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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14599 The valiant Scot. By I.W. Gent I. W., gent.; Henry, the Minstrel, fl. 1470-1492. Wallace. 1637 (1637) STC 24910; ESTC S119334 35,929 80

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imaginarie sound Stand me th' art some English damned witch That from a reverend Fryer has stoln his shape To abuse me stay art gone no Hagge I will not It spake sure told me Bruce should Exit Ghost beckoning him to follow be my bane cannot shall not heaven knows such things onely Enter old Wallace his Ghost That eye hath shot me throw wounds me to death I know that face too well but 't is so gastly I 'le rather with my nayles here dig my grave Then once more behold thee Exit Ghost Part from me vext spirit my bloud turnes to water I beseech thee affright me not it 's gone Enter Peggies Ghost Peg. Alace Scotland to wham salt thou compleyne Alace fra mourning wha sall the refayne I thee beseek and for him dy'd on tree Come not nere Bruyce yet Bruyce sall not hurt thee Alace alace no man can stand 'gainst fate The dampe dew fra the heaven does gyn to faw I to my rest mim gange ere the Cock crawe Wall It was my wife what horror meete I here No Armour in the world can hold out feare Enter Grimsbie Grim. We stay for your direction Wal. Whom did you meete Grim. No body Wa. Saw ye nothing Grim. Not any thing Wa. T was my braines weaknesse then I have seene strange sights that anon I 'le tell If Grimsbie we meete never more farewell Exit Grim. Ha I am strucke dumbe oh mans slippery fate Mischiefes that follow us at our backs we shunne And are strucke downe with those we dreame not on Exit Enter Mentith and Comyne Ment. I have beside with Wallace sherife of life Held private conference who in Longshancks name Who sweares to me we shall have good preferment Beside the promist gold Enter Wallace Com. Peace Wallace comes Ment. Is the Bruyce come Wal. It is not yet his houre Ment. Who came along with you Wa. My foot-boy onely who is tying up my horse Ment. Him must I kill I 'le looke if Bruce be in sight yet Exit Wal. Do Com. Y' are sad VVa. My minde is shaken but the storme is o're A cry helpe murder within What cry is that Ment. Be arm'd Bruce with a force comes to betray thee From some villaines hand thy foot-boy is murdered VVal. Murdred Bruce shall repent this deed Both So shalt thou away with him Enter Souldiers knocke him downe hurry him away in a sound Exeunt Enter Bruce muffled with a Souldier Bru. Helpe to disguise me Souldier in exchange Take these for thine and here 's some gold to boot Soul If I be not hang'd my Lord in all my bravery I care not Bru. Phew I warrant thee Seale up thy lips and eyes thou neither seest Nor canst tell where I am Soul Not I my Lord Oh my poore wrong'd countrey pardon me heaven And with a feather pluck'd from mercies wing Brush off the purple spots that else would grow Like freckles on my soule Enter North and Clifford Soul My Lord here comes company Bru. Here quicke mine own agen and get thee gone Per. Sirra Souldier saw'st thou the Earle of Huntington Soul Huntington Cliff The Lord Bruce I meane Bru. Who cals for Bruce Per. Muffled up and alone I 'le to the King Exit Cliff Do sirra be gone Bru. Whither 's Percy gone he ask'd for Bruce Cliff There 's great enquirie for you Bru. By whom Cliff The King has a fresh command for Bruce Bru. For me he may command his Subjects Cliff True and Huntington is one Bru. Is none Cliff No Subject Bruce None that dare oppose your King Oh my impostum'd spleene Will flie into their faces what command Has England now Clif. Fresh powers are to be levied Which Bruce of Huntington must leade Bruce 'Gainst whom Clif. Gainst proud Wallace 'gainst the Scots Bruce I will not I 'm not his Butcher Gainst the Scots I will not fight Clif. How will not Bruce No will not Clifford Cliff Peace Bruce My Lord I dare not In this last battell I receiv'd some wounds That yet bleed inward I will no more banquet strangers With my native bloud Cliff Bruce speaks not like a subject Bruce English Edward commands not like a King Thrice honour'd Clifford I 'le trust you with my bosome Clif. No you shall not My virgin honour is so chast it shall not Keepe companie with a disquiet bosome Nor talke with discontents Bru. It shall not I will but Spare me the ayre hath eares no more You sent to me I will but tell bold Clifford Not a word My thoughts owe as much honour as their Lord Within traytor traytor Enter Mentith Enter King North Herefor and followers King A mutinie what noyse is 't Per. Mentith a Knight of Scotland Cliff Keepe him off King What com'st thou for Ment. Comyn my countryman and I have brought A jewell to your Highnesse which if 't were right As 't is known counterfeit 't were worth a kingdome Wearied with warre and pittying the deep wounds Which fainting Scotland beares upon her breast And knowing that the onely sword which gashes Her tender sides is grip'd in Wallace hands I in my love to peace and to the safetie Of two great Nations am the man that layed Snares to entrap this monster that devoures So many thousand lives the Rebell 's tane King Where is he Ment. I have brought him to your English Camp Force would not doo 't but policie we struck the Stagge To the ground and thought him dead but heaven put backe The blow of purpose hee 's now come to life From an astonishment when we thought him dead To th' end the world may see the publique shame Of an Arch-traytor King Mentith hath wonne fame And honour by this act fetch in this devill Exit Ment. Clif. Thou wilt have Englands thanks but Scotlands curse Thou never hast done better never worse Damn'd Iudas to thy Country-man and friend Enter Wallace Mentith Comyn Wal. Where am I Bru. Here with Bruce Wal. Bruce my Soveraigne My bloud is sold this is not Glasco-moore Some villaine hath betray'd me Cli. Speak to your country-men Comyn and Mentith Wal. Comyn and Mentith Something it was that made the modest night Looke angry on the world I this was it And this was it that cleft my fathers grave And rais'd him from his monumentall bed of earth To give me gentle warning this was it That made my starre when all the rest look'd pale Blush like a fiery Meteor can Heaven winke at this Ment. It can it doth and at farre greater mischiefs Wal. Not of thy acting Ment. Yes of mine Wal. Not here Ment. Here or in Hell Wal. Why then goe act them there Boast of them there in that black Kingdome tell That by a true subject a base Rebell fell Kils him with his fist King What 's that Clif. Your Scotch jeweller is slain King By whom Clif. By Wallace Wal. Heare me speak King Edward Clif. Good my Liege heare him King Clif. I have vow'd Neither to heare nor see him drag him hence Mine eye shall nor be so compassionate To view him least I pitie him hang draw and quarter him Wal. First heare me speak King Drag him hence and let that heart those limbes Which were the motives to rebellious warre Be torn asunder cast upon that ground Which he with unkinde steele so oft did wound Away with him Wal. Farewell to all the World I ha met death too often to feare him now Only it grieves me that I have not freed Scotland my native soile from tyranny Bruce thou hast a Kingdome lose it not King Stop his throat Wal. I go to one too And on my grave when death hath there down laid me Be this my Epitaph mine own betrayes me Exit Bruce Let him have noble triall King He shall have the triall of an Arch-traitour Percy and Clifford take hence Bruce Bruce Me hence King You hence sir from this houre I sweare Never to see thee Earle of Huntingdon Harke Clifford and Northumberland awa Bruce What is King Edwards meaning King Your head shal feel our meaning see it dispatch'd Bruce You may Exeunt Bruce North and Clifford Com. My honor'd Lord although untimely death Hath taken hence one engine of that work That brought that Rebell Wallace to his end Seeing our Countries peace and Englands good Is by his death made perfect and compleat I doubt not but the promised reward Of full ten thousand Crowns shall now remayn To the Survivor King Comin I perceive It was reward not love that acted it But you shall have your due of that anon A flourish Enter all in state I told thee Bruce that thou upon thy head Shouldst feele our meaning and that all the world May know we value honour above conquest Having a power able to turn all Scotland Into a Chaos here twixt both our Armies Give us thy oath of fealty and weare Both Crown and title of thine Ancestors Bruce England is full of honour Bruce doth bend To thy command They crown him King Give him his oath of fealty With him those Lords which are his Countrymen They sweare Bruce stabs Comin Bruce Stand back a Serpent shall not with his breath Infect our Kingly eares die slave for he That would betray his friend shall nere serve me King What hath Bruce done Bruce A sacrifice of honour and revenge no traitors hand Shall help to lift a Crown up to my head Thou didst betray then die unpitied Clif. Brave Bruce I 'le love thee for this honor'd act Thou hast perform'd a noble piece of justice Now shall the Ghost of Wallace sleepe in peace And perfect love shall twixt these Lands increase He hath his full reward for his foule treason Drag hence the slave and make him food for Crows The Lamp that gave Rebellion light hath spent The oile that fed it all our spears are turn'd To Palmes and Olive branches all our stars Are now made whole peace is the balme of wars FINIS
to rise Drinke wine drinke deepe let thy soule reele to hell Sel. I am almost dead with cold Wa. I 'le fetch dry sticks And with two flints kindle fire beat out his braines O that physicke had the power to make thee yong I 'de fetch thee drugs from th' utmost of the world And then would arme thee or into thy veines Halfe my owne bloud I 'de power to lend thee strength That I might kill thee nobly Sel. Be quiet I 'le pay thee Wa. How now Sel. A slumber took me and me thought old Wallace Clapt me upon the shoulder with one hand And with the other pointed to his wounds At which I started spake but know not what I 'me cold at heart Wa. I 'le seeke for fire Sel. I thanke ye if what I utter ye tell to any I am a dead man You have me at your mercy and may betray me Wa. Not I eate and get strength I 'le seek for fire Vnlesse I be a devill tho I have cause To kill thee yet my quicke hand shall eschew it Thy carelesse confidence does bind me to it This mercy which I show now is for Gods sake In part of payment of his showne to me If I should kill thee now thou owest me nothing Live and be still my debter I shall do thee More harme to give thee life then take it from thee Heaven in my fathers bloud who is chiefe sharer Shall strike for me a revenge more just and fairer Exit Enter Haslerig poore as th' other with Apples Has. Selby Selby How like a Churle thou feed'st alone And greedy art to fatten misery Selby Sel. Here Has. Look I ha' found a jenniting tree Sel. Where stands it Has. I 'le not tell thee see brave food Sel. Le ts taste it Has. Not a paring what hast there Sel. The dole of plenty Has. Good old Rogue I thank thee I have a stomack like a Lawyer Le ts eat fruit when we have fill'd our bellies Sel. Not a bitt Has. Ha Sel. Not a paring of cheese Has. I must Sel. Thou shalt not I pay thee in thy own coyne Has. Thy doting age is almost at her journies end My youth having far to go needs more provision And I le have this Sel. Hands off Kils him Has. You Dog you old Devill Sel. I thank thee thou hast cut the threed in two Of all my woes heaven pardon us both adue Has. Selby no water from the hallowed Fount Toucht thee thou art so fatall Selby dead Gods building which ha's stood this threescore yeeres This ha's defac'd would it were up agen With ruine of mine own I never knew Partners but one still th' other overthrew Thou and I did set up with one stock of care I have undone thee and now all 's my share 'T is not so sinfull nor so base a stroke To spoile a Willow as an old reverend Oke From me th' art gone but I 'le from hence nere fly But sit by thee and sigh and weep and die Enter Sir Jeffrey Bolt Souldiers Bo. Stand that 's he who turns his taile to us which is as much as to say A fart for your Worship Om. Down with him Sir Jef. Peace it 's a wilde Bull wee come to set upon and therfore let those Dogs that can fasten bite soundly Bo. My harts we come not to bait an Asse in a Beares skin but a Lion in his own skin he 's a traitour Om. How know we that Bo. Thus he hides his face and wee are not to back a traitor Sir Jeffrey you 'le get between mee and the Gallows if I strike him down Jeff. I 'le enter into a Recognizance to hang before thou shalt hang Bo. If you see my heart begin to faint knock you mee down to put life into me Ief. Feare nothing Bolt strikes him down Has. Be damn'd both gods and men the act detest Oh heaven wipe this sinne out for all the rest Bo. Your sins are wip'd out sir your Scottish score is paid sir Ief. Is he down Bo. He sprawles stay there 's one asleep by him Shall I kill the lice in his head too Ief. No wake not a sleeping Mastive the Kings in the field Le ts post to him Bolt thou shalt be a Knight as deep as my selfe for this manly deed as ye go through the Country cry aloud the traitor 's dead Bo. Cry it out at the Crosse and at the old Palace That Bolt was the man that brain'd lusty Wallace Om. The traitor 's dead the traitor 's dead c. Enter Wallace with dry sticks and straw beating two flints Wal. Thou shalt have fire anon old man ba murdred What shouldst thou be the face of Haslerig 'T is he just heavens ye have bestow'd my office Vpon some other I thank ye that my bloud Stains not my hand however both did die In love or hate both shall together lie The Coffin you must sleep in is this Cave Whole heaven your winding sheet all earth your grave The early Lark shall sadly ring your Knell Your Dirge be sung by mournfull Philomell Instead of flowres and strewing herbs take these And what my charity now fails to do Poor Robin-redbrest shall my last adue I have other streames to swim through or calme Venture 't is brave when danger 's crown'd with palme Exit Enter with Drum and Colours the Generall of Scotland with Grimsby Mentith Coming and Souldiers with blew Caps Gen. Vpon this field-bed will we lodge this night The earth 's a souldiers pillow here pitch our tents Men. Om. Vp with our tents Gen. To councell beat a Drum Gri. Beat it for action then and not for words Vpon our Speare points our best counsell fits Follow that noble Generall up with no tents If you dare hold me worthy to advise But with an easie march move gently on Gen. You speak against the Scholership of war Gri. Now their Beef-pots and their Cans Are toss'd in stead of Pikes their Armes are thrown About their Wenches middles there 's their close feight Let us not lose the forelock in our hands Of us they dream not yet we are as free-born As th' English King himself be not their slaves Free Scotland or in England dig our graves Within A Wallace A Wallace A Wallace Enter Rugerosse a Scottish Herald Gen. Rugerosse what cry is this Ruge. Of the whole Army Grown wild twixt joy and admiration At the sight of Wallace Om. Ha Ru. That dreadlesse Souldier For whom all Scotland shed a sea of teares As deep as that in which men thought him dead Sets with his presence all their hearts on fire That have but sight of him Within A Wallace A Wallace Gri. Intreat him hither Act. IIII Enter Wallace with Drum Colours and Souldiers they all imbrace him Com. D' ee heare th' English march they are at hand Gen. Now Grimsby they for Pikes are tossing Cans Gri. I am glad our thunder wakes 'em Men. Shall we on Gen. Whether i st best to stop 'em
is quite lost Wal. Why then descend amaine art sure t is lost Ment. Yes Wal. Then wee 'le winne it againe Enter Messenger Clif. How now Mes. The King proclaimes that man a traytor That saves when he may kill Cliff Charge them blacke day The Lyon hunts a Lyon for his prey A fight Enter Wallace and Souldiers beat off the English the Generall and Grimsby slaine Generall Too late Wall Why then farewell I 'le make what haste I can to follow thee Bruce Bruce I am here 't is Wallace calls thee Dares thee Bru. Tho I nere stoopt unto a traitors lure I scorne thine why do'st thou single me Yet turnst thy weapon downward to the earth Wal. Le ts breathe and talke Bru. I 'le parly with no traytor but with blows VVal. Ye shall have blows your guts full I am no traytor Bru. Why 'gainst thy Soveraigne lifts thou then thy sword Wal. You see I lift it not Bru. Tell Edward so thy King Wal. Longshancks was never Soveraigne of mine Nor shall whilst Bruce lives Bruce is my Soveraigne Thou art but bastard English Scotch true borne Th' art made a mastive 'mongst a heard of wolves To weary those thou shouldst be shepheard of The fury of the battell now declines And take my counsell though I seeme thy foe Wash both thy hands in bloud and when anon The English in their Tents their deeds do boast Lift thou thy bloudy hands up and boast thine And with a sharpe eye note but with what scorne The English pay thy merit Bru. This I 'le try Wal. Dar'st thou alone meet me in Glasco-moore And there I 'le tell thee more Bru. Thou hast no treason towards me VVa. Here 's my hand I am cleare as innocence had I meant treason Here could I worke it on thee I have none Bru. In Glasco-moore I 'le meet thee fare thee well VVa. The time Bru. Some two houres hence VVa. There I will untie A knot at which hangs death or Soveraigntie Exeunt Enter the English Army Kin. We have swet hard to day Cli. T was a brave hunting Bolt offers to lay his Coat under the king Kin. Sit some wine Away in the field all fellows whose is this Bolt It was my Coat at Armes but now t is yours at legges King Away why givest thou me a cushion Bolt Because of the two I take you to be the better man King A souldiers coat shall never be so base To lye beneath my heele th' art in this place My fellow and companion a health to all in England Omn. Let it come Cliff Is not this he that kill'd VVallace Bolt No sir I am onely he that said so As you sit so did I lye King Sirra where 's your master Bol. My master is shot King How shot where Bol. I' th backe Clif. Oh he ranne away Bol. No my Lord but his harnesse Cap was blowne off and he running after it to catch it was shot betweene necke and shoulders and when he stood upright he had two heads King Two heads how Bolt Yes truly his own head and the arrow head it was twenty to one that I had not beene shot before him King Why prethee Bolt Because my Knights name being Wiseacres and mine Bolt and you know a fooles bolt is soon shot Clif. He ha's pind the foole upon his masters shoulder very handsomly King Sirra go seek your master and bid him take order for burying of the dead Bolt I shall Sir and whilst he takes order for the burials of the dead I 'le take order for the stomacks of the living King How fought to day our English Per. Bravely King How the Scots Cliff The pangs of war are like to child-bed throwes Bitter in suffering but the storme being past The talk as of scap't shipwrack sweet doth taste The death of the Scotch Generall went to my heart He had in him of man asmuch as any And for ought I think his bloud was poorly sold By his own Countrymen rather then sought by us Had not the Reare where Wallace did command Stood and given ayme it had bin a day Bloudy and dismall and whose hard to say Sir you shall give me leave to drink a health To all the valiant Scots King Clifford I 'le pledge thee give me my bowle Clif. Sir I remembred Wallace in my draught King I did not so this cup were Wallace Skull I 'de drinke it full with bloud for it would save The lives of thousands Clif I for your Kingdoms would not pledge it so Per. I would no matter how a traitor falls King Percy ten thousand Crowns should buy That traitors head if I could hav 't for money Clif. I would give Twice twenty thousand Crowns to have his head On my swords point cut from him with this arme But how i' th field nobly hand to hand not this straw To a hangman that should bring it me King Let that passe Wher 's Bruce our noble Earle of Carrick Per. I saw him not to day Clif. I did and saw his sword Like to a Reapers Sithe mow down the Scots Enter Bruce Here he comes King Brave Armory a rampant Lion within a field all Gules Where hast been Bruce Bruce Following the execution which we held Three English miles in length King Give him some wine art not thirsty Bruce Yes for Scottish bloud I never shall have Enough on 't the Kings health Omnes Let come Per. How greedily you Scot drinks his own bloud Omnes Ha ha ha K. If he should taste your bitternesse 't were not well Bruce What 's that ye all laugh'd at Clif. Nothing but a jest Bruce Nay good Sir tell me King An idle jest more wine for Bruce Bruce No more I have drunk too much Wallace and I did parlee Per. How in words Bruce No Percy I 'me no prater 't was with swords Your laughing jest was not at me Omnes Sir no King Bruce would fain quarrell Bruce I ha done sir King Peace what Trumpet 's that Clif. From the enemy sure King Go learn Enter Rugecrosse a Scottish Herald Ruge. I come from Wallace King So Sir what of him Ruge. Thus he speaks He bids me dare you to a fresh battaile by to morrowes sunne Army to Army troup to troup he challenges Or to save bloud fifty to fifty shall the strife decide Or one to one King A Herald to the traitor Go and thus speak we bring whips of steele To scourge Rebellion not to stand the braves Of a base daring vassall bid him ere that Sun Which he calls up be risen pay it and save His Country and himselfe from ruine charge him on his head To make his quick submission if he slow the minutes Wee 'le proclaime in thunder his and his Countries ruine Go be gon Arme Omnes Arme Arme King A Land that 's sick at heart must take sharp pils For dangerous physick best cures dangerous ils Exeunt Actus V. Enter Bruce and Clifford Bruce As you are a souldier as y' are