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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79863 Here is the swearers and they who swear falsly, and likewise they who compel men to swear, all tried by the law of the spirit of life which is in Chirst Jesus. Which law is holy, just, pure, and good; and all of them found guilty of sin and transgression against the true and living God; and also sentence pronounced against them all, that so transgress the Law of God, who with the wicked, and all they who forget God, must be turned into Hell, except they repent speedily; for with God there is no respect of persons in Judgement. Written the 21. day of the third month, 1661. by me Henry Clark. Clark, Henry, 17th cent. 1661 (1661) Wing C4454A; ESTC R231477 12,950 12

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such men act or contrive by the invention of their own brains Psal 62.9 and the imaginations of their own hearts in imitation of the works of God or the ways of his worship is not true but are meer lyes vanities falshood and the work of errors which acts works and forms of Oaths are not to be subjected to but are to be rejected by all true Christians Why 4. Because it is neither lawful nor comely for Christians to swear an Oath nor by any form of Oath or thing whatsoever for Christians the Disciples of Christ were taught and have learned of their Lord and Master Christ Jesus not to swéar at all and what they were taught and what they received of Christ that they declared and taught to others in obedience to Christs command who said unto them Go and teach all Nations teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you who commanded them not to swear at all and it is upon record to be seen that Iames an Apostle a Disciple of Iesus Christ and a true Christian likewise wrote to the Brethren Christians of the twelve tribes which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose upon the Church which was at Ierusalem saying My brethren but above all things swear not at all neither by Heaven neither by the Earth neither by any other Oath least ye fall into condemnation c. Which words both Iames and the other Disciples had learned of Christ Jesus the good Shepherd and Bishop of their souls who went up into a Mountain and when he was sate his Disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught them thus with other Doctrine not to swear at all which they obeyed and kept And so likewise all others who believed on his Name through their preaching did observe the same commands of Christ and do them For in the dayes of Nero and Domitian both Heathen Emperors and cruel tyrants was very great and sore persecution of the Christians and they had a form of an oath for men to swear by and the Inquisitors of their Inquisition put the Christians whom they persecuted to sweare by their form of Oath whether that they were Christians or no but the Christians resused to swear confessing and saying that they were Christians and could not deny Christ not his Doctrine And then according to the Heathens Law sentence of death was pronounced against the Christians by the Proconsul and forthwith the sentence was put in execution by wicked blood-thirsty men who put the Christians to death some after one manner and some after another according to the wills of those cruel tyrants the Emperors and so I finde that the like Oath was required of Polycarpus by the Proconsul at Smyrna which was in these words following thus Polycarpus thou shalt swear by the Emperors good fortune and by the prosperity of Cesar and declare the truth whether in very deed thou art a Christian or no. But Polycarpus refused to swear or to deny Christ and his Doctrine and confessed himself to be a Christian So he was led away to be burned being about the age of fourscore and six years or more So likewise it is recorded that the Christian Martyrs in King Richard the second 's days and in Henry the fourth's days and in Queen Maries dayes here in England did bear a good testimony against Swearing and likewise did refuse to swear according to the command of Christ who said Swear not at all Therefore I say it is neither lawful nor comely for Christians to swear for if they should it may be said to them as Paul said to the Iews in another case Who art thou that teachest another should not swear and dost thou thy self swear c But all those who had and have but the Name of Christians onely but lived not nor do live in the life and power that the true Christians lived and do live in or all they who had and have got into a form of godliness and denyed and do deny the power thereof which all they that were and are truly godly lived and do live in I say that even such there were and are who sought and seek to the Powers of the Earth viz. to the Kings and Rulers thereof for protection in their meer form of godliness onely the which the true Christians neither did nor do such things for they knowing that the true and living God whom they serve is all-sufficient by his power to keep and preserve them out of the hands of all their Enemies if he wil and none can touch them but if not then they submit to his wil in whatsoever he requires of them although it be to the loss of all things or the laying down of their bodies But they who have got into and live in a form of godliness only they cannot trust God without they have the help and assistance of the Kings and Rulers of the Earth to protect them by a Law of their making And therefore the Kings and Rulers of the earth for the more better security of those seeming Formalists assistance to themselves in a conformity to their wills and laws they contrive and frame an Image or an Oath or Oaths for those seeming Formalists to swear fealty to them by just like the Heathens that swore by their false gods that were made with hands fealty to their Emperors and Kings even so do they and all they that wil not swear by those Oaths of their making shall have no protection by them But Elizabeth formerly Queen of England was according to that knowledge she had in those dayes more merciful then her predecessors were for that there is a Law that was made in the ●th year of her reign that it should not be lawful for any person or persons to slay or kil any person or persons in any manner attainted or hereafter to be attainted of in or upon any premunire c. read the Law cap. 1. And so they make good the words of Christ who said The world loves its own And thus the wicked Heathens Pagans Infidels outward Formalists Hypocritical professors of Christianity for like as their Leadders are so are the people for they all combine together against the Lord and his annointed the true Christians for said David The wicked plotteth against the just and gnasheth upon him with his teeth the Heathen rage Psa 37.12 and the people imagine a vain thing the Kings of the Earth set themselves and Rulers take counsel together saying Come let us break their Bonds assunder let us cast away their Cords from us nay they swear that they will punish and destroy them all viz. the true Christians as Hereticks Schismaticks Phanaticks and Non-conformists to our Laws c. and all the rude multitude of profane Drunkards and Swearers at every occasion or word murderers sighters quarrellers whores whoremongers adulterers fornicators thieves robbers idolators image-makers hypocrites and outward formalists will all run and go and lay
keep his Commandements or if they loved God then they would keep his Commandments and be a terrour to all evil doers and love them that are begotten to the Truth of God the which they do not But as Iohn said I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Iews are not but are the Synagogue of Satan So I say I know the blasphemy of them that lye and say they are Christians but are not but are members of the great whore of Babylon for I know what the tree is by its fruits Therefore O King and Rulers of England leave the paths of the wicked and go not in the way of evili men avoid it pass by it turn from it and pass away for they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence Therefore their wayes and customes are evil and vain and not to be followed Therefore take warning and while ye have time prise it except ye intend to go on in wickedness and so to partake of all the plagues that is a coming upon all the Kings Rulers and Judges of the earth who are drunk with the bloud of the Saints and holy Martyrs of Jesus Christ Come now all you who command and compel men to swear By forms of Oathes and likewise all you who swear by forms of Oathes or otherwayes for the end of my writing is for the convincing of you all that swearing and compelling to swear is a sinne against the true and living God and that you may all see that by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus you are all evil doers and transgressours of a pure holy and a just law For God so loved the world That he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life he was in the beginning before Abraham and a greater then Abraham was is he of whom Moses a servant of God wrote saying The Lord God said I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak whatsoever I command him and whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him and said Peter Every soul which will not hear that Prophet shall he destroyed from among the people And Jesus Christ being come he taught his Disciples saying But I say unto you swear not at all for God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last dayes spoken unto us by his Son who is the end of the Law and the Prophets to every one that believeth in him and he spake and said Swear not at all He whom God hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and is sate down on the right hand of his Majesty on high being made much better then the Angels as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then they for all the Angels must worship him and to the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess by the Spirit of God that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father and Matthew further said That at that time when Iesus took Peter Iames and Iohn his Brother up into a high Mountain apart behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice was heard out of the cloud and this voice which came from heaven we heard said Peter when we were with him in the Mount which voice said This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him He is the end of the Law and the Prophets to every one that believeth in him And Jesus Christ taught his Disciples saying But I say unto you swear not at all c. And which of you all is it that will forsake to go with a Kings Son that is far more excellent then the servant of that King to follow that servant the which if you should would not the King be much displeased with you Consider of it Moses was a servant of God and faithfull in the house of God and did all things according to the pattern shewd of God in the Mount but when Jesus Christ the Son of the living God who had the more excellent name was come from his Father then all that received him and believed on his Name forsook Moses and the Law and followed him and obeyed him who was the end of the Law and the Prophets to every one that believeth in him Christ Jesus the Son of God who said unto them Swear not at all c. 1 Now I say there is a Law that came by Moses which was given unto him in Mount Sinai for the children of Israel onely and not to any other people or Nation to observe and keep but grace and Truth which was and is preached to all Nations came by Jesus Christ For God had chosen them viz the children of Israel above all other people that were upon the face of the earth to be a peculiar people unto himself and unto them were committed the Oracles or Counsels of God For he shewed his word unto Iacob and his Statutes and his Iudgements unto Israel and said David He hath not dealt so with any Nation for his judgements they have not known and it is written in Moses Law Hear O Israel thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him and shalt swear by his name and not by the false gods that other nations swear by and an Oath of confirmation was to them an end of all strife and that was thus if any man deliver unto his neighbour an Asse or an Ox or a Sheep or any beast to keep and it dye or be hurt or driven away no man seeing it then shall an Oath of the Lord and not Oaths of mens making up into a form be between them both that he who received the cattle to keep hath not put his hand unto his neighbours goods to hurt kill or drive them away and the owner of the goods was to accept of the Oath of God that the receiver had sworn and the receiver of the goods to keep was not to make them good and this oath of God taken before a Iudge was to them an end of all strife but other Nations were not required to sweat by that Oath of God for as Paul said That God in times past suffered all Nations to walk in their own ways c. 2. But when Christ Jesus the Son of the living God came in the flesh he came to condemn sin in the flesh Acts 14 15 16. and to destroy the works of the Devil which was the cause of strife that so the effect viz. Oaths might