they gathered all kind of hearbs in the honor of Vulcan and after this they met togither with manie ceremonies and did great sacrifice vnto fire for the sauegard and t●ition of their young children The famous victorie of Hanniball ouer the Romanes at Thrasimenum in Perusia was such that Flaminius the consul was killed and fifteene thousand more slaine in the field and almost so manie taken this battail was so fiercly fought on both sides that a great earthquake which was at that instant ouerthrew some cities and turned mighty streams of riuers against their course and did manie terrible thinges besides yet they were so earnest in fight that nether parties felt it but the moane and lamentation was such in Rome for so great an ouerthrow that they recorde this day as one of their chiefe vnfortunate daies and this happened by the ouer●ight and rashnes of Flaminius the Consul Otto the first of that name Emperour of Germanie and sonne to Henrie the first duke of Saxonie and after crowned king of Germany maried y ● daughter of one Edmundus King of England this Otto ouerthrew the Bauarians and gaue the Hungarians such a terribl battaile at the riuer of Licum that 3. kinges were taken by Otto and hanges at that ouerthrow he after made warres vppon the Bohmians wasted and spoiled B●hemia an● tooke their citties thence hee entred into Italie and lated siege to Rome and the gates were opened to him at what time he tooke the pope Benedictus the 5. from his papacie and restored Leo the 7 to his form●r estate The Turkes againe inuaded the Ile of Melitia and in the time of Solyman the tenth emperour laid hard siege to the castle of Mercurie where Caelius affirme that manie thousands on either syde were at that Turkish armie slaine 1565. A●ulphus ●ount●e of Nassau was elected Emperour of Germany this Adulphus for his ambitious dealing against Albertus duke of Austria sonne to Rodolphus the Emperor which was well esteemed and beloued with all the ●lates of Germanie whome this Adulphus by all ambitious meanes sought to banishe and to driue him from Austria but he was therefore deposed from his Empire after he had raigned ●ixe yeares and with all the consents of the Princes of Germanie Albertus Duke of Austria was as vpon this day placed in his roome 1298. This day of Onoph●●us and others is set downe to be the 27 of Iu●e As vpon this day died that noble and valiant Gretian Pericles cheefe gouernour of Athens after Themillocles whose victories and triumphes were such that hee had nine ●euerall monuments equall in number to the nine victories which hee got in nine great battels set vp in diuerse places some in Athens some in other places of Greece but especially in Ceramicus which was a place appointed by the Athenians to honour Conquerours with triumphant arches and pillers with their names therevpon ingrauen with letters of gould whereby he merited by his victories lenitie iustice and diuers other vertues to be surnamed Olymphus The 24 Day A Great solemne feast at Rome at the which they vsed much deuotion wit● sacrifice and many religious ceremonies to the goddesse Fortune as vpon this day they trimmed their shippes vpon the riuer Tyber with sundrie garlands and crowned their toppes with lawrell mirtle and Oken boughes in token of Triumphes and victories and there they banqueted and feasted with all pleasant mirthe and melodie Asdrubal brother vnto Hanniball being sent for to come from Spaine into Italie by his brother Hanniball fell into the handes of Appius Claudius Nero by an ambushment laid for him where he was slaine manfully fighting for himself his head was brought and throwne before Hannibals tents his armie slaine and taken and a great quantitie of treasure was brought to Rome this Asdruball has plagued the Romaines in Spaine and slue both the Scipios which had beene long conquerours for the Romans in Spaine of whom I shall speake when I came to the time of their dealings Warres being proclaimed against the Carthaginians by Scipio Affricanus and by Masinissa king of Numidia who had ioyned friendship with the Romanes this Masinissa being 92 yeares ould gaue an ouerthrow to king Syphax on this day this Masinissa left behind him 44 sonnes and appointed Scipio Affricanus whom he deerelie loued to be ouerseer and to distribute his kingdome as it pleased him amongst them 609 yeares after Rome was builded Vespasian the ten emperour of Rome a good and a vertuous man after he had raigned nine yeares and liued 69. yeares died in a manour of his owne among the Sabines of the Flixe as vpon this day 81 yeares after Christ. The Sarazens as vpon this day 1083 had a great battaile giuien them by the Spaniards in the territories of Granata in Spaine at what time by chaunce not lookt for an armie of Englishmen entred fresh into the battaile whereby the Sarazens were ouerthrowne this the French Chronicles allow and Pantal in his fift booke affirmeth Cazimirus Duke of Massonia was crowned king of Polande with solemne pompe and great magnificence as vpon this day being then vpon the feast of S. Iohn Baptist 1448. So also was Henrie the eight king of England and his wife Katherine Dowger crowned at
Westminster in the yeare of Lord 1532. Iohn Baptist was borne as vpon this day but I finde great contrauersie heerein amongst writers The 25 daie THe 25 daye of Iune beginneth the fourth moneth of the Iewes called Tamutz and the first daye of the moneth Tamutz Henrie the fourth emperour of Germanie gaue a great ouerthrowne on this daye to Rodulphus duke of Sueuia and king of Italie whome Pope Gregorie the seauenth called also Hildebrandus who reuoulting against Henrie the 4. crowned Emperour and against all the states of Germanie that betweene them both began great warres and diuers terrible battels the first at Fladenhen the second at the flood Ellestra the third at Merseburge a towne in Saxonia where Rodulphus was ouerthrowne and his armie scattered and slaine with no lesse losse to Henrie the victorie onely excepted 1080. Ludouicus Gallorum Delphinus duke of Aquitania and sonne to Charles the sixt surnamed Beneamatus was made king of Apulia by pope Iohn the 24 of that name and the lawfull king Ladislaus was by the Pope reiected This Dolphin of Fraunce married Margaret the daughter of Iames king of Scotland and within a while after died after whom succeeded Iohn his brother in Apulia Iohanna the sister of Ladislaus succeeded 1436. The most of the pri●ces of Germanie being protestants professed the Gospell and confessed the same before Charles the fift emperour at Augusta as vpon this day in the assembly of the Peeres of Germanie for Martin Luther had disputed and opened the treacherie of Papacie in diuerse townes of Germanie and had wrote in the defence of the Gospell 1●●0 The 17 Daie AS 〈◊〉 this day Ancharsis the philosopher after he had traue●● Egipt Greece and other places returning into the countrie of Scithia againe being excellently well learned he liking the religion of Greece better then Scythia vowed to the mother of the gods that if he sailed safe to Scythia that h● would celebrate hir feast day and offer sacrifice after the manner of the Cyzecenians which he performed in Scythia in a wo●die place called Hyllaea not farre from Achilles race there Anacharses was spyed in his Grecian robe with his Thyrsis in his hand with such madde ceremonies as are in the sacrifice of Orgies after the manner of the Grecians Saulus the king of Scythia being his owne vnckle as Herodot saith was brought to the place who finding Anacharsis occupyed in the Grecians ceremonies shot him through with an arrow and slew him so that the Scythians cannot abide to heare of the name of Anacharsis for that he followed the Grecians supersticious ceremonies Iulianus Apostata the Emperour a great persecutor of the Christians a man excellentlye well seene in the Greeke tongue and learned in the liberall sciences he was likened by Eutrop. to Marcus Antonius in many things after he spoiled Ass●ria and had vanquished the Parthians and returning from thence a conquerou● was slaine in the sixt of the calende of Iuly after he had raigned seuen yeares 366 it is of others otherwaies written as I said before read Ammianus In the moneth of Pauni Sesostris king in Aethiopia which kingdome he subdued erected vp many pillers within Egipt as triumphes of his victories according to the Egiptians custome and manner of triumphes cleane contrarie to the Lacedemonians who by the lawe of Li●urgus were forbidden to make any monument of their victories within G●●ece in marble brasse or Iu●rie for that it would mooue ciuill warres and stirre more enuie and discorde betweene Cittie and Ci●●ie or betweene tribe and tribe it was also among the Romans that no triumphe might be had for any victorie gotten by ciuill warres for they refused therein to triumphe both Marius and Silla and after Caesar and Pompey and at last Augustus and Antonie for the best and the greatest conqueror hath no cause of triumphe in c●●ill warres The 27. Day CAius Marius a noble Romane was borne as vpon this day this Marius was Consull at Rome 7. times of whose triumphes and victories during that time you shall reade them in their places and in their time Likewise C● Carbo who was Con●ull at that time in Rome with Marius when ciuil warres were betweene Silla and Marius and slaine in that yeare of his Consulship by Pompei the great being then but a yong man was also borne with Marius as vpon this daie Romulus b●●lded a Temple at Rome to Iupiter S●ator in that place where hee sta●ed when he fled from the Sabines who had then secretlie entred into Rome through the treacherie of Tarpe●a to reuenge the rauishment of their daughters and young Sabine virgins who were entised and deceaued by Romulus then Romulus being forced with shame to flie lifted vp his hand to heauen and praised Iupiter to staie the flight of his people and they staied vppon a sudden and in that place Romulus builded a temple as vppon this day to Iupiter the staier backe of Romulus and of his people Iouinianus after the death of Iulian the Apostata was by the consent of the armie in Persea chosen as vppon this day to haue the administration and rule of the Empire a verie good Prince and a religious Emperour for hee instituted that the tithes should bee paied to the Churches how be it hee had litle good successe for hee fell sicke and died within eight moneths after 365. As vpon this daie died Martianus at Constantinople in the seauenth yeare of his raigne He from a meane souldier first in Lidia became emperour of all Greece hee recouered the Em●●e being much tro●led and also weakned at that time hee as●●aged the furie of the Par●●ians and subdued the Uandoles and vanquished Attila king of the Gotes and concluded peace with all countries for hee loued peace and would often say Arma non induamus dum pace potiri possumus 458. The 28. daie AFter that Theseus had reduced all things in order and had reformed Athens and remoued Iudges and Magistrates to a greatter state to whom hee builded a councell hall long before Areopagyts who were before the A●ph●ctions and after that Theseus had brought all into one corporation hee instituted a great feast and common sacrifice for al the countrie of Attica called Panathenaea This was the onely greatest feast among the Athenians to this feast no straunger might come and therefore hee appointed another feast in Athens for straungers the 16. of Iune called Metoichia In the moneth Pauni in the Cittie of Bubasti in Egypt a great feast is celebrated in the honor of Diana to this feast they came from all partes of Aegipt men and women some by sea and some on foot the men cum tibijs dauncing and reioicing through euerie towne as they trauell through the countrie the the women crepitacula tenentes in like maner sing daunce some clapping their handes togither some with one noise and some with another with such antick to●es and