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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73941 By the Quene. Whereas the Quenes Maiestie by her proclamation dyd adiourne the terme of Saint Michaell last past ...; Proclamations. 1563-12-10 England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I); Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603. 1563 (1563) STC 7964.5; ESTC S124677 1,947 3

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¶ By the Quene WHere as the Quenes Maiestie by her Proclamation dyd adiourne the Terme of Saint Michaell last past vntyll the fyrst day of Hyllary Terme nexte commyng then to begyn at Westminster as in tymes past hath ben accustomed hauing then good hope that before that tyme the plague in the Cities of London and Westminster woulde haue ceassed And forasmuch as the same plague doth not so much diminishe as therof any assured accompt may be made that the assemblye of her louyng Subiectes may without peryll be made at Westminster aforesayd at the said tyme appoynted Therefore her hyghnes hath thought it expedient by thaduice of her Counsell to adiourne the sayde Hyllary Terme from Westminster aforesayde vnto her hyghnes Castell of Hertford in the Countie of Hertford there to begyn Quindena sancti Hillarii nexte commyng Which her hyghnes doeth signifie vnto all her louyng Subiectes by this her Proclamation wyllyng and commaundyng them and euery of them to whom it doth apperteyne to obserue and kepe theyr assemblyes and apparaunces in all and euery her hyghnes Courtes at the sayde Quindena there to be holden in lyke maner fourme and condition as they woulde shoulde or ought to haue done if the same Terme and Courtes had ben holden and kept at Westminster as they and euery of them wyll aunswere at theyr peryls any thyng in her Maiesties former Proclamation to the contrary notwithstandyng And neuerthelesse her Maiesties pleasure is that two of her Iustices that is to saye of eyther Benche one shall the fyrst day of this next Hyllary Terme called Octabis Hillarii accordyng to the auncient order of her lawes kepe the essoynes of the sayde Octab. Hillarii At which vtas of Saint Hyllarii writtes of adiournement shal be directed to the sayde Iustices geuyng them aucthoritie to adiourne the sayde Hyllary Terme from Westminster aforesayde vnto the sayde Castell of Hertford there to begyn Quindena sancti Hillarii then next ensuyng and the same adiournement shal be made the fyrste daye of the sayde vtas commonly called the day of the essoynes And further her Maiestie consideryng that yf there should happen to be any accesse and apparaunce of her louyng Subiectes at the sayd Castell or Towne of Hertford duryng the sayde Terme of such as haue ben latelye infected with the plague or otherwyse of suche as haue had the plague in theyr houses there myght ensue great peryll and daunger to those that haue as yet ben cleare thereof and so a further inconuenience myght growe thereby to the rest of the Realme Wherefore her hyghnes in aduoydyng therof doeth strayghtly charge commaunde that no such person or persons that so haue ben infected or haue had the plague in theyr houses of what estate or degree he or they be of shall repayre vnto the said Castell or Towne of Hertford during the said Hyllary Terme except he or they be or shal be commaunded by processe or otherwyse hath speciall commaundement to be there And that euery such person so infected vpon his repayre to the sayde Castell or Towne shall before he enter into any house within the sayde Towne or into the sayde Castell openly notifie and declare his estate touchyng his infection and shall after duryng the time of his abode there beare and holde vp in his hand one whyte rodde of the length of one yarde vpon payne of her Maiesties displeasure and imprisonment of theyr bodyes duryng her hyghnes pleasure And further her Maiestie strayghtly chargeth and commaundeth all Iustices of peace of the sayde Countie of Hertford dwellyng within twelue myles of the sayde Towne and Castell of Hertford and all Constables Baylyffes and head officers of any Borowes Townes Vyllages or Hamlettes within eyght myles of the sayde Towne and Castell of Hertford that they and euery of them shall from the daye of the proclaymyng of this Proclamation within the sayde Countie do theyr best endeuours to make and set forth such good orders as by the goodnes of God maye tende most to the preseruation of all places within the same circuite of eyght myles from infection of the plague and for that purpose to assemble them selues together wekely from the tyme of the proclaymyng of this Proclamation vntyll the ende of the sayde Hyllary Terme in some places conuenient aswell for the deuysyng as for the execution of suche good orders And that the sayde Iustices of peace shall in the fyrst day of the sayde Hyllary Terme signifie and declare to the Lorde keper of the great Seale of Englande all that they and the sayde Constables and other the sayde officers shall then haue done in and about the premisses Yeuen at her Maiesties Castell of Wyndsor the .x. day of December in the syxt yere of her Maiesties raigne God saue the Quene Imprinted by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood printers to the Quenes Maiestie Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis And further the Quenes hyghnes pleasure is that her Maiesties Court of Th exchequer shall lykewyse be adiourned from her house of Syon where it nowe is vnto the sayde Castell of Hertford and there to begyn Octabis Hillarii next commyng And that all accomptauntes and other persons which haue or shall haue daye by proces out of the same Court to appeare Crastino Hillarii next shall lykewyse kepe theyr daye and apparence at the sayde Castell of Hertford in the sayde Octabis Hillarii next vpon suche paynes as in the same proces is limitted Yeuen at her Maiesties Castell of Wyndsor the tenth day of December in the syxt yere of her Maiesties raigne God saue the Quene Imprinted by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood Printers to the Quenes Maiestie Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis