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B13269 An acte of the relief graunted to the Kinges Maiestie by the Lordes and commons.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Edward VI, King of England, 1537-1553. 1549 (1549) STC 9427.3; Interim Tract Supplement Guide Harl.7615[14] 36,677 37

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by the presētours of the certificat to be sworne of euery poūd in goodes debtes as is abouesaid And the sommes that are before rehersed set taxed to be leuied taken of them that shall haue such goodes in custodie as is before rehersed And the same parson or parsones bodye corporate by the aucthorite of this acte shal be discharged against him or them that shal or ought to haue the same at the time of the paiment or delyuerie therof or at his otherwyse departure from the custodie or possessiō of the same Except alwaies forprysed from the charge assessement of this relief all goodes cattals Iewels ornamētes of churches chapelles ordeined vsed in churches or chappelles for diuine seruice therin to be celebrated Also we the kinges maiesties subiectes do geue graunt to his highnes eight pēce to be payed yerely duryng the said .iij. yeres by euery other persone not borne vnder the kinges obeisaunce being denisen or no denisen other then women couert souldiers such persones as be vnder the age of .xii. yeres dwellīg or resyaūt with in this realme or any other the kynges dominions And the sayd reliefes shal be by the aucthoritie afore sayd taxed assessed rated during the said .iii. yeres in euery shere riding lathe wapētake rape citie Borough toune euery other place within this realme of Englande wales other the kinges dominions in fourme followīg that is to say the fyrst yere before the xx daye of Marche the other two yeres before the .xx. daye of Ianuarie The fyrst paiment of y● said relief to be had made paide at the receipt of the kinges exchequer before the vi day of May next comming And the second to be made paied at the said receipt before the .xx. day of Aprill which shal be in the yere of our lord God after the computacion of the churche of England M. cccccl And the third payment to be had made at the sayd receipt before the .xx. day of Apryll which shal be in the yere of our lorde M. And the sommes aboue sayd of and for the sayd relief shal be taxed set asked demaunded taken gathered leuied payed vnto the vse of our sayd so●eraigne lord his heyres successours in fourme aboue sayd aswell within liberties frāchesyes sanctuaries auncient demeasne and other whatsoeuer place exempte or not exempt as without Except suche shyres places and persones as shal be forprised in by this presēt acte any graunt charter prescription vse or lybertie by reason of any letters patentes or other priuilege prescription alowaunce of the same or what soeuer other matter of discharge here tofore to the contrary made graūted vsed or obteigned notwithstanding And it is further enacted by the aucthorytie of this present parliament that euery such person aswell such as be borne vnder the kinges obeisaunce as euery other person straūger borne denisen or not denysen inhabiting within this realme or within wales or other the kynges dominiōs whiche at the time of the sayd assessing or taxacion yerely to be had or made shal be out of this realme out of wales hauè goodes or cattals within this realme or in wales shal be charged chargeable for the same by the certificat of the inhabytauntes of the partyes wher such goodes cattals landes tenementes or other the premisses thā shal be or in such other place wher such person or his factor deputie or attorney shal haue his most resorte vnto withī this realme or in wales in lyke maner as if the same persone were or had ben at the tyme of the same assessyng within this realme And that euery person abidīg or dwelling within this realme or without this realme shal be charged and chargeable to the same relief graūted by this acte according and after the rate of the value of his substaūce goodes cattals and other premysses as such parson so to be charged shal be set at in the time of the said assessyng or taxacion vpon him to be made and in none otherwyse And further we the kinges subicctes do geue and graunt frelye to his highnes one other relief to be paid yerely duryng .iij. yeres at the rcceipt of the kinges exchequer after the rate in maner fourme folowyng that is to saye of euery Ewe kept for the most parte of the yere in seuerall salt or freshe marshes or in leuerall pasture that is to say groundes not commen nor cōmenly vsed to be tylled .iii. pence Of euery wether and other shere shepe kept in pasture or marshes as is afore sayd two pēce And of euery shere shepe kept on cōmons or on seueral groūdes commenly vsed to be tylled thre half pence To be paied yerely during the sayd .iii. yeres by the owner or owners of the same shepe not by any person that hath the same shepe in farme or by leasse paiyng a rent ar any other profyt for the same or whiche is or shal be bound by any maner of couenaūt or suretie to restore the same or as many shepe or the value therof at any tyme. PROVIDED alwaies and be it enacted by the auctoritie aforesayd that euery person not hauing aboue the nomber of ten shere shepe shal paye yerely durig the said .iii. yere one halfpeny for that polle of euery suche shere shepe and that euery person hauing aboue ten shere shepe and not aboue .xx. shall paye for euery of them but one peny duryng euery of the sayd .iii. yeres any thyng before in this graunt of the relief of shepe cōteined to the contrarye in any wyse notwythstandyng The fyrst paiment of the said relief of shepe to be made before the fyrst daye of Nouember next comming the seconde before the fyrst daie of Nouēber whiche shal be in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc.l And the third before the fyrst daye of Nouember which shal be in the yere of our lord God M. PROVIDED alwayes and be it ordeined and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that if the value of the shepe cattall and other moueable goodes of him or her that hath shepe chargeable to the payment of the said relief being rased and gathered into one hole and entire some and value shal be found greater and more for the aduauncement of this relief than the paymēt that ought to be made by the polle of the said shepe as is before declared that then the owner of the sayd shepe shall not be chargeable with the payment after the rate of the polle And if it shall appere that the paiment after the rate of the polle shall excede in value and be more beneficial to the king then the money rated of the hole substaunce of any persone That then such person hauing shepe shal be charged to paie after the rate of the polle and not after the value of his entier substaunce The relief payed the yere before of his entier substaunce to
be taken and accompted as percell of the somme that shal be due and payable in the hole at the yeres ende vpon the accompt made for the polle of his shepe ¶ ALSO we the kinges sayd subiectes by the aucthorytie aforesayd do geue and graunt vnto the kinges maiestie one other relief that is to saye viii pens of the pounde of the pryce and value of al and synguler wollen clothes carseyes fryses cottons kendales all other kinde of wollen clothes of what sorte or making soeuer they be that frō the feast of the Natiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist next cōming during thre yeres then next folowing shal be made by any persone to be put to sale the same relief to be leuied and gathered yerely during the said thre yeres of the maker of the sayd clothe in such maner and fourme as hereafter in this acte shal be declared PROVIDED alwaies and be it ordeined enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that if it shall appere that the rate of viii pens of the pounde of the price and value of the clothe by suche clothier made as is aforesaid shall excede the rate of .xii. pence of the pounde of his goodes and cattals that then euerye suche clothier shall paye onely after the rate of viii pence of the pounde of the clothes not after the value of his goodes and cattals the relief payed the fyrst yere of his entier substaunce to be taken ▪ and accompted as percell of the somme that shal be due and payable in the hole at the first yeres ende vpon accōpte for the clothes by hym made as is afore said The second relief paied of his entier substaunce to be taken and accompted as percell of the some that shal be due and payable in the hole at the second yeres ende vpon accompt for the clothes by him made as is afore said And the third relief payed of his entier substaunce to be taken and accompted as percell of the somme that shal be due and payable in the hole at the third yeres ende vpon accompt for the clothes by him made as is aforesayd PROVIDED also and be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthorytie aforesayd that if any persone to the ●ntent to defraude the kinges maiestie of the reliefs graunted by this acte or any parte therof do coloure and take vpon him by the assent or consent of the true owner therof to be owner or proprietary of any goodes shepe clothes or other thinges chargeable to the payment of the sayd relief and in dede shal be founde tryed or proued not to be iust and ryght owner therof vpon any informacion therof to be made in the kinges courte of exchequer wythin two yeres next after suche offence that not onlye suche goodes shepe clothes and other thinges or the value therof shal be forfayted to the kyng but also the partie so falselye colouring the same or pretending to be owner or proprietarye of the same shall forfeyte and lose to the kyng the treble value therof to be leuied of his goodes and cattals landes and tenementes to the kinges vse AND to the entent that the kinges maiestie may be iustly and truly satysfied of the sayd relief of the value and substaūce of euery mannes goodes and other sommes to be payed by siraungers denysens or not denysens by vs to his highnes geuen in maner and fourme afore expressed and in no part therof be defrauded as our entent and hope is his grace shall not be Be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that the lord Chauncellour of Englande the lord Thresaurour of England the lord Presydent of the kinges most honorable counsayll the lord Priuie seale and the lord great Chamberlayne of England for the tyme beyng or two of them at the least wherof the lord Chauncellour or the lord Threasourer to be one of them shal and may name and appointe of and for euerye shyer rydyng and other places aswell within this realme as in wales and other the kinges dominiōs as also for euerie citie and toune beyng a countie of it selfe and of and for the Isle of wyght such certayne nomber of persones of euerye of the same shyres rydynges lathes wapentakes rapes cities tounes and Isle of wight and euerye other place and other the inhabitauntes of the same to be commissioners within the same wherof they be inhabytauntes and also of and for the honorable housholdes of the king our soueraigne lorde the ladie Marie and the ladye Elyzabeth graces the kynges maiesties listers certayne hed officers of the same to be commissioners of the same housholdes in what shyres or other places the sayd housholdes shal happē then to be the lord Chauncellour or lord Thresaurour and other with him before named in like maner may name and appoincte of euerye other suche borough and toune corporat aswell in England as in wales and other the kinges dominions as they shall thinke requisyte syx fyue foure thre or two of the hed offycers and other sad and honest inhabitauntes of euery of the sayd cyties boroughes and tounes corporat according to the nomber multitude of people beyng in the same the whiche persones if any suche be therunto named of the sayd inhabitauntes of the sayd boroughes and tounes corporate not beyng counties in them selfes shal be ioined and put as commissioners with the persones named for such shyres and rydinges as the sayd boroughes and tounes corporat not being counties in them selfes be set haue there beyng which persones so named for of the sayd boroughes and tounes corporat not beyng coūties by reason of there dwellyng in the same shall not take vpon them ne none of them to put any parte of there commission in execution for the premysses out of the sayd borough or toune corporat wherin they beyng so named onely for the same be dwelling and also not to execute the sayd commission within the borough or toune coporat wher they be so dwellyng but ioyntly wyth thre at the least of the other commissioners wythin the shyre or rydyng and in that commission wherin they be so dwellyng at suche dayes and tymes as the sayd other commissioners for the same shere and ryding shal therunto lymyte and appoinct within the same borough or toune corporat not beyng countie corporat wherof they so be and not out of such borough or toune and in that maner to be aiding and assysting with the said other commissioners in and for the good executing of the effect of the sayd commission vpon peyne of euery of the sayd commissioners so named for euery such citie borough and toune corporat not beyng a countie to make suche fyne as the sayd other commissioners in the commission of and for the sayd shyre or riding so named or thre of them at the least shall by there dyscrecions set and certefye into the kinges exchequer ther to be leuyed to the vse of our souereygne lord the king in lyke maner as such or lyke sommes
made make default appere not ▪ onlesse a resonable cause or els a reasonable excuse by the othes of two credyble persones before the sayd commissyoners be truely alleged for his discharge that then euery of them so makinge default to be taxed and charged to the king with at the double sōmes of the rate that he should or ought to haue ben set at for and after the best value of his goodes substaunce vpō him certefied if he had appered by the discrecion of the cōmissioners there being And in like maner if any of them suspected as is before sayd appere refuse to be sworne in fourme folowing then euery suche offender to be taxed and charged to the king with and at the double somme of the rate that he should or ought to haue ben set at for after the best value of his substaunce vpon him certefied by the said persones that made the certificat as is before said by the discrecions of the cōmissioners ther than beyng euery of the persones so ther then apperyng Whose names shal be expressed in the said precept or preceptes in whom any vehement suspect was or shal be had in fourme aboue sayd shall trauell with the same persone so suspecte by all suche waies meanes they can And further the sayd Commissioners or as many of them as shal be hereunto appoincted by the said Commission by ther discrecion shall openly swere the same person in this maner and fourme folowing ¶ I shall faythfully truly and plainly according to my knowlege shew vnto you the kinges Commissioners and to other by you assigned the best and greatest value or aboue of all my goodes Cattals somes of money to me owing accordīg to the graūt of this acte of relief truly aunswer to that I shal be examined of touchīg the premisses without couyn or deceipt so helpe me God the holy cōtentes of this boke And if any persone that shoulde appere be excused in fourme aforesaid by witnes of credyble persones the same persones shal be examyned by their othes of his or their greatest and best value and substaunce so lacking and excused and by the best of ther certifycat or knowlege or of the other first certifycat vpon him or thē made the same persone so lacking and excused of his apparaunce to be set and rated by the said Cōmissioners or otherwise to be set and rated in this case as shall seme best by the discretions of the said Commissioners And if it happē to be proued by witnes his owne cōfessiō or other lawful waies or meanes withē one yere after any such othe made that the same person so taxed and sworē was of any greater or better value in goodes or other thinges aboue specifyed at the tyme of his said othe then the same persone so sworne did declare vpō his othe That thē such persone so offending shal lose forfayte to the king foure tymes so much in lawful money or England as the same persone so sworne was set taxed at to paie for the sayd Relief And if any person certefied or rated by vertue of this acte be he commissioner or other to any maner of value do fynd him selfe greued with the same presentmēt sessyng or taxing ther vpon complain to the Commissyoners before whō he shal be rated sessed or taxed or before two of them that then the said Commissioners shall by all wayes and meanes examine particularlye distynctlye the persone so cōplainaunt other his neighbours by their discrecion of euery his goodes cattalles debtes aboue mencioned and after due examinacion and perfect knowlege therof had and perceiued by thesaied Commissioners ▪ whiche shall haue power by aucthoritie aforesaid thesaid Commissioners or two of theim to whom any suche complaint shal bee made by their discrecions vpon the othe of thesaid person so complainyng maie abate defalke encrease or enlarge thesame assessement accordyng as it shall appere to theim iust vpon thesaid examinacion and thesame somme so abated defalked encreased or enlarged by theim to bee streated in forme as hereafter ensueth so that he come before the extreates of thesaid assessyng be deliuered by thesaied Commissioners into the kynges Exchequer And if it be proued by witnes his awne confessiō or other lawfull waies or meanes within a yere after any suche othe made that thesame persone so taxed sworne was of any greater or better value in goodes or other thynges aboue specified at the tyme of his saied othe then thesame persone so sworne did declare vpon his saied othe that then euery suche persone so offendyng shal lose forfaite to the kyng .iiii. tymes so muche in lawful money of Englande as thesame persone so sworne was set at or taxed to paie And all persones sette rated and taxed as is aforesaied shal bee bounde and charged by thesame and the somme or sommes vpon hym set to bee due towardes the paiment of this relief and to bee leuied as hereafter shal be specified AND it is also enacted by thesaid aucthoritie that euery person yerely duryng thesaid .iii. yeres as is aforesaid shal be rated taxed and set and the some on hym set to be leuied at suche place wher he his family at the time of thesame presentmēt to be made shal kepe his house or dwellyng or where he then shal be moste conuersaunt abidyng or resiaunt or shall haue his moste resort and shal bee best knowen at the tyme of thesaied certificat to bee made and no where els And that no Commissioner for this Relief of goodes shal be rated or taxed for his goodes but in the shire citie or other place where he dwelleth and is Commissioner And if any persone chargeable to this Acte at the tyme of thesaid assessyng happen to be out of this realme and out of Wales or farre from the place where he shal be knowen then he to bee set where he was last abidyng in this realme or within Wales and best knowen And after the substaunce and value of euery persone knowen by the examinacion certificat and other maner of wise as is aforsaid thesaied Commissioners or as many of theim as shal be appoyncted by the kynges Commission shall after the rate aforesaid set and taxe euery person accordyng to the rate of substaunce and value of his goodes and cattalles whereby the greatest and moste best somme accordyng to his moste substaunce by reason of this act ought or maie be set or taxed BE it also ordeigned by thesaid aucthoritie that no persone hauyng twoo mancions or twoo places to resort vnto or callyng hymself housholde seruaunt or waityng seruaunt to the kynges highnes his graces sisters or to any noble man or woman shal be excused vpon his saiyng from the taxe of thesaied relief in neither of the places where he maie bee sette onlesse he bryng a certificat in writyng from the Commissioners where that he is so set in deede at one place And if
AN ACTE OF THE RELIEF GRAVNTED TO THE KINGES MAIESTIE by the Lordes and cōmons WHylest we the kynges maiesties faythfull louing and obedient subiectes the lordes cōmons assembled in this present parliament do cōsyder the present state of the worlde what great troubles be in all places what enemies both his maiestie and this his realme hath and is lyke to haue and that their malice and hatred is bent partly to dyminishe his graces maiestie the honour of this his Realme partly to spoile the same of the iust true auncient enheritaunce right and title that his highnes his most noble progenitours kinges of this Realme of England haue alwayes had to the Realme of Scotland being a member and part of his kingdome and dominion and chieflye for that we of late hauing abandoned the aucthoritie of the Byshop of Rome and his wicked doctrine haue and do adhere to Christe and his most holy word as becometh all christians to do that mean to be no lesse in dede then they professe in name Whylest we also consyder that his grace and we his faithful and obedient subiectes be but one body politique his highnes the head and we the members and that no good or felicitie can come to the one but the other shal be partaker therof and that no hurt or aduersytie can happen to the one where with the other shall not also be grevid Whylest also we consyder the practyses and policies of other princes and potentates what great preparations they make both of men and also of other furniture for the warres and what great treasure thei of late haue leuied and gathered of their subiectes we perceyuing that all the kynges maiesties procedings holye tend to the aduauncement of the true glorie of God the maintenaunce of the maiestie of the Imperiall crowne of this Realme and the defence and sauitee of vs this his realme fully minded to cleaue stick to God his most holy word vtterlie determined to mainteyne his graces honour and all such rightes and titles as be annexed to his Imperiall croune prest and redie to defende our selfes this his realme our countrie and fynally content to leaue father mother brethren systren wyfes chyldren landes goodes yea and this mortal life also rather then we would deny Christ and forsake his worde whiche is the lyuelye foode of mās soule rather then we would suffer his royall maiestie to be in any part diminished rather then we would consent that the Imperial crowne of this realme should be depriued of any honour tytle ryght or interest therunto belōgyng fynally rather then any forien powre should do vs or our coūtrie any hurt or iniurye haue thought it good to prepare and make not only our persones redie for the warres hauing a full affyaunce parfyt cōfydence in God that as he alwaies hath lent victorie to suche as professed him put their hole trust in him albeit they were but verye few and that very feble in mans sight in respect of the multitude force of their enemies so he now wyll haue speciall regarde eye to this litle realme and vs his poore seruaūtes litle flocke taking to his charge and defence our litle shephard tyll yeares strength make him better able to vicket with his enemies that therfore he with vs for vs wyl deuise to withstād resist subdue the force and puissaūce of our stoute foes no more ours then his at the least ours for his cause but also to make among vs a masse of money to relief mainteine the great mestymable charges that our most graciouse soueraigne lorde hath dailie doth susteine a thing much vnable to serue any pece of his present necessities if his grace did meane to spare any part of his own treasure beseching his grace not to cast his eyes vpon the smalnes of this our symple present but to laye by it our good wylles whiche we make the chiefest part of our relief it faithfully promysyng al the rest to be redy when peryll or enemy shall declare this not to suffyce First we his graces said subiectes do by the aucthoritie of this present parliament frely and franckelie geue and graunt vnto his most royall maiestie a relief to continue by the space of .iij. yeres to be rated taxed leuied and gathered of euery parson of what estate or degree he be according to the tenour of this acte after the rate and in maner and fourme followyng that is to say aswel of al euery person as is or hereafter shal be his graces natural subiectes as of al euery fraternitie guilde corporatiō mistery brotherhed companye and cominaltye corporat or not corporat within this realme of England wales and other the kynges dominions being worth ten pondes in money Coyne plate stocke of marchandise corne grayne shepe beastes cattals or other goodes mouable aswell within this realme as without and of all suche sōmes of money as to hym or them is or shal be owing wherof he or they trust in their cōscientes suerlye to be payed yerely twelue pence of euery pound And of euery alien or straunger borne out of the kinges obeysaunce aswell denysen as not denysen inhabityng or resyaunt with in this realme or any other the kinges dominions beyng worth ten poundes in money coyne plate stocke of marchandise corne grayne shepe beastes cattals or other goodes mouable aswell within this realme as without and of al suche sommes of money as to him is or shal be owing wherof he trusteth in his cōscience to be suerly payed yerely two shyllynges of euery pound And of euery alyen or straunger borne out of the kinges obeysaunce aswell denysen as not denysen inhabiting or resyaunt within this realme or any other the kynges dominions beyng worth twenty shyllynges and vnder ten poundes in money coyne plate sttocke of merchaundise corne grayne shepe beastes cattell or other goodes mouable aswel within this realme as without and of al such sommes of money as to him is or shal be owing wherof he trusteth in his cōscience to be suerly paid yerely twelf pence of euery pound Except out of the premysses deducted suche sommes of money as any person or persones before chargeable owe and in his or their cōsciēce truly minde to paie And excepted also the apparel of such parsons their wifes childrē belongīg to their awne bodies sauīg iewels gold syluer stone perle Excepted also alwayes from the charge assessement payment of the said relief all money goodes cattalles of orphanes bequethed or lefte vnto them by their parentes or other their frendes deceassyd And that all plate coyne Iewels goodes debtes cattals personalles being in the rule custodie of any person or persones to the vse of any corporatiō fraternitie guild misterie brotherhod cōpaynye or any cominaltie being corporat or not corporat be shal be rated set charged by reason of this acte at the value certefied
Cōmissioners of that Cōmission wherevpon suche writynges shal be there than to be certified with diuisions of the hundredes wapentakes wardes tithynges or other places to and among suche Commissioners of thesame Cōmission with the names of thesame Cōmissioners where suche seperacions deuisions shal be with the grosse sūmes of money aswell of for the sayd Relief taxed or set of or within the sayd hundredes wardes wapētakes or other places to him or them deuided or assigned that shall so certifie the sayd first writyng as of fynes amerciamentes penalties and other forfaitures if any happen to be within thesame limittes whereof the same writynges shal be certified And after suche writyng indented which as is aforesayd shal be certefied and not contayne in it the whole and full sommes set and taxed within the limyttes of thesame Commission the other Commissioners of the same euery of the sayd thre yeres before the day of paiment of the sayd Relief at the sayd receipt limitted and appoincted by this act shal certifie into the sayd Exchequier by their writyng or writynges indented to be made as is beforesayd the grosse and seuerall summes set and taxed within the places to them limitted for the sayd subsidie and other fynes amerciamentes penalties and forfaytures with the names of the hundredes wardes wapētakes and other places to them assigned or els by their sayd writynges indented to certifie at the sayd place before the day of payment therof at the sayd receipt as is aforesayd resonable causes for their excuses why they may not make suche certificat of and for the sayd Relief with fynes amerciamentes penalties and other forfaitures growyng or set by reason of the causes of their lett●s or of their non certifiyng as is aboue sayd or els in default therof proces to be made out of the Kynges Exchequier against the sayd Commissioners and euery of theim not makyng certificat as is aforesayd by the discrecion of the Thesaurour Barons of the sayd Exchequier Prouided alwayes that if any person or persones chargeable to this Relief of payment for his goodes shal happen at any tyme duryng the sayd thre yeres to be set or presented in two or mo places then one and the same beyng certified into the kynges court of Exchequier that then the partie or parties so set or presēted certified takyng a corporal other before the Barons of the kynges Exchequier or before any two of thē or before any person or persones beyng aucthorised by cōmission to be directed from the sayd Barons or any of theim whiche commission or cōmissions the sayd Barons or ii of them shal be authorised haue full power aucthoritie to make by this act that he or they is or be the same selfe person or persons so set and that he or they is or be set or presented in two or mo places then one And that he or they haue then been by the space of one yere nexte before the takyng of the sayd othe more conuersaunt and dwellyng in any one of the same places where he or they shal so happen to be set or presented then in the other that then the partie of parties so set or presented in two or mo places then one and so takyng his othe without any other plee in writyng shal be clerely discharged against the kyng his heyres successours or euery of the sayd assesementes and presentmentes sauyng onely of the assesement and presentment in the place where he or they was or were moste conuersaunt dwellyng as is before sayd And be it also enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that the Barons of the kynges Exchequer or two of theim for the tyme beyng shal not onely haue full power aucthoritie to receiue and take the othe of suche partie or parties as shal be so set or presented in any mo places then one but shall also vpon the same othe or othes so taken discharge the partie parties of all suche summes of money as he or they should bee in any wise charged with sauyng onely of suche summes of money as the same partie or parties were so sessed at in suche place and places where he or they were most conuersaunt and dwellyng as is aforesayd And to the intent the kynges maiestie may be truly iustly answered of the sayd relief of the polle of shepe before by vs graūted to his highnes be it ordained and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that yerely duryng thesayd iii. yeres before the first day of May there shal be a Cōmission with ten cedules containyng in them the tenor of this acte to be annexed to suche commission directed vnder the kynges great seale of England into euery coūtie shyre ridyng citie borough toune corporat and the Isle of Wight and into all and euery other place within this realme and other the kynges dominions that is or shal be chargeable to the paiment of the sayd Relief of the polle of shepe to suche persones as the same yere before were Commissioners for the assesement and taxaciō of the value of euery persons goodes and substaunce in the same shire or other place or to as many of them as shal be then liuyng and to suche other persones as the sayd lorde Chauncelor and other with him before named shall name and appoinct By the whiche commission the Commissioners shal haue full power and aucthoritie to enquire by the othes of the Person Vicar or curate iiii or as many honest persons of euery parish village and hamlet within the limittes of their cōmission wherof the Constable Tithyngman or Borsolder shal be one if any Constable Tithyngman or Borsolder be dwellyng in the same parishe village or Hamlet and by the othes of as many other honest discrete persons as they shall thynke cōuenient or otherwise by suche meanes and pollicies as they shal thynke best wherby the truth may appeare of the nomber and natures of all and synguler sheepe beyng within the limittes of their commission whose they be in what toune or parish the owner dwelleth and of what state or degree he is and whether for the moste part of the yere they be kept in seuerall pastures or seuerall marshes or in commons or groundes commonly vsed to be tylled the tenor of whiche othe hereafter foloweth ¶ Ye shall diligently enquire and iustly and truly present and certifie vs the kynges Commssioners what nomber of Ewes Wethers other shere shepe be within the limittes of your charge whose they be in what toune or parishe the owner dwelleth of what condicion and degre he is whether for the moste part of the yere they be kept in seuerall pastures or seueral Marshes or in cōmons or groūdes comenly vsed to be tylled as ye trust to be saued by the merites of Christes passion And it is also ordained and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that yerely duryng the sayd thre yeres on the Tuesdaye after the feast of the Natiuitie of sainct Ihon Baptist there shal