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A02454 The historie of Edvvard the Fourth, King of England. By Wm. Habington Esquire Habington, William, 1605-1654.; Elstracke, Renold, fl. 1590-1630, engraver. 1640 (1640) STC 12586; ESTC S120588 129,268 238

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THE HISTORIE OF EDWARD THE FOVRTH KING OF ENGLAND BY WM. HABINGTON Esquire LONDON Printed by Tho. Cotes for William Cooke and are to be sold at his shop neere Furnivals-Inne Gate in Holburne 1640. TO THE KINGS MOST SACRED MAIESTIE Sir AN Humbler Dedication would seeme to lessen the memory of that great Prince whose History I here lay downe at your feete Your Majestie is heire to those Crowns his happy courage regain'd from the long and violent possession of a most Potent Family What can then by any Title appertaine to him but must be injustice to offer to another His life presents your eye with rugged times yet smooth'd by a prevailing Fortune and a just cause Faction begot many tempests but Soveraigntie found a happie calme in the destruction since no gentler way had authoritie of mighty opposers When we your subjects looke backe upon that age how ought we to congratulate the present Wherein free even from the noyse of warre we have hitherto by the excellent Wisedome of your Majesties government lived safe and envied The Almighty grant all your people knowledge of their owne felicity and their mindes so disposed that their blessings may feele no interruption May your Majestie long continue in peace the comfort and honour of these times and the best example for the future But if you shall be forc't to draw your sword may your enemies submit and tastpart of your mercy if not perish in your Victories This is the prayer of your Majesties Most Humble most Loyall and most Obedient Subject WM. HABINGTON THE HISTORIE OF EDWARD THE FOVRTH KING OF ENGLAND RICHARD Duke of Yorke overthrowne by his owne rashnesse and the happie conduct of Queene Margaret at the battaile of Wakefield left the justice of his Title with a more prosperous fortune to his Sonne Edward His head during life busied with expectations of Soveraigntie after death was mockt with a paper Crowne and fixt on a pole was set on the walls of Yorke For the Queene to make his pretentions to the Kingdome the common scorne forgot that compassion she owed humaine calamitie and in a phantasticke cruelty exposed it thus to the barbarous mirth of the be holders With him dyed his younger sonne Edmond Earle of Rutland then but twelve yeares old comming too soone with his tutor to the school● of Warre and learning at first the sharpest lesson from the Lord Clifford who most inhumanely ●tab'd him prostrate at his feete intreating but for life In the very Haven after a long and tempestuous voyage thus perisht the Duke of Yorke as if it had beene in the fate of al the Richards who were either in fact o● title Kings of England to end by violent deathes Richard the first and second preceding him His sonne Richard the Tyrant and Richard Duke of Yorke his Nephew following him in the like disaster though severall wayes and upon different quarrels This great overthrow was suddenly rumor'd through the whole Kingdome and stretched up to the highest to advance the reputation of the Queenes felicitie And soone it arrived at Glocester where Edward Earle of March lay with some small forces expecting directions from his Father By whose death perceiving himselfe in so foule weather to sit alone at the helme he began more warily to steere his course and considering how dangerous leasure is to increase the apprehension of misfortune removed to Shrewesbury By the way his armie swel'd up to three and twenty thousand fighting men which might appeare strange if we weigh the necessary unexperience of his youth being then but eighteene yeares of age and the slender retinue that usually weights on infelicitie But now he was the head of the great body of that faction which his Father at the expence of so long trouble had purchased to his side and them the Queenes nature implacable to mercy made resolute onely to hope for safety by running into the common danger Moreover all the men of power who inhabited betweene Glocester and Shrowsbury had dependancie on him as heire to Mortimer or held in chiefe of his mighty confederate the Earle of Warwicke With this sudden and unexpected accesse of forces he entertain'd a confidence to be able to revenge his fathers injurie and obtaine that greatnesse as yet had beene in vaine attempted Hee therefore lookt about where he might on the best advantage make experience of his fortune Fortune appearing easie to be courted as if enamord on his youth having beene seldome observed but froward to age in any designe that depends chiefely upon courage And occasion was immediately offerd certaine discovery being made of a great power raised by the adverse party with purpose to surprise him in the amazement of the late misfortune The Armie consisted of Welch and Irish according to the severall Nations of the two Commanders Jasper Earle of Pembrooke and Jaems Earle of Ormond Pembrooke halfe brother to Henry the sixt as sonne to Queene Catherin dowager to Henry the fif● by Owen Teuther and Ormond a most faithfull servant to the house of Lanchaster by whose gift in England he enjoyed the Earledome of Wiltshire Against these two the Earle of March led backe his Forces and in a large plaine neere Mortimers crosse on Candlemas day in the morning gave them battell Before the fight the Sunne as by many Authors it is averd appeared to the Earle in the resemblance of three Sunnes and suddenly united into one the truth of which I will not dispute But certainely the pretension of such apparitions strangely prevailes with the superstitious multitude and hath beene both the practise and advantage of the most expert Commanders Yet how this omen could bee expounded happie to his de signe I understand not unlesse we seeke the interpretation from the event for that indeed gave him the victory and brought the glory of the two adverse Generalls over to his side so that the three Sunnes which with equall brightnesse appeared in the morning before evening shin'd alone in him For the two Earles and the whole Armie were put to flight with the slaughter of three thousand eight hundred on the place many Welch and some English of name were taken prisoners and afterward at Hereford beheaded among whom an extraordinary fortune hath made Owen Teuther most the discourse of Posterity For the good luck of an amiable person wrought him into the affection and soone after advanced him to the marriage of Catherin daughter of France and Widdow to the most glorious Prince our Nation ever gain'd honour by Yet all that this so envied splendor in a wife got him was to render his life obnoxious to imprisonment and faction and his death more eminention a scaffold This victory raysed Edwards imaginations high so that now he resolved to spend his fortune no longer on small enterprises And least the spirit of his Armie should begin to languish having no enemie neere to finde him in imployment he resolved to search for one about London whether he had
Lady Elizabeth Gray bewitcht him to her love and likewise another precontract with the Lady Edeanor Dutler daughter to the Earle of Shrewsbury and widdow to the Lord of Sudlye I cannot but beleeve all those scandals by some of the tyrants wicked instruments suggested into the mindes of that assembly For had there beene a just exception against this marriage neither George Duke of Clarence nor the Earle of Warwicke in their frequent calumnies against the King being in open rebellion had left it unmention'd But no sooner had King Edward obey'd his ●ancie in taking her to his bed and in that ●asted the forbidden fruite forbidden I meane by politique respects but he saw himselfe naked of friends at home and abroade to oppose against any new arising difficulty But as yet by the braverie of his carriage did he a●de an honour to the ●ct Courage and Love either denying him● to foresee or to regard the danger Though as soone as the marriage was de●●●ged hee presently I discern'd another face of men Mo●●●●i●r 〈◊〉 in the Extraordinary for France full of indignation return'd and the Nobility in generall look● discontented or else but forc'd a smile The so● hig● advancement of this one Lady and her children lately beneath so many in fortune begetting an universall envie in the rest But when the Earle of Warwicke understood how mighty an affront by this was given to his imployment he entertain'd none but disdainefull thoughts against his Prince And exprest so bold a discontent that Lewis of France who was quicke to perceive and carefull to ●omentany displeasure which might tend to the disturbance of another Kingdome began to enter into private communication with him For ever after this common injury so they cal'd the errour of love in the King the Earle held a dangerous intelligence in France which after occasion'd so many confusions to our Kingdome Neverthelesse upon his returne he dissembled ●ll discontent and in every circumstance of respect applyed himselfe to appla●de the mariage and in particular the excellent pe●sonage of the Queene The King int●rpreted the intentions of the man according to the apparance unwilling perhaps to racke his owne nature so farre till it had confest that his carriage might dissemble danger And in the meane time to raise his wives kindred as neere as possibly to his owne greatnesse hee search● out all meanes for their advancement The Lord Richard Widdevill her Father he created Earle of Rivers and High Constable of England with an annuall Fee of 200 pound out of the Exchequer whom shortly after he made Lord Treasure● Her brother Anthony hee created Lord Scales the daughter and heir● to which title by the Kings ear●est sollicitation he not long before had wedded And her sonne Thoma● hee rais'd to the honour of Marquesse D●rset for whom he procured in marriage the heire of the Lord Bonvile and Harrington By his owne free gift enobling them with titles and by the industry of his mediation enabling them with possessions to make those titles no scorne to the owners Every unmarried Lord imagin'd the bestowing of these two great heires on the Queenes kindred an injury to his owne hopes And Warwick thought every great office confer'd upon another misplac'd For his many Services begot so great an insolencie that he scarce allowed the King a share in the distribution of his owne Hereupon his thoughts grew dangerous and onely opportunity was wanting to thrust him into action He consider'd the vastnesse of his possessions the greatnesse of his authority among the Commons and the generall dependancies of the men of war upon him and hence concluded it was as easie for him to uncreate as to create a King But hee found the generall humor of the kingdome not yet fully ripe for mischiefe the vulgar enamor'd on the much curtesie of their Prince the Lords neerest to him in blood likeliest to incline to his Faction deare likewise to the King and all of the house of Lancaster who by probability would at first invitement take fire in any combustion of the state exil'd and poore Sedition therefore for the present was but an embrion in his braine which after when time had deliver'd became so vast and bloody a monster Neverthelesse hee was not unmindfull of his designe cherishing unkinde thoughts in any whom he saw distasted at the King and casting forth speeches which might lessen the honour of his publicke and private actions with which discourses as with slow poysons he infected many limbes of the general body Then upon pretention of infirmity and prescription of P●isitions for the change of ayre with licence from the King he retired to his Castle at Warwicke Where his observation was what Lords great in power or treasure resorted to him and with what countenance whether they undervalued the weakenesse of the Kings judgement or hated the advancement of the Queene and her kindred whether they were troubled at any private repulse or open affront or generally at the publicke businesse or whether they repented not the so violent oppression of the family of Lancaster Any discontent making for his purpose which either pointed at the errors of the King pride of the Queene and her kindred or the misgovernment of the state Vpon the affections of the meaner sort begain'd by a profu●e hospitality ●● open kitchen and buttery perswading more with them than any dutie to justice Vpon the good will of the better sort he wonne by bowing his entertainement downe to an endearing familiarity saluting every man curteously by his name and engaging them by triviall benefits And with all sorts by his great service to the Crowne and a carriage Noble both in warre and peace The King though he wanted that vertue of ●owards suspicion began neverthelesse to have the Earle in some jealousie his unusuall retirednesse from the Court and so expencefull purchasing the voyce of the people argued both distaste against his Prince and a hope to maintaine any unlawfull enterpise by Faction But either in pollicie he dissembled his distrust nor having yet any firme ground to build a just accusation or in good nature would ecclips the Earles greatnesse by which himselfe enjoy'd a benefit little lesse tha● the Crowne But that the storme threatned from France for incensing King Lewis in the di●●ou●●t marriage of the Lady ●ona might be diverted he made strong confederacies round about him With Henry King of Castle and John King of Ar●agon that Spaine however far remo●e might b●e neere in friendship he enter'd into leag●● and upon the conclusion of it granted licence for the transportation of certaine Cotswold sheepe thither a grant that is complain'd of still as a mighty enriching to the Spanish and as great an empoverishing to the English Merchant With Scotland hee made a truc● for fifteene yeeres that he invading France or invaded by the French might be secure however not to have that Nation according to their custome upon all advantages enemies at his
two of Holland presently imbarked having in his company the Duke of Glocester the Earle Rivers the Lords Scales and Say and in retinue about one thousand As soone as they were put to Sea the King encounterd dangers great as he had escapt at Land For the Easterlings a people ever famed for Sea affaires and then at enmitie both with France and England had set forth not long before some men of warre Who having descrted these shippes and guessing them to be English made saile after them The King by benefit of the wind got first to the coast of Holland and in regard it was ebbing water cast Anchor so neare the shore the Easterlings being shippes of farre greater burthen could not reach them But the next tide infallibly had exposed them a prize to the enemy had not the Lord Gronteere Lievetenant for the Duke in Holland by meere accident beene at that time at Alquemare a Sea towne close joyning to them He soone as he understood that those three small vessels carried in them the fortune of England commanded the Easterlings to forbeare hostility and licence those passengers a quiet landing And presently himselfe came abord the Kings shippe expressing in the obsequiousnesse of his respects as much ceremony and love as was due to so great a Majestie and the brother in law to his Prince And no sooner had he attended the King ashore and found how unprovided of all things necessary the suddennesse of his flight had made him and his followers but he furnisht him and them according to their quality and want For the Kings escape was so hasty that not onely his apparell and other furniture were lost or left behind but even his treasure So that to defray the charge of his transportation he was necessitated to give the Master of the ship a Gowne furr'd with Martins And remaine beholding to the Lord Gronteere for his expences to the H●ge whether hee was conducted to expect the comming of the Duke Who soone as he had perfect knowledge of the Kings so ruinous successe in England and arrived in Holland as to a Sanctuary began to repent his so neare alhance and cast about how to close with the adverse faction And now indeede his time was to act the most cunning part of subtletie by endeavouring to retaine the good opinion of his brother in Law and yet secure himselfe from hostilitie with the Earle of Warwicke Whereupon before ever hee came to the Hage he dispatcht his Agent to Callice to show the chiefe of the towne that the peace heretofore concluded betweene King Edward and himselfe was no way personall But betweene whatsoever Princes should rule in either dominions and betwixt nation and nation and therefore by no change of King or length of time dissolvable Vpon which consideration hee intreated for loath he was at the same time to wrastle both with France and England that the name of Edward might bee changed into Henry and the former league continue sacred as before The unsetled state of England and the universall desires of the Merchants of the S●aple at Callice soone affected the Dukes purpose For they who had continuall traffique into the Low Countries and vented all their wooll to the subjects of the Duke had beene unabled to pay their usuall tribute to the King if free intercourse had beene denyed Whereupon unwilling to discontent and impoverish so great a body at home and too hastily to run into a dangerous quarrell with a most potent enemy abroad the Earle for the present dissembled his inveterate hatred and recal'd his Souldiers who had spoyld all the Dukes territory bordering upon Callice And that the Duke might make himselfe strong in a faction potent with the present time hee renewed his friendship with the Dukes of Sommerset and Exceter whom hee solicited earnestly to endeare him to King Henry and revive in him the memory of their so neare kindred To acquaint him how zealous himselfe and his father had ever beene for the honour and safetie of the family of Lancaster in which himselfe did so much participate As likewise to promise all the perfect offices of a consederate and neighbour if so bee that his faithfull intentions might receive a true interpretation This did the Dukes voluntarily offer to negotiate Sommerset in respect of propinquity in blood Exceter of those many favours received in the Low Countries during his so miserable exile Both out of an extreame malice to the Earle of Warwicke who had subverted their families and to whose ayde they envied the King should owe his restitution And easily was the Duke brought upon good termes with King Henry his neighberhood and friendship being of so notable consequence and the very apparence of disclayming the adverse partie what secret ayde soever hee afforded being so disadvantageous to any pretence King Edward might have to renew the warre This aspect full of a smiling flattery did the Duke of Burgundy beare to the present fortune of the state While upon King Edward he cast such a supercilious look as the worlds wise men usually doe upon men in adversitie Often sharpely hee reprehended his so great carelesnesse and neglect of wholesome advice which had ruin'd him to this so wretched flight Hee objected the much contempt this misfortune would throw upon his quarrell and how loath friends would bee to adhere to his present necessities since hee knew so ill to manage profperitie Yet remembring that hereafter there might happily be a change in fortune he often chang'd his humour and amid these reprehensions mingled some passionate complements of love Hee protested seriously that hee wisht all happinesse to his affaires to advance which he would neglect no industry yet he desired his pardon if for the present hee dissembled Considering it might at once draw on a warre from his two most dangerous neighbours England and France Against both which nations should he be necessitated to a quarrell hee should be very unable to defend himselfe much lesse to serve another And when a Proclamation was set forth by the Duke prohibiting his subjects any way to ayde the pretences of King Edward or his faction and that it was with much indignation received by the King he protested the intention of it to be onely to betray King Henry to an unsafe security that in the interim he might without suspition levie a greater ayde for his designes King Edward whom a short adversitie had already instructed much appeard to take the false coine of these excuses for currant and by example of the Duke practis'd to dissemble But after this time it was noted that he never bore the Duke so sincere affection as before Princes best maintaining a nere friendship by keeping at large distance jealousie and aemulation take their growth with familiaritie and if eyther be necessitated to demand supply reason of state oftentimes weakens love and roots up good nature To increase King Edwards discontent abroad no newes came from England but what spoke
of so weake and inconstant a man as his brother Duke Charles who so often had beene entrapt From both these Princes he received such answer as showed they resolved to prosecute their designe but not to have him suspect it Giving faire protestations of their desire to be over-ruled by the Kings direction But neither of them understood the businesse in that dangerous nature as it was conceived in England For though King Lewys had no Sonne at that time yet was there every day expectation he might have the Queen likely to conceive and Lewys in much health and strength of body And indeed soone after a young Dolphin was borne who succeeded in the kingdome Moreover they considerd the malice betweene the brothers growne to that height that all feare of reconciliation was needlesse And that there was no such certaine way to maintaine a generall dissention in France as by enabling Duke Charles with a power to make good the former contestation Nothing likely to incline him to seeke friendship with his brother but being disabled to continue an enemy The King suspecting the reality of their intentions and resolved upon any termes to prevent the marriage had in his determination to have forgot all former discontents justly conceiv'd against King Lewys in abetting the contrary faction of Lancaster and to have enterd into a particular league with him against the Duke of Burgundy But before he would make the overture he tryed by his Embassadors to know the certaine resolution of the Duke himselfe who had in the marriage of his daughter alwayes held his thoughts apart from the world And in truth the end of his intentions was to keep all neighboring Princes in expectatiō but to conclude with none For at the same time when Duke Charles had so many underhand promises with the selfe same hope did hee entertaine Maximilian Sonne to the Emperour Fredericke the third Nicolas Duke of Calabria and Philibert Duke of Savoy His ambition being to create many dependancies upon himselfe and never to marry her to no man unlesse hee should bee forc'd to it by some evill fate in warre and then he doubted not but by her to worke himselfe safe and honorable conditions Much importuned by the English Embassador to give his resolution and not knowing to what danger the Kings suspition might grow or to what new leagues it might incline him he answered him faithfully that he intended no such neare alliance with Duke Charles And that all those apparences of treatie were onely to retaine him in discord with his brother who otherwise might chance to be reconcild and hazard to destroy that faction which the necessitie of his affaires did inforce him to advance Hee desired therefore the King not to listen to every false suggestion but to believe hee would doe nothing in so materiall a point without much advice and care had for satisfaction of so great a confederat and so neare an allye This so absolute resolution of the Duke tooke away the former jealousie which soone after would howsoever of it selfe have vanisht For Duke Charles not without a strong suspition of practise in King Lewys dyed of poyson and so fixt a period to those many civill wars which had distracted the state of France and to all those busie ambitions which had so much disquieted his owne content At home the King was continually stunge by a swarme of Creditors who during his late troubles had supplyed him with treasure and for whom gratitude did obliege him to provide repaiment He found his Exchequer emptie and a necessitie to desire the Commonaltie to contribute with their purses that many of his best friends might not be ruinated He therefore summond a Parliament to be held at Westminster wherein though the reformation of abuses and enacting Lawes wholsome for the present time was pretended a liberall subsidy was the ayme But in the beginning all those acts which had been heretofore made during the first part of King Edwards government and abrogated by King Henry the last Parliament when for a time he was restored were revived and enacted to continue in full force for ever And whatever other statutes were made by King Henry repealed By vertue of which acts all the Nobilitie who had adherd to the house of Yorke and had beene for that attainted were restored in blood and to their patrimonies and all of the contrary faction found guilty of high treason and their estates confiscated to the King Then for reliefe of the Kings great necessities for all those so mightie fortunes serv'd onely to reward the multitude of his adherents a full subsidy was granted In recompence of which he gave them a generall pardon And indeede by that liberally repaid them For by the late civill warres the laps into treason was so universall that scarce any estate could be safe if licence were given to informers the Cormarants of a Commonweale who swallow much seldome or never grow fat and least of all advance that they most pretend the Kings benefit Some few dayes before the Parliament began Lewys of Bruges a Netherlander Lord of Gruthuse and Prince of Steinhuse came over into England who was receav'd by the King with all the demonstrations of amitie And on the thirteenth of October in the Parliament Chamber created Earle of Winchester receiving with the title the ancient armes of Roger Quincy heretofore Earle of the place with addition of the coate of England in a canton The reason of this so extraordinary favour conferd upon a stranger was the much application of respect hee made to King Edward when by the prevayling fortunes of the Earle of Warwicke he was forc'd to fly for refuge under the protection of the Duke of Burgundy For hee being a noble man of that Country dedicated himselfe totally to comfort the King distracted with his present affliction Soone after him the Parliament being newly ended came Embassadours from the Low-Countries who after the first open audience wherein for the most part passed onely the complement of Princes admitted to the King and some few Lords most intimate to the Kings resolutions spoke to this purpose May it please your M tie VVEe are sent by our great Master the Duke of Burgundie upon an Embassy that may prove strange to the first apprehension and even in it selfe contradictory To congratulate your Majestie the glory of that peace you enjoy and to invite you from it to a new warre But glory is like time everlastingly in motion and when it stops it ends Your Majestie hath by the happy conduct of your power and fortune restored the Kingdome to itselfe That was an act of necessitie For you could not bee your selfe if your great enemies had not beene reduced to nothing Now as great a justice doth invite you and the recovery of a larger Kingdome Which wee know your high spirit cannot refuse to undertake least the world have just reason to suspect you tooke Armes to live not to raigne For if your
of the Army and raised a strange murmure both against S. Paul and the Duke Which increast by the difficulties of a tempestuous night with which the English after were troubled For an extraordinary raine fell and made the so open lodging very unpleasing with danger of diseases to the Army The Duke of Burgundy opposed against this discontent with his authority but in vaine For not able to give satisfaction for his owne weakenesse and breach of promise he was more disabled to cleere suspicion from another Whereupon he tooke his leave of the King intreating his and the Armies patience for a while till he brought his Forces to joyne with them and a full account from the Count S. Paul of his Garrisons demeanure at S. Quintin But this his departure compared with the former carriage of things begot yet a stronger doubt of their intentions in the English who being strangers in that place and not having any particular arme in conduct of the businesse but onely a generall resolution to regaine France interpreted these delayes and false play to direct treason And began openly to inveigh against their owne folly in confiding on the promises of such who indevored not the glory of the English name or the Kings title but onely their owne safety For preservation of which under a specious pretext of recovering a Kingdome they had seduced them into a strange Country in hope hereafter to sell them to the French And although this discourse were onely in the mouth of the common Souldier yet did the thoughts of the Commanders participate with the vulgar though not so freely opened For hitherto there had been no assurance given of any reall intention either in Burgundy or Saint Paul The much indignation exprest by the English upon this occasion was thought a strange kinde of rude ignorance and a note even of barbarisme Which censure savoures too much of malice considering it could not be judged blinde presumption induced our Nation to this undertaking the State for it having the fairest appearence of humaine reason and the religion of the strongest oathes And if the unexpected trechery of S. Paul ingendred choller why should this passion be so contemptible since an injury from a friend is ever quicker and sharper to the sence and all nations removed from their owne seates upon dangerous adventures are prone to suspicion And for ignorance in the Art of warre ● see not how by mallice it selfe it can bee obtruded upon the English since their onely misery was too much experience in armes which ever begets knowledge Neither could they be but skillfull even in the militar exercise of the Frecnh few of the Souldiery who were now of any age but their youth had beene bred up and instructed under the command of that great Captain Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury and others Not full twenty yeares expired since we turned our swords upon our selves and gave France liberty to recover breath But this delatory way in the Duke and treachery in the Count prepared the army to a good thought of peace And brought the two confederates into more hatred then an open enemy So that when an Herauld came from King Lewys he was received into the English Campe with much humanity and friendly invited by the Souldier to refresh himselfe with wine and meate till the King who was then at dinner were at leisure to give him audience For Lewys following the instructions of our Herauld soone as he understood King Edward was landed and had heard likewise of some disgusts appearing betweene him and the Duke resolved to send to him and attempt to perswade a peace But so poore was hee in the outward ceremonies of Majesty that no Herauld attended on his Campe whereupon he was enforced to suborne a fellow of whose wit and confidence he had taken some notice to act the part Who having received full instructions from his Master addrest himselfe to the Lords Stanley and Howard and the English Herauld by whose aide being brought to the King ●e hansomely delivered his message The effect of which was To show the great desire the King his Master had to live in perfect amity with all neighbouring Princes but above all with his Majesty of England as who in the extent of Empire and his owne Prowesse was most considerable That he had much reason to believe the present warre had not received the first life in England especially not in the disposition of the King which as he was informed abhorred the unnecessary drawing of Christian blood That they who had first hatcht this quarrell did it onely with their neighbours danger to procure their owne safety and when they had made an advantagious peace to conspire with him who before had beene the common enemy for beating backe their best friend the English That he doubted not but that his Majesty would suddenly finde good ground for suspicion when he should perceive the Duke of Burgundie not able to bring into the field one entire regiment All his Forces having beene utterly broken upon desperate services to which an innate love to the warre had madly engaged him Then he proceeded to excuse his Masters succouring the faction of Lancaster To which he protested he never gave comfort for it selfe but onely for the Earle of Warwickes sake Whom he supported onely to affront Burgundy whose irreconciliable enemy Warwicke had ever profest himselfe And if he had inclined more to favour King Henry he might well excuse it in respect of his neere kindred to him and his wife Queene Margaret and something too in reason of state to oppose Burgundy who pretended to be a friend how false soever he proved to the house of Yorke That if his Majestie would be pleasd to search up to the very head of this businesse hee shall find more streames of assistance to have flowed from Burgundy then from France to King Henry Duke Phillip and this Duke till his marriage with the Princesse Margaret having most passionately labord the supportation of that family to which they were so neare in kindred The conclusion was to desire his Majestie to grant a safe conduct for a hundred horse in whose company should come Embassadours enabled with larger instructions and who should make proposall of such conditions as could not bee rejected by the King or Kingdome of England since they should be for the honour and profit of both Vnlesse it would better stand with his Majesties liking to assigne a place of treatie in some village betweene both armies to which they might joyntly send Commissioners This message delivered in a soft tone expressing much humilitie and ever ascribing to the Kings greatnesse of Spirit and the nations glory together with promise to make overture of conditions both honorable and profitable begot a favorable audience And many of the great Lords who had plentifull revenues at home were as forward as the King to listen to peace and forsake unnecessary dangers abroad Neither did the greatest statists dislike
Any superstition being nourisht in the subject which tended to advance the reputation of their Prince especially when his actions are doubtfull to bee understood The night that ensued the enterview many of the English nobilitie resorted to Amiens the French affabilitie and something too of curiositie inviting them The Lord Howard who was alwayes foremost in his application to King Lewys at Supper whisperd him in the eare that hee conceiv'd his Master might bee perswaded without much scruple to make a journey to Paris where by a friendly entertainement the new begun amitie might be perfected But the wary King had no desire to bid so dangerous a guest to Paris for feare the delicacies of the place might invite him either to a too chargeable continuance there or to such a love of the French aire that it might perswade him to returne hereafter thither though unbidden Hee therefore chid his owne overforward straining a complement and was forc'd to the invention of an excuse to take away discurtesie from denyall of that before ceremoniously he had offerd he answer'd the Lord Howard thereupon suddenly and to the outward judgement seriously that hee was extreame sorry the necessitie of his unsetled state would not afford him licence for so much happinesse being presently to make an expedition against the Duke of Burgundie Who was busie in his preparations against him so that with safetie yet hee could not attend the pleasures of peace Which answer gave but a halfe satisfaction but the Lord Howard was devoted to his affaires and that made the rellish of it better with the King But that the King might neither reape all the benefit not yet beare all the blame of this peace there were few Lords great in opinion of the state but shared proportionably in the bootie Even the scrupulous Duke of Glocester returnd not home without a large present both of Plate and Horses For when hee saw the whole streame of the Armie flow into King Lewys either out of curiositie or in pollicie loath to particularize an enmitie upon himselfe from so potent a Prince he went to him at Amiens where hee found a respect answerable not onely to the greatnesse of his blood but to the extent of his judgement and authoritie But with him King Lewys dealt with more circumspection knowing it impossible to winne ground upon him by any slight or strength of wit The good affection of all the other Lords he bought up according to the ordinary course in Markets As they were worth more in the Kings esteemation so were they at a higher price with him The principall men of name who were in pension as wee find them in History were the Lord Hastings Lord Chamberlaine to the King the Lord Howard Sir John Cheiney Master of the Horse S. Anthony S. Leger and Sir Thomas Montgommery Among these beside the present guifts hee annually distributed sixteene thousand Crownes and exacted from every man an acquittance for the receit Which no man refused but onely the Lord Hastings denying absolutely that ever his hand should be seene among the Kings accounts at Paris but welcom'd still the pension which without that formalitie was continued At how high a rate King Lewys prized his amitie with England by this profate liberalitie a qualitie so contrary to his parcimonious disposition is easily to bee judged But how lawfull it was in the receivers I will not too severely censure For although in this Kings raigne as likewise in the time of Henry the seventh many of the great Counsellors were in pension to Lewys and afterward to his Sonne Charles the eight yet is hard to judge how it could agree with the decorum of their dignitie It being much beneath the honour of a noble mind to owe any part of their revenue to a Prince whose safetie and advantage must never be in the first place of their care In peace it may happily not carry any apparence of disloyaltie because by their good offices they may deserve that way of gratitude but in times of jealousie and especially of enmitie it can no way bee allowed For though the Pensioner give no underhand intelligence prejudical to his Country yet by a certain necessity of gratitude it stops the freedom of advice and renders him however undeserving to the one Rewards are given for forepast merits pensions to retaine in future he therefore who receives a pension obligeth himselfe tacitly to the service of two Masters And oftentimes the second in his thoughts is that Prince to whom hee owes a naturall dutie An extrordinary way of benefit begetting an extraordinary diligence And hence proceeds that maladie in the body of a state which inclines it so totally to one side that all injuries how grosse soever are connived at from one neighbour while from another the least shadow of offence begets mortall warre But if these pensions bee receiv'd with approbation of the King certainly as they are lawfull so likewise are they lesse dangerous for then the state is armed against the advice of such whom they know to leane to one side The crookednesse of counsell being easily discern'd when not boulsterd up with simulation of integritie And questionlesse the distribution of these Crownes like a dangerous poison disperst it in some principall veines of a body infected the whole Court And though perhaps the secret resolutions of the King and state were not betray'd to him yet was his intelligence larger than convenient for so cunning a neighbour Who out of slight and triviall occurrences such as were but Chamber talke could guesse at the most reserv'd counsels Neither would those so apparent affronts offer'd by him afterward have beene so patiently dissembled especially the King knowing him a timerous Prince and who trembled at the very thought of a returne of the English into France had not they whose advice was most listend to passionately excused him in every charge the more zealous statists layd to him But these mischiefes the yeares succeeding were guiltie of for the present the King full of joy and treasure returnd toward Callice And indeed with more then ordinary haste and caution for feare the Duke of Burgundy should attempt any thing upon his retreat But with safetie hee both came thither and sayld to Dover whence in much pompe he directed his journey to London Vpon Black Heath the Lord Major and the Aldermen in Scarlet and five hundred Commoners in murrey receiv'd him and thence with all ostentation of triumph conducted him through the Citie to Westminster And perhaps hee gave order the solemnitie of his returne should bee more glorious to set off the shortnesse of his stay in France and the small or no honour purchast there The vulgar for the most part valuing the glory of the victories according to the information of the Ballad and the glittering of the Pageants The French King who ever affected the substance smild at these huge shadowes and never quarreld with King Edward what pompous titles soever
to King Lewys might render him formidable from abroad Certainely there was no just ground for suspicion The French being so lately enter'd into a particular amity with England and never having afforded either comfort or countenance to the young Earles exile Then for any claime to the Crowne the King could not feare him his title being of so impure and base a mettall it could no way indure the touch His Mother by whom onely he could pretend heire indeed of the house of Sommerset but not of Lancaster in regard the streame of this descent was poisoned in the very Spring For John of Gaunt having entertained an affection to Katherine Daughter of Sir Paine de Ruet during her attendance on the Lady Blanch his first wife in the life time of his second the Lady Constance his affection grew into a neerer familiarity and so happy was he that his familiarity proved not barren his Mistris for to what a servitude doth lust betray a sinner making him Father of three Sonnes and a Daughter The Duke zealous to reward any that had so well deserved marryed his bedfellow to Sir Otes Swinford and either through impotency or conscience afterward refrained her company Some yeares past she having buryed her Knight and he his Dutchesse in gratitude to her former merits being now growne very old he tooke her againe to his bed with the lawfull ceremonies of the Church And thus his ancient Concubin became his new Bride Having righted her honour to leave no monument of their sin to posterity he laboured the ligitimation of the children and so farre in the time of Richard the second prevailed that both the sentence of the Church and Parliament pronounced them lawfull and enabled to inherit the Lands of their Father in case his issue by his former wives should faile The eldest Son of the three thus ligitimated was John created Earle of Sommerset Father of John Duke of Sommerset whose sole Daughter and heire Margaret marryed Edmond of Haddam Earle of Richmond whose Sonne Henry was now the marke at which all the arrowes of the Kings suspicion aymed By this Pedegree to the eye at first appeares so me dawning of a title but certainely it is a false light such as oftentimes deceives the credulous traveller For the legitimation by the Church was to take away as much of scandall as possibly from the children and a dispensation onely for the benefit of the bastards without prejudice to the right of any other For these bastards were not of the common nature such as after marryage may make legitimate being not Naturall but Spurious begot in adultery on the one side and consequently incapable of any benefit by dispensation Adde to this that not being of the whole blood according to the common Law of England the house of Sommerset was farther of from inheriting any title from King Henry the sixt then the most remote of the line of Yorke Lastly in the very legitimation it selfe the children were onely made capable to inherit the estate of their Father The Crowne being never mentioned and for the Dutchy of Lancaster they could not pretend that being the inheritance of the Lady Blanch his first wife from whom they no way descended Neither were the Princes of the house of Sommerset ever numberd among the Plantaginets or ever obtained so much as to be declaired heires apparent if Henry the sixt and his Son Prince Edward should extinguish without issue As Mortimer had got to be before in the raigne of Richard the second and Delapole after during the usurpation of Richard the third And if there were any cause of suspicion from the branches of that Family then was the Duke of Buckingham much more to be feared Who was by his Mother heire of Edmond Duke of Sommerset and himselfe a Prince mighty in descent otherwaies from the Crowne as being heire likewise of Thomas Duke of Glocester younger Son to Edward the third Moreover in the faction of a great kindred and dependancy of a multitude of tennants farre more to be suspected Then an exild Lord who claiming by his Mother could during her life have no colour of a Title But the King found the wound of this jealousie ranckle in him and nothing but Richmonds apprehension to heale it He therefore most earnestly sollicited the Duke of Brittaine by his Embassadors to returne him into England Their motives were the much good will the Duke owed their Master who never would forsake his protection though severall wayes and at severall times most importunately provoked That he had in answer to the French requests to that purpose protested that if the Duke were any way endangerd by them personally to crosse the seas and make the quarrell the same as if his owne kingdome were invaded Then for the innocency of the Kings intentions toward the Earle they affirmed that so far from malice the desire to have him returnd into England was that it meerely tended to his present safety and after honour In regard his Majesty would not onely restore him to the possessions of his Ancestors but endeare him in a neerer tye even by the marryage of one of his owne daughters to him and this blessed way absolutely to roote up all the ancient rancor betweene the houses of Yorke and Sommerset This was the pretention which though the King no way intended yet the Almighty afterward made good to instruct after times that the deepe misteries of cunning Princes are meere illusions compared with true wisedome and the disposition of kingdomes is the worke of Heaven By this simulation and tender of a large sum of money for the King had learnt how to traffique by example of King Lewys the poore Earle of Richmond was delivered up to the Embassadours and immediately by them conveyd to St. Malos the next haven Towne where instant preparations were made for his transportation into England Here fortune or what is lesse uncertaine the wind tooke compassion on his affliction for the very imagination of the ruine he was betrayd to had throwne him into a violent Feaver and hindred the Embassadours from taking shippe Where while they remaind joyfull in the successe of their undertaking Peter Landois Treasurer to the Duke in apparence of a ceremonious visit but indeede to contrive the Earles escape most officiously came to them For no sooner had the Duke given up this innocent victim to be sacrific'd but some of the Court sensible of the Law of Nations and their Masters reputation to himselfe related the injury and dishonour of this action And so farre aggravated the perpetuall infamy that would cloud his fame by selling his guest to whom he had promist safetie and protection that the Duke repented the delivery of him and advised Landois by some art to regaine him And indeede Landois undertooke the imployment readily willing perhaps to gaine the honour of doing one good deed among the multitude of his mischiefes and likewise to revenge himselfe upon the evill memory of
the third King of England of necessity must have where women are admitted to inherit better claime to the Crowne than Henry the sixt though in the fourth descent from Edward the third by John of Gaunt being but his fourth sonne For however Casuists may dispute or civill Lawyers argue The being removed one degree further can no way prejudice succession Whereby the younger brother may come to bee prefer'd before the elder brothers sonne if by chance the elder dye during his Fathers life An injustice so against reason and custome that whosoever yet attempted it was reputed to violate the lawes of Nature From St. Johns fields the principall of the armie and Common Councell of the Cittie brought newes of this Election to Edward Earle of March remaining at Baynards Castle Who soone as he understood the intention of their addresse with such modestie as some Clergie man may have used at his consecration who by simonaicall practise hath obtaind a Bishoprick refused that a while which most ambitiously he covered But soone the animation of the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Earle of Warwicke the Bishops of London and Exeter and divers others of eminence prevail'd and he at their request tooke on him the Royaltie That night he rested the next morning with as much ceremonie and state as the shortnesse and unquietnesse of the time could licence in solemne procession he went to Paules whence after Te Deum sung and oblation made hee rod to Westminster there seated in the most perspicuous place of the great Hall with the Scepter of St. Edward the Confessor in his hand himselfe made declaration of his double title to the Crowne First by descent as heire to the third sonne of Edward the third the Line of whose eldest sonne Edward the blacke Prince extinguisht in the deposition and par●icide of Richard the second procured by Henry of Bullingbrooke first King of the house of Lancaster Edward the thirds second sonne dying without issue Secondly by authority of Parlament which upon examination of the Duke of Yorkes title confer'd the possession of the Kingdome immediately on him or his heires when Henry the sixth should make forfeiture of it by death resignation or breach of that Accord sworne there so solemnely by them And that this accord was broken the slaughter of the Duke opprest with unequall numbers on King Henries partie at the battell of Wakefield did sadly manifest Neverthelesse he protested himselfe ready to forgoe the justice of his claime ratherthan to enter upon it without their free vote At which unanimously the Assembly cryed King Edward King Edward Ioyfull that their voyces might confirme him King who had daign'd them so humble a complement as to professe that he would not receive the title without their suffrage The formalitie of this second Election thus past he went in Procession to the Abbie whence after much solemnitie and homage of all the Nobility there present he returned by water to the Bishop of Londons Pallace and was immediately proclaimed King throughout the City by the name of Edward the Fourth The first fortnight of his Raigne was died I will not say stain'd with the blood of Walter Walker a Grocer who keeping shop at the signe of the Crowne in Cheapeside sayd he would make his sonne heire to the Crowne a bold jest broke in an evill time yet doe I not side with them in opinion who taxe the King of severity in this execution unlesse I could cleere this man from being particularly factious for the house of Lancaster or know that these words were uttered in innocent mirth without any scorne to King Edwards Title And however perhaps the extraordinary punishment of such saucie language was not then unnecessary to beget authority and make men cautious to dispute the descent of Princes when the question was so nice and arguments not improbable on either side But here in her very first curtesie Fortune raisd King Edward higher than the endeavours of a long ambition had done his Father For now was he consecrated King in the Imperiall City of this Realme adornd with every circumstance of Soveraigntie and all his enterpises hitherto so flattered with successe that he could promise nothing but prosperity to his hopes Yet was the ground whereon he built uncertaine and his state brought into comparison with his Competitor fraile and obnoxious to ruine For Henry had equall dignity with the advantage of a long Raigne an uninterrupted descent in Majestie for threescore yeares a soveraigntie acknowledg'd abroad by all Christian Princes and obeyd at home by all Engilshmen without dispute a title according to the Law Salique indubitable and which had beene confirmed at the first entry of his Grandfather Henry the fourth into the Kingdome not onely by resignation of Richard the second by generall acknowledgement of all the Nobilitie and by authority of Parliament but even by approbation nay particular negotiation of Edmond Duke of Yorke Edward Duke of Aumerle Richard Earle of Cambridge Grandfather Great Vncle and Great Grandfather to the late anointed King Edward the Fourth Onely a feeble judgement and a long evill fortune rendred Henry the sixt inferiour to counterpoise which Queene Margaret and the Lords of her side were daring and vigilant omitting on stratagem or endeavor that might adde to the honour or safety of their designes Whereupon slie continued still in the North and oblieging that people every day more to her devotion labourd to prepare such an armie as might upon the worst of fortune be able enough for defence And soone she found how much her owne and the authoritie of the great Lords of her side prevail'd having rais'd threescore thousand fighting men and they all resolv'd with expence of their blood to buy backe that Majestie which the house of Lancaster by evill fate had lost An armie if arm'd and order'd well able to oppose the mightiest enemie or undertake the boldest enterprise On sight of which the Queene entertain'd a confidence easily to scatter the Forces of the new Mushrome King who in a night seem'd to have sprung up to Majestie Especially when she understood how with unequall power hee marcht Northward A clime not unlikely to prove as distastrous to him as to his Father For King Edward soone as the voyce of the people had saluted him Prince resolv'd with hazard of his new gain'd Soveraigntie to extirpate his great opposer For while the side of Lancaster was supported with the devotion of so large a portion of the Kingdome as yet adhear'd to Henry he could be King but at the curtesie of his Faction and the body of the Land must of necessitie grow monstrous being charg'd with two heads each of which look'd divers wayes He therefore while his men had yet the memorie of their late good fortune fresh in their courage marcht toward the Queene and chose rather as worthier his spirit to provoke than expect an enemie Of his arrivall at Pomfret Castle when it was understood and that
to Duke Philip his Father first made his addresse Who bearing an implacable hatred to Lewis of France desired to gaine so potent a neighbour to his party and that he might secure the friendship against all vacillation he by his Embassadors entreated a marriage with the Lady Margaret the Kings sister A motion heard in England with much acceptance and which every circumstance well weigh'd brought both honour and securitie But it was thought by some intimate with the Earle in his most inward counsells that really he never intended this marriage having from his mother neece to John of Oaunt Duke of Lancaster deriv'd an irreconcilable malice against the house of Yorke And that this negotiation aim'd onely to temporize with England in case the Duke of Brittaine and the French Kings brother should desert him and make their peace with Lewis against whom these three were then in confederacie but this I beleeve an overcunning in conjecture since marriage among Princes as it seldome confirmes a sound friendship so doth it never extirpate an ancient hatred the proofe of our and all times shewing how false a love is created by alliance But the thoughts of Princes are so unknowne to Posterity that they are beyond the ●or●ti●●e of the present time I will not therefore dispute what the Earles inward designes were but certainely both according to reason of state and the ●v●o●● which is the best light Historians can discerne by as it vvas pretended so vvas it intended The marriage of his sister thus far advanc'd he began to advise with Counsell concerning his owne A strong alliance abroad was soone resolved most necessary both for the dignity and safety of his Crowne and among all the Princesses that time gloried in the Lady Bona was thought worthyest his bed In respect of the excellencie of her beauty greatnesse of birth as being daughter to Lewis Duke of Savoy and the mighty marriage of her other sister with Lewis the Eleventh of France This last consideration being a maine inducement as by which all feare might bee taken away of a tempest from that coast whence Queene Margaret seem'd to prepare a storme To this negotiation the Earle of Warwicke was deputed as the fittest person both for his great faith to the King and authority in the Kingdome Who no sooner arriv'd at the French Court where the young Lady then resided in company of her sister but was withall triumph entertain'd and his motion heard with joy and acceptation The ambition of the French Queene to have her sister married to so great a Prince prevailing against many politique respects which might else have overswayd King Lewis And soone after for an absolute conclusion of all businesses Mounsiur D'ampmartin was design'd Embassador for England These two Kings equally solliciting the perfection of this marriage Edward that hee might without feare of more danger enjoy the glory of a late recover'd Kingdome Lewis that freed from the danger of an English invader he might give a period to his busie projects at home by laying the deuill of civill warre rais'd by a tumultuous Nobility But while policie acted severall parts abroade love on the suddaine chang'd the whole Sceane at home For the Young King after hunting comming to visite the Duches of Bedford at her Mannor of Grafton neere S●ony Stratford was sollicited by a faire petitioner the Duchesses daughter widow of Sir John Gray ●●●●e on King Henries part at the battaile of S ● Albans The King could not but yeeld to any request made by ●● conquering a beauty and presently himselfe glew as earnest in solliciting her but in a more unlawfull suite But she arm'd her ●oule with a modesty able to breake the hottest battery of lust and though on every side assaulted by the engines of temptation shee repulst her enemie so nobly that he offer'd party upon honorable tearmes For when the King perceiv'd her adorn'd with a chastitie strong enough to resist him who had scarce ever beene but victorious in those attempts he grew enamor'd on the beauty of her minde and resolv'd her vertue was dowre enough to marry her to the highest Throne Reason of state argued sharpely against a marriage so unequall to Majestie by alleaging the perill of irritating so potent a neighbour as King Lewis and so dangerous a subject as Warwick as likewise the inconvenience of raising a widdow to his bed who could bring nothing with her but her poverty and an unprovided issue Who if not advanc'd by him would bee a scorne to his children if advanc'd a ruinous charge to his Exchequer and an envie both to the Princes of his blood and the Nobility of his Kingdome But Love like a cunning Sophister easily refell'd all pollitique arguments and perswaded reason her selfe almost to be of his side For he repeated to the King his owne prerogative which being so large why should he then be denyed the liberty of a free choyce which is allowed the meanest subject Why might not he wooe with his owne eyes and make election where his fancie best delighted As for the Lady her selfe he found her in the treasures of her minde most abundant and in the perfections of her body excellent to please him who and not the state was to marry For her birth she was by the father Noble in descent at home by her mother of the house of Luxenbourge a family with which the greatest Princes of Christendome had neere alliance As for marrying a subject and the widdow of his enemie the later argued more charity and the former could not but tye the affection of his people when they saw their Prince disdain'd not affinity with them For a president to authorize these his intended Nuptialls he had Edward the Blacke Prince his great Vncle great indeede if not the greatest among all the Princes of his name And for the threatned danger from King Lewis or the Earle of Warwicke from France he could never expect how neere so ever the alliance had beene but an unfaithfull amitie and should this his marriage thrust Warwicke upon rebellious attempts the rebell would but fondly runne upon his owne ruine since it could not stand with the Majestie of a King to hold his Crowne by so base a tenure as to have his actions awed by a subject These and such like arguments which love is cunning upon all occasions to enforce prevail'd so far that though the old Duches of Yorke his mother most violently opposed by throwing the highest calumnies upon the Lady Gray and alleaging a precontract with the Lady Lucy yet one morning secretly did he marry her For the disparity of birth or Fortune is no impediment and for the precontract upon examination the Lady Lucy her self acquitted the King only laying to his cha●g the guilt of a most winning courtship And though afterward during the usurpation of Richard the third in open Parlament was alleaged against the lawfulnesse of King Edwards marriage strange potions and amorous charmes by which the
present ingagements he would declare the naturall affection he owed a brother This weake hope the late victory and see●ling ba●ishment of his enemies loose●●ed King Edward to his accustomed wantonnesse and ri●● For certainly never liv'd Prince whom adversitie did more harden to action and prosperitie more soften to volupt●ousnesse So that by the judgement on his life we may say like a stone cast into the ayre hee was by necessitie forst up to glory while his center remain'd beneath in the sence of pleasure And so improvident was his memory that he forgot the greatest injuries and res●●●ed the Archbishop of Yorke into favour not hearing so much as a watchfull eye over a reconcil'd enemy By which his coun●●iles were betray'd and he perswaded to a false and most dangerous securitie But the Duke of Bu●gundy whose recreation was businesse and whose delight extent of dominion who by having long ●●astled with Lewis the Eleventh had lea●●t all the slights of warre and peace labor'd ●o disper●e the storme before it fell upon England Whel●●●on hee daily advertiz'd King Edward of all passages in the Court of France his intelligence holding good there and who knew how neare danger came to him should our King be overthrowne Hee advis'd him by vast promises which no way oblieg'd performance to winne some and ●owing the poysonous ●eede of aemulation to recall others As likewise to send over some great Lord into France who pretending discontent shall adhere to the faction and under hand discover all their counsailes But above all he sollicited him to rigge up and set forth his Navie whereby to prevent their landing Affirming it to bee a most ridiculous madnesse in a King unlesse urged by inevitable necessitie to stake his Crowne at a battaile against the desperation of a rebell The King contrary to this sober counsaile never endeavour'd to hinder the returne of Warwick but building on the protestations of the Marquesse M●ncatute and the Archbishop of Yorke securely gave himselfe over to licenciousnesse In which interim the Earle with his retinue conducted by the Bastard of Burb●● Admirall of France saild backe into England King Le●y● having furnisht him with a full supply of m●nies and for shouldiers hee needed no ●o●taine levies his name and faction was so great at home For though the Countrey by ●ivill warre was much dispeopled yet the commonalty being for the most borne and bred up in tumults were naturally addicted to armes and prone upon any innovations to take the field Neither could the Duke of Burgundy though most passionately hee labor'd it hinder the Earles landing by giving him battaile at Sea for the winds fought for Warwick and disperst the Burg●nian fleete the best in that age commanded upon the Se● casting some ships upon the coast of Scotland others upon the re●otest parts of Holland Neither did the King any way repent his error when hee understood the Earle was landed but presently dispatcht a messenger to the Duke intreating him to continue his Army at Sea to impeach Warwicks flight backe into France as if hee were ascertained fortune would never deny him victory So secure was he growne by an overbold presumption the bastard daughter of a long prosperitie But they whom experience had instructed to more caution pittied his mistake and foresaw the ruine And he himselfe not long after understanding how mightily the Earle increast in power began to thinke his safetie brought into hazard Which he much more beleeved when he found the Nobilitie whom he summon'd to his aide to excuse themselves and the common streame of people to ebbe wholly from his devotion And indeed even in the Citie the adverse faction was growne so strong that Doctor Gooddiard Chaplaine to the Earle at Pauls Crosse in his Sermon dared even to act the Herald and conclude Edward an usurper And thereupon to commend the most religious intentions of the Earle and to exhort the Audience to joyne with him in restoring their imprison'd Soveraigne King Henry to his Scepter and the Common wealth to libertie The credulous multitude tooke this heresie for true doctrine and with some of the zealous ignorant it so farre prevailed that in pure devotion they committed high treason But would to God the Pulpit might onely speake things sacred matters of State having roome enough to bee discust in Councell Chambers and other places erected for publike assemblies For certainly how erronious soever the tenet bee if utter'd there by a Priest with apparence of Religion it gets two much authority in the eare and too much ground upon the conscience As this opinion did which no sooner received but all began to incline to revolt and with the first retired away the late reconcild Archbishop and the Matquesse Montacute his brother both having so often and so ceremoniously vowed never to forsake the title of King Edward and both now perfidiously breaking those vowes and with the lowdest crying out Long live King Henry The trechery of Mountacute who having raisd in King Edwards name six thousand men turnd now with them to Warwicke and the generall defection of the Land threw the King downe into extreame despaire For those few Lords who constantly adheard to his declining fortune commanded over so small a number that to resolve upon a battaile were to betray themselves to slaughter And when misfortune drove their thoughts upon safetie by flight they knew not whether to resolve No Land being willing to receive that Prince who is forc'd to flie his owne But while his imaginations remaind thus confused he had hardly escapt a surprize in the night had not his former misfortune served him now for instruction And finding his stay onely begot disreputation to his quarrell and danger to his person he began his flight towards Lincolneshire But the Earlesent after him his Light Horse following with the whole body of his Army and so close did the Light Horse pursue him that with much difficultie and with losse of all his carriages in his passage thorough the Washes hee reacht Linne The Lord Hastings faithfull to the King in all fortunes and who had yet three thousand Horse under his command stayd some short time behind and now when he imagin'd the King past the reach of imminent danger he dismist his Forces and followed after At parting he commended the faith of the Souldiers to their Prince which neverthelesse for the present hee advised them to dissemble No present securitie nor hope of doing after service but by submission to the prevailing faction Ere long he promis'd to returne when a better fortune would invite them to show the loyaltie of their affections the violence of the storme being too mightie to continue and King Edward in faction at home and abroad too potent so easily to quit a kingdome however for the present he withdrew himselfe a while Having exhorted thus his Souldiers he obeyed necessity and by speedy flight went after the King Who having hired three shippes one of England and
absolute ruine to his hopes For though here hee heard first the comfort of his being father to a sonne yet was this sonne borne poorely in Sanctuary and christned without the ceremonies belonging to a Prince and if fortune beyond expectation alterd not heire apparent onely to his fathers misery Neither did that wild insurrection of the men of Kent which ensued presently upon his flight effect any thing or so much as openly pretend for King Edward But some disorder'd companies gathering into one hoped to fish faire in the troubled streame of the Kingdome and by the advantage of the present distraction of state to purchase treasure to themselves Whereupon they directed their march if such straglers can bee said to march towards London where by the Earle of Warwick and the Lord Major they were soone supprest and some for the generall terror made examples in their punishment But after this all things tended presently to quiet and King Henry set at libertie went in solemne procession to Pauls Church the Clergy Nobility and Commonalty reacknowledging all obedience to him And as if there were left no memory of King Edward or hope to re-establish his title every man addrest himselfe to King Henry and all his former servants recover'd their lost honours and places But that this might not appeare to be the act of faction but the universall consent of the Kingdome a Parliament was summond wherein nothing was denied which the prevailing partie thought fit to be authoriz'd King Edward therefore and all his adherents were attainted of high treason their lands and goods confiscated He and his posterity for ever disabled to inherit not onely the Crowne but any other hereditary estate His claime to the kingdome rejected as a most unjust pretention and his former government condemn'd as of tirannous usurper And that there might be a great example of their justice John Tiptoft Earle of Worcester Lord high Constable of England having beene apprehended in the Forrest of Waibrige on the top of a high tree which exprest the precipice of his fortune was on the Tower bill beheaded Next they proceeded to intaile the Crowne upon King Henry and his beires males for default of which to George Duke of Clarence and his heires forever By which in●●ile the ●arle of Warwicke showed not onely the extent but the insolency of his greatnesse i●●● if the title of the kingdome appertained to them who were nearest in alliance to him not next in blood to the Crowne For if the justice of Lancasters claime had the preheminence for w●●t of issue of King Henry why should not the sove●●inty fall to the Duke of So●●●iner●set Or i●●ha● line were crooked in respect of ba●●idie why not to the house of Portugall without any blemish des●ending from John of G●int Or if the house of Yorke bad the better title why was George Duke of Clarence th●● set downe but second in the li●●●ile Or if the right were in Was wick himselfe for his power order'd and disorder'd all why was the kingdome to descend first of all to the younger daughter But preposterous ambition never knew how to give an account to reason Their were ●he ●●●le● of Oxford P●●brooke and m●●y other● restored to their ●states and ●il●s and ●he Duke of Clarence that greater hopes ●●ight ●●● invite him to re●●●●st to his brother possest of the Dutchy of Yorke And lastly the government of the King and kingdome ●o ●●mitted to the Duke of Clarence and the Earle of Warwick so that King Henry in whose best of fortune it was never to possesse more then the name of King seem'd not to be set at libertie but onely to have changed his keeper and get his prison somewhat more enlarged But Queene Margaret and Prince Edward though by the Earle recald found their fate an● the winds so adverse that they could not land in England to taste this running banquet to which fortune had invted them And stayd so long by necessity that dis●●●tion instructed them in the end there was no hope of felicitie scarce of safeti● in then returne The re-establishment of King Henry in the kingdome by the universall acclamation of the Parliament and the generall silence of ●●● other ●●●●ion ● no man so much as mentio●●●●●●●●●● of Yorke to ●●led ●h●● servour of respect with which the Duke of Burgundy had a●●●●st imbraced ●●●●g Edward Especially which the t●●ison'd ●● Mou●si●ur ●●itleere was apparens for of ●●●ice●●●● ●●●● the King and the Duke ever thought themselves secure he having declared himself ●● for faithfully they rewarded him so liberally But ●ow the ●●aytor turn'd his i●●●●● outward and with the loudest proclay ●●●●●●● joy for the prosperitie of Warwicke And so farre did vanitie of his former services betray him that he boasted even hi● treason for merit And what ev 〈…〉 age● the King sent to him he rejected with s●●●●e to ●●●●se 〈…〉 ne ●●iable affront hee wore enamel'd i●● his● h●● the Beare and ragge●● staffe the Earles ●●●●●zance The neglect which accompanied his adversitie made the King wea●y of any ●uither dependa●●●e● and urge the Duke to have licence for departing For although the Dutchesse neglected no duty of a sister and wooed him most passionately to a longer stay yet so little had his fortune instructed him to patience that neither love nor fright of danger could detaine him longer For the Duke was distemperd with such an ague of discurtesie that those fits which before came but every third or fourth day became now quotidian neither knew the King to how high and dangerous a malice the disease in time might rise His importunitie therefore in the end prevail'd and underhand obtain'd a large supply of money and some men Foure great Shippes of Holland and foureteene of the Easterlings men of warre well arm'd he hired for the transportation of his Forces Which consisted of the English who accompanied him in his flight and had escaped over after him and two thousand Dutch men With the Shippes hee convenanted that they should serve him till fifteene dayes after his landing and to the Dutch Souldiers hee gave such large promises that they vowed their lives to the greatest crueltie of his Fortune At Ravenspur in Yorke-shire he landed where the people naturally devoted to the house of Lancaster showed in the malice of their lookes what evill lucke they wisht him though they wanted courage with their armes to oppose him Which so dismall aspect made him more wary in his march to Yorke fearing it might presage the generall rising of the Countrey But when hee came thither and found the Citizens so well pleas'd with the present state and so in their opinion confirm'd for King Henry hee began to despaire the recovery of the Crowne And in that resolution perceiving them obstinate beyond any hope of remove fashion'd his behaviour to a new art Whereupon since he could not move them to obedience by the authority of his unquestion'd right to the Crowne by
let him enter a place sacred to our most mercifull God untill hee had granted to all there his mercy by a free pardon But this pardon betrayd them for on the Munday after they were taken out of the Church and all beheaded in the Market place at Teuxbury Among whom of principall note were the Duke of Sommerset and the Lord Prior of Saint Johns and many other Knights of great reputation and fortune By which violation of the Sanctuary he made good the opinion which the world before had conceived of him that Religion never could prevaile so farre upon his conscience as to bee any barre eyther to his pleasures or revenge The Queene halfe dead in her Chariot was taken in the battaile and not long after the Prince vvas brought prisoner to the King by Sir Richard Croft Who taking notice of the Proclamation vvhereby the revvard of a hundred pound by the yeare during life was promist to whosoever should yeeld the Princes body dead or alive up to the King with protestation not to offer any violence to his person if alive brought him unhappily to his death Which when the good Knight afterward found he repented what he had done and openly profest his service abused and his faith deluded For King Edward presently upon the delivery of the Prince caused him to be brought into his presence and intertained him with some demonstration of curtesie Mooved perhaps thereunto by the innocency of his youth compassion of his misfortune or the comelinesse of his person the composition of his body being guilty of no fault but a too feminine beauty At first it was supposed the King might have some charitable intention and resolve happily to have setled him in the Dutchy of Lancaster his Fathers inheritance a patrimony too narrow for a King and something too large for a Subject and thereupon to have enterd discourse with him whereby to make experience whether his spirit would stoope to acknowledge a Superiour He therefore question'd him what madde perswasion had made him enter into so rash an enterprise where the very attempt was rebellion being against his Soveraigne and folly being in opposition to a Prince so farre in power above him He expected an humble answer deprecatory for life or soft and gentle according to the complection either of his fortune or his face But he with a resolution bold as his Grandfather Henry the fifth would have replyed with answerd that to recover his Father miserably opprest and the Crowne violently usurped hee had taken armes Neither could he be reputed to make any unjust claime who desired no more then what had beene possest by Henry the sixt the fift and fourth his Father Grand-father and great Grandfather Kings of England And acknowledged by the approbation not of the Kingdome onely but the world and even by the progenitors of King Edward By the spirit of which language when the King perceived how much his life might threaten danger with a looke full of indignation hee turn'd from him thrusting him disdainfully away with his gantlet Which so mighty rage observ'd and his so distemper'd parting out of the roome The Dukes of Clarence and Glocester the Marquesse Dorset and the Lord Hastings seis'd suddenly upon the Prince and with their poniards most barbarously murthered him ● Of whom wee can make little mention his youth having perform'd nothing worth story though it promist much For under the governement of a Mother the worst education for a Sonne he had beene bred up untill this last sceane of life which hee acted alone and bravely so that posterity hath sence of his misfortune yet and applaudes the justice of the Almighty in punishment of his murtherers For all of them came to violent ends Glocester being executioner of the rest and of him the Earle of Richmond the next surviving kinsman of the butcher'd Prince The severity of which example holds a glasse before the eyes of the wicked and showes them how rotten is all that greatnesse which is not raised upon and maintained by vertue and as the conscience is ever after such a crying sinne inwardly tortured upon the racke of feare so seldome doth the body escape outwardly an exemplary death by violence After this generall defeate of the enemy the death of the Prince and all the great partakers with the house of Lancaster and the surprize of the Queene her selfe the King returned toward London This being the onely compleate victory he ever gain'd from which no man of eminency escaped and no man who might pretend to a competition was now preserved except King Henry and he issuelesse and in prison And to make this triumph resemble something of the Roman the King carryed with him his great captive the most afflicted Queene Margaret A woman most unfortunate to her selfe and most ruinous to this kingdome For after her marriage into England Soone finding her husbands weakenesse safe however in being directed and strengthened by sober councell she never left off inventing new machinations till she wrought him into her sole command with the destruction of his neerest friends So that to make the prospect from her greatnesse larger she broke downe and levelld his strong bullwarkes The Duke of Glocester which might perhaps a little checke her ambitious eye but being taken quite away left her open to every tempest Having therefore by fomenting dissention at home lost except onely Callice all our void territories abroad by the murther of the good Duke her Husbands Vncle shee gave liberty to the house of Yorke to make their just claime to the Crowne and in the end to put her out of that governement shee prepo●terously managed In her prosperity shee was rather ambitious then wanton though from the last opinion did not absolutely acquit her Which aspersion certainely was cast upon her by reason of her too intimate familiarity with some of the younger and finer Lords For the more discreete and aged either dislikt her projects or were disliked by her as persons too cautious to consult with a giddy woman Her mighty confidence in the Duke of Suffolke who wrought her marryage with England hath left the largest part of that false suspicion upon his name For who are just to her memory cannot but say beside that she was religious shee was even too busie to thinke of Love matters But perhaps the misfortune of her carriage gave some small occasion of the report Her prosperous fortune presents her to us in the worst colours a factious busie and imperious Queene ●er adverse in the best a most industrious woman to recover what her folly had lost an excellent Wife and a most indulgent Mother And had she never appear'd in action but when misfortune had compell'd her to it she had certainely beene numbred among the best examples of her Sex But now the merits of her later part of life by redeeming the errours of the former serve onely to l●vell her with the indifferent The time shee continued a prisoner in
England shee showed us no face but that of desolation the strength of her spirit eyther broken in the murther of her Son or else shee accounted it a needlesse imployment now to raise her selfe above her sorrowes After some time her Father with the sale of much of that poore estate remained yet in his possession ransomed her whereby she was redeemed to another ayre though not to a freer fortune In addition to her other miseryes she was punisht with a long life which shee spun out sadly and ingloriously living humbly upon the narrow exhibition her Father did steale from himselfe to afford her Her life was much the talke of the present and succeeding times because it concurr'd to the destruction of the house of Lancaster a Family beyond any then in the Christian world both in extent of dominion greatnesse of alliance and glory of action Her death was so obscure for who counts the steps of the unfortunate that it is not left certainely in story when she dyed But King Edward by her misfortunes reckoned his owne felicities and now justly conceived himselfe secure in that Throne he so passionately had endeavoured to sit at ease in But because the Sceane of his fortune had had more changes then any King in England yet except his Competitor he continued still with a most watchfull eye to looke about him And not knowing to how dangerous a growth his enemies might arrive which for the present appeared weake he thought fit to take order with Jasper Earle of Pembrooke who remained in Wales with a power unable to offend the King but able enough considering the nature of the place to defend himselfe Wherefore that without a publicke trouble he might destroy so private a person hee sent Roger Vaughan strong both in kindred and followers with commission by some stratagem to entrap him But the Earle had a discovery of his plot and to deceive the deceiver seemed to give opportunity for execution of the designe by which meanes hee got Vaughan into his possession and presently caused him to be beheaded But knowing this act concurring with the whole progresse of his life in opposition to the King Would bring him to ruine either by open power or secret practise he resolv'd to saile over into Brittaine and under the protection of that state to secure himselfe from the present storme With him he carryed his Nephew Henry Earle of Richmond heire of the Teuthers Family by the Paternall by the materiall side of the house of Sommerset for the civill warre had now destroy'd all those great Dukes who had with losse of their lives shewed their devotion to King Henry and left the inheritance of their honour with a farre more favourable aspect to this young Earle By the Duke of Britanny they were received not onely with promise of safety but with reliefe of pension Him perhaps the consideration of the instability of humane affaires moved to this noble pitty But Peter Landois the sole directour of the Duke and a wicked man perswaded his Master to give them entertainement out of an avaritious hope one day to make a good merchandize for himselfe by sale of them into England Yet could not the King bring his happinesse to that quiet he desired Some few small drops fell upon him after the great tempest For a base Son of William Nevill Earle of Kent commonly known by the name of the Bastard Fauconbrige having bin imployed Vice Admirall by the Earle of Warwicke during the late combustions of the kingdome to hinder all succors which might come frō the Low Countryes to King Edwards aide soone as he understood the Earles death set up for himselfe and fell to trade in open Pyracy His conditions were ignoble as his birth and onely can be said a fit instrument to move the baser multitude to sedition betweene Dover and Callice he robd most and had now got under his command a Navie great enough to worke mischiefe Especially having the chiefe of Callice who had sided lately with the Earle of his confederacy and by that meanes safetie upon all occasions in their harbor Gathering therefore into his retinue many of those who had escaped from the two former overthrowes and presuming upon the affection of the Kentish and Essex men he saild up the River of Thames The intention of his armes divulging to be for the common libertie and the redemption of the King and Queene imprisond by an usurper By which pretence ever powerfull to incline the vulgar to sedition he invited to the quarrell so great a multitude that the number was reckoned seventeene thousand fighting men Most of them the dregs and lees of former rebellions Such who having beene heretofore on King Henries side and wanting courage to make good the undertaking had by flight escapd or else men whom guilt of some enormous disorder had prepared for any attempt because neither could hope to remaine long secure from punishment when once the severe eye of a peaceable government should looke narrowly into their offences With this he marcht to Kingstone hoping there to have crost the River but being debard hee led his Army into S ● Georges fields and from thence with his Ordinance made some small battery on the Citie And to strike the more terrour in the meane time he causd three thousand of his men to be transported by boate at Saint Katherines to make an assault on the other side at Algate and Bishopsgate Who being set a shore with a courage as desperate as their quarrell offerd to force an entrance but by the Citizens were bravely repulst The Lord Major and Aldermen directed by the great experience of the Earles of Essex and Rivers and the Marquesse Dorset neglecting no part of the best Commanders And so valiantly they pursued the rebels who soone began to shrinke that Fauconbridge with much difficultie recovered his shippes For hee overconfident of successe had commanded them to fall as low as the Downes little fearing he should so soone be forc'd to seeke safetie at Sea And having vainly deluded himselfe and his Souldiers with expectation of great Forces from Wales under the conduct of Jasper Earle of Pembrooke With much danger of being destroyed at Black-heath where for a while hee entrencht he got at length to Sandwich and fortefied the place Few of the Rebels who had any weake hope of pardon following their Generall upon a forc'd retreat The Commons entring thus upon every slight invitation into rebellion when the preservation of King Henry was but mention'd made the King begin to consider how dangerous his life was to the State and that his death would disarme even the hope of his faction for ever reslecting more upon the warres It was therefore resolv'd in King Edwards Cabinet Councell that to take away all title from future insurrections King Henry should be sacrificed For howsoever some either to cleere the memory of the King or by after cruelties guessing at precedent will have this murder to
who would have beene as bold to have fought his quarrell and lost so good shipping and so commodious a haven Towne For they were resolv'd to see both consumed with themselves that the victory might be no triumph to the conquerour and the conquer'd might have that comfort in their ruine The proposition was accepted by the King and the Duke of Glocester whose wisdome and valor had wrought him high in the opinion of the King was sent with a generall pardon to the Rebells and authority in the Kings name to receive the Towne the Castle and all the shipping in the harbour But the King who never let any pardon be an impediment to his purpose having them in his power caused the Lawes severely to proceed against them And for the example of the rest Spicing and Quintin tvvo of the chiefe in this rebellion vvere executed at Canterbury and their heads set upon those gates vvhich at their last being at London they so furiously assaulted And that the King might not onely dravv blood but treasure from this businesse a Commission of Oier and Terminer vvas directed to the Lord Deubam and Sir John Fog to inquire against Offenders in the last rebellion and to inflict either corporall or pecuniary punishment But the Commissioners vvho understood both the necessity and intention of the State made rather choyce of the later knovving death vvould but incurre the opinion of cruelty and no way advance the Kings benefit Whereas great fines weaken as much the discontented make the Prince as secure from danger even with the reputation of clemency And that Fauconbridge the first moover of this sedition might have no more priviledge then his complices comming into South-hampton he was apprehended and put to death The inserting of his name in the former pardon though often pleaded by him serving onely to make him suffer the same execution with the rest The punishment of these succeeding so well the King proceeded against others And first against the Arch-bishop of Yorke brother to the Earle of Warwicke who with his spirituall authority had set a glosse of Religion upon all the later attempts And by his working inclin'd the Commons of the North to so constant a resolution for King Henry With him the King tooke order because he found his ambition irregular and sent him to be kept prisoner in the Castle of Guisnes Where deservedly he endured a long restraint never attain'd liberty till death enlarg'd him No man afforded the poore comfort of pitty to his affliction because in his prosperity he had beene insolent and factious The manner of the attachment was according to the custome of the King unfaithfull For having admitted the Arch-bishop after Barnet field not onely into favour but a speciall familiarity as he was hunting with him neere Windsor he promist to come to the More a place in Hartford-shire which was not long before purchaste and built up most commodiously by the Arch-bishop and there to hunt with him with this caution that there might be nothing but a liberall mirth and friendly entertainement With much complacency the Arch-bishop retired to his house joyfull to see the King so free in his affection without memory of former discontents And that the entertainement might not be altogether beneath the Majesty of his person against the Kings comming beside all provision which the shortnesse of the time could make he had gather'd together of his owne and his friends plate and other rich housholdstuffe to the value of twenty thousand pound Next day expecting the presence of the King On the sudden Sir William Par knight and Master Thomas Vaughan entered the house and by vertue of a Commission to that purpose confiscated all those goods to the Kings use Who having arrested his person and sent that to prison seized upon all his estate both temporall and Ecclesiasticall The former forfeited for ever the later during the Archbishops life The crime objected against him was treason for secretly aiding the Earle of Oxford who at that time had fortefied Saint Michaels Mount in Cornewall For the poore Earle seeing the whole Island lost from the house of Lancaster in whose defence he had beene so constant and all the great favourers of the quarrell destroyd having no place of safety to shelter himselfe abroad tooke this corner of the kingdome and endeavour'd to make it good But this was but the enterprize of a desperate man for all his hope this way could be onely to prolong a wretched life without servitude As for liberty he was his owne goaler and his fortresse his prison The whole number of his Souldiers were but seventy scarce enough for his retinue Yet with these he managed his businesse so happily that though besig'd hee revictualled the place and made his defence good some moneths But when Richard Fortescue Esquire of the body to the King and then Sheriffe of the County came downe and by open offer of the Kings free pardon to all the Earles men and secret practising had wrought them to his purpose The Earle was forced to yeeld and with him the Lord Beumount two of the Earles brothers and Thomas Clifford all persons of great name and quality The King receiv'd them to mercy as farre as their lives were concernd But for their estates for now he began to husband his victories to the benefit of his treasury he confiscated them wholly not allowing the disconsolate Countesse any part of her joynture Insomuch that during the life time of King Edward for all that while was the Earle kept prisoner neere Callice in the Castle of Hames she was forced to live upon the curtesie of her friends a kinde of better sort of almes All now were reduced to order except the Earles of Richmond and Pembrooke and them the King labour'd to fetch in For now either his nature was alter'd to a strange mistrust which in his youth had beene so taxed for an uncircumspect confidence or else he began to be govern'd by a Councell of a more wary judgement and whose sight could discerne danger a farre off And certainely who compares the first and last times of the Kings government shall perceive a strange difference in the pollicy unlesse in those affaires wherein he obey'd his owne direction and in them remain'd a taint of his naturall errour Which change of governement may be ascribed to the Duke of Glocester a man whom the conscience of his owne infidelity made jealous of the faith of others who thought no enemy alive and with liberty but full of danger how weake so ever his power or pretence might be and who at this time held the sterne of the Councell while the King at pleasure wanton'd in his Cabin By his advice Commissioners were sent over to the Duke of Brittaine in whose dominions the Earles remained to expostulate the injury of giving entertainement to any evill affected to the state of England Pembrooke having been upon all occasions an open Rebell and Richmond onely
wanting age to take armes and who shortly appeared to threaten no lesse dangerous They desired him as he respected confederacy with England and the common pollicy of Princes not to disobliege the King by comforting his enemies and succouring such who could bring nothing but ruine to their abettors Neither to preferre faith to two miserable exiles before love to a Prince who had both the power and intention to joyne with him in any warre that might tend to the safety or honour of his Dutchy They concluded with an earnest request that he would deliver up into their hands the two fugitives that such order might be taken as was safest for the present state Or if the too scrupulous observance of an oath perplex'd him that at least such care might be had that they might neither attempt confederacy abroad or a power to enable them to returne home The Duke made answer that in point of honour he could not condiscend to the Kings first demand having upon their arrivall there given them his word But for the second part he would beyond the Kings owne desire consult for the safeguard of his Majesty and restraining them from any power to attempt new enterprizes And perhaps as it would preserve his reputation clearer to the World so would it more advance the Kings purpose to let them remaine in Brittaine rather then to have them returned into England Considering at home they had a great kindred and by the slaughter of the rest were growne chiefe of the faction of Lancaster Whereas if they continued with him they should be in a free but a safe custody in a Country where they were so farre from power that they wanted acquaintance And that himselfe would narrowly looke that no discontended persons should resort to them or that they should make their addresses to any other Prince Whereupon he intreated his Majesty to consider him as a Confederate most religious in maintenance of that amity heretofore so happily begun and hitherto so faithfully maintaind With this answer the Embassadors return'd and the Duke made good his promise to the King For presently he remooved all their English servants and set Brittaines to attend them who did rather observe then serve them Men who cunningly markt not onely who made their dependancies upon them of the English or with what people they held intelligence but even their lookes and sent the Coppy of them into England oftentimes with a false interpretation Then that two together might not animate each other and enter into dangerous Councells they were kept divided and all communication either by language or letter absolutely interdicted And that both being in the same sufferance might not conspire to the same escape there was a guard set upon them who narrowly though respectively wa●ch● them So that we may guesse this great care the King tooke for their restraint to have wrought a strange effect Richmond esteeming himselfe more considerable as he was more suspected and by the feares of the King making valuation of his owne pretences Great thoughts crept into his minde by the circumspection of such great Princes and the vulgar both abroad and at home began to beleive for they alwayes thinke there are strange depths even in the shallowes of Princes actions there was much mistery in Richmond title and danger in his liberty Whereas had he lived unsuspected by the King he had perhaps dyed unobserv'd by the world By this negotiation with Britaine having secured himselfe of these two Earles who might endanger trouble to the kingdome at home he began to looke abroad whether yet hee had never liberty to cast his eye His pleasures or dangers higherto so taking up his time that he had onely serv'd his appetite or safety But now hee had quieted all civill troubles and even rooted up the very feare of warre hereafter He therefore thought it necessary to looke first upon France a nation which had made benefit of our ruine and while we busied our thoughts and courage in destruction of each other recovered so much life they were growne dangerous Of their farther growth the King was fearefull and resolv'd if he could not make them lesse at least to keepe them at a stay Whereupon having intelligence of a marriage in agitation betweene Duke Charles brother to Lewis the Eleventh and then heire apparent to the Crowne and the daughter and sole heire of Charles Duke of Burgundy he endeavoured by all art to breake off the treaty For he considered how formidable the French would grow to our kingdome should the so large territory of the seventeene Provinces with the other dominions of the Duke be added How they would then be enabled to revenge those many injuries the fortune of our victories had done them when we should be left to our owne armes the Burgonian by whose aide we had enterd and conquerd France now prepared to warre upon us How France superiour alwayes to the English in multitude and extent of territory and defective onely in commodious Havens would by this be enlarged with a mighty Sea coast and as good men for Navigation as the world then had By which they would have absolute command at Sea and keepe us within the narrow limits of our Island If they would permit us that These considerations made the King sollicit both the Duke of Brittaine and the Count S. Paul the two earnest meditators for Duke Charles to desist from farther negotiation in the marriage Brittaine he moved to reflect upon his owne danger if Charles should survive King Lewys as by course of yeares it was probable and have so great an Empyre under his command That greater Princes like greater Rivers swallow up the lesse and after a while retaine no memory of them And if he presumed upon the friendship betweene him and Duke Charles and the many courtesies done him it was a trecherous hope that never yet kept faith That Brittaine never enjoyd all the priviledges appertaining to the Dutchy but when France was disabled to infringe them VVith the Count S. Paul he dealt another way by representing to him the neere friendship that ought to be betweene them too in respect of the so neere alliance being Vncle to his Queene By which he intreated him not to urge a businesse so prejudiciall to the safety of the Crowne of England which in a neere degree concern'd his owne blood VVithall he advised him to take care of himselfe and not to exasperate too farre King Lewys to whom the treaty of this marriage was most unpleasing in regard to the safety of his owne estate To foment discord betweene brothers being injurious to religion and unsafe to pollicy For Nature reunites them and throwes both their mallices on him who occasioned the first breach and who for the most part is yeelded up a sacrifice to the reconcilement He concluded with the madnesse of his actions who would provoke the just anger of so subtill and so revengefull a Prince for the fraile amity
owne claime to the Crowne Your Majesties onely presence being of power to raise a fuller armie in the very heart of France then yet ever King of England led to conquer France This overture tooke generally with the great Lords who in their infancyes by their Nurses having beene told no stories but of our triumphs in France and those tales imprint deepely in the memory and now for many yeares ever acquainted with the warres at home embraced danger as the onely meanes to honour Moreover an appetite of glory mingled with a noble emulation of the prowes of their Fathers made every man of name thrust forward to this action Neither were the more covetous backeward considering they were to warre with a richer and a more effeminate nation and not unlikely to returne loaden with spoyle if not to remaine there in a fertiller and a pleasanter Country The Souldier who was in a manner all the gentry of the Land for the civill warres had engaged them all to the study of armes rellisht this businesse more then the great Lords For they having beene bred up in the free licence of warre abhord to be circumscribed within the narrow bounds of the Lawes which never have absolute power but in peace So that the whole body of the Kingdome passionately affected the quarrell and by their universall acclamations in praise of it perswaded the King soone to declare his assent Whereupon sending for the Embassadors he showed his resolution to the warre which hee would undertake in person and that very Spring for it was now presently after Christmas transport his Forces into France He desired therefore to understand in what readinesse the Duke of Burgundy had his army and where he would appoint the place for the English to joyne and which way should first be taken To which the Embassadors made answer that the Duke had his Forces so well prepared that if the King would nominate a certaine time when he would be at Callice the Duke would be sure three moneths before to waste the whole Country belonging to the French and to have his men so expert that they should be able to instruct the English unacquainted with the place And as for transportation of his Souldiers they desired his Majesty not to perplex himselfe in regard his Highnesse would provide boats for that purpose Then that the King might perceive how faithfully the Duke dealt with him they showed the Articles agreed upon betweene the Dukes of Burgundy Brittaine and the Count S. Paul to joyne in a warre offensive against King Lewys As likewise a Catalogue of the names of all the great Lords of France who held secret intelligence with them and who would revolt from the French King soone as the Dukes army tooke the field With this so satisfactory answer the Embassadors returned to the Duke who in this attained the ambition of many yeares working For all the feare which troubled his busie minde was least King Edward won by the practises of King Lewys might be induced to side with France or else to remaine a neuter And indeed the last he suspected most knowing the nature of our King so prone to voluptuousnesse to which the noyse and trouble of the warres never gives free licence He therefore by continuall Embassies kept him constant to his resolution and with larger promises of supply and clearer apparences of successe prickt forward his ambition to the enterprise But all these arts were needlesse for the King was forward to the quarrell Either out of a brave emulation of Henry the fift his Predecessor of the other line or out of a confidence as easily to throw King Lewys out of the throne of France as he had King Henry out of the Soveraignety of England or perhaps not to appeare backeward in an attempt of glory when the expectation of the kingdome called upon him to arme For unlesse some malice rancord in the genius of our Nation against the French the Saxon governement having received a finall overthrow by them in the conquest of Duke William though to that great businesse conspired all the adjacent Countries it would be our wonder why the English were never sparing of their lives or treasure when any warre might be advanced against the French And of this so extraordinary forwardnesse in his people the King tooke a great advantage To compact the body of this enterprise money the nerves and sinues of warre were wanting The ordinary course for supply was by Parlament and that at this time was held difficult if not impossible In regard the King but a little before had dissolved the assembly having received for discharge of his debts a large contribution and to urge them to a second aide would probably end in distaste if not in denyall Neither could it appeare lesse then extreame exaction to force the Farmers who make up the greatest number in any payment to yeeld to asubsidie considering the precedent troubles of the Kingdome had utterly impoverisht them by hindering tillage and all good husbandry And for the Nobility who pay a large share in all generall collections they for the most prepared themselves for the expedition And it could not but rebate the edge of their courages to be at a vast charge not onely in the particular setting forth of their owne persons and their retinue but in the generall preparations There was therefore a new way found out by former ages never knowne without oppressing the Commons to supply the King the name it bore was a benevolence though many disproved the signification of the word by their unwillingnesse to the gift and it was cunningly and discreetely required onely of the better sort of people who were knowne to have a plentifull revenue And especially of such whom ease and wealth were likely to detaine at home Knowing that the heaviest burthen might be laid on them without a publicke murmur as men hated by the Souldier and upon whose prosperity ever attends a common envy In advancing this contribution no pollicy was omitted either by private menaces or publicke entreaties Some came in led by feare not knowing to what indignation a denyall might provoke the state Other cunningly perswaded to a vaine hope of enjoying the Kings particular favour by their forwardnesse Few granted it for love to the enterprise Most onely because their neighbours did it and they wanted courage to disobey example In History a Widdow is much spoke of who having freely and somewhat above the proportion of her estate contributed twenty pound received from the King a kisse Which his so extraordinary favour extraordinary to a Widdow declin'd in yeares so overjoy'd her that she doubled the summe and presented it to the Collectors By which slight passage a judgement is easie to be made of the Kings nature either of it selfe full of humanity or without difficulty bending to the lowestcurtesie when it any way concern'd the advancement of his profit By this art monies were raised and now nothing was wanting to
the expedition The universall language of the Kingdome being of the warres and all exercises military No person of blood or quality but prepared for the journey except onely those whom infancy or extreame age exempted or the necessary administration of the Common weale And all they who went emulated each other in the glory of their armour the richnesse of their pavilions the bravery of their horses furniture and servants apparell Every man being held so farre to recede from honor as in his preparations he exprest an unwillingnesse to the businesse The army consisted of fifteene hundred men at armes fifteene thousand Archers eight thousand common Souldiers beside three thousand Pioners appointed to guard the ordinance and the carriage Three thousand good souldiers were sent into Brittaine to joyne with his forces and assault France on the other side All things disposed in so full a readinesse the King sent over to the Duke of Burgundy to acquaint him with the state of the army and to know in what forwardnesse businesses were on that side Who returned answers full of confident promises and exhortation to the King to make all possible haste over the Summer comming on a pace which if past further without action would indanger the losse of the whole expedition for that yeare He assertain'd him moreover of certaine Townes under the governement of the Count S. Paul which should be surrendred into the Kings hands for retreat to the English upon any occasion of the badnesse of weather or fortune And indeed how weake soever the Duke knew the condition of his army yet fearefull he was to expresse it least the King should take advantage to give over the undertaking The Kings nature being knowne diseased so much with the love of peace that the Duke was justly suspicious how sound soever it appeared for the present it might upon the least distemper fall into a relapse Vpon these assurances from the Duke the King gave order that all his Forces should repaire to London Whence after some few moneths spent in preparations he marcht toward Dover But before he tooke shipping that the progresse of the Warre might be the more successefull the beginning was made according to the old heroicke straine of bravery For the King sent a Herauld over with a letter of defiance to Lewys of France in which he was required to surrender up to the King of England the Realme of France as due to him by the lawes of inheritance and violently wrested away from Henry the sixth by Charles the seventh and as unjustly possest by Lewys By which voluntary resignation of the Crowne was showed how without effusion of blood the King of England should be inabled to restore the Clergy and Nobility to their ancient greatnesse and priviledges and the Commons to their liberty Of which they had all beene so cruelly deprived by the injurious usurpation and tyrannicall government of Charles and Lewys It shovved likevvise hovv farre the Kingdome of France in generall vvould by this receive benefit considering it would be eased of all those many and unsupportable exactions which by those covetous Princes had beene laid upon it It concluded with a threatning of all the mischiefes accompany warre and an absolute despaire of all future mercy or care to bee had of Lewys his provision if upon so faire an admonissiment and summons given he refused to yeeld the Kingdome This Letter saith Comines an Authour of that time happy in vvriting many cunning particulars of the Princes hee serv'd but rude in the art of History and ever blemishing the glory of our Nation was pen'd so elegantly both for language and matter that hee beleeved it vvas beyond the abilities of an English wit A bold and ridiculous censure For how could he who was borne no Native of France and never had beene instructed in any learning judge of language Or how of the witty contrivance of the Letter since in his owne History which is received by the world with so universall an applause there is an apparent defect in order and method And without vanity our Nation may assume to it selfe the praise considering the narrow limits of the Island to have produced as many Schollers admirable in all degrees of knowledge as any Country on this side the Alpes Neither was that age though according to the necessity of the time more expert in armes then arts without excellent wits famed for literature But this digression the reader must pardon a sence of our Nations honour thrust my pen out of the way if this be from the purpose Whatsoever the Letter was in the composure it was such in the substance that it discomposed King Lewys and troubled all his imaginations Hee read it softly and fearefully which was beneath that part of understanding he was most Master of even pollicy it selfe For it could not but beget strange interpretations in the Court when the message of an enemy delivered publickely by letter should be kept concealed The demand must probably be easily conjectured and this silent way of answering could not but procure suspicion that his resolution might discend to yeeld more then became a Prince But in the manage of this as in all other businesses King Lewys delighted to give order alone and show his authority independant of any Councell without perplexing himselfe at all to satisfie opinion Having read the Letter he withdrew himselfe into a Wardrobe and commanded the Herauld to be brought to his presence To whom hee in answer to the Letter said That he knew the King his Master had not resolved upon this enterprise out of his owne disposition but overcome by the sollicitation of his people and the perswasion of the Duke of Burgundy and the Count S. Paul His people infatuated with a vaine presumption of victory because heretofore the successe of their wars in France had beene fortunate never considering the disparity of the state of things or the uncertainety of events especially where fury and fortune two blind powers beare the wholesway The Duke of Burgundy loving warre for it selfe and having rashly engaged himselfe into many quarrels out of desire to draw the King of England into his dangers or at least at anothers cost to beate the bargaine of peace to a lower rate The reason why he had so laboured King Edward to take armes and revive an absolute title to the kingdome of France being onely for his owne preservation which was threatned by all his injured neighbours or else as it is reported of people diseased of the Plague in envy to the health of other Nations desirous to infect even his neerest allies with the contagion of his quarrell As for the Count S. Paul who had ever subsisted by dissimulation and setting division betweene Princes whereby his assistance either for the prosecution of the warre or conclusion of peace might be required as necessary All his hopes in this quarrell were onely to fish in troubled waters and by an universall combustion to raise
a treatie considering that all our warres in France had rather purchaste fame then treasure to our Kingdome and when our Souldier returnd home their scarres were greater then their spoiles And howsoever we had at staits got possession of the largest territories in France yet still wee retired back againe As if the devine providence had decreed to have our Empire bounded with our Seas Moreover they who affected the happinesse of a Kingdome and loved their owne country desired rather France under a forraigne governour least if in possession of our King England being the lesse both in extent and fertility might be reduc'd to the condition to a Province and live in obedience to a Deputie enriching the greater Kingdome with her tribute Other consirations likewise of the present state of the warres prevail'd to get content for a treatie whereupon with reward the Herauld was dismist a safe conduct granted and the place for the Commissioners appointed in a Village neare Amiens For the King were nominated the Lord Howard Sir Anthony St. Leger and Doctor Morton for the French the bastard of Burbon Admirall of France the Lord Saint Peire and the Bishop of Evereux This at the first meeting brought almost the treaty to a conclusion for on both sides they brought mindes disposed to peace And although the English Commissioners at first demanded the Crowne of France as due to the King by right from which in honour he could not recede and afterward with much apparence of difficultie condescended to be content with Normandy and Guien yet they themselves knew well Princes never use to part with Countries upon treatie before the battaile hath imposed a necessitie to yeeld And indeede the English expected not that Lewys would be frighted out of so important lims of the body of France onely upon the braving of an enemy Soone this first florish of businesses came to more easie termes Edward desired to be gone without losse of honour Lewys to have him gone with as much reputation as he desired Edward had occasion of mony and Lewys was willing to make him a bridge of Gold from Callice to D●ver whereon to carry backe his Army And shortly to both their contents an absolute atonement was made Whereby threescore and fifteene thousand Crownes were to be paid to King Edward before his departure out of France and fifty thousand annually Concerning the annuitie of fiftie thousand Crownes there is much controversie among French and English writers about the name They call it a Pension wea Tribute And certainly the later to speake without partialitie to our selves hath in it much more proprietie of language For a Prince who over-awed by a powerfull Armie mediates by deprecatory massages to divert the battaile and afterward buyes his safetie not onely with a present Summe but an annuall payment cannot have a freer name then tributary And as for pensions they are granted upon petition to the poorer and weaker not upon feare to the mightier But to compare the greater actions of Princes to the customes of Subjects The threescore and fifteene thousand Crownes was the fine King Lewys payd for France and the fiftie thousand annually the rent Onely the farme was too mightie to be set and the tennant too strong and stubborne ever to quit possession to his Landlord Then for establishment of future peace that posteritie might partake in the benefit of this accord it was concluded that the Princesse Elizabeth eldest daughter to King Edward should marry with Charles the Dolphin Son to Lewys And for her present maintenance five thousand Crownes from France to be payd in the Tower of London and after the expiration of nine yeares shee and the Dolphin to be invested in the Dutchy of Guyen And that on the English side there might bee no fraud upon payment of the first summe the Lord Howard and Sir John Cheinie Master of the Horse were to remaine in hostage untill the Army were return'd into England But that the King might not seeme to forget his confederates the Duke of Burgundie and Britaine were comprehended if they would accept the peace The Count S. Paul was abandon'd in this treatie as an efficiall servant and subject to the Crowne being Constable of France and who by his dissimulation and treason had most offended the nature of our King And usually thus to reconcile great Princes lesser are offered up for sacrifice This peace was generally receiv'd by the Army with applause as by people who began to consider no victory before the battaile certaine and in the battaile much hazard Onely the Duke of Glocester who stood aloofe off on the other side for honour frown'd at this accord and exprest much sorrow as compassionating the glory of his nation blemisht in it Hee repeated his jealousie of the worlds opinion which necessarily must laugh at so chargeable a preparation to attempt nothing And scorne either the wisedome or courage of the English when they shall perceive them in so full numbers and so well arm'd to passe the Sea after a defiance sent and challenge to a Crowne to returne backe without drawing a Sword Moreover to forsake the amitie of so constant friends and in extreame necessitie to betray them beguiled by a common dissembler whose shifts and trickes of state like the slights of hand in juglers are discovered and wondred at by those fooles onely whom hee cozens And what carried with it an apparence of most danger to necessitate the Duke of Burgundie to a peace with King Lewys whereby both may hereafter joyne in a common league against us Who by this one act have forfeited all leagues with our ancient confederates and frighted any other Princes from joyning with us With Glocester agreed many of the Army who were either dependant upon him or who had as unquiet thoughts as hee some likewise who having set up the rest of all their fortunes upon this gaine found themselves undone in their hopes because the Princes had drawne statues But most of a discontented humour that maliciously alwayes interprets the actions of Princes to the worst sence But the Duke of Glocester had a further and a more dangerous aime as who by the dishonour of his brother thought his credit receiv'd increast and by how much the King sunke in opinion he should rise And in regard good and quiet men were delighted in the accord he would be had to the wicked and unquiet and adde a luster to his faction by drawing the nations honour to his part But why this peace should endure so hard a censure both at home and abroad is strange and above all why King Lewys should ascribe any honour to himselfe or thinke the advantage on his side For what ecclipse soever the English glory suffered certainly the French by a most servile way purchast safetie They descending beneath the honour of men by mony to wave a battaile wee being onely faultie in not having perform'd more then men For if we consider our selves subject to
the chance of warre why was not an honorable peace to bee prefer'd Especially since if wee had faild in the successe how wretchedly had our forces beene broken in opinion and how impossible on the sudden to re-inforce the Armie And if the French had declin'd the battaile into what necessities had wee falne the Summer almost paste and both Burgundie and S. Paul refusing to let us have townes to winter our men And if wee looke upon the peace it selfe nothing is in it disadvantagious to our honour or profit Considering it brought not onely a great present summe and annuall revenue but brought it from the then greatest Prince in Christendome enforc'd by feare And for convenience the marriage of the Kings daughter to the Dolphin could not be but esteemed of maine consequence why then wonne that apothegme so much reputation that reported our King to have gain'd nine battailes in which hee personally fought and never to have ●ost any but this Since in this hee overcame a Prince of farre greater power then hee ever fought with before with no disadvantage but that the victory was purchast without blood which should be esteemed an addition to the glory of it And if you cast your eye backe upon the course held in the most famed Empire and especially in the Roman which was the noblest you shall finde they never refused their friendship to any Prince who supply as Lewys of France to King Edward requested it And tooke more glory to have Kings their tributaries then their Kingdomes farm'd out to a more profitable revenue But of this enough and but enough since it tends onely to vindication of the English honour which the French vaunted so much to have suffered in this treaty In which they thinke us by their wits miserably overreacht and perhaps indeed wee were if the articles be onely judged by their feares and not by the difficulties of our army at that time and the just jealousie of the King that his confederates intended not his but their owne businesse The newes of this Peace no sooner came to the Court of the Duke of Burgundy but in all hast he poasted to the English Campe attended onely by sixteene Horse The distraction of his looke and gesture exprest the wildnesse of his thoughts so that the whole Army discovered his discontent before he utter'd it His first addresse to the King was in question of the truth of the common report that spoke a peace concluded betweene him and King Lewys Which when he was resolv'd was true hee presently broke into a most passionate fierce language Obrayding the King with inglorious sloath and the indefatigable courage of former Kings of England upon whose attempts waited ever the noblest victory He made a scornefull repetition of the mirth his enemies would make at his returne as if hee had come over with so huge an Army Merchant like to trafficke for a little mony and the contempt hee must needs become to his owne people when they should perceive the great conquests their contributions have brought home And when it was intimated to him that he and the Duke of Brittaine were included in the Peace he disdainefully rejected it protesting the love he bore the English name not care of his owne safety had perswaded King Edward to this enterprize And to show how little dependancy his Fortune held on any other and how without mediation of an allye he was able to make his owne peace he vowed to conclude none with France untill the English army had been three monthes at home After hee had throwne forth these disordered speeches in much discontent hee left the King Who wondered to heare himselfe to disdainefully intreated Having seldome beene accustomed to any language but what was pollisht to delight by flattery But they who misliked the Peace commended the spirit of the Duke overjoyed to heare their unquiet thoughts which feare restrained from utterance so freely spoken But the Count Saint Paul assertained of this accord was seized upon by a farre other passion For by dissembling with these three Princes in hope to winne into love and reputation with the more fortunate hee had offended them all so farre that hee knew not to which confidently to flye for refuge France was irreconciliable because he had beene ever in practise against the quiet and safety of that state and who both by the tyes of allyance as having marryed the sister of King Lewys his wife and loyalty as who held much Land in France and executed the place of Constable being oblieged to seeke the preservation of his Country had for many yeares nourisht treason and sometimes brought the Crowne it selfe to the hazard Then from England or Burgundy there was no probability of friendship both having beene deluded by his promises and in the last businesse at S. Quintin provoked to the highest indignation For although the English onely sustained the losse in point of safety for the present expedition yet in point of honour the Duke had his share in sufferance Hee having before the Kings passage out of England covenanted for the faith of the Count Saint Paul But certainely the misery of a petty Prince is lamentable and his estate most unsafe when there is any jealousie growing betweene his more potent neighbours For Neutrality is incompatible with his fortune in regard his Country shall then lye open to the spoyle of every army if he deny to declare himselfe and if he declare himselfe he must run the hazard of anothers Fortune And oftentimes the very scituation of his Principality enforceth him to take part not with the stronger or juster but with the nearer neighbouring as in danger of whose rage his estate is most subject But in addition to the misery of his Fortune S. Paul had the unquietnesse of minde raised up into a high ambition by the cunning of wit For he had so many and so farre fetches in his imaginations and of them some had prospered so much to his advantage that it made him presumptuous of his abilities to dissemble and therefore continue in it till at last the discovery tooke away all beliefe from his after pretentions and happily too from his reall intentions But among the greatest of his misfortunes is to be reckoned the time he lived in For had he not met with so polliticke a Prince as Lewys of France who had likewise the start of him in good lucke he questionlesse might have attained some one of those many designes he so wittily and probably contrived But in the conduct of their affaires Princes shall finde a discreet honesty not onely toward God but even to the depraved World the safest rule of humane actions For the absolute dissolution of a state was never knowne to happen by observance of faith or Religion and seldome in the time of a good Prince I meane if his goodnesse were active not over-ruled by evill Counsell to misgovernement S. Paul in this distraction of thoughts endeavoured to recover a
game quite lost and made his addresses to the King of England whom he believed to be of the easiest nature and from whom he expected lesse severity because the King had suffered lesse then the others by his dissimulation He therefore first excused the distaste given the English at S. Quintin casting the whole fault upon the unhappy rashnesse of his Souldiers billited in the Towne and the jealousie of the Townesmen Then hee advised him to be wary of giving too much faith to King Lewys who was resolved after the departure of the English army to observe no covenant wherefore his safest course would be to demand Eu and S. Valerie to billet his Souldiers in this Winter which he was secure Lewys his feares durst not deny and by which grant hee would not be necessitated to so sudden a returne Lastly observing the avarice of the Kings disposition in the last treaty hee tendered him the loane of fifty thousand Crownes and promise of all faithfull service in the future But the memory of former unfaithfull passages and desire to enjoy the pleasures of peace defend the King so farre to these new propositions that it ended even in scornefull language of the offerer which drove S. Paul into utter despaire For the King was not to be remooved from his new begunne amity with Lewys which every day by the interchange of favours and by laboring to excell each other in confidence gathered increase For presently upon conclusion of the Articles betweene the Commissioners a truce being made untill the peace were ratified by the oathes of both the Princes the English souldiers had free admission into all the French townes And one day so great number of the army went to make merry in Amiens as might have endangered the surprisall if there had not beene faithfull intentions in King Edward But hee to shew the integrity of his mind and to take away all occasion of jealousie of any underhand designe sent to King Lewys to intreate him to give order for restraint if by entering in so large multitudes the souldier endangered suspicion which Lewys never overcome in Complement refused with many protestations of his confidence onely desiring our King if he disliked the absence of so considerable a part of his Army from the Campe to send some Yoemen of his Crowne to guard the gates in regard he was resolved no French man should stop the passage of the English But our King strained his curtesie much too high when to out-vye King Lewys his favours he offered to give him a catalogue of all the French Noblemen who had conspired with S. Paul in this warre and had given faith to revolt to the English For as in the rule of common justice this discovery could give no better an attribute to the King then that of state Informer so could it not but infinitely prejudice the affaires of England considering it would shut up for ever the passage to all intelligence if this peace should chance to breake hereafter And indeed by so voluntary undertaking that office which an honest minde thinkes it selfe unhappy to be forced to presents his nature to us most ignoble since this treason was onely intentionall and as the state of businesses now stood in France reconciled to the English it no way concerned the safety of his new confederate On the other side King Lewys showed himselfe most affectionate to the English when contrary to the circumspection of his nature hee rejected all the suspicions of his Councell who wisht him to be watchfull that King Edward by pretending this peace did not betray him to a ruinous security When likewise he sent such exceeding plenty of all provision to the English Campe and liberally feasted those so innumerable multitudes who dayly resorted to Amiens But perhaps some state Critickes will interpret the former in him not a good opinion of our faith but a conceit of a dull ignorant honesty in our Nation not quicke to take advantages and the later onely an obsequious way to continue us in our former resolution for peace What ever passion prevaild with him in other curtesies I am confident hee exprest more Noblenesse then in any other action of his life When he refused to destroy the English army having oftentimes so faire opportunity by reason of the many disorders the truce begot While these passages of endearement lasted betweene the two Kings a place convenient for an enterview was found out at Picquigny a Towne three leagues from Amiens standing upon the River Some Commissioners to provide there should be no danger of treason in the place for the King were the Lord Howard and Sir Anthony S. Leger for the French the Lord of Bouchage and Comines In the choyce of which place Comines layes a grosse oversight to our Commissioners For he affirmes by reason of a Marish on both sides the causey on which the King was to come to the Bridge where the meeting was his person might have beene in danger if the French had not meant good faith And if this were true it certainely deserved a signall reprehension in regard the sad experience of those times taught there could not bee too much circumspection at such an enterview But the successe guilty of no infelicity cleered the Commissioners either quite from the fault or from much of the blame At the meeting there was as much interchange of curtesie as could bee betweene two Princes The French King was first at the grate for these two Lions could not without danger of combat meete but at so safe a distance and our King was a Gallant in manage of his body by bending himselfe lower at salutation In which he exprest youthfullnesse and Court ship In their language was much of sweetenesse and endearing and in their behaviour an apparence of a congratulatory joy Each labouring to obtaine the victory in the expressions of a cordiall affection and indeed the maine businesse tooke up lest part of the time Twelve persons of principall name attended on each Prince according to the nature of the Ceremony out-vying each other in the curiosity and riches of their apparell On the English side the Duke of Glocester was absent in regard his presence should not approve what his opinion and sence of honour had heretofore disallowed And that there might bee no fraud nor treason on the English side were foure of the French and on the French foure of the English who watchfully observed every word and gesture So much jealousie waits upon even the most friendly meetings and so suspected is the faith of Princes Eight hundred men at armes attended on the French King on the King of England his whole Army Which set in battell array to the best advantage for the eye afforded a prospect of much delight and bravery to them who at a more unfriendly encounter would have trembled at the sight The Chancellor of England made an Oration congratulatory for the happy accord whereby so much blood was preserv'd in
he assumed in receiving the forementioned sums of money Willing that hee should husband his actions of least worth to the greatest advantage of credit with his people While hee on the contrary in all businesses never heeded what judgement opinion gave and so his ends were effected cared not by what sordid or humble meanes Whereupon presently after the departure of the English notwithstanding the many injuries received from the Duke of Burgundy he came to treatie and suddenly to agreement with him In many points unexpectedly yeelding onely that hee might revenge himselfe upon the Count St. Paul for him hee accounted the Conjurer who by his dissembling charmes had raisd those so many and so tumultuous spirits against the Crowne of France And till hee were destroyed King Lewys conceiv'd it impossible to remaine safe from civill or forraigne warre It was therefore agreed betweene these two Princes that what places had beene wrested away in the former troubles should be immediatly restored and which of the two could first surprize the Count St. Paul should within eight dayes put him to death or deliver him up to the discretion of the other By which agreement the wretched Lord found how inevitable was his ruine And considering the vanitie of any hope that might perswade to defend himselfe against so potent enemies he enterd into discourse with his owne feares to which he might make his addresses with more probabilitie of safetie And knowing the immoveable resolutions of King Lewys and how impossible it was to deceive a Prince so cunning in the Art he resolv'd to make tryall of the Duke Who disdainefully receiv'd the first offers of his service but in the end overcome by importunitie hee granted him safe conduct Relying on which he poasted to him but soone found his ruine by the want of that faith which himselfe had never observ'd For the Duke notwithstanding the safe conduct gave command hee should be imprison'd and not long after deliver'd him up to the French King Who caus'd processe to bee made against him certaine Letters written to King Edward and by him deliver'd to King Lewys being the chiefe articles of accusation by which hee was condemn'd and for which not long after he lost his head Hee imbraced death with much resolution onely somewhat astonisht to meet it upon a Scaffold the manner not the thing it selfe amazing him But the officiousnesse of the King in delivery of those papers to the condemnation of his wives Vncle and a confederate was certainly trecherous and ignoble and makes his memory sound harsh in the eare of any worthy minde And indeede he was on the sudden become so passionate a debtor on a reconcild enemy and so passionate an enemy of his late friends That when he understood of the treatie of peace at Vervins betweene the French King and the Duke hee sent over Sir Thomas Montgomery with instructions if possible to breake it off Who urged that the Duke should not bee admitted to treate of himselfe but onely as mention'd in the King his Masters peace that if the Duke refused to treate in that manner and the King any way suspected his owne strength his Master would the next Summer crosse the Seas and joyne his forces with him Conditionally that halfe the wages of his Army might bee defraid by the French for whose service the warre was to be undertaken and that he might be allowed fiftie thousand crownes annually in respect his losse would amount to the value by reason the English Woolls at Callice could during that time have no vent into the Netherlands To such an over officious friendship did his new malice to Burgundie and the counsaile of King Lewys his great pensioners incline him that hee voluntarily offer'd without respect of glory or hope of profit to fight like a journeyman for a Prince whose growth in power could not bee but most unsafe even to him and dangerous to his kingdome This embassie King Lewys receiv'd with apparence of much content congratulating the felicitie of his owne arts that had brought the King to so obsequious a respect but he no way desired to see him any more in France especially not to pay for his presence whose absence hee had lately bought so deerely Hee therefore return'd many thankes for the offer'd favour but withall shewed how much too late it came in regard the truce was already concluded betweene him and the Duke from which being now sworne to it he could recede neither in honour nor religion But that the world might understand how scrupulous he had beene in preservation of the King of Englands reputation the present truce varyed not in one point from that sworne at Picguinie except onely that the Duke was admitted to article for himselfe apart which indeed was the maine thing the King endeavoured to have prevented since by articling apart the Duke showed his independance and that the English by their armes had no way advanced his businesse But that this answer might indanger no misinterpretation he liberally presented the Embassador and sent over with him the two hostages the Lord Howard and Sir John Chiney For King Lewys continued still in much caution to offend the King least perhaps he and the Duke of Burgundy though now asunder might like a limbe broken and set againe knit the faster Hee was therefore diligent to increase every day new discontents betweene them and to preserve the English in their amity firme upon any termes knowing the Duke by no pollicy ever to be reduced to a perfect friendship And so farre had his cunning and pensions prevailed that nothing was more in the vote of the English then to preserve King Lewys safe in his estate at home and noble in reputation with us But among all the ties which kept the King surest to him the hope of marrying the Dolphin with his Daughter and this way at least to settle the Crowne of France in his Posterity most prevailed Of the reality of which article the French permitted not the smallest occasion to be given for suspicion This intention of entering into warre with the Duke of Burgundy being crost the unquiet Nature of some Princes ever affecting to beget trouble to themselves that the King might feele no perfect rest receives the former jealousie concerning the Earle of Richmond But why the reducing him into this powre should so much perplex the state is beyond reach unlesse it were a divination of future accidents which instructed the Kings feares to expect danger from him who neither in the point of justice nor strength was for the present considerable For if we looke upon his faction at home the civill warres had ruin'd them so low that no person of authority had any relation to him except the Lord Stanley who being Father in law to him might perhaps wish his fortunes well but bore a most faithfull mind to the King in whose especiall favour he continued to the last And if we consider him as his neerenesse in blood
the Embassadors who had forgot by their mony to make him an instrument in effecting this treason This villaine for hee was fittest for the businesse so ordered the matter that while hee entertaind the Embassadors in a most serious discourse the Earle was carried into Sanctuary and no notice given them till he was beyond their reach Which when they understood finding themselves defrauded of so great a bargaine and even of the money layd out in the purchase indignation transported them into bitter language against Landois But he excused himselfe of the practise and layd the whole fault of the misfortune upon their negligence desiring that their carelesnesse in loosing a prey might not be cast as a crime upon that respect he had shewed them in his visit And when the Embassadors importun'd him by his authoritie to force the Earle from the place hee pretended religion to the Sanctuary which if he should out of honour to the English but offer to violate so great was the veneration the people hold it in that they would tumultuously rise to prevent so bold a sacriledge Hee advisd them therefore to give over this game lost past play and prepare their excuse as cunning as possible to satisfie their King And for his part to show the zeale hee bore to the affaires of England hee would take such order and he knew it would stand with the approbation of his Master that the Sanctuary should be severely guarded whence if the Earle endeavourd an escape it should be into some place of safetie where hee should be strictly imprisond till the King of England were pleased otherwise to dispose of him With this plausible discourse Landois left the Embassadours to saile over whom the winde now too late servd to carry backe But the King notwithstanding the fairest colours they could lay upon the businesse and promise on the Dukes part to keepe the Earle safe from escape cast upon them a sower looke Misfortune to a Minister of state procuring for the most part as much disgrace as if he had beene perfidious in the practise Frustrated of his hope to gaine Richmond into his power but yet in part freed of all danger threatning from him the King to give a lustre to that peace he had setled began to addict himselfe to a profuse hospitality A magnificent way of greatnesse in which the Monarchs of this Kingdome have in all ages exceeded all the Princes of Europe And upon all solemne times when cessation from labour licenceth the vulgar to admire the glorious outside of a state he showed a particular bravery to the eye by presenting as well martiall exercises in Iusts Tiltings Turnaments Barriers and the like as the softer entertainements of wit full of an elegant curiosity for that time subject to too much tumult and noyse to give birth to the best inventions But of all solemnities the feast of Saint George Patron of the noblest Order of the World was celebrated with most splendor and pompe Of which our common Cronicles are so liberall in the relation that they spare my pen the labour Among these delicacies of peace the King forgot not to please his lust the bastard of an idle security And indeed impossible almost it was that his appetite flatter'd daily with all the curiosities of luxury should containe it selfe severely within the bounds of modesty For as by his other actions wee may judge how little trouble his conscience put him to and therefore not easie to be frighted from sinne by Religion so on the part of his body they who familiarly knew him affirme that never man was framed by Nature more apt to the exercise of love and whom amorous Courtship did lesse missebecome But Almighty God tooke not his naturall pronenesse to lust for an excuse but severely punisht him in his Sonnes Who were both dispossest of the Kingdome and their lives by their unnaturall Vncle There being so much apparence of right in the Vsurper by their Fathers incontenency that even an Act of Parlament was made to bastardize them And this sad judgement was provoked by the disorder of his lust to which how can wee wonder if so easily he declin'd since Majesty seldome admits of any instructions to a severe correction of the appetite Ambition to extend their dominions hath beene ever recorded the noblest vertue in Princes Who to lessen a neighbor state too mighty in the growth of Empire or in hope to conquer some territory to which the conveniency not the justice makes good the title without scruple hazard large armies of their people And confidently boast the victory though the warre were grounded upon injustice While King Edward lived at home glorious in his quiet this doctrine was listened to by Charles Duke of Burgundy in following which he made so many injurious and unfortunate attempts For after his peace concluded with France he directed his whole power to the destruction of the Duke of Lorraine A Prince who in favour of King Lewys to whose fortune he had devoted his service defied the Duke of Burgundy when he lay at the siege of Nuze And though this designe against Lorraine might carry with it all probability of successe considering the narrownesse of the Dutchy Yet as it ought in judgment to have beene weighed with the supports of France and other confederates in Germany it might beare a face of much more difficulty For it had not onely beene a perpetuall dishonour to King Lewys but even a disadvantage to his affaires to permit a free spoile of so neare an adjoyning countrey to the Duke of Burgundie whom for the present a blind revenge transported beyond reason and made him warre with all crueltie not onely against the Duke of Lorrain where the victory might in some measure recompence the cost but against the Switzers because they had sided with Lorrain and made some irruption into the territories of the Burgonian The Switzers a poore people unknowne to the world confin'd to a miserable life among their cold and barren mountaines onely proud in opinion they had of their libertie which was rather maintain'd by the fortune of the countrey inaccessible almost to an invading army then by the valour of the people Against these he led his forces rejecting all those submisse and deprecatory Embassies sent by them and that free acknowledgement of their povertie when they protested all the wealth of their Countrey sum'd up to the highest value would not be able to buy the Spurres and Bridle-bits in his Campe. Fortune in the beginning of this enterprise flatterd him to a continuance of the warre with prosperous successe intending by that glorious baite onely to angle him to destruction For soone the chance of warre turn'd and in three battailes in one yeare the unfortunate Duke was overthrowne In the last of which fought before Nancy hee was slaine A Prince who by his alliance and continuall intercourse of businesse had much relation to the English Whose honour and recovery of whose
large territories in France hee certainly from his heart desired And when he invited King Edward into France to that purpose and there fail'd him of his promist succours it proceeded doubtlesse not from any underhand practise or remissenesse in the undertaking but onely by the misfortune of his Armie somewhat broken not long before at the siege of Nuze He was therefore a friend to us if an ambitious man be sayd a friend to any or rather so great an enemy to Lewys of France that he loved us onely in opposition and desired our prosperitie because it could not grow without ruine to the French How just a governor hee was in peace appertaines little to our knowledge and the world had little leasure to consider hee was so everlastingly in Armes In which as hee shewed great courage and judgement so likewise did hee commit much injustice And who will examine what licence warre gives to injury and how it imposeth almost necessitie of doing wrong may in some sort excuse him But his being ever in quarrells into which hee enter'd and continued as his passion not his reason directed him presents his spirit daring but turbulent and his valour rash and inconsiderate and takes away all pardon from his so many errors The two great blemishes upon his memory are his crueltie at Granson in Lorrain where in cold blood hee caused all the inhabitants to be kil'd the towne being yeelded to his discretion And his perfidiousnesse to the Count Saint Paul whom notwithstanding a safe conduct hee delivered up to execution into the hands of King Lewys The good men who ascribe punishment to the justice of heaven observe that after these two crimes his fortune left him and with dishonour death overtooke him when he least expected it Having at that time in his imaginations so many and so vaste designes that scarce the age and fortune of man had length and power enough to accomplish them all The death of this Prince having begot so much businesse in his life diversly affected all the neighbour countries Generally according to the custome in private families every state entertain'd it with such a passion as the advantage or disadvantage appear'd by it to themselves Some few out of love to his person hope of marriage with his daughter or compassion of humane accidents griev'd at the report But most exprest their sorrow for the libertie King Lewys had attain'd by it no man living now of power and will to oppose him should hee attempt injury and offer violence to his weaker neighbours For King Edward was so infatuated by his Arts that hee never startled at this great accident nor looked how nearely it might concerne his owne safetie So that notwithstanding hee were daily certified of new undertakings by King Lewys he rested quiet and gave free reines to his injurious ambition Who soone as he understood of the death of Duke Charles and perceived how open his countries lay to an invader Pretended the Dutchy of Burgundy for want of heires male devolved backe to the Crowne of France and by the armes of the Duke of Lorrain without further dispute tooke it in In the meane time himselfe seizing upon all Picardie which for many yeares had remain'd in possession of Dukes Philip and Charles And that he might have yet more occasion of quarrell with an unsetled Lady unable to withstand his opposition he summond the Princesse Mary Dutches of Burgundy to come in person into France to doe homage for the Countie of Flanders and her other estates held in chiefe of that Crowne But she knowing how unsafe it was to yeeld her person up to a Prince who made his advantage of every opportunitie delaid the homage and stood upon her guard as strongly as in so disorder'd a Countrey was possible For though shee were Lady of many opulent and mightie Provinces able if not to offend yet to defend themselves against the world yet were the people stubborne and prone to rebellion and who by the weakenesse of some of their Princes heretofore had purchast to themselfe too large immunities And indeed scarce any towne but had or pretended to have such prerogatives as debased all authoritie of government Which upon every change in state they revived and endeavor'd if possible to redeeme themselves from subjection And this hope more then ever now possest them considering the unexperience both of the youth and sex of her that ruled so that by apparence of their churlish carriage to the Dutchesse and small preparations against King Lewys who every day surpriz'd some place or other they rather desir'd to be exposed a prey to an insolent and cruell enemy then indure the milde government of their lawfull Princesse Shee therefore sent Embassadours to implore ayd of King Edward and declare to him the urgencie of her present necessities Who showed that their Princesse the greatest inheretrix of the world borne to a large and rich territory was at the present in a condition beneath the poorest subject that enjoyd but libertie Being detain'd captive by the hands which made restraint farre more unsupportable of her owne insolent rebells Her delivery concern'd the King of England in generall as a Prince and in particular as a neighbour and an alley Her tumultuous subjects who had dared to attempt and act this treason tooke courage from the French Kings declared enmitie An injurious proceeding in a Prince against a neighbour which justly provokes all Christendome to unite in her defence and punish so barbarous a proceeding in him That the ancient league observ'd with so much Religion betweene England and the Low Countries particularly did require his Majesties present ayd and a consideration of what might happen perhaps in his owne posteritie in the same nature did invite him to doe favours as his might challenge to receive them hereafter That even in the pollitique discretion of government it was conceiv'd that nearely it concernd the state of England to provide against so dangerous an addition of dominion to the French Considering King Lewys had already most injuriously wrested away not onely Peronne Mountdidier Tournay and all the rest of Picardie sold heretofore to Duke Phillip But seizd even upon Burgundy the inheritance of their Princess And what expresseth the inhumanitie of the tyrants and the hated malice of his intentions sommons her at this present to do homage personally for Flanders and her other territories Which sommons if shee obeyes she certainly betrayes her selfe into an everlasting captivitie or to a necessitie to surrender a large part of her inheritance for redemption And if shee refuseth shee indangers her whole estate to the surprize of a mercilesse enemy who never wanted the pretence of justice to justifie spoile and rapine They farther urged how their Princesse was not onely in her person restrain'd by her owne subjects but had not so much as apparence of any army in the field to oppose the invader The Souldier being absolutely destroyd in the former unfortunate
battells fought by her father in Lorrain And the faith of all the Commanders who remained bought up by King Lewys and turn'd wholly French with surrender of the Townes and Forts under their government And all hope of any Levies at home vaine and false the Commons by practise of the French King every where in tumult and the few who wisht well to their Princesse affaires either not daring to declare themselves or suffering death or imprisonment for their faith They concluded with intreatie that the King would engage his armes in so iust a quarrell which as it could not bee but most honorable to his name and no way unprofitable so likewise would it cast a perpetuall obligation upon their Princesse and devote her power hereafter to his service This Embassie carried with it every way so much iustice that it begot a generall approbation For the opinion was that England never had so faire an opportunitie to winne honour to the nation relieve an opprest Princesse checke an insoleut and unfaithfull neighbour and provide for its owne safetie So that in the Court no person of honour not corrupted with the French pension but passionately desired the undertaking and thought it necessitie in every point to begin this defensive warre But the King in so deepe a lethargie that no danger could wake him nor touch of honour make him sensible heard this with a faire respect and dismist the Embassadors with some faint comfort And though hee could not perceive what a cloud it would bee upon his reputation to permit so foule an injury to the young Princesse and sit still yet hee resolved to listen to the safer counsailes of peace and beleeve how improbable soever the many protestations of King Lewys Who soone as hee understood of these addresses to England which at the very first hee expected dispatcht his Embassadors to undoe whatsoever had beene wrought by the former sollicitation And whereas the Dutchesse of Burgundie perswaded this warre by the arguments of honour and a generous pittie Hee disswaded it by menacing an absolute breach of the peace sworne at Piguignie whereby the King should bee frustrated of his tribute and the so mightie marriage of his daughter Hee showed farther how it was not onely against the so neare amitie begun and likely to continue betweene them and their posteritie but even against the custome of common confederacies to hinder a neighbour Prince in league when hee onely attempted the recovery of his owne right And if the truth of his actions were layd open to the world it would appeare the re-assumption of those townes into the power of France what interpretation soever they might suffer among the ignorant or malicious was but an act of justice Since those many places in Picardie were no way of right belonging to Duke Charles but permitted him onely to avoyd the continuance of warre which was notorious to any man who would but call to memory how they were morgaged to Duke Phillip The absolute alienation of them from the Crowne having never beene eyther in the will or power of any French King Then for the Dutchy of Burgundie the originall grant and the common practise in French would manifest that it onely was conferd upon the heires male which fayling in the present Dutchesse implyes a returne of it backe to the Crowne whence it past at first by an inconsiderate transaction Lastly that his taking armes was onely to recover and iustisie his right and reduce the Princesse Mary to performe her homage which never was denyed by any Earle of Flanders And if there bee any infidelitie or tumult among her subjects shee ought either to blame the evill disposition of her people to rebellion or the misfortune of her owne government This was the effect of King Lewys his answer at first which the King was joyfull to have divulged because it gave his slownesse to action a spacious show of justice and discretion But the reliefe of the opprest Lady grew so much into the vote of the Commonaltie and even the better sort of people bended so much to compassion that the French began to suspect the King might be induced to undertake her protection Whereupon new Embassadours came with new instructions something more plausible then the former in which they were to keepe the King upon any termes at home These offerd to his Majestie a full relation of King Lewys his proceedings hitherto with promise to referre it wholly to him if any violence had beene by the licence of warre committed That their Masters ayme was so far from injury that hee would submit to indifferent judgement all the passages in this quarrell and bind himselfe to any restitution the King of England should order For all his desire these Armes was onely the reduction of his owne and maintenance of the prerogatives of the Crowne of France And ever among these excuses he mingled some discourse concerning the Dolphin his so forward growth and the great expectation of him something too of the Lady Elizabeth and the joy all France conceiv'd of the future marriage Neither was the ceremony of paying the tribute ever omitted at the day nor the great Lords forgotten to be presented with their precious and something too of addition to increase their diligence By these Arts hee won time a merchandize hee then traffiqu'd for and the purchase of which so nearely concern'd his present designe For it was his and certainly a pollitique course to send often and still severall Embassadors who if in their overtures they were contradictory layd the fault on their instructions and desired respite till they had some farther understanding of their Masters intentions and when any thing new was proposed they imbraced it intreating onely time to informe the state of France But when by frequent treating the businesse was come oftentimes to necessitie of absolute resolution then suddenly was the Embassadour recall'd and some new person sent to supply his place wholly ignorant or at least pretending to bee wholly ignorant of all former passages At the length when hee saw there was an impossibilitie farther to dissemble by pretending restitution of whatsoever had beene wrested away from the Dutchesse Hee discover'd the trechery of his former carriage and made propositions advantageous to the Kings profit Offering if hee would passe the Seas with a full armie and joyne in the quarrell to defray halfe the expence of the warre and never forsake the English untill hee had setled them in possession of Flanders and Brabant so that the spoile might bee equally divided betweene the two Kings In this one overture exprest the deceit of his former purchase to make which good he tenderd so great a brokage But the King refused this proposition Not out of conscience unwilling to enter upon estates to which he had no title Nor greatnesse of spirit disdaining to make advantage of the misfortune of a Lady opprest by an over-potent neighbour and forsaken by an ungratefull and disobedient people
But onely out of consideration of the difficultie Since the townes were of strength to make resistance against the most powerfull Army that every Fort would require much time charge in the gayning and if gain'd would prove as costly and difficult to keepe The people though naturally prone to innovasion and upon the slightest grounds ready to rebell yet by no Art to bee so tamed as to indure the yoake of a stranger And if the conquest was still to be made good by Garrisons of English the natives being both unruly and unfaithfull It would draw much blood and treasure from England and returne neither honour nor profit Neverthelesse the King offer'd immediatly to declare himself in common league against the Dutchesse and to leade over an Army royall into her territories promising to share in all future danger if hee might be admitted to share in what was already conquerd But that the French denyed as loath ever to quit possession yet never so peremptorily refused any proposition as to let the English perswaded by despaire to enter into new counsailes even in their denyalls leaving some way open to expectation During this time spun out to the utmost length by these tedious negotiations the French effected their ends and almost undid the afflicted Princesse Who left no way untried that might leade her into a perfect friendship with the English and engage their armes to her defence Among the rest she tryed one which being singular in the event deserves a particular observation Either by her commission ●or premission a motion was made of a marriage betweene her and George Duke of Clarence who had lately buried his Lady By which very overture shee doubted not but the King ambitious of so ample a fortune for his brother would runne into her quarrell But as sometimes Phisicke misapplyed it wrought a contrary effect and with other circumstances procured his ruine For he having by the levitie of his actions weakned his reputation with the world in generall and particularly drawne a hatred from the Queenes kindred upon him the King and the Duke of Glocester likewise having him eyther in contempt or jealousie stood in a manner alone So that the very first whispers of this marriage were heard with emulation by some with scorne by others and with dislike by all Which gave occasion that his destruction was suddenly plotted and almost as suddenly executed For the King although he owed his restitution to the Crowne when he expel'd from England to the Dukes revolt from Warwick yet he remembred more perfectly the unnaturalnesse of his first rebellion And howsoever hee showed outwardly all the arguments of a reconcil'd brother yet certainly the memory of the injury at first remaind deepely imprinted in his minde So that Clarence by his after service never regain'd that place in the Kings heart which his former disloyaltie had forfeited This he perceiv'd and repind against and the King understanding that hee resented the truth hated him yet the more And so farre grew this hatred that no discourse was more harsh to the Kings eare then that of Clarences marriage with the heire of Burgundie By which it was suspected he being inabled with power might hereafter prepare for revenge For according to the disposition of man he saw all his actions in a flattering glasse Looking upon his revolt from his brother as on an errour of seduced youth and on his returne back as on so great a merit that it lay scarce in the Kings power to recompence The King enjoying by it all the greatnesse he possest Richard Duke of Glocester upon whose nature and friendship he built most deceived him most For Glocester who studied nothing but his owne purposes and cared not by what violence all obstacles of nature and friendship were removed so the way were plain'd to his ambition endeavord to adde more poison to their discontent Knowing bad intentions never receive growth but from mischiefe Hee therefore perswaded him to bee sensible of the Kings neglect and boldly to expresse his sufferance A silent patience being in a subiect loyaltie but in a Kings brother cowardize While on the other side he whisper'd the danger of Clarence his spirit apt to receive any discontent and wanting onely power to seeke unlawfull remedies Whatsoever counsaile came from him receiv'd by the King with more attention and beleefe in regard of his great judgement and professions of love to his brothers And indeede Glocester much disdain'd the advancement of Clarence this way not that hee had any particular ground for malice but onely that he hated any man and especially a brother should have the start of him in fortune But the Queene and her kindred shallower in their spleene spoke loud against him while Glocester deepe in mischiefe was not heard to murmur For they suggested continually to the King with what contempt they were intreated by Clarence how all their honours were mentioned as mockeries A● if the King wanted power to conferre his favours according to the discretion of his owne bountie They urged the memory of his rebellion at his first marriage with Warwicks daughter and the much more danger of his intentions in affecting so much greatnesse in the second And so farre by aggravations of every slight errour wrought that the King was willing to have his brother suffer but onely wanted some offence capitall enough to make his death appeare an act of necessitie and iustice not of plot and malice It is generally receiv'd among the vulgar and wants not the approbation of some Cronicles that the chiefe ground of the Kings assent to his death was the misinterpretation of a prophesie Which foretold that one the first letter of whose name was G. should usurpe the Kingdome and dispossesse King Edwards Children Of which there is much of probabilitie however by his other actions I should not judge the King easie to beleeve in such vanities For credulitie in that nature falls for the most part upon weake minds as those of women and children or upon the timerous whose apprehensions are softned to receive every slight impression or upon the over-zealous whom an evill regulated pietie bends to superstition And with these three the King had no participation in honour Yet this serv'd for the present and carried with him a strong accusation against the Duke for this prophesie was alledged to be spoken by some of his servants who by Negromancy had understood this from the Devill Which with other circumstances serv'd to hasten the King in this foule mischiefe The Duke was in Ireland the Countrey that gave him birth during the time of these contrivances nothing suspecting any designe against himselfe Vpon his returne to the Court hee understood that Thomas Burdet of Arrow in the Countie of Warwicke Esquire who ever was dependant upon him and ranne his fortune had beene in his absence apprehended indighted arraign'd and executed all in the compasse of two dayes The crime upon which his accusation was principally
Duke of Cornewall and Earle of Chester and his younger brother Richard created Duke of Yorke The fate of their honour and their ruine being still the same At this creation according to the ceremony many young Lords and Gentlemen of principall name were made Knights of the Bath among whom Brian chiefe Iustice of the Common pleas and Littleton that learned father of the Lawes are registred But the publicke glory of these extraordinary pompes and the wantonnesse of his private pleasures could not be maintaind with the ordinary revenue Therefore to make good the expence of his owne errours the King began to looke narrowly into those of his subjects that by this art in a manner he might sinne upon free cost And as it hath beene a certaine observation that the most delicate and voluptuous Princes have ever beene the heaviest oppressors of the people Riot being a far more lavish spender of the common treasure then Warre or magnificence so those parts of the Kings life which were wantond away with varietie of delights are noted to have bin severest But perhaps the subject repents not the free gift of the Kingdomes substance when hee sees the returne of it in triumph but repines if the least part of his contribution bee the reward of parasites or persons to whom fortune not merit gives a growth And Historians likewise have more leasure to examine the crimes of Princes in the silence of peace then in the noyse of warre Or else Princes want opportunitie to inclose their thoughts to the studie of private gaine when the Souldier in a manner layes the wealth of the kingdome open and makes a common of every mans particular treasure For now the King began to cause the Poenall Lawes to be put in execution and wanting higher aimes to looke downeward into every sordid way of enriching himselfe So that a generall feare possest the people that his after government would be both sharpe and heavie considering the first part of it was not without a foule blemish in that kind For in the seventh yeare of his raigne hee proceeded against many of the wealthiest Citizens with so much severitie that it was repoted tyranny The chiefe of them were Sr. Thomas Cooke Sr. John Plumer Knights Humphrey Hewward and other Aldermen And their crime in their having given assistance to King Henry Which considering the circumstance of things could hardly beare any capitall accusation had it beene clearely proved but against these men there was no testimony but what was forc'd with torture and even that testimony not high enough to bring them to the barre yet the King commanded them to be arraigned of high treason at Guild Hall and withall exprest an earnest desire that upon any tearmes they might bee found guiltie Their wealth being the principall witnesse that gave evidence against their lives But the Iurie well directed by Sir John Marckham Knight chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench acquit them of their treason Which neverthelesse releast them not their estates however found guiltie and the greatest part escheated to the King VVith the offenders the Iudge was condemn'd and because hee prefer'd his integritie before a severe command made forfeiture of his dignitie The memory of these carriages heretofore in a businesse that concern'd the life of man reputed innocent drew the world into much feare that hee would now decline to rigour Neither was the King totally excused although this cruell avarice was laid to the Queene who having a numerous issue and kindred by favour raisd up to the highest titles was almost necessitated for supportance of their honours to wrack the Kingdome And happily the universall malice that waited on her and hers serv'd well for the King They being as a screene betweene him and the unwholesome ayre of envie which otherwise might have endangerd his reputation with the people From this rugged way hee was soone diverted by necessitie to looke abroad and perhaps by the gentlenesse of his nature or repentance of his former severitie For the face of the world adjoyning began von the sudden to change and while the Kings of England and France were dividing the territories of the Dutchesse of Burgundie a third stept in and got possession of her and her rich countrey Maximilian Arch Duke of Austria sonne to the Emperour Fredericke the third entertain'd heretofore politckly by Duke Charles was now seriously invited to this marriage For the Lady dispairing to receive succours from the English to the affection of whom she was perhaps inclined by the neighbour-hood of the countrey and perswasion of the Dutchesse Dowager whom deservedly shee much honourd condescended in the end to the desire of her subjects who ever labord to marry lier to some Prince of Germany in regard of the nearenesse in language and concordance in dispositions And although the hereditarie countries of this Prince lying farre remote were unlike to bee any support to her weakned state yet considering him as sonne to the Emperous and in probabilitie like to succeede for in an elective Kingdome scarce ever is the heire put by if equally deserving he might appeare necessary to her present affaires For he was young of a noble spirit strong and healthfull in constitution bold in any attempt of honour and what wonne upon the affections of the Low countreymen extraordinary affable and courteous I know both his actions and the histories of that time deliver him to us of no deepe judgement and so negligent that he ever left things imperfect oftentimes in maine businesse betrayd by his credulitie But this I impute to him as an errour of the climate under which he was borne and a certaine generous honesty which is above suspition The motion of this marriage was imbraced with much joy to accomplishment of which hee instantly prepared Neither could King Lewys with all his Engines batter the resolution of the Emperour who though a most passionate lover of peace which oftentimes hee bought with losse ran the hazard of a warre from France rather then let his sonne loose the advantage of so great a Countrey And suddenly sent him to the Dutchesse attended by many great Commanders who among a people so opprest with armes would bee the best witnesses of a marriage His presence although it did not absolutely turne the streame of Fortune yet gave a stay to the French conquests And after he appeard in the quarrell victory doubtfully inclind sometimes flattering Maximilian at other times King Lewys Maximilian by his brave valour overtaking Lewys who had the start in experience and pollicy So that frequent truces were concluded betweene them and unfaithfully observd the first opportunitie of advantage renewing the warre Lewys handled these businesses apart never admitting King Edward though hee ever officiously labord to interesse himselfe into any part of the warre of peace For as hee knew the strength of his understanding such that hee in treatie could loose nothing by the Arch-Duke so he well consider'd that the safest way to
preserve the English in amitie was to keepe them at home Whereupon he frequently entertaind the King with Embassies full of curtesie such as might appeare rather the arguments of a sincere friendship then the forc'd expressions of ceremonie And ever communicated with him his private counsailes requiring his faithfull advice when indeed hee reserv'd his resolutions of any high nature wholly to himselfe all in the conduction of affaires though hee would listen to the opinion of King Edward he still obeyed his owne But this with his other Arts continued his reputation good with the English and purchast that quiet he suspected might by our armes be interrupted And what renderd his securitie the more troubles began betweene us and Scotland which wee may well beleeve hee underhand increast The occasion of them was the evill inclination and ungovernd spirit of James the third who disdaining to listen to the temperate counsailes of sober men obeyed onely his owne judgement which passion threw headlong into rash attempts The freedome of advice by the Lords of that countrey used toward their Princes renderd the speaker hatefull and frequently was rewarded with imprisonment or exile if not with death Among the multitude of them disfavour'd by him Alexander Duke of Albanie the King of Scotlands brother banisht into France resented the injury and endeavor'd revenge So that as hee past through England towards his exile being admitted to the King by all arguments he incenc'd him to a warre Which could not but prove most successefull the hatred of the Commons consider'd against so violent an oppressor And he protested that he knew the King falne into so low esteeme even with those he cherisht and into such hatred with all mankind that if assaulted by the English he would be constrain'd by submission of his Crowne to intreate for safetie This importunitie of the Duke of Albanie soone prevail'd with the King who by many injuries had beene exasperated and had onely waited opportunitie to warre upon Scotland For the boders on the English side had beene often infested and upon complaint no redresse nor reparation of damage Moreover the King having heretofore condiscended upon a motion from King James that his second daughter the Lady Cicilie should marry James Prince of Scotland and upon the agreement paid in a large part of the portion had receiv'd no satisfaction to his expectation The Articles of marriage neither being performed nor yet the money lent upon the bonds of the Provost and Merchants of Edenborough according to covenants repayd Hee was therefore the sooner wonne to undertake the businesse which he committed to the order of the Duke of Glocester who now had no competitor in greatnesse both of judgement and power No Prince of the house of Yorke remaining but such whom the want of yeares or love of ease indisposed to action For the King willing to decline labour waved the expedition and Glocester ambitious to gaine opinion especially with the Souldier most forwardly undertooke it The King desired to live to the best advantage of his pleasure Glocester of his honour And indeed Glocester began now like a cunning Phisition to examine the state of the Kings body which though he found strong and healthfull and by the ordinary reckoning of men likely to continue many yeares yet withall he observed evill symptomes of death in him being overgrowne with fat and both in his diet and lust subject to disorder Disorder a greater enemie to mankind and which hath destroyd more then age the sword or pestilence This Glocester perceiv'd and hence drew poyson which sweld his ambition higher He therefore with much alacritie prepared for the warre and with the title of Lievetenant Generall soone after set forward toward Scotland The Armie consisted of two and twentie thousand five hundred all commanded by men of great authority or experience Of the nobilitie in his retinue went Henry Earle of Northumberland Thomas Lord Stanley Lord Steward of the Kings house the Lords Levell Graistock Fitzhugh Nevill and Scroope of Bolton Of Knights Sir Edward Woodvile brother to the Queene Sir William Par Sir John Elrington Treasurer of the Kings house Sir James Harrington Sir John Middleton Sir John Dichfield and others The particular names of whom I mention onely to show how great a shadow Glocester began to cast toward the Sunset both of the Kings glory and life The Vantguard was led by the Earle of Northumberland the Rereward by the Lord Stanley the Maine battell by the Duke himselfe In whose company was the Duke of Albany Glocester willing perhaps to have him still in sight least if apart with sale of the Army he might purchase his owne peace Their first attempt was upon Barwicke surrendred heretofore by Queene Margaret to gaine a sanctuary for King Henry when expelled England into which partly by terrour of their Forces partly by the suddennesse of their approach they enterd without opposition The towne was soone at their discretion but the Castle the strongest Fort then in the North by the Earle Bothwell was made good against all battery Glocester foreseeing by the strength both of the place and the Commanders resolution that this siege would spend much time committed the charge to the Lord Stanley Sir John Elrington and Sir William Par with foure thousand Souldiers while he with the body of the Army marcht higher into Scotland perswaded as indeed it happend that they might force the King of Scotland either to an inglorious flight or else for safety to locke himselfe up in some strong hold By which they might so imprison him that his release should not bee without a full discharge for all injuries both against England and the Duke of Albany And according to expectation it happend the King upon the first rumour of an enemy inclosing himselfe in the Castle of Edenborough For in his governement having not studyed the safety of his people which is the supreame Law given to Kings he found himselfe now forsaken by them So farre that in opposition to the English against whom the Scots ever shewed a faire resolution no Army now tooke the field the Countrey lying open to the mercy of the invader Glocester therefore burning many townes by the way to strike a terror in the inhabitants marcht directly to Edenborough into which hee entred receiving such presents as the Citizens offerd to him for at the intreatie of the Duke of Albanie he spared the towne from spoile His entry was onely a spectacle of glory the people applauding the mercy of an enemy who presented them with a triumph not a battaile and welcom'd him as a Prince who tooke armes not for pecy or malice but for the safetie of a neighbouring kingdome disorderd and laid waste more by the licence of a tyrant in peace then it could have beene by the hand of war The Lords of Scotland considering the danger of their state and desirous to prevent ruin sent from Hadington to the Duke of Glocester to intreate
a suspence of armes and to desire a firme peace in future They there offerd if the occasion of beginning this warre were as it was pretended to give the English full satisfaction So that he could have no colour of continuing in hostilitie but onely a desire to execute his indignation upon a Countrey already sufficiently destroid For concerning the marriage they were prepared when it should please the King of England to accomplish it And for any other injury offered to the English they were ready to make restitution The Duke of Glocester returnd in answer That his comming thither was to right the honour of his Countrey often violated by the Scots and restore the Duke of Albanie unjustly commanded to exile to his native soile and the dignitie of his birth As for the marriage of the Prince of Scotland with the daughter of England he knew not how his brothers resolution stood at the present whereupon hee required repayment of the money lent to their King upon the first agreement And withall a delivery of the Castle of Barwicke up into his hands without which hee protested to come to no accord But the Scottish Lords labourd by all meanes to have avoided the surrender of a place so important by pretending how anciently it ever appertaind to their Crowne by parting with which now they should appeare at too deare and base a price to have purchast peace No argument could prevaile against Glocesters resolution whereupon they yeelded Barwicke with covenant too by no Art hereafter to labour the reduction of it They likewise appointed a day for restitution of all those monies lent by King Edward and promise upon a full discussion to make satisfaction for all damages done the English by any inroade of the Scottish borderers And for the Duke of Albanies provision whose safetie in this expedition was principally pretended a generall pardon for him and his followers was granted together with an obolition of all discontents Whereby he was reinvested in all his former dignities and places and by consent of the nobilitie of Scotland proclaimd Lievetenant of the Kingdome With this Lord the Duke of Glocester endeavor'd a most entire friendship and by all industrie imployd for his advancement in authoritie studied how to make him firme to his purposes if occasion should hereafter present it selfe to require his ayde And questionlesse howsoever the fortunes of these two Dukes accorded not in every point yet there was in their ambitions some kind of sympathy Both being brothers to Kings and both the Kings by the insolencie or licen●iousnesse of their actions become obnoxious to a publicke scandall But Albanie had the advantage in a more deserv'd and universall hatred to the King his brother whereby he might not improbably expect to bee King in fact however his brother were in title And Glocester had the start in that the King his brothers ease apparently tended to the shortning of his life and then he remaining the onely Prince of the blood fit to governe was not unlikely to governe as King both in fact and title To the advancement of any such designe a perfect amitie with Scotland Glocester could not but imagine most necessary Haying therefore setled businesses there with all increase of glory to the English name and by consequence to his owne hee return'd to Barwicke which according to the former agreement had beene yeelded to the Lord Stanley Thence in all solemnitie of greatnesse hee came toward London to yeeld an account of his prosperous enterprize By the way permit the honour of this action to bee divulged to the greatest applause whereby to insinuate his reputation into the opinion of the Commons and to show how much more nobly he in this expedition against Scotland had managed the peace for honour of the English nation then his brother had in his undertaking against France Considering that in lieu of a little money which King Edward got from King Lewys he had taken the onely place of strength whereby the Scots might with safetie to themselves have endangerd us And brought them to what conditions he appointed forcing the King to immure himselfe while the English at libertie spoild the Countrey and possest themselves of his capitall Towne of Edenborough And farther by Glocesters flatterers it was urged that if their Generall had but had commission ample enough hee would not have returnd without reduction of the kingdome of Scotland to the Crowne of England Obedience to a superior command fixing so suddaine a period to his actions And certainly in this expedition the Duke of Glocester laid the foundation of all his after atchievements for here having by a free spoile of every towne except onely Edenborough purchast the affection of the common Souldier whose aime in warre is gaine and licence and by sober order and great courage together with a brave zeale ever to bring honour to his side wonne estimation from the nobler sort hee began to imagine himselfe reputed generally onely unhappy in wanting a good title to the kingdome The difference betweene him and his brother the one possest the other deserv'd the Crowne And his thoughts farther flatterd him that it could not prove hereafter difficult upon any hansome occasion to perswade the people who already thought him worthy also to thinke it fit to make him King But these his blacke intentions came not yet to light and indeed they were so monstrous that they would not onely have manifested the uglinesse of their shape had they now appear'd but like imperfect and deformd births beene buried soone as produced Cunningly therefore by simulation of a most serious love to his brother and publiquely ascribing the whole glory of the action to his direction he declin'd suspition Being welcom'd by the King with all the demonstrations of joy who congratulated his owne felicitie in having with so little charge and no losse tamed all the insolency of the Scots and reduced Barwick He therefore to show how much he approved the conditions of the peace went solemnly in procession from Saint Stephens Chappell accompanied with the Queene and a mightie retinue of the greatest Lords into Westminster Hall where in presence of the Earle of Angus the Lord Grey and Sir James Liddall Embassadors extraordinary from Scotland the peace was ratified During the warre with Scotland and after the conclusion of this peace the King discoverd to the people his naturall disposition Which being bountifull and courteous farre from the proud state then in practise with the Tyrants of the East begot a generall affection and made the subject comparing their felicity with the misery of their fathers to blesse the present government The administration likewise of the Lawes being orderly without violence or partialitie caused all the former injustice to be cast either upon the licence of warre or the predominancie of some faction The King absolutely quit in opinion And even from lust which was reputed his bosome sinne toward the later end of his life he was
somewhat cleare Either conscience reforming him or by continuall sacietie growne to a loathing of it for the abstinence could not be imputed to age hee at his death not exceeding two and fortie But what endeard him so much to the affection of the people and especially to the Citizens of London was his being rich by his tribute from France and therefore not likely to lye heavy on them as likewise the so famed bountie of his hospitalitie Two thousand persons being daily served in his Court at Eltham where most solemnly hee celebrated the feast of the Nativitie And to recompence the great love which in both fortunes the Londoners had showed him to his last houre he used towards them a particular kindnesse Even so much that he invited the Lord Major and Aldermen and some of the principall Citizens to the Forrest of Waltham to give them a friendly not a pompous entertainement Where in a pleasant Lodge they were feasted the King himselfe seeing their dinner served in and by thus stooping downe to a loving familiarity sunke deepe into their hearts ordinary slight curtesies ordered thus to the best advantage taking more often even with sound judgements then churlish benefits And that the sex he alwayes affected might not bee unremembred he caused great plentie of Venison to bee sent to the Lady Majoresse and the Aldermens wives Thus was the outward face of the Court full of the beautie of delight and Majestie while the inward was all rotten with discord and envie For the Queene by how much shee considerd her selfe more unworthy the fortune shee enjoyed by so much she endeavord in the exterior height of carriage to raise her selfe foolishly imagining pride could set off the humilitie of her birth Shee was likewise according to the nature of women factious as if her greatnesse could not appeare cleare enough without opposition And they she opposed were the chiefest both in blood and power the weaker shee disdayning to wrastle with and they fearefull to contest with her But what subjected her to an universall malice was the rapine the necessary provision of her kindred engaged her to For they being many and great in title could not bee supplyed according to their ambition but by so common an injury as made her name odious through the kingdome Moreover the Lords of her blood by reason of their nearenesse to the Kings children being insolent and in regard of their youth indiscreet frequently ran into those errours which betraid them to the publicke scorne or hatred Against the Queene for through her kindred they aym'd at her opposed the Duke of Glocester the Duke of Buckingham the Lord Hastings and others of the most ancient nobilitie And to render odious her and hers Glocester laid the death of the Duke of Clarence which fratricide himselfe most barbarously contrived altogether upon their envie pretending a more then ordinary causion for his owne safetie least his person might by the same practise be brought in danger By which calumnie he both cleared his owne reputation and clouded the fame of a faction hee endeavord so much to ruine But this side had much the start in opinion and pollicie over the other who were young and unexperienc'd and president of whose Councell was a woman To compose these quarrells begot the King much trouble neither could he without extreame anxietie heare the continual complaints of persons so considerable both in power in the kingdome and kindred to his children not knowing to how dangerous a height this discord in time might grow But to increase his discontent everyday his jealousie increast concerning King Lewys his faith who now began to unmaske his intention and show how much hee had deluded the English For having ever since Maximilians marriage with Mary Dutchesse of Burgundie beene upon unkinde termes with him sometimes at open warre other times in an unfaithfull truce hee was now growing to an absolute peace And the conditions were whisper'd contrary to the treatie Piquignie which made the King suspicious they two might enter into some league prejudicall to the honour of the English For Maximilian having kept Lewys all the life time of his Lady from any further incroach upon her territory and by his fortune won into opinion with the French grew to bee must desired in the nearest friendship by them And he having buried his Dutchesse who owed her death to her modestie in respect that having broke her Thigh by a fall from a Horse she denied to expose it to the sight of Chirurgeons was willing to stand upon good termes with France Knowing how slender and how unfaithfull an obedience those Countries would yeeld to a Prince who was to rule by curtesie since to their naturall Lords they had ever shewed themselves insolent and rebellious These considerations prepared both sides to peace the conclusion of it to beget a more perfect amitie was that the Lady Margaret a child of two yeares old daughter ●o Maximilian and the Dutchesse of Burgundie should be affianced to the Dolphin then upon the age of twelve So that King Lewys in the marriage of his sonne was ever most disproportionable the daughter of England as much too old as this Lady too young but indeed his end was the same with Charles Duke of Burgundy and many other worldly fathers to match his sonne for the best advantage of his profit and convenience To confirme the uncertaine rumours of this perjurie in King Lewys the Lord Howard return'd out of France and made relation how hee saw the Lady Margaret brought with all pompe and ceremony to Ambois and there married to Charles the Dolphin And to heape yet more injuries not long after the tribute hitherto so carefully payd was denied The French now disclosing the innated malice they bore the English and with how little scruple they could dispence with the most solemne oath when no apparent danger threatned the crime For though the Dolphin when hee had attaind to the age of consent might have broke off this marriage and it could have beene onely term'd an act of discourtesie yet King Lewys who had sworne to this Article with so much ceremony cannot bee excused from a most foule impietie But what reason of state prevaild with him who heretofore awed by his feares had condescended in a manner to compound for his kingdome thus now to slight the English is not delivered in history And it may appeare difficult considering King Edward was now if possibly more absolute in his command at home his people better disciplin'd and no apparence of an enemy from abroad Adde to that his Coffers full increast every yeare by the tribute from France and his reputation high by the victory lately purchast against the Scots A nation though inferior to the French in the riches and extent of territory yet in martiall courage equall and in warring with whom we have found more sweat and danger It is therefore hard to know the cause of King Lewys his
proceedings in this injurious way if we looke on our selves onely as at home But if wee consider the state of businesses abroad wee may easily discerne his pollicie For now had the French Arts or the change of time quite dissolved all our confederacies and left us to maintaine with our owne armes our owne quarrell Saint Paul was annihilated in whose death expired all the discontents of the factious Nobilitie in France The Duke of Brittaine by an extreame melancholly which scarce was reputed lesse then madnesse was become unfit for government much lesse for any great attempt And being overcharged by the practises and armes of the French in a manner made resignation of his Dutchy to the disposition of some officers easie to be corrupted And Burgundie which in the victories of Henry the fift had so much advanced the English enterprises was by the last league with Maximilian wholly at the devotion of the French So that all they who heretofore had brought us over were now either reduc'd to bee unprofitable for our ayde or else become enemies should wee renew our ancient quarrell Moreover the long ease the King of England had lived in and the pleasures with which hee appeard altogether fascinated render'd him to the world nothing formidable And King Lewys having with so little difficultie hitherto deluded him and retain'd him in a kinde of servile amitie while hee threw injuries thicke upon him was now heightend to a presumption that the English would either connive at this affront or that by some new cunning they might bee appeasd were the indignitie never so much resented And if the worst should happen the French nothing feared the enmitie Considering that King Edward alone would bee unable to prevaile against them seconded by the forces of Maximilian whom his daughter now interessed in the warre These considerations of securitie to doe wrong according to the nature of wicked Princes made King Lewys so boldly attempt it And what was strange in a man so cunning hee left himselfe no excuse for the fact eyther in the way of honour or conscience And scarce in humane pollicie Vnlesse his expectation reacht beyond common reason in thought that Prince Phillip Sonne to Maximilian and the Dutchesse for shee was mother onely to a sonne and a daughter might chance to die and thus by the Lady Margaret all those large countries devolve into the power of France But how slight soever King Lewys his opinion was of the English this breach of faith was no sooner related to King Edward but hee resolved severely to take revenge And calling together all the Counsell and Nobilitie who for the suddennesse could be convoked hee to this purpose made a remonstrance of his wrongs and intentions how to right himselfe My Lords THe injuries I have receiv'd are divulged every where and the eye of the world is fixt upon mee to observe with what countenance I suffer And I must confesse they are of so strange a nature that I remaine rather amazed then enraged Had I dealt with any Prince not civilized by Lawes or inured to commerce I had yet the Religion of so many oathes and the reason of every pollitique circumstance so cleare that I could no way have suspected this foule and foolish breach of faith But in a Christian King and who pretends to be most Christian I have met with so horrid a perjurie and so disgracefull to our Nation that as all mankind must abhorre him as barbarous so in my owne particular I must neglect the principall office of a Prince if I omit to Chastise him Most of you my Lords are witnesses to the solemnitie of his vowes when humbly hee declined ruine to his Kingdome and I to avoide so great a massacre as the warre would have endangerd condescended to end all controversies by accord My clemency is now become my scorne and I reape indignities where I sowed favours For this ungratefull man Prince I must not tearme him who hath by perjury forfeited that sacred title in contempt of all Law both humane and divine denies not onely the marriage of the Dolphin to our daughter which would have proved so great an honour to his blood and securitie to his Kingdome but even the annuall tribute of fiftie thousand Crownes A slender rent for so large a countrey as by our permission hee hath hitherto enjoyed This contumelie I am resolved to punish and I cannot doubt successe Almightie God strengthen still his arme who undertakes a warre for justice In our expeditions heretofore against the French what prosperitie waited upon the English Armes is to the world divulged and yet ambition then appeard the chiefe Counsellor to warre Now beside all that right which led over Edward the third our glorious Ancestor and Henry the fift our Predecessor we seeme to have a deputieship from Heaven to execute the office of the supreame Iudge in chastising the impious When we were last in France an innate feare in this false man forc'd him downe to a sordid purchase of security How low will a wicked conscience which even makes the valiant cowardly to tremble bend him now Now when an implacable resolution for revenge sets a farre sharper edge upon our Swords Now when he hath no hypocrisie left undiscovered nor subterfuge for his former perjurie nor Art to gaine beleefe to new dissimulation Now vvhen our eares shall be deafe to all submission and when our conscience is so well resolved for the necessitie of this war that mercy will be thought a vicious lenitie and the most savage crueltie but an act of justice I neede not repeate how much age hath infirmed him And indeed I thinke it was his dotage committed this so foolish crime nor yet how hated he is renderd abroad by his unfaithfull dealing at home by his severe government The Commonalty sunke downe by his heavie impositions the Nobilitie by his proud neglect exasprated to desire any innovation But we want not advantage in the justice of our cause and valour of our people wee have enough It is confest our confederacies are quite dissolved And I rejoyce in that alone wee shall undertake this great businesse For experience in our last attempt showed that Princes of severall nations however they pretend the same have still severall aimes And oftentimes a confederate is a greater enemy to the prosperitie of a warre then the enemy himselfe Envie begetting more difficultie in a Campe than any opposition from the adverse Armie Our Brother of Bungurdy and Vncle of Saint Paul are both dead How little their amitie advanced us nay how a just jealousie of their secret practises hinder'd our designe then on France you all may well remember And how in our returne toward England wee had more feare to have beene assaulted by their trayterous weapons then by any armes from the enemy But wee will spare their memory they labor'd their owne safetie not our glory This I am secure that as by death they are render'd unprofitable
to us so likewise not dangerous And as for Brittaine if his weakenesse disable him to our ayde I am confident it will continue him a neutrall Neither is it to be forgot how securely now we may leave England rather then heretofore Considering our so entire friendship with the Scots whose hostilitie was alwayes sharpe upon us at home when wee attempted victorie abroad But I detaine you by my speech too longe from action I see the clouds of due revenge gatherd in your brow and the lightning of furie break from your eyes Which abodes thunder against our enemy Let us therefore loose no time but suddenly and severely scourge this perjured coward to a too late repentance and regaine honour to our Nation and his Kingdome to our Crovvne The Lords resented the affront with an indignation high as the Kings and desired that instant preparations might be made for the warre But above all the Duke of Glocester appeard zealous in the quarrell expressing aloud his desire that all his estate might be spent and all his veines emptied in revenge of this injury All the Court was presently for the designe and the whole Kingdom with a fierce appetite desired to arme So that no language was heard but martiall and all the gallantry in new armour or other conveniences for service The King most passionatly pursued his determination and that very spring resolved to begin the warre But he was diverted on the sudden from calling King Lewys to a reckoning for this crime and summond by death to give a strict account of all his owne Death arrested him and in the respect of not many houres instracted him in more then all the oratory from pulpits had done for fortie yeares For soone as he found himselfe mortally sicke he began to consider the vanitie of all his victories which with the expence of so much blood he had purchac'd and to the heart repented his too hard bargaine He looked backe upon the beautie of his sensuall pleasures and now discernd it was onely faire in the outside inwardly rotten and deform'd He cast up the accounts of his tribute both at home and abroad and all those treasures gather'd either by proscription of his enemies or exacting from his subjects and found himselfe a banckerout For till now hee wanted leasure to search into that which most concernd him and delighted too much in the pompe pleasure of the Inne where he was not to stay forgot he had a journey and unawares was overtaken by night an endlesse night which no day succeedes Perceiving his doome inevitable and no hope of the least reprive he began to order businesse as fully as the shortnesse of the time would licence The great affaire of his soule indeede the onely that is necessary he committed to the mercy of his redeemer and by the Sacraments then in use with the Church in England and a reall contrition hee labord a full expiation of the crimes and errours of his life And as his death is described to us by an excellent author who lived neere his time Almightie God seemes to have strucke water even from the Rocke as by Moses Wand hee did for the Israelites in touching this Prince to the heart and forcing a most religious penetence from a soule obdurate in sinne as wee may conjecture by his life The revenge of the injury hee receiv'd from King Lewys he refer'd to the judgement of heaven whose worke it is to punish perjury And Lewys suffered for it according to his demerit for that sonne in marrying whom hee so busied his imaginations and slighted all faith and religion lived but a short space and died issulesse Not one branch remaining of that great tree whose roote was in perjurie and dissimulation The protection of the King and Kingdome he left to the Lords nearest in kindred to his children advising them to amitie and concord By which the nation would flourish in greatnesse abroad and safetie at home The young King bee secured from flattery and instructed in the best discipline for government And they themselves live is much honour and felicitie i● united to advance the Commonwealth and oppose all forraine danger Whereas discord would beget civill warre and that endanger ruine So that this Christian King like Christ himselfe when he departed bequeathd peace to the world And had this doctrine beene as zealously followed as it was uttered the succeeding time had not beene guiltie of so many sad confusions But for the present a perfect reconciliation appear'd both sides lovingly imbracing and protesting all amitie in the future So that with comfort hee forsooke the world and may well be said to have deserved a generall applause in this last sceane of his life Among his words of farewell at his death it is worthy observation that he solemnly protested his repentance for obtaining the Crowne with so much blood as the necessitie of the quarrell spilt Which certainly showes a most singular pietie considering the indubitable justice of his title And withall teacheth Princes a new lesson that the power of sway great men so superstitiously adore is but the Idoll of folly and ambition Whose oracles delude the living but on our death-beds we discerne the truth and hate the irreligion of our former errour Concerning the occasion of his death there is much varietie in opinion for by severall authors it is severally imputed to poison griefe and surfeit They who ascribe it to poyson are the passionate enemies of Richard Duke of Glocesters memory Who permit not nature at that time to have beene obnoxious to decay but make thè death of every Prince an act of violence or practise And in regard this cruell Lord was guiltie of much blood without any other argument condemne him for those crimes from which he was however actually most innocent The French affirme it to have proceeded from griefe conceiv'd upon repudiation of his daughter and detention of the tribute But they looking on our affaires a farre off mistake the shadow for the substance desirous perhaps that King Lewys should kill a King of England by a new weapon And certainly Lewys did perswade himselfe that King Edward was slaine this way and congratulated his wit much in the accident But this carries not the least apparence of probabilitie Great sorrowes kill for the most part suddenly else by a languishing decay of nature whereas King Edward dyed not presently upon the report nor yet drew melancholly from this injurie but a brave anger fierce to seeke revenge Moreover griefe hath the● bin observed most powerfull over life when the disconsolate hath no eare to which hee may expresse himselfe and no hope left for remedy whereas King Edward breath'd forth passions to his Councell and found in them a simpathy both in the sorrow and the rage And as for revenge certainly the state of England was never better prepar'd to exact it The King being a valiant and fortunate leader the people inured heretofore to the exercise
of Armes and never so forward to any quarrell as against the French from whom they ever reaped victory and treasure And concerning money the strength of an Army the Exchequer was full enough without any burdensome imposition to beginne the warre It was therefore questionlesse a surfet brought this great Prince so suddainly to his end For who observes well the scope of his pleasure findes it to have beene placed much in wantonnesse and riot the two mightie destroyers of nature And commonly those excesses with which wee solace life we ruine it Hee dyed upon the ninth of April 1483. at his Palace of Westminster and was interred at Windsor Sixtus the fourth being Pope Fredericke the third Emperour Fardinand and Isobella King and Queene of Arragon and Castile Iohn the second King of Portugall Iames the third of Scotland and Lewys the eleventh of France Betweene whom and King Edward as there was much intercourse in businesse so was there great concurrence in fortune Both began and ended their raignes in the same yeares both were held in jealousie by the precedent Kings Edward by King Henry Lewys by his father Charles the seventh both had titles disputable to the Crowne The house of Lancaster usurpiug against Edward the house of England clayming against Lewys Both were perplext with civill warre and both successefull Lewys infested by an insolent Nobilitie Edward by a Saint-like Competitor Lewys victorious by act Edward by courage Both were rebeld against by their owne brothers Lewes by Charles Duke of Berry Edward by George Duke of Clarence And both tooke a severe revenge Lewys freeing himselfe from so bosome an enemie by poysoning Charles Edward by drowning Clarence Both ended this life with apparence of much zeale Edward religiously Lewys something superstiously Both left their sonnes yet children to inherit who dyed issulesse and left the Crowne to their greatest enemies Edward the fift to his Vncle Richard Duke of Glocester Charles the eight to his kinsman Lewys Duke of Orleans But who lookes upon the lives of these two Princes on the other side may as in a table which presents severall faces perceive as great disparitie But I am onely to give you the picture of King Edward without flattery or detraction which is rare in history considering authors fashion for the most part Idaeas in their mindes and according to them not to the truth of action forme a Pince which though happily i● winne applause to the writer is a high abuse to the reader BUt this King was if we compare his with the lives of Princes in generall worthy to be ●●●berd among the best And whom though not an extraordinary vertue yet a singular fortune made conspicuous He was borne at Roane in Normandy his father at that time Regent in France The ●o satall division betweene the houses of Yorke and Lancaster with him in a manner having both their birth and growth For as he the faction of his family gatherd strength His education was according to to the best provision for his honour and safetie in armes A strict and religious discipline in all probabilitie likely to have softned him too much to mercy and a love of quiet He had a great extent of wit which certainly bee owed to nature That age bettering men little by learning which howsoever he had wanted leisure to have receiv'd The Trumpet sounding still too loud in his eare to have admitted the sober counsailes of Philosophy And his wit lay not in the slights of cunning and deceit but in a sharpe apprehensition yet not too much whetted by suspition In counsaile he was judicious with little difficultie dispatching much His understanding open to cleare doubts not darke and cloudie and apt to create new His wisedome look'd still directly upon truth which appeares by the manage of his affaires both in peace and warre In neither of which as farre as concernd the pollitique part he committed any maine errour T is true he was over-reacht in peace by King Lewys abused concerning the marriage of his daughter In warre by the Earle of Warwicke when upon confidence of a finall accord he was surpriz'd But both these misfortunes I impute to want of faith in his enemies not of iudgement in him Though to speake impartially his too great presumption on the oath of a dissembling Prince and want of circumspection a reconciliation being but in treatie cannot scape without reprehension His nature certainly was both noble and honest which if rectified by the strait rule of vertue had rendred him sit for example whereas he is onely now for observation For prosperitie raisd him but to a complacencie in his fortune not to a disdaine of others losses or a pride of his owne acquisitions And when he had most securitie in his Kingdome and consequently most allurements to tyrannie then showed he himselfe most familiar and indulgent An admirable temperance in a Prince who so well knew his owne strength and whom the love of riot necessitated to a love of treasure which commonly is supplyed by oppression of the Subject The heavie fine upon Sr. Thomas Cooke and displacing the chiefe justice blemisheth him with violence and a vorice But that severitie and the other when hee began to looke into the Poenall Lawes were but short tempests or rather small overcastings during the glorious calme of his government And what soever injurie the subject endured was not imputed to the King But to Tip●oft Earle of Worcester and some under informers Or else to the Queene and her necessitous kindred The world either judiciously or else favourably diverting all envie from his memory Great judgement in leading his armies and courage in fighting personally speakes him both a daring Souldier and an expert Commander And the many battailes hee fought in all which he triumpht delivers him as much to be ●●mired for his militarie discipline as his happy successe Fortune not deserving to have all his mightie victories ascribed to her gift Valour and good conduct share at the least with her in the fate of warre But as in armes he appeares most glorious to posteritie so likewise most unhappy For all those bloody conquests hee obtaind were against his owne nation And the greatest adversaries he over came neere in consanguinitie to him so that he may more properly be sayd to have let himselfe blood then his enemies or rather for preservation of his owne body to have cut off his principall and most necessary limmes For beside those many Princes of the house of Sommerset Buckingham Excester Oxford Devonshire Northumberland Westmerland Shrewsbury and finally the tree it selfe and the onely branch Henry the sixt and his Sonne Prince Edward He slew even the Earle of Warwicke and the Marquesse Mountague Two brothers who having lost their father in his quarrell hazarded their lives and those mightie possessions and honours which peaceably they might have enjoyed onely to advance his title But this was rather his fate then his fault and into this Sea
of blood hee saild not voluntarily but violently driven by the tempests of his fortune And for the crueltie laid to him in the death of the Duke of Clarence he was certainly wrought to it by practise and the mis-information of an envious faction in Court The horrour of which fratricide possest him to the last houre of his life frequently complaining against the unhappy severitie of his justice and against the hard nature of his Councellors who would not interpose one word to him for mercy whereby so blacke a deede might have beene prevented But howsoever wee may wash away much of this blood from his memory yet there continue many foule staines upon it since publique mischiefes seldome happen but that the Prince though not actually nocent as in some degree guiltie As these so many confusions at home were the misfortune of his time so was abroad that so scandalous losse of the Easterne Empire to the Turke For though King Edward were not the occasion of so great ruine to the Christian Commonwealth and that this happened before hee attained the soveraigntie his father being head of the faction yet the civill warres of England raisd upon the quarrell which he was soone after to maintaine and the universall division among Princes of the West gave courage to the Infidells and denyed succours to the miserable Emperour opprest by an over potent enemy Whereby a Citie was prophaned in which the Christian faith had flourisht without interruption for a thousand yeares But as the Sea is sayd to gaine in another if it looseth in this place So about this time religion by the singular pietie and valour of Ferdinand and Isabella wonne ground upon the Moores in Spaine whence not long after they were totally and I hope for ever expeld But when the Warre licenc'd the King to attend his government we finde the administration of Lawes just and equall and many new statutes enacted wholesome against diseases crept into the State So that he appeard dilligent both to heale up any wound the tumults of his raigne had given the commonwealth and provident for the health of future ages And certainly no Prince could husband the benefits of peace better for the outward magnificence For his glory was much in hospitalitie and a pompous celebration of the principall feasts of our redemption In which way of bravery setling much of his happinesse hee had beene doubtlesse the most fortunate of any King of the Norman line had hee not faild in expectation of his daughters marriage His buildings were few but sumptuous for that time or more properly but reparations Which are yet to bee seene at the Tower of London his house of Eltham the Castles of Nottingham and Dover But above all at Windsor where he built the new Chappell finisht after by Sr. Riginald Bray Knight of the Order and indowed the Colledge with mightie revenues which hee gave not but transferd thither taking from Kings Colledge in Cambridge and Eaton Colledge a thousand pound by the yeare to inrich this at Windsor But our buildings like our children are obnoxious to death and time scornes their folly who place a perpetuitie in either And indeed the safer kinde of fate happened to King Edward in both these felicities His posteritie like his edifices lost in other names For his two sonnes before they had survived their father the ceremonious time of mourning were themselves inhumanly murderd and as obscurely buried His eldest daughter the Lady Elizabeth was married to the Earle of Richmond knowne by the name of Henry the seventh Whose heire in a strait line not liable to any doubt or question is his most sacred Majestie now glorious in government of this Realme The younger daughters were bestowed one in a monasterie others upon inferiour Lords Cicily married John Vicount Wells Anne Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke Briget was profest Nunne at Dartford Mary was contracted to the King of Denmarke but died before consummation Margaret died an Infant Katherine married William Courtney Earle of Devonshire But of none of these younger Princesses at this day remaines any thing but their memory All dying issulesse but the Lady Katherine whose posteritie faild likewise in the third descent Henry her sonne Marquesse of Exceter suffered by attainder in the raigne of his Cosen German Henry the Eight being not long before designd heire apparent an honour fatall in England and his sonne Edward untimely came to his death at Padua in Italy in the raigne of Queene Mary by whose favour hee had regaind his fathers honours and possessions So that all the cleare streame from the spring of Yorke flowes in the house of Scotland The troubled and impure runnes in many veines of the English Gentry For by the Lady Elizabeth Lucy he had an illigitimate Sonne named Arthur who by his wives right was Vicount Lile and dying without issue Male left to his three daughters and their posteritie some tincture of the blood royall This disease of his blood was the crime which procured both to his government and memory many hard censures For though some excuse his lust as a sinne though blacke to the eye of heaven yet no way generally injurious In regard the incontinency of one man could not be so diffusive as to wrong a multitude Neverthelesse who observes the revolutions of Kingdomes shall finde no one iniquitie in Princes so punisht The dishonour of one Lady abused extending the disgrace of severall families and mightie factions knitting together for revenge In the whole stocke of injuries none being so cruell to humane nature and which with lesse patience can bee dissembled His frequent perjurie a sinne which strikes like a Sword with two edges both against divine and humane faith was the crime which renderd him most odious to the societie of man For impiously hee appeard in this to brave heaven slighting all solemne covenants made with God and foolishly preferring before a holy promise a little profit or the satisfaction of his revenge Which crime however for the present it might stand him in some benefit yet certainly it might have indangerd him to much losse in all after enterprises which depended upon faith The deaths of Wells and Dimock of Fauconbridge of Sommerset Lord Prior of St. Iohns and others were the wounds perjury gave his soule the scarres of which remaine yet foule upon his fame But perhaps hee thought no faith was to be held with an enemy Or promist not with intention of performance An impious equivocation but then in practise with his neighbour Princes both of France and Burgundy So that the custome may in some sort seeme to priviledge the fault In his youth he was so uncircumspect and even when he had the strongest arguments for jealousie so overconfident that it engaged him to extreame difficulties and endangerd absolute ruine But his fortune almost miraculously made up all those breaches which had beene by his carelesnesse and presumption laid open and delighting something wantonly to boast her power and favour to him raisd him then highest when all the world and almost his owne hopes forsooke him For presently upon the slaughter of his father at the battell of Wakefield and the overthrow of his great supporter the Earle of Warwick at that of Saint Alban Shee inthrond him in the Kingdome Making the Queene and all the favourers of Lancaster when doubly victorious retire as overcome and the universall acclamations of the people set the regall Diadem upon his head whose fathers head at that time like a Traytors was fixt upon the Walls of Yorke scornd with a paper Crowne And afterward when from a mightie Prince hee was become a miserable Exile forc'd by the treason of his chiefest Councellors and powers of his greatest enemie to flie into Burgundy where hee likewise met with but a dissembled amitie Shee restored him to what at first shee gave And whereas his Forces were so weake upon his returne into England that despayring more hee humbly onely desired to be invested in his fathers Dutchy and vowed never to attempt the Crowne Shee violently forc'd it on him protesting by the mouthes of the Nobilitie who resorted to him at Nottingham not to afford him safetie if hee refused the soveraingtie By which amorous way of threatning shee in a manner wooed him to accept what hee durst not then hope to recover And had the appetite of glory more prevail'd with him then the sence of pleasure as farre as we may conjecture of his fortune hee might have extended his victories over the world which are now straitned with the narrow limits of our Island FINIS