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england_n king_n lord_n swear_v 2,902 5 8.4775 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05158 A sermon of Master Latimer, preached at Stamford the. ix. day of October. Anno. M.ccccc. and fyftie Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. 1550 (1550) STC 15293; ESTC S108280 20,703 88

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the hyghe court of thys realme is gathered together and there it is determined that euerye manne shall paye a fyfteth parte of hys goodes to the kynge Thē commissiōs comes furth and he that in sight of men in his cattel corne shepe and other goodes is worthe an C. marke or an C. pounde wyl set him self at .x. pound he wyl be worth no more to the kinge but after .x. pounde Tell me nowe whether thys be theft or no His cattel corne shepe in euerye mannes eyes shall bee worthe .ii. C. pounde besydes other thynges as monye and plate and he will marye hys daughter giue with her .iiii. or .v. C. marks yet at the valuaciō he wil be a .xx. poūd mā Doth he giue to Ceser y t which is due to Ceaser dothe he not rather rob y e king of his boūd duty debt that he ought to y e king yes it is very theft and thou mighteste wyth as good consciēce take my cloke or my tippet from me as so vniustlye take or withhold from the king that which the parliamēt hathe geuen vnto the kynge it is thy bonde dutye to paye him truly that which is graunted for it is due debte and vpon peril of thy soule thou arte bounde to obey it Yea I wyll saye more If the kinge shulde requyre of the an vniuste request yet arte thou bounde to paye it and not resyste nor rebel against the king The kīg in deede is in perel of his soul for askīg of an vniust request and God wyll in his due tyme reken with him for it but thou must obey thy king not take vpon y u to iudge him god is y e kynges iudge and doutlesse wyll greuouslye punishe hym if he do anye thynge vnrightuouslye Therfore pray thou for thy kyng and pay him hys dutye and dysobeye hym not And knowe this that when so euer ther is anye iniust exaccyon layde vppon the it is a plage and punyshmente for thy synne as all other plages are as are hunger dearthe pestylence and suche other We meruell we are plaged as we be and I thyncke verely thys vniuste and vnfaythfull dealynge wyth oure Prynces is one great cause of our plage looke therfore euerie man vp on his conscience Ye shal not be iudged by worldlye pollycye at the latter daye but by goddes woorde Sermo quem Locutus sum uobis ipse iudicabit uos in no uissimo die The woorde that I haue spoken to you that shall iudge you at the latter daye Loke well nowe euerye man vpon hys conscyence and see whether hee haue doone thys commandemēt of God Gyue to your kynge that whyche is due to hym he that fynedeth hym selfe gilti let him amend in tyme to come Thys is hard gere sore gere y u wilt sai giue giue I haue wife and chyldrē and great charge wel I shal tell the it mynysheth not thy stocke one farthing at y e yeres end Hearken what God saith Si audieritis uerba mea If you wyl heare my words sayth God kepe that I cōmaūd the I wil blesse the and Si non audicritis If ye wil not heare my words and do my commandements thou shalt be cursed c. What is blessinge not wagginge of y e fingers as our bishops wer wont but it is I will fauoure the and encrease thy goods thi corne thy cattel thy Oxe thy shepe in al thy busines thou shalt prosper and go forward And what is the cursse but to be oute of goddes fauoure I wyl empouerishe the thy corn thy cattell ▪ thy Oxe thy shepe shall not prospere what thou takest in hande it shal not go forwarde Thys was not taught in times past men had pilgrimage Images masses Tretals c. but I wold haue you muse of theese .ii. pointes cursed if thou heare not gods word commaūding the to pay thy duty to the king and blessed if thou hear it and kepe it I would haue you to muse o● these .ii. thynges That it shall not minish thy stocke Shew me one man in al England that is the poorer for paying the kyng his duty for beyng a true dealyng ma a good almes man c. Mani haue come to pouertye by dysyng cardyng ryot horedome and suche lyke ▪ But neuer no man by truth mercye Almes ryght dealyng with the kyng In the Cardynalles tyme mē wer put to their othes to swer what they wer worth It was a sore thing a thyng I wold wish not to be folowed O lord what periury was in Englād by that swearynge I thyncke thys Realme fareth the worsse yet for that periury For doutles many one wyllynglye and wyttyngly for swere thē selues at that time It is a deare time thou wylt saye and men haue muche a dooe too lyue therefore it is a good pollycye to set my selfe much les then I am wel that is thy worldly pollici and wyth it thou rennest into the cursse of God for breaking hys word and commandemēt Geue to Ceasar that whych is deue to Ceasar I wyl tel the a good pollicy to kepe the stocke and to mayntayn thyne estate not a pollicie of y e world but of Gods word and it is this Queri te primum regnum deo iustiam eius hec omnia adiicientur uobis seke fyrst the kingdom of God and the ryghtuousenesse of it and al these thyngs shal be plenteously geuen to you Doest thou not beleue thys to be true is Christ an holowe man an vntrue man a dyssembler The pharises make him a true man and we make hym a false harlot He is a true mā and hys woordes and promyse are true Naye we be false holow harted and therfore iustly punished For if we would credite hys wordes it shuld without dout be geuen vs aboundantly vpon heapes yea more then we could desyre When we pray for thinges vnto almyghtye God what aske we do we aske forth wyth at y e first chop our necessaries Nay Christ taught vs fyrst to pray Our father which art in heauē halowed be thy name thy kyngdome come thy wil be don in earth as it is in heuē c Fyrst we pray these peticions for faith hope and charity that gods honour may in al things beset out among vs and then wee praye after for bodelye thynges But we nowe leaue theese peticions and wold be in panem nostrum at the firste dashe wee wold haue our dayly bread at the first chop so we haue that we forse litle of the other We wyl not say in wordes that wee think God false but in deedes we plainlye affirme it for wee truste hym not neyther beleue his promise whē he biddeth vs gyue gyue I wyl blesse ye I wyl make good my word Nay nay we wyl scrape and scraule and cratche and pull to vs all that we may get Alii diuidunt sua ditiores fiunt alii rapiunt non sua et semper in egestate sunt Some men sayth