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A69788 The history of Poland. vol. 1 in several letters to persons of quality, giving an account of the antient and present state of that kingdom, historical, geographical, physical, political and ecclesiastical ... : with sculptures, and a new map after the best geographers : with several letters relating to physick / by Bern. Connor ... who, in his travels in that country, collected these memoirs from the best authors and his own observations ; publish'd by the care and assistance of Mr. Savage. Connor, Bernard, 1666?-1698.; Savage, John, 1673-1747. 1698 (1698) Wing C5888; ESTC R8630 202,052 410

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considerable an Army and that chiefly of Horse as any Christian Prince He has ever had a great Reputation with the Eastern Princes and considering their History I find as remarkable Transactions and Exploits in the Lives of the Kings of Poland as in any other History whatever I must confess the Poles have not been such refin'd Politicians nor so prudently manag'd their own Interest as some of their Neighbours have done for by their ill Conduct and supine Negligence they have lost the best Part of their Antient Dominions which yet has hapned to them neither on account of their Deficiency in Courage or Bravery but at present the Poles beginning to enquire into the State of Foreign Countries and into their Maxims of Government they are become more Vigilant and Political and are likely under the Command of their present King as well to retrieve their Honour as recover their lost Dominions I would my Lord have presented you with a great many other entertaining Matters relating to the Geography and Natural History of this Country had I either seen them my self or been secure of the Relation of others but I would rather chuse to be deficient in this Account than to give your Lordship just reason to believe that I were too credulous I am My LORD Your Lordship 's most obedient humble Servant B. C. LETTER VI. To GEORGE STEPNEY Esq late Envoy Extraordinary from his Majesty to the Electors and Princes of the Empire Of the Origin and Extent of the Great Dutchy of Lithuania with the Succession of its Great Dukes and Description of its chief Towns and Provinces SIR THE Zeal you have shew'd for his Majesty's Service in your Ministry at the Courts of the Empire and the Reputation I found you left behind you in those Places to the Honour of so great a Master deserve not only the repeated Proofs of his usual Bounty and the Choice he wisely made of you a second time to represent his Royal Person but likewise the Esteem of all those that are acquainted with your Merits To pretend to inform you of the Constitution of any State in Europe would not be only the calling in question your Experience in Foreign Affairs and your undoubted Knowledg in Politicks but likewise exposing my own Judgment to the just Censure of the World Wherefore Sir thinking by our late Discourse about Poland that nothing could be new to you but what was either very remote or very antient I will endeavour only to give what I know of the Origin and Extent of the Great Dutchy of Lithuania which is that vast Tract of Land that lies between the Kingdom of Poland and the Frontiers of Moscovy The Great Dutchy of LITHUANIA call'd by the Inhabitants Litwa tho subject to the King of Poland as Scotland to the King of England yet is a distinct Nation from this Kingdom having different Customs a different Dialect and particular Privileges tho one Diet serves them both It lies between Moscovy on the East Livonia the Baltic Sea and part of Moscovy to the North Samogitia Prussia and Podlachia to the West and Russia Volhynia and Podolia towards the South It extends near ninety German Miles in length that is from the Borders of the Palatinate of Lublin to the Confines of Livonia and about eighty in breadth from the River Niemen to the Nieper In the time of its Great Duke Vitoldus it was of much larger Extent for then it reached from the Euxine Sea to almost all along the Baltic This Province is a flat and Champain Country formerly all over-run with Woods and of which a great Number still remain Yet what with the Industry of the Inhabitants and the Peace they have enjoy'd ever since Sigismund the First 's time it is now very fruitful and produces all sorts of Grain as likewise affords great quantities of Honey Pitch Tar and Timber with good store of Fish and Flesh Nevertheless the Air is generally unhealthy which occasions many places to be little inhabited and some quite Desert This great Dutchy was only begun to be united to Poland by Jagello in the Year 1386 for tho that Union was afterwards renew'd at Grodno in the Year 1413 yet Lithuania still retain'd its own proper Dukes till the Year 1501 when the great Duke Albert was chosen King of Poland by whose means this Country became absolutely under the Dominion of that Crown and which was afterwards confirm'd by a Diet held at Lublin in 1569 under the Reign of Sigismundus Augustus where it was agreed that Lithuania should enjoy its own peculiar Laws and Privileges and be constituted a part of the Polish Common-wealth insomuch that nothing of Importance was for the future to be transacted therein without the voluntary Concurrence of these States This Country consists of two Parts viz. 1. Lithuania properly so call'd and 2. Lithuanic or White Russia Both which are divided into several Palatinates and those again into Districts and all of them may be properly term'd Dutchies each having formerly had its peculiar Duke The Arms or Standard of Lithuania are Party per Pale Gules and Azure In the former a Horse in full career Argent with a Warrior insiding Proper brandishing a Sword over his head And in the second the Virgin Mary with our Saviour in her Arms surrounded by a Glory Before I proceed to a Topographical Description of this State I hope a short Account of the Origin of Lithuania with the Lives and most remarkable Actions of the several Dukes and Great Dukes of that Dutchy Samogitia c. may not be unacceptable which are as follows Lithuania as Guagnini thinks took its Name from this Occasion When the first Prince thereof Palaemon left Italy on account of Nero's Tyranny he together with several of his Countrymen fled by a long Voyage into these Parts Where after some time having been saluted Prince by the Inhabitants thereof he call'd their Country after the Name of his own La Italia which in process of time by mixing with the Idiom of those Barbarians might as he says have degenerated into Lithuania Others will have it to be so nam'd from the Latin word Littus a Shoar because say they this Prince settled along the Shoar of the Baltic Sea before he descended into Lithuania To confirm this Prince's Expedition into this Country there are several Italian and Latin words intermixt with its present Language As likewise most of the Noble Families have great similitude with the Roman Names tho the Vulgar sort are altogether Sclavonian Notwithstanding this Assertion Hartknoch with several others positively affirm that this Country had its Name from Littuo one of the Alani a certain Duke therefore long before Palaemon's Voyage So that from Littuo Alanus they call'd his Country Littualania which afterwards was contracted to Lithuania Palaemon first Duke of Lithuania being descended from the Roman Patricii after having undergon great Dangers and
successively for above eight hundred Years But hereafter it is likely to prove otherwise for the Gentry of Poland are so jealous of their own Kings and so covetous to be enrich'd by foreign Princes that probably henceforward they will choose no Native Besides the Pope will undoubtedly always use his utmost Authority and Interest in that Kingdom to get Protestant Princes elected For when I was formerly at Rome I heard the Politicians say that the best method to make the Protestant Princes of the North Roman Catholicks was to elect them successively to the Crown of Poland So that if the Pope sees that the present King of Poland's Children are confirm'd in the Doctrines of the Church of Rome he will doubtless after his Death make the same Endeavours to advance to that Throne either the King of Sweden the Elector of Brandenburg or the Elector of Hanover as he has done in favour of the Elector of Saxony who has been elected to the Crown of Poland not so much by the Power of his Wealth and Credit in the Kingdom as by the Influence of the Clergy privately instigated by the Authority of the Pope This I gather from a Letter sent me last Summer from Warsaw by my Friend Baron Scarlati Envoy Extraordinary at that Court from the Elector of Bavaria Thus my Lord I have given you as large an Account of John the IIId's Life and of what pass'd remarkable at Warsaw in my time as we need perhaps know of so remote a Country or I could my self learn in so short a time as I had the honour to reside at that Prince's Court where I was so much taken up in the Practice of Physick that I had neither Opportunity nor Time to make all the Political Remarks which another perhaps that had nothing else to do but to converse with Courtiers and Ladies might have leisurely done I cannot therefore pretend to give as is usual a Character of the King's Favourites nor of other Great Men about him nor to acquaint your Lordship with the different Cabals and private Intrigues of that numerous Court That were a Subject fitter for a Statesman than for me to write of my Genius and Profession prompting me only to make Observations in Physick and not in State-Affairs I hope therefore your Lordship will excuse the deficiency of this Letter when you consider it was writ by a Physician and one who values himself only upon it in being with all Respect My LORD Your Lordship 's most obedient humble Servant B. C. LETTER V. To the Right Honourable CHARLES Lord Townsend Of the Extent and Products of Poland together with a Description of the chief Towns and Provinces of the Kingdom My LORD I Know your natural Sagacity improv'd so much by your Travels and constant Application to Sciences and Politicks is no less inquisitive after the Extent and Products of Countries than after their Maxims of State and Forms of Government And this I discover'd in your Lordship as well when I met you some years ago in Holland as since your return to England and because you then discours'd me often about my Travels into Poland I thought a Geographical Description of that Country might not be unacceptable to you I must confess I were not long enough in that Kingdom to survey it exactly therefore have taken pains to learn not only from the Natives themselves but also from their correctest Authors an Account of such Parts of that Kingdom which I could not visit my self I must first take notice to your Lordship that the King of Poland's Dominions are divided into two different States which are the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Dutchy of Lithuania The Constitutions Language Customs and Genius of both which Nations are as different as those of England and Scotland except that one Parliament or Diet serves both which must nevertheless have one Session in Lithuania to two in Poland and the Senators and Deputies of each Nation must meet together as well in the Great Dutchy as in the Kingdom for no Law can be legally made without the mutual Consent of both Poland therefore being a distinct Nation of it self I will here as I have promis'd present your Lordship with a short Description of it alone My Lord POLAND when first founded by Lechus in the Year 550 like all other Nations in their minority was but a small Tract of Land in respect of what it afterwards grew to be for at first it contain'd only High and Low Poland with Silesia but in process of time either through Marriages or Conquests it became the largest and most powerful Kingdom in Europe and rais'd as well the Envy as Jealousy of its Neighbours The first Acquisition to this Crown was the Province of Pomerania conquer'd by Lechus by his having kill'd Regulus its Prince Boleslaus Chrobry likewise made Bohemia Russia Moravia and Prussia Tributary But Casimir II. entirely conquer'd all Prussia in the Year 1183 and Casimir the Great subdu'd all Russia in the Year 1338 when Maslaus the Duke of Masovia also submitted to the Polish Crown Some time after Valachia and Moldavia were united to Poland by Conquest and the Great Dutchy of Lithuania added by Jagello's Marriage with Hedwigis Queen of Poland The large and fertile Province of Livonia was conquer'd about the Year 1500 and afterwards the Poles extended their Conquests towards Moscovy when they took the Great Dutchies of Smolensko Severia and Czernicovia and in Vladislaus the VIIth's time conquer'd all that Country They in like manner enlarg'd their Dominions towards the Black Sea for they made themselves Masters of all Vkraina Over and above these vast Conquests the Poles likewise grew very considerable by electing several potent Neighbours for their Kings whereby they added to their own Strength that of Bohemia Hungary Sweden and Transylvania as they have likewise at this juncture that of the Electorate of Saxony In short the Poles in process of time grew so exorbitantly Powerful from the XIIIth to the middle of the XVIIth Century having in their possession all the Lands between Austria Moscovy and the Baltic and Euxine Seas that they gave their Neighbours the Turks Tartars Muscovites Swedes and Germans just reason to grow jealous of them Whereupon these several Potentates at different times made most bloody Wars upon them till by degrees they had brought their Territories to a narrower Compass and made themselves Masters of the greater part of them For the Emperour got from them the several Countries of Hungary Bohemia Transylvania Silesia and Moravia Valachia and Moldavia now chuse Hospodars or Governours of their own tho they are nevertheless Tributary to the Turk The Turks and Tartars are Masters of Podolia and the best part of Vkraina which they over-run in King Michael Korybuth's time and the Muscovites conquer'd the other part of it Kiovia as likewise all the vast Dutchies of Severia Smolensko and Czernicovia The King of Sweden also is now in possession of
Livonia to the King of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus but it was suspected that he intended to betray that King for soon after the said Farenbach was reconcil'd to King Sigismund to whom he restor'd all the Places except Pernau In the Year 1620 the Poles were engag'd in a War against the Turks fomented as was suppos'd by Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transilvania for which the Turks afterwards endeavour'd to banish that Prince for siding with the Poles In the Year following the Turks march'd with their whole Forces against Poland but were met by the Poles near Chocim under the Command of Prince Vladistaus who with an Army of about 65000 Men repuls'd above 392000 Turks commanded by their Emperor Osman in Person The Turks attempted three times to force the Polish Camp but were as often beat back with Loss Nevertheless in the mean time the Poles suffer'd extremely for want of Ammunition and Provisions and besides were mightily weakened by Sickness and a huge Mortality among their Horses Notwithstanding all this at length the Turkish Emperor was forc'd to strike up an honourable Peace with them after having lost about 60000 Men in the several Attacks he made upon their Camp and a greater number in his March back to Constantinople In the mean time Gustavus Adolphus falling into Livonia took the City of Riga without any great Resistance and all the rest of that Country except Dunneburgh was conquer'd likewise by the Swedes in the Year 1625. Afterwards Gustavus enter'd Prussia in the Year 1626 where he took the Cities of Marienburg and Elbing besides some other Places This War was thus carried on without any general Engagement till the Year 1629 when Hans Wrangel the Swedish General defeated the Poles near Gorzno Then the Emperor sent some Forces to the Assistance of the Poles who in a Battle fought near Stuma were very near having made Gustavus Prisoner But however the Polish Affairs after this Battel falling into great Confusion they were forc'd to clap up a Truce till the Year 1634 by the Mediation of Charles the First King of England and of Lewis the Thirteenth of France the Swedes in the mean while being to keep possession of Elbing Mcmel Braunsberg Pillau and what besides they had taken in Livonia After this Sigismund dy'd the last day of April in the Year 1632 being sixty Years old and having reign'd forty four He had all the Qualities that could be requir'd in a great Prince He lov'd Justice and all the World commended his Piety He was always of an even Temper either in good or bad Fortune and the Lustre of the Polish Crown obtain'd when he was but young together with the loss of the Kingdom of Sweden to his Uncle might well have either exalted or debas'd him had he not had a great Soul yet among all these good Qualities he was too much wedded to his Opinion which was the cause of some Misfortunes that happen'd to him Prince Vladislaus was absent when his Father Sigismund fell sick yet he arriv'd at Court just as he was expiring whose Presence so much reviv'd the King as to give him Power to put the Crown of Sweden on his Son's Head tho he was to leave that of Poland to Chance This Election was much more peaceable than his Father Sigismund's in that he had no Competitors to oppose him Some thought Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden had a design upon the Crown and his boundless Ambition join'd with the great Number of his Friends the Lutherans dispersed throughout the whole Kingdom might very well support that Opinion yet the Gentry of Great Poland which were most to be suspected on account of Conformity in Religion with him were the first that strove to exclude him for they declar'd those Enemies to their Country that should in the least dare to propose him Likewise at another Assembly a Palatin offering but to insinuate that it would be proper to choose a Foreign Prince the Gentry were so unanimously offended at him that he was fain to retire betimes to avoid their Fury Also Gustavus Adolphus had then too many Irons in the Fire to draw any more Enemies upon his Back John Casimir Brother to Prince Vladislaus was likewise suspected to have a mind to the Crown and this Conjecture had a more plausible Foundation than the former These two Princes were both Sons to Sigismund III. yet had they not the same Mother That of Casimir did all she could to advance her Son to the Throne At the Diet met at Thorn she endeavour'd to have a Successor elected whilst the King was living whereupon she employ'd a certain Bishop to propose her Son but with which the Diet was so extremely incens'd that they would have immediately tri'd that Prelat for infringing the Publick Liberties had not more weighty Affairs interven'd which caus'd them to lay those Intentions aside During this Prince Casimir did all he could to satisfy the Publick that he had no Design upon the Crown but that all his Aim was to promote the Interest of his elder Brother The Primate John Vezik having notified the Death of the late King conven'd the Diet on the 27 th of June where the Lutherans continued their Cabals and Factions as formerly but did not favour any of Vladislaus his Competitors as before The Diet of Election was fix'd for the 27 th of September in the same Year whither the Gentry all flock'd at the time appointed but that more to ingratiate themselves in their Prince Vladislaus's favour than to sell their Suffrages One thing was propos'd at this Diet which had it been followed might have deliver'd the Kingdom from great Oppressions This was to digest the Laws into a Code and to get the King Elect to confirm it Also to reform the many Abuses crept into the Practice of the Law but this was too vigorously oppos'd by the interessed Party and therefore was fain to be let fall Hereupon the Diet devoted themselves wholly to the Election Prince Casimir first propos'd his BrotherVladislaus which Henry Firley Bishop of Premislia seconded by a Speech to this purpose That tho that Assembly had a Right to elect whom they pleas'd yet they had ever had a particular regard to the Offspring of their Kings that every body there acknowledg'd the Candidate to be of the Blood of Jagello That even the Merit of his Father pleaded for the Interest of the Son That Uladislaus his own Conquests had sufficiently testify'd his Valour and lastly that a favourable Result was to be expected from that Assembly since each knew as much of the Merit of that Prince as he This was courteously answer'd by the Primate after which they proceeded to admit the Ambassadors First Honorius Visconti the Pope's Nuncio had Audience who being plac'd on the left hand of the Primate first desir'd the Assembly to choose a Catholick Prince and then recommended Prince Vladislaus Next the Embassadors of the Emperour
Minister had Audience who promis'd in the Name of his Master two Millions to pay the Army next to maintain always 4000 Men for the Service of the State out of his own Coffers and lastly to build three Fortresses on the Frontiers of Poland as likewise to found a College for the Polanders in Germany The Prince of Leixin who had Audience next profer'd almost the same on the part of his Nephew the Duke of Lorain To which the Abbot of Riquet also added that the same Prince for whom he likewise spoke was ready to dispute the Crown in single Combat with his Opponent to the end he might obtain it by the most honourable Means But nevertheless the Pride of the latter of these Competitors had not better effect than the Promises of the former In the mean time the Gentry were very impatient at the tediousness of the Diet and at length were ready to go together by the Ears when Opalinski Palatin of Kalisch to appease the Disorder made an elegant Speech alledging That it was meer Madness for them to cut one anothers Throats about choosing of Princes which they never saw and that it would be more prudent to reject them both their Birth and Alliance with the House of Austria being sufficient to merit their Exclusion And proceeding in his Harangue he put them in mind that the Austrian Family providing they persisted to make choice of a Prince out of it might in all probability serve them as it had formerly done the Kingdoms of Bohemia and Hungary and that therefore it was not only unsafe but also contrary to the Constitutions of their Kingdom to have any thing to do with them Hereupon the Tumults began something to abate which gave him encouragement to go on and shew that formerly when Heats grew high a Native meaning Piastus had been chosen who govern'd the Kingdom so prudently that even at 120 Years of Age his Death was regretted These Precautions continued he our Fore-fathers had against the Ambition Envy or Avarice of such as pretended to the Crown Let us therefore quoth he leave the Duke of Neuburg to govern his small Estate and numerous Family and let the Duke of Lorain exhaust his Treasures to recover his Paternal Dominions For our parts a Piasto would be most proper for us as we may find by a serious Reflection on these Divine Words Admitte ad te alienigenam subvertet te Admit a Stranger among ye and he shall undermine and ruin ye By these means the Palatin of Kalisch having pretty well calm'd the turbulent Spirits of the Diet and moreover influenc'd them with kind thoughts of a Piasto he immediately posted together with the Palatin of Posnania to Wiesnowiski then at Warsaw where finding him in the Church of the Recollects they both earnestly begg'd of him to accompany them to the Field of Election which Request after some difficulty he comply'd with Whereupon all three arriving while the Partisans of the two Competitors were ready to go together by the Ears the Palatins of Kalisch and Posnania took occasion to propose Wiesnowiski and the Illustrious House he was descended from soon determin'd the Gentry in his Favour It must be understood that Wiesnowiski was not lineally of the Race of Jagello for that ended with Sigismundus Augustus but collaterally descended from Korybuth Jagello's Brother Mr. Yard who went with Sir Peter Wyche to compliment King Michael on his Accession to the Throne told me lately that the Palatin of Culm acquainted them at Warsaw that when Michael was propos'd the Intention was not to have him elected but only by proposing of him to discover how far the Diet would relish a Native some of the Great Men among them having secret Designs to advance one of themselves to the Throne but which they were unexpectedly disappointed in by the Election of this poor Prince Wiesnowizki was not a little surpriz'd when he heard himself nam'd and which also encreas'd upon him when they seated him by force in the midst of the Assembly and begg'd of him to accept the Crown At first he burst out into Tears and declar'd he was not capable to sustain so great a Burden but the major part of the Diet persisting in their Demands at length he thought fit to acquiesce and accept their Proffers The Dukes of Neuburg and Lorain were hereby immediately depriv'd of their most profess'd Friends But the Lithuanians would by no means accept of a Prince they had not first nam'd and therefore propos'd others This dissenting of theirs occasion'd new Disorders which grew so high that a Gentleman speaking his Mind too freely was cut to pieces on the spot yet at length the latter being the weaker side they were forc'd to comply with the former and confirm Prince Wiesnowiski The Primate not approving of this Election retir'd to his Castle of Lowitz but the Gentry threatned to force him and the Senators intreated him to consent which at length he agreed to and according to custom proclaim'd him It is said that whilst the Palatin of Kalisch was haranguing a Swarm of Bees and a Pigeon happen'd to fly over their Heads which the Poles immediately taking for a good Omen cry'd out unanimously God save King MICHAEL WIESNOWISKI This his Excellency Monsieur de Cleverskerk now Embassador from the States of Holland in England assures me to be true he having been present at Warsaw as a Traveller at the time of this Election King Michael being thus chosen chiefly indeed by the Minor Nobility was proclaim'd by the Primate and crown'd the 17 th of September in the Year 1670 and reign'd to the Year 1673. He married Eleonora of Austria Daughter to Ferdinand III. and Sister to Leopold the present Emperor of Germany by reason of which Alliance Jealousies were rais'd that his Majesty had a mind to make himself Absolute and Hereditary and to subvert the Polish Liberties all which he soon appeas'd by a timely compliance with the Demands of the disaffected This Prince before he was advanc'd to the Throne was very poor subsisting only on a Pension of 6000 Livres which had been charitably allow'd him by King Casimir and his Queen Mary Luduvica di Gonzaga He had 't is true formerly a vast Estate in Vkraina but which the Cosacks were then in possession of He was as I am inform'd Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to the present Emperor of Germany which yet that Prince did not think sufficient reason to exclude him from marrying his Sister after his Election In the Year 1672 the Cosacks assisted by some Tartars having again fallen to their old Custom of rebelling General Sobieski with the Forces of the Crown soon chastis'd them and forc'd their Leader Doroczinko to retire Hence the Turk took an occasion to quarrel with Poland upon pretence he had taken the Cosacks into his Protection whom he would needs have to be opprest This King was by no means
presents amounted to the value of 100000 Rix Dollars The Hospodar of Moldavia sent her a pair of Pendants of a considerable Value This Custom of making Presents to the Bride is not only for Kings Daughters but for every one else according to their Quality and the Gentlemens Daughters do not so much reckon upon the Portion their Fathers give them as upon their Number of Relations and Friends who are to make them Presents and the Husband is as diligent to know how many Relations she has as how much her Father will give her Upon the day of Marriage Prince James the young Bride's Brother took upon him by the King and the Elector of Bavaria's Consent the Quality of Embassador for that day by reason that the Court would not receive as was secretly whilsper'd Embassadors from the Duke of Bavaria as being not an absolute Prince He went three Miles out of Town in the Morning and about two of the Clock in the Afternoon made a most solemn Entry on Horse-back having his Brothers Prince Alexander on his Right-hand and Prince Constantine on his Left preceded by a great Number of Coaches with six Horses and a noble Cavalcade of the Polish Gentry who went two by two Thus he march'd through the City to the Palace where he was receiv'd by the King and Queen and after half an hour the great Officers of the Crown the Palatins and other Senators with an incredible Number of Gentry began to march from the Palace on Foot two by two upon Scarlet Cloth spread all along to St. John's Church being about three hundred Paces after them Prince James led the Bride the French Embassador Monsieur de Polignae led the Queen and the King came last alone with a grave majestick Countenance The Ceremony of the Marriage was perform'd by Cardinal Radziouski the present Primate who was the King's Relation Afterwards they returned to the Palace where they were nobly entertain'd for four days together with Feasts Balls Fire-works and an Italian Pastoral in nature of an Opera made upon this occasion by the Secretary of the Pope's Nuncio After the Ceremony was over a splendid Equipage was prepar'd for the Princess's Journey from Warsaw to Brussels The Bishop of Ploskow was named Embassador and the Palatine of Vilna's Lady Prince Czartoriski's Daughter was appointed Embassadress Monsieur Zalowski the Bishop's Brother and his Lady were likewise nam'd besides abundance of Gentlemen and about forty of the King's Life-guard to attend her Electoral Highness The Embassador represented to their Majesties that in such a long Journey of near 1000 Miles and in frosty Weather it was necessary to send a Physician with the Princess for fear of any Accident or Distemper by the way one Signior Revelli an Italian and several other Physicians made Interest for this place but the Queen would by no means employ any of them having no Opinion of their Skill Hereupon my Lord I spoke to Mr. Alberti your Brother Minister there from the Republick of Venice who had great Interest with the King and Queen and desir'd him to get me imploy'd in that Journey for I longed to be out of that remote Country tho I had not been a twelve Month in it to come for England for tho the King and Queen had a great deal of Kindness for me and Prince James whom the Court Party look'd upon to be the King's Successor promis'd me a considerable Pension after the King's Death yet seeing that the King then being sixty four Years of Age very corpulent and labouring under several Distempers as the Dropsy Gout Rheumatism and Oppression of the Lungs could not live long and that Prince James was not beloved and besides having never had any mind to engage my self to live in any Foreign Country I resolv'd to come out of that Kingdom Their Majesties not knowing my private Resolution of coming for England did me the Honour to name me Physician to wait upon the Princess in her Journey which I was very ready to comply with tho to outward appearance I did not seem much desirous of it this my Lord gave me opportunity to come out of that Country sooner than I could have decently done till the King was dead which I must owe intirely to the Friendship and Interest of Mr. Alberti who is a great Lover of the English Nation The Princess set forward on the 11 th of November following with a Retinue of about two hundred Persons all which came to Brussels with her besides abundance of the Nobility who waited upon her Highness to the Frontiers of Brandenburg The Palatins of the Provinces receiv'd and entertain'd her in all the Towns she pass'd through with a great deal of Splendor and Expence our first Reception was at Lowitz the Cardinal Primate's Castle here the Princess lay one Night and was most magnificently entertain'd The next was at Posnan a considerable City in the Province of Posnania where she lay two Nights the Palatin and the City made her a Present entertain'd all her Retinue and got Fire-works ready for her Reception From thence we went to Frankfurt upon the Oder in the E. of Brandenburgh's Country where his Electoral Highness sent his chief Officers to attend and compliment her from thence we went to Berlin where the Elector and Electoress came two Miles out of Town with a numerous Attendance to receive her they took her into their own Coach and march'd in order to the Palace giving her with roaring of Cannons and ringing of Bells all Demonstrations of Respect Here she lay two Nights the Court appear'd most splendid and very numerous and the Elector got some Fire-works which represented the King and Queen of Poland and the Elector and Electoress of Bavaria's Names there were Balls both Nights and English Country-Dances which the Electoress of Brandenburg being descended from the Blood-Royal of England delighted extreamly in it was the first time the Princess of Poland had seen any and therefore was extreamly pleas'd I was glad to see some of our English Gentlemen who travell'd in Italy in my time as Mr. Archer Mr. Ward Mr. Duncomb and the late deceased Mr. Tent made so much of at this Court and behave themselves so handsomly at the Balls The Princess of Poland made Presents to the Electoress of Brandenburg and to most of the chief Officers of the Court and the Electoress of Brandenburg likewise made her a rich Present of a Poesie set with Diamonds and to the rest of her chief Officers other Presents Afterwards we set forwards on our Journey and were entertain'd for twelve days together in the Elector's Country it 's usual with him to defray the Charges of all Princes while they are within the limits of the Marquisate of Brandenburg But when the Princess of Poland went out of it into the other Territories of his Electoral Highness she bore her own Expences the chief Towns notwithstanding as Magdeburgh and Menden entertain'd her as
Crown'd and that the King his Uncle sent him the Character of Envoy to compliment him upon his Accession to the Throne He us'd to admire the Government of England and to say that it was the best in Europe except that of his own Country and the chief Reason he gave me why he preferr'd the Constitution of Poland was that the King of England had a Power of turning People out of Employments and the common People had the Benefit of the Law and could buy Estates as well as the greatest Noble-man This Prince shew'd me an old Roman Scimiter which his Father brought from Jerusalem and told me it was that with which St. Peter cut off Malcus's Ear which a great many had either Faith or Superstition enough to believe and paid it a great deal of Respect The year after I came into England the King of Poland's Symptoms encreasing more and more the Embassador Monsieur Zalowski Bishop of Ploskow sent me from Warsaw to London the following Letter desiring Advice concerning his Majesty's Distemper which was very uncommon and extraordinary A Monsieur le Docteur Connor à Londres Varsovie 2 Juin 1696. Monsieur EN Attendant que Je vous Envoye les Memoires que vous Souhaitez pour l' Histoire de Pologne de nôtre Roy qui requierent quêque loisir que Je n'ay pas encore pû prendre comme Je tacheray de faire le plutôt qu'il me serà possible Vous obligeriez beaucoup sa Majesté si sur l' Information que vous verrez au bas de cette Lettre touchant l' Etat de sa Santé Vous vouliez bien prendre la peine d'en donner vos Avis Conseils d'en prendre aussi des plus habiles Gens de la Profession dont votre Royaume est si fertile Vous asseurant que vous en aurez du Merite auprez de leurs Majestez que vous travaillerez à votre propre Gloire que Je Soûhaiteray de voir par là augmentée étant Monsieur Votre tres-humble Serviteur E. de Ploskow Information de l'Etat de la Santé du Roy de Pologne SA Majesté à les pies les jambes les cuisses même la Region Inferieure du bas ventre tumifiées considerablement depuis quêque tems que ces Tumeurs sont augmenteezde jour en jour depuis cette Eté quelles avoient commencé à paroitre quoique l'on appliquât les plus efficaces remedes interieurs exterieurs pour en empecber le Progrez pour les dissiper Lors qu'on presse du doit ces Tumeurs il ne reste aucun vestige du doit Carces Tumeurs ont la dureté du Fer la pesanteur du Plomb Quand sa Majesté marche elle croit avoir un poid pesant attaché à ses jambes la dureté de ces Tumeurs ne peut étre amollie cependant lors qu'on frotte avec un linge chaûd les parties embarrassées affligées elles semblent d'abord être Degagées Soûlagées Mais peu apres elles retournent à leur premier Etat La Couleur de ces Parties tumiflées n'est point Pale mais Pourprée tirant vers le rouge English'd thus Warsaw the 2d of June 1696. SIR I Will send you as soon as possible the Memoirs you desire for the History of Poland and of our King which require more leisure than I could have hitherto had In the mean time you would mightily oblige his Majesty if upon the Information you will find at the bottom of this Letter concerning the State of his Health you would please to give your Opinion and Advice thereupon and likewise consult with the Ablest of your Profession who are so very numerous in your Kingdom about it I assure you you will greatly gain their Majesties Esteem thereby and advance your own Reputation which I wish encreas'd by these means Being SIR Your most humble Servant E. Ploskow An Account of the State of Health of the King of Poland HIS Majesty's Feet Legs and Thighs as likewise the lower Part of his Belly have been considerably swell'd for a good while These Swellings have daily encreas'd since they began this Summer notwithstanding the most effectual Remedies both Inward and Outward which have been made use of to prevent their Progress and to discuss them When these Tumors are press'd with one's Finger they do not pit for they are almost as hard as Iron and as heavy as Lead When his Majesty walks he imagins he has a great Weight ty'd to his Legs The hardness of these Tumours cannot be softned Nevertheless when the swoln Parts are rubb'd a little with a hot Cloth they seem immediately to be abated and eas'd but soon after they return to their former condition The Colour of the Swellings is not pale but reddish something enclining to Purple A Week after I receiv'd this Letter news came that this Prince was dead as I could not but reasonably expect he would be labouring under so rare and dangerous a Disease being a Dropsy turn'd into a Schirrus or into a hard and insensible Tumor Cases of this nature my Lord are very seldom seen I have spoke lately with some old Practitioners in Physick that had never met with any for my part I have never observ'd any Disease like it and I was at first surpriz'd that the King's Legs that us'd to pit an Inch deep when I was at his Court should become so very hard and so heavy afterwards but considering that in our Mass of Blood there is even naturally a great deal of earthy Parts or Dregs and that these Lees may by way of Sediment fall into the Legs and that their Weight and Quantity can hinder them from ascending to the Heart with the circulating Fluids I rather admir'd why Cases of this nature do not more frequently happen particularly in old and Plethoric People as the King was These hard Swellings of his Legs hinder'd the Blood to circulate downwards and so drove up all the Humours to the Head which oppressing and overflowing the Brain caus'd an Apoplexy of which he died the 17th of June fifteen days after the date of my Letter in the Year 1696 in the sixty sixth Year of his Age and the 22d of his Reign He was the oldest King then in Christendom He kept his Subjects in great Awe and the greatest Noblemen paid him all the Respect imaginable they never us'd at Court to eat with him at his Table He din'd always in Publick and the Great Men waited upon him serv'd him with drink and none of his Subjects ever cover'd themselves in his Presence And I admir'd to see the Persons that abus'd him in the Parliament-house and spoke to him with all freedom when he sat on the Throne pay him so great a Submission and Respect every-where else But the Liberty of a Member of that Parliament is such that he can speak what he
did likewise the Elector of Hanover the Bishop of Heidelsheim and the Bishop of Munster for we past through some Skirts of their Territories I must take notice to your Lordship that passing through a part of the Elector of Hanover's Country we receiv'd News that Count Koningsmark a Swede thought to have been familiar with the Princess of Hanover the Elector's Daughter-in-law was made away with at that Court and never heard of since At last we arriv'd about the latter end of December at Wesel a fortified Town belonging to the E. of Brandenburg upon the Borders of the Rhine near six days Journey from Brussels the Elector of Bavaria with his Court came hither to receive his Princess but the River being full of great Flakes of Ice he could not pass it in two days but at last being impatient to see his Bride he ventur'd over in a little Boat with Prince Chimay Baron Simeoni and two or three more of his Courtiers I hapned to be in the Room when he came in alone by way of the back Stairs and saluted his Princess with all the tender Expressions of Joy and Affection and after having spent about half an hour with her in Compliments he turn'd to the Embassador and to the rest of the Company and thank'd us all for the Trouble and Fatigue of so long a Journey then he and the Princess with the Embassador and Embassadress withdrew into another Room where they past about an hour and an half In the mean time a great many other of the Elector's Retinue came in so that the Court was very numerous at Nine of the Clock at Night and thus the Elector past till Ten of the Clock then went to sup abroad and immediately after Supper came to wait on the Princess again and about One of the Clock in the Morning he left her and went to Bed to his Inn. He came to her the next Morning to make his Court and to desire her Consent that the Marriage might be consummated that Night which being accordingly done he sent a Courier after Midnight to the King his Father-in-law to acquaint him therewith The next Morning there was a rich Hungarian Sute of Clothes given him to wear that day from the King of Poland valued at 30000 Rix Dollars it was a long Coat of Crimson Velvet the Button-holes set with Clasps of Massy Gold and a Wastcoat of Cloth of Gold set with Diamond Buttons and a Girdle of fine Turky Leather wrought with Gold with massy Gold Clasps likewise set with Jewels a Scimiter with the Handle richly adorn'd with Diamonds and Rubies and an Emerald Ring of great Value with a rich Zibelin Muff. In the Afternoon we all past the River and next day the Baggage followed all the Coaches the King's Guards and most of the Retinue return'd back into Poland for by the Articles of Marriage no body was to stay with her except two Pages two Women and a she Dwarf The Elector's Guards and Coaches were on the other side of the River to receive the Princess She went through Antwerp to Mecklin and from thence to Brussels where we arriv'd after two Months Journey on the 12 th of January I need not acquaint your Lordship with all the Preparations made here by his Highness for the Reception of his Electoress nor of the Presents he gave to her Retinue nor the Opera's and Comedies purposely made for the Solemnity of her Marriage I will only say that I never saw a genteeler Court better Order more Formalities more variety of Dresses nor the Punctilio's of Honour and Courtesy more strictly observ'd There were great Rejoicings all the first Week until the Court receiv'd the unwelcome News of the Death of our late Queen Mary Sometime afterwards having left the Care of the Princess's Health to Monsieur Pistorini the Elector's Physician I took my Leave of her Highness and went for Holland from whence I arriv'd at London in the Month of February in the Year 1694 5. The King of Poland had no near Relations except one Sister who was married to that Duke Radzivil who writ in Latin his Travels into the Holy Land and describes the Pyramids of Egypt he has been dead several Years and his Dutchess died at Warsaw in my time What small Reputation I got in that Country in the Practice of Physick was by her Death for when I arriv'd at Warsaw the King made me consult with all the Physicians of the Town which were about ten concerning her Disease His Majesty's first Physician was Dr. Jonas an Italian and professed Jew for your Lordship must understand that in Poland particularly at Court Religion is no Objection against any Person especially a Physician since the King at his Coronation promises to protect four Religions the Roman which he must seem to be of himself the Protestant the Greek and that of the Jews I examined the Princess's Disease and found it was an Ague fomented by an Abscess in the Liver which made her vomit up all that she took I thought her Case very desperate tho her ordinary Physicians made no account of it thinking it was only an Ague which the constant use of Jesuits Pouder would infallibly cure I discover'd they were not acquainted with the inward Cause of her Disease being not vers'd in Anatomy wherefore I desir'd that most of the Learned Gentlemen at Court would be present to hear their Reasons and mine Dr. Jonas who spoke first gave his Opinion that there was no fear and that she should persist only in the use of the Bark with which they had cram'd her for three Months before all the rest follow'd his Opinion I spoke last and summ'd up all their Arguments to compare them with her Distemper and declar'd against their Method and intimated that I believ'd she could not live long let them change their Method ever so much for the better This alarm'd the whole Court in a quarter of an hour The Physicians assur'd the contrary and urged that I was a Stranger to the Climate and to the Princess's Constitution and Disease and they promised in a little time tho some of them began to be dissident to set her upon her Legs again notwithstanding she grew worse and worse every day and died in a Month's time in the 62 d Year of her Age. The Queen order'd her to be open'd and three Bishops were present but none of the Physicians would come but my self we found not only an Abscess in her Liver but likewise a great many square Stones like Dice in her Gall Bladder and other Stones in one of her Kidnies besides a great deal of Gravel in her Liver which grated and crumbled its whole Substance into putrid Matter This Princess left only a Son and a Daughter Duke Radzivil her Son married a Relation of Prince Sapieha and her Daughter was married to Prince Lubomirski Duke Radzivil told me that he travell'd here in England when King James II. was