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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14368 A stronge battery against the idolatrous inuocation of the dead saintes, and against the hauyng or setting up of images in the house of prayer, or in any other place where there is any paril of idolatrye, made dialoguewise by Iohn Veron VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1562 (1562) STC 24686; ESTC S102670 105,295 264

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¶ A stronge battery against the Idolatrous inuocation of the dead Saintes and against the hauyng or setting vp of Images in the house of prayer or in any other place where there is any paril of Idolatrye made dialogue wise by Iohn Veron Psal ●● Calle vppon me in the daye of ●hy trouble I wil hear thee Iohn ● I am the way I am the truth I ●m the life no man comes vnto the father but by me ¶ To the righte honorable sir Nicholas Bacon knight Lord keper of the great Seale of Englande and one of the Queenes most honorable priuye Counsayle Iohn Veron wyssheth grace peace of conscience and increase of godlye honour from god the father throughe hys son Iesu Christ oure Lorde SOme be of this opiniō right honorable sir that those thinges that bee in controuersie betwixt vs the Catholikes are not of so greate weighte and importaunce that wee ought therfore to stirre vp suche tragedies or make so muche a doe syth that they confesse one true lyuinge God with vs and his sonne Iesu Christe The commō complaintes of many people do alowe the scriptures of the old and new testament and all the articles of our beleue But yf al thinges be considered a right and wayed with the euen balaunce of gods worde it shal be easie for any man to vnderstande that it is not without a iuste cause that we do bothe dissente from them and a●so moste earnestly impugne their pernitious and damnable doctrine and al their abhominable erroures and diuel she opinions For first and foremost They do not confesse god which do not confesse him as he doeth reueale himself in his worde it can not iustly be sayde that they do confesse the onely true liuing ●od sith that they do not confesse him as he doeth setforth and reueale him selfe in his holye and sacred word but do so cōfesse him that thei do make of him a plaine e●dole Herin then do we differ from them that we do acknowledge and confesse him as he doeth reueale himself vnto v in his holy sacred word where he fetteth forth him self vnto vs an omnisufficient god and in whom only we ought to seke all maner of thinges that are necessarye both for our bodyes and soules Psa 89 The heauens are thine say the scriptures the earth also is thine Psal cxlv thou haste layed the foundacion of the world and all that therein is How god reueleth hymself in his word all the kingedomes of the earth are thine And thy kingome is an euerlastinge kingdome and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages Thou fittest on the rounde bale or circle of the earthe and the inhabitauntes of it are as Locustes in thy sight Thou makest to stande and doest putte to flight And onlesse thou kepest the citye h● watcheth in vaine that doth kepe it Al counsayles and helpes are from thee But do not ou● aduersaries most sacrilegiouslye The sacrilege of the aduersaries robbing go● of his glorye attribute al those thinges to hy● dead creatures I mean to those that be already departed out of this worlde what haue they ●eft vnto god what help what aid and succour that they haue nede of doe they not craue at the deade handes The Frenche men in their perillous warres and battayles do rather cal vpon Saint Denyle than vpon the mightye Ie●ou●h the lorde god of hoostes Saint denis of Fraunce Saint George of England S. Andrew of Scottland Saint Iames of Callycia The Englysh men had in stede of god Mars whom the heathen worshipped for the god of Battailes that lustre knight Saint George of Cappadocia The Scotes their Saint Andrew The Spaniardes and Gallycians haue yet at this houre their holy Saint Iames whom they do rather call vpon then vppon the eternall and euerlyuing god in their moste perillous affayres They that trauaile by the Sea haue in stede of Castor and Pollux their Saint Nicholas The gods of idolatrous Marinets vnto whome they ioygne fo a felowe helper that ●itle pretye one Sainct Christophore who by their description maye bee likened vnto that mounstruous Poliphemus which Virgill doeth speake of Do they not worshippe Saint Valesiane as they do communely call him as the heathen had in times paste woorshipped their Acolus Valesian whom Iupiter had appointed to be king ruler of stormes and tempestes For they persuade them selues Acolus that if they do diligently worship him he wil kepe of the haile from their corne and from al other fruites of the earthe he will cease the ragiouse windes and appease the tempestes Some other do attribute this office vnto Iohn and Paul Iohn Paul Saint Agathe must se their houses to be preserued frō fire Saint Agathe And therfore when there is any ieopardy of fire they do rather call vpon her than vpon him that hath all his creatures at his beck and commaundement But bicause she is a woman and therefore frayle and timorous Saint Florinian they haue associated vnto her saint Florinian who being in complet harneyse doeth hold a paile for to cast water vpon the fier for to quenche the burninge Sebastian Rocke do heale the pesstilence and potches when god doeth by his righteous iudgement punish the world with pesstilence haue they not their Saint Sebastian And when they be smyttē with botches sores and boyles haue they not their Saint Rocke more trust haue they in those dead creatures of whō we do doubt whether they be in heauen or not than they haue in the liuyng god the on●ly autour of al health both of body soule in their agues and seuers saint Petronille Petronille Peters daughter Peters daughter must be their phisition And no maru●●le For ▪ when our Sauiour Iesus Christ did heale her grand dame she creping in vnawares did learne the arte of medicin Appoleyne Otilia Touthlesse Appoleyne must helpe the touth ache ▪ as blynd Otilia bearinge her eyes vpon her booke being sallen out of her head ▪ must help sore eyes To be short they haue for all the partes of the body certain appointed Saints as they haue for euery kind of cattel Which thing they would not do if they did confesse and acknowledge god as he doth reueale himself in the scriptures For Deut. vi there we learn that the Lord our god is one God That he doth al things with his diuine prouidēce and that as all thinges are of him by him and in him so he is the onely autour of lyfe and deathe of rychesse and pouerty of wisedome and foolyshnes of health and sickenes And sith that we are bothe hys creatures and seruauntes and do owe our selues whollye both body soule vnto him How god ought to bee confessed is it not against al reason that we should turne out selues from the creatour vnto the creatures The heathen do the same But we ought to be