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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71353 Mercurius publicus: comprising the sum of forraign intelligence ...[no.32 (2 Aug-9 Aug 1660)]; Mercurius publicus (London, England : 1659) Muddiman, Henry, fl.1659-1666, editor.; Dury, Giles editor.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_26 9,406 16

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of God for your Majesty in such late miraculous revolutions by overturning and overturning and overturning even untill he had as it were with his own finger chalk'd out a path for your Majesties happy Restauration to your Fathers Throne cannot be confin'd within our own breasts We therefore humbly crave leave to express our Congratulations to offer the inwardness of our hearts for your Majesties concerns and to profess our ready obedience to your Royal Scepter Though we are of the least among the Tribes yet will we boast as we may our antiquity our entire Loyalty with the chiefest of which there was lately a clear testimony when this County within which we are appeared for and demanded a Free Parliament which was also a leading case to the rest of the Kingdom and was then the likelyest way for your Majesty to acquire your Rights and we our own Priviledges we then were so far engaged as to resist even unto blood two of our Inhabitants loosing their lives in the dispute And as an Evidence of our still constant and affectionate Fidelity we likewise tender by the hands of our Representatives a free and willing Offering though but a small one such another as we presented to your Majesty when you departed from us in the year 1646. when we could no longer protect you but your prevailing enemies 〈◊〉 you as a Partridge on the mountains The general decay of Trade since your Majesties most unfortunate abscision from us has disabled us from greater performances at present but we are now in hope of enlivening and quickning beams from your Majesties gratious return that may have also influence even on forrain Commerce and Trafique and cause it again to flourish by which we may be impowered more amply to express our affections A peace with Spain we suppose will much conduce to the effecting of this Pardon we humbly beseech your Majesty our presumption in mentioning these particulars we shall forbear all other and acquiesce with confidence in your Majesties pious proceedings and determinations in the settlement both of Church and State and that they may tend to the honour of God your prosperous Reign here and everlasting glory hereafter shall ever be the prayer of Sacred SIR Your most loyal and obedient Subjects This being after a short Speech made by Mr Clifford●ead to his Majesty he received it graciously giving them assurance of his especial care to encourage forrain Commerce and vouchsafed them the honour of his hand ADVERTISEMENT To all Ministers Church-Wardens Constables Head-b●●o●g●s and all other Officers whom it may concern WHereas there hapned a great loss by fire at the Town of ●●ken●am in the County of Norffolk upon the Eleventh day of April 1659. to the value of 508● l. And upon Petition of the poor Inhabitants to His Majesty it hath pleased the King with the advice of His Counsel to grant His Gratious Letters Patents under the Great S●al for a Collection to be made in certain Counties of England bearing ●ate at Westminster the Ninth day now of July last past Since which time some idle Vagabonds and Rogues have stole or gained a Copy and have induced some Printer to print the same and are gone into some parts of the Counties with those Papers and ha●e caused summs to be collected as at Putney and 〈◊〉 nea●nea●London Therefore it is desired That if any person whatsoever shall come to any place with any such B●ief not having the broad Seal that he or they may be apprehended and carried before a Justice of the Peace to answer to his 〈◊〉 their Offence no Bayle to be taken for them He that takes them or any of them shall have Twenty shillings for his pains besides what charges he is out to be paid at the House of Mr Hugh Low at the White-Hare in Botolph lane near Billingsgate in London August 6 1660. The Reader may be pleased to take notice that in the preceding News book of Aug. 6. there was a mistake in line ● of this Advertisement viz. July 4. for July 9. Since our last you have this alteration in the Army George Duke of Buckingham is Col. of the Regiment that was Col. Gibbons Arthur A●scot Capt. Lieut. Hen. Washington Lieut. Col. Hen. Norwood Maj. John Gibbons Capt. Edw. Barh●m Capt. Tho. Paulden Capt. Hampden Capt. With these we will joyn th●ee other Companies of the same Regiment which being constant to his Excellency and appe●ring with him in Scotland have not had the least change viz. John Waller Capt. B●rth Henderson Lieut. William Knight Ensigne William Richardson Capt. Ioseph Cl●●● Lieut. William Pearson Ensigne Ios. Horsley Capt. Phineas Grooke Lieut. Well Ensigne The Letters from Scotland tell us nothing of Import save only that Capt. ●●ffi● late Collector of the Shire of Aire is committed Prisoner to Edinburgh Castle Though there hath been great industry used for the apprehending of several persons by the Black Rod yet they keep themselves so private that besides those formerly mentioned none hath yet been taken but Colonel Croxton We have formerly acquainted you That His Majesty would not touch any after the times formerly mentioned for the Evil till further notice was given And now lest any one should put himself to an unnecessary expence in attending that Cure we are again commanded to tell you That His Majesty will touch no more till about Michaelmas of which we shall give you timely Advertisement Rotterdam August 9. S. N. By Letters from Hamburg it is certified That the Danes Forces in Holsteyn are not yet disbanded nor is there any likelyhood thereof the report going that they daylie entertain more souldiers By Letters from Dantzick is confirmed the total Rout of the Muscovian Army near Grodno by General Czarnecki where were six or seven thousand slain on the Muscovian side and a great number of Prisoners taken with all their Ammunition Bag and Baggage and that the Tartars and Cossacks have joyntly invaded Muscovia and also that the Poles have taken Bichow a very considerable place by stratagem From Copenhagen we are informed that the Island of Zealand is not yet wholly cleared of the Swedes although our Vice-Admiral de Ruyter useth his utmost endeavours for their Transportation From France we are advertised that their Majesties the King and young Queen of France are not as yet come to Paris but remain at Fontainbleau until all things are fitted for their Reception which will be most splendid and magnificent They make mention likewise of a great Earthquake that hapned in some parts of that Kingdom which hath made a great spoyl slaughter and devastation in several places throwing down of Houses whereby many were crush'd to death opening Mountains and was in some places so extraordinary violent that many of the Inhabitants were enforced to wander from their wonted habitations We have a report that four of our ships meeting with five Turkish Pyrates engaged with them and after a long dispute sunk two of them and took the other
three with about 900 prisoners Advertisements ☞ A White Spaniel Bitch call'd Duce with a red Ear and a red spot on her right Side belonging to his Grace the Duke of A●bemarle was lost last February He that shall bring her to any Off●cer of the Army shall receive five pounds for his pains If any Officer shall receive information of her he is desired to give notice of it to his Grace at the Cockpit A Bay Maire thirteen hand and a half high with four white feet a blaze over the face and a long tail she was lost from Hide Park on Thursday the first of this instant August who ever can bring ●idings of her to the Chequer-Inn near Charing-cross shall have good content for their pains TWo white Coach Goldings stollen from Richard Peacock Esq on Monday night the sixth of August from ●inchley in the County of Middlesex one of them hath a lop ear on the near side ●ayl●s down t● their knees one seven years old the other eight the youngest horse a little galed on the side of his back If any one can give notice to Mr. Grigge a Goldsmith at the Black boy over against St. Dunstans-church in Fleet-street shall be wel rewarded for their pains An Advertisement to all Sheriffs Just●ces of the Peace Attornies Sollicitors Clerks Serjean●s Bailiffs c. ALl so●ts of Blank bonds with Conditions for payment of money at a place certain and withou● Counterbonds for money and Bonds for performance of Covenants for Arbitraments with Umpire and without Umpire for ●ppearances in any Court of Record Counterbonds upon the same Replevins and Bonds upon Replevins Bailiff● Bonds to the Sheriffs for their true performance of their Offices Bills of Sale Bonds of Redemption General Rel●a●es Licences for Ale houses All sorts of warrants upon mean Proces County-Court Warrants c. Warrants for Justices of the Peace Indentures of Apprenticeship And also the best and fairest pieces Text and flourishing for Letters Patents Fines Recoveries and other Exemplifications Are to be sold by John Bellinger in Cliffords-Inn lane Fleetstreet London And by him is also to be sold That most incomparable piece of Court-hand which of it self alone without other Master is compleatly fitted to teach all Clerks and others perfectly and exactly to write the same hand and to read antient Records and abreviate words From Lisbonne July 18. As soone as news came to this place from the Ambassador in England De Francisco De Mello that his Majesty King Charles the second was safe in his Pallace at Whitehall in quiet and peaceable possession of his Hereditary Kingdoms and welcomed with so great excess of Joy that from all parts the Nobility Gentry and Commons came flocking to Congratulate his Arival and kiss his hand His Majesty the King of Portugal presently gave order that the same night all the great Guns of the Castle of this Towne and of all the Forts and Castles of this Harbour should be fired in signe of his joy and contentment which was accordingly performed and at the same time all the Navy-ships and Merchantmen in the Port shot all their Canon All that night the whole Citty was adorned with Luminaries In every window of the Kings Pallace two great torches of white wax the Ambassadors house was set out in the same fashion besides in the streets there were made very many Bonfires rare artificial Fireworks and other inventions expressing the alacrity of the Court and people very much expressed by the Continual noyse of Trumpets Weights and all sorts of musicall Instruments The next morning their Majesties with the Infanta went forth in solemn manner attended by all the Nobillity and Gentry of the Court and Citty in a rich and splendid equipage to the Church of St Antony of the Capuchins and returned to the Pallace in the same Pomp all the bells of the towne ringing the while By which it is plainly seen with what reall joy and satisfaction the People of this Court and Nation received this welcome news whereof I thought good to give you notice We have also news that some days since on the Frontire of Alentejo our General of Horse Alfonso Turtudo meeting with a Brigade of the Enemies Horse nigh Badajox fought and defeated them killed and tooke 400 of them amongst the Prisoners there are 4 Captains of Horse The next day Antonia de Souca who lived many years in London resident and acted so fervently for the King of England as the Parliament sent him home sent for many of the Cheif English Merchants and gave them a treatment which cost him 500 Crowns with the greatest expressions of joy immaginable We have hitherto shewed you how several Regiments in the Army have been disposed we shall now give you some small account of the settling of the Militia and at this time onely of the County of Somerset where the Right honorable the Marquiss of Hertford is his Majesties Lievtenant as likewise for the County of Wilts his Lordship hath appointed for his Deputy-Lievtenants for the County of Somerset John Lord Paulet Sir John Stawell Sir Henry Berkley Sir George Horner Sir Tho Bridges Col. Edmund Windham Edward Philips of Montagne Esq Hugh Smith of Long Ashton Esq William Waldron of Wells Esq The Colonels of the Militia for that County are Sir Maurice Berkley Colonel of Horse Sir Hugh Windham is Major of the same Regiment John Pawlet son of the Lord Pawlet George Stawell Son of Sir John Stawell Colonel Coventry Colonel Tho. Piggot Colonel Sir Francis Windham We shall not need to give any character of these Persons whose merits are as well known throughout the whole Kingdom as their own County Whitehal August 8. 1660. This day Tho Tompkins and Herbert Perrot Esqs elected Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Weebly in the County of Hereford having taken the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy were admitted into the House of Commons This day his Majesty was graciously pleased to confer the Honor of Knighthood on John Stapeley a Member of Parliament for Lewis in Sussex a Person that hath given sufficient evidences of his Loyalty by his early appearing in the several Engagements that tended to the setling of his Majesty in his Kingdoms The same day the Mayors and Bayliffs of his Majesties Cinque-Ports two antient Towns humbly applied themselves to his Highness the Duke of York Lord Chancellor and Warden of the Cinque-ports in this their humble Petition To the most Illustrious James Duke of York Lord High-Admiral of England Lord Warden Chancellor and Admiral of the Cinque ports two antient Towns and their members The humble Petition of the Mayors c. Sheweth THat next unto that never to be forgotten mercy of restoring your Petitioners the Breath of their nostrils and Joy of their lives His Sacred Majesty their gracious Soveraign your Petitioners are filled with joy in the sense of their extraordinary favor which His M●jesty hath been graciously pleased to confer on your Petitioners in