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A64190 The number and names of all the kings of England and Scotland, from the beginning of their governments to this present as also how long each of them reigned, how many of them came to untimely ends, either by imprisonments, banishments, famine, killing of themselves, poyson, drowning, beheading, falling from horses, slaine in battells, murthered, or otherwise / written by John Taylor ... Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1649 (1649) Wing T492; ESTC R10068 10,674 34

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mention their deaths it seemes they died naturally because so few Kings raigned so long in such cut-throat times as those were 3. The third Kingdome was the tumultuous it endured 561. yeers it had 17. Kings and contained the Counties of Cornewall Devonshire Somersetshire Wiltshire Hampshire and Berkshire 4. The East-Saxons they raigned only over Essex and Middlesex they continued under 14. Kings 281. yeeres 5. Northumberland had 23. Kings it consisted of 6. Shires and Counties namely Yorkeshire Durham Lancashire Westmerland Cumberland and Northumberland It was divided into 2. Kingdomes it lasted 379. yeers 6. The East Angles bounds were Suffolke Northfolke Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely under 15. Kings it continued 353. yeers 7. The seventh last and greatest was the Kingdome of the Mercians it had 20. Kings it continued 497. yeeres it contayned 17. Counties Northampton Leicester Darby Lincoln Huntingdon Nottingham Rutland Cheshire Staffordshire Oxfordshire Worcestershire Glocestershire Shropshire Bedfordshire Warwickshire Hartfordshire Buckinghamshire All this while I finde that the Welchmen held their owne for there is no mention that any of those wrangling petty Kings had possession of so much as one Village in Wales 95 Vortiporus raigned 4. yeeres an incestuous Prince with his Wives Daughter 96 Malgo raigned 5. yeers hee murthered his Wife and lived incestuously with his brothers Daughter 4. Learned men were sent from Rome hither to convert the Idolatrous Heathen Saxons from Paganisme to Christianity their names were Augustine Melltius John and Justus 97 Careticus raigned 3. yeers and being oppressed with the Saxons he fled for saie●y into Wales where he died 98 Cadwane raigned 22. yeers he tamed the Saxons of Northumberland 99 Cadwallin raigned 48. yeers a brave victorious Prince hee was buried in London at St. Martins Ludgate 100 Cadwallader raigned 3. yeers a valiant and vertuous King he was the last King of this Land called Britaine till his time for then it was and not till then named Anglia and the men English men Cadwallader went to Rome and died there 101 Athelstane was a valiant noble Prince hee raigned 15. yeers he brought this Land to be but one Kingdome againe after it had beene divided into 7. neere 600. yeeres he was Crowned at Kingstone and buried at Malmsbury Anno Dom. 940. 102 Edmund raigned 5. yeers he was son to Athelslane slaine and buried at Glastenbury 103 Eldred raigned 9. yeers the Da●es were entred heer and opprest the people and banished him he was buried at Winchester 104 Edwin raigned 5. yeeres was crowned at Kingstone he was deposed for being an incestuous ravisher of his own kinswoman murdring hir husband 105 Edgar raigned 16. yeers he was brother to Edwin by birth but not by nature Edgar was crowned at Bathe he was a vigilant a valiant and a pious Prince he had a navie of 3000. ships as some have written to scowre the Seas from Enemies and Pirats hee built and repayred of Churches and Religious Houses the number of 47. He took 8. petty Kings of Wales prisoners and they Rowed him in his Barge on the River Dee to his Parliament at Chester buried at Glastenbury 106 Edward raigned 3. yeeres crownd at Kingstone murdered by his mother in law and his unnaturall brother Etheldred buried at Shaftsbury 107 Etheldred raigned 38. yeers he caused all the Danes to be slaine or expeld out of England he was buried in St. Pauls London 108 Edmond sirnamed Ironside raigned 2. yeers Canutus King of Denmarke came with a mighty power of Danes to revenge their Nations being banished kild in the time of K. Etheldred but Edmond and Canutus cōbated singly with condition that the Surving Victor should have all the Kingdom The Royall Combatants fought gallantly till through many wounds much blou● lost they fell both downe in each others armes and embraced Then they agreed that the Kingdome should be divided into halfes between them and the longest liver take all which agreement they lovingly kept till a Traytor named Edricus murdered K. Edmond for the which the Danish K. Canutus put Edricus to death with most grievous exquisite torments 109 Canutus raigned 20. yeers buried at Winchester An. Dom. 1038. 110 Harold the first raigned 3. yeers 111 Hardicanutus raigned 3. yeers This King was given so much to excessive drinking that hee dranke himselfe to death at Lambeth in joyfull memory wherof the merry Hock Mondaies were kept ye●rly with dancing and friendly meeting of neighbours which some that have beene mistakingly thought wise have judged to be Popery 112 Edward called the Confessor raigned 23. yeers he freed this Land from Danish slavery having no heire gave his Kingdome by Will to his Kinsman William Duke of 113 Normandy but Harold● crownd himselfe King and in the ninth month of his raign Duke William came kild and unkingd King Harold Thus ended the Raignes of the Britaines Romanes Saxons and Da●s in this Land from the yeer of the Wo●lds Cre●●ion 2858. before the birth of Christ 1108. yeers which was 1150. yeeres then by Deed of Gift some write by Conquest William the first came hither after a bloudy battell neere Hastings in Sussex with the slaughter of 70000. men on both sides the Norman Duke was crowned an English King on Christmasse day following he had a troublous raigne 21. yeers 115 William 2 sirnamed R●fus raigned 13. yeers hee was slaine in Newforrest in stead of a Deere as he was hunting buried at Winchester 116 Henry the first raigned 35. yeeres in much vexation he was buried at Redding 117 Stephen raigned 19. yeeres in continuall trouble buried at Feversham 118 Henry 2. raigned 34. yeers in much unquietnesse One of his sonnes named Jeffrey was troden to death in a throng at Paris also his son Henry he caused to be crownd King in his own life time which afterward vext him much and to loade him with more afflictions his wife with his sonnes Richard and John raysed Armes against him he died in France buried at Fonteverard 1189. 119 Richard the first called Cor de Lion raigned 9. yeers slaine 120 John raigned 17. yeers some have written that he was poysoned by a Monke others write he surfeited with eating Peaches 121 Henry 3. raigned 56. yeers and after a long tedious and troublesome life had the miraculous fortune to die in his bed 122 Edward the first raigned 35. yeeres 123 Edward 2. raigned 19. yeers murdered at Barklay Castle 124 Edward 3. raigned 50. yeers was buried at Sheen● 1378. 125 Richard 2. raigned 22. yeers murdered at Pomfret Castle 126 Henry 4. raigned 14. yeers buried at Canterbury 127 Henry 5. raigned 9. yeers buried at Westminster 1422. 128 Henry 6. raigned 37. yeeres murthered in the Tower 129 Edward 4. raignd 22. yeers buried at Winsor 130 Edward 5. was never Crowned raigned o● murdered 131 Richard 3. raigned not 3. yeers slaine 132 Henry 7. raigned 23. yeers buried at Westminster 1509. 133 Henry 8. raignd 37. yeers buried at Winsor 134 Edward 6. raigned 7.
raignd 36. yeers a good King slain● 87 Donald 7. raigned not a yeere expulst as a● Usurper 88 Duncan 2. raignd one yeer an usurper slaine 89 Donald 8. raigned 3. yeeres he was taken by Egar had his eyes put out and died in prison lamentably 90 Edgar raigned 9. yeeres a good King 91 Alexander the first raigned 17 yeers he was a valiant good Prince hee was called Alexander the fierce 92 David the first raigned 29. yeeres a worthy King hee built 11. stately Religious Houses died in peace at Carlisle buried at Dumfermling 93 Macolme 4. raigned 12. yeeres a maiden unmarried King 94 William raigned 49. yeers for his courage sirnamed the Lion 95 Alexander 2. raigned 35. yeers a good King 96 Alexander 3. raigned 17. yeers died of a fall from a Horse 97 John Baliol raigned 4. yeeres Edw. 1. King of England deposed him 98 Robert Bruce raigned 24. yeeres a wise valiant Prince 99 David 2. raigned 40. yeeres a good King was a prisoner 12. yeers in England 1310. At this time there was scuffling for the Crown Robert Baliol had the possession and David the second expeld him their Raignes are uncertainely written 100 Robert 2. was the first King of the name of Stuarts 1371. hee was a good King raigned 19. yeeres 101 Robert 3. raigned 16. yeeres a good King whose life was full of affliction hiSonne Prince David was famished to death by rebells in Scotland and his son James was 1● yeeres prisoner in England 102 James the first raigned 13. yeers after hi● 18. yeers imprisoned in England hee w● slaine by traytors 103 James 2. raigned 24. yeeres slaine 104 James 3. raigned 29. yeeres slaine at Ban● nockburne field 105 James 4. raigned 25. yeeres slaine at ●lod●don field 106 James 5. raigned 29. yeeres a good King 107 Mary daughter to James 5. her raigne wa● sull of trouble shee was beheaded at Fo●●ringham Castle after 18. yeeres thra● dome 108 James 6. raigned 36. yeeres in Scotland ● most Learned peaceable King England had 33 Kings before Scotland had any● the number of our Kings were 138 whereof 2 did not die naturall deaths for 7 were slain 6 were murdered 4 were poysoned one was burnt 2 fled the Land one was beheaded one dyed with drinking one was banished and one● deposed The Kings of Scotland were in number 108. whereof 21 were slaine 19 murdred 3 killed themselves 4 died in prison 4 beheaded 3 drowned 1 banish'd and 3 deposed Thus of all the Scottish Kings onely 50 dyed naturally and 58 by casualties By this short relation may bee perceived that the top of Honour is slippery and most unsure where is not to be expected any sure footing or endurance of standing For the King of Kings being the Great and only Disposer of Kings and Kingdomes hath in his just indignation for the peoples transgressions turnd and overturnd Monarchies Principalities States and Common-wealths The Assyrian Monarchy began with confusion and mouldred away to the Persian The Persian glory was swallowed in the ravenous Gulph of a Grecian Conquest The Grecian like a violent Blaze was no sooner in but out was graspt into the hands of the triumphant Caesars The Roman Greatnesse overthrew it selfe with its owne weight insomuch that whereas it formerly had all it hath almost lost all Our England hath had his share in changings and alterations first by the Britaines secondly by the Romans thirdly by the Saxons fourthly by the Danes fifthly by the Normans and now lastly by the permission of God by our selves There have beene Commonwealths translated into Kingdomes as Israel and Judah and Kingdomes turnd into Commonwealths Italy is now divided into more then one nam●ly Venice Genoa Luca Pisa Also the Sw●zers or Helvetians are a free State So are● greatest part of the Netherlands And since it● the Almighties unresistable will to change the Nations Rule and Government from a 5. or●● times changed Monarchy into a Republiqu● I will not repine against divine providence b● as I was a faithfull servant and subject 45. y● to two Kings who were good Masters to m● so now I must obey the present Government ●● else I must not expect that I should live und● it or be protected by it FINIS
The Number and Names of all the Kings of ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND From the beginning of their Governments to this Present As also how long each of them Reigned how many of them came to untimely Ends either by Imprisonments Banishments Famine Killing of themselves Poyson Drowning Beheading falling from Horses Slaine in Battells Murthered or otherwise Written by John Taylor at the Signe of the Poets Head in Phoenix Alley neer the middle of Long Aker or Covent Garden LONDON Printed in the Yeare 1649. NOVERINT VNIVERSI BE it known unto all men c. History hath such sorce and vertue that it wil make a man a Traveller that never went 10. miles from home it will describe unto him Cities Countries Manners Lawes Customes Fashions Wars and Peace both at Sea and Land it will give him admittance to speake with his hat on to the greatest Emperours Princes and Poten●ates and all sorts of people and Nations that have inhabited the whole world all this true and well written Histories will furnish a man withall in his owne chamber And because great bookes are of great prices and our large Chronicles are of such high rates that all men cannot reach to I have at mine owne cost written and caused this Briefe to be Printed Many Writers do make doubts whether this Land had ever any King called Brute but the most Authours do affirme that when Troy was spoyled by the Greekes that Prince AEneas fled into Italy and there he was married to a daughter of Latinus King of Tuscany now the Dukedome of Florence by which Lady he had a son named Ascanius who was the Father of Silvius Posthumus and that Silvius was the Father of Brute Brute being but 15 years old unfortunately as he in a Forrest was hunting slew his Father Silvius with an arrow as he shot into a thicket thinking he hadshot at a Deere for which he was banished from that Countrey and shipping himself with a good or great number of his followers he landed here and was the first King of this Land This is the opinion of many grave Writers but divers learned men do oppose those Authors For my part I am sure that one King or other did reigne here when this Land was first a Kingdome and because it beares the ancient name of Brittain or Brutaine I do hold with su● Authours as for Brute do hold with me Anno Mundi 2858. Yeares before Christ 1108. 1 BRute raigned 24. yeeres to his 3. sonnes Locrinus Camber and Albanact hee gave to the first England to the second Wales to the third Scotland 2 Locrine raigned 20. yeers he beat the Hunns or Hungarians hence who would have invaded this land and their King was drowned in Humber 3 Queene Guendoline wife of Locrine raigned 15 yeers beloved and honored for her just and vertuous government 4 Madan raigned 40. yeeres was eaten by Wolves as he was hunting● he was fierce and tyrannous he built Doncaster 5 Mempricius the son of Madan raigned 20. yeers and at last like his father was devoured by Wolves 6 Ebrank built Yorke and reigned 21 yeeres he had by 21. wives and other females 20. sonnes and 30. daughters he lived in the times of K. David and K. Solomon 7 Brute 2. raigned 12. yeers buried at York 8 Leile raigned 25. yeers built Carlile and some say Chester 9 Rudhudibras raigned 29. yeers built Canterbury Winchester and Shaftsbury 10 Bladud raigned 20. yeers built Bathe brake his neck in practising to flie 11 Leire raigned 40. yeers he built Leicester before Christs birth 830 yeers 12 Cordelia the Daughter of Leire raigned 5. yeers kild her selfe in prison 13 Morgan and Cunedague were brothers and grandchildren to Leire they ruled together but Cunedague slew Morgan at Glamorgan in Wales and raigned 33. yeers 14 Rivallo raigned 46. yeers it rained bloud 3. dayes in his time Rome was built out of the putrefaction of the bloud that fell it bred swarms of hornets and horseflies that stung many folks to death insomuch that with famine and other calamities there died so many that they which lived were not enough to bury the dead 15 Gurgustus raigned 38. yeers a most vicious Drunkard and his Brother 16 Sicilius raigned 49. of both which our Histories make no good mention 17 Iago raigned 25. yeers a wicked Prince he died of a sleepy Le●hargy 18 Kimmarus raigned 54. yeers 19 Gorbo●ug raigned 63. yeers as some write and some write but 42. let the Reader beleeve as he pleaseth 20 Ferex and Porex were brethren they were the last Princes of the Race of Brute Porex killed Ferex to revenge which their mother kild Porex by which meanes this Land was without a King and at division many yeares and shared into 5. petty kingdomes Some say Ferex and Porex raigned 50. yeers and others write but 5. 21 M●lmutius Donwallo raigned 40. yeers hee was the sonne of a Cornish Duke named Clotton he brought this Land againe into one Monarchy and was the first King that wore a Crowne of Gold 22 Belinus and Brennus were brethren and shared this Land betweene them but disagreeing Brennus was forced from hence into France from whence hee went and wan Italy ransackt Rome and at a siege of Delphos in Greece he slew himselfe Belinus raigned 26. yeers he builded the Port called Belingsgate 23 Gurguintus raigned 19. yeeres hee overcame the Danes hee sent many scattered and distressed Spaniards to inhabite Ireland 24 Guinthelinus raigned 26. yeeres hee built Warwicke 25 Cecilius raigned 7. yeers and was buried at Caerleon in Wales 26 Kimarus raigned 3. yeers a wicked King kild by a wild Beast in hunting 27 Elanius raigned 9. yeers histories make little mention of him 28 Morindus raigned 8. yeers he fought with a ravenous Sea-monster which had devoured many people who also devoured the King but hee killed the Monster afterward for he was found dead with his dagger in his hand in the belly of his devourer 29 Gorbomanus raigned 11. yeers a good King built Cambridge and Gra●ham 30 Archigalo ●lidurus Vigenius and Peredurus 31 were crowned and deposed again and with 32 shusfling fortunes these 4. Kings raigned 28. yeers From the time of Elidurus to King Lud there reigned in this Land 33. Kings of whom Historians doe make very various or little mention I will therefore but only name them Gorbonian raigned 10. yeers Morgan 14. Emerianus 7 deposed Ival 20. Rimo 16. Geruncius 20. Catillus 10. hee caused all oppressors of the poore to be hanged But since that time they have increased much Coylus raigned 20. yeers Ferex 5. Chirimu 1 he kild himselfe with excessive drinking Fulgon raigned 2. yeers Eldred 1. Androgius 1. Eliud 5. Dodamius 5. Gurginius 3. Merianus 2. Blodunus 2. Capenus 3. Quinus 2. Sillius 2. Bledgabredus 10. Rodianus 2. Archemalus 2. Eldalus 2. Redargius 3. Samullius 2. Penisellus 3. Pirhus 2. Caporus 2. Dinellus 4. Helius or Elius 1. From this King the I le of Ely had its
name Of these Kings 24. of them had very short times of either lives or raigns 4 of them raignd but 4 yeers that is to say each of them raignd but one yeere and in that course 11 of them reigned 22 yeares to years each as many years as Eares 4 reigned each three yeares and one reigned 4 years 3 had the happy or unhappinesse to beare the royall toile hazard and slavery each 4 years But although Records and Histories are burnt lost and falsified by the injury of warres alteration of times and partiality or flattery of Writers that there is no mention made by what meanes all these Kings did come to their long homes in so short a time It is more then conjecturable that they died not all in their beds 64 King Lud reigned 11. yeers he named Troy-novant or this City of new Troy Kair-Lud or Lu●stowne hee enlarged the building of London from Ludgate which he founded for Freemen to lie in bondage to London stone which stone was set up in memory of Lud 60. yeeres before the Incarnation of our Saviour 65 Cassibelane raignd 17. yeers the 2. sonnes of Lud and Cossibelane fild this Land with blody contention that whilst they strived for the mastry Julius Caesar came in and mastred them 66 Theomancius the son of Lud raigned 22. yeers all that I can write of him is that in memory of his Father and himselfe his statue is on Ludgate 67 Cimbelinus raigned 21. yeers in his Raigne the Heavens did raine the showres flouds innundations of gratious love and favour to most miserable Mankinde for in this Kings time our blest Redeemer Jesus Christ was borne 68 Guiderius raigned 21. yeers in his time our Saviour suffered then Tiberius Caesar was Emperour of Rome and commanded the knowne world 69 A●viragus 28 yeares a valiant man he founded and built Gloucester 70 Marius reigned 53 years he did much for the repairing of the Citie of Chester in his time it is written that good Joseph of Aramathea came hither and taught the people Christianitie at Glastonbury in Somersetshire some Writers say that he was buried there in a Chappell of his owne erecting of which I saw the ruines and rubbish remaining in the yeare of grace 1649. 71 Coylus the second reigned 55 years he built Coylchester and was interred at York 72 Lucius was the first King of any Land a Christian by the meanes and perswasion of godly men whom Elutherius Bishop of Rome sent hither the King and People were brought from Paganisme to Christianity Lucius cast downe 28 Heathen Temples and erected Churches for Gods service He reign'd 12 years buried at Glocester Anno Christi 194. 73 Severus was an Emperour of Rome he reign'd 18 years he made a strong wall between England and Scotland to secure us from the Invasion of the Scots the wall was 112 miles in length from the River Tyne to the Scottish Seas Hee was slaine 78 years of age 74 Bassianus reigned 6 years he was Emperour of Rome and son to Severus 75 Ca●rasius reign'd 7 years slaine by Alectus our first English Martyr Saint Alba● suffred martyrdome in his time 76 Alectus was a bloudy Tyrant reign'd 3 year killed by Asclepiodates 77 Asclepiodates reign'd 2 yeares as some do write others relate 30 years he was all slain by Coyle Duke of Colchester 78 Coyle Duke of Colchester reign'd 14 years h● married Hellen who was the mother ● the Emperour Constantine she beautifie●Jerusalem with many faire buildings an● Churches and she also walled London an●Colchester where Coyle was buried An. 315● 79 Constantius reigned 4 years a good King buried at York 80 Constantine the great was an English m●●orne he was Emperour of the Christia● world he was the Founder of Constant●nople which was an old ruin'd Towne called Bizantium he was zealous for God glory for which he was honoured o● earth and doubtlesse eternally glorified● He raigned 22. yeers 81 Constantinus raigned 5. yeers and his brothe● 82 Constantius 3. yeers these were the sonnes●● the great Constantine they raigned together and together by the eares they fell and never agreed till death made an end of the quarrell 83 Octavius as some do relate raigned 54. yeers he was Duke of Windsor hee was slaine by Traherus who succeeded him 84 Traherus raigned 6. yeers An. Dom. 353. 85 Constantius 2. raigned 1. yeer slain by Gratia● 86 Maximinianus raignd 1. yeer slain by Gratian 87 Gratian reigned not one full yeer was slain This Land at this time shook off the Roman oppression having beene vassalls and payd tribute to Rome 483. yeers An. Do. 446 88 Vortiger raigned 6. yeers hee was an Usurper and by his murthering of his lawfull Prince Constans the son of Constantius 2. he gat the Crowne and the peoples inveterate hatred insomuch that he was forced to send for Saxons out of Germany to ayd him against his owne subjects which Saxons not onely ayded but invaded the whole Land and Vortiger was deposed and afterwards hee and his Queene burnt to death by firing of the house where they lodged 89 Vortimer the son of Vortiger raignd 11. yeers he was victorious against the Saxons but was poysoned by his wife 90 Aurelius Ambrose raigned 32. yeers a good King yet was poysoned 91 Uter Pendragon which in Welsh is a Dragons head he cornuted a Duke of Cornewall by corrupting the Dutchesse Igrene on whom he begot Englands the Christian Worlds Worthy Arthur ●●er was poisoned by the Saxons after he had raigned 18. yeers 92 Arthur raigned 16. yeers hee was King of England Denmark and Norway He beat the Infidels and misbeleeving ●aracens in 12. great Battels he instituted the Order of Knights of the Round Table at Winchester He had a kinsman named Mordred who in Arthurs absence usurped the Crowne but Arthur fought with the Rebels slew Mordred their Leader and in the fight lost his owne life and won the name and fame to bee one of the 9. Worthies he was buried at Glastenbury An. Dom. 541. 93 Constantine some have written him the 4. of of that name raigned 3. yeers was kild by his successor 94 Aurelius Conanus raigned 33. yeers Writers differ much in writing of this King and the variation of times that were then for this Land was divided by the Saxons into 7. Kingdomes and in the time of 500. and od yeers following they had to each Kingdome these Kings under named and those Lands Shires and Counties heerunto annexed 1. Kent the first Kingdome of the 7. Divisions had to its first King Hengist 2. Esk 3. Octa 4. Ymerick 5. E●helbert a good Christian King he built St. Pauls London and St. Peters at Westminster 6. Eabald 7. Ercombert 8. Egbert 9. Lother 10. Edrick 11. Wi●hed 12. Edbert 13. Edelbert 14. Alick 15. Ethilbert 16. Cuthred 17. Baldred These 17. Kings raigned in Kent 372. yeers 2. The South-Saxons Kingdome was onely Sussex and Surry it continued under 5. Kings 113. yeers and though Histories doe not