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A65202 The royal mistresses of France, or, The secret history of the amours of all the French kings from Pharamond the first monarch, anno 418 to this present time / made English from the French original.; Galanteries des rois de France. English Vanel, M. (Claude) 1695 (1695) Wing V90; ESTC R1896 250,298 496

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Thibaut Count of Blois But some time after she was brought to Bed the King being inform'd of all Eleonor's Galantries resolv'd to vacate his Marriage To which purpose he assembl'd the Clergy of France at Boisgency where Alegrin his Chancellor set forth the reasons that mov'd the King to desire a separation and easily obtain'd what his Master desir'd because the Queen made no opposition However Lewis that he might come off with Honour surrendred back to her the Dutchy of Aquitaine and the Earldom of Peitou which she brought him in Dowry and only kept the two Daughters which He had by her Eleonor after this Divorce retir'd to Poitiers where she was visited by Henry Duke of Normandy the King of England's Son Who thô he were a Prince whose Person was no way inviting and had the worst colour'd Hair in the world yet she fail'd not to admit of his sedulities and to hearken to the proposals of Marriage which he made her because he was Heir presumptive to the Crown of England Henry was well inform'd of all the disorders of her past life but his eager desire to joyn Guyenne and Peitou to the rest of those Dominions which he was to inherit prevail'd over all other Considerations He espous'd Eleonor which so enrag'd Lewis that he suffer'd no opportunity of Revenge to escape him So that a War was kindl'd between the two Princes so soon as Henry came to the Crown which lasted till an end was put to it by the Marriage of Henry the King of England's eldest Son with Margaret the Daughter of Lewis and Elisabeth of Castille his second Wife And thô the affianc'd Princess were but five years of Age she was put into the hands of the King of England for a farther confirmation of the Alliance When she came to be of age proper for the consummation of the Nuptials the King of England refus'd to deliver her to his Son for fear he should become too potent and go about to dethrone him with the assistance of France Thereupon Henry impatient to enjoy his youthful Spouse that was to secure him his Succession to the Crown of England the Princess being design'd to the Heir of the Kingdom he stole her away and fled into France to the King his Father-in law From thence he wrote to his own Father demanding England or the Dutchy of Normandy as an Earnest of his Succession and upon the King's refusal resolv'd to obtain his Pretensions by force of Arms. Queen Eleonor also engag'd Richard Duke of Aquitain and Jeoffrey Duke of Bretagne her Brothers to take part with Henry and Lewis oblig'd William King of Scotland to invade England on that side while he sent Robert Earl of Leicester with a powerful Army to make a descent into the Island out of France So that a Man would have thought that the King of England assail'd on every side must have been overwhelmed by so many Enemies But Heaven protected him His Son Henry dy'd in a short time after and Peace was concluded between England and France and the Marriage of Richard who was become Heir to the Crown by the death of Henry with Alice the Daughter of Lewis was the Seal of that Union But in regard the Princess was very young she was put into the hands of the King of England as her Sister had been till she came to years of maturity and Queen Eleonor was shut up in close imprisonment to prevent her contriving new troubles at Court. In the mean time King Henry shew'd himself so extreamly complaisant to the Princess Alice that it was look'd upon to be an effect of love and the Princess answer'd him with a frankness pardonable as her years however Richard grew jealous to that degree that he could not find in his heart to marry her when he came to the Crown Queen Eleonor also whom he set at liberty so soon as he saw himself seated upon the Throne confirm'd him in his aversion and negotiated a Match between him and Beranguelle the Daughter of Don Garcias King of Navarre whom she carry'd to Richard then in Palestine where he espous'd her This anger'd Philip surnam'd the August King of France who at the same time had made a voyage to the Holy Land but he would not shew his resentment there for the injury done his Sister because he would not give the Infidels an opportunity to take advantage of the division of the Christians But so soon as he return'd into France he enter'd the Territories of the King of England in revenge At length Eleonor after she had been the cause of many mischiefs in both Kingdoms where she had worn the Crown ended her days at Poitiers in the Fourscore and fourth year of her age Mary of Moravia Mistress to Philip surnamed the August Anno 1192. PHILIP the August after the death of Isabella of Hainault his first Wife marry'd Isembourg or Eudelberge the Daughter of Waldemar the Great King of Denmark but found so little pleasure in the enjoyment of her that after the first Night he never would Bed her again However he endeavour'd a long time to combat this aversion but not being able to surmount it he imparted the secret of his disgust to William Bishop of Beauvais who told him that in regard there was a near affinity between him and the Queen it would be no difficult thing for him to disannul the Marriage if he would summon an Assembly of the Prelats of his Kingdom The King relish'd this Proposal and having sent for all the Bishops of France and amongst the rest for the Archbishop of Rheims who presided in the Assembly the sentence of Separation was pronounc'd Some time before the King had seen the Portraicture of Mary Agnes the Daughter of Bertol Duke of Moravis which appear'd so charming to him that he had always the Idea of her in his sight Therefore when he saw himself at liberty he sent to demand her in Marriage and having obtain'd his desires he espous'd her with a more then ordinary Magnificence Anno. 1198. Isemburg would not be present at the Nuptial Ceremony but secretly left the Court with a design to retire into Denmark But when she came to the Frontiers of France she bethought her self of the fault she was about to commit in abandoning the Justice of her Cause she return'd back again and shutting her self up in a Convent sent an account of her misfortune to King Conuie her Brother He being astonish'd at Philip's inconstancy sent to his Ambassador then residing in Rome to make his complaints to Pope Celestin and to demand Justice of him Celestin immediately dispatch'd away two Cardinals the one a Priest and the other a Deacon to make inquiry into what had past in the dissolution of the Marriage and to make use of all the Authority of the Holy See to oblige the King to take Isemburg again in case he had no lawful cause of separation So soon as the two Legates arriv'd at Paris
Thietberge again and renew'd his illegall engagements with Vildrade and carry'd his violence so high that he made an attempt upon the Life of the disgusted Princess Thietberge finding her self no longer safe in her Husbands Dominions retir'd to Charles the Bald Anno 865. who took her into his protection and offer'd the King his Nephew a Champion to maintain the rights of the wrong'd Princess according to the custom of those times But the Pope would not suffer that no affair which had been already adjudg'd should be referr'd to the hazard of a combat and gave Charles to understand that he could proceed no farther without entrenching upon his Authority So that the King being unwilling to displease his Holiness contented himself with only exhorting Lothaire to take his Wife agen but could not obtain any thing from him The Princess therefore perceiving there was nothing more to be expected on that side Anno 866. return'd to her Brother Hubert who having no other way to maintain his Sisters interests but by Force and Arms rais'd an Army and fell into Lothaire's Dominions with Fire and Sword In revenge of which Lothaire muster'd a more numerous power together led 'em himself and crossing the Mountain Iura repayd Hubert in his own coyn but fortune did not favour him For he lost three Armies without being able to take so much as one Town Lothaire discourag'd by so many losses sen● Conrard the Father of Bacul against the rebellious Prince who was more fortunate then the King his master For he perceiving the Passes ill guarded and surprizing Hubert utterly defeated his Men and slew him himself with his own hand Thietberge understanding the Death of her Brother retir'd to Rome where she took upon her the habit of a Nun and shut her self up in a Cloister leaving the King her Husband to enjoy his Amours in peace and quiet But Death soon after put an end to his Life and his disorders Richild Mistress to Charles the Bald Emperor and King of France Anno 869. CHARLES the Bald had Marry'd Ermentrude Grand-Daughter to Adelart who had been Treasurer of the Royal Exchequer in the Reign of Lewis the Debonaire his Father and who had greatly enrich'd himself at his Masters cost This Prince liv'd very lovingly with his Queen and shew'd himself as complaisant towards her as if there had been no inequality in their conditions But after Thietberge had quitted the World Richild her Neice betook her self to Queen Ermentrude who endeavour'd to comfort her in her misfortune And she recommended her so often to the King her Husband and spoke so highly of her that he was desirous to know whither the praises which his Queen bestow'd on her were true or no. He several times discours'd her and as oft he found in her Wit a Tour so free and yet so delicate that he could not chuse but Love her 'T was a long time however before he durst adventure to discover his passion because he perceiv'd her enrich'd with sentiments so vertuous that he was afraid of incurring her displeasure Nevertheless he could not long contain himself within the bounds of this reservedness His dignity and the reputation he had acquir'd by a Thousand glorious exploits put him in hopes that he should be heard with some kind of indulgence He spoke but met with resistance from Richild's Wit For she made use of all her address to cure him of his Love and told him with an extraordinary constancy that having been a witness of the disorders which Lothairs passion for Valdrade had occasion'd in his Family she would not give the same occasion of grief and vexation to Queen Ermentrude her benefactress and draw down the curse of Heaven upon a Prince whom she esteem'd Richild persever'd a long time in this resolution but at last for what Woman is able to resist a lovely Prince and very amorous she suffer'd her self to be overcome by one had been Victor over many Nevertheless she so well observ'd her measures and carry'd her self with that decorum in this intreague that the Queen had never any knowledge of it Which in Charles created so high an esteem of her virtue that after the Death of Ermentrude he marry'd her Ansegard Mistress to Lewis the Stammerer Emperor and King of France Anno 876. DURING the long Wars that Charles the Bald wag'd with Lewis the German and his Children Lewis the Stammerer liv'd with Richild his Mother in Law who was Regent of the Kingdom in the absence of the Emperor her Husband And in regard it was his interest to live in friendship with her as being Mistress of all the Kings favours he had a kindness for all persons for whom that Princess had a value He had observ'd that Ansegard of all her Maids of Honour had the greatest share in her affection which was the reason that he study'd to please her with an extraordinary assiduity But long converse and society had begot a more tender passion between 'em insomuch that Lewis the Stammerer had two Children by her Lewis and Carloman and she was brought to bed of both without any bodys perceiving that she was big with Child After the Emperor return'd from his Journey into Italy whither he went to receive the Crown Imperial from the Popes hands he bethought himself of marrying his Son and told him he had design'd him for a Wife Ricarda the Daughter of Alfred King of England You may easily conjecture the grief of those two lovers when they heard the news Lewis therefore had recourse to Richild and besought her to make use of all her credit to perswade his Father to consent that he might marry Ansegard But reason of State prevail'd above the Emperors complacency for his Wife and Lewis was constrain'd to conform to his Fathers will After the Death of Charles the Bald Richild who was in great credit and had a powerfull party at Court endeavour'd to set the Crown upon the Head of his Brother Boson upon whom she had already perswaded the Emperor her Husband to settle the Counties of Provence Milan and Paris under the title of the Kingdom of Arles But the French would not permit that prejudice to be done to the right and lawful Heir and therefore acknowledg'd Lewis for their King So that Richild finding her self frustrated in her expectations employ'd all her credit with Ansegard to make her peace with the King whose passion for that Lady was not at all abated for he had still a high respect for her tho' he liv'd very contentedly with Ricarda Richild also promis'd Ansegard to employ all her Friends in order to secure the succession of the Kingdom to her Children and to assure her that she would never part from her interests she propos'd to her a match between her Son C●●leman and Ingoberge the Daughter of Boson Ansegard relishing the proposal the two Princesses resolv'd to make it to the Emperor at a banquet that Boson was to give him
found himself near a Lady who was ready to be stifl'd in the croud he took care of her and put her into the hands of one of his Gentlemen who threw Water in her Face and after he had fetch'd her again from the swoon into which she was fallen carry'd her home to his own house Some few days after the Duke calling the Lady to mind ask'd his Gentleman what was become of her and understood that she was the Wife of Raoulet d'Auteville who had been Treasurer of France upon the recommendation of Philip Duke of Burgundy With that he remember'd that he had been the occasion of displacing him from his employment for several misdeameanors and believ'd that the little service he had done his Wife would not countervail to extinguish that aversion which without question she had for him Nevertheless in these contrarieties it is that Love takes delight to shew his capricious humours as the Duke soon after found by experience For one day that he was at Mass in St. Pauls Church he there observ'd the fame Lady who as she pass'd by saluted him with an obliging smile The Duke was too much a Courtier to be ignorant what that meant and he was too great a Lover of adventures to fall of the opportunity of making the best of ' em Thereupon he sent a Page to delite Madam d'Auteville to meet him in the Evening in the Garden of the Palais des Touruelles where he should be glad to speak with her and the Lady accepting the Assignation fail'd not to meet him at the time appointed And then it was that in her melting Breast the Duke soon met with sentiments far opposite to those of that same hatred with which he thought her prepossess'd against him and engag'd her without much trouble to come to him to his Palace the next Morning Nor did she fail of being punctual to her hour and being introduc'd into the Princes Chamber by a back pair of stairs she gave him no cause to complain of her cruelty This visit was attended by several others by means of which the Duke of Orleans understood that she was very intimate with the Duchess of Burgundy and that she had understood by her discourses that 't was none of her fault if he were not belov'd by her The Duke open'd his Ears to this Proposal For besides that the Princess had charms sufficient to inflame his amorous desires she might prove advantageous to him in the rearing of his Fortune by drawing from her Lips the secrets of the Duke her Husband who was declar'd Regent of the Kingdom during the King's distemper and with whom he thought he had a right to dispute the Government of the Realm He therefore left Madam de Auteville to manage the intreague who carry'd it on with so much address that in a short time she accomplish'd his desires year 1406 This Intreague lasted several Years and was carry'd with that privacy that no body had the least inkling of it but at length it was discover'd through the imprudence of the Duke himself For he had hung up in his Cabinet the Portraitures of all his Mistresses and he was wont to say that all those whose pictures were there to be seen had never been cruel to him The Duke of Burgundy likewise had often heard him say the same thing tho' he never minded it at first But one day coming into that fatal Cabinet he there beheld his Wife's picture and then calling to mind the Dukes unlucky rallery it gave him no small disturbance Thereupon he resov'd to be satisfy'd in his suspitions and at last discover'd that the Duke had frequent meetings with his Wife by the means of Madam d' Autevil1e whom she had made her confident but then the jealousie of Love joyning Forces with the jealousie of hatred he thought it behov'd him to be reveng'd upon a Prince who was doubly his Rival To this purpose he discover'd his design to d' Auteville who having a share in the affront was easily induc'd to have a part in the revenge and promis'd to serve the Duke according to his intentions Next Morning therefore the pr●fligate undertaker corrupted several Ruffians needing only the temptation of Money and among others William and Thomas Courtois and John de la Mothe who promis'd him upon their words to second his pernicious design to the utmost of their power He also gain'd one of the King 's Valet's de Chambre who was sent to tell the Duke of Orleans at that time gone to the Palais de Tournelles to visit the Queen it being St. Cecilia's day in the Evening that the King desir'd to speake with him at the Hostel de St. Paul Immediately the Duke got a Horseback attended only by some of his Lacqueys without any weapons and one that carry'd a Flambeau before him But when he came to the gate Barbette before the house of Marshal d' Eurex out comes d' Auteville from a Tavern where he waited the Dukes coming with about fifteen or twenty of his accomplices and flew upon him with his drawn sword and having cut off his Bridle hand threw him off his Horse and deliver'd him to the rest of his Confederates who stab'd him in several places When they had done they set fire to a house adjoyning on purpose to amuse the People and made their escapes through by Lanes and Alleys The Duke was carry'd into the Marshal de Fires house where he expir'd and thence to the Benedictin's Convent The Parliament took cognisance of this Murder and order'd a Councellor to take the Informations He presently issu'd forth a Warrant against the squire of the Duke of Burgundy's Kitchin who was charg'd by the witnesses and in regard he never stir'd out of the Hostel d' Artois where the Duke lodg'd and whence they could not fetch him out by force without his Masters permission the Councellor who had took the Information went to demand him of the Duke at the Hostel de Nesle where the Duke of Berry lay and where the Council was kept Louis de Anjon King of Sierly being then present when the Councellor made his compliment to the Duke of Burgundy took notice that he turn'd pale and that a sudden disturbance seiz'd upon his mind Upon which he drew him aside and having made him confess that the Duke of Orleans had been assasinated by his order he advis'd him to retire The Duke took his advice and departing the Hostel de Nesle without any noise went home took horse and never stop'd till he came to D●jon However he could not escape the punishment that Heaven had prepar'd for him The Dauphin resolv'd to revenge the Death of the Duke of Orleans year 1419 and contended for the regency during his Fathers sickness On the otherside the Duke of Burgundy enter'd into a League with the King of England and France was in a strange combustion Persons of high quality interpos'd to accommodate the difference and the Duke was
sollicited to do homage for the Dukedom of Burgundy He felt strange combats in his brea●t and struggl'd with more then one single passion upon this accompt and before he would positively determin he would needs take advice of Madam de Gyac with whom he had a long time had an Intreague That Lady who was still young and handsome did not suit with the Kings age who was already going down the hill of his years and would willingly have been reconcil'd to the Court in hopes of smiting the Dauphin in the Eye for whom she felt some kind of amorous inclination and with that design she advis'd the Duke to do what was demanded from him The place appointed for the Ceremony was Monterault where a large room of hoards was erected upon the Bridge with three bars that were let down as the Duke pass'd forward But when he was upon his knees in order to do his homage a pretence was taken from hence that he laid his hand upon the hilt of his Sword upon which Tonnequi du Chastel who stood next the Dauphin fell'd the Duke with a blow upon his Chin with his battle ax and the rest of the Courtiers compleated the Murder However his death was reveng'd by his Children who introduc'd the English into France nor had the Dauphin who in a short time after came to the Crown by the name of Charles VII sav'd the Kingdome but by a particular assistance that Heaven miraculously sent him The Intreagues of the Court of France under the Reign of Charles VII year 1424 JAQVELINE of Haynault Countess of Holland had espous'd for her first Husband John Dauphin of France the Son of Charles VI. and after his death was marry'd to John of Burgundy the Son of Anthony Duke of Brabant his cousin He was a Prince both old and gouty who avoided the World and sought retirement only Jaqueline was quite of another humour and could not find in her heart to shut her self up in the Country with her Husband However she was bound to obedience and was constrain'd to consine her self with him in a Castle whither he had withdrawn himself from the hurry of business Nor had she any other consolation then to bemoan in private with her Women the fantastick humour of her Husband Her Maid of honour had formerly made a voyage into England attending at that time upon Katherine of France who had marry'd Henry V. and she was return'd with all the Officers of the Houshold of that Princess whom the King her Husband had sent back some Months after Now tho' that Lady had made but a short stay in London nevertheless she had seen all the magnificence of that Court of which she made so pleasing a description to her Mistress that she infus'd into her a desire to cross the Sea's and taste her share of the pleasures which that Court afforded The Lady also spoke to her so advantagiously of Humphrey Duke of Glocester the King's Brother that she caus'd her to conceive an esteem for that Prince which did not a little disquiet her repose She desir'd also to see his Picture and open'd her mind to her Maid of Honour who found a way to satisfy her curiosity And the Portraicture and the Persuasions of her Woman increas'd her Chimerical Passion to that degree that she resolv'd to cross over into England She imparted her design to none but such Officers whom she could not avoid entrusting with her Secret and having made choice of a day for her departure she got a Horse-back with a small Train carrying all her Jewels along with her She got to Dunkirke whence she embark'd for Dover and so for London She was well receiv'd by the King of England and better by the Duke of Gloucester who had been inform'd how much he was concern'd in the voyage which she had undertaken And he knew so well how to make the best of her preventing him that he oblig'd her to yield her fell up to him upon the faith of a Marriage which she could not contract in regard she had a Husband living But the King of England's complacency in indulging her idle Passion had like to have broken the good correspondence between him and the Duke of Burgundy Cousin to the Duke of Brabant his kinsman but reason af State prevail'd above that frivilous Disgust Sometime after John of Bavaria Duke of Luxembourg Governor of the Counties of Holland and Zealand ordain'd his Heir Philip Duke of Burgundy his Sisters Son without making any mention in his Will of Jaqueline his Neece by the Father's side which oblig'd her to return into Haynault where the Duke of Gloucester would needs accompany her She was receiv'd by her Subjects with extraordinary Magnificence notwithstanding the opposition of the Counts of Conversano and Anguien who sided with the Duke of Brabant The Duke of Gloucester also endeavour'd to make himself Master of such places as he pretended were fall'n to Jaqueline by the death of the Duke of Luxembourg But he was constrain'd to quit his enterprize and her whole Rights he maintain'd because Pope Martin V. threaten'd him with Ecclesiastical Censures if he did not restore the Duke of Brabant his disloyal Wife The Duke obey'd without any reluctance and was glad of that pretence to abandon Jaqueline that she might not perceive he was become unfaithful and paid his Vows to another Shrine For Jaqueline had taken along with her into Haynault an English Lady who was call'd Madam Shelton and the Duke was soon aware of the advantage which that Lady had over her Mistress as well for the Graces of her Body as for the fineness of her Wit and delicacy of her Sentiments Nor could he withstand so many charms and finding they concurr'd with his Sedulities he was glad to find himself at liberty that he might follow his own inclinations He therefore left the Dutchess at Mons and return'd into England where he marry'd Madam Shelton But the Duke of Gloucester's infidelity was not the only thing which troubl'd the Dutchess she fear'd the effects of her Husband 's just resentment and she imagin'd every moment that she saw him invading her Territories with an armed Force But the death of the Duke deliver'd her from these Fears news being brought her in the midst of her disturbanbances that a Feaver which seaz'd him at Brussels had put an end both to his Life and his Jealousies Réne de Anjou Duke of Barr having had a contest with the Count of Vandemo● who should succeed to Charles Duke of Lorrain they disputed their Right by dint of Arms. The Count had recourse to the Duke of Burgundy a sworn Enemy to the House of Anjou who assisted him with Men and Money and after he had obtain'd that reinforcement he march'd to find out his Enemy meeting him in the Plain of Bullenville near Neuchatel in Lorrain he gave him Battle defeated his Army and took him prisoner Nor could the Duke obtain his liberty till the death
of Joan Queen of Sicily call'd him to the succession of that ●ingdom Isabell of Lorraine his Wife Niece to Mary of Anjou Queen of France us'd all her Credit to mollifie the Count and perswade him to deliver her Husband To which purpose she address'd her self to Charles VII at Vienne in the Dauphinate beseeching him to make use of his Authority with the Duke to oblige him to gratifie her Request The King who was naturally prone to Acts of kindness comply'd with the Dutchess and was desirous to serve her but the cruel Wars which he had at that time with the English so busily employ'd his time and thoughts that the Dutchess would have receiv'd but little satisfaction from him had not another motive more pressing then that of Generosity spurr'd him forward The Dutchess had brought along with her Agnes Forelle who was one of her Maids of Honour and the King being charm'd with her Beauty engag'd himself to serve the Duke of Barr to the utmost of his Power and in short he did oblige the Count to set him at liberty Agnes acknowledg'd the King's Favour with all Respect that was due to his Person and shew'd him all the complacency that became her Modesty And now the Duchess having done her business prepar'd for her voyage into Sicily with the King her Husband and according to all outward appearnces Agnes was to have waited upon her But the King that he might oblige her to abide at Court made use of Merlin the famous Astrologer One day that Charles was alone with Agnes Merlin enter'd the Room at what time the King as had been concerted between 'em ask'd him what he thought of the Fortune of that fair Lady Sir reply'd Merlin either there is no Truth in the Stars or else she will be the Mistress of some Great King Agnes who presently perceiv'd the Artifice made answer with a smile If it be so Sir I beseech your Majesty to give me leave to cross over into England to the end my destiny may be accomplish'd there being no likelyhood that the Prediction concerns your Majesty who have hardly a Third part of your Kingdom left ye Charles understood Raillerie and joak'd with Agnes upon her Repartee but he made his advantage of it however And 't is said that his eager desire to render himself worthy the Affections of that Virgin exalted his Courage to perform those noble Atchievements afterwards that made his Reign so Illustrious Agnes tho' she had treated him like a King despoil'd of his Dominions yet could she not chuse but applaud her self for the conquest she had made of his Heart which she was no less covetous of preserving to her self and therefore was as willing as he to second the means of which he had bethought himself to stop her journey She feign'd her self sick and the King's Physitians that visited her confirm'd it by the King's Order and gave it for their Opinion that she could not travel without endangering her Life the Queen also promising the Duchess to take particular care of her and to send her after her so soon as she had recover'd her health Now tho' the Dutchess well knew that Agnes was not so sick as she made her self and that she suspected the best part of the Truth she took little notice of it believing that if the Queen who had most reason to concern her self were so free to give her consent 't was not for her to make any opposition After she was gone Agnes grew better and better every day and soon after quitted her bed of Sickness And then she appear'd at Court with new Charms and the King's Passion for her became so strong that he heap'd upon her new Favours every day He gave her the County of Ponthieure and finding her to be a Woman of a solid Judgment he consulted her in Affairs of the greatest importance and she was the Conduit-pipe through which he convey'd all his Favours All the Court look'd upon the King's kindness to her with Envy but more especially the Dauphin who being already of age sufficient to have a share in the Government stomach'd to see that his Father imparted none of his designs to him Thô Agnes let no occasion of doing him good offices escape her he look'd upon all Kindnesses all Favours which he receiv'd upon her recommendation as so many empoison'd Presents Therefore he made it his continual study by what means he could to destroy her in the King's Affection amd in regrrd there was no way to do it but by representing her disloyal to the King's Bed he made it his business to put a Gallant upon her who as he was sufficiently devoted to his Interests so he had merit enough to kindle the King's jealousie To this purpose he cast his eyes upon Chabane the Count of Dammartin who of all the Persons at Court was the most accomplish'd for Beauty and Parts and broke the proposal to him The Count trembl'd at the first overture that was made him and told the Prince that thô he ow'd him all the services that lay in his power he could not resolve to engage in an affair which would infallibly draw upon him his ruine whether the King thought his Passion sincere or whether he suspected that his love for Agnes was but counterfeited on purpose to undoe her The Dauphin encourag'd him and told him that so far from running any hazard he would rather preserve the King's Favour by sacrificing his pretended Passion in giving him an account of all the marks of tenderness which he had receiv'd from the Countess of Ponthieure and promising never to visit her more Chabane over-rul'd by the Dauphin's Reasons apply'd himself wholly to the business and made it his study to bring about his design He had a Valet de chamber a crafty nimble youngster nam'd St. Colombe whom he entrusted with the false shew of his Love for the Countess and engag'd him to court Mortaigne who of all her Waiting Women was the person in whom she put the greatest confidence St. Columbe was easily perswaded to undertake the business and in regard he was very handsome he found little resistance in Mortaigne's tender Heart who quickly gave him all the most particular marks of her Affection When St. Columbe had obtain'd his desires he insinuated into his Mistriss that it would be more easie for 'em to continue their amorous Commerce if she could engage the Countess in an intreague with Chabane Mortaigne approv'd her Lovers advice and from that very Evening she labour'd to bring it about Being alone with her Mistriss when she was going to Bed she began to talk of all the Lords of the Court and after she had given her opinion of every one she nam'd to her after a careless manner the Count of Dammartin Upon the hearing of that name only the Ladies countenance chang'd and she shew'd such an aversion for him that Mortaigne durst nor speak a word more However she gave an
Daughter was sent away by that private conveyance during his Sickness Nor was he ignorant how prejudicial the conjunction of Bretagne to the Dominions of Spain would be to France which was the reason that without many more to do he resolv'd to cross a contrivance so dangerous notwithstanding he was assur'd that the Queen would never forgive him should the King happen to die of his Sickness Thereupon he stopt the Princess with most respectful protestations of his sorrow for being constrain'd to come to that extremity This action of the Marshal was commended by the King and all good French men and the Queen her self feign'd to applaud it however when the King was recover'd she made use of her credit to ruin that faithful subject Nevertheless she could not prevent the marriage of her Daughter with the Count of Angoulême because it was generally desir'd But it was such an inward vexation to her that sinking under the weight of her corroding anguish she dy'd in the thirty seven Year of her age 'T is true the King did not express that sorrow for her death as 't is thought he would have done considering the passion he had for her as long as she liv'd whither it were that his mind was taken up with his cares of the Wars of Italy or that the Queen's attempts against his authority had cool'd the heat of his Love However after that he liv'd such a reserv'd life that no body believ'd he would ever have thought of a third Marriage but the Duke of Longueville was the occasion of reviving that desire in him That Prince having rashly engag'd himself in a battle against the English year 1514 lost the battle of Spurs and became a prisoner to Henry VIII of England To repair this fault he undertook during his imprisonment to bring off that Prince from his confederacy with the Emperor nor did he find any great trouble to perswade him to it For thô he were very young he was very thrifty and he was a weary of paying the Emperours Troops who was extreamly poor and of furnishing him a hundred Crowns a day for his table There only wanted therefore a plausible pretence to break the Confederacy and there was not a better at that time to be found then a more strict alliance between France and England Henry VIII had a Sister whose beauty was a domestick mischief to him as we shall find in the sequel of this history She was born after another Daughter so much unprovided of the graces of the body that the King of Scotland had never marry'd her but because the King would not marry the youngest before the eldest The youngest being come of Age the Duke of Milan and several other Sovereign Princes sought her in vain because 't was not then the custom to marry the King's Daughter out of the Island This custome which had not been alter'd for four Ages together had infus'd into the young English Lords of the highest Quality a confidence to pretend to the Princess and the King gave way to it lest he should be accus'd of too much severity toward his Sister tho' he had no design to have marry'd her to any of his subjects for fear of drawing a civil War upon himself not unlike to those wherein several of his predecessors had miscarry'd Nevertheless in regard it is a difficult thing for a Woman to hold out any long time against Love when she makes it her business to allure the Princess of England after she had entangl'd in the snares of Love all those that could give any cause of jealousy to her Brother was her self smitten with one whom he had little reason to fear There was introduc'd into the Court of England a young English Gentleman whose name was Charles Brandon without any other recommendation then that of the King's Nurse whose Son he was He was extreamly handsome well proportion'd in his person and very active in all manner of exercises He had the air of a person of Quality and there was observ'd in him that sweetness of temper and that discretion that he was welcome into all societies and chiefly into the Ladies company who were altogether prevalent at Court The King took him for his second in all his matches at Tenis and made him the confident of all his most secret pleasures He conferr'd upon him the office of his chief Huntsman and lest his name should remind the Courtiers of the meaness of his Birth he caus'd him to assume the title of the Counts of Suffolk illustrious for the merit and quality of the persons who had born it for above two hundred years It is not certainly known whether this new title had convinc'd the Princess that she might bestow her affection without any dishonour upon the person whom the King her Brother had honour'd with it since the English Histories are full of presidents of several Earls of Suffolk that have pretended to the marriage of the Sisters and Daughters of their King 's or whether the Love which she already had for him had imprinted that Idea in her mind in his favour but it was observ'd that in a short time after the Princess lookt upon Suffolk with a more passionate glance then she was wont to do Nor wat it so much to be wonder'd at that the Earle should make her suitable returns with Eyes no less inflam'd and sparkling And the Courtiers in a little time were so us'd to it that they took little notice of it whether it were the custome at that time to love at well beneath as above their quality or whether it were that the Courtiers thought it not proper to be more concern'd about it then the King himself was who only laught at the business and made himself merry with the two lovers so soon as he discover'd their reciprocal affection Not that he approv'd it in the main or that he had so high a value for Suffolk as to make him his Brother in Law thô he had a greater kindness for him then for the rest of his Courtiers But he was in hopes to draw some advantage from the inequality of this Amour which he thought would exasperate the English Lords against her and cause 'em to desist from looking any more after her besides that he assur'd himself that he should be so much the master of his Sister and Suffolk that nothing should be acted between them two but by his consent This was the posture of the Court of England when the Duke of Longueville made a proposal as from himself of a match between the Princess and Lewis XII The King of England listen'd to him with those marks of respect and approbation which suficiently discover'd what he had in his Heart He was importun'd to bestow his Sister out of the way and he met with the most lucky means that Fortune ever could have offer'd him 'T is true he could not without some trouble to himself put an end to a War so advantageous to him
however it would have been no less a vexation to him to separate from his new Mistress who would have been unwilling to cross the Seas and follow him in his Armies In the mean time he was engag'd to repass into France upon the return of the Spring not doubting but that if he fail'd in his promise both his Enemies and his own Souldiers would accuse him of Cowardice There was nothing but a Peace that could handsomly disingage him from that excessive expence which he would be oblig'd to be at if he intended to keep the Emperors Army in pay the next Spring In short he grew weary of contributing to the ambitious designs of the King of Spain his Brother in Law yet getting nothing by it and contented himself with having been twice deceiv'd by as many Treaties sign'd by his Ambassador Quintana as suttle a Fox of a Castilian as ever was born Nevertheless the King of England being haughty told the Duke of Longueville that it would be time enough to think of his Sister when she should be demanded in due form As much as to say that it was not from the mouth of a Prisoner that the King was to take notice of any proposal of that nature The Duke of Longueville gave a shrewd guess at the King's thoughts and sent into France under pretence of sending for his ransome a Gentleman who assur'd Lewis XII that it would be his own fault if he did not make a Peace with England upon reasonable conditions and marry the King's Sister who was the most lovely Woman in Europe Lewis who had always an amourous inclination willingly entertain'd the proposal and the portraiture of the Princess that was sent him was too powerful a charm to let his affection for the Female Sex lie dormant He flatter'd himself also with the hopes of having a Son and casting off all his former fears of the inconveniencies that might befall him if Bretagne were separated from the Crown he dispatcht into England the General of Normandy who concluded both the Peace and the Match in fifteen days and carry'd the Princess to Boulogne where the Count of Angoulême had Orders to go and receive her The Count most gladly undertook and discharg'd his trust thô the marriage which he solemniz'd by procuration from the King was the way in all probability to deprive him of the Crown However Francines the King 's chief Physician assur'd him that the King was very unlikely to have any more Children So that he appear'd at Boulogne like a Prince who only minded his divertisement at what time he could not forbear falling in Love with her whom he marry'd for his Father in Law as she could not chuse but wish that Heaven had ordain'd the Count for her Husband And the convenience which they had to entertain each other with private Conversation might perhaps have prompted 'em to have taken a far greater liberty if the Prothonotary du Pont who was plac'd near the Prince to moderate in some measure the transports of his youth had not put it into his head that 't was not the new Queen's interest to keep her self very cbast because that in regard she was going to a Husband by whom as all People said she would never have any Children 't was to be fear'd she would submit to a temptation that might help her to a Child for the preservation of her race in France when she came to he a Widow and dispence with her return into England under subjection to her Brother but that as for himself it concern'd him above all Men to take care of the Queen's living chastily as being a thing far remote from his Interest to sollicite her to incontinence for that if she had a Son by him that Son would hinder him from coming to the Crown and reduce him to be contented with Bretagne which his Wife had brought him while he contrary to the order of nature must be forc'd to do Homage to a Bastard This reason cool'd the Count of Angoulême's courage and caus'd him to look upon the Queen with no other then jealous Eyes and he watch'd her so narrowly that at length he discover'd the kindness she had for Suffolk He follow'd her with the character of her Champion of Honour but carry'd himself with that discretion that they could have never penetrated into his affairs had they not been already discover'd in England The Count understood every thing so well that the slightest circumstances were not conceal'd from him and because it was no less then either the loss or gaining of a Crown that was now in agitation he sought an opportunity to speak with Suffolk in private He told him that he was well acquainted with his good correspondence with the Queen and that he was so far from breaking it off that he would countenance him in it provided he might be no looser by it that the King was not in ●ondition to have Children nor to live long that Suffolk could never think of making any progresses in the Queen's favour without exposing himself to the danger of being discover'd by a multitude of spies that would never loose sight of him so that if he took never so little liberty he was a lost Man past all redemption On the otherside if he would give him assurance to contain himself within the bounds of respect he would engage never to cross his good fortune after the King's death nay he would connive at his marrying the Queen in private and allow him an establishment in France as good as he could desire till he could make his peace with the King of England Thô the Duke of Angoulême never consider'd at the time of his making those proposals whither he could be as good as his word when he came to the Crown Suffolke found 'em so advantageous that he was charm'd with 'em and accepted of 'em as real performances He promis'd more then the Duke demanded and offer'd to be himself a Spy upon the Queen But in regard it would have been a piece of imprudence to have wholly confided in his Word Precautions were taken to hinder him from breach of Faith should he have gone about to have violated his promise The Baroness of Aumont was made of Honour to the Queen and became her most intimate Confident And it was by the advice of the Queen that she enlarg'd the functions of her Office beyond the usual bounds and that knowing the Queen to be fearful and unwilling to lie alone she pretended that the Honour of lying with the Queen in the King's absence belong'd to her and carry'd it to the exclusion of all the Ladies which the Queen brought with her out of England Now because the Count of Angoulême's Friends thought it absolutely necessary that he should have secret and faithful Spies about the Queen Madame and the Baroness d'Aumont undertook that Province and divided their time so exactly between 'em that either the one or the other was always by her nor
did she ever suspect the true Reason for that she had much more Beauty then Wit The Baroness cover'd their sedulity with the fair pretence of that Duty which they said they were oblig'd to pay her the one as her Daughter-in-law the other as her Maid of Honour There was only Suffolk who was so quick-sighted as to perceive their design but in regard he found at the same time they took care to conceal it he rather chose to feign ignorance then to give the Queen notice of it for fear the Count should seek his reine as taking from thence an occasion to tax him with breach of Promise This was the posture of the Intreagues at Court when the King dy'd the First day of the year 1515. six Weeks or thereabout after his Nuptials However the Queen was observ'd with the same exactness as before so long as there was any reason to doubt whether she was with Child or no. But after she had declar'd her self free and that that they were assur'd by undeniable proofs that her Declaration was sincere the Count of Angoulême being advanc'd to the Crown by the name of Francis I. was desirous to keep his word exactly with Suffolk To which purpose he spoke of it in his Council at what time his Ministers endeavour'd to divert him from it laying before him that it would be the committing a fault at the beginning of his Reign which was never to be repair'd and an unsurmountable obstacle to his designs of marching into Italy for the recovery of the Dutchy of Milan which his predecessors had lost and that it behov'd him before his departure to secure himself against his neighbours more especially the English who were most of all to be fear'd that Hen. VIII was the most haughty Monarch in Europe and that it would be the most sensible injury that could be done him to permit an inferior Marriage of his Sister However the consideration of Honour was more predominant over Francis I. then his own Interests He suffer'd Suffolk to marry the Queen Dowager privately and the King of England whose haughty Passion was sometimes soften'd by a capricious Humour which at times got the upper hand of him consented to the Marriage when it could not be undone which he never would have permitted before the knot was knit His tender kindness for Suffolk reviv'd in him when he saw him guilty of a crime which it behov'd him either absolutely to pardon or to cut of his Head and that Love which he could not brook one day himself without discovering it to the Party that was the occasion of it render'd him indulgent to his Sister who had forborn to satisfie her own Affection till her Widowhood gave her permission Thereupon he pardon'd 'em both consented to her second marriage sent for her into England so soon as he had secur'd her Dowry of 60000 Livres a year and renew'd his Alliance with Francis I. upon the conditions that he had sign'd to Lewis XII The Intreagues of the Court of France under the Reign of Francis I. year 1517 FRANCIS I. was a Prince endow'd with all those qualities that were proper to make a Great Monarch He was mild and easie liberal and magnificent in all things and moreover a comely handsome Person He had a quick Wit and a true Judgment he was stout and undaunted in danger indefatigable in labour and constant in ill fortune he was a lover of Learning and had a great value for Learned Men. With all these great Talents it was to be thought that he would have carry'd on his Conquests far and near had not his excessive compliances with his Mother and his indulgence to his Mistresses caus'd him to commit those faults from which he had much adoe to redeem himself His extraordinary Expences upon voluptuous Feasts had so exhausted his Treasure that he wanted Money for his necessary Exigencies The Love of the Countess of Angoulême for the Constable of Bourbon and her despite to find that he did not correspond with her Passion carry'd her to those extremities that he was forc'd to throw himself into the Spaniards Arms to deliver himself from her persecutions The choice which Francis I. made of the Brothers of his first Mistress to command his Armies in Italy occasion'd the loss of all his Conquests and the Intelligence which the Second held with the Emperor Charles V. to make him her Protector against Diana of Poictiers the Dauphin's Mistress reduc'd him to make an ignominious Peace with the Spaniasds The object of his first Amours after his coming to the Crown was the Countess of Château Brian She was the Daughter of Phoebus de Grailly a Prince of the House of Foix a Person who had all the Graces both of Body and Mind that could cause a Woman to be belov'd The Count of Château Brian sought her in Marriage when she was but Twelve years of age and ob●ain'd his desire because he requir'd no Portion with her He had a Daughter by her very ●arly and he had wanted nothing to compleat his Happiness could he but have kept the Trea●ure hid which he conceal'd so long in a corner of Bretaigne but noise and rumour is as inseparable from accomplish'd Beauties as the shadow from substance The King was easily over-rul'd by his own Inclination or by the Countess of Angoulême his Mother to permit the introducing those Ladies into Court which never appear'd there before but upon great Ceremonies and the Count of Chateau-Brian was invited to bring his Wife thither who was to be the principal Ornament of it He excus'd it however a long time whether he were jealous or whether he had any secret Prognosticks within himself of what would befall him His evasions were so courtly and accompany'd with so many probable circumstances that they afforded no occasion to mistrust 'em of Artifice He laid all the fault upon the morose humour of his Wife which it was impossible to tame but all his foresight could not prevent the destiny which the Stars had allotted him An unexpected Affair wherein his whole Estate was concern'd call'd him of necessity to Court and forc'd him from Bretaigne where he would have thought himself a happy Man to have spent all his days Now in regard he foresaw that his stay at Court would be of long continuance he put his Invention upon the Rack to find out an expedient which way to avoid the King's importunities yet without depriving himself the liberty of sending for her when he pleas'd himself After he had weigh'd and consider'd several he could not think of any better then to cause two Jewels to be made of a fantastic fashion yet so like as not to be distinguish'd one from the other and to make use of one to let his Wife understand his intentions One he kept himself the other he gave the Countess telling her withal that he was going to Court whether he should be constrain'd to send for her but that she
Project it could not be kept so secret ●●t that the persons concern'd had an inkling of it The first person who had notice of it was the Count of Buquoy Grand Master of the Ordinace in Flanders who carri'd the news to the Archduke and Spinola Immediately a Council was held wherein it was resolv'd that under some fair pretence the Princess should be invited to lodge in the Palace with the Archduke and the Infanta This was propos'd to the Prince of Conde without discovering the mistery to him withall they insinuated into him that in regard there was some unkindness between him and his Wife 't would be the best way to separate a while that he might have time to recover himself from his disgust To which the Prince consented without any scruple upon those assurances that the Archduke and the Infanta gave him not to part with her out of their Custody without his Consent Nor durst the Princess nor Coeuvres oppose it not having any manifest pretence to excuse themselves besides that hey were in hopes of executing their designs before the change of her lodging Nevertheless because they could not adjust all their Measures during the time that the Princess was to stay in the Prince of Orange's Palace therefore 't was thought convenient for the gaining of three or four days more that the Princess her self with whom he faign'd to be in Love should entreat Spinola to give her a Ball at his House the but crafty Genoese who smelt the design excus'd himself neatly However Coeuvres no ways discourag'd by this unlucky accident resolv'd to carry away the Princess upon Saturday night being the 13th of Feb. 1610. because she was to remove into the Palace the next day being Sunday She pretended she was ill for fear her Husband should lye with her which was a thing that very rarely happen'd and hinder from making her Escape The Archduke who was inform'd of every thing by Buquoy gave notice of it by Spinola to the Prince of Conde to whom they had never made any discovery till then for fear he should make a noise to no purpose and it was resolv'd that the Archduke should be requested to order the Prince of Orange's House to be guarded all the Night Conde was so alarum d at what Spinola had told him that not being able to keep the secret after he had taken sufficient care to disappoint the enterprize he brake out into frivolous complaints As for Coeuvres he deny'd every thing because he had as yet done nothing to convict him and because there was nothing more to be done he dispatch'd away a Courrier to the King for new Orders upon this unexpected Change The King perceiving that Artifice had nothing avail'd him resolv'd to make use of Force to get the Princess of Conde out of the hands of the Archduke and to declare War against the most Catholick King To which purpose he sounded James VI. who after the Death of Queen Elizabeth succeeded to the Crowns of England Ireland and Scotland and endeavour'd to oblige him to break with the Spaniards But he being already grown in years was unwilling to engage in a War of that consequence Upon which Hen. IV. made a League with the Duke of Savoy the Venetians and the States of the United Provinces who were most concern'd to humble the Pride of the House of Austria The Death of the Duke of Cleves upon which a difference arose between the Elector of Brandenbourgh and the Duke of Newburgh about the Succession furnish'd the Most Christian King with a specious pretence to take Armes and he began to send his Forces toward the Low Countries but the tragical end of that Prince disappointed all his vast designs For Hen. IV. going in his Coach to the Arsenal with the Dukes of Montbason and Epernon Ravaillac attempted to kill him as he went out of the Louvre but could not execute his design in that place because he found himself posted on that side where the Duke of Epernon sate The King moreover had not order'd his Guards to follow him as he was wont to do so that when his Coach enter'd into the Ironmongers Street and that his Footmen pass●d through St. Innocents Church-yard by reason of a stop that hinder'd the Coachman from driving on the Ruffian had an opportunity to get upon the fore-wheel and give the King two Stabs with a broad Knife the first between the second and third Rib which was of little consequence the second between the fifth and sixth Rib which peirc'd his Lungs and cutt the veiny Artery near the left Valvule of the Heart which last wound prov'd Mortal Thus this great Monarch ended his days when he was about to have made all Europe Tremble The Intreagues of France under the Reign of Lewis XIII THE Amours of Lewis XIII afford but little matter because that if he cast a particular eye upon any Lady of the Court 't was rather a Pastime then any real Passion Nevertheless there were Intreagues wherein the Ladies bore a part which I shall endeavour to relate with as much conciseness and clearness as the Thing will give me leave The Duke of Buckingham a Favorite of Charles I. King of Great Britain was come to Paris to conduct Madam Henrietta of France whom his Master had marri'd into England but intruth to set up a Faction in the Kingdom which might prevent the King from putting his design against the Hereticks in execution To which purpose he thought it necessary to acquire some familiarity among the Lady's who had most Credit at Court as being perswaded that 't was a difficult thing for persons of their Sex to conceal the greatest secrecies from those who are once so happy as to have touch'd their Hearts The Daughter of the Duke of Montbason who after the death of the Constable de Luynes marry'd in second Wedlock to the Prince of Joyinville and who was then call'd the Duke of Chevreuse was she whom Buckingham deem'd the most proper to second his designs Her Beauty had purchas'd her an absolute power over all the great Lords of the Kingdom She had a most persuasive Eloquence a boundless Ambition and a wanton Humour which made her covet the Conquest of all those whom she thought worthy of particular distinction Buckingham who had a penetrating judgment quickly understood her Character and perceiv'd that the Grand Prior natural Son to Henry IV. and the Count of Chalais were the most assiduous to pay her homage and the two persons likewise for whom she had the greatest value but that she treated 'em with so much equality that they could not discover which way her heart most enclin'd Buckingham having insinuated himself into their confidence offer d 'em to make the Dutchess explain her self and tho a man would have thought a Confident so lovely as the Duke a very improper person to fulfill the Trust which they had repos'd in him yet they never suspected any thing because that being a
King have not forborn to say that it has been one of the greatest defects of this Monarch to intermix the Blood of Bourbon with that of la Valiere and Montespan And indeed altho' the Princes and Princesses who are the Issue of the King's Amours are Persons of great vertue and merit these Alliances can never be justified However if we consider it never so little the King could not dispence with doing as he has done For certain it is that under a new Reign when there is generally a universal change of the Face of affairs the Duke of Maine would have been but little valued had he not Marry'd Mademoiselle de Charolois or some of her Quality Therefore 't is meerly out of Policy wherein Natural Affection has been only listen'd to that the Blood of la Valiere and M. de Montespan has been mix'd with the Royal Blood of Bourbon And whatsoever may be said against it there was in this respect a certain Generosity of the King which balances the Irregularity of these Matches FINIS BOOKS Printed for H. Rhodes at the Star in Fleet-street And J. Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey THE General History of Europe contain'd in the Historical and Political Monthly Mercuries from the Late happy Revolution in November 1688. to this present Time Giving an Account of all the Publick and Private Occurrences Civil and Ecclesiastical and Military that are most Considerable in every Court The interest of Princes their Pretences and Intreagues c. and generally all that is curious With Political Reflections upon every State Done from the Originals publish'd at the Hague by the Authority of the States of Holland In Four Volumes With an Index to each Volume Memoires for the Ingenious Containing several Curious Observations in Theology Philosophy Mathematicks Physick History Philosophy and other Arts and Sciences In Miscellaneous Letters to several of the Reverend Bishops and Clergy Eminent Physicians Fellows ot the Royal Society c. for the Year 1604. bound up in one Vol●me With a large Alphabetical Table to the Whole By J. de la Crose Eccles Angl. Presb. The Triumph Royal Containing a short account of the most Remakble Battles Sieges Sea-Fights Treaties and Famous Achievements of the Princes of the House of Nassau c. Describ d in the Triumphal Arches Pyramids Pictures Inscriptions and Devices erected at the Hague in Honour of William III. King of England Scotland France and Ireland Curiously Engraven in 62 Figures on Copper-plates their Histiory an Elaborate Piece of Curiosity First done in Dutch then into French and now into English Dedicated to her Majesty The Present Court of Spain Or the Modern Gallantry of the Spanish Nobility unfolded In several Histories and Seventy five Letters from the Enamour'd Teresa to her Belov'd the Marquiss of Mansera By the Ingenious Lady Author of The Travels into Spain Done into English by J. P. Voyage and Travels over Europe Vol. I. Containing the Curiosities of France The Second Volume of the Historical Voyages and Travels Containing all that is most Curious in Spain and Portugal The Present Condition of France in reference to her Revenues comparing them with the infinite Expences she is forc'd to beat Demonstrating thereby That it is impossible for her to support her self if the War with the Confederates continues done out of French These two last Sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers-Hall And most Booksellers A Brief Display of the French Counsels Representing the Wiles and Artifices of France in order to ruin the Confederates and the most probable ways to prevent them Scarron Incens'd Or his appearing to Madam de Maintenon his late Wife reproaching her Amours with Lewis the Great present King of France and discovering several secrets of that Court at the private Contract of Marriage between the French King and Madam de Mintenon several Letters between him and her and Father la Chaise c. Written by a Lady in French