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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12924 An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande by the right woorshipfull sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the iustices of the Queenes maiesties court of comon pleas: whereunto is annexed the proces to the same prerogatiue appertaining. 1567 Staunford, William, Sir, 1509-1558.; Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538. Graunde abridgement. 1567 (1567) STC 23213; ESTC S117783 123,769 174

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¶ An exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande by the right woorshipfull sir William Staunford Knight lately one of the Iustices of the Queenes maiesties court of comon pleas Whereunto is annexed the Proces to the same Prerogatiue appertaining 1567. To the right honorable sir Nicholas Bacon knight lord keeper of the great seale of Englande Richard Tottel wisheth health and long lyfe with encrease of honour NOt long sythens right honorable and my especiall good Lord there was deliuered to mee A collection of the kinges prerogatiue whiche Maister Staunforde had gathered and dedicated vnto your honour which woorke bycause it is thought well of by the Sages of the lawe and well worthy to be printed I am therefore the bolder to put it in print and publishe the same And although the saide Maister Staunforde verie shortlye after that hee hadd dedicated the same booke vnto your Lordship were for his wisedome grauitie learning integritie syncere dealinge aduaunced to be a Iudge in the chiefe Court of this Realme for common plees and for his good seruice therein was by iust desert made knight and albeit that your Lordship also sythens that tyme haue achieued the place title and degree of high honour by the iudgemēt calling of the Queenes most excellent maiesty Yet I haue printed the Epistle dedicatorie of the said woork in the same termes that the Authour thereof vsed and with the same stile that your honour and he both then had when he dedicated the said woorke vnto your Lordship as a Monument and token of the mutuall long continued amitie betwene you moste humbly praieng your Lordship to accept in good parte accordinge to your accustomed goodnes this my boldnes with your honour and to pardon the same This 20. day of Nouember Your honours most bounden Richard Tottell ¶ Guilielmus Staunfordus Nicholao Bacono Regie Maiestati a Tutelarum procuratione S. D. P. QVanquam Anglicanae leges amice singularis haud minorem merentur laudem quā Iudex Fortescueus libro de earum laudibus conscripto eis tribuere videtur tamen quoniam earum cognitio tam procul nobis dissita sit profectio ad eam tam supra modum longa ac operosa tū viae et semitae tam asperae tā salabrosae tam inamaenae sint vt ad sui aditum paucissimos inuitet quā plurimos ab sterreat vel potius auertat Optarem in tanta iurisperitorum turba quam Anglia nunc habet aliquid excogitari posse leuandis legum Studiosis prolongo isto ac molesto itinere Vt propiore ac commodiore via ducti valerent et proficiscēdo absoluto itinere alias degustare literas quibus non solum legalem scientiam multum illustrarent sed et munia eis a Regia Maiestate mandata tum pulchriûs tum honorificentiús administrarent Id quod meo iudicio cōmodissimê fieri possit si tituli in magna quā vocant Fitzherberti Epitome vel a Iudicibus nostris vel ab aliis legum peritis sedulo forent euoluti atque elaborati hoc est omni titulo in classes ac ordines distributo singulis eorum actis ac causis certae legum regulae ac Maximae presiderent Exempli gratia In Breuis titulū cadere possunt hec videlicet Forma vitiosa Nomendatura seu ꝑsonae seu vici Eadē res bis petita Obitus vel actoris vel rei Nominis alterutrius partis pēdente lite mutatio ceteraque huiusmodi quae nunc nimis longo titulo spersa tam tumultuarie reperiuntur vt multo maiorem tum eruditionem tum sudores tum vigilias exigat eorū distributio quā rectê distributa ediscere Et tamen non possum committere quin tantae epitomes scriptorem vel amplissimis laudibus veham qui súma sua doctrina exactissimo iudicio immensis ac pene dixerim exanclatis laboribus tam numerosam voluminum multitudinem quibus vel legendis vix vnius hominis aetas quantumlibet viuacis sufficeret in vnū dūtaxat volumen atque adeo epitomen contraxit vt nunc nostratibus iurisperitis modo volentibus minima opera componere liceat quippiam tam facile tam vtile tam frugiferū vnde studiosi dimidiato tempore quo antehac legibus obdormire sint visi cum maturiorē tum certiorem noticiam assequerentur Quo nomine rei mihi tam vehementer expetitae typum quendam pro posui ac quasi primas inde lineas duxi Recipiens ad me huiusmodi p̄dictorum titulos qui Regiam prerogatiuam spectant non quod sum aliqua ex parte dignus rem tam eximiam tamque sublimem tractare nec quod eruditione id prestare valeam Siquidem de meo nihilo plus hic est quā collectio ac dispositio tantum earum rerum quae eisdem titulis includuntur Sed magis quod istud meum commentitium qualecunque sit tibi semper destinaueram id quod in nullum alium preter hunc titulum cōmodè experiri potui tum quod ad magistra tum tuum Regij procuratoris tutelarum maxime partinere videbatur tum quod cōpertum habeo te iurisprudentiae incūbentem hūc quem proposui morem hactenus obtinuisse quod fecit vt reliquos tuos contemporaneos eruditione multis stadijs precurras tum denique quod tuum iudicium super hisce rebus in quibus assiduè versaris ac exercitaris requiro Certus me hic rem habere cum homine tam amico vt si quid lectione dignum inuenerit id pergratè sit accepturus sin minus certè aequi bonique consulturus reliquum quod habet vitij emendaturus aut saltem ad id coniuere velle cōfido Proinde istud quicquid est tibi nuncupo lege ac pro tua voluntate fruere Vale. To the right woorshipfull and his singuler frinde Nicholas Bacon the kinges Attourney of his court of wardes and Liuereys William Staunford wisheth helth long lyfe and prosperous successe ALbeit the lawes of Englande right singuler frinde are worthye no lesse honour praise and commendacion then Iustice Fortescue in his booke written of the praises thereof dooth attribute and geue vnto them yet forasmuch as the knowledge of the said lawes is placed so farre of the iourney thereunto so exceading long and painefull the waies and pathes so rugged and vnpleasant I would wish that amonges such plenty of learned men as be at this day some thing were deuised to help the studēts of their lōg iorney that they being led a more nere plesant way might both as they went and after they came to theire iorneis end gather some other knowledge not onely therewith to garnish theire owne science but also the better to serue in such honorable rome as they be called to serue the kinge and soueraigne lord in which thing might well come to passe after my poore mynde if such
seisin can not be deliuered out of him vntill suche time an Ouster le maine bee sued as if the king be seysed by office of the lande of any Idiots or for ānū diem vastū of lands of any that is attainted in these cases he that shoulde haue these landes after the kynges title determined muste sue an Ouster le maine otherwise yt is where the kyng is not seised of the land but only entitled to the profites as of the landes of him that is outlawed in a personall action or of clerke conuicte or suche like there nede no Ouster le mayne to be sued as appeareth in .8 E. 2. 4. Trauers 28. E. 3. and .9 H. 6. f. 20. and if the landes whiche is seysed into the kynges handes bee holden ioyntlye bye manye yet euery one of them by hymselfe may sue hys Ouster le maine of his owne parte withoute his companions as appeareth in .2 Assise p. 166. H. 4. Lyuerye THe maner of the suing of a generall liuery doth partly appere in the title of Liuerie in the great abridgemēt of Iustice Fitsherbert A. 12. H. 4. ti Liuerie p. 4. A. 21. R. 2. ti Liuerie p. 5. Wher it is declared that after the heire that was in the kings warde is come to full age then a writ De etate probanda shal be awarded vnto the shirife of the shiere where the said heire was borne to ēquire of his age in which case it is required by the lawe that euerye one that shall passe in that enquest shal be of the age of .xliij. yeares meaning therby that they euery one of them shoulde be of full age at birth of the childe beecause that suche haue better knowledge and remembraunce then other of lesser age haue and that the heire that is in warde enforme the enquest by certaine signes and tokens of the tyme of his birthe as to say that that yeare there was a great tempeste or a greate plague or suche like which signes so geuen in euidence shal be returned by the shiriue as well as the principall mater But whether it bee requisite to haue xij or a lesse number in the sayde enquest or not learn for soome think that any number from two vpwarde will serue beecause the triall is by proues and see the newe Natura breui um fo 136. wher it appereth that this writ of Etate ꝓbanda was directed to the eschetour of the countie where hee was borne and not to the shiriue Howebeeit note alwayes that theye wheare the lande is shall neuer enquire of this mater vnlesse the birthe and lande weare bothe in one shiere for theye haue enquired of it allredy that is to say when theye dyd fynde the firste offyce Thus when theye haue founde his age that enqueste shall bee returned into the Chauncerie and from thence shal bee awarded a write to the Lorde Keeper of the priuie seale signifying vnto him that the heire is of full age and vppon that a priuie seal shall bee directed to the Chamberlaine of Englande to receiue his homage whiche beynge receiued the sayde lorde Chamberlaine shall certifie the lorde Chaunceller by write of the receipte thereof and then shall the heire haue his liuerie But it seemes that if the heire were neuer in warde but of full age at death of his auncester and so founde by office that thenne hee shall haue liuerie as is declared vppon that office onelye without suynge anye write of Etate probanda for the writtes of liuerie in thys case make no mention of anye Etate probanda as they doe in the other case but if the heire bee withein age and in the kyngs warde and after when he comes to his ful age other landes descende vnto him whiche the kynge allso seisethe by an enqueste that fyndes the heire of full age yet this not withstandynge hee must now sue an Etate probanda vppon bothe offices as appearethe in M. 13. Henrye the fowerthe And the reason of it is M. 13 H. 4. beecause the fyndynge of hym of full age is but as voide as longe as there is a recorde whiche founde hym within age to the whiche record the kynge mighte cleaue vnto as the best recorde that makethe for hym vntyll suche tyme the contrarie thereof be proued bye the wryte of Etate probanda Howebeeit at this day the statut made Anno. 33. H. 8. hath much abridged the fees that haue bene geuen vpon the sute of a general liuerie namely for liueries to be sued of clere yearely value of v. li. or vnder and that it may be sued without any office to be founde But I do not see that the maner of the sute is in any other point altered or changed by the sayd statute but it remaines as it did before And that statute also geueth men licence to sue a generall liuerie of landes not excedinge the cleare yerelye value of .xx. li. whereby I see no let but that a man may sue his generall liuerie also for landes aboue the yerely value of xx li. as he might haue done before the makynge thereof for this statute is not contrarie to anye lawe that was before in that pointe sauinge that a general lyue uerie vnder the value of .xx. li. can not passe or be sued yf he haue not firste his warrant from the maister of the kynges wardes and liueries surueyours atturneys and generall receiuour or three of them signed and subscribed with their names and hands Thus may you see the maner of the suing forth of a generall liuerie which liuerie may not be sued by parcelles as I haue sayde before but entierlye that is to say of all the landes the kinge is or ought to be seised of in his right that sues the liuerie And therefore if the heyre sue liuery but of parcell of that that is founde by office or yf the auncester we are seised of other landes than are foūd bye office yf the heire sue his generall lyuerie beefore an offyce thereof founde omittinge them in the liuerye the lyuery is missued T. 12. R. 2.44 E. 3. f. 1● et 25. 2. H. 7. f. 2. as appereth in .12 R. 2. 44 E. 3. 2. H. 7. and therefore it beehoues the heire beefore hee sue his lyuerye to cause an office to bee foynde in euerye sheere where hys auncester hadde anye landes And this entier lyuerye is intended as well of landes holden of other lordes beinge in the kinges handes as of the landes that are holden of the kinge and therefore if a manne holde of the king in chiefe by knightes seruice and of other lordes in socage and die his heir being a daughter within the age of xiiii yeres in this case when the sayd daughter cometh of the age of xiiii yeres she getteth no liuerie of the lands holden in socage but must tarry till she be of the age of xvi yeres that she may then sue liuerie of the whole as appereth .35 H. 6.