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A33316 The history of the glorious life, reign, and death of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with, the assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad, the several attempts of the papists upon her life, the excommunications of Rome, Bishop Jewel's challenge to the papists, the several victories she gained, and more particularly that in 1588 ... / by S. Clark ; illustrated with pictures of some considerable matters, curiously ingraven in copper plates. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1682 (1682) Wing C4523; ESTC R13609 73,724 210

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then brooding between the two Crowns being dead he was succeeded by Don Diego Gusman de Sylva who being a wise Man and sensible how damageable the Courses his Predecessors had taken were to both Parties he endeavoured to heal up the Breaches and by his mediation procured the Commerce to be restored and all that had been Decreed and Proclaimed on both sides to be suspended The most remarkable Action which attended the Queen's return from Cambridge was the preferring Sir Robet Dudley to the Titles of Lord Denbigh and Earl of Leicester she having before made him Knight of the Garter Master of the Horse and Lord Chancellour of the University of Oxford and these Honours were conferred upon him for the better qualifying him to be Husband to the Queen of Scots And now Leicester for the better screwing himself into that Queens favour immediately accused to Queen Elizabeth the Lord Keeper Bacon who was looked upon as an Enemy to the Queen of Scots and an Opposer of her Title to the Succession In the mean time the Queen of Scots knowing her Title to be disputed in England and being grown jealous of the Practices of the Earl of Murray her Bastard Brother and others at home she thought it her interest to recall the Earl of Lenox to his Native Countrey from whence he had been driven in the time of King Henry by whose great Power and Influence she hoped to ballance the Authority of the Mutineers This Lord being of Royal Extraction King Henry to engage him the more in his Interests had given him in Marriage the Lady Margaret Douglas Daughter of Queen Margaret his Eldest Sister by Archibald Dowglas Earl of Angus lier second Husband of which Marriage amongst others was the Lord Darnly Now Lenox being returned into Scotland after twenty Years Abode in England he sends for the Lord Darnley to that Court Where being arrived and being a Person Graceful Lovely and of a Gentile Carriage and not yet full Twenty Years old he quickly insinuated himself into that Queens Affections She fancied she had now met with a Man who was pleasing to her Heart and conducible to her Interests for that both their Pretensions being joyned together her Title to the Crown of England would be the better secured Now Queen Elizabeth having got some notice of this Design of the Scottish Queen she advised her to think of some other Match saying that this would have so incensed the Parliament that she was forced to Prorogue them least they should have acted something against her Title to the Succession Wherefore she again recommended unto her the Earl of Leicester for a Husband to which purpose she sent Commissioners to Berwick to treat with those of the Queen of Scots about a Match But this Queen had given such Instructions to her Deputies they maintained That it did not stand with the Dignity of their Queen to enter into such Measures after having refused the Offers of several great Princes of Christendom Wherefore they broke up without coming to any Conclusion And the Queen being intent upon her Marriage with the Lord Darnly it was at length consummated And of this Marriage was born James the Sixth in the Palace of Edenborough on the 19 of July in the Year 1566 Solemnly crowned King of the Scots on the same day of the Month in the Year 1567 and joyfully received to the Crown of England on the 14 of March in the Year 1602. But not only the English but the Scots themselves being displeased with this Match the Scots raised some Commotions with design to have prevented it but being over-powered were forced to take Refuge in England where by Connivance they were allowed a safe Retreat During these Transactions the great Renown and Glory of Queen Elizabeth's Reign having invited Corcille Sister to the King of Sweden and Wife to Christopher Marquess of Baden to come tho' big with Child from the farthest Places of the North to see the Lustre of her Court and observe the Wisdom of her Government after a tedious Voyage by Sea and Land she at length arrived at Dover where she was received with all possible Magnificence and Respect and entertained by the Queen all the while she stayed here with all the Tenderness Affection and Splendour imaginable Within a few days after her Arrival she fell in Labour and was delivered of a Son whom the Queen christned in her own Person by the Name of Edwardu● Fortunatus Edward in Memory of her dearly beloved Brother and Fortunatus in regard of his being born after a painful Journey Having remained here they were dismiss'd with many rich Presents and an Annual Pension from the Queen During their Entertainments here a French Ambassador came hither to be installed Knight of the Garter in the Place and Person of that King and to present the Order of St. Michael the principal Order of France to the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Leicester which were performed with the Ceremonies State and Pomp usual on such occasions In the mean time Queen Elizabeth was again sollicited to Marry by those who were fearful that the Protestant Religion in this Kingdom might be extirpated by the Pretensions and authority of the Queen of Scots should she come to the Crown and amongst other offers the Emperour Maximilian did very seasonably renew the Proposals of a Match between her Majesty and his Brother Charles About the same time there arose great Dissentions at Court between the Earls of Sussex and Leicester the former favouring this Marriage and the other opposing in regard of his own hopes and pretensions but were at length at least seemingly reconciled by the Queen About the same time came likewise into England Donald Mac Carty More a Lord of great Authority and large Territories in Ireland which were confirmed to him and his Heirs Males by the Queen who likewise conferred new Honours both upon him and his Son by making the Father Earl of Clencarn and the Son Baron of Valentia and so engaged them by Gifts and Presents that they procured great Opposers of the Innovations designed by Desmond Now Sir Nicholas Arnold being called from the Government of Ireland Sir Henry Sidney was sent in his stead as Justice of that Kingdom The English Vicegerents there being at first so termed and since Deputies or Lieutenants accoring to the pleasure of the Prince Sidney at his Arrival finding great confusion through the Discord of the Earles of Ormond and Desmond the Queen to prevent any further mischief through their Dissentions thought fit to send for the latter into England And now the Parliament being met they again move the Queen either to marry or declare her Successour which her Majesty looking upon as an Imposition she checked both Houses for what had passed in them upon this occasion and though they had offered far greater Sums than were usual upon Condition she would nominate a Successour yet she flatly refused that extraordinary offer remitting the fourth payment of
Religion to be established in the Kingdom by authority of Parliament and those Acts to be repealed that had been made against the See of Rome in the time of Henry the 8th and Edward the sixth yet there being no Issue to be expected from the Queen seeing she was fourty Years old Weak and Infirm they stood in fear of the Lady Elizabeth who had gained the hearts of all the Nation by her Loyal and Prudent Conduct being the Admiration of her Age both for her Beauty and the Qualities of her Mind and was so indefatigable in Study that before she had attained to the Age of Seventeen Years she had acquired to Perfection both Greek Latin and other ancient Languages and French Italian and other Modern Tongues and had likewise gained all other Accomplishments that are necessary to the composing a Perfect Princess Thus being looked upon as a Miracle of Learning and Prudence as well by Foreigners as the English the Papists were sensible how much it was their Interest to remove out of the way a Princess who seemed threatning the Fall of their Superstitions here in England they used all their Arts to dispose Queen Mary to take away her Life which the Queen refused to do notwithstanding they would have perswaded her that she was obliged to do every thing though never so unjust that was requisite and necessary for the promoting and settling the Catholick Religion And Sir Thomas Wyat Sir Peter Carew and others having stirred up some Commotions the Papists most maliciously set Rumours on Foot that the Lady Elizabeth did countenance and was privy to those Tumults and that she was to be marryed to the Earl of Devonshire Hereupon they caused her to be put into Prison and notwithstanding they would have forced several of the Tumultuaries by Torture to have declared her Accessory to their Rising yet the Rack was not able to make them wrong her Innocence and such as had seemingly accused her in hopes of Advantage cleared her at the time of their Execution But the Papists having got that Princess into Prison they were so far from putting an End to their Persecutions notwithstanding her Innocence that they used her with all the Barbarity imaginable Insomuch that the French and Danish Kings thought it convenient to comfort her by making her great Offers Promises of doing all that lay in their Power in her Behalf But this did but the more inflame the Rage of her Popish Enemies who were resolved to take away her Life either by accusing her of High Treason or of Heresie Hereupon they forced her to hear Divine Service after their Superstitious manner and to go likewise to Confession yet Cardinal Pool Bonner and others of the Bishops were not satisfied with this severe and cruel Treatment but declared that it was requisite she should dye for the Security of the Catholick Religion insomuch that this harsh Usage moved the Spamard himself to pitty and King Philip Queen Mary's Husband interceeded in her Favour and admiring her extraordinary Virtues would have marryed her to his Son Charles or as others say designed her for himself maugre the different Principles of Religion And for this Reason he broke off the Proposals that were made for the marrying her to Emanuel Philibert Duke of Savoy However he was not able to gain her for his Son finding that the People of England would never permit that the next Heir of the Crown should be sent out of the Kingdom In the mean time Queen Mary's Hatred daily increasing against her Sister Elizabeth this Lady's Ruine must have been certain had not it pleased God to divert the thoughts of it by the War that Queen Mary declared against France in favour of her Husband Philip. During this War and the Scots Excursions into England Calice and several other considerable Places being lost and the Queen finding her self neglected laid all these things so to heart and having lain languishing under a Tympany and six Months Fever which then raged over all the Land she departed this Life on the 17th of November 1558. having reigned five Years and four Months During her Reign there are said to have perished by the Flames five Bishops twenty one Divines eight Gentlemen eighty four Artificers one hundred Husbandmen Servants and Labourers twenty six Wives twenty Widows nine Virgins two Boyes and two Infants the one springing out of the Mothers Womb as she was at the Stake and most inhumanely flung into the Fire in the very Birth Besides several others that were whippe● to death perished in Prisons and others that were condemned for their Faith and lay ready for Execution if they had not been delivered by the seasonable Death of Queen Mary and the auspicious Entrance of Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth the onely Child then living of King Henry the Eighth succeeded her Sister in the Throne on the 17th of November 1558. And a Parliament having been convened some time before Queen Mary's Death after her Dissolution had been for some hours concealed the News thereof was carried to the Lords then sitting in the House of Peers who after a short Debate amongst themselves sent a Message to the Speaker of the House of Commons desiring him and all the Members of that House to come immediately to them And they being come Heath Arch-bishop of York and Lord Chancellor of England signified unto them that the Lord had been pleased to take to his Mercy the late Queen Mary that by Right of Succession the Crown did belong to the Princess Elizabeth and that therefore they were desired to concurr in the proclaiming the new Queen with all possible Expedition which being unanimously agreed to by the House of Commons she was incontinently proclaimed Queen of England France and Ireland Defendress of the Faith in the Palace-yard o● Westminster in the presence of the Lords and Commons and presently after in Cheap-side in the presence of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Principal Citizens with great Acclamations and extraordinary joy of the People It was not long before some of the Lords brought her the News of her Sisters Death with the General acknowledgment of her just Title to the Crown Whereupon she prepared to remove from Hatfield where she had been under Consinement and set forward with a splen● did and Royal Train for London being met all along upon the way by the Nobles Bishops and crowds of others to a● whom she made so affable a Reception as confirmed the general Opinion of h● benign Disposition The first-Publick Testimony she gave of her Discretion after her coming 〈…〉 the Crown being then twenty five 〈…〉 old was the Choice she made of a Council picking out such of Queen Mary's Council as were well known to be able men and such as were firm Pursuers of the True Interests of the Nation adding such others as might moderate and temper them for the Protestant Religion She likewise caused new Commissions and Instructions to be sent to the several Ambassadors as resided
all the French Forces should immediately depart out of Scotland except sixty men only to b● left in Dunbar and as many in the Fo 〈…〉 of Nachkeeth that they should be transported for their greater Security in English Bottoms that all matters of Religio 〈…〉 should be referred to the following Parliament that an Act of Oblivion should be passed for the Indemnity of all who ha 〈…〉 borne Arms on either side that a general Bond of Love and Amit● should b● made betwixt the Lords and their 〈…〉 r●nts of both Religions And 〈…〉 amongst many other Particulars That n 〈…〉 ther the Queen of Scots nor the French King should from thence forward 〈…〉 the Titles and Arms of England 〈…〉 Articles being signed for both Kin 〈…〉 the French 〈…〉 Scotland 〈…〉 English Army being returned home was thereupon disbanded Shortly after which the Earls of Morton and Glencarn were sent by the Congregation to pay their most 〈…〉 mble Thanks and Acknowledgments to ●er Majesty for her ready and successful Assistance and to implore the Continuation of her Favour and Protection in case they should be invaded by the French or any other Enemies Whereof having received gracious Assurances and being 〈…〉 obly entertained and bountifully rewarded with Gifts and Presents they returned with such Joy and Satisfaction to ●he Congregation that for these Reasons and for the further engaging her Protection they obliged themselves by their Subscription to embrace the Liturgy with all the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England which for a time remained the only Form of Worship retained in the Kirke of Scotland After which they caused a Parliament to be called in Pursuance of the Articles of the Pacification from which no Person w 〈…〉 ed who had any Right of Suff 〈…〉 ose Authority three Acts pa 〈…〉 g wholly to the promoting and establishing of the Reformation The first was for the abolishing the Pope's Jurisdiction and Authority within that Realm the second For the annulling all Statutes made in former Times for maintenance of Idolatry and Superstition and the third for the Punishments of the Sayers and Hearers of Mass. And now let us return to England where the Earl of Arrain being recommended by the Protestants of Scotland for a Husband to Queen Elizabeth by that means to have united the two Crowns this Match was handsomly rejected by her and with great Commendation of the Person The like Address was made by the King of Denmark in Favour of Adolph Duke of Holstein a Prince who had gained great Honours by the Wars and who came himself over for that purpose but was dismissed by the Queen with the Honour of the Garter and a yearly Pension whereby she bound him for ever to her Interests At home Sir William Pickering the Earl of Arundel and Robert Dudley the Duke of Northumberland's younger S 〈…〉 statter'd themselves with the hopes 〈…〉 taining unto the Honour of being her Husband In the mean time the Lord Vicount Montacute the Queens Ambassador in Spain represents to that King the Necessity of the Scotish War endeavours to free the Scots from all Aspersions of Rebellion proving though a zealous Catholick that the Religion that was now introduced into England was wholly consonant to the Sacred Scriptures and the four first General Councils and demanded that the League of Burgundy might be renewed Whereto that King replyed That the confirming of the League was in no wise necessary bemoaneth the Change of Religion in England is troubled at the Expedition into Scotland sendeth back the Order of the Garter and taketh unkindly some Repulses in things of small Moment and though he gave some necessary Cautions as to Clauses to be inserted in the Treaty of Edenborough and for a while opposed the French Practi●● at Rome who endeavoured to pro●●●rt Queen Elizabeth to be excommunicated yet his Ministers incensing him 〈…〉 more and more against the Engl 〈…〉 Affronts were offered to the Queens Ambassador at his Court and he is likewise said to have then endeavoured to perswade the new elected Pope to thunder out his Bulls of Excommunication against her Majesty But the Court of Rome being sensible how little she valued those empty Crackers instead of complying with the Spaniard sent to her the Abbot Vincentio Papalia with secret Instructions and fawning Letters whereof you have here an Abstract To our most dear Daughter Elizabeth Queen of England OUR most dear Daughter in Christ greeting and Apostolical Benediction How greatly We do desire according as our Pastoral Office requireth to take care of your Salvation and to provide as well for your Honour as the Establishment of your Kingdom both God the Searcher of our Hearts knoweth and you your self may understand by the Instructions which we have given to this Our beloved Son Vincentio Papalia Abbot of St. Saviour a man known unto you and of Us well approved to be by him imparted unto You. We do therefore most Dear Daughter exhort and admonish your Highness again That rejecting bad Councellors ●●● love not you but themselves and serve their own De●●●s You would take the Fear of God to counsel and acknowledging the time of your Visitation o●ey Our Fatherly Admonitions and wholsome Advices and promise to your self all things concerning Us which you shall desire of Us not onely for the Salvation of your Soul but also for the establishing and confirming of your Royal Dignity according to the Authority Place and Function committed to Us by God who if you return into the Boso● of the Church as We wish and hope you will are ready to receive you with the same Love Honour and Rejoycing wherewith that Father in the Gospel received his Son who returned unto him although our Joy shall be so much the greater than his in that he rejoyced for the Salvation of one onely Son but You drawing with you all the people of England shall not only by your own Salvation but also by the Salvation of the whole Nation replenish Us and all our Brethren in General whom God willing you should hear shortly to be congregated in an Oecumenical and General Council for abolishing of Heresies and the whole Church with joy and gladness Yea you shall also glad Heaven it self and purchase ●y somemorable a Fact admirable Glory to your Name and much more renowned than that Crown you wear But of this matter the same Vincentio shall treat with you more at large and shall declare unto you our Fatherly affection whom we pray your Highness that you will graciously receive diligently hear and give the same Credit to his Speech which you would do to Our Self Given at Rome at Saint Peters c. The 1.5 day of May 1560. In our first year Notwithstanding all this Cajoslery Queen Elizabeth kept firm to her Motto viz. Always the same insomuch that the Pope was deceived in his hopes The proposals that the Pope is said to have designed to have made by this Abbot were That he would
Authority of Parliament To which Propositions the Queen of Scots replyed with a Proviso referring the fuller Answer to the Bishop of Ross her Ambassadour in England and to some other Delegates who afterwards granting some of the Propositions and rejecting others the Treaty came to nothing and things remained in the same state as they were in before Onely Queen Elizabeth as Head of all Britain by her Authority prorogued the Parliament of Scotland Whilst things were in this posture the Pope supplied the English Rebells and Fugitives with Monies and Philip of Spain contracted a Marriage with Anne of Austria Daughter to the Emperour Maximilian his own Neece by his Sister and she being to go by Sea from Zealand into Spain Queen Elizabeth to shew the Love and Respect she had for the House of Austria sent Sir Charles Howard with the Navy Royal to Convoy her through the British Sea And now Queen Elizabeth having compleated the Twelfth year of her Reign which some Wizzards had flattered the Papists that it would be her last the People out of their great Affection and Loyalty to her Majesty celebrated the 17th of November with all the Pomp Joy and Thanksgiving imaginable which was not only continued upon that day during her Life but even to this very day In Ireland a new Rebellion was contrived by the Earl of Thoumond and his Adherents which was disappointed when it was just ready to break out merely by the Earl's Suspicions of his being discovered whereupon he fled into France and confessing his Crimes and showing himself very penitent to the Queen's Ambassador there this Minister procured him his pardon and the Restitution of his Estate Soon after which Queen Elizabeth made a very magnificent Entry into the City of London for to go see the new Burse which Sir Thomas Gresham had newly built and in a solemn manner nam'd it the Royal Exchange with Sound of Trumpets and by the Voice of an Herald Shortly after which she created Sir William Cecyl Baron of Burghley There was at this time in England Delegates from the King of Scots of whom Queen Elizabeth having demanded that they should explain the Reasons they had for deposing their Queen whereupon they exhibited so insolent a Writing that the Queen could not read it without Indignation and told them That she did not see that they had any just Cause to treat their Queen after that manner and therefore desired they would immediately think of some means to allay the Dissentions of that Kingdom Hereupon several Propositions were again made them for the setting the Queen of Scots at Liberty which being rejected by the Scottish Delegates and Norfolk beginning a new his Practices in favour of that Queen and she her self corresponding and caballing with the Enemies of the Crown of England whereto they were both excited by Ridolpho the Pope's Agent that Queen had many of her Servants taken from her and she her self put under a stricter Confinement and a watching Eye was kept over the Duke to whom the Pope had promised great Assistance both of Money and Men in case he would raise a Rebellion assuring him That the King of Spain would aid him with four thousand Horse and six thousand Foot and that he had already deposited a hundred thousand Crowns and that he would be at all the Charge of the War But whilst these things were acting in England the Queen of Scots Party was very much oppressed in Scotland several of her principal Adherents being put to Death and their strongest Holds taken in In France was the Marriage now solemnized between Charles the Ninth the French King and Elizabeth of Austria Daughter to the Emperour Maximilian to Congratulate which the Lord Buckhurst was sent into France by Queen Elizabeth and was there received with all the Honours and Pomp imaginable and possibly the more in respect of a Motion that the French Court designed to make in favour of a Match between the Duke of Anjou and the Queen of England After the Lord Buckhurst had performed his Commission he returned home with great Presents and with one Cavalcantio a Florentine who had attended him in his Embassy This Cavalcantio being a prudent Person was entrusted by the Queen Mother of France to make a motion of this Match to Queen Elizabeth Which he accordingly performed and the Queen seemed to listen favourably to the Proposal for by this Match there should be added to the Kingdom of England the Dukedoms of Anjou Bourbon Avern and possibly the Kingdom of France it self Whereupon a Treaty was held in which the French proposed three Articles one concerning the Coronation of the Duke another concerning the joint Administration of the Kingdom a third concerning a toleration of his Religion whereto it was replyed that the two first Articles might in some sort be composed but hardly the third for though a contrary Religion might be tolerated between Subjects of the same Kingdom yet between a Wife and her Husband it seemed very incongruous and inconvenient however the matter was brought at length to this Conclusion that if the Duke would afford his presence with the Queen at Divine Service and not refuse to hear and learn the Doctrine of the Church of England he should not be compelled to use the English Rites but at his pleasure use the Roman not being expressly against the Word of God But they could not accommodate these Niceties insomuch that the Treaty was quite broak off after it had continued almost a Year But during these Occurrences it happened at Kinnaston in Herefordshire the ground was seen to open and certain Rocks with a piece of Ground removed and went forwards four days together carrying along great Trees and Sheep-Coats some with sixty Sheep in them and overthrew Rimnalstone Chappel the Depth of the whole where it first broke out is thirty Foot and the bredth of the Breach sixteen Yards also High-ways were removed near an hundred Yards with Trees and Hedg-rows and the like And now the Papists were plotting and contriving new Attempts against the Queen but they were all frustrated by the goodness of God and the Prudence of the Queen and the Loyalty and Zeal of her Ministers and Protestant Subjects Amongst others of those Devillish Instruments of Popery was the Bishop of Ross the Queen of Scots Ambassador who made it his whole Business to excite and stir up People to Rebellion He had laid several Plots for seizing Queen Elizabeth and freeing the Queen of Scots but they all failed him in the Execution But notwithstanding that Bishop had received so many checks for these Practices of his yet he continuing them to that degree as not only to pervert the Subjects from their Loyalty but even to Designs against the Queen's Life the Privy Council after mature Deliberation in the Business notwithstanding his Character thought fit he should be sent and kept close Prisoner in the Tower which was accordingly done as likewise with the Duke of Norfolk
the Queen to Poyson her and had likewise engaged several Portugals in the same Design but this Plot of theirs being discovered by intercepted Letters and afterwards confirmed by their own Confessions they were accordingly executed as likewise one Patrick Cullen an Irish Man who had been sent by the English Fugitives to kill the Queen Amongst other Expeditions and Voyages of the English into America was that of James Lancaster who returned home about this time after having took nine and thirty Spanish ships and loaded fifteen more with the Wealth of an Indian Caraque About this time William Russel youngest Son of the Earl of Bedford was sent Deputy into Ireland in the room of Sir William Fitz Williams who was called home and this new Deputy quickly brought the Rebells there to submission There was likewise a new but false rumour spread abroad that the Spaniards were equipping a Fleet for the invading of England again At which time two Papists were executed for having designed the Death of the Queen The King of Scots was now making Levies all over Scotland for the joyning with Queen Elizabeth and resisting the Spaniard Sir Walter Rawleigh being now under some Disgrace at Court undertook a Voyage to Guyana and though he did considerable dammage to the Spaniard yet this Expedition was of little advantage to the English or himself Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins with several others went again into America but not meeting with the success they had promised themselves they dyed what of Grief what of sickness and the Fleet returned home without having done any great Exploits During these Expeditions abroad the Combustions in Ireland being grown to a considerable height and those Rebells having craved the assistance of the King of Spain Sir John Norris was sent over thither with new Forces to aid the Deputy The Arch Duke and Cardinal of Austria being now made Governour of the Spanish Netherlands he unexpectedly attacqued and took in Cales Whereupon the Queen sent supplies of Money to the French King and gave order for the immediate raising a choice Army whereof she made the Earl of Essex General and fitted out a Fleet under the Command of Charles Howard Lord High Admiral of England these Forces amongst whom were several Volunteers of the Principal Nobility and Gentry being put on Board the ships they set Sail under the Conduct of the foresaid Lords under Sir Walter Rawleigh Sir Francis Vere and other the Principal Commanders of the Realm and arrived before Cales and having before received intelligence that there lay at Anchor in that Haven several Galleys Men of War and a number of Merchants it was resolved in the Council of War that they should be attacked Whereupon the Earl of Essex flung up his Hat for joy The English thereupon first engaged the Spanish Ships and Gallions which they did with that Vehemence that some were burnt by them others by the Spaniards themselves but the Gallies made their escape by creeping along the shoar When the Sea engagement was at an end the Earl of Essex landed with eight hundred Souldiers at Puntal about a League from the Town of Cales and the Spanish Forces that were there abouts being drawn up between the Town and them with design to have intercepted them the English attacqued them with that fury that they put them to rout but upon consideration they thought fit to make a feigned Retreat that the Fugitives might rally and joyn the Troops of Cales which such a Stratagem was hoped might entice out of the Town Which succeeding accordingly they fell upon them again with that English Fury and Courage that great numbers of them were slain and the rest were forced to take refuge in the Town where the English quickly overtook them for the Gate being broke by Sir Francis Vere and other parts of the Town scaled by the English insomuch that that wealthy Town was taken by Assault and the Castle upon Condition that the Inhabitants might depart with Cloaths on their Back the rest left for Plunder the Castle being to be redeemed for five hundred and fourscore thousand Duckets forty of the Principal Cittizens being sent Hostages for the payment into England a vast quantity of Money and Ammunition being found in the Town The Spaniards likewise proffered Sir Walter Rawleigh two Millions of Duckets to exempt their ships from firing which he would not hearken to saying That he was sent to destroy ships not to dismiss them upon Composition And it was generally calculated and acknowledged by all People that the Spaniard was damnified by this Expedition twenty Millions of Duckets The Fleet being returned home after this Glorious Victory the Queen made Sir Francis Vere Governour of the Briel and rewarded all the rest according to their Deserts The Spaniard in the mean time to repair the Honour he had lost at Cales set forth a new great Fleet for the Invasion of England and Ireland but were most of them castaway by Storm before the News of their fitting out came into England In the mean while the Queen fortify'd her Ports and provided her self against any farther Attempts of that kind She likewise entred into a League Offensive and Defensive with the French King hearing that the Spaniards were preparing a new Navy against Ireland Whereupon the Queen caused a considerable Fleet under the Command of the Earl of Essex to put forth to the Coast of Spain After they had taken and plundered some Towns and likewise made a Prize of some of their India Ships they returned home but not with all the Success they had promised themselves at their setting out by reason of the contrary Winds and Tempests they had met with in their Voyage Essex at his coming to Court was something disgusted to find that some of his Competitors to the Queens Favours had been raised to new Honours Dignities and Places during his Absence but was something pacified by the Queens creating him Earl Marshal of England But during these Transactions the English did extraordinary Performances in France in behalf of that King which he acknowledged in his Letters to the Queen and craved farther Assistance from her Majesty upon the Spaniards having gained some Advantage over him which was accordingly granted But the French a while after upon the Instigation of the Pope concluded Peace with Spain notwithstanding the Instances that were made to him by the Queen and the States General to the contrary Hereupon followed a Consultation whether a Treaty of Peace was to be held with the Spaniard which being opposed by the Earl of Essex was laid aside for som time but then again revived through the Mediation of the French and the Commissioners met accordingly at Bulloign but upon Dispute of Precedency was broken off altogether In the mean time Tir-Oen breaking out into open Rebellion in Ireland and having gained a greater Victory of the English than the Irish had ever done before after some debate the Earl of Essex was sent
THE HISTORY OF THE GLORIOUS Life Reign and Death Of the ILLUSTRIOUS Queen ELIZABETH CONTAINING An Account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established and what Obstructions it met with the Assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad the several Attempts of the Papists upon her Life the Excommunications of Rome Bishop Jewel's Challenge to the Papists the several Victories she gained and more particularly that in 1588 with all the other Remarkable Occurrences of that time By S. CLARK Illustrated with Pictures of some considerable matters curiously ingraven in Copper Plates London Printed for Henry Rodes next door to the Bear Tavern near Bride Lane in Fleet-street 1682. TO THE READER Reader I Here present thee with the Glorious Life and Reign of the ever Renowned Queen Elizabeth a Piece as full of various Occurrences and Transactions as can well be comprehended in so small a Volume Thou hast here an Account of the many Persecutions she suffered both under the Reign of her Father and that of her Sister from her Mortal Enemies the Blood-thirsty Papists and how after that it had pleased God to shield her from all their Execrable Designs and Attempts Being placed upon the Throne of her Ancestors she introduced the Reformed Religion regulating it according to the Word of God the General Consent of the Fathers the Practice of the Primitive Times and the Example of such Churches as were freest from Superstition and Idolatry Here is likewise a Relation of the several Commotions in England Scotland and Ireland and by what means raised and suppressed Thou art here also entertained with a Faithful Narrative of the Supplies she gave to those of the Reformed Religion abroad and the Courses she took to defend and promote Protestantism in the Dominions of her Neighbours The whole Affair of the Queen of Scots is herein couched the several Conspiracies of the Papists against her Life during her Reign inserted and the utter Defeat of the so called Invincible Armado in Eighty Eight represented with all her other Victories both over the French and Spaniard and an Account of the Veneration and Respect that the Great Turk himself and the most barbarous Princes of that time had for this Illustrious Queen with all the other material Circumstances of her Victorious Life and Reign wherein if thou meetest with that Satisfaction I desire thee I shall think my Endeavours well bestowed S. CLARK THE HISTORY OF THE Life and Glorious Reign OF Queen ELIZABETH ELizabeth the youngest Daughter of King Henry the Eighth was born at Greenwich on the 7th day of September 1533. Her Mother being Queen Anne Bollen the Eldest Daughter of Thomas Bollen Earl of Wiltshire and of Elizabeth his Wife one of the Daughters of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk and Earl Marshal of England Now Anne Bollen in her tender years attending on Mary the French Queen to the Court of France was after that Queens return placed in the Retinue of the Dutchess of Alanzon where she got in perfection both the French Language and Air. She so abounded in all the Gifts of Nature that she became the most celebrated Beauty of that Court and returned to her own Countrey with all those Advantages that the French Breeding can add to an English Beauty Whereupon being admitted amongst the Queen's Maids of Honour at the Age of two and twenty years King Henry being thirty eight years old and overcome with the Excellency of her Charms and the gracefulness of her Behaviour endeavoured to make her his Wife in hopes of Issue Male. Now some time before this Ladie 's return from France King Henry being after seventeen years Marriage something disgusted with the Bigottry Reservedness and Spanish Gravity of Queen Katharine he became very susceptible of the Doubts and Scruples that were insinuated by the Ministers of the French King concerning the lawfulness of his Marriage with Queen Katharine his Brother Arthur's Wife The like being started by those of the Emperour concerning the Legitimation of the Lady Mary and all these fomented by Cardinal Wolsey who being disappointed of the Popedom and the Archbishoprick of Toledo both which the Emperour had flattered his hopes with He resolved to promote a Divorce for the better effecting his Revenge on the Emperour and the Measures he had taken with France by proposing a Match between Henry and that King's Sister and concluding a League with the French when they were at the lowest Ebb of Fortune In consideration of which the English remitted unto them a Debt of 500000 Crowns partly accruing by some former Contracts and partly for the payment of the Forfeiture incurred by Charles the Emperour with which the French King had charged himself by the Capitulations Hereupon the King maketh it his Request to the Pope that he would send Delegates into England to hear and examine this Business To which end the Pope appointed the Cardinals Campeius and Wolsey But the Pope did privily deliver a Bull to Campeius wherein seeming to be favourable to the King's Request he granted all things in case it should happen that the Marriage contracted with Queen Katharine were declared Null and no Marriage But this Bull was either to be concealed or published according to the Success of the Emperour's Affairs in Italy Now were Questions every where started and handled Whether it were allowed of by God's Law for the Brother to take to Wife the Brother's Widow and if this were forbidden by the Law of God whether it might not be made Lawful by the Pope's Dispensation But when several of the Universities of Christendom as likewise many of the Learned men of that Age had asserted such a Marriage to be repugnant to the Sacred Laws of both Testaments notwithstanding the Pope's Dispensation the King became daily more charmed with Anne Bollen which being discovered by Wolsey it not only cooled his Zeal in promoting the Divorce but made him endeavour and procure of the Bishop of Rome not to confirm the Judgments of the Universities by reason that Anne Bollen being extremely addicted to the Doctrine of the Protestants had conceived a great Aversion against him for his Pride and Ambition Whereupon the Pope notwithstanding the Supplications of the Prelates Nobility and Clergy of England for the confirming by his Apostolical Authority what the two Universities of this Land that of Paris and several others as well as divers Just and Learned men had affirmed to be true and were ready to maintain and defend as well by Word as Writing I say notwithstanding such manifold Assertions the Cause being prolonged and delayed both at Rome and in England without Consideration had to the King 's having defended the Apostolick See by his Sword Pen Word and Authority the King grows exasperated at the Court of Rome and resolves to make way through all Obstacles which might stand betwixt Him and the accomplishment of his Desires wherefore he first sends back Campeius an Alien born then caused Wolsey to be Indicted and
Attainted in a 〈…〉 nire and not long after by the counsel of Thomas Cromwel who ●●d formerly sollicited the Cardinal's Business i● the Legantine Court involves the whole Body of the Clergy in the same Crime with him By the Instigations and ●●●swasions of this man he requires the Clergy to acknowledge Him for Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of England nor that any new Canons or Constitutions could be made or executed otherwise than by his Consent and Allowance Thus the King being grown more confident in the Equity and Justice of his Cause by the Determinations of most of the Universities abroad and his own Clergy at home and wanting no Encouragement from the French King for the promoting of his business he advanced Anne Bollen to the Honour of Marchioness of Pembroke took her to Wife and gave Order for her being inaugurated Queen By this Marriage as we have already said was born the Lady Elizabeth And shortly after the said Marriage contracted with Queen Katharine was by the Authority of the Parliament judged void and incestuous and this with Queen Anne lawful and agreeeable to the Word of God the Crown to be entayled on the Kings Heirs Males to be begotten on her Body and for default o● such Issue on the Princess Elizabeth and Queen Katharine's Daughter the Lady Mary was declared illegitimate an Oath was likewise devised in defence of the said Succession and some Persons executed for the refusal of that Oath And Pope Paul the Third designing to renew His Sentence against this Marriage the States of the Realm assembled in Parliament confirmed what the Clergy had before declared that is That the King was Supream Head of the Church of England with all manner of Authority to reform Errors Heresies and Abuses in the same However She had scarce been fully married three Years than that miscarrying of a Son the King grew extreamly discontented looking upon it as an Argument of Gods displeasure as being as much offended at this second Marriage as he was at the first And though she used all lawful Arts of Love and Entertainment for the inflaming his Passion he grew as weary of her gay and merry Humour as he had been formerly at the Gravity and Reservedness of Katharine So that falling in love with Jane Ser 〈…〉 one of the Queens Maids of Honour and a person of extraordinary Pe●●●y He put in practice all the cruel Acts that His Jealousie and Aversion to the present Queen could inspire him with and at length to make way for his New Passion he caused Queen Ann to be brought to her Tryal as being accused of Adultery and Incest And being condemned though she made so good a defence as perswaded all the world of her Innocenee she went to the Sca●fold with great Chearfulness Praying most fervently for the King and asserting her Innocence to the very last The King the very next day after marryeth Jane Seymour and causeth a Solemn Instrument to pass under the Seal of the Arch-bishop of Canterbury by which the Marriage with Anne Bollen is declared null and void and the Lady Elizabeth the only Issue of this Marriage to be illegitimate which Sentence was pronounced at Lambeth on the 17th of May following in the presence of several of the Principal Ministers Nobility and Clergy and was afterwards confirmed by Authority of Parliament Queen Jane fell in labour of Pri 〈…〉 Edward and died presently after the Prince was brought into the World who was cut out of her Womb and succeeded his Father in his Kingdom The King being little concerned at his Wives Death looks out for New Amours both in France and Italy that he might thereby procure Friends and strengthen himself by Alliances For that he was grown fearful of the Nobility lest they who had already influenced several Commotions and Rebellions at home should likewise joyn with a foreign Enemy for which reason he caused several of them to be executed He likewise put frequently to Death Religious Men for their stiff and resolute Asserting the Pope's Authority and causeth the great as well as he had already done the small Abbeys to be demolished and confiscated their Wealth to his own use which he did by reason of vicious Lives and dissolute Courses they led in those Religious Houses and he likewise causeth the Protestants to be burned as Hereticks by a Law called the six Articles made against those who ●mpugned the Doctrine of the Church of Rome touching Transubstantiation one ●ind of the Eucharist the unmarried life of Priests Vows private Mass and Auricular Confession By these means being grown terrible to his own Subjects and being looked upon as Tyrannical by Foreigners he was both rejected by Mary of Lorrain Daughter to the Duke of Guise whom he demanded in marriage and was Rival therein to James King of Sootland and likewise by Christiana of Denmark Dutchess of Millain Neece to Charles the 5th who declared That she would willingly give an Arm but was loth to purchase with her Head the Honour and Happiness of being Queen of England At length after much difficulty he obtained Anne of Cleve to Wife while he made it his business to acquire the friendship of the Protestants in Germany But she far from being charming was accused of certain Female Weaknesses and having likewise formerly been betrothed to the Duke of Lorraine's Son he put her away and married Katharine Howard Daughter to Edmund Howard and Neece to the Duke of Norfolk Whom within a year after he caused to be beheaded as convicted of Incontinency before Marriage and took to Wife Katharine Parr the Daughter of a Knight whom he left a second time a widow And now finding that the intemperance of his Youth had much decayed his Body and being inraged against the French for that they had underhand given Aid to the Scots against the English he made a League with the Emperour Charles against the most Christian King thereupon designing to invade France and thought convenient to settle first the Succession to which end he proposed to the two Houses of Parliament that if he and his Son Prince Edward should decease without Issue first the Lady Mary and if she should fail of Issue then the Lady Elizabeth should succeed to the Crown But in case all these should die without issue that then the Crown of England should be devolved upon those whom he should assign it to either by his Letters Patents or by his last Will and Testament which was unanimously agreed to and enacted upon pain of high Treason After his re●●●● home from the taking of Bolloign finding his Exchequer drained by that Expedition and England distracted through the new Opinions that daily arose and the People dissatisfied to see the Wealth of the Land exhausted to so little Advantage their Ancient Structures demolished the Blood of the Nobility and others both Papists and Protestants promiscuously spilt and the Countrey incumbred with a Scottish War taking all these
Circumstances to heart and being grown extraordinary Corpulent he died of a Virulent Inflammation in his Leg in the beginning of the Year 1547. He was succeeded by Prince Edward his Son though not fully ten years old of whose Person the Earl of Hartford his Unkle was made Governour and Protector of the Kingdom until he should have attained the Age of Eighteen years and as such was proclaimed in all Parts of London It was under his happy Government that the English gained a great Victory over the Scots whilst they were demanding with Sword in hand the performance of a Treaty touching a Match between King Edward and Mary Queen of Scotland the severe Law of the Si● Articles and others were repealed that were made by Henry the Eighth against the Protestants those for abolishing the Pope's Authority are confirmed the Mass is abrogated Images are taken out of Churches the Books of both Testaments printed in English Divine Service celebrated in the same Tongue and both kinds ministred in the Sacraments At which the Romanists being inraged they put in practise all their Arts for the making a stop to such fair beginnings caused Dissention to be sowed amongst the Nobility and thereby the loss of several considerable Places both in France and Scotland promoted Tumults Factions debasing of Money and all other things that might stir up the People to Rebellion procured the Protector to be accused condemned and beheaded for Felony and at length removed the King himself by an untimely Death whether by Poyson or otherwise is uncertain apprehending and hating him for his extraordinary Virtues which much surpassed what could have been expected from his tender years During these sad Occurrences the Duke of Northumberland being ●ound by the Papists to be the fittest Instrument for the effecting their Designs as being of their own Religion under a Protestant Mask they made Use of him for the bringing about their Ends by sowing Distraction in the Nation by setting the Protector and his Brother Thomas Seymour at variance which he effected through a Female Emulation between the Dutchess of Somerset the Protector 's Wife and the Queen Dowager the Wife of Thomas And amongst other Articles of High Treason that were laid to Thomas his charge was that of intending to seize the King and of taking the Lady Elizabeth the King's Sister to Wife But she being wholly ignorant of this business and freeing her self from all suspicion and advancing towards a mature Age she was not onely extremely beloved by the King her Brother who never call'd her by any other Name than his sweet Sister Temperance but likewise by the Nobility and the whole Nation in general King Edward by the Practices of the Duke of Northumberland having declared the Lady Jane Gray for his Successor she was immediately after his Decease publickly proclaimed Queen of England and for the maintaining her in that Degree pretensions were put forward as first the Invalidity of the Lady Mary's and Elizabeth's Mother's Marriage both being made void by Legal Sentences of Divorce and those Divorces ratified by Acts of Parliament which Acts of the Lady Mary's and Lady Elizabeth's Illegitimation were never duely repealed Notwithstanding that the King their Father had by the same Act declared that they should succeed in order after Edward the Sixth in case he failed of Issue Secondly It was pretended that these two Sisters being but of half Blood to the Deceased King admitting them to have been born in lawful Wedlock were not in a capacity by the Common Law to be Heirs unto him or to succeed in any part of that Inheritance which came un-unto him by his Father Now the Lady Jane's Mother being the Lady Frances Daughter and one of the Co-heirs of Charles Brandon the late Duke of Suffolk by Mary his Wife Queen Dowager to Lewis the Twelfth of France and youngest Daughter to King Henry the Seventh Grand-father to King Edward now deceased Now I say the Lady Frances her Mother might seem both by the Law of Nature and the Right of Succession to have precedency in Title before her yet she received no injury because she was willing to pass by all her personal Claims for the Preferment of her Daughter It was also given out that Henry the Eighth by his last Will and Testament conveyed the Title of the Crown to the Lady Jane Gray and moreover Politick Reasons and Pretexts were used as that there was an unavoidable danger of reducing this Kingdom under the Vassalage and Servitude of the Bishop of Rome in case either of the King 's two Sisters should marry with a Foreign Prince of that Religion or otherwise of themselves revoke the Bishop of Rome's Authority and subject the English to a Popish Yoke But through the extraordinary Affection the Nobility and Commons had for the Daughters of King Henry the 8th this great Storm was dispersed within the space of twenty dayes to the fatal End of the Duke of Northumberland and the Lady Jane and the Lady Mary was proclaimed Queen throughout all England And at her coming to London with an Army the Lady Elizabeth met her with five hundred Horse notwithstanding the offers that had been made her by the Duke of a vast Sum of money and certain Lands if she would resign her Title to the Crown lest she should fail her Sister 's and her own Cause which was then in hand Queen Mary caused in the first Parliament that she held all those Acts to be repealed that had been made against the Marriage of Queen Katharine her Mother and King Henry the 8th and the Marriage was judged to be agreeable to the Laws of God and to all intents valid and available The same Form also of Religion and Service of God and Administration of the Sacraments which had been in use at the Death of Henry the 8th were re-established however without any acknowledgment or mention at all of the Pope's Authority notwithstanding all the Efforts of the Queen and Cardinal Pool for the Parliament were very unwilling to admit and acknowledge the Authority of the Bishop of Rome which was now shaken off Neither would they suffer that the Queen should lay down the Title of Supream Head of the Church of England unto which most of the Nobility Bishops and Commons had sworn to Henry the 8th his Heirs and Successors But the Queen was very desirous to lay down this Title as believing that her Pretensions to the Crown had no better Foundation than the Authority of the Bishop of Rome who had maintained her Cause after that her father had procured her to be declared Illegitimate And indeed at this time the apprehensions of the English were so great of Popery and of being inslaved by it's means and by the Match that was concluded with Phillip to the Yoke of Spain as that it caused some to break out into Rebellion as Wyat and others But notwithstanding the Papists had got their will by procuring after much opposition the Roman
Conference was appointed to be held at Westminster between the Papists and Protestants 1. Concerning Common Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in the Vulgar Tongue 2. Concerning the Authority of the Church in constituting and abrogating Ceremonies to edification and 3. Concerning the Sacrifice of the Mass and Persons were chosen on both sides for to dispute upon these Points yet all fell to nothing not being able to agree upon the Method they were to hold in their Disputations the Papists not daring to dispute upon Points that had never been controverted in their Church without having first consulted the Pope but pretended and complained of the hard usage they had met with from the Lord Keeper Bacon in not giving them time sufficient to consider upon the Points in Question they looking upon him as their bitter Enemy And some of the Popish Bishops were so fiery and so extravagant in their Expressions as to declare that the Queen and all others that had occasioned the overthrow of the Superstitions of the Church of Ro●●e ought to suffer Excommunication and for this their impertinent Zeal were clap● into Prison But the more Prudent thought it more fit that this Censure should be left to the Pope lest as they were Subjects such Declarations in them might prove to be Rebellion In the mean time the Pope being made perfectly well acquainted with all these passages and being netled to the quick by so great a loss as he suffered by this change he ordered Sir Edward Carne who had been Ambassadour at the Court of Rome for King Henry the Eighth for Queen Mary and now for Queen Elizabeth not to act any longer as such And to use his own words By Vigour of a Commandment given by word of Mouth by the Oracle of the most Holy Lord the Pope in vertue of his most Holy Obedience and under pain of his greater Excommunication and loss of all his Goods and Lands not to depart the City but should take upon him the Government of the English Hospital Which was likewise done lest Sr. Edward should acquaint the Queen with the secret Practises of the French against her and was willingly submitted to by him out of h 〈…〉 fervent Zeal to Popery for either by th● Pope's Instigation or the Sollicitation 〈…〉 the French King or the Dauphin's Ambition who had married the Queen 〈…〉 Scots that Queen took upon her the stil 〈…〉 and Title of Queen of England quartering the Arms thereof in her Plate an● in all other things as she had Occasion● which she did as Cousin and next He 〈…〉 to the late Queen by which means sh● imputed Bastardy to the Queen then l 〈…〉 ving which Extravagance was afterwards the loss of that unfortunate Lady 〈…〉 Head As Queen Elizabeth was somethin● startled at these Proceedings so it move● her to pursue the Reformation she ha● begun with the more Eagerness T● which end she set out by Advice of h 〈…〉 Council a Body of Injunctions bein 〈…〉 much the same with those that ha● been published in the beginning of t 〈…〉 Reign of King Edward but better fut 〈…〉 to the Temper of that Juncture 〈…〉 containing the severe Course taken 〈…〉 bout Ministers Marriages the Posture 〈…〉 the Communion Table the form 〈…〉 Prayers in the Congregation and the use of singing and of Reverences in Divine Worship to be kept in Churches By the Injunctions she made way to her Visitation which was performed by Commissioners in their several Circuits and regulated by a Book of Articles printed and published for that purpose By Vertue of which Articles the Commissioners removed all carved Images out of the Church which had been formerly abused to Superstition defacing likewise all such Pictures Paintings and other Monuments as were made for the Representation of feigned Miracles and this they did with so much Order Moderation and Decency that the Papists themselves could not find Fault with and without commiting the least Sacriledge by appropriating to their own use any of the Plate or other Utensils that had been restored and bestowed upon the Church in the late Queens Time Inquiry was in like manner made into the Life and Doctrine of Ministers their Diligence in their respective Cures the Decency of their Apparel the Respect that was borne them by their Parishoners the Reverent Behaviour of all manner of Persons during Divine Service Inquiry was also made into all sorts of Crimes as frequenting of Taverns and other publick Houses by the Clergy Adultery Fornication Drunkenness amongst the Laity with several other things that have since been practised in the Visitations of particular Bishops an Oath of Supremacy was likewise offered to most of the Popish Bishops and others of the Clergy which they had most of them sworn to in the time of Henry the Eighth and such as refused it were displaced and others substituted in their places And this was the Course and Method that was taken for the abolishing the Superstitions of Rome and the introducing and setling the true Reformed Religion in this Kingdom which was done with that ease and with so little Commotion and Disturbance as put all Christendom into Admiration to see that Gradually Maturely and yet in a short time this change had been brought to pass For after Popery had continued a full Month after Queen Maries Decease in the same estate as formerly on the Twenty seventh of December the Epistles Gospels the Lords Prayer Ten Commandments the Creed and the Litany were allowed to be used in English On the Twenty second of March the Parliament being then Assembled a Law of Edward the Sixth's was renewed whereby both kinds were permitted to be administred in the Lords Supper On the Twenty fourth of June by Authority of an Act the Sacrifice of the Mass was abolished and the Liturgy in the English Tongue Established in July the Oath of Supremacy was ministred to the Bishops and others And in August Images were removed out of the Churches broken or burnt Thus was our Church purified from the Filth and Idolatries of Popery and the Crown of England rendred more Independent than any other of Christendom who had rendred and continued themselves Slaves by submitting themselves to the Yoke of Rome and infinite Sums of Money were continued at home that used to be Exhausted hence by the See of Rome by Popish Artifice and Trifles for first Fruits Pardons Dispensations and other such like trash of Popery During these religious Transactions and while that Ecclesiastical Affairs were thus setling the Ministers of England and Spain at the Treaty of Peace at Cambray did contend hard for the Restitution of Calice all which was however to no purpose though they offered in Lieu thereof to remit three Millions of Crowns that were due from the French The Spaniard at that time holding firm to the English both for that the English had lost it in his Quarrels and that he was sensible according to all Appearances that it would be more
for his Interest in the Netherlands that it should be in the Hands of the English than possessed by the French On the contrary the French maintained that Calice alone was not sufficient to satisfie the Damages the English had done them in helping the Spaniards to take their Towns many places in Brittany having been burn'd by the English Fleet their Ships taken their Trade interrupted and vast Sums of Money spent in hindring an Invasion of the English But the Spaniard in the mean while having discovered Queen Elizabeth's Aversion to a Match with him the Paces she had made towards the introducing the Reformed Religion and her Resolution to treat with the French without Communication first had with him he grew faint and fell off from promoting the English Pretensions which being perceived by Queen Elizabeth and fearing that she should be abandoned if she continued any longer in her demands upon that Point or else preferring Publick Good before Private Interest she came at length to this Agreement That the French King should peaceably enjoy for the Term of eight years the Town of Calice with the Appurtenances and sixteen great Pieces of Ordnance and that when that term was expired he should restore the same with the Town to Queen Elizabeth or otherwise should pay unto the Queen the Sum of five hundred thousand Crowns In Consequence of which Accommodation Peace was proclaimed on the 17th of April between the Queens Majesty on the one part and the Most Christian King on the other as likewise between her and the King Dauphin with his Wife the Queen of Scots and all the Subjects and Dominions of the said four Princes The People were however dissatisfied with this Peace in regard that Calice was not restored and laid the blame thereof upon the Bishops and other Papists But the French King lived not long to enjoy the Benefit thereof he being killed at a Turnament in Paris by the Count de Montgomery and though his eldest Son and Successor Francis caused the Queen of Scots his Wife to assume the Title and Arms of England yet she resolved to bestow a Royal Obsequy on the King deceased which was accordingly performed in St. Paul's Church in a most Solemn manner The Parliament being now to be dissolved the House of Commons made an humble Address unto her in which they most earnestly besought her that for securing the Peace of the Kingdom and the Satisfaction of all her good and loving Subjects she would think of marrying without particularizing to her any one man but leaving to her the Choice of the Person Whereto she made Answer That she was obliged to them for their good Affections and took their Application to her to be well intended and the rather because it contained no Limitation of Time or Person which had it done she should have disliked it very much and have looked upon it as a very great Presumption That she had long since made choice of the State of Life wherein she then lived and hoped that God would give her Strength and Constancy to go thorough with it that if she had been inclined to have changed that Course she neither wanted many Invitations to it in the Reign of her Brother nor many strong Impulsions in the time of her Sister Moreover says she to satisfie you I have already joyned my self in Marriage to a Husband namely the Kingdom of England and behold continued she which I marvel you have forgotten the Pledge of this my Marriage and my Wedlock with my Kingdom and thereupon took the Ring off her Finger wherewith at her Coronation she had in a set Form of Words given her self in Marriage to her Kingdom And then making a Pause And do not said she upbraid me with miserable lack of Children for every one of you and as many as are Englishmen are Children and Kinsmen to me of whom if God deprive me not which God forbid I cannot without injury be accounted Barren And then having promised she would take a Husband in case the good of the State should so require she licensed them to depart to their several Businesses The Queen Coming through the City in Triump● The Return of the Gospell The Poolling down burning of Popish Images Shortly after which came the Duke of Finland as Ambassador from the King of Sweden to propose a Marriage between Her Majesty and Prince Ericus that King 's Eldest Son and this Ambassadour having been magnificently treated by the Queen was at length dismissed with the same Success as all the rest who before and after came upon that Errand And now the Emperour and the Catholick Princes interceeded with the Queen by several Letters that such Bishops as were displaced might meet with a kind Usage and that the Papists might be allowed Churches by themselves in Cities Whereto she made Answer Although those Popish Bishops have insolently and openly repugned against the Laws and Quiet of the Realm and do now obstinately reject that Doctrine which most part of themselves under Henry the Eighth and Edward the Sixth had of their own Accord with Heart and Hand publickly in their Sermons and Writings taught unto others when they themselves were not private Men but publick Magistrates yet would she for so great Princes Sakes deal favourably with them though not without Offence to her own Subjects But grant them Churches to celebrate their Divine Offices in apart by themselves she cannot with the Safety of the Common-wealth and without wrong to her own Honour and Conscience Neither is there any Cause why she should grant them seeing England embraceth no new and strange Doctrine but the same which Christ hath commanded the Primitive and Catholick Church hath received and the Ancient Fathers have with one Voice and Mind approved And to allow Churches with contrary Rites and Ceremonies besides that it openly repugneth against the Laws established by Authority of Parliament were nothing else but to sow Religion out of Religion to distract good Men's Minds to cherish factious Men's Humours disturb Religion and Common-wealth and mingle Divine and Humane things Which were a thing indeed evil in Example worst of all to her own good Subjects hurtful and to themselves to whom it is granted neither greatly Commodious nor yet at all safe She was therefore determined out of her Natural Clemency and especially at their request to be willing to heal the private Insolency of a few by much Connivance yet so as she might not encourage their obstinate minds by Indulgence The Spaniard having lost all hopes of a Match between Queen Elizabeth and himself and fearing lest the Crown of England might happen to be joyned to the Scepter of France he perswaded the Emperour Ferdinand to propose one of his Sons for a Husband to Queen Elizabeth which accordingly he did by an Ambassadour whom he sent to that purpose but all to the same effect as the rest that had been before him In the mean time those of the Reformed
Religion in Scotland being weary of the French insolency and oppression and no longer able to endure the Idolatries and Impositions of the Church of Rome proceeded of their own Authority to a change in Religion and being influenced by the greatest Men in the Kingdom and stirr'd up by Knox in his Sermons they fell upon destroying all Altars and Images in several Places demolishing of some Religious Houses and burning of others And being countenanced and seconded by the Nobility they seize upon Perth and other places and assuming to themselves the Name of the Congregation they managed their own Affairs apart from the rest of the Kingdom and began to stand upon such high Terms as to pass an Act for the depriving the Queen Regent of all Place and Power in the publick Government Whereupon the Queen Regent to provide for her own security having already received some Forces out of France though not sufficient she desires and is assisted with farther Supplies Hereupon the Heads of the Congregation dispatch Melvin and Maitland Lord Secretary to the Queen of England making Complaints that since the Queen of Scots had been married to the Dauphin the Government of the Kingdom was changed all Places laid waste by Foreign Souldiers the highest Offices of the Kingdom were bestowed upon French-men the Castles and all other fortified Places put into their hands and the purer Money of the Realm was embased for their gain and that by these and such other like Contrivances the French made way for their seizing on the Crown of Scotland in case it happened otherwise than well with their Queen and therefore they implore her Succours and Assistance for the expulsion of that People who might otherwise be destructive and of ill Consequence to both Realms Whereupon this Affair being taken into consideration some were of Opinion that it was not safe for the Queen to condescend and comply with their desires but others were for the Queens granting them Succours considering that the French were making such extraordinary Preparations both in France and Germany of Men and Ammunition for to be transported into Scotland as were not only sufficient to subdue that Kingdom to their Wills but seemed to threaten an Invasion of England through that Door by their Contracting Alliances with other States and the French King's taking upon him the Title of England and therefore that the Queen was obliged both out of Piety and Prudence to give such assistance to the Scots as might hinder the French from taking possession of that Kingdom Hereupon great Preparations were made for this Expedition the Duke of Norfolk was appointed Lieutenant General in the Northern parts towards Scotland the Earl of Sussex who had been Deputy of Ireland in the late Queens time was sent back thither with Instructions for the preventing any Change in that Kingdom and the Queens Commissioners being met with those of the Scots at Berwick it was concluded and a League made to this Effect That whereas the French go against all right and reason to subdue Scotland and unite it to the Scepter of France the Queen of England shall take the Duke of Chastel-heraut Heir apparent to the Crown of Scotland and the Scotish Nobility and People unto her Protection as long as the French King hath Mary Queen of Scots in marriage and a year after She shall send an Army by Sea and Land with all Warlike provision to expel and exclude the French out of Scotland She shall not enter into Peace with the French but with condition that Scotland may enjoy her Ancient Liberty The Forts and Strong Holds recovered by the Aid of the English from the French shall forthwith be razed or else delivered into the hands of the Duke of Norfolk at his choice The English shall fortifie no Places in Scotland but by the Consent of the Duke of Chastel-heralt and the Nobility of Scotland The Confederates shall aid the English all they can they shall hold for Enemies all whosoever shall be Enemies to the English They shall not suffer the Kingdom of Scotland to be united to France by any other means than as they are now conjoyned by Marriage If England be invaded by the French on this side the Rivor Tine the Scots shall send two thousand Horse and a thousand Foot under the Queen of England's Pay But if it be invaded beyond the Tine they shall joyn with the English to assist them with all the Power they can make and that at their own Charges the space of thirty dayes as they use to do for the Defence of Scotland The Earl of Argyle Justicer General of Scotland shall do his best that the North part of Ireland be reduced into order upon certain Conditions on which the Lieutenant of Ireland and he shall agree Finally it is prescribed what both of them shall perform in case Mac Conel or other Hebridians shall attempt any thing in Scotland or Ireland For Confirmation of these Articles before such time as the English Army enter into Scotland Hostages shall be sent into England to be changed every Sixth or Fourth Month at the Choice of the Scots during the Marriage betwixt the French King and the Queen of Scots and a year after the Duke of Chastel-herault and the Confederate Earls and Parliamentary Barons shall ratifie these Articles by their hands and Seals within twenty days And withal for as much as the Queen of England undertaketh these things in no other respect than in regard of Amity and Neighbourhood to defend the Scots from the Yoke of servitude they shall make Declaration that they will yield Obedience to the Queen of Scots and the King her Husband in all things which shall not make for the taking away of their ancient Liberty In Consequence of this Agreement and of the publick Declarations of the French of their design to invade England an Army of six thousand Foot and three thousand Horse were sent into Scotland under the Command of the Lord Gray an expert Captain and some ships being sent to block up the Frieth of Edenborough they dispersed and put to flight some French Men of War that hovered upon that Coast. About the time that the English Army entred Scotland the French made Proposals and Promises of restoring Calice in case the Queen would recall her Forces Which she absolutely refused saying That she looked upon Calice as a poor Fisher Town in comparison of the safety and security of all Brittain Now the French seeing that the English had blocked up the Town of Leith by Sea and Land i● such ●●●● as that there was no possibility of relieving it and finding themselves 〈◊〉 able to maintain their projects against 〈…〉 English Courages and Power the Fr 〈…〉 King proposeth a Peace and to that 〈…〉 sendeth Embassadours to Edenborough 〈…〉 confer and treat with C●cyl and Nicho 〈…〉 W●tton Dea● of Canterbury and York 〈…〉 were sent thither as Commissioners 〈…〉 Queen Elizabeth who came at length to this Conclusion That
thirtieth part of the Livings that were liable to the Benevolence and the twentieth part of those that were not By which means that Work was so hastned and furthered that in a short time it was compleated and finished In the mean time great Preparations were making for the opening and holding of the Council of Trent to which the Pope endeavoured to procure that Divines might be sent from England To which end he dispatched to the Queen a Nuncio who being come into the Low Countries stayed there in hopes of procuring leave to be admitted into England for that it was provided by an ancient Statute that the Pope's Nuncio should not come into this Realm without Leave first obtained But the Queen having absolutely refused to admit the Nuncio most of the Princes of Christendom endeavoured to perswade her by then Letters to refer her self in matters of Religion to the Occumenical Council of Trent Whereto she made Answer That she was very desirous of an Occumenical Council but she would not send Deputies to a Popish Council that she had nothing to do with the Bishop of Rome whose Authority was expelled England by Act of Parliament and that it did not belong to the Pope but to the Emperour to call Councils nor could nor would she acknowledge any greater Authority in him than in any other Bishop Much about this time the Queen of Scots being sollicited by the Popish Party to return into that Kingdom and being grown weary of France since the Death of the late King her Husband she caused Queen Elizabeth to be desired to grant her free passage thither pretending that she could not ratifie the Treaty of Edinborough without the Advice of the Nobility of Scotland But Queen Elizabeth suspecting that some dangerous Practises were contriving against England for the preventing them not only thought fit to deny her her Request but to send Sir Thomas Randolph into Scotland to exhort the Nobility to mutual Amity and to keep firm to the Promises he had made her and he found them and the Congregation so well resolved to adhere to her that she was under no Apprehensions from the Scottish Queen or her Party However it was judged safe to intercept her if possible in her passage thither To which end a Squadron of Men of War was fitted out though under other Pretexts yet the Queen of Scots her self by the favour of a great Fog escaped unperceived by the English and landed safe in Scotland though some of the Ships that attended her in that Voyage were taken and brought into England That Queen being now in Scotland sends an Envoy with Letters to Queen Elizabeth wherein she expressed a great deal of Love and Kindness to her as her dearest Friend and Sister and desired that all true and sincere Friendship and Correspondence might be maintained between them Queen Elizabeth receiving Letters at the same time to the same effect from most of the Nobility of that Kingdom But this was not the whole Errand of this Envoy for the Queen of Scots did likewise by him demand to be declared Heir Apparent to this Kingdom as being she said the surest way to continue Amity and Friendship between the two Crowns Whereto the Queen could not be prevailed with to make any other Answer than that she would do nothing to the Prejudice of her Cousin of Scotland's Title leaving the rest to be considered of at a Personal Conference that was to be held at York shortly after which Interview was however broken off by Popish Contrivances lest it might be a means towards the creating in the Queen of Scots an inclination to the Reformed Religion And now finding that tho' she had made all the fair offers imaginable to the Spaniard and treated the Guises with all possible Kindness and Honour yet her Ministers at the Courts of Spain and France instead of meeting with fair Returns and Civilities received affronts upon all Occasions wherefore though she had found her Treasure all exhausted yet she began to make all imaginable Warlike preparations for the security of her self and Subjects And amongst other her Provisions for that purpose having caused a many Pieces of great Ordnance of Iron and Brass to be cast God favouring all she undertook caused a most rich Vein of rich and Native Brass to be discovered at the same time as was likewise the Stone called Lapis Calaminaris first found out in England being very necessary for Brass Works Her Majesty caused likewise Gun-powder to be made here at home being the first that had been made in England the English before having been obliged to beg hard and pay dear for it to Foreigners She also caused the several Garisons belonging to the Kingdom to be better strengthened with new Works Men and Fortifications She likewise increased the Pay of the Souldiers and took Care to provide for those that had been maimed in the Service of the Land She added to and provided her Fleet with all manner of Necessaries making it the best Navy that ever belonged to Brittain insomuch that all Foreigners did truly term her The Restorer of the Glory of Shipping and the Queen of the North Sea She caused all manner of People to furnish themselves with Arms and to use Martial Discipline and Exercise She gave all manner of Encouragement to Husbandry and Tillage by permitting the Transportation of Grain And by a Proclamation she prohibited the Merchants from supplying the Emperour of Russia with Ammunition against the Polander● and caused the Officers of her Exchequer to pay duely the Pensions to such Religious Men as had been cast out of Abbeys She revoked the Commissions of the Purveyors both for the Garrisons and Fleet and designed to have done the same with those of her Household She augmented the Stipends of the Judges And though she was extreamly liberal and bountiful to desert yet she took Care not to alienate the Domain In the mean time the Civil War broke forth in France the Faction and Family of the Guises aiming at that Crown they were sensible that they should never compass their Designs as long as the Hugonots were in Being wherefore they used all manner of means to extirpate those Protestants insomuch that they were forced to take Arms both in Defence of their Sovereign and themselves Now Queen Elizabeth well knowing the Practises of the House of Guise to advance the Interests and Pretensions of the Queen of Scots she supplyed the Protestants of that Kingdom with Money Corn and Ammunition for the Service of the French King and for the defending the Protestant Religion and hindring the Dukedom of Normandy from being possessed by the Guises who might from thence with more Ease have executed their Designs upon England She obliged her self to aid the Prince of Conde and his Associates who headed the Protestants with her Forces both by Land and Sea for the taking in of such Castles Towns and Ports as were possessed by the Faction of the House of Guise
of the young French King and the recovering of Calice they granted the Clergy one Subsidy and the Laity another with two Fifteens and Tenths During these Occurrences at home the Prince of Conde was intercepted and taken Prisoner in that memorable Battel of Dreux as was likewise Sir Nicholas Throgmorton who shortly after paying his Ransome was set at Liberty But the Admiral Chastillon Commanding both the English and French Forces had beetter Success by taking in of Caen and other considerable Places which so startled those of the Guisian Faction that they agreed unto an Edict of Pacification by which the French Princes were restored to their Kings favour Conde lured with hopes of the Lieutenancy General of France and a Marriage with the Queen of Scots the Hugonots allowed the free exercise of their Religion and all things setled for the present to their full satisfaction And having thus agreed among themselves and treacherously abandoned the English they join their Forces and contrive how to drive them out of New-haven in case they would not evacuate it upon demand Now sometime before this agreement the Hostages for Calice endeavoured to make their escape with Ribald a Famous Pilot who had been sent secretly into England for that purpose but were discovered and seized just as they were ready to take shipping The Queen having secret notice of the French designs upon New-haven offered to exchange it for Calice Which being refused War was Proclaimed on both sides And such an extraordinary great Fleet of the English scoured the Seas as not only shut up the French in their Havens but the Spaniards likewise and their Pyracies upon them being very great the Queen caused her Ambassadour to make Excuses at the Court of Spain and restrained them by Proclamation In the mean time New-haven being close Besieged and hard pressed by the French and the Pestilence raging horribly in the Town the English were forced to capitulate and render up that Place hoping that by leaving it they should escape the Plague but instead thereof they brought it with them into England where it sorely afflicted the whole Kingdom and especially the City of London where there dyed of it Twenty one Thousand one Hundred and thirty Persons The Fathers at Trent were very much displeased with Queen Elizabeth both for assisting the French Hugonots against their King and passing the Statute for Punishing all those who countenanced and maintained the Popes Authority within her Dominions which so incensed the Pope that he sent a Commission to those Fathers to proceed to an Excommunication of the Queen of England But the Emperour being by his Ministers sed with hopes of a Marriage betwixt the Queen and his Son the Arch-Duke Charles he by Letters to the Pope and his Legates disswaded them from proceeding to such Extremities and caused the Pope to revoke the Commission he had sent to his Legates in Trent Shortly after which that Council broke up but were so far from having re-united the Church that on the contrary the Breach was become greater and the Discords inreconcilable In the mean time the Cardinal of Lorrain fearing without any Reason a Match between Queen Elizabeth and Charles of Austria to divert it proposeth the said Charles for a Husband to his Neece the Queen of Scots who imparting this Business to Queen Elizabeth she advised her to marry but not the Arch-Duke and recommended to her for a Husband Robert Dudley and promised her That if she would marry him She should by Authority of Parliament be declared her Sister or Daughter and Heir of England in case she should dye● without Issue But assoon as the Queen Mother and her Uncles in France had notice hereof they disswaded her from it promising if she would reject it and persist in the French Amity they would pay her her Dowry Money and lured the Scots with hopes of confirming their ancient Liberties and granting them new ones And though the Queen of Scots took all imaginable Care to gain the Love of her Subjects and keep them at Peace yet they insulted her frequently nor was she able to suppress the Commotions The Spaniard now grew daily more enraged against the English for that his Ambassador here had been confined to his House and subjected to Examinations and publick Reprehensions for that the English Privateers had invested the French upon the Coast of Spain and intended to set forth a Voyage to the West Indies And the King of Spain manifested his Displeasure by causing Proclamation to be made in Antwerp and other places though under Pretext of the Pestilence being in England that no English Ship with Cloaths should come into any part of the Low Countries causing the Goods of English men to be confiscated upon very light Causes and by new Edicts certain Merchandise were forbidden to be transported the Passage through the Low Country Provinces with Horses Salt Peter and Gunpowder out of Germany and Italy was forbidden Whereupon and at the earnest Suit of the Merchant-Adventurers the Queen prohibited the Transporting of Wool unwrought and the Mart or Staple of Cloaths or English Merchandizes was removed to Emden upon the River Ems in Friezland The Apprehension that these and other Circumstances gave the Queen of the Councils of Spain made her the more willingly hearken to a Peace with France which was concluded upon these Terms which were as advantageous as the Juncture would afford That neither Party should invade the other The one shall not aid any that invade the other Private Mens Facts shall bind themselves only Commerce shall be free Traytors and Rebels shall not be received Letters of Reprisal shall not be granted Injuries shall be buried in Oblivion Reservation of Rights and Titles also Actions Demands and Claims which they have or pretend to have one against the other respectively shall remain to them safe and whole and in like manner Defences and Exceptions shall be reserved A certain Sum of Money shall be repayed to Queen Elizabeth at times prefixed Upon the Payment of six hundred and twenty thousand Crowns the Hostages shall be delivered out of England and Throckmorton shall return free into his Country after Confirmation of the League Which Treaty being ratifyed on both sides the French King was invested with the Order of the Garter Being now at Peace with France and in fair-seeming Terms with the King of Stain she resolved to take the Diversion of a Progress in the Course of which she made a visit to Cambridge where she was received with all the Respect Ceremony and Acclamation imaginable and to her own as well as their extraordinary satisfaction and the like Honour she did to Oxford being attended with the same Circumstances Don Alvarze a Quadra Bishop of Aquila and Spanish Ambassadour here a Man zealously addicted to Popery had fed the Papists here with hopes of having the Romish Superstitions again restored in England and had been a Grand Promoter of the Distrusts and Dissatisfactions that were
the Subsidy saying that Money in her Subjects Coffers was as well as in her own Nevertheless she favoured very much the Queen of Scots Title and punished those who called it in question Shortly after these Occurrences the Queen of Scotland falling into a languishing Condition she recommended the Prince her Son to the Protection of Queen Elizabeth but before that happened her Affection for the King her Husband being much cooled and abated and this Unkindness in her being much fomented by one David Rizie an Italian first a Musician and afterwards French Secretary to the Queen The King her Husband through the instigations of several Lords resolved to dispatch a man who had taken upon him more than became him which having accordingly performed it was not long before the King himself was assassinated by Murray's Contrivances though some Historians have laid that Regicide to the Queen his Wife's Charge After this detestable Action they perswaded the Queen to accept of the Earl of Bothwel one of the Conspirators for a Husband being a Person renowned for his Courage and therefore the better able to assist her against so many Enemies as she was represented to have but being accused of that horrid Parricide he was brought to the Bar and acquitted by Law Whereupon having new Honours conferred upon him the Queen accepted him for a Husband which bred a Suspition in several People That the Queen was privy to the Murder Which Umbrage being promoted by the Male-contents they took Arms caused Bothwell to fly though as some say privy to their Designs and having seized on the Queen they put her into Prison which Queen Elizabeth having notice of and detesting the Insolency of those People she sent Sir Nicholas Throckmorton into Scotland to expostulate the matter with the Confederates and procure her Restauration to her former Freedom and Authority Yet though this Ambassadour used all imaginable Arguments in Vindication of that Queen yet he found that People so strangely exasperated against her that instead of complying with his Demands they put the Queen under a stricter Confinement insomuch that at last to make her freely resign the Government of the Kingdom they menaced to call her in question for Tyranny the King's Murder and incontinent Living insomuch that at length they compelled her to set her hand to three Instruments In the first whereof she resigned her Kingdom to her young Son at that time scarce thirteen Months old In the second she constituted Murray Vice-Roy during the Minority of her Son and in the third she named in case that Murray should refuse that Office several of the principal Noble-men of the Kingdom Within a few days after this Resignation James the Sixth her Son was crowned King the famous John Knox preaching the Coronation Sermon Now Murray being declared Regent he advised the Queen not to disturb the Peace of the Kingdom by endeavouring her Liberty by Instigating the Queen of England or the French King to a War with Scotland or by thinking any more of Bothwell's Love or meditating Revenge upon his Adversaries As soon as Murray was confirmed in the Regency he put to death some of Bothwell's Servants who protested at their Execution that Murray and Morton were the Contrivers of the Kings Death But while that the Queen of England and the French King were in vain solliciting the Liberty of the Queen of Scots eight years being now expired since the Treaty of Cambray Ministers were sent into France to demand the re-delivery of Calice with the Appurtenances but this Business being delayed and prorogued by the French from time to time at length the thoughts of it were wholly laid aside through the Civil War that then broke out in France In the mean time the Earl of Sussex being sent Ambassador to the Emperour to treat of the Marriage that had been proposed by his Imperial Majesty in favour of the Arch Duke his Brother which Commission he the more willingly accepted of in that it might be a means for the destroying the Earl of Leicester's Pretensions But he met with several Difficulties in this Negotiation both as to Religion the Arch Duke's Maintenance the Title of King and the Succession As for the Title the Arch Duke Charles should enjoy the Name and Title of King of England Concerning the Succession He could not by the Laws of England succeed for that would have been prejudicial to their Children of whom it was agreed however that he should have the Guardianship and all other things as fully granted as they had been to Philip of Spain when he married to Queen Mary As touching his Maintenance he would at his own charge maintain the Train he should bring and keep about him the Queen would bountifully supply the rest according to his Royal Dignity nay and that other also if he would require it But the main obstacle was concerning Religion the Emperour and Arch Duke requiring a publick Church for the celebrating Divine Service after the Romish manner which not being granted nor the Expedient allowed of that was devised by the Emperour that he might have some private place in the Court granted him for Divine Service upon condition that no English man should be admitted thereunto That he himself should forbear in case of any Disorders in point of Religion That neither he nor any of his should speak against the Religion of the Church of England and moreover That he himself should be present with the Queen at Divine Service to be celebrated after the manner of the Church of England Yet notwithstanding these plausible Offers the Queen after mature Deliberation made Answer That should she consent hereunto she should offend her Conscience and openly break the publick Laws of the Realm which could not be done without endangering both her Dignity and Safety but however invited the Arch Duke Charles to come into England promising That he should not repent of his Journey Whereupon the Emperour dismissed Sussex with great Honour and thus those Proposals fell to nothing by degrees though all mutual good Offices continued to pass between the Queen and the Emperour who persevered in thwarting all the Designs of the Pope against her Majesty and not long after the Arch Duke Charles took to Wife a Daughter of the Duke of Bavaria Much about the same time came Ambassadours to the Queen from the Emperour of Russia and Muscovia bringing very rich Presents to her Majesty that Emperour having granted very great Priviledges to the English who had not long before discovered a Passage by Sea into his Countrey and of whom a Company was formed for Commerce into those parts With those Ambassadors returned into England Anthony Jenkinson being the first of all the English who sailed upon the Caspian Sea By him the Czar made Proposals of an Offensive and Defensive League with the Queen which her Majesty made slight of not being willing to enter into farther League with a Prince who had created an Aversion to him in his
who was again committed to the same Place it having been discovered by a Pacquet of Letters that he still continued in his Affections Design to marry and free out of Prison the Queen of Scots having for that end kept correspondence with the Pope and the other Enemies of the Crown and traiterously consulted to take away the Queens Life and to bring in Foreign Forces to invade the Kingdom for which being brought to his Tryal he was found guilty by his Peers and accordingly beheaded The Parliament being assembled upon this occasion it was Enacted amongst other Laws that if any man should go about to free any Person imprisoned by the Queens Commandment for Treason or Suspicion of Treason and not yet arraigned he shall lose all his Goods for his life time and be Imprisoned during the Queens Pleasure if the said Person having been Arraigned the Rescuer shall forfeit his Life if Condemned he shall be guilty of Rebellion Presently after the Dissolution of the Parliament a Consultation was had whether John Story Doctor of the Laws the Duke of Alva's Searcher who some time before having been engaged to go on Board a Ship to search for Goods was by that piece of cunning brought into England being an English Man born and having in Brabant consulted with a Foreign Prince were to be held guilty of High Treason which being given in the affirmative by the Learned in the Law he was thereupon brought to his Tryal and Accused of having consulted with one Preshal a Conjurer to make away the Queen that he had Cursed her daily when he said Grace at Table that he shewed a way to the Duke of Alva how to Invade England of which being found guilty he accordingly suffered Death as a Traytor About this time Matthew Stuart Earl of Lenox Regent of Scotland and the King's Grandfather was surprized unawares by the Nobility of the adverse Faction and having yielded himself to David Spence of Wormstone who thereupon lost his Life in his Defence and they were both slain together by Bell and Chaulder after he had with great Pains and care governed the Kingdom for his Grandchild above fourteen Months and in his room was unanimously elected by the Kings Faction the Earl of Marr for Regent of Scotland but the place being two full of troubles for a Man of his quiet Disposition he departed this Life after he had Governed thirteen Months Some few days after the Execution of the Duke of Norfolk one Barnes and Mather were put to Death for Conspireing with one Herle to take away the Life of certain Counsellours and freeing the Duke and at the same time suffered one Rolph for Counterfeiting the Queens hand Shortly afterwhich the Queen conferred new Honours upon several of the Nobility concluded a League with the French King and sent several Persons to expostulate with the Queen of Scots for that she had usurped the Title and Arms of the Kingdom of England and had not renounced the same according to the Agreement of the Treaty of Edenborough that she had endeavoured the Marriage of the Duke of Norfolk without acquainting the Queen and had used all forcible means to free him out of Prison had raised the Rebellion in the North had releived the Rebells both in Scotland and in the Low Countries had implored Aids from the Pope the King of Spain and others had conspired with certain of the English to free her out of Prison and declare her Queen of England and finally that she had procured the Pope's Bull against the Queen and suffered her self to be publickly named the Queen of England in Foreign Countries all which Points she either denyed or endeavoured to extenuate And though as she said she was a free Queen and not subject to any Creature yet she was willing and desired that she might make her personal Answer at the next Parliament In the mean time Scotland was full of Civil Distractions and Dissentions the English countenancing the King's Party and the French the other And the King of Spain having made Complaints to the Queen by his Ambassador that the Low Country Rebells were entertained and harboured in England the Queen caused a severe Proclamation to be put forth That all the Dutch who could in any wise be suspected of Rebellion should immediately depart the Kingdom which proved rather disadvantageous than beneficial to the King of Spain For Count Vander Marea and other of the Netherlanders being hereupon compelled out of England first seised upon the Brid and then upon Flushing the Surprize of which Places being attended by the Revolt of other Towns the Spaniards were in a short time in some kind excluded from the Sea and were never after able to recover themselves in those Countries During these Transactions the French Ambassador here made Intercession in the behalf of the Queen of Scots and likewise endeavoured to promote the Match between the Queen and the Duke of Anjou but perceiving that all his Offices were to no purpose he returned into France where he found that Court very much taken up with making Preparations for the Marriage of the King of Navarr with the Lady Margaret the French King's Sister To this Solemnity were allured by an inviting prospect of perpetual Peace and Amity not only the Queen of Navarr and the Chief of all the Protestants in that Kingdom but likewise the Earl of Leicester and the Lord Burleigh the Elector Palatine's Sons with several of the Principal of the Reformed Party of other Nations were desired to be at the Celebration of that Marriage designing at one Blow to have cut down the Protestant Religion And though those Blood-thirsty Papists could not catch all they aimed at yet as soon as the Marriage was Solemnized there followed that Cruel Massacre of Paris and that terrible Butchering of the Hugonots throughout all the Cities of France but for the extenuating and vindicating of this horrible Fact Proclamations and Edicts were immediately put forth whereby the Protestants were accused of a Conspiracy against the King and the whole Royal Family But the French King notwithstanding his mask of Piety did not escape Divine Vengeance for before a year was expired he fell sick of a Bloody Flux which brought him to his end after long and tedious Torments And now came the Head of the Earl of Northumberland to the Block who Rebelling and then flying into Scotland was by the Earl of Morton delivered for a Sum of Money to the Lord Hunsdon Governor of Berwick and was shortly after Executed at York About this time was Sir William Cecyl Lord Burleigh promoted to be Lord High Treasurer of England upon the Decease of the Marquess of Winchester who a little before ended his days after he had lived Ninety seven years and had seen the Issue of his Body to the number of One hundred and three Persons Not long before which was a motion made to the Queen in favour of a Match between her Majesty and the Duke of
Religion also Which the Queen answering in the Affirmative he immediately began to prepare for War against the Protestants and Alanzon being engaged in the adverse Party there was no Talk of a Match for a long time During these Occurrences Requesens the Spanish Governour of the Low Countries finding how much his Predecessors neglect of Marine Affairs was prejudicial to his Master's Interests he made his Request to Queen Elizabeth that he might take up Ships and Marriners for his Majesties Service That the English Fugitives in the Low Countries might serve the King of Spain against the Hollanders and have free Access to the Ports of England and that the Dutch who were Rebells against the King of Spain might be banished England But for several Reasons she thought not fit to grant any of these Particulars yet to preserve inviolate the old Burgundian League she put out a Proclamation wherein she commanded that the Ships of the Dutch that were made ready should not go forth of the Haven nor yet the Dutch who had taken up Arms against the King of Spain enter into the Ports of England and by Name the Prince of Orange and fifty other of the principal of that Faction In Return of which Favour the English Seminary at Doway was dissolved and the Earl of Westmerland and other English Fugitives were Banished the Dominions of the King of Spain In the mean time the Prince of Orange and the Confederated States finding their Forces too small to oppose the King of Spain they consulted to whose Protection they might most securely betake themselves The French they saw then engaged in a Civil War the Princes of Germany were loath to part with their Money could seldom agree amongst themselves and were not altogether of a mind with them in Religion whereupon knowing none more powerful nor capable of protecting them than England they sent an Honorable Embassy of several Persons to the Queen offering her the Soveraignty of Holland and Zealand forasmuch as she was descended from the Earls of Holland by Philippa Wife of Edward the Third Daughter of William of Bavaria Count of Hannonia and Holland by whose other Sister the Hereditary Right of those Provinces came to the King of Spain Of this Offer the Queen took time to consider and after mature deliberation she made answer after that she had thanked them for their good Intentions towards her that she held nothing more glorious than Justice that as she could not with the safety of her Honour and Conscience receive those Provinces into her Protection much less assume them into her Possession yet she would use her endeavours with the King of Spain that a good Peace might be concluded Shortly after Requesens dying the States of the several Provinces took upon them the ancient Administration of the Government which the King of Spain was fain to Confirm unto them till such time as John of Austria was arrived whom he designed for a Successor to Requesens In the mean time the Queen by her Ministers endeavoured to compose Matters in those Countries but the minds of the Factions were so exasperated against one another that all her efforts in that kind proved Abortive Yet he continued to intercede with the King of Spain in their behalf and the Ambassador she sent for this purpose to that Court finding that that King's Ministers would not admit in the Queens Title the Attribute of Defender of the Faith he demanded it with that Courage and Prudence that he thereby gained the favour of the King of Spain himself who desired him that the Queen might know nothing of this Dispute and gave severe Command that the Title should be admitted About this time there happened some disorders upon the Borders of Scotland which having been favoured by the Ministers of the Regent Queen Elizabeth would in no wise be satisfied until the Regent himself came into England to make his Submissions to the Earl of Huntingdon the English Commissioner Much about the same time the Earl of Essex received a great affront for amidst his great Exploits and Victory in Ireland through the Practises of his Enemies at Court He was of a sudden recalled home and ordered to resign his Authority in Ulster But Leicester being jealous of his Presence at Court caused him to be sent back thither with the empty Title of Earl Marshal of Ireland for grief whereof he fell into a Bloody Flux and ended his days in grievous Torments but not without suspicion of Poyson by the Earl of Leicester's means for that he had marryed his Widdow immediately after his Death In the mean time the Confusions increased in the Low Countries which the Queen endeavoured very much to remedy and though the States had offered themselves to the French yet she sent them twenty Thousand Pounds Sterling upon Condition they should neither call in the French into the Low Countries nor change their Prince nor their Religion nor refuse a Peace in case it were offered by Don John of Austria upon reasonable Conditions And that Governour being now arrived Queen Elizabeth sent a Person of Quality to congratulate his coming thither and to offer him her assistance if the States called in the French into the Low-Countries The Seas being now extreamly infested with Pyrates the Queen caused several Men of War to put forth to scoure them which they did to that purpose as to take Two Hundred of them and to put them in Prisons all along the Coast. She likewise caused the Zelanders to make Restitution and Satisfaction of the English Goods they had taken and confiscated And now all the World courting the Prosperity of England and the prudent Conduct of it's Queen the Portugals requested that the Commerce might be restored that had been now for some time prohibited between the two Nations and the Conditions which they offered and were accepted were as much or more to the English as their Advantage About the same time Martin Forbisher undertook a Voyage for the discovery of the Northern passage to Cathaia but his and that which was undertaken two years after for the same purpose proved in vain And now a great Friend and Ally of Queen Elizabeth's the Emperour Maximilian being dead she sent Sir Philip Sidney to his Son Rodolphus to condole his Fathers Death and congratulate his Succession causing the same Offices to be done with the surviving Son of the then newly deceased Electo● Palatine In Ireland fresh Rebellions breaking out about this time the prudent Conduct of the Queen and her Ministers was such that all those Commotions were suddenly suppressed and that Nation brought to a greater Subjection than it had ever been before but her Ministers proceeding to lay new Taxes she gave Order for the moderating them ●aying that she would have her Subjects shorne not devoured But the Papists still continuing their Practices against her Majesty had perswaded Don John of Austria to endeavour the Escape of the Queen of Scots which when he should
have procured he was to have marryed her and thereupon have demanded as well England as Scotland in Right of his Wife But this Plot and all the Contrivances to bring it about being discovered by the Prince of Orange to Queen Elizabeth she thereupon entred into a Defensive League with the States of the Low Countries After which some Forces were sent over thither with whom flocked several Volunteers of Quality Casimir the Elector Palatine's Son came likewise thither with an Army of German Horse and Foot at the Queen's Charges These Forces were unexpectedly attacqued by Don John at the Head of a great and experienc'd Army assisted by the Prince of Parma and other the best Commanders of the Spanish Monarchy and though they had expected a certain Victory yet after an obstinate Fight they were compelled to retreat but rallying again they thought to have surprized the English and Scottish Volunteers but were again repulsed by them and the English and Scots were so fiery in this Engagement that casting away their Garments by reason of the hot Weather they fought in their Shirts which they made fast about them Before this Action Don John had sent to Queen Elizabeth to complain of disobedience in the States The Spaniard himself having done the same and likewise the French-man of his Hugonot Subjects Thus sate this Queen as an Heroical Princess and Umpire between the Spaniards the French and the States insomuch that it was true what one hath Written that France and Spain were the Scales in the ballance of Europe and England the Beam to turn them either way For whom she assisted did ever play the Master Now though Embassadours come from the Queen of England the Emperour and the French King into the Low Countries with Proposals of Peace yet their Negotiation proved to no purpose for that Don John refused to admit the Protestant Religion and the Prince of Orange refused to return into Holland But shortly after Don John Dyed in the flower of his Age some say of the Pestilence others of grief both for his being out of favour with the Spanish King and for that his Ambition had been disappointed first of the Kingdom of Tunis and afterwards of that of England In Scotland began again new Commotions for the People having conceived a great Aversion against the Lord Morton the Regent the Nobility unanimously resolved to transfer the Administration of the Government upon the King though then but Twelve years old appointing him a Council of twelve of the Principal Lords three of whom were to attend him a Month by course Hereupon the King sent an Ambassador to Queen Elisabeth who was dismissed with satisfaction in most of the Points he came about but the Lord Morton not being able to brook the Disgrace of being put from the Regency taketh the Administration of all Affairs to himself which so provoked the Nobility of that Kingdom that they raised a great Army and were ready to fight him and his Forces when through the Intercession of Sir Robert Bowes the English Ambassador things were accommodated for the present And now the King of Spain and the Pope conspire the utter Ruine as they imagined of Queen Elizabeth having taken all the necessary Measures for an Invasion of England and Ireland But Don Sebastian King of Portugal being to Head this Enterprize was killed in the memorable Battel wherein three Kings were slain in Africa whereupon the King of Spain's Thoughts and Forces were wholly taken up how to secure the Kingdom of Portugal to himself In the mean time the Duke of Alanzon renews his Suit to the Queen sending over several French Lords to sollicit in his behalf and amongst the rest one Simier who had the Reputation of a great Courtier and one who understood the Art of Love better than any one Person of his time and indeed he seemed to have made such Advances in his Negotiation as made several of the other Pretenders jealous and caused the Earl of Leicester to report that this French-man crept into the Queens Affections by Love Potions and unlawful Arts for which and other Speeches and his being married to the Earl of Essex his Widow he was confined to the Castle of Greenwich and had it not been for the Earl of Sussex though his greatest Adversary he had been committed to the Tower But this course so provoked the Earl of Leicester and there were such suspicions of a Design of murdering Simier that the Queen put out a Proclamation commanding that no Person should offer Injury to the Ambassador or any of his Servants Yet it happening at that time that the Queen going in her Barge with Simier and some English Noblemen to Greenwich a young Fellow shooting off a Musket shot one of the Rowers in the Barge through the Arm with a Bullet for which he was immediately carried to the Gallows yet upon Solemn Protestation that he did it unwillingly and with no ill intent he was let go and pardoned And notwithstanding all that was suggested to the Queen yet she was so far from suspecting her Subjects that she frequently said She would not believe any thing against them which a Mother would not believe against her Children Within a few days after which Accident the Duke of Alanzon himself came incognito into England and unexpected by the Queen with whom having had some private Conferences he returned back to France and within a Month or two after his Departure the Queen appointed Commissioners to treat with Simier concerning the Articles of the Marriage The King of Spain having constituted the Prince of Parma Governour of the Low Countries Qu. Elizabeth supplyeth the States with a great Sum of Money for which William Davison brought into England the ancient pretious Habiliments of the Family of Burgundy and their costly Vessels laid to Pawn by Matthew of Austria and the States And about this time Sir William Drury succeeded in the Deputiship of Ireland to Sir Henry Sidney who had been eleven years Deputy of Ireland at several times And Casimir Son to the Elector Palatine of the Rhine came into England and after he had been magnificentl● entertained he was made Knight of the Garter and dismissed with a yearly Pension And the Queen having procured of the Grand Seignieur a full Liberty for her Subjects to-trade in all the Territories of Turkey a Company of Turkey Merchants was first set up about that time who carried on a great and most advantagious Trade in the several Parts of his vast Dominions Hereupon followed the Death of Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper of the Great Seal in whose place succeeded Sir Thomas Bromley with the Title of Lord Chancellor of England And now broke out new Rebellions in Ireland the Natives thereof being thereunto stirred up by the Pope and his Adherents During which Sir William Drury dying Arthur Lord Gray was made Deputy in his stead And now the Pope having bestowed the Kingdom of Ireland upon the King of Spain for
that Qu. Elizabeth forsooth had forfeited her Right by being an Heretick great Forces were sent into that Kingdom both of Spaniards and Italians for to assist the Rebells in driving and expelling the English from thence and though the Rebells and their Auxiliaries had the advantage in some Rencounters yet they were at length totally routed by the English and the Irish hanged and the Spaniards and Italians put to the Sword And no less successful were the English in the Low Countries where John Norris and Oliver Temple English Commanders being joyned with some Companies of Dutch attacked early one Morning the wealthy strong and large City of Mecklyn in Brabant and after some Opposition took it Not long before these Occurrences dyed Sir Thomas Gresham who besides the Royal Exchange and other publick Structures dedicated to the Profession of Learning a fair House of his in the City since called Gresham Colledge constituting therein Lectures of Divinity Civil Law Physick Astronomy Geometry and Rhetorick with reasonable Stipends And now the English Seminaries abroad who were incited to maintain and inculcate That the Pope hath such Fullness of Power by Divine Right over the whole World both in Ecclesiastical and Divine Matters that by virtue thereof it is lawful for him to excommunicate Kings absolve their Subjects from their Oath of Allegiance and deprive them of their Kingdoms And now I say those Seminaries began to spawn out Instruments into all Parts for the teaching and inculcating this Doctrine and amongst others came the Jesuits Parsons and Compian into England who spoke to the Papists so venemously of the Queen and of deposing her that the Papists themselves did design to have discovered them Whereupon for that these and several more of that wicked Tribe lay lurking and in Masquerade stirring up People to Rebellion and using all manner of abominable Machinations against the Queen and her Authority her Majesty thought fit to put out a Proclamation wherein she declareth That she had attempted nothing against any Prince but for Preservation of her own Kingdom nor had invaded the Provinces of any other though she had sundry times thereunto been provoked by injuries and invited by opportunities If any Princes do assail her she doubteth not but to be able by the favour of God to defend her People and to that purpose she had mustered her Forces both by Sea and Land and had now made them ready against Hostile Invasions Her faithful Subjects she exhorteth to continue unmoveable in their Allegiance and Duty towards God and their Prince the Minister of God The rest which had shaken off their Love to their Countrey and their Obedience to their Prince she commandeth to carry themselves modestly and not to provoke the severity of Justice For she would no longer offend in such sort that by sparing the bad she should be cruel against her self and her good Subjects About this time it was that Captain Drake returned home from his extraordinary Voyage round the World He was a Person Born of mean Parentage in Devonshire his Father being Persecuted in King Henry the Eighth's time for Protestantism changed his Abode and lived privately in Kent but after that Kings Death he procured to read Prayers among the Mariners of the Queens Navy and bound his Son Francis Prentice to the Master of a Ship who traded to France and Zeland Now this Master took such a liking to Francis for his Activity and readiness in all things he took in hand that at his Death he left him his Pinck as a Legacy This Vessel Drake sold and thereupon in the Year 1567 attended Sir John Hawkins in his Voyage to America but with the loss of all he had in the World in that Voyage Some time after having gained a considerable Sum of Money by Trading and Privateering he again undertook a Voyage to America wherein the first Prize he made was great store of Gold and Silver carried over the Mountains upon Mules whereof he carried the Gold to his Ships but left and buried his Silver After this Exploit he proceeded took plundred and fired a great place of Commerce called the Cross upon the River Cherarge and whilst he was wandring and roving about the adjacent places he discovered from the Mountains the South Sea Hereupon inflamed with Affectation of Glory and Wealth falling upon his knees he craved the assistance of God and bound himself by a Vow to undertake the Navigating and Surveying of those Seas And now having obtained great Riches he for the present returned home Afterwards about the middle of November in the Year 1577 He set Sail with five Ships and about 163 Seamen from Plimouth for the Southern Sea and in the space of five and twenty days came to the Cape of Cantyne in Barbary and then sailed along the Isle of Fogo that casteth forth Sulphury Flames and at his being under the Line he caused every Person in his Ships to be let Blood and Arriving on the Twenty sixth of April at the mouth of the River of Plata he saw an infinite number of Sea Calves from thence sayling to the Haven of Saint Julians he found a Gybbet set up as was thought by Magellan when he punished certain Mutineers In this very place John Doughty a stout and industrious Man the next to Drake in Authority was called in question for raising Sedition in the Navy and was condemned to Death which he suffered very undauntedly after having received the Communion with Drake On the twentieth of August he set Sail with three Ships for the two lesser he had before left to the Waves shipping the Men and Amunition into the rest to the Streight of Magellan the sixth of September entring into the wide Southern Ocean called the Pacifique Sea he found it extream Tempestuous insomuch that his Ships were dispersed by Storm in the one of which John Winter was Master who returned back into England Drake himself with only one Ship Coasted along the Shoar until he came to Mouch Island And setting Sail from thence he found a Barbarian fishing in a small Boat who taking our Men to be Spaniards gave them notice that there rode at Anchor a great Spanish Ship at Villa Parizo and directed them thither And the Spaniards supposing him to be their own Country-man invited him on Board where he presently shut the Spaniards not being above eight Persons under Hatches and took the Ship wherein was four hundred pound weight of Gold Then went he on Land at Taurapasa where he found a Spaniard sleeping on the Sea Shoar and lying by him thirteen Bars and Wedges of Silver to the value of four hundred thousand Duckets which he commanded to be carried away not so much as once waking the Man Afterwards entring the Haven of Africa he found there three Ships without any Seamen in them wherein besides other Commodities were seven and fifty Silver Bricks each of which weighed twenty pound from whence he sailed to Lima where he found twelve
Ships in one Road and in them great store of Silks and a Chest full of Money ready Coyned but not so much as a Boy aboard so secure they think themselves on that Coast And then making all the Sail he could he followed the rich Ship called the Cacofogo and by the way met with a small Ship without Canon or other Arms out of which he took fourscore pound weight of Gold a Golden Crucifix and some Emeraulds of a fingers length On the first of March he overtook the Cacofogo and having shot down the Foremast with the shot of a great Piece of Ordnance he set upon her and soon took her and in her besides Jewels fourscore pound weight of Gold thirteen Chests of Silver ready Coyned and as much Silver as would ballance a Ship And now thinking himself sufficiently rich he resolved to make Sail for England and soon the third of November 1580 he arrived at Plymouth having sayled round about the World in the space of three Years to his Eternal Renown and the great admiration of all Men. He was graciously received by the Queen who yet sequestred his Goods that they might be forth coming if the King of Spain demanded them And her Majesty having given order for his Ship to be drawn on shoar near Deptford whereto and where it does remain for a Monument and in it being consecrated for a Memorial with great solemnity and having been there treated with great Magnificence her Majesty conferred the Honour of Knighthood upon Captain Drake But the Spanish Embassadour in England began to bluster and re-demanded the Goods that had been taken by Drake and made Complaints of the English sayling in the American Seas To whom the Queen replied That she had caused the Goods to be sequestred and that they were forth-coming for the King of Spain's satisfaction notwithstanding that the Queen had been at greater Expences in suppressing the Rebellions that had been raised by the Spaniard's Instigations in England and Ireland than all the Money that Drake had brought with him And as for sayling on the American Sea that it was as lawful for her Majesties and and other Princes Subjects as the King of Spain's and that she could not acknowledge any Right in the Pope to appropriate those or any other Countreys to any Person However the King of Spain's Agent in this Business had a great Sum of Money repayed him which instead of being restored to the Owners was employed against the Queen and the Protestants in the Low Countries where the English did extraordinary Exploits in behalf of the confederated States General Norris raising the Siege of Fenwick that was besieged by the Forces of the King of Spain and shortly after fought another Spanish Army but being over-powered with Numbers made a gallant Retreat In the mean time new Troubles were raised in Scotland some envying the Duke of Lenox his great Favour with the King accused him of endeavouring to pervert the King to Popery and allure him into France which suspicions he endeavoured to dissipate and thinking those Rumours were promoted by Morton and that he was not secure as long as Morton lived he caused him to be beheaded as accessory to the Death of the King's Father During these Transactions the Match with the Duke of Alanzon was prosecuted afresh several of the Principal Lords of France coming over for that end and shortly after that Duke himself came over hither In the mean time the Articles of Marriage were agreed upon by the Commissioners on both sides but with some Reservations that were disclaimed by the French King who refused to enter into an Offensive and Defensive League until such time as the Marriage was consummated Yet the French Duke's Presence here seemed to have so promoted his Business that the Queen having one day given him publickly a Ring this was looked upon as a Contract by all the standers by and thereupon publick Rejoycing was made in several Places abroad as for a thing concluded but not so at home when the innate Aversion the English have for the French broke out into publick Murmurs and Libells against this Match which occasioned the Queen to put forth Proclamations to stifle them and the Authors and Dispersers of those Seditious Pamphlets to be punished according to Law About the same time a Jesuit and several Popish Priests were convicted of having plotted the Ruine of the Queen and Kingdom of adhering to the Pope the Queens Enemy and of coming into England to raise Forces against the State for which they were condemned and accordingly executed Shortly after whom several Papists suffered Death likewise for the same Crimes In the mean time the Duke of Alanzon suspecting that he had onely been lured with empty hopes of a Crown here in England having the Government of the Low Countries conferred upon him by the States he prepared for his Journey thither and was accompanied by the Queen as far as Canterbury where they parting her Majesty ordered some of the Principal Courtiers to attend him to Antwerp where finding his Commission so limited that he had only the Name of Authority he made a rash Attempt upon Antwerp for which he was forced to leave the Low Countreys with the Aversion and Scorn of those People But during these Occurences the King of Spain subdued all Portugal in Seventy dayes time which being a great Addition to the vast Dominions he before had put all Europe in mind of uniting for their common Security In the mean time the English continued their Bravery in the Low Countries and with great Success and Advantage to the States And the Queen to procure the Amity of the King of Denmark and an Abatement of the Customes in the Sound sent him the Order of the Carter which he accordingly received with all acknowledgment And now broke out again new Commotions in Scotland the King being surprized and detained by the Earls of Goury Lindsey Marr and others who caused Arran to be imprisoned Lenox to be banished out of Scotland and the Earl of Arguse to be called home from Exile But shortly after the King being then about eighteen years old made his Escape out of their Hands whereupon Sir Francis Walsingham was sent to him by Queen Elizabeth for the giving him good Counsel and the endeavouring to compose the Distractions of that Kingdom During which the famous Irish Rebell Gyrald Fitz Gyrald the eleventh Earl of Desmond of this Family having a long time kept himself outof the hands of the English by lurking in private places was about this time found out and slain by a Common Souldier in a poor Cottage This great Lord was descended from Maurice the Son of Gyrald of Windsor an English man famous among those who first invaded Ireland in the Year 1170. He possessed whole Counties together with the County Palatine of Kerry and had of his own Name and Race at least five hundred Gentlemen at his Command all whom and his own Life also
he lost within the space of three years very few of his Family being left alive This Misfortune was brought upon him by his Disloyalty to his Prince through the Instigation of Popish Priests But Ireland and Scotland where lately the Earl of Gowry was beheaded as convicted of several Treasons were not the only Scenes of Plots and Conspiracies but England it self was again filled with Popish Practices against the Queen's Life and in favour of the Queen of Scots But being discovered some of the Nobility and Ring-leaders of the Faction were taken into Custody others confined to their Houses and others made their Escape into France In the mean time some Disputes happening between the Czar of Muscovy and the King of Sweden this King not finding himself able to oppose that Emperour sendeth a Royal Ambassy to request the Queen's Intercession in his Behalf which accordingly her Majesty immediately performed and by her Ambassador accommodated matters between those two Princes upon very reasonable Terms At the same time the Queens Ambassador obtained of the Czar the Confirmation of the Priviledges of the English Merchants in Russia maugre she had denyed him Satisfaction in several points and one of her Subjects to be his Wife and Empress which he had extreamly sollicited Mendora the Spanish Ambassador at this time in England was put out of the Kingdom for joyning with the English Rebells and stirring up the People to Rebellion and an Ambassador sent into Spain to justifie this Conduct who not being admitted to Audiency of the King but referred to the Counsellors he disdained to open himself to them and returned home without declaring the Cause of his Embassy The Papists printed and dispersed Books to exhort the Queens Women to commit the like against the Queen as Judith had done with Commendations against Holofernes The Book-seller for whom these seditious Libels were printed was executed but the Author could not be found out And now farther Discoveries were made of the Practices of the Papists against the Queen and State of a Design of invading England by the Catholick Princes and of the measures that had been taken by the Papists for that purpose which Discoveries being confirmed by the Confessions of some of the Papists themselves all possible Precautions were taken for the preventing the Execution of any such pernicous Designs and amongst other Expedients for the better providing for the Safety of the Queen's Person a number of her Subjects headed by the Earl of Leicester men of all Ranks and Conditions bound themselves mutually to each other by their Oaths and Subscriptions to persecute all those to Death that should attempt any thing against the Queen which League of theirs was called the Association The several Treaties that had been held with the Queen of Scots having proved abortive she fearing that this Association was designed for her Destruction made this Proposition by Nave her Secretary to the Queen and Council That if she might be set at Liberty and be assured of the Queen's Affection she would enter into a strict League and Amity with her and passing by all matters of Offence most officiously love and observe her above all other Princes of Christendom and enter also into the Association aforesaid for the Queens Security and into a League Defensive saving that Ancient League between France and Scotland This seemed to give great Delight and Satisfaction to Queen Elizabeth and she was thought at that time to be really inclined to grant her her Liberty But her Majesty being continually allarm'd with apprehensions from the adverse Party both of Scots and English who exclamed that the Queens Life was in no wise secure while the Queen of Scots was living o● at least at liberty insomuch that this Treaty was likewise broken off and upon the Queen of Scots Adversaries suggestions she was taken from the Earl of Shrewsbury and committed to the Custody of Sir Amias Paulet and Sir Drue Drury which rendred her so desperate that she grew the more importunate with the Pope and the King of Spain to put their Designs in execution And now there ran a Report that the Catholicks had entred into a Combination for the depriving Queen Elizabeth of her Crown for the disinheriting the King of Scots of the Kingdom of England as being both of them detected of Heresie the Queen of Scots to be married to some Catholick English Noble-man that this Noble-man should be elected King of England by the English Catholicks the Election confirmed by the Bishop of Rome that his Children by the Queen of Scots should be proclaimed Lawful Successors to the Crown and all this was affirmed by one Hart a Priest About this time dyed in France the Duke of Alanzon for grief and in Holland the Prince of Orange was treacherously shot with three Bullets by one Bethazar Gerard a Burgundian And now the French King being elected by Queen Elizabeth into the Order of the Garter Her Majesty sent the Earl of Derby to invest him therewith with all the usual Solemnity There being a Parliament assembled at Westminster one Parry a Member of the Lower House was first imprisoned for opposing and exclaming against a Bill that was preferred against the Jesuits but being set at Liberty upon his Submission he was immediately after accused by one Edward Nevil of the Earl of Westmerland's Family of having held secret Consultations about taking away the Queens Life which upon his Examination being confessed by him with all the Particulars thereof and being brought to his Tryal and still confessing the same he was accordingly condemned and executed Whereupon the Parliament then sitting made several seasonable Laws for the Security of the Queens Person Thereupon the Earl of Arundel was committed to the Tower In the same Place and at the same time the Earl of Northumberland a man of a lofty Spirit and Courage who had been committed thither upon Suspition of a secret Consultation with Throckmorton the Lord Paget and the Guises for invading of England and setting the Queen of Scots at Liberty was found dead in his Bed being shot with three Bullets under his left Pap his Chamber-door being barred on the inside The Coroners Inquest having examined the matter and all other lawful Scrutinies being made it was found and declared how that for Fear of the Law he had laid violent hands upon himself The Practices of the Papists against the Queen and the reformed Religion being thus dayly more and more discovered the Queen resolved to endeavour the contracting an Offensive and Defensive League with the King of Denmark the Protestant Princes and States of Germany and the Low Countries and with the King of Scotland to which purpose she sent Ministers to their respective Courts but it was delayed in Scotland by some new Commotions which occasioned a change of Ministers and Officers of that Crown till at length all being quieted and accommodated it was unanimously voted by all that a Treaty of a League with the Queen of
to the Invasion of England and the Queens Destruction by the confession of her Secretaries and the rest of the Traytors and which were confirmed by Letters of her own hand writing And having little to say in her own Defence the Commissioners pronounced Sentence against her in the Star Chamber And in a few days after the Parliament being convened at Westminster the Lords petitioned the Queen that the Sentence against the Queen of Scots might be published But the Queen made Answer That she could wish that that Sentence might deterr the Queen of Scots from such like Contrivances for the future and that some Expedient might be found out for the saving her Life and yet secure England and it's Queen from further Attempts and Dangers of that kind But both Houses replyed That neither her Majesty nor themselves were safe as long as the Queen of Scots was living and pressed her so hard that the Sentence might be put in Execution that Commissioners were appointed to admonish her to prepare for Death which News she received without any change of Countenance or shew of Passion And having that Night made her Will she with great Courage and Devotion prepared her self to dye the next day and was then accordingly beheaded in the six and fortieth of her Age and seventeenth year of her Imprisonment in England But what most perswaded Queen Elizabeth to suffer the Sentence to be put in Execution was the French and Scottish Ambassadors finding their Sollicitations in the behalf of the Queen of Scots to be to no purpose the French Ambassador had hired and excited some persons to kill Queen Elizabeth but being discovered both by the Confession of the Parties and the French Ambassadour himself and several Rumours spread abroad that the Spanish Fleet was already arrived at Milford Haven that the Scots were broken into England that the Duke of Guise was landed in Sussex with a strong Army that the Queen of Scots was escaped out of Prison and levyed an armed Power that the Northern men had raised a Rebellion that there was a new Conspiracy to kill the Queen and set the City of London on Fire nay and that the Queen was dead Insomuch that some Change being apprehended the Queen was after much Importunity prevailed with to sign the Sentence of Death And the Scots report that one of the principal Perswaders was Patrick Grey who was sent from the King of Scots to perswade the Queen from putting his Mother to Death Queen Elizabeth was so grieved when she received the News of her Death that she commanded her Counsellors from her Presence caused Davison to be cited in the Star-Chamber and fined ten thousand pounds She likewise sent one to pacifie the King of Scots assuring that it was done against her Meaning and Privity giving him reasons why he should not break out into the revenge he threatned and signed an instrument attested with the Great Seal and with the hands of all the Judges of England that the Sentence against the Queen of Scots could in no wise prejudice his Right to the Succession In the mean time the Queen had supplyed the King of Navarr and the Protestants of France with a great sum of Money And for a Diversion to the Spaniard she sent Sir Francis Drake to the Court of Spain with four Men of War where he chased six Galleys in the Port of Cales took sunk and burnt above a hundred ships set upon their Forts and compelled them to yield took a vast rich Carrack called the St. Philip. Thomas Cavendish with three ships ravaged the West Indies at the same time took and pillaged nineteen great ships burnt and plundred a great number of the Spanish Towns and then returned home after having been the third after Magellan that had sayled round the World During these successes of the English the Officers of the Earl of Leicester had employed having proved Treacherous in several instances the States accused the Earl to the Queen who thereupon called him home and he resigned the Government to the States Maurice of Nassaw Son to the Prince of Orange succeeding in his room at the Age of Twenty Years and the Lord Willoughby was made General of the English Forces in the Low Countries with orders from the Queen to reduce the English Factions into obedience of the States which he accordingly performed with the help of Prince Maurice and was in the Year 1588 which by the German Chronologers was presaged to be the Climacterical Year of the World and indeed the Rumours of War and the extraordinary preparations that the Spaniards were making for an Invasion of England by their Invincible Armado seemed to justify their Predictions At this time there was a Treaty of Peace held near Ostend between the English and Spanish Commissioners but designed by the Spaniards only to lull the English asleep till their Navy was arrived upon the Coast of England This Invincible Armado consisted of one hundred and thirty ships whereof Galleasses and Galleons seventy two in which were nineteen Thousand two hundred and ninety Souldiers eight Thousand and fifty Mariners two Thousand and eighty Gally Slaves and two Thousand six hundred and thirty Pieces of great Canon Twelve of their main ships being christned with the Names of the Twelve Apostles Alphorozo Per●z de Gusman being made principal Commander thereof Besides extraordinary Preparations were making in Flanders and the Prince of Parma had orders to joyn them with fifty Thousand Men. In the mean time Queen Elizabeth was preparing with all diligence as good a Fleet as she could making the Lord Howard of Effingham Admiral thereof and Sir Francis Drake Vice Admiral The Lord Henry Seymour second Son to the Duke of Somerset was appointed to lie upon the Coasts of the Low Countries with forty English and Dutch ships for the hind'ring the Prince of Parma's coming forth with his Forces At home along the Coasts were disposed twenty Tousand Men and besides two Armies of the choicest and expertest Men were raised the one under the Command of the Earl of Leicester consisting of a Thousand Horse and two and twenty Thousand Foot which encamped at Tilbury the Enemy being resolved to make their first Attack upon London the other under the Conduct of the Lord Hunsdon consisting of thirty four Thousand Foot and two Thousand Horse for the Guard of the Queens Person A Council of War was likewise established of prudent and experienced Officers All Sea Ports were likewise fortified and provided with all things necessary trusty and prudent Persons put into all Offices of Trust the most suspected Papists committed to custody the King of Scots perswaded to declare in favour of the Queen which he accordingly did with great Alacrity And now at length after several false Rumours and Alarums the two Fleets meet and engage and after several days Fight the Spaniards were utterly defeated Insomuch that of one hundred thirty four ships that set Sayl out of Lisbon only fifty three