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england_n king_n land_n scotland_n 4,504 5 8.4214 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04581 Nova Britannia offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia : exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. Johnson, Robert, fl. 1586-1626. 1609 (1609) STC 14699.5; ESTC S889 22,243 35

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land with honour wealth and riches returning still to the heads and Fountaines from whence their first occasions grew Wee may but looke a little backe and wee shall see what a nouice our nation was within these sixscore yeeres in case of Forraine trade not knowing whence to fetch nor which way to transport but onely to some marte or staple towne within two daies sailing and that was counted so great a matter then that therefore they were called Marchant aduenturers and the great Hulkes of Italy which in those daies brought spices Corants and such like and landes at Southampton the Storehouse then for Marchandize are Chronicled for wonders in our English Stories for indeede we knew no better then but were content as babes with Easterlings on the one hand Lumbards on the other which were continuall Liegers in London and fed vs as they listed And take this euer as a rule that Domesticke Marchandizing brings forth but poore effects in a Commonwealth whereof I needed not haue shewed example further then our owne doores What was the case of England before the golden daies of Quéene Elizabeth at whose comming to the crowne the state of Marchants was so poore and meane that renting out her customes in wardes but at a very lowe rate yet it brought the farmer vpon his knées A man that markes the difference and shall compare those times and these together shall thinke it were impossible vnlesse his knowledge taught him otherwise that the dayes and raigne of one Elizabeth whose hand was euer lending to distressed neighbour Princes and her sword vnsheathed continually repulsing forraine enemies should yet releeue and raise the state of her customes the strength of her Nauie and the condition of her people euery way seuen fold to that they were before onely by encouraging the royall trade of Marchandize as wee see it this day apparant Let God haue the honour and blessed be her memory and the memoriall of those managers of State in her daies for their worthy counsells many of which though they now sléepe and rest with their Soueraigne in peace yet some doe still remaine and do succeede in place where long may they stand and their séede after them like the Pillars and Worthies of King Dauid to shielde the head and honour of our Solomon and still to vphold and enlarge our happinesse for euer and this I am driuen to speake and mention by the way where I meant it not in regard of some which vpon a disaster beginne to ware weary of all discouraging themselues and others from this and all other forreine aduentures to let them know that each thing hath encrease from whence it had beginning and to put our selues in mind that wee faile not in furthering those causes that bring forth such effects Another instance might be shewed in one particular which taxeth very much our English Nation and all the Subiects of our soueraigne King that enioying such plentie of wood-wood-lands and fruitfull soiles within England Scotland Ireland and Wales yet our want of industry to bee such that Netherlanders which haue not a stick of wood growing nor any land for sowing should surpasse and goe beyond vs in continuall plenty of corne and shipping me thinks the reformation hereof should find more fauour at our hands that in such points of ciuil pollicie no people of lesser meanes should cast vs so behinde and each well minded man should lend his helpe to heale and cure such staines and scarres in the face of our state as being viewed and wayed well may very well make vs blush And now to our present businesse in hand which so many stumble at in regard of the continuall charge I would haue them know that it cannot be great nor long as the businesse may be handled Two things are especially required herein people to make the plantation and money to furnish our present prouisions and shippings now in hand For the first we neede not doubt our land abounding with swarmes of idle persons which hauing no meanes of labour to reléeue their misery doe likewise swarme in lewd and naughtie practises so that if we seeke not some waies for their forreine employment wee must prouide shortly more prisons and corrections for their bad conditions for it fares with populous common weales as with plants and trees that bee too frolicke which not able to sustaine and feede their multitude of branches do admit an engrafting of their buds and Siences into some other soile acounting it a benefite for preseruation of their kind and a disburdening their stocke of those superfluous twigs that sucke away their nourishment And we shal find that hence it was the Gothes and Uandalles with other barbarous nations séeing an ouerflowing of their multitudes at home did therefore send their Armies out as raging floods at sundrie times to couer the faces of Spain Italy and other Prouinces to f●ée their owne from pestering so that you see it no new thing but most profitable for our State to rid our multitudes of such as lie at home pestering the land with pestilence and penury and infecting one another with vice and villanie worse then the plague it selfe whose very miseries driues many of them by meanes to be cutte off as bad and wicked members or else both them and theirs to be reléeued at the common charge of others Yet I doe not meane that none but such vnsound members and such poore as want their bread are fittest for this imployment for wee intend to haue of euery trade and profession both honest wise and painefull men whereof our land and Citie is able to spare and furnish many as we had experience in our last sending thither which will be glad to goe and plant themselues so happily and their children after them to holde and keepe conformitie with the lawes language and religion of England for euer Touching which I doe earnestly admonish you to beware and shunne three kindes of people the first a most vile minded sort and for the most part badde members of this Citie by some meanes shaken out of their honest courses and now shifting by their wittes will bee alwaies deuising some vnhappines to wrong the plantation such as daily beate their braines and séeke by lying suggestions vnder colour of good pretence to the Common-wealth to infringe our auncient liberties and would if they were not mette withall and curbed by authoritie make a monopoly to themselues of each thing after other belonging to the freedome of euery mans profession the very wrack of Merchandizing The second sort are papists professed or Recusant of which I would not one seasoned with the least taint of that leauen to be setled in our plantation nor in any part of that country but if once perceiued such a one wéede him out and ship him home for England for they will euer bee plotting and conspiring to root you out if they can howsoeuer they sweare flatter and equiuocate beleeue them not keepe onely these