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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22429 By the King a proclamation to restraine the vnlawfull transportation of hides and leather. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1626 (1626) STC 8847; ESTC S3545 2,035 2

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❧ By the King ¶ A Proclamation to restraine the vnlawfull transportation of Hides and Leather THe Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE taking knowledge of the great scarcity and extraordinary dearenesse of Leather lately growne within this Realme and enquiring into the causes thereof hath discouered that although there hath beene lately a greater number of raw Hides by reason of the extraordinary prouisions for the Nauy then in former yeeres yet the Markets haue not beene serued with Hides as they were wont to be but the raw Hydes are secretly and by stealth conueyed beyond the Seas And His Maiestie hath also beene informed That vnder colour of a Liberty giuen heretofore for conueying of Hydes and Leather from the Port of London vnto Hull for seruice of the Northerne parts there haue beene lately great quantities caryed away which neuer arriued at the Port of Hull but are conueyed into Scotland or other Forraine parts And further that there being no Prohibition already for the carrying of Hydes and Leather ouer Land into Scotland great quantities are conueyed that way especially by the City of Carlile And also that there are many and great Ingrossers of Leather in the City of London By which meanes the prices are kept high and much Leather is cut out for Bootes and Shooes and is packed vp closely and so transported into France the Low Countries and other forraine places vnder colour of other Merchandize And further That vnder colour of Calue-skins permitted to be transported by Licence great number of Skins of greater growth are conueyed which would bee seruiceable for making of Bootes and Shooes and other vses And that to colour these great abuses which are so generally preiudiciall to all sorts of people either the offenders themselues or some other ill disposed persons doe falsly publish that there haue beene Licences giuen by His Maiestie contrary to the Lawes to transport great quantities of Leather and raw Hydes where in trueth no such Licence hath beene granted to any nor so much as thought vpon to be granted All which being made knowne to His Maiesty His Highnesse out of His Princely care and prouidence for the generall good of His people hath thought fit by the aduice of His Priuie Counsell to publish and declare And doth heereby publish and declare His Royall Pleasure and Commandement concerning the Premisses in manner following That from hencefoorth no person whatsoeuer either naturall borne Subiect Denizen or stranger doe presume to export out of this Kingdome any raw Hydes or any Leather either into any Forraine parts beyond the Seas or into Scotland by colour of carrying Calue-skins or otherwise And for the better preuention of the like abuses hereafter which otherwise cannot possibly be preuented His Maiesty doth further straitly charge and command That no person vnder colour of carrying or conueying of Hydes or Leather from one part of this Kingdome to another doe carry the same by Water or put the same into any Ship Barge Boat or other Vessell to carry the same by Water And further that no Shoomaker Currier or other Artificer doe buy any Leather but such onely as he shall conuert into made Wares and shall not bee in any sort a factor or agent to buy any leather for any Merchant or other person who shall after transport the same into any parts beyond the Seas or into the Realme of Scotland And that they nor any of them bee any Ingrosser of hides or leather whereby or by meanes or occasion whereof the prices of hides or leather may bee enhaunced or the Markets be vnfurnished or vnstored All which his Maiesty doth straitly charge and Command to bee duely obserued by all sorts of people in their seuerall places and degrees vpon paine not onely to incurre the vttermost penalties and punishments which by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme may be inflicted vpon the offenders but also vpon further paine of his Maiesties high displeasure and such further punishment as by his Maiesties Prerogatiue Royall or by the seuerest Censure of the Court of Starre Chamber can bee imposed vpon them for so great a contempt And to the end that all others may take heede how they doe hereafter either of malice or rashnesse publish such false and fained rumoures tending so much to the slander of his Maiesties gouerment His Maiestie doeth hereby straitly admonish and Command that no person presume to publish or report such false rumours in this or in any thing of the like kinde And to the intent that such as are willing to take paines to discouer the offenders and offences aforesaid either already committed or hereafter to bee committed in any kinde concerning the premisses for the generall good of the Common wealth may haue fit encouragement and recompence His Maiestie doeth hereby promise and vndertake That whosoeuer shall first discouer to the Lord Treasurer of England or Barons of the Exchequer any of the said offenders or offences either in conueying away of any hides or leather or engrossing the same or in being the instruments or assistants thereunto or in raysing or publishing such false rumours or reports as aforesaid whereby the offenders shall or may be brought to receiue due punishment for such their offences that euery person which shall so first discouer the same besides such part of the fines and forfeitures as by Law shall belong vnto him shall haue a liberall reward from his Maiestie out of such part of the offenders fines or forfeitures which shall accrue to his Maiestie at the good discretion of the Lord Treasurer of England or Barons of the Exchequer for the time being Giuen at His Maiesties Court at White-hall the 14. day of December in the second yeere of his Maiesties Reigne of Great Britaine France and Ireland God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie M.DC.XXVI