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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22176 A treatyse of the state and disposition of the worlde with the alteracions and chaunginges therof through the great coniunctions of the iii hyest planetes, called Maxima, Maior, Media, and Minor : declaringe the very tyme, the day, houre and minute, that God created the sonne, moone, and sterres, and the places where they were fyrst set in the heauens, and the beginning of their inouynges and so contynued to this day wherby the world hath receyued influe[n]ce as [s]hal be declared by example from the creation unto this present yere, and also to the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LVIII. to come. Askham, Anthony, fl. 1553. 1550 (1550) STC 859.5; ESTC S646 6,622 26

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an earthly triplicite about the which tyme was Pope Syluester and kynge Knaght of Englande with such alteracions and warres as was about that tyme. ¶ Also after other .x. reuolucyons of Saturne in the yere of our Lorde a. M. a C. and lvi was an other coniunction in a earthly triplicite in the. 27. degre of Capricorne about the which tyme began the two orders of begging freers the one of S. Dominic the other of S. Fraunces Adrian was Byshop of Rome and Richarde kyng of Englande with many alteracions both by wars famine and deth that happened about that tyme. ¶ Also in the yere of our Lorde a M .ii. C. and .xxv. was a cōiunction betwyxe Saturne and Iupiter by the chaungynge of the triplicite into the .xx. degre of Aquary as saith Henricus de Machlimia the whiche was aboute kynge Iohns tyme of Englande and Fredericke the seconde Emperoure ¶ Also in the yere of our Lorde a. M .iii. C. and .xlv. the .xxiiii. day of Marche about the xir degre of Aquary was a great coniunction both of Saturne Iupiter and Mars and both before and after that coniunction was a Minor coniunction of Saturne Mars the first was in the yere a M .iii. C .lvii. the .ii. in the yere a M .iii. C .xxvii. after the which cōiunction dyd folowe meruelous alteraciōs as gret drought and lacke of water with much penury scarsnes of sustenance both for mā and beast and also pestilence with great death ❧ Also in the yere a thousande foure hundreth and .iiii. was a coniunction in a watrye triplicite in the .xx. degre of Pisces about this tyme was the scisme and dyssencion betwixte the thre Byshoppes of Rome Innocencius Gregorius and Alexander and the tyme of Henry Bolynbroke kynge of Englande and shortlye after that tyme was a great froste in Englande that lasted fyftene wekes longe ❧ Also in the yere a. M .iiii. C .lxxxix. the x. reuolucions of Saturne was fully ended the whiche was about .xlviii. yeres sence so that the sayd Saturne hath made but one reuolucion and a halfe vntyll this present yere in the whiche tyme hath ben no small alteracion and chaungyng yf ye marke it wel Also in the yere a thousande v● hundreth and .xxx. Saturne beganne his reuolucion againe departynge from the coniunction of Iupiter in Cancer the which reuolucion shal contynew to the yere a. M .v. hundreth and .lx. the which is about .xiii. yeres after this our presēt yere Furthermore ye shal know that in the reuolution fygure for the yere in the begynnynge of Saturnes reuolucyon Iupiter was set in a moueable sygne in the house of religion beynge retrograde the which doth signifie vnstedfastnes of lawes faith and customes for the tyme of this Saturmens reuolution bycause that Iupiter is not strong in the fygure and also lodged in an vnstedfast place Furthermore ye shall knowe that in the tyme of this reuolution the wether shal stande chiefelye with moystnes and by watry more then with drought and the earth shall brynge forth all growynge thynge ryghte well and many colde syckenes of flume shall reygne as dropses goutes poses and suche lyke Also no great vnyuersal warres are lyke to reygne in this reuolucion but accordynge to the application of Mars to the other planettes as chyefelye when he is ioyned with Saturne he causeth the people and specially the Saturniens and those that be vnder Mars to be of preuey sectes and councels in hye matters of the faith lawes and religion and also to moue warre and battell in suche causes And thus consyder of all the other planettes as he ioyneth with them Also yf ye maruell why in this reuolucion of Saturne the tyme shall stande most with varyacion alteracyon of faith lawes religion and customes know that in the fygures of the yeare at the begynnynge of Saturnes reuolucion the lorde of that yere dyd commytte his power and dysposycyon to Iupiter the sygnyfycatoure of faythe and lawes and by his retrogradacyon is sygnyfyed the wekenesse and inconstantnes of the aforesayde fayth and lawes and bycause the Lorde Iupiter beynge in the house of relygion and in a moueable sygne it is sygnyfyed thereby the mutacyon and great alteracyon thereof and chyefelye amonges the relygyon professours and teachers of the same so that the perfecte stablisment and seasynge of this varyacyon is not lyke to be fullye ended in all peoples hertes vnto the ende and terme of this sayde reuolucyon of Saturne And thus fynallye all these greate coniunctions considered and these ● reuolucyons of Saturne with the fygures and places of the planettes at the begynuynge it may well be prognostycated of the dysposycion alteracyon and chaungynge of the people euen frome the Creacyon vntyll .xlix. thousande yere be ended the whiche is the course of the. ir spere if it please god to suffer the worlde so longe To whom praye we daylye to sende vs grace and good dysposycyon that throughe wysdome we may rule with the Sterres as saythe Ptholome the prince of Astronomyes ❧ FINIS ¶ Thus endeth this lytel treatyse compyled by Anthony Askham In the yeare of our Lorde M. D XLVII ❧ IMPRYNTED AT LONDON IN FLETEstrte at the signe of the George nexte to Saynt Dunstones Churche by Wyliyam Powell In the yeare of our Lorde M. D L. the laste daye of Ianuarye
yeres so that from the Creacyon of the worlde to this presente yere is vi thousande .viii. hundreth lxxxx yeres in the which tyme hath ben vii great coniunctions betwyxte Saturne and Iupiter in the begynnyng of Aries .iii. before Noyes flodde and .iiii. after and for to knowe the true tymes of these coniunctions ye shal vnderstande that the Sonne Moone and Sterres was create the .iiii. daye of the worlde beinge the tyme of VER in the moneth of Marche in the vernall poynt of the equinoctiall the Sonne and Moone beyng vnder Aries in the myddes of heauen also al the planettes was sette in theyr owne proper houses in the degrees of theyr exaltacions and dygnites also after some opinions Saturne Iupiter Mars and the Sonne was set in the .iiii. angles Iupiter in the ascendent in the .xv. degre of Cancer the Sonne in the myddes of heauen in the .xix. degre of Aries and also the Moone was aboute the fyrste quarter begynnyng her course from the Bul goynge by the heade of the Dragon and so commynge to a coniunction with Mercurye the whiche was the fyrst coniunction of the worlde and thus passyng by all the planettes tyl she was ioyned with the Sonne the. xxvii day after their creacion the which by putting to the thre fyrste dayes before theyr creacion maketh a perfyt lunacion of .xxx. dayes Also the planettes kepyng theyr coursses from the places of theyr creacion Saturne and Iupiter was ioyned together about .xv. yeres after in a earthlye triplicite in the signe of the Bull at the whiche tyme Cayme was borne the fyrst murderer that afterwarde slewe his brother Abell with other greate alteracions that befel in the world at that tyme by Caimes generacyon Also at a hundreth and .xv. yeres and .xli. daies was an other coniuncion in the .xxii. minute of Libra in an eayry triplicite in the whiche tyme was borne Seth the son of Adam and his generaciō of whom was an alteracion and contrarye disposition to the generation of Cayme Also at .iii. hundreth .liii. yeres and an hundreth and .lv. daies was another coniunction betwyxte Saturne and Iupiter in a warry triplicite in the .vii. degree of Scorpion about the which tyme the generacion of Cayme beganne to bylde Cytyes and Townes for the safegarde and defence of theyr spoyles and tyrannye ❧ Of the fyrst great coniunction betwyxte Saturne and Iupiter in the begynnynge of Aries in a fyrye triplicite THE fyrste great coniunction was in the yeare fyue hundrethe .xxxviii. after the creacion the whiche dyd sygnyfye the holynesse of Enos of the generacyon of Seth and of his good lyuynge towarde GOD. Also in the fyue hundreth lxxxxi was an other coniunction in the fyrye triplicite in the .xii. degre of Sagittary the whiche dyd contynewe tyll the holynes of Seths generacyon by Malaleell Iareth Euoche and Mathusale c. ¶ Of the .ii. great coniunction THE .ii. great coniunction was in the yere of the worlde a thousand .iiii. hundreth lxxxxviii the whiche did signifie the generacion of Lameth that slewe Caym by whose children was first found al craftes and sciēces liberal with many other vnnatural vsages first inuented by their generacion ¶ Also in the yere of .ii. M. and .xxi. was a middel coniunction betwixte Saturne Iupiter in a watry triplicite in the .xiiii. degre of Cancer the which did naturally signify some great and wonderous alteracion by water as apered by Noyes flud that was sent miraculouslye to punyshe and dystroy the lecherous and myscheuous people for theyr synne ¶ Of the thyrde great coniunction THe .iii. coniunction was in the yere .ii. thousande .iiii. hundreth .lviii. and .xxii. yeres after Noys flod about this tyme reigned the generacion of Noy Cem Cham and Iaphet the which deuided the worlde in thre paxtes in Europe Affryke and Asia and of them came .ii. thousande and .iiii. C. persons besides women and children Also in the yere .ii. M .iiii. hundreth lxxxxviii was a middell coniunction betwyxte Saturne and Iupiter in a carthy triplicite in the eyghtene degre of Virgo the whiche dyd sygnifye the tyme of Nemroth the fyrst begynnyng of all couetousnes with the byldynge of the towre of Babylon where the deuysion of languages was fyrst made And afterwarde succeded the Idolatry of Belus the which began the fyrst worshyppinge of false ymages Also in the .iii. thousande and two hundreth yeres was a coniunctyon called Maior betwyxte Saturne and Iupiter at the entraunce into a ayry triplicite in the sygne of Aquary by the whiche was sygnyfyed great and meruelous sygnificacions as the byrth of Abraham and his generaciō with the promesses of god made to Abraham c. ¶ Of the fourth great coniunction THe fourth greate coniunction was in the yere .iii. thousande foure hundreth and xviii the whiche dyd sygnyfye the tyme of Sirapis or Apis with the blynde ydolaterye of the Gentyls and many other alteracions as the storye telleth also in the .iii. thousande and .vi. hundreth yeres after was a myddle coniunction in a watrye tryplicite that dyd sygnifie the byrthe of Moyses with all his holynes and workes c. ¶ Of the .v. great coniunction THe fyfth coniunction was in the yere .iiii. thousande thre hundreth 78. the whiche dyd signifie the deuision of the kyngdome of the Hebrues and the captyuite of the Iues and the alteracions of the kyngdome of Rome c. ¶ Of the .vi. great coniunction THe .vi. coniunction was in the yere .v. thousand .iii. hundreth .xxxviii. and but v. yeres before the byrth of Chryst at the whiche tyme was ryght great alteracyon for al mankynde was redemed frō the bonde of the deuyl and made the chyldren of god c ❧ Of the .vii. great coniunction for the whiche I haue specyally wrytten thys treatyse aforesayde because it began .vi. C. yeres before our tyme and cōtynueth nereby .iiii. hundreth yeres after of the which iiii hondreth yeres .xii. of them shal be prognosticated accordynge to the coniunctions Maxima Maior Media and Minor THe .vii. coniunction was in the yeare .vi. M .ii. C lxxxxiii and in the yere of our Lorde nyne C .lv. and before this tyme about .iii. C. yeres at the ende of .x. reuolutiōs of Saturne was the tyme of Machomet whose meruelous secte is knowne well ynoughe and by other .x. reuolutions of Saturne from the tyme of Machomet vnto this our present tyme is also knowne the dyuersitie manyfolde alteracions of this secte as the herises of Arians Pagauns and false christen men Also about this aforesaid greate coniunction began the scismes dissencyon amonges the Bishops of Rome great battel for setting vp of ymages with great pestilence deth in the time of the Emperour Leo with other much discēcion bewixte the Englishe men the Danes in the tyme of kinge Adelston Edmonde Eldred and Edwyn Also in the yere of our Lorde a. M. and. xxxii was a middle coniunction in the signe of Virgo and was changed from a fyry triplicite in to