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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02861 The liues of the III. Normans, Kings of England William the first. William the second. Henrie the first. Written by I.H. Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627. 1613 (1613) STC 13000; ESTC S103916 128,414 316

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in their action a most assured token of some mischiefe at hand And so as they scattered and ranged after prey as greedy men are seldome circumspect they were suddenly set vpon by Almaricke Earle of Mountfort appointed by the French K. to defend the Country with no small execution put to the chase The more they resisted the greater was their losse The sooner they fled the more assured was their escape And for that they were dispersed into many small companies they had the better opportunitie to saue themselues Many other like aduentures were enterprised betweene the two Kings and their adherents some in France and some in Normandie with large losse on both sides But especially the King of France was most subiect to harme for that his countrey was the more ample open and rich The King of England held this aduantage that no aduantage could be wonne against him which in regard of the number valour and greatnesse of his enemies was a very honourable aduantage indeed At the last he made peace with the Earle of Aniou taking the Earles daughter to be wife to his sonne William whom he had declared for successour in his estate to whom all the Nobilitie and Prelates were sworne and who seemed to want nothing through all his fathers dominions but onely the name and Title of King This sinew being cut from the King of France and also for that Henry the Emperour made preparation of hostilitie against him he fell likewise to agreement of peace By the conditions whereof William sonne to the King of England was inuested into the Duchie of Normandie doing homage for the same to the K. of France In this peace was comprised on the part of the French K Williā son to Robert Curtcuise who had bene declared Duke of Normandie On the part of the king of England the Earle of Champ●…igne and certaine other Lords were comprised who had either serued or aided him against the king of France After this the warres betweene the Emperour and the French king did forthwith dissolue King Henry hauing happily finished these affaires returned out of Normandie and loosing from Barbeflote vpon the 24. of Nouember towards euening with a prosperous gale arriued in England where great preparation was made to entertaine him with many well deuised honours His sonne William then duke of Normandie and somewhat aboue 17. yeeres of age tooke another ship and in his company went Mary his sister Countesse of Perch Richard his brother begotten of a concubine as some affirme and the Earle of Chester with his wife Lucie who was the Kings niece by his sister Adela Also the yong Nobilitie and best knights flocked vnto him some to discharge their dueties others to testifie their loue and respect Of such passengers the ship receiued to the number of 140. besides 50. sailers which belonged vnto her So they loosed from land somewhat after the King and with a gentle winde from the Southwest danced through the soft swelling floods The sailers full of proud ioy by reason of their honourable charge and of little feare or forecast both for that they had bene accustomed to dangers and for that they were then well tippeled with wine gaue forth in a brauery that they would soone outstrip the vessell wherein the King sailed In the middest of this drunken ioylitie the ship strake against a rocke the head whereof was aboue water not farre from the shoare The passengers cried out and the sailers laboured to winde or beare off the ship from the danger but the labour was no lesse vaine then the cry for she leaned so stiffely against the rocke that the sterage brake the sides cracked and the Sea gushed in at many breaches Then was raised a lamentable cry within the ship some yeelding to the tyrannie of despaire betooke themselues as in cases of extremitie weake courages are wont to their deuotions others emploied all industrie to saue their liues and yet more in duetie to nature then vpon hope to escape all bewailed the vnfortunate darkenesse of that night the last to the liues of so many persons both of honour and of worth They had nothing to accōpany them but their feares nothing to helpe them but their wishes the confused cries of them al did much increase the particular astonishment of euery one And assuredly no danger dismayeth like that vpon the seas for that the place is vnnaturall to man And further the vnusuall obiects the continuall motion the desolation of all helpe or hope will perplexe the minds euen of those who are best armed against discouragement At the last the boat was hoysed foorth and the Kings sonne taken into it They had cleered themselues from the danger of the ship and might safely haue rowed to land But the yong Prince hearing the shrill shrikes of his Sister Mary Countesse of Perch and of the Countesse of Chester his cousin crying after him and crauing his help he preferred pitie before safety commanded the boat to be rowed back to the ship for preseruatiou of their liues But as they approached the boate was suddenly so ouercharged with those who strugling to breake out of the armes of death leaped at all aduentures into it that it sunke vnder them and so all the company perished by drowning Onely one ordinary Sayler who had been a butcher by swimming all night vpon the mast escaped to land reserued as it may seeme to relate the manner of the misaduenture This ship raised much matter of nouelty and discourse abroad but neuer did ship bring such calamitie to the Realme especially for that it was iudged that the life of this Prince would haue preuented those intestine warres which afterwards did fall betweene King Steuen and Matild daughter to King Henry The King was so ouercharged with this heauy accident that his reason seemed to bee darkened or rather drowned in sorrow Hee caused the coasts a long time after to bee watched but scarce any of the bodies were euer found Afterwards he tooke to wife Adalisia daughter to Godfrey Duke of Louaine of the house of Lorraine She was crowned at Westminster by Roger B. of Salisburie because Radulph Archbishop of Canterburie by reason of his palsey was vnable to performe that office And yet because Roger was not appointed by him the doting old man fell into such a pelting chafe that hee offered to strike the Kings Crowne from his head And albeit this Lady was in the principall flower both of her beauty and yeeres yet the King had no issue by her Now as after a storme a fewe gentle drops doe alwayes fall before the weather turnes perfectly fayre so after these great warres in France certaine easie conflicts did ensue neither dangerous nor almost troublesome to the King For Robert Earle of Mellent who for a long time had continued both a sure friend and most close and priuate in counsaile with the King vpon some sudden either discontentment on his part or dislike on the Kings so
that the King gained nothing but losse and dishonour and the greater his desire was of victorie and reuenge the more foule did his foiles and failings appeare which so brake both his courage and heart that with griefe thereof as it was conceiued hee ended his life And thus during all the time that he was onely Duke of Normandy he was neuer free from action of armes in all his actions of armes hee was caried with a most rare and perpetuall felicitie As he grew in yeeres so did he in thicknesse and fatnesse of body but so as it made him neither vnseemely nor vnseruiceable for the warres and neuer much exceeding the measure of a comely corpulencie He was most decent and there with terrible in armes He was stately and maiesticall in his gesture of a good stature but in strength admirable in so much as no man was able to draw his bow which hee would bend sitting vpon his horse stretching out the string with his foot His countenance was warlike and manly as his friends might terme it but as his enemies said truculent and fierce He would often sweare By Gods resurrection and his brightnesse which he commonly pronounced with so furious a face that hee strooke a terrour into those that were present His head was bald his beard alwayes shauen which fashion being first taken vp by him was then followed by all the Normans Hee was of a firme and strong constitution for his health so as he neuer was attached with sicknesse but that which was the summons of his death and in his age seemed little to feele the heauie weight and burthen of yeeres In his first age he was of a mild and gentle disposition courteous bountifull familiar in conuersation a professed enemie to all vices But as in Fortune as in yeres so changed he in his behauiour partly by his continuall following the warres whereby he was much fleshed in blood and partly by the inconstant nature of the people ouer whom he ruled who by often rebellions did not onely exasperate him to some seueritie but euen constraine him to hold them in with a more stiffe arme So hee did wring from his subiects very much substance very much blood not for that he was by nature either couetous or cruell but for that his affaires could not otherwise be managed His great affaires could not be managed without great expence which drew a necessity of charge vpon the people neither could the often rebellions of his Subiects be repressed or restrained by any mild and moderate meanes And generally as in all States and gouernments seuere discipline hath alwayes bin a true faithfull mother of vertue and valour so in particular of his Normans he learned by experience and oftentimes declared this iudgement That if they were held in bridle they were most valiant and almost inuincible excelling all men both in courage and in strength and in honourable desire to vanquish their enemies But if the reines were layd loose vpon their necke they were apt to runne into licentiousnes and mischiefe ready to consume either themselues by riot and sloath or one another by sedition prone to innouation and change as heauily mooued to vndertake dangers so not to bee trusted vpon occasion He tooke to wife Matilde daughter to Baldwin Earle of Flanders a man for his wisedome and power both reuerenced and feared euen of Kings but because she was his cousin Germane he was for his marriage excommunicate by his owne vnckle Mauger Archbishop of Roan Hereupon he sued to Pope Victor and obteined of him a dispensation and afterwards so wrought that by a prouinciall Councell his vncle Mauger was depriued of his dignitie But by this meanes both he his issue were firmely locked in obedience to the Sea of Rome for that vpon the authoritie of that place the validitie of his marriage and consequently the legitimation of his issue seemed to depend When he was about 50. yeeres of age Edward King of England ended his life This Edward was sonne to Egelred King of England by Emma sister to Richard the second Duke of Normandie who was grandfather to Duke William so as King Edward and Duke William were cousins germane once remoued At such time as Egelred was first ouercharged with warres by the Danes he sent his wife Emma with two sonnes which she had borne vnto him Alphred and Edward into Normandie to her brother where they were enterteined with all honourable vsage for many yeeres Afterward giuing place to the malice of his Fortune he passed also into Normandie and left his whole state in the possession and power of Swanus King of Denmarke But after the death of Swanus partly by the aide of the Normans and partly by fauour of his owne people he recouered his Kingdome and left the same to his eldest sonne Edmund who either for the tough temper of his courage and strength or for that he almost alwayes liued in Armes was surnamed Ironside Hereupon Canutus the sonne of Swanus made sharpe warre first against Egelred then against Edmund and finally after many varieties of aduenture but chiefly by the fauour of the Clergie of England because they had sworne allegiance to his father spread the wings of his victory ouer the whole Kingdome He expelled out of the Realme Edwine and Edward the two sonnes of King Edmund of whom Edwine married the Kings daughter of Hungarie but died without issue Edward was aduanced to the marriage of Agatha daughter to the Emperour Henry and by her had issue two sonnes Edmund Edgar and so many daughters Margaret and Christine The same Canutus tooke Emma to wife who had bene wife to King Egelred by whom he had a sonne named Hardicanutus After the death of Canutus Alphred the sonne of Egelred came out of Normandie and with fiftie saile landed at Sandwich with purpose to attempt the recouerie of his fathers kingdome In which enterprise hee receiued not onely encouragement but good assurance from many of the English Nobilitie But by Earle Goodwine he was abused and taken his company slaine his eyes put out and then sent to the I le of Elie where in short time hee ended his life Edward also arriued at Hampton with 40. ships but finding the Countrey so farre from receiuing as they were ready to resist him he returned into Normandie and attended the further fauour of time So after Canutus succeeded in England first Harold sirnamed Harefoot bastard sonne to Canutus and after him Hardicanutus sonne to Canutus by Emma mother also to King Edward Hardicanutus being dead the Nobilitie of the Realme sent into Normandie for Edward to be their King whereto also he was appointed as some haue written by Hardicanutus But because Alphred his brother vpon the like inuitation had bene traiterously taken and slaine before William at that time Duke of Normandie would not permit him to depart vntill he had receiued for pledges of his safety Woolnoth son to Earle Goodwine and Hacon sonne
tooke his sister Margaret to wife He possessed himselfe of a great part of Cumberland and of Northumberland wherewith the people were well content for that hee was their Earles sisters sonne Hereupon King William sent against him first Roger a Norman who was traiterously slaine by his owne Souldiers then Gospatrick Earle of Gloucester These did onely represse the enemie but were not able to finish the warre fully Lastly hee went himselfe with a mighty armie into Scotland where hee made wide waste and in Lothiam found King Malcolme prepared both in force and resolution to entertaine him with battell The great armie of King William their faire furniture and order their sudden comming but especially their firme countenance and readinesse to fight much daunted the Scots whereupon King Malcolme sent a Herault to King William to mooue him to some agreement of peace The more that the King was pleased herewith the more hee seemed vnwilling and strange the more he must be perswaded to that which if it had not bin offered he would haue desired At the last a peace was concluded vpon conditions honourable for King William and not vnreasonable for the King of Scots whereby all the English were pardoned who had fled into Scotland and borne armes against their King As for the Welsh albeit both their courage and their power had been extreamely broken in the time of King Edward and that by the valour and industry of Harold yet vpon aduantage of these troubled times they made some incursions into the borders of England but in companies so disordered and small so secretly assaulting so suddenly retiring so desirous more of pillage then of blood that they seemed more like to ordinarie robbers then to enemies in field Against these the King ledde an armie into Wales reduced the people both to subiection and quiet made all the principall men tributary vnto him receiued pledges of all for assurance of their obedience and faith Whilest the King thus setled his affaires abroad he secured himselfe against his subiects not by altering their will but by taking away their power to rebell The stoutest of the Nobilitie and Gentlemen were spent either by warre or by banishment or by voluntary auoidance out of the Realme All these hee stripped of their states and in place of them aduanced his Normans insomuch as scarce a ny noble family of the English blood did beare either office or authoritie within the Realme And these ranne headlong to seruitude the more hasty and with the fairer shew the more either countenanced or safe These he did assure vnto him not onely by oath of fidelitie and homage but either by pledges or else by reteining them alwaies by his side And because at that time the Clergie were the principall strings of the English strength he permitted not any of the English Nation to be aduanced to the dignities of the Church but furnished them with Normans and other strangers And whereas in times before the Bishop and Alderman were absolute Iudges in euery Shire and the Bishop in many causes shared in forfeitures and penalties with the King he clipped the wings of their Temporall power and confined them within the limits of their Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction to maintaine the Canons and customes of the Church to deale in affaires concerning the soule He procured Stigand Archbishop of Canterburie Agelwine Bishop of East-Angles and certaine other Bishops and Abbots to be depriued by authoritie from Rome and deteined them in prison during their liues that strangers might enioy their places The matters obiected against Stigand were these 1 That hee had entruded vpon the Archbishopricke whilest Robert the Archb. was in life 2 That he receiued his Pall from Benedict the fifth who for buying the Papacie had bene deposed 3 That hee kept the Sea of Winchester in his handes after his inuestiture into the Sea of Canterburie He was otherwise also infamous in life altogether vnlearned of heauie iudgement and vnderstanding sottishly seruiceable both to pleasure and sloath in couetousnesse beneath the basenesse of rusticitie insomuch as he would often sweare that he had not one penie vpon the earth and yet by a key which hee did weare about his necke great treasures of his were found vnder the ground And this was a griefe and sicknesse to honest mindes that such spurious and impure creatures should susteine or rather destaine the reuerence and maiestie of Religion Further the King caused all the Monasteries and Abbeys to be searched pretending that the richer sort of the English had layd vp their money in them vnder colour whereof he discouered the state of all and bereaued many of their owne treasure Some of these Religious houses he appropriated wholly to himselfe of diuers others he seized the liberties which they redeemed afterward at a very high and excessiue rate Those Bishopricks and Abbeis which held Baronies and had bene free before from secular subiection he reduced vnder the charge of his seruice appointing how many Souldiers and of what sort they should furnish for him and his successours in the time of their warres Those strangers which he entertained in pay he dispersed into Religious houses and some also among the Nobilitie to be maintained at their charge whereby he not onely fauoured his owne purse but had them as a watch and sometimes as a garrison ouer those of whose alleageance he stood in doubt Now against the inferiour sort of people knowing right well that hee was generally hated hee prepared these remedies for his estate All their armour was taken from them they were crushed downe with change of calamity which held them prostrate vnder yoke and brake the very heart of their courage leauing them no hope to be relieued no hope to rise into any degree of libertie but by yeelding entire obedience vnto him Those who either resisted or fauoured not his first entrance he bereaued of all meanes afterward to offend him holding them downe and keeping them so lowe that their very impotencie made him secure All such as had their hand in any rebellion albeit they were pardoned their liues lost their liuings and became vassals to those Lords to whom their possessions were giuen And if they attained any thing afterward they held it onely at the pleasure of their Lords at the pleasure of their Lords they might bee despoyled Hee much condemned the iudgement of Swanus the Dane sometimes King of England who permitted those whom hee had vanquished to retaine their former both authoritie and estates whereby it happened that after his death the inhabitants were of force to expell the strangers and to quit themselues both from their societie and subiection Hereupon many seuere lawes were made diuers of all sorts were put to death banished stripped of their wealth disabled in their bodies by vnusuall variety of punishments as putting out the eyes cutting off the hands and such like not onely to diminish his feares if they were suspected but sometimes if they were of
should be permitted to depart safely into Normandie And vpon the same condition they of Shrewsbury sent to the King the keys of their Castle and therewith pledges for their allegeance Then Robert with his brother Ernulphus and Roger of Poictiers abiured the Realme and departed into Normandie where being full of rashnesse which is nothing but courage out of his wits and measuring their actions not by their abilities but by their desires they did more aduance the Kings affaires by hostilitie then by seruice and subiection they could possibly haue done Also William Earle of Mortaigne in Normandie and of Cornewall in England sonne of Robert vncle to the king and brother to king William the first required of the King the Earledome of Kent which had been lately held by Odo vncle to them both And being a man braue in his owne liking and esteming nothing of that which hee had in regard of that which hee did desire he was most earnest violent peremptorie in his pursuit Insomuch as blinded with ambitious haste he would often say that hee would not put off his vpper garment vntill hee had obtained that dignitie of the King These errours were excused by the greenenesse of his youth and by his desire of rising which expelled all feare of a fall Wherefore the King first deferred and afterwards moderately denied his demaund But so farre had the Earle fed his follies with assured expectation that he accompted himselfe fallen from such estate as his hungry hopes had already swallowed Hereupon his desire turned to rage and the one no lesse vaine then the other but both together casting him from a high degree of fauour which seldome stoppeth the race vntill it come to a headlong downefall For now the King made a counter-challenge to many of his possessions in England and thereupon seazed his lands dismantled his castles and compelled him in the end to forsake the Realme Not for any great offence he had done being apt to the fault rather of rough rage then of practise and deceit but his stubborne stoutnesse was his offence and it was sufficient to hold him guiltie that he thought himselfe to haue cause and meanes to be guiltie So hauing lost his owne state in England he departed into Normandie to further also the losse of that countrey There he confederated with Robert Belasme and made diuers vaine attempts against the Kings castles neither guided by wisedome nor followed by successe Especially hee vented his furie against Richard Earle of Chester who was but a childe and in wardship to the King whom he daily infested with inuasions and spoiles being no lesse full of desire to hurt then voyd of counsaile and meanes to hurt On the other side diuers of the Nobilitie of Normandie finding their Duke without iudgement to rule had no disposition to obey but conceiued a carelesse contempt against him For he seemed not so much to regard his substantiall good as a vaine breath of praise and the fruitlesse fauour of mens opinions which are no fewer in varietie then they are in number All the reuenues of his Duchie he either sold or morgaged all his Cities he did alien and was vpon the point of passing away his principall Citie of Roan to the Burgers thereof but that the conditions were esteemed too hard Hereupon many resolued to fall from him and to set their sailes with the fauourable gale which blew vpon the fortune of the King To this end they offered their submission to the King in case he would inuade Normandie whereto with many reasons they did perswade him especially in regard of the late hostile attempts there made against him by the plaine permission of the Duke his brother and not without his secret support The King embraced the faire occasion and with a strong Armie passed into Normandie Here he first relieued his forts which were any wayes distressed or annoyed then he recouered those that were lost Lastly he wanne from the Duke the towne and castle of Caen with certaine other castles besides And by the help of the President of Aniou fi●…ed Baion with the stately Church of S. Marie therein Vpon these euents all the Priories of Normandie resembling certaine flowers which open and close according to the rising or declining of the Sunne abandoned the Duke and made their submission to King Henry So the King hauing both enlarged and assured his state in Normandie by reason of the approach of winter departed into England but this was like the recuiling of Ramme●… to returne againe with the greater strength He had not long remained in England but his brother Robert came to him at Northampton to treat of some agreement of peace Here the words and behauiours of both were obserued At their first meeting they rested with their eyes fast fixed one vpon the other in such sort as did plainely declare that discourtesie then trencheth most deep when it is betweene those who should most dearely loue The Duke was in demaunds moderate in countenance and speech enclined to submisnesse and with a kinde vnkindnesse did rather entreate then perswade that in regard of the naturall Obligation betweene them by blood in regard of many offices and benefits wherewith he had endeuoured to purchase the Kings loue all hostilitie betweene them all iniurie or extremitie by Armes might cease For I call you said he before the Seate of your owne Iudgement whether the relinquishing of my Title to the Crowne of England whether the releasing of my annuity of 3000. markes whether many other kindnesses so much vndeserued as scarce desired should not in reason withdraw you from those prosecutions where warre cannot be made without shame nor victory attained without dishonour The King vsed him with honourable respect but perceiuing that he was embarked in some disaduantage conceiuing also that his courage with his Fortune began to decline he made resemblance at the first to be no lesse desirous of peace then the Duke But afterwards albeit he did not directly deny yet hee found euasions to auoyd all offers of agreement The more desirous the Duke was of peace the greater was his disdaine that his brother did refuse it Wherefore cleering his countenance from all shewes of deiection or griefe as then chiefly resolute when his passion was stirred with a voice rather violent then quicke he rose into these words I haue cast my selfe so low as your haughty heart can possibly wish whereby I haue wronged both my selfe and you my selfe in occasioning some suspition of weakenesse you in making you obstinate in your ambitious purposes But assure your selfe that this desire did not proceed from want either of courage or of meanes or of assistance of friends I can also be both vnthankefull and vnnaturall if I bee compelled And if all other supportance faile yet no arme is to be esteemed weake which striketh with the sword of necessitie and Iustice. The King with a well appeased stayednesse returned answere that he could easily endure the iniurie
and said I perceiue now that I haue liued too long that my brother doth clothe me like his almoseman with cast and torne garments So hee grew weary of his life and his disease encreasing with his discontentment pined away and in short time after died and was buried at Glocester And this was the end of that excellent commander brought to this game and gaze of fortune after many trauerses that he had troden He was for courage and direction inferiour to none but neither prouident nor constant in his affaires whereby the true end of his actions were ouerthrowen His valour had triumphed ouer desperate dangers and verely he was no more setled in valour then disposed to vertue and goodnesse neuer wilfully or willingly doing euill neuer but by errour as finding it disguised vnder some maske of goodnesse His performances in armes had raised him to a high point of opiniō for his prowesse which made him the more vnhappy as vnhappie after a fall from high state of honor He had one sonne named William vpon whose birth the mother died of this William shall somewhat hereafter be said And now as Princes oftentimes doe make aduantage of the calamity of their neighbours so vpon this downefall of the Duke of Normandie Fulke Earle of Aniou sharing for himselfe seized vpon Maine and certain other places made large waste tooke great booties and spoyles not onely out of ancient and almost hereditary hate against the hose of Normandie but as fearing harme from the King of England hee endeauoured to harme him first In like sort Baldwine Earle of Flanders declared in armes against the King for a yeerely pension of 300. markes the occasion of which demand was this King William the first in recompence of the ayde which he receiued in his enterprise for England from Baldwine 5. Earle of Flanders payd him yeerely three hundred markes which after his death was continued to his sonne Robert Earle of Flanders from a collaterall line demanded the same Pension but it was denied him by K. Henrie wherefore Baldwine his sonne attempted now to recouer it by Armes With these or rather as principall of these Lewes the grosse King of France seeing his ouersight in permitting Normandie to bee annexed to the Realme of England assembled a great armie and vpon pretence of a trifling quarrell about the demolishing of the Castle of Gisors declared William sonne to Robert Curtcuise for Duke of Normandie and vndertooke to place him in possession of that state which his vnfortunate father had lost And besides those open hostilities in Armes Hugh the kings Chamberlaine and certaine others were suborned traiterously to kill the King but the practise was in good time discouered and the conspirators punished by death Hereupon the King both with celeritie and power answerable to the danger at hand passed the Seas into Normandie hauing first drawen to his assistance Theobald Earle of Champaine the Earles of Crecie Pissaux and Dammartine who aspired to be absolute Lords within their territories as were many other Princes at that time in France These deteined the French King in some tariance in France whilest the King of England either recouered or reuenged his losses against the Earle of Aniou At the last hee was assailed in Normandie on three parts at once by the Earle of Aniou from Maine from Ponthieu by the Earle of Flanders and by the French King betweene both The King of England appointed certaine forces to guard the passages against the Earle of Aniou with directions to hold themselues within their strength and not to aduenture into the field Against the Earle of Flanders hee went in person and in a sharpe shocke betweene them the Earle was defeated and hurt and as some Authors affirme slaine albeit others doe report that hee was afterwards slaine in a battaile betweene the two Kings of England and of France After this he turned against Lewes King of France and fought with him before the towne of Nice in Normandie which towne the French had surprised and taken from the King of England This battaile continued aboue the space of nine houres with incredible obstinacie the doubt of victory being no lesse great then was the desire and yet neither part so hastie to end as not to stay for the best aduantage The first battaile on both sides was hewen in pieces valour of inestimable value was there cast away much braue blood was lost many men esteemed both for their place and worth lay groaning and grinning vnder the heauy hand of death The sad blowes the grisle wounds the grieuous deathes that were dealt that day might well haue moued any man to haue said That warre is nothing else but inhumane manhood The Kings courage guided with his Fortune and guarded both with his strength and his skill was neuer idle neuer but working memorable effects In all places his directions were followed by his presence being witnesse both of the diligence and valour of euery man and not suffering any good aduantage or aduise for want of timely taking to be lost He aduentured so farre in perfourming with his hand that his armour in many places was battered to his body and by reason of the sturdie strokes set vpon his helme he cast blood out of his mouth But this was so farre from dismaying his powers that it did rather assemble and vnite them so as aduancing his braue head his furie did breath such vigour into his arme that his sword made way through the thickest throngs of his enemies and hee brake into them euen to the last ranckes He was first seconded by the truely valiant whose vndanted spirits did assure the best and therewith contemne the very worst Then came in they whom despaire the last of resolutions had made valiant who discerned no meanes of hope for life but by bold aduenturing vpon death Lastly he was followed by all being enflamed by this example to a new life of resolution Generally the swords went so fast that the French vnable to endure that deadly storme were vtterly disbanded and turned to flight K. Henry after a bloody chase recouered Nice and with great triumph returned to Roan Afterwards he would often say That in other battailes he fought for victory but in this for his life and that hee would but little ioy in many such victories Vpon this euent the King sent certaine forces into France to harrase the countrey and to strike a terrour into the enemie The French King besides the abatement of his power by reason of his late ouerthrow was then preparing in Armes against Henry the Emperour who intended to destroy Rhemes partly drawen on by Henry King of England whose daughter he had taken to wife but chiefly for that a Councell had bene there held against him by Pope Calixtus a French man wherein the Emperour was declared enemie to the Church and degraded from his Imperiall dignitie This brought the English to a carelesse conceit and to a loose and licentious demeanure
yeere the Citie of London was very much defaced with fire The yeere next following many prodigies happened which seemed to portend the death of the King or rather the troublesome times which did thereupon ensue In the moneth of August the Sunne was so deepely eclipsed that by reason of the darkenesse of the ayre many starres did plainely appeare The second day after this defect of light the earth trembled with so great violence that many buildings were shaken downe Malmesb. sayth that the house wherein he sate was lift vp with a double remooue and at the third time setled againe in the proper place The earth in diuers places yeelded foorth a hideous noyse It cast foorth flames at certaine rifts diuers dayes together which neither by water nor by any other meanes could be suppressed During the time of the eclipse mentioned before the King was trauersing the sea into Normandie whither hee vsually went sometimes euery yeere but euery third yeere at the furthest Here he spent the whole yeere following in ordering affaires of State and in visiting euery corner of the Countrey He neuer gaue greater contentment to the people as well by his gifts as by his gentle and courteous behauiour he neuer receiued greater contentment from them by the liuely expressing of their loue But nothing did so much affect him with ioy as that his daughter Matild had brought foorth other two sonnes Geoffrey and William whereby hee conceiued that the succession of his issue to the Crowne of England was so well backed that he needed not to trouble his thoughts with any feare that his heires would faile At the last he began to languish a little and droupe in health and neither feeling nor fearing any great cause hee rode on hunting to passe it ouer with exercise and delight Herewith being somewhat cheered hee returned home and eate of a Lamprey albeit against his Physicians aduise which meate he alwayes loued but was neuer able well to digest After this and happely vpon this vicious feeding he fell into a feuer which increased in him by such dangerous degrees that within seuen dayes it led him to the period of his life Hee died vpon the first of December in the 67. yere of his age when hee had reigned 35. yeeres and foure moneths wanting one day His bowels and eyes were buried at Roan The rest of his bodie was stuffed with salt wrapped vp in Oxe hides and brought ouer into England and with honourable exequies buried in the Monastery of Reading which hee had founded His Physician who tooke out his braines by reason of the intolerable stinch which breathed from them in short time after ended his life So of all that King Henrie slue this Physician was the last He had by his first wife a sonne named William who perished by shipwracke and Matild a daughter who was espoused to the Emperour Henrie the 5. when she was scarce sixe yeeres olde and at the age of eleuen yeeres was married vnto him When shee had been married vnto him twelue yeeres he died and shee returned to the King her father both against her owne minde and against the desire of the greatest Princes of the Empire who in regard of her wise and gracious behauiour were suitors to the King more then once to haue her remaine as Empresse among them But the king would not consent to their intreatie For that shee was the onely heire to his Crowne Then many great Princes desired her in marriage But the King bestowed her vpon Geoffrey sonne to Fulke Earle of Aniou somewhat against her owne liking but greatly to the suretie of his estate in France By him she had Henrie who afterwards was King of England Further the King had by a Concubine Richard a sonne and Mary a daughter who were lost vpon the sea with their brother William By another Concubine hee had a sonne named Robert whom he created Earle of Glocester a man for valour of minde and abilitie of bodie inferiour to none in counsailes so aduised as was fit for a right Noble commander By his faith industrie and felicitie chiefly his sister Matild did afterwards resist and ouerbeare both the forces and fortunes of King Stephen He is reported to haue had 12. other bastards which were of no great either note or continuance according to that saying of the Wise man Bastard plants take no deepe rootes This King in the beginning of his Reigne made many fauourable lawes And namely That he would reserue no possessions of the Church vpon their vacancies that the heires of his Nobilitie should possesse their fathers lands without redemption from him and that the Nobilitie likewise should afford the like fauour to their Tenants that Gentlemen might giue their daughters and kinsewomen in marriage without his licence so it were not to his enemie that the widow should haue her ioynture and not be compelled to marrie against her owne liking that the mother or next of kinred should bee Guardian of the lands of her children that all debts to the Crowne and certaine offences also should bee remitted But these lawes afterwards were but slenderly obserued Three vertues were most famous in him wisedome courage and sweetenesse of speach By the last hee gained much fauour from the people By the other two he purchased both peace at home and victory abroad He was noted also for some vices but out of doubt they were farre exceeded by his vertues And for these vices also being himselfe of a pleasant disposition he was well pleased with pleasant reproofes Guymund his Chapleine obseruing that vnworthy men for the most part were aduanced to the best dignities of the Church as he celebrated Diuine seruice before him and was to read these words out of S. Iames It rained not vpon the earth iij. yeres and vj. moneths Hee did read it thus It rained not vpon the earth one one one yeres and fiue one moneths The King obserued this reading and afterwards rebuked his Chapleine for it But Guymund answered that he did it of purpose for that such readers were soonest preferred by the King The King smiled and in short time after preferred him to the gouernment of S. Frideswides in Oxeford In this King failed the heires male of King William the first and then the Crowne was possessed by Title of heires generall In these times flourished two excellent ornaments of the Church Anselme in England and Bernard in France both of them enrolled in the list of Saints And no lesse infamous for vice was Gerard Archbishop of Yorke a man of some learning not so much in substance as in seeming and shew of commendable wit which he applied chiefly to giue a couler for euery vice of his owne and for euery vertue of others either a slander or a ieast Of enuious disposition plagued lesse with his owne calamities then with the well either doing or being of other men in wiping money from his Subiects by dishonest meanes subtill and shamelesse and
THE LIVES OF THE III. NORMANS KINGS OF ENGLAND WILLIAM the first WILLIAM the second HENRIE the first Written by I. H. MART. Improbè facit qui in alieno libro ingeniosus est ¶ IMPRINTED AT LONDON BY R. B. ANNO 1613. TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE CHARLES Prince of Wales MOst Illustrious PRINCE OVr late too late borne or too soone dying Prince HENRY of famous memorie your deceased brother sent for mee a few monethes before his death And at my second comming to his presence among some other speeches hee complained much of our Histories of England and that the English Nation which is inferiour to none in Honourable actions should be surpassed by all in leauing the memorie of them to posteritie For this cause hee blamed the negligence of former ages as if they were ignorant of their owne deseruings as if they esteemed themselues vnworthie of their worth I answered that I conceiued these causes hereof One that men of sufficiencie were otherwise employed either in publicke affaires or in wrestling with the world for maintenance or encrease of their priuate estates Another is for that men might safely write of others in maner of atale but in maner of a History safely they could not because albeit they should write of men long since dead and whose posteritie is cleane worne out yet some aliue finding themselues foule in those vices which they see obserued reproued condemned in others their guiltinesse maketh them apt to conceiue that whatsoeuer the words are the finger pointeth onely at them The last is for that the Argument of our English historie hath bene so foiled heretofore by some vnworthie writers that men of qualitie may esteeme themselues discredited by dealing in it And is not this said he an errour in vs to permit euery man to be a writer of Historie Is it not an errour to be so curious in other matters and so carelesse in this We make choise of the most skilfull workemen to draw or carue the portraiture of our faces and shall euery artlesse Pensell delineate the disposition of our minds Our apparell must be wrought by the best Artificers and no soile must be suffered to fall vpon it and shall our actions shall our conditions be described by euery bungling hand Shall euery filthie finger defile our reputation Shall our Honour be basely buried in the drosse of rude and absurd writings Wee are carefull to prouide costly Sepulchers to preserue our dead liues to preserue some memorie what wee haue bene but there is no monument either so durable or so largely extending or so liuely and faire as that which is framed by a fortunate penne the memory of the greatest Monuments had long since perished had it not bene preserued by this meanes To this I added that I did alwayes conceiue that we should make our reckoning of three sorts of life the short life of nature the long life of fame and the eternall life of glorie The life of glorie is so farre esteemed before the other two as grace is predominant in vs the life of fame before our naturall life is so farre esteemed as a generous spirit surmounteth sensualitie as humane nature ouerruleth brutish disposition So farre as the noble nature of man hath dominion in our minds so farre do we contemne either the incōmodities or dangers or life of our body in regard of our reputation and fame Now seeing this life of fame is both preserued and enlarged chiefly by history there is no man I suppose that will either resist or not assist the commendable or at least tolerable writing thereof but such as are conscious to themselues either that no good or that nothing but ill can bee reported of them In whom notwithstanding it is an errour to thinke that any power of the present time can either extinguish or obscure the memorie of times succeeding Posteritie will giue to euery man his due Some ages hereafter will affoord those who will report vnpartially of all Then he questioned whether I had wrote any part of our English Historie other then that which had been published which at that time he had in his hands I answered that I had wrote of certaine of our English Kings by way of a briefe description of their liues but for historie I did principally bend and binde my selfe to the times wherein I should liue in which my owne obseruations might somewhat direct me but as well in the one as in the other I had at that time perfected nothing To this he said that in regard of the honour of the time hee liked well of the last but for his owne instruction he more desired the first that he desired nothing more then to know the actions of his Auncestours because hee did so farre esteeme his descent from them as he approached neere them in honourable endeauours Hereupon beautifying his face with a sober smile he desired mee that against his returne from the progresse then at hand I would perfect somewhat of both sorts for him which he promised amply to requite and was well knowen to be one who esteemed his word aboue ordinary respects This stirred in mee not onely a will but power to perfourme so as engaging my duety farre aboue the measure either of my leisure or of my strength I finished the liues of these three Kings of Norman race and certaine yeeres of Queene ELIZABETHS Reigne At his returne from the Progresse to his house at S. Iames these pieces were deliuered vnto him which hee did not onely courteously but ioyfully accept And because this seemed a perfect worke he expressed a desire that it should be published Not long after he died and with him died both my endeauours and my hopes His death alasse hath bound the liues of many vnto death face to face being no wayes able either by forgetfulnesse to couer their griefe or to diminish it with consideration For in trueth he was a Prince of a most Heroical heart Free from many vices which sometimes accompanie high estates full of most amiable and admirable vertues of whose perfections the world was not worthy His eyes were full of pleasant modestie his countenance manly beautifull in bodie both strongly and delicately made in behauiour sweet●…ly sober which gaue grace to whatsoeuer he did He was of a discerning wit and for the facultie of his mind of great capacitie and power accompanied with equall expedition of will much foreseeing in his actions and for passions a commander of himselfe and of good strength to resist the power of prosperitie In counsaile he was ripe and measured in resolution constant his word euer led by his thought and followed by his deede And albeit hee was but yong and his nature forward and free yet his wisedome reduced both to a true temper of moderation his desires being neuer aboue his reason nor his hopes inferiour to his desires In a word hee was the most faire fruit of his Progenitours an excellent ornament of the present
other legitimate kindred behind him Will. Malmesburie and some others haue reported that albeit hee was borne out of marriage yet Duke Robert his father did afterwards entertaine his mother for lawfull wife which by the Law of that Countrey agreeable in that point to the Ciuill and Canon Lawes sufficed to make the issue inheritable although borne before And further it was a generall custome at that time in France that bastards did succeed euen in dignities of highest condition no otherwise then children lawfully begotten Thierrie bastard of Clouis had for his partage with the lawfull children of the same Clouis the Kingdome of Austrasie now called Lorraine Sigisbert bastard of King Dagobert the first had his part in the Kingdome of France with Clouis the 12. lawfull sonne to Dagobert Loys and Carloman bastards of King Loys le Begue succeeded after the death of their father So likewise in England Alfride bastard sonne of Oswine succeeded his brother Egfride So Adelstane the bastard sonne of Edward the elder succeeded his father before Edmund and Eldred his yonger brother notwithstanding they were lawfully begotten So Edmund surnamed the Martyr Bastard sonne to King Edgar succeeded him in the state before Ethelbred his lawfull issue Afterward Harold surnamed Harefoote bastard to Canutus succeeded him in the kingdome before Hardicanutus his lawfull sonne The like custome hath been obserued in Spaine in Portugale and in diuers other countreys And it is probable that this vse was grounded vpon often experience that bastards as begotten in the highest heate and strength of affection haue many times been men of excellent proofe both in courage and in vnderstanding This was verified in Hercules Alexander the Great Romulus Timotheus Brutus Themistocles Arthur in Homer Demosthenes Bion Bartholus Gratian Peter Lumbard Peter Comestor Io. Andreas and diuers of most flourishing name among whom our Conquerour may worthily be ranged And yet in the third race of the Kings of France a law was made that bastards should not inherite the Crowne of the Realme This custome was likewise banished out of England and other countreys of Europe Notwithstanding in France other bastards of great houses were still aduowed The exercises of this Duke from his verie youth were ingenuous manly decent such as tended to actiuitie and valure Hee was of a working minde and vehement spirit rather ambitious then onely desirous of glory of a piercing wit blind in no mans cause and well sighted in his owne of a liuely and present courage neither out of ignorance or rash estimation of dangers but out of a true iudgement both of himselfe and of them In peace he was politicke In warre valiant and very skilfull both to espie and to apprehend and to follow his aduantages this valure and skill in militarie affayres was alwayes seconded with good successe He was continually accustomed both to the weight and vse of armour from his very childhood Oftentimes hee looked death in the face with a braue contempt He was neuer free from actions of armes first vpon necessity to defend himselfe afterwards vpon ambition to offend and disturbe the possessions of others In his first age he was much infested with rebels in Normandie who often conspired both against his life and against his dignitie and State traducing him as a bastard as a boy as borne of a base ignoble woman as altogether vnworthy to be their Prince Of these some he appeased and reconciled vnto him others he preuented and dispersed their power before it was collected others hee encountred in open field before he had any haire vpon his face where hee defeated their forces in full battell then tooke their strong holds and lastly chased them out of his dominion And first Roger Tresuye hauing gained exceeding great both fauour and reputation by his seruices against the Sarasins in Spaine made claime to the duchie of Normandie as one lawfully descended from Rollo their first Duke And albeit many others were before him in title yet said he if they will sit still if they either through sloath which is ill or through feare which is worse will abandone the aduenture he alone would free the Normans from their infamous subiection He was followed by many partly vpon opinion of his right but chiefly of his valour But when he brought his cause to the arbitrement of Armes hee was ouerthrowne in a strong battaile wherein his claime and his life determined together After this William Earle of Arques sonne to Richard the second and vnckle to Duke William vpon the same pretence declared himselfe against his nephew And albeit the Normans were heauie to stirre in his fauour yet hee so wrought with the French King by assuring him great matters in Normandie that with a mightie armie of his owne people hee went in person to place him in possessiō of that dutchy The way which the King tooke led him to a large valley sandie and full of short bushes and shrubs troublesome for horsemen either to fight or to march On either side were rising hils very thicke set with wood Here the Armie entred with small aduisement either for clearing the passage or for the safetie of their carriages The Vaward consisted chiefly of battle-axes and pikes In the right wing were many Almans among the French In the left were many of Aniou and Poictou After these followed the baggage with an infinite number of scullians carters and other base drudges attending vpon it Next came the French King with the maine battaile consisting for the most part of valiant and worthy Gentlemen brauely mounted The lances and men at Armes cloased the Rereward When they were well entred this valley the Normans did liuely charge vpon them in head they deliuered also their deadly shot from the hils on both sides as thicke as haile Notwithstanding the Vantgard casting themselues into a pointed battaile in forme of a wedge with plaine force of hand made themselues way and marching in firme and close order through the thickest of their enemies gained albeit not without great losse the top of a hill and there presently encamped themselues The like fortune happily might the residue haue had if they had followed with the like order and courage But failing herein the right wing was hewed in pieces the left wing was broken and beaten vpon the carriages where ouerbearing and treading downe one an other they receiued almost as much hurt from themselues as they did from their enemies The maine battaile and Rereward aduancing forward to rescue the carriage were first miserably ouerwhelmed with a storme of arrowes from the hill on both sides and the gallant horses once galled with that shot would no more obey or endure their riders but flinging out either ouerthrew or disordred all in their way And the more to encrease the miserie of that day the dust and light sand which was raised partly by the feete of horses and men and partly by violence of the wind which then blew full in the
to Swaine Earle Goodwins eldest sonne Vpon this assurance he was furnished by the duke his cousin with all meanes fit both for his enterprise and estate And so hee passed the Seas arriued in England and with generall iov was receiued for King He tooke to wife Edith the daughter of Earle Goodwine but whether vpon vow of chastitie or whether vpon impotencie of nature or whether vpon hatred to her father or whether vpon suspition against herselfe for all these causes are alleaged by seuerall writers of those times he forbore all priuate familiaritie with her When he was well locked into the chaire of State Duke William came out of Normandie to see him to shew his magnificence to the English people to shew to the English both that he loued their King and that he was of power to relieue him in case his necessities should so require Here besides honourable enterteinement besides many rich gifts both to himselfe and to his followers the King hauing neither hope nor desire of issue promised him in regard of his great fauours and deserts that hee should be his next successour in the Kingdome And for further assurance thereof sent him also the like message into Normandie by Robert Archbishop of Canterburie After this Harold sonne to Earle Goodwine passed the Seas into Normandie to deale for the discharge of his brother Wolnoth and Hacon his nephew who had bene deliuered for hostages to the Duke In his passage he was much tossed with troublesome weather and in the end was cast vpon the coast of Ponthieu and there taken by the Earle and committed to prison But at the request of the Duke of Normandie hee was released with honourable respect and by the Earle himselfe accompanied to the Duke who enterteined him with great magnificence at Roan The Duke was then going in Armes against the Britaines in which iourney Harold did accompany him and shewed himselfe a man neither rash in vndertaking nor fearefull in perfourming any seruices of the field After prosperous returne the Duke declared to Harold the purpose of King Edward cōcerning the Dukes succession to this Crowne Harold did auow the same to be true and promised to affoord thereto the best furtherance that he could Hereupon the Duke assembled a Councell at Boneuill where Harold did sweare fidelitie vnto him and promised likewise by oath that after the death of King Edward he would keepe the Realme of England to the vse of the Duke that he would deliuer vnto him the castle of Douer and certaine other pieces of defence furnished at his owne charge Hereupon the Duke promised vnto him his daughter in marriage and with her halfe the Realme of England in name of her dower He also deliuered to him his nephew Hacon but kept his brother Wolnoth as an hostage for performance of that which Harold had sworne In short time after King Edward died and Harold being generall commander of the forces of the Realme seized vpon the soueraignetie and without any accustomed solemnities set the crowne vpon his owne head The people were nothing curious to examine titles but as men broken with long bondage did easily entertaine the first pretender And yet to Harold they were inclinable enough as well vpon opinion of his prowesse as for that hee endeauoured to winne their fauour partly by abating their grieuous paiments and partly by increasing the wages of his seruants and Souldiers generally by vsing iustice with clemencie and courtesie towards all About this time a blasing starre appeared and continued the space of seuen dayes which is commonly taken to portend alteration in States Of this Comet a certaine Poet alluding to the baldnesse of the Norman wrote these verses Caesariem Caesar tibi si natura negauit Hanc Willielme tibi stella comata dedit Duke William sent diuers Ambassadours to Harold first to demaund perfourmance of his oath afterward to mooue him to some moderate agreement But ambition a reasonlesse and restlesse humour made him obstinate against all offers or inducements of peace So they prepared to buckle in armes equall both in courage and in ambitious desires equall in confidence of their fortune but Harold was the more aduenturous William the more aduised man Harold was more strong in Souldiers William in Alies and friends Harold was seated in possession which in case of a kingdome is oftentimes with facilitie attained but retained hardly William pretended the donation of King Edward and that he was neere vnto him in blood by the mothers side Now there wanted not precedents both ancient and of later times that free kingdomes and principalities not setled by custome in succession of blood haue been transported euen to strangers by way of guift Attalus king of Pergamus did constitute the people of Rome his heire by force wherof they made his kingdome a part of their empire Nicomedes King of Bithynia made the people of Rome likewise his heire whereupon his kingdome was reduced to the forme of a Prouince So Alexander King of Egypt gaue Alexandria and the kingdome of Egypt and so Ptolemie gaue the kingdome of Cyrene to the same people of Rome Prasutagus one of the kings of great Britaine gaue the kingdome of the Iceni to Caesar Nero and to his daughters Yea in the Imperial state of Rome Augustus designed Tiberius to be his successour and by like appointment Nero became successour to Claudius Troiane to Nerua Antonius Pius to Adrian and Antoninus the Philosopher to another Antoninus When the Emperour Galba did openly appoint Piso for his successour he declared to the people that the same custome had been obserued by most approued and ancient Princes Iugurth being adopted by Mycipsa succeeded him in the kingdome of Numidia and that by the iudgement as well of Mycipsa himselfe as of the Senate and people of Rome The holy histories report that Salomon gaue twentie cities to Hiram king of Tyre and if the argument be good from the part to the whole he might in like sort haue disposed of all his kingdome Who hath not heard of the donation falsly attributed to Constantine the great being in trueth the donation of Lewis sirnamed the pious whereby he gaue to Pope Paschal the citie of Rome and a large territorie adioyning vnto it the instrument of which gift Volaterrane doth recite So the Ladie Matild daughter to Roger the most famous Prince of Cicilie and wife to king Conrade sonne to Henrie the 4. Emperour gaue the Marquisate of Apulia to the Bishop of Rome which when the Emperour Otho the 4. refused to deliuer hee was for that cause excommunicate by the Pope In like sort the countrey of Daulphin was giuen by Prince Vmbert to the King of France vpon condition that the eldest sonne of France should afterward be called Daulphine Lastly the Dukes first auncestor Rollo receiued the Dukedome of Normandie by donation of Charles King of France And himselfe held the Countie of Maine by
donation of Earle Herebert as before it is shewed And by donation of the King of Britaine Hengist obtained Kent the first kingdome of the English Saxons in Britaine After which time the Countrey was neuer long time free from inuasion first by the English and Saxons against the Britaines afterward by the seuen Saxon kingdomes among themselues and then lastly by the Danes By meanes whereof the kingdome at that time could not bee setled in any certaine forme of succession by blood as it hath been since but was held for the most part in absolute dominion and did often passe by transaction or gift and he whose sword could cut best was alwaies adiudged to haue most right But of this question more shall hereafter be said in the beginning of the life of King William the second Touching his propinquity in blood to King Edward by the mothers side he enforced it to be a good title because King Edward not long before had taken succession from Hardicanutus to whom hee was brother by the mothers side And although King Edward was also descended from the Saxon Kings yet could not he deriue from them any right For that Edgar and his sisters were then aliue descended from Edmund Iron side elder brother to King Edward Hee could haue no true right of succession but onely from Hardicanutus the Dane So Pepine when he was possessed of the State of France did openly publish that hee was descended of the blood of Charles the Great by the mothers side And albeit the said Edgar was both neerer to King Edward then the Duke of Normandie and also ioyned to him in blood by the fathers side yet was that no sufficient defence for Harold The vsurped possession of Harold could not be defended by alleaging a better title of a third person The iniurie which hee did to Edgar could not serue him for a title against any other These grounds of his pretence beautified with large amplifications of the benefits which he had done to King Edward he imparted to the Bishop of Rome who at time was reputed the arbitrator of controuersies which did rise betweene princes And the rather to procure his fauour and to gaine the countenance of religion to his cause hee promised to hold the kingdome of England of the Apostolike Sea Hereupon Alexander then Bishop of Rome allowed his title and sent vnto him a white hallowed banner to aduance vpon the prowe of his ship also an Agnus Dei of gold and one of S. Peters haires together with his blessing to begin the enterprise But now concerning his further proceedings concerning his victorious both entrance and cōtinuance within the Realme of England two points are worthy to be considered one how he being a man of no great either power or dominion did so suddenly preuaile against a couragious King possessed of a large and puissant State The other is how he so secured his victorie as not the English not the Britains not the Danes not any other could dispossesse or much disturbe him his posteritie from enioying the fayre fruits thereof And if we giue to either of these their true respects wee shall find his commendation to consist not so much in the first as in the second because that was effected chiefly by force this by wisedome only which as it is most proper to man so few men doe therein excell Hee that winneth a State surmounteth onely outward difficulties but he that assureth the same trauaileth as well against internall weaknes as external strength To attaine a Kingdome is many times a gift of Fortune but to prouide that it may long time continue firme is not onely to oppose against humane forces but against the very malice of Fortune or rather the power and wrath of time whereby all things are naturally inclineable to change For the first then besides the secret working and will of God which is the cause of all causes besides the sinnes of the people for which the Prophet saith Kingdomes are transported from one Nation to another King Edward not long before made a manifest way for this inuasion and change For although he was English by birth yet by reason of his education in Normandie he was altogether become a Normane both in affection and in behauiour of life So as in imitation of him the English abandoned the ancient vsages of their Country and with great affection or affectation rather conformed themselues to the fashions of France His chiefe acquaintance and familiar friends were no other then Normans towards whom being a milde and soft spirited Prince he was very bountifull and almost immoderate in his sauours These he enriched with great possessions these he honoured with the highest places both of dignitie and charge Chiefly he aduanced diuers of them to the best degrees of dignitie in the Church by whose fauour Duke William afterward was both animated aided in his exploit Generally as the whole Clergie of England conceiued a hard opinion of Harold for that vpon the same day wherein King Edward was buried he set the Crowne vpon his owne head without Religious Ceremonies without any solemnities of Coronation so they durst not for feare of the Popes displeasure but giue either furtherance or forbearance to the Dukes proceedings and to abuse the credite which they had with the people in working their submission to the Normans Now of what strength the Clergie was at that time within the Realme by this which followeth it may appeare After that Harold was slaine Edwine and Morcar Earles of Northumberland and Marckland brothers of great both authoritie and power within the Realme had induced many of the Nobilitie to declare Edgar Athelinge to be their King but the Prelates not onely crossed that purpose but deliuered Edgar the next heire from the Saxon Kings to the pleasure of the Duke Againe when the Duke after his great victorie at Hastings aduanced his armie towards Hartford-shire Fredericke Abbot of S. Albanes had caused the woods belonging to his Church to be felled and the trees to be cast so thicke in the way that the Duke was compelled to coast about to the castle of Berkhamstead To this place the Abbot vnder Suerties came vnto him and being demanded wherefore he alone did offer that opposition against him with a confident countenance he returned answere that he had done no more then in conscience and by Nature he was bound to doe and that if the residue of the Clergie had borne the like minde hee should neuer haue pierced the land so farre Well answered the Duke I know that your Clergie is powerfull indeed but if I liue and prosper in my affaires I shall gouerne their greatnesse well ynough Assuredly nothing doeth sooner worke the conuersion or subuersion of a State then that any one sort of Subiects should grow so great as to be able to ouerrule all the rest Besides this disposition of the Clergie diuers of the Nobilitie also did nothing fauour King Harold or
his cause for that he was a manifest vsurper naked of all true title to the Crowne pretending onely as borne of the daughter of Hardicanutus the Dane Yea he was infamous both for his iniurie and periurie towards the Duke and no lesse hatefull for his disloyaltie in former times in bearing Armes with his father against King Edward Hereupon the Nobilitie of the Realme were broken into factions Many of whom his owne brother Tosto was chiefe inuited Harold King of Norway to inuade with whom whilest Harold of England was incountring in Armes the residue drew in Duke William out of Normandie And these also were diuided in respects Some were caried by particular ends as being prepared in diuers maner by the Normane before hand others vpon a greedy and for the most part deceiueable ambition in hunting after hazard and change others were led with loue to their Countrey partly to auoyd the tempest which they saw to gather in clouds against them and partly to enlarge the Realme both in dominion and strength by adioyning the Country of Normandie vnto it In which regard because the lesse doeth alwayes accrue to the greater they thought it more aduantageable to deale with a Prince of an inferiour state then with a Prince of a state superiour or equal As for Edgar Atheling the next successour to the Crowne in right of blood he was not of sufficient age of a simple wit and slow courage not gracious to the English as well for his imperfections both in yeeres and nature as for that he was altogether vnacquainted with the customes and conditions of their Countrey vnfurnished of forces and reputation vnfurnished of friends vnfurnished of all meanes to support his title So Duke William hauing better right then the one and more power then the other did easily cary the prize from both Now touching the state of his owne strength albeit Normandie was but little in regard of England yet was it neither feeble nor poore For the people by reason of their continuall exercise in Armes by reason of the weightie warres which they had managed were well inabled both in courage and skill for all Militarie atchieuements Their valour also had bene so fauoured by their Fortune that they were more enriched by spoile then drawne downe either with losses or with charge Hereupon when preparation was to be made for the enterprise of England although some disswaded the Duke from embracing the attempt affirming that it was a vaine thing to streine at that which the hand is not able to conteine to take more meat then the stomacke can beare that he who catcheth at matters too great is in great danger to gripe nothing Yet did others not onely encourage him by aduise but enable him by their aide Among which William Fitz-Auber did furnish 40. ships with men and munition The Bishop of Baieux likewise 40 the Bishop of Mans 30 and in like sort others according to the proportion of their estates And yet he drew not his forces onely out of Normandie but receiued aide from all parts of France answerable not onely to his necessitie but almost to his desire Philip King of France at that time was vnder age and Baldwine Earle of Flanders was gouernour of the Realme whose daughter the Duke had taken to wife By his fauour the Duke receiued large supplies from the state of France both in treasure and in men of warre for countenance whereof it was giuen foorth that the Duke should hold the Realme of England as hee did the Duchie of Normandie vnder homage to the Crowne of France Hereupon diuers Princes of France did adioyne to his aide and especially the Duke of Orleance the Earles of Britaine Aniou Boloigne Ponthieu Neuers Poictou Hiesmes Aumale and the Lord of Tours Many other of the Nobilitie and Gentlemen did voluntarily aduenture both their bodies and whole estates vpon the euent of this enterprise So greatly had he either by courtesie wonne the loue or by courage erected the hopes of all men yea of many who had bin his greatest enemies With these also the Emperour Henry 4. sent him certaine troupes of Souldiers commanded by a Prince of Almaine Hee receiued also many promises of fauour from Swaine King of Denmarke And who can assure for the sequele maketh the coniecture probable that he held not intelligence with Harold Harfager King of Norway to inuade England with two armies at once So partly by his owne Subiects and partly by supply from his Alleys and friends hee amassed a strong Armie consisting chiefly of Normans Flemings French and Britaines to the number of fiftie thousand men and brought them to S. Valeries before which Towne his ships did ride Here he stayed a certaine time attending the wind as most writers doe report but rather as it may be coniectured to awaite the arriuall of Harold Harfager K. of Norway knowing right well that the inuasion of Harold of Norway vpon the North parts of the realme would draw away Harold of England to leaue the coasts towards the South vndefended During his abode at S. Valeries certaine English espials were taken whom King Harold had sent to discouer both the purposes and power of the Duke When they were brought to his presence with a braue confidence he said vnto them Your Lord might well haue spared this charge hee needed not to haue cast away his cost to vnderstand that by your industrie and faith which my owne presence shall manifest vnto him more certainly more shortly then he doth expect Goe your wayes goe tell him from me If he find me not before the end of this yeere in the place where hee supposeth that hee may most safely set his foote let him neuer feare danger from mee whilest hee liue Many Normans disliked this open dealing of the Duke preferring to his iudgement the valour and experience of King Harold the greatnesse of his treasure the number and goodnes of his men but especially his strong Nauie and expert Saylers accustomed both to the fights and dangers of the Sea more then any other people in the world To these the Duke turned and sayd I am glad to heare this opinion run both of his prowesse and of his power the greater shall our glory bee in preuailing against him But I see right well that I haue small cause to feare his discouery of our strength when you who are so neere vnto mee discerne so little Rest your selues vpon the Iustice of your cause and foresight of your Commaunder Who hath lesse then hee who can iustly tearme nothing his owne I know more of his weakenesse then euer he shall know of my strength vntill he feele it Performe you your parts like men and he shall neuer be able to disappoint either my assurance or your hopes Now Harold King of England had prepared a fleet to resist the inuasion of the duke of Normandie but by reason of his long stay at S. Valeries speeches did spread whether by error or subornation
yea assured aduertisement was sent out of Flanders that he had for that yeere abandoned his enterprise In the meane time Harold Harfager King of Norway then whom no man was esteemed more valiant hauing assured both intelligence and aide out of England arriued in the mouth of Humber and from thence drawing vp against the streame of the riuer Owse landed at a place called Richhall Here he Marshalled his Armie and marched foorth into the Countrey and when hee came neere vnto Yorke he was encountred by the English led by Edwine and Morchar the principall commanders of all those quarters The fight was furious but in the end the English were ouerthrowne and with a great slaughter chases into Yorke Vpon aduertisement hereof Harold King of England caried all his forces against Harfager His readinesse was such and such his expedition that the fifth day after the fight before mentioned he gaue him battell againe wherein Harold Harfager was slaine and so was Tosto the King of Englands brother Tosto by an vncertaine enemie but Harfager by the hand of Harold of England Their armie also was routed and with a bloody execution pursued so long as day and furie did last Here a certaine Souldier of Norway was most famous almost for a miracle of manhood He had been appointed with certaine others to guard the passage at Stamford bridge The residue vpon approach of the English forsooke their charge but hee alone stepped to the foote of the Bridge and with his Battle-axe sustained the shocke of the whole armie slew aboue fourty assailants and defended both the passage and himselfe vntill an English Souldier went vnder the Bridge and through a hole thereof thrust him into the bodie with a Launce If this victory of King Harold had been so wisely vsed as it was valiantly wonne he should haue neglected the spoyle and returned with the like celeritie wherewith he came But hee gaue discontentment to his Souldiers in abridging their expectation for free sharing the spoile and hauing lost many in that conflict he retired to Yorke and there stayed as well to reforme the state of the Countrey greatly disordered by meanes of these warres as also both to refresh and repaire his armie In the meane time the Duke of Normandie receiuing intelligence that the Sea-coasts were left naked of defence loosed from S. Valeries with three hundred or as some writers report 896 or as one Norman writer affirmes with more then one thousand saile and hauing a gentle gale arriued at Pemsey in Sussex vpon the 28. of September The ship wherein the Duke was caried is said as if it had runne for the garland of victory to haue outstripped the rest so farre that the sailers were enforced to strike saile and hull before the winde to haue their companie When hee first stepped vpon the shoare one of his feete slipped a little The Duke to recouer himselfe stepped more strongly with the other foote and sunke into the sand somewhat deepe One of his Souldiers espying this sayd merrily vnto him You had almost fallen my Lord but you haue well maintained your standing and haue now taken deepe and firme footing in the soyle of England The presage is good and hereupon I salute you King The Duke laughed and the souldiers with whom superstition doth strongly worke were much confirmed in courage by the ieast When he had landed his forces he fortified a piece of ground with strong trenches and discharged all his ships leauing to his souldiers no hope to saue themselues but onely by victory After this he published the causes of his comming in armes namely 1 To chalenge the kingdome of England giuen to him by his cousin King Edward the last lawfull possessor at that time thereof 2 To reuenge the death of his cousin Alfred brother to the same K. Edward and of the Normans who did accompanie him into England no lesse cruelly then deceitfully slaine by Earle Goodwin and his adherents 3 To reuenge the iniurie done vnto Robert Archbishop of Canterburie who by the practise as it was then giuen foorth of Harold had been exiled in the life time of King Edward This last article was added either to please the Pope or generally in fauour of the Cleargie to whom the example grew then intollerable that an Archbishop should bee once questioned by any other then by themselues So the Duke leauing his fortification furnished with competent forces to assure the place as wel for a retreit as for daily landing of fresh supplies marched forward to Hastings and there raised another fortresse and planted likewise a garison therein And in all places he restrained his Souldiers either from spoyling or harming the Countrey people for feare that thereby they would fall into disorder but giuing forth that it were crueltie to spoile them who in short time should be his Subiects Here the Duke because he would not either aduenture or trust his Souldiers went foorth in person to discouer the Countrey with 15. horsemen in his company and no more His returne was on foote by reason of the euill qualitied wayes and when Fitz-Osberne who went with him was ouer wearied with the weight of his armour the Duke eased him by bearing his helmet vpon his shoulder This action may seeme of slender regard but yet did gaine him both fauour and dutie among his Souldiers K. Harold hearing of these approches hasted by great iourneyes towards London sending his messengers to all places both to encourage and entreate the people to draw together for their common defence Here he mustered his Souldiers and albeit hee found that his forces were much impaired by his late battaile against Harfager yet he gathered an able armie countenanced and commanded by diuers of the Nobilitie which resorted vnto him from many parts of the Realme The Duke in the meane time sent a messenger vnto him who demanded the Kingdome in so stout maner that he was at the point to haue bene euill entreated by the King Againe the King sent his messenger to the Duke forbidding him with loftie language to make any stay within that Countrey but to returne againe no lesse speedily then rashly he had entred The Duke betweene mirth and scorne returned answere That as he came not vpon his entreaty so at his command he would not depart But said he I am not come to word with your King I am come to fight and am desirous to fight I will be ready to fight with him albeit I had but 10000. such men as I haue brought 60000. K. Harold spent little time lost none vnlesse happely that which hee might haue taken more both in appointing and ordering his Armie And when he was ready to take the field his mother entreated him first moderately then with words of passion and with teares that he would not aduenture his person to the battaile Her importunitie was admired the more for that it was both without any apparant cause and not vsuall in former times But Harold with
cannot Foule weather may much hinder the discharge of the piece but it is no great impediment to the shot of the Bow A horse strooke with a bullet if the wound be not mortall may performe good seruice but if an arrow be fastened in his flesh the continuall stirring thereof occasioned by the motion of himselfe will enforce him to cast off all command and either beare downe or disorder those that are neere But the cracke of the piece will some man say doeth strike a terrour into the enemie True if they bee such as neuer heard the like noise before But a little vse wil extinguish these terrours to men yea to beasts acquainted with these cracks they worke a weake impression of feare And if it be true which all men of action doe hold that the eye in all battailes is first ouercome then against men equally accustomed to both the sight of the arrow is more auaileable to victorie then the cracke of the piece Assuredly the Duke before the battaile encouraged his men for that they should deale with enemies who had no shot But I will leaue this point to be determined by more discerning iudgements and happily by further experience in these affaires and returne againe to my principall purpose The next day after the victorie the Duke returned to Hastings about seuen miles from the place of the encounter partly to refresh his Armie and partly to settle in aduise and order for his further prosecution First he dispatched messengers to signifie his successe to his friends abroad to the Pope he sent King Harolds Standerd which represented a man fighting wrought curiously with golde and precious stones Afterwards placing a strong garrison at Hastings he conducted his Armie towards London not the direct way but coasted about through part of Kent through Sussex Surrey Hampshire and Barkeshire the wayes where hee passed being as free from resistance as his thoughts were from change At Walling ford he passed ouer the Thames and then marched forward through Oxford shire Buckinghamshire and Hartford-shire vntill he came to the Castle at Berkhamstead In this passage many of his Souldiers languished and died of the Fluxe And whether it were vpon licentiousnesse after the late victorie or whether for want of necessary prouision or whether to strike a terrour into the English or whether to leaue no danger at his backe he permitted the sword to range at large to harrie freely to defile many places with ruine and blood In the meane time the English Lords assembled at London to aduise vpon their common affaires but the varietie of opinions was the chiefe impediment to the present seruice the danger being more important then the counsaile resolute or the confidence assured The Nobilitie enclined to declare Edgar grandchild to Edmund Ironside to be their King and with these the Londoners wholy went But those of the Clergie were of opinion some vpon particular respects all vpon feare to displease the Pope to yeeld to the storme and streame of the present time to yeeld to the mightie Arme of GOD that their forces being prostrated their hopes feeble and forlorne they must be content not to be constrained they must not prouoke the Victor too farre against whose forces and felicities time gaue them not power to oppose This deliberation held so long that all the time of action was spent For the Duke approched so neere the Citie that many preferring their safetie before other respects withdrew themselues and went vnto him Hereupon the residue dissolued and Alfred Archb. of Yorke Wolstane Bishop of Worcester Wilfire B. of Hereford and many other Prelates of the Realme went vnto the Duke at Berkhamstead accompanied with Edgar Earle Edwine Earle Morchar and diuers others of the Nobilitie who gaue pledges for their allegiance and were thereupon receiued to subiection and fauour The Duke presently dispatched to London was receiued with many declarations of ioy the lesser in heart the fairer in appearance and vpon Christmas day next following was crowned King Now the meanes whereby this victory was assured were the very same whereby it was atchieued euen by a stiffe and rigorous hand For whosoeuer supposeth that a State atteined by force can be reteined by milder meanes he shall find himselfe disappointed of his hopes A people newly subdued by force will so long remaine in obedience as they finde themselues not of force to resist And first he endeauoured either to preuent or appease all forren warres especially against the Danes who were then chiefly feared in England as well in regard of their former victories as for that they pretended title to the Crowne And herein two things did especially fauour his affaires One for that the Normans were in some sort allied to the Danes being the progenie of those Noruegians and Danes which vnder the conduct and fortune of Rollo inuaded France after many great atchieuements seated in Normandie The other was for that after the death of Canutus the state of Denmarke was much infeebled by diuision For the Noruegians set vp Magnus the sonne of Olaus for their King but the Danes acknowledged Canutus the third of that name by meanes whereof that puissant empire did languish in consumption of it selfe and could not be dangerous to any neighbour Countrey Yet ceased they not for many yeeres to continue claime to the Crowne of England But King William had purchased many sure and secret friends in that diseased state wherein all publike affaires were set to sale especially he vsed the authoritie of Adelbert Archbishop of Hamburgh either to crosse all counsaile of hostilitie against him or else to delay and thereby to delude the enterprise or lastly so to manage the action that it should no●… worke any dangerous effect After the death of Swaine Canutus prepared a Nauie of one thousand saile for inuasion of England and was aided with sixe hundred more by Robert le Frizon whose daughter hee had taken to wife But either for want or else by negligence or happily of purpose this Nauie continued partly in preparation and partly in a readinesse the space of two yeeres and then the voyage was layd aside The cause was attributed to contrarietie of winds but the contrariety of wils was the truest impediment Likewise Swaine had furnished against England a Nauie of 204. sayle commanded by Earle Osborne his brother Another fleete of 200. saile was set foorth vnder the charge of Earle Hacon But King William so corrupted them both that the one departed out of the Realme without performing any great exploit the other neuer would arriue Also out of those confusions in England Malcolme King of Scots did take his opportunitie for action Hee receiued into protection many English who either for feare or for discontentment forsooke their Countrey of whom many families in Scotland are descended and namely these Lindsey Vaus Ramsey Louell Towbris Sandlands Bissart Sowlis Wardlaw Maxwell with diuers others Hee entertained into his Court Edgar Atheling and
wealth to satisfie therewith either his pleasure or wants His cruelty made the people rebellious and their rebellions made him the more cruell in which case many Innocents were made the oblations of his ambitious feares Many heauy taxations were imposed vpon them their ancient Lords were remoued their ancient lawes and policies of State were dashed to dust all lay couched vnder the Conquerours sword to bee newly fashioned by him as should bee best fitting for his aduantage Hee erected Castels in diuers parts of the Realme of which the Towre neere London was the chiefe which afterward was increased both in compasse and in strength by addition of the outward walls In these he planted garrisons of Normans as if it had bene in a hostile Countrey not without oppression to the people although they remained quiet and sufficient to suppresse them if they should rebell Thus he secured the Realme against a generall defection as for particular stirres they might happily molest him but endanger him they could not Exceter Northumberland and some other parts did rise against him in armes but being vnable to maintaine their reuolt their ouerthrow did much confirme his State Hee either imitated or concurred with Caesar in aduise For as Caesar inuaded the Germans which kept the great forrest of Ardenna not with his owne Souldiers but with his aides out of Gallia gaining thereby victory ouer the one and securitie from the other without any dispence of the Romane blood so after the Kings great victory against the valiant but too aduenturous King Harold when many of the English fled into Ireland and from thence with fresh both courage and supplies returned into England commaunded by two of Harolds sonnes hee encountred them onely with English forces In the first conflict the Kings partie was ouerthrowen and the valiant leader Ednothus slaine who had bene master of the horses to King Harold In the second his enemies were so defeated as they were neuer able to make head againe So the victorers being weakened and the vanquished wasted the King with pleasure triumphed ouer both Likewise when he was occasioned to passe the Seas into Normandie either to establish affaires of gouernement or to represse rebellions which in his absence were many times raised he drew his forces out of England and that in a more large proportion then the importance of the seruice did require Hee also tooke with him the chiefe men of English blood as well to vse their aduise and aide as also to hold them and their friends from working innouation in his absence He enclosed the great Forrest neere vnto the Sea in Hamshire for which he dispeopled villages and townes about the space of thirtie miles to make a desert for beasts of chase in which place afterward two of his sonnes Richard and William ended their liues Richard by a fall from his horse and William by the stroke of an arrow The Kings great delight in hunting was made the pretence of this Forrest but the true end was rather to make a free place of footing for his Normans and other friends out of France in case any great reuolt should be made Diuers other parts of the Realme were so wasted with his warres that for want both of Husbandrie and habitation a great dearth did ensue whereby many were inforced to eate horses dogs cats rats and other loathsome and vile vermine yea some absteined not from the flesh of men This famine and desolation did especially rage in the North parts of the Realme For the inhabitants beyond Humber fearing the Kings secret hate so much the more deepe and deadly because vniust receiued without resistance and perhaps drew in the Armie of the King of Sueueland with whom Edgar Atheling and the other English that fled into Scotland ioyned their power The Normans within Yorke fired the suburbs because it should not be a lodging for their enemies but the strength of the winde caried the flame into the Citie which consumed a great part thereof with the Minster of S. Peter and therein a faire Librarie And herewith whilest the Normans were partly busied and partly amazed the enemies entred and slue in Yorke in Duresme and thereabout three thousand Normans among whom were many of eminent dignitie as well for birth as for place of their charge But in short time the King came vpon them and hauing partly by Armes and partly by gifts dispatched the strangers exercised vpon the English an ancient and assured experience of warre to represse with maine force a rebellion in a State newly subdued Insomuch as all the land betweene Duresme and Yorke except onely the territorie of S. Iohn of Beuerlace lay waste for the space of nine yeeres without inhabitants to manure the ground And because conspiracies and associations are commonly contriued in the night he commanded that in all Townes and villages a Bell should be runge in the euening at eight of the clocke and that in euery house they should then put foorth their fire and lights and goe to bed This custome of ringing a Bell at that houre in many places is still obserued And for that likenesse is a great cause of liking and of loue he enioyned the chiefe of the English and these were soone imitated by the rest to conforme themselues to the fashions of Normandie to which they had made themselues no strangers before Yea children in the schoole were taught their letters and principles of grammar in the Norman language In their speech attire shauing of the beard seruice at the Table in their buildings and houshold furniture they altogether resembled the Normans In the beginning of his reigne he ordeined that the Lawes of King Edward should be obserued together with those Lawes which hee did prescribe but afterwards he commanded that 9. men should be chosen out of euery shire to make a true report what were the Lawes and customes of the Realme Of these hee changed the greatest part and brought in the customes of Normandie in their stead commanding also that causes should be pleaded and all matters of forme dispatched in French Onely hee permitted certaine Dane-Lawes which before were chiefly vsed in Northfolke Suffolke and Cambridge-shire to be generally obserued as hauing great affinitie with his Norman-customes both being deriued from one common head Likewise at the great suit of William a Norman then Bishop of London he granted a Charter of libertie to that Citie for enioying the vse of K. Edwards Lawes a memoriall of which benefite the Citizens fixed vpon the Bishops graue being in the middest of the great West I le of S. Pauls Further by the counsaile of Stigand Archb. of Canterburie and of Eglesine Abbot of S. Augustines who at that time were the chiefe gouernours of Kent as the King was riding towards Douer at Swanescombe two mile from Grauesend the Kentish men came towards him armed and bearing boughes in their hands as if it had bene a moouing wood they encloased him vpon the sudden and with
esteemed not farre short of cruelties Not withstanding hee tempered it with many admirable actions both of iustice and of clemencie and mercie for which hee is much extolled by the Normane writers Hee gaue great priuiledges to many places the better to giue the people contentment and to hold them quiet he often times renued the oath which first he tooke at his Coronation namely to defend the holy Church of God the pastors thereof and the people subiect to him iustly to gouerne to ordaine good lawes and obserue true iustice and to the vttermost of his power to withstand all rapines and false Iudgements Such of the nobilitie as had been taken in rebellion were onely committed to prison from which they were released in time such as yeelded and submitted themselues were freely pardoned and often times receiued to fauour trust and imploymemt Edric the first that rebelled after hee was King he held neere and assured vnto him Gospatric who had been a stirrer of great commotions he made Earle of Glocester and employed him against Malcolme King of Scots Eustace Earle of Boline who vpon occasion of the Kings first absence in Normandie attempted to surprize the Castle of Douer he imbraced afterward with great shew of loue and respect Waltheof sonne to Earle Siward who in defending the Citie of Yorke against him had slaine many Normans as they assayed to enter a breach hee ioyned in marriage to his Neece Iudeth Edgar who was the ground and hope of all conspiracies who after his first submission to the King fled into Scotland and maintained open hostilitie against him who pretended title to the Crowne as next heire to the Saxon Kings he not onely receiued to fauour but honoured with faire enterteinments Hee furnished him to the warre of Palestine where he atteined an honourable estimation with the Emperours of Almaine and of Greece After his returne he was allowed 20. shillings a day by way of pension and large liuings in the Countrey where he mellowed to old age in pleasure and vacancie of affaires preferring safe subiection before ambitious rule accompanied both with danger and disquiet Thus was no man more milde to a relenting and vanquished enemie as farre from crueltie as he was from cowardice the height of his spirit ouerlooking all casuall all doubtfull and vncertaine dangers Other great offenders he punished commonly by exile or imprisonment seldome by death Onely among the English Nobilitie Earle Waltheof was put to death for that after twice breaking allegiance he conspired the third time with diuers both English and Normans to receiue the Danes into England whilest the King was absent in Normandie And for the same conspiracie Ralph Fitz-aubert a Norman was also executed who had furnished 40. ships for the King in his voiage for England for which and for his other seruices in that warre he was afterward created Earle of Hereford But present iniuries doe alwayes ouerballance benefits that are past He much delighted in hunting and in feasting For the first he enclosed many forrests and parks and filled them with Deere which he so deerely loued that he ordained great penalties for such as should kill those or any other beasts of game For the second hee made many sumptuous feasts especially vpon the high Festiuall dayes in the yeere His Christmasse hee often kept at Glocester his Easter at Winchester his Whitsontide at Westminster and was crowned once in the yeere at one of these places so long as he continued in England To these feasts he inuited all his Nobilitie and did then principally compose himselfe to courtesie as well in familiar conuersation as in facilitie to grant suits and to giue pardon to such as had offended At other times he was more Maiesticall and seuere and imployed himselfe both to much exercise and great moderation in diet whereby he preserued his body in good state both of health and strength and was easily able to endure trauaile hunger heat cold and all other hardnesse both of labour and of want Many wrongs he would not see of many smarts he would not complaine he was absolute master of himselfe and thereby learned to subdue others He was much commended for chastitie of body by which his Princely actions were much aduanced And albeit the beginning of his reigne was pestered with such routs of outlawes and robbers that the peaceable people could not accompt themselues in surety within their owne doores hee so well prouided for execution of Iustice vpon offenders or rather for cutting off the causes of offence that a yong maiden well charged with gold might trauaile in any part of the Realme without any offer of iniurie vnto her For if any man had slaine another vpon any cause he was put to death and if he could not be found the hundred paide a fine to the King sometimes 28. and sometimes 36. pounds according to the largenesse of the hundred in extent If a man had oppressed any woman he was depriued of his priuie parts As the people by Armes so Armes by lawes were held in restraint He talked little and bragged lesse a most assured performer of his word In prosecution of his purposes constant and strong and yet not obstinate but alwayes appliable to the change of occasions earnest yea violent both to resist his enemies and to exact dueties of his Subiects He neither loued much speech nor gaue credite to faire but trusted truely to himselfe to others so farre as he might not be abused by credulitie His expedition the spirit of actions and affaires may hereby appeare He inuaded England about the beginning of October He subdued all resistance he suppressed all rising Rebellions and returned into Normandy in March following So as the time of the yeere considered a man should hardly trauaile through the land in so short a time as he did win it A greater exploit then Iulius Caesar or any other stranger could euer atchieue vpon that place He gaue many testimonies of a Religious minde For he did often frequent Diuine seruice in the Church he gaue much Almes hee held the Clergie in great estimation and highly honoured the Prelats of the Church He sent many costly ornaments many rich presents of gold and siluer to the Church of Rome his Peter paiments went more readily more largely then euer before To diuers Churches in France after his victorie he sent Crosses of gold vessels of gold rich Palles or other ornaments of great beautie and price He bare such reuerence to Lanfranck Archbishop of Canterburie that he seemed to stand at his directions At the request of Wolstane Bishop of Worcester he gaue ouer a great aduantage that he made by sale of prisoners taken in Ireland He respected Aldred Archbishop of Yorke by whom he had bene crowned King of England as his father At a time vpon the repulse of a certaine suit the Archbishop brake forth into discontentment expostulated sharpely against the King and in a humorous heat offered to depart
But the King staied him fell downe at his feet desired pardon and promised satisfaction in the best maner that he could The Nobilitie that were present put the Archbishop in minde that he should cause the King to arise Nay answered the Archb. let him alone Let him still abide at S. Peters feet So with much adoe he was appeased and entreated to accept his suite And so the name of Saint Peter and of the Church hath been often vsed as a mantle to couer the pride passions and pleasures of disordered men He founded and enlarged many houses of Religion Hee furnished Ecclesiasticall dignities with men of more sufficiencie and worth then had been vsuall in former times And because within his owne Dominions studies did not flourish and thriue by reason of the turbulent times by reason of the often inuasions of barbarous people whose knowledge lay chiefly in their fists hee drew out of Italy and other places many famous men both for learning and integritie of life to wit Lanfranke Anselm Durand Traherne and others These he honoured these hee aduanced to these hee expressed great testimonies both of fauour and regard And yet he preferred Odo his brother by the mothers side to the Bishopricke of Baion and afterwards created him Earle of Kent A man proud vaine mutinous ambitious outragious in oppression cruelty and lust a prophaner of Religion a manifest contemner of all vertue The King being called by occasions into Normandie committed vnto him the gouernment of the Realme In which place of credite and command he furnished himselfe so fully with treasure that hee aspired to the Papacie of Rome vpon a prediction then cast abroad which commonly deceiue those that trust vnto them that the successour of Hildebrand was named Odo So filled with proud hopes hee purchased a palace and friends at Rome hee prepared for his iourney and drew many gentlemen to be of his traine But the King returning suddenly out of Normandie met with him in the Isle of Wight as he was ready to take the Seas There hee was arrested and afterwards charged with infinite oppressions also for seducing the Kings subiects to forsake the Realme and lastly for sacrilegious spoyling of many Churches Hereupon his treasure was seized and he was committed to prison not as Bishop of Baion but as Earle of Kent and as an accomptant to the King And so he remained about foure yeeres euen vntill the death of the King His seruants some in falshood and some for feare discouered such hidden heapes of his gold as did exceede all expectation yea many bagges of grinded gold were drawen out of riuers wherein the Bishop had caused them for a time to be buried After this hee was called the Kings spunge as being preferred by him to that place of charge wherein he might in long time sucke that from others which should at once be pressed from himselfe By this meanes the King had the benefit of his oppression without the blame and the people being no deepe searchers into secrets of State were so well pleased with the present punishment as they were thereby although not satisfied yet well quieted for all their wrongs Towards the end of his reigne he appointed his two sonnes Robert and Henry with ioynt authoritie gouernours of Normandie the one to suppresse either the insolencie or leuitie of the other These went together to visit the French King lying at Conflance where entertaining the time with varietie of disports Henry played with Louis then Daulphine of France at Chesse and did win of him very much Hereat Louis beganne to growe warme in words and was therein little respected by Henry The great impatiencie of the one and the small forbearance of the other did strike in the end such a heate betweene them that Louis threw the Chesse-men at Henries face and called him the sonne of a bastard Henrie againe stroke Louis with the Chesse-boord drew blood with the blowe and had presently slaine him vpon the place had hee not been stayed by his brother Robert Hereupon they presently went to horse and their spurres claimed so good haste as they recouered Pontoife albeit they were sharpely pursued by the French It had been much for the French King to haue remained quiet albeit no prouocations had happened in regard of his pretence to many pieces which King William did possesse in France But vpon this occasion he presently inuaded Normandie tooke the Citie of Vernon and drew Robert King Williams eldest sonne to combine with him against his owne father On the other side King William who neuer lost any thing by loosing of time with incredible celeritie passed into France inuaded the French Kings dominions wasted and tooke many principall places of Zantoigne and Poictou returned to Roan and there reconciled his sonne Robert vnto him The French King summoned him to doe his homage for the kingdome of England For the Duchie of Normandie he offered him homage but the kingdome of England he said he held of no man but onely of God and by his sword Hereupon the French King came strongly vpon him but finding him both ready and resolute to answere in the field finding also that his hazard was greater then his hope that his losse by ouerthrow would farre surmount his aduantage by victory after a few light encounters he retired preferring the care to preserue himselfe before the desire to harme others King William being then both corpulent and in yeeres was distempered in body by meanes of those trauailes and so retired to Roan where hee remained not perfectly in health The French King hearing of his sickenesse pleasantly said that hee lay in child-bed of his great belly This would haue been taken in mirth if some other had spoken it but comming from an enemie it was taken in scorne And as great personages are most sencible of reproach and the least touch of honour maketh a wide and incurable wound so King William was so nettled with this ieast that hee swore By Gods resurrection and his brightnesse for this was the vsuall forme of his oath that so soone as hee should be churched of that child he would offer a thousand lights in France So presently after his recouery hee entred France in armes tooke the Citie of Meux set many Townes and Villages and corne fields on fire the people abandoning all places where he came and giuing foorth that it was better the nests should be destroyed then that the birds should be taken in them At the last he came before Paris where Philip King of France did then abide to whom he sent word that he had recouered to be on foote and was walking about and would be glad likewise to find him abroad This enterprise was acted in the moneth of August wherein the King was so violent and sharpe that by reason both of his trauaile and of the vnseasonable heate he fell into a relapse of his sicknesse And to accomplish his mishap in leaping on horse-backe ouer a ditch
with gold costly stones Then they opened his Tombe not finding the treasure which they expected they threw forth his bones with very great derision despight Many English souldiers were then in the Towne who were very curious to gather his bones whereof some were afterwards brought into England Hereby the report is conuinced for vaine that his body was found vncorrupt more then foure hundred yeeres after it was buried Hereby also it is found to be false that his body was eight foote in length For neither were his bones proportionable to that stature as it is testified by those who saw them and it is otherwise reported of him by som who liued in his time namely that he was of a good stature yet not exceeding the ordinary proportion of men And this was the last end of all his fortunes of all that was mortall in him besides his fame whose life is too much extolled by the Normans and no lesse extenuated by the English Verely he was a very great Prince full of hope to vndertake great enterprises full of courage to atchieue them in most of his actions commendable and excusable in all And this was not the least piece of his Honour that the Kings of England which succeeded did accompt their order onely from him not in regard of his victorie in England but generally in respect of his vertue and valour For his entrance was not by way of conquest but with pretence of title to the Crowne wherein he had both allowance and aide from diuers Christian Princes in Europe He had also his partie within the Realme by whose meanes he preuailed against the opposite faction as Caesar did against Pompey and not against the entire strength of the State Againe hee did not settle himselfe in the chaire of Soueraignetie as one that had reduced all things to the proud power and pleasure of a Conquerour but as an vniuersall successor of former Kings in all the rights and priuiledges which they did enioy Hee was receiued for King by generall consent He was crowned with all Ceremonies and Solemnities then in vse Hee tooke an oath in the presence of the Clergie the Nobilitie and of much people for defence of the Church for moderate and carefull gouernement and for vpright administration of iustice Lastly during the whole course of his gouernement the kingdome receiued no vniuersall change no losse or diminution of honour For neither were the olde inhabitants expelled as were the Britaines neither was the kingdome either subiected or annexed to a greater but rather it receiued encrease of honour in that a lesse State was adioyned vnto it The change of customes was not violent and at once but by degrees and with the silent approbation of the English who haue alwaies been inclinable to accommodate themselues to the fashions of France The grieuances and oppressions were particular and with some appearance either of iustice or of necessitie for the common quiet such as are not vnusuall in any gouernement moderately seuere So the change was chiefly in the stemme and familie of the King which whether it be wrought by one of the same nation as it was in France by Pepine and Capett or by a stranger as in the same Countrey by Henry 5. and Henry 6. Kings of England it bringeth no disparagement in honour it worketh no essentiall change The State still remained the same the solid bodie of the State remained still English the comming in of many Normans was but as Riuers falling into the Ocean which change not the Ocean but are confounded with the waters thereof This King had by his wife Matild daughter to Baldwine Earle of Flanders foure sonnes Robert Richard William and Henrie Hee had also fiue daughters Cicely Constance Adela Margaret and Elianor Robert his eldest sonne surnamed Courtcuise by reason of the shortnesse of his thighs succeeded him in the duchie of Normandie He was a man of exceeding honourable courage and spirit for which cause he was so esteemed by the Christian Princes in the great warre against the Saracens that when they had subdued the Citie and territorie of Hierusalem they offered the kingdome thereof first vnto him Yet afterwards either by the malice of his Fortune or for that he was both suddaine and obstinate in his owne aduise two great impediments that valour cannot thriue he receiued many foiles of his enemies which shall be declared in their proper place Before the King made his descent into England hee gaue the duchie of Normandie vnto him but whether he did this onely to testifie his confidence or whether afterwards his purpose changed being often demanded to performe this gift he would neither deny nor accomplish his word but enterposed many excuses and delayes affirming that he was not so surely setled in England but the duchie of Normandie was necessary vnto him both for supply for his seruices which he found like Hydraes heads to multiply by cutting off and also for an assured place for retreit in case hee should be ouercharged with extremities Hereupon Robert vnable to linger and pine in hopes declared openly against him in armes Philip King of France was ready to put fuell to the flame who as he neuer fauoured in his owne iudgement the prosperous encreases of the King of England so then he was vigilant to embrace all occasions either to abate or limit the same And thus Robert both encouraged and enabled by the King of France inuaded Normandie and permitted his souldiers licentiously to wast to satisfie those by spoile which by pay he was not able to maintaine At the last he encountred the King his father in a sharpe conflict before the castle of Gerberie wherein the King was vnhorsed and wounded in the arme his second sonne William was also hurt and many of his souldiers slaine And albeit Robert so soone as he knew his father by his voyce allighted forthwith mounted him vpon his owne horse and withdrew him out of the medley yet did he cast vpon his sonne a cruell curse which lay so heauie vpon him that he neuer prospered afterward in any thing which hee vndertooke And although after this he was reconciled to his father and imployed by him in seruices of credit and weight yet did the King often bewray of him an vnquiet conceit often did he ominate euill vnto him yea a little before his death he openly gaue forth That it was a miserable Countrey which should be subiect to his dominion for that he was a proud and foolish knaue and to be long scourged by cruell Fortune Richard had erected the good expectation of many as well by his comely countenance and behauiour as by his liuely and generous spirit But he died yong by misaduenture as he was hunting within the New-forrest before he had made experiment of his worth Some affirme that he was goared to death by the Deere of that Forrest for whose walke his father had dispeopled that large compasse of ground others report
that as he rode in chase hee was hanged vpon the bow of a tree by the chaps others more probably doe write that he perished by a fal from his horse He was buried at Winchester with this inscription Hic iacet Richardus filius Wilielmi senioris Berniae Dux William did succeed next to his father in the Kingdome of England To Henry the King gaue at the time of his death fiue thousand pounds out of his treasure but gaue him neither dignitie nor lands foretelling that hee should enioy the honour of both his brothers in time and farre excel them both in dominion and power Whether this was deuised vpon euent or whether some doe prophesie at their death or whether it was coniecturally spoken or whether to giue contentment for the present it fell out afterward to be true For hee succeeded William in the Kingdome of England and wrested Normandie out of the possession of Robert Of these two I shall write more fully hereafter His daughter Cicelie was Abbesse of Caen in Normandie Constance was married to Allen Fergant Earle of Britaine Adela was wife to Stephen Earle of Blois to whom she bare Stephen who after the death of Henry was King of England Margaret was promised in marriage to Harold she died before hee attained the Kingdome for which cause he held himselfe discharged of that oath which he had made to the Duke her father Elianor was betroathed to Alphonso King of Gallicia but she desired much to die a Virgine for this she daily prayed and this in the end she did obtaine After her death her knees appeared brawnie and hard with much kneeling at her deuotions Assuredly it will be hard to find in any one Familie both greater Valour in sonnes and more Vertue in daughters In the beginning of this Kings reigne either no great accidents did fall or else they were obscured with the greatnesse of the change none are reported by the writers of that time In the fourth yeere of his reigne Lanfranke Abbot of Caen in Normandie but borne in Pauie a Citie of Lumbardie was made Archbishop of Canterbury And Thomas a Norman and Chanon of Bayon was placed in the Sea of Yorke Betweene these two a controuersie did arise at the time of their consecration for prioritie in place but this contention was quieted by the King and Thomas for the time subscribed obedience to the Archb. of Canterbury After this they went to Rome for their Palles where the question for Primacie was againe renued or as some affirme first moued before Pope Alexander The Pope vsed them both with honorable respect and especially Lanfrank to whom he gaue two Palles one of honour and the other of loue but their controuersie he referred to be determined in England About two yeeres after it was brought before the King and the Clergie at Windsore The Archbishop of Yorke alleadged that when the Britaine 's receiued the Christian faith in the time of Lucius their King Eleutherius then Bishop of Rome sent Faganus and Damianus vnto them who ordeined 28. Bishops and two Archbishops within the Realme one of London and the other of Yorke Vnder these the Church of Britaine was gouerned almost three hundred yeeres vntill they were subdued by the Saxons The Saxons remained Infidels vntill Gregorie Bishop of Rome sent Augustine vnto them By his preaching Ethelbert King of Kent was first conuerted to the Christian faith By reason whereof Augustine was made Archbishop of Douer by appointment of Pope Gregorie who sent vnto him certaine Palles with his letter from Rome By this letter it is euident that Gregorie intended to reduce the Church of the Saxons to the same order wherein it was among the Britaines namely to be vnder twelue Bishops and two Archbishops one of London and the other of Yorke Indeede he gaue to Augustine during his life authority and iurisdiction ouer all Bishops and Priests in England but after his decease he ioyneth these two Metropolitanes in equall degree to constitute Bishops to ouersee the Church to consult and dispose of such things as appertaine to the gouernement thereof as in former times among the Britaines Betweene these he put no distinction in honour but only as they were in prioritie of time and as he appointeth London to be consecrated by no Bishop but of his own Synod so he expresseth that the Bishop of Yorke should not bee subiect to the Bishop of London And albeit Augustine for the reason before mentioned translated the Sea from London to Douer yet if Gregorie had intended to giue the same authoritie to the successours of Augustine which hee gaue vnto him he would haue expressed it in his Epistle but in that he maketh no mention of his successours he concludeth or rather excludeth them by his silence The Archbishop of Canterbury alleaged that from the time of Augustine vntill the time of Bede which was about 140. yeeres the Bishops of Canterburie which in ancient time said he was called Douer had the Primacie ouer the whole land of Britaine and of Ireland that they did call the Bishops of Yorke to their Councels which diuers times they kept within the Prouince of Yorke that some Bishops of Yorke they did constitute some excommunicate and some remoue He alleaged also diuers priuiledges granted by Princes for the Primacie of that Sea diuers graunted from the Apostolike Sea to confirme this dignitie in the successours of Augustine that it is reason to receiue directions of well liuing from whence we first receiued directions of right beleeuing therfore as the Bishop of Canterbury was subiect to the Bishop of Rome because hee had his faith from thence for the very same cause the Bishop of Yorke should be in subiection to the Bishop of Canterbury that like as the Lord said that to all the Bishops of Rome which hee said to S. Peter so that which Gregorie said to Augustine hee said likewise to all his successours And whereas much is spoken of the Bishop of London what is that to the Archbishop of Canterbury For neither is it certaine that Augustine was euer resident at London neither that Gregorie appointed him so to be In the end it was decreed That Yorke for that time should be subiect to Canterburie that wheresoeuer within England the Archbishop of Canterburie should hold his Councell the Archbishop of Yorke should come vnto it with the Bishops of his Prouince and be obedient to his decrees that when the Archbishop of Canterburie should decease the Archbishop of Yorke should goe to Canterburie to consecrate him that should succeed that if the Archbishop of Yorke should decease his successour should goe to Canterbury or to such place as the Archbishop of Canterburie should appoint there to receiue his Consecration making first his oath of Canonicall obedience And thus was the contention for this first time taken vp but in succeeding times it was often renued and much busied the Clergie of the Realme In the ninth yeere of the
reigne of King William a Councell was holden at London where another matter of like qualitie and nature was decreed namely that Bishops should translate their Sees from villages to Cities whereupon in short time after Bishops Sees were remoued from Selese to Chichester from Cornewall to Exeter from Wells to Bath from Shirbourne to Salisburie from Dorcester to Lincolne from Lichfield to Chester and from thence againe to Couentree And albeit the Archbishop of Yorke did oppose against the erecting of a Cathedrall Church in Lincolne because he challenged that Citie to be of his Prouince yet Remigius Bishop of Dorchester being strong both in resolution and in friends did prosecute his purpose to effect Not long before the Bishopricke of Lindafferne otherwise called Holy land vpon the riuer Tweed had bene translated to Durhame In the tenth yeere of his reigne the cold of Winter was exceeding memorable both for sharpenesse and for continuance For the earth remained hard frozen from the beginning of Nouember vntill the middest of April then ensuing In the 15. yere a great earthquake happened in the month of April strange for the strong trembling of the earth but more strange for the dolefull and hideous roaring which it yeelded foorth In the 20. yeere there fell such abundance of raine that the Riuers did greatly ouerflow in all parts of the Realme The springs also rising plentifully in diuers hils so softned and decaied the foundations of them that they fell downe whereby some villages were ouerthrowne By this distemperature of weather much cattel perished much cornevpon the ground was either destroyed or greatly empaired Herehence ensued first a famine and afterwards a miserable mortalitie of men And that all the Elements might seeme to haue conspired the calamity of the Realme the same yeere most of the principall Cities in England were lamentably deformed with fire At London a fire began at the entry of the West gate which apprehending certaine shops and Ware-houses wherein was Merchandise apt to burne it was at once begun and suddenly at the highest Then being caried with a strong wind and the Citie apt to maintaine the flame as well by reason of the crooked and narrow streets as for that the buildings at that time had open and wide windowes and were couered with base matter fit to take fire the mischiefe spread more swiftly then the remedies could follow So it raged vntill it came to the Eastgate prostrated houses and Churches all the way being the most grieuous that euer as yet hath happened to that Citie The Church of S. Paul was at that time fired Whereupon Maurice then Bishop of London began the foundation of the new Church of S. Paul A worke so admirable that many did iudge it would neuer haue bene finished yet all might easily esteeme thereby his magnanimitie his high erected hopes his generous loue and honour to Religion The King gaue towards the building of the East end of this Church the choise stones of his Castle at the West end of the Citie vpon the bancke of the Riuer Thames which Castle at the same time was also fired in place whereof Edward Killwarby Archbishop of Canterburie did afterwards found a Monasterie of blacke Friers The King also gaue the Castle of Storford and all the lands which thereto belonged to the same Maurice and to his successours in that See And doubtlesse nothing more then either parcimonious or prophane expending the Treasures of the Church hath since those times much dried vp those fountaines which first did fill them After the death of Maurice Richard his next Successour as well in vertue as in dignitie bestowed all the Rents rising out of this Bishopricke to aduance the building of this Church maintaining himselfe by his Patrimonie and friendes and yet all which hee could doe made no great shewe so that the finishing of this worke was left to many other succeeeding Bishops Hee purchased the ground about the Church whereupon many buildings did stand and inclosed the same with a strong wall of stone for a place of buriall It seemeth that this wall was afterwards either battered and torne in some ciuill warres or else by negligence suffered to decay for that a graunt was made by King Edward the second that the Church-yard of Saint Pauls should bee enclosed with a wall because of the robberies and murthers that were there committed Many parts of this wall remaine at this time on both sides of the Church but couered for the most part with dwelling houses The same yeere in Whitsun-weeke the King honoured his sonne Henrie with the order of Knighthood What Ceremonies the King then vsed it is not certainly knowen but before his time the custome among the Saxons was thus First hee who should receiue the order of Knighthood con●…essed himselfe in the euening to a Priest Then hee continued all that night in the Church watching and applying himselfe to his priuate deuotions The next morning he heard Masse and offered his sword vpon the Altar After the Gospel was read the sword was hallowed and with a benediction put about his necke Lastly he communicated the mysteries of the blessed body of Christ and from that time remained a lawfull Souldier or Knight This custome of Consecrating Knights the Normans did not onely abrogate but abhorre not for any euill that was therein but because it was not altogether their owne This yeere in a Prouince of Wales called Rosse the Sepulchre of Wawyn otherwise called Gawen was found vpon the Sea shore Hee was sisters sonne to Arthur the great King of the Britaines a man famous in our Britaine Histories both for ciuill courtesie and for courage in the field I cannot but esteeme the report for fabulous that his bodie was fourteene foote in length I doe rather coniecture that one credulous writer did take that for the length of his body which happily might bee the length of his ●…ombe It is constantly affirmed that the ground whereon the English and the Normans did combate doth shew after euery raine manifest markes of blood vpon the grasse which if it was not a proprietie of the soyle before it is hard now to assigne either from what naturall cause it doth proceede or what it should supernaturally portend K. WILLIAM THE SECOND sirnamed RVFVS KIng WILLIAM the Victor when hee drew towards the end of his dayes commended the Kingdome of England to his second sonne William with many blessings with many admonitions with many prayers for the prosperous successe of his succession And because the presence of the next successour is of greatest moment to establish affaires the King a little before his passage to death dispatched him into England with letters vnder his owne Seale to Lanfranck then Archbishop of Canterbury a man highly esteemed in forraine Countreys but with the Cleargie and vulgare people of the Realme his authoritie was absolute In these letters the King expressed great affection and care towards his sonne William commending him with many kind
words for his sufficiencies for diuers vertues especially for that hee did alwayes stand firmely by him alwayes declare himselfe both a faithfull Subiect and dutifull sonne It was also coniectured by some that the King was guided in this choise no lesse by his iudgement then by his affection for that he esteemed the fierce disposition of his sonne William more fit to gouerne a people not well setled in subiection then the flexible and milde nature of his eldest sonne Robert So William taking his last leaue of his father who was then taking his last leaue of this world iourneyed towards England and in short time arriued at the port called Whitesand where he receiued the first report of his fathers death Hereupon with all speed hee posted to Lanfranck deliuered his fathers letters and foorthwith was declared King vpon the 9. day of September in the yere 1087. and vpon the first of October next ensuing was by the same Lanfranck with al ceremonies and solemnities perteining to that action crowned at Westminster Robert either by negligence and want of foresight or by the perpetuall malice of his destinie or happily not without his fathers contriuance was absent in Germanie whilest his yonger brother William did thus possesse himselfe both of the Kingdome of his father and of his treasure Otherwise he wanted neither pretence nor purpose nor fauour of friends to haue empeached his brothers proceedings For it was then doubted by many and since hath bene by many debated whether in any case vpon any cause or consideration whatsoeuer a King hath power to disinherite his eldest sonne and to appoint another to succeed in his estate That a King may aduance any of his sonnes to bee his successour without respect of prioritie in birth there seemeth to want neither warrant of example nor weight of authoritie Dauid a man greatly prooued and approoued by God did preferre Solomon to succeede him before his eldest sonne Adonia And in like sort Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon appointed the yongest of all his sonnes to succeed him in the Kingdome So some Lawyers affirme That a King may determine in his life which of his sonnes shall reigne after him But this must be vnderstood either when a State is newly raised to the title of a kingdome or else when by Conquest Vsurpation or some other meanes of change the gouernment thereof is newly transferred from one stemme to another For then because there is no certaine Law or Custome of succession in force the right seemeth to d●…pend vpon the disposition of the Prince And yet euen in this case the eldest or neerest cannot be excluded without iust cause For so when Iacob depriued his eldest sonne Reuben of his priuiledge of birth he expressed the cause For that he had defiled his fathers bed which fact of his Hierome applieth to the case in question So when Ptolemie the first King of Egypt commended the State to his yongest sonne he yeelded a reason for that which he did So Henrie the fourth Emperour crowned Henrie his yonger sonne King reiecting Conrade his eldest sonne for that hee had borne armes against him and ioyned in league with his open enemies But when by expresse Lawe or long grounded Custome the Succession of a State is established to the eldest sonne the best approoued interpreters of the Canon and Ciuill law doe conclude that the father hath no power to inuert or peruert that course of order For parents may debarre their children of that which proceedeth from themselues of that which dependeth vpon their appointment but of that which is due by nature by the immutable law of the State the parents can haue no power to dispose When by a fundamentall Lawe or Custome of State Succession is annexed to the dignity of a Crowne according to prioritie in birth it followeth that so soone as the first borne commeth into light the right of succession is fixed in him not in hope onely but also in habite whereof neither the father nor any other can dispossesse him And therefore when Prusias intended to depriue his eldest sonne Nicomedes of his prerogatiue of birth and to preferre his yonger sonnes which he had by another wife in succession before him he could not assure it by any meanes but by determining the death of Nicomedes which Nicomedes to preuent dispoiled his father both of kingdom and of life Ptolemie the first King of Egypt of that name who after the death of Alexander the great possessed himselfe of Egypt part of Arabia and of Affrick left his kingdom to the yōgest of his sons but afterward when Ptolemie surnamed Phiscon vpon the importunity of his wife Cleopatra attempted the like the kingdome being then setled in succession the people opposed reuersed his order after his death So Pepine after hee had made seisure of the kingdome of France ordered all things which he thought necessary for the suerty therof disposed the succession therein by his Testament leauing the Realme of Noion to his sonne Charles and to Carloman his other sonne the Realme of Soissons The like was done by some other of the first Kings of his race But since that time the custome hath been strongly stablished that the kingdome passeth entirely to the eldest sonne and possessions are assigned to the rest vnder the name of Appanage And therefore the French writers affirme that the eldest sonne of France cannot be depriued of succession vpon any cause of ingratitude against his parents and that if the King should institute his eldest sonne yet cannot hee take the kingdome by force of his fathers guift but onely by the immutable law of the Realme Yea Girard writeth of Charl●● the simple that hee was King of France before hee was borne And in this regard the Glossographer vpon the Decrees noteth that the sonne of a King may bee called King during the life of his father as wanting nothing but administration And the same also doth Seruius note out of Virgil where hee saith of Aescanius regémque requirunt his father Aeneas being then aliue Now then for that the right of Succession to the Crowne of England was not at that time so surely setled as it hath been since but had waued in long vncertainetie First in the Heptarchie of the Saxons and English afterward betweene the English and the Danes and was then newly possessed by the Normane and that chiefly by the sword For that also Robert the Kings eldest sonne gaue iust cause of offence by bearing armes against his father it may seeme that the King might lawfully direct the succession to his second sonne And yet because as Herodotus saith It is a generall custome amongst all men that the first in birth is next in succession because as Baldus affirmeth Semper fuit semper erit c. Alwayes it hath been and alwayes it shall bee that the first borne succeedeth in
most capitall offence in the eye of enuie of Lanfrank Archbishop of Canterburie by means whereof many of the conspirators liued in farre meaner reputation then their ambitious minds could easily breake but chiefly it was vpon a more particular grudge which Odo did beare against the same Lanfranck because by his perswasion Odo had been committed to prison by King William the elder For when the King complained to Lanfranck of the intolerable both auarice and ambition of his brother Odo the Archbishop gaue aduise that hee should bee restrained of his libertie And when the King doubted how he being a Bishop might be committed to prison without impeaching the priuiledges of the Church indeede answered Lanfranck you may not imprison the Bishop of Baion but you may doe what you please with the Earle of Kent The publike and open pretenses were these Robert Duke of Normandie had the prerogatiue of birth which being a benefit proceeding from nature could not bee reuersed by his fathers acte He had also wonne a most honorable reputation for his militarie vertues and had by many trauels of warre wasted the wilde follies of youth Hee was no lesse famous for courtesie and liberalitie two most amiable ornaments of honour being so desirous that no man should depart discontented from him that he would oftentimes promise more then hee was able to performe and yet performe more then his estate could expediently afford As for K. William besides that he was the yonger brother his nature was held to be doubtfull and suspect and the iudgement of most men enclined to the worst And what are we then aduantaged said they by the death of his father if whom he hath fleeced this shall flay if this shall execute those whom he hath fettered and surely bound If after his seuerities that are past wee shall be freshly charged with those rigours which tyrants in the height and pride of their Fortune are wont to vse And as stronger combinations are alwayes made betweene men drawne together by one common feare then betweene those that are ioyned by hope or desire so vpon these iealousies and feares accompanied also with vehement desires the Confederats supposed that they had knit a most assured league Now it happened that at the time of the death of William the elder Robert his eldest sonne was absent in Almaine and at once heard both of the death of his father and that his brother William was acknowledged to be King Hereupon in great hast but greater heat both o●… anger and ambition he returned into Normandie and there whilest he was breathing foorth his discontentment and desire of reuenge he receiued a message from the Confederats in England that with all speed hee should come ouer vnto them to accomplish the enterprise to furnish their forces with a head that they had no want of able bodies they wanted no meanes to maintaine them together they wanted onely his person both to countenance and conduct them The Duke thought it no wisdome to aduenture himselfe altogether vpon the fauour and faith of discontented persons and he had bene so loosely liberall before that he was vnprouided of money to appoint himselfe with any competent forces of his owne Hereupon he pawned a part of Normandie to his brother Henry for waging Souldiers many also flocked voluntarily vnto him vpon inducement that hee who of his owne nature was most liberall full of humanitie would not faile both of pay and reward vnlesse by reason of disabilitie want In the meane time the Confederats resolued to breake forth in Armes in diuers parts of the Realme at once vpon conceit that if the King should endeuour to represse them in one place they might more easily preuaile in the other And so accordingly Odo fortified and spoiled in Kent Geoffrey Bishop of Exceter with his nephew Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland at Bristow Roger Montgomerie in Northfolke Suffolke and Cambridgeshire Hugh de Grandmenill in Leicestershire and Northamptonshire William Bishop of Durhame in the North parts of the Realme diuers others of the Clergie and Nobilitie in Herefordshire Shropshire Worcestershire and all the Countreys adioyning to Wales And as in time of pestilence all diseases turne to the plague so in this generall tumult all discontentments sorted to Rebellion Many who were oppressed with violence or with feare many who were kept lower either by want or disgrace then they had set their mounting minds adioyned daily to the side and encreased both the number and the hope And thus was all the Realme in a rumous rage against K. William who wanted neither courage to beare nor wisdome to decline it And first hee endeuoured by all meanes to make the English assured vnto him And albeit few of them were at that time in any great place either of credite or of charge but were all wounded by his fathers wrongs yet for that they were the greatest part he made the greatest reckoning of them For this cause hee released many English Lords who had bene committed to custodie by his father He composed himselfe to courtesie and affabilitie towards the people and distributed much treasure among them But especially hee wanne their inclination by promises of great assurance to restore vnto them their ancient lawes to ease them of tributes and taxations and to permit them free libertie of hunting which being their principall pleasure and exercise before was either taken away or much restrained from them by King William the elder Herewith he applied himselfe to appease the mutinous minds of his Nobilitie to seuer the Confederats to breake the faction to diuide it first and thereby to defeat it To this purpose he dealt with Roger Montgomerie who next vnto Odo was a principall both countenance and strength to the reuolt he dealt also with diuers others inferiour vnto him in authority and degree that he could not coniecture for what cause they were so violent against him did they want money His fathers treasure was at their deuotion desired they encrease of possessions they should not be otherwise bounded then by their owne desires that hee would willingly also giue ouer his estate in case it should be iudged expedient by themselues whom his father had put in trust to support him that they should doe wel to foresee whether by ouerthrowing his fathers iudgement in appointing the kingdome vnto him they should not doe that which might be preiudiciall to themselues for the same man who had appointed him to bee King had also conferred vnto them those honours and possessions which they held Thus sometimes dealing priuately with particulars and sometimes with many together and eftsoones filling them with promises and hopes and that with such new vehemencie of words as they beleeued could not proceede from dissembled intents he so preuailed in the end that hereby and by example of some inducing the rest Roger Montgomerie and diuers others were reconciled to the King in whom was thought to rest no smal matter to hold
vp the reputation of the enterprise And further hee prepared a nauie to guard the seas and to impeach the passage of his brother into England Hee prepared great forces also by meanes of the treasure which his father had left and disposed them in places conuenient either to preuent or to represse these scattered tumults But the successe of his affaires was by no meanes so much aduanced as by Lanfranck Archbishop of Canterbury and by Woolstane Bishop of Worcester the authority of which two men the one for his learning wisedome and mild moderation the other for his simple sanctitie and integritie of life was greatly regarded by all sorts of people By encouragement of Woolstane not onely the citie of Worcester was maintained in firme condition for the King but his enemies receiued there a famous foyle the greatest part being slaine and the residue dispersed This was the first sad blow which the confederates tooke afterward they declined mainely and the King as mainly did increase The King in person led his chiefe forces into Kent against Odo his vncle the principall firebrand of all this flame Hee tooke there the castle of Tunbridge and of Pemsey which Odo had fortified and lastly hee besieged Odo himselfe in the castle of Rochester and with much trauell tooke him prisoner and compelled him to abiure the Realme Vpon these euents the Bishop of Durham aduising onely with feare and despaire fled out of the Realme but after three yeeres he was againe restored to the dignitie of his Sea The residue did submit themselues to the Kings discretion and were by him receiued all to pardon some to gracious and deare account For in offences of so high nature pardon neuer sufficeth to assure offenders vnlesse by further benefits their loyaltie bee bound Robert Duke of Normandy was busied all this time in making preparation for his iourney into England but his delayes much abated the affections of those who fauoured either his person or cause At the length hauing made vp a competent power he committed to sea where his infelicities concurring with his negligence diuers of his ships which he had sent somewhat before him to assure the confederats of his approach were set vpon and surprised by the nauie of King William After this hee arriued in England sent vnto many of his secret friends and made his comming knowen vnto all but no man resorted to him he receiued no aduertisement from any man but plainely found that by the fortunate celeritie of King William the heart of the conspiracie in all places was broken So the Duke returned into Normandie hauing then good leisure to looke into the errour of his leisurely proceedings When the King had in this sort either wisely reconciled or valiantly repressed his domesticall enemies because an vnperfect victory is alwayes the seede of a new warre he followed his brother with a mighty armie and remoued the seate of the warre into Normandie For he coniectured as in trueth it fell out that the Duke his brother vpon his returne would presently disperse his companies for want of money and for the same cause would not easily be able to draw them together againe So his valour and his power being much aduantaged by his sudden comming ioyned to the want of foresight and preparation in the Duke he tooke in short time the Castles of Walerick and Aubemarle with the whole Countrey of Eu the Abbacie of Mount S. Michael Fescampe Chereburge and diuers other places which he furnished with men of Armes and Souldiers of assured trust The Duke feeling his owne weakenesse dealt with Philip King of France and by liberall promises so preuailed with him that he descended into Normandie with a faire Armie and bent his siege against one of those pieces which K. William had taken But he found it so knottie a piece of worke that in short time wearied with hardnesse and hazards of the field he fell to a capitulation with King William and so departed out of Normandie receiuing a certaine summe of money in regard of his charges and conceiuing that he had won honour ynough in that no honour had bene won against him The money that was payd to the King of France was raised in England by this deuise King William commanded that 20. Thousand men should be mustered in England and transported into Normandie to furnish his warres against the French When they were conducted neere to Hastings and almost ready to be embarked it was signified to them from the King that aswell for their particular safeties as not to disfurnish the Realme of strength whosoeuer would pay 10. shillings towards the waging of Souldiers in Normandie he might be excused to stay at home Among 20. Thousand scarce any was found who was not ioyfull to embrace the condition who was not ready to redeeme his aduenture with so small a summe which being gathered together was both a surer and easier meanes to finish the warres then if the King had still struggeled by force of Armes For when the French King had abandoned the partie Duke Robert being prepared neither with money nor constancie of mind to continue the warre enclined to peace which at the last by diligence of friends was concluded betweene the two brothers vpon these conditions That the Duke should yeeld to the King the Countie of Eu the Abbey of Fescampe the Abbey of S. Michaels mount Chereburge and all other Castles and fortifications which the King had taken That the King should subdue to the vse of the Duke all other Castles and houldes which had reuolted from him in Normandie That the King should giue to the Duke certaine dignities and possessions in England That the King should restore all those to their dignities and lands in England who had taken part with the Duke against him That if either of them should die without issue male the suruiuour should succeed in his estate These Articles were confirmed by twelue Barons on the Kings part and as many on the part of the Duke so long obserued as either of them wanted either power or pretence to disanull them This peace being made the Duke vsed the aide of King William to recouer the fort of Mount S. Michael which their brother Henrie did forceably hold for the money which hee had lent to the Duke of Normandie Fourtie dayes they layed siege to this castle hauing no hope to carrie it but by the last necessity which is hunger Within the compasse of this time as the King straggled alone vpon the shoare certaine horsemen salied foorth and charged vpon him of whom three strooke him together so violently with their lances as because he could not be driuen out of his saddle together with his saddle he was cast vpon the ground and his horse slaine vpon the place for which he had payed the same day 15. markes Extremitie of danger as it often happeneth tooke from the King all feare of danger wherefore taking vp his saddle with both his hands he
did there with defend himselfe for a time But because to stand vpon defence onely is alwayes vnsure he drew his sword and would not depart one foot from his saddle but making shew of braue ioy that he had nothing to trust vnto but his owne valour he defended both his saddle and himselfe till rescue came Afterward when some of his Souldiers in blaming maner expostulated with him wherefore he was so obstinate to saue his saddle his answere was that a King should loose nothing which he can possibly saue It would haue angred mee said he at the very heart that the knaues should haue bragged that they had wonne the saddle from mee And this was one of his perpetuall felicities to escape easily out of desperate dangers In the end Henry grew to extreeme want of water and other prouisions by which meanes he was ready to fall into the hands of those who desired to auoyd necessitie to hurt him And first he sent to the Duke his brother to request some libertie to take in fresh water The Duke sent to him a tunne of wine and granted a surcease of hostilitie for one day to furnish him with water At this the King seemed discontented as being a meanes to prolong the warre But the Duke told him that it had bene hard to deny a brother a little water for his necessitie Here with like wise the King relenting they sent for their brother Henry and wisdome preuailing more then iniuries or hate they fell to an agreement That vpon a day appointed Henry should receiue his money at Roan and that in the meane time hee should hold the countrey of Constantine in morgage The King enterteined with pay many of his brother Henries souldiers especially he receiued those who ouerthrew him to a very neere degree of fauour And thus all parties ordered their ambition with great modestie the custome of former warres running in a course of more humanitie then since they haue done The King was the more desirous to perfect these agreements of Peace for that Malcolme King of Scots as Princes often times make vse of the contentions of their neighbours tooke occasion vpon these confusions to enterprise vpō the parts of England which confined vpon him So as he inuaded Northumberland made great spoile tooke much prey caried away many prisoners whose calamitie was the more miserable for that they were to endure seruitude in a hard Countrey For this cause the King with his accustomed celeritie returned into England accompanied with the Duke of Normandie his brother and led a mighty armie against the Scots by land and sent also a nauie to infest them by sea But by a sudden and stiffe storme by a hideous confusion of all ill disposed weather his ships were cruelly crushed and hauing long wrought against the violence and rage of the tempest were in the end dispersed and diuers of them cast away Many of his souldiers also perished partly by penurie and want and partly by the euill qualitied ayre Notwithstanding the Scots knowing the King of England to bee an enemie mighty and resolute began to wauer in their assurance framing fearefull opinions of the number valour and experience of his armie Hereupon some ouertures of Peace were made the Scots expecting that the King by reason of his late losses would be the more moderate in his demands But hee then shewed himselfe most resolute and firme following his naturall custome not to yeelde to any difficulty King Malcolme coniecturing that such confidence could not be without good cause consented at the last to these conditions That King Malcolme should make a certaine satisfaction for the spoyles which hee had done in England That King William should restōre to him certaine lands in England That K. Malcolme should doe homage to King William Now the day was come wherein Henrie was appointed to receiue his money at Roan from the Duke of Normandie But as affaires of Princes haue great variations so they are not alwayes constant in their Counsels And so the Duke caried by his occasions and ready to lay downe his faith and word more to the traine of times then to the preseruation of his honour instead of paying the money committed his brother Henry to prison from whence he could not be released vntill hee renounced the Countie of Constantine and bound himselfe by oath neuer to claime any thing in Normandie Henrie complained hereof to Philip King of France who gaue him a faire enterteinement in his Court but was content rather to feede then finish the contention either expecting thereby some opportunitie to himselfe or els the opinion of his owne greatnesse not suffring him to feare that others might grow to haue fortune against him Henry had not long remained in the Court of France but a Normane Knight named Hacharde conueyed him disguised into Normandie where the Castle of Damfronç was deliuered vnto him and in short time after hee gate all the Countrey of Passays and a good part of Constantine either without resistance or without difficultie and perill Hereupon the Duke leuied his forces and earnestly assayed to recouer Damfronç but then hee found that his brother Henrie was secretly yet surely vnderset by the king of England Hereupon incensed with the furie of an iniuried minde hee exclaimed against his brother of England and almost proclaimed him a violater of his league On the otherside the King of England iustified his action for that hee was both a meanes and a partie to the agreement and therefore stood bound in honour not onely to vrge but to enforce performance So the flame brake foorth more furious then it was before and ouer went King William with an able armie where hee found the Duke also in good condition of strength commanding the field And albeit in so neere approach of two mighty enemies equall both in ambition and power it is hard to conteine men of seruice yet was nothing executed betweene them but certaine light skirmishes and surprizements of some places of defence In the end the King hearing of new troubles in England and the Duke finding himselfe vnable either to preuaile with few souldiers or to maintaine many and both distrusting to put a speedie end to the warre they were easily drawne to capitulations of peace And thus ended the contention betweene these brethren who vntill this time had continued like the waues of the Sea alwayes in motion and one beating against the other Besides these businesses which befell the King against his Nobilitie against the Duke of Normandie his brother and against the King and nation of the Scots the Welshmen also who alwayes struggled for libertie and reuenge perceiuing that the King was often absent and much entangled with hostile affaires enforced the fauour of that aduantage to free themselues from subiection of the English and happily to enlarge or enrich themselues vpon them So hauing both desire and opportunitie they wanted not meanes to assemble in armes to expell the English that
were amongst them and to cast downe the Castles erected in their Countrey as the principall yoakes of their subiection Afterwards rising in boldnesse with successe they made diuers incursions vpon the bordering parts of England spoiled the Citie of Glocester and exercised all those outrages which vnciuill people incensed both with want and with hate doe not vsually omit But being a company neither in discipline nor pay raw and vnarmed they proceeded more like to robbers then to Souldiers hauing no intention to vanquish but to spoile Hereupon the King twice in person inuaded Wales but with small shew of successe for the present For the Welsh-enemies scattered the warre by diuiding themselues into small companies and retiring into the mountaines and woods and other places of naturall defence Here they trauailed the King with a fugitiue fight flying when they were pursued and houering vpon him when they were giuen ouer cutting off many stragling souldiers and taking some carriages which in those rough places could not easily either be passed or defended And so by shifting alwayes into places of aduantage they sought at one time both to auoyd fighting and to hinder the King from doing any thing of importance At the last the King hauing made sufficient proofe how vaine it is to follow a light footed enemie with a heauie Armie pestered with traine of carriage in places where the seruice of horsemen is almost vnprofitable he gaue ouer the pursuit and retired into England But first he repaired those Castles which the Welsh had destroyed and built new Castles also vpon the frontiers and within the bosome of Wales which he furnished with so sure garrisons as might suffice with fauour of opportunitie either to weary or consume the enemies And indeed the Welsh being by this meanes alwayes exercised and dayly wasted declined in short time no lesse to cowardise then to wearinesse and wants so as Hugh Earle of Chester Hugh Earle of Shrewesbury dispossessed them of the Isle of Anglesey which they had surprised not long before The Welsh that were there taken were very hardly or rather vnmercifully and cruelly entreated Some had their eyes pulled out some their hands cut off some their armes some their noses some their genitalles An aged Priest named Kenredus who had bene a chiefe directer of the common affaires was drawne out of a Church whereinto he had fled had one of his eyes pulled out and his tongue torne from his throat I make no doubt but these seuerities were vsed against them vpon some sauage outrages which they had done wherein the lesse compassion was borne to their calamities for the cowardise which they shewed in their owne defence Shortly after Magnus King of Norway the sonne of Olaus the sonne of Harold Harfager hauing brought the Isles of Orkeney vnder his dominion subdued also from the Welsh the Isle of Man and enterprised vpon the Isle of Anglesey against the English But at his landing he was encountred by the Earle of Shrewsbury and the Earle of Chester in which fight the Norwegians were vanquished and repelled but the Earle of Shrewsbury with too braue boldnesse lost his life leauing his honourable both actions and end as an excellent ornament to his posteritie Afterwards the Earle of Chester led an armie into Wales and found the people so consumed by the English garisons that he easily reduced many to professe obedience to the Crowne of England and disabled others hauing no leaders of experience and valour for shewing their faces as enemies in the field Also vpon some variances which did rise betweene Iustinus sonne to Gurguntus Earle of Glamorgane and Morganock and Rhesus sonne to Theodore Prince of Southwales Iustinus not of power to maintaine either his right or his will sent Aeneas sonne to Genidorus sometimes Lord of Demetia to craue aide in England This he obtained not onely readily but in greater measure then the seruice did require Robert Fitzhamond was generall Commander of the English armie who encountred Rhesus at a place called Blackhill and in that fight Rhesus was slaine after whose death the name of King ceased in Wales Then Iustinus failing and happily not able to performe such conditions as in necessitie hee had assured Fitzhamond turned his forces against him chased the Welsh out of the champaine Countrey and diuided the same among his principall Gentlemen These erected Castles in places conuenient for their mutuall ayde and so well defended themselues that they left the Countrey to their posterity Thus was the Lordship of Glamorgane and Morganock which conteineth 27. miles in length 22. in bredth subdued to the English giuing example how dangerous it is for any people to call in a greater force of strangers to their ayde then being victorious they may easily be able to limit and restraine This being a Lordship marcher hath enioyed royall liberties since the time wherein it was first subdued It hath acknowledged seruice and obedience onely to the Crowne It hath had the triall of all actions as well reall as personall and also held Pleas of the Crowne with authority to pardon all offences Treason onely excepted Whilest the King was entertained with these chases rather then warres in Wales hee lay at Gloucester many times as not esteeming that his presence should alwayes be necessary and yet not farre off if occasion should require To this place Malcolme King of Scots came vnto him vpon an honourable visitation But the King hauing conceiued some displeasure against him refused to admit him to his presence Hereupon King Malcolme full of fury and disdaine returned into Scotland assembled an armie enuaded Northumberland harrased and spoyled a great part thereof hauing done the like foure times before Such is the heate of hate in mindes that are mighty who seldome hold it any breach of Iustice to bee reuenged of him who offereth dishonor When he was come neere to Alnewicke and his souldiers were much pestered with prey a notable impediment both for readinesse and resolution to fight hee was set vpon both suddenly and sharply by Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland his troupes hewen in pieces himselfe together with his eleest sonne Edward slaine The third day ensuing Margaret wife to King Malcolme and sister to Edgar Adeling not able to beare so sad and heauie a blow of fortune ended also her life Shee was famous for pietie and for modestie two excellent endowments of that Sexe By her perswasion Malcolme made a law that whereas by a former law made by King Eugenius the Lord enioyed the first night with any new married woman within his dominion the husband might redeeme that abuse by paiment of halfe a mark of siluer King Malcolme being slaine Dunwald his brother vsurped the kingdome but after a few dayes he was dispossessed thereof by Duncane bastard son to K. Malcolme In this action Duncane was chiefly supported by the King of England with whom he had remained in hostage and to whom hee had made his submission by oath
And because the Scots did either see or suspect that hee bare a fauourable affection to the English they would not receiue him for their King but vnder promise that hee should not entertaine any English or Normane either in place of seruice or as a follower at large The yeere next following Duncane was slaine and Dunwald was againe possessed of the kingdom Hereupon King William sent Clito Edgar with an armie into Scotland by whose meanes Dunwald was dispoiled againe of his Kingdome and Edgar sonne to King Malcolme aduanced to his fathers estate These were the principall aduentures by Armes which concerned England during the reigne of K. William the second wherein he so behaued himselfe that he did worthily winne an opinion to be one who both knew and durst In all actions hee esteemed himselfe greatly dishonoured if hee were not both in Armes with the first and with the forwardest in fight doing double seruice as well by example as by direction In which heate of valour the fauour of his Fortune excused many of his attempts from the blame of rashnesse He was oftentimes most constant or rather obstinate in pursuing those purposes which with small deliberation he vndertooke At a certaine time when he was in hunting within the new Forrest he receiued aduertisement that Mans was surprised by Helie Count de la Flesch who pretended title thereto in right of his wife that he was aided in this enterprise by Fouques d' Angiers an ancient enemie to the Dukes of Normandie and that the castle which held good for the King must also be rendered if in very short time it were not relieued Vpon these newes as if he had bene in the heat of a chase he presently turned his horse and his passion not staying to consult with reason in great haste roade towards the Sea And when he was aduised by some to stay a time and take with him such forces as the importance of the seruice did require with a heart resolute and violent voice he answered That they who loued him would not faile to follow and that if no man else would stirre he alone would relieue Mans. When he came to Dortmouth he commanded ships to be brought for his passage The winds were then both contrary and stiffe and the Sea swelled exceeding bigge for which cause the Shipmasters perswaded him to await a more fauourable season and not to cast himselfe vpon the miserable mercie of that storme Notwithstanding the King whose feare was alwayes least when dangers were greatest mounted vpon Shipboard and commanded them to put to Sea affirming That it was no Prince-like mind to breake a iourney for foulenesse of weather and that he neuer heard of any King that had bene drowned And so for that the chiefe point of rescue rested in expedition hee presently committed to Sea taking few with him and leauing order that others should follow After hee had long wrastled with the winds and waues he arriued in France where running on in the humour of his courage and forwardnesse he acquitted himselfe with greater honour then at any time before So effectuall is celeritie for the benefit of a seruice that oftentimes it more auaileth then either multitude or courage of Souldiers In this expedition Helie the principall commander against him was taken And when he was brought to the Kings presence the King said pleasantly vnto him Ah master in faith I haue you now and I hope I shal be able to keepe you in quiet Then he It is true indeed the successe of my attempts haue not bene answerable to the resolution of my minde by meere aduenture now you haue me but if I were at libertie againe I doe better know what I had to doe and would not so easily be h●…ld in quiet The King with a braue scorne replied I see thou art but a foolish knaue vnable to vse either thy libertie or thy restreint aright But goe thy wayes make good thy confidence I set thee free and at libertie againe vse thy aduantage and doe thy worst Helie daunted more with this high courage then before he had bin with the victory of the King submitted himselfe and made his peace vnder such conditions as it pleased the King to lay vpon him Certainely this magnanimous example hath seldome bin equalled neuer excelled by those who are admired for the principall worthies of the world He little fauoured flatterers the flies which blow corruption vpon sweetest vertues the myrie dogs of the Court who defile Princes with fawning on them who commonly are fatted with bread which is made with the teares of miserable people He was most firme and assured in his word and to those who did otherwise aduise him he would say That God did stand obliged by his word He is commended for his manly mercie in releasing prisoners and in pardoning offences of highest qualitie which to a people that then liued vnder a Law both rigorous and almost arbitrarie and as well for the noueltie as for the vncertaintie thereof in a manner vnknowne was a most high valued vertue He not onely pardoned many great offenders but partly by gifts and partly by aduancements he knit them most assuredly vnto him And therefore although in the beginning of his reigne most of the Nobilitie and many Gentlemen of best quality and rancks endeuoured to displace him and to set vp Robert his elder brother for their King yet doeth it not appeare either that any seueritie was executed vpon them or that afterward they were dangerous vnto him Notwithstanding in some actions he was noted of crueltie or at the least of sharpnesse and seuerity in iustice For albeit hee promised to the English whilest his first feares and iealousies continued that they should enioy free libertie of hunting yet did hee afterwards so seuerely restraine it that the penalty for killing a Deere was death Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland after he had defeated the Scots and slaine Malcolme their King not finding himselfe either honoured or respected according to his seruice first refrained and afterwards refused to come vnto the Court Hereupon the King ouerruled indifferently with suspition and hate two violent passions in minds placed in authoritie sent his brother Henry with an armie against him who spoyled the Countrey tooke the Earle and committed him to prison Then was hee charged with diuers crimes which were sufficient although but surmised to vndoe an Innocent Many examinations were also made but for appearance onely and terrour not to any bottome or depth The especiall matter obiected against him was for contriuing to despoyle the King both of life and state and to set vp Stephen Albamerle his Aunts sonne for King And thus it often happeneth that great deserts are occasions to men of their destruction either because Princes generally loue not those to whom they are exceedingly beholding or else for that thereby men doe grow proud insolent disdainefull bould immoderate both in expectation and demand discontented impatient if they
be not satisfied and apt to breake forth into dangerous attempts Of those who any wayes declared themselues in his fauour or defence some were despoiled of their goods some were banished the Realme others were punished with losse of their eyes or of their eares or of some other part of their bodie William d'Owe was accused in a Councell holden at Salisbury to bee a complice of this Treason And albeit he challenged his accuser to the combate yet his eyes were pulled out and his stones cut off by commandement of the King And yet some authours affirme that he was ouercome in combate before For the same cause the King commanded William Aluerie to be hanged a man of goodly personage and modest behauiour the Kings ●…ewer his Aunts sonne and hi●… godfather Before his execution hee desired to be whipped through manie Churches in London he distributed his garments to the poore and bloodied the street as he went with often kneeling vpon the stones At the time of his death he tooke it vpon the charge of his soule that he was cleere of the offence for which he suffered And so committing his innocencie to God and to the world his complaints he submitted himselfe to the Executioners hands leauing an opinion in some a suspition in many that others also died without desert For the king gaue an easie eare to any man that would appeach others for his aduantage whereby it sometimes happened that offenders were acquited by accusing innocents He was liberall aboue measure either in regard of his owne abilities or of the worthinesse of the receiuers Especially hee was bountifull if that terme may be applyed to immoderate lauishing to men of warre for which cause many resorted to him from farre Countries for entertainement To winne and retaine the fauour of these hee much impouerished his peaceable people From many he tooke without iustice to giue to others without desert esteeming it no vnequall dealing that the money of the one should bee aduentured and expended with the blood of the other He much exceeded in sumptuousnes of diet and of apparell wherewith great men vse to dazel the eyes of the people both which waies he esteemed the goodnesse of things by their price It is reported that when his Chamberlaine vpon a certaine morning brought him a new paire of hose the King demaunded what they cost and the Chamberlaine answered three shillings Hereat the King grew impatient and said What heauie beast doest thou take these to be conuenient hose for a King Away begger and bring me other of a better price Then the Chamberlaine departed and brought a farre worse paire of hose for a better could not at that time bee found and told the king that they cost a marke The king not onely allowed them for fine enough but commended them also as exceeding fit Assuredly this immoderate excesse of a King is now farre exceeded by many base shifting vnthrifts In building his expences were very great He repaired the Citie and Castle of Caerlile which had been wasted by the Danes 200. yeres before Hee finished New castle vpon Tine Many other Castles he erected or repaired vpon the frontiers of Scotland many also vpon the frontiers and within the very brest of Wales Hee much enlarged the Towre of London and enuironed it with a new wall Hee also built the great Hall at Westminster which is 270. foote in length and 74. foote in breadth And when many did admire the vast largenes thereof he would say vnto them that it was but a bed chamber but a closet in comparison of that which he intended to build And accordingly he layd the foundation of another Hall which stretched from the Riuer Thames to the Kings high street the further erection wherof with diuers other heroicall enterprises ceased together with his life Thus partly by reason of his infinite plots and inuentions and partly by his disorders and vnbrideled liberalities he alwayes liued at great charges and expences which whilest the large treasure lasted which his father left him were borne without grieuance to the subiects But when that was once drained he was reduced to seeke money by extraordinary meanes So many hard taxes were laidvpon the people partly for supplie to his owne necessities and partly to imitate the policie of his father that the people being busied how to liue should reteine small either leisure or meanes to contriue innouations For this cause he was supposed vpon purpose to haue enterprised many actions of charge that thereby he might haue colour to impose both imployments and taxations vpon the people And because the riches of the clergie at that time were not onely an eye-sore vnto many but esteemed also by some to bee very farre aboue due proportion Hee often fleeced them of great summes of money For which cause it is euident that the writers of that age who were for the most part Clergie men did both generally enueigh against him and much depraue his particular actions He withheld his annuall paiment to the Sea of Rome vpon occasion of a Schisme betweene Vrbane at Rome and Clement at Rauenna He claimed the inuestiture of Prelates to be his right Hee forbade Appeales and entercourse to Rome For which and other like causes he had a very great contention with the Clergie of his Realme especially with Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury The seedes of this contention were cast when Anselme was first receiued to his Sea For at that time two did striue for the Papacie of Rome Vrbanus and Guibert called Clement the third some Christian States fauouring the one and some the other King William inclined to Clement the third and with him the Realme generally went but Anselme did fully goe with Vrbane making so his condition before he did consent to accept his dignitie When he was elected and before his consecration the King demanded of him that such lands of the Church of Canterbury as the King had giuen to his friends since the death of Lanfranck might still be held by them as their lawfull right but to this Anselme would in no case agree Hereupon the King stayed his consecration a certaine time but at length by importunitie of the people hee was content to receiue his homage and to giue way to his consecration Not long after the Archbishop desired licence of the king to goe to Rome to receiue his Pall which when the King refused to grant he appealed to the Sea of Rome Now this was the first Appeale that euer before had been made in England For Appeales were not here in ordinarie vse vntil after this time vnder the reigne of King Stephen when Henrie Bishop of Wint. being the Popes Legate brought them in Wherefore the King offended with this noueltie charged Anselme with breach of his fealtie and oath Anselme answered that this was to be referred to the iudgement of a Councell whether it bee a breach of allegiance to a terrene Prince if a man appeale to the
Vicar of Christ. The King alleaged that the custome of his Realme admitted no appeale from the king that supreame appeale was a most principall marke of Maiestie because no appeale can be made but to a superiour that therefore the Archbishop by appealing from him denied his Souereignty derogated from the dignitie of his Crowne and subiected both him and that to another Prince to whom as to a superiour he did appeale That herein hee was an enemie and a Traitour to him and to the State Anselme replyed that this question was determined by our Lord who taught vs what allegiance is due to the Pope where he saith Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke will I build my Church c. And againe To thee will I giue the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen c. And againe in generall Hee that heareth you heareth me and who despiseth you despiseth me And againe He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of my eye But for the allegiance due to the King he saith Giue to Caesar that which belongeth to Caesar and to God what pertaineth to God To this the king finally said That hauing made themselues Masters to interprete and giue sence to the Scriptures it was easie to maintaine by them whatsoeuer they desired or did it was easie for them to burst their ambition with their swelling greatnes But well he was assured that CHRIST intended not to dissolue orders for Ciuill gouernment to ruine kingdoms to embase authority and right of Kings by meanes of his Church this right of a King he had and this right he would maintaine In this contention few of the Bishops did openly take part with Anselme but some and especially the Bishop of Durhame did directly declare against him The residue when he asked their aduise would answere him That he was wise ynough and knew what was best for him to doe as for them they neither durst nor would stand against their Lord. By assistance of these the King purposed to depriue Anselme and to expell him out of the Realme But Anselme auowed That as he was ready to depart the Realme so would he take his authoritie with him though he tooke nothing else Now the King had sent two messengers to Pope Vrbane at Rome to entreat him to send the Pall to the King to be disposed by him as he should thinke fit These messengers were by this time returned and with them came Guibert the Popes Legate who brought the Pall. The Legate went first priuily to the King and promised that if Vrbane should be receiued for Pope in England the King should obtaine of him whatsoeuer he would The King required that Anselme might be remoued The Legate answered that it could not be that such a man without iust cause should be remoued Notwithstanding some other things being granted to the King Vrbane was declared to be lawfull Pope and the King was content to swallow downe that mo●…sel which had bene so vnpleasant for him to champe on The Pall was caried to Anselme with great pompe in a vessell of siluer and he came foorth bare footed in his Priestly Vestments to meete and to receiue it The yeere next following the King inuaded Wales where he repressed the rebellious enemies and returned victorious Anselme prepared to goe vnto him to salute him to congratulate his good successe But the King preuented him by messengers who layde to his charge both the small number and euill appointment of the Souldiers which he sent to that seruice and therefore warned him to appeare at the Court to make his answere Happely also the King was incensed by matters more light but taken in the worst part as it commonly falleth out in suspitions and quarels At the day appointed Anselme appeared but auoyded his answere by appealing to the Pope for prosecution whereof hee made suit for the Kings licence to goe to Rome The King said as before That this appeale was against the custome of the Realme and against the dignitie of his Crowne to both which Anselme had sworne Anselme answered That he was sworne to neither of them but so farre as they were consonant to the Lawes of GOD and to the rules of equitie and right The King replied That no limitation being expressed it was not reasonable that vpon his owne conceit of pietie or equitie he should slip out of the band of his oath Thus was the contention on both sides obstinately maintained and for a long time Anselme was commanded to attend the Court. At the last hee was released but vnder expresse charge that he should not depart out of the Realme or if he did that it should neuer be lawfull for him to returne Anselme departed from the Court went streight to Douer with purpose to passe the Seas into France Here hee was either awaited or ouertaken by William Warlewast the Kings officer not to stay him from his passage but to rifle him of all that he had Others also were appointed to seise his goods in other places and to conuert the profits of his Archbishopricke to the vse of the King making a bare allowance to the Monks of meat drinke and cloathing So the Archbishop crossed the Seas into France rested a while at Lions and then trauailed ouer the Alpes to Rome where he was enterteined by Pope Vrbane with more then ordinarie ceremonies of honour And first the Pope wrote to the king of England on the behalfe of Anselme and reteined him in his Palace vntill he should receiue answere from the king When the messenger was returned with such answere as Anselme did not like he desired of the Pope to be discharged of his dignitie which he had found he said a wearisome stage whereon hee played a part much against his will But hereto the Pope would in no case agree charging him vpon vertue of his obedience That wheresoeuer he went he should beare both the name and honour of Archbishop of Canterburie As for these matters said he we shall sufficiently prouide for them at the next Councell where your selfe shal be present When the Councell was assembled Anselme fate on the outside of the Bishops but the Pope called him vp and placed him at his right foot with these words Includamus hunc in orbe nostro tanquam alterius orbis Papam Afterwards in all generall Councels the Archb. of Canterburie tooke the place In this Councell the points of difference betweene the Greeke and Latine Churches were strongly debated especially concerning the proceeding of the Holy Ghost and for leauened bread in the administration of the Eucharist wherein Anselme shewed such deepe learning weight of iudgement and edge of wit that he approched neerer admiration then applause These matters determined complaints were brought against the King of England and the Pope is said to haue bene ready to excommunicate him but Anselme kneeled before the Pope and obteined for the King a longer terme The Pope was then at great contention with Henry the fourth Emperour who
had bene excommunicated before by Hildebrand and was then againe excommunicate by Vrbane being the first Christian Prince with Souereigne power who was euer excommunicate by any Pope And for that Vrbane at that time had his hands full against the Emperour for that also hee would not make the example too odious at the first he was willing ynough to forbeare excommunication against the King And the rather for that Anselme had intelligence from his friends in England that the excommunication would not be regarded Hereupon accompting it a sufficient declaration of his power for the time to haue menaced excommunication he caused a generall decree to be made That as well all Lay-persons who should giue inuestiture of Churches as those of the Clergie who should be so inuested also those who should yeeld themselues in subiection to Lay-men for Ecclesiastical liuings should be excōmunicate This generall sentence was pronounced The Pope also signified by letters to the King that if he would auoyd particular proceeding against himselfe he should foorth with restore Anselme to the exercise of his Office in his Church and to all the goods and possessions perteining thereto Hereupon the King sent messengers to the Pope who declared vnto him That their great Master the King marueiled not a litle wherefore he should so sharply vrge the restitution of Anselme seeing it was expresly told him That if he departed out of England without licence he should expect no other vsage Well said the Pope Haue you no other cause against Anselme but that he hath appealed to the Apostolicall Sea and without licence of your King hath trauailed thither They answered No. And haue you taken all this paines said he haue you trauailed thus farre to tell me this Goe tell your Lord if he will not be excommunicate that he presently restore Anselme to his Sea And see that you bring mee answere hereof the next Councell which shal be in the third weeke after Easter make haste and looke to your terme lest I cause you to be hanged for your tarryance The messenger was herewith much abashed yet collecting himselfe he desired priuate audience of the Pope affirming that he had some secret instructions from the King to impart vnto him What this secret was it is vnknowne Whatsoeuer it was a longer day was obtained for the King vntill Michaelmas then next ensuing And when that day was come albeit complaints were renued yet was nothing done against the King The Archb. seeing the small assurance of the Pope returned to Lions in France and there remained vntil the death first of Pope Vrbane and afterwards of the king which was almost the space of 3. yeeres By this great conflict the king lost the hearts of many of the Clergie but his displeasure had seasoned reuenge with contentment and finding himselfe sufficient both in courage and meanes to beare out his actions he became many other wayes heauie vnto them When any Bishopricke or Monasterie fell voyd he kept them vacant a long time in his hands and applied the profits to himselfe At the last hee would set them to open sale and receiue him for Prelate who would giue for them the greatest price Herehence two great inconueniences did ensue the best places were furnished with men of least sufficiencie and worth and no man hoping to rise by desert the generall endeuour for vertue and knowledge were layd aside the direct way to aduancement was by plaine purchase from the king In this seazing and farming and marchandizing of Church-liuings one Ranulph commonly called the Kings Chapleine was a great agent for the King Hee was a man of faire vse of speach and liuely in witte which hee made seruants to licentious designes but both in birth and behauiour base and shamelesse in dishonestie a very bawde to all the Kings purposes and desires Hee could be so euill as hee li●…ted and listed no lesse then was to his aduantage The King would often laugh at him and say that he was a notable fellow to compasse matters for a King And yet besides more then ordinary fauour of countenance the King aduanced him first to be his Chancellour and afterward to be Bishop of Duresme By his aduise so soone as any Church fell voide an Inuentory was made of all the goods that were found as if they should bee preserued for the next successor and then they were committed to the custodie of the King but neuer restored to the Church againe So the next incumbent receiued his Church naked and bare notwithstanding that he paid a good price for it From this King the vse is said to haue first risen in England that the Kings succeeding had the Temporalties of Bishops Seas so long as they remained voide Hee also set the first enformers to worke and for small transgressions appointed great penalties Hee is also reported to haue been the first King of this Realme who restreined his subiects from ranging into forreine Countreys without licence And yet what did the King by this sale of Church dignities but that which was most frequent in other places For in other places also few attained to such dignities freely The difference was this here the money was receiued by the King there by fauorites or inferiour officers here it was expended in the publike vses of the State there to priuate and many times odious enrichments this seemeth the more easie that the more extreme pressure as done by more hungrie and degenerous persons this may bee esteemed by some the more base but assuredly it was the better dealing And further it is euident that the King did freely aduance many excellent persons to principall dignities in the Church and especially Anselme to the Archbishopricke of Canterburie who was so vnwilling to accept that honour that the King had much to doe to thrust it vpon him And the rather to enduce him he gaue him wholly the citie of Canterburie which his predecessors had held but at the pleasure of the King This Anselme was one whose learned labours doe plainely testifie how little his spirits were fed with the fulsome fumes of surfeting and ease which to many others together with their bodies doe fatten and engrosse their mindes He so detested singularitie that he accounted it the sinne which threw Angels out of Heauen and man out of Paradise This detestation of singularitie might happily encline him to the other extreme to adhere ouer lightly to some common receiued errours It is attributed to him that hee would often wish to bee rather in hell without sinne then with sinne in heauen The king also aduanced Robert Bloet to the Bishopricke of Lincolne a man whose wisedom was highly graced with goodly personage and good deliuery of speach from whom notwithstanding the king afterwards wiped fiue thousand markes Hee also freely receiued Hugh de Floriaco a man for his vertue much esteemed to be Abbot of the Monastery of S. Augustines in Canterburie and likewise diuers others to other Ecclesiasticall preferments
setled in a certaine course of succession because the dignitie is inherent in the blood of that stocke because it is not taken from the father but from the ancestors because it is not taken onely from the ancestors but from the fundamentall law of the State the eldest sonne shall indistinctly succeede although hee were borne before his father was King And therefore after the kingdome of Persia had been caried by succession in some descents when Darius the King had foure sonnes Artaxerxes the eldest Cyrus the next and two others Parysates the wife of Darius hauing a desire that Cyrus should succeede in the kingdome alleaged in his behalfe the same reason wherewith Xexes had preuailed before to wit that shee had brought foorth Artaxerxes to Darius when hee was in priuate state but Cyrus was borne to him when he was a King Yet Plutarch affirmeth that the reason which she vsed was nothing probable and that Artaxerxes the eldest sonne was appointed to be King And so Blondus and Ritius doe report that Bela the King of Hungarie being dead Geysa succeeded although borne vnto him before he was a King Others inferiour in number but not in weight of Iudgement do affirme that whether a Kingdome be setled in succession or whether by any other title newly attained the right to succeed by all true grounds of law pertaineth to the eldest sonne albeit borne before his fathers aduancement to the kingdome in case there be no expresse law of the state to the contrary The principall reason is because this is the nature of all successions by way of inheritance For if a father purchaseth lands leases cattell or other goods the inheritance shall bee transmitted to his eldest sonne although borne before the purchase Likewise if a father be aduanced to any title of honour as Duke Earle Marquesse c. it was neuer I will not say denied but once doubted but that the eldest sonne should succeede in the same albeit he was borne before the aduancement And therefore seeing this is the generall rule of all other inheritable successions and there is no reason of singularitie in a kingdome it followeth that in like case the succession of a kingdome should also descend to the eldest sonne although borne before the kingdome were atchieued Againe the sonne who was borne before his father was a King had once a right to succeede in the kingdome for if another sonne had not afterwards beene borne without all question hee should haue succeeded But a right which a man by his owne person hath acquired albeit in some cases it may be diminished yet can it not bee altogether extinguished by any externall or casuall euent which hath no dependencie vpon himselfe And so the right which the eldest sonne hath to his fathers inheritance may bee diminished by the birth of other children in regard of those goods which are to bee distributed in parts among them but it cannot possibly be extinguished Neither can it bee diminished in those things which are not of nature to bee either valued or diuided of which sort a Kingdome is the chiefe but doe passe entirely vnto one For the right of blood which onely is regarded in lawfull successions is acquired and held from the natiuitie of the childe and doth not begin at the fathers death at which time the inheritance doth fall Lastly if it be true in sonnes that he shal succeede in a kingdome who is first borne after the father is exalted to bee a King then is it true also in other remote degrees of consanguinitie And hereby it should often happen that when a King dieth without issue of his body they who are not onely inferiour in age but more remote in degree should exclude both the elder and the neerer in blood because perhaps borne after the kingdome was attained which is against all lawes of lawfull succession Howsoeuer the right standeth Henry the yonger brother to King William Rufus vpon aduantage of the absence of Duke Robert his eldest brother formed this title to the Crowne of England In which pretence he was strongly supported first by a generall inclination of the common people for that he had both his birth and education within the Realme and they were well perswaded of his good nature and disposition Secondly by the fauour and trauaile of many of the nobilitie especially of Henry Neuborow Earle of Warwicke Thirdly for that the sailes of popular fauours are filled most violently with reports by his giuing forth that his brother Robert intended neuer to returne for that he was elected King of Hierusalem and of all those large Countreys in Asia which the Christians had lately wrung out of the Saracens hands Lastly by vsing celeritie the very life of actions for he was Crowned at Westminster as it hath bene said vpon the fifth day of August in the yeere 1100. which was the third day after his brothers death In person he was both stately and strong tall broad brested his limmes fairely fourmed well knit and fully furnished with flesh He was exceeding both comely and manly in countenance his face wel fashioned his colour cleere his eyes liuely and faire his eye-browes large and thicke his haire blacke and somewhat thinne towards his forehead He was of an excellent wit free from ostentation his thoughts high yet honourable and iust in speach ready and eloquent much graced with sweetnesse of voyce In priuate he was affable open wittily pleasant and very full of merrie simplicitie in publicke he looked with a graue Maiestie as finding in himselfe cause to be honoured He was brought vp in the studie of Liberall Arts at Cambridge where he attained that measure of knowledge which was sufficient both for ornament and vse but ranne not into intemperate excesse either for ostentation or for a cloake to vnprofitable expense of time By his example the yong Nobilitie of the Realme began to affect a praise for learning Insomuch as at a certaine enteruiew betweene the King and Pope Innocent the 2. the sonnes of Robert Earle of Mellent maintained open disputations against diuers Cardinals and Chapleines of the Pope He was an exact esteemer of himselfe not so much for his strength as for his weakenesses lesse inclined to confidence then to distrust and yet in weighty affaires resolute and firme neuer dismaied and alwayes fortunate his spirits being of force to oppose against any sort of difficulties or doubts Extremities made him the more assured and like a well knit Arch hee then lay most strong when hee sustained the greatest weight Hee was no more disposed to valour then well setled in vertue and goodnes which made his valour of more precious valuation He had good command ouer his passions and thereby attained both peace within himselfe and victory ouer others In giuing hee was moderate but bountifull in recompence his countenance enlarging the worth of his gift Hee was prone to relieue euen where there was least likelihood of requitall
He hated flatterie the poysoned sugar the counterfeit ciuilitie and loue the most base brokery of wordes yet was no musicke so pleasing vnto him as well deserued thankes He was vigilant and industrious in his affaires knowing right well that honour not onely hath a paineful and dangerous birth but must in like manner be nourished and fed He was somewhat immoderate and excessiue as well in aduancing those he fauoured as in beating downe and disabling his enemies The sword was alwayes the last of his trials so as he neuer either sought or apprehended occasions of warre where with honour he could reteine peace But if it were iniuriously vrged he wanted neither wisedome nor diligence nor magnanimous heart to encounter the danger to beare it ouer with courage and successe He was frugall of the blood and slaughter of his Souldiers neuer aduenturing both his honour their liues to the hazard of the sword without either necessitie or aduantage He oftentimes preuailed against his enemies more by policie then by power and for victories thus attained he attributed to himselfe the greatest glory For wisedome is most proper to man but force is common and most eminent in beasts by wisedome the honour was entire to himselfe by force it was participated to inferiour Commanders to euery priuate ordinarie Souldier the effects of force are heauie hideous and sometimes inhumane but the same wrought to euent by wisedome is as lesse odious so more assured and firme After that he was mounted into the seate of Maiestie hee neglected no meanes to settle himselfe most surely therin against the returne of his brother Robert To this end he contracted both amitie and alliance with Edgar King of Scots by taking his sister Matild to wife by which meanes he not onely remoued his hostilitie but stood assured of his assistance in case his occasions should so require Shee was daughter to Malcolme King of Scots by Margaret his wife who was sister to Edgar surnamed Adeling and daughter to Edward sonne to Edmund Ironside the most valiant Saxon King the scourge and terrour of the Danes So as after the death of Adeling who left no issue this Matild was next by discent from the Saxon Kings to the inheritance of the Crowne of England and by her entermariage with King Henry the two families of Normans and Saxons were vnited together both in blood and title to the Crowne This more then any other respect made the whole nation of the English not onely firme to King Henrie against his brother but loyall and peaceable during all his reigne for that they saw the blood of their Saxon Kings restored again to the possession of the Crowne Shee was a Lady vertuous religious beautifull and wise farre from the ordinary either vices or weakenesses incident to her sexe She had been brought vp among the Nunnes of Winchester and Rumsey whether professed or onely veiled our writers doe diuersly report but most affirme that shee was professed Yet for the common good for the publique peace and tranquilitie of the State shee abandoned her deuoted life and was ioyned to King Henrie in mariage by consent of Anselme without any dispensation from Rome Of this Matild the King begate William a sonne who perished by shipwracke and Matild a daughter first married to Henry the fifth Emperour by whom she had no issue afterward to Geoffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniou by whom shee brought foorth a sonne named Henrie in whom the blood of the Saxon Kings was aduanced againe to the gouernment of this Realme Now to purchase the fauour of the Clergie he called Anselme out of exile and restored him both to the dignitie and reuenues of the Sea of Canterbury Other Bishoprickes and Abbeys which King William kept voide at the time of his death hee furnished with men of best sufficiencie and reputation Hee committed Radulph Bishop of Durham to prison who had been both authour and agent to King William in most of his distastfull actions against the Clergie This Radulph was a man of smooth vse of speach wittie onely in deuising or speaking or doing euill but to honestie and vertue his heart was a lumpe of lead Enuious aboue all measure nothing was so grieuous to his eyes as the prosperitie nothing so harsh to his eares as the commendations of others His tongue alwayes slauish to the Princes desires not regarding how truely or faithfully but how pleasingly he did aduise Thus as a principall infamie of that age hee liued without loue and died without pitie sauing of those who thought it pitie that he liued so long Further to make the Clergie the more assured the King renounced the right which his Ancesters vsed in giuing Inuestitures and acknowledged the same to appertaine to the Pope This hee yeelded at his first entrance partly not knowing of what importance it was and partly being in necessitie to promise any thing But afterwards he resumed that right againe albeit in a Councell not long before held at Rome the contrary had bene decreed For hee inuested William Gifford into the Bishopricke of Winchester and all the possessions belonging to the same He gaue the Archbishopricke of Canterburie to Radulph Bishop of London and inuested him therein by a Ring and a staffe he inuested also two of his Chapleins at Westminster Roger his Chanceller in the Bishopricke of Salisburie and Roger his Larderer in the Bishopricke of Hereford Further he assumed the custome of his father and brother in taking the reuenues of Bishopricks whilest they remained void and for that cause did many times keepe them a longer season vacant in his hands then many of the Clergie could with patience endure But especially the Clergie did fauour him much by reason of his liberall leaue either to erect or to enlarge or else to enrich Religious buildings For to these workes the King was so ready to giue not onely way but encouragement and helpe that in no Princes time they did more within this Realme either flourish or increase And namely the house of S. Iohn of Hierusalem was then founded neere Smithfield in London with the house of Nunnes by Clerken well Then were also founded the Church of Theukesburie with all Offices thereto belonging the Priorie and Hospitall of S. Bartholomewes in Smithfield the Church of S. Giles without Creeplegate the Colledge of Seculare Canons in the castle of Leicester the Abbey without the Northgate of the same towne called S. Mary deprato Also the Monasterie of S. Iohn of Lanthonie by Glocester the Church of Dunmow in Essex the Monasterie of S. Iohn at Colchester which was the first house of Augustine Chanons in England the Church of S. Mary Oueries furnished with Chanons in Southwarke the Priory of the holy Trinity now called Christs Church within Algate and the Hospitall of S. Giles in the field The Priorie of Kenelworth The Abbey of Kenshame The Monasterie of Plimpton in Deuonshire with the Cathedrall Church of Exceter the Priorie of Merton the Colledge
of Warwicke the Hospitall of Kepar the Priorie of Osney neere Oxeford the Hospital of S. Crosse neere Winchester the Priorie of Norton in Cheshire with diuers others The King also founded and erected the Priorie of Dunstable the Abbey of Circester the Abbey of Reading the Abbey of Shirebourne Hee also changed the Abbey of Eley into a Bishops Sea he erected a Bishopricke at Caerlile placed Chanons there and endowed it with many honours These and many other Religious buildings either done or helped forward or permitted and allowed by the King much encreased the affection of the Clergie towards him Now to draw the loue of the common people he composed himselfe to a sober ciuilitie easie for accesse faire in speach in countenance and behauiour kind his Maiestie so tempered with mildnèsse and courtesie that his Subiects did more see the fruits then feele the weight of his high estate These were things of great moment with the vulgar sort who loue more where they are louingly intreated then where they are benefited or happely preserued He eased them of many publicke grieuances Hee restored them to the vse of fire and candle after eight of the clocke at night which his father had most straitly forbidden Punishments of losse of member vsed before he made pecuniarie Hee moderated the Law of his brother which inflicted death for killing any of the Kings Deere and ordeined that if any man killed a Deere in his owne wood the wood should be forfeited to the King He permitted to make enclosures for Parkes which taking beginning in his time did rise to that excessiue encrease that in a few succeeding ages more Parkes were in England then in all Europe beside He promised that the Lawes of K. Edward should againe be restored but to put off the present performance he gaue forth that first they should be reuiewed and corrected and made appliable to the present time And albeit in trueth they were neuer either reuiewed or corrected yet the onely hope thereof did worke in the people a fauourable inclination to his part Whilest the King did thus Immure himselfe in the state of England as well by ordering his affaires as by winning the hearts of the people vnto him Duke Robert was returning from Palestine by easie and pleasurable iourneys vsing neither the celeritie nor forecast which the necessitie of his occasions did require Hee visited many Princes by the way and consumed much time in entertainments and other complements of Court Hee tooke to wife as he came Sibell the daughter of Roger Duke of Apulia and Earle of Cicill vvho was a Norman and the great portion of money which he receiued for her dower he loosely lauished foorth amongst his followers of whom he receiued nothing againe but thankes when he scattered rather then gaue and pitie when he wanted At the last he arriued in Normandie and foorthwith was sollicited out of England by letters from many who either vpon conscience or discontentment fauoured his Title and especially from Radulph Bishop of Durham who had lately escaped out of prison a man odious ynough to vndoe a good cause that he would omit no time that hee would let fall no diligence to embarke himselfe in the enterprise for England that he had many friends there both powerfull and sure who would partake with him in his dangers although not in the honour atchieued by his dangers that therewith the peoples fauour towards the King did begin to ebbe and that it was good taking the first of the tide Hereupon he shuffled vp an Armie in haste neither for number nor furniture nor choise of men answerable to the enterprise in hand Then he crossed the Seas landed at Portesmouth and marched a small way into the Countrey vainely expecting the concourse and ayd which had bene assured him out of England But King Henry had made so good vse both of his warning and time to prouide against this tempest that hee did at once both cut from the Duke all meanes of ayd and was ready to encounter him in braue appointment Hereupon many who were vnable by Armes to relieue the Duke by aduise did to him the best offices they could For they laboured both the King and him to a reconcilement The King with respect of his new vnsettled estate the Duke with respect of his weakenesses and wants both with regard of naturall duetie and loue knit betweene them by band of blood So after some trauaile and debatement a peace was concluded vpon these Conditions That Henry should reteine the kingdome of England and pay to his brother Robert 3000. markes yeerely That if either of them should die without issue the suruiuour should succeed That no man should receiue preiudice for following the part of the one or of the other These conditions being solemnely sworne by the king and the Duke and twelue Noble men on either part the Duke returned into Normandie and about two yeeres after went againe into England to visit the King and to spend some time with him in feasting and disport At which time to requite the Kings kind vsage and entertainment but especially to gratifie Matild the Queene to whom he was godfather he released to the King the annuall payment of 3000. markes But as a wound is more painefull the day following then when it was first and freshly taken so this loose leuitie of the Duke which was an exceeding sad and sore blow to his estate was scarce sensible at his departure out of England but most grieuous to him after hee had remained in Normandie a while whereby many motions were occasioned as well in the one place as in the other The Duke complained that hee had bene circumuented by his brother the King that his courtesies were nothing else but allurements to mischiefe that his gifts were pleasant baites to couer and conuey most dangerous hookes that his faire speaches were sugred poysons that his kinde embracements were euen to tickle his friends to death Robert Belasme Earle of Shrewsbury a man of great estate but doubtfull whether of lesse wisedome or feare tooke part with the Duke and fortified the Towne and Castle of Shrewsbury the Castles of Bridgenorth Tichel and Arundel and certaine other pieces in Wales against King Henry And hauing drawen vnto him some persons of wretched state and worse minde whose fortunes could not bee empaired by any euent hee entred Stafford-shire and droue away light booties of cattell being prepared neither in forces nor in courage to stay the doing of greater mischiefe But neither was this sudden to the King neither was he euer vnprouided against sudden aduentures Wherefore encountring the danger before it grew to perfection and strength he first brought his power against the Castle of Bridgenorth which was forthwith rendred vnto him The residue followed the example which in enterprise of armes is of greatest moment and submitted themselues to the Kings discretion Onely the Castle of Arundel yeelded vpon condition that Robert Belasme their Lord
of his angry wordes but to men of moderate iudgement hee would make it appeare that hee entended no more in offending him then to prouide for defending himselfe So the Duke obseruing few complements but such as were spiced with anger and disdaine returned into Normandie associated to him the English exiles and made preparation for his defence The King followed with a great power and found him in good appointment of armes nothing inferiour to the King in resolute courage but farre inferiour both in number of men and in fine contriuance of his affaires For the King had purchased assured intelligence among those that were neerest both in place and counsaile to the Duke in whom the Duke found treacherie euen when he reposed most confident trust Herewith Pope Paschal to attaine his purpose in England for deuesting the King of inuesting Bishops did not onely allow this enterprise for lawful but encouraged the King that hee should doe thereby a noble and a memorable benefit to his Realme So many stiffe battels were executed betweene them with small difference of aduantage at the first but after some continuance the Dukes side as it commonly happeneth to euill managed courage declined dayly by reason of his dayly increase of wants At the last the Duke wearied and ouerlayed both with company of men and cunning working resolued to bring his whole state to the stake and to aduenture the same vpon one cast committing to Fortune what valour and industry could bring forth The king being the Inuader thought it not his part to shrinke from the shocke being also aduertised that the French King prepared to relieue the Duke On the Dukes side disdaine rage and reuenge attended vpon hate the King retained inuincible valour assured hope to ouercome grounded vpon experience how to ouercome They met vpon the same day of the moneth iust 40. yeeres after the great battaile of William the first against King Harold of England The Kings footemen farre exceeding their enemies in number began the charge in small and scattering troupes lightly assayling where they could espie the weakest resistance But the Dukes Armie receiued them in close and firme order so as vpon the losse of many of the foremost the residue began somewhat to retire And now whether the Duke had cause or whether confidence the inseparable companion of courage perswaded him that he had cause he supposed that hee had the best of the field and that the victory was euen in his hand But suddenly the King with his whole forces of horse charged him in flanke and with great violence brake into his battaile Herewith the footmen also returned and turned them all to a ruinous rout The Duke performed admirable effects of valour and so did most of the English exiles as fearing ouerthrow worse then death But no courage was sufficient to sustaine the disorder the Normans on euery hand were chased ruffled and beaten downe Hereupon the Dukes courage boyling in choller hee doubled many blowes vpon his enemies more furiously driuen then well placed and set and pressing vp hardly among them was suddenly engaged so farre that hee could not possibly recouer himselfe So he was taken manfully fighting or as some other authours affirme was beastly betrayed by his owne followers With him were also taken the Earle of Mortaigne William Crispine William Ferreis Robert Estotiuill with foure hundred men of armes and ten thousand ordinary souldiers The number of the slaine on both sides is not reported by any authour but all authours agree that this was the most bloody medly that euer had been executed in Normandie before portended as it is thought by a Comet and by two full Moones which late before were seene the one in the East and the other in the West After this victorie the King reduced Normandie entirely into his possession and annexed it to the Realme of England Then hee built therein many Castles and planted garrisons and with no lesse wisedome assured that State then with valour he had wonne it When he had setled all things according to his iudgement he returned into England brought with him his brother Robert and committed him to safe custodie in the Castle of Cardiff But either by reason of his fauourable restraint or else by negligence or corruption of his keepers he escaped away and fled for his libertie as if it had been for his life Notwithstanding this proued but a false fauour or rather a true flatterie or scorne of Fortune For being sharply pursued he was taken againe sitting vpon horsebacke his horse legs fast locked in deep tough clay Then hee was committed to straight and close prison his eyes put out as if hee should not see his miserie and a sure guard set vpon him Thus he remained in desolate darkenesse neither reuerenced by any for his former greatnesse not pitied for his present distresse Thus hee continued about 27. yeeres in a life farre more grieuous then death euen vntill the yere before the death of King Henrie So long was he a suitor in wooing of death so long did the one brother ouerliue his good fortune the other his good nature and disposition esteeming it a faire fauour that the vttermost extremitie was not inflicted Albeit some writers doe affirme that the Dukes eyes were not violently put out but that either through age or infirmitie he fell blind that he was honourably attended and cared for that hauing digested in his iudgement the worst of his case the greatnesse of his courage did neuer descend to any base degree of sorrow or griefe that his braue behauiour did set a Maiestie vpon his deiected fortunes that his noble heart like the Sunne did shew greatest coūtenance in lowest state And to this report I am the more inclineable for that it agreeth best both to the faire conditions and to the former behauiours and to the succeeding fortunes and felicities of the King For assuredly hee had a heart of manly clemencie and this was a punishment barbarously cruell For which cause Constantine did forbid that the face of man adorned with Celestiall beauty should be deformed for any offence Others auow that he was neuer blind but that it was the Earle of Mortaigne whose eyes were put out And this seemeth to be confirmed by that which Matth. Paris and Matth. Westm doe report That not long before the death of Robert the King vpon a festiuall day had a new robe of Scarlet brought vnto him the cape whereof being somewhat too streight for his head he did teare a little in striuing to put it on And perceiuing that it would not serue hee laid it aside and said Let my brother Robert haue this Robe for whose head it is fitter then for mine When it was caried vnto him being then not perfectly in health he espied the crackt place and thereupon enquired if any man had worne it before The messenger declared the whole matter Which when Robert heard he tooke it for a great indignitie
estranged himselfe as it was enterpreted to be a reuolt being charged with intent to aduance William cousin to William sonne to Robert Curtcuise to the Duchie of Normandie Wherefore the King besieged and at last tooke his chiefe Castle called Pont. Audomer and at the same time enuironed the towre of Roan with a wall He also repaired and fortified the Castles of Caen Arches Gisore Falace Argentine Donfronç Oxine Aubrois Nanroye Iuta and the Towne of Vernone in such sort as at that time they were esteemed impregnable and not to bee forced by any enemie except God or gold In the meane time the Earle of Mellent with Hugh Geruase his sonne and Hugh de Mountfort his sisters sonne calling such as either alliance or friendship did draw vnto them besides those whom youthful either age or minds had filled with vnlimited desires whom discontentment also or want did vainly feed with hungry hopes entred into Normandy in armes being so transported with desire to hurt and troubled with feare of receiuing hurt that they had neuer free scope of iudgement either to prepare or manage the meanes to hurt They were no sooner entred the Confines of Normandie but William Tankeruill the kings Chamberlaine came against them brauely appointed and resolute to fight The very view of an enemie turned their euill guided furie into a feare and whatsoeuer they did proceeding rather from violence of passion then ground of reason made them stumble whilest they ran and by their owne disorders hindered their owne desires So with small difficultie they were surprised and taken and brought to the King who committed them to streit prison at Roan An ordinary euent when rage runneth faster then iudgement and power are able to hold pace About this time Charles Earle of Flanders as he was at his deuotions in the Church of S. Donatus in Bruxels was suddenly slaine by conspiracie of his owne people And because hee left no issue in life Lewes King of France inuested William sonne to Robert Curtcuis late Duke of Normandie in the Earledome of Flanders as descended from Earle Baldwine sirnamed the Pious whose daughter Matilde was wife to King William the first and grandmother to this William This he did not so much in fauour to William or in regard of his right as to set vp an assured enemie against King Henry an enemie not onely of singular expectation but proofe whose courage was apt to vndertake any danger whether for glory or for reuenge And herein his proiect did nothing faile For no sooner was the Earle aduanced to that estate but he raised a great hostilitie against the King of England as well to recouer the Duchie of Normandie as either to relieue or to reuenge the hard captiuitie of his father In this warre the Earle did winne a great opinion both for iudgement to discerne and for valour to execute what hee did discerne shewing himselfe in nothing inferiour to his vnckle the king but onely in treasure and command of men For this cause he craued supply of Lewes king of France who as he was the first that blew the cole so was he alwayes ready to put fuell to the flame But the King of England entered France with a strong Armie where his sword ranged and raged without resistance and yet more in prosecution of prey then in execution of blood He lodged at Hesperdune the space of 8. dayes no lesse quietly no lesse safely then if he had bene in the principall Citie of his kingdome By this meanes hee kept the French King from sending succour to the Earle of Flanders And in the meane season drew Theodoricke Earle of Holsteine nephew to Robert who had bene Earle of Flanders and Arnoldus sisters sonne to Earle Charles not long before slaine to inuade Earle William Both pretending title to his dignitie both bringing seueral armies consisting of men tough in temper and well exercised in affaires of the field Theodorick vpon his first approch tooke Bruges Ipres and Gandt either willingly yeelding or with small resistance and vpon the necke thereof Arnoldus tooke the strong towne of S. Omer Earle William being thus set as it were betweene the beetle and the blocke was nothing deiected nothing dismayed either in courage or in hope And first he went against Arnoldus with a small company but with such a liuely countenance of a Souldier that Arnoldus fell to capitulation for his safe departure and so returned home as if he had bene vanquished Then the Earle made head against Theodorick and gaue him battaile albeit farre inferious to him both for number and furniture of his men The fight betweene them was long furious and doubtfull The Germans confident in their number which made them trust the lesse to their valour the Flemings rather desperate then resolute vpon importance of their danger And indeed it often happeneth that good successe at the first doeth occasion the ouerthrow of many great actions by working in the one side a confidence in themselues and contempt of their enemies and by making the other more earnest and entire So at the last the violent valour of the Earle well followed with the braue and resolute rage of his Souldiers did such effects that the Germans were shaken and disordered many slaine in the field and the residue chased out of Flanders The Earle hauing now no enemie in open field layed siege to the castle of Alhurst which was defended against him by the English The assaults were so liuely enforced and with such varietie of inuention and deuise that a wide way was opened through all impediments and the defendants were constrained by many necessities to desire faire conditions of yeelding This whilest the Earle delayed to grant he receiued in a certaine light cōflict a wound in his hand whereof in a short time after he died hauing first raised himselfe very high in opinion with all men for his courage industrie and skill in Armes And thus Duke Robert and his sonne William were brought to their vnhappy ends rather through the malice of their Fortune then through any bad merit or insufficiencie in themselues whereby the Duchie of Normandie which had bene both the cause and the seate of very great warres was then strongly setled in possession of King Henry Hee was neuer infested with domesticall warres which in regard of those tumultuous times is a manifest argument both of his iustice and prouidence the one not giuing cause the other no hope for his subiects to rebel The King of Scots did homage vnto him for what territories I doe not determine Morcard King of Ireland and some of his successors were so appliable vnto him that they seemed to depend vpon his command The Welsh who hated idlenesse and peace alike did striue beyond their strength to pull their feete out of the mire of subiection but in loose straggling companies without either discipline or head For this cause hee made diuers expeditions into Wales where he had many bickerings and put
buildings specified before some for strength as diuers Castles in Normandie in Wales and some also in England and namely the Castle of Warwicke of Bristoll the Castle Colledge and Towne of Windsore on the hill about a mile distant from the old Towne of Windsore which afterward was much encreased by King Edward the third and after him by many Kings and Queenes succeeding Many Palaces also he built for ornament pleasure And to this end he maintained his Parke at Woodstocke wherein hee preserued with great pleasure diuers sorts of strange beasts which because he did with many demonstrations of pleasure both accept and esteeme were liberally sent vnto him from other Princes Hee first instituted the forme of the high Court of Parliament as now it is in vse For before his time onely certaine of the Nobilitie and Prelats of the Realme were called to consultation about the most important affaires of state he caused the commons also to be assembled by Knights and Burgesses of their owne appointment and made that Court to consist of three parts the Nobilitie the Clergie and the Common people representing the whole body of the Realme The first Councell of this sort was held at Salisbury vpon the 19. day of April in the 16. yeere of his reigne His seueritie in iustice the very heart string of a Common-wealth his heauie hand in bearing downe his enemies in disabling those from working him harme whom he knew would neuer loue him at the heart was traduced by some vnder termes of crueltie And yet was he alwayes more mindfull of benefits then of wrongs and in offences of highest nature euen for bearing Armes against him he punished oftentimes by imprisonment or exile and not by death When Matilde his daughter was giuen in mariage to Henry the fifth Emperour he tooke 3. shillings of euery hide of land throughout the Realme which being followed by succeeding Kings did grow to a custome of receiuing ayd whensoeuer they gaue their daughters in marriage For albeit the same be found in the great Custumier of Normandie yet was it neuer practised in England before This happened in the fifteenth yeere of his reigne and he neuer had the like contribution after but one for furnishing his warres in France So the people were not charged with many extraordinary taxations but their ordinary fines and payments were very great and yet not very grieuous vnto them For that they saw them expended not in wanton wast not in loose and immoderate liberalitie but either vpon necessitie or for the honour dignitie of the state wherein the preseruation or aduancement of the common good made particular burthens not almost sensible But both his actions and exactions were most displeasing to the Clergy the Clergy did often times not onely murmure but struggle and oppose against his actions as taking their liberties to be infringed and their state diminished by abasing their authority and abating both their riches and power When any Bishopricke or Abbey fell voyd hee did apply the reuenues thereof for supply of his necessities and wants and for that cause kept some of them many yeeres together vacant in his hands He would not permit appeales to Rome Canons were not of force within the Realme vnlesse they were confirmed by the King Legats from the Pope were not obeyed and no man would come to their conuocations In so much as one of the Popes Legates in France did excommunicate all the Priests of Normandy because they would not come to his Synode For this cause the King sent the Bishop of Exceter to Rome albeit he was both blind and in yeeres to treat with the Pope concerning that businesse Hee gaue inuestitures to Prelates by Crosse Ring and Staffe and is charged to haue receiued of some of them great summes of money for their places About this time the marriage of Priests was forbidden in England but the King for money permitted them to reteine their wiues and in the end set an imposition in that respect vpon euery Church throughout the Realme It auailed not any man to say that he had no purpose to keepe a wife he must pay for a facultie to keepe a wife if he would For these causes they fastened the infamie of couetousnesse vpon him For these causes and especially for inuesting and receiuing homage of Prelats he had a stiffe strife with Anselme Archb. of Canterburie For the King said that it was against the custome of his ancesters it could not stand with the safety of his State that the Prelats who at that time held the principall places both of trust and command in his kingdome who in very deed ruled all the rest should not be appointed onely by himselfe should not sweare faith and allegiance vnto him should either bee aduanced or depend vpon any forren Prince On the other side Anselme refused not onely to confirme but to communicate or common friendly with those who had bene inuested by the King reproching them as abortiues and children of destruction traducing the King also as a defiler of Religion as a deformer of the beautie and dignitie of the Church Hereupon by appointment of the King they were confirmed consecrated by the Archb of Yorke Onely William Gifford to whom the K had giuen the Bishopricke of Winchester refused Consecration from the Archb. of Yorke for which cause the King depriued him of all his goods and banished him out of the Realme Then the King required Anselme to doe him homage and to be present with him at giuing Inuestitures as Lanfranck his predecesior had bene with King William his father Against these demaunds Anselme obiected the decrees of the Councell lately held at Rome whereby all Lay-persons were excommunicate who should conferre any Spiritual promotions and all those accursed who for Ecclesiasticall dignities should subiect themselues vnder the homage or seruice of any Lay-man Hereupon messengers were dispatched from both parties to the Pope who determined altogether in fauour of Anselme or rather in fauour of himselfe Notwithstanding the king desisted not to vrge Anselme to sweare homage vnto him Anselme required that the Popes letters should bee brought foorth and he would doe as by them hee should be directed The King answered that he had nothing to doe with the Popes letters that this was a Soueraigne right of his Crowne that if any man may pull these Royalties from his Crowne he may easily pull his Crowne from his head that therefore Anselme must doe him homage or else depart out of his kingdome Anselme answered that hee would not depart out of the Realme but goe home to his Church and there see who would offer him violence Then were messengers againe sent to the Bishop of Rome two Bishops from the King and two Monckes from Anselme The King wrote to the Pope first congratulating his aduancement to the Sea of Rome then desiring the continuance of that amitie which had bene betweene their predecessours Lastly he tendred all honour and obedience
which in former times the Kings of England did yeeld to the See of Rome desiring againe that he might not be abridged of such vsages as his father did enioy concluding that during his life hee would not suffer the dignities of his Crowne to be empaired and if he should so doe yet the Nobilitie and common people of the Realme would in no case permit it but would rather recede from obedience to his See The Pope wrote backe againe to Anselme that for one mans pleasure hee would not reuerse the decrees of former Popes and therefore gaue him both encouragement charge to continue constant and to see them obserued in euery point Hee directed also his letters to the King which the King did suppresse but his Embassadours declared by word that the Pope permitted Inuestitures to the King so as in other things hee would execute the Office of a good Prince Anselme called for the Popes letters The King answered that his Bishops were to be credited before the Monckes who were disabled either for voyce or testimonie in Secular affaires Anselme said that he was desirous to yeeld vnto the King but he durst not although it should cost him his head vnlesse he had a warrant from Rome and therefore he would send thither againe to haue a more full and ample answere The King and diuers of the Nobilitie perswaded him to goe in person to trauaile to the Pope and to trauaile with him for the quiet of the Church and of his countrey With much adoe he was entreated and so set forth on his iourney towards Rome and after followed the kings Embassadour Wiliam Warlewast new elect Bishop of Exceter When the Bishop came to the Popes presence he declared vnto him what great commodities did rise out of England to the See of Rome that the Inuesting of Prelats had bene an ancient right to the crowne of that Realme that as the King was by nature liberall so was he stout and resolute in courage that it should be a great dishonour to him who in power exceeded any of his ancesters if hee should not maintaine the dignities which they held that for this cause the Pope should doe well to preferre to his consideration what preiudice might follow to his Estate if hee should remit nothing of the seuerities of those Canons which had bene lately made The Pope gaue an attentiue eare and seemed to pause vpon that which had been sayd Which the Kings Ambassadour taking to be a degree of yeelding did more earnestly insist and said that the King his master would not for the Crowne of his Realme loose the authoritie of inuesting his Prelates Hereto the Pope with a starting voice and countenance answered Neither will I lose the disposing of spirituall promotions in England for the Kings head that beareth the Crowne before God said hee I aduow it His flattering followers applauded this speach as proceeding from a magnanimous courage or rather as some flash of diuine inspiration and the Kings Ambassador not a little abashed was content to descend to lower demands In the ende it was ordered that the King should be restored to certaine customes which had been vsed by his father but that all they who had bin inuested by the King should be excōmunicate that their satisfaction and absolution should be committed vnto Anselme Thus Anselme with full saile of victorie and ioy returned towards England but the Kings Ambassadour stayed behind to assay whether by any meanes hee could worke the Pope to a milder minde But when hee saw that he trauailed in vaine he followed Anselme and ouertooke him at Placentia and there deliuered vnto him certaine priuate instructions from the King that if he would come into England and behaue himselfe as his predecessours had done towards the Kings father hee should be welcome otherwise you are wise enough said hee you know what I meane and may easily coniecture what will ensue With these words he flang suddenly away by occasion whereof his speaches setled with a more strong impression and multiplied many doubtfull constructions So the Embassadour returned to the King but Anselme went to Lions and remained there a yeere and halfe In the meane time much posting was made betweene England Lions and Rome but nothing was concluded nothing could please For neither the Pope would yeeld to the King nor the King to Anselme At the last Anselme threatned to excommunicate the King whereof the King being aduertised by the Countesse Adela his sister hee desired her to come to him into Normandy and to bring Anselme with her Here the King restored Anselme to his former possessions but his returne into England was respited vntill the Pope had confirmed certaine things which Anselme did assure So the King tooke his passage into England and Anselme abode at the Abbey of Beck Then were dispatched for Rome William Warlewast mentioned before and Baldwine Abbot of Ramsey by whose meanes the controuersie was composed betweene the King and the Pope that the King should receiue homage of Bishops elect but should not inuest them by Staffe and Ring After this the king went into Normandie and there agreed to Anselme in these points following 1 That all his Churches which had been made tributary to King William the second should bee set free 2 That the King should require nothing of the sayd Churches whilest the Sea should remaine vacant 3 That such Priests as had giuen money to the King to reteine their wiues should surcease from their function the space of three yeeres and that the king should take no more after such maner 4 That all such goods fruits and possessions as the King had taken from the Sea of Canterbury should bee restored to him at his returne into England Thus Anselme returned into England and after a short time the king followed hauing taken his brother prisoner and subdued Normandie to his subiection Forthwith Anselme by permission of the K. assembled a great Councell of the Clergie at Westminster wherein hee so wrought with the King that at length albeit not without great difficultie it was newly decreed that no temporal man should giue inuestiture with Crosse or with Ring or with Pastoral staffe Also he directed 〈◊〉 to the Priests of his Prouince that they and their wiues should neuer meete within one house that they should not keepe any woman in their house but such as were next in kinred vnto them That hee who held his wife and presumed to say Masse within eight dayes after should solemnely be excommunicate That all Archdeacons and their Officials should bee sworne not to winke at the meetings of Priests and their wiues for any respect and if they would not take this oath then to lose their office that such Priests as would forsake their wiues should cease fourty dayes from ministration in their office and performe such penance as should be enioyned them by their Bishop The execution of these Canons importing both a great and sudden alteration
occasioned much disquiet and disorder in many parts of the Realme In the same Councel the censure of Excommunication was cast vpon those who did exercise the vile vice of Sodomitrie and it was further decreed that the same sentence should be published euery Sonday in al the parish Churches of England But afterward it was esteemed fit that this general excommunication should be repealed The pretence was for that the prohibiting yea the publike naming of that vice might enflame the hearts of vngracious persons with desire vnto it But wise men coniectured that after this seuere restreint of marriage in the Clergie it did grow so frequent and familiar among them that they would not giue way to so generall a punishment It is certaine that in this Kings dayes Io. Cremensis a Priest Cardinal by the Kings licence came into England and held a solemne Synode at London where hauing most sharpely enueighed against the marriage of Priests the night following hee was taken in adulterie and so with shame departed the Realme It is certaine also that Anselme the most earnest enforcer of single life died not a Virgine as by the lamentation which hee wrote for the losse thereof it may appeare Not long after Anselme died being of the age of 70. yeeres He had bestowed much money on Christs Church in Canterburie as well in buildings as in ornaments and encrease of possessions Other workes of charge he left not many neither in very deed could he by reason of his often banishments and the seasures of the reuenues of his Church But this he did more then liberally supply by the eternall labours of his penne After his decease the Archbishopricke remained voyd fiue yeeres during which time the King applied the fruits to himselfe The like hee did to other vacant Churches and compounded also with Priests for reteining their wiues and made his profit by Ecclesiasticall persons and liuings more largely and freely then he had done before For which cause it is not vnlike that the imputation of couetousnesse was fixed vpon him At the last Radulph Bishop of Rochester was aduanced to the See of Canterburie and notwithstanding all former agreements and decrees the King inuested him with Ring and with Staffe But howsoeuer we may either excuse or extenuate the two vices of crueltie and couetousnesse wherewith he is charged his immoderate excesse in lust can no wayes be denied no wayes defended And when age had somewhat abated in him the heat of that humour yet was hee too much pleased with remembrance of his youthfull follies For this vice it is manifest as well by the sudden and vnfortunate losse of his children as for that he was the last King by descent from males of the Norman race that the hand of God pressed hard vpon him As Radulph succeeded Anselme in the See of Canterburie So after the death of Thomas Thurstine the Kings Chapplaine was elected Archb. of Yorke And because he refused to acknowledge obedience to the See of Canterbury hee could not haue his Consecration but was depriued of his dignitie by the King Hereupon he tooke his iourney to Rome complained to the Pope and from him returned with a letter to the King that the putting of a Bishop elect from his Church without iudgement was against diuine Iustice against the decrees of holy Fathers that the Pope intended no preiudice to either Church but to maintaine the constitution which S. Gregorie the Apostle of the English Nation had stablished betweene them that the Bishop elect should be receiued to his Church and if any question did rise between the two Churches it should be handled before the King Vpon occasion of this letter a solemne assembly was called at Salisburie where the variance betweene the two Prelats was much debated Radulph would not giue Imposition of hands to Thurstine vnlesse hee would professe obedience Thurstine said that he would gladly embrace his benediction but professe obedience to him he would not The King signified to Thurstine that without acknowledgement of subiection to the Archb. of Canterburie hee should not be Consecrated Archb. of Yorke Thurstine replied nothing but renounced his dignitie and promised to make no more claime vnto it Not long after Calixtus Bishop of Rome assembled a Councell at Rhemes and Thurstine desired licence of the King to goe to that Councell This hee obtained vnder faithfull promise that he should there attempt nothing to the preiudice of the Church of Canterburie In the meane time the King dealt secretly with the Pope that Thurstine should not bee consecrated by him This the Pope did faithfully assure and yet by meanes of some of his Cardinals whom Thurstine had wrought to bee suiters for him by reason also of his hate against Radulph for taking Inuestiture from the King The Pope was drawen to giue him consecration and there with the Pall. For this cause the King was displeased with Thurstine and forbad him to returne into the Realme After this the Pope came to Gisors to which place the King went vnto him and desired that he would not send any Legates into England except the King should so require The reason was for that certaine Legates had come into England lately before to wit one Guid●… and another named Anselme and another called Peter who had demeaned themselues not as Pillars of the Church but as Pillagers of all the Realme Also he required that hee might reteine all such customes as his auncestors had vsed in England and in Normandie The Pope vpon promise that the King should ayd him against his enemies yeelded to these demands and required againe of the King to permit Thurstine to returne with his fauour into England The King excused himselfe by his oath The Pope answered that he might and would dispence with him for his oath The King craued respite affirming that he would aduise with his Counsaile and then signifie to the Pope what he should resolue So in short time hee declared to the Pope that for loue to him Thurstine should bee receiued both into the Realme and to his Church vpon condition that he should professe subiection to the Sea of Canterburie as in former times his predecessors had done otherwise said hee so long as I shall bee King of England hee shall neuer sit Archb●…shop of Yorke The yeere following the Pope directed his letters to the King and likewise to Radulph And herewith he interdicted both the Church of Canterburie and the Church of Yorke with all the Parish Churches of both Prouinces from Diuine seruice from Buriall of the dead from all other offices of the Church except onely baptizing of children and absolution of those who shal lie at the point of death vnlesse within one moneth after the receit of the same letters Thurstine should be receiued to the Sea of Yorke without acknowledging subiection to the Sea of Canterburie It was further signified to the King that he should also be excommunicate vnlesse hee would consent to the same
Vpon these letters Thurstine was sent for and reconciled to the King and quietly placed in his Church at Yorke And thus when the Bishops of Rome had gained absolute superiority ouer the state of the Church euen for managing external actions and affaires which seeme to be a part of ciuill gouernement there wanted nothing but either a weake Prince or a factious Nobilitie or a headstrong tumultuous people to giue him absolute superioritie ouer all In the second yeere of this Kings reigne the Cities of Gloucester and Winchester were for the most part wasted with fire In the fourth yeere a blasing starre appeared and foure circles were seene about the Sunne The yeere next following the King preuailed much in Normandie and so did the Sea in Flanders insomuch as a great part of that Countrey lay buried in the waters In the seuenth yeere a blazing starre appeared and vpon thursday night before Easter two full Moones were seene one in the East and the other in the West The same yeere Robert Duke of Normandie was taken brought prisoner into England In the tenth yeere the Abbey of Elie was made a Bishops Sea and Cambridge shire was appointed for the Diocesse thereof In regard whereof the King gaue the mannour of Spalding to the Bishop of Lincolne for that the shire of Cambridge was formerly vnder the Iurisdiction of Lincolne The same yeere a Comet appeared after a strange fashiō About Shrewsburie was a great earthquake The water of Trent was dried vp at Nottingham the space of a mile from one of the clocke vntill three so as men might passe ouer the Channell on foote Warres ensued against the Earle of Aniou a great mortalitie of men a murraine of beastes both domesticke and of the fielde yea the ●…oules perished in great abundance In the 13. yeere the Citie of Worcester and therein the chiefe Church the Castle with much people were consumed with fire A pigge was farrowed with a face like a childe A chicken was hatched with foure legs The yeere next ensuing the riuer of Medeway so fayled for many miles that in the middest of the channell the smallest boates could not floate In the Thames also was such defect of water that betweene the Tower and the Bridge many men and children did wade ouer on foote This happened by reason of a great ebbe in the Ocean which layd the sands bare many miles from the shoare and so continued one whole day Much rage and violence of weather ensued and a blasing starre The Citie of Chichester with the principall Monastery was burnt The yeere next following almost all the Bridges in England being then of timber by reason of a hard Winter were borne downe with Ice In the 17. yeere the towne of Peterborough with the stately Church were burned to the ground The Citie of Bath also was much ruined and defaced with fire In March there happened fearefull lightning and in December grieuous thunder and haile The Moone at both times seemed to be turned into blood by reason of the euill qualited vapours through which it gaue light The yeere following Mathild the Queene departed this life a woman in pietie chastitie modestie and all other vertues nothing inferiour to her mother but in learning and iudgement farre beyond her who did not act nor speake nor scarce thinke any thing but first it was weighed by wisdome and vertue When the king desired her in marriage for the publicke good and tranquilitie of the State in reducing the Saxon blood to the Crowne she first modestly then earnestly refused the offer shewing no lesse magnanimitie in despising honours then others doe in affecting them But when she was not so much perswaded as importuned to forsake her profession she is reported by some to haue taken the matter so to heart that she cursed such issue as she should bring forth which curse did afterwards lie heauie vpon them For her sonne William perished by shipwrack and her daughter Matild was neuer voyd of great vexations As she trauailed ouer the riuer of Lue at the Old-foord neere London she was well washed and somewhat endangered in her passage whereupon he caused two Stone-bridges to be built ouer the same riuer one at the head of the towne of Stratford the other ouer another streame thereof commonly called Channelsbridge and paued the way betweene them with grauel She gaue also certaine mannours and a mill called Wiggon mill for repairing of the same bridges and way These were the first Stone-bridges that were made in England And because they were arched like a bow the towne of Stratford was afterwards called Bow In the 20. yere a great earthquake hapned in the moneth of September In the 22. yeere the Citie of Glocester with the principal Monasterie was fired againe The yeere next following the Citie of Lincolne was for the most part burned downe and many persons perished with the rage of the flame In the 27. yeere the King receiued an oath of the chiefe of the Prelats and Nobilitie of the Realme that after his death they should maintaine the kingdom against al men for his daughter Matild in case she should suruiue and the king not leaue issue male in life In the 30. yeere the Citie of Rochester was much defaced with fire euen in the presence and view of the King The yeere next following the oath to Matild was receiued againe About this time the King was much troubled with fearefull dreames which did so affright him that he would often leape out of his bed and lay hand on his sword as if it were to defend himselfe This yeere as he returned out of Normandie into England when he had bene caried not farre from land the winde began to rise and the Sea swelled somewhat bigge This weather did almost suddenly encrease to so dangerous a storme that all expected to be cast away The King dismayed the more by his sonnes mishap reconciled himselfe to God and vowed to reforme many errours of his life if he did escape So after his arriuall he went to the Monasterie of S Edmund and there both ratified and renued the promise he had made After this he was better ordered in his actions he erected a Bishopricke at Caerlile and endowed it with many honours he caused Iustice indifferently to be administred and eased the people of the tribute called Dane-guilt In the 32. yeere Matilde daughter to the King was deliuered of a sonne who was named Henry Hereupon the king assembled his Nobilitie at Oxeford where he did celebrate his feast of Easter and there ordeined that shee and her heires should succeed him in the kingdome And albeit they were often sworne to this appointment albeit Stephen Earle of Bloise was the first man who tooke that oath yet was he the first who did rise against it yet did many others also ioyne with him in his action For oathes are commonly troden vnder foote when they lye in the way either to honour or reuenge The same