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A16774 An admonition to the nobility and people of England and Ireland concerninge the present vvarres made for the execution of his Holines sentence, by the highe and mightie Kinge Catholike of Spaine. By the Cardinal of Englande; Admonition to the nobility and people of England and Ireland concerninge the present warres made for the execution of his Holines sentence, by the highe and mightie Kinge Catholike of Spaine. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1588 (1588) STC 368; ESTC S120636 32,181 61

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with suche like vsurpers and oppressers of Gods Churche how spedely they passed to eternall ignominie Cūforts and helps of the Catholike parte On the otherside you most noble valiaunt Champions of Gods Churche the honor of Englishe kinghtehood the deffenders of the glorie and liberties therof you and all the blessed people to whom God hath giuen so happie a lote zeale and coorage to feight for your fathers faithe for your cuntries libertie for Christe for religion and for the dread soueraigne sacramēts of our saluation the honorablest quarrell the likeliest and most cōmendable cause in the sight of the present world and the posteritie that possibly can be If you winne you saue your whole realme from subuersion innumerable soules present and to cum from damnation If you die you be sure to be saued the blessinge of Christe his Churche the pardon of his Holines giuē to all in most ample sorte that either take armes die or any waie duely indeuor in this quarrell The praiers of all Christian people which be publikly promulgated for your safetie good succes The blud of all the blessed Bishops religious preistes and laymen shed in that lande crie to God at this hower for your victorie and vengaunce to your enemies their perseoutors All the Saintes in heauen whose holy Churches bodies and memories your enemies haue spoiled and prophaned make now instant sute for your happy successe All the vertuous preistes of your cuntrie who by the longe Tyrānic of this time haue suffred manifold miseries martirdomes bothe at home abrode to saue their owne soules and winne their decrest cuntrimen to saluation they also streche foorthe their consecrated handes night and day for your victorie and be present diuers of them to serue euery mans spirituall necessitie by Confessiō Counsell and all Consolation in Christe Iesus giuinge you testimony by their redines to liue and die with you how iuste the cause of this holie feight is and how happy and glorious is the bludd that shall be shed therin VVith these blessed patrons both in heauen earthe with the guarde of all Gods holy Angels with our blessed Sauiour himself in the soueraigne Sacrament present amonge you to your protection comunicatinge cōforte coorage and with the daily most holy oblation of Christes owne dere body and bludd makinge more forcible intercession frō the earthe for you then the blud of Abel with so many diuine vnspeakeable helpes if you were neuer so fewe you could not lose without these against these holies our enemies be they neuer so fierce neuer so proude neuer so manie neuer so well appointed then cā not preuail fear you not thei cā not Though neuer so great shewe be made neuer so many raised against you bicause moste of thē be Catholiltes or notoriously iniured by heretikes they be armed for vs they cā not strike they will not fighte against their owne consciēces be bolde of it they will not Many others of thē be indifferente of neither or no religion whose witt and warynesse will be suche in this extremitie and in so iust cause to desire a Chāge that where by ouerthrow of the heretikes many shal be aduaunsed and by theire good successe no man bettred in so great hassard of thinges they will neuer adore the sun setting nor folow the declininge fortune of so filthie wicked and illiberall a Creature or her so base and dishonorable leaders who also haue bene at deadly variaunce amonge themselues these many yeares and sum of them mortally hatinge their misters will neuer omitt this opportunitie to be deliuered of her and reuenged one of an other The reste of them that be pure zelous heretikes which be very fewe in comparison not very well contented neither with the former regiment of all mē in the world most effeminate delicate and least experte in the wars the Angel of God will persecute them and they shall flie in feare and torment of their owne wicked mindes though none pursue them You may all remember how the late great traitor the Duke of Northumberland was in the height of his pride and power forsakē of all his men and forced to yeilde to a poore desolate Catholike ladie All the world knowethe how the like vsurper Richard the third beinge moste worthely in the verie feild and feighte abandoned of the nobility and people was made an example of Gods ire towards all tirantes and vsurpers But how so euer it fall out throughe the sinnes of the people at home the Catholike forces are stronge enough their prouisiō sufficiēt their appointmēt passinge moe expert Captains thē the enemy hath good souldiers all resolute to die not auailable for any to flie awaye all excedingly incoraged by the equitie of the cause wonderfully confirmed by Gods mercies so oft in our dayes shewed in all quarrels of the Catholike religion These fiftie yeares there was neuer Catholike army which stoode to it but had the victorie by mistrustinge God by ouermuche trusting man by flying or auoidinge the battell by yeildinge or cōpoundinge sundry great Godly attēpts haue bene frustrated but in manly and cōfident combating for God and the Church none at all Call to minde the miraculous victories of Charles the fifte subduinge al the powrable Lutheran princes in Germanie to his the Catholike Churches obeisance with passinge small forces and in a fewe yeares or rather moneths space the enemies being almost innumerable Remember the three famous battaills that the Catholike Cantons and people of the Swisers beinge in number power prouision muche inferior to the other obteined by Gods speciall grace iustice of the cause against the Swinglians their Neighbours in one of which Swinglius himself was slaine and in euery one a maruelous nūber of heretikes and of Catholikes so fewe that in suche inequalitie of humane helpes God must nedes be the extraordinary worker of the same Reade the Histories of France and see whether the Catholikes haue not had in manner alwaies miraculous victories against the Caluinists amonge many the fights at Druse at larnabe at Saint Denis at Mountcounter and specially the mercifull worke of God this last yeare wherby we sawe the huge forces aswell of Germans as Swisers by Gods mighty arme and very small aide of man wonderfully defeated Recounte furthermore all the famous and for tunate rēcounters of a very fewe Catholikes against the heretikes and rebelles in Flanders as at Grooning at Mock at Mounts at Antwerp at Iemblous and many other conflictes wher without losse almost at all many thousandes of Gods and the Kinges enemies haue bene cutt in peices our lord God no doubte cōbatinge with his people against his enemies as he did against Senacharib Nicanor and other mentioned in holie writ VVhich thinge most noble and valiant gentle men of England may giue you courage and cōfort from God himself euen the lord God of Hostes to aduenture your selues in a quarrell most honorable in a cause that the diuine Maiestie hathe shewed himself not onely in other ages but euen in all our eyes memories to haue singular care of In a case of the extrea mest necessitie of our Iuste defence and armes that euer any Christian people had or can haue Thus much my good lordes and most deere frendes I haue thought good to forwarne you of the whole cause of these present sacred wars and of his Holines and Catholike Maiesties sincere intention therin and bothe their incomparable affections towardes our Nation wherof I could giue you farr more comfortable intelligence yf I were personally presente with you as I trust I shal be verie shortly for that is fully meant by our Holy father and his maiestie and of me so much desired that euery shorte daye semeth a longe yeare till I enioye you in our lorde though in the meane time I stand here wholy for your seruice wherin as I haue spente these many yeares of my banishemēt so wold I now as God shall appointe and nede require bestowe my bludd the remnaunt of my lyfe amonge you in my deerest cuntrie for the better accomplishment of that which all true Christians and Godly Englishe hartes doe desire Our lorde God blesse and directe you all to followe that in this action and in all your lyfe that shall be moste agreable to his glory our cuntries good your owne honor and saluation From my lodginge in the Palace of S. Peter in Rome this 28. of Aprill 1588. The Cardinall
AN ADMONITION TO THE NOBILITY AND PEOPLE OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND CONCERNINGE THE PRESENT VVARRES made for the execution of his Holines Sentence by the highe and mightie Kinge Catholike of Spaine By the CARDINAL of Englande A o. M. D. LXXXVIII Gulielmus miseratione Diuina S. R. E. Tituli San ti Martini in Montibus Cardinalis Presbyter de Anglianuncupatus Cunctis Regnorum Angliae Hiberniae Proceribus populis personis omnibusque Christi fidelibus salutem in Domino sempiternam RIghte honorable worshipfull and moste dearelie beloued in our lorde no man can be ignorante that eyther by reporte readinge or remēbrance list looke backe not muche further thē fiftie yeares paste that this great miserie and mutation of state and Religiō in this our realme of England by which our Churche Alas ys already ouerthrowne our cuntrie in extreame tearmes of perishinge and our selues with what so euer is deare vuto vs in daily dreade of destructiō and damnation proceaded not firste of the subiectes disorder or disobedience to theire kinges as els where Heresie often dothe and as we see in many of the next nations vnto vs yt presently hapneth where popular mutenie against theire magistrates hath caused their like calamity But begonne firste and wholly in effecte by our Kinge that then was Henrie the eighte and afterwarde till this daie hathe bene specially pursued by our princes pretensed lawes and vsurped souerainty ouer our soules to the which our Nobilité Priestes and people by force and feare haue rather bene drawne then by lawful consente yeilded therunto lob 14. And albeit wicked and hipocriticall kinges be suffred sumtimes or sent from God for the subiectes sinnes and for our offences greate no doubte and greauous in euerie estate let none excuse themselues let none accuse others and that we hereby may worthely also be thought to haue deserued bothe our princes fall and our 1. Reg. 13. owne punishement accordinge to Gods most holy cōmination that when his people should cease to serue him in truthe and comitt wickednes bothe they theire kinge shoulde perishe together Neuerthelesse to see and knowe the place specially affected and the nexte immediate surge of all our sores where we expecte remedy and not ruine ys necessary for our recouery VVherin though the case haue longe semed vvel neere desperate yet God himself not forget full of his olde mercies beholdinge from heauen our not voluntary but coacted miseries and our moste holy and zelous father in Christe Sixtus the fifte his higheste Minister and our chefest magistrate and master in earthe to whom our Sauiour hath giuen Apostolike power to take vengeance vpon disobedience moued by the sorowes and sighes of so manie aflicted soules and instant praiers of all Christian people that pittie our enforced perishinge in Schisme and Heresie doth giue vs at this time both better meanes more hope and redyer helpe then we coulde euer possiblie haue either deserued or de sired yea thei haue not the pope alone but God himselst suerly and other the most zelous and mightiest Princes in Christendom by his Induction takē the whole care of our case into their owne handes and that with suche sinceare intention whereof my-self can best beare witnes and assure you my deare cuntrymen and in such sweete moderate mercifull sorte that in the appliance of the prepared remedie neither the corps of our commonwealthe nede to feele or feare any distresse nor any parte other then the principall affected and sum suche feawe as will not followe this offer of Gods ordinaunce be wroonge or wrinched thereby For albeit of ten els in likecase of reuolte from Gods Churche and our fathers faithe not onlie the kinges but also their cuntries after diuers dreadefull Censures and Sentences haue bene by supreme authority of Christes vicar giuen vp to Inuasiō warres wastes and final distruction and we nowe mighte by way of rigor and extreame Iustice be bothe charged chastised far more depely then the Churche of Theatira for tollerating Apo. 2. the wicked Iesabell not now as then callinge herself a prophetisse but the verie cheefe spirituall gouernesse vnder God to teache and deceaue Gods seruantes and to force them to fornication to eate breade of Idolatrie in Schismati call seruice And also for that by error of cōscience or wante of couragc we haue so longe vnnaturally subdued our soules to our bodies hazarded our eternall saluation to saue our transitorie substance obeyed man more then God preferred the temporall title not only of lawful ciuill authority but of manifold vsurped Tirannie aboue the supreame Bishops spirituall soue Mat. 16. Io. vl● raignty by Christes expresse worde established on earthe yeilding to the one moste seruilly as to our household and home God and as to a verie nationall idol subiection bothe of bodie and soule thearby disobeyinge disgraceynge dispi singe and blaspheminge the other as a forrē power or rather as a strange deuill or Antechriste Deut. 17 Luc. 10. Num. 16. a thinge punishable in the olde lawe by deathe reputed inthe newe for expresse contempt of Christes owne person reuenged in Core and his confederates by fearefull fier from heauen by horrible gapinge of the grounde they stoode vpon and by sudden sinkinge downe to hell Yet all this notwthstandinge the Popes holines who accordinge to his Apostolike benignity wholly inclined to mercy followinge Gods rule and example rather of sparinge the wicked for the good then punishinge the innocent for the euil that the soule which sinneth onely may perishe doth most mercifully forget and forgiue all the premisses aswell in the whole body of the cōmō wealthe as in euery particuler person that ys penitent and wearie of these horrible disorders and treasons committed against God the See Apostolike holie Churche and our cuntrie incorrigible persons and principall procurers of these mischefs only excepted and only meaneth in Christes woorde and power giuen vnto him and in zeale of Gods house to pursue the actuall depriuation of Elizabethe the pretensed Queene eftsones declared and iuditially sentensed by his Holines predecessors PIVS QVINTVS and GREGORIE the XIII for an heretike and vsurper and the proper present cause of perdition of millions of soules at home and the verie bane of all Christian kingdomes and states neere aboute her That in this one womans condigne correction Gods mighty arme that deposeth the proude and powrable persons frō their Luc. 1. seates may be feared and glorified and the horrible and wicked outrages of Henrie the eighte her supposed fathers house and person together with Gods vengeance on the same may in sum measure of his iustice be accomplished and our whole people put in happy hope of saluatiō and full fredom of conscience againe that all the Psal 5● iuste of the earthe may saie Lo this is she that tooke not God for her strenghte but trusted to her treasures and preuailed in her wickednes And that all the worlde and namely our owne
nation and people to whom the matter so nearly apperteineth may throughly iudge aswell of this womans and her parentes de●ertes as of his Holines and his mightie and godly confederates moste happie intention and howe iustelie and nedefullie for our only benefi●e and succour they procede at this present to her chastisement and deposition Yt may please all my most deere cuntrymen and specialy our peeres and Nobilitie on whom the auncyent honor and libertie of our churche and cuntrie cheifely dependethe and by whose sworde and kinghtehood specially giuen to them and theire noble progenitors for defence of the Catholike religion our cuntrie hathe often bene deliuered from the tyranny and vexation of diuers disordered insupportable kinges and cruell vsurpers May it please them I saie to consider but alitle with me the condition of the person pursued and censured by Gods Churche together with the weight qualety number of her offences and horrible crimes which beinge open almoste to all the worlde before and now brefely recorded by this writinge no man I truste shall maruell why Christes vicar here in earthe with other highe ministers of Gods iustice wolde or could depriue this tirante of her vsurped state and dominion when no commonwealthe by lawe of nature nether wolde nor mighte iustelie suffer any suche to rule or raigne ouer any humane societie thoughe neither Christe Pope fayth nor religion were knowne The chee se poinctes of this admonitiō To procede therfore brefely and plainely we will sett downe what manner of womā she ys against whom this holie enterprise ys made of whom and in what māner dissended Howe intruded into that dignity wherin she standeth Howe she hath behaued herself both at home and abrode By what lawes of God and man her punishement ys pursued Howe iuste honest and necessarie causes all true Englishmen haue to embrace sett forward the same seing yt procedeth from so lawfull authorite so iust groundes so holie intentions and tendeth to so happie an ende and is to be executed by so suer and sweete meanes and chosen persons as now shall be declared And first of all it is notorious to the whole worlde that Henrie the supposed father to this pretensed Queene besides the infinite quantety and enormeous qualety of his most execrable wickednes for the which by all lawe of religiō reason nature he deserued often times to be depriued was in fine for his horrible sacriledges murtheringe of Saintes and rebelliō against Gods Churche lawfully excommunicated and depriued by Paulus tertius in the yeare 1535 and there withall by name and in particuler all the issue that should procede of his incestuous copulation with Anne Bullen was moste iustly declared illegitimate and vncapable of succession to the croune of England and that aswell by the sentence of the said Paule and of his predecessor Clement the VII in the yeare of our lorde 1533. bothe which stande in theire full force still as by sundry actes of parliament made by Henry him self and neuer repealed legitimating her sister and declaringe her to be base she must nedes be adiudged by lawe nature vnable to inherite the croune Neyther may she here alege that by consent of the states and Commonwelthe she ys lawfully possessed for that by force she intruded and constreyned many men to giue theire consentes deposinge vniustly the Lordes of the Clergy without whome no lawfull Parlament can be holden in that Realme nor Statute made which hath force to authorise Prince or binde Subiectes Ouer and besides that she neuer had consente nor any approbation of the See Apostolike without which she nor any other can be lawfull Kinge or Quene of Englande by reason of the auncyent Acorde made betwene Alexāder the. III. the yere 1171. and Hēry the II. then kinge when he was absolued for the deathe of sainte Thomas of Cāterburie that no mā might lawfully take that Crowne nor be accōpted as Kinge till he were confirmed by the soueraigne Pastor of our soules which for the time shoulde be This accorde afterwardes beinge renewed aboute the yere 1210. by Kinge Iohn who confirmed the same by othe to Pandulphus the Pope his legate at the speciall requeste and procurement of the Lordes and Comons as a thinge most necessary for preseruatiō of the Realme from vniust vsurpation of Tyrantes and auoydinge other incōueniences which they had proued and mighte easely fall againe by the disorder of some wicked Kinge But howsoeuer she be dissended or possessed of the croune her manifolde wickednes hath ben so heinous and intollerable that for the same she hathe bene in person iustly deposed by the sentences of thre sundrie Popes wherunto yf we adde the two former censures condemninge her incestuous natiuity and generatiō we shall finde that she hathe ben condēned by fiue declaratorie iuditiall sentēces of Gods Churche Personable crimes of Elizabeth and first of Heresie And to beginne with the highest and most heinouse crime of all against God and his Churche she ys conuicted of many damnable heresies and open rebellion against Gods Churche and See Apostolike for which she ys so notoriously knowne termed and taken for an heretike aswell at home as abrode that she was glad to prouide by a special acte of parliament that none should call her heritike Schismatike Tyrante vsurper or infidell vnder paine of highe treason She arrogateth spirtiuall dignite She vsurpeth by Luciferian pride the title of supreme Ecclesiasticall gouernment a thinge in a woman in all mens memory vnheard of nor tollerable to the mastres of her owne secte and to Catholikes in the world most ridiculous absurde monstrous detestable and a verie fable to the posterite Bastardie She vnlawfully intruded herself as before I haue said in to possession of the croune of England and the annexed dominions not by any dissent of inheritannce or other lawfull title but only by enforced vniust partly made by her supposed father beinge then an excommunicated person and partely coacted by herself and her coplices in the beginninge of her pretended raigne beinge indede taken and knowen for an incestuons bastard begotten and borne in sinne of an infamous curtesan Anne Bullen after warde executed for aduoutery treason heresie and inceste amōgest others with her owne naturall brother which Anne her said supposed father kepte by pretensed mariage in the life of his law full wife the most renonmed and blessed ladie Queene Katherine daughter of Castill and Ara gon as he did before vnnaturally knovve and ke pe bothe the said Annes mother and sister Periury and impiety She ys guilty of periury and highe impietie for that she did breake violate and deride the sollemne othe and promise made in her coronation for defence of the Ecclesiasticall liberties and priuileges graunted by the aunciēt Christian kinges of our realme and for the contempte of the holy ceremony vsed in the annointinge and inuestinge of all faithfull princes wher in her wickednes was so notorious that the
hauinge abolished the solemne feaste of our blessed ladies natiuity she hathe caused her owne impure birthe day to be solemnlie celebrated and put in to the kalender the verie eue of the said holie feaste and put out the name of an other sainte the 17. of Nouember to place the memory of her Coronation God graunte she may repente leaste in steade of her `excessiue praises that her fauorers and flaterers now giue vnto her she heare yet in her owne daies the saienge of the prophet against the proud prince Nabuchodrnosor how didest Esa 14 thow fall Lucifer from heauen that wast so orient in the moringe how wast thow brought doune to the grounde that woundedst nations that subuertedst kingdoms and saidst in thy hart I will be like the highest or feele the plague of one of the Herodes that for to to muche delytinge in the peoples praises acclamatiōs and for not giuinge glorie to God was suddenly stricken by Gods angel eaten of wormes and died Obstinas in mali●● Now of all these heynous horrible facts not credible almost to be acheiued by one woman and her cōplices not so many she hathe in fine shewed herself incorrigible and altogether impatiet of admonitiō wherof she neuer had wāte aswell by the writinges of sundrie her lerned subiectes as sumtimes by the Imperiall Maiestie and other temporall Princes and namely by diuers holie Popes whose Nuntioes she wold neuer admitt to tell her as of deutie they thought themselues bōude Gods threatninges for all her forsaid and many other intollerable Her excomunication and contēpte therof disorders of beleife lyfe gouernment But to accomplishe all other impiety and to shew herself wholly solde to sinne she hathe now eightene yeres stoode stubbernly contemptuously and obduratly as in the sight of God by her owne willfull separatiō through schisme and he resie iudged condemned before so now by name notoriously excommunicated and deposed in the word of Christe and omnipotent power of God by sentence giuen against her by holie Pius the fyfte the highest courte of religiō vnder the heauens The which state of excomunication thoughe presently of the faithelesse where ther is no Sense of religion it be not felt nor feared is moste miserable most horrible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 most neare to damnation of all thinges that may happen to a man in this lyfe farr more greauous Aug. lib. 1. contra Faust cap. 17. sayeth a certen glorious Doctor then to be hewen in peeces with a sword consuned by fier or deuoured of wilde beastes and it is expressed in the scriptures by the state of kinge Pharao his obduration and excecation in wilfull wickednes She murthered the executors of the Popes sentence And she hathe not onely continued in this dānable contempte of the holie Churches Censures so lōge as we haue said but also cōmaunded and caused the publishers defenders approuers and all others that attempted most honorably godly the execution therof aswell of the nobility as the Cleargie and commons sum beinge apprehended at home and others traiterously bought and soulde abrode and sent home all in cruell manner murthered yea and for theire partes verie willinglie martyred to their eternall estimation rather then they wold liue serue or see any suche hereticke Atheiste and vsurper from whose pretēsed kingly authority they wete in consideration of all these her heinous crimes clearly by Christes owne vicar the warrante of all the faithefull world that neuer tooke it self bounde to obey a condemned heretike or an Apostata before God and man discharged The murther of Bishopes and Preistes In which her obstinacie and Sathanicall obduration dailie increasing she hathe these late yeares imbrued her handes and cuntrie with the sacred blud of a number of most innocent lerned and famous religious men yea holie Bishopes The Archebishop of Casseles and the Bishop of Mayon also aswel in England as Ireland caused thē pittifully to be racked rent chained famished beaten buffeted derided abused and by false accusation of crimes neuer intended vnder pretēce of treason against her vsurped state and person to be finally with all crueltie executed to the regret and shame of our nation and wonder of all the worlde And finally to accomplishe the measure of all her inhumaine crueltie she hathe this last yeare barberouslie vnnaturally against the lawe of nations by a statute of riot and conspiracie murthered the ladie Marie of famous me morie Queene of Scotland douager of France The slaughter of the queene of Scotlande Gods Annointed her next kinswoman and by lawe and righte the true owner of the croune of England The iustice of the sentence against Elizabeth All which her open enormities and other her secret wickednes hiddē from vs which must nedes be great and not numerable in a Caytif so longe vnder Gods and holie Churches curse giuen vp into a reprobate sense and hardnes of harte may put all faithefull and reasonable men out of doubte of the iustice of the Apostolike sentence and censure against her beinge well assured that if any case may fall in which a Prince may iustly be forsakē or resisted by his subiects or yf any crime in the worlde eyther in lyfe regimēt or religiō can deserue depositiō of a kinge that here all causes together do concur in the person of the pretensed in the highest degre None euer not amongest the heathen so vnprofitable so euill so faithles so pernitious no realme euer so farr falne from religion publike honesty order and sincerity as ours hathe done in her vnhappie vsurped gouernement A necessati consideration And here we may beholde the pittifull race of an vnbridled powrable sinner woe be to our offences that haue deserued the experience of solamentable a case this vnworthie womans supposed father frist as now her self afterward by reason of theire height of erthly power free frō ciuil chastisemēt could not be cōtent therwith till they had also discharged themselues of all remorse of conscience of all awe of religion of all spirituall discipline put themselues in full fredome from Pope Prelate Prophet Priest and ghostlye father an example for all cōmon weal thes in the world to beware of by vs for euer therfore not onely in their hartes said against God his annointed Let vs shake of theire yoke and breake theire bondes a sunder But opēly and boldly both said and made thēselues heades of the Churche spirtualtie aswel now of the soules as they were before of the bodies That all lyfe faithe religion Churche counsell conscience scripture Sacrament ceremonie what soeuer was i heauē or earthe might wholli hāge at their hādes lustes lykinges At which licentious irreligiosity Antechristian pride thoughe the highest in heauē doe in the meane time laugh by lōge patiēce not onely forbeare the present reuenge therof but also by secret iudgmēt for the parties increase of damnatiō or
Christe by whō and for deffence of whose honor he reigneth that thē I may most lawfully breake with him So in olde times of the primatiue Churche the Catholike people did often by armes defend and kepe their Bishopes in their seates against the Infidels and specially against the cōmaunde ment of hereticall Emperours Yea and lawfully resisted them in the deffence of theīr Churches and Churche goodes So the people defended See Pruden de monacho Antioch Nazian in etus laudibus lib. ● epi. ipsius the Churche of Antioche from the Emperour Galerius his officers So they deffended S. Basil in the like case So they deffended S. Ambrose Prouided neuerthelesse alwaies in this case that we followe not our deceitfull wills as our aduersaries doe condemning for Gods enemies suche Princes or persons as the holie Churche who must be ouriudge informer in all these thinges pronounceth and holdeth to be most iuste godly and Catholike kinges But then must we take thē for heretikes when our lawful Bishops and popes do so adiudge them to be and so commaunde vs to take them yea and charge vs to forsake them Then be we sure in conscience discharged of our othe obediēce which be bands of such qualety and nature that they hold not nor haue force against iustice and where the matter ys vnlawfull And we haue iust cause to arme our selues for defence of Gods honor and our innocencie and to seke for succor at Popes and Princes handes Theod. li 2 cap 5. 13. Soc. li. 1. cap 13. Soz. li 4 ●rp 7. Yea Bishops of the cuntrie so oppressed and so persecuted by hereticall princes should so specially doe For so did holie Athanasius who knewe his devvtie to his kinge and soueraigne vvel enoughe and vvhen and vvhere he might rise against him aske ayde against Constantius the Arian and first hereticall Emperour vvhom Pope Felix declared to be an heretike of his ovvne brother Constance the Catholike Emperour of the vvest For feare of vvhose armes he restored Athanasius and other Catholike Bishopes to their Churches and honors againe But aftervvarde vvhen the Caholike Constāce vvas deade the said Emperours brother did more furiously persecute Athanasius for the same Soc. lib. 4 cap. 16. 17 30. Sor. lib. 6 cap. 19. So against Valens the Arian Emperour did Petrus Athanasius his successor brother to Saint Basil seke to he Pope of Rome for succor as all other bishops in like distresses euer did that no man neede to maruell why we haue done the like now Sol. 2 ca. 18. Nice lib. 14. ca 21 So did Atticus Bishop of Cōstantinople craue aide of Theodosius the yonger against the Kinge of the Persians that persecuted his Catholike subiectes and was therby forciblie depriued the Catholikes deliuered Leo epist. 7● euāg ●i 2. ca. 8. So did holy Pope Leo the first persuade the Emperour called Leo also to take armes against the Tyrant of Alexandria for the deliuerie of the oppressed Catholikes from him and the heretikes Eutichians who then threw doune monasteries and did other great sacrileges as ours now doe and haue done in England O Emperour saied S. Leo If it be lawdable for thee to inuade the hethens how muche more glorie shall yt be to deliuer the Churche of Alexādria from the heauy yoke of outragious heretikes by the calamité of which Churche all the Churches in the world be iniured As at this time ther is no Churche in Europe that feeleth not the smarte of our English miseries Lib. 1. epi. 72. In brefe so did S. Gregory the first moue Gen●dius the Exarke to make warrs against the hereti kes as a very glorious thinge so haue euer all holy Bishopes of the primatiue Churche done Depositiō of Princes for heresie For which crime of heresie and iniuries done to Gods Churche as for a fault most detestable and most directly subiect to their correction they haue specially intermedled aswell by way of excomunicatiō as by force procured for their De consideratione ad Eugen li. 4. deposition For as saith Saint Bernard though Popes fighte not in person nor draw the sword themselues yet it must be done at their commaundment where Gods honor and our saluation require it For religion therfore specially though otherwise sumtimes Princes haue bene by Popes iustly bothe excomunicated otherwise punished for notorious crimes namely whē their owne subiectes require the Churches Rhegino anno 864. aide and sentence therin as kinge Lotarius brother to the Emperour Lewis the second was excomunicated by Nicolas the first for deuorsinge Sigisber● Tr●●hem his lawfull wife and marieng a strumpet and diuers others for suche like offences yea namely Popes haue pursued in princes their fall from religion disobediēce to Gods Churche as a sinne properly subiect to their correction Zon. in vita Leonis 3. For heresie was Leo the third both excommunicated and depriued of all his temporallties in Italie by Gregorie the second Chalc ō rerum turc li. 1. For heresie and Schisme were the Greke Empe perours discharged and the Empire therby trāslated to the Germans by Pope Leo the third and like wise diuers German Emperours for iniuries done Tho. 2. 2. quest 12. art 2. to Gods Churche and for heresie by sundry holie Popes haue ben brought to order as Henry the fourthe Frederike the first Otho the first Frederike the secōd Lewis the third many other Bonifa Dec. 4. For heresie was George kinge of Bohem excomunicated ther vpon by the forces of the kinge of Hungarie finally depriued As John Albert Guie lib. 2. Honuf in vita ●ulij secundi Polid. lib. 15. had half of his kingdō of Nauar takē from him by Ferdinandus surnamed Catholicus Kinge of Aragon bicause he gaue aide to Lewis the xij then excomunicated by Iulius the seconde For shamefull iniuries done to the holie Churche and for persecution of Bishops religious was Iohn one of our kinges of England with his whole cūtrie Interdicted and at length forced to yeild his croune and dominions to the curtesie of the Popes legate as afore is mēcyoned Nubrig lib. z. c. 25. 34. For like causes and namely for being accessarie to the murther of the blessed Bishop S. Thomas of Caunterbury was Henry the second driuen by Alexāder the third to order penaunce Henry the eighte also for more horrible waste and desolation of Religion wherin he farr surmounted all his auncetors and all other that euer we reade of since the time of Julian the Apo stata for arrogatinge the title of supreme head of the Churche and forcinge all his people to sweare to his folly and that his concubine Anne Bullen was their Queene and his lawful wife for most cruell slaughter of Catholike Bishopes Preistes religious and laie men for infringinge and vtterly abolishinge against his owne othe all the priuileges and liberties graunted to the Churche of England by holie Kinge