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A07280 The triumphs of Nassau: or, A description and representation of all the victories both by land and sea, granted by God to the noble, high, and mightie lords, the Estates generall of the vnited Netherland Prouinces Vnder the conduct and command of his excellencie, Prince Maurice of Nassau. Translated out of French by W. Shute Gent.; Nassauschen lauren-crans. English Orlers, Jan Janszn., 1570-1646.; Shute, W.; Haestens, Henrick van. aut 1613 (1613) STC 17676; ESTC S114453 320,305 400

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twentie vessels Whilest the fleet lay there the Duke of Medina sent aduertizement to Parma diuers Gentlemen went on shore to refresh thēselues among others the Prince of Ascoli a braue young Lord who as some say was base sonne to King Philip who went to land in a happie houre because the ship wherein he came from Spaine did within a while after perish in Ireland with all her men The Duke of Parma hauing intelligence that the fleet lay vpon the coast of England made great hast to make one in person in that enterprise resigning the gouernement generall of the Countrie to old Count Mansfelt Himselfe went on Pilgrimage into Haynault to our Ladie of Halles and from thence returned towards Bruges where hee arriued on the seuenth of August The next day riding towards Dunkirke where his ship tarried for him he heard the report of the Canon betwixt the two fleets and the same night comming to Dixmuyde he had intelligence of the successe On Tewsday the ninth of August about noone he came to Dunkirke euen when the fleet was alreadie past none of his Ships daring to goe forth to giue them the least hope of aide because they were afraid of the thirtie fiue Hollanders that lay in gard vnder the conduct of the Admirall Iustine of Nassau which were excellently prouided of good mariners and beside the ordinarie souldiers with 1200 braue musquetiers and lay only there to keepe Parmas fleet from issuing out of the Hauen which was a matter of greatest importance As for the great ships they feared them not because the Sea was too shallow in those parts Beside all Parmas forces were not readie nor imbarked onely 700 reuolted English vnder Sir William Stanleys commaund were shipt and thought to get the aduantage by landing first in England His other souldiers were male content and vnwilling especially the mariners who were few in number the prouision likewise of Beere Bread and victuals was not yet readie nor imbarked The mariners were so afraid of the Hollanders as they ran away dayly fearing least the soldiers would enforce them to doe that which they knew could not be done Then they wanted Gallies from Spaine which might haue beaten the Hollanders from the coasts of Flaunders The Spanish fleet lying thus at anker before Calice the better to consult with the Duke of Parma concerning their enterprise they concluded to execute their designe on Friday the twelfth of August the night being darke The Admiral of England with the chief of his Councell determined to enforce them to weigh anker and to be gone or else to burne their fleet whereupon they appointed eight of their vnseruiceablest vessels to bee filled with wild fire and other combustious matter charging the ordnance in them vp to the mouth with small shot nayles and stone which on Sunday the seuenth of August in the afternoone they sent with the wind and tyde after that the men that were in them had forsaken and fired them directly vpon the Spanish fleet which fire did in the night so terrifie them supposing them to be some of those internall ships full of powder and wild fire with the Ingeueer Frederic Ionibelli had made vse of some three yeares before at Antuerpe against the Prince of Parmas bridge ouer the Scheld as crying out The fire of Antuerpe the fire of Antuerpe they presently cut their cables and in confusion did put to Sea In this amazement the Captaine of the great Galleasse fell soule of the cables of another ship and lost her tudder and beeing not able to saile without it was carried by the force of the Sea vpon the sands just before Calice whether it was pursued by certayne English Pinnaces which plaid vpon her vvith their ordnance but durst not boord her which the Lord Admirall perceiuing sent his great Pionace with two hundred souldiers vnder the commaund of Captaine Preston who all of them together boorded the Galleasse where the Generall D. Hugo de Moncada made braue defence for a while hoping of some succour from land but at last he was shot in the head and slaine and diuers other Spaniards with him part of whom leapt into the Sea thinking to escape by swimming who were all drowned The visitor Generall D. Antonio de Manriques with some others escaped and carried the first newes home into Spaine This great Galleasse wherein vvere three hundred slaues and foure hundred souldiers was for three houres pillaged wherein fiftie thousand Duckets of the Kings vvere found The English would at last haue burnt her but Gor●●n the Gouernour of Calice would not permit it as a matter tending to the hurt and prejudice of his Towne and Hauen and with his canon plaid vpon the English The same day being the eight of August as the Spanish fleet sell againe into order it was again fiercely assailed by the English right ouer against Graueling where they voluntarily lost their aduauntage of the wind chosing rather to let the wind driue them before Dunkirke than to open themselues or change their order resoluing onely on defence Though the English had gallant tall ships yet but 22 or 23 of them were comparable to the Spanish which were ninetie But the English had the aduantage by being lighter better of saile so as they came oftentimes within a pikes length of them and discharged their whole tyre of ordnance vpon them and then their smal shot continuing it the whole day till their powder and shot began to faile and then they held it no discretion to boord the Spaniards who still kept themselues together in close order the English beeing satisfied with chasing them from before Calice and Dunkirke and keeping them from joyning with the Duke of Parma The Spaniards the same day receiued much hurt losing many men and had diuers of their ships shot through They likewise with their ordnance plaid fiercely vpon the English but did them no great hurt for they lost few men and neuer a Shippe or man of note and in all that time and in the whole journey they lost but an hundred men and yet Sir Frauncis Drakes ship had beene shot aboue fourtie times and his Cabbin twice shot through And towards the end of the fight a Gentlemans bed whereupon hee rested himselfe beeing weatie was taken from vnder him by a great shot And as the Earle of Northumberland and Sir Charles Blunt afterwards Lord Mountioy and Master Henrie Nowell sat at meate a demie Culuerins shot flew through the cabbin and ouerthrew 2 men The like accidents happened in other ships which wold be tedious to recite yet it appears that God did wonderfully assist the English For as the Lord Admirall wrote to the Queene there was no likelihood that the English in mans judgement and according to the apparance of the circumstances should haue dared to approch the Spaniards but that God had an admirable hand therein vnto whom they willingly ascribed all the honour of their
likewise taken in Scotland that small aide should be giuen them there and that Norway could yeeld them but bad assistance they tooke certaine fisher boats in Scotland and carried away the men to serue them for pilots and fearing to want water they threw all their horse and mules into the Sea so sayling with a faire wind they passed on betwixt the Orcades the farthest part of Scotland landing in no place bent their course Northward to the height of 62 degrees still keeping 80 leagues from land There the Duke of Medina the Generall gaue commaundement that euerie ship should direct her course towards Biscay and himselfe with twentie or fiue and twentie of the best ships prouided with all necessaries sayled more to Sea ward and so arriued in Spaine but the others to the number of fortie saile or more with the Vice-Admirall bent their course towards Ireland hoping there to take in water and to refresh themselues But the God of Armies who abateth the pride of great ones raiseth vp the humble and hath all authoritie ouer his creatures who commaundeth the Seas windes and tempests caused the Sea to swell and a terrible tempest to arise on the first of September from the South-West which dispersed them for the most part into sundrie places of Ireland where many of them perished and among others the Gallion of Michaell of Oquendo one of the great Galleasses two great Venetian Argozies the Ratta and the Balanrara with diuers others to the number of 38 saile and all their men Some of them with a Westerlie wind came againe into the English Seas some others into England and other some were taken by the Rochellers One great Galleasse the tempest carried into Fraunce to Newhauen where they found ships full of women who had followed the fleet There remained two likewise in Norwey but the men escaped To conclude of one hundred foure and thirtie saile that came from Spaine some three and fiftie of all sorts returned home to wit of foure Galleasses and as many Gallies there returned of each one of ninetie one great Gallions eight and fiftie were lost and thirtie three returned of Pinnaces seuenteene were lost and eighteene returned So that in all fourescore and one Galleasses Gallies and other Ships great and small perished Two of those Gallions that returned home lying in the Hauen were by casualtie set on fire and burnt and others since then met with the like mischiefe Of 30000 men that were in the fleet the greatest part of them were slaine or drowned and most of those that returned home died by reason of the miseries they had indured The Duke of Medina Sydonia being a braue Lord and well experienced vpon whom they had imposed that burthen much against his will laid the fault vpon his Pilots and on want of the Duke of Parmas forces which were not readie He was suffered to goe home to his own house but not to come to Court where it was thought he had much to doe to purge him selfe from the calumnious accusation of his enemies Many other noble men died soone after as D. Iuan Martines de Ricaldo D. Diego de Valdez Michel Oquendo D. Alonso de Lieua D. Diego de Maldonado D. Francisco Bouadillo D. Georgio Manriques all of the Councell of warre Diuers were drowned as among other Thomas Perenot of Granuell of Cauteroy nephew to Cardinall Granuell D. Diego Pimentel Campe-master and Colonell of thirtie two Ensignes remayned prisoner in Zeland with diuers others taken in the same ship D. Pedro Valdez a man much respected in his Countrie was prisoner in England with D. Vasco de Sylua and D. Alonzo de Sayas Many Gentlemen were drowned in Ireland and many slaine by the Irish. Sir Richard Bingham Gouernour of Conach had receiued two hundred of them to mercie but vnderstanding that a troope of 800 of them were landed and in armes he thought it fit for his owne better safety to kill the 200 of whom some escaping carried tidings to the 800 who were likewise going to craue mercie as they sayd but thereby despairing they returned and made readie an old decayed vessell in which they put to Sea where they were all drowned and many Gentlemen with them Yet D. Alonso de Luson Colonel of thirtie two ensignes of the Tertios of Naples with D. Rodrigo de Lasso and two noble men of the house of Corduba were from thence sent into England who were deliuered to Sir Horace Paluicin by them to set the Lord Odet of Teligin at libertie who had beene taken nere to Antuepe and lay in prison in the Castle of Tournay In a word therere was no noble house in Spain which in this fleet lost not either a son brother or kinsman There were aboue 1200 souldiers and mariners prisoners in sundrie places in England with 30 Gentlemen and commaunders whom the Queene released for meane ransome Those ships which escaped from the English and Hollanders and from the Irish rockes and tempests of the Ocean being few in number did after much labour miserie and daunger returne into Spaine leauing behind them as hath beene alreadie sayd so many ships of sundrie sorts so many Lords of note Gentlemen braue souldiers good mariners and others such store of ordnance and warlike munition money plate jewels and other wealth which if it should be seuerally reckoned would amount to an incredible summe of money But by how much this fleet was great strong and potent by so much more likewise was the victorie great and greater occasions haue these two countries to be thankefull to that great and inuincible God to honor and serue him all the dayes of their life for preseruing and defending them from so great daunger In this regard the Queene of England and my Lords the States of the vnited Prouinces did whilest the fleet houered vpon their coasts appoint sundrie dayes of prayer and fasting beseeching God to turne away so great imminent danger from them and their countrie and not to looke vpon their sinnes which had deserued such a punishment but to aide and assist them for the glorie of his name and for or Iesus Christs sa ke seeing it was his owne cause which the Pope and King of Spaine sought to exterminat And because these praiers were made to Gods glorie and in praise of his inuincible power he therefore heard them and graunted their requests And a good while after the fleet was gone namely vpon the 19 of Nouember the Queene in England and my Lords the States in the Low-countries appointed a solemne day for thanksgiuing which was spent in preaching praying and hearing the word of God The Queene of England for so great a deliuerance made a Christian triumph in the citie of London and went with all the Lords and officers of her Kingdome in solemne manner vpon a triumphant Charriot from her Palace to the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule where the Spanish ensignes and banners were hung vp The
to be vnder command of the English Many voluntaries were likewise in this fleet as count Lodwick of Nassau son to count Iohn others An armie of land souldiers was likewise in this fleet of whom the Earle of Sussex was generall In this armie were sundrie regiments commanded by the Earle of Sussex sir Edward Conway Sir Conihurst Clifford Sir Christopher Blunt Sir Thomas Gerard Sir Iohn Winckfield and others The number of the souldiers amounted to 6000 able men among whom were two thousand two hundred old English souldiers brought forth of the low-countries by sir Frauncis Veer chosen forth of euerie companie There were likewise certaine Dutch companies vnder captaine Metkerke and aboue one thousand voluntarie gentlemen among whom was D. Christophero of Portugal sonne to the king D. Antonio Count Lodwick of Nassau commaunded these voluntaries Sir Frauncis Veer was Lord Marshall of the field Sir George Carow Master of the ordnance and sir Conihurst Clifford Serjeant Major This fleet departed from Plimmouth in England on the thirteenth of Iune there were in it one hundred and fortie saile great and small Being come neere to the Spanish coast they had intelligence by a small barke that came from Ireland that in the Bay of Cales in Andeluzia whether they were going fiftie seuen great ships and twentie gallies lay foure great gallions each of them carrying fortie or fiftie pieces of ordnance and in euerie of them six or seuen hundred men two great galleasses of Andeluzia foure great ships of Biscay foure Easterlings certaine great Argozies loden for the most part with ordnance and munition being bound for Lisbone in Portugal where another fleet of thirtie ships was prepared for Bretayne and Calais and money readie for that purpose Beside these there were three great Fregats of two hundred tunne a piece which came from Porto Ricco with the money Besides these ships of warre and gallies there was another fleet of fiue and thirtie ships verie richly loden which were bound for the West Indies readie to set saile in which vessels were aboue sixe thousand pipes of Spanish wines two thousand pipes of oyle fiue thousand weight of wax and all manner of pretious merchandize as cloth silke cloth of gold lace quick-siluer c. And it was reported by the king of Spaines officers this fleet was thought to be worth eleauen or twelue millions of ducats The English fleet hauing notice hereof made towards the Bay of Cales where it arriued on the thirtieth of Iune in the Morning and came to an anker nere to S. Sebastians point from whence they might easily see the Spanish ships and gallies that lay before Cales vnder the two castles The Vice-Admerrall the Lord Thomas Howard and sir Walter Raleigh being sent for by the Councell of warre Raleigh was commaunded to goe before with certaine ships to set vpon some great vessels which as they heard were readie to set saile forth of the Bay of S. Lucars comming thither they found them to lye so nere the shore as they could not approch them and were hindred from doing it by a certaine mist that arose in which the sayd vessels escaped and were by Raleigh so nerely chased to the land as his owne ships were in great daunger to haue runne on ground From thence Raleigh made towards the great fleet which in the meane time had ankored on the thirtieth of Iune in the Morning without the Bay of Cales into which all men especially the Low-countrie fleet thought they would haue directly entred seeing the ships and gallies to lye before the towne vnder the two castles but the English Admerall would not suffer it to be so because he thought the entrance would haue beene verie daungerous as also the assayling of the kings fleet before the towne were woon●which if they had done they must haue fought both with the gallions and gallies and beene opposed to the shot from the Towne and castles Thereupon sir Walter Raleigh came to the fleet and went aboord the General the Earle of Essex who was busied in landing his men on the West side of Cales where the Sea was so rough by reason of a West wind as the boats began to sinke neere the ships Raleigh told him it was verie daungerous to land his men because that betwixt them and shore foure gallies l●y to keepe them from landing saying That he was verie sorie that he had not first entred the hauen where the Spanish ships gallies lay which by their delay were now encouraged of this the general likewise complayned at whose entreatie Raleigh vndertooke to go and persuade the Admerall to enter which by many forcible reasons he did and cried out Let vs enter Let vs enter wherupon al the ships weighed ankor sailed towards the hauen But night preuented them the sun being alreadie set so as it was then too late to assaile the Spanish fleet that lay aboue a mile and halfe within the riuer as also for that it was a dangerous matter to fight by night in a strait On this consideration they came to an ankor where the canon presently saluted them from the towne and castle The English went to Councel to consult after what maner it were best to assaile the Spaniards the next Morning euerie commaunder striued to haue the vantgard yet they resolued not to hazard the Queenes great ships but vpon vrgent necessitie so as it was thought fit that sir Walter Raleigh with eight of the Queenes leslesser ships six Hollanders and twelue English Merchants ships should haue the vantguard this resolution was oppugned by the Lord Thomas Howard who said that honour belonged vnto him whereupon it was concluded that both of them should goe together So soone as it was day Raleigh would not loose time in weighing ankor but did let them slip and thereby had the aduauntage to let saile first the Spanish gallies discharged all their ordnance vpon him but he made not one shot leauing it to those that followed him and so went directly towards the gallions which lay in the deepest part of the riuer viz. the S. Philip S. Mathew S. Andrew and S. Thomas with two other verie great ships which together tooke vp all the bredth of the riuer Behind these gallions lay 6 others and behind them the gallies nerer the shore where the water was shal lowest and vpon the land stood the castle Puntall which flanked the riuer the lesser English ships assailed the gallies who thundred one vpon another In the mean time the Vice-Admeral the L. Thomas Howard came vp to sir Walter Raleigh with 6 of the Queens ships as nere to the gallions as they could possible discharging all their ordnance and fighting from six of the clocke in the Morning till none with as many ships as the channel could beare During the fight an vnfortunat euent happened in a ship of Rotterdam called the Dolphin where Guillaum Henrick was captaine the powder was by mischaunce set on fire whereby
the commissioners of the illustrious Lords the States of the vnited Netherland Prouinces made in anno 1609. TO conclude the description of all the aboue mentioned victories which almightie God the author of all goodnesse hath granted to these vnited Prouinces vnder the valorous conduct of his Excellencie of Nassau I haue likewise thought it fit to adde hereunto the articles of truce and cessation of armes agreed vpon and concluded at Antuerp on the 9 of Aprill 1609 for the terme of twelue yeares for if I should set downe at large the beginning and progression of this treatie viz. how the Archdukes themselues sued for it by meanes of the Lord Vander Horst Father Ney and other deputies and commissioners what propositions were made and reasons alledged both to my Lords the States his Excellencie and others to moue and persuade them thereunto and the States answers thereupon and then afterward what was done on either part the articles deliuered on both sides the reasons and difficulties which ensued together with all the dependances therof it would be a labour long and tedious and if any bee desirous to see these things at large wee refer them to the Chronicles of Emanuell Demetrius and other bookes and will onely here set downe the articles agreed vpon and concluded by the commissioners on either side THe illustrious Princes Archduke Albert and Isabella Clara Eugenia hauing on the 24 of April in a●no 1607 made truce and cessation of armes for 8 moneths with the noble Lords States of the vnited Netherland Prouinces in qualitie and reputing them for States Prouinces and free countries to which they pretend no claime this truce was to bee ratified with like declaration by the Catholike Kings Maiestie so farre forth as it might concerne him and the said ratification and declaration was to be deliuered to my Lords the States within three moneths after the said Truce which was done by letters patents of the eighteenth of September in the same yeare and speciall procuration was moerouer graunted to the sayd Archdukes the tenth of Ianuarie 1608 as well in his Maiesties name as theirs to doe whatsoeuer they should thinke fit for procuring a firme peace or truce for many yeares By vertue of the said procuration the Archdukes by their letters of Commission bearing date the seuen and twentieth of the said moneth had named and appointed deputies and Commissioners to treat in name and qualitie as abouesaid consenting and agreeing that the said Truce should be prolonged and continued at sundrie times as namely on the twentieth of May till the end of the yeare 1608. And hauing often met with the Commissioners of my Lords the States who had also Commission and Procuration from them dated on the fifth of Februarie the same yeare yet for sundrie great difficulties which arose they could not agree on peace Hereupon the Embassadours of the most Christian Kings of Fraunce and great Britaine of the Princes and Palatines of Brandenbourg Marquis of Ausbach and Lands-grave of Hesse sent into these parts from the said Kings and Princes to further so holie a work perceiuing that they were readie to depart and dissolue the treatie had on certaine conditions propounded a peace for many yeares which conditions were set downe in writing and giuen from them to either partie requesting and admonishing them to conforme themselues thereunto And as other difficulties arose hereupon in that regard the Lords whose names hereafter follow did on the 9 of April 1609 meet together The Lord Ambrose Spinola Marquis of Benaffro knight of the order of the Golden fleece Councellor of State and warre to his Catholike Majestie Campe-Master and Generall of his armies c. The Lord Iohn Richardot knight Lord of Barli Councellor of State and first President of his Highnesses priuie Councel c. Iohn Mancicidor Councellor of warre and Secretarie to his Catholike Majestie The reuerend Father Frier Iohn Ney Generall Commissarie of the order of Saint Francis in the Netherlands and the Lord Lodwick Verreycken knight Audiencer and chiefe Secretarie to their Highnesses by vertue of Letters Procuratories from the said Lords Archdukes on the one side to treat aswell in their own names as in that of his Catholike maiestie with William Lodwick Earle of Nassau Catzenellenboghe Vianden Dietz c. Lord of Bilsteyn gouernor and captaine generall of Frizland of the towne of Groninghen the Ommelands and Drenth c. The Lord Walrauen lord of Brederode Vianen Castellain of V●recht lord of Ameyde Cloetinge c. The lord Cornellis de Gent lord of Loenen Meynerwick Castellain and Iusticer of the Empire and town of Nimmeghen The lord Iohn Oldenbarneuelt Knight lord of Temple Rondentijs c. Aduocate and keeper of the great seale charters and registers of Holland and East Frizland The lord Iames Maldere knight lord of Heyes c. the chiefe man representing the Nobility in the States and Councell of the Countie of Zeland The lord Gerard de Renesse lord Vander Aa Streefkerck Nieuleckerland c. Gellius Hillama Doctor of the laws ordinarie Councellor in the councell of Frizland Iohn Sloeth lord of Sallick Drossart of the Countrie of Vallenho and Castellain of the lordship of Cuynder and Abell Coenders of Helpen lord in Faen and Cantes in names of the said lords States in vertue likewise of their letters of commission on the other part These by the mediation and aduice of Peter Ieannin knight Baron of Chagni and Monthe● Councellor to the most Christian King in his Councel of State and his extraordinarie Ambassador with the said lords States and the lord Elie de la Place knight lord of Russy Castellain of Machault Councellor likewise in the said Councell of State and ordinarie gentleman of the kings chamber baylie and captaine of Vitrie le Francois and his ordinarie Ambassador resident with the said lords States Sir Richard Spencer knight ordinarie gentleman of the king of Englands priuie chamber and his extraordinarie Ambassador with the said lords States and Sir Ralph Winwood knight the same kings ordinarie Ambassador and Councellor of State to the said vnited Prouinces all these made an agreement in manner and forme following I FIrst the said Lords Archdukes doe declare as well in their owne names as in that of the king of Spaine that they are content to treat with the said Lords generall States of the vnited Prouinces in qualitie and reputing them for free Countries Prouinces and States to which they pretend no claime and to make with them in the names and qualities aboue said as by these presents they doe truce on these conditions hereafter mentioned II. Namely that the said truce shall bee of force firme and inuiolable for the terme of twelue yeares during which time there shall bee a cessation from all hostile actions in what manner soeuer betwixt the said Lords King Archdukes and generall States both by Sea and land and fresh riuers in all their kingdomes countries territories and dominions and for all their
continued by himselfe Forasmuch as officers and Magistrats are appointed in Townes and places according to the prerogatiues respectiuely giuen to the Lords Townes Villages by the Princes of these Countries In this regard we cannot violate them But his Excellencie for the better seruice of these Countries will prouide that the Magistrats and officers bee honest and well qualified people And for that which concerneth the establishment of Counsellors Commissioners of Townes and Colledges His Excellencies meaning is to conferre with the States about these matters as he shall find it to be expedient for the seruice and commoditie of the Countrie He will likewise giue order that the Townes and Forts of Block-zijl and Cuyndert shall be fortified maintayned garded and prouided of all necessaries He will by all meanes preuent and hinder that no sedition arise among the inhabitants This belongs to the Gouernour of the Prouinces and to the ordinarie officers and Magistrats thereof And because the Commission for Captaineship of the Castle of Medenblick was by his Excellencie graunted onely by Prouiso he intreats his Excellencie to giue and confirme it absolutely vnto him Forasmuch as the Captaineship of the of Castle Medenblick is an ordiofficenarie of the Countrie which according to the priuiledges therof cannot be administred but by any such an one as is born in the Low countries his Excellencie cannot graunt it contrarie to the sayd priuiledges seeing that the Generall was not borne there Done by aduice at the Hague the 21 of Ianuarie 1588 and subsigned By me William Mostaert All this thus done those of Medenblick continued obstinat the souldiers mutined and would not depart till they had receiued the arrerages They disarmed the Burghers and caried their armes to Gouernour Senoys house and enforced them euerie weeke to giue them pay My Lords the States sent the Lords of Famas and Swevenseell Peter Kyes Burgomaster of Harlem and Master Adrian Antonie Burgomaster of Alckmaer to them who presented the arrerages to the mutinous souldiers and greater pay than to any other that serued the States but they would neither giue audience to these Commissioners nor to other which were sent after them but went a boothaling vp and downe the Countrie constrayning the Boores in hostile manner to pay them their entertainement which to speake truely was a matter of great consequence and might easily haue ruined all North-Holland if my Lords the States had not in time preuented it who resolued by force to master these mutines giuing ample power to his Excellencie to put it in execution who together with the Marshall Villers who was newly set at libertie from his imprisonment brought certaine companies of souldiers Burghers of neighbour towns and some ships of warre before the Towne who did in such sort besiege and nerely presse it as those within it began to remember themselues and so to consider the present daunger as they began in some sort to change their minds And perceiuing that the Earle of Leycester had wholly giuen ouer the gouernement and had surrendred into the generall States whose authoritie by their resolution did dayly increase and that they could not but expect some great mischiefe in recompence of their obstinacie the matter was at last so handled by meanes of Sir Henrie Killegrew the Lord Willoughby and other English Lords as those of Medenblick hauing beene besieged till the Moneth of Aprill the Generall Senoy and his soldiers made an accord with his Excellencie and deliuered the Towne into his hands The Generall and souldiers went forth of the Towne with passeport which his Excellencie and his troopes entred where he ordered all matters necessarie for the better assurance of the Towne Generall Senoy went to Alckmaer where with sundrie reasons hee would haue excused himselfe Those of Medenblick and others did greatly endammage him in his goods whereupon in anno 1590 he went into England to make his complaint to her Maiestie who in the yeare 1592 propounded his case to my Lords the States by her Agent Thomas Bodley on the fist day of Iulie which propositions were by them amply resolutely answered to the Agents satisfaction During these ciuile and intestine troubles as well in Holland Zeland and other Prouinces by certaine innouators and some English who sought their owne particular profit more than their Queenes honour newes was brought that on the twentie ninth of May 1588 the dreadfull renouned mightie and inuincible Spanish Armada lanched forth of the hauen of Lisbone and sayled towards the Groyne to execute her King and Councels Commission And because it was so extraordinarie and potent a fleet as to speake indifferently thereof it was sufficient to haue destroyed and subuerted whole Kingdomes and Countries we will as well as we can make a description thereof which we haue taken forth of the most autentick Authors to the glorie of God who looking vpon these countries in the middest of their troubles with the eyes of his mercie did free and preserue his seruants from so mightie a fleet and from so many bloudie hands thereby shewing how weake humane strength is when it is not fortified and supported by his strong and mightie arme who beeing Lord of all creatures can onely by his winds and tempests ruiue and ouerwhelme the hautie and proud resolution together with the King of Spaines whole power So as verie few ships of so potent a fleet returned safe home into their Countries A true description of the most mightie Armada set forth by Philip the second King of Spaine which being assembled in the Riuer before Lisbone the chiefe citie of Portugall sailed towards the Low-countries the 29 and 30 of May 1588 vnder the conduct and commaund of the Duke de Medina Sidonia appointed by the King of Spaine as Captaine Generall thereof PHilip the second of that name King of Spayn hauing with small aduantage made war in the Low-countries for the space of 21 yeres did with his Councel resolue once more to inuade those Countrie● by sea supposing that notwithstanding he had in former time attempted to make himself master therof by sea had bin euer enforced to retreat because he had not attempted it with power sufficient for this cause he was desirous at once to imploy all his forces the rather because England was his enemie so as he resolued first to inuade England which Escouedo Secretarie to D. Iohn of Austria some other malitious Spanyards together with some rebellous Englishmen supposed would be sooner won than Holland Zeland maintaining it to be more profitable for the king to inuade England and the Low-countries by sea than continually to entertaine a mightie fleet for defence of the voyages to the East West Indies against the English and Hollanders For execution of which resolution each of the Kingdomes in Spayne for their part haue rigd and mand as many gallions galleasses gallies other vessels as the King and his Councell
send them from Sluce to Sea or else through the channell of Iperlee into other Hauens of Flanders He had likewise prepared seuentie flat bottomed vessels in the little Riuer at Waten each of them beeing able to carrie thirtie horse with Bridges fit to ship them he had likewise two hundred more of these Boates though not so big readie in the Hauen of Newport He had rigd two and thirtie ships of warre at Dunkirke wanting mariners he drew diuers from Hambourg Breme and Embden He had two thousand emptie vessels readie at Grauelin which in a short space might be soon fastened together in maner of a bridge with all prouision to make bridges to choake vp hauens and to found them and neere to the Hauen of Newport hee had prepared great heapes of Fagots and other substance to make Gabions in many of his Boates were two Ouens to bake bread he had likewise great numbers of Saddles Bridles and furniture for horse with all sorts of ordnance and munition necessarie thereunto Beside he had a Campe readie not farre from Newport commaunded by Camillo the Campe-Master and thirtie Ensignes of Italians tenne of Walons eight of Scots eight of Burgonians in all fiftie sixe Ensignes euerie Ensigne an hundred men compleat Neere to Dixmuyde hee had sixtie Spanish Ensignes sixtie of Almans and seuen of reuolted English vnder the commaund of of Sir William Stanley The Earle of Westmerland and the Lord Paget English fugitiues were there likewise readie to imbarke In the suburbs of Courtray he had foure thousand horse 900 horse at Watene with the Marquesse of Guastos Cornet who was Generall of the horse Pope Sixtus the fist the better to strengthen the sayd Armie and weaken the Queene of Englands power did for his part doe all he could imploying his spirituall armes as they terme it published his Croizades and Bulls for the aduancement of this enterprise and gaue great pardons which were printed and distributed abroad He had likewise as it is reported giuen the Realme of England to the King of Spaine with this Title of Defender of the Christian faith commaunding him to surprise it on condition that if he should win it he should enioy it as a seodatarie to the See of Rome and to this end the Pope contributed a million of gold or ten ne hundred thousand ducats the one halfe in hand and the other when eyther England or some famous Hauen should bee woon And for the better furtherance thereof the Pope sent an English Doctor called Allen into the Low-countries who should haue had the managing of all Ecclesiasticall affaires He caused a declaration of the Popes to be Printed at Antuerpe confirming his predecessors sentence of excommunication deposing and degrading the Queen of England from all her titles and dignities as an vsurper which for the aduauncement of the enterprise he would haue published in England The Spanyard the better to couer and conceale his practises or else peraduenture to make the world beleeue that his designe was rather for the vnited Prouinces than for England made a solemne treatie of peace with the Queen at Bourbourg in Flanders But the Prouinces Towns and Forts neere to the Sea gaue aduertisements protested and sought all meanes to hinder and breake off this treatie of peace aduising the English rather to stand upon their Gard Yet some in England stood fast for peace or truce as most necessarie profitable for the State of their countrie as well for their traffique nauigation as to cut off the great expence of a long tedious war others by this meanes thought to diuert the fleet from them so to auoid the tempest In a word Parma hereby did lull full diuers Englishmen a sleep who were desirous of peace in the Low countries himselfe thinking on nothing lesse than peace studying how he might conquer England which he had alreadie promised to himselfe Whereupon the English the vnited prouinces were in some sort prepared for defence against the force of this fleet but not according to the greatnesse of the danger for it was giuen out that this great Armada was onely to conuey the Spanish fleet to the Indies and bring it safe home againe which was the rather belieued because the ships being so great some thought that the Spaniards would not hazard them in the narrow seas nere to England In May the French King sent a message to the Queene of England by which hee aduised her to prepare for defence for that he was truly enformed that this tempest wold light vpon her Wherupon the Queene speedily prepared a fleet of her owne ships and that of her subjects sent part thereof to Plimmouth in the West parts vnder the commaund of the Lord Admirall Charles Lord Howard of Effingham now Earle of Nottingham together with Sir Francis Drake Vice-Admirall to the number of 100 saile An other fleet lay betwixt Douer and Calais vnder the commaund of the Lord Henrie Seymer sonne to the Duke of Somerset to the number of 40 or 50 saile All England was in Armes vnder valiant and trusty Captaines And because it was reported that the Spanyards conjoyned with Parma would come vp into the Riuer of Thames a Campe was made nere Grauesend with forts on both sides the Riuer by Frederic Ienibelli an excellent Ingeneir The Queene came in person to the Campe like a second Tomyris or Pallas other Camps were likewise placed in other parts As for the vnited Prouinces of Holland Zeland c. they by a mutuall consent resolued to doe the like But because they vnderstood that the Spanish ships were too bigge to come nere their shallow shoares they were more afraid of Parma and his flat bottomed Boats notwithstanding their own incessiue broiles they made readie a fleet of ninetie vessels which they sent to gard al the Hauens of Flaunders euen from the Scheld and Lillo as farre as Grauelin and had placed strong Garrisons in all their Sea Townes And to make some opposition against the Spanish fleet they sent Captaine Cornelis Lonck of Rosendael with fiue and twentie or thirtie vessels to joyne with the Lord Henrie Seymer and to lye betwixt Calais and Antuerpe But the ships were by Tempest and Northerlie winds enforced to quit the coast of Flanders and to returne into England yet when the tempest ceased they returned with Iustinus of Nassau who was there in person with George le More Vice-Admirall of Zeland being in number fiftie fiue vessels great and small of 80 and two hundred and fiftie tunne excellently well mand with souldiers and mariners beside one thousand two hundred old choyce musquetiers drawne from all the Regiments who were resolute and skilfull in Sea fight This was dore to keepe Parmas fleet from comming forth of the Hauens which was a matter of most importance In the meane time on the nine and twentieth day of May 1588 the aforesaid mightie Nauie sayled forth of the Hauen of Lisbone vnder
conduct of the Duke of Medina to the Groine in Galicia which is the nearest Hauen to England where it tooke in more men and munition By the way a tempest arose which scattered them The Duke and some eightie sale kept together the rest followed by little and little except 8 which had spent their masts Of foure Portugal Gallies one escaped the rest were taken by an Englishman called Dauid Guyn wherein D. Diego de Medrena was slaine The fleet being refreshed at the Groyne commanded daily by the Kings Letters to depart did set fayle on the 21 of Iulie and held on it course till it came within kenning of England from thence by small boats they sent word to the Duke of Parma of their arriuall aduising him to embarke his forces for England They were discouered by an English Pinnace at the same time whē the English fleet lay at Plimmouth who supposed that the former tempest wold delay the enterprise of the Spanish Nauie wherupon the Lord Admiral of England receiued letters from the Qu how she had intelligence that the Spanish fleet wold not come forward or at least not in a lōg time that therfore the Admiral shold do well to discharge some of the great ships and send them away But he hauing receiued newes of their approch on the 29 of Iulie at foure of the clocke in the afternoone gaue speedie comaundement that the whole fleet should put forth of the hauen that the souldiers should bee embarked which was not done but with great difficultie The Lord Admirall the same night came in to the road with sixe ships and the next day by noone which was the 30 of Iulie they descried the Spanish Nauie which with a South West wind bent it course as it seemed directly towards Plimmouth but when they perceiued the English were forth of the hauen they passed on forward Here according to the opinion of some sufficient and vnderstanding men the Spanish fleet committed a great error for D. Alonso de Leyuas aduice was to haue gone and assaulted Plimmouth for therein was great likelihood of good successe seeing that the English were vnprepared had bad intelligence of the Spanish Nauie whereby they might haue surprised them on the sodaine That the hauen was verie fit and commodious for the aduauncement of their design that there they might haue made some trial of their valor had some proose of the strength of the English fleet the peoples affection and that by giuing an alarme to those parts the chiefe strength of the countrie would haue bin drawne thither and Parma therby haue had better meanes to haue come forth with his forces But their instructions from their king and his Councel forbad it who expresly commāded them not to enterprise any thing by the way but onely to joyne with Parma and together with his troopes and vessels to make an attempt vpon Margate which they thought might bee easily done which would haue so amazed the English Low-countrie fleet as each of them would haue withdrawne themselues to their own defence to keep their countries Hauens from inuasion It is reported that some of the chief of the Spanish commanders which were skilful in Nauigation among whom were the Vice Admiral D. Iuan Martin de Ricaldo Diego Flores de Valdez others had protested that it would bee an hard matter to follow those instructions especially in a Commission with such restrictions alleging that in such enterprises many matters were to be considered as the wind time and tyde to come forth of the Hauens of Flaunders into England with the places roads and deepenesse thereof which are subject to wind other hazards therfore verie dangerous But they were strictly tied to their cōmission which was to come to an anker before Calais where the prince of Parma should meet them with his flat bottomed boats and other munition which vnder the couert and protection of the great Nauie should passe on and land their forces in some part of the downes But as some of the Spanish prisoners reported their principall project was vpon the Riuer of Thames where they might on each shoare land their men and by passing vp the Riuer surprise the Citie of London the Metropolis of the kingdome whether the lesser vessels might follow them seeing that London not strong but rich mightie and populous and the inhabitants therof vnacquainted with warre might at the first encounter bee easily terrified They did likewise hope that the Queene should be badly obeyed and that some discontented faction might arise of Roman Catholikes According to their instruction and commission they went forward often aduertising the Duke of Parma of their arriuall and intention and so vpon the thirtieth of Iulie they passed Plimmouth The English forthwith followed and got the wind of them by which meanes they might assaile the Spanish fleet themselues not be assailed by it so that the two fleets made towards one another The next day beeing the one and thirtieth of Iulie the English came within musquet shot of the Spanish fleet The English admiral thundred with his ordnāce vpon the Spanish Vice-Admiral who perceiuing themselues to be greatly annoyed by the English Canon fell into a close forme of an halfe moone hoysting their sailes but halfe mast high because they would not fall soule one of an other Anon one of the Galleasses was fore opprest by certaine ships and their battaile so assailed as the chiefe Gallion of Sicile wherein was D. Pedro Valdez which D. Basco de Sylua and D. Alonzo de Sayas with diuers other noble men brake her mast against another ship so as she could not follow and the fleet would not stay to rescue her but left her behind The English Admirall looking on Valdez ship and supposing that there were no men in her went on with as many ships as hee had neere him beeing loth by night to loose the fleet For Sir Frauncis Drake who that night carried the lanterne gaue chase to fiue great ships diuided from the fleet and finding them to be Merchants of Norway let them goe so as the English Admirall did all that night follow the Spanish lanterne thinking himselfe among his owne men and in the morning finding that he was in the middest of his enemies he withdrew himselfe from so great daunger The morrow after which was the first of August Sir Francis Drake met with Valde● ship wherein himselfe and foure hundred and fiftie men were and sent to hale her Valdez for his owne honor would haue propounded certaine conditions which hee sent to Drake who aunswered that he would not spend the time in treaties but if he would yeeld he should find fauour and on the contrarie if he would fight hee should find him a souldier Valdez and his people perceiuing that they were fallen into Drakes hands and moued by report of his fame yeelded themselues and found fauor Valdez with his gentlemen and
Captaines was signified from the Admerall by shooting off a piece of ordnance and by displaying in the sterne two of the Princes ensignes The same night the fleet did againe set saile doubled the point of Zartenes there comming to an anchor expecting the Vice-Admeral of Amsterdam But all that night they could not descrie her so as in the Morning on the thirtieth of May they went forward with a Northwest wind shaping their course East-North-East and about Noone they came neere to Beuersier with a faire wind which did blow from West-North-West but towards night they were becalmed In the euening the formost ships tooke off some of their sailes tarrying for those that were hindmost The last of May by day breake they came in ken of the Isle of Wight directing their course Eastward with a Westerlie wind About Noone the ayre was cloudie so as the Fleet durst not approach the shoare but lessened their sailes putting to Sea The first of Iune in the Morning they descried Gausteert directing their course towards Plimmouth and there stayed tarriing for the two Brigantines they had sent abroad who whithin a while after came to the Admerall whereupon another martiall Councell was held after which the fleet with full saile shaped their course South-South-East but towards Euening the ayre began againe to be cloudie and the night was verie calme The ninth by day breake the whole fleet came vpon the coast of Galicia neere to Viuero and holding their course North-East to the Northward and North-North-East towards Euening they came right ouer against the Cape Ortegall which lyeth some 11 German leagues from the Groyne In the night the wind ●urnd North-East and by North and being come to the height of 44 degrees 24 minutes the said Cape stood off from them 5 leagues South-East to the Southward The tenth of Iune they set saile with a South-West wind towards East-South-East along the shoare towards the Groyne which they descried about Noone making all things readie to assaile it It is a Sea towne in Galicia standing in the height of 43 degrees and twelue minutes on the North-side of the line opposit to England and Ireland one hundred and fifteene German leagues from Plimmouth being seated on a triangular Cape in a deepe and spacious Bay where not onely the sayd Towne hath a goodlie Hauen but Ferol Ponta de Mas Pitança and Fontuna haue the goodliest and most commodious Ports of Christendome In which regard the king of Spaine had lately fortified it with many Castles and there and at Ferol he rigd his fleet for England Ireland and the Netherlands together with that of this present yeare In some sort to hinder the preparation of that Spanish Fleet and there to destroy the King of Spaines ships and meanes the Admerall Vander-Does was commaunded to assaile the Groyne with his fleet To this end on the eleuenth of Iune the wind being North-West to the Westward the six aboue mentioned ships went before towards the Groyne to see how things were there ordered directing their course South-South-East towards the Cape de Prior where they stayed to the Southward of the Towne Those of Ferol descrying these ships sent forth two shalops to know what they were because the day before they had seene the fleet at Sea These ships went before the wind to attend these shalops which suspecting somewhat kept aloofe off and would not come neere but our men cried out aloud saying that they came from Hambourg and that they were loaden with marchants goods and onely wanted a pilot to carrie them into the Groyne By this means our men got one of the shalops to come aboord and tooke a Spaniard but those that were in it made all the hast they could to escape The Spaniard whome they had taken prisoner was one of the Kings seruants and was come the same day from the Groyne He being brought to the Admerall told him that some 4000 foot certain horse with 36 carts of siluer readie coyned 300 pipes of wine were come to the Groyn to furnish the future Spanish fleet After dinner the whole fleet came before the Groyne where they met with the Vice-Admerall of Amsterdam The Groyne and the aboue mentioned Castles were well prouided of strong garisons ordinance munition and other necessaries hauing a long time before had intelligence of the comming of this fleet by Hispaniolized French and Dutch The Admerall Vander-Does at his first ariual did presently with all his ships fall beneath the towne casting anker at 13 12 and 21 fathom Those in the towne and Castles plaid furiously with their ordnance vpon our men so as in a short space they made more than 200 shot Beneath the towne 12 great Gallions lay with certaine other French ships which likewise discharged their ordnance vpon vs yet their shot did no hurt to our fleet onely one vessell was spoiled The Admerall perceiuing such resistance sent for all the Captaines and Officers to come aboord his ship to consult together how they might best assaile the enemie yet in regard the Citie was so well prouided they thought it not fit to hazard the whole fleet or for one town to lose their good fortune in atchiuement of other enterprises And therefore the fleet went thence not medling with the towne and because it was verie calme weather they caused their boats to towe their ships lying still open to the shot both from the towne and castle which did them no harme Toward euening the wind rose so as the whole fleet was vnder saile holding their course South-South-east towards Cape Saint Vincent that they might on a sodaine surprise Saint Lucas Saint Lucas is a towne in Andaluzia on the Southern coasts of Spaine at the mouth of the Riuer of Seuill in the height of 39 degrees 40 minutes but the Admerall Vander-Does being already gon beyond S. Lucas left off that enterprise because the time was to far spent the wind stood faire for the Canaries making preparation to inuade those Islands which are in number 7 viz. the graund Canarie Palma Tenerifa Forteuentura Fero Gomera and Lancerotta They are not far one from another and are seated betwixt 27 and 30 degrees from the line they are all called Canaries after the name of the fertilest of them heretofore called Canarie and now the Grand Canarie These Islands by ancient writers were in former times termed the fortunate Islands in regard of the aboundance of all necessaries and fruitfulnesse of the soile producing all things fit for the sustenance of mans life but especially the grand Canarie Palma and Tenerifa which do not onely produce all necessaries in aboundance but likewise sugars wine and oile and such like commodities wherewith they store Europe and other Countries These Islands haue been a long time subiect to the Spaniards who now remaine there and are not inhabited by their auncient inhabitants who now are all rooted out But by whom and how they were
cheape there than in Holland or Zealand in regard they paid no imposition The Duke of Holst brother to the King of Denmarke with Count Iohn of Nassau Count Hohenlo and the Earle of Northumberland came from England thither to view the manner of the fortifications Count Saint Paul Gouernour of Picardie was likewise onward on his way thither but by a contrarie wind was caried into Zealand yea Henry the fourth the great French king came in August to Calais to vnderstand the particularities of that siege from whence hee sent one of his Lords to visite the Archduke who likewise sent Count Solre to the king Count Chastillon a gallant noble and valorous Lord nephew to the great Admerall of France commaunded the French forces in Ostend and as by vnluckie chance hee stood on the top of the Sand hill viewing the Gabions in companie of the gouernour the Lord Vander Noot Colonell Huchtenbroeck gouernour of Saint Andrewes fort and Brog Lieutenaunt Colonell to the Scots with diuers other gentlemen the scalpe of his head was caried away with a canon bullet so as the braines and bones flew in the face of Huchtenbroeck Captaine Brog and others Within a while after namely on the last of September the said Colonell Huchtenbroeck was likewise slaine and was much lamented as also a French Captaine named Pomarend It would bee an impossibilitie to set downe the names of all the Captaines which dyed both within and without the towne together with the sundrie accidents which daily happened there with so small terrour and amazement as is almost incredible custome wholy banishing feare Among others a souldier bought a loafe of bread which hee held vp in his hand shewing it to one of his fellowes and in the meane time a bullet tooke away the one halfe of it whereupon the souldier merrily sayd that there was some good fellowship in him that made that shot because hee left him some bread and tooke not all away An English gentleman of the age of twentie yeares had in a sallie his right arme shot off with a Canon bullet hee tooke it vp and carried it along with him to the Surgeons who drest him which done hee tooke his arme with him to his lodging where without beeing sicke or distempered he held it in his left hand saying this is the arme which to day at dinner serued the whole bodie An other souldier hauing his arme shot off and beeing verie weake was led away by two of his fellowes as hee went along an other bullet tooke away one of his legs of which hurt he presently dyed those two which led him being in no sort hurt A Grocer standing in his shop was slaine with a great shot and beeing laid in a coffing the bodie was caried away with a Canon bullet A yong man beeing on horse backe his horse was slaine vnder him with a bullet which entred at his hinder parts and came forth at his brest and yet himselfe had no harme onely his breeches were torne a sunder betwixt his legs with the wind of the bullet A Sea Captaine beeing in conference with one who layd his arme vpon the Captaines shoulder it was taken away by a great shot the Captain hauing no hurt but only astonied with the wind of the canon It fell out likewise oftentimes that the enemie discharging his ordnance the bullet flew into the mouth of our canon which was charged and setting it on fire two bullets were sent backe in steed of one Diuers other strange accidents happened there among so manie millions of shot for the first ten weeks both from the town and enemies campe more than threescore thousand Canon shot were spent beside fire-works to burn downe the town building which tooke no great effect in regard the houses were low Now this is not strange for the meaning of the Spaniards was to win the towne with their ordnance and to make it a heape of stones and ashes but the besieged shot as much as the enemies dismounting their canon and tearing downe their forts For there was neuer any place among Turks Heathen or Christians where so manie shot haue beene bestowed on either side the canons beeing so worne and the holes made so wide as the like hath not bin seene The foureteenth of August Generall Vere beeing on the Sand hill was hurt in the head with a wodden splinter and because his wound was daungerous the surgeons told him that he must withdrawe himselfe to some quiet place free from the noice of ordnance whereupon hee went from Ostend and remained for a time in Zealand The besieged made braue sallies wherein the enemies were still put to the worst the foure and twentieth of August our men made two sallies the first by the English alone the second by Dutch and English of whom some nine or ten were slaine and thirtie hurt but of the enemies many moe were slaine who still repulsed our men and when their foot men were too weake they made vse of their horsemen among whom the ordnance made great slaughter so as this siege was verie bloudie and long as it shall appeare by the sequell of the Historie The enemies were often at variance among themselues because many of their attemps had no good successe They were intrenched in the West downes in seuen or eight trenches the one higher than the other according to the nature of the ground their trenches beeing conioyned with fagots and sand further off from these they had made an other trench with platformes for their ordnance which extended as far as their fort in the ruined churchyard betwixt the forts of Grooten-dorst aud Isabella standing on the riuer Yperlee where likewise Saint Clares fort stood and part of the camp of the Southern quarter from whence they had made a way with fagots as farre as the Eastern campe Count Frederick Vandenbergh had made a trench to the Southward opposite to the Englishmens trenches on the Polder well fortified with ordnance and batteries D. Augustino de Mexia with some eight thousand men commanded that quarter on the East side of the town neere to the bridge was another campe likewise wherein lay two thousand men vnder Count Frederick Beside they had a companie of reuolted English commaunded by Captaine Floud and foure cornets of horse Three thousand men did euerie night gard the camp Captaine Catrice had chiefe commaund of the trenches with one Simon Antonio Matheo Serrano was lieutenant generall of the ordnance D. Lewis d' Auila Balthazar Lopes D. Iuan Panrache were Sergeant Majors of the Army The Regiments of the Earles Solre Bucquoy Frisin Achicourt and others where there who agreed but badly with the Spaniards whose intollerable pride they could not endure The mutinie in certaine forts was not wholy quieted but the mutiners were sent to Saint Winocks Bergue till they might receiue their full pay which came too late so as they reduced the whole countrie vnder contribution Archduke Albert was in person in the
Generall considering sent Captaine Day thither who with great cries fiercely assailed them and with much effusion of bloud draue them thence so as the next day aboue three hundred dead bodies were found in the said halfe moone beside those that were hurt and drowned In this generall assault which continued two houres the Archduke lost in all aboue two thousand men for in the fury no man was spared notwithstanding hee cried out take me prisoner I am an Ensigne Lieutenant or Captaine one promising an hundred an other two three foure fiue yea sixe hundred crownes to haue their liues saued but it was to no purpose for none were spared during the fight but afterwards the heat beeing past many were taken prisoners and great numbers of them brought into Ostend Verie few of our men were slaine and in all but thirtie or fortie and some one hundred hurt these Captaines were slaine Captaine Haeften and Captaine Nicholas de Leur a lieutenant of Saint Andrews fort two English lieutenants one Ensigne two of Captaine Haeftens Sergeants one of Generall Vere his gentlemen and Sir Horatio Vere was shot in the leg There died of the enemies commaunders Count Imbec an Italian who was verie rich and had three hundred pistolets to spend euery day hee promised to giue as much gold for his ransome as his bodie weighed but a common souldier slew him with a poniard Don Durago campe master the Sergeant Major generall who had been hostage at Ostend the gouernor of Antuerps lieutenant Colonell Lewis Gambaliotta D. Alvaro Strugas knight of Malta Monsieur de la Tour lieutenant to Count Bucquoy D. Pedro de Velasco Lewis de la Villa verde were sore wounded His Highnes sent a Drum crauing leaue to suruey the dead who had foure hours granted him The commaunders which conducted the souldiers to the assault on the seuenth of Ianuarie 1602 were Count Ferneste an Italian commaunding 2000 of his countrie men who were to assault the Sand hill Count Bucquoy on the West side of the Gullet with two thousand men assailing the Eastern Rauelin but the tide being risen verie high hee assaulted the halfe moone beyond the Gullet from whence he was brauely repulsed The Gouernor of Dixmuide at the Porcuspine with two thousand men from whence hee was likewise repulsed besides an other Captaine with fiue hundred men on the West Rauelin who was also beaten thence An other Captain with fiue hundred men on the South Quadrant who did nothing The Sergeant Major with one thousand men on the West Quadrant who was likewise repulsed After this because the prisoners said that the enemie would the next day giue an other assault Generall Vere did euerie where fortifie and fence the weakest places He was likewise told that on the one and twentieth of Ianuarie the towne should bee againe assaulted by two thousand cuirasses armed at proofe but it seemeth because they could get no firme footing on the Sand hill that therefore it was deferred as also because the souldiers began euerie where to mutine especially the old Spaniards and Italians by reason of their bad vsage in being led so to the slaughter contrarie to all law of armes and driuen forward ●●●e bruit beasts by the horsemen after the Turkish manner against the opinion and consent of all the wise and discreet councell of warre so as it only seemed to be done in despight and brauerie But the Archduke presently caused part of these mutineers to be imprisoned and hanged vp fortie or fiftie of them of whom three were men of note and respect among the souldiers one of them being an old souldier said aloud at his execution that there were foure thousand who would reuenge their death an hundred and fiftie of them were likewise condemned to the Gallies The mutineers of Isabellas fort were sent to Winocxbergue without paye who reduced the whole countrie vnder contribution paying themselues Within a while after the States of the vnited prouinces sent more men to Ostend and furnished the towne with all necessaries notwithstanding the enemies continuall shooting so as wee can reckon that from the first day of the siege which was the fift of Iuly till Christmasse one hundred sixtie one thousand and fiue hundred shot had beene made vpon the towne and halfe as manie from thence The harme done by the enemies Canon was not onely repaired but the town thereby made more strong The Sand hill was so full of bullets as the workemen could not enter the pallizadoes which had iron points meeting many times with seuen or eight bullets in one hole It was a verie hard taske to vndermine the towne by reason that there were so manie trenches and fortifications abroade hindring the enemies approches the Sea did likewise keep them from any long worke To famish the towne was likewas impossible for though the enemie shot on euerie side yet in one day twentie thirtie yea ' fortie boats entred the towne and they had moreouer an other hauen readie by which they might at all times enter with lesse daunger and though all the hauens should faile them yet they might continually bring prouision into the old towne by shallops After this assault the vnited Prouinces resolued to change the Garrison of Ostend euerie foure or sixe moneths so as by little and little the Lord Frederick of Dorp entred the towne as Gouernour and Collonell together with William Edmonds the Scottish Colonell with th● Colonels Daniell de Hertaing Lord of Marquette Barendrecht the Lords of Dort and Domervile with their troops of sundrie nations These men so fortified the places of the Corps du gards as the enemie could no more doe such harme as hee was wont and in that regard shot not so often into the towne As these entred the old Garrison departed thence to refresh themselues Generall Vere went away likewise and made a journey into England The going out and in of these souldiers was seldome done without daunger and yet sometimes it was not daungerous as on the seuenteenth of March when fiue boats entred by night without any harme notwithstanding all the enemies shot The next morning at cleere day light nineteene boats richly loaden entred the enemie made one hundred twentie and two shot after them and those of the towne discharged aboue sixtie shot vpon the enemies Canon and Gabions Of these nineteene boats sixteene were touched but no great hurt done onely two men were slaine and seuen hurt In a word they entred sometime with daunger and sometimes without In lesse than sixe weekes one hundred thirtie and sixe boats loaden with all manner of prouision and munition entred the towne A Sea Captaine called Iohn Adrian Caut did on the tenth of Februarie bring 60000 pound weight of match and thirtie barrels of powder thither the like did diuers others so as the town was prouided for a long time Great quantitie of fagots and other stuffe was likewise sent thither to defend the towne from the Sea waues Souldiers were
printed that the Countries might seriously looke to what they were to doe To the high illustrious honorable noble learned wise and discreet Lords good freinds and neighbours the Prelats Princes Earls Lords Gentlemen and Cities of Brabant Flaunders Artois Hainalt Valenciennes Lisle Douay Orchies Namur Tournay Tournesis and Malines representing the bodie of the Netherlands vnder the Spanish or Archdukes gouernment To all of them in generall and to euery of them in particular MY Lords wee doubt not but that your Excellencies do still remember the louing remonstrances and exhortations which we haue often made vnto you wherein we intreated you maturely to consider and well weigh the determination and end of the Spaniards and their adherents enemies to the State lawes priuiledges goods and persons of the Netherlands viz. their originall and rooted determination which is so base and hurtfull as it wholy tends to the entire ruine of the Inhabitants of these Countries We know very well notwithstanding that the said determination is likewise among you held indubitable that some of your Excellencies haue beene drawne thereunto partly by your owne good natures and partly by persuasions that matters might bee redressed and amended by meanes of the Archdukes and presence of their Highnesses But because we are well assured of the Spaniards and their adherents continuance in their determination for ruine of the Netherlands and subiecting them for euer to the Spanish yoake that they might beare rule ouer the consciences bodies lawes and goods of the inhabitants thereof and that the Archduke can no way helpe it this is the reason why wee cannot bee of your opinion And not to precipitate your Excellencies nor our selues into a certaine continuall and irreparable ruine we haue found out this to be the best remedie still to continue with a constant courage in the laudable resolution taken from the beginning by the chiefe persons and members of the whole Netherlands of all estates and conditions and beeing assured of the aide and assistance of God and that of Kings Princes and Republiks with whom wee are in league as also on the equitie of our cause wee doe patiently expect good successe especially by your Excellencies directions and discreet gouernment and will voluntarily vndergoe all difficulties daungers and expences requisite for maintenance of so holie commendable honourable and necessarie resolution Nor can the base and deceitfull conueyance of the low Countries made to their Highnesses euer moue vs to any alteration we hauing in that regard after the said conueyance seriously by letters and word of mouth conferring with your commissioners requested and exhorted your Excellencies to bee carefull on your side for the managing and gouernment of affaires of State and war both within and without the Countrie wee are well assured that if it bee duely considered and not with a passionate spirit that none will iudge otherwise but that the said deceitfull conueyance doth vndoubtedly tend to the assured ruine of all the Netherlands and the inhabitants thereof Your Excellencies doe perceiue vnderstand and effectually feele what is past and may easily iudge of that which is still likely to ensue so as wee think it needlesse to writ more amply vnto you of it onely we louingly intreat exhort and earnestly request your Excellencies to remember the laudable reputation purchased by your predecessors certaine hundreds of yeares past which they haue left vnto vs as a rule which is to bee Protectors and defendors of the liberties and lawes of the Netherlands in common and of the members townes and inhabitants thereof in particular and to consider whether the contents of the said idle and vnworthie conueyance and of the treatie which ensued it doth agree with the duetie wherewith your Excellencies are tied to your houses estates posteritie and especially to your Countrie Yf so which wee by no meanes think wee will pray vnto God to enlighten your Excellencies and to giue you a better and cleerer iudgement But if your Excellencies perceiue that the said pretended conueyance made for necessitie and to auoide a greater mischiefe bee deceitfull and dishonorable and as an infamous blot to the Netherlands if likewise yee vnderstand that the Spaniards and their adherents proceedings which haue ensued thereupon and are till now growne from bad to worse both in affaires of state and war as wee know that the most of your Excellencies do are preiudicious and intollerable and so by consequence your Excellencies are not bound and tied to them as repugnant to the common good the lawes and priuiledges of the Netherlands If your Excellencies doe likewise consider that all forcible extremities all prohibitions of trade and commerce all deuises and practises to entangle the Majestie of England and the vnited prouinces doe more and more come to light and are not onely repugnant to this resolution but bring forth cleane contrarie effects That the treacherous attempts on the Townes and Castles of the French king giue great occasion to take speedie reuenge That libels and rimes wherewith they seeke to make the French King and his affaires odious to the common people and call in question the rightfull successions of the Crownes of France and England are but vain propositions only tending to incense their Majesties and that they goe about in vain to raise tumult sedition amongst the people of the Low-countries considering that whilest they are at quiet and liue vnder obedience their condition thanks be to God is an hundred times better and more safe than that of the common people vnder the king of Spaine and Archdukes and that they haue no occasion to distrust their lawfull superiors or their actions but on the contrarie the Spaniards and Archdukes subjects perceiuing that all their affaires doe daily impaire that the authoritie of the States Prelats Princes Lords Gentlemen and townes of the Prouinces both in general and particular are without any respect trodden vnder-foot that they defend themselues onely with strangers in contempt of all good Patriots and that not onely in the chiefe garrisons townes and forts but generally in all matters some few excepted they seeme to proceed formally and in apparence the which without all question they will soone leaue off if they were once absolute Lords so that the Prouinces and people should not be onely without trade wealth and nauigation but euen the third part of the Inhabitants would bee depriued of necessarie meanes to liue the chiefe cities made Doue-coats the Countrie villages ruined and the people eaten and consumed to the verie bones by souldiers who are so badly payed as mutinie in one place is no sooner quieted but two worse than it breakes forth in another so as it is to be feared that in the end all will become desperate In which regard we intreat your Excellencies effectually to embrace the necessarie remedies and so to handle the matter as their Highnesses may be persuaded to depart from the Netherlands and to procure themselues a more quiet and certaine portion