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england_n king_n lord_n richard_n 8,069 5 8.7668 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72071 [Hereafter ensue the trewe encountre or ... batayle lately don betwene. Engla[n]de and: Scotlande.] 1513 (1513) STC 11088.5; ESTC S124930 1,799 6

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A ●●●●ynge at Awnewik in Northumbrelande the iiij daye of Septembre the .v. yere of the Reygne of kynge Henry the .viij. herynge that the kynge of Scottes thenne was remoued from Norhme●nd dyd lye at forde Castel / in those ꝑtyes dyd moche hurte / in spoylyng robynge / and brennynge / sent to the sayd kynge of Scottes Ruge Cros purseuaunte at Armes to shewe vnto hym that for somoche as he the sayde kynge contrary to his honour all good reason conscyence And his oothe of Fidelite for the ferme entartnynge of perpetuall peas betwene the kyngꝭ hygnes our Souerayne lorde and hym had inuaded this Raalme / spoylad brente and robbyd dyuers and sondery townes and places in the same Also had caste and betten downe the Castel of Norhm̄e And crewella had murdered slayne many of the kynnes liege people he was cōmen to gyue hym baytā And desyred hym that for / somoche / as he was a kynge and a great Prynce he wolde of his lusty no / ble courage cōsent therunto and tarye the same And for my sayde Lordes partie his lordeshyp promysed the assured Accomplysshement and perfourmance therof as he was true knyght to god and the kynge his mayster The kynge of scottes herynge this / message reynued kepto with hym the sayd Ruge Cros pursenaūta wolde nat suffre hym at the tyme to retourne agayne to my sayd lorde The .v. daye of Septembre his lordshyp in his approchynge nyghe to the borders of Scotlande / mustred at Bolton̄ in glendayll lodged that nyght therein that felde with all his Armye ¶ The nexte day beynge the .vj daye of Septembre the kynge of scottes sent to my sayd lor of Surrey ā harolde of his called I laye and demaunded if that my sayde Lorde wolde iustefye the message sent by the sayd purse scottes had ben slayne and taken prysoners louynge vnto almyghty god all the noble men of Englande tha were vpon the same felde bothe lordes and knyghtes are safe from any hurte / And none of theym a wantynge saue oonly maister Harrgy Gray syr Huinfeide lyle bothe prysoners in Scotlāde syr / John̄ Gower of yorkeshyre and syr John̄ Boothe of Lancasshyre both wantynge and as yet nat founden ¶ In this batayle the scottes hadde many great Auauntagies / that is to wytte the hyghe Hylles and mountaynes a great wynde with them and sodayne rayne all contrary to oug bowes and Archers ¶ It is nat to be doutbted but the scottes fought manly and were determyned outher to wynne the Felde or to dye They were also as well apoynted as was possyble at all poyntes with Armoure harneys so that fewe of them were slayne with arrowes Howbeit the bylles dyd bete-and hewe them downe woth some payne and daunger to Englysshemen The sayd scottes were so playnely determyned to abyde batayle and nat to flee that they put from them theyr-horses and also put of theyr bōtes and shoes and faught in the vampis / of theyr hooses euery man for the moost-ꝑtie / with a kene and a shape spere of .v. yerdes longe and a target aforh hym And when theyr speres fayled and wera spent / then they faught with great end sharpe swerdes makyng / lytell or no noys / vithoue that / that for the-ꝑtie many of them wolde desyre to be saued ¶ The felde where the scottes dyd / lodge was nat to be reprouyd but rather to be cōmended greatly for there many and great nombre of good iyl tenttes and moche good stuffe in the same in the sayd felde was plentie of wyne 〈…〉 for suche a great Army Albeit our Armye doutynge that the sayd vytallyes hadde ben poysoned for theyr distruccyon wolde nat saue but vtterly distroyed theym ¶ Hereafter ensueth the names of suche noble men as after the Felde were made knygheꝭ for theyr valyante Actꝭ in the same by my sayd lorde therle of Surrey ¶ Firste my lord Scrope of wpsall Sir willm̄ Percy Sir Edmonde Hawarde Sir george Darcy Sir w. gascoygne the yōger Sir willm̄ Medlton̄ Sir willm̄ Maleuerdy Sir Thomas Bartley Sir marmaduke Cōstable the yōger Sir xp̄ofer Dacre Sir Hohn̄ Hōothome Sir Nicholas Appleyarde Sire Edwarde Goorge Sir Rauf Ellercar the yōgeo Sir John̄ wyliyby Sir Edwarde Echit●ghm̄e Sir Edwarde Musgraue Sir John̄ stanley Sir walter stonner Sir Nyuiane martynfelde Sir Raffe Bowes Sir / Briane stapleton̄ of wyghall Sir Guy Dawny Sir Raffe salwayne Sir Richarde Malleuerey Sir willm̄ Cōnstable of Hatefelde Sir willm̄ Constable of Carethorpe Sir Xp̄ofer Danby Sir Thomas Burght Sir willm̄ Rous Sir Thomas Newton̄ Sir Roger of Fenwyke Sir Roger Gray Sir Thomas Connyers My. lorde Ogle Sir Thomas strngewase Sir Henri Thinaittes My lorde lumley Sir Xp̄ofe Pekerynge Sir John̄ Bulmer ¶ Emprynted by me Richarde Faques dwllyng In poulys churche yerde Batayle lately don betwene Englāde and Scotlande In whiche batayle the. Scottsshe Kynge was slayne ¶ The maner of thaduaūcesynge of my lord of Surrey tresourier and. Marshall of Englande and leuetenūte generall of the north ꝑties of the same with .xxvi. M. men to wardes the kynge of Scottꝭ and his Armye vewed and nom / bred to an / hundred thousande men at / the leest