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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A82142 A declaration of the English army now in scotland. [sic] To the people of Scotland, especially those among them, that know and fear the Lord; we the officers and souldiers of the English army do send greeting. England and Wales. Army. 1659 (1659) Wing D665; Thomason E979_9; ESTC R207704 7,243 9

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A Declaration of the English Army now in Scotland TO The People of Scotland especially those among them that know and fear the LORD We the Officers and Souldiers of the English Army do send Greeting AT the beginning of the great and wonderful workings of God in the●e two Nations of E●gland and Scotland We the Under Officers and Souldiers of the English Army now in Scotland were most of us if not all men of private Callings and not at all interested in Matters of Publique and State Affairs but yet very many of us in whom the Lord had begun to reveal himself in the Face of Jesus Christ were sensible of the Antichristian Tyranny that was exercised by the lare King and His Prelates over the Consciences Bodies and Estates of the True Spiritual Church of Jesus Christ namely those that were born again and united to him by his Spirit who were then by that Antichristian crew termed Puritants Sectaries Schismaticks c. And for not conforming to all the Canons and Ordinances of their Nation Church were frequently imprisoned banished and otherwise grievously molested at the pleasure of those that then ruled amongst us Under these sad sufferings of the people of God our souls mourned and understanding by the manifold gracious promises in the Word of God that a time of deliverance was to be expected to the Church of Christ and destruction and ruine to Babylon Our hearts together with all truly godly in England were exceedingly stirred up to pray to the Lord even day night that he would arise to destroy Antichrist and to save his People Whilest this Spirit of Prayer was poured forth upon Gods people in England attempts are made upon Scotland to bring them to a conformity in religious worship by endeavouring to impose upoe them a Popish Service-Book which was through the great goodness of God by his people in Scotland reserted which made the wrath of the late King and His Prelates wax so hot against them so as Scotland had no other way to preserve it self but by coming into England with an Army which the godly in England did not then count an Invasion to destroy England no more then they do this our present march for the ruine of Scotland but rejoyced to see some appearing against that Antichristian power that had persecuted the Saints and were assured That the Lord was come forth to answer the many Prayers and Tears that were then poured and pouring forth for that purpose and therefore so far as we have any opportunity farthered the designs of that Army some of us hazzarding our lives by spreading their Book intituled The Scots Intentions and pleading for the justness of their Proceedings Let us remember how the Lord was pleased graciously to answer the prayers of his people at that time in their Deliverance from the Army raised by the late King and his Prelates for the destruction of all the people of God in England and Scotland insomuch That soon after Scotland sits in Peace enjoying their former Liberties without being imposed upon by the Antichristian Prelacy in England and England obtains a Parliament to whom they have opportunity to complain of their grievances and through the great goodness of God so constituted that grievances are heard and overtures made to the late King for their redress which was so irksome to His Oppressing Tyrannical and Bloudy spirit that he again betook himself to overthrow the Parliament by force and to that end entertains the Officers of the Army that had gone forth against our Brethren of Scotland and withdrawing himself from his Parliament an appearance of a Civil War begins which being made known to us the inferior Officers and Souldiers of this Army then in our Private Callings we found our hearts extraordinarily stirred up by the Lord to assist the Parliament against the King being abundantly satisfied in our judgements and consciences that we were called forth by the Lord to be instrumental to bring about that which was our continual prayer to God viz. The destruction of Antichrist and the Deliverance of his Church and people And upon this simple accompt we engaged not knowing the deep policies of worldly Statesmen and have ever since hazarded our lives in the high places of the field where we have seen the wonders of the Lord against all the opposers of this work of Jesus Christ whom we have all along seen going with us and making our way plain before us And having these things singly in our eye namely the destruction of Antichrist the advancement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ the Deliverance and Reformation of his Church in the Establishment of his Ordinances amongst them in purity according to his Word the just civi● Liberties of Englishmen We did many of us rejoyce at the Covenant because we found in it a strain towards these ends although some being more enlightened did apprehend it to be so mixt with worldly interest that they justly feared the interest of Jesus Christ would be only pretended to and the Interests of this world yea of Antichrist himself carried under a vizard as we have since had abundant experience of which hath made us we confesse not to idolize the Covenant as we fear too many do though we trust it will appear before God Angels and Men that we shall ever pursue its true and Lawful ends according to the plain and candid meaning thereof though we do not upon every occasion urge the Covenant as we see every party though as far d●fferent as light and darkness apt to do the Lord having by his Word and by his Spirit convinced us of our duty therein though there had been no such Covenant at all entred into But when we saw that under pretence of the Covenant a corrupt party in Parliament by their worldly policy after the war was ended in England and the lare Kings party subdued with the losse of Thousands of the lives of Saints whose death is precious in the sight of the Lord did endeavour to set up the King upon his own terms and with him to establish a National Church-Government not in all things agreeable to the Word of God but it destructive to the just Liberties of the True Spiritual Church of Christ which he hath by his own most precious bloud purchased for them and is now come forth to bestow upon them which did suffi●iently demonstrate it self by the dealings of the then Master-builders with the Churches of Jesus Christ in and about London that were then threatened to be dissolved and Laws made to pr●v●nt the Communion of Saints with one another except only in that one Publique Form then about to be established to the astonishment of many of us that had lifted up our hands to God and sworn to endeavour a Reformation according to the Word of God and therefore after much waiting upon God by prayer and examining our own hearts about the ends and sincerity thereof we were abundantly satisfied that
it was not only lawful but our duty to keep our Arms in our hands till the ends beforementioned should be accomplished and to that purpose the Army whereof we are a part did refuse to disband did march up to London to propose to the Parliament a way of Establishment that might be more for the carrying on of the ends of Religion and Liberty though therein we were not at that time successful yet most wonderfully and graciously preserved by the Lord and extraordinarily convinced after much seeking the Face of God that our failing was in endeavouring to set up the King upon any terms he being a man of so much bloud that the Lord would have no peace with him nor any that should go about to establish him Whereupon after his own hard heart had hindred him from yielding to any overtures that were made to him by the Parliament through whom all the Armies Proposals were to be tendered and a second War more dangerous than the former contri●ed by him and his Son now with you toget●er with those in Scotland th●t hated us of the Army of England under the name of S●ct●●ies being by the u●sp●●kable goodness and mighty power of God waded through and a second testimony given from Heaven to justifie the proceeding of his poor servants against that bloudy Antichristian brood though with the loss of many precious Saints we were then powerfully convinced that the Lords purpose was to deal with the late King as a man of bloud And being perswaded in our consciences That he and his Monarchy was one of the ten horns of the Beast spoken of Rev. 17.12 13 14 15. And being witnesses to so much of the innocent bloud of the Saints that he had shed in supporting the Beast and considering the loud cries of the souls of the Saints under the Altar we were extraordinarily carried forth to desire Justice upon the King that man of bloud And to that purpose petitioned our Superiour Officers and the Parliament to bring him to Justice which accordingly by an high hand of Providence was brought to pass which Act we are confident the Lord will own in preserving the Commonwealth of England against all Kingdoms and Nations that shall adventure to meddle with them upon that account When God executes his judgements upon Malefactors let none go about to resist When he brings forth those his enemies that will not suffer Jesus Christ to be King in the midst of his Saints and breaks them in pieces like a Potters vessel let not Scotland nor any other Nation say What dost thou We fear they have been too busie already the Lord that sees the secrets of all hearts knows the compliance of Scotland with the late Kings Issue now with you was in order to disturb the Peace of England for being Gods Executioners upon a bloody Tyrant and a supporter of the Throne of the Beast But blessed be the Lord the crafty are taken in their own snare England sits in peace whilest Scotland receives into their chief City their new King at the very hour wherein an Army had marched 300 miles is facing them at the very gates We wish our Brethren of Scotland especially those that truly fear the Lord would consider these things and not flight the providences of God so much as they do When Scotland chose new gods and would have a King out of a Family that God bad rejected then was war in the gates And though we do not think providences alone a sufficient rule for Gods People to walk by yet we do know that the Lord sp●●ks to his people by his Providence as well as by his Word and he is angry with his people that do not take notice thereof and promiseth blessing to those that do Psal 107. and the latter end And here give us leave not in a boasting spirit but in meekness and fear to tell you That we are perswaded we are poor unworthy instruments in Gods hand to break hi● Enemies and preserve his people You have acknow●edged us in your own Papers to be a Rod of Iron to dash in piec●● the M●lignan●● but withal say VVe must now be broken in pi●●●● because we now set our selves against the Lot of Gods inhe●●●●nce Le● us here speak for our selves yea the Lord speak for us w●● k●ows our hear●● a●d all our wayes we value the Churches of J●su● Christ who ●re the Lot of Gods inheritance ten thousand tim●● ab●ve our own li●e● yea we do bless the Lord we are not only a Rod of ●ron to d●sh the common enemies in pieces but also a hedge though very unwor●hy about Christs Vineyard and if we know ou● own h●arts where ever the Lor of Gods inheritance shall appear to be found in Scotland we shall think it our duty to the utmost hazard of our lives to preserve the same But if there be any that have taken counsel together against the Lord and against his anoynted whom the Lord hath decreed to set upon his holy hill of Sion we are perswaded the Lord hath brought us hither as instruments through which he will speak to them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure VVe desire it may be known to you our Brethren of Scotland that we are not Souldiers of Fortune we are not meerly th● servants of men we have not onely proclaimed Jesus Christ the King of Saints to be our King by Profession but desire to submit to him upon his own terms and to admit him to the exercise of his Royal Authority in our hearts and to follow him whithersoever he goeth he having of his own good will entred into a Covenant of Grace with his poor Saints and be assured it is he that leadeth us into Scotland as he hath done in England and Ireland And therefore we do in the spirit of brotherly love and of the fear of the Lord beseech you to look about you for our Lord Jesus is coming amongst you as a refiners fire and as Fullers sope and blessed are those in whom the least dram of sincerity shall be found We have a Paper directed to us from the people of Scotland it having been publikely made known to us at the head of our Regiments wherein we are first desired to consider the lawfulness of our marching into Scotland We bless God we did that before we came and are abundantly satisfied that we are brought hither by the Lord nay many of us lying under temptations of flesh and bloud and going about to frame excuses to take us from this march found that to have staid behinde had been to have turned our backs upon Jesus Christ and to have deprived our selves of much sweet communion with God that now through his goodness we do enjoy We have also considered the Arguments by which you go about to weaken the grounds of the Parliaments and our Superiour Officers leading us into Scotland and must needs give you this return That we are still abundantly established in