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A10218 De pace Regis et regni viz. A treatise declaring vvhich be the great and generall offences of the realme, and the chiefe impediments of the peace of the King and kingdome, as menaces, assaults, batteries, treasons, homicides, and felonies ... and by whome, and what meanes the sayd offences, and the offendors therein are to bee restrained, repressed, or punished. ... Collected out of the reports of the common lawes of this realme, and of the statutes in force, and out of the painfull workes of the reuerend iudges Sir Anthonie Fitzharbert, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir William Stanford, Sir Iames Dyer, Sir Edward Coke, Knights, and other learned writers of our lawes, by Ferdinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. Pulton, Ferdinando, 1536-1618.; Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538.; England and Wales. Public General Acts. Selections. 1609 (1609) STC 20495; ESTC S116053 719,079 571

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persons vnlawfully assembled Then euery person which so being able and required doth willingly and obstinatly refuse so to doe shal suffer imprisonment for one yeare without baile or mainprise And as in al the cases aforesaid euery able person is bound vpon request to assist the Iustices shirifes other the Kings officers to pursue apprehend arrest and imprison Manquellors robbers felons or other disturbers of the peace and so to do his whole endeuor to be a conseruator of the peace of the Realme Euerie person must assist to execute the K. Writ In like sort is euery able person bound by the common law and by the Stat. of Westm̄ 1. Westm̄ 2. to be attendant vpon the Shirife St. 3. E. 1. 17. S. 13. E. 1. 39. or vndershirife in the execution of the kings writs and by that meanes to be a supporter of the justice of the Realme These offēces punishable in the Starre Chamber 86 Menaces assaults batteries imprisonments and maihems committed by some persons to some persons at some times in some places in some manner forme sort and with some circumstances besides the penalties aforesaid inflicted vpon the offendors therein are also punishable in the Kings high Court of the Starre chamber as other offences hereafter mentioned be as it doth more at large appeare in Oppressions 35. ¶ Of Riots Routs vnlawful and rebellious Assemblies RIots Routs The enormitie of Riots vnlawfull Rebellious assemblies haue bin so many times pernitious fatal enemies to this kingdom the peace tranquillity thereof haue so often shaken the foundation and put in hazard the very forme and state of gouernment of the same that our lawmakers haue béen enforced to deuise from age to age one law vpon an other one stat after another for the repressing punishing of them haue endeuoured by all their wits to snib the sprouts quench the very first sparkes of them as euery man may easily perceiue there was cause thereof who will looke back and call to his remembrance what that small Riot begun at Dartmouth in Kent in the raigne of King Richard the second betwéen the collector of a subsidy and a Tyler and his wife about the payment of one poore great did come vnto which being not repressed in time did grow to so great a rebelliō that after it put in hazard the life of the K. the burning of the Citie of London the ouerthrow of the whole Nobility gentlemen and all the learned of the land and the subuersion of this goodly Monarchy and forme of gouernment Or if they will call to mind the small Riot or quarrell begun in the raigne of King Henry the sixt between a Yeoman of the gard and a seruingman of Richard Neuils Earle of warwick which so farre increased for want of restraint that it was the roote of many wofull tragedies and a meane to bring to vntimely death first Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke proclaymed successor to the Crowne and the chiefe pillar of the house of Yorke and after him King Henry the sixt and Prince Edward his sonne the heires of the house of Lancaster and to ruinate with the one or the other of them most of the Péeres great men and gentlemen of the realme besides many thowsands of the common people West 1. 3 E. 1. 32. Sta. 7. Ed. 1. St. 13. E. 1. 6. And therefore King Edward the first did well ordaine That no Shirifes shall suffer Barretors or maintainers of quarrels in their Counties And that to all parliaments Treatises and other assemblies each man shall come peaceably without any armor and that euery man shall haue armor in his house according to his ability to kéepe the peace And King Edward the third prouided Statutes ordained to preuent forces or Riots that no man shall come before the Iustices St. 2. E. 3. 3. St. 5. E. 3. 14. nor goe or ride armed And that suspected lewd and riotous persons shall be arrested and safely kept vntill they be deliuered by the Iustices of Gaole deliuery St. 34. E. 1. 3. Sta. 2. R. 2. 6. And that Iustices of peace shall restraine offendors riotors and all other Barretors and pursue take and chasten them according to their Trespas and offence Sta. 5. R. 2. 6. St. 15. R. 2. 2 St. 7. R. 2. 13 King Richard the second did prohibit Riots Routs and forcible entries into lands that were made in diuers counties and partes of the Realme And that none from thenceforth should make any Riot or Rumor And that no man shall ride armed 20. Rich. 2. 1 nor vse Launcegaies And that no laborer seruant in husbandry or Artificer St. 12. R. 2. 6 or victualer shall weare any buckler sword or dagger And that all the Kings officers shall suppresse and imprison such as make any Riots Routs St. 17. R. 2. 8. or vnlawful assemblies against the peace King Henry the fourth enacted That the Iustices of peace the Shirife shall arrest those which commit any Riot Rout or vnlawfull assembly shall enquire of them and record their offences St. 13. H. 4. 7 King Henry the fift assigned commissioners to enquire of the same Iustices Shirifes defaults in that behalfe St. 2. H. 5. 8. and also limited what punishment offendors attainted of Riot should sustaine King Henry the seauenth ordained Sta. 19. H. 7. that such persons as were returned to enquire of Riots should haue sufficient fréehold or copihold land within the same Shire And that no maintenance should hinder their Inquisition And in the Raigne of Quéene Mary Sta. 1. M. 12. there was a necessary Statute established to restrain and punish vnlawfull and rebellious assemblies raised by a multitude of vnruly persons to commit certaine violent forcible and Riotous acts 2 As the said Lawes Statutes were deuised in seueral ages by the wisedom of the Realme to enquire of and restraine Riots Routs vnlawfull and rebellious assemblies and to checke violences and forces before they should grow to a head So haue our prouident forefathers erected the most honorable Court of Starre chamber The Court of Starre chambers authoritie to punish Riots c. to examine and punish those and other offences when they breake out to extremities viz. to great and haynous Riots or such like enormities thereby to kéepe euery person in awe and so the whole Realme in peace As appeareth by the Statute of Anno 3. H. 7. whereby it is inacted That the Chauncellour and Treasorer of England for the time being and the President of the Kings Councell St. 3. H. 7. 1. Stat. 21. H. 8. 22. and the kéeper of the Kings priuy seale or two of them calling to them a Bishop and a Temporall Lord of the Kings most honorable priuy Councell the two chiefe Iustices of the K. Bench and common place for the time being or other two Iust in their absence vpon bill or information put to
was then further enacted Who shal take the othe for the Quéenes supreame gogouernment That all and euery Archbishop Bishop and all and euerie other Ecclesiasticall person and other Ecclesiasticall Officer and Minister of what estate dignitie preheminence or degrée soeuer he or they be or shall be and all and euerie temporall Iudge Iustice Maior and other lay and temporall Officer and Minister and euery other person hauing the Quéenes fées or wages within this Realme or any of her Dominions shall make take and receiue a corporall othe vpon the Euangelists before such person or persons as shall please the Quéene her heires or successors to assigne and name to accept and take the same othe And euery person that at any time shal be preferred promoted or collated to any Archbishopricke or Bishopricke or to any other Ecclesiasticall benefice promotion dignitie office or ministrie or that shall be by the Quéene her heirs or successors preferred to any temporall or lay office ministrie or seruice within any her Dominions before he shall take vpon him to receiue vse exercise supplie or occupie any such Archbishopricke Bishopricke promotion dignitie office c. shall receiue the same othe before such persons as shal haue authoritie to admit any such person to any such office c. or else before such person or persons as by the Quéene c. vnder the great Seale shall be assigned to minister the sayd othe And euerie person temporall suing liuerie or Ouster le maine out of the hands of the Quéene her heires or successors before his liuerie or Ouster le maine sued forth and allowed And euerie temporall person doing any homage to the Quéene her heires and successors or that shall bee receiued into seruice with her c. shall take the foresaid corporall othe before the Lord Chancellor or Kéeper of the great Seale or before such person or persons as by the Quéene c. shal be appointed to receiue the same And euery person taking orders and euery other person which shal be preferred to any degrée of learning in any Vniuersitie within this Realme or dominions before he shall receiue such orders or be preferred to such degrée of learning shall take the foresayd othe before his Ordinary Commissary Chancellor or Vicechancellor or their sufficient deputie in the said Vniuersitie And by another stat made an 5. Eliz. it was further enacted St. 5. El. 1. That all other persons which haue taken or shall take orders commonly called Ordines sacros or Ecclesiasticall orders or haue béen or shal be promoted preferred or admitted to any degrée of learning in any Vniuersitie within this Realme or dominions to the same belonging And all Schoolmasters and publique and priuat teachers of children as also all maner of person and persons that haue taken or hereafter shal take any degrée of learning in or at the common laws of this realm as well vtter-barresters benchers readers ancients in any house or houses of court and al principal Treasurers and such as be of the grand companie in euery Inne of Chancerie all Atturneies Prothonotories and Philozers towards the laws of this realme And all manner of Sherifes Escheators and Feodaries and all other person and persons which haue taken or shall take vpon him or them or haue béen or shall be admitteed to any Ministrie or Office in at or belonging to the common law or any other law or lawes of to or for the execution of them or any of them vsed or allowed or at any time hereafter to be vsed or allowed within this Realme or any the Dominions or Countries belonging or which hereafter shall happen to belong to the Crowne or dignitie of the same And all other Officers or Ministers of or towards any Court whatsoeuer and euerie of them shall take and pronounce a corporall othe vpon the Euangelists before hée or they shall bée admitted allowed or suffered to take vpon him or them to vse exercise supply or occupie any such vocation office degrée ministrie roome or seruice as is aforesaid and that in the open Court whereunto hée doth or shall serue and belong And if he or they doe not or shal not serue or belong to any ordinarie or open Court then hée or they shall take and pronounce the othe aforesaid in an opē place before a conuenient assembly to witnesse the same and before such person or persons as haue or shall haue authoritie by common vse or otherwise to admit or call any such person or persons as is aforesaid to any such Vocation Office Ministrie roome or seruice or else before such person or persons as by the Queene her heires or successors by commission vnder the great Seale of England shall be named or assigned to accept and take the same according to the tenor effect and forme hereafter following viz. I A. B. doe vtterly testifie and declare in my conscience The Othe that the Queenes Highnesse is the onely supreame gouernour of this Realme and of all other her Highnesse Dominions and Countries as well in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall things or causes as temporall And that no forreine Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to haue any iurisdiction power superioritie preheminence or authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme And therefore I doe vtterly renounce and forsake all forreine iurisdictions powers superiorities and authorities and doe promise that from henceforth I shall beare faith and true allegiance to the Queens Highnesse her heirs lawful successours and to my power shall assist and defend all iurisdictions priuiledges preheminences and authorities graunted or belonging to the Quéenes Highnesse her heires and successors or vnited and annexed to the imperiall Crowne of this Realme So helpe me God and by the contents of this booke And by the foresayd Statute of Anno 5. Elizab. 1. it was further enacted That euerie Archbishop and Bishop within this Realme A Bishop may tender the Othe and the Dominions of the same shall haue authoritie to tender or minister the othe aforesaid to euerie or any Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall person within their proper Diocesse as well in places and iurisdictions exempt as not exempt And that the Lord Chauncelor The L. Chācellor may grant commissions to tender the Othe or Kéeper of the great Seale of England for the time béeing shall and may at all times hereafter by vertue of this Act without further warrant make and direct Commission and Commissions vnder the great Seale of England to any person or persons giuing them thereby authoritie to tender and minister the othe aforesaid to such person or persons as by the foresaid Commission or Commissions the sayd Commissioners shall bée authorised to tender the sayd othe vnto And moreouer it was enacted That if any person or persons appointed or compellable by this Act The penaltie for the first refusall of the Othe or by the foresaid Act made Anno 1. El. 1. to take the sayd othe
false déede or writing as aforesaid after the said first day of Iune Stat. 5. El. 14 11 This Act or any thing therein contained Persons not chargeable by this statute shall not extend to charge any Ordinarie or any their Commissaries Officials Registers or any other their Officers or Ministers with any the offences aforesaid for putting their seale of office to any will to be exhibited vnto them not knowing the same to be false or forged or for writing of the said will or probate of the same Neither shall this Act or any thing therein contained extend or be hurtfull to any Proctor Aduocate or Register of any Ecclesiasticall Court within this realm for the writing setting forth or pleading of any Proxie made according to the Ecclesiasticall lawes or customes heretofore allowed and vsed by the Ecclesiasticall Courts of this Realme for the apparance of any person or persons beeing cited to appeare in any of the said Courts Ecclesiasticall Officiall Nor to any Archdeacon or Officall for putting their authentique seale to the said proxies or proxie Nor yet to any Iudge Ecclesiasticall for admitting of the same but they and euerie of them may hereafter doe in all poynts concerning the same as they and euerie of them might lawfully haue done before the making of this Act. Neither shall this Act extend to any Attourney Attourney Lawyer or Counsellor Counsellor that shall for his client plead shew forth or giue in euidence any false and forged déed charter will court roll or other writing for true being not partie nor priuie to the forging of the same for the pleading shewing forth or giuing in euidence of the same Neither shall this Act extend to any person or persons Exemplification that shall plead or shew forth any deed or writing exemplified vnder the great Seale of England or vnder the great seale of any other authentique Court of this Realme A Iudge A Iustice Nor shall extend to any Iudge or Iustice or other person that shall cause any seale of any Court to bee set to any such déed charter or writing inrolled not knowing the same to bee false and forged Any thing in this Act to the contrarie notwithstanding Forging of a customarie booke 12 If one or more tenants of a Mannor 15. Eliz. Dy. 322. wherein there bee seuerall Copiholders doe make a customarie booke or roll of the same Mannor in parchment or paper and doe insert therein diuers customes whereof some be false and doe set his or their owne seales thereunto and the seales of some other Copiholders of the same Mannour and the same customarie booke or roll is intituled and pretended to be collected renewed set forth and allowed by the Lord and all the Freeholders and Copiholders of the said Mannour where in truth it is set forth and made without the priuitie or consent of the Lord of the same Mannour or of the residue of the Copiholders thereof This is a forgerie and false making of a writing sealed to the intent to benefit themselues and to disinherit the Lord of the Mannor and therefore punishable by the open and shamefull punishment contained in the foresayd Statute of 5. Elizab. The proces to leuie costs and damages of a forger 13 Whereas the sayd Statute of 5. Elizabeth hath ordayned 15. Eliz. Dyer 323. That if any person shall bée conuicted of forging of a false deed vpon a bill or information to bee exhibited into the Court of the Starre chamber according to the order and vse of the Court hee shall pay vnto the partie grieued his double costs and dammages to bee assessed in the same Court Therefore when any man is attainted of Forgerie in the Starre chamber for the recouerie of the double costs and dammages taxed by the Court a writ in English shall bee made and directed to the Sherife of the Countie where the offendor doth dwell reciting the Statute and the conuiction commaunding the Sherife to leuie the said costs and dammages of the goods cattels and profits of the lands and tenements of the offendor and to bring the money into the Starre chamber Which writ shall bee sealed with the great Seale and vnder the Teste of the King And there by the order of the Court the money shall be deliuered to the partie grieued The kings pardon of forgerie 14 If a man be attainted of Forgerie in the Starre Chamber 15. Eliz. Dyer 323. Co. li. 5. 50. or in an action of Forger of false déeds founded vpon the said statute of 5. Eliz. the king may pardon his corporall punishment of setting vpon the pillorie flitting his nostrels and perpetuall imprisonment viz. so much of the penaltie of the sayd statute as is to be inflicted for a terrour or example to his people for that hée onely hath interest therein as hée hath in the issues and profits of the said offendors lands And as he may pardon the second offence of him who béeing once conuicted of forgerie doth eftsoones commit the same againe and thereby doth become a felon And as the plaintifes release discharge or discontinuance by the words of the said statute shall discharge the defendants iudgement or execution touching such costs and dammages as the plaintife should haue had against the defendant So may the kings pardon discharge the same defendant of any penaltie or forfeiture that the same statute doth giue vnto him which be the corporall punishments and the issues and profits of the defendants lands 23. El. Dy. 302. 15 Whereas the said Statute of 5. Elizab. hath ordained Forging of Testament That if any shall forge the will of any person in writing to the intent c. That then hée shall be punished as is aforesaid Yet if one do forge the Testament of another person whereby any lease for yeares shall bée conueyed hée is within the danger and penaltie of the said statute though no mention bee made in the statute of a Testament and he shall be charged onely in respect that hée hath forged a writing sealed But of a will concerning fréehold or inheritance there is speciall mention made in the same statute 12. Eliz. Dyer 288. 16 If a Clerke doe write the will of another man which is deadly sicke and after the Testator is become speechlesse Inserting more in a will than is directed and past memorie doth insert some article or clause in the same will which the Testator did not direct him to doe yet this is no forgerie punishable by the sayd statute of 5. El. nor within the meaning of the makers of the same For the principall déed or writing which was the wil of the Testator was not forged neither was any false déed charter writing or will though the article or clause inserted therein hauing no sufficient warrant was false and therefore not the Testators wil nor part thereof nor to be proued therewith 17 And though the said statute of 5.
St. 16. R. 2. 5 shall incurre the paines and penalties containe●●n the Statute of Premunire made Anno 16. Ri. 2. 17 Because diuerse persons euill affected had practised contrarie to the meaning of the foresaide Statute of 13. Elizab. 2. by other meanes than by Bulles or Instruments written or printed to withdrawe seuerall of the Quéenes subiects from their naturall obedience to her Maiestie to obey the vsurped authoritie of the Bishop of Rome and in respect of the same to perswade great numbers to withdrawe their due obedience to her Maiesties Lawes established for the due seruice of God Perswading to the Romish religion For reformation whereof St. ● 3. Eli. 1 and to declare the true meaning of the same Lawe by a Statute made Anno 23. Elizab. 1. it was declared and enacted That all persons whatsoeuer which haue or shall haue or shall pretend to haue power or shall by any wayes or meanes put in practise to absolue perswade or withdrawe any of the Quéenes subiects or any within her Realmes or Dominions from their naturall obedience to her Maiestie or to withrawe them for that intent from the Religion now by her Highnesse authoritie established within her Highnesse Dominions to the Romish Religion or mooue them or any of them to promise any obedience to anie pretended authoritie of the Sea of Rome or of anie other Prince State or Potentate to be had or vsed within her Dominions or shall doe anie ouert Act to that intent or purpose and euerie of them shall be to all intents adiudged to be traitours and being thereof lawfully conuicted shall haue iudgement suffer and forfeit as in case of high Treason And if any person shall by any meanes be willingly absolued or withdrawen as aforesaide or willingly be reconciled Being perswaded to the Romish Religion or shall promise anie obedience to any such pretended authoritie Prince State or Potentate as is aforesaide Then euerie such person and persons their Procurers and councellors thereunto being thereof lawfully conuicted shall be taken tried and iudged and shall suffer and forfeit as in cases of high Treason And for the further confirmation and explanation of the saide Statute of Anno 23. Elizab. 1. and for a more augmentation thereof in some sort there was an other Statute made Anno 3. St. 3. Iac. 4 Iacob 4. whereby it was enacted That if any person or persons shall either vpon the Seas or beyond the Seas or in any other place within the Dominions of the King his heires or successours put in practise to absolue perswade or withdrawe any of the Subiects of the King his heires Practising to absolue or reconcile to the Romish Religion or successours of this Realme of England from their naturall obedience to his Maiestie his heires or successours Or to reconcile them to the Pope or Sea of Rome or to mooue them or any of them to promise obedience to anie pretended Authoritie of the Sea of Rome or to any other Prince State or Potentate Then euery such person and persons their Procurors Aidors Councellors and Maintainors knowing the same shall be to all intents adiudged Traitours and being conuicted shall haue iudgement suffer and forfeit as in case of high Treason And if any such person as is aforesaide either vpon the Seas or beyond the Seas or in anie other place within the Dominions of the King his heires or successours shall be willingly absolued or withdrawen as aforesaide or willingly reconciled or shall promise obedience to anie such pretended authoritie Prince Absolued or reconciled State or Potentate as is aforesaide Euery such person and persons their Procurers Councellours Aidors and Maintainours knowing the same shall be to all intents adiudged Traitours and being conuict shall haue iudgement suffer and forfeit as in case of high Treason But this Clause touching Reconciliation shall not extend to anie person which shall bée reconciled to the Pope or Sea of Rome that shall returne into this Realme and within sixe daies after his returne A reconciled person submitteth before the Bishoppe of the Diocesse or two Iustices of the Peace of the Countie where hée shall arriue shall submit himselfe to the King and his lawes and take the othe of Supremacie ordained Anno 1. Eliz. 1. and the othe set downe in this Act. 18 Whereas diuerse persons called or professed Iesuites Seminarie priests and other priests made beyond the Sea according to the order of the Romish Church haue come and béene sent into this Realme of purpose not onely to withdraw the Quéenes subiects from their due obedienes to her Maiestie but also to mooue sedition rebellion and open hostilitie within her Highnesse Dominions For reformation whereof by a Statute made Anno 27. Elizab. it was enacted That it shall not be lawfull to Iesuites and Priests shall not come into this Realme or for any Iesuite Seminarie Priest or other such Priest Deacon or other Religious or Ecclesiasticall person whatsoeuer St. 27. 2 E. 2 being borne within this Realme or any of the Dominions thereof and héeretofore since 24. Iun. Anno 1. reginae Eliza. made ordained or professed or héereafter to be made ordained or professed by any authoritie or iurisdiction deriued challenged or pretended from the Sea of Rome by or of what name title or degrée soeuer the same shall be called or knowen to come into be or remaine in any part of this Realme or any Dominions thereof other than in such cases and vpon such speciall occasions onely and for such time onely as is expressed in this Act viz. if he be so weake and infirme of body that hée cannot passe out of this Realme And if hée doe then euery such offence shall be adiudged high Treason And euery person so offending shall for his offence be adiudged a Traitor and shall suffer loose and forfeit as in case of high Treason 19 By a Statute made Anno 27. Elizab. it was established That if any the Quéenes subiects not being a Iesuite Seminarie Priest St. 27. El. 2. or other Priest Deacon or Religious or Ecclesiasticall person as is before mentined now being or which héereafter shall be of or brought vp in any Colledge of Iesuites Seminarie persons shall retire into England or Seminaries already erected or ordained or héereafter to be erected or ordained in any parts beyond the Seas or out of this realme in any forraine parts shall not within sixe moneths next after Proclamation in that behalfe to be made within the citie of London vnder the great Seale of England returne into this Realme and thereupon within two dayes next after such returne before the Bishop of the Diocesse or two Iustices of peace of the County where hée shall arriue submit himselfe to her Maiestie and her Lawes and take the Othe set foorth Anno 1. Elizab. 1. Then euery such person which shall otherwise returne come into or be in this Realme or any other the Dominions thereof for