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A88231 The peoples prerogative and priviledges, asserted and vindicated, (against all tyranny whatsoever.) By law and reason. Being a collection of the marrow and soule of Magna Charta, and of all the most principall statutes made ever since to this present yeare, 1647. For the preservation of the peoples liberties and properties. With cleare proofs and demonstrations, that now their lawes and liberties are nigher subvertion, then they were when they first began to fight for them, by a present swaying powerfull faction, amongst the Lords, Commons, and Army, ... so that perfect vassalage and slavery (by force of armes) in the nature of Turkish janisaries, or the regiments of the guards of France, is likely (to perpetuitie) to be setled, if the people doe not speedily look about them, and act vigorusly for the preventing of it. / Compiled by Lievt. Col. John Lilburne, prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London, and published by him for the instruction, information and benefit of all true hearted English-men. Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. 1648 (1648) Wing L2153; Thomason E427_4; ESTC R202741 121,715 88

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this collectio abroad I shall draw towards a conclusion and let my Country men here reape the benefit of the answer I sent to the querys of some of my friends mentioned in the Epistle Dedicatory which was the originall and principall occasion of my compiling this book which thus followeth By the statute of Westminster the first made in the 3. of Edward 1. chap. 26. which you may reade verbatim in the 7. page of the following collection their are no fees due from any free man of England to any Officer of Iustice whatsoever but what they have immediatly from the publique treasure of the Kingdom for ther sallories or wages and it is aginst a Iudges Oath to take any whose oath you may at large read in the 10. page following read also that remarkable page in the merror of Iustice pag. 258. 233. for the proof of this but especially read the marginall notes in the 69. page following and he that exacts any shal by the formencioned statue pay back again twice as much c. but it is true by some latter statues as the 23. Hen. 6. chap. 10. which you may reade verbatim in the 18.19 following pages and 33. Hen. 6.12 and 21. Hen. 7.17 c. there are some small fees to be paid And also Sir Edward Cook in the 1. part of his institutes lib. 3. chap. 13. sect 70. fol. 368. saith such reasonable fees as have been allowed by the Courts of justice of an ancient time to inferior ministers and attendants of Courts for their labour and at●tendance if it be asked and taken of the subject it is no extortion But there is none at all due for entring and recording of apperance nor for the removing upon a Certionary But against Sir Edward Cooks opinion in this particular I offer this to consideration that by the Petition of right the King himselfe with all his Lords cannot justifiably lay a penny upon nor take a penny from the meanest man in England without common consent in Parliament and if the King c. the greater cannot doe it then undeniably the Iudges or justices the lesser can much lesse doe it And besides by the same right that under pretence of dues or fees by their arbitrary wills and pleasures they take one farthing from you or me they may take a penny yea a shilling ye a pound yea a thousand pound and so ad infinitum and so Levell and destroy al properrity of meum tuum see for the power of an act of Parliament the notable arguments of Iudg Hutton Iudg Crooke in the case of ship-money but especialy the Parliaments votes annexed to those arguments for which very thing divers of the Iudges in the case of ship-money were this very Parliament impeached of Treason and the Bishops for makeing their cannons by the Kings single authority to binde their Cleargies pursses without authority of Parliament were for that and the like defunct of all their power † † See Mr. Nat. Fines his notable speech against the Bishops Cannons made 1640 and printed in a book called Speeches and passages prsnted for Will-Crook at Furnivals Inne gate in Holborne 1641. page 49. 50. 51. and the house of Commons vote Dec. 15. 1640. ibim page 328. and the statute made this Parliament that abolished Eccelesiasticall Iurisdiction 2. The presentment is often brought in English but it it must be entred and recorded in lattin by the statute of the ●6 Ed. 3. 15. which you may reade in the 12. following page and no processe is to be awarded but af the presentment is entred and recorded in lattin the presentment must mention the offence and so must the writ or processe as clearly appeares in the last foremencioned most notable and remarkable statute see also Sir Edward Cooks second part instituts upon the 29. chap of Magna Charta fol. 51. 52. 53. see Vox plebis page 37 and the merror of Iustice chap. 5. sect 1. division 98. page 238 nay the last author in his 233 page division 71. saith that it is abuse of the Common Law that any plaint is received to be heard without sureties present to testifie the plaint to be true 3. The Iustices siting upon the bench may verbally commit a man for an offence lying under their cognizance but there must be a Mittitur or Commitment entred upon Record See the 14. Henry 7. fol 8. in Sir Thomas Greenes case See also the 70. page of the following discourse 4. The Iustices of peace cannot continue a man bound above two or three Sessions at most and if they continue him more they may aswell continue him for thirteen and so for thirteen score for it is a vexation and the Law gives him remedie by an action of the case against the Iustices wherein they shall be sined to the King for the vexation and pay damages to the partie Plaintiffe 5. An Indictment for extortion must be in the proper County before the Iustices of Oyer and Terminer or Iustices of the peace 6. Vpon an arrest the Officer must declare at whose suit for what and what returne the processe hath see the Countesse of Rutlands case of arrest in the sixt part of Cookes Reports 7. For a Plea against an Indictment for not comming to Church to heare Common Prayer c. It is framed to your hand in the 20 21 22 ●3 pages of my large Epistle to Col. Henry Martin of the 31. of May 1647. called Rash Oaths to which I referre you 8. Thou go you be committed justly and legally be sure as soon as you are committed if possible you can proffer legall Baile in person to those that commit you but for this I wholly referee the Reader to the 70 71 72. pages of the following discourse in which I have given some directions to my Country men how to guide themselves by the rules of the Law of England in all ordinary molestations that can befall them by Knaves malicious men or Tyrants saving in the point of panniling of Iuries upon them in case they come to any triall for their lives c. and for that point I doe wholly referre the Reader to the 24 25 26. pages of my notable book called the Resolved mans resolution where also the cheats and illegallities of Committees procedings are anotamised and to the 1. part of Sir Edward Cooks Inst lib. 2. chap. 12. Sect. 234 fo 156 157 and his 3. part fo 32. 33. My labours herein I desi●e may find a courteous acceptation at the hands of my oppressed friends and Country-men and I have my reward and shall therein reioyce and be incouraged for the future improvement of my poore talent to doe them further service Iohn Lilburne From my causelesse captivitie in the Tower of London upon a now account this 17 of Feb. 1647. For upon the 19. of Ian. last the House of Commons committed me to prison as their prisoner for treasonable and seditious practises against the state And
unto the power of the House in committing me J stooped but at their doore desired to be committed by a legall Warrant which by their own Law published in Sir Edward Cooks institutes Votes and Ordinances all warrants of commitments whatsoever ought expresly to containe the certaine particular case wherefore a man is committed and ought to conclude and him safely to keep till he be delivered by due course of Law and for the full proof of this read the 68 69. pages of the following discourse and the 11 12 13 14 15 pages of Mr. Iohn Wildmans late defence called Truths Triumph or Treachery anotamised But if the Warrant be in generall words and be also to keep him during their pleasure and made by the Parliament the prisoner is murthered and destroyed by such an imprisonment For he must either stoop to their wills and so betray his liberties and sin against his own soule or else he must remaine in prison till he starve and rot before any Iudge in Westminster Hall will grant him a Habeas Corpus to bring him up to the barre of Justice either to receive his punishment according to Law or else his liberties as uniustly imprisoned and this made me the other day at the House of Commons to contest for a legal warrant before I would go to Prison but that mercinary Turkish Ianisary Col. Baxster laid violent hands upon me telling me expresly he was not either to reason or dispute the Houses commands but to obey them caused his Soldiers to draw their swords upon me in halling of me away by force violence he stabed Magna Charta the Petition of Right c. to the very heart and soule did asmuch as in him lyes by that act destroy all our Lawes and liberties for if authority must be backt with the sword to put in execution all their unjust commands then farwell all law and liberty forever and accursed be the day that ever the Parliament raised an Army to fight for the preservation of our lawes and liberties if now they convert their power and turne their swords and guns against us by force of armes to destroy our lawes and liberties John Lilburne 6. Feb. 1647. In the third yeare of the reign of Charles King of England Scotland France and Ireland AT the Parliament begun at Westminster the seventeenth day of March An. Dom. 1627. in the third yeare of the reigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. And there continued untill the 26. day of Iune following and then prorogued unto the 20. day of October now next ensuing To the high pleasure of Almighty God and to the weale publique of this Realme were enacted as followeth The petition Exhibited to his Majestie by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled concerning divers Rights and Liberties of the Subiect with the Kings Majesties royall answer thereunto in full Parliament To the Kings most Excellent Majestie HVmbly sheweth unto our Soveraigne Lord the King the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in Parliament assembled That whereas it is declared a●d inacted by a Statute made in the time of the reigne of King Ed. the first commonly called Statutum de Tallagio non concedento a a 34. Ed. 1. chap. 1. That ●o tallage or aid shall be laid or levied by the King or his Heires in this Realme without the good will and assent of the Arch B●shops Bishops Earles Barons Knights Burgesses and other the free men of the Commonalty of this Realme And by authority of Parliament holden in the five and twentieth yeare of the reigne of King Edward the third b b 25. Ed. 3 Rot. Par. it is declared and inacted That from thenceforth no person should be compelled to make any loanes to the King against his will because such loanes were against reason and the franchise of the Land And by other Lawes of this Realme it is provided that none should be charged by any charge or imposition called a Benevolence nor by such like charge c c 25. Ed. 1. 6. 1. Ed. 3. 6 11. R. 2. 9. 1. R. 3. 2. by which the Statutes before mentioned and other the good Lawes and Statutes of this Realme your Subjects have inherited this Freedome That they should not be compelled to contribute to any tax tallage aid or other like charge nor set by common consent in Parliament 1. R. 3. 2. Yet neverthelesse of late divers Commissions directed to sundry Commissioners in severall Counties with instructions have issued by meanes whereof your people have been in divers places assembled and required to lend certaine summes of money unto your Majestie and many of them upon their refusall so to do have had an oath administred unto them not warrantable by the Lawes or Statutes of this Realme * * Oaths Ex Officio unlawfull and have been constrained to become bound to make appearance and give attendance before your privie Councell and in other places and others of them have been therefore imprisoned confined and sundry otherwayes molested and disquieted And divers other charges have been laid and levied upon your people in severall Counties by Lord Lievtenants Deputy Lieutenants Commissioners for Musters Iustices of Peace and others by command or direction from your Maiesty or your privie Councell against the Lawes and free customes of the Realme * * All Magistracy in England is bounded by the law thereof e e 28. Ed. 3. 3. And where also by the Statute called THE GREAT CHARTER OF THE LIBERTIES OF ENGLAND d d 9 H. 3. 29. It is declared and enacted f f 25. Ed. 3. That no free man may be taken or imprisoned St. 37. Ed. 3. 18. St. 38. Ed. 3. 9. St. 42. Ed. 3. 3. St. 17. R. 2. 6. or be disseized of his Free hold or Liberties or his free Customs or he outlawed or exiled or in any manner distroyed but by the lawfull iudgement of his PEERS or by the Law of the Land And in the eight and twentieth yeare of the reigne of King Edward the third e it was declared and enacted by authority of Parliament That no man of what estate or condition that he be should be put out of his Land or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due processe of Law Neverthelesse against the tenour of the said Statutes and other the good Lawes and Statutes of your Realme to that end provided f divers of your Subiects have of late been imprisoned without any cause shewed * * Imprisonment without cause shewed is illegall See also Cooke 2. part institutes upon the 29. chap Magna Charta And when for their deliverance they were brought before your Iustices by your Majesties Writs of Habeas corpus there to undergoe and receive as the
be named in the said Commissions shall be bound by force of this Statute to hold the said Sessions foure times in the yeare as the other Commissioners the which be continually dwelling in the Country but that they shall doe it when they may best a●ound it The 13. of Richard the 2. Chap. 6. fol. 225. How many Serieants at Armes there shall be and with what things they shall meddle ITem at the grievous complaint made by the Commons to our Lord the King in this Parliament of the excessive and superfluous number of Serjeants at Armes and of many great extortions and eppressions done by them to the people The King therefore doth will that they shall be discharged and that of them and other there shall be taken of good and sufficient persons to the number of thirty and no more from henceforth And more over the King prohibiteth them to meddle with any thing that toucheth not their office And that they doe no extortion nor oppression to the people upon pain to loose their office and to make a fine and ransome at the Kings pleasure and full satisfaction to the party The 20. of R●chard the 2. Chap. 3. folio 243. No man shall sit upon the Bench with the Iustices of Assise ITem the King doth will and forbid that no Lord nor other of the Country little or great shall sit upon the Bench with the Iustices to take Assises in their Sessions in the Counties of England upon great forfeiture to the King and hath charged his said Iustices that they shall not suffer the the contrary to be done The 2. of Henry the 4. Chap. 23. fol. 253. The fees of the Marshall of the Marshallsey of the Kings house ITem whereas the Marshall of the Marshallsey of the Court of our Lord the Kings house in the time of King Edward grand father of our Lord the King that now is and before was wont to take the fees which doe hereafter follow that is to say of every person that commeth by Capias to the said Court foure pence and if he be let to mainprise till his day two pence more and of every person which is impleaded of trespasse and findeth two mainpernors to keep his day till the end of the plea to take for that cause two pence of the defendant and of every person committed to prison by judgement of the Steward in whatsoever manner the same be foure pence of every person delivered of felony and of every felon let to mainprise by the Court foure pence which fees were wont to be taken and paid in full Court as the King hath well perceived by the complaint of the said Commons thereof made in the said Parliament The same our Lord the King to avoid all such wrongs and oppressions to be done to his people against the good customes and usages made and used in the time of his progenitors by the advice assent of the Lords Spiritual Temporal at the supplication of the said Commons hath ordained and established that if the said Marshall or his Officers under him take other fees then above are declared that the same Marshall and every of his Officers shall loose their Offices and pay treble damages to the party greeved and that the party greeved have his suit before the Stewards of the said Court for the time being Also it is ordained and established that no Servitor of Bills that beareth a staffe of the same Court shall take for every mile from the same Court to the same place where he shall do his service any more then one penny and so for 12. miles twelve pence and for to serve a Venire facias 12. homines c. or a Distringes out of the same Court the double And if any of the said Servitors of Bills doe the contrary he shall be punished by imprisonment and make a fine to the King after the discretion of the Stewards of the same Court and also be fore judged the Court and the same Steward shall have power to make proclamation at his comming to the said Court in every Country from time to time of all the articles aforesaid and thereof to execute punishment as afore is said 9. R. 2 5. The 4 of Henry the 4 Chap. 23. fol. 259. Iudgements given shall continue untill they shall be reversed by attaint or error ITem where as well in plea reall as in plea personall after judgement given in the Courts of our Lord the King the parties be made to come upon grievous pain sometime before the King himself sometime before the Kings Councell and sometimes to the Parliament to answr therof of new to the great impoverishing of the parties aforesaid and in the subversion of the Common law of the land it is ordained and established that after judgement given in the Court of our Lord the King 19. H. 6 fo 39. Dyer fo 315. 321. 376. the parties and their heires shall be thereof in peace untill the judgement be undone by attaint or by error if there be errors as hath been used by the Lawes in the time of the Kings progenitors The 5. of Henry the 4. Chap. 5. fol. 261. It shall be felony to cut out the tongue or pull out the eyes of the Kings liege people ITem because that many offenders doe daily heat wound imprison and maime divers of the Kings liege people and after purposely out their tongues or put out their eyes It is ordained and stablished that in such case the offenders that so cut●eth tongues or puts out the eyes of any the Kings liege people and that duly proved and found that such deed was done of malice prepensed they shall incur the pain of felony The 5. of Henry the 4. Chap. 10. fol. 263. Iustices of peace shall imprison none but in the Common Gaole ITem because that divers Constables of Castles within the Realme of England be assigned to be Iustices of Peace by Commission of our Lord the King and by colour of the said commissions they take people to whom they beare evill will and imprison them within the said Castles till they have made sine and ransome with the said Constables for their deliverance It is ordained and established Cook li. 9. fo 119. that none be imprisoned by any Iustice of the Peace but only in the common Gaole Saving to Lords and other which have Gaoles their franchise in this case Now comes in some Statutes of palpable Bondage about chusing Parliament men c. The first I shall give you is the 1. of Henry the 5. Chap. 1. fol. 274 What sort of people shall be chosen and who shall be the choosers of the Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament FIrst that th● Statuts of the election of the Knights of the Shirs to come to the Parliament be holden and kept in all points adioyning to the same that the Knights of the Shires which from henceforth shall be chosen in every Shire be not chosen unlesse they be
resident within the Shire where they shall be chosen the day of the date of the Writ of the summons of the Parliament And that the Kni●hts and Esquires and other which shall be choosers of those Knights of the Shires be also resident within the same Shires in manner and forme as is aforesaid Rast pl. fo 446. And moreover it is ordained and established that the Citizens and Burgesses of the Cities and Boroughs be chosen men Citizens and Burgesses resiant dwelling and free of the same cities and boroughs and no other in any wise 7. H. 4. 15. 8 H. 6. 7. 10. H. 6. 2. 23. H. ● 15. The 2. of Henry 5. Chap. 1. and 3. fol. 282. What sort of men shall be Iustices of the Peace FIrst that the Iustices of the peace from henceforth to be made within the Counties of England shall be made of most sufficient persons dwelling in the same counties by the advice of the Chancellor and of the Kings Councell without taking other persons dwelling in forain Counties to execute such office except the Lords and Iustices of Assises now named and to be named by the King and his Councell 1. Ed. 3. 16. 34. Ed. 3. 1. And except all the Kings chiefe Stewarde of the Land and Seigniories of the Duchie of Lancaster in the North parts and in the South for the time being 13. R. 2. 7. Chap. 3. Of what estate those Iurors must be which are to passe touching the life of man plea reall to forty markes damages ITem the King considering the great mischiefes and disherisons which daily happen through all the realm of England as well in case of death of a man as in case of freehold and in other cases by them which passe in enquests in the said cases which be common Iurors and other that have for little to live upon but by such inquests and which have nothing to loose because of their false oaths whereby they offend their conscience the more largely and willing thereof to have correction and amendment 2. H. 7. fo 13. 10. H. 7. fo 14. 9. H. 5. fo 5. 10. H. 6. fo 7. 8. 18. 7. H. 6. fo 44. Dyer fo 144 Cook Inst part 1. 272. a. Rast pl. fo 117. hath ordained and established by assent of the Lords and Commons aforesaid that no person shall be admitted to passe in any enquest upon tryall of the death of a man nor in any enquest betwixt party and party in plea reall nor in plea personall whereof the debt or the damage declared amount to forty marks if the same person have not Land or Tenements of the yearly value of forty shillings above all charges of the same so that it be challenged by the party that any such person so impanelled in the same cases hath not Lands or tenements of the yearly value of forty shillings above the charges as afore is said 28. Ed. 3. 13. 8. H. 6 29. The 8. of Henry the 6. Chap. 7. fol. 304. What sort of men shall be choosers and who shall be chosen Knights of the Parliament ITem Whereas the election of Knights of Shires to come to the Parliament of our Lord the King in many Counties of the Realm of England have now of late been made by very great outragious and excessive number of people dwelling within the same Counties of the Realm of England of the which most part was of people of small substance * * This is a Statute of bondage and lesse of liberty 1. H. 5. 1. 10. H. 6. 2. 6. H. 6. 4. 11. H. 4. 1. 23. H. 6. 15. Rast pla fo 440. and of no value whereof every of them pretended a voice equivalent as to such elections to be made with the most worthy Knights and Esquires dwelling within the same Counties whereby manslaughters riots batteries and divisions among the Gentlemen and other peoples of the same Counties shall very likely rise and be unlesse convenient and due remedy be provided in this behalf Our Lord the King considering the premisses hath provided ordained and established by authority of this present Parliament that the Knights of the Shires to be chosen within the same Realm of England to come to the Parliaments of our Lord the King hereafter to be holden shall be chosen in every County of the Realm of England by people dwelling and resident in the same Counties whereof every one of them shall have land or tenement to the value of forty shillings by the year at least above all charges and that they which shall be chosen shall be dwelling and resident within the same Counties And such as have the greatest number of them that may EXPEND FORTY SHILLINGS by yeare and above as afore is said shall be returned by the Sheriffes of every County Knights for Parliament by Indentures sealed betwixt the said Sheriffes and the said choosers so to be made And every Sheriffe of the Realm of England shall have power by the said authority to examine upon the Evangelists every such choos●● how much he may expend by the yeare And if any Sheriffes re●urn Knights to come to the Parliament contrary to the said Ordinance the Iustices of Assises in their Seasions of Assises shall have power by the authority aforesaid thereof to enquire And if by enquest the same he found before the Iustices and the Sheriffes thereof be duly attainted that then the said Sheriffe shall incura●● pain of an hundred pound to be paid to our Lord the King and also that he have imprisonment by a yeare without being le● to mainprise or baile And that the Knights for the Parliament returned contrary to the said Ordinance shall loose their wages 10. H. 6. 2. Provided alwayes that he which cannot expend forty shillings by yeare as afore is said shall in no wise be chooser of the Knights for the Parliament And that in every writ that shall hereafter goe forth to the Sheriffes to choose Knights for the Parliament mention be made of the said Ordinances The 18. of Henry the 6. Chap. 11. fol. 332. Of what yearely value in lands a Iustice of Peace ought to be ITem whereas by Statutes made in the time of the Kings noble Progenitors it was ordained that in every County of England Justices should be assigned of the most worthy of the same counties to keep the peace and to doe other things as in the same Statutes fully is contained 1. Ed. 3. 16 18. Ed. 3. 2. 13. R. 2. 7. 17. R. 2. 10. which Statutes notwithstanding now of late in many Counties of England the greatest number have been deputed and assigned which before this were not wont to be whereof some be of small behaviour by whom the people will not be governed nor ruled and some for their necessity doe great extortion and oppression upon the people whereof great inconveniences be likely to rise daily if the King therefore doe not provide remedy The King willing against such inconveniences to provide
remedy hath ordained and established by authority aforesaid That no Iustice of peace within the Realm of England in any County shall be assigned or deputed if he have not lands or tenements to the value of 20. l. by yeare and if any be ordained hereafter to be Iustices of peace in any County which hath not lands or tenements to the value aforesaid that he thereof shall give knowledge to the Chancellor of England for the time being which shall put another sufficient in his place and and if he give not the said knowledge as before within a moneth after that he hath notice of such Commissions or if he sit or make any warrant or precept by force of such Commissions he shall incur the penalty of 20. l. and neverthelesse be put out of the Commission as before and the King shall have the one half of the said penalty and he that will sue for the King the other half and he that will sue for the King and for himself shall have an action to demand the same penalty by writ of debt at the common Law Provided alwayes that this Ordinance shall not extend to Cities Towns or Boroughs which be Counties incorporate of themselves nor to cities towns or boroughs which have Iustices of peace of persons dwelling in the same by commission or warrant of the King or of his progenitors Provided also that if there be not sufficient persons having lands tenements to the value aforesaid learned in the Law and of good governance within any such County that the Chancellor of England for the time being shall have power to put other discreet persons learned in the Law in such Commissions though they have not lands or tenements to the value aforesaid by his discretion 27. H. 8. chap. 24. The 20. of Henry the 6. Chap. 8. fol. 336. In what case the Kings Purveyors that would take Cattell may be resisted ITem it is ordained by the authority aforesaid that the Statutes before this time made of Purveyors and buyers shall be holden and kept and put in due execution And in case that any purveyor buyer or taker will take and make purveyance or buy any thing to the value of forty shillings or under of any person and make not ready payment in hand that then it shall be lawfull to every of the Kings liege people to retain their goods and cattels and to resist such purveyors and buyers 28. Ed. 3. 12. and in no wise suffer them to make any such p●rveyances buyings or takings And to keep the peace better every constable tithingman or chief pledge of every town or hamlet where such takings or purveyances shall be made shall be helping or assistant to the owner or seller of such things to be taken against the forme of this Ordinance to make resistance in the manner aforesaid in case that such constables tithingmen or chiefe pledges be required so to doe upon pain to yeeld to the party so grieved the value of the things so raken with his double damages and that none of the Kings liege people be put to losse or damage by the King or any officer for such resistance And that none of the K●ngs officers shall cause to be arrested vexed or impleaded in the Court of the Marshalsey or else where any of the Kings liege people for such detaining or not suffering to be done upon paine to loose 20. l. the one moity thereof to the King and the other moity to him which will in such case sue and that the Iustices of peace in evety County shall have power by authority of this Ordinance to inquire hear and determine as well at the suit of the King as of him that will sue of any thing done against this Ordinance and thereof to make due punishment and execution and to award damages to the party plaintife when any defendant is thereof duly convict and that upon every action to be taken upon this Ordinance every party defendant shall be put to answer unto it without the aid of the King and in such actions to be taken processe shall be made as in a writ of trespasse done against the peace and that in every Commission of Purveyors buyers or takers to be made this Ordinance shall be contained and expressed And moreover that this Ordinance among other Statutes of purveyors buyers or takers before this time made shall he sent to the Sherifes of every County of England to proclaim and deliver the said Statutes and Ordinances in the manner and forme contained in the Statute of purveyors and buyers 2. H. 6. 2. 36. E. 3. 6. made the first year of the reign of our said Lord the King upon the paine contained in the Statute And moreover the King will and commandeth that the Statute made the 36. year of King Edward late King of England the third after the conquest touching the purveyors of other persons then of the King shall be put in due execution 2. H. 4. 14. The 23. of Henry the 6. Chap. 10. fol. 340. No Sheriffe shall let to Farme his County or any Bailiwick The Sheriffes and Bailiffes fees and duties in severall cases ITem the King considering the great perjury extortion and oppression which be and have been in this realme by his Sherifes under Sherifees and their Clerkes Coroners Stewards of franchises Bailifes and keepers of prisons and other officers in divers counties of this realm hath ordained by authority aforesaid in eschewing of all such extortions perjury 20. H. 7. fo 12. 21. H. 7. fo 36. 4. H. 4. 5. Kel fo 108. ●1 H 7. fo 16. Rast pla fo 318. Coke pla 365. 3. E. 1. 26. Dyer fo 119. and oppress●ion that no Sherife shall let to farme in any manner his county nor any of his Bailiwicks Hundreds nor wapentakes nor that the said Sherifes under Sheifes baili●ffes of Franchises nor any other Bailiffe shall return upon any writ or precept to them directed to be returned any inquests in any panell thereupon to be made any Bailiffes officers or servants to any of the officers aforesaid in any panell by them so to be made nor that any of the said Officers and Ministers by occasion or under colour of their office shall take any other thing by them nor by any other person to their use profit or avail of any person by them or any of them to be arrested or attached nor of any other of them for the omitting of any arrest or attachment to be made by their body or of any person by them or any of them by force or colour of their office arrested or attached for fine fee suit of prison mainprise letting to baile or shewing any ease or favour to any such person so arrested or to be arrested for their reward or profit but such as follow that is to say For the Sheriffe twenty pence the Bailiffe that maketh the arrest or attachment foure pence and the Gaoler if the prisoner be committed to
other Court shall directly or indirectly or by any art shift colour or device have take or receive any money fee reward covenant obligation promise agreement or any other thing for his report or Certificate by writing or otherwise upon pain of the forfeiture of 100. l. for every such Report or Certificate and to be deprived of his office and place in the same Court the one moity of the said forfeitures to be our Soveraign Lord the King his heires and successors the other moity to the party grieved which will sue for the same at any time during the said suit or within one yeare after the same cause discontinued or decreed and in his default of such suit to him or them that will sue for the same by originall Writ Bill plaint or Information in his Majesties high Court of Star Chamber or in any his Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster in which suit by Writ Bill plaint or Information no wager of Law Essoin Priviledge Supersedeas Protection or any other delay shall be suffered or admitted Provided neverthelesse that it shall be lawfull for the Clerke to take for his paines for writing of every such Report or Certificate 12. d. for the first side and 2. for every side after and no more upon paine to forfeit 10. s. for every peny taken over and above the said summe to be had and recovered as aforesaid Having given you the most materiall Statutes that I conceive at present makes for your most advantage that I can find in the Statutes at large I shall here insert three or foure Statutes made this present Parliament that in my judgement is extraordinary well worth your knowledge and understanding the first thus followes Anno 17. Caroli Regis An Act for regulating of the Privie Councell and for taking away the Court commonly called the Star Chamber WHereas by the GREAT a a 9. H. 3. 29. CHRTER many times confirmed in Parliament It is inacted that no freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free hold or Liberties or free Customes or be Outlawed or exiled or otherwise destroyed and that the King will not passe upon him or condemne but by lawfull judgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land And by another Statute made in the b b 5. E 3. 9. fifth yeare of the Reigne of King Edward the third It is inacted That no man shall be attached by any accusation nor fore-judged of life or lim nor his Lands Tenements Goods nor Chattels seised into the Kings hands against the forme of the GREAT CHARTER and the law of the land And by another Statute made in the five and twentieth year c c 25 E. 3. 4. of the reigne of the same King Edward the third It is accorded assented and established that none shall be taken by petition or suggestion made to the King or to his Councell unlesse it be by Indictment or Presentment of good and lawfull people of the same Neighbourhood where such deeds be done in due manner or by Processe made by Writ originall at the Common Law and that none be put out of his Franchise or Free-hold unlesse he be by duty brought in to answer and fore-judged of the same by the course of the Law and if any thing be done against the same it shall be redressed and holden for none And by another Statute made in the 28 year d d 28. E. 3. 3. of the Reign of the same King Edward the third It is amongst other things inacted that no man of what estate or condition soever he be shall be put out of his Lands or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disinherited without being brought in to answer by due processe of Law And by another Sta●●te made in the 42. yeare e e 42. Ed. 3. 3. of the Reign of the said King Edward the third It is enacted that no man be put to answer without presentment before Iustices or matter of Record or by due Processe and Writ originall according to the old Law of the Land and if any thing be done to the contrary it shall be void in Law and holden for error And by another Statute made in the 36. year of f f 36. Ed. 3. the same King Edward the third It is amongst other things inacted That all Pleas which shall be pleaded in any courts before any the Kings Iustices or in his other places or before any of His other Ministers or in the Courts and places of any other Lords within the Realm shall be entred and enrolled in Latine And whereas by the Statute made in the third yeare of King Henry the seventh power is given to the Chancellour the Lord Treasurer of England for the time being and the Keeper of the Kings Privie Seale or two of them calling unto them a Bishop and a Temporall Lord of the Kings most honourable Councell and the two chiefe Iustices of the Kings Bench and common Pleas for the time being or other two Iustices in their absence to proceed as in that Act is expressed for the punishment of some particular offences therein mentioned And by the Statute made in the one and twentieth yeare of King Henry the eighth The President of the Councell is associated to ioyne with the Lord Chancellour and other Iudges in the said Statute of the third of Henry the seveth mentioned But the said Iudges have not kept themselves to the points limited by the said Statute but have undertaken to punish where no law doth warrant and to make Decrees for things having no such authority and to inflict heavier punishments then by any law is warranted And forasmuch as all matters examinable or determinable before the said Iudges or in the Court commonly called the Star-Chamber may have their proper remedy and redresse and their due punishment and correction by the Common Law of the Land and in the ordinary course of justice elsewhere And forasmuch as the reasons and motives inducing the erection and continuance of that Court doe now cease and the proceedings Censures and Decrees of that Court have by experience been found to be an intolerable burthen to the Subiect and the meanes to introduce an Arbitrary power and Government And forasmuch as the Councell Table hath of late times assumed unto it self a power to intermeddle in Civill causes and matters only of private interest between party and party and have adventured to determine the Estates and Liberties of the Subiect contrary to the Law of the Land and the rights and priviledges of the Subiect by which great and manifold mischiefes and inconveniencies have arisen and hapned and much incertainty by meanes of such proceedings hath been conceived concerning mens rights and estates For setling whereof and preventing the like in time to come Be it Ordained and Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament That the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber and all Iurisdiction power and authoritie belonging unto or exercised in
the same Court or by any of the Iudges Officers or Ministers thereof be from the first day of August in the yeare of our Lord God 1641. clearly and absolutely dissolved taken away and determined and that from the said first day of August neither the Lord Chancellour or Keeper of the great Seale of England the Lord Treasurer of England the Keeper of the Kings Privie Seale or President of the Councell nor any Bishop Temporall Lord Privie Councellor or Iudge or Iustice whatsoever shall have any power or authority to heare examin or determin any matter or thing whatsoever in the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber or to make pronounce or deliver any Iudgment Sentence Order or Decree or to doe any Iudiciall or Ministeriall Act in the said Court And that all and every Act and Acts of Parliament and all and every Article clause and sentence in them and every of them by which any Jurisdiction power or authority is given limited or appointed unto the said Court commonly called the Star-Chamber or unto all● or any the Iudges Officers or Ministers thereof or for any proceedings to be had or made in the said Court or for any matter or thing to be drawn into question examined or determined there shall for so much as concerneth the said Court of Star-Chamber and the power and authority thereby given unto it be from the said first day of August repealed and absolutely revoked and made void And be it likewise enacted That the like jurisdiction now used and exercised in the Court before the President and Councell in the Marches of Wales and also in the Court before the President and Councell established in the Northern parts And also in the Court commonly called the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster held before the Chancellor and Councell of that Court And also in the Court of Exchequer of the County Palatine of Chester held before the Chamberlain and Councell of that Court The like iurisdiction being exercised there shall from the said first day of August 1641 be also repealed and absolutely revoked and made void any Law prescription custome or usage Or the said Statute made in the third yeare of King Henry the seventh Or the Statute made the one and twentieth of Henry the eighth Or any Act or Acts of Parliament heretofore had or made to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And that from henceforth no Court Councell or place of Iudicature shall be erected ordained constituted or appointed within this Realm of England or Dominion of Wales which shall have use or exercise the same or the like Iurisdiction as is or hath been used practised or exercised in the said Court of Star-Chamber Be it likewise declared and enacted by authority of this present Parliament That neither his Majestie nor his Privie Councell have or ought to have any Iurisdiction power or authority by English Bill Petition Articles Libell or any other Arbitrary way whatsoever to examine or draw into question determine or dispose of the Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods or Chattels of any the Subiects of this Kingdome But that the same ought to be tryed and determined in the ordinary Courts of iustice and by the ordinary course of the law And be it further provided and enacted That if any Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the great Seale of England Lord Treasurer Keeper of the Kings privie Seale President of the Councell Bishop Temporall Lord Privie Councellor Iudge or Iustice whatsoever shall offend or doe any thing contrary to the purp●rt true intent and meaning of this Law Then he or they shall for such offence forfeit the summe of five hundred pounds of lawfull money of England unto any party grieved his Executors or Administrators who shall really prosecute for the same and first obtain judgement thereupon to be recorded in any Court of Record at Westminster by action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoine Protection Wager of Law Aid Prayer Priviledge Injunction or Order of restraint shall be in any wise prayed granted or allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And if any person against whom any such Iudgement or Recovery shall he had as aforesaid shall after such Iudgement or Recovery offend again in the same then he or they for such offence shall forfeit the summe of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England unto any partie grieved his Executors or Administrators who shall really prosecute for the same and first obtaine Iudgement thereupon to be Recorded in any Court of Record at Westminster by action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in which no Essoine Protection Wager of Law Aid Prayer Priviledge Injunction or Order of Restraint shall be in any wise prayed granted or allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And if any person against whom any such second Iudgement or Recovery shall be had as aforesaid shall after such Iudgement or Recovery offend againe in the same kind and shall bee thereof duly convicted by Indictment Information or any other lawfull way or meanes that such persons so convicted shall be from thenceforth disabled and become by vertue of this Act incapable Ipso facto to beare his and their said Office and Offices respectively and shall be likewise disabled to make any Gift Grant Conveyance or other disposition of any his Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods or Chattels or to make any benefit of any Gift Conveyance or Legacy to his own use And every person so offending shall likewise forfeit and loose unto the party grieved by any thing done contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Law his trebble dammages which he shall sustain and be put unto by meanes or occasion of any such Act or thing done the same to be recovered in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoine Protection Wager of Law Aid Prayer Priviledge Injunction or Order of Restraint shall be in any wise Prayed Granted or Allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And be it also provided and enacted That if any person shall hereafter be committed restrained of his liberty or suffer imprisonment by the Order or Decree of any such Court of Star-Chamber or oth●r Court aforesaid now or at any time hereafter having or pretending to have the same or li●e jurisdiction Power or Authority to commit or imprison as aforesaid Or by the Command or Warrant of the Kings Maiestie his Heires or Successours in their own person or by the Command or Warrant of the Councell-board or any of the Lords or other of his Majesties Privie Councell that in every such case every person so committed restrained of his libertie or suffering imprisonment upon demand or motion made by his Councell or other employed by him for that purpose unto the Iudges of the Court of Kings Bench or Common Pleas in open Court shall without delay upon any pretence whatsoever for the ordinary Fees usually paid for the same
we will in no sort abridge for the excellency thereof but referre you to the fountaines themselves Hereupon it appeareth that the common Warant or Mittimus to answer to such things as shall be obiected against him is utterly against Law Now as the Mittimus must containe the cause so the conclusion must be according to law viz. The Prisoner safely to be kept untill he be delivered by due order of Law and not untill be that made it shall give order or the like John Lilburne Ianuary 1647. I had here an intent largely to have insisted upon the Lords tyrannicall exercise of their illegall usurpations upon divers of the free Commons of England besides my self whom they have most Arbitrarily and tyrannically without all shaddow of Law saving the lawlesse unlimitted tyranny of their own meer unbounded wills and pleasures sent unto severall Gaole● in this Kingdome but because my time hath been exceedingly prevented and my intention frustrated by those late stormes and ungrounded fluttering bellowing whirl-wind tempests that hath lately been most falsely uniustly and maliciously raised against me by an English Tertullus Orator called Mr. Marsterson the false and lying Sepheard of Shoreditch neer London whose impeachment of me at the Lords and Commons Barre of designing the destruction and overthrow of the present Parliament although it hath made a great ecchoing and note in the Kingdome I no more valew then a blast of wind but let malice it self in all its hight doe the worst it can Yet I say by these new stormes I have been a little diverted from my purpose in fully painting the Lords at present and therefore because I judg it more then time to have this discourse abroad I shall suspend the full execution of my intentions till my late speeches at the House of Commons barre come to the publique view where I have drawn their Pictures as lively I beleeve as any picture drawer in England ever did And therefore I shall only at present confusedly fill up this spare paper and I shall begin with my proposition which I sent to the Speaker of the House of Commons which he caused to be read in their House and which verbatum thus followeth The Proposition of Lievt Col. John Lilburne prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London made unto the Lords and Commons assembled at Westminster and to the whole Kingdome of England Octob. 2. 1647. I Grant the House of Lords according to the Statute of the 14. Ed. 3. chap 5. to have in law a iurisdiction for redressing of grivances either upon illegall delayes or illegall iudgement given in any of the Courts at Westminster Hall provided they have the Kings particular Commission therefore and all other the legall Punctilloes contained in that Statute which jurisdiction and no other seems to me to be confirmed by the Statutes of the 27. Eliz. chap 8. and 31. Eliz. chap. 1. But I positively deny that the House of Lords by the known and declared Law of England have any originall Jurisdiction over any Commoner of England whatsoever either for life 〈◊〉 liberty or estate which is the only and alone thing in controversie betwixt them and me And this position I will in a publique assembly or before both Houses in law debate with any 40. Lawyers in England that are practisers of the Law and I will be content the Lords shall chuse them every man and i● after I have said for my self what I can that any three of these forty Lawyers sworn to deliver their judgements according to the known law of England give it under their hands against me I will give over my present contest with the Lords and surrender my self up to the punishment and sentence of the present Lords and Commons Provided at this debate I may have 6. or 10. of my own friends present to take in writing all that passeth thereupon Witnesse my hand and seale in the presence of divers witnesses in the Tower of London this 2. of October 1647. Iohn Lilburne And to conclude this book I shall only add a breviate of my grand Plea against the Lords as I delivered it to the House of Commons in half a sheet of paper the 11 Nov. which thus followeth
this expresse command upon them that they shall in any wise set a King over themselves from amongst their brethren and that they shall not in any wise set a stranger over them which is not their brother but saith God he shall not multiply Horses to himself nor cause the people to return to Aegypt that is to say to vassalage slavery or the house of bondage Neither shall he multiply wives to himself that his heart turne not away neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver Gold And it shall be when he sitteth upon the Throne of his Kingdome that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the Priests the Levits And it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the dayes of his life that he might learne to feare the Lord his God to keep all the words of this law and these statutes and do them That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren marke that well and that he turne not aside from the commandement to the right hand or to the left Deut. 17 15 16 17 18 19 20. Here is a cleare declaration by God himself that Kings the single greatest of Magistrates are not to walke and act upon the people by the rules of their own wills but by the law of God which is as binding to them as the meanest of the people and for my part I say and aver that that man whether King or Parliament man that declares himself to be lawlesse was never in that condition of Gods creation but of the Divils And pertinent to this purpose is the comp●aint of our antient English Lawyer Andrew Horne in his Mirror of Iustice in English ch 5. Sect. the first division the first and second pag. 225. where complaining of the abusions of the Common law he saith the first and chiefe abusion is that the King is above the law whereas he ought to be subiect to it as it is contained in his oath Which as Sir Richard Hutton one of his own Iudges in his Argument in Mr. Iohn Hampdens case against Sip-money pag. 32. which argument was made before this Parliaments doctrine was broached saith that by the Kings Oath he agrees to give consent to such lawes as shall in Parliament be propounded for the profit and good of the Kingdome and be further declares that he is to rule and govern thereby see also the petition of Right in the following pages 1. 2 So that by this it clearely appeares that in his own imagination nor the opinion of his Iudges he is neither omnipotent nor unlimited but his office is an office of trust conferred upon him for the good of the people And therefore saith our forementioned Author Andrew Horne ibim the second abuse of the common Law is That whereas Parliaments ought to bee for the salvation of the soules of Trespassors twice in the yeare at London that they are there but very sildome ond at the pleasure of the King for subsidies and collections of Treasure c. And the Act made the first yeare of this Parliament in the 16. of the present King called an Act for the preventing of inconveniences hapning by the long intermission of Parliaments expresly saith Whereas by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realm the Parliament ought to beholden at least once every yeare for the redresse of Grievances c. Which Lawes and Statutes are the 4. Ed. 3. 14 36. Ed. 3. 10. which are printed virbitum in the following discourse pag. 9 12 and which are expresly ratified and confirmed to be duly kept and observed In which Acts the Parliament are prescribed their worke what to doe which is to maintaine the Lawes and redresse the mischiefes and grievances that dayly happen but not in the least to our destroy Lawes unlesse they give us Letter for them nor to make our mischiefes and grievances greater nor to rob and poule the Kingdome of their treasure by taxations Excize c. and then share it by thousands and ten thousands amongst themselves which i● expresly against the Lawes of the kingdome for Feesies in trust and they are no more at most by the Law of this Land can give nothing to themselves and therefore their sharing as daily they doe the Common wealths money amongst themselves is no better then absolute state robbery against whom an indictment or an Action of recovery if not of death † For Andrew Horne declares p. 239 that it is an abuse of the common Law that Iustices and their Officers who kill people by false judge●ent be not destroyed as other murtherers which King Alfrid caused to be done who caused 44 Iustices in one yeare to be hanged as murtherers for their false judg●ments and page 241 he saith that he hanged Arnold because he saved Boylife who robbed the people by cullour of distresses whereof some were by selling distresses some by extortions of fines c. ought in equity and reason to lye as well as against robbing and cheating servants and stewards And for them for ever to shelter themselves from the lash and stroak of justice or for ever from being called to accompt for all their Cheats Robberies and murthers by getting the Kings hand to an Act to make them an everlasting Parliament no more lyes in the Kings power Justly and legally to do then to give them power to make us al absolute Vassels and Slaves and to destroy all our Lawes libertys and propertys and when they have so done then to cut the throats of all the men in England besides themselves therefore it behoves the people to keep up the interest of a Parliament but yet annually at least to chuse new Parliament ment to call their predicessors to a strick accompt and for my part J conceive that not onely by the rules of equity and reason but by the strength of the Law of the land which requires a Parliament to be chosen and held at least once every yeare the people that are willing in the severall Sheires Cities and Burrowes may call home their Parliament men and send new ones in their places to call them to accompt and to make Laws to punnish such betrayers of their trust as men as full of unnaturalnesse as those that murder and kill their owne fathers which is an act abhorred even amongst bruts and yet this very thing is acted upon us by the grandees amongst our trustees who themselves have told us that it is as old a law as any is in the Kingdom that the Kingdome never ought to be without a meanes to preserve it selfe 1. part book decl pag. 207. pag. 690. And that those things which are evell in their owne nature cannot be the subject of any command or induce any obligation of obedience upon any man by any authority whatsoever 1. par book p. cl pag. 201. pag. 150. And therefore the conclusion that I draw from Gods subjecting of all men equally
Chap. 3. The said Charters shall be read in Cathedrall Churches twice in the yeare ANd we will that the same Charters shall be sent under our Seale to Cathedrall Churches throughout our Ralme there to remain and shall be read before the people two times by the yeare 28. Ed. 3. 1. Chap 4. Excommunication shall be pronounced against the breakers of the said charters ANd that all Arch Bishops and Bishops shall pronounce the sentence of Excommunication against all those that by word deed or councell doe contrary to the foresaid Charters or that in any point break or undoe them And that the said curses be twice a yeare denounced and published by the Prelates aforesaid And if the same Prelates or any of them be remisse in the denunciation of the said sentences the Arch Bishops of Canterbury and Yorke for the time being shall compell and distrain them to the execution of their dutyes in forme aforesaid The 28. of Edward the 1. Chap. 1. fol. 80. A confirmation of the great Charter and the Charter of the Forest THat is to say That from henceforth the great Charter of the Liberties of England granted to all the Commonalty of the Realme and the Charter of the Forest in like manner granted shall be observed kept and maintained in every point in as ample wise as the King hath granted renewed and confirmed them by his Charters And that the Charters be delivered to every Sheriffe of England under the Kings Scale to be read foure times in the yeare before the people in the full County that is to wit the next County day after the Feast of St. Michael and the next County day after Christmas and at the next County after Easter and at the next County after the Feast of St. Iohn And for these two Charters to be firmely observed in every point and article where before no remedy * * Chap. 8. and 13. was at the Common Law there shall be chosen in every Shire Court by the Commonalty of the same Shire three substantiall Men Knights or other lawfull wise and well disposed persons which shall be Iustices sworne and assigned by the Kings Letters Patents under the great Scale to heare and determine without any other Writ but only their Commission such Plaints as shall be made upon all those that commit or offend against any Point contained in the foresaid Charters in the Shires where they be assigned as well within Franchises as without And as well for the Kings Officers out of their places as for other and to heare the Plaints from day to day without any delay and to determine them without allowing the delayes which be allowed by the Common Law And the same Knights shall have power to punish all such as shall be attainted of any Trespasse done contrary to any point of the foresaid Charters where no remedy was before by the Common Law as before is said by Imprisonment or by ransome or by Amerciament according to the Trespasse c. The 28 of Edward the 1. Chap. 8. fol. 83. The Inhabitants of every County shall make choise of their Sheriffes being not of Fee Stat. 9. E. 2. Stat. 14 E. 3. 7. 28. Ed. 1. 1. THe King hath granted unto his people that they shall have election of their Sheriffes in every Shire where the Shrivalty is not of fee if they lift Chap. 13. The 28. of Edward the 1. Chap. 13. fol. 83. What sort of persons the Commons of Shires shall chuse for their Sheriffes ANd for as much as the King hath granted the election of Sheriffes to the Commons of the Shire the King will that they shall chuse such Sheriffes that shall not charge them and that they shall not put any Officer in authority for rewards or bribes And such as shall not lodge too oft in one place nor with poore persons or men of religion St. 9. E. 2. The Statute of Sherifes The 34. Edward the 1. Chap 4. fol. 91. All Lawes Liberties and Customes confirmed WE will and grant for us and our heires that all Clerkes and lay men of our land shall have their lawes liberties and free Customes as largely and wholly as they have used to have the same at any time when they had them best And if any Statutes have been made by us or our ancestors or any customes brought in contrary to them or any manner article contained in this present Charter we will and grant that such manner of statutes and customes shall be void and frustrate for evermore The 34. of Edward the 3. Chap. 6 fol. 92. The curse of the Church shall be pronounced against the breakers of this Charter ANd for the more assurance of this thing we will and grant that all Arch Bishops and Bishops for ever shall read this present Charter in their Cathedrall Churches twice in the year and upon the reading hereof in every of their Parish Churches shall openly denounce accursed all those that willingly doe procure to be done any thing contrary to the tenour force and effect of this present Charter in any point and article In witnesse of which thing we have set our Scale to this present Charter together with the Seales of the Arch Bishops Bishops c. which voluntarily have sworn that as much as in them is they shall observe the tenour of this present Charter in all causes and articles and shall extend their faithfull aid to the keeping thereof c. The 1. of Edward the 3. Chap. 5. fol. 115. None shall be compelled to goe to war out of the Shire where he dwelleth But c. ITem the King will that no man from henceforth shall be charged to arme himself otherwise then he was wont in the time of his progenitors Kings of England And that no man be compelled to goe out of his shire but where necessity requireth and suddain comming of strange enemies into the Realme And then it shall be done as hath been used in times past for the defence of the Realme St. 15. Ed. 3. 7. St. 4. H. 4. 13. 25. Ed. 3. 8. The 2. Edward the 3. Chap. 8. fol. 118. No commandement under the Kings seale shall disturb or delay justice ITem it is accorded and established that it shall not be commanded by the great Seale nor the little Seale to disturb or delay common right and that though such commandements do come he Iustices shall not therefore leave to doe right in any point St. 9. H. 3. 29. St. 5. Ed. 3. 9. St. 14. Ed. 3.14 The 4. of Edward the 3. Chap. 2. fol. 120. The authority of Justices of Assise Gaole delivery and if the peace ITem it is ordained that good and discreet persons other then of the places if they may be found sufficient shall be assigned in all the Shires of England to take Assises Iuries and certifications and deliver the Gaoles And that the said Iustices shall take the Assises Iuries and certifications and deliver the Gaols at the least three
have forthwith granted unto him a writ of Habeas Corpus to be directed generally unto all and every Sheriffs Gaoler Minister Officer or other person in whose custody the party so committed or restrained shall be and the Sheriffs Gaoler Minister Officer or other person in whose custody the party so committed or restrained shall be shall at the return of the said writ and according to the command thereof upon due and convenient notice thereof given unto him at the charge of the party who requireth or procureth such Writ and upon security by his own bond given to pay the charge of carrying back the prisoner if he shall be remanded by the Court to which he shall be brought as in like cases hath been used such charges of bringing up and carrying back the prisoner to be alwayes ordered by the Court if any difference shall arise thereabout bring or cause to be brought the body of the said party so committed or restrained unto and before the Iudges or Iustices of the said Court from whence the same writ shall issue in open Court and shall then likewise certifie the true cause of his deteinour or imprisonment and thereupon the Court within three Court dayes after such return made and delivered in open Court shall proceed to examine or determine whether the cause of such Commitment appearing upon the said return be just and legall or not and shall thereupon doe what to iustice shall appertain either by delivering bailing or remanding the prisoner And if any thing shall be otherwise wilfully done or omitted to be done by any Iudge Justice Officer or other person afore mentioned contrary to the direction and true meaning hereof That then such person so offending shall forfeit to the party grieved his trebble dammages to be recovered by such meanes and in such manner as is formerly in this Act limitted and appointed for the like penaltie to be sued for and recovered Provided alwayes and be it enacted That this Act and the severall Clauses therein contained shall be taken and expounded to extend only to the Court of Star-chamber and to the said Courts holden before the President and Councell in the Marches of Wales and before the President and Councell in the Northern parts And also to the Court commonly called the Court of the Dutchy of Lancaster holden before the Chancellor and Councell of that Court And also in the Court of Exchequer of the County Palatine of Chester held before the Chamberlain and Councell of that Court And to all Courts of like Jurisdiction to be hereafter erected ordained constituted or appointed as aforesaid And to the warrants and Directions of the Councell-board and to the Commitments restraints and imprisonments of any person or persons made commanded or awarded by the Kings Majestie his Heires or Successours in their own person or by the Lords and others of the Privie Councell and every one of them And lastly provided and be it enacted That no person or persons shall be sued impleaded molested or troubled for any offence against this present Act unlesse the party supposed to have to offended shall be sued or impleaded for the same within of two yeares at the most after such time wherein the said offence shall be committed Anno XVII Caroli Regis An Act for the declaring unlawfull and void the late proceedings touching Ship money and for the vacating of all Records and Processe concerning the same VVHereas divers Writs of late time issued under the Great Seal of England commonly called Shipwrits for the charging of the Ports Towns Cities Boroughs and Counties of this Realm respectively to provide and furnish certain Ships for his Majesties service And whereas upon the execution of the same Writs and Returnes of Certioraries thereupon made and the sending the same by Mittimus into the Court of Exchequer Processe hath bin thence made against sundry persons pretended to be charged by way of contribution for the making up of certain sums assessed for the providing of the said Ships and in especiall in Easter Tearm in the thirteenth yeare of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is a Writ of Scire facias was awarded out of the Court of Exchequer to the then Sheriffe of BVCKINGHAM-SHIRE against IOHN HAMDEN Esquire to appeare and shew cause why hee should not be charged with a certain summe so assessed upon him upon whose appearance and demurrer to the proceedings therein the Barons of the Exchequer adiourned the same case into the Exchequer Chamber where it was solemnly argued divers dayes and at length it was there agreed by the greater part of all the Justi●es of the Courts of Kings Bench and Common Pleas and of the Barons of the Exchequer there assembled that the said Iohn Hambden should be charged with the said summe so as aforesaid assessed on him The maine grounds and reasons of the said Iustices and Barons which so agreed being that when the good and safety of the Kingdome in generall is concerned and the whole Kingdome in danger the King might by writ under the Great Seale of England command all his Subiects of this his Kingdom at their charge to provide and furnish such number of Ships with Men Victualls and Munition and for such time as the King should think sit for the defence and safegard of the Kingdome from such danger and perill and that by Law the King might compell the doing thereof in case of refusall or refractarinesse and that the King is the sole Iudge both of the danger and when and how the same is to be prevented avoided according to which grounds reasons a● the Iustices of the said courts of Kings Bench Cōmon Pleas the said Barons of the Exchequer having bin formerly consulted with by his Majestis command had set their hands to an extraiudiciall opinion expressed to the same purpose which opinion with their names thereunto was also by his Maiesties command inrolled in the Courts of Chancery Kings Bench Common Pleas and Exchequer and likewise entred among the Remembrances of the Court of Star-Chamber and according to the said agreement of the said Iustices and Barons judgement was given by the Barons of the Exchequer that the said IOHN HAMPDEN should be charged with the said summe so assessed on him And whereas some other Actions and Processe depend and have depended in the said Court of Exchequer and in some other Courts against other persons for the like kind of charge grounded upon the said Writs commonly called SHIPWRITS all which Writs and proceedings as aforesaid were VTTERLY against the Law of the Land Be it therefore declared and enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maiestie and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same That the said charge imposed upon the Subiect for the providing and furnishing of Ships commonly called Ship-money and the said extraiudiciall opinion of the said Iustices and Barons and the said Writs and every of
death and incurre the forfeitures of his Goods and Chattells Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of any estate of free-hold or Inheritance in the said Kingdoms of England and Ireland which the said Earl or any other to his use or in trust for him have or had the day of the first sitting of this present Parliament or at any time since Provided that no Iudge or Iudges Iustice or Iustices whatsoever shall adiudge or interpret any Act or thing to be Treason nor in any other manner than be or they should or ought to have done before the making of this Act and as if this Act had never been had or made Saving alwayes unto all and singular persons and bodies politique and corporall their Heires and Successors others then the said Earl and his Heires and such as claim by from or under him all such right title and interest of in and to all and singular such of the said Lands Tenements and Hereditaments as he they or any of them had before the first day of this present Parliament any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided that the passing of this present act and his Maiesties assent thereunto shall not be any determination of this present Sessions of Parliament but that this present Session of Parliament and all Bills and matters whatsoever depending in Parliament and not fully enacted or determined And all Statutes and Acts of Parliament which have their continuance untill the end of this present Session of Parliament shall remain continue and be in full force as if this Act had not been Now after these small collection of Statutes I shall give you some generall heads of things that I conceive are very necessary for you to know for the preservation of your lives liberties and estates in this murdering robing plundering and law and liberty destroying age and because tythes are of such concernment to al the honest nown substantive free men of England and so dayly a grievance to the conscientious and moral iust men of this Kingdome by reason of the Priests and persons coveteous indeavouring to rob the people of there truly come by goods which they have no right unto either by the Lawes of God reason equity or nature against which that you may be the better fortified I shall insert here the plea and answer of William Browne unto the bill of the parson of Stepny with some marginall notes upon it and some other things depending upon it The plea thus followeth The Plea answer of William Brown one of the defendants to the Bill of complaint of Josuah Hoyle intituled by the said bil Doctor of Divinity and vicar of the Parochiall church of Stepney alias Stichen heath in the County of Midlesex pretended debtor to the Kings Majesty that now is THe said defendant by protestation not confessing nor acknowledging any thing in the said bil of cōplaint material against the said defendant to be true but rather devised set forth of purpose to put him this defendant to wrongfull vexation costs and charges and expences in Law for plea saith that by the plantifes own shewing forth the complainant hath no just cause to sue this defendant upon his said bill in this honouable Court neither is this defendant compellable to answer the same for that the said complainant by his said bil alleadgeth and saith that there is and time out of minde where of the memory of man is not to the contrary hath been an ancient custome and usage that the inhabitants of the said parish have alwayes paid unto the Vicars of the said parish for the time being a composition rate for milch Cowes orchards gardens lands and sowes and oblations of poultry as in the said bil of complaint is set forth which if any such custome and usage be the same is triable at the COMMON law † † This is a mistake of the councell that drew the plea for tythes by the statute law of this Kingdome are only recoverable in the ecclesiasticall courts and not at the common law as fully and clearly appeares by the 1 of Ed. 6. chap. 13. and the ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction is totally abolished by act of Parliament this present Parliament anno Caroli Regis 17. so that by law the Parsons can recover no tythes and not in this honourable Court upon the said bill of Complaint And therefore this Defendant humbly prayeth judgement of this honourable Court whether he shall make any further answer to the said complainants Bill of Complaints Neverthelesse if he this Defendant shall be ordered to make any further or other answer unto the said Complainants Bill of Complaint then and not otherwise this Defendant all benefit and advantage of exception to the uncertainties insufficiencies of the said Complainants said Bill still to this Defendant now and at all times hereafter saved for further answer thereunto this Defendant saith That he verily beleeveth it to be true that for some hundred of yeares while the Kingdome groaned under the Papall yoake and was subiect to the Popes supremacie Tyths and certaine manner of Tything and other oblations were exacted and taken by the PAPALL Bi●hops Parsons Vicars and Curates of many Parishes and of a great part of this Kingdome untill ●he Popes supremacie and iurisdiction within this kingdome and all appeale to the sea of Rome were abrogated and annulled by divers severall Statutes * * Penalty for maintaining the authority of the Bishop of Rome 5. Eliz. chap 1. Penalty to draw any subjects from their ●bedience to the King to the Roman religion Idem And this Defendant verily beleeveth that the Popish Bishops Parsons and Vicars and their substitutes since retained and continued in the Church of England did afterwards receive and take tythes and certain manner of tything and other oblations of several parishes within this kingdome for their wages Cure and reading the Book of Common Prayer † And this Defendant saith ●hat the said Inhabitants of the said Parish in the said bill mentioned or any of them did never ●ay or were ever accustomed to pay unto any Vicars of the said parish the said composition for milch Cowes Orchards Gardens Lands and Sowes or other oblations as in the said bill is and set forth or any other composition or rate for the same but only to such Vicars thereof as were made and ordained Ministers by the Bishops some or one of them † † The names functions and stiles of Bishops are taken away Ord. 9. Octob. 1646. and their Episcopall iurisdiction and power with their tythes vicarages personages c. And what composition or rate for milch Cowes Orchards Gardens Lands or Sowes or other oblations the said Inhabitants or any of them did pay unto any of the said Vicars for the time being of the said parish in the said Bill mentioned since the abolishing of the Popes supremacie the same was payed for officiating reading the book of Common Prayer and administring the Sacraments
of God or England no plea can save their lives in any one of whose condition in the eye of the Law to be tyed to live in England that had a hand in that mans willful murder I would not be for al the gold in England and let me without contempt give this advice to the two great forementioned Nimrods of the Army whose present power is bent to suppresse our fundamental laws and liberties and to build up and establish the highest of Tyranny and protect Tyrants to turne over a new leafe and turne honest if they have any graines thereof left with in them and bend not their parts and power to plead for and protect the present tyrannicall House of Lords in their unjust usurpations and to destroy me in my unjust imprisonment which I know is only continued by their power and meanes for doing my duty to my selfe country and posterity to oppose them therein least they necessitate and compell me for the preservation of my selfe wife and children to finde out a man that shall dare in the hight of all there unlimited potency and unbounded greatnesse to indict them both for murderers at the Kings bench barre or elsewhere and shall dare to indict the Iudges for perjury c. if they shall dare to obey any command in England that shall command them not to doe iustice and right in that particular And now O unworthy and dishonourable Cromwell that I averre and will justifie to thy face that brought and drew me into my first contest with the Earle of Manchester and when thou hadest served thy ends of me viz. to helpe to pull him downe from his Major Generall-ship left me in the Bryers to be worried and torne in peeces by him and now keepest me in Prison to the apparent hazard of my totall destruction by thy power and influence for being true to those principles of reason truth and iustice that I will iustifie to thy face thou wast as high in as my selfe when thou engaged me against Manchester the Earle of Essex c. though now thou art visably and desperatly apostatized from them to thy shame eternall dishonour be it spoken but seeeing as my owne soule tells me by thy meanes I cannot get one dram of iustice at the hands of the House of Commons upon my complaint against the prest he tyrannicall usurping house of Lords I here proclame an open defiance to thee as a professed enemy to the fundamentall lawes and liberties of my native country to doe the worst thou came to me a man in some sence almost devoured by the Tyranny of thy fellow grand Tyrants in England under which I have transendantly suffered this cleaver yeares together and therefore seeing that thou and the rest of thy Tyrannicall confederates in the present house of Lords and there 〈◊〉 Speaker Sr. John and Nat. Fines c in the house of Commons necessituously compells me to 〈…〉 ●●●dent straits and extremities as you do and 〈◊〉 all my own subsistance from me * For the Parliament owes me for my just arreares the greatest part of a 1000. pound and my Ordinance for 2000. l. reparations against my uniust Star-chamber Iudges hath layd dorment in their house this two yeares although since then I know severall of there owne Members to whom out of the publique money they have given 5000 l. a peece unto that I wil upon the losse of my life evidently make it good never suffered one hundreth part of that which I did before this Parliament and yet I am told some of them have received all there 5000. pounds yet according to Law the iust custom of the Tower where am Prisoner wil not allow me a subsistance according to my quality out of the publique treasure or those that most vniustly and illegally committed me by meanes of which in the eye of reason I am likely shortly to perish and be destroyed yet in these great straits in the might and strength of God I say to thee O Cromwell with an undaunted resolution as the the three children did to that grand Tyrant Nebuchad-nezzar when he was ready to throw them into the hot fiery furnace O Cromwell I am not carefull for all thy greatnesse to tell thee thy owne and to let thee to know that the God whom I serve is able to deliver me from thy power and greatnesse But if not be it known unto thee O Cromwell that I will not serve thee nor worship or stand in feare of thy tyrannicall power or that golden or painted Image the present House of Lords which in thy Imaginations and fancy thou hast lately set up that so in time thou mayest be one thy selfe Now upon these Pleas and Protestations of the forementioned honest men comming so thick upon them with the gallant and heroicall carriage of divers of the other prisoners at Windsore with the late thunders of Mr. Sidgwick and precious Mr. Saltmarsh these new Tyrants the Grandees had such a curb put into their mouth that it so stopped the furiousnesse of their bloody and murthering Carreare that they were as my often Intelligence gives me to understand confounded and amazed amongst themselves and therefore set their Imps and underhand pentionary Agents at worke to perswade the honest Agent Prisoners to close in love and union with some litle kind of though it were but seeming reluctancy of spirit † And then they and some of there Pencionary Imps lyingly get their Diurnall Mercuries to print to the view of the whole Kingdome that they all had acknowledged their faults and cry'd peccavie when as some of them that are named in the Diurnall so to doe have told me that it is the falsest lye in the world for they never did any such thing but ever did and still doe abhorre the thoughts of such a base and wicked acknowledgement and then the Generalls almightinesse in whom those ficosantising Grandees place as great an omnipotency as ever the Courtiers or Cavialeers did in the King the more to serve their wicked and desperate ends for this I dare confidently say if his Excellency would not let his Creator Cromwell rid him he should shortly and as fearcely charge him with as impeachment of Treason and breach of trust as ever he did the Earle of Manchester by meanes of which his Lordship hath of lare been very ra●e and gentle to his greatnesse Lievt Gen. Cromwell should pardon all their iniquities and passe by all their transgressions and forthwith one of Ahabs fosts is called that so they may more closely and cowardly smite with the fist of wickednesse that being too much the apparent end of all their howling lamentations Which God amount but mockings unto him and without amendment of wayes and doing justice and iudgement reliving the afflicted and oppressed and breaking all the heavie yoaks are odious and abominable in his sight Esay ●8 4 5 6 7. and Micah 5 6 7 8. And after the fist which was by
their rotten praises and uphold their new confu●●d Babell sandy interest though in this book by reason of the great distractions of the kingdome I thought to have been very tender of the House of Commons and its committees yet because slavery and tyranny is already goe over the threshold I must furnish my friends with some weapons to keep it out of the kitchine and Hall least it get possession speedily of the whole house and for that end I shall insert my Defiance to Tyrants in a plea which thus followeth A Defiance to Tyrants Or a Plea made by Lievt Col. Iohn Lilburne Prerogative Prisoner in the Tower of London the 2. of Decemb. 1647. Against the proceedings of the close and illegall Committee of Lords and Commons appointed to examine those that are called London Agents with divers large additions unto which is annexed a Plea for the said Citizens of London against the Committee for plundered Ministers for their illegall imprisoning them for refusing to pay Tithes ALL Magistracy in England is bounded by the ●o●wn and declared Law of England a a See the Petition of right and Sir Edw. Cooks 4. part institutes Chap. high Court of Parliament and while they Act according to Law I am bound to obey them but when they leave the rules thereof and walk by the arbitrarie rules of their own Wilt they doe not act as Magistrates but as b b See King Iames his speech to the Parl. at White Hal 1609. and 1. par book Decl. pag. 150. and my book called the Out-cryes of oppressed Commons pag 16 17. 18. and my Epistle to Mr. Martin of the 31. May 1647. called Rash Oaths pag. 56 Tyrants and cannot in such actings challenge any obedience neither am I bound to yeeld it but am tyed in conscience and duty to my self and my native Country therein to resist and withstand them and if their Officers goe about by force and violence to Compell me to obey and stoop unto their arbitrary and illegall command c c See Cooks 2. part inst upon the 29. chap. of Magna Charta fo 52. 53. and fo 590 591. and regall Tyrany p. 78. 79. 80 81. and Vox Plebis p. 37. and my plea before Mr. Mart●n of the 6. Novem. 1646. called an anatomy of the Lords tyrany pag. 5. 7. ● I may and ought if I will be true to my native and legall freedoms by force to withstand him or them in the same ma●ner that I may withstand a man that comes to rob my house or as I may withstand a man that upon the high way by force and violence would take my purse or life from me And therefore all Warrants comming from any pretended or reall Committees of Lords and Commons to command me before them that are not formed according to the Law of England I ought not to obey but withstand and resist upon paine of being by all the ambiased understanding men of England esteemed a betrayer and destroyer of the Lawes and liberties of England for the preservation of which I ought to contest as Naboth did with King Ahab for his vineyard 1 King 21.2 3 4 13. And by the Law of England no warrant or processe ought to issue out to summon up any man to any Court of Justice in England whatsoever till a complaint by a certain prosecutor be filed or exhibited in that Court of iustice from whence the warrant processe or Summons comes which warrant processe or Summons ought expresly to containe the nature of the cause to which I am to answer and the name of my prosecutor or complainants or else it is not legall and so not binding but may and ought to be resisted by me and the Court must be sure to have legall jurisdiction over the causes Secondly All the Capacities that either the House of Commons or Lords can sit in is First Either as a Councell and so are to be close and for any man whatsoever in that Capacitie to come or offer to come in amongst them that doe not belong unto them is unwarrantable and so punishable d d Se Cooks 2. part inst fol. 103. 104. 4. part inst Chap. High Court of Parlm and the book called the manner of holding Parlmts Mr. Prinns relation of the triall of Col. Nath Fines p. 13. and regall tirany pag. 82. 83. or else Secondly As a Court of Iustice to try and examine men in criminall causes and in this capacitie they or any of their Committees ought alwayes to Sir open for all peaceable men freely to behold and see e e See 2. part inst fol. 103 104. and my book called the resolved mans resolution p. 56. and regall tyrany p. ●● ●2 83. Mr. Prinns relation of Col. Nath. Fines his tryall p. 11 12 13. or else I am not bound to go to any tryall with them or answer them a word and therefore in this sense most illegall is the close Committee of Lords and Commons f f See my grand plea and my letter 11. Nov. 1647. to every Jndividuall Member of the House of Commons See Sir Edw. Cooks exposition of the 14. and 29. Chap of Magna Charta in his 2. part inst and regall tyranny p. 43 44 72 73 74 85 86. and Vox Plebis pag. 38 39 40 41 42. and my Epistle to the Lievt of the Tower the 13. Ian. 1646. called the oppressed mans oppressions declared p. 17. 18 19. for examining those they call London Agents or any other whatsoever And Thirdly that Close Committee is most illegall being a mixture of Lords with Commons seeing the Lords are none of their or my Peers and Equalls by Law and so cannot nor ought not to be there to be my examiners tryers or Judges and a traytor I am to the lawes and liberties of England if I stoop or submit to the jurisdiction or power of such a mixt Committee f Thirdly It is contrary to Law and expresly against the Petition of right either for this Committee of Lords and Commons g g See Vox Plebis p. 38. my anatomy of the Lords tyrany p. 10. and Thompsons plea against Marshall Law or any other Court of justice or Committee whatsoever to force mee or any man to answer to interrogatories against my self or my neer relations Fourthly Neither can they legally go about to try or punish me for any crime that is triable or punishable at Common law i i See the proofes in the third Maginall note at the letter C. k k Which Statute you may read before p. 6. and take notice of this that all misdemeanors whatsoever are Baileable l l See the 3. E. 1. c. 26. and 4. E. 3. 10. and 23. H. 6 10. Rast plea. fo 31. 7. Vox Plebis p. 55 56. 57. and my late Epistle to C. West late Liev. of the Tower calle● the oppressed mans oppressions declared p. 3 4. 1. part Cooks inst Lib. 3. chap. 13.