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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22203 The copy of the Kings Maiesties letters patents, concerning the reformation of the abuses vsed in melting and making vp of lead, and the sealing of the same. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1619 (1619) STC 8610.5; ESTC S3884 4,658 1

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I R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI · SOIT · QVI · MAL · Y · PENSE The Copy of the Kings Maiesties Letters Patents concerning the reformation of the Abuses vsed in melting and making vp of Lead And the Sealing of the same IAMES By the Grace of God King of England Scotland France Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come gréeting Whereas Wée are giuen to vnderstand that by the diggers getters of Lead-Oare out of the Mynes within this Kingdome of England and the Dominion of Wales the said Oare is carryed and conueyed vnto diuers Melting or Smelting houses where the said Oare is melted made into great Lumpes or péeces of Lead commonly called Pigges or Sowes of Lead And that diuers abuses deceipts fraudes practises and deuices are there daily vsed and committed in the melting and making up of the said Sowes or Pigges of Lead by putting therein great lumpes of Scindars other vnprofitable stuffe not only to the disgrace and viliflyng of that commodity but also to the manifest wrong and preiudice aswell of Us and of the Subiects of our owne Kingdomes as of all other Nations and Countries which buy and vse the same For our better satisfaction wherein wée referred the examination and consideration thereof to certaine our Commissioners And whereas the said Commissioners haue certified in writing vnder their hands that it appeareth aswell vpon conference with the Plombers that haue the greatest dealing in Lead as with sundry Marchants of this our Realme That the said Information giuen to Us is true and that a reformation héerin is desired and that it is a great disgrace to the Lead of this Realme in Forraign parts that the same abuses are not reformed and that the same abuse appeared also not onely by approbation vpon melting of diuers Sowes and Pigges or quantities of Lead in which there was found extraordinary waste that was good for nothing But also by seuerall Certificates from Marchants in Forraigne parts which haue bought of the said English-Lead and haue certified that there is great deceipt vsed in the said Lead that cōmeth into Forraigne parts out of this our Realme of England And that those that do melt the said Lead in Forraign parts do alwaies find great heauy péeces of vnprofitable stuffe in the midst of the Pigges which can be put to no vse that oftentimes they find great stones in the middest therof to the great losse of those that deale with the same for which they could neuer get restitution the said Marchants shall be forced to giue ouer their dealing with English-Lead vnlesse the abuses were reformed And the said Commissioners hath likewise certified vnto Us that forasmuch ●●●eared vnto them that there is Abuse and deceipt vsed in making vp of Lead wherof both the Plombars Marchants desire reformation They hold it fit conuenient that some course should 〈◊〉 therin so as neither the Plombar that dealeth with the commodity at home nor the Marchant that ventureth the same abroad in Forraigne parts might haue cause to complaine as héertofore 〈◊〉 done 〈◊〉 hauing had consideration of the premisses and being very desirous holding it in our Princely Iudgment a thing most fit and properly belonging to our Regall Office by the best most spéedy 〈◊〉 Wée may to preuent subuert and extinguish fraudes practises attempted and put in vre for vniust and priuate ends and for particular lucre and gaine to the generall detriment and preiudice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●mmon-wealth of this our Kingdome attended with the disgrace discredit of the Marchandizes of the same and the hindrance of the trade and Traffique of our Subiects in Foraigne parts 〈◊〉 ●●th béen famous throughout all Nations And finding no better way for the effecting therof then by ymploying some person or persons of trust skill who may suruey sée to the melting making 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 said Lead into Pigges or Sowes of Lead before it be sent from the melting houses or by other conuenient meanes may try proue the goodnes well making of the said Pigges and Sowes of Lead 〈◊〉 ●●her Lead by what name soeuer melted or made and therupon set a Marke or Stampe on them for the better vnderstanding of the true making vp therof Of Our certaine Knowledge méere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 haue willed ordained constituted and appointed and by these presents for Us our Heires and Successors Doe will ordaine constitute and appoint that for euer héereafter there shall be an 〈◊〉 ●hich shall be and shall be called the Office of Surueyor of Us our Heires Successors of Lead And that there shall be for euer héereafter one or more person or persons by Us our Heires 〈◊〉 ●●●●●ssors to be nominated appointed which shall be and shall be called the Surueyor Surueyors of Us our Heires Successors of Lead Unto which Officer Officers Wée doe héereby 〈◊〉 ●ur Heires Successors giue grant full power and authority by himselfe or themselues or his or their sufficient Deputy or Deputies assigne or assignes from time to time to repaire vnto all 〈◊〉 the melting or smelting houses which now be or héerafter shall be within our said Realme of England and Dominion of Wales or any part of them or either of them where Lead is or shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or made vp and there to haue and take a diligent veiw Suruey of all Lead so melted or made vp within our said Realme Dominion And also to ouersée the melting making vp thereof 〈…〉 ●●vise by all good waies and meanes Hée or they may to search try the said Pigges Sowes and other quantities or lumpes of Lead so to be made and vpon approbation thereof to be good Mar … 〈◊〉 Lead to set a Marke or Stampe vpon it whereby the buyer of the same Lead may be assured of the goodnes well making vp melting of the same And to that end purpose Our will plea●●●● 〈◊〉 wée doe héerby for Us our Heires Successors grant that the said Officer or Officers shall and may haue a Seale or stampe to be vsed by him or them or his or their Deputy or Deputies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may alter breake or make a new at his and their pleasure ●●d further Wée doe héerby for Us our Heires and Successors giue power authority vnto to said Officer and Officers so as aforesaid to be nominated appointed by himselfe or themselues 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their Deputy or Deputies to doe any other lawfull acts tending to the reformation of the abuses practices deceipts aforesaid according to our true intent meaning in these presents expressed 〈◊〉 the end that such persons as shall héerafter offend in any the premisses may be left without excuse and receiue some condigne punishment for such their offences Wée doe by these presents also for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heires Successors straightly charge prohibite and forbid all and all manner of