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A00663 King Iames his welcome to London With Elizaes tombe and epitaph, and our Kings triumph and epitimie. Lamenting the ones decease, and reioycing at the others accesse. Written by I.F. I. F.; Fenton, John, fl. 1603, attributed name.; Ferrers, John, attributed name. 1603 (1603) STC 10798; ESTC S105576 8,598 26

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in trouble hazard doubt and feare For mocking VVarwick that first brought him there Whom when he had o'rethrowne and liu'd in peace Yet could not priuate grudge and enuie cease His brothers scorn'd his marriage scoft his Queene For that of higher bloud she had not beene Enuying his issue after him should sway But Richard Gloster made them sure away And for an easier passe his will to further His elder brother Clarence first did murther And after Edwards death the King his brother The two young Princes he in the Tower did smoother When loe he got the crowne but with what feare When he had got it he the same did weare And with what tyrannie well it is knowne And in the Chronicles most plainly showne Till worthy Richmond pittying Englands state Sued for his owne resolu'd to trie his fate When he in battayle ouerthrew this deuill And loosed England from a peerlesse euill Hee married Edwards daughter ioyn'd in one Lancaster and Yorke the houses of renowne Th●n was all peace concluded all stu●s ceased Contention grew faint onely truce increased In time of which this worthy Richmonds Earle Had two young Princes and one Princely gerle Margret by name from out whose lineall race Thou didst discend and iustly claim'st thy place Enioy it to thy ioy gladly confesse How from thy Font run streames of happinesse For Kings which I haue named first attain'd Their seats with blood and still in feare they raign'd Yea Richmonds worthy selfe sate not so sure But traytors still rebellion did procure And Henry his successor though renown'd Sought how to make his weake religion sound When with much toyle he did from England banish The Popish crew whose fraud like smoake did vanish Leauing his heire in Protestancie learned Who after his decease the same confirmed But soone was he cropt off such was his course Death had on peerelesse Edward no remorse When after him came Mary to the crowne Religion then and former rites went downe Sword death blood fire ruled then this I le No gracious fortune lent a gracious smile Trouble on trouble griefe did weigh downe griefe In vaine the guiltlesse cride without reliefe Till God our former libertie did inlarge Yeelding the Scepter to Elizaes charge Who whiles she sway'd it sway'd it with like hand As did Titania sway the Fairie land Whome Poets faine a Virgin pure and chast As by the name of Goddesse she was grast Then faire Eliza as bound by dutie Receiue this latest farewell to thy beautie A sorrowfull Epitaph on the death of Queene ELIZABETH HEere lyes ELIZA dead who liu'd in fame Consum'd in body but refresht in name Shee liu'd to age a glasse to youth a mirror Vnto her friends a ioy to foes a terror Shee was the Souldiers captaine the law's life The Churches deerest spouse the Churchmans wife Learnings greene Lawrell vertues chiefe refector Peaces maintainer onely Truths protector The Orphants parents and the ritchmans stay The poore mans comfort and the nights cleere day The tradsman fauorer and the marchants gaine The sea mans night starre and the lyers staine The pride of all her sex all womens boast The worlds wonder that they wondred most The Courtiers glory entertaining all Louers of truth young old in generall She dy'de bewayld she iustly liu'd admir'd Her body sunke her spotlesse soule aspir'd THus King the troubles haue I open layde Which in the times of former Princes swayde How happy then art thou who with such peace Hast entered Englands front whiles turmoyles cease Thou art applauded by the vulgar route Who put to flight the thoughts of former doubt Loe London hath held ope her willing armes To shadow thee from false conspired harmes What they indeuour onely is to finde How they with Pageants may content thy minde The Northren gates fly ope to entertaine A happy guider to a happy raigne The busie scholler throwes aside his booke Glutting his halfe suncke eyes at thee to looke The Marchant lets his getting gaines goe by Finding more hope of gaine within thine eye The souldier lets his weapons now to rust Nor to the spilling of more blood dooth trust But pleaseth most in peace and craues a place Whereas he may behold thy princely face The plowman leaues his oxe to grasse whiles he Thy countenance indeuoureth to see The poore artificer now growes so bolde To slacke his worke thy presence to be hold The Gentleman the matron maide and wife The aged man and youth prayes for thy life The nobleman the comminalty and all Reioyce at sight of thee in generall The Phonix that of late fled to the skies Hath left her ashes from whence doth arise Another Phoenix rare vnmatcht vnpeered Vnto whose loue loue is it selfe indeered Then welcome noble Iames with my owne voyce Thinke thy whole monarchy ioyntly reioyce More welcome neuer Sylla triumph't Rome Then mighty King thou doost to London come O now such Prophets as in ancient times Foretolde of things to come in broken rimes Me thinkes such south-sayers should againe reuiue Telling how happily Englands choyce should thriue O would my toung auguriously could speake Or into fortunate predictions breake That I might Merlin like foretell such things Whose issue truth to follow ages brings Yet rightly this I boldly dare avow England was neare established till now Now may we proudly boast we neede not feare We haue a King and this same King an heire A toward Prince if fame be true or rather A vertuous sonne sprung from from a vertuous father Long may he liue a furtherer of our ioy And when he raignes raigne still without annoy Blest be his match his issue so increase As we may still inioy an endlesse peace By which we may tryumph thou tookest in hand The gouernement of this our English land So as the Romanes Romulus did call The first foundator of their City wall Or as Aeneas Latines term'd to be The chiefest father of their progeny And first found Captaine of their Italy Or Bruite the Patron of our Brittany So after ages may in time to come Call thee the Romulus of their English Rome Thou shalt be our Aeneas the first grounder Of all our setled stay our hopes first founder We thinke nor Samothes nor on Bruits name But attribute their entrance to thy fame For as some worthy man which hath effected Some worke of charity or a house erected To loue imploy'd in some religious vse Where vertue may be paiz'd without abuse As he I say is highly to be praised And haue his worth with glorious trumpet raised Yet if the same decay and with much charge Another do the same againe inlarge Then is the benefactor onely thought The onely sole foundator and as oft As it decayes and is repai'd by lot The last is praised the former is forgot Yet sure 't is better surely once to found it Then many times vncertainely to ground it Euen so great prince it doth befall with thee For well we now coniecture thou art he
KING IAMES HIS WELCOME TO LONDON With Elizaes Tombe and Epitaph And our Kings triumph and epitimie Lamenting the ones decease And reioycing at the others accesse Gaudia cum lachrymis iungamus seria ludis Written by I. F. Imprinted at London for Thomas Pauier 1603. ¶ King Iames his welcome to London HAyle England I salute thee with a toung By whom thy fortunes with applause are soūg I greete thee in the pride of all thy boast And in thy hope whereof thou gloriest most Yet am I not so pampered in my straines As to exclude all discontented vaines And yet not discontented but bewayling The losse of her for whom my pen is fayling Let then Melpom●ne amongst the rest Tune models fitting for a greeued brest Some melancholly intermixt with ioy Hinders that too much mirth not ouercloy Sweete sweetely mingled with some sharper tast Makes that the sweetenesse doth the longer last As pleasing onely fit 's the present season So shall our notes complaine not beyond reason Onely we will remember our late Queene Whose like before was neuer heard not seene Least we forget whom many haue forgot Who while she liu'd we lou'd but dead recke not Such is our nature we no longer care For gems then whiles they shew richly and rare Wee fancy straight forgoe within an houre Yet let vs not doe so by this faire floure Who was the very honour of true fame In hir did shine the light of vertues name Shee was the pride of matchlesse pietie For feruent zeale she was a dietie She was the hope wherein true hope did trust She was the burnisht blade without all rust She was the ancour of firme setled peace She learnings stipend onely did increase She was the loue of these whom loue did loue In her the Planets of all grace did moue She was the wonder of all forraigne nations For louing truth and hating reprobations She was Fames pride hopes ancour loues loue wonders wonder From liuing fame hope loue now put asunder What neede I speake in termes so knowne and plaine But in a word vertue did in her raigne In vertuous wedlocke she was true begot Borne taught brought vp in vertues throne she sat And while she liu'd she gaue God vertuous praise And vertuouslie she ended hath her dayes O happy Iewell whilst God lent her vs But happier we who haue inioy'd her thus Had we but thought vpon our happie state We would haue more accusd our haplesse fate 'T is not so great a pleasure once to choose As hauing chos'n againe his choice to loose I muse at those who with a double face Did honour past but present times embrace I wonder how these Ianus-Scicophants Whose two toungd mouthes onely colloging haunts Can with such boldnesse and such enuies store Seeke to disgrace her whom they did adore O those who haue an oare for euery boate Whose long hang'd toungs with euery thought doth float They which can change their tunes with euery winde And with each gull seeme to resolue their minde What pest's they are how much to be reiected Let wisemen iudge by whom they are detected These flattering Parasites these fawning curs Whose policie dishonest dealing blurs Could say in times past then the golden time Then then the golden age did onely shine And now can proudly speake that Saturns prime Was neuer truely till this present time Peace buzzing drones your humming is harsh musicke You minister dregg's where is no neede of Phisicke Confesse with shame Elizaes happy raigne Will neuer ouer-matched be againe But yet farre be it from my erred scooling To make compare with high King Iames his ruling Whose wisedome well I vnderstand is such As at Elizaes prayse he will not grutch Whose peacefull regiment as his owne booke sayes Was neuer matched since Augustus dayes What neede we seeke an author of more worth When by our King himselfe it is set foorth Sleepe then Elizabeth in peace and rest Sing loud amongst the Angels with the best For in his booke we now thy praise may reade Who doth thee in thy seate by right succeede Now rise my muse sing with a louder voyce And let thy song make a more ioyfull noyse HAile then King Iames I greete thee with a toung Euen that whose meaning is from duty sproung Nor can my muse doe mee a greater pleasure Rather then sing thy welcomes without measure I will by that shew how my minde is loyall Else should I much forget a Prince so royall Thee to salute with clap's of hands my quill Hath now extended euen her vtmost skill O that I had but Homer's ancient vaine Making my verses prayse my labours gaine And had I else but Horace his wits springs Singing Maecenas borne of ancient kings Excuse me yet great prince I le reape a gleaning Deuising artlesse welcomes with true meaning Willing to shew my willingnesse of minde Although ability small meanes can finde Ritch is our hope and our assurance great Doubt is expul'st giuing resolue the seate Ignoble breach of promise fit 's with clownes And kingly promises kings and kingly crownes Nor should a Prince harbour a base intent Excepting not his speech but what he meant Elizabeth now I remember thee Richard the third and thou did disagree She what she promis'd she perform'd but he Vsed naught but breach of word and treachery She ô me thinkes my pen could neuer slide And in her praises euer could abide Nor could I euer any other sing Nor thinke on ought but her except our king I am surprised with her Idea still Oft studying how I might augment my skill Husht I am silent I will speake no more Adding no Razors to a new cut soare Nor neede I a Phisition all prooues ease Nought ministreth occasion to displease Except much rest much peace much good much quiet Security and safety growes a riot For all the hopes which Papistry expected Or else the triumphs to reuenge erected Roisters and murtherers are cleane put downe Dispayring when they heare Iames weares the Crowne Enmity vproares hope of ciuill broyles Sedition mutiny domesticke coyles Are now made voide they haue tooke needelesse paine Lurking conspirators conspir'd in vaine Least then constraint should praises due importune Loe thus great King I doe applaude thy fortune IN ancient times Kings that possest this throane First fought to get then to defend the Crowne Richard the second that vnhappy Prince By Henry Bullinbrooke was driuen thence But in the third degree Bullinbrookes race From out the throne the Duke of Yorke did chase Great were the troubles bloody the debate Twixt Lancaster and Yorke but more the hate The Duke himselfe was slaine but then his sonne Edward the Earle of March new wars begunne Soone he attain'd his hope when most vneuen Crooke-backe gaue Henries soule apasse to heauen So dyed the Prophet by the fatall hand Of the remorselesse butcher of this land After whom Yorkes heire Edward was proclaimed And by the fourth of that name he raigned But yet