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A23086 The statutes prohemium Iohannis Rastell; Public General Acts. Abridgments England.; Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1527 (1527) STC 9518; ESTC S121365 220,393 548

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eschaunge or otherwyse any coyne of this lande of gold or bullion or oth●r maner plate of golde for his marchaundyse vpon payne of forfeyture of double valew of that coyne or plate● And he that wyll sue by accyon of dette shal haue the one halfe and the kynge the other halfe And he may haue it by wryte byll playnte or informacyon The i●ii H vii capitulo .xxiii. ¶ Loke more of this in the tytle of golde and money Eschete ¶ The kynge shall not holde the landes of thē that be conuyct of felonye but a yere and a day and then ●hey shall retourne to the lordes of the fee Mag. carta ca. xxii loke for eshete in the tytle wynes Eschetour ¶ Eschetours shal be chosyn as the sheryf●● and that there be as many of them as ther were whan the kynge toke the gouernaunce of the realme and that no eschetoure tary in his offyce past one yere The .xiiii. E. iii. capitulo .vii. Before this statute there were but .ii. eschetours in Englande ¶ Eschetours shall take the inquestes of theyr offyce bytwene them and the Iurry of the same county openly in good townes or elles it is voyde The .xxxiiii. E. iii. capitulo .xi. ¶ Eschetours must haue lande or fee or more or to be put out of theyr offyce The .xlii. E. iii● Capitulo v● ¶ Eschetours or commyssyoners whiche take inquestes of folkes not retourned by the sheryf shall lose wherof he that wyll sewe shall haue the one halfe also they shal retourne those inquestes so taken byfore them in to the chauncery or escheker withī a moneth after the takynge vppon payn of to be payed as is aforesayd the .viii. H. vj. capitulo .xvi. They shal pay to the kynge as moche as he is indamaged for the not retournynge of them Loke more of exchetours ī the title of tauerner● ¶ Euery Eschetour shall take his inquestes of offyce by vertue of wrytes of diem clausit extremū and of al other wrytes within a moneth after the delyuere of them and that they shall take them in good townes and open places and that he shall not take for his laboure and coste in one Countye aboue .xx. s. And yf he do contrary to the premyssis he shal forfe●te wherof he that wyll sewe it for the kynge shall haue the one halfe The .xxiii. Henry .vi. ca. xvii ¶ None shall be Eschetour excepte he or other to his vse at the tyme that he is chosyn may dysspende by yere in the same county .xx li And also he may not lette his offyce to ferme or make any depute if it be not to suche one for whome he wyll answere and he must gyue knowlege of the deputacyon to the tresourer within .xx. dayes after And yf the ●schetoure do otherwyse than is lymitted here he and his depute that so wyll occupye vnder hym shall forfeite The one halfe to the kynge and the other halfe to hym that wyll sew it by accyon of dette wherin nother esson proteccion nor wager of lawe shall lye And also the Iustyce of peace ought to inquire therof and make proces as vppon an Indytement of trespas but Eschetours in cytes and townes be excepte The .xii. E. iii Capitulo .v. ¶ If any eschetour or Commyssyoner putte in any offyce concernynge landes and inherytaūce in to any of the kynges courtes whiche is not presented by .xii. men indented and by them sealed ● he shall forfeyte to the parte therby greued nor that no eschetour nor other Commyssyoner syt to inquere of any landes or inherytaunce excepte he or other to his vse may dyspende xl marke by yere vppon pain of And yf he may not dispende .xl marke he may refuse to syt in any suche commyssyon and shal be dyscharged in the Esch●ker therof by his owne othe without fyne or fee and that euery eschetoure and commyssyoner shall syt in open places accordynge to the statutes before made and that they suffre euery persone to gyue euydene● opēly in suche inquestes vpon payne of .xl. pounde And the sheryffe and other hauynge retourne of wrytes shall retorne before suche exchetours or cōmyssyoners no persone to inquere of landes excepte suche as haue landes to the yer●ly valewe of .xl. s. within the same shyre vppon payn of euery ꝑson so retorned c. s. And that the Iurry that shall be sworne shall receyue the counterpane o● the offyce indented and sealed by the sayd exchetour or commyssyoners and that to rest in the hādes of the fyrst persō sworne in the same Iurry vppon payne of euery one of the Iurry .xx. s. and that the sayd exchetour or commyssyoners shal receyue the verdet whē the Iurry is redy to gyue it without delay and to delyuer the counterpane of the sayd verdet indented to the Iurry vppon payne of C. li. And the clarke of the pete bagge of the Chauncerye or other offycere there hauynge auctoryte or other offycer of the excheker hauynge auctoryte to receyue suche offyc●s shal receyue the said offyce inquisition to them offered within .iii. dayes after it is offerd vppon payn of And t●●n the sayd exchetours or commyssoner to be dyschargyd of his penalte for none retournynge of the same offyce within the moneth a●ter it is taken so that the sayd exchetour or commyssyoners at any tyme after the sayd moneth within an other moneth than nexte in sewynge retourne the sayd offyce in to the Chauncery or excheker as the case shall requyre And the clerke of the petye bagge to certefy the transcrypte of the sayd offyce the nexte terme folowynge the receyte therof vppon payne of C. s. for euery defaute And that uo exchetour be cōpelled to occupy his offyce cōtynually aboue one yere And the he that is exchetour one yere shal not be agayne in .iii. yeres after the fyrst hole yere ended and yf he do his patent therof to be voyde And the parte greued shall haue theyr recoueres of the sayd forfayte of C. li. by accyon of dette wherin no wager of law proteccyon nor esson shall lye And of the other forfeytours the kynge shall haue the one halffe and the parte that wyll sewe it the other halfe by accyon of dette where nother esson proteccyon nor wager of lawe shall lye ¶ Prouyded that this clause of the exchetours excersysynge theyr offyce ouer one yere extende not to Eschetours in any cyte or towne corporate or in the duche of Lancaster Corne wall and the Countyes palentynes of Lancastre Chestre Durham or Ely or in any other Countye palentyne in Englande wales or the marches of the same or to any eschetour made by any persone hauynge auctoryte by Fraunches pryuylege or by preserypcyon to make them ¶ Prouyded that this clause of the insuffycyency of the exchetours and Iurrours extēde not to any eschet our in cite or town corporat ne to any eschetour made by any person hauynge auctoryte to make them
marchall of englāde for their retynew of knyghtis esquiers may gyue the sayd knyghtis lyuere in the marches in the tyme of warr̄ Also no lorde spirituall nor temporall shall gyue any lyuere of clothe to none but to his manuell seruaūtis and officers them of his counsell lernyd of the spirytuall law or temporall vppon the same payne The .i. h. iiii cap. viii ¶ And also Iustyce of the one bēch or other iustice of assyse of pease haue power to inqire here determyne aswell by recorde in theyr presēce as other wise of gyuers takers of liuere● it semith that thei may do so out of their courtꝭ ¶ Dukes erles barons banerettis may were the kynges lyuerey ī theyr countres but noo knyghtes nor esquyers except they be goyng or cōmynge frō the kynge And the prynce may gyue his lyuere in lyke maner as the kyng The .ii. H. iiii capitulo .xxi. ¶ Knyghtes other of lower estate that gyue lyuerey of cloth shall lose at euerey tyme. C. s. the receyuour .xl. s. he that wyll sew for the king shall haue the one half the kīge shall nat pardon the payn euerey one of any company which at theyr costꝭ make such lyu●rey shall lose .xl. s. except gyldes craftis Prouyded that in tyme of warr̄ they may wel gyue such lyueres Iustice of assise haue power to inquyre therof in theyr cessions to certefie it in to the kingis bench the .vii. H. iiii ca. xiiii ¶ Iustyce of assyse of the pease shall awarde attachement agaynst gyuers and receyuours of lyuereys vppō suggestion without inditement And vppon that a Capias and exigent and if they appere they shall attaynt them by examinacion as well of the lyueres of lordes and ladyes as other And they shall take C. s. of the giuer and .xl. s. of the taker as oft as thei offende And they shall haue a yeres prisonmēt The .viii. h. vi capitulo .iiii. ¶ And that the iustice of Lancastre and Chestre shall haue the same power c. The statutes be vnder stande of lyueres gyuen to them that be nat manuall seruauntes and officers ¶ None may gyue lyuere or other sygne but to his manuall seruaunt or to his man of law spirituall or temporall or other of his counsel and if he do the con●rary the gyuer shall lose C. s. for euery moneth that there is any with hym so reteyned and the receyuer C. s. he that wyll sew shall haue an accion by byll of informaciō agaīst as many of offēders as he wyll in euery of the kinges courtis or counter palentyne vppon that proces as in trespasse except that in countre palentine no exigende shall be awardyd and if ani of the deffenders be present in courte The Iustice may cōmaunde him to be brought to answere and first the informer shal be examined vppon a boke that his complaint is true after they may examine that defendant and iuge him conuyet b● theyr discression aswell as by triall And the informer shall recouer the o●e half and the ky●g the other half if it be nat in cyte or towne that hath lyke forfeitour by the kyngis graunt And that no esson nor prot●ccion be alowed And that the sheryf or coroner may r●torne no lesse issues at the first day than .xx. s. At the second day .xxx. s. And so at euery day .x. s. of increse and if the sheryf or coroner do the contrary he shall forfeyt for euery tyme .xx. s. And the mayre and gouernours of cytes and boroughes haue power to examine and to determine it as is before sayd aswel by examinacion as by tryall And vppon that the kīg shal haue the one half and the maires gouernours the other half to be imployed to the vse of the cyte or towne The .viii. E. iiii ca. ii But lyueres gyuen at the kyngis coronaciō of creaciō of a bysshop or mariage of any great lorde or lady of estate or at the creacion of the seriauntes at the lawe and at other such festis and lyueres gyuen b● the mayres and sheryffis of townes and lyueres gyuen in the defence of the king be except fro this estatute ¶ The chaunceller tresourer the pryueseale or .ii. of them or a bysshop and a temporall lorde of the kyngis coūsell and with the .ii. chefe iustice or .ii. other Iustice in theyr absence vppon byll or informacion put to the chaunceller for the kynge or any other agaynst any person for mysbehauinge in gyuinge of lyueryes or sygnes haue auctoryte to make to come before them by wryt or pryuey seale the sayd mysdoers and to examine them and to punyssh thē yf thei fynd them defecty● accordyng to the estatutis therof made in lyke maner as they shuld be ponysshed if they had be ꝯuict after the dew ordre of the lawe The iii H. vii ca. i. ¶ If any stewarde auditour receyuour or baylyf of any of the kīgꝭ lādes tenemētis ꝯstable keper of castell wardē maister or game ꝑke keꝑ or other offycer of his forestis chaces ꝑkes or warēs be law fully reteyned with any ꝑsone or reteyne any mē that is dwellīg withī the said lādis tenemētis or lordshyppꝭ ꝯtrary to any ordynaūce before made or suffre any of thē to be so reteyned with any other person shew it nat to the kynge within .xl. dayes that he hath knowlege therof or if any of the sayd offycers conuey any of the sayd tenauntis inhabitaunce fermours of the king to any fyld or assemble other wyse than by the kyngis cōmaundement to do such seruyce as the kyng shall commaūde hym And that alway in the kynges lyuere and sygne Or if such officer come nat to the kyng in tyme of warre or trowble when he is commaundyd hauyng no resonable excuse to the cōtrary that than all graūtis by the kyng or his ꝓgenytours or predecessours to them made be voyde And also if any of the said tenauntes or fermours b● reteyned with any other cont●ary to the statutꝭ by lyuere to kyn o the indenture or promesse or go in any fylde or assemble with ani other persone in any other lyuere sygne nat the kynges to serue the kyng only that than al grauntes lesses of any percell of the sayd lādes lordshyppes and possessions for terme of yeres or at will be vtterly voyde The .iii. h. vii ca. i. An other acte there is .xix. H. vii ca. xiiii but it was durynge the kynges lyfe Lollardis ¶ Ordinaries may arest mē defamyd or suspect for heresie kepe thē ī theyr pryso●s til they be purgid therof or abiuryd after the law of holy church so they make full determinacion therof within .iii. monythis after such arestis except ther be a lawfull impediment And yf they be conuict they shall kepe them in theyr prisons as they shall thynk best and yf it the cas require that thei put them to fyne thā the ordinaryes shall send
.xi. ¶ For the saluacyō of the hauen of southamtō hit shal be leuefull to euery man to breke downe all the werys made betwene Callehorde and redebruge and he that seweth the brekars shall lose .xl li. and he that maketh any were betwene the sayd places after this said statute made shal lose C. li. the one halfe of the the sayd some to the kynge the other to hym that wyll sewe where nother esson ꝓteccyon nor wager of law shall lye .xv. Hen. viii Capitulo .xiii. ¶ Loke more for this in the tytle of ryuers hawkes ¶ Non take the eggys of any faucō goshawk laner or swan out of the nyst vppon payne of ayerꝭ presonment and a daye and to make fyne at the kynges pleasure And that none bere any hawke of the brode of englande called an nyesse goshawke laner or laneret vppon his hande vppon payne of forfeytour of his hawke to the kynge And that none chase any hawk out of his couert where he bredyth nor slethē vppon payne of .xli. the one halfe to the kynge and the other halfe to the parte that wyll sew by accion of dette examinacion before the Iustice of peas informacion or otherwise The .xi. Henry .vij. cap. xvii Herons Loke for that in the tytle fesauntis Hye wayes ¶ Euery mā hauing landis within the weld of kent hauyng any hye wey withyn the weld noious for the passage of the kyngis people And will fynd and lay owt a more commodious hye wey in his own landis therto nyght adioynīg by the ouer sight of .ii iustice of peace and .xii. other discrete men ther shal be holdyn and occupied as the old wey before hath ben and that he may in recōpence therof hold the soyle ground of the old hye wey in seueraltie to him and to his heyris and that the seyd Iustice and .xii. dyscrete men shall make certeficat therof into the chauncery vnder theyr seales of the lenght and brede of the same new hye wey prouydyd that this act be not preiudicial to thē that claim any wey or by path ouer the old hye wey to the church or to ellis were .xv. h. viij Cap. vj. ¶ Loke for hye wayes ī the tytle of robberyes and felonyes Horners ¶ Horners of londō ought to haue all the hornys within london and .xxiiii. myle next adioynynge and that none shal be solde to any estraūge alyons tyl the horners of london haue chosē ynough for thē self ꝭ the horners of lōdon̄ shall haue serche of the hornꝭ wrought withī lōdō in the feyres of sty●bryge and ely and if thei be nat well wrought they may sease thē And the one halfe shall be to the kyng the other halfe To the mayre of london or to the baylyffes of The feyre The .iiii. E. iiii ca. viii horse and marys ¶ None shall cary any hors ouer the see to sell Hym without the kynges lycence vpon payne Of forfeyto●r of the same nor no mare before she be thre yeres of age and that she be nat aboue the pryse of .vi. s. viii d vpon payn of forfeytour of all except .vi. s. viii d And the one half of the ouer plus shall be to the kyng and the other half to hym that seasyth it The .xi. H. vii capitulo .xiii. ¶ Loke more of mares in the title of custome hostelers ¶ The hostelers shall yelde .iii. times as moche as he hath taken aboue a halfe peny of euery ●usshell of otys aboue the cōmyn pryse of the merket as well at the suet of the kynge as of ●he parte Also the .iii. parte of the value of the ●rede made by hym in hys howse The .iiii. Hē●iii Capitulo .xxiiii And he shall make noo horse brede ī his owne howse nor shall take no thīg for litter eod āno ¶ Hostellers shall be no customers coūtrolers fynders nor sercheours The .xi. H. iiij cap. i. .xx. h vi cap. v. Howsis of religion ¶ yf any disseysons or rauin be don to abbattis or other spirytuall men And yf they sew an accion and dye before they cā recouer theyr ryght the successours of them shall haue an accion to recouer the●r goodis of the church agains the seyd transgr●ssours And lyke accion the successours shall haue of those thyngis that were takyn from their howse lately by violence before the deth of theyr predecessours though they sewyd no accion in theyr lyfes And yf any entrude and enter in to theyr landis in tyme of vacacion wherof they dyed seysid then their suc●cessours shall hau● an accion and recouer dama●ge as well as in ass●se Merlebre Cap. xxix ¶ Non shal be lodgyd with men of religiō ag●yne theyr wyllis except that he be patron o● founder w. i. Cap. primo ¶ The shiryff may lodge in a howse of relygiō so that he haue not past .v. or .vi. horsis so that they be not greuyd by theyr oft cōmīg westm̄ i. Capitulo .v. ¶ No religoins man bere or send ouer owt of the realme vnder the name of any rent tallage or imposicion or by wey of eschaunge sale or prest any money or by any meanys cari owt of the reame the goodis of the monestary cete and yf he do to be greuonslyd ponisshed nor no house of religiō make such tallage or īposiciō with othe howsys vnder thē vppō payn of forfeture of all that they haue vnder theyr power and of all that they may forfeyt Statut de car●iolis de asport religios ¶ The abbatis of cisternens and premonstrace●…es and religious men of whom the sealis hath ben wont to be in the kepyng of the abbot and ●ot off the conent fromhens forth shall haue a commyn scale and it shall be put in the kepyng of the p̄our of the howse and .iiij. of the most worthiest and discretyst of the same couent vn●er the puy seale of the abbat of the same place so that the abbot or the pryour of the house shal make no wyse no cōtracte nor oblygacyon as they were wonte to do And yf any wrytynge oblygatory of gyfte bargayn sale or alienacyon or of any other cōtract be sealed with any other s●ale than the cōmyn seale it shall be voyde statut de carliolis ¶ The statute of Carliolis that relygyousmen shall brynge nothynge ouer the see shal be kepte in all poyntes .iiii. E iii. Capitulo .vi. Homage ¶ The marchall of euery Erle baron holdyng ● hole baronye shal be content with a palfrey o● of the pryce as it was wonte to be soo tha● yf he take a palfray for his homage than at his knyghthode he shall take none of abbottes an● priors for theyr homage or fealte he shall take ● palfrey or the pryce the same of archebysshop● bysshopꝭ of them that hold ꝑte of a barony● they shall take after the rate of relygyous folk that holde in fre almes he shall take nothynge neuerthelas the m̄shal shal not be excluded of a
the .vi. Capitulo viij Lordꝭ banerettꝭ shal take no wages for theyr sessions .xiiii. R. ii ca. xi ¶ In euery cōmyssyō of the peas ther shal be assygned .viii. iustyce of peas and theyr e●●●eittes shal be double and the one ꝑt delyuerd by thē to the sheryffe for to leuey the money cōmyng therof and he shall pay the iustyce her wages by endenture the sheryff vppon that endenture shall haue alowaūce in the escheker vpō his accōpte and the names of the iustyce shal be put in the estretꝭ with the nōbre of the dayes of theyr sessiōs xiiii R. ii Capitulo .xi. ¶ Iustyce of peas shall recorde forcible entres xv R. Capitulo .viii. .viii. h. vi ca. ix ¶ Two lerned mē of the law shal be in euery cōmissiō of peas whiche shall del●uer the felons ꝓcede to the delyueraūce of thē at all tymes whe they shall thynke best .xvii. R. ii ca. vltimo ¶ Iustyce of peas euery of thē shal be ꝯseruators of the waters shall make vnder ꝯseruatours xvii R. ii capitulo .ix. ¶ Iustyce of peas shall ponysshe thē that offēd agains the statute of leuere of cōpany as well by witnes ī their p̄sens as by inq̄re ii h. iiii c. xxi ¶ Iustyce of peas shall ponyssh thē that kepe not due watche vppō the see cost as they were wont to do .v. Hen. iiii Capitulo .iii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shall īprison none but in the comyn geale .v. Henry iiii● Capitulo .x. ¶ Iustice of peas shall ponysshe thē that make arowhedꝭ quarel hedes that be dysfectyue .vii h. iiii c. vii shal execute the statute of apprētice where the fader moder may not dyspēde .xx. s by yere .vii. h. iiii ca. xvij ¶ And also shall ponysshe ryotꝭ rowtꝭ in dyuers maners .xiii. h. iiii c vltimo .ii. h. v. ca. viii they shall wytnes vpō a byll of ryot that the fame is such .ii. h. v. ca. ix viii h. vi ca. xiiii ¶ Iustyce of peas shall holde their sessions the fyrst weke after saint mychell Epyphany Ester saynt Thomas except lordꝭ iustyce of assyce the chefe baron the kynges seriaūtꝭ and attorney occupyed ī the kīgꝭ courtꝭ or in his seruyce .ii. hen v. cap. iiii ¶ Iustyce of peas shall make ꝓces agayne labors to euery sheryffe of englād such ꝓces as the statute doth req̄re as well at the kyngꝭ suyte as of the ꝑte also labourers shal be attaynt by examynacyon of the iustyce of peas Also the statute of labourers shal be exemplified in the keping of the iustyce of peas .ii. hen v. Capit●lo .iii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shal make ꝓces ī walys for a man outlawed of felony or treason ii Hen. v. Statut. ii Capitulo vltimo ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power by cōmissiō to enquere of coūterfeytours clyppers wassheres or other pairers of monei and thei shal make ꝓc by capias only agayns them whiche before thē be indited therof .iii. hen v. capitulo vii● ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to enquere try the deff of thē that gyld or ouer syluer shethes or other metall than syluer excepte ornamētes of the churche sporres for knyghtꝭ apparel that belōgeth to a baron .viij. h. v. ca. vltimo ¶ Iustice of peas haue power by cōmyssyō to make ponysshm̄t of fals m●sures and weyghtes after theyr dyscrecyō to inquere here determī as oft as they shal thynke nede to put thē in execucyon .ii. Hen. v. stat ii capitulo vltimo .viii. h. vi ca. v. xi h vi ca. viii vii h. vi ca. iii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shal be made dwellyng in the same counte of the moost suffycyent parsones except lordes iustyce of assyse the stewardes of the duchye of lancastre they shal be chosen by the chauncelour and by the kynges counseyl ii h. v. statuto .ii. Capitulo primo ¶ Iustyce of peas shal execute the statute of assese of mysures of vesselles of wines elys samō and herynge .ii. hen vi ca. xv ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to determin the defautes of cordyners tanners tornars .ii. hē vii ca. vi primo h. vii ca. v. ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to determyn the defautꝭ of goldsmyth that worke syluer of w●●rse alay thā sterlynge or sell harnes not touched ii henry .vi. capitulo .xviii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shal make ꝓces agains gyfers and receiuers of lyueryes of cloth agains the statute and them examyne ponysshe without inditement .viii. hen vi Capitulo iiii ¶ Iustice of peas and euery of thē haue power to enq̄re and to ponyssh waxchaūdelers as wel by examinaciō as by serche whiche wyn aboue iii. d in the .li. of wax except it be for hersys .xi Henry .vi. Capitulo .xii ¶ Plees before iustyce of peas shall not be dysc●tynued by a newe cōmys●yon of peas but the new iustyce shal haue auctoryte whē they haue theyr record to ꝓcede therupō xi h vi ca vi ¶ Iustice of peas of mydd shal not hold sessiōs aboue .ii. tymes in the yere the kīgꝭ bēche beyng within the same counte except it be for ryot or forsyble entre ¶ Iustyce of peas shall haue lādꝭ to the valewe of xx.lj by yere yf ●ny be made in any other maner yf he syt in the sessions or make any p̄cept or if he certefye not the chaūcelour therof with ī a moneth aft that he haue no tye of the cōmyssyō he shal lose wherof he that wyl su● shal haue the one halfe shal haue therof a wryt of det prouyded that this extend not to cytes and broughes whiche haue iustyce of peas of the inhabitaūs and also they that be lerned in the law shal be made iustyce of peas by the dyscressyō of the chaūcelour though he haue not lādꝭ to suche valew .xviii. h. vi ca. xi ¶ Iustice of peas haue power to enqire determyn as wel at the suete of the kynge as of hym that wyl sue for the defautes of puru●iours and offycers whiche wyl not at the request of the ꝑte make resistens to the puru●your which● wyll make p̄sis agaynst the forme of the statute .xx hē vi capitul viii ¶ Iustyce of peas shall enquere yf any be mordred by the day and if the morderer be not taken by the towne it is an escape to the towne thei shal certefye that in to the kynges benche iii H vii Capitulo primo ¶ Two iustyce of peas wherof one is of the quorū may let felones susp●cte to maimprise vntyl the next cessions or gayle deliuere And they shal certefye the same bayle or maymprice at the next sessions or gayle delyuere vpon payn of forfeyte to the kynge for euery defaute xliiii Hē vii Ca iii and this statute repelleth the statute made the i yere of Ric the thyrde ca iii ¶ Iustyce of peas by theyr discrecyon shall take enquestꝭ wherof euery one shall
wherof he that wyll sew shall haue the one half .xxiii. h. vi Capitulo .vii. Norwich ¶ Non within the cyte of norwych kepe any worsted sherers in his how 's vnder the paī of xl s. the one half therof to the kyng the other half to the maire and maisters of the occupaciō and the maisters of the occupacion shall not make non ordinaunce betwē them self but such as the mayres and aldermē of the seid cite shal thynk necessary for the kyngis subiectis .xix. h. vii Capitulo .xvii. Loke more of norwych in the title apprentyce and in the title worsted Nonsuyte ¶ The plaintiff shall notbe nonsuyte in no proces after verdet passyd agayns hym .ii. h. iiii Capitulo septimo Nontenure ¶ Non tenure of percell shall not abate the wryt but for the porcion wherof he pledyth .xxv. Ed. iii Statut de prodic Cap. xvi Nusauns ¶ Sicut prius fit breue questus est nobis a. et cetera quod B. leuauit domum mercatum et alia que sunt ad nocumentum et cetera Et si transferat de vna persona in aliā tuncfiet breue sic quod B. et C. leuauerunt et cetera w. ii Capitulo .xxiiii. ¶ All wryttis of nusauns callyd vicountyllys shal be made from hens forth at the election of the playntif in the nature before vsyd or in the nature of assise determinable before the iustice .vi. R. ii Capitulo .iiii. ¶ He that d●th ley or cast dong dirt or fylth in the dychys riuers waters or other placys about the cyte of london shal be callyd by writ befo●e the chauncellour at the sewte of hym that wyll complein and shal be ponisshid by the discression of the chauucellour .xii. Rychar ii Capitulo .xiii. Obligacion ¶ If aman intyse a woman sole to make an obligacion or recognusaunce promysyng her feyth loue or affiaunce or other lyke yf after the woman wyll not be gouernyd by hym and yf he do sew the scyd bond them the woman shall haue a vryt out of the chaunceri direct to the shiriff wher et cetera retornable before the chauncellour And than yf the parte ay pere not before them that the chauncellour assynyth to examī it or yf he appere and yf it befonud before thē thā the obligacion and all the proces therof shal be voyd and if the shyryff retorn̄ not the wryt he shall lose C. li. xxxi h. vi Cap. ix Offycers ¶ No shyryff or other mynyster of the kyng take wagis to do his office and yf he do he shall yeld doble damage w. i. Cap. xxvi ¶ The chauncellour tresorer the priue seale stiward and chamberlaī of the kyngis how 's the clerk of the rollis the iustice of both benchis the barons of the eschekyr and other that shal be called and ordeinid to name the iustice of peas shyryffis exchetours enstromers countrolers and other officers shal be sworn̄ that they shall name them without any affeccion or brybery .xii. R. ii Cap. ii ¶ No eschetour gaugcor of wines aulnege out sercher or weyer of wollis or other marchaundise collectour of customes subsidies whatsoeuer they be or coūtrollers shall haue no es●●●● in their office for terme of lyfe or for yeres ani patet made to the contrary shal be as voyd xvii● R. ii ca. v. loke the statute of .xxix. h. v. ca. v. ¶ Offycers by patent in euery one of the kingꝭ courtes shal make their clerkes vnder them for whom they wyll answer The .ii. h. vi ca. xiiii ¶ Loke how officers of the kynges graūt shal forfeite their offyce dyuers wayes in the tytle of forfeytour Oth of the kynge ¶ This is the othe that the kyng shall swere at his coronaciō That he shal kepe maintein the ryght the lybertes of the holy church of old tyme graūted bi the righteous cristē kīgꝭ of englāde that he shall kepe al the landꝭ honours dignites ryghteous fre of the crowne of england ī all maner hole without any maner of mynysshement the ryghtis of the crowne hur● decayed or lost to his power shall call agayn ●n to the ●uncyon estate and that he shall kepe the peas of the holy church of the clergie of the peple with good accord And that he shal do in al his Iu●ementꝭ equyte and ryght iustyce with discressyon and mercy And that he shall graunte to ●old the lawes and customes of the realme to his power kepe them and affyrme them whiche the folke people haue made and chosyn the euyl lawes and customes holy to put out and stedfast and stable peas to the people of his realme kepe and cause to be kept to his power Othe of the iustyce ¶ The kynges iustice shal be sworne that they s●all all take fee nor lyuerey of no mā but of the kīg And they shal take gyft or rewarde of no man that hath to do before them excepte it be mete drynke of smal valewe and that they shall gyue counsell to none in the ma●ter that may touche the kyng vppon payne to be at the kynges wyll both body and goodes and that they shal do ryght to eueri man c. And the same maner the ba●ons of the escheker shall be sworne and also iustyce of oyer determyn̄ and of assise and of gayole delyu●re and iustice of peas shal be sworne before that they haue theyr commyssyons in certeyne fourme as it shall lyke the chaūcellour .xx. Ed. iii. Capitulo primo Ordinaries ¶ when the goodes of any deed man dyenge in testate being in det to any other bound therfore cōme to the hādes of the ordinarie to dyspose the ordynaries be bound to answere the det as farre as the goodes of the deed man wyll suffice in the same maner as the executours be bounde yf he had made a testament w. ii ca. xix ¶ The king shal cause the extorcions of ordinaries to be hard to be determinid for the takyng of ꝓues of testamentis .xxxi. E. iii. ca. iiii ¶ Also it shal be lawful for al ordidaries hauīg episcopall iurisdiccyon to ponissh al maner prestes and clerkes other relygyous ꝑsons wi●hin their iurisdiccion that shal be conuict before thē by examinacion and lawful proces accordynge to the law of holy churche of aduoutry fornicacyō incest or other flesshely incontinency by suche prisonment as shal seme thē cōuenient after the qualyte quantite of their trespas of wiche imprisonment ●hey shal be discharged in an accion of fals imprisonment The .i. h. vii ca. iiii Ordinaunces of bodyes incorporate ¶ That no maister warden or felaship of craft● or maysters of any of them nor any rulers of gyldes or fraternites make no acte nor ordynaunce nor execute non before made in disinheritaunce or dymunycyon of the kynges prerogatyf nor other agaynst the commyn profyte of the people except those ordynaunces be examined and apꝓbate by the chauncelour tresorer or chefe iustice of eyther
the mat●r cōstables of the towne they be forfeyt wher of the lord of the town shal haue the one halfe c. euery one shal be serchour in this case The .xiiii. H. vi capitulo .v. ¶ Marchaundises of the staple shal nat be shippyd but at the keys stays and portes where the kyngꝭ be●e weyghtꝭ be assygnyd And that enery mayster of the shyp shal fynde suffycyent ●urty ther to the customers to cary the same mar●haundyse to the staple of Calyce brynge a certyfycat from thens that he hath so done sauynge to the marchauntꝭ of geane and venys they re lybertes c. The .xv H. vi ca. vltimo ¶ Euery man that shyppeth woll fell morlynge and shortlinge shall fynde surete to the customer of the port that heshal cary them to the staple of Calice And when thei come there the customer there shall at the request of the ꝑte within a .xii. month make to hym a certyfycat wytnessīg that the marchaundyse came to calyce so that the certyficat may be entred in the Escheker of recorde within the said .xii. monthes and he that brīgeth ●at in suche a cercyfycat shal forfeyt all the sayd wollis c. or ellꝭ the pryse The one halfe to the kyng and the other halfe to the mayre of the staple the which mayre for his dyscharge shal haue an accyon of det at his pleasure of the goodꝭ or the value yf the customer within viii● dayes after the requeste to hym made by the ꝑte wyll nat deliuer such a certyfycat he shal forfeyt to the ꝑte Prouided that no ꝑson robbid vpō the see that ꝓuyd by dew profe shal be greuyd by this s●atute all though that he brynge nat in his certyfycat And that prouyded also that the wollys woll fell morlyngys or shorlyngꝭ growynge betwene the waters of Lese and twede northumberlond comberlaude westmer lande durham rychmoūd shyre and northalderton shyre maye be shyppid in the porte of new castel vpon tyne to passe at theyr pleasure this acte nat withstādynge The .iiii. E. iiii ca. ii ¶ If any ship any wollis at new castel that be nat of the growīg betwene tese twed or of the coūtes of northumberlonde comberlonde westmer lande durham rychmonde northalderton shyres he shall forfeyt the dowble value he that wyll sew by acciō of det shal recouer that one half the kyng the other half wherī nother ꝓteccyon nor wager of law shall lye And euery yssue theron taken shal be try●d in the coūty of yorke The .iiii. E. iiii ca iii. ¶ If any ship woll or fel morlyng or shorlīg to any other place thā to calice if he be cōuict therof he shal be attaynt as a felon but they of westmerlande comberlaud northumberlond durhā rychmounde allerton may shyp at new castell at none other place cary them to berwik or to some other place named by the kynge yf they do to the contrary they shall be cōuyct of felony The .xiiii. E. iiii ca. iii. ¶ Shyppes shall nat be forfeyt for small thyngꝭ put in them nat customid without lycence of the owners of the shippes The .xxxvii. E. iii. ca. viii ¶ He that shippeth marchaūdise in any other ship than of the kyngꝭ legiaunce shal forfeyt the marchaūdyse so shypped and he that espyeth it shal haue the one halfe The .v. R. ii ca. iii. ¶ For defaut of shippꝭ of the kingꝭ legian̄ce mē may shyp in shyppꝭ of alyons the .vi. R. ii ca. viii ¶ None shal cary nor bring any wyn̄ of gascoyne or gean or to lose wood in any shyp but onli ī englissh shyps or shyps of walys yrelād berwyk or calyce marches of thesame that the maisters mariners of the ship for the most ꝑte be of thesame coūtreys vpō payne of forfeytor of thesame wynꝭ wod the one half to the kyng ther other half to hym that seasyth it And that no englyssh man freyght in any staungers shyp yf he may haue a sufficyent shyp of englande vpon payne of forfeytour of the same goodes The one halfe to the kynge and the other halfe to hym that seasyth it The .iiii H. vii ca. ix Loke more for sheppynge and shyppes in tytles of marchaundꝭ and of staple Shyrffys and baylyffys ¶ Sheryffꝭ shal acquyte lawfully the kyngꝭ de●tours for the det that they receyue of thē at the next accompt after And that than the det shal be alowed at the escheker And yf he do nat he shal yelde thre tymes as moche as he hath receiued make fyne at the kyngꝭ wyl w. i. ca. xxiiii ¶ The sheryf shal be chosyn on al soulday ī the escheker by the chaūcellour tresourer chefe b●ron of the cheker callīg to thē the chefe iugys of both bēches yf they be p̄sēt that no sherif shal abid ī his office aboue one yere the .xiiii E. c.viii ¶ No vnder sheryf nor clerke of sheryf shal abyde in his offyce aboue a yere the .xlii. E. iii. ca. ix ¶ He that hath be shyryf one yere shal nat be i● the office withī .iii. yeres next aft yf there be an● other sufficient within thesame counte the .i. R. ii ca. xi ¶ These sayd statutꝭ of sherif made the .xiiii. the xlii E. iii. and the .i. R. ii shal be obseruyd excep● the vndersheryffes of London that now be and other sheryf theyr clerkes whiche haue esta●● of frehold therin at this day And he that occu●eth agaynst the sayd statutꝭ except them befor● except shall forf●it CC. li. yerely as longe as 〈◊〉 occupyeth A●d that al patentes ꝑdons from hensforth made to the cōtrary shal be voyde not withstandyng any clause of non obstante And he that wil sew shall haue the one half by wryt of det the kyng the other half The .xxiii. Hēr̄ vi cap●tulo .viii. ¶ No shyryf shal let to ●er●e his coūty nor any of his bayliwikꝭ nor wepen takes nor that the sheryffꝭ baylyfꝭ of fraunches nor other baylyff retorne vpon any wryt or precept to thē dyr●cte to retorne any inquest in any panel ther vpon to be made any baylyf offycer seruaunt or other of theyr offycer beforsayd in any panel by them so to be made nor that none of the sayd offycers or mynyster or mynysters by accyon vnder colour of theyr offyce take any other thyng by them or by any other to theyr vse profyt or auaile of any perso●e by them or by any of them to be arestyd or attachid nor o● non other by them for the let●ynge of any arest or attachemēt to be made by ●heir bodies or of any ꝑson by them by force or colo●r of theyr offyce ●o arest or to attache by ●yne fee sewte of pryson maympryse lettynge to ●ayle shewynge any case or fauour to any such persone so arestyd or to be arestyd for they re re●arde or profyt saue only suche as foloweth ¶ That is to say for the
cōstables that they do nat right it shal be shortly redressid by the caūcellour other of the kyngꝭ counsell And that the mayre nor constables make no imterptaciō of this act other wise thā the wordes be yf any doubt fall it shall be shewy● to the kyngꝭ coūcel and there declaryd by good ●duyse The same statut ca. xxi ¶ Also there shall be a certayn nombre of correctours in the staple aswell of straūgers as denyzyns to recorde bargaynes bytwene marchaūt marchaunt Thesame sta ca. xxii ¶ Also portes packes wynders and all mynysters of the staple shal be sworn before the maire and constables that they shal be dyr●ctyd by the law of the staple And the maire and constables shal be sworne in the chauncery to do rightfully theyr offyce The same sta ca. xxiii ¶ Also that two marchaunt straungers one toward the north another toward the so●th shall be assig●ed to syt with the maire and constables to h●re the complayntꝭ of marchauutꝭ alyon● to see that ryght be done so that th●yr cōmyng l●● nat the mayre and constables to procede And if they come and dyscord happen to come betwen them and the mayer and constables in any quarell the tenour of the quarell shal be sende before the chauncellour and other of the kynges counsell and there determyned And also there shal be vi marchauntes that is to saye .ii. Almaynes .ii. Lombardes and .ii. Englysshe men to se resonable pakkynge and other thynges after theyr b●rgaynes by theyr othe to report to the mayer mynysters c. and credence shal be gyuen therto without cōtradiccion Thesame statut ca. xxiiij ¶ If any make conspiracie or other ingyne that may torne to the disturbaūce or hurte of the said estaples or any thynge belongynge to them and therof be attaynt before the mayre mynysters of ●he staple or other therto assygned vpon payn conteyned in the sayd statute ca. iii. whiche is expr●ssyd before in the title of marchaūtes but the payne of deth is put out by another statute The xxxvi E iii. ca. v ¶ Also such a staple as is before rehersid shal be at kyngston̄ vpon hull The .xxviii. E. stat ꝑ se. ¶ The fees of the mayre constables of the staple be lymyttyd as foloweth that is to saye the mayre of the staple of westm̄ shal take C. li. and euery constable ther the mayre of Lincoln̄ xx marke and euery cōstable ther .x. marke The mayre of yorke kyngstone vpon hul●e norwych and wynchester euery one of them .xx. pouude and euery constable there C. s. ¶ The mayre of new castell vpō tyne cyceft excester euery one of them and euery const●ble there .v. marke And if any of mayer or constables beforsayd after they be chosē by the m●●chaūtꝭ refuse to occupy they shal pay to the cōpany as moch as their fees amonnt vnto ●y th● yere And that .iii. d. of euery sacke be leuyd to pay such fees the .xxviii E. iii. sta ꝑ● se. ¶ No shew nor comyng of wollys shal be with in iii. myle of the staple saue that euery man maye shewe sell that that is of his owne growynge The .xxviii. E. iii. sta iii. ¶ The staple of westmyster shal begyn his boūdes at the temple barre and shal extende to tu● hyll and in all other cytyes townes the boū●ꝭ shal be within the wallys if it be a walled town or els thorow out al the towne the xxviii E. iii. sta iii. ca. vltimo Also no woll brought to besolde shal lye withī iii. myle of the staple the .xxxi. E. ca. viii ¶ Mayer and cōstables of the staple shal haue conusaunce only of dettes couenaūtꝭ cōtractꝭ and of all other plees touchynge marchaundyse and suerty of marchauntꝭ betwene marchaunte and marchaunt and proces of felonies al oth●r pl●es as wel withī the staple as without shal be at the comyn lawe saue that marchauntꝭ straungers may sew theyr playntys quarellys as wel trespas as other within the staple or at the comyn law c saue that the mayre of the staple hath power to take knowlege of euery parson● The xxxvi E. iii. capitulo .vi ¶ Englysshe marchauntꝭ shall cary no marchaūdyse of the staple out of the realme vpon payn of forfeytour of the shyppes The .xliii. E. iii. ca. i. ¶ The staple was remouid from myddilborow to calyce The .xii. R. ii ca. vltimo ¶ Euery offyce and mynyster of the staple shall be s●o●ne in euery p●ace where the staple is first to the kynge after to the staple The .xiiii. R. ii captiulum .ii. No marchaūdise of the staple shal be brought be●onde the see vntyll it be fyrste brought to the staple vpon payne of for feytour of the marchan̄d●●e yf it be nat by the kingꝭ licence but by them th●t be except the .ii. R. ii ca. iii. in marchauntes a●● in the .ii. of H. v. statut ii in wollys as it is there rehers●d And that euery one that caryeth suche marchaundyses out of the realme shal fynde suerty to the customers to bryuge them to she staple The .xiiii. R. ii ca. v. ¶ The hole repayr of marchaundyse of the staple and shotētyngoynge oute of Englande yrelande and walys shal be at Calyce vpon payn of forfeytour of the valew c. except they haue licēce except to the west ꝑt that is befor except the ii R. ii ca. iii. And that no lycence be graūtyd to the contrary except for wollys woll fell ledyr of northumberlonde westmerlande cumberlād and the bisshoprich of Durham sauyng the kynges prerogatyff and yf they shyp any other wollys vnder coloure therof they shal be forfeyt And he that espyeth it shal haue the .iiii. part after notyce made to the tresourer of England The .ii. H. vi ca. iiii ¶ The town of melcombe in the county of dorset shal be a porte to shyp marchaūdise of the staple the .vi. H. vi ca. vi ¶ He that bryngeth marchaūdyse of the staple to any other place than to calyce shal forfeit the double value therof and shal be in pryson by .ii. yere And he that informyth the treasourer there of shall haue the thyrde peny when he is cōuyct he shall be cōuyct by examynacyon saue that marchauntes of Gean venys tuskeyne lombardye florēce and cateloyne may shyp wollꝭ wol fell ledyr lede and tyn in theyr shyppes carrekkys galeys and other vesselys and thē bryng to their countreys towarde the west and sauyng to the burg●ys o Berwyck theyr pryuylegys The .viii H vi ca. xviii ¶ The shyp that bryngeth marchaundise of the staple to any other where than to Calice and the goodes of the mayster in the same shyp foūde be forfeyt And the mayre of the staple shal be sercheour in suche case and shall haue the thyrd ꝑt● The same statute ca. xxiiii ¶ Lycence made to men of New castell and berwyk to cary marchaundise of the staple to other place
rate And from the myddes of Septembre to marche to be at theyr worke in the sprynge of the daye and departe not tyll nyght and that they slepe not by day but from the myddes of May to the myddes of August Also yf any artyfycer or labourer make any assaute or assymble to hurte any men that wyll coūtroll them here in to haue a yeres prysonement without bayl or maimp̄se and to fyne at the kynges wyll This acte to be proclaymed in euery good towne and boroughe ¶ Prouyded that this act extend not to mynours dyggers forsee cole or making of glasse nor for fynours workers labourers for tynne lede yron or syluer The .vi. H. viii ca iii. ¶ Also al artyficers labourers in london may take as they were wonte to do except they worke in the kinges workꝭ or out of the lybertes of the cyte and that the penalte cōprised in the said form̄ actes in the .vi. of h. viii vii of h. viii extēde but to the taker onely The vii h. viii ca. vi ¶ Other old actes were made consernynge labourers and artyfycers some in the t●me of kynge Edwarde the thyrde and in other kynges dayes after whē xx.d made an ounce of troye weyght and at those dayes the maister carpenteres thakkers and playsterers toke but iij.d a dayes founde them selfe for then they had as moche vytell for a peny as nowe for ii d and yet all is one in effecte for a peny at those dayes weyed two pens of the money that nowe is for nowe thre shelynges and foure pens goth to the o●●ce And yet they gafe as moche syluer at that tyme for a dayes worke as they do now at this daye Therfore all the sayd old statutes stand in lytell effect because the coyne is mynysshed chaūged Lancastre ¶ A man outlawed or put in exigent in lācastre shal forfeyte no landes nor tenememtes in other countes .xviii. Hen. vi capitulo .xiii. ¶ No forayne shal be maryed within the coūte of lācastre except the īditours may disped C. s. within the same coūte .xxxiii. h. vi Ca. vi Legacyes ¶ wydowes may beq̄th their cor●e as wel growyng on their dowres as on their other landes merton● Capitulo .ii. Letters patens ¶ If any mā make any suit to the kyng for any lande offyce or other thynge grau●ted by the kyng to any other durynge the kynges pleasure the ꝑson to whom it was graūted be alyue at the tyme of the suet made that thā he do expresse in his byll of petycyon or patent the tenour of the sayd former patent that the kynge hath determyned his pleasure agaīst the first patente or elles the seconde letters patentes of the premysses to be voyde The .vi. Henry .viii. cap. xv ¶ Loke more for this in the tytle of forfeytours and patentes Letters of marke● ¶ Letters of marke is grounded vppon the statute of magna carta Capitulo .xxx. ¶ Loke more for them in the tytle mark Libell ¶ The copye of the libell shal be delyuered to the deff in the spyrytuall court with out dyffyculte to the entent he may sue a prohibicion yf ●●de requyre .ii. Hen v. ca. iii. ¶ No lycence shal be graūted whiche shall be p̄iudycyall to the realm● the staple sauynge to the kyng auctoryte to modefy the statute by the aduyse of his coūseyll and sauynge to the marchaūtꝭ of geane venys tuskayn ● lomberdye ●lorence and catelyn to the burgeys of berwyk theyr̄ lybertes .xiiii Hen. vi Cap. ii ¶ All placardes made by the kynge to shote in crosbowes or hande gones be voyde The .xv. Henry .viii. ca. vii Limitacion ¶ In the declaracyon of a dystent in a wryght of ryght none shall demaūde of the se●syn of his aūce●tours of lenger tyme thā of kyng R. the .i. and that wrytes of nouell diss●●syn of purꝑtye called nuꝑ ob●t shal haue the tyme after the passage of kynge henry the thyrde in to gascoyne that the wrytes of mordauncestre Cosynage ayle bas●yle and wrytes of nieff shall haue the terme of coronement of the same Henry and not before w. i. ca. xxxviii Se the statute of merton that speketh of the same matter● ca. vii Liuerey of landꝭ● ¶ yf the eschetour sease lādꝭ in to the kyngꝭ hādes after by inqisicion foūd before hym it is foūde not holden of the kynge that than a wrytsh all go to the eschetour to take it out of his hādꝭ to deliuer it to him to whō it shuld come with the yssues and ꝓfettꝭ that he hath receyued c And if it be after foūd for the kyng of record in any court thā the sheryffe shal not yet seise the lāde again tyll the tenaūt of the land be warned by scire fac if he come not or come can not distroye the kyngꝭ tytle the kynge shall than sease it agayn he shal be answered of the ꝓfettes the meane whyle not withstandynge c. statu● lincoln̄ .xxix. Ed. primi ¶ yf landꝭ be seised in to the kyngꝭ handes and after of the kyngꝭ handꝭ put out because he had no cause to seise thē the issues shal be holy rendred to hym that had the damage articli super Cart. Capitulo .xx ¶ Euery eschetour minister whiche seiseth to the kyngꝭ vse any cites maners borowes townꝭ hūdredes or fraunchesles wherof ꝓfettꝭ come as from tyme to tyme all the yere longe as mylles her bage toll proffettes of courtes and other suche shall a●swere to the kynge after the rate according to the old course of the eschekir xxviii E. iii. Capitulo .iiii. ¶ All women beyng of the age of .xiiii. yere at the deth of theyr aūcestour whych hyld of the kyng shall haue lyuery of theyr landis out of the kyngis handis mayntenant .xxxix. henry .vi. Capitulo vltimo Lyuerey de companye ¶ Nō shall haue lyuery of a suite for maintenaunce and the iustice of assise shall inquere therof and of fraternites by such lyueres for mayntenaunce or confederecye .i. R. ii Cap. vii ¶ Non lesse thā a esquire shall vse liuerey of cōpany of any lord except he be cōtinually famy lyer ī office wyth the same lord iustice of peace shall ponyssh them .xx. R. ii Cap. ii ¶ No lorde shall gyue lyuere of company to no knyght esquier nor yoman saue oonly that the kynge shall gyue his honourable lyuere to his lordes temporall which shall please hym to his knyghtis and esquyers mannel● and to his knyghtis esquyers takyng f●e of hym for terme of lyfe and that such knightis esquiers were nat theyr lyuere in the countre but in the the kyngis p●esens And he that dothe contrary shall make fyne to the kynge And raunsome And the knyghtis and esquyers shall lose their lyuere and theyr f●e or euer and that none take lyuere of the kyng nor other vppon payne of a fyne as is before sayd ¶ It is prouided that the cōstable