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A74019 Anno XIIII. et XV. Henrici VIII. The Kynge our soueraygne lorde Henrye the viij. after the conquest, by the grace of God king of England and of Fraunce and lorde of Irelande, at his parlyamente holden at London, the xv. day of April in the xiiii. yeare of his moste noble reygne: and from thence adiourned to Westminster the last day of Iuly the xv. yeare of his sayde reigne, and there holden to the honour of Almightye God and of holye Churche, and for the wealthe and profytte of thys hys realme, by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporall, [and] the commons in thys presente parliament assembled, [and] by aucthoritye of the same, hath, doo, to be ordeined, made, [and] enacted, certaine statutes and ordynaunces in maner and fourme folowing.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII) 1575 (1575) STC 9363.4; ESTC S121456 28,836 29

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maire of the sayd city of Norwiche wardens of the said city and county and euery of them may haue and vse all other poinctes articles power auctorityes conteyned and specified in the aboue remembred acte made in the sayd vij yere of kinge Edward the iiii as well for the serche sealynge correction and reformation of the sayd wardens newly to bee elect by vertue of this present acte and euery of them according and after such forme as they may do or vse any of the sayd wardeins of the sayd city or county by force of the sayd acte made in the sayd .vii. yere of kinge Edward the fourth as all and euery other inquiries corrections serches sealynges reformations to be had for the true makinge of worstedes saies and stamins in and vpon any person or persons as well within the sayd townes of Linne and Yarmouthe as without without trouble lette or vexatiō of any of the inhabitauntes of the sayd townes in as large and ample wise as they might haue done before the makinge of this present act any thing cōteined in the same present act to the contrary notwithstandinge And also prouyded and be it enactad by the auctoritye aforesayde that the sayd crafts men of worstede weauers inhabited or hereafter to be inhabited within either of the said townes of Linne Yarmouth or suburbes of the same and the marchauntes or any other persons whiche shall happen to bye of the same craftes men or any of them or of any other person any of the sayd clothes of worstedes stamins or saies made or to be made within either of the sayd townes of Lin and Yarmouth and sealed by the sayd wardens of the same towne to be elect and sworne as is aforesaide and any of them shall not shere die or put in colour or calendre any worstedes stamins or saies made or to be made within either of the sayde townes of Lin Yarmouth or suburbes of the same in any other place or places but onely within the sayd city of Norwich or suburbes of the same vpon peine of forfaiture of euery peece of worstede saies or stamins to be made wythin any of the said townes of Lyn and Yarmouth or suburbs of the same or the value therof shorne died coloured or calendred by enye of the sayde craftes men biers or marchaūtes in any other place or places than in the sayd city of Norwich or suburbs of the same the one half therof to be to the kinge our soueraigne lorde and the other half therof to such person or persons as shal cease the same so that the saide worsteds brought to the sayd city of Norwich to be shorne died coloured calendred wythout couin or craft of any of the sayd inhabitauntes marchaūtes may be shorne died coloured and calendred at and by as conuenient price or prices and in as redy wise as the sayd inhabitaūtes of either of the sayd towns of Lyn and Yarmouth marchantes biers of the sayd worstedes or other of the sayd citye or county hath had in times past or hereafter shall haue And also that the inhabitauntes and marchauntes euery of them so bringinge their sayd worstedes to the same city for to be shorne died colored calēdred be reasonably lawfully entreated according to the said act made in the sayd .vij. yere of kinge Edward the fourth the ordinances made affirmed or hereafter to be made affirmed for the sayd mistery without let or disturbaunce contrary to the same acte or ordinance in that behalfe And be it enacted by the auctority aforesayd that no person or persons any time after cōuey or transport into any of the parties of beyond the sea any maner of clothes of worstedes before the same clothes be shorne died colored calendred vpon peine of forfaiture the value therof the one half to the king our soueraigne lord tho ther half therof to the party that will sue therfore by action or plaint of debt in any of the kynges courtes In whiche action or suite no protection or essoyne shal be alowed nor the offēder admitted to wage his lawe This act to endure to the next parliamēt ¶ An Act concerninge Englishmen beyng sworne to forren princes Cap. iiii PRaien the cōmons in this presēt parliamēt that where many and diuers persons being the kinges subiectes naturally borne within this his realme haue wdrawen thē selues out of the same realme and transported them selues with theyr wiues children and goods into Hollande zeland Barband Flaunders and into other countries of forren princes and there be sworn to the obeisaunce of the princes and lordes of the countreis where they be now inhabited makynge their great buildinges and be contributories to all maner of charges as the subiectes of those coūtreis be thus they mainteine asmuch as in thē is the cities boroughes townes of those coūtreis and many mo of the kinges subiects intend to do the same if remedy therin be not prouided Which subiects borne in England notwithstandinge that they this estraunge theym selues from the kynges obeysaunce yet they occupy here in all the portes hauens and crekes cities boroughes townes of England as frely and as free in custome and subsidy as the kinges subiectes do occupy and not onely for them selfe but also colourably for other straungers their frendes partiners and also make them selues quite and exempte frō all charges within this realme in preiudice decay of the cities townes boroughes of England and as for beyonde the sea they will obey to none auctority graūted to the English nation by the kynges highnes and his noble progenitours vnder the great seale of Englād and by auctority of parliamente but they giue thē selues ouer to the protection defence of those outwarde princes to whom they be sworn subiects And by these maner of persons much coyne is conueyed out of the Lande Wherefore be it ordeyned and enacted by the kinge our soueraygne lorde the lordes spirituall temporall the commons in this presente parliamēt assembled by the auctority of the same that all and euery suche subiectes borne in England and sworne to be subiectes to forren princes lordes of outwarde parties from hēceforth as lōg as they shall so abide be as subiectes to forren prynces lordes that from hēceforth so longe they eueriche of them shall pay such customes subsidy tolle and other imposicions within this realme of Englade as other straūgers of those partes wher the sayd Englishemen make their inhabitacion pay or vse to paye wythin this sayd realme And that the knowledge of all and euery suche person or persons inhabitaūtes and sworne in maner and forme as is before rehersed within the Archedukes countries that is to say Holand Zeland Brabande Flaunders onely shal be had by certificat thereof made by the gouernour of the marchaunt auenturers and the assistens there for the time being and also for all other reamels and
ANNO XIIII ET XV. HENRICI VIII THe Kynge our soueraygne lorde Henrye the viij after the conquest by the grace of God king of England and of Fraunce and lorde of Irelande at his parlyamente holden at London the xv day of April in the xiiii yeare of his moste noble reygne and from thence adiourned to Westminster the last day of Iuly the xv yeare of his sayde reigne and there holden to the honour of Almightye GOD and of holye Churche and for the wealthe and profytte of thys hys Realme by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporall the commons in thys presente parliament assembled by aucthoritye of the same hath doo to be ordeined made enacted certaine statutes and ordynaunces in maner and fourme folowing THE TABLE AN act concerninge brode white wollen clothes Cap. j. An act concerninge straungers artificers for takyng of apprentices Iourney men and couenaūt seruaunts Cap. ij An acte concernynge worstede weauers of Yarmouth and Lynne Cap. iij. An acte concerninge Englishmen veynge sworne to forreyne Prynces Cap. iiij ¶ An acte concernynge Physicions Cap. v. ¶ An acte concerninge the high waies in the wilde of Kent Cap. vj. ¶ An act for shoting in crosbowes and handegonnes Cap. vij ¶ An act for the sixe clerkes of the Chaūcery to be maried Cap. viij ¶ An act cōcerninge the liberty of Cordewayners or shoomakers Ca. ix ¶ An act for huntinge of the Hare Cap. x. ¶ An act concerninge clothes called Vesses made in the countye of Suffolke Cap. xj ¶ An acte concernynge coyners that shall coyne and make money at any mint within this realme of Englande Cap. xij ¶ An act for the hauen and porte of Southampton Cap. xiij ¶ An act for such as be in the kinges warres ouer or vpon the sea Ca. xiiii FINIS TABVLAE HENRICH OCTAVI An acte concerning brode whyte wollen clothes Cap. i. FOr as much as marchaunt straūgers studiyng and ymagining the policies wayes and meanes sette aworke the people inhabited in forreine countreis and regions with by the commodityes of this realme and to bring the kinges naturall subiectes from occupacion to idlenes do dayly conveigh transporte and cary out of this realme of Enlande for theyr owne singular lucre a greate numbre of brode whyte wollē clothes to be coloured died and wrought in diuers and sondrie partes beyond the sea to the greate encrease comforte profit and aduauntage of the people inhabited in the saide outwarde and foren regions and to the vtter ruine decay impouerisshing and vndoyng of a greate numbre of the kynges owne naturall subiectes And for the effectuall furtherance of the sayd euell ententes and purposes in the premisses the said marchant strangers as well by colour of enhansyng of price of the sayde clothes for longe dayes of payment as by fayre promisses and subtill adulacyons haue herefore gottē and regrated into their handes an innumerable numbre of the sayd clothes vpon their credence amoūting vnto great summes of money farre exceding theire owne valours substance which sommes of money many and oftentimes they haue not paied according to their appointmentes whereby the makers of the said clothes subtilly cōpassed by and with their faire and flattering promisses haue sustayned importable losses to the greate impoueryshing of this the kynges owne realme and to the enriching of the regions and coūtreis of foreine princes ¶ For remedye wherof be it enacted by the kinge our soueraigne lord and the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by auctoritie of the same that from the feast of saynt Mighell the archangell next comming no persō or persons inhabited with in this realme of what estate degree or condicion so euer he be of shall sell or deliuer or cause to be solde or deliuered within this realme by contracte couenaunt bargaine gifte or any of them or otherwyse to any marchaunt or marchauntes straūgers being borne in any of the partyes beyond the sea or els where out of the kinges obeisance or to any of his or their factoures deputies or attourneis straungers or Englyshmen to the vse of the sayde marchant or marchantes straūgers any maner of brode whyte wollen clothes made or hereafter to be made within this realme of Englande vpō peine to fortaite xl.s for euery clothe solde or deliuered after the sayd feaste of saynte Mighell contrary to the effect and forme of this present acte the one halfe of euery such forfayture to be to the vse of our soueraygne lorde the kyng the other halfe therof to be to the persone or persons other than the offender that will firste sue for the same by originall of debte bill playnte or informacion in any of the kynges courtes after the vsuall course of the lawes and customes of the realme In which sute or actiō the defendaunt of defendantes shall not be admitted to wage their law ne any Essoyne licence or protection shal be alowed ¶ Prouided alwaye that if any person or persons beyng the kinges naturall subiectes conueighe and bring or cause to be conueighed and brought any brode whyte wollen cloth or clothes to the common market kept and holden in Blackwelhal within the citye of London and do not ther cor els where bargaine vtter and sell the sayd cloth or clothes thither brought to or with some Englishe marchante or marchauntes within .viii. dayes next after the sayd cloth or clothes shal be brought and shewed to sell in the sayd market That than it shal be lefull to any suche person or persons immediately after the sayde .viii. dayes and not before to contracte bargaine vtter sell and deliuer his or their sayde cloth or clothes so brought and shewed at and in the sayd market as is before sayde and bring vnsold to any and euery marchaunt straunger or straungers beinge priuileged and hauing libertie to contract and bie wollen clothes freely and openly within the libertie of the sayd citie of Londō So that the said marchant or marchauntes straungers do pay and deliuer for the sayd cloth or clothes so by hym or them to be bought without couin or male ingin at and vpon the receit of the sayd cloth or clothes or within one moneth next ensuynge the sayd sale and deliuerie of the sayd cloth or clothes or within lesse tyme at the will of the seller therof all such hole and entier sommes of redy money or wares or redie mony and wares or any of them as was agreed contracted to be had for the sayde clothes by the sayde sellers or seller of them without any other or further respite or dayes of paimente to be had made or agreed in any behalfe any thing before contained in this present acte to the contrary thereof notwithstanding ¶ Prouided also that this present act or any thing therin contayned bee not in any wyse hurtful or preiudicial to any of the kinges subiectes for or concerning the deliuery of any suche wollen clothes to any marchaunt or marchauntes
feastes should put vpon the foote or legges of any person or persōs any showes boot●… or galeges vpon peine to forfaite and lose twenty shillynges sterlitge as often and whansoeuer any person shoule doe contrary to the sayd ordinaunce or any parcell thereof And where by the same estatute it is ordeyned and prouyded that the same acte should not extende to the domage or preiudice nor any manner be hurtefull or preiudiciall to the Deane and Chapiter for the time beinge of the free chapell of the kynge of Sainct Martins le graunde of London nor to any person or persons Dwellinge Abidinge or Beinge within any place or places in sainct Martyns lane in London or wythin any place or places within the precincte fee or fraunchyse of the sayde Deane or of the sayde Deane and chapiter Wherefore to the honour of almighty god and to the intent that the kinges subiectes may be hereafter at their liberty as well as the sayd inhabitauntes within the liberties and precinct of the said sainct Martines the graund be it enacted by the auctority of this presente parliament that the sayd estatute made in the parliament holden at westminster in the sayd fourth yere of the reigne of kinge Edwarde the fourth stande and be from henceforth vtterly voyde and of none effect ¶ An act concenigne the huntinge of the Hare Cap. x. FOr as muche as our soueraygne lorde the kynge and other noble men of thys realme of Englande before this time hathe vsed and exercised the game of huntynge of the Hare for their dysporte and pleasure whyche game is nowe decayed and almooste vtterly dystroied for that that diuers persons in dyuers partyes of thys Realme by reason of the trasinge in snow haue killed and destroied and dayly do kill and dystroy the same Hares by x.xij or .xvj. vpon a daye to the dyspleasure of our said soueraigne lorde the kinge to other noble men of this his realme Wherefore be it enacted by our sayd soueraigne lorde by the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in thys presente Parlyamente assembled and by auctoritye of the same that no person or personnes of what estate degree or condicion they be from hēceforth trace distroye and kill no Hare in snow with any dogge bytche nor otherwyse And that the Iustice of the peace within euery shire at euery sessions of the peace and stewardes of leetes shall haue full auctority anb power to power to enquyre of such offenders And after such inquisitions found the sayd Iustices of the peace stewardes of leetes for euery Hare so killed shall seasse vpon euery such offender vi.s.viij.d to be forfaited to our sayd soueraygne lorde that shall be so founden by the Iustices of peace in their sessions the forfaiture found in euery leete to be to the lorde of the leete ¶ An acte concerninge clothes called Vesses made in the county of Suffolke Cap. xj HVmbly shewen vnto your highnes your true subiectes clothiers of your Coūty of suffolke that where in the sixte yere of your most noble reigne it was is enacted amōges other thinges cōcerninge making of cloth the any person or persons shall not put any cloth to sale which whan it is full wet shall shrinke more than one yard in length one quarter of a yard in bredth for the more part therof and clothes called narrowes or straits after the rate vpō peine to forfaite for euery cloth otherwise put to sale vi.s.viij.d beside to deduct of his price for the same to be rebated to the bier therof as muche after the rate as the same cloth so otherwise put to sale beinge full wette shal be shronke more than one yarde of that it was in lengthe time of the same sale and as it shall beynge wette lacke of the bread of one yarde three quarters of a yard And in the same act was and is a prouiso made after the forme folowing Prouyded alwaye that this acte extende not to wollen clothes called kendalles nor clothes called carpenell whytes commonly made for lyning of hosen nor to any clothes called Tostockes made in the countye of Deuonshyre nor to any wollen clothes made in the county of Cornewall nor for any Cottons or plaine lininge or frise made or to bee made in wales Lancasshyre and Chesshyre or any of them So it is moste gracious soueraigne lorde that Vesses otherwise called Set clothes of diuers colours be made in your sayde county of Suffolke which be made to be worne and be worne in farre coūtreis not in Englande and be of small prices not aboue xl.s. a clothe that doe not holde the length nor breadth whan they be wet which the byers do know wel whā they bie them so that therin is no deceite which clothes in the thirde yeare of the reigne of your most noble father kinge Henry the seuenth were prouided for so that they might lawfully be solde without any penalty or forfayture though they lacked in length or breadth whan they were full wet and so they haue vsed to do time out of minde And in the prouiso made in the sayde acte of the sixte yeare of youre moste noble reygne they were forgetten not prouided for which should be to the vtter impoueryshinges of the clothiers of your sayde county and all other that be wrought by reason of clothe makinge wythin the sayde countye of Suffolke if no remedy should be therfore prouided Wherefore your humble subiectes humbly beseech your highnes that it be enacted by all the lordes spirituall and temporall and all the commons in this present Parliament assembled with your most royall assente to the same that all clothes called Vesses otherwise called Sette clothes what colour so euer they be of not beynge aboue the value of xl.s a clothe shall not be forfait for that they lacke in length breadth whan they be full wet after the iale of them afore this time made or hereafter be made The sayd act made in the sixte yere of your most noble reigne or any other acte heretofore made to the contrary notwithstandinge An act concerning coiners that shall coine and make any money at any mint within this realme of Englande Ca. xij BE it enacted by the kynge our soueraigne lorde and the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by auctoritye of the same that all suche coiners as shall coyne and make any money at any mint with in thys Realme of Englande shall make and coyne of euerye hundred poundes woorthe of Goolde that they shall strycke into coyne in the coyne of halfe angelles commonly called peeces of golde of xl.d And of euery hundred poundes worthe of Bullyon Plate or Siluer that they shall strike into coyne as many grotes as shall amount to the summe of fifty poundes sterlinge as many halfe grotes called pence of two pence as shall amounte to the summe of sterlinge as many pence as shall amounte to
our soueraige lord by the assent of his lordes spiritual and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled by auctoritie of the same that euery person and persons hauing landes tenementes hereditamentes fees anuities or other yerely profites in his owne right or in his wiues to the yerely value of one hundred poundes from hensforth may lawfully vse and shote in crosbowes and hand gonnes and in euery of them retayne and kepe the same Any thing contained in the acte made at a parliament holden at westminster in the sixt yere of the raygne of our soueraigne lord for reformacion of shotyng in crosbowes and hand gonnes and for keping of the same notwithstanding And further be it enacted by auctoritie aforesaid that al licences grauntes and placardes made by our sayde soueraigne lord to any person or persons before the .xx. day of August in the .xv. yere of his raigne for showting in crosbowes or hand gonnes or for kepynge of the same or any of them shal be from the feast of sainct Michael the archangel next comming vtterly voyd and of none effecte And be it further enacted by the auctoritie aforesayde that euery person not hauing in vse or possession landes teūtes fees annutties or other yerely profites to the yerely value of C. poundes as aforesayde offending contrary to the sayd acte made in the sayd .vi. yere shall forfaite for euery tyme that he shal so offende but onely xl.s and the crosbowes hand gonnes to he had recouered seased leuied according to the sayd former act any thing contained in the sayd former acte of or for any greater penalti notwithstanding And that it shal be leful to all Iustices of peace in their sessions and stewardes bailiffes in their leetes to enquire of euery person persones other than be prouided for by this present acte offending contrary to the said form●t acte of or for any great penalty notwithstanding ¶ And that it shall be lefull to all iustices of peace in their sessions and stewardes and bailiffes in their leetes to enquire of euery person persons other than be prouided for by this present acre offendinge contrary to the sayd former act that vpon all presentmentes had before iustices of peace in their sessions processes shal be made for leuiynge of the sayde xl.s to the kinges vse in such fourme and in lyke maner as is made vpon̄ enditemēts of riottes and vpon euery presentmente had in any leetes the lorde and owners of the leetes to leuie and haue the sayd penalty if xl.s by way of distresse accion of dette or otherwise in the which the offender shal not be admitted to wage his law ne any essoyne or protection to be alowed ¶ And be it further enacted by auctoritye afore sayde that no lordes or owners of leetes beare or mayntaine any of their tenauntes or seruauntes within the iurisdiction of their leetes to do or offend contrary to the sayd former act vpon peine to forfane for euery time so doing xl.s the one halfe therof to the king our soueraigne lorde and the other halfe to the parti that wil sue for the same by action of dette byl plaint or informacion in which sute no wager of law ne essoyne or protection shal be alowed or admitted The olde act in al other poyntes not otherwise prouided for in this acte to be of force and effecte ¶ An act concerning the six clerkes of the Chauntery to be maried Cap. viii IN most humble wise besecheth your trew faithful subiectes dayly seruauntes the sixe clerkes of your high courte of Chaūcerie that wheras of olde tyme accustomed hath bene vsed in the said court the al maner clerkes and ministers of the same courte wryting to the great sease shold be vnmaried except onlye the clerke of the crowne so that as wel the coursetoures other clerkes as the sixe clerkes of the said Chauncerie wear by the same custome estrained from mariage wherby all those that contrarye to the same dyd mary were no longer suffered to write in the said Chauncery not onely to their great hinderance losing therby the benefite of their longe studie and tedious laboures and peines in youthe takine in the sayd court by also to the great decaye of the trew course of the sayd court ¶ And for as muche as the sayde custome taketh no place nor vsage but onely in the office of the sayde sixe clerkes but that it is permitted and suffered for maintenance of the sayd courte that as wel the said coursetoures as the other clerkes aforesaid may and doe take wiues and mary at their lybertye after the lawes of holy churche and of longe tyme haue so done without interruption or left of any person It may therefore please your highness of your most aboundant grace with the assent of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parlyamente assembled and by auctoritye of the same in consideration of the premisses ●nd also for that the sayd custome is not groūded vpon any law to ordeine enacte and establishe that Iohn Treuerthen Rycharde Welles Oliuer ●…der Iohan Croke Wyllyam Iessen and Iohn Lemsey nowe beynge in the office of the sixe clerkes of the Chauncery euery of them and all other whiche in time to come shal be in the same office euery of them may and do take wiues mary at their liberty after the laws of holy churche And that they and euery of them so maryed maye haue holde and enioyne their sayd office of sixe clerkes in as ample large and like manner as they did or should do before the sayd espouselles or as if they had neuer ben maried the sayd custome or any other custome or ordinaunce heretofore had or made to the contrary notwithstandinge Prouided alwaye that by any thinge in this acte conteined the maister of the Rolles for the time being be not preiudiced either in the geuing and disposicion of the sayde offices from time to time as hath beene heretofore accustomed the forfaiture of that office by reason of mariage onely excepte And that the sayd officers which nowe be hereafter shal be do geue such attendance vnto the sayd maister of the Rolles for the tune being as heretofore in the sayd offices hath bene accustomed ¶ An act cōcerninge the liberty of Cordwainers or showmakers Cap. ix PRaien the commons in this presente parliament assembled that where in the parliament holden at Westmin in the fourth yere of the reigne of the excellēt prince of famous memory Edward the .iiij. late kinge of Englande your noble graunfather among other things it was ordeined established and enacted that no person cordwainer of the city of London or within three myles next about the same vpon any sonday of the yeare in the feastes of the Natiuity or Ascencion of our lord or Corpus Christi should sell commaund or make to be solde any showes bootes or galeges or vpon any of the sayd sondaies or