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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10551 The Red-Crosse: or, Englands Lord haue mercy vpon vs [A lament]able relation of many visitations by the plague in times past, as well in other countries as in the city of London, and the certaine causes thereof: with a true number of all those that dyed in the last great visitation, at the comming in of King Iames: and also the number of all those that haue dyed this present visitation; with two speciall medicines against the plague. 1625 (1625) STC 20823; ESTC S100913 4,189 1

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The Red-Crosse OR Englands Lord haue mercy vpon vs. 〈…〉 able Relation of many Visitations by the Plague in times past as well in other Countries as in the City of London and the certaine causes thereof With a true number of all those that dyed in the last great Visitation at the comming in of King Iames And also the number of all those that haue dyed this present Visitation with two speciall Medicines against the Plague IT is no doubt that the corruption of the Aire together with vncleanly and vnwholsome keeping of dwell●ng where many are pestred together as also the not-obseruing to haue fires priuate publikely made as well within ●ouses as without in the streets at times when the Aire is infected are great occasions to increase corrupt and produce pestilent Diseases Neither can it be denyed that the ouer-boldnesse of many preasing into infected places and the lewdnesse of others with Sores vpon them presuming into the open Ayre some of wilfulnesse but truly many of necessity contaminateth and corrupteth diuers as the Leprosie the Pocks and sundry such vncleane diseases doe as by drinking lying in company and other such meanes where pure complexions and cleane blouds are defiled with such as are putrified and therefore carefully to be auoyded But all these are accidentall and rather effects then the cause For it plainly appeareth in the Booke of Exodus that when it pleased the Almighty God to smite the Aegyptians the Children of Jsrael were appointed to dip Isop in the Bloud of the Paschall Lambe and smite of that bloud on the outward Posts of their dores that when the slayer came to destroy in one night all the first borne in Aegypt he might passe ouer the houses of Gods children So that it is plaine it was an Angell then sent to smite those cruell people with the Pestilence Then first this City of London cannot be denyed to haue had as great blessings as euer had Ierusalem for here God hath long time beene present by his Word and Sacraments yet they haue abounded in all iniquity when Ierusalem long since had not a stone left vpon a stone Secondly London is situated as pleasantly as Sodom and her sister Cities before they sunke euen for the same sinnes that wee haue committed for the sinne of Sodom saith the Prophet Ezechiel was pride fulnesse of bread and contempt of the poore That these sinnes raigne in London who can deny To them adde fulnesse of drinke for therein wee exceede the Nation that within these fifty yeeres wee hated for drunkennesse and I doubt That vnname able sinne of Sodomy is vsed in too many places of the City Yet London stands and so God grant with his mercy it long may Lastly where in the change of Princes especially after long peace as London most happily enioyed all the time of our late Soueraigne Queene Eli●●beth of worthy memory many Cities haue come to miserable spoile if not to ruine yet London by our most potent Lord and King hath increased in tranquillity blessing powring vpon blessing saue only now for our negligence God hath with his owne hand smitten vs and sent many to mourne in death after our late Soueraigne deceased whom we had almost vngratefully forgotten in a day In the City called the great Caire there is a Plague once euery seu●● yeeres which commeth with such a fiercenesse that the most part of the people there doe dye thereof and diuers of them that remaine aliue lose their eye-sight with the vapours and great heat which commeth from the ground In the yeere of Christ 81. and in the yeere 188. there continued a great time a Plague in Rome of which there dayly dyed two thousand people In the yeere 254. fifteene Prouinces of the Romane Empire were in a manner consumed with the Pestilence In the yeere 530 there dyed in Constantinople fiue thousand a day and diuers times ten thousand and at that time in some other parts of Greece there were not sufficient liuing men left to bury their dead And in the yeere 1569. there fell such a Plague in Constantinople that there died in six moneths space seuen hundred thousand persons and the yeere following fell such a famine that a penny loafe of Bread of English money was worth a crowne of gold by reason whereof the people died as fast then of the Famine as they did before of the Plague In the yeere 540. there began an vniuersall Plague all ouer the world that continued 50. yeeres with great violence In the yeere 1348. in Paris in Fra●ce there dyed a hundred thousand people of the Plague In the yeere 1359. so great a Pestilence there was in Italy that there were scarce ten left of a thousand In the yeere 1521. there died in Rome a hundred thousand of the Pestilence In the yeeres 1576. and 77. in Millan Padua and Venice there fell a hundred thousand in euery City and in Bohemia being but a small Kingdome here dyed three hundred thousand the same time Soon after the conquest of King William Duke of Normandy when the people were subdued to him and the Knights fees rated which he had made an● himselfe placed with Crowne and Scepter he tooke number of the Acres of land in all the Realme and of all the people and of all the cattell after which fell so sore a Plague that the people died in such number that Tillag● decayed Famine ensued with Rot of cattell that men were fa●ne to eat ●lesh of Dogs Cats and Mice A fearefull example for Princes In the Ra●gne of King Edward the third there fell a very great Pestilence in the East-Indies among the Tartarians Saracens and Turkes which laste● the space of seuen yeeres through the feare whereof many of the Heath●ns willingly offred themselues to become Christians And shortly after ●y reason of Passengers from one Prouince to another the same Pestilenc● was dispersed in many Christian Kingdomes amongst other places b●●ught into England where it was so forcible all ouer the Land that not ●nely men but also Beasts Birds and Fishes were smitten therewith and ●ound dead with Botches vpon them Also among men the numbers tha● were left aliue were scarcely sufficient to bury their dead At which t●me with the rest that then dyed of the Plague Henry Duke of Lancaster Blanch Duchesse of Lancaster and the Earle of Warwicke ended their ●iues So that in one yeere in a little plot of ground of thirteene Acres co●passe then called Spittle-croft and now the Charterhouse was buried fif●y thousand persons besides all them that were buried in the Church-ya●ds and diuers places in the fields Also in Barbary Alexandria Tripolie and in Constantinople in the yeere 1602. fell so grieuous a Plague that there dyed three thousand a day for a long time together Our visitations though our sinnes exceede haue beene more gentle For in the first great Plague in our memory after the lo●●e of New-hauen from the first of Ianuary 1562. to