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A17013 English protestants plea, and petition, for English preists [sic] and papists to the present court of Parlament, and all persecutors of them: diuided into two parts. In the first is proued by the learned protestants of England, that these preists and Catholicks, haue hitherto been vniustly persecuted, though they haue often and publickly offered soe much, as any Christians in conscience might doe. In the second part, is proued by the same protestants, that the same preistly sacrificinge function, acknowledgeing and practize of the same supreame spirituall iurisdiction of the apostolick see of Rome, and other Catholick doctrines, in the same sence wee now defend them, and for which wee ar at this present persecuted, continued and were practized in this Iland without interruption in al ages, from S. Peter the Apostle, to these our tymes. Broughton, Richard. 1621 (1621) STC 3895.5; ESTC S114391 56,926 128

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Scotland against those two blessed Queene Maryes that Q. Mary of England was inforced to make a statute in parlamēt to suppresse yt the Abridgement thereof is thus parlament 2. an 1. Mar. 20. die April 1554. cap. 2. The Regall and kingely power of this realme and all the dignities and prerogatiues of the same shall bee as wel in a Queene as in a kinge How the protestants in England vpon such good doctrine rebelled against that Q. Mary all knowe And in Scotland they rather chosed to crowne our Soueraigne in his cradle then the true Queene his mother should raigne haue any power spirituall or temporall at all in her owne hereditary kingdome Holinsh. histor of Scotland Stowe hist an 1. Iacob but by the violence of those Scottish protestants to bee driuert from thence And landeinge in this kingdome of England Cambden in Annal. in the life of Q. Mary of Scotland Where by these protestants before shee had such iust right of succession as they haue declared left that most vndeniable Title and interest by which moste truely lawfully and vndoubtedly her sonne our soueraigne kinge Iames now enioyeth both this whole kingdome of Britanie Ireland and all the adiacent Ilands by hereditary right from her shee fownde noe further fauour here of the English protestants but to bee a perpetual prisoner in her life and to her eternall glory and english protestants soe longe endureinge shame murthered and martyred at her death Stowe Holinsh. Theater of Britanie in Q. Eliz. c. Moreouer in this soe termed parlament besides the takeinge of this greate and supreame spirituall chardge and office vnto a woman neuer heard of in the world before and suppressinge of the holy sacrifice of the masse euer since Saint Peters tyme as before is proued excepting three yeares of kinge Edward the 6. a child and in place thereof admittinge a forme of communion and common prayer neuer vsed by any people catholicks or protestants but in that shorte tyme alsoe of that yonge kinge in England not any one Article of protestant Religion eyther against the 7. Sacraments of the church inuocatiō of Saints prayer for the dead purgatorie validitie of good workes merit iustification or whatsoeuer els now contradicted by these protestāts was thē or vntil the fourth yeare of Q. Elizabeth concluded by any parlament protestant Authoritie in England but left arbitrary for euery man to beleeue and practize as his fantasie serued without any rule at all Booke of Articles and Conuocation an 1562. And for the communion Booke yt selfe it had not any approbation of any one parlament mā diuine or other as your protestants assure vs but the chardge of making or mareing that was onely committed sayth your prime protestant Antiquary with others Cambden annal pag. 23. Parkero Billo Maio Copo Grindallo whitheado Pilkingtono Theologis Thomaeque Smitho Equiti To Parker Bill May Cope Grindall Whithead and Pilkington diuines and Thomas Smyth a knight The first and cheifest of these seuen beeing Mathew Parker had beene of seuen Religions vnder kinge Henry 8. Edward 6. Q. Mary and Q. Elizabeth chaunging in euery one of those chaunges as before is proued Godwyne Catalog of Bish. in Canterbury Matth. Parkr Foxe to 2. in k. Henr. 8. Edw. 6. Q. Mar. c. and al Q. Maries tyme professinge the catholicke Romane Religion in England both before and after his depriuation of his liuings in the second yeare of Q. Mary for being marryed For the rest of these protestant diuines they were fugitiues for mariadge against the canons of the church and conspiracy against Q. Mary before which time they were in the same disease of chaungeing Religion with the former princes and after their going forth of England professed the religion discipline also of the puritane churches where they liued namely to exemplyfie in the liturgie or common booke of prayer of the protestants of Franckfort published an 1554. in Q. Maryes tyme denyinge both the supreamacy of temporall princes and other matters of english protestant Religion this is the subscription of the english protestants then in all their names Liturgia seu ritus ministerij in Ecclesia peregrinorum Francofordiae an 1544. per Petrum Brubachium in fine in subscript Subscribunt Angli ob Euangelium profugi totius Ecclesiae suae nomine Iohannes Mackbraeus c. The protestants of England that were fled for the Ghospell subscribe in the name of their whole church Ihon Mackbree minister Ihon Stanton William Hamon Ihon Bendall William whithingham and to assure vs that these men in particular before named bee Authors or correctors of yt neyther did nor in their owne iudgment could allowe yt it is euident first both because they were of this protestant Franckford congregation secondly because The first protestants of this kingdome your protestants words Couel in examin pag. 72. in a letter subscribed with eleuen of their hands whereof Knoxe Gilby whithinghame and Godman were foure moste of them hauing iudgement and learninge vtterly condemned yt Couel against Burges pag. Soe did Caluine at Geneua Ridley your protestant Bishopp and supposed martyr in a letter to Grindal himselfe a cheife agent in it all the Caluinists in the world abrode in their publick confessions and at home haue likewise euer and doe still condemne it as alsoe all Lutherans that euer were and all those writers or correctors of it themselus and all the protestants in that first parlament in all probable iudgment except fowre new cownsaylers of Q. Elizabeth the Marquesse of Northampton Earle of Bedford Ihon Grey of Pyrge and Cecile her pauculi intimi to whome onely as sayth your historian Cābden supr in Annal. in Elizab. this matter was communicated vnto re nemini communicata nisi Marchioni Northamptoniae Comiti Bedfordiae Iohanni Greio de Pyrgo Cecilio And this matter was sufficiently proued by some of your late Bishops in the Conference at Hampton Court publickly betweene the protestant Bishops and puritans before our kinge himsemselfe where Barlowe your Bishop in relating of that disputation Barlowe Conference at Hampton Court pag. 14. 15. bringeth in Babington a protestant Bishop of yours openly to acknowledge that in the beginninge your protestants religion and communion booke thereof was proposed and approued in that first parlament by ambiguous and indirect dealeinge of the composers of that communion booke and citeth the Archbishop of yorke to that purpose And if wee may beleeue your protestant Relations of that dispute printed with priuiledge Their protestant Relations of that Confer printed by Ihon windet cap. 1.2.3 all annexed to Barlows Relation wee ar told that your protestant Archbishop of Canterbury Bishop of London Bishop of Wynchester did here vpon their knees before his maiesty confesse as much of the errors of that booke and their Religion thus wee haue from them in three seuerall relations and from the fourth by your Bishop Barlowe as before Finallie thus wee pore catholicke preists and catholicks haue toyled ourselues in searching seeking and preaching all protestants proceedings parlaments lawes writings liues dealeings of these pretended reformers and the further wee wade the deeper wee ar in error if Catholick Religion could possibly bee error for as is euident before wee can finde nothing in any of these protestant patterns and examples but such as confirme vs in that faith wee professe with the catholicke christian world in all ages To which God of his mercy conuert them that bee in error And soe much for this first part of this protestant Plea and petition But seeing wee cannot finde any comforte by your owne writers and relators of these thinges to ioyne with you in your New Religion wee will next proue vnto you by your owne doctors and Antiquaries that holy Religion which wee embrace for which you persecute vs to be the same which was first preached here by Saint Peter and his holy disciples and soe consequently deliuered by Christ himselfe and continued in this nation in all ages euen since then vntill these tymes FINIS APPROBATIO Ego infrascriptus legi libellum Anglicanum cui Titulus praefigitur Protestants plea and petition for Priests and Papists nihil in eo reperi fidei Catholicae vel bonis moribus aduersum quin potius eundem vtilem futurum iudico dignum qui in lucem prodeat Datum Duaci 19. Septemb. 1621. MATTHAEVS KELLISONVS
well wishing contry man TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE Court of parlament especially such as therein bee persecutors of Catholicks and to all other such persecutors A Breuiate of the vndoubted truthe of catholick Religion persecuted in England Right honorable and the rest THe penalties and persecutions which in these daies of Protestants haue been heaped vpon and prosecuted against the sacred preists and renowned Catholicks of England haue beene soe heauy and greate by his Maiesties regall sentence in publice parlament that they moued him to these words of commiseration My mynde was euer free from persecution or thrallinge my subiects in matters of conscience I was soe far frō encreasing their burdens with Roboham as I haue soe much as either tyme occasion or lawe could permitt lightned them Your Courte well knoweth what the case of Roboham was wee neede say noe more and what other heauie burdens haue been since then heaped vpon vs And by your present assemblie now againe to bee inuented and added in his publick speach in his 1. parlam You cannot possibly bee ignorant what an eminent man in your house and companie hath written of the opinion of the christian world of these proceedings The suffrings Syr Edwyne Sandes speaketh vnto you in his booke of the relation of the state of Religion and martyrdomes of English catholicks in these times ar accompted to the height of Neroes and Dioclesians persecutions and the suffrings on their side both in meritts of cause in extremitie of torments and in constancie and patience to the renowned martyrs of that heroicall church age What Nero and Dioclesian were amonge the greatest tyrants and persecutors your place and lawe-makers may not pleade ignorance neyther what the honor and glory of that moste sacred preisthood sacrifice and Religions which soe vehemently and beyonde example you persecute If all catholicks would bee silent your owne protestant Bishops and Antiquaries haue published in Theaters histories to the present world and future posterities that the very same were planted and embraced here in the Apostles tyme and were neuer chaunged in any materiall thinge vntill your pretended reformatiō Protest Bishops in the Theater of Brit. l. 6. Holinsh. ●ist of Engl. in Claud. Cambden in Britan. Godwyn Conuers Parker antiq Brit. Grymstō booke of Esta●es in Engl. Scotland Ireland Yf wee appeale to kings and parlaments ● whereon you builde all the auncient parlaments lawes liues of the kings of Scotlād ●ry out vnto vs that after 80. Christian kings ●here king Iames is the first and onely pro●estant kinge The parlaments lawes liues of kings and histories of England and Ireland doe publish vnto vs that of all his primogeni●ors kings of these nations hee alone is protestant kinge of them Hee claymeth nothing from king Henry 8. Edward 6. or Q Elizabeth ●ee enioyeth and longe and happily God graunt him to enioy it this Empire by a bet●er and truer right then they could giue him Hector Boeth Vereca alij hist Scot. all English ●rish hist with their parlam c. Your histories and the laste wills and testaments of those kings ar witnesses against thē and your Religion that they laboured moste ●niustly against the lawe of God and nature ●o suppresse the vnquestionable right of our soueraigne and his holy mother Edw. Howes preface historial in king Henr. 8. last will of king Henr. 8. All those lawes parlaments and antiquities ar warrant that from our first conuertion to Christ wee had noe other Bishops preists ministers or church seruice which you call communion but Romane catholicke Bishops preists whom you make Traytors and sacrifice of masse for the liuinge and the dead now soe persecuted by you vntill the second parlament of kinge Edward 6. a childe moste childishly began this innouation Parlament 2. Edw. 6. cap. ● an 5. c. 1. Confer at hampt court And in Scotland your ministry and communiō deuised there by that Traytor to God and prince is of a yonger standinge in the yeares 1560. and 1571. Commun booke c. of the kirke of Scotland by Iohn knoxe 9. of march an 1560. and 1571. Your protestant Antiquaries mustar vnto vs about 1000. approued classicall writers in this kingdome that be renowned in the christian world whoe were such preists said masse preached and proued that Religion they tell vs of many thousand Bishops by continuall succession from our first christianitie of aboue 1000. canonized Saints of diuers thousands of Religious men and woemen liuing in continuall pouertie chastitie and obedience since the tyme of Saint Ioseph of Arimathia that buryed Christ and brought monasticall life into this kingdome wee had 700. Religious howses founded for them which you haue defaced Baleus l. de Scriptor centur Ioh. Leland de script Pitseus de vir illustrib aetate c. Capgrau al. de Sanct. histor Angl. passim Theater of Brit. per tot Stowe hist Holinsh. histor Eng. Scot. Irland Camb. Britan. Our Religion builded those churches which ●ou haue reserued many thowsands which ●ou haue defaced Wee enioyed aboue the ●hird part of England to our Religion 600. ●eares paste and after wee had more kings Queens and princes Saints in this Island and ●reland by your owne historyes and kalēders ●hen there euer were since in all the world of ●our Religion Tom. Concil Our Religion had for external warrāt aboue 20. general ●ouncells From the first of nyce in the time of Constantine our Kinge Emperour and con●ryman and Sardyce where the popes suprea●acy masse and preisthood are confirmed Concil Nic. 1. can 6.7 Sardic concil Theater of Bri●an in Brit. Stowe hist. Holinsh. ib. Camb. Brit. which our brittist bishops receued vntill the ●aste of Trent in the tyme of Q. Elizabeth to which our catholicke Bishop Pates of worces●er subscribed for England for vs and against you as your protestant Bishop telleth vs. Godwyn Catalog of Bish. in worcester in Rich. Pates wee had consequently all holy fathers and Bishops present in them to warrant vs. wee had and haue as your protestants acknowledge Casaubon respons ad Cardinal Peron pag. 69.70 all Apostolicke seas for vs against you wee had and haue consequently all those true and vndeniable motiues of true Religiō which moued the christian world to embrace the lawe of Christ to assure and confirme v● in this truthe wee see and knowe that this our holy faith accordinge to the foretelling of Christ his prophets and Apostles is preached and planted in all the worlde Europe Africke Asia and America neuer any Religion in the lawe of nature of Moyses Iewes Turcks Tartares protestants pagans or other is or was at any tyme in any degree dilated as it is Grymston Booke of estates in k● of Spaine Europe Asia Africk America And for externall splendor at home it was soe greate when king Henry 8. began to enuie the glory of it that he promised the parlamēt as your protestāt histories assure vs if it would graunt him power to visitt
oath was enacted and for the fourth assigned Doctor Bishop And to confirme further this relenting disposition in that Queene and the wisest of her counsell besides that which is written before those Priestes whom hee that writeth for the new oath vnder the name of M. Roger Widdrington doeth vntruely challenge for his opinion as both their late Apologie to the contrary the martirdome of some of them for onely refusing it as namely M. Robert Drury and the confession and acknowledgment of that author himselfe vpon certaine knowledge doe testifie they still iustifie that the councell of Q. Elizabeth promised quietnes and tolleration vpon Priests acknowledgement of temporal obedience vnto her which none denyed and this was the motiue as these Priestes haue often protested for I am none of them that they were willing to yeeld so much as their spiritual bond and dutie to the See Apostolik which they except would permit to Queene Elizabeth then their Soueraigne Neither can wee without great aspersion of dishonour and all hope of all kinde of penitencie in that princesse be of other minde For hauing publickly so protested in parlament neuer to vexe or trouble anye Romane Catholike for matter of Religion her case euen by protestants iudgement not to persecute for Religion should be too desperate by their owne proceedings especially if we a little reflect vpō that which all the christian world can witnesse both for priests and Catholikes and our protestant histories themselus thus deliuer vnto vs in these wordes Elizabeth succeeded her sister began her raigne with so generall applause as her sister did by reason the Cleargie the Nobilitie and most of the commons were Romane Catholikes who neuerthelesse although they knew her full determination was to alter their setled course in Religion yet they all with one consent being set in the Parlament house when the certaine newes was brought thē of Queene Maries death they acknowledged her immediate right and presently declared the same by diuers Proclamations and forth-with prepared themselues to performe their homage and fealtie which shee gratiously accepted Howes Historical preface in Queene Elizabeth Stowes Historie anno 1. Elizabeth Cambden in apparal Annal. Thus these Protestant historians and these renowned Bishops Priests and Catholiks were so far from raysing the least resistance against her when as we see they might easily haue kept her from being Queene if they would haue proceeded as Protestants vse to do that those holy Bishops as your greatest Protestant antiquarie writeth Cambden annal pag. 27. though they both thought Queene Elizabeth at that time to deserue the censure of Excommunication and that they had power and authoritie to inflict it on her yet they refrayned to doe it leaste by that meanes the people and subiects of England would take armes against her and so depose her being by them excommunicated And thus tender of this Queenes safety and quiet though after excommunicate and for her birth by our Protestant historians and statutes themselues not in the best estate were all Priests of England after that not onely at that time of the statute against them they were all most free and innocent as is iustified in the petition before confirmed by our Protestant historians which cannot charge any one Priest of those dayes with temporall disobedience but euer after continued in the same dutie and loyaltie not any one accused of the contrarie except they wil instance in M. Ballard for the businesse of the Queene of Scotland and her sonne his Maiestie that now raigneth and long and happely may he raigne amongst vs which we thinke for their dutie they owe to our Soueraigne and King Iames Protestants should not be hastie to vrge and if they should and that matter were as the Protestants then pretended yet but one Priest in 44. yeares seruing for their purpose they may now acknowledge how vnequal and vniust a thing it was to condemne so venerable heigh a function generally for so an heynous offence when they finde none guiltie by their owne proceedings And this innocencie of Priestes was that which in those latter dayes of Q. Elizabeth so inforced that Queene and her councel so cunningly as they could with their politike reputation not to be altogether contrary to themselues and not ingeniously acknowledge the wrongs and iniuries they had offered and done to that sacred vocation to stay the fury and mittigate the rage of their former persecution by occasion whereof and Priestes prooued thus innocēt diuers religious men which spareingly before as those of the Societie or not at all as the Monkes of the order of S. Benedict had visited England resorted hither in some numbers in those latter dayes of that Queene And thus much of the honor and loyaltie of Priests and vndeniable trueth of the Religion they taught in her time Howe the Priestes and Catholikes of England neuer deserued the least persecution or affliction vnder our Soueraigne King Iames but rather fauour honour and reuerence NOW let vs come to the time of our dread leige and Soueraigne King Iames as the world well knoweth the affection and dutifull loue of the Priests and Catholikes of England toward his Maiesties right and most vndoubted true title to this kingdome in the dayes of Queene Elizabeth yet euer performing due obedience vnto her was not inferiour to the best Protestants of this nation so it pleased his Maiestie without any exception of Priest or Papist generally to speake in publike Parlament of this whole Iland I am the husband and all the whole I le is my lawful wife I am the head and it is my bodie I am the Sheepheard and it is my flocke King Iames parl 1. sess 1. He therefore accounteth vs poore members of this his wife his bodie flocke for being but one husband head and shepheard he hath but one wise body and flocke by that relation And at his entrance hither by his regall testimonie wee that be priestes and Catholikes applauded and embraced it with as great ioy and alacritie as those that were Protestants and of his Religion as they pretende his Maiestie tearmeth it sess 1. supr parl 1. a ioy full and general applause and vnexpected readines of our deserts memorable resolution most wonderfull coniunction and harmonie of our hearts in declaring and embraceing our vndoubted King and gouernour at his first entrie into this kingdome the people of all sortes rid and ran other flew to meete him their eyes flaming nothing but sparkles of affection their mouthes and tongues vttering nothing but sounds of ioye their hearts feete and all the rest of their members in their gestures discouering a passionate longing and earnestnes to meete and embrace their new Soueraigne Thus it pleased him to embrace vs in generall as his most louing and dutifull subiects and in particular thus he pittied our former afflictions and intended to mitigate and relieue them my minde saith he was euer free from persecution or thralling my subiectes in matters
of conscience King Iames in Parlament therefore of himselfe he did not thinke vs worthie to be persecuted or inthralled but rather lightned of those miseries as his next wordes a warrant I was so far from encreasing their burdens with Roboam as I haue so much as either time occasion or lawe could permit lightned them And in his censure against Conradus Vorstius the Dutch heretike recounting the differences betweene protestants and vs hee findeth not one for which we may be persecuted but the contrary At his comming in he set the Catholikes and Priestes at libertie gaue free pardons vnto all of them both priests and others that would sue them foorth and paye foure or fiue Nobles at the moste for them to the Lorde Chancellour In those pardons hee remitted both the guilt and danger from priesthood and much more then any of vs had transgressed in he stiled vs as our dignities discentes or callings were gentlemen priestes or of what degree dignitie or preeminence soeuer he were his belooued subiects which wordes and state are incompatible wtth the name of Treason in those pardons hee pardoned whatsoeuer could be in any rigour interpreted to be within the daunger of that Lawe both our comming into England and abyding and remayninge heere so that by pardon being dead they cannot possiblie be reuiued because the graunt is irreuocable Our comming in was but one indiuiall acte and offence in Lawe and so remitted cannot be offence our continuance and remayning so long as we doe not reiterate it againe by going foorth and comming in the second time is also but one particular singular and indiuidual action without discontinuance one ens fluens as all such not interrupted be an hower a daye a weeke a moneth a yeare a life an age and the like This all philosophie common reason whereon our common law is and must be founded teacheth vs. Thus diuers protestāt good lawyers haue answered thus his Maiestie esteemed when hearing of a priest named M. Freeman put to death for his priesthood by the Iudges of Warwicke soone after his Maiesties comming hither with signe of sorrow answered Alas poore man had he not foure nobles to buye his pardon by which he concluded that a priest being pardoned for his priesthood could not after for being a priest be put to death or tearmed a traytour or indanger his friends and receauers but was a free and lawfull true subiect from that imputation His Maiestie also allowed the times of Constantine for times of true Religion and the Roman Church then and after to be the true our mother Church and not to be departed from Then wee may not so vnder-value the learning and iudgement of our learned and Soueraigne in diuinitie and histories but he well knoweth which no learned man is ignorant of that in the time of Constantine the Church of Rome had the same holy sacrifice of Masse and the same holy sacrifycing priesthood which now it hath which I will hereafter demonstrate by the best learned protestant antiquaries of this nation as also that the Church of Rome at the reuolt of King Henry the 8. was the same in all essential things which it was in that prefixed time of Constantine And to be liberal to my needy protestant contrymen in this case I say that the Church of Rome the Religion of the Priests of England their priesthood and sacrifice of the Masse is the same which were in Rome and in this Iland also in S. Peters time in euery age without interruption since then vnto these dayes of Protestants And if we may beleeue Isaac Casaubon the stipendarie champion for the Protestants of England who saith ab ore regis accepi and haec est Religio Regis Angliae c. Isaac Casaubon contra Cardinal Peron Pag. 50.51.52 I haue it from the Kings mouth this is the Religion of the King this is the Religion of the Church of England The fathers of the Primatiue church did acknowledge one sacrifice in christian Religion that succeeded in the place of the sacrifice of Moses The sacrifice offered by Priests is Christs bodie and the same obiect and thing which the Romane Church beleeueth These and such things troubled the heads of some great Protestant persecutors in England their consciences being guiltie of some-what not good that they coulde not enduer the least clemency of his Maiestie towards his loyall and truest catholike subiects but olde stratagems and tragedies of Queene Elizabeths time must needes be renewed and playde againe to bring not only the Catholikes of England but their holy religion if possiblie it could be done into obloquie especiallie with his gratious Maiestie and thereupon an execrable and most damnable treacherie by gunpowder was to be inuented for a few wicked desperatly minded men to doe whom many protestants tearmed papists although the true Priests and Catholikes of England knew them not to bee such nor can any protestant truely say that any one of them was such a one as their lawes and proceedings against vs name Papists Popish recusants or the like What he was papist or protestant rich or poore noble or vnnoble of Courte or countrey that was inuentor of this horrible deuise I will not discusse but referre all indifferently minded men and of iudgement able to discerne the probable trueth in such a cause to the historie and circumstances thereof as they are set downe by the Protestant historian M. Ed. How 's histor of Engl. in King Iames. But to graunt to our Protestant persecutors for arguments sake that which I may not and they will as hardly proue that this wicked interprise was first inuented by Catesby and some of his consorts and that diuers of them were papists and had acquaintance with the chiefe Iesuite then in England who at least in confession knew of this conspiracie did not reueale it that there were foure of this cōpanie arraigned for the conspiracie three gentlemē though two of these Fauxe and Keyes were but seruing men as the fourth Thomas Bates styled yeomā that one Knight and three Esquires concealed it of which the Knight was so ignorant that as the Protestant relator of this matter saith at his death he spake these wordes Howes supr in Sir Edward Digby If he had knowne it first to haue bene so fowle a treason he would not haue concealed it to haue gayned a world Which he could not haue truely said if he had knowne it in particular in it selfe a most horrible damnable thing and the rest as this author writeth dyed penitent and besought all Catholikes neuer to attempt such a bloodie acte being a course which God did neuer fauour nor prosper Those that were vp in tumult with Catesby were as the Protestants relateth Howes supr neuer full fourscore strong besides many of their houshold seruants no doubt papists if their maisters were so forsooke them how erlie yet they diuulged many detestable vntruths against the king state
omitting no scandal which they thought might serue their traiterous purpose that they were assembled and prepared to some special seruice for the aduancement of the catholike cause hoping thereby to haue drawne into their rebellion those of that religion other wilful malecontents And to make euident it was rather a madde desperat attempt of one priuate kindred or acquaintance then of any religion Thus it is creedibly recounted by them that knew their discents for I was a stranger to them all Catesby and Tresham were sisters children the two Graunts brethren and the elder intermarryed with Winters sister calling his eldest sonne Winter Graunt the Winters Grandmother was sister to the Grādmother of Catesby Treshame and so they were kinsmen Yorke and the Winters sisters children by the Englebies the two Wrytes long time dependers of Catesby and their sister married to Percy Catesby Tresham T. Winter two Wrights and Graunt were in Essex rebellion All these were yong except Percy who gaue the Pistoll to his Maister the olde Earle of Northumberland in the Tower And if any of these were Catholikes or so dyed they were knowne Protestants not long before and neuer frequenters of Catholike Sacramentes with any Priest as I could euer learne as all the Protestant courts will witnesse not one of them a conuicted or knowne Catholike or recusant And of all these remembred of that conspiracie or acquainted with it the L. Mounteagle now L. Morley who disclosed it was most noted to be a Catholike as his Ladie and Childrē were Therefore seeing as the Protestants haue testified no Catholikes could by any deuise be drawne into this matter not one among so many hundreth or thousands of knowne Catholikes priuie vnto it but detesting it when it was knowne the Archpriest by writing condemning it presently when he vnderstood it all his Priests abhorring it euery one of thē with the Archpriests warrant and the consent of the chiefest Catholikes in England and all they in their petitions hereafter condemning it for a most horrible offence Archpriest letter of prohibit Author of moderat answ epist dedicat to the king Catholiks petitions to the parlament and chiefe Secretary And not one either Prieste or knowne Catholike with all those strickt and diligent searches and examinations then made by the protestant state about it was either prooued or probablie suspected to be guiltie of it but so farre freede that the Lords of the Councel requested that a Priest should be appoynted to perswade and assure Fauxe a chiefe agent in it that he was bound in conscience to vtter what he could of that conspiracie and M. Tho. Write a learned Priest did hereupon come to the councell and offer his best seruice herein and had a warrant to that purpose subsigned with 12. priuie Councellors hands which he shewed vnto me and I am witnesse of his hauing such a warrant But as he said Fauxe had confessed all they could wish before he could come vnto him so that no man of conscience can or will thinke but generally al the Priestes and Catholikes of England did rather deserue fauour honour and enfranchisement from all afflictions for their moste religious and holy seruing of God and as loyal obedient and dutiful trueth alleageance and fidelitie to our protestant King and countrey then the least disfauour for this practise For if the Priestes and Catholikes so manie thousands in England would haue entertayned it no man can be so malicious and simple to thinke but there would haue bene a greater assemblie then fourescore to take such an action in hand and the councell could not be so winking eyed but they would haue found foorth some one or other culpable which they could neuer doe though some of them most powreable in it tentered and racked forth their enuie and hatred against vs to the vttermost limites they could extend To confirme this our innocencie the kings Maiestie in his second proclamation against that wickednesse calleth all the confederates men of lewde insolent disposition and for the most part of desperate estate Proclamat 2. against Percy c. an 1605. and in his third Proclamation when they were all discouered and knowne thus he proclaimeth and publisheth Procl 3. an eod 1605. It appeareth now in part who were the complices in this detestable Treason published by our former proclamations in their assembling together to mooue our people to rebellion although perhaps many of them did neuer vnderstande the secrete of his Percies abhominable purpose Where wee plainely see that the King and his counsell then knew the complices and partakers of that villanie yet they neuer taxed any Priest or knowne catholike therewith And it further proueth that they which ioyned therein knew not the practise in particular neither durst the workers of it disclose it to thē least for the vilenes of it they would haue reiected or reuealed it as al true Catholiks would haue done And his Maiestie in publicke parlament doth free Catholikes as much as Protestants in this inuention when hee plainelie saith as trueth is if it had taken effect Protestants and Papists should haue all gone awaye and perished together Kings speath parl an 1605. And to demonstrate from his maiesties publike acte that Priestes and catholikes were as innocent as Protestants and as the Kings Maiestie himselfe of this and all such vilenesse hee declareth by Proclamation Proclamat die 7. Nouembr an 1605 We are by good experience so well perswaded of the loyaltie of diuers subiectes of the Romane religion that they doe as much abhorre this detestable conspiracie as our selfe and will be readie to doe their best endeauours though with expence of their blood to suppresse al attempters against our safetie and the quiet of our estate to discouer whomsoeuer they shall suspect to be of rebellious or trayterous disposition Thus his maiestie by good experience hath publickly pronounced And though I am no Iesuit yet religiō iustice charitie draw my pen to write thus much for the supposed guiltines of M. Garnet superior of Iesuits here at that time we haue but the protestants affirmation and him denying it and we haue from the same protestants that which rather iustifyeth his denial then their affirmatiō for they published his examination before the Councell wherein they set downe his opinion H. Garnets examination before the Councel anno 1605. That the Pope could not depose the king and they adde his reason thus because the King was neuer subiect to the Pope which reason I doe not examine but thus iustifie that if in his opinion the pope could not depose the king and the king was neuer subiect to the pope then the pope could not licence any man supposed a Catholike so to proceed for himselfe could not by this his opinion so doe much lesse any papist by his allowance and if the king was neuer subiect to the pope he could neuer be subiect to any papist the popes and his owne subiect And whereas
so dutiful or obedient be censured for traytours equally with the greatest offendor in the sinne of treason when many guiltlesse soules of that sacred order would not for thousands of worldes once consent to any such or far inferiour offence A thing most strange and beyond all example that men in respect onely of their calling and function and that function so reuerenced by all our forefathers should without further cause be condemned as guiltie of so detestable a crime We defende holy Priesthood to be a Sacrament which being ordained by God cannot be changed by man Pope Prelate or humane power but remaining in all things substance and doctrine the same which in those daies when it was so honorably esteemed of all your Christian progenitors and when our mother church kept her first integritie by your heighnesse iudgement as we are reddie to make defence It is the honour of our King in heauen most mightie Soueraigne for which we continue in combate that religion which the whole catholike world in all generall councels popes doctors and learned men haue euer professed wherein this nation as our Protestants acknowledge was conuerted all our Christian ancestry embraced and which all princes in the schoole of Christ of whom your Maiestie is descended mayntained in thēselues in their subiects That which is so general cānot be surrēdred by a smal number of one kingdome It is not in the power of man to resigne the honour of God if it will please your Maiestie to vouchsafe vs licence to request and grace to obtaine that your owne princely sentence censure may stande that wee ought not to departe further from the Romane Church our mother Church by your iudgement than shee is departed from her selfe when she was in her best and florishing state And that the time of Constantine was incorrupted in religion wee humbly againe offer tryal before your heignesse with equall conditions of schooles against the most selected and chosen protestant Bishops and doctors of your dominions to prooue or defend any or euery substantial article which wee now professe to be agreeable vnto and not dissenting the knowne publike Catholike doctrine of that mother Church in those your mentioned incorrupted dayes of Christianitie And seeing the disfauour and penalties against laye Catholikes are grounded vpon their recusancie to be present at your protestant seruice wee humblie beseech it may be called to memorie howe they haue protested in seuerall supplications one to your Maiestie before the ende of the laste parlament and the other to Queene Elizabeth in the twentie seuenth yeare of her raigne to be builded onely vpon feare of offending God To which their so long and manifolde disgraces losses imprisonments and sufferings are sufficient witnesse And for further triall thereof haue offered to repayre to your Protestant Churches and seruice without further exception if the learned of your Religion can and doe prooue to the learned of their profession that it may be performed without offence to God which is so much in the opinion of all diuines as any Christian subiects can offer in this case Th●s if your Protestant Cleargie doe refuse or doe not satisfie so Christian a request we hope your Maiestie beeing wise learned iuditious and gratious will perceaue that the seueritie of the lawes against them for that cause is not to be put in practise These things in most humble manner wee commende to your heighest and mercifull consideration And so desiring of the Almightie to graunt all happinesse and prosperitie to your Maiestie and posteritie wee conclude in all dutifull subiection with that auntient Father Tertullian in Apollget Wee will faithfully serue you in your Pallace we will accompanie other your subiects in the market wee will ioyne with them in the fielde against your nemies onely to you we leaue the Churches These two petitions were printed and presented to his Maiestie in the Parlament when the new oath was enacted and the foure remembred Priests appointed by the Arch-priest then to performe that challenge or petition likewise at the same time was presented to the Parlament by the handes of Sir Francis Hastings and Sir Richard Knightly two Puritanes of that Parlament from the chiefe Catholikes of England with the allowance of the Archpriest and his cleargie this petition following to the same purpose The humble petition of the chiefe Catholike Recusants of England presented to the heigh Court of Parlament in the yeare 1605. by the handes of Sir Francis Hastings and Sir Richard Knightly then of that house of Parlament to both which it was deliuered by the said Catholikes THe proceedings of that heigh Court of Parlament in the daies of our late Queene Elzabeth against the Catholike subiects of this kingdome were for seueritie far beyond example which they hoped for manie most iust reasonable true causes were to receaue their ende when shee should cease to liue and by death determine her personall quarrells and contentions against the Religion and Apostolike power of the Sea of Rome Especially by the ioyful and happie entrance Coronation of our most honoured King Iames most free from those tearmes wherewith she was intangled at temporall peace amitie and vnitie with that holy Sea with the sacred Empyre all Christian Kings and Princes by vndoubted royal discent the most lawful legitimate and rightful King of all these his vnited kingdomes Wee that be Catholiques in England and had euer bene so true and faithfull to the onely vnited true title of him and his blessed Mother and neuer entred into any dissotiation against it assuredly hoped hee would not singularlie drawe his sword of persecution against vs his most dutiful faithful and obedient subiects in whom he could finde nothing to reuenge or punish for he publickly protested in that Court of Parlament his mind was euer free from persecution or enthralling his subiects in matters of conscience and the burthens of Catholikes were rather to be lightned then with Roboam to be encreased king Iames speach in parlament 1. sess 1. But seeing all this notwithstanding your Parlament now assembled contrary to our hopes and otherwise our deseruings as wee hope haue bene doth rather presage an intended increase then either ceasing or mittigation of these our miseries and extreame afflictions we feare least silence in vs might be taken as an interpretatiue yeelding or consente that we are not altogether vnworthely afflicted with so strange calamities for the world cannot otherwise in wisdome censure that such punishment by so heigh a iudgemēt should be imposed vpon men subiects friends and kinsmen so generally except guiltie of some most heinous or execrable fact or offence against God our King and countrey Wherefore you must giue vs leaue in this perplexed case to contest against you in the humblest best maner we may and leaue it a memoriall to potesteritie that if you persist or proceede in persecution vve protest before God and in our consciences vve shal be vniustly persecuted If
Iane Seymor and then declared the Ladie Elizabeth to be illegitimate Thus word by word this Protestant historian Then by this such like proceedings as first bringing the cleargie into danger of Premunire threats importunities and such practises as these Protestants tel vs Parker Stow Hollinshed Theater vt supr procuring the title of Supremacie to himselfe in matters ecclesiasticall This Protestant antiquarie thus proceedeth in this Kings proceedings The king obtained the Ecclesiasticall supremacie into his particular possession and therewithal had power giuen him by parlament to suruey reforme the abuses of al Religious houses parsons But the King because he would go the next way to worke ouerthrew them and razed them Whereat many the Peeres and common people murmured because they expected that the abuses should haue bene onely reformed and the rest haue still remained The general plausible proiect which caused the Parlaments consent vnto the reformation or alteration of the Monasteries was that the Kings exchequer should for euer be enriched the Kingdome and nobilitie strengthened and encreased and the common subiectes acquitted and freed from all former seruices and taxes to witte that the Abbots Monkes Friers and Nunnes being suppressed that then in their places should be created fourty Earles threescore Barons and three thousand Knights and fourtie thousand souldiers with skilfull captaines and competent maintenance for them for euer out of the antient church-reuenewes so as in so doing the King and his successors should neuer want of treasure of their owne nor haue cause to be beholding to the common subiect neither should the people be any more charged with loanes subsidies and fifteenes since which time there haue bene more statute laws subsidies and fifteenes then in fiue hundred yeares before and not long after that the King had subsidies granted and borrowed great sommes of money and dyed in debt and the forenamed religious houses were vtterly ruinate whereat the cleargy peeres and cōmon people were all sore grieued but could not helpe it He also supprest the knights of the Rhodes and many faire hospitals This was done after the king was diuorced from Catherine of Spaine his first wife He began his raigne prodigally reigned rigorously liued proudly and dyed distemperatly Through feare and terrour he obtained an acte of Parlament to dispose of the right of successiō in the Crowne and then by his last will and testament contrary to the law of God and nature conueyes it from the lawful heyres of his eldest Sister marryed to the king of Scotland vnto the heires of Charles Brandon and others thereby to haue defeated preuented and suppressed the vnquestionable and immediate right from God of our gratious Soueraigne king Iames. At his death he was much perplexed and spake many things to great purpose but being inconstant in his life none durst trust him at his death Thus your Protestant historian hath described this first protestant supreame head of the church in England They that desire more knowledge of him may resort to his owne statutes the Protestant Theater of Britanie Sir Walter Raleigh his preface to his historie of the world and a booke of the tyrants of the world published by the Protestants of Basile where they may find him a supreame head among them statut Henr. 8. ab an Regni 21. Theater of Brit. in Henr. 8. Walter Ral. histor of the world praef lib. of Tyran Basil And his ghostly father Cranmer his chiefe instrumēt in those moste execrable sinnes for a Cleargie man was not inferiour vnto him Hee was as your first protestantly ordained Archbishoppe Parker in his life with others witnesseth both the mooued and moouing instrument of this king in this and many other his wicked designements Hee was of all the Religions of King Henry the 8. Edward the 6. He diuers times swore to the Pope and was forsworne Hee swore to King Henry the 8. and was forsworne when he swore otherwise to king Edward his sonne and was publickly prooued a periured man he was a chiefe executor of king Henrie the 8. his will and within 24. houres of his death a chiefe breaker thereof He was a continued felon vnto him in his life married against his lawes making it felony in such men hee was for chastitie to my reading the first last and onely trigamus a Bishoppe husband of three wiues in the world He counterfeited the hands and seales of 50. conuocation men and among the rest of the blessed martyr Bishop Fisher He gaue chiefe consent and swore that Edwarde the 6. a childe of nine yeares old was supreame head of the Church had al iurisdiction spiritual in himselfe Parker antiq Britan. in Cranmer Foxe tom 2. in Cranmer Stow histor in Har. 8. Holinsh. Hist of Engl. ibid. Theater of great Britanie in K. Henr. Godwyne Catalogue of Bishops in Canterburie in Tho. Cranmer Stow Holinsh Theater Foxe and others in Q. Marie and Edw. the 6. Harpesfield in the life of B. Fisher and all that Cranmar had he receaued from him yea your Protestants witnesse by the Protestant Confessions themselues of Heluetia Bohemia Belgia Augusta Wittenberge and Swe that boyes could not take or giue such power Th. Rogers pag. 140. artic 23. Confess Heluet Bohem. Belg. August Wittenb c. If any thing now controuersied defended sworne vnto can make a man an heretike Crāmar professing and swearing vnto them all was an hereticke and traytor to God If conspiracie open hostilitie and rebellion to his true and lawfull prince Queene Marie doth make a man a traytor to his Soueraigne If to be hissed in the publicke schooles of Oxford in publike disputation after all these changes doth conuince a man vndertaking so many matters to be a man vnworthie and ignorant If to recant heresie fall to it againe putteth a man in case of relapse of heresie all these thinges be written of this Archbishop Archactor Architector Arch-hereticke Arch-traytor Arch-periured prophane wretch of your Religion by your owne writers here cited and were publickly to the eternal infamie of that vnhappie and gracelesse man and his followers therein prooued against him Therefore although King Henry the eight did rather differ from the Church of Rome in matter of Iurisdiction spiritual by his claymed Supremacie as your protestants testifie and his lawes are witnesses Stow histor in Henr. 8. Holinsh and Theator ibid. statut of K. Henrie 8. c. thē any way in matter of doctrine Catholiks cannot in conscience by your Protestants ioyne either with him or you therein beeing the first as they haue assured vs that euer claymed it in this kingdome and procuring it in so vile vnlawful maner as your historians haue declared and practizing it to his wanton and ambitious ende against his owne conscience For al the foundatiōs of our Religious houses being pro remedio animarū to say Masse pray for their posteritie for euer For the honor of God the most blessed Virgin and other Saints as all our
antiquities giue warrant to write he in all his life time cōtinued in these doctrines and at his death in his last will and testament protested himselfe to continue in that opinion Bed Henric. Hunt Guliel Malmesb. Roger. Houeden Matth. West Flor. Wigor Camb. Stow. Holinsq Theator c. And for the supremacie it selfe as hath bene prooued in the time of Queene Elizabeth and your protestant historian hath sufficiently insinuated he recanted it Booke intituled Lesters common wealth your Protestants wordes of him these be At his death he was much perplexed spake many things to great purpose but being vnconstant in his life none durst trust him at his death Howes super hist. preface in Henry 8. which relation from a protestant writer can carrie no other construction And I take God to witnesse I haue heard my father then liuing in Courte often make relation that this king Henry the 8. at his death was sorie for his taking that title of supremacie vppon him was willing to relinquish it and laboured to be reconciled to the Church of Rome promising if he liued so far as he could to make restitution But being demanded of him presently to take order therein he was preuented by death and dyed with such burthen and horror of cōscience as chanceth in such cases which this Protestant before aymeth at when he saith he was much perplexed and spake many thinges to great purpose Therefore the Catholikes of England are rather confirmed by this king then weakned by him in profession of their holie faith And though in his life he persecuted and put to death many renowned Catholikes for deniall of his supremacie and sacramentary Protestants such as those in England now are for heretikes yet he neuer recalled this second as he did the first neither made any new lawe by which they were put to death but left their triall to the auntient Canons of the Catholike Church yet put those Catholikes to death only by pretence of his new inacted Edict of his supremacie neuer heard of in England before as Protestant antiquaries haue tolde vs. Therefore this first supreame head of religion in England in all things confirmeth the religion of Catholikes and condemneth that of Protestants and this the more if we adde from your Protestant historians how fraudulently or rather forcebly he obtained his first colourable tytle to that his spirituall supremacie by which he kept such turbulēt sturres in this kingdome A Protestant historian and an Esquire by state as he stileth himselfe thus relateth it William Martine Esq in histor of Henr. 8. pag. 388.389 Cardinal Wolsey being dead the King by his Councel was informed that all the cleargie of England was guiltie of premunire because in al things they supported and maintained the authoritie and power legatine of the Cardinal wherefore to preuent mischiefe before it fell vpon them they gaue to the King for their redemption and for their pardon the somme of one hundreth thousand pounds and by a publicke instrument in writing subscribed and sealed by the Bishops and fathers of the Church they acknowledged the King within his owne kingdomes and dominions to be supreame head of the Church Thus vniustly he procured that vnlawful prerogatiue more vniustly as before made his wicked vse therof I neede proceede no further in his proceedings for they ar dead with him the present protestant state as his owne childrē before by lawes and Parlaments condemne them all Protestants in the worlde reiect them and hee himselfe before his death by the most manerly fashion he could refused his title of supremacie in which he most differed from the church of Rome as I haue brought Protestant witnesses before therefore Catholiks are rather confirmed then weakned in their religion by the proceedings of this King That English catholikes cannot be perswaded vnto but much disswaded from Protestant Religion by the Protestant proceedings in the time of King Edward the 6. NOW let vs come to the next temporall rule that claymed supremacie in spiritual matters in England King Edward the 6. he was but 9. yeares olde when this charge was layed vpon him yet he was elleuen yeares olde whē your religion was first borne in this nation in the second or third yeare of his raigne as all lawes and histories of that time giue recorde Parl. 2. 3. Edw. 6. Stow hist in Edw. 6. Holinsh. Theater and others ibid. So this childe begot it and his sister Q Elizabeth nursed it We knowe for shame you will not tye vs to the censure of an infant king then you must appeale to those that instructed and directed him in so great a businesse These were temporall and spirituall and chiefly those that were of councell and had sworne otherwise to King Henry the 8. during his life liued in his Religion and after his death continued the same vnder this yong king in his beginning and first Parlament Parl. 1. of Edw. 6. Stow. Holinsh. in k. Edw. 6. were executors of the last will and testament of king Henry the eight in which concerning matters of trust in religion they truely executed nothing at all but in the exheredation of his Maiesties holy Mother and himselfe as much as they could they executed it Howe 's historial preface supr Stow Holinsh. Theater in Q. Marie Edward 6. The chiefest of these for spiritual men was Cranmer their Archbishop and the rest of the Bishops of that time that were not Catholikes of which we finde but two onely Hooper and Ferrar put to death for their Religiō by Queene Marie For Cranmer Ridlie and Latimer were condemned for treason Foxe tome 2. Monumen in Q. Marie Godwyne Catalogue of Bishops of K. Edwards time and what can we accompt of the religion of these two changing their profession so often with king Henry and K. Edward and Ferrar to vse your Bishops wordes was thrust out of the Bishoppricke in the beginning of Queene Marie for being married and ended his life in the fyer more for being desperate how to liue then for loue of Religion so far as we can gather Godwyn in S. Daudis 79. Robert Ferrar The other Hooper Godwyn in Worcester 75. Glocester 2. Iohn Hooper a man of such conscience as your Bishop writeth that being made Bishop by the childe king anno 1550. Bishop of Glocester held also the Bishopricke of Worcester in commendam by licence of King Edward the sixt this is his commendation The rest that fled not the Realme for treason which were not of your Protestant religion but Puritanes in forraine countries were depriued in England for being married which by no Religion Bishops might doe such were Bush of Bristow Harley of Hereford Holgate of Yorke and others that became Catholikes Godwyn in Brist Heref. Yorke c. Couerdale was set at libertie by Q. Marie and of so small esteeme with you in the beginning of Q. Elizabeth her raigne that no Bishopricke was allowed him Now let vs come to your chiefe
temporall councellours then these were by their owne creation the Dukes of Sommerset and Northumberland called Protectors to the young king Stow and Holinsh. and Theater K. Edw. 6. and Q. Marie the first basely put to death in that time for felonie the other for treason and open rebellion against Q. Marie And after hee had bene thus with Cranmar the chiefe instrument to ouerthrowe Catholike Religion and set vp Protestancie in the time of that yong king hee plainely recanted his new faith and was reconciled to the Church of Rome And yet among these vnworthie men vnder that yong king there were but 6. Bishops and 6. others that made the Church-bookes of their religion thē Statut. An. 3. Edw. 6. cap. 12. Foxe Stowe and others in Edw. 6. and for religion it selfe they had no Canons articles or decrees of it in all the time of that king Howe 's your historian thus writeth of it Edward at nine yeares of age succeeded his father and then the Church vvas fleest againe the Bishoprickes cut and pared all Chantries supprest the Bishoppricke of Durrham allienated By all vvhich the Kings Exhequer vvas very litle enriched neither vvas the common vvealth eased or benefited nor the auntient nobilitie any vvay dignified onely some fevv preferred The Earldome of Northumberland giuen to the Suttons vvho obtayned the title of the Duke of Northumberland In the first and second yeare of his raigne the Masse vvas vvholly supprest and part of King Dauids Psalmes vvere turned into english verse by Hopkins and Sterneholde Groomes of the Kings chamber and set them to seuerall tunes consisting of galliards and measures The Duke of Sommerset vncle to the King by the mothers side being the Kings Protector did all things in the Kings name and inclyned ouer-much to the subtile counsel of his secret enemie the Duke of Northumberland vvho vvas fully bent to defeat and suppresse the apparant heires of God and nature vnto the Crovvne and to preferre the heires of the Duke of Suffolke according to the iniurious determination of k. Henrie the eight For the better effecting vvhereof they made a combination vvhich had as good suc-successe as so bad a practise deserued The Protector among other things that crossed his greatnesse in popularitie was the spoyling of churches and chappels the defacing of auncient tombes and monuments namely twelue goodly tombes in Christ-church his attempting was to pull downe all the Belles in parish Churches and to leaue but one Bell in a steeple whereat the commonalitie were reddie to rebell Hee raigned seuen yeares mette with a tricke of treason He meaneth that he was poysoned by his protestant Protector Cranmar other protestants of that most wicked combination They that desire to know more of that yong kings times may resort to your Protestant histories of Foxe Stowe Holinshed Speede Foxe tom 2. in king Edw. Holinsh. and Theater ibid. Iniunctions an 1. Ed. 6. and the childish Iniunctions in matters of Religion set out in the name of that Nouice and Nouecins supreame head of your church where he may finde the chiefe care of the councell and executors left by king Henry the eight spiritual and temporal to loade themselues with new and great titles and honours of dignitie grow riche by the last ruines of the Church and to be of no setled religion at all For we doe not finde either in histories or in confession of Protestants diligently collected by them or in any priuate or publike monument any forme fashion shape articles canons or decrees of Religion either vnder king Henry the 8. k. Edward the 6. or Q. Elizabeth vntill her fourth yeare anno 1562. when the booke of the artickles of your religion was first contryued and published to the world Booke of Articles of Religion an 1562. Therefore wee may not ioyne with these men in Religion as neither you doe especiallie with king Henrie the eight but rather maruaile why you and all that clayme title to religion from them do not finde great motiues rather to bethinke what wrongs they did vnto vs then persist in heaping new and more pressures and persecutions vpon the Catholikes of your owne nation and kindred For you haue heard from your Protestants before that they obtayned that their power against the Religeous houses of England onely vpon this motiue to reforme abuses if they could finde them To create and maintaine for the perpetual defence and securitie of this Kingdome 40. Earles 60. Barons 300. knights and fourescore thousand souldiers with skilful captaines and competent maintenance for them all for euer out of the auntient Church reuenewes and yet to leaue for the maintenance of religious parsons professing and liuing in the perfect way of christian Religion chastitie obedience and pouertie watchings fastings prayers and austeritie of life continued maintained here from the comming of S. Ioseph of Aramathia into this Iland by our kings euen the Pagan kings Aruiragus Marius and Caillus and other Christian Princes and holy founders after to these dayes antiq Glaston apud Lel. in assert Arthur Capgraue in S. Ioseph S. Patric protest histor which neither the Religion of King Henrie the 8. King Edward the 6. Queene Elizabeth or King Iames did or doth condemne Neither can any of them as these Protestantes haue before bene witnesses dissallow of their Masses and prayers for the dead but acknowledged the contrarie opinion to be hereticall and damnable yet both to the temporall and spirituall dammage of many thousands frō that time they still perseuer in that estate of iniustice so obnoxious to restitution and are so farre from performing King Henrie the eight his condition to maintaine so many thousand souldiers others and ease their kingdome of taxes and contributions that they are not now able to performe the first nor to maintaine their dignities without the other In all which the Catholikes of England are onely innocent and yet they alone for their innocencie are condemned and persecuted THAT THE PROCEEDINGS OF Q. Elizabeth ar noe warrant for protestants to persecute Catholicks nor noe true conuiction but rather a confirmation of the Romane Catholicke Religion by the writings of English protestants themselues ALl these protestant arguments conclude much more strongely against the proceedings of Queene Elizabeth in these matters for if it was publickly addiuged for lawe in the time of kinge Henry the seuenth our lawes remayning the same That the parlament could not make the king beeing a lay man to haue spirituall Iurisdiction temporibus Henrici 7. How much more an vnpossible thinge is it to entitle a woman and such a woman to that dignitie by such donation for first euen by our protestants it is the Pepuzian heresie to say a woman at all is capable of that spirituall vocatiō shee stooke vppon herselfe and presumed to impart to others Epiphan Aug. in haeres Pepuzian And thereupon your protestants assure vs The Queens maiesties parson was neuer capable of any part of spiritual
Saint Ihon Baron of Bletsoe and Sr. Henry Carey Lord Hounsdon Qui singuli à pontificia Religione alieni all which were alienated from the popes Religion all which that Queene and her pauculi intimi very fewe that consented vnto her knew by that meanes would giue their voyces in parlament to what shee should desire and not content with this proceeded soe in these indirect courses that as your protestants haue written Cambden Annall pag. 27. plures è protestantibus data opera è comitatibus tum è ciuitatibus burgis fuisse electos Norfolciae ducem Arundeliaeque Comitem inter proceres potentissimos in suam siue rem siue spem Ceciliumque sua solertia suffragia emendicasse The papists complayned that more protestants of sett purpose were chosen out of Countries cyties and burroughts and the Duke of Norfolke and Earle of Arundell moste potent amonge the nobilitie eyther for their owne good or hope by the Queens promises of marriadge or such things and Cecyle by his cunninge had begged voyces And to helpe and further soe bad a cause the Queene herselfe your protestants words openly protested at that tyme in parlament that shee would neuer vexe or trouble the Romane Catholicks concerning any difference in Religion Neyther did this Queene or hir pauculi intimi Cecile and Bacon take this straunge course in hand for dislike of catholick Religion for your Antiquary telleth vs of Q. Elizabeth herselfe ad Romanae Religionis normam sacra audiret saepius confiteretur Missam permisit post mortem Mariae litanias Q. Elizabeth heard masse after the Romane order often went to confession and after Q. Maryes death allowed masse and litanies Cambden in Apparatu pag. 13. The like is as well knowne of those her intimi at that tyme. But they had other little laudable ends by protestant proceedings now thus expressed by your cheifest Antiquary Cambden in Annal. Rer. Anglic in Elizabeth pag. 21.22 Nonnulli ex intimis Consiliarijs in aures assiduè insusurrarunt mollissimo ingenio virgini dum timerent ne animus in dubio facillimè impelleretur actum de ipsa amicis esse conclamatum de Anglia si pontificiam authoritatem in dispensando aut alia quacunque re agnosceret duos pontifices matrem illegittimè Henrico 8. emptam pronuntiasse inde in eorum sententia iam lata Scotorum Reginam ius in Regnum Angliae sibi arrogare pontificem sententiam istam nunquam rescissurum Some of her inward Counsaylors did dayly whisper into her eares beeing a mayden of a moste tractable disposition while they feared least her minde in doubt might most easely bee driuen forward to marry with king Philip of Spayne and soe continue the catholicke Religion that shee and her frendes were vndone if shee should acknowledge the popes authority in dispenseinge or any other matter For two popes had allready pronounced that her mother was vnlawfully marryed to Henry 8. and soe in their sentence denownced the Queene of Scots did challendge right to the kingdome of England And that the pope would neuer recall this sentence And agayne Prospexit huiusmodi matrimonium ex dispensatione contrahendo non posse non agnoscere seipsam iniustis nuptijs natam esse Shee thus perceaued that this marriadge with king Philipp of Spayne her Systers husband to bee by the popes dispensation must needs acknowledge that shee was borne in vnlawfull wedlocke And they knew alsoe that shee remayning a catholicke must seeke for the popes dispensation of this her birth not onely made and declared illegitimate by the pope but by her father himselfe and the whole parlament and Title to the crowne giuen her onely by the will and testament of her father parlament Henr. 8. of Illeg Lady Elizab. against which in this case your protestant h●an thus exclaymeth Howes histor preface in Henry 8. through feare and terror Henry 8. obteyned an Act of parlament to dispose of the right of succession to the crowne and then by his last will and testament K. Henry 8. in his last will and Testam contrary to the law of God and nature conuayes it from the lawfull heires of his eldest sister marryed vnto the kinge of Scotland vnto the heires of Charles Brandon and others his daughter Elizabeth and of these others thereby to haue defeated preuented and supprest the vnquestionable and immediate right from God of our gratious soueraigne kinge Iames as if it had beene in the power of his will or of the parlament to disenherite and preuent the diuine free guift and grace of almightie God by which the kings of this land doe hold their crownes Thus your protestant and priuiledged historians by which is euident that this proceedinge by such exorbitant courses concerning Religiō was not for loue or likinge of their protestant Religion further then yt gaue them licence and libertie to doe and liue as pleased their sensuall appetites which the church and Religion of Rome would not allowe And yett all these sinistre and prophane proceedings not withstandinge to insist in your protestants words in chaungeing Religion in that her parlament Howes historial preface in Q. Elizabeth In this parlament notwithstandinge the presence of the Queene to countenance their bad cause with the apparant likelyhood of hir longe life and hope of issue to succeede her yett the maior part exceeded the minor but in sixe voyces at which time to wringe out consents the Queene openly pronounced that shee would neuer vexe or trouble the Romane Catholicks concerninge any difference in Religion Which promise of hirs was as well performed as that condition of her fathers before of bestoweinge the church reuenewes for as your protestants haue related her persecutions which soe vnprincely and vnchristianely in her name and power of that straunge claymed supreamacie in a woman and such a woman equaled or exceeded those of Nero and Dioclesian infensiue tyrants and enemyes of Christianitie Syr Edwyn Sandes in Relation of the state of Religion And in that parlament yt selfe where shee spake these words and proceeded to cruell inflicted penalties against those Romane Catholicks as all our holy Bishops were depriued imprisoned or exiled soe were all other ecclesiasticall parsons that would not doe as pleased her Stowe histor an 1. Elizab. Holinshed Theater ibid. Cambd. in Annalib Rerum Anglicarum in Elizab. Parlament 1. Elizabeth greate forfaictures and punishments imposed vppon all that should heare masse or not bee present at her new deuised seruice premunire losse of lands goods and perpetuall imprisonment and losse of life alsoe with note of Treason to them that would not acknowledge that spirituall supreame power in her of which shee was soe far vncapable in the iudgment of her owne protestants that diuers of them wrote and published to the world that a woman could not bee a supreame gouernor in things temporall Knoxe Godman and other protest against the Regim of women and they were soe violent herein both in England and