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A22993 Anno primo et secu[n]do Philippi & MariƦ actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xij day of Noue[m]ber, in the fyrst and second year of the reigne of Our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, princes of Spayne & Sicile, archdukes of Austria, dukes of Millaine, Burgondie and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution of the same, beinge the xvj daye of January then next ensuing, were enacted as foloweth.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1555 (1555) STC 9448.3; ESTC S113142 63,051 69

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Anno primo etsecūdo Philippi Mariae Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the .xii day of Nouēber in the fyrst and second year of the reigne of our soueraigne Lorde and Lady Philippe and Marye by the grace of God kinge and Quene of England Fraunce Naples Ierusalem and Irelande defendours of the faith princes of Spayne Sicile Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Millaine Burgondie and Brabant counties of Haspurge Flaunders and Tyrol and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution of the same beinge the .xvi. days of Ianuary then next ensuing were enacted as foloweth Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The Table AN act touchinge letters patentes ▪ and other wrytynges to be signed by the Quenes Maiestie Ca. i. An act for the reformation of excesse in apparel Ca. ii An acte against seditious wordes and rumours Cap. iii. An act for the punishment of certayne persons callynge them selues Egiptians Cap. iiii An acte to restrayne carying of corne victuals and woode ouer the Sea Cap. v. An acte for the reniuing of three statutes made for the punyshment of heresyes Cap. vi An act that personnes dwellyng in the countrey shal not sell dyuers wares in cyties and townes corporate by retayle Cap. vii An act repealing al statutes articles and prouisions made agaynste the sea apostolyke of Rome synce the twenty yeare of kynge Henrye theyght and also for the establishemēt of al spyrytual ecclesiasticall possessions and hereditamentes conueyed to the laytye Cap. viii An acte for the punyshment of trayterous wordes agaynst the quenes maiestie Cap. ix An acte wherby certaine offences be made treasons and also for the gouernement of the kinges and Quenes Maiesties issue Cap. x An acte for the punishmente of bunginge in of counterfeyte coyne of forrayne realmes being curraunte within this realme Ca. xi An acte touchinge the impoundinge of distresses Ca. xii An act appoyntynge in order to Iustices of peace touching the vail ment of prysoners Cap. xiii An act for the making of russels satens sattens reuerses and fustian of Naples in Norwyche Cap. xiiii An acte to confyrme the liberties of the lorde Marchers in Wales Cap. xv An act for the continuaunce of certayne statutes Cap. xvi An act touchyng leases hereafter to be made by certayne spyrytuall persons Cap. xvii An acte touchynge letters patentes and other wrytynges to besigned by the Quenes Maiestie The fyrst Chapter WHere in the Parliamente begonne and holden at Westminster the second day of Apryll in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure mooste dreade and gratious Souetaygne Ladye the Queenes Maiestye there continued and kept til the dissolution of the same being the fift day of Maye then next folowinge one acte was made touching tharticles of her highnes most noble mariage In the which acte amongeste other thinges it was enacted ordred established by the auctority of the said parliament that all and singuler giftes grauntes letters patentes exchanges cō firmations leases other writinges whiche after the said mariage and during the same shoulde passe and be made of any benefices offices landes reuenues and fruites or of any of them shoulde be intite led and made in the names of our Soueraigne Lord the king and of her most excellent highnes whether his Maiestye shoulde be present within the realmes and dominions of her hyghnes or wtin any of them or absent And that the same giftes grauntes letters patentes eschaunges confirmations leases and other writinges so sette forth and made shoulde be sealed and firmed with the signe manuel of her highnes and the same so signed sealed with the greate seale of this realme or with such seal as hath ben accustomed should be by thauctoritie of the said parliament demed adiudged declared and pronounced to be as good perfect and of like force strength effecte in the lawe to all intentes constructions and purposes agaynst our sayd Soueraigne Lorde and Lady the king and the Queenes malestyes and her hyghnes heires and successours as yf her mayestye had ben at the tyme of the making thereof sole and vnmaried and that all gyftes grauntes letters patentes eschaunces confirmatiōs leases and other wrytynges whiche after the sayde mariage and durynge the time of the same should passe and be made of the said benefices offyces landes reuenues and fruites or of anye of thē whervnto the signe manuall of her hyghnes should not be sette made or put shal be by thaucthorytye of the sayde parlyament from to tyme demed adiudged aceepted taken and decreed to be of no force ne effect but vtterly frustrate and voyde in the lawe to all intentes constructions and purposes the sayde marjage pranye law vsage or custome to the contrary in any wyse notwithstanding as by the sayde act more at large doth appeare Sithence the making of which Statut and the solmntsation of the sayde mariage the queenes most excellent maiestye hath bene greatly molested greued and troubled ●● often signing of letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaunges leases and other wrytynges concerning and touchinge benefices offices andes reuenues and fruites made and graunted by and from but sayd soueraygne lorde the kynge and her highnes to sundrye of theyr most louynge subiectes to whome also it hath bene and is no smal charge to attend vnty ssuche tyme as they may procure and obteyne the signe manuell of her highnes vnto their sayde letters patentes gyftes grauntes ef●chaunges confirmations and leases without whith signe the fame are vtterly voyde by force of the sayde statute to the great daunger losse and vtter vndoing of diuers persons that haue lately boughte purchased or obtayned of our sayd soueraigne Lorde and Lady the kyng and Quenes maiesties diuers landes tenementes and other hereditamentes to theyr great costes and charges For remedy wherof be it enacted by the auctoritie of this present parliamente that the sayde braunthe or article touchinge or concernyng only the signing of letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaunges confirmations leases or of other writinges for any landes benefices offices reuenues friutes or other hereditamētes shal be from henceforth clearely repelled and made frustrate and voyde to alintentes and purposes And be it further enacted by auctoritie of this present parliamet that al and singuler letters patentes touching or concernyuge anye gifte graunte eschaungs confirmation lease or other writinge the whiche sithence the sayde mariage hath passed and be made of anye benefices offices manoures landes tenementes reuenues fruytes lybertyes or other hereditamentes or of any of them in the names of our mooste dread Soueraygne Lorde and ladye the kynge and the Quenes maiesties the waraunte or writinge or warauntes or wrytynges wherof being signed with her hyghnes signe manuel in such fourme order and degree as the same heretofore haue bene accustomed to be signed when her highnes was sole and vnmaryed shal be by auctoritie of this present parliament of the same like force strength and effecte in the lawe to al intentes constructions and purposes as yf
offences to ward there to remayne without bayle or mainpryse vntyll he shal be deliue red according to this acte Prouided always and be it enacted by thauctorytye aforsayde that no manar of person or persons shal be molested or impeehed for anye of the offēces concerning speaking or reporting as is aforsayde oneles he or they be thereof accufed and conuicted wythin thre monethes next after his or their sayd offence so committed or done And in case any person shal be imprysoned foranye of the sayde offenres concernyng speakynge or reportynge and not thereof conuycte wythin three monethes nexte after the offence supposed to be by him done and cōmitted that then the persou soo imprysoned shable set at lyberty and 〈◊〉 le●gee deteyned inpryson Prouided also and be it enacted by auctoritie aforsaid that eue ryesuche Masour Maiours Baylyffes and other heade offycer and officers of cytyes borowes and townes corporate which haue or hereafter shal haue iurysdictyon and auctorycye wythin the seuerall limittes of thyroffyce or offyces to hold and kepe sessyons as instice or iustices of the peace shall and maye by auctoritie hereof aswell arrest commite to ward all and euerye person and persons beynge vehemently suspected of any of the offences aforesaide as also to procede to the execution he aryng determining of euery the sayd offences and to see and make due execution therof according to the purporte meaninge and effecte of this presente acte Any thingein the same act heretofore made to the contrary notwithstandinge Prouided alwayes that the sayd Iustice of peace aswel wythin liberties as without the which shall for any the offences aforesayde commit any person or persons to warde as is aforesayde shall wythin tenne dayes next after such committinge with one other Iustice wherof one of them to be of the Quorum direct their precepte to the Sherife or Sherifes of the countie where th offence shal be committed or to other ordinary officer if it be within any citye or towne corporate where the Sherife can not intromit commaundinge him or them by the same impanei and retourne as they shall assigne xxiiii good and lawful men of his or theyr bayliwike or bayliwikes to en quyre of the sayd offences or offences the whiche any such person or persons shal be so imprysoned for And thervpō within one moneth after the date of the saide precept to procede determine as aboue is expressed Euerye one of the same Iustices vppon payne of to be payed to the kyng and Quenes hyghnesses as often as they shal be founden in defaulte of any the same Prouyded also and be it enacted that thys act shal be proclaimed in al the shyres within this realme before the .xii. daye of Februarye next commyng to thintent that al persons maye haue notice thereof and auoyd the peryl and daunger that myght ensue by offendynge agaynst the same And this acte to be only in force vntill the ende of the next parlyament and no longer Promded alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that none of the peares of this realme shal be arrested or imprisoned for any of the said offences but only by order or commaundemente geuen from the kinge and quenes priuie counsayle or of the heyres of the Quene and that the sayd peares and euery of them that shall bereafter fortune to be indicted of any thoffences aforesayde shal be tryed by theyr peares as before hath ben accustomed in cases of treason or fellonye An acte for the punishment of certayne persons callynge them selues Egiptians The .iiii. Chapter WHere in a parliament holden at Westminster in the .xxij yere of the reygne of our late Soueraigne lorde kynge Henry theyght for the auoyding and banyshyng oute of this realme of certaine outlandish people callynge them selues Egiptians vsing no crast nor feate of marchaundises for to lyue by but going frō place to place in greate companyes vsing great suttel and crafty meanes to desceaue the kynges Subiectes bearing them in hand that they by palmistry could tell mens and womens fortune and so many tymes by craft and subteltie disceyue the people of theyr moneye and committed diuers greate and heynous fellonyes and robberies to the great hurt disceyte of the people It was amongeste other thinges then enacted that frō the tyme of the makinge of the fayde acte no suche personnes shoulde be suffered to come within this the kinges realme vppon payne of forfeyture to the kyng al theyr goodes and cattels and then to be commaunded to auoyd the realme within .xv. dayes next after the commaundement vpon payne of imprisonment such persons callynge theim selues Egiptians as then were within this Realme shoulde depart within .xvi. dayes nexte after proclamation of the sayde acte vpon payne of imprisonment and forfeyture of all theyr goodes and cattels with diuers other clauses articles conteined in the sayde act as by the said act more at large it appeareth For asmuch as dyuers of the sayd company and such other lyke personnes not fearynge the penalty of the sayde Statute haue enterprised to come ouer agayne into this realme vsyng theyr old occustomed deuylishe and noughty practises and deuises with such abhominable lyuynge as is not in auye Christian realme to be permitted named or knowen and be not duly punyshed for the same to the peryllous and euylexāple of oure soueraygne lorde and ladye the kynge and the Queenes Maiesties mooste louynge subiectes to the vtter and extreame vndoynge of diuers and many of them as euidently doth appeare For reformation wherof be it ordeined and enacted by the kynge and quene our soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the Lordes spyrytuall and temporall and the commōs in this present parltamēt assembled and by thauctoritie of the same that yf any person or persōs after the laste daye of Ianuary next comming do willingly transport bringe and conuey into this realme of England or Wales any such persōs callinge them selfes or commonly called Egiptians that then he or they so transportyng bringing or conueying in anye suche persons contrary to the true meaninge of this acte shall forfeite and loose for euery tyme so offending .xl. poundes of lawful money of Englande And be it further enacted by thaucthority aforesayde that yf anye of the said persons called Egiptians whiche shal be transported and conueyed into this realme of England or Wales as is aforesaide do continue remaine within the same by the space of one monethe that then he or they so offendynge shall by vertue of this acte bedemed and indged a fellon and fellons and shall therefore suffer paynes of death losse of landes goodes as in cases of felony by the order of the common lawe of this realme and shall vppon the tryall of them or any of them therin be tried in the countie and by thinhabitauntes of the countie or place where they or he shal be apprehended or taken and not per medietatem linguae and shal lose the benefit and priuiledge of sanctuary and clergye
in exciting of the people to the great peril of al the realm which preachers cited or sommoned before the ordinaries of the places there to aunswere of that where of they be impeched wil not obeye to there summons and commaundementes nor care not for their monycyons nor sensures of the holy Church but expressely dispise thē And moreouer by their subtil and ingenious wordes do drawe the people to here their Sermons and do maintaine them in their errours by stronge hand and by great routes It is ordeyned and assented in this present Parliament that the kinges commissions be made and directed to the Sheryffes and other ministers of our soueraigne Lord the kinge or other sufficient persons learned and accordinge to the certificatiōs of the prelates therof to be made in the Chauncery from time to time to arrest all suche preachers and also their fautours mainteners and abbettours and to holde them in arrest and strong prison ●ii they wil instify them accordyng to the lawe and reason of holy Church And the kynge wyll and commaundeth that the Chauncellor make such commissions at all times that he by the prelates or any of them shal be certyfyed and thereof required as is aforesayd ¶ The tenor of the second acte made in the second yeare of kynge Henry the .iii. is as foloweth Cha .xv. ITem where as it is shewed to our Soueraygne Lord the king on the behalfe of the prelates and Clergye of his realme of England in this presente Parlyamente that although the catholyke faith builded vpon Christ and by his Apostles and the holye church sufficientlye determined declared and approued hath bene hether to by good and holy and moste noble progenitours of our soueraigne Lord the kyng in the saide Realme emongeste all the realmes of the worlde most deuoutlye obsetued and the Churche of Englande by his said most noble progenitours and auncestours to the honoure of God and the whole Realme aforesaid laudably endowed and in her rightes and liberties susteined without that that the same faith or the sayd Church was hurte or greuouslye oppressed or ells perturbed by any peruerse doctryne or wicked heretical or crronious opinions yet neuer the lesse dyuers false and peruerse people of a certaine new secte of the sayth of the Sacramentes of the Churche and the aucthorytie of the same damnably thinking and agaynst the lawe of god and of the churche vsurpyng the offyce of preachyng do pecuersly and maliciouslye in dyurrse places within the sayd realme vnder the colour of dissimuled holines preach and teach these dayes openly and priuely diuers newe doctrines and wycked heretical and erronious opiniōs contrarye to the same fayth and blessed determinations of the holye Churche And of suche secte and wicked doctrine and opinions they make vnlawefull couenticles and coufederacies they holde and exercyse scholes they make and wryte bokes they do wickedly instructe infourme people and asmuch as they maye excite and stirre them to sedition and insurrection and maketh gret strife and diuision emong the people and other enormities horrible to be heard dayly doo perpetrate and commit in subuercion of the said catholyke faith and doctryne of the holy churche in diminucion of Gods honoure and also in destruction of the estate ryghtes and liberties of the saide churche of England by which secte and wicked and falfe preachynges doctrynes and opinions of the sayd false and peruerse people not onely most greatest peryl of the soules but also manye more other hurtes slaunders and peryls which God prohibite mighte come to thys Realme onlesse it be the more plētifully and spedely holpen by the kynges maiestie in this behalfe namely wher as the diocesans of the said realme cannot by their iurisdiction spiritual without aide of the sayde royall Maiestie sufficiently correcte the saide false and peruerse people nor refrayne their malice because the said false and peruerse people do go from Dyoces to Dyoces and wil not appeare before the sayd Diocesans but the same Diocelans and their iurisdiction spiritual and the kayes of the churche with the censures of the same doo vtterlye contempne and dispise and soo there wicked preachinges and doctrines doeth from daye to daye continue and eretcise to the hatrede of fyght and reason and vtter destruction ordre and good rule Vpon whych no welties and excesses aboue rehearsed The Prelates and Cleargye aforesayd and also the commons of the sayd realme being in the same parliamēt praying our soueraigne Lord the kyng that his roial highnes would vouchesafe in the sayd parliamente to pronide a conuenyente remedy the same our soueraygne Lorde the kyng gratioufly considetyng the premyffes and also the lawdable steppes of his said most noble progentiours and auncestours for the conseruation of the said catholyke fayth and sustentation of Goddes honour and also the safegard of the estate ryghtes and lyberties of the sayde Churche of Englande to the laude of God and merite of our saide soueraygne Lorde the kynge and prosperitie honour of al his sayd realme and for the eschewynge of such dissentions diuisions hurtes slaunders and peryles in time to come and that thys wycked secte preachynges doctrynes and opinions should from henceforth cease and be vtterly destrayed by thassent of the states other discrete men of the Realme beyng in the sayde parlyament hathgraunted stablyshed ordeined from henceforth fermely to be ovserned that none within the said realm or any other dominions subiectes to his royal maiestie presūe to preache openly or priuely without the licence of the Dyocesan of the same place fyrst required and obteined curates in their owne churches persones hetherto priuileged and other of the canon law graunted onelye excepte Nor that none from hence for the anye thynge preache holde teach or instruct openly or priuely or make or writts anye boke contrary to the catholyke fayth or determination of the holye churche nor of such fecte and wicked doctrines and opinions shall make anye conuenticles or in any wise holde or evercyse Scholes And also that none from henceforth in any wise fauoure suche preacher or maker of any such and lyke conuenticles or holdynge or exercysyng Scholes or makynge or wrytynge suche bokes or so teachynge informynge or exciting the people nor any of them maintaine or in anywise sustaine And that al and singuler hauyng suche bookes or anye wrytynges of such wycked doctrine and opinions shal really with effect delyuer or cause to be deliuered al such bokes and writtnges to the Dyocesan of the same place within .xi. dayes from the tyme of the proelamation of this or viuaunce and statute And yf any person or persons of what so euerkynd estate or condition that he or they be from henceforth do or attempt against the roial ordinaunce statute aforesaid in the premisses or in any of them or such bokes in the fourme aforesaid do not delyuer then the diocesan of the same place in his dioces such personne or persones in this behalfe defamed or euidently
suspected euery of thē may by the aucthoritie of the sayd ordinarye and Statute cause to be arrested and vnder saufe custody in his prisones to be deteined tyl he or they of the articles layed to him or them in this behalfe doo canonically purge him or them selfe or ells suche wicked secte preachynges doctrynes and heretical and erronious opiniōs do abiure according as the lawes of the church doth require so that the sayd dyocesan by him self or his commissaries do openly and iudicially procede against such periones so arrested and remayning vnder his saufe custodye to all effect of the lawe and determine that same busynes according to the Canonicall decrees within three monethes after the sayde arrest any lawfull impedimēt ceassing And yf any person in any case aboue expressed be before the diocesan of that place or hys commyssaryes canonically conuict then the same diocesan may do to be kept in his prison the sayd person so conuict for the maner of his defaulte and after the qualitie of the offence accordyng and as long as to hys discretion shall seme expedient and moreouer to put the same person to the secular court except in cases where he accordyng to the canonicall decree ought to be left to paye to our soueraigne lord the kinge his pecunier fine accordyng as the same fyne shall seme competent to the diocesan for the maner and qualitie of the offence in which case the same dyocesan shal be bounde to certifye the kyng of the same fine in his escheker by his Lettre Patentes sealed with hys seale to the effecte that suche fyne by the kynges aucthoritie maye be requyred and leuied to his vse of the goodes of the same person so conuycte And if any person within the sayd realme and dominions vpon the sayde wycked preachynges doctrynes opinions schooles and heretycall and erronious informations or any of them be before the diocesan of the same place or his commissaries sentencially conuyct the same wicked sect preachinges doctrines and opinions scholes and informations do refuse duely to abiure or by the dyocesan of the same place or his commyssaryes after the abiuration made by the lame person pronounced fal in to relapse so that accordinge to the holye canons he oughte to be lefte to these culer courte whervpon credence shal be geuen to the dyocesan of the same place or to his commissaryes in this behalfe then the sheryffe of the countie of the same place and Maior and sheryffes or sheryffe or Mayor and Baylyffes of the Citie Towne and borow of the same countye next to the same diocesan or the sayde Commissaryes shal be personailye present in preferryng of such sentences when they by the same diocesan or his commissaries shal be required and they the same personnes and euerye of them after suche sentence promulgate shall receaue and them before the people in an hygh place dooe to be brent that such punyshmente maye strike in feare to the myndes of other wherby no such wycked doctrine and heretical and erronious opinions nor their abbettours and fautours in the said realme dominions agaynst the catholike faith christen law determination of the holy church which god prohibite be fusteined or in any wyse suffered in whiche al and singuler the premisses concerninge the sayde ordinaunce and statute the sheriffes maiors and bailiffes of the said counties cities boroughes and townes shal be tendynge aydynge and supportyng to the sayd diocesans and their commissaries ☞ The tenor of the thyrd act made in the second yere of kygne Henry the fift is as foloweth Cap. vii ITem forasmuch as great rumors congregations insurrections here in the realme of England by diuers of the kinges liege people aswel by them which wer of the sect of heresies commonly called lolardry as by other of their confederatie excitation abbetment nowe of late were made to thintent to adnul destroy and subuerte the christen faith and the law of god and holy church within this same realm of England and also to destroy the same our soueraine lord the king and all other maner of estates of the same realme of England aswel spiritual as temporal and also al maner of policie and finally the lawes of the lande The same our soueraigne lord the king to the honour of god and in conseruation and fortification of the christen faith and also in sak ation of his royal estate and of thestate of al his realme willing against the malice of such heretikes and lolardes to prouide a more open remedy and punishment then hath ben had and vsed in the case hereto fore so that for fear of the same lawes and punishment such heresies and lolardries may the rather cease in time to come by the aduise and assent aforesaid at the prayer of the saide commons hath ordeined established that first the chaunceloure treasurer Iustices of the one benche and of thother Iustices of peace shirifes mayors and baylifs of cities and townes and al other officers hauinge gouernaunce of people which now be or hereafter for the tyme shal be shal make anothe in takyng of their charges and occupations to put their hole power and diligence to put out and do to be put out cease and destroy al maner of heresies and errors commonly called lolardryes within the places where they exercise their offices and occupations frō time to tyme with al theyr power and that they assist the ordinaryes and their comissaries and them fauor and maintaine as often as they or any of them to that shal be required by the same ordinaries or theyr comissaries so that when the saide officers and ministers trauayle or ride to arrest any lolard or to make assistence at the instance and request of the ordinaries or their commissaries by vertue of this statute that the same ordinaries and commissaries shal paye for theyr costes reasonable And that the kynges seruices to the which the same officers be fyrst sworne be preferred before al other statutes for the libertie of holy church and the ministers of the same in especiall for the correction and punishment of the heretikes and lolardes before this time made and not repelled being in their force And also that al persons conuict of heresie of what estate condition or degre that thei be by the sayd ordinaries or other cōmissaries left to the seculer power according to the lawes of holp churche shal lose and forfeyte all theyr landes and tenementes whiche they haue in fee simple in the maner as foloweth that is to say that the kinge haue al the londes and tenementes whiche the sayde conuictes haue in fee simple and holden of him immediately as forfeyte and that the other lordes of whome the landes and tenements of such conuictes be holden immediatly after that the king is so seaced and answered of the yeare the day and the wast haue liuery out of the kynges handes of the landes and tenemētes aforesaid of them so holden as it hath bene
vsed in the case of attainder of feloni except the landes tenementes which be holden of the ordinaries or their cōmissaries before whom any such persons impeched of heresie be cōuict which landes tenementes intierly shall remaine to the king as forfayt And moreouer that al the goods cattels of these persons so cōuicted be forfeit to our soueraygne lorde the kinge so that no person conuict of heresy left to the seculer power after the lawes of holy church shal forfeyt his lands before that he be dead And if any such person so cōuict be enfeffed be it by fine by dede or without dede in landes or tenementes rentes or seruices in fee or otherwise or hath any other possessiōs or catels by gift or graūt of any persō or persons to anothers vse thē to thuse of such cōuictes that the same landes nor tenements rentes nor seruices nor suche other possessions nor catels shal be forfeit to our soueraign lorde the king in no wise And moreouer that the iustices of the kings bench iustices of peace iustices of assise haue ful power to enquire of al thē which hold any errors or heresies as lolardes whiche be theyr mainteyners receiuers fauorers susteners cōmen writers of such bokes as wel of the sermons as of their scoles conuenticles congregatiōs confederaties And that this clause be put in comissions of the iustices of the peace And if any persons be indicted of any pointes aforesaid the sayd iustices shal haue power to award against thē a capias the shiref shal be bound to arrest the person or persons so endicted as sone as he may them find by him or by his officers And forasmuch as the cognisance of heresy errors lolardries belongeth to the iudges of holy church not to the seculer Iudges suche persons iudicted shal be delyuered to the ordinaries of the places or to their commissaryes by indentures betwixt them to be made within .x. dayes after theyr arrest orsoner yf it may be therof to be acquit or conuict by the lawes of holy church in case that these persons be not indicted of another thynge whereof the cognysaunce belongeth to the seculer iudges and offycers in whiche case after that that they be acquyte or delyuered before the seculer Iudges of suche thinges to the seculer Iudges helongyng they shal be sent in safegarde to the sayde ordynaryes or their commissaryes and to them delyuered by indentures as before to be acquite or conuyct of suche lollardryes errours or heresies as is aforesayde after the lawes of holy churche and that within the terme aforesayde Prouided alwayes that the sayd endictementes be not taken in euidence but for information before the spyrytuall Iudges agaynste suche persones so endicted but that the ordinaries commence theyr processe agaynst such persons endicted in the same maner as though no endictmeut were hauing no regarde to suche endictmentes And yf anye be endicted of heresye erroure or lolardrye and taken by the Sheriffe or other officer he shal be let to maynpryce wythin the sayde tenne dayes by good suertye for whom the sayde shyreffes or other officers wil aunswere so that the sayde person or personnes whiche were so endicted be readye to be deliuered to the sayde ordynaries or to theyr commissaries before the ende of the sayde tenne dayes yf he may by anye meanes for sicknes And euerye ordynarye shal haue sufficient commissaries or commissary dwellyng in euerye countie in a place notable so that if any such person so endicted be taken that the sayde commissaries or commissarie may be warned in the notable place where he dwelleth by the shyreffe or some of hys officers to come to the kynges iayle in the same countie there to receyue the same person so endicted by indentures as before And that in the inqueste in this case to he taken the shyreffes and other offycers to whom it belongeth shall do to be empanelled good and sufficient persons not suspected nor procured that is to say that euerye of them which shal be so empanelled in suche inquest haue within the realme of England C.s. of landes tenementes or of rente by yeare vpon payne to lose to the kynges vse and they which shal be empanelled in such inquestes in Males euery of them shal haue to the value of xl.s by yeare And yf anye suche person be arreste be it by the ordinary or by the kynges officers or ministers and escape or break the prison before that he be acquit before the ordinarye the goodes tattelles which he hadde the daye of suche arreste shal be forfeyte to the kynge and his landes and tenementes whiche he had the same daye seased also into the kynges handes the kyng shall haue the profytes therof from the sayd daye vntyll he be yelded to the pryson frō whiche he escaped And that the foresaid Iustices haue ful power to enquyre of al such escapes breakyng of pryson and also of landes and tenementes goodes and cattels of such persons so endicted Prouided also that yf any such person endicted do not retorne to the sayd prison and dieth not conuicte it shal be lawfull to his heyres to enter into the landes and tenementes of their auncestre without anye other pursuyt makynge to the kyng for thys cause and then al they which haue libertyes and fraunchises royall in England as in the countye of Chester the countye and liberty of Durham other lyke and also al the Lordes which haue iurisdiction and frauchisies royal in Wales where the kynges wryttes do not run haue power to execute and put in due executiō these articles in al poyntes by thē or by theyr officers in like mauer as the Iustices and other the kynges officers before declared shoulde doe ☞ An act that persons dwellinge in the countrey shal not sel diuers wares in eities or townes corporate by retayle ☞ The .vii. Chapter WHere before thys tyme the aunnent tities horughes to wnes corporat and maiket to wnes within thys realme of Englād haue bene very populous chiefly inhabited with march auntes artificers handye craftes men during which time the childrē in the sayd cities borowes townes corporat market townes were ciuilly brought vp and instructed and also in the said cities borowes and townes corporate kepte in good order and obeysaunce and the whabiters of the same wel set on worke and kept from ydlenes By reason wherof the sayde cytyes borowes and townes corporate dyd then prosper in riches and great wealth were as then not only able to serue and furnysh the kynges and quenes maiesties and othere their noble progenytours kynges of thys realme aswell with great numbers of good able persons and wel furnyshed meete for the warres as also then charged and yet chargeable with greate fee farmes quindemes taxes and diuers other paymentes to the kyng and Quenes maiesties whiche at this present they be not able to paye beare but to their vtter vndoinge beynge fewe
in number to paye and bear the same but also the same cytyes boroughes and townes corporat are lyke to come verye shortly to vtter dystruction tuyue and decay by reason whereof the occupyers lynnen drapers wollen drapers haberdashars and grocers dwellynge in the countries oute of the saide cities boroughes to wnes corporate and market townes do not onely occupie the art and mistery of the sayd sciences in the places where they dwell and inhabite but also come vn to the said cities boroughes townes corporate and market townes and there sell theyr wares and take away the releif of the inhabitautes of the sayd cities borowes to wnes corporate and market townes to the great decaye and vtter vndoyng of the inhabitauntes of the same yf sped y reformation therin be not had in time conuenient For remedy whereof for the better amendment of the sayde cities boroughes townes corporate and markette townes and to th ende the same cities boroughes and townes corporate may be the better able to paye the said fee farmes and also to beare the other ordinary charges within the same cities boroughes and townes corporare and to furnyshe the kynge and queenes maiestyes with numbres of able persons like as they heretofore haue done in tymes paite in tymes of warre Be it therfore enacted by our soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the kyng and Quene the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parlyament assembled and by thauctorytye of the same that any person or persons which do nowe inhabite dwel or here after shal inhabite or dwell in the country any wher or countye with in thys realme of Englande or of anye of the sayde cities boroughes townes corporate or market townes from after the feast of S. Michael tharchangel next commyng shall not sell or cause to be fold by retayle any wollen cloth linnen cloth haberdashe wares grocery wares marcery wares at or within anye of the sayde cities boroughes townes corporat or market townes or wtin the suburbes or lybertyes of the sayde cities boroughes townes corporat market townes within the sayde realme of England excpet it be in open fayres vpon payne to forfeyt lose for euerye tyme so offendyng the sume of vi.s.viii.d the whole wares so solde profered and offered to be solde contrarye to the forme entente and effect of thys present acte as aboue is sayde the one moyte of all whyche forfeytures to be to the vse of oure sayde soueraygne lorde and ladye the kynge and queenes maiesties and the other halfe to hym or them that shal sease and sue for the same in anye of the kynge and queenes courtes of recorde by byll plant action of debt insormation or otherwyse wherin no essoyne proteccion or wager of lawe shal be allowed Prouided alway that this act shall not in any wyse extende nor be hurtful to anye person or persons that bryng any of the sayd wollen cloth linen cloth haberdashe grocerye mercery ware or wares to anye of the sayde cities boroughes townes corporate or markette townes to be solde or cause to be solde by whole sale in grosse and not by retayle but they and euery of them maye laufully sel the same in as large and ample maner forme and condition by whole sale in grosse not by retayle as they and euerye of them myght haue done at any tyme or tymes before the makyng of thys acte Anye thynge herein to the contrary not withstandyng Prouided alway that thys present acte shall not extende to any person or persons the now dwelor inhabyte in the coūtry or herafter shal dwel or inhabit out of any of the sayd cities borowes to wnes corporate or markete townes but that theye and cuerye of them at any tyme hereafter when they or any of them shal be free of any the guyldes liberties of any the said cities borowes to wnes corporat or market towns and dwel or inhabite wichin any of the same cities borowes townes coruorate or markette townes that they and euerye of them so veyng free shal and may sel or cause to be solde any of the wares aforesayd by retayle in as ample and large maner as they and enerye of them might haue done beyng free of the sayde cities borowes and townes aforesayde before the makyng of thys act Any clause or article in thys act to the contrarye notwithstandynge Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritye aforesaid that it shal be laweful to al personnes to sell or cause to besolde by retayle or otherwyse al maner of cloth lynnen or wollen of their owne makyng in euery city boronghe towne corporat and market towne within the realme as frelye and franklye as they might haue done before the making of thys acte Anye thynge in the same conteyned to the contrarye hereof not withstandyng Prouided alway that thys act or any thinge therein conteyned shal not be prciudirial or hurtefull to the liberties and prtuileges of the vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxford or eyther of them Anye thing in this acte heretofore mencioned to the contrarye notwythstandynge ☞ An arte repealynge all Statutes articles and prouisions made agaynst the Sea Apostolike of Rome synce the .xx. yeare of kyng Henry the eyghte and also for the establishmente of all spirituall and ecclesiasticall possessions and heredicamentes conueyed to the laytie The eyght Chapter WHere as synce the .xx. yeare of kynge Henry theyghte of famous memory father vnto youre maiestie oure most naturall soueraygne and gratious Ladye and Queene muche salse and erronious doctryne hath bene taught preached and written partly by diuers the hatural borne subiectes of this realme and partly beynge brought in he ther from fondrye other forreyne countreyes hath bene sowen spred abroad within the same By reason whereof al wel the spiritualtie as the temporaltie of your highnes realmes and dominions haue fwerned from the obedience of the sea Apostolyke and declyned from the vnitie of Christes churche and so haue continued vntyl suche time as your maiestie beyngfyrst reysed vp by God and set in the seate Royall ouer vs. and then by his deuine and gratious prouidence knit in mariage with the moste noble and bertuous prynce the king our soueraigne lorde your husbande the Popes holines and the Sea apostolike sent hither vnto your maiesties as vnto persons vndefried by gods goodnes preserued frome the common infection aforesayd and to the whole realnie the moost renerende father in God the Lorde Cardinall Poole Legate de latere to cal vs home agayne into the ryght way from whence we haue al this longe while wandred and strayed abroade And we after sundry longe and greuous plagues and calamities seynge by the goodnes of God our owne exrours haue knowledged the same vnto the sayde moost reuerende father and by hym haue bene and are the rather at the contemplation of your maiesties receyued and embraced into the vnitie and bosome of Christes church and vpon our humble submission and promise made
to his heires for euer a tenure in franke almaine or a tenure by diuine seruice and to haue al remedies and actions for and vpon the said giftes or deuyses and tenures in lyke maner sorme as was vsed before the estatute of Westminster thyrd commonly called Quia emptores terrarum The sayde estatute or any other lawe or custome nowe beyng to the contrarye in anye wise notwithstandyng Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted that all and euery persō persones and bodies politike and corporate which nowe haue or here after shall haue any estate of enheritaunce frehold terme or intrest of in or to any portion pention tithes glebelandes or other ecclesyasticall or spirituall profytte which by thys acte and letters of dispensation rehearsed in the same be permitted suffered to remayne continue in laye mens possessions shall and maye haue lyke remedye for the recouerye of the same and euery parte thereof as they and euery of them myght haue had before the fyrste daye of thys present Parlyament Anye thyng in this acte contēyned to the contrary in anywise notwithstandyng ¶ An acte for the punishment of traiterous wordes agaynst the Quenes Maiestie The .ix. Chapter FOrasmuch as nowe of late diuerse noughty sedicyous malicious heretical persons not hauyng the fere of god before their eies but in a deuilishe sort contrarye to the duetie of their allegiaūce haue congregated thē selues together in conuenticles in dyuerse and sondry prophane places within this citie of Lōdon esteming thē selfes to be in the true faith wher in dede they are in errous here sies oute of the true trade of Chrystes catholyke religyon in the same places at seuerall tymes vsing theyr phantasticall and scysmaticall seruyces lately taken awaye and abolyshed by aucthoritie of parlyament haue of theyr most malicious cankerde stomakes prayed agaynst the Quenes maiestie that God would turne her herte from Idoltrye to the true faythe or ells to shorten her dayes or take her quickely out of the waye whiche prayer was neuer harde nor rede to haue bene vsed by anye good Chrystyan manne agaynste anye Prynce though he were a pagan and infidele and much lesse against any christian Prince and especially so vertuous a Princes as our soueraygne Lady that nowe is knowen to be whose faythe is and alwayes hath bene most true and catholyque and consonaunt and agreing with Christes catholique Churche throughout the world dyspersed For reformation wherof be it enacted by thauctoritie of thys present parliament that euery such person and persones which since the begynnyng of this present parliament haue by expresse wordes and sayinges prayed required or desired as is aforesayde or hereafter shal pray by expresse wordes or sayinges that God shoulde shortenne her dayes or take her out of the way whose lyfe almighty God longe preserue or any suche lyke malicious prayer amountinge to the same effect theyr procurers and abbettours therein shal be taken reputed and iudged traytours and euery such prayinge requiringe or desyryng shal be indged taken and reputed hygh treason and the offendours therin their procurers and abbettours beyng thereof lawfully conuycte accordyng to the lawes of thys Realme shall haue suffer and forfeyte as in cases of hygh treason ¶ Prouyded alway and be it enacted that yf any person or persones shall be indycted for any the offences aforesayd done and perpetrated duryng this session of this present parlyament and vpon hys or their arraygnment shall shewe him or them selues penytente for there offence and submitte him or them selues to the kyng and Quenes mercy and humbly desyre the same before such Iustices or commissioners before whom he or they shal be arraygued that then no iudgement or conuiction or attayndour of treason shal be geuen agaynste any suche person or persones so beyng penytent and submyttynge them selues as is aforesayd And in euery such case the Iustices or commissioners before whō such person or persons shal be arraigned shal haue aucthoritie by vertue of this acte to prescribe adiudge and appoynte suche corporall punishment other then death to such offender and offēders as to them by their discretion shall seme conuenyente and vpon that penaunce prescribed and done to be discharged of the sayde treason comprised in that inditement ¶ An acte whereby certayne offences be made treasons and also for the gouernement of the kynges and Quenes Maiesties issue ☞ The .x. Chapter FOr asmuch as the greate mercy clemency heretofore declared by the Queenes hyghnes in releasing the penal lawes made by her progenitours hath giuen occasiō to many cankarde trayterous harts to ymagyne practyse attempte things stirryng the people to disobedience rebellyon agaynst her hyghnes common polecy and duetye of subiectes requyre that some lawe be eftsons establyshed to restrayne the malyce of such wycked and euyll doors wherby they may be prehibited to blowe abroade such shame full slaunders and lyes as they daylye inuente and yinagine of her highnes and the kynges maiestie her moost lawefull husbād which when they be hard can not be but odible and detested of all good mē consyderyng they touche their maiestyes vpon whome dependeth the whole vnitie and vniuersall wealth of this realine In consideratydn wherof be it ordeined and enacted by the king and the quenes maiesties with thassent of the lordes spyrituall and temporall and of the commons in thys present parsyament assebled and by the auctorytye of the same that yf any perso or persons after the first daye of February next to com duryng the maryage betwen the king the quenes maiesties do compasse or imagine to depriue the kynges maiestie that nowe is frō the hauyng inioyning ioyntly together with the quenes highnes the stile honour and kynglye name of the realmes and dominions vnto our sayd soueraygne Lady the quenes hyghnes apertaining or to destroie the kyng that nowe is duryng the sayd matrimonye or to destroye the quenes maiestie that nowe is or the heires of her bodye begotten beynge kynges or Queenes of thys Realme or to leuye warre wythyn thys Realme of England or wythin any of the marches of the same agaynste the kynges maiestie that nowe is duryng the sayd maryage or agaynst the quenes maiestie that nowe is or any of her sayde heyres beyng kinges or quenes of this Realme or to depose the quenes maiestie that nowe is or the heires of her body begotten beynge kynges or queenes of thys realme from the Imperyall croune of the realmes and dominions aboue sayd And the saine compasses or imaginations or any of thē maliciously aduisedly and directly shall or do vtter by open preaching expresse wordes or sayinges or if any person or persones after the sayd fyrst day of February by preching expresse wordes or sayinges shal maliciously aduifedly and directlye saye publyshe declare maintaine or hold opinion that the kynges maiestye that now is during the said matrimony ought not to haue or enioy ioyntlye together with the queenes maiestie the stile honoure and
And be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that yf the Egiptians or other persons commonly callinge theim selues Egiptians and euery of them now beyng within this realme of Englāde or Wales do not depart out of the same within .xx. daies nexte after proclamation of this present acte shall be made that then he or they whiche shall not depart within the said time accordinge to the true meaning of this acte shall forfeyte and lose all his and theyr goodes and cattels and that then it shal be lawfull to al and euery the kynge and the Quenes subiectes to sease the same th one moytie thereof to be to the vse of our soueraygne lord and lady the king and the quene and thother moytie therof to be to the vse of him or them that shal so sease the same And be it also enacted by thauctority aforesayde that yf the Egiptians and other persons commonly called Egiptians and euerye of them now beinge within this realme of England or Wales do not depart out and frō the same within .xl. dayes nexte after proclamation shal be made of this act that then he or they which shall not depart and anoyd within the sayde tyme of .xl. dayes accordinge to the true meaning of this act shal be indged and demed according to the lawes of this realme of England a fellon and fellons and shal suffer therfore paines of death losse of landes and goodes as in other cases of fellony and shal be tryed as is aforesayd and without hauyng any benefite or prinilege of sanctuary and clergye And be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that yf anye person after the fyrst day of Ianuary next comming shall sue for the ●hteyning of any licence letter or pasporte for anye of the sayde persons called Egiptians to abide or continue within this realme of England or Wales contrary to the tenour of this acte that then euerye such person so suing shal forfeyt and lose for the same forty poundes of lawefull money of Englande and that euerye suche lycense letter and pasport shal be by vertue of this acte voyde to al intentes purposes th one moytie of all which summes of moneye to be forfeited as is beforesaid shal be to the kyng and Quene our Soueraygne Lorde and Lady and the other moyte therof to be to him or them that wyll sue for the same in any court of record by action of dect byll playnte or information wherin any essoigne wager of lawe nor protectyon shal be admitted and allowed Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by thaucth oritie aforesayd that thys present act nor any thinge therein conteyned shall not extende nor be hurtfull to any of the saide persones commonlye called Egyptians which within the sayd tyme of twenty dayes nexte after the sayde proclamation to be made as is beforesayde shall leaue that noughtye ydle and vngodly lyfe and companye and be placed in the seruice of some honest and able inhabitaunte or mhabytauntes within this realme or that shal honestlye exercyse hym selfe in some lawe full worke or occupation but that he or they so continuing in seruyce or other lawful worke or occupation shal duringe suche time as he or they shall so continue be discharged of all paynes and forfeitures cōtayned in this acte Prouyded also and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that this acte shal not in any wise extende to anye chyld or children being not aboue the age of .xiii. yeares nor to any of the said personnes being nowe in prison so that he or they so being in prison doo departe out of this realme within .xiiii. dayes next after his or their deliuery out of pryson nor shall extend to charge anye maner of person or persones as accessary to any offence or offences conteined or specified in this estatute ☞ An acte to restraine carrying of corne victuals and wodde ouer the Sea ☞ The .v. Chapter WHere as sundry good estatutes and lawes hath bene made within thys realme in the tiine of the Queenes highnes most noble progenitours that none shuld trāsport carye or conueye oute of thys Realme into anye place in the parties beyond the seas any corne butter chese or other victuall except onelye for the vitalyng or the towne of Callys Hames Guysnes and the marches of the same vpon dyuerse great paynes and for faytures in the same conteined that norwithstandyng many and sundre couetous and vnsaciable persenes sekyng their onely sucres and gaynes hath and dayly doeth cary and conueigh innumerable quanticie aswel of corne chese butter other victual as of wod out of this realme into the parties beyond the seas By reason whereof the sayd corne vyctual woode are growen vnto a wonderfull dear the and extreme pryces to the great detriment of the Common wealth of this your highnes realm and your faythfull fubiectes of the same For remeby wherof it may please your highnes that it may be enacted and be it enacted by youre highnes by thassent of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliamēt assembled and by thauctoritie of the same that no maner of person or personnes after the .xx. daye of Ianuary next commyng shal carye transport out of this realme by any Shippe Craier or other bessell whatsoeuer into any place in the parties beyond the seas or into the realme of Scotland any wheat rye barleye or other corne or grain growing within this Realme or any malt made within the same or any bere butter chese heringe or wodde except onely to and for the victualing and furniture of the to wnes of Callyes Hames Guysnes and to the towne of Barwicke the marches of the same wyth out sufficient and laweful aucthoritie so to do vpon the paines and penalties hereafter eusuyng that is to say thowner and owners of the sayd shyppes and other vessels to forfeyte the sayd shippes crayers and other vessels with al their apparels to them and euery of them belongyng wherein the sayde corne butter chese herryng victuall or wodde shalve so transported and caried and the owners owner of the sayd corne butter chese hearynge and wodde to forfeyte the double value of the same so caried and conueied and the maister and mareners of euery of the sayd shippes craiers and vessels for euerye such offence to forfeyte all their goodes and to be imprisoned by the space of one whole yeare without bayle or maynepryse And be it further cuacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that yf anye person or persones after the sayde twenty day of Ianuary do cary conueye awaye by Boote Crayer or other vessell or otherwpse anye wheate tye bareley malte or other corne or crayne or any beare butter chese herryng or wodde to any Shippe or vessett beinge on the Seas or within any Hauen creke or other place of the bordre of this Realme to be transported caried and conueyed into any place in the parties beyonde the Seas or into the realme of Scotland without
.xxiiii. daye of Apryll in the xxvii yere of his raigne one act was made concerninge restrayntes of paymentes of annaties and firste fruites of archebyshopryckes and byshopryckes of the Sea of Rome And where at a Session of the sayde parlyament holden in the .xxv. yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kyng there was also one acte made intituled the submission of the clergye to the kynges matestyes and one other art entituled one acte restraynynge the sayde paymentes of annaces or lyrste frutes to the byshop of Rome and of the electyng and cousecratyng of the arch byshoppes and byshoppes wythin thys reaime And one other act was then and there made entituled an act concernyng the exoneration of the kynges subiectes from exactyons impos●●tons before that time payed to the Sea of Rome and for hauing licences and dispensations within this realme withoute suynge further for the same Be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parliamente that the sayde seuerall actes made for the restraynt of paymente of the fayde annates and fyrste fruites and all other the sayde actes made in the sayd .xxiiii. and .xxv. yeres of the raygne of the sayde late kynge and euery of them and al and euery braunch article matter and sentēce in them and euerye of them conteyned shal be by auctorytye of thys present parliament from hence forth vtterly voyde made frustrate and repealed to al intentes constructions and purposes And be it further enacted by thauctority of thys presente parliament that al and euery these actes folowynge That is to saye one act made at the session of the sayd parliament holden vpon prorogation at West in the .xxvi. yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henry theyght entituled an acte concerning the kinges highnes to be supreme head of the church of Englande and to haue auctorytye to reforme and redresse al errours heresies and abuses in the same And one other acte made in the same session of the same parliamente entituled an acte for nomination and consecration of Suffraganes within this realme And one other acte made in the .xxvii. yeare of the raigne of the sayd late kyng Henry the eighte entituled an acte wherby the kynge shoulde haue power to nominate .xxxii. persones of his Clergy and Laye fee for the makynge of Ecclesticall lawes An also one other act made at the parliamente holden at Westminster in the .xxviii. yere of the raygne of the sayd late kynge Henry the eyghte entituled an acte extinguishinge the auctorytye of the Bysshop of Rome And one other act made in the same parlyament entituled an acte for the release of suche as then had obteyned pretended licences and dispensations from the Sea of Rome And also all that parte of the acte made in the sayde .xxviii. yeare of the sayde kynge entituled an acte for the establishemente of the Succession of the imperiall crowne of the realme that concerneth a prohibition to marry within the degrees expressed in the sayde acte And also one other acte made at the parliamente holden at Westminster in the xxxi yeare of the raygue of the sayde late kynge Henrye the eyghte entituled an acte auctorysynge the kynges hyghnes to make bysshoppes by his letters patentes And one other acte made in the session of the same parliament begon in the sayd .xxx. yeare holden vpō prorogation the .xxxii. yeare of the reigne of the sayde kynge Henry the eyghte entituled and acte concerninge precontractes of martyages and touching degrees of consangumitie And one other act made in the parliament holden at Westminster in the .xxxv. yeare of the reygne of the sayd late king Henry theyght entituled an acte for the ratificatyon of the kings maiesties stile shal henceforth be repealed made frustrate voyde and of none effect And where also at the fayd parlyamēt holden at Westminster in the .xxxv. yere of the raigne of the sayd late kyng Henry theyght one othere act was made entyteled an act concernyng the stablishment of the succession of the sayd king in the imperiall crowne of this realme In the which act there is a forme of a corporall othe deuised and sete furth that euerye subiect of this realme should be bounde to take agaynst the power auctoritie and iurisdictyon of the sea of Rome Be it enacted by thaucthoritie of this prefent parlyament that so muche of the sayde acte as toucheth the sayde oth against the supremacy and al othes therevpon had made geuen shal be from henceforth vtterly voyde repealed and of none effect And wher also one other act was made in the xxxvii yere of the raigne of the sayde late king Henrye theyght entytuled an act that doctours of the cyuyl law being maried might exrecise ecclesiastical iurisdiction Be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parlyament that the sayde act last before mentioned and all and euerye braunche article sentence and matter conceyned in the same shal from henseforth be repealed and vtterly made voyd and of none effecte And where one other act was made at the fyrst yere of the parliament holden at Westminster in the fyrst yere of the rayne of kyng Edwarde the syxt entituled an act for the repeale of certayne Statutes concerning treasons fellonies c In the which act amongest other thyngs ther is conteyned certeyne prouysyons paynes penal tyes and forfeytures for and agaynst suche as should by open preachynges expres wordes sayinges wrytynge pryntynge ouert dede oracte affirme or set furth that the kyng of thys realme for tyme beyng is not or ought not to be supreame head in earth of the churches of England and Ireland ne of anye of them or that the byshoppe of Rome or any other personne or persons other then the kyng of England for the tyme beyng is or ought to be supreame heade of the same churches or any of them as in the same act last before rehearsed and at large is conteyned and maye appeare Be it enacted by auctority of this present parlyament that these clauses before rehearsed and other of the sayde act conceruyng the supremacy and all and euerye braunche artycle wordes and sentence in the same soūdyng or tendyng to the derogatyon of the supremacy of the popes holynes or the sea of Rome and al paynes penalties forfeytures made agaynst them that should by any meanes set furth or extol the sayd supremacy shal be from henceforth vtterly voyde and of none effect And be it further enacted by thauctoryty aforesayd that al clanses sentences and articles of euerye other statute or acte of Parlyment made sithence the sayde .xx. yeare of the raygne of kyng Henry theyght agaynste the supreame auctoritie of the Popes holynes or Sea apostolike of Rome or conteining any other matter of the same affect only that is repealed in any of the Statutes aforesayde shal be also by auctoritie hereof from henceforth vtterly voyd frustrate and of none effecte And where we your most humble subiectes the lordes spyrytual and temporall and commons in this present parliamente assembled
the said citie or suburbes of the same to be put in due execution by the saide maior and wardens and their successors for the time being in such manner forme as by the sayd ordinaunce shall be ordeyned and declared And that such as now be and the hereafter shal be makers of the saide russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustian of Norwich euery of thē within the sayd citie shall not from henceforth occupy the said mystery makyng of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustian of Norwiche nor anye of them within the sayd citie by them selues or by anye other before he or they so occupiyng the sayde mistery within the sayde citie be made free of the said citie and admitted to be of the sayd felow ship by the maior of the sayde citie wardeyns and felowshyppe of the sayd mistery for the time beyng And that no person do occupy by him selfe or anye other for him out of the sayd citie the saide misterye of makyng of russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustians of Naples or of any of them before he or they so occupiyng the same haue ben prentice to the saide misterye by the terme of seuen yeares or elles admitted by the sayde maior and felowshyp or the more part of them vpon paine of forfeyture of the same russels sattēs sattens reuerses fustian of Norwich by thē or any of them to be made cōtrary to the forme of this act Prouided alwayes be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that the sayd maior and wardens for the tyme beynge shall not take anye summe of money or reward to theyr owne proper vses for the admytting of any person or persons to occupy the said mysterye vpon paine of forfeyture of treble the value of the reward or summe of moneye so by them or anye of them to be taken Prouided also that it shal be lawfull to the sayde wardenes and to euery of them for the time being by alwayes and meanes at al lawfull times dingētly from time to time to make searche by dewe ordynary waies for al maner of the saide russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustian of Norwiche that shal happen to be founde by them defectiue for lacke of good and true workmanshyp And that it shal be lawfull to the sayd wardeynes and euery of thē for the time beinge by vertue of this acte to sease and take the sayd russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustian bringe and present the same clothes so seased and taken to the Maior of the said citie for the time being vnto his successors to thintent that twelue honest lawful and expert men of the said mysterie and felowship being sworne before the sayde Maior maye by vertue of their othes make inquirie and present the maner of the sayde defaultes before the said Maior for the tyme beyng accordyng to such good and holsom or dinances and rules as shal be ordeyned and made for the conseruation and good continuance of the sayd occupation and misterie and the true makyng and working of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustians of Norwich And that al euery person and persons that shall occupy vse and exercise the said misterye or making of the said russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustians of Norwiche or any of them contrary to the forme tenour playne meanyng and intent of this act and of the rules ordiaunces that at any time hereafter by aucthoritie of this acte shal be ordeyned and made for the continuaunce of the true and perfect making of the sayd russels sattēs sattens reuerses and fustian of Norwich shall forfeyt and lose for euery tyme so offending or making any russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustian of Norwiche contrary to the meaning tenour and effecte of the said acte rules and ordinaunces concerning the same suche fines emerciamentes and paines as shal be adiudged assessed and affered by twelue experte men of the sayd felowship vpon theyr othes the same twelue persons to besworne before the said Maior and wardens to enquire and make true verdict and presentment of such defaultes the one half of al which forfeyture to be to the Maior of the saide citye for the time being his successors and thother moitie to the said wardens for the time being and their successors bi action of det vil plaint or information in any court of record in which action vil plaint or information no wager of law protection inuention or forren I le shal be allowed And in case it shall fortune hereafter that any of the sayde russels sattens sattens reuerses fustian of Norwich shal lack of such lengthes bredes or of the true and ensuing making or sorting of the yarne as shal be appoynted and set forth by the sayd rules and ordinances and the same so to be found defectiue by verdicte of twelue men of the said felowship before the sayd Maior and wardeins and theyr successors That then the said russels sattens sattens reuerses fustians of Naples and euery of them so found defectiue to be cut in two peeces and to paye such fine or fines as shal be offered affered by the said twelue expert men by vertue of theyr othes the one moytye of whiche fyne or fines to be to the Maior of the sayd citie for the tyme being and to his successors and thother moytie to the wardeynes of the sayde felowshyp for the tyme beyng and to theyr successours Prouided alwayes and be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayd that if any wardeyne or wardeines for the time beyng of the said misterie or occupation of makinge russels sattens sattens reuerses and fustian of Naples shal at any tyme hereafter seale or cause to be sealed any russels sattens sattens reuerses or fustians of Naples that shal not be wel sufficient and truely wrought and made accordyng to the true entent and meanyng of thys present act shal forfeyt loose for euery pece so sealed beyng not well sufficient and trulye wrought and made the whole value of euery suche pece so sealed th one halfe of whiche forfeytures to be to the kynge and Queenes maiesties her heyres and successors and thother moytye therof to be to such person and persons as shall sue for the same by byll action or information in anye of the kynges courtes of record in whiche byll action or information no essoygne protection or wager of lawe shal be allowed An act to confyrme the liberties of the lorde Marchers in Wales The .xv. Chapter HVmbly besechen your excellente maiesties youre true and faythfull Subiectes the lorde Marchers bothe spyrytuall and temporall within your hyghnes dominion of Wales that where as in the parliament holden at Westm the xxvii yeare of the raygne of kynge Henry theyght father vnto you oure naturall Soueraygne ladye amongest other thinges one acte was made and established for lawes and instice to be ministred in the sayde dominion of Wales inlyke fourme as it is in thys realme of England