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A30035 The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity containing, a farther discovery of the dangerous growth of Quakerism, not only in points of doctrine, but also in their politicks, respecting their government, and opposite to it, together with their fund or common bank to support the same : with a remedy proposed for this malady, and the cure of Quakerism : to which is added an appendix, discovering a most damnable plot, contriv'd and carrying on by New-Rome, by an united confederacy, against the reformed religion and professors thereof, as will appear from the designs of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, second-day, six-week, and yearly meeting, all which are particularly herein treated on / by ... Fr. Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1700 (1700) Wing B5383; ESTC R20744 232,865 530

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have been ruin'd for Non payment of Tythes and the like the Feostees for Anno 1693. were W. Crouch J. Staploe W. Macket W. Chandler W. Beech and Nath. Marks 10 thly They give their Deputies fresh Orders to bring or send up the Sum-Total of each County's Collection for the Relief of their Suffering-Friends viz. such as have suffered against Tythes c. that such as Preach up G. Fox's Commandments Orders and Precepts may not lose their Reward 11 thly George Fox had a Saying in their Yearly Meeting worth noting Pensilvania had Experience of it and when they get Power England may also viz. I do not like said Fox the Words LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE for there is no Liberty out of the Power What! Liberty to the Episcopals no. What! Liberty to the Presbyter no. What! Liberty to the Independant no. What! Liberty to the Baptist no. No Liberty out of the Truth Spirit of the Hat p. 12. And for further Evidence that they are against Liberty of Conscience R. Hubberthorn and Ed. Burroughs Men of Note amongst them in an Answer to the Baptist's Declaration wherein they did declare themselves against an Universal Toleration of all Miscarriages whether in things Civil or Religious nor are we for tolerating Popery nor such as speak contemptuously of our Lord Jesus Christ nor any that deny the Holy Scriptures to be the Word of God and yet we are not against tolerating Episcopacy Presbytery or any stinted Form c. Now hear these two Eminent Doctors of the Quakers Answer What Confusion is here you will not tolerate Popery nor any that worship a false God nor that speak Contemptuously and Reproachfully of our Lord Jesus Christ nor that deny the Holy Scriptures to be the Word of God and yet you are not against tolerating Episcopacy Presbytery or any other stinted Form Why will you not tolerate Popery as well as Episcopacy And why will you tolerate the Book of Common-Prayer amongst the Episcopals and not the Mass Book amongst the Papists seeing the Mass was the Substance out of which the Common-Prayer was extracted Here is nothing but Partiality to tolerate one thing and not another of the same kind c. R. Hubberthorn 's Works p. 228. Edw. Burrough 's Works p. 615. Thus then does it appear what Friends the Quakers are to Liberty of Conscience and how kind they were to Episcopacy in 1659. and they are the same still they tell you they are not chang'd and you may believe them since they have given such a plain Demonstration thereof in Pensilvania where they have both Fined Whipp'd or Imprison'd George Keith and others for holding the same Faith and Preaching the same Faith that the Episcopalians hold and teach 12 thly and lastly And what I have heard with my Ears That George Fox hath exhorted this Meeting that when they return to their respective Habitations that such in each County as had most Interest and thereby the most Influence on the Members of the House of Commons should resort to them and work upon them c. And when at the House they still by all the Interest they have make fresh Suits they have their Emissaries wait continually to see what comes out they are quick at their Answers and a Fund or Common Bank to maintain all none like them but the Jesuits And I do say that the whole twelve Instances I have named are not more Political than this one for ten to one if some Quaker be not himself or some of his Kindred some way related either to the Members of Parliament to serve for that County or Burrough or to some of his Friends or ten to one if some Quakers do not deal with him or some near him or is Tenant to him or some of his Friends if then some one or any of these or all concur then there is Application made to him time after time and most English Gentlemen are apt to be kind and they not knowing the Craft and Subtilty besides the Design of this People are apt to tell them Well if I can do you any Good consistent with a National Good I shall not be against it And if they meet one that is resolute and from a Knowledge of their Erroneous Principles and how that they are Enemies and implacable ones too to all Instituted Religion then they will fawn upon him and flatter him as they did Coll. Goldwell and desire him to stand Neuter c. but thanks be to God the Parliament and whole Nation begin to see them and grow every Day more sensible of the Tendency of their Pernicious Principles Some Inferences from the Seventh Chapter IS it so that the Quakers hold their Anniversary Synods and General Councils thus Publickly in the View of the Nation without the King's Letters of License or Inspection or Patent which is more than the Bishops of the Establish'd Church have Power to do How then does it concern the Legislative Power to take notice of it that in time they may prevent the Danger of it Is it so that their Light is the Higher Power to which every Soul is to be subject and all Laws vail Rom. 13.1,2,3 1 Pet. 2.13 Tit. 3.1 Let us then begin to remember how zealous our Kings and Parliaments have been ever since the Reformation against such as adhered to a Power superior to the King Lords and Commons which our Protestant Divines have held to be the Higher Powers and which we are commanded by the Apostles to submit our selves Now any People that adhere to a Foreign Power to be Supream in England besides and above that of KING LORDS and COMMONS who under God are the Higher Powers are to be suspected to undermine the Government whether they mean the POPE of ROME or the QUAKER LIGHT in their BODY Assembled in COUNCIL the latter being the most dangerous because not so obvious and thereupon ought to be prevented from holding such Councils with Doors lock'd barr'd or by a Guard of Men secured that none can go in to observe their Transactions Again is it so that the Quakers are against Liberty of Conscience and that they would as freely tolerate Popery as Episcopacy † Yea see their Antient Testimony in R. Hubberthorn's Works p. 229. Anno 1659. c. What Reason is there then for the Quakers to expect much less to presume to take the Liberty under an Episcopal Government to hold these Convocations without License which no other Dissenters either ask desire or pretend to nay what the Bishops themselves of themselves without the King's License can do Yet to the Quakers own Confutation see their Book The West answering to the North c. p. 80. viz. Any Party of Men under a Government to make Laws not being lawfully Authorized so to do for the binding of others and thereunto to require Obedience is a setting up of themselves above the Law and treading it under their Feet and rendering them whom they so bind Slaves and Vassals and
Work to subdue the grievous Tyrannies once ruling over tender Consciences and to break down the great Oppressions which had caused the Just to Groan and the Lord was with him in Victory and preserved him from great Dangers Observations on the recited Quotation Reader please to observe First That the Words in Capital Letters were Printed in the Quarto Book 1659. and left out in the Reprint in Folio 1672. which shews their Temporizing and like Butter-flies how they hide themselves whilst the Danger of the Storms are past 2 dly Their Wickedness in leaving out such Prophesies if real if counterfeit then as bad to suffer them to go abroad so long to deceive others 3 dly How they pleaded their being in the Army and their Faithfulness to their Trust therein as meritorious of their Continuance in the Army for the Defence of the Nation as well as their Desire of being in Offices in the Administration of Justice † Oh! they 'd gladly be Justices of the Peace But hold Oliver as he did not believe their Prophesies so he would not trust them in either Military or Civil Affairs 4 thly You may see how they did cling to O. Cromwell and next to Richard justifying their Usurpation 5 thly How they acquitted O. Cromwell in that horrible Murder of K. Charles I. saying That if he would but stand by cherish and support Quakerism WHAT HE DID TO THE LATE KING SHOULD NOT BE LAID TO HIS CHARGE BY THE LORD 6 thly And that if he would not do so they could not pray for him and that should be worse to him than all the Plottings of the Wicked And I take this to be the Reason why they refuse to pray for K. William III. for I have gone into several of their Meetings and I have enquired of others that have done the like I have likewise read divers of their Prayers in Print as Stephen Crisp's and others yet I could never hear see nor learn that they ever prayed for K. William III. no no more than for the Priests or than for Oliver But for this Omission Whitehead hath a Salvo ready The Content Apost c. p. 27. viz. But where are all required by Christ or his Apostles to pray for them i. e. Kings and all that are in Authority by Name or charged as Offenders for not naming of Persons in our Prayers May we not pray acceptably † And may you not Who knows but you may mean another than the Rightful and Lawful King unless we tell God the Names of those we pray for c. But Reader let me trace this Snake in the Grass and hunt this Fox to his Burrow and do not think it hard dealing I know there can be nothing said of them that grates but they presently cry out of Persecution of Malice while they take the Liberty to expose all sorts of People how innocent soever as at large I have set forth in the Picture of Quakerism c. Part 2. p. 44 to 175. and shall shew one Instance more before I enter upon my Chace Viz. G. Fox's Judgment of Kingly Government taken out of a Paper of his written to the Presbyterians c. a little before the Restoration To all you that desire an Earthly King in England who profess your selves to be Christians whether Presbyterians or others Do not the Priests Presbyterians and many of the Rulers cry for an Earthly King And is not this the same Nature the Jews were in And do they not in this Crucifie Jesus And are not all these Elders Christians that will doat so much of an Earthly King Traytors against Christ Now Elders if you say Peter said Honour the King this doth not hold forth that Peter bid them set up an Earthly King over them neither do you read that there were any Earthly Kings since the Days of the Apostles but among the Apostate Christians c. See Quakerism Unmask'd c. p. 1. for much more of this But no sooner did the King come in Anno 1660. but within a Month G. Fox and others put forth a Declaration saying p. 4. We do therefore declare to take off all Jealousies Fears and Suspicions of our Truth and Fidelity to the King and these present Governours That our Intentions and Endeavours are and shall be good true honest and peaceable towards them and that we do love own and honour the King and the present Governours c. Yea let their Words be never so contrary they are not to be measured by their Words It would require a Volume to set forth their Temporizing and horrid Practices in this kind but I shall only give a Taste referring to The Snake in the Grass c. But 't is Comical to see this their early Turning with the Times First None more vigorous against Monarchy and yet none did sooner nor yet more flatter fawn and creep to the same Government than did the Quakers But that which is most provoking and for which I chiefly mention this that upon every Occasion to ingratiate themselves into the Favour of the Government they frequently charged the same Presbyterians c. with their being against the Government of fighting Principles yea a People who would promote their Religion by the Power of the Sword See W. Penn's Just Rebuke to 21 Divines c. printed 1674. p. 25. viz. How did the Presbyterians excite the Parliament in these very Terms Elijah opposed Idolatry and Oppression so do ye down with Baal's Priests which is saith Penn as much as to say Away with your Arch-Bishops and Bishops the whole Ministry and Worship of the Church of England Come smooth George I have seen another of your Books Intituled The Way cast up c. p. 52 53. where you say p. 52. Some of the Presbyterian Nonconformists Preachers are fled Beyond-Sea others lurk in Corners here and there and keep private Conventicles where many times they preach Sedition against their Lawful Prince by Instigation of whom that Insurrection hapned in 1666. Again p. 53. And some of them have printed Books in Defence of the Lawfulness of making War against the Supream Magistrates c. Again p. 23. And how many Garments were rouled in Blood by the Instigation of the Presbyterian Teachers the whole Nation was a Witness so that many Thousands were made Widows and Fatherless by that War they stirred up the People unto P. 54. And in very Truth the Presbyterian Church will never be able to purge her self of the Iniquity of killing many Thousands in the Three Nations by the Occasion of a most bloody War raised up thro the Instigation of the Presbyterian Teachers c. And thus they continued bloody Enemies to the Presbyterians notwithstanding George Fox did so condemn them as Traytors Antichrists and Crucifiers of Jesus for endeavouring the Restoration of King Charles II. and that no People then on Earth did more stir up instigate and encourage a bloody War against the King and Church
of England than the Quakers did Witness their Trumpet sounded c. See their Trumpet sounded c. in the Eleventh Chapter But notwithstanding all this and a Hundred times as much which might be shewed out of their Books yet they continued villifying the Presbyterians saying Knowing that ye look on it as a Duty to fight by Military Weapons in Defence of your Principle yea to promote Your Cause by the Power of the Sword in which you are Confirmed by some of Your Preachers who are Always labouring to perswade you to this as one Evidence of your Zeal for God and not to spare to hazard your Lives Liberties and Estates in such a Glorious Cause as you call it It were worth your serious Consideration That if these Presbyterian Preachers continue to Stir you Up to Rise in Arms † No nor nothing of it but to stifle the Popish Plot and throw it upon the Protestants they have not much of Self-Interest in their Eye they being now secluded from their Places and that Power and Authority they and their Brethren had taken from them VVhether therefore they seek not to Embroil the Nations in New Wars rather than still to be thus deprived c. A plain and peaceable Advice to those called Presbyterians in Scotland c. Printed Anno 1681. p. 1 7. Thus then it appears that the Quakers to curry Favour with O. Cromwell they complained fearfully of the Presbyterians as Traytors for joining with the Church of England in the Happy Restoration of King Charles II. So now from 1660 to 1681 they all use the Craft and Policy imaginable to bring the Odium of that Reign upon the Presbyterians and thereby to make way for the Papists and to stifle all their wicked Plots and Conspiracies And that it is not my single Judgment I shall publish a Letter sent me SIR It being notoriously known That since the Discovery of the Popish Plot in England many Courses and Endeavours hath been used by the Papists and their Abettors to stifle and hinder the Discovery and Punishment thereof And particularly by pretending a Presbyterian Plot against the King and his Government in England and in order thereto it is evident what Falsities Scandals and Invectives against the Protestants in general under the Name of Presbyterians have Weekly been Published in those Libels Intituled Heraclitus the Observator and others And whereas there hath been lately Printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard Lombard-street London * * The Quakers Bookseller this present Year 1681. a certain Book Intituled Advice to the Presbyterians in Scotland which appears to have been written Two Years since which Book doth very much reflect upon some Principles of the Scotch Presbyterians whether rightly suggested or not is not the Intent of this Paper to examine but Twenty Years Experience of the Presbyterians in England have prov'd their Practices in England far different from the mention'd Reflections Therefore sundry well-meaning Protestants of different Persuasions from the Presbyterians for several Reasons have thought the Publication of the said Book in England * * Of Alex. Skene a Quaker-Teacher at this juncture of Time to be injurious to the Protestant Interest in general And some of the said Protestants being informed that Mr. Pennyman did intend to make a publick Protestation against the said Book this Day upon the Exchange did think it their Duty to dissuade Mr. Pennyman from the doing thereof as being probable to be the Occasion of the greater Publication of the said Book unto which he hath consented And the same Persons do likewise desire and require you as much as in you lyes to hinder thereof lest by your Neglect you strengthen the Hands of the Enemies of the Protestants and Protestant Religion in general † † Copy of this was sent to the Quakers 28. July 1681. Thus then doth it undeniably appear how enviously Malicious and of what a Persecuting Spirit the Quakers are yet poor Hearts this in them is all Innocency Meekness and the Lamb's Spirit but in others so much as to tell them of it it 's Persecution Pray why was it in G. Fox and others to call the Clergy Witches Devils Blasphemers false Prophets Jesuits Conjurers Antichrists and what not that might render them odious to the People Smith's Works p. 175. A Brief Discovery of a Threefold Estate c. p. 7 8. Burrough's Works p. 30. This is no Persecution in the Quakers no they are innocent Souls and as far from Persecution as the Meat of an Oyster is from the Shell when living in the Sea for they for the present are given up to suffer Come G. Whitehead what think you of your Brother Smith who calls the Bishops Monsters the Church of England a corrupted Womb and by him ript up What do you think of his saying the Common-Prayer-Book receives its Strength from the Pope's † Good God! was ever the like Impudence known Loins and that the Pope gives Life to it Oh that ye could but see your selves and repent of your Wickedness For if the Government should believe you that the Clergy are false Prophets what remains but Death and that according to the Law of God But I challenge the Quakers to produce one single Clergyman that have prophesied of a thing to come to pass and it did not as Sol. Eccles a Quaker-Prophet did who prophesied That John Story should die within a Year who lived Four Years after as I elsewhere have shewed Again If the Government believ'd the Quakers whose Books affirm that the Clergy are Witches and Devils they ought not to suffer them to live but presently say ☞ There goes a Witch knock him on the Head Exod. 22.18 Again ☞ There goes a Blasphemer stone him to Death Lev. 24.16 Again ☞ There goes a false Prophet let him die Deut. 18.20 Yea saith W. Penn Whilst the Idle Gormandizing Priests of England run away with above 150000 l. a Year under Pretence of being God's Ministers and that no sort of People have been so Universally thro' Ages the very Bane of Soul and Body to the Universe as that Abominable Tribe for whom the Theatre of God's most dreadful Vengeance is reserved to act their Eternal Tragedy upon † Observe the Quakers Goliah of Gath W. P. c. The Guide Mistaken c. p. 18. Thus Reader I have given thee a Relish of the Quakers Meekness and Lamb-like Nature and therefore give me leave to hunt this Fox did I say give me leave Nay I am resolv'd that if thou wilt not give me leave I shall take it What! shall these Rabsheka's be perpetually Railing and Domineering over the Gospel-Ministers without Controul Shall these uncircumcised Philistines appear in Triumph Forty Years together and their Goliah vaunting himself boasting of his Parts Learning and Interest at as the other did of his Strength and Stature whose Staff of his Spear was like a Weaver's Beam and who glorying therein defied the Armies of
he mean said W. Penn to release them With much more of this nature c. Now tho' I do think that divers of these 21 Divines were as clear of what is suggested as my self if not all of them yet because they appeared in Print against the Errours of the Quakers they to ingratiate themselves into the Favour of the then Government expos'd these Men as Enemies to the Delinquents i. e. Royalists Well the News we soon had amongst us was that the King and the Duke of York read this Book with great Delight and Pleasure and no doubt but took the Quakers to be not only their Informers but a Parcel of Innocent Souls * See what Friends the Quakers were to the Delinquents c. For it was soon observ'd That the Dissenters Meetings was broken up and the Quakers Meetings connived at A cunning Project 2 dly The second thing observable from hence is that in a little time for I see the Quakers begin to wheel about no Man shall dare to appear in Print against them but they will fall to their old Trade of Domineerring and Insulting over them as Enemies to the Government whilst none more eminently against the present Government than themselves For as then no People were more vigorous in Print against the Restauration of K. Charles II. than the Quakers yet how did they complain of the Presbyterians Independants and Baptists as divers Instances are herein given and more might be Yet such is their cunning and sly way of Insinuation against others thereby to ingratiate themselves and to villifie and expose others that it 's hard to believe and harder to detect them therein For in one of their late Books writing against the Reverend Author of The Snake in the Grass c. They call his Labours Prim. Chris continued c. Pref. and p. 1 11. The Black Attempts of a Necessitous Malicious Priest an Expulsed Clergyman makes a Trade for Bread in part to repair his Losses which he charges the present Establishment to have brought upon him * A direct Lie I never heard him speak one Word of that Tendency tho' as some others having taken a former Oath cannot satisfie his Conscience to divert his Cares and Fears and to supply his Wants Again G. Whitehead in his Letter to G. Keith le ts forth his Fury against the said Author in these Words † Observe the Malice of this mercenary Whitehead Especially when the Injurious Circumstances of that Venemous and Obnoxious Creeping Sculking Vermin comes further to be exposed c. whilst no People have both creeped up and down sculked here and there and fled from Justice more than the Quakers Witness their great Goliah for an Instance Nor no one People in England held out to the very last against the present Government more than the Quakers But their deep Hypocrisie is both seen felt heard and understood far and near and therefore as a further Demonstration of their wheeling about and late temporizing with their twofold Testimony one presented in the Month of March the other when that was rejected presented in the Month of April as at large above-recited I shall now examine The Ancient Testimony and Principle of the People called Quakers renewed with Respect to the King and Government Answ First This I deny to be your Ancient Testimony but this which followeth is your Ancient Testimony viz. First Dreadful * * News coming up out of the North c. p. 18 19 20. Printed 1655. is the Lord and Powerful who is coming in his Power to execute true Judgment upon all you Judges and to change all your Laws ye Kings all you Rulers must down and all you Underling Officers which has been as the Arms of this great Tree which the Fowls hath lodged under all your Branches must be cut down so you must be cut down with the same Power that cut down the King † † Meaning an Usurper's Sword who Reigned over the Nation whose Family was a Nursery for Papists and Bishops Woe woe is coming upon you all the same Teachers are standing that was in the time of the King and the time of the Bishops such as take Tythes you must both be tormented together Beast and false Prophet * * Both Government and Church The Lord God will pour out his Plagues upon you the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it and except you Repent † † i. e. Of taking Tythes ye shall all likewise perish and be consumed as the King was and perish with the same Power Sing all ye Saints and rejoice clap your Hands and be glad for the Lord Jehovah will Reign and the Government shall be taken from you pretended Rulers Judges and Justices Lawyers and Constables all this Tree must be cut down and Jesus Christ in us will Rule alone Sound the Trumpet sound an Alarum call up to the Battel gather together for the Destruction draw the Sword hew down all fruitless Trees * * This was since they professed the Light which cumber the Ground hew down all the Powers of the Earth cleanse the Land from all Filthiness purge forth the Dross the Filth and Corruption slay Baal Balaam must be slain all the Hirelings must be turned out of the Kingdom c. This is their Ancient Testimony Counsel and Advice c. p. 26 27. Oh Oliver hadst thou been Faithful and thundered down Deceit the Hollanders had been thy Subjects and Tributers and Germany had given up to have done thy Will and the Spaniard had quivered like a dry Leaf the King of France should have bowed under thee his Neck the Pope should have withered as in Winter the Turk in all his Fatness should have smoak'd thou shouldst not have stood trifling about small things Sober Men and True Hearts took part with thee * * i. e. Quakers Oh! take heed and do not slight such lest thou weaken thy self and not disown such as the Lord hath owned thy Dread is not all gone nor thy Amazement Arise and come out for hadst thou been Faithful † † viz. Turned all the Priests out of the Kingdom thou shouldst have crumbled Nations to Dust for that had been thy Place Now is the Day of Tryal p. 26 27. thou shouldst have invited all the Christians upon Earth in all Nations to thee that are against Popery to come in and join with thee * * This is their Ancient Testimony against Popery for thou hast had Authority stand to it lose it not nor abuse it nor let any other take thy Crown and do not stand cumbering thy self about Dirty Priests And thou hast had Power over Nations for Nations begins to be on Heaps and invite all them that profess against the Pope in all Nations to join with thee against him and do not lose thy Dominion nor Authority nor the Wisdom of God but with that thou may'st order all and let thy Soldiers go forth with a
this Jealous Dividing and Rending Spirit that hath appeared in Strise and open Contention against thy Servants Thou knowest the Integrity of my Soul * * * Compare G. W.'s Ser. Apol. p. 4 5. with the Epistle and Page 19 317 357. of his Judgment fixed c. and it will shew this Prayer not only Pharisaical but deep Hypocrisie especially adding p. 72. of his Coun● Conv. c. where he tells you He can see Cause otherwise to word the Matter and yet mean the same thing c. Thou hast endued me with a Christian Spirit with Faith Patience and Rejoicing under all my Sufferings yet thou hast endued me also with the Spirit of Righteous Judgment Understanding and Zeal and hast raised me up † † † As he did Pharaoh in Defence of thy Gospel So I recommend all to thee to manifest the end of all and to plead and justifie my Cause it being thy own Cause Amen Amen saith my Soul Geo. Whitehead CHAP. XIV The Cage of Vnclean Birds opened the Idolatrous Practices Blasphemous Principles and Vicious Enormities of the Quakers laid open which may be compar'd with Pope Leo X. Reader BY the foregoing Chapter you have a View of the high Value the Quakers set upon themselves and their Ancient Testimony and how they Debase all Christian Churches as the Whore the false Church the Mother of Harlots even all First All that Sprinkle Children and tell People it is Baptism and thereby an Ordinance of Christ G. Fox's Primer p. 48. Secondly All that Preach Christ without as he is in Heaven at God's Right Hand Smith's Primer c. p. 8. Thirdly All that do Study the Scriptures and Preach out of them Saul's Errand c. p. 7. Fourthly All that will not Fast with the Quakers who are in the Truth saith Solomon Eccles and that none are in the Truth but they The Quakers Challenge c. p. 3 6. Fifthly All that pay or receive Tythes An Antidote c. p. 78. Sixthly All that take Matthew Mark Luke and John for the Gospel viz. Glad Tidings and the Scriptures for their Rule G. Fox's Epistle to be read in Steeple-Houses c. p. 2 3 4 5. Nay W. Penn and Whitehead adds That a Mountebank is an honest Man to a Parson that such Wickedness as Debauchery Drunkenness and Whoredom more suiteth the Spirits of his i. e. Priests own Fraternity the Priests both Episcopal and Presbyterian whose known Drunkenness and Whoredoms c. would fill Volumes to describe Hear W. Penn again p. 165. Had James Nayler's Words been Ten Thousand times more significant earnest and sharp against that cursed bitter Stock of Hirelings they had been but enough and I would then say not enough but that the Reverence I bear to the Holy Spirit would oblige me to acquiesce in whatever he should utter thro' any Prophet or Servant of the Lord * This Jam. Naylor W. Penn's Prophet is the Person that was Hosanna'd into Bristol and Sam. Cater now a Preacher amongst them then leading his Horse and we have nothing for them but Woes and Plagues who have made drunk the Nations and laid them to Sleep on the Downey Beds of soft sin-pleasing Principles whilst they have cut their Purses and pick'd their Pockets Tophet's prepared for them to act their Eternal Tragedy upon whose Scenes will be renewed direful anguishing Woes of an Eternal Irreconcileable Justice c. Ser. Apol. Dedicated to the King's Lieutenant in Ireland c. p. 2 22 127 156. Again saith the same W. Penn in his Book The Guide Mistaken c. p. 18. And whilst the Idle Gormandizing Priests of England run away with above Fifteen Hundred Thousand Pounds a Year under Pretence of being God's Ministers and that no sort of People have been so universally thro' Ages the very Bane of Soul and Body to the Universe as that abominable Tribe for whom the Theatre of God's most Dreadful Vengeance wait to act their Eternal Tragedy upon Well let us hear W. Penn once more what he saith of the Teachers of the Presbyterians Independants Baptists c. Quakerism a New Nick-name c. p. 165. viz. An Ill-bred and Pedantick Crew the Bane of Reason and Pest of the World the old Incendiaries to Mischief and the best to be spared of Mankind against whom the Boiling of an irritated God is ready to be poured out to the Destruction of such if they repent not c. Quakerism a New Nick-name c. p. 165. Reader You see here is nothing but Hell and Damnation for the Ministers of all Christian Societies Pray let us hear their Opinion of the Church of England in general and that may give their Sense of all other Churches since I see they make little if any Difference of their Teachers viz. And as for the Purity of the Church of England it 's out of our Sight we can see a great deal of Impurity Corruption and Soul-sickness in it Indeed they say enough of themselves to cause all wholsome sound understanding People to shun them and their Church and Worship as Men shun a Contagious Disease or Infection c. The Innocency and Conscientiousness of the Quakers c. p. 7. Printed 1664. To which let me add but one Passage more tho' I might One Hundred of Mr. Penn's who can express himself as well and as much according to the Quakers Ancient Testimony as any Man amongst thern And briefly thus viz. Come tell me ye of the Church of England whence came your Forms of Prayer and Church-Government Are they not the Off-spring of that Idolatrous Popish Generation * By this who would have thought Mr. Penn had been so near of Kin to them as his latter Writings set forth See A Brief Hist of Quakerism c. p. 44 to 58 103 to 120. which is abominable to the God of Heaven Are you not at Have mercy upon us miserable Sinners There is no Health in us from Seven to Seventy Truth Exalted c. p. 9. Reader W. Penn tells his Reader in his Ser. Apol. c. p. 79. That his designed Method in his Answer is not the common Road of Printing his Adversaries Words at large on all Occasions so I tell thee yet in many Cases I recite the whole However by this time you have not only an Account of the high Value the Quakers set upon themselves as in the former Chapter but of their debasing the Protestant Ministers and Churches as a pack of Drunkards Whoremongers with an Et-caetera worse than Mountebanks a cursed bitter Stock of Hirelings a Pedantick Crew the best to be spared of Mankind against whom the Boiling Vengeance of God is reserved c. and who deserve nothing but Plagues and Woes Hell and Damnation yea Pick-pockets Cut-purses c. that the People ought to shun as a Pest-house with too much of that Nature to be here inserted especially adding what in The Picture of Quakerism c. is set forthron this Head And does