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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13057 For the colony in Virginea Britannia. Lavves diuine, morall and martiall, &c. Virginia.; Strachey, William, 1572?-1621. 1612 (1612) STC 23350; ESTC S111283 56,375 108

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as for this life and the things thereof we craue them of thée so farre as may be for our good and thy glory beséeching thée to prouide for vs as vnto this day in mercy And when thou wilt humble or exalt vs gouerne vs so long and so farre in all conditions and changes as we may cleane fast vnto thee our God vnchangeably esteeming thée our portion sufficiēt inheritance for euermore Now what graces we craue for our selues which are here before thy presence we humbly begge for all those that belong vnto vs and that by dutie or promise wee owe our praiers vnto beséeching thée to be as gracious vnto them as vnto our own souls and specially to such of them as in respect of any present affliction or temptation may be in speciall néede of some more spéedie helpe or comfort from thy mighty hand Yea our Lord God we humbly desire to blesse with our praiers the whole Church more specially our nation and therein the kings Maiestie our Soueraigne his Quéene and royall seede with all that be in authoritie vnder him beséeching thée to follow him and them with those blessings of thy protectiō and direction which may preserue them safe from the malice of the world and of Satan and may yeeld them in their great places faithfull to thée for the good of thy people and their owne eternall happinesse and honour We beséech thee to furnish the Churches with faithfull and fruitfull ministers and to blesse their liues and labours for those mercifull vses to which thou hast ordained them sanctifie thy people O God and let them not deceiue themselues with a formalitie of religion instéed of the power thereof giue them grace to profit both by those fauours and by those chasticements which thou hast sent successiuely or miredly amongst them And Lord represse that rage of sinne and prophanesse in all Christian states wh●●h bréeds so much Apostacy and defection threatning the taking away of this light from them Confound thou O God all the counsel and practises of Satan and his ministers which are or shall be taken vp against thée and the kingdome of thy deare sonne And call in the Iewes together with the fulnesse of the gentiles that thy name may be glorious in al the world the daies of iniquity may come to an end and we with all thine elect people may come to sée thy face in glorie and be filled with the light thereof for euermore And now O Lord of mercie O Father of the spirits of all flesh looke in mercie vpon the Gentiles who yet know thée not O gracious God be mercifull to vs and blesse vs and not vs alone but let thy waies be knowne vpon earth thy sauing health amongst all nations we praise thée and we blesse thée But let the people praiss thée O God yea let all the people praise thée and let these ends of the world remember themselues and turne to thée the God of their saluation And séeing thou hast honoured vs to choose vs out to heare thy name vnto the Gentiles we therefore beséech thee to blesse vs and this our plantation which we and our nation haue begun in thy feare for thy glory We know O Lord we haue the diuel all the gates of hel against vs but if thou O Lord be on our side we care not who be against vs. O therfore vouchsafe to be our God let vs be a part and portion of thy plople cōfirme thy cauenāt of grace mercy with vs which thou hast made to thy Church in Christ Iesus And seeing Lord the highest end of our plantation here is to set vp the standard display the banner of Iesus Christ euē here where satans throne is Lord let our labor be blessed in laboring the conuersiō of the heathē And because thou vsest not to work such mighty works by vnholy means Lord sanctifie our spirits giue vs holy harts that so we may be thy instrumēts in this most glorious work lord inspire our souls with thy grace kindle in vs zeale of thy glory fill our harts with thy feare our tongues with thy praise furnish vs all from the highest to the lowest with all gifts graces néedful not onely for our saluation but for the discharge of our duties in our seuerall places adorne vs with the garments of Iustice mercy loue pitie faithfulnesse humility all vertues teach vs to abhor all vice that our lights may so shine before these heathen that they may sée our good works so be brought to glorifie thée our heauenly Father And seeing Lord we professe our selues thy seruants are about thy worke Lord blesse vs arme vs against difficulties strength vs against all base thoughts temptations that may make vs looke backe againe And séeing by thy motion work in our harts we haue left our warme nests at home put our liues into our hands principally to honour thy name aduance the kingdome of thy son Lord giue vs leaue to commit our liues into thy hands let thy Angels be about vs let vs be as Angels of God sent to this people And so blesse vs Lord so prosper all our procéedings that the heathen may neuer say vnto vs where is now your God Their Idols are not so good as siluer gold but lead copper the works of their own hands But thou Iehouah art our God we are y e works of thy hands O then let Dagon fall before thy Arke let Satan be confounded at thy presence let the heathen sée it be ashamed that they may séeke thy face for their God is not as our God thēselues being Iudges Arise therfore O Lord let thine enemies be scattered let them that hate thée ●lie before thée As the smoke vanisheth so let Satan his delusions come to nought as war melteth before the fire so let wickednes superstitiō ignorance idolatry perish at y e presēce of thée our God And wheras we haue by vndertaking this plantatiō vndergone the reproofs of the base world insomuch as many of our owne brethren laugh vs to scorne O Lord we pray thée fortiffe vs against this temptation let Sanballat Tobias Papists players such other Amonits Horonits the scum ● dregs of the earth let thē morke such as helpe to build vp the wals of Ierusalem and they that be filthy let thē be filthy still let such swine still wallow in their mire but let not y e rod of the wicked sal vpō the lot of the righteous let not them put forth their hands to such vanity but let them that feare thée reioyce be glad in thée let them know that it is thou O Lord that raignest in England vnto the ends of the world And séeing this work must néeds expose vs to many miseries dangers of soule bodie by land sea O Lord we earnestly beseech thee to receiue vs into thy fauour protection descr●● vs from the delusions of the diuel the malice of the heathē the inuasions of our enemies mutinies dissentions of our own people knit our hearts altogether in faith feare of thee loue one to another giue vs patience wisedome constancy to goe on through all difficulties temptations til this blessed work be accomplished for the honour of thy name glory of the Gospel of Iesus Christ That when the heathē do know thée to be their God and Iesus Christ to be their saluation they may say blessed be the king Prince of England blessed be the English nation and blessed for euer be the most high God possessor of heauen earth that sent them amongst vs And heere O Lord we do vpon the knees of our harts offer thee the sacrifice of praise thanksgiuing for that thou hast moued our harts to vndertake the performance of this blessed work with the hazard of our person and the hearts of so many hundreds of our nation to assist it with meanes prouision and with their holy praiers Lord looke mercifully vpon them all and for that portion of their substance which they willingly offer for thy honour seruice in this action recompence it to them and theirs and reward it seuen fold into their bosomes with better blessings Lord blesse England our sweet natiue countrey saue it from Popery this land scour heathenisme both from Atheisme And Lord heate their praiers for vs and vs for them and Christ Iesus our glorious Mediator for vs all Amen
baker or bakers are imposed vpon no other seruice or duties but onely so to bake for such as do worke and this shall hee take notice of vpon paine for the first time offending herein of losing his eares and for the second time to be condemned a yeare to the Gallies and for the third time offending to be condemned to the Gallies for three yeares All such cookes as are appointed to seeth bake or dresse any manner of way flesh fish or what else of what kind soeuer either for the generall company or for any priuate man shall not make lesse or cut away any part or parcel of such flesh fish c. Nor detaine or demaund any part or parcell as allowance or hire for his so dressing the same since as aforesaid of the baker hee or they such Cooke or Cookes exempted from other publike works abroad are to attend such seething and dressing of such publike flesh fish or other prouisions of what kinde soeuer as their seruice and duties expected from them by the Colony and this shall they take notice of vpon paine for the first time offending herein of losing his eares and for the second time to be condemned a yeare to the Gallies and for the third time offending to be condemned to the Gallies for three yeares All fishermen dressers of Sturgeon or such like appointed to fish or to cure the said Sturgeon for the vse of the Colonie shall giue a iust and true account of all such fish as they shall take by day or night of what kinde soeuer the same to bring vnto the Gouernour As also of all such kegges of Sturgeon or Cauiare as they shall prepare and cure vpon perill for the first time offending heerein of loosing his eares and for the second time to be condemned a yeare to the Gallies and for the third time offending to be condemned to the Gallies for three yeares Euery Minister or Preacher shall euery Sabboth day before Catechising read all these lawes and ordinances publikely in the assembly of the congregation vpon paine of his entertainment checkt for that weeke The Summarie of the Marshall Lawes YEe are now further to vnderstand that all these prohibited and forefended trespasses misdemenors with the inioyned obseruance of all these thus repeated Ciuill and Politique Lawes prouided and declared against what Crimes soeuer whether against the diuine Maiesty of God or our soueraigne and Liege Lord King Iames the detestable crime of Sodomie Incest Blasphemie Treason against the person of the principall Generals and Commaunders of this Colonie and their designs against detracting murmuring calumniating or slaundering of the Right Honourable the Councell resident in England and the Committies there the general Councell and chiefe Commaunders heere as also against intemperate raylings and base vnmanly speeches vttered in the disgrace one of another by the worser sort by the most impudent ignorant and prophane such as haue neither touch of humanitie nor of conscience amongst our selues against Adultery Fornication Rape Murther Theft false witnessing in any cause and other the rest of the Ciuill and Politique Lawes and Orders necessarily appertaining properly belonging to the Gouernment of the State and Condition of the present Colony as it now subsisteth I say ye are to know that all these thus ioyned with their due punishments and perils heere declared and published are no lesse subiect to the Martiall law then vnto the Ciuill Magistrate and where the Alarum Tumult and practise of arms are not exercised and where these now following Lawes appertaining only to Martiall discipline are diligently to be obserued and shall be seuerely executed 1 No man shall willingly absent himselfe when hee is summoned to take the oath of Supremacy vpon paine of death 2 Euery Souldier comming into this Colonie shall willingly take his oath to serue the King and the Colonie and to bee faithfull and obedient to such Officers and Commaunders as shall be appointed ouer him during the time of his aboad therein according to the Tenor of the oath in that case prouided vpon paine of being committed to the Gallies 3 If any Souldier or what maner of man else soeuer of what quality or condition soeuer he be shal tacitely compact with any Sea-man Captain Master or Marriner to conuay himselfe a Board any shippe with intent to depart from and abandon the Colony without a lawful Passe from the Generall or chiefe commander of the Colonie at that time and shall happen to bee preuented and taken therwith before the shippe shall depart out of our Bay that Captaine Maister or mariner that shall so receiue him shall lose his wages and be condemned to the Gallies for three yeeres and he the sworne seruant of the Colony Souldier or what else shall bee put to death with the Armes which he carrieth 4 When any select and appointed Forces for the execution and performance of any intended seruice shall bee drawne into the field and shall dislodge from one place vnto another that Souldier that shall quit or forsake his Colors shall be punished with death 5 That Souldier that shall march vpon any seruice shall keepe his Ranke and marching the Drum beating and the Ensigne displayed shall not dare to absent himselfe or stray and straggle from his ranke without leaue granted from the cheefe Officer vpon paine of death 6 All Captaines shall command all Gentlemen and Common Souldiers in their Companies to obey their Sergeants and Corporals in their offices without resisting or iniuring the said Officers vpon paine if the iniurie be by words he the offender shal aske his Officer pardon in the place of Arms in the mead of the troopes If by Act he the offender shall passe the pikes 7 That Souldier that in quarrel with an other shall call vpon any of his companions or Countrimen to assist and abette him shall bee put to death with such Armes as he carrieth 8 Hee that shall begin a mutiny shall bee put to death with such Armes as he carrieth 9 Where a quarrell shall happen betweene two or more no man shall betake him vnto any other Arms then his sword except he be a Captaine or Officer vpon paine of being put to death with such Armes as he shall so take 10 If a Captaine or Officer of a Companie shall come where two or more are fighting with their drawne swords so soone as hee shall cry Hold and charge them to forbeare those that haue their swords in their hands so drawne shall not dare to strike or thrust once after vpon paine of passing the Pikes 11 That Souldier that hauing a quarrell with an other shall gather other of his acquaintance and Associates to make parties to bandie braue second and assist him therin he and those braues seconds and assistants shall passe the Pikes 12 He that shall way-lay any man by aduantage taken thereby cowardly to wound or murther him shall passe the Pikes 13 If any discontentment shall happen betweene Officers or