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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01207 A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the 3 of Nouember 1594. intreating of the second comming of Christ, and the disclosing of Antichrist. : With a confutation of diuerse coniectures concerning the end of the world, conteyned in a booke intituled, The second comming of Christ. / Preached by Iohn Dove. Dove, John, 1594 (1594) STC 7086.5; ESTC S91767 27,513 64

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Asse in peeces then he bid the Fox mend the diuision the Foxe allotted the greatest part to the Lion and little or nothing to himselfe whereupon the Fox was commended to be the best geometrician As for the second God may now repent him as he did in the dayes of Noah that hee made man vppon the earth for the prophesie of Christ is fulfilled Charitie waxeth colde Luke 13 Mat. 24 iniquitie doth abound faith is not found vpon the earth There is a ripenesse of sinne Apoc. 14 and what can bee expected but an haruest that the Angell thrust his sharpe sickle on the earth and cutte downe the clusters of the Vineyard and cast them into the great wine fatte of the wrath of God Sinne is not now Peccatum habitans but regnans not making his abode with vs but raigning ouer vs it hath gotten a longer and larger iurisdiction ouer the world than Iulius Caesar had ouer the Senat which obtained Perpetuam Dictaturam An euerlasting Dictatorship the like not heard of before The sinnes which now raigne are so generall that it may well be said Vir bonus est animal rarum He which will find a iust and vpright man vpon the earth must take a candle at noone dayes and seeke in the rushes as it were for a pinne or a needle that is lost and say with Diogenes Quaero hominem I seeke a man And which is more they be Clamantia peccata Crying sinnes because the crie of them ascendeth vp into Gen. 4. heauen as did the bloud of Abell for vengeance against vs and the soules of the martirs vnder the altar vsury simony briberie Apoc. 6 Gen. 3 Psal 32 and contempt of the ministers of God pride which was the first cause of the fal of man The prophet Dauid said beati quorū iniquitates sunt tectae c Blessed are they whose iniquities are couered and to whom the Lord hath imputed no sin but now it is become a prouerbe among vs Happy is that child whose father goeth to the deuill The Iewes which were accounted the extremest vsurers in the world tooke interest only of strangers and not of their owne nation but our countrimen worse than Iewes spare none and which is the greatest hypocrisie no man maketh more account outwardly of them which preach against vsury than doth the vsurer and those which wil hear 3. Sermons in a day thinke thirty pounds interest in the hundred to be too little And howsoeuer they seeme outwarly zealous yet haue they within them that I may vse the speach of the apostle conscientiam cauteriatam a conscience feared with an hot iron 1. Tim. 4 and notwithstanding their diligence in frequenting sermons and reading the Scriptures they forget what is written there that it shall be harder for any rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen than it shal be for a camell to passe through the eie of a Luke 18 needle but that no vsurer shall dwell in the Lords tabernacle nor rest vpō his holy hill Psal 15 William Rufus once king of England is noted for pride which pride in respect of these dayes were great humilitie His chamberlaine brought him in the morning a newe pair of breeches the best that could be gotten the price was foure shillings The king swore no small oath that he would haue a paire which should cost him a marke in siluer no breeches were thē of so high a price the chamberlaine to satisfie the kings mind brought a worse paire then the first affirming that they cost a marke I mary quoth Rufus here are a pair of breeches for a king Four shillings thē sufficed for a pair of breeches for a king but I feare shortly it will be a prouerbe 500. pounds for a paire of pantaples for a subiect Euery man can bee content to goe in soft rayment as they doe in Luke 16 the courts of princes to be clothed with purple as was the rich glutton which is buried in hell euery man can take delight in the Babilonian garmēt which is framed according to the fashiō of this world but few will put on the wedding garment which is Mat. 12 charitie and a good conscience men will be clothed like women and women like men not regarding the curse denounced of the Lord. But as for the girdle of truth the brest Deut. 22 Ephe. 6 plate of righteousnesse the shield of faith the helmet of saluation the sworde of the spirit and the shooes of peace they are layde aside as olde shooes and neuer come within our Wardrops You will not bee clothed as the kings daughter which is glorious Psal 41 within but like painted sepulchres which are faire without and within are full of dead mens bones Offices are commonly solde and therefore it is no maruaile though the officers be corrupt Whosoeuer can bee entertayned in the seruice of a noble man is in reputation for his maisters sake be he neuer so base but the ministers of Gods worde which serue the king of kings and Lord of Lords whose seruice is perfect freedome in whose house it is better to bee a doore keeper than to dwell in the tabernacles of princes euen him whome all other kings and lords ought to serue are despised for their seruice sake be they neuer so nobly discended But I haue text for them Whosoeuer Mat. 10 Iohn 10 Luke 13 Luke 21 heareth you heareth me and whosoeuer despiseth you despiseth me and hee that despiseth me dispiseth him that sent me Our Sauiour Christ tolde his Apostles that they should be hated of all men for his sake and at that time it was no great marvaile because they liued among Iewes and infidels but nowe we are in maner hated of christians most of al of them which make the greatest shew of zeale and profession of religion and are the greatest frequenters of sermons They are as cruell as Pharao of Egypt which Exod. 5 woulde compell the children of Israel in their bondage to make brickes and tyles but denied them straw and morter to work withall so they call vpon vs for hospitalitie but detaine from vs our tithes and commodities which are as due to vs as their lands are to them and without which it is as vnpossible to keepe hospiralitie as it was for the Hebrues to woorke without straw I deny not but in som sort the reuenues of the church are competent but they are in the hands of lay mē to maintain their pride we beare the name and they reape the commodity and yet slander vs because we keepe not hospitalitie Wil. Rufus was wont to say that the Church breade was sweet bread and Iulian the apostata would rob the ministers pretending conscience because so much liuing was a burden vnto them an hinderance vnto their ministerie we haue many as hungry as Wil. Rufus and as conscionable as Iulian the Apostata vpon whom though God doth not presently shew