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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22149 The coppie of Sir VVilliam Erskin and Iohn Medrum, their letters patents for the lights at Winterton Erskine, William, Sir, fl. 1618.; Meldrum, John, Sir, d. 1645. aut 1618 (1618) STC 8559.5; ESTC S120659 7,400 18

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THE COPPIE OF SIR VVILLIAM Erskin and Iohn Meldrum their Letters Patents for the Lights at Winterton HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE LONDON Printed by William Iones dwelling in Red-crosse-streete 1618. THE COPPIE OF SIR William Erskin and Iohn Meldrum their Letters Patents for the Lights at Winterton IAMES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the faith c. To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Whereas wee haue bin lately informed that the Seas neere and about the parts of Wintertonnesse in our County of Norffolke are of great danger and perill for passing of Ships sayling vnto the North Coast in darke and foule nights by reason of a Sand lying in length from the maine land two furlongs or there abouts vpō the which of late yeares many great losses haue happened to our Subiects sayling neere the same Coast aswell by the lamentable wracke of diuers Ships there as by the losse of many of our subiects their liues and goods which haue beene occasioned by the want of Light howses and lights that might haue beene prouided and set vp at or as neere the said Nesse for direction of Saylers trading or passing to and fro those parts which by the helpe of such Light-houses and lights might haue well bin saued and preuented And that for the scaping and preuenting of the dangers of those parts for the time to come it is very conuenient and necessarie that light-howses should be there erected with lights therein continually burning and maintained in the night time for the direction and safe conduct of Shippes passing by or alongst the said coast in the night time in darke and fowle nights and that almost all the masters and owners of Shippinge trading to our Towne of Newcastle for Coales Fishermen and other Maisters and Owners of other shipping tratrading vppon the said North coast haue heretofore greatly desired the erection of light-houses lights there to be set vp and maintayned and haue offered to contribute for and towards the erection and continual maintenance of the same as by an inquisition or certificate taken at the Cittie of Norwich in the Coūty of Norffolke the eight day of Ianuarie last past before Iohn Corbett Iohn Smith Owen Sheppard and Roger Godsalue Esquires our Commissioners by vertue of Our Commission vnder our great seale of England baring date at Westminster the sixteenth day of December last past vnto them and others directed by the oathes of sundry good lawfull men of our Townes of great Yarmouth and Winterton in the said County and returned into and remaining of record in our Court of Chancery amongst other things more at large it doth and may more appeare Wee therefore out of our princely office and care intending heereafter to prouide for as well the safety of the liues and goods of our subiects others as of the shipping of our Kingdomes being a principall honour strength of the same and vnwilling that our louing subiects and others passing by the said North Coast should vndergoe continue still vnder the danger and hazard of the said perilous Sands whereunto by woefull experience they haue heretofore beene too much subiect And hauing beene enformed by our learned Counsell that the erection and mayntenance of such Light-houses and Lights in places needfull for the safetie of our subiects is a right and power remaining in vs notwithstanding the power or authoritie heretofore giuen by the statute made in the eight yeare of the Raigne of our late decre Sister Queene Elizabeth to the Maister Wardens and Assistants of the Trinitie-house of Debtford Strond for erecting of Beacons Signes and Sea markes haue thought fit and necessarie and by these presents wee doe for vs our Heirs successors will ordaine and appoynt that some one or more conuenient Lighthouse or Lighthouses shall be erected made and set vp at or neere such fit and conuenient place or places at or within the space of two miles of Winterton aforesaid as by the persons heereafter by vs named authorised in that behalfe their Executors Administrators or Assignes their substitute or substitutes or some or one of them shall be thought meete and necessarie from time to time and that continually in the night season in darke foule nights sufficient lights shall therein by the persons hereafter named their Executors or Assignes substitute or substitutes or some or one of them and at their proper costs and charges from time to time be kept and maintained for the direction condition and preseruation of Ships Hoyes Barkes Fishermen or other vessells whatsoeuer which shall saile or passe by or alongst the said North Coast and that as well the said Lighthouse or Light-houses which sha I hereafter be by them so built and erected shall or may from time to time by the said persons hereafter by vs named and appoynted their Executors Administrators or Assignes substitute or substitutes bee altered renewed remoued and changed as by the accidents and mooueables and channels at or neere Wintertonesse aforesaid shal or may require for the safer conduction guiding of Saylers ships Fisher-barkes and other vessells whatsoeuer passing or repassing from Port to Port by or alongst the said Coast as well by night as by day And for asmuch as the erection reparation remoouing changing and continuall maynteyning of the said Light-houses and Lights in the same there Will from time to time require a great and continuall charge for the supportation and maintenance of the same Wee will ordaine and appoynt for vs our Heyres and successors that there shall be collected and taken of an for euery Shippe Hoy Barke Fisherman or other vessell whatsoeuer that shall passe from porte to porte by or alongst the said North Coast a duty or payment of one penny vppon the Tunne according to the burthen of the said shippe Hoy Barke or vessell in the whole voyage outward and inward that is to saye one halfe penny vpon euery Tuune for the said whole voyage outward and inward of and from the Masters or owners of such shippes Barkes Hoyes and vessells one other halfe penny vpon euery Tunne as aforesaid of and from the Marchants or owners of the goods in the said Shippes Barkes Hoyes or vessells for the time being which said dutie or payment of one penny to be paied vpon euery Tunne as aforesaide wee will shall bee deliuered and payed to the hands of such officer and officers or other person or persons as the persons hereafter named or either of either of them their or eyther of their executors Administrators or assignes or any of them shall nominate depute and appoynt in any our custome-houses to receiue and take the same by the Masters and owners of the Shippes Hoyes Barkes or vessells for the time being who shall and may lawfully demaund receiue and take the moyetie or one halfe thereof according to the true meaning of this our graunt of and from the Marchants
Wardens or keepers of any our Hauens and Ports now being and which from the time hereafter shall be as well in our seuerall Ports of London New-castle as in all euery other the Ports Harbors Creekes Roades and places within our Realem of England to whome it shall or may appertaine that they or some of them being first lawfully deputed appoynted by the said persons herein before named their Executors Administrators or Assignes or some of them for the leuying and receiuing the said dutie of one pennie vpon the Tunne as afore said from time to time at al times hereafter during the said terme of fiftie yeares before such time as they or any of thē shall or may giue any Cocket or other discharge whatsoeuer or before they shall receiue or take any entry respectiuely of or for any Sip Barke or Vessell which hereafter shall passe or repasse by or alongst the North Coast aforesaid shall demaund collect and receiue the said dutie and allowance of one pennie vpon the Tonne in the voyage outward inward herein before specified respectiuely of and for all and euery such Ship Hoy Barke or Vessell belonging to any Merchant Fishermen or other person or persons our naturall borne Subiects Denizens and Strangers as shall sayle and trade from Port to Port by or along the Coast aforesaide except the Maister or Owner of the same Shippe Barke or Vessell shall produce and shew forth a receipt or acquittance of and for the payment of the said dutie vnder the hand and seale of such officer or officers as shall be deputed and appoynted by the said persons herein before named their Executors Administrators or Assignes in euery or any such Customehouse or place from whence the said Ship or Vessell shall come testifiing the payment and receipt thereof to be there duly had and made And that all and euery such Customer collector or other officer in our said Custome-houses to be appoynted and deputed as aforesaid shall yeald and make iust and true accomptes and payments of all and every such collectors sume somes of money as by him them or any of them shall be collected or receiued from time to time vnto the said Sir William Erskine Knight and Iohn Meldrum their Executors Administrators or Assignes to be by them either or any of them receiued and reteyned to their owne proper vse and behoofe for and in respect of their great and continuall charges to be susteyned and borne in erecting renewing altering remouing and continuall maynteyning of the said light-houses and lights in the night season as aforesaid without any accompt or other thing therefore or for any parte thereof by them to be made or giuen for the same other then the yearely rent hereby to vs our Heyre Successors reseeued yealding and paying therefore vnto vs our Heires Successors the yearely rent or somme of six pounds therteene shillings foure pence of lawfull money of England at the receipt of our Exchequer at Westminster or to our Receiuor or Receiuors of our Countie of Norffolke for the time being at the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed virgine Mary and at S. Michaell the Arch-Angell by even equall proportion during the said terme or within thyrty dayes next after eyther of the sayd feastes And to the end that the said S. William Erskine and Iohn Mildrum their Executors Administrators and Assignes shall and may the better haue enioye the full force benifit and effect of this our present graunt And to the intent and purpose that the Master Wardens and Assistances of the Trinitie House of Debtford Strond aforesaid and all others whosoeuer may be restrayned during the terme of Fiftie yeares aforesaid from continuing reparing renuing remouing maynteyning any Light-house or Light-houses all ready erected and set vp since March last within the space of two Miles of the Towne of Winterton aforesaid and from errecting setting vp during the said terme any other new Light-house or Light-houses at or neere the sayd Towne or within two miles thereof and of from the receiuing hauing or taking by any wayes meanes or pretences whatsoeuer any collection contribution some or sommes of money whatsoeuer for the same during the sayd Terme of Fiftie yeares before specified notwithstanding any former course taken or had by or for the said Master Wardens and assistances of the Trinitie house of Debtford Strond aforesaid for the Light-houses since March last by them ecected at or neere Wintetton aforesayd Wee doe by these presence for vs our Heires aud Successors authorizice the Lords of our Priuie Councell for the time being we doe also straightly charge require and command all Mayors Sheriffs Iustices of peace Captaines of our Castles Forts Bayliffs and other Officers and Ministers whatsoeuer of vs our Heires and Successors to whom it doth shall appertaine that they and euery of them bee from time to time hereafter ayding assisting vnto the said William Erskin Knight Iohn Meldrum their and either of their Executors Administrators and Assignes substitures factors and seruants and euery of them in and concerning the premises vpon euery complaint to be made touching or concerning the same according as Iustice shall be by them or any of them desired and requested in that behalfe and these presents or the inrolement thereof shall be vnto them euery of them a sufficient warrant and discharge for the doing performing and executing the same AND lastly we doe hereby signifie and declare our expresse will and pleasure to be and we doe for vs our Heires Successors straightly charge and command the said Maister Wardens and Assistants of the Trinitie house of Debtford Strond and their successors that they and euerie of them their factors and seruants appoynted by them shall and doe immediately from henceforth surcease desist aswell of and from erecting or setting vpp of any Light-house or Light-houses at Winterton aforesaid or within two miles compasse thereof as aforesaid as of and from the continuing or maintainig of any Light or Lights burning in any Lighthouse or Light-houses since March last by them there erected or set vp and that they and euery of them shall forbear from henceforth to demaunde receiue or take any dutie payment allowance or benifit of or from any our subiects or others trading or passing by or alongst the said Coast for or in respect of the same Light-house or Light-houses by or vnder any coulour pretence or pretext whatsoeuer any Act Statute Ordinance Prouision Charter and Graunt heretofore had made enacted or prouided or any other cause consideration matter or thing to the contrarie thereof in any wise notwithstanding and that vpon the paine and perill of incurring our high and heauie displeasuere for their contempt or neglect of this our royall will and commandement herein so expresly declared in this behalfe although expresse mention of the true yearely valew or certainty of the premises or of any of them or of any other gift or graunt by vs or any of our Progenitors or Pred●cessors to the aforesaid Sir William Erskine Iohn Meldrum or either of them before these times made in these presents is not made or any Statute Act Ordinance Prouision Proclamation or Restraint heretofore had made set forth ordeyned or prouided or any other matter cause or thing whatsoeuer to the contrarie in any wise notwithstanding In witnesse whereof we haue caused these our Letters to be made Pattents witnes our selfe at Westminster the 18 day of Feb. in our 15 yeare of our Raigne of England and of Scotland the 51.