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A66882 The history of independency the fourth and last part : continued from the death of His late Majesty, King Charls the First of happy memory, till the deaths of the chief of that juncto / by T.M. Esquire, lover of his king and country. T. M., Esquire, lover of his king and country.; Walker, Clement, 1595-1651. History of independency. 1660 (1660) Wing W331A; ESTC R18043 73,036 134

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infidelity must now make him sure to Cromwell not daring to rely on the good of those whom he had so trayterously deceived the remaining two parties continuing yet in their feuds are at length to prevent the destruction of both The royalists and Kirk recouciled by the care of the Parliament then sitting taken into consideration and reconciled by the equal distribution of commands upon the most eminent persons of both factions under one only head and Generall commander which was the King himself By this union being again become considerable ●ea and indeed in a posture of defence the King deliberately sets forward toward the Enemy who hearing of it with more both fury and expedition marcheth to meet him And here you might have observed the different means used by two potent armies to destroy each other Cromwell would ruine the King by fighting the King endeavours to conquer Cromwell by delaying never were Hanniball and Fabius so truly patterned as at this time for the King knowing it to be an invading Army took the best means to break it by delayes getting away all provision that the Enemy might have no forrage and as occasion served giving ground till some notable advantage might be found as might give an hopes if not an assurance of a victory and according to expectation so had it proved for being desirous to fight Fight in life and hearing the King intended to pass at a certain narrow Island thither he commandeth two Regiments against whom Brown did march with five or six fell on them and in probability had destroyed them utterly had not relief come with speed and in the nick of time whereby after a hot and eager fight for some hours both parties retreated with no small loss to either yet such was the fortune of that ambitious wretch Cromwell that notwithstanding this and that his Majesty had still a good Army in the field he over-ran the whole Country and conquered with less difficulty than he marched which his Majesty perceiving he resolves on new designes and accordingly within a short time with his choysest friends and the remains of his Army amounting to 16000. he privately K. marches into England gives Cromwell the go-by and marches by Carlisle into England so have I seen a bird decoy the greedy fowler from her loved nest by a seeming neglect thereof in the retiring from it It was generally believed that the Kings arrivall in England would have been a motive to all that loved him to stir and shew themselves in armes for his defence but such was their hard fate and sad misery at that time that they durst not stir the yoke lay so heavy that it was imprisonment if not death but to look towards the King yet maugre all devices against him K. wins Warrington bridg he came through all the North into Warrington in Lancashire where at a bridge the passage was disputed with the Enemy who did endeavour to break it down but with such advantage that the Rebells were forced to fly and leave the King master of the place Comes to Worcester from whence with his whole Army he marched towards Worcester where contrary to the rules both of reason and war and contrary to his own mind and resolution overswayed by the treacherous Counsel and perswasions of some too neer and in too great command about him he stayed what might be the motives to delude the King into such a trap the L. G. is better able to give account off than my pen but where treason lies in the heart there must all things of force be bad no relations ties or duty can hold or convince him who hath sold his conscience About this time the whole Kingdom having taken the Alarum run in troups and multitudes some one way some another severall of the Gentry particularly the Earls of Derby and Cleveland the Lord Howards Eldest Son Collonel Howard with many others bring what strengths in such a confusion of affairs and streight of time they could gather together but to little purpose for they are as it were besieged within the City of Worcester all the Counties of England having powered out their auxiliary forces against that place to heighten and increase whose malice Cromwell is sent to head them Now might you have seen Herod and Pontius Pilate reconciled and both against Christ Those two restless and adverse factions the Presbyterian and Independent faction could joyn together both in their armes and prayers against his sacred Majesty belching forth the scandalous language of their ulcerous tongues to incense the People and bring them into frenzy against those few poor despised loyall ones so indeed they did those very pretended Ministers not only preaching but largely contributing to the raising of more forces from day to day yea some of them going in person to assasinate the poor inclosed Royalists who yet resolved that though they foresaw their ruine as not being able without a miracle to cope with such an innumerable multitude they would sell their lives at a dear rate and make some of the purchasers at least share in an equall fate with them and so in truth they did For Cromwell now being very neer commands Lambert to take and secure Hopton bridge Worcester fight in the defence of which passage Massey shewed both much courage and experience though forced to retreat thence and leave the same unguarded being over-powered with Lamberts multitudes after which for a Day or two there happened diverse Skirmishes with as various fortune as is usuall at such times but Cromwell not brooking such delayes as fearing they might prove dangerous if any part of his forces should bethink themselves resolves upon one generall attempt and to find work for all hands himself falls on upon one side and Fleetwood on the other so that now ther 's nothing but rage slaughter and blood the loyall Highlanders even standing to fight when they had lost their legs not at all daunted at the severall horrid shapes-Death presented himself to them in but covering the ground with their slaughtered bodies in death made good that place which in life they undertook to defend while the increasing Enemy by his numbers rather killing then conquering their fear and guilt guiding them to exorbitances which the other valiant though dying souls were not capable of proving that maxime true that fear is farr more painfull to cowardise than death to a true courage But A●tum est their end is concluded the decree is gone forth so after severall routs and rallies a generall defeat succeeds with the death of between 4000. and 5000. and about 7000. or 8000. taken prisoners the pursuite being both hotly and eagerly pursued each villain hoping to enrich himself by seizing on the Royal pray But Heaven had sent a Guardian Angell to protect him that at length he may once more come and be the restorer both of our peace Religion and Liberty I shall not mention the means were used
late Juncto to beat after the mode of a free-state think they shall merit highly at the hands of the General if they promote that though they disown the Parliament he pretended to declare for and to that purpose having nominated severall Gallant fellowes of their own number Viz. Fleetwood Vane Ludlow Saloway Tichburn Lambert Desborow Hewsen Holland and others to consider of and prepare a form of Government to be setled over the three Nations Safe Committee for a free-state in the way of a Free-State and Common-wealth they send away Whalley Goffe Caryl and Barker to shew the same to General Monck and thereupon to mediate with him for avoiding the effusion of blood the Officers at London writing also to his Officers and expostulating with them touching the necessity of a brotherly union crying out of nothing but Liberty while the Nation groan'd under their oppression But Menck revolving with himself both the greatness difficulty and hazard of his design concludes not to be rash in a direct quarrel but rather by procrastinations to weaken the force of his enemies which he knew could not continue long without money and so to gain the victory without striking a blow therefore to amuse them and cast the more seeming gloss upon his action he orders Col. Talbot Monck desires a treaty and Dr. Clargies who were the first messengers sent to him to send Fleetwood word that himself and his Officers had nominated Col. Wilkes L. C. Cloberry and Major Knight to repair speedily to London and treat with the like number of Officers there for a firm unity and peace and the better to confirm it he sends another Letter from himself to the same purpose with promise that his forces should advance no further But the Committee of safery willing by strength to hold what they had got and not knowing what to think of the Generall issue out many severall Commissions to raise forces throughout all England to anticipate him and to settle Militia's to be ready in a moment Militia setled as it were to resist him which he hearing and that Lambert was coming against him with thirteen thousand men be according to his before mentioned Letter forthwith sends his three appointed messengers for peace upon whose arrivall at Yorke in November and speech with Lambert he became so farr satisfied of their intentions towards an Accommodation that thereupon he gave order his forces should advance no further Northward in their march Things being brought now into this posture The treary begun the Generalls three Commissioners arrive at London November the 12th where the Treaty is immediately begun which lulled the Committee of safety into such a security that they begin to think of shareing great Offices and places of trust and profit among themselves to this end appointing Fleetwood Desborow Sydenham Saloway Cornelius Holland Col. Clark Col. John Blackwell or any two of them to be Commissioners for the Treasury and to manage the affaris of the publick revenue with power as large as could be desired And would it not be well managed think you in the hands of such bankrupts but while these men mind their own wealth only the Treaty must not be forgotten which was now in hand and on a sudden brought to such an issue that it startled the City who had by Col. Alured and Collonel Markham received Letters from Scotland of another purport for at last the Commissioners on both sides agreed on these heads ensuing that is to say That the pretended Title of CHARLES STUART The articles of the Treaty or any other claiming from that family should be utterly renounced O horrid Treason first murder the Father and then abjure the Son That the Government of these Nations shall be by a free State or Common-wealth and not by a single person King or house of Lords What must the new settlement utterly abolish all the old fundamentall Laws of England at one breath Your Precipitation bodes your ruine That a Godly and learned Ministery shall be maintained and encouraged 'T is well the Generalls Men thought of it for you may be assured it is against the principle of Anabaptists and fifth-Monarchy Men That the Universities shall be reformed and countenanced so as that they may become Nurseries of Piety and Learning That the Officers and Souldiers and other persons on either side be indemnified for what is past touching their late difference and that all unkindness betwixt them be buried in perpetuall Oblivion pray take care of that but it may be supposed you shall be the furthest off when you think your self neerest That the Officers which were made prisoners in Scotland be forthwith set at liberty How will the Generall like that That the Armies be presently disposed into quarters and that there be a committee of nineteen whereof nine to make the Quorum who were to meet about qualifications for succeeding Parliaments This was the effect of part of the agreement which was sent away with all speed to Generall Monck upon knowledge whereof and by reason the conclusions of the said Treaty were so contrary to the Letters by them formerly received the City was startled The City startle having as they supposed by order been encouraged to stand fast in their liberty for their Laws Priviledges Properties and lawfull Government But the Generall in a wise foresight and providentiall care having cast in his mind the danger he stood in for he had a wolfe by the ears though he sent his Commissioners aforesaid yet reserved to himself the ratification so that nothing should be of force untill it were confirmed with his own seal But now the articles of the Treaty being come to his hands he commands the return of his Commissioners which they obeying he presently commits Col. Monck commits one of his Commissioners Wilks to custody for going beyond his Commission declareth the Treaty void and marcheth toward the borders which the Committee of safety being advertised off fall to their old tricks to delude the people endeavouring to make them believe it was only a rumour grounded on a fained Letter pretended to be by him sent to the City whereas they seemed to be assured that he would acquiesce in the former agreement but truth who is filia temporis the daughter of time quickly appeared to undeceive the people for in this interim his excellency having as himself expressed it a call from God and Man to march into England for resetling the Parliament calleth an assembly of the Nobles and Gentry of Scotland at Edenburgh He calls an adembly in Scotland to whom he proposed these three things 1. That they would during his absence which would not be long preserve and secure the peace of that Nation 2. That they would supply him with some men for his undertaking which he engaged upon his honour should be to their satisfaction and that if any troubles should arise they would assist him in the suppressing thereof 3.
the ancient Government of the City and vacating the Phanatick power in the Country they commend the establishment of the Nation to a full and free Parliament to be called the 25th of Aprill 1660. Issuing out writs to that purpose in the name of the keepers of the Liberty of England by authority of Parliament and setling a Councell of State of most discreet and moderate men to whom the affairs of the three Nations in the intervall and untill the meeting of the Parliament on the aforesaid 25th of Aprill was committed who with much discretion managed their power to the satisfaction of all sober minded men and so saving to the house of Lords their rights notwithstanding the Commons were in this Juncture of time put upon necessity to act without them commending the Souldiery once more to his Excellency upon the sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord 1659. Lorg P. legally ended a day worthy to be remembred they dissolved themselves and so at last put a legall period to that fatall long-Parliament which could not be dissolved by any but by it self And thus we see Independency laid in the dust and ready to give up the ghost and indeed not long after we shall see fully to expire the Prodromi of whose miserable end might be these and the like The Councel of State in this intervall of power The intervall with very great caution and wariness manage their affairs turning neither to the right hand nor to the left but keeping a direct course as knowing in medio ibunt tutissimi they set out a Proclamation against all disturbers of the peace under what pretence or name soever sparing none that in a time of such hopes durst either move a hand or tongue to work a disturbance taking care also that the order of the last Parliament touching elections should be duly and punctually observed Elections for a new Parl. as considering that the peace or ruine of the Nation would lye in their hands His Excellency the Lord Generall in this interregnum accepts of severall invitations and treatments in the City by several of the worthy companies yet still having an eye to the main he keeps close to his Officers who were not yet fully resolved and often confers with them in a more familiar manner than ordinary whereby he so wrought on them that at last he brought them to declare that they would acquiesce in the resolves of the approaching Parliament and indeed this was a shrewd forerunner of the fall of Independency as I said before whose only hope was builded on the averseness of these men to lawfull power which when they saw frustrated they might well depair yet endeavour once more to endeavour a confusion which being observed by the Councell and that a discontented Spirit possessed some of the old Officers and Grandees according to the power given them to that purpose they send for all suspected persons confining them unless they subscribed an engagement to demean themselves quietly and peaceably under the present Government and acquiesce submissively in the determination of the Parliament next ensuing which reasonable engagement Lambert and some others re●using were carefully confined to several prisons by which means the peace was wonderfully preserved but notwitstanding all this care such were the restless endeavours of that divellish faction that whether by the neglect or treachery of his keepers is not yet known Lambert gets out of prison cuningly who being a man of loose principles and desperate fortunes so encouraged the Phanatick party and stirred up their drooping Spirits that they began to threaten great matters and for perfecting their wicked design begin to gather to an head near Edg-hill which they hoped would prove to them an auspicious Omen for the beginning of a Second war but Heaven would no longer wink at such intollerable villanies for the sins of these Amorites were fully ripe for judgment so that they were discovered and quickly nipped in the bud Lambert and his accomplices being so eagerly pursued by Col. R. Ingoldsby that they were suddenly forc'd to scatter and shift for themselves by flight Taken and sent to the Tower neither was that so swift or secure but that Lambert was taken prisoner by the said Col. Ingoldsby and sent prisoner up to London at which time passing by Hide park on the twenty fourth of Ayril he saw all the City Regiments both of horse and foot Trayned Band and Auxiliaries completed armed and trayned and ready to hazard their Lives and Fortunes against all seditious and factious Traitors to their King and Country The news of this first appearance of armed loyalty being spred abroad into the Countreys The first loyal muster did so animate and encourage the old oppressed that casting off their fetters and fears together they begin to appear in their wonted guise and because they were by the Phanaticks traduced as men of blood and full of revenge not to be satisfied but with the utter ruine of their adversaries thereupon to undeceive the vulgar who might possibly have been misled by such lies if not answered did from their several and respective Counties as also in the Cities of London and Westminster declare The Gentry declare that they were far from any thoughts of revenge it belonging to God alone alluding to that text of Scripture Vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord but as for Justice they would acquiesce in the judgment of the approaching Parliament This being done The Parliament begins and the whole Parliament at the appointed time beginning first with their duty to God they follow that golden Pythagorean rule 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 giving him hearty thanks for that their freedome of meeting which when they had cordially done they fell in order to their Governour First They fear God then honour the King As the same Pythagoras goes on 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The very Heathen we see by the meer light of Nature could dictate that which our Grand Enthusiasts of Religion would not for these many years by the ignis fatuus of their new lighted notion walk after But the Parliament were better principled for after their devotions regularly paid to God they in the very next place own their duty to their Prince upon the first day of May a happy day to be remembred to posterity voting the Government to be by King Kingly government voted Lords and Commons a constitution so incomparably mixed that it may rather be admired then envied neither were they satisfied to rest there but on the Eighth day of the same May caused his Majesty to be proclaimed King of England King proclaimed Scotland France and Ireland which was performed with so much Solemnity and Joy as I presume England I dare say hardly any Kingdome in the World ever saw or were sensible of the like the shouts and acclamations of the pleased people rending the
severally made an incomparable Speech wherein with great eloquence they set forth the many years misery under which the Nation laboured then repeated the Kingdomes Joyes at present for their hoped happinesse in the future by his Majesties Restauration and so commended to his Princely care his three Kingdomes and people with their Laws and priviledges whereto the King in a Majestick style made this short but full return That he was so disordered by his Journey and the Acclamations of the people still in his Ears which yet pleased him as they were demonstrations of Affectiou and Loyalty that he could not express himself so full as he wished yet promised them that looking first to Heaven with a Thank-ful heart for his Restoration he would have a careful Eye of especial grace and favour towards his Three Kingdomes protesting that he would as well be a Defendor of their Laws liberties properties as of their faith Having thus received and taken several Congratulations and Entertaiments and dismissed his Noble Honourable Worshipful and Reverend Guard of the Nobility Gentry Citizens and Ministry he retired to Supper and afterwards having devoutly offered the Sacrifice of Prayer and Praise to the most high for his safe return he went to his Repose and Bed The first Beam that darted from our Royal Sun infused such a sense of piety into the peoples Affection that it even made them break into an Excess of Joy it was that happy Omen of a vertuous Government the admirable Proclamation against debauchednesse wherein such is his Majesties zeal he takes no notice of his Enemies but our sin which had so long occasioned his exile not sparing therein those who pretended to be his friends yet by their prophanenesse disserved him A happy Prince and happy people sure where the Extremity of Justice endevoureth to take nothing from the Subject but a Liberty to offend which so highly pleased the people that their Joyes rather increased then diminished according to that of the Poet. Littora cum plausu clamor superasque Deorum Implevere Domos gaudent generumque salutant Auxiliumque Domus servatoremque fatentur The Shores ring with applause the Heavens abound With grateful Clamours which therein resound All men salute him Father Prince and King That home again their banish'd peace doth bring Which is further also expressed by the Poet in these words Largis satiantur odoribus ignes Sertaque dependent tectis ubique lyraeque Tibiaque cantus animi felicia laeti Argumenta sonant reseratis aurea valvis Atria tota patent pulchroque instructa paratu Proceres ineunt convivia Regis The Bonfires light the Skie Garlands adorn The Streets and Houses Nothing is forborn That might express full joy while to his Court The King by Nobles follow'd doth resort And in their Feasts Gods wondrous Acts report So restless were the Nights of our pious King that he began to account all time spent in vain and amisse wherein he did not do or offer some good to his Kingdome to this purpose on the first of June the very next day but one after his Arrival accompanied with his two Brothers and Sir Edward Hide Lord Chancellour of England with many other honourable persons went by water to the House of Lords where having seated himself in his Royal seat the Black Rod was sent to the Commons to inform them of his being there They immediately adjourned and with their Speaker waited his Majesties pleasure who in a short speech acquainted them with the Occasion and Cause of his present sending for them viz. To pass those Bills which he understood were prepared for him the said Bills being therefore read according to ancient form by the Clerk of the Crown were passed by his Majesty First The Bill constituting the present Convention to be a Parliament Secondly For authorizing the Act of Parliament for 70000. l. per mens for 3 moneths Thirdly For Continuance of Easter Term and all proceedings at Law which done the Lord Chancellor Hide in a pithy Speech told both Houses with how much readinesse his Majesty had passed these Acts and how willing they should at all times hereafter find him to pass any other that might tend to the advantage and benefit of the people desiring in his Majesties behalf the Bill of Oblivion to be speeded that the people might see and know his Majesties extraordinary gracious care to ease and free them from their doubts and fears and that he had not forgotten his gracious Declaration made at Breda but that he would in all points make good the same Things being brought to that happy issue the King wholly intends to settle the Kingdome and because that in the multitude of Counsellors there is both peace and safety he nominates and elects to himself a Privy Councel whereof were The Duke of York The Duke of Glocester The Duke of Somerset The Duke of Albemarle The Marquiss of Ormond The Earl of Manchester The Earl of Oxford The Earl of Northampton Lord Seymour Lord Say Lord Howard Sir Atho Ashly Cooper Sir William Morris Mr. Hollis Mr. Annesley On several such men he bestowed great offices as Marquess of Ormond to be Lord Steward of His Honourable Houshold The Earl of Manchester Lord Chamberlain The Duke of Albemarle to be Master of the Horse and Knight of the Garter Sir Will. Morris one of the Secretaries of State which took up some time in which the Parliament according to the Kings desire proceeded in the Act of Oblivion which at last after many tedious and strong debates passed both Houses and on the _____ day of _____ in the Twelfth year of his Majesties Reign had his Royal assent and was confirmed wherein were excepted from pardon both as to Life and Estate Iohn Lisle VVilliam Say Sir Hardresse VValler Valentine VVauton Thomas Harrison Edward Whalley John Hewson VVilliam Goffe Cornelius Holland Thomas Chaloner John Carew John Jones Miles Corbet Henry Smith Gregory Clement Thomas VVogan William Heveningham Isaac Pennington Henry Martin Iohn Barkstead Gilbert Millington Edmund Ludlow Edmund Harvey Thomas Scot VVilliam Cauley John Downes Nicholas Love Vincent Potter Augustine Garland John Dixwell George Fleetwood Simon Meyne Sir Michael Livesey Robert Titchburn Owen Row Robert Lilburn Adrian Scroop Iohn Okey James Temple Peter Temple Daniel Blagrave Thomas VVayte John Cooke Andrew Broughton Edward Dendy VVilliam Hewlet Hugh Peters Francis Hacker and Daniel Axtell Who had fate in judgement on sentenced to death and did sign the instrument for the horrid murther and taking away the precious Life of our late Soveraign Lord King Charles the First of Glorious memory several of whom have by divers means in sundry places been taken and others have surrendred themselves according to a Proclamation of summons set out by the King for that purpose the persons that surrendred themselves were these Owen Row Augustine Garland Edmund Harvey Henry Smith Henry Marten Simon Meyne VVilliam Heveningham Isaac Pennington Sir Hardress Valler Robert Titchborn George
THE HISTORY OF Independency The Fourth and last Part. Continued from the Death of his late MAIESTY King CHARLS the First of happy Memory till the deaths of the chief of that Juncto By T.M. Esquire a Lover of his King and Country Cicero Epist Lib. 2. Ep. 3. Civem mehercule non puto esse quitemporibus his ridere possit Id. Lib. 5. Ep. 12. Habet autem praeteriti doloris secura recordatio delectationem LONDON Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivie-Lane and H. Marsh at the Princes Arms in Chancery-Lane 1660. Most Dread Soveraign IT is neither arrogance nor ambition that makes me thus boldly to intrude into your presence for I know so great a Sun will quickly dazle my weak eyes but because the former parts were honoured with your royal Fathers name this therefore hopes to be sheltered under your Princely wing this but concluding what they begun and making you the happy repayrer of those Breaches which that powerfull and restless faction of Independency made on the Regalia of England that posterity may as well see in this their felicity by you in the ruine of that faction as formerly they read their own misery in the Treasonable actings thereof against his late Majesty of ever glorious memory I have no more but only to pray that you may in this World be blessed with the wisdom and happynesse of Solomon a peaceable long and all glorious Reign the age of Methuselah wherein you may enjoy the full contents of a most happy life and at last full of honour and dayes arrive to the perfect fruition of a more glorious Kingdom in Gods presence before whom is fullness of joy and at his right hand pleasures for evermore This from his soul is the daily prayer of Your Majesties most faithfull subject and Servant T. M. 29 Oct. 1660. TO THE SACRED MAJESTY OF Great BRITTAINS MONARCH The Triumphant Son of a most Glorious Father who was in all things More than Conquerour The Illustrious ofspring of a Royal Traine of ANTIENT PRINCES CHARLES The Second of that Name Entituled PIOUS By the sole Providence of an Almighty hand of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Restorer of the English Church unto its Pristine State and Glory Patron of Law and Liberty Not to be Seconded by any but himself Who is the best of Kings And of all Vertue to the World THE GRAND EXEMPLAR To the Nobility Gentry Clergy and Commons of ENGLAND IT is I think more out of custome than necessity that I do at this time premise any thing the Subject whereof we treat having been fatally felt by most of the Nation in some way or other yet is it necessary that the history of such turgencies in the State should be communicated that poste●ity may hereafter see in their rise and fall the certain punishment of Treason though for a time guarded and upheld by armed violence and the highest policies of a subtle malice It is said of the Epicureans that though they acknowledged no providence nor any immortality of the soul and proposed pleasure as the only end of their lives yet they maintained most of them that they that were lovers of pleasure must of necessity be lovers of Justice and that without virtue it was not possible for men to live intrue pleasure So as it was said of the Stoicks who were for the most part notable hypocrites that they spoke good things and did foul actions but that the Epicureans spoke and taught things that seemed foul and shamefull but did that which was fair and honest Certenly these two sects of Phylosophers might be the very parallel of our date times wherein our Stoicall Grandees could speak nothing but holiness where the practice of their lives was a continued series of horrid Treasons while a litle innocent mirth and freeness of speech was the greatest that lay or indeed could be cast upon integrity of their despised Antagonists so that we might see Cucullus non fecit Monarchum It had been well for England if the sad occasions of writing this history of the times had never happened but they have been And as our Saviour saith Offences must come but wo be to them by whom they come so then to declare the actings and their method and manner is but so to lay them open that they may for the future be the better avoided and prevented The knowledg of all persons the meaning of all matters Voss de seri Agt. de art histor and the depth of all secrets is lockt up in history according to that of Vossius alluding to that of the Roman Poet Qui quid sit turpe aut pulchrum quid utile quid non Plenius melius Chrysyppo Crantore dixit And this I dare promise you in the ensuing Manual without too violent reflections to widen differences all the observations arising as naturally from the relations as suteable words do fitly supply the ready tongue of a Learned Oratour It is the general happinesse at this present that we can read the downfall of faction and rejoyce in the glory of restored Majesty with safety and content and I pray God that all the mischiefs of the remaining Achitophel's Shimei's and Rabshakeh's may sall upon their own heads but peace happiness and prosperity may waite on our Solomon that he may be blessed and his throne be established before the Lord forever To Conclude As your Loyalty in the worst oftentimes hath been signal if in nothing else yet in sufferings so dispise not to read this tractate wherein I dare presume you will find something which before you knew not the work ' its true is short but will not I hope want substance inest enim sua gratia parvis and to remember these things certainly cannot be irksome Saepe recordari medicamine melius omni to see and escape danger causeth not only admiration but pleasure which that you may receive with content by the perusall hereof is desired I shall only add one word in particular first to the Nobility You are Right Honourable Princes in the Congregation of our Israel Men of renown exemplarily both in your names and honours Be as eminent in service for your Prince as obliged to him for favours that it may be recorded of you as it is of Davids Worthies These are the mighty men which David had who strengthened themselves with him in his Kingdom according to the word of the Lord. 2. To the Gentry You are they whom Jethro counselled Moses to provide out of all the people to assist him and be mediatours between Prince and People approve your selves according to that counsel to be able men such as fear God men of truth and hating covetousness so shall the Lord give a blessing as he hath promised 3. To the Clergy God hath made you as a Beacon upon an hill that you might forewarn Israel of her sins ye are the salt of the Earth while you preach to
neither a Souldier nor a garison nay not a town where he might with safety repose his head things being at this pass and his Majesty with much adoe gotten into Scotland as afore said which the Juncto at Westminster having perfect intelligence of and weighing with themselves that promise of the Scots to bring the murtherers of the Kings Father to condign punishment they begin to think it high time to provide for their own safety in consulting whereof after much time spent it is resolved the safest wisest and to them least chargeable course to wait on the Enemy in his own Country whereby they carried the war from home and not to stay for him to bring it to their own doors As a strong motive to this just at the instant they discover that many of the Presbyterians of England had by their agents agreed with the Scots at Bredah to re-establish his Majesty in all his Dominions Whereupon many eminent persons are seized on and among them Mr. Case Mr. Jenkins Mr. Jackson Mr. Love c. Which Mr. Love together with one Mr. Gibbons suffered death together on Towerhill Mr. Love and Gibbens beheaded at the earnest sute of Cromwell protesting he would not march into Scotland unless they were cut off Being moved hereby as well as by their own fear and guilt Cromwell invades Scotland his Majesty is scarce in Scotland but Cromwell is at the borders with 16000. Horse and Foot on their behast to whom Leslly L.G. of the horse which were now raised after some expostulations by Letters and Declarations sends word that he is in armes upon the account of the good old cause and not upon the account of the King Scots divided among themselves whom he cleerly disowned Straughan and Ker not only disown the King but say positively they will fight against him so that now it was not Bellum Regale a war to maintain the Kings honour and the points of the treaty but bellum Presbyteriale a war for the Kirke of Scotland against the Independent faction of England those two great parties being come now to a second contest for superiority for Leven commanded the Foot and Leslly as I said before the horse and these two unaminously drew out against Cromwell and fought him within six miles of Edenburgh though to little purpose 1. Fight at Edenburgh for he immediately after became Master of the field and took Garririsons as fast as he came to them defeating them at Musselbourgh and pursuing them to Pentlan-hills 2. Fight at Mus selbourgh where the Scots had him in a straight and might have destroyed him but the cerrainty as they thought of the victory caused them to delay by which and the fatal necessities of sickness hunger and cold pressing upon Cromwells Army made them choose rather at one fight desperately to hazard all then timourously to become the scorn of an insulting foe which they knew they should find following this resolve with diligence they whisper about the word to each other in the midst of a dark and rainy night they crept up the hill and fell on the Scots so suddenly and beyond expectation that they were disordered by the first attempt 3. Dunbar fight and totall defeat yet by reason of their multitudes and a little courage they held up a while till surrounded on the back by Cromwells horse the Scots horse affrighted begin to retreat and soon after to flie in good earnest leaving their foot to mercy who were taken in greater numbers then the English Army consisted of the Independent power by this victory being absolute conqu●rors King in the North of Scotl. private and the Presbyterian pride laid groveling in the dust During this quarrell between the said two factions the King as disowned so not interested therein retires first to St. Johnstons and after that privately into the North of Scotland where he conti●ued expecting what God would do for him assuring himself that this defeat at Dunbar as things then stood could not be for his prejudice which indeed King sent to and returnes quickly fell out according to his expectation for the Scots upon that overthrow were somwhat humbled in Spirit and now began again to think of their late abused King wishing in their hearts he were among them fearing to speake the truth least he would have joyned with Northern and loyal Highlanders to prevent which they send M. G. Montgomery with forces to intreat his Majesties return who finds him out and affectionately delivers his message which the King received even with joyfull tears as minding the justice of God upon those perfidious Scots whose pride in success carried them beyond all bounds of allegiance and like a stubborn child must be soundly whiptere they will kneell and the good manners they obtain must be beaten into them Yet he accepts of their request and accordingly goes towards them Who but so good a King would have exposed himself to such mens trust in so dangerous a time Innocentia est sibt munimentum for he resolves to return King crowned Upon notice hereof and his arrivall the Parliament address themselves to him and appoint the time for his Coronation which was accordingly with much State pompe and Ceremony performed on the first of January following at Schone the particulars whereof I shall not enter upon severall relations thereof being already extant His Majesty thus invested in his throne undauntedly proceeds to secure both his person and Kingdom K. raiseth an army to which end he begins to raise and levy an Army both of horse and foot which in short time by the conflux of loyal hearts from all parts became even formidable to its Enemies especially having their Prince engaged in person whose every hair was valued at ten thousand lives and an equall sharer with them in all things As they did encourage the hearts and strengthen the hands of all that were faithfull so they were a torment of Spirit to the insulting Enemy who for the present seeing that force alone would not serve the turn politickly resolves to undermine and weaken them by division among themselves knowing that rule to be true Divide impera and indeed so it proved Scors divided for with so much divellish cunning did the English work that they procured Straughan with some sorces together with Ker to declare against the King Lastly with others stand for Kirk and King But Brown Middleton c. with the best and honest part of the Army vow to sacrifice their Lives and Estates in defence of the Kings person In this tottering and unstable condition stood affairs when Cromwell alwayes mindfull to lay hold on the first advantage and being certainly informed of the height and heat of these divisions he takes time by the forelock and striking while the Iron was hot he sends to Straughan and wins him over to him to fight against his lawfull Soveraign rejoycing to have debauched such a Souldier whose
and plunderings fines and taxes but at last we must all be decimated We were tanquam Oves destined for slaughter and such was our misery there was none to redeem sad testimonies whereof were Gera●d Grove and others about this time whose blood only could expiate a crime they never thought or were guilty off In this unlimited posture of arbitrary power did the the Kingdom stand when that Arch-Machiavilian Cromwell adding strength to the wings of his ambitious mind soared an Eagle-height and made all the circumference of his actions to center at the royall State thinking with a grasp of the Scepter to ennoble his name and family not minding either the danger of the passage or the slipperriness of the station when arrived at the top And indeed such was his fortune that he did ascend the throne in which it was for the future his restless endeavour to settle himself and his posterity and the better to cast a seeming gloss of legality upon his usurpation Cromwels second Parliament confirm him as Protector he summons another Parliament in the Year 1656. hoping thereby to work his ends unseen and so he did as to the vulgar eye for soon after their meeting and first triall of their temper he so moulds them to his own humour by a recognition that they are over-hastily delivered of a strange abortion by them called the petition and advice c. in which with much solemnity though damnable hypocrifie they desire him to be King but in more general terms to take upon him the government and be chief Magistate which he very gravely considering of diverse dayes returnes his denyall in part but withall insinuates in part his willingness to be setled Lord Protector at which newes his faction rejoycing with many Eulogies for his humility in refusing the Kingship he is by the said Parliament who adjourned for the same end solemnly installed Protector at Westminster by Widdrington who was the Speaker to that convention by Whitlock Lisle Warwick c. And upon their resisting he is petitioned to accept of almost two millions by the year for his support to maintain a crew of idle wenches his daughters whose pampered lusts were grown almost insatiable 2. To erect a new house of Lords of his own Creatures who being indebted to him for their raising durst do no other than by a slavish submission perform his tyrannous will 3. To name his successor that so he might entail his yoke of tyrannical Usurpation and slavish oppression on the Kigdom and severall other things which with much adoe after many perswasive intreaties and much unwillingness God knowes he accepts of No sooner is this done The said Parliament dissolved but the fox laughs in his sleeve to see how he has cheated the Parliament And therefore to make them know their rider after a few words of exhortation to them of the want of them in the Country and the necessity of their retiring thither for the peace of the Nation with a friendly nod he dismisseth them and sends them home Thus with much cunning and dissimulation having attained the perfection of his desires Cromwell seeks to strongthen himself knowing that such greatness must be upheld with allies and every noble coat of armes must have his supporters he strengthens himself at home by intermixing with noble blood marrying own of his Daughters to the Lord Faulconbridge and an other to the heir apparent of the Earldom of Warwick the later of which though in the prime of his your● finding the disagreement between Noble and Rebell blood was soon over-heated and by the suddenness of his death left his wife the widow of a loathed bed In the next place he seeks friendships and leagues abroad and intending to close with France He closeth with France he directly quarrels with the Spanyard and affronts him in severall places near about one time particularly he sends one part of the Fleet under the command of Pen to Hispaniola but with so little disadvantage that he was enforced to retreat thence with no small loss falling soon after on Jamaica with better success winning a part thereof though most inconsiderable the whole Island being not worth the tenth part of the blood and treasure it hath cost this Kingdom being no way at all serviceable either for the advance or security of trade in those parts Mazarine in France finding the benefit of these helps upon the very first motion strikes with him a league offensive and defensive Cromwell promising to assist the French with 7000. Men to maintain the war against the Flanders which at this time he sent they proving so helpfull by their valour that in a short time they gain Mardike Dunkirke gained Gravelin and Dunkirke the last of them according to articles being delivered up to the English in whose hand it yet remains In the interim while these things were transacting Cromwell suspicious of every blast of wind and fearfull of every motion contrives in himself to take off two or three of the most eminent of the Kings party in England to daunt the rest among whom he separates one layman Sir Henry Slingsby and one Churchman Dr. Dr. Hewits death Hewit for the slaughter and conscious to himself that they had done nothing contrary to the law of the land he durst not try them by a Jury but re-erects his monstrous high Court of Justice before which being brought they denyed the authority thereof as unwarrantable which so wrought upon the patience of Mr. Lisle their bloodily learned President and the rest of the gange that they according as they were fore-instructed by their Master Divell Oliver without any great matter of circumstance condemne them both to be beheaded which sentence was accordingly executed on them the 8th Day of June at Towerhill notwithstanding all the means their friends could use of engagements perswasions and money and the deep earnest and continued intreaties sollicitations and supplications of Mrs. Claypoole his best beloved daughter Mrs. Clapooles death for so inexorable he continued that like the deaf adder he stopped his ears to the charmer charme he never so wisely at which unheard of cruelty and for that Dr. Hewits Lady as is said was then with child Mrs. Claypoole took such excessive grief that she suddenly fell sick the increase of her sickness making her rave in a most lamentable manner calling out against her Father for Hewits blood and the like the violence of which extravagant passions working upon the great weakness of her body carried her into another World even at the heighest thereof No sooner did Cromwell receive the deplorable newes of this sad death of his Daughter but himself falls into a desperate melancholly Observe which never left him till his Death which was not long after Give me leave here to relate a passage which I received from a Person of Quality Viz. It was believed and that not without some good cause that Cromwell the same
and that neither but upon tryall Viz. during this present Parliament And the better and more legally to curbe them if they should begin to grow imperious they inserted the priviledge of the antient Peers as a good reserve concluding also to receive no message from them but by some of their own number During this time The intent of that Par●●ment they had under consideration severall good Acts about the Militia against Excise concerning Customes c. and questioned diverse illegall imprisonments calling some Jaylors to the Bar and preparing a strict bill to prevent the unlawfull sending Freeborn Englishmen against their wills to be slaves in forreign Plantations They also examined severall grievances by the Farmers of the Excise Major Generalls and tyrannicall and exorbitant Courts of Justice The Committee of Inspections having by this time brought in their report by which it did appear that the yearly incomes of England Scotland and Ireland Committee of inspections report came to Eighteen hundred sixty eight thousand seven hundred and seventeen pounds and the yearly Issues to Two Millions two hundred and one thousand five hundred and forty pounds So that Three hundred thirty two thousand eight hundred twenty three pounds of debt incurred yearly by the ill management of double the revenew that ever any King of England enjoyed And to maintain the unjust conquest of Scotland cost us yearly One hundred sixty three thousand six hundred and nineteen pounds more than the revenew of it yields At these proceedings the Protector and the Army who were already jealous of one another Divisions between the Protector Praliament and Army grew both suspicious of the Parliament because the people begin to speake as if they expected great good from the issue of their Counsells therefore the Army least they should come too late put in for to get the power into their hands and according to the method used by them in like cases erect a Generall Councill of Officers who daily meet at Wallinford-house which the Protector hearing endeavours to countermine at Whitehall but they better skilled in their work than he was conclude a representation which is with speed both drawn and presented to him about the seventh of Aprill a copy whereof the next day after is sent enclosed by him in a Letter to the Speaker of the House who hereupon takes the Alarum and while the Protector thinks to secure himself by standing on his guard they not fearing the menaces of the Souldiers but resolving to behave themselves like true Englishmen on Munday the 18th of Aprill passed these votes following Resolved That during the sitting of the Parliament there should be no generall Concill or meeting of the Officers of the Army without direction leave and Authority of his Higness the Lord Protector and both houses of Parliament Resolved That no person shall have and continue any command or trust in any of the Armies or Navies of England Scotland or Ireland or any the Dominions and Territories thereto belonging who shall refuse to subscribe That he will not disturbe or interrupt the free meeting in Parliament of any the members of either house of Parliament or their freedom in their debates and Counsells Now that this bitter pill might be the easier swallowed knowing or at least believing that want of money was the thing that pinched in chief as to the private Souldier without whom the Officer was worthless they passed a vote to take into consideration how to satisfie the Arrears of the Army and provide present pay for them and also to prepare an Act of Indempnity for them But all this tended nothing to satisfaction for the Souldier being through Levened with the wicked designes of their Officers did nothing but murmur especially since the Protector in pursuance of the votes of the house had forbidden the meetings of the Officers so that now the animosities grew so high that guards were kept night and day by one against the other in which divided posture the management of affairs continued till Friday the 22. of April on which day early in the Morning Fleetwood Desborough and the rest of the Mutinous Officers Dicks Parliament dissolved with the greatest part of the Army at their beck the Cromwelian party not daring to stir got the supereminency and forced young Richard to consent to a commission and Proclamation ready pre-prepared thereby giving power to certain therein named to dissolve the Parliament although he had with much serious earnestness protested and promised rather to dye than be guilty of so pusillaminous an act which he was well assured would work for his confusion But actum est for the same day the black rod was sent twice to the house of Commons to go to the other house which they refused and scorned but understanding there were guards of horse and foot in the Pallace yard after some ebullient motions without resolving any question they adjourned till Munday morning the five and twenty of April and with much courage and resolution attended the Speaker in order through Westminster-Hall to his Coach even in the face of the Souldiery The Army having thus for the present missed their design resolve no longer to dally whereupon they lay aside their new Mr. Richard and all the Officers great and small with one consent take the Government into their own hands having shut up the house of Commons door whither when the Members came on Munday entrance was denyed them by the Souldiers who had possessed themselves of the Court of requests and all avenues in all places giving no other account to the Members than this Viz. They must sit no more The Army rew modelled The next meeting of Officers new modelleth themselves some they casheire as Whaly Ingoldsby Gosse c. others they re-admit as Lambert Haselrig Okey and others in which time not knowing how to behave themselves in such a condition and weary of the perpetuall toyle they foresaw they must still with ceasing undergo they mean to cast the burthen off from their own shoulders and to that purpose they send to some of their old hackney drudges of the long Parliament The Rump comes in as they then did call it at that time about London whose consciences they knew would digest any thing and did not care how per fas aut nefas so they might again be suffered to sit with severall of these I say upon the fifth and sixth dayes of May they had conference the last of which was at their never failing Speakers the Master of the Rowles house in Chancery-Lane where both Officers of the Army and pretended Members to the number of twenty sollicited William Lenthall Esquire to sit Speaker again but he objected diverse scruples in judgment and conscience But O how soon had the sweet ambition of domineering obliterated all such idle fancies yet nevertheless instantly fifteen Articles being agreed upon among themselves they conclude to meet in the house on Saturday the 7th
a particular and peculiar care of but as it were in despight of Heaven they are not content with all their former wickednesses of banishing exiling and railing against their lawfull Soveraign but now they will enforce all to renounce him which in September they Resolved in these words J. A. B. Do hereby declare Oath of abjurati on that I renounce the pretended title of CHARLS STUART and the whole line of the late King James and of every other person as a single person pretending to the Government of these Nations of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging And that I will by the grace and assistance of Almighty God be true faithfull and constant to this Common-wealth against any King single person and house of Peers and every of them and hereunto I subscribe my name Thus may every one see that it was not to amend or reform any errours in the State but only their particular malice to the Royall line and covetousness after their Estate that made them run into such desperate designes wherein having so deeply engaged themselves that there was no going back they mean to make all sure to their interest and to that end take into debate in the beginning of September the matter of the Government and referred it to a Committee upon the votes in 1648. The blindness of the Juncto To prepare something in order to the settlement of the Government on or before the tenth of October See here the indiscretion of these men after a ten years unsettlement and bringing all into confusion in all which time they have minded nothing but their own private wealth and till this last minute of time have not so much as thought of resettling and that they now have is so weakly that it tends no further than to an offer thus running willingly into one crime they daily perpetrate new ones without any sense of evill or will of amending attributing the guilt of their faults to all that endeavour either to reform or punish them The business of Cheshire thus blown over and the great hopes that were grounded thereon blasted the Juncto fall to their old humour of raising money no less will serve their turn than 100000. l. a moneth besides Excise and Customes Taxes and excise confirmed new delinquents made and mi●itia arreas collected together with the hoped benefit that would arise from the sequestred Estates of new Delinquents and least any thing should escape them the 16th of September they vote That such persons as have been assessed to find horses and Armes by vertue of the Act of Parliament for setling the Militia and have not brought in their horses and Armes nor paid in lieu thereof the summ of money appointed by the said Act. That every such person and persons do under the penalty in the said Act mentioned pay after the rate of ten pounds for an horse and Armes for such number of horses and Armes respectively as they have been charged to find Resolved That such person and persons as have been assessed to find Armes for a foot Souldier and have not sent in the same or money in lieu thereof do under the penalties in the said Act mentioned pay respectively for every such foot Armes such summ of money as the Commissioners shall appoint not exceeding twenty five Shillings for every such foot Armes 'T is no matter you see by this whether any Horse or Armes be brought in at all so that the money be paid Oh! 'T is the money that adds Life and Legs to a decrepit and dying old cause The Grandees would never take so much pains unless an extraordinary profit also waited thereon which they resolve to compass though with the extreamest hazards whereof there began to be some kind of an appearance by the growing of heart-burnings and multiplying fears and jealousies between their late great Champion Lambert and themselves The Juncto grow suspitious o Lambert the sparks of which animosities growing into a flame quickly increased to that height that not daring to trust him any longer with the Army they send a seeming courteous Letter to invite him home which he taking no notice of any thing further than the pretended outside fair shew acceps of and on the 20th of September returnes accordingly to London but immediately before his arrivall there the Juncto He comes to London to shew the great charity wherewith they abounded took into consideration how to cozen the poor Knights of Windsor and to ingross into their hands all Hospitals and their reveneues by these two following votes Viz. Tuesday September 20th 1659. Resolved That it be referred to a Committee The Juncto intend to seize on all Hospitalls and convert their rents to look into the revenue for maintenance of the poor Knights of Windsor to examine what the same at present is and will be for the future after Leases expired and to see that the charitable uses to which the said revenue was granted be performed and the residue to be answered to the use of the Common-wealth by all means pray take a care of that and to examine the Leases that have been made and the fines that have been paid thereupon and how disposed and by what authority with power to give reliefe and allowance to the said poor Knights and other poor people not exceeding their former allowance Oh take heed of too much charity and also to take a Catalogue of all Hospitalls within this Common-wealth and the revenewes of them they are sure to mind that And that the Masters and Governours do return to this Committee the constitution of the respective hospitalls and how the profits thereof have been and are disposed of and by what authority before the first of December 1659. And to report the whole matter to the house Ordered That all Masters and Governours of hospitalls be and are hereby prohibited to grant or renew any Leases of any Lands Tenements and hereditaments belonging unto any of the said respective hospitalls untill this house take further Order Notice of which is to be given to the respective concerned persons by the Councill of State See here how greedy is the zeal of these devouring Statists which yet is clothed in the g●●be of a seeming Sanctimonious care but this hypocrisie must not go long unpunished neither does it for now begins to appear the result of Lamberts designments abroad in a remonstrative address from the Army at the very first newes whereof the Parliament is so startled that fearing to be whipped with their own rod they ordered Col. Armies remonstrate the Juncto send for some Officers Ashfield Col. Cobbet and Lieutenant Col. Duckenfield three of the chief promoters of it to bring to them the original paper intended to be presented upon notice of which order given immediately a letter was delivered into the house signed by many persons of the Army superscribed to the said three summoned persons by whose
journey During this time the Navy under the conduct of General Mountague was come to attend and wait on his Royal pleasure upon notice of which attended by the Princesse of Orange and her son and the Queen of Bobemia he comes aboard the Naseby Frigot The King comes aboard for England and ●ands at Dever by him then named the Charles and after a repast there parting with high satisfaction pleasure and content on both sides with his Royal and Princely attendants he lanched forth and quickly with a prosperous and safe gale of wind anuuente Coelo came within two leagues of Dover Monck meets him a place formerly not so infamous for receiving the Barons in their rebellious wars against the King and harbouring Lewis of France as now it was famous for its loyalty in the joyful reception of its lawful Soveraign when he was come thither he sends Post for the General being resolved not to set foot on English ground till he came thither who upon the first hearing of that happy news presently took Post to meet him having before taken care for Pallaces to entertain him and left order for several Regiments of Horse to attend him for his Majesties security Providing with valor against open enemies and with prudence against pretended and basely false friends which being performed according to Order His Excellency waites upon his Majesty at Dover He is no sooner come thirher but upon knowledge thereof the King Landed at whose Honored feet in the most humble posture of a Loyal Subject on his Knees Our Great General presents himself and was received and imbraced by his Majesty in the open armes of an endeared mercy with so much affection as might well manifest the great respect the King bore to his high deserts for to shew that his embrace was signal and far from a meer complement he went nearer and kissed him No endearment is ever thought too great where there is grounded Love neither rested he there but like a true friend and lover indeed takes a delight in his society for the more clear demonstration whereof to all the world he took him with his two Brothers the Dukes of York and Glocester into his Coach with him to Dover a●oresaid KINGS journey to London and the manner of it where after a dutiful acknowledgment from the Magistrates there and solemn though short entertainment he rid to the City of Canterbury so famed for her Arch-bishops Sea his Majesty being in the middle between his two brothers and the Duke of Buckingham and the General riding bare before him In this Equipage with the whole Gentry and Nobility of England attending and thousands of the meaner ranke he arrived as I said at Canterbury being met by the Magistracy in their richest habiliments of Honour and by the Ministry of the place who after a grave Speech and hearty Gratulation presented him with a rich Bible as He was Defender of the True Faith and afterwards with a Golden Boul full of Gold rendring it as a Tribute to him to whom Tribute was due From Canterbury where he rested all Sunday and gave thanks to God his Father and mighty Deliverer On Munday he came to Cobham-Hall in Kent a House belonging to the Duke of Richmond but without any stay there passed on the same night to Rochester from whence on Tuesday May the 29. the day of the week which was fatal for the murther of his Royal Father but happy to himself not onely for his Birth but also for giving the first hopes of his long wished and prayed for return by the Vote of the Parliament on Tuesday the 1. of May and his being proclaimed nemine contradicente on Tuesday the 8. of May. I say on that day attended by the Duke of Buckingham the Earle of North-hampton the Earle of Cleaveland the Earle of Norwich the Earle of Shrewesbury and many others with their several respective Troops of the choyce Nobles and Gentry of the Land and his Excellency with many Regiments of his best Horse the Lord Gerard with the choyce Life-guard and the whole Countrey flocking in cutting down Palmes and strowing the wayes with all sorts of Fragrant Flowers and decking the Lanes and Passage with the greatest variety of Country Pomps Garlands beset with Rings Ribands and the like the Air ecchoing all along and redoubling the perpetually iterated Hosanna's He came to London The Metropolis of his Kingdome whose preparations were no lesse sumptuous then joyful making a short stay onely at Black-heath a place many yeares since and more then once noted and remembred for the tumultuous assemblies of several Rebels but now much more famous for the united Congregation of the whole Kingdomes Loyalty from hence about n●on order was given for a speedy march to London in which Major General Broun did lead the Van with a compleat Troop of Gentlemen all in cloth of Silver Doublets Alderman Robinson followed him with an other select company the severall Lords came after with their respective Troops then came the Life-Guard After the Marshals and Heralds with some antient Lords the Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Generall bareheaded and then his Majesty rid between his two brothers the Duke of York on the right hand and the Duke of Glocester on the other after whom followed his Excellencies Life-guard and then the Regiments of the Army all completely accoutred with back breast and Pot. In this order they came to Saint Georges fields in a part of which towards Newington was a Tent erected in which the Lord Mayor King rides through the Citie and Aldermen in their most solemne Formalities with their Officers Servants Livery-men and Lackeyes innumerable waited to which place when his Majesty came the Lord Mayor presented him on his knees with all the Insignia of the City viz. Sword Mace Charter c. Which he immediately returned with promise of Confirmation and conferred the Honour of Knighthood on the Lord Mayor in the place whereafter a short refreshment three hundred in Velvet Coats and Chains representing the several Companies passing on before the Lord Mayor bearing the Sword before the King they proceeded in an excellent order and equipage into and through the City which was all hung with Tapistry and the Streets lined on the one side with Livery men on the other side with the Trained Bands both taking and giving great satisfaction until at last even tyred with the tedious pleasure of his Welcome Journey he came to the Gate of his Pallace of Whitehall which struck such an impression of greif into his sacred heart by the Remembrance of his Fathers horrid Murther there as had almost burst forth if not stopt or recalled by the Joy he received from the acclamations of the people and the thought that he was peaceably returned after so many years unto His own House The King being come in went presently to the Banqueting House where the Houses of Parliament attended for him to whom the two Speakers
Fleetwood James Temple Thomas VVayte Peter Temple Robert Lilburn Gilbert Millingon Vincent Potter Thomas VVogan and Iohn Downes And therefore though they be all attainted convicted of High Treason by the Law of the Land at a fair and legal Trial by a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer directed to several of the Judges learned in the Law and to divers other worthy and honourable persons yet they are not to suffer the pains of death but their executions are to be suspended until his Majesty by the advice and assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament shall order the execution by Act of Parliament to be passed to that purpose The persons that have been taken were Thomas Harrison Adrian Scroop Iohn Carew Iohn Iones Francis Hacker Gregory Clement Thomas Scot Iohn Cooke Hugh Peters Daniel Axtel and VVilliam Heulet Thomas Harrison having received his Tryal and being condemned to be hanged drawn and quartered accordingly on Saturday betwixt nine and ten of the clock in the morning the thirteenth of October 1660 he was drawn upon a hurdle from Newgate to the place that is rayled in by Charing-cross where a Gibbet was erected and he hanged with his face looking towards the Banqueting-house at White-hall the fatal place pitched upon by those infernal Regicides for the solemn murther of our late Soveraign Charles the first of glorious memory when he was half dead the common Hangman cut him down cut off his privy members before his eyes then burned his bowels severed his head from his body and divided his body into four quarters which were sent back upon the same sledge that carried it to the prison of Newgate from thence his head was brought and set on a pole at the South end of Westminster-hall looking toward the City of London but his Quarters are exposed to view as a publick example upon some of the Gates of the same City His pleading at his arraignment were nothing but treasonable and seditious speeches rather justifying the crime he had committed then any whit relenting and so he continued a desperate Schismatick to the Church of England to the last moment of his breath 2. John Carew was the next that followed who at the time of his tryal endeavoured onely to justify the late Rump and their actings but that would not serve his turn for it was proved that he did consult and meet together with others how to put the King to death that he sate at the time of the sentence and signed the Warrant for execution so that the Jury found him guilty of compassing and imagining the Kings death for which he was also condemned to be hanged drawn and quartered c. which sentence on Monday the fifteenth of October in the morning was put in execution on the body of the said Carew his Quarters being likewise carried back on the Hurdle to Newgate but such was the goodness of his Majesty that upon the humble intercession of his friends he was graciously pleased to give them his body to be buried though his execrable treasons had merited the contrary 3 4. The next in order were Mr. John Coke the Solicitor and Mr. Hugh Peters that Carnal Prophet and Jesuitical Chaplain to the trayterous High Court upon Cooke's Trial it was proved against him that he examined witnesses against the King that he was at the drawing of the Charge that he exhibited it in the name of the Commons assembled in Parliament and the good people of England that this Charge was of High Treason that he complained of delayes prayed that the Charge might be taken pro Confesso and at last that it was not so much he as innocent blood that demanded Justice and that notwithstanding all this he acknowledged the King to be a gracious and wise King upon which the Jury found him guilty 2. Then Peters was set to the Bar against whom was proved that he did at five several places consult about the Kings death at Windsor at Ware in Coleman-street in the Painted Chamber and in Bradshaw's house that he compared the King to Barrabas and preached to binde their Kings in chaines c. That he had been in New England that he came thence to destroy the King and foment war that he had been in arms and called the day of his Majesties Tryal a glorious day resembling the judging of the world by the Saints that he prayed for it in the Painted Chamber preached for it at White-hall St. James's Chappel St. Sepulchres and other places upon which proofes the Jury finding him guilty also of compassing and imagining the Kings death the Court sentenced them viz. Cooke and Peters both to be led back to the place from whence they came and from thence to be drawn upon a Hurdle to the place of execution c. On Tuesday following being the sixteenth of October they were drawn upon two Hurles to the rayled place near Charing-cross and executed in the same manner as the former and their Quarters returned to the place whence they came since which the head of Iohn Cooke is set on a Pole on the Northeast end of Westminster-hall on the left of Mr. Harrisons looking towards London And the head of Mr. Peters is placed on London Bridge their Quarters also being exposed upon the tops of some of the Gates of the City 5. The next brought to Tryal were Scot and Clement Scroope and Iones against Thomas Scot was proved that he did sit and consult about the Kings death that he agreed to the sentence and signed the Warrant whereby the King was murthered that since he hath owned the business of the Kings death by glorying in it defending it and saying he would have it engraven on his Tomb-stone that all the world might know it which being high aggravations of his crime he was soon found Guilty by the Jury 6. Then Gregory Clement was set to the Bar who immediately confessed himself Guilty modo forma and so without troubling the Jury was set aside till Judgement 7. Next was brought Mr. Iohn Iones against whom the proofs were short that he did sit upon the King in that monstrous Court and that he signed the Sentence and horrid Instrument whereby the King was ordered to be put to death upon which the Jury found him guilty 8. Then Scroop was tried upon the like Indictment for compassing the Kings death and against him was proved that he sate in the Court and did Sentence the King and sign the bloody Warrant and after the coming in of his Majesty that now is justified the committing of that detestable murther for which the Jury finding him guilty the Court gave sentence of death against them as the former to suffer as Traytors and accordingly on Wednesday the 17. of October about 9. of the clock in the morning Mr. Thomas Scot and Mr. Gregory Clement were brought on several hurdles to the Gibbet erected near Charing-cross and were there hanged bowelled and quartered and about an houre after Mr.
Adrian Scroop and Mr. Iohn Jones together in one hurdle were carried to the same place and suffered the same pains of death being afterwards returned to Newgate and thence their quarters placed on several of the City Gates and their heads deservedly disposed on the top of London Bridge and other places These being thus dispatched having received the reward of their Treason Mr. Daniel Axtel and Master Francis Hacker were brought before the Court to be tried Against the first of whom viz. Axtell was in proof that is the imagining and compassing the death of the King that he bid his Souldiers cry out Justice Justice and Execution Execution and beat them till they did it That he bid shoot the Lady that spoke and call'd Cromwel Traytor saying not a quarter of the people of England consented to their wicked Charge that he said to Col. Huncks upon his refusal to sign the warrant for executing the King I am ashamed of you the Ship is now coming into Harbour and will you strike sayle before we come to Anchor that he laughed at the Transactions as applauding them while others sighed that after the King was murthered he kept Guards upon the dead body and knew who cut off the Kings head having sent one Elisha Axtell for the Executioner upon which proof the Jury found him guilty of the said Treason whereof he stood indicted 10. Francis Hacker was arraigned and by diverse witnesses it was sworn against him that he was Commander of the Halbeteers who kept the King prisoner and would not suffer any accesse to be unto him that he guarded him to their mock-Court and after kept him sure till he was murthered that he was one of the persons to whom the Warrant for execution was directed and that he signed it that he brought the King to the fatal block and was upon the scaffold being a principal agent about the Kings death for which horrid Treason the Jury found him guilty after which the Court sentenced both him and Axtell to suffer death as Traytors according to which judgement they were on Friday the 19. of October about 9. of the clock in the morning drawn upon one hurdle from Newgate to the common place of execution generally called Tyburn and there were hanged Mr. Axtel was bowelled and quartered and so returned back and disposed as the former but the body of Mr. Hacker by his Majesties great grace and favour and at the humble suit and intercession of his friends was given to them entire and by them afterwards buried The last of this crew that was for present execution was Will. Hulet against whom was proved that he was one of those which came with a Frock on his body and a Vizor on his face to perpetrate the horrid murther on the Person of the King and that being so disguised upon the Scaffold he fell down before the King and asked him forgivenesse being known by his voice that himself said He was the man that beheaded K. Charles for that he had one 100 l. and preferment That Hewson said of him that he did the Kings business upon the Scaffold That he either did cut it off or took it up and said Behold the head of a Traytor That being questioned about the said words he said whosoever said it matters not I say now it was the head of a Traytor with many other things to the like purpose for which most abhorred Treason the Jury found him guilty and he was condemned to be hang'd drawn and quarter'd at Tyburn This was the deserved Catastrophe that was set to these men who without any reason nay contrary to reason Lawes both Divine and Humane yea even in defiance of Heaven dipped their hands in the sacred blood of their lawful Soveraign according to that of the Wiseman The eye that mocketh his Father Rex Pater Patriae and despiseth his Mother Ecclesia est Mater the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out which which we see befallen them their heads in several places being become a spectacle both to Angels and Men and a prey to the Birds of the Aire In the last place it is provided by the said Act of Oblivion that if VVilliam Lenthal VVill. Burton Oliver St. Iohn Iohn Ireton Alderman Col. Iohn Disborrow Col. VVill. Sydenham Iohn Blackwel of Moreclack Christ Pack Alderman Richard Keeble Charles Fleetwood John Pyne Rich. Dean Major Richard Creed Philip Nye Clerk Iohn Goodwin Clerk Sir Gilbert Pickering Col. Thom. Lister and Col. Raph Cobbet shall after the 1. of September 1660. accept or exercise any Office Ecclesiastical Civil or Military or any other publick imployment within the Kingdome of England Dominion of VVales or Town of Barwick upon Tweed that then such person or persons as do so accept or execute as aforesaid shall to all intents and purposes in Law stand as if he or they had been totally excepted by name in the Act. The like penalty is imposed on all such who did give sentence of Death upon any person or persons in any of the late illegal or Tyrannical high Courts of Justice or signed the Warrant for execution of any person there condemned Thus by the blessing of God I have waded through the many intricate Meanders and Revolutions untill at last I have as it were brought you by the hand to see that desperate Faction of Indepencency as one may say laid into its Grave all the heads thereof being so annihilated by the Iustice of the known Law of the Land that I hope its memory shall be raked up in such an Eternal forgetfulnesse that posterity seeing no foot-steps thereof shall conceive it to be a bare name a mere notion or aliquid non ens of which in nature there can be no subsistance An Appendix HOw far the Treasons of faction have reached and how high they durst soare is to be seen before I shall onely now in short give a hint how highly the Law of England resents such impious acts I say then the wisdome and foresight of the Laws of this Land in all cases of Treason maketh this judgement that the Subject that riseth or rebelleth in forcible to over-rule the royal will and power of the King intendeth to deprive the King both of Crown and Life and this is no mystery or quidity of the Common Law but an infallible conclusion drawn out of reason and experience for the Crown is not a ceremony or Garland but as Imperial consisteth of preheminence and power This made former Traytors in all their quarrels against their Princes not to strike down-right because God unto Lawful Kings did ever impart such beams of his own glory as Rebels never durst look straight upon them but ever turned their pretences against some about them this caused the Judges sometime to deliver their opinions for matter in Law upon two points The first that in case where a subject attempteth to put himself into such strength as the King shall not be able to resist him