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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22117 A true copie of His Maiesties license granted to Iames Maxwell, Esquire, for the buying and transporting of calue-skinnes. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625.; Middlesex, Lionel Cranfield, Earl of, 1575-1645. 1622 (1622) STC 8522; ESTC S3902 6,706 2

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A true Copie of his Maiesties License Granted to Iames Maxwell Esquire for the buying and transporting of Calue-skinnes IR HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE IAMES by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To the Treasurer Chauncellor vnder Treasurer and Barons of our Exchequer And to all other Our Officers and Ministers of the same Court. And to all Maiors Sheriffes Bayliffes Constables Customers Conptrollers Searchers and Keepers of all and euery Our Ports Hauens Creekes and Passages And to all other Our Officers Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer to whom in this case it shall or may appertaine Greeting Whereas we by Our Letters Patents bearing Date at Our Pallace of Westminster the XXVI day of February in the VII yeare of Our raigne of England France and Ireland for the considerations therein mentioned haue giuen and granted for Vs Our Heires and Successors free Licence Power and Authority vnto Our welbeloued Seruants Arthur Bassano Andrew Bassano Ieronimo Bassano Edward Bassano Scipio Bassano Antony Bassano and vnto Daniell Bassano and William Bassano and euery of them That they the said Arthur Bassano Andrew Bassano Ieronimo Bassano Edward Bassano Scipio Bassano Antony Bassano Daniell Bassano and William Bassano and euery of them their and euery of their Assignes by themselues or by their Deputies Seruants or Factors or any of them being English-men Denizens or Strangers shall or may at their pleasure liberty and free will for and during the terme of 7 yeares to begin immediatly from and after the XXVII day of August which then should be in the yeare of Our Lord God 1614. at all times and from time to time lawfully bargaine for buy and prouide or cause to be bargained for bought or prouided of any person or persons and within any Citty Towne Burrough place or places within this Our Realme and Dominions of England and Walles so many Dickers of Leather of Calue-skinnes as shall amount in the whole to the number of 6000. Dickers accompting ten dozen of such Calue-skinnes to euery Dicker And the same so prouided and bought at all and euery time and times during the said terme of 7. yeares before by these Presents granted in any Ship or Shippes Vessell or Vessells Bottome or Bottomes being of Our said Realme and Dominions Hoyes and other Vessells prohibited to crosse the Seas onely excepted to ship lade transport and carry ouer or cause to be shipped laden transported or carryed ouer from any of the Portes Hauens Creekes or Passages of this Our Realme and Dominions of England and Wales into any the parts beyond the Seas being or which at the time of such shipping or transporting shall be in amity with Vs Our Heires or Successors And in such proportions quantity and number as to them or any of them shall be thought meete and conuenient and there from time to time at their free will and liberty to vtter sell distribute and dispose to their and euery of their best profit commoditie and aduantage without any danger forfaicture losse penalty or molestation against them or any of them by Vs Our Heires or Successors or to Our or their vse or behoofe to be had leuied lost forfaicted or recouered and without any manner of let int●rruption or disturbance of any other person or persons whatsoeuer Any Statute Proclamation or restrainct thereof heer●tofore made to the contrary thereof notwith●tanding Paying vnto Vs Our Heires and Successors for euery Dicker of Calue-skinnes which shall happen to be transported by vertue of that Our Licence fiue shillings of Lawfull English money the payment thereof to be from time to time made to the hands of Our Collectors of Our Customs in euery of the said Parts Hauens Creekes or places where any of the said Calue-skins shall be shipped or laden to be transported as aforesaid as by Our said Letters Patents amo●gst diuers other Graunts Licenses Prohibitions and other things therein contained more plainely may appeare The Grant Know yee that we aswell in consideration of the good faithfull seruice to Vs heretofore done by Our trusty and welbeloued Iames Maxwell Esquire one of our Gentlemen Vshers dayly Wayters as for the dueties and summes of mony herein reserued to be payable to Vs Our Heires and Succ●ssors Of Our speciall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion haue giuen and granted and by these Presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors doe giue and graunt free License power and authority vnto the said Iames Maxwell his Executors Administrators and Assignes That he the said Iames Maxwell his Executors Administrators and Assignes by him or themselues or by his and their Deputies Seruants or Factors or any of them being Englishmen Denizens or Strangers shall and may at his and their pleasure libertie and free will for and during the terme of XXI yeares to begin immediatly from and after the end The Terme of yeares expiration surrender or other determination of the said terme of 7 yeares before mentioned to be graunted at all times and from time to time lawfully bargaine for buy and prouide or cause to be bargained for bought or prouided of any person or persons and within any Citty Towne Burrough place or places within this Our Realme and Dominions of England and Wales so many Dickers of Leather of Calue-skinnes as shall or may amount in the whole to the number of Eighteene thousand Dickers accounting ten dozen of such Calue-skinnes to euery Dicker And the same so prouided and bought The number of Dickers at al euery time times during the said termes of XXI yeares before by these presents granted in any Ship or Shippes Vessell or Vessell Botom or Bottomes being of Our said Realme and Dominions Hoyes or other Vessells prohibited to crosse the Seas onely excepted to Ship layde transport and carry ouer or cause to be Shipped layden transported and carried ouer from or out of any the Portes Hauens Creekes or passages of this Our said Realme and Dominions of England and Walles into any the parts beyond the Seaes being or which at the time of such Shipping or transporting shall be in amity with Vs Our Heires or Successors And in such proportion quantity and number as to him them or any of them shall be thought meete and conuenient And there from time to time at his and their free will and liberty to vtter sell destribute and dispose to his and their best profit comodity and aduantage without any danger forfaicture losse penalty or molestation against him or them or any of them by Vs Our Heires or Successors or to Our or their vse or behoofe to be had leuied lost forfaicted or receiued And without any manner of let interruption or disturbance of any other person or persons whatsoeuer Any Statute Proclamation or restrainct thereof heretofore made to the contrary thereof notwithstanding Paying vnto Vs The Payment Our Heires and Successors for euery Dicker of Calue-skinnes which shall
the end that the certaine quantity and number of the said Dickers of Calue-skinnes so to be transported and the time and place of the shipping and transporting thereof may from time to time plainely appeare as is aforesaid Prouiso Prouided alwaies and our will and pleasure is that the said Iames Maxwell his Executors Administrators and Assignes nor any of them their or any of their Assignes Deputies Factors or Seruants shall not Ship lade transport or carry any Calue-skinnes by vertue or coulor of this Our License out of the Ports Hauens or Creekes of Chester Leuerpoole or any of them or out of any Port Hauen or Creeke being member of the said Port of Chester during such time as any other Grant for transportation of Calue-skinnes out of any the said Port Hauen and Creeke of Chester shall happen to continue and be in force And this Our License and Grant nor any thing therein contained shall not extend to auoid preiudice or impeach any former Grant or License whatsoeuer heretofore by Vs or by Our late deare Sister Queene Elizabeth made to any person or persons bodies politique and corporate for the transporting or carrying of Calue-skinnes out of this Realme and Dominions of England and Wales but that they and euery of them may from time to time freely enioy the benefit of all such former Grants and Licenses so by Vs or by the said late Queene Elizabeth formerly made Granted in as ample maner as if these present Letters Patents had neuer beene had or made any thing before in these Presents mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding Although expresse mention of the true yearely value or certainty of the premisses or any of them Or of any other guift or Grant by Vs or any of Our Progenitors or Predecessors to the said Iames Maxwell before these times made in these Presents is not made Or any Statue Act ordinance prouision Proclamation or restraint before this time had made set forth ordained or prouided or any other thing matter or cause whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding In witnes whereof We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents Witnes Our Selfe at Westminster the Twelfth day of Iune in the Thirteenth yeare of Our Raigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the Eight and Fortieth A Copie of the Lord Treasurers Letter directed to Sir Iohn VVolstenholme Knight Henry Garway and Abraham Iacob Esquires Farmers of his Maiesties Customes AFter my hearty commendations Whereas the Kings Maiestie by his Highnes Letters Patents bearing Date the XII day of Iune in the XIII yeare of his Raigne did Grant vnto Iames Maxwell Esquire a License for XXI yeares from and after the expiration surrender or other determination of the like License formerly Granted to Arthur Bassano and others which was determined some yeares agoe for the said Iames Maxwell by himselfe his Deputies Seruants or Factors to prouide and buy within the Realme of England and Dominions of Wales the whole number of Eighteene thousand Dickers of Calue-skinnes accompting ten dozen to euery Dicker and the same to Ship and transport in any Ship or Vessell in any Ports of England or Dominion aforesaid the Ports of Chester and Leuerpoole onely excepted paying vnto his Maiestie for euery Dicker shipped as aforesaid the some of fiue shillings the payment whereof to be made to the hands of his Highnes Collectors of Customes and Subsidies in any Port or Creeke where the same shall be shipped And withall straightly prohibiting the transportation of any Calue-skinnes by any other then the said Iames Maxwell his Deputies Factors and Seruants By which said Letters Patents his Maiestie giueth straight commaund to all his Highnes Officers what soeuer to be ayding and assisting to the said Iames Maxwell in the execution of the premises when they shall be thereunto required Notwithstanding Master Maxwell enformeth me that some quantities of Calue-skinnes haue beene shipped out of some of the out Portes without any License from or notice thereof had by himselfe or his Assignes Now seeing that not onely his Maiesties Letters Patents aforesaid giue straight charge to the contrary but also by a Statute in the XVIII yeare of her late Maiesties Raigne a penaltie of forfaicture of all Leather shipped without License and treble the value thereof is imposed vpon the Owners of the same And further the like penalty is set vpon all Customers Comptroulers Farmers and Superuisors of Customs and Subsidies that shall not be accomptant to his Maiestie for the Custome thereof besides the forfaicture of the shippes wherein it is shipped and the Masters and Mariners of the same shippes to forfaict all their goods and to haue a yeares imprisonment These are therefore to pray and require you not onely to giue straight order to all your Deputies in such Ports as Master Maxwell or his Assignes shall nominate vnto you to see the contents of the said Letters Patents duely effected but also to signifie this charge hereby giuen by me to all the Customers Comptrollers and Searchers of the seuerall Ports that they duely obserue the same vpon paine of the penalty set by the said Statute which shall surely be inflicted vpon them if they offend And for their better direction Master Maxwell will send to euery Custome-house a printed Copie of the said Letters Patents that euery man whom it shall concerne may take speciall notice thereof And hereof praying you not to faile I bid you farewell From the Court at Whitehall this second of February 1622. Your Louing Friend MIDDELSEX