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A94132 Suttons hospitall: with the names of sixteen mannors, many thousand acres of land, meadow, pasture, and woods; with the rents and hereditaments thereunto belonging: the governours therof, and number of schollers and others that are maintained therewith. As also, the last will and testament of Thomas Sutton Esquire, founder of the said hospitall: with the perticular summes by him bequeathed, for repairing the high-wayes of severall parts of this kingdom for ever, and what he gave to the poor of severall parishes, and other charitable uses amounting to above 20000. pounds. Wherein, many thousands at this day are intressed; and the knowledge and example hereof very usefull for all sorts of people. The copie hereof was taken out of the Prerogative Court; and is printed by the originall, according to order. Sutton, Thomas, 1532-1611. 1646 (1646) Wing S6214; Thomason E344_7; ESTC R200955 15,845 22

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relieved As also for a School-Master and Usher to teach the children to reade and write and instruct them in their Latine and Greek Grammar for a Divine likewise to preach the Word of God unto them all and for one Master to govern all those people belonging to that House And to that end and purpose he had upon earnest Petition procured himself ability by vertue of an Act of Parl. begun and holden by Prorogation therof at Westmin in the County of Middlesex the 9. day of February in the 7. year of His Majesties Reign over England c. and there continued to the 24. day of July then next following To erect ond build in the said Town of Hallingbury Bouchers such an House for an Hospital as is immediately before remembred and that the said House should be called The Hospitall of K. James founded in Hallingbury in the County of Essex at the humble Petition and at the onely cost and charges of Thomas Sutton Esq And that the Archbishop of Canterbury that then was and other Reverend Prelates of this Realm and their Successors in their severall Seas the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Ellesm●re Lord Chancellour of England and such as should succeed after him to be L. Chancellors or L. Keepers of the Great Seal of England the Lord Treasurer that then was and those that should succeed in that Office with divers other select persons both of the Clergie and Laity in such manner as you shall find them set down in the said Volume of Reports whereunto I refer you were by the said Act of Parl. elected nominated and appointed the first and present Governours of the Lands Possessions Revenues and Goods of the said Hospitall But afterwards upon more mature deliberation finding this great Mansion of the Charter-House far more convenient for his purpose then that of Hallingbury could be he was an earnest Sutor to my Lord of Suffolk to buy that house of him acquainting his Lordship with the change of his mind concerning Hallingbury and his great affection to make the Charter-House his Hospitall To this Petition of his it is not to be doubted but that my Lord gave the more ready and willing way because the chief end thereof was the glory of God and the reliefe and comfort of a great number of poore people Long the matter was not debated between them but the price being concluded the Bargain and Sale was assured The Summe disbursed for this purchase came to thirteen thousand pounds which was paid down in hand before the conveyance was sealed Having thus assured the state of this great House to him and his Heires he makes humble suit to his Majesty to grant him licence to erect and establish his intended Hospitall and Grammar-School and other his godly and charitable uses in the said late dissolved Charter-House as in a more commodious place then that of Hallingbury Hereunto the King readily yee●ded being graciously affected to so charitable a work The better therefore to encourage and enable this Heroicall Gentleman to prosecute this good mind to the full perfection it pleased his Majesty out of his most Royal disposition to grant his Letters Patents unto him thereby authorizing him to the uses last mentioned as in his Letters Patents more fully appeareth Now therefore with alacrity this businesse goes forward The Reverend Father in God George Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Lord Elsmore Lord Chancellour of England Robert Earl of Sal●sbury Lord high Treasurer of England Iohn the Elect Bishop of London Lance●ot now Bishop of Ely Sir Edwa●d Cook Knight chief Justice of the Common-Pleas Sir Thomas Foster Knight one of his Majesties Justices of the Common-Pleas Sir Henry H●bart Knight and Baronet Atturney General● Iohn Overal now Dean of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul in London George Mountain Dean of the Collegiat Church of Westminster Henry Thursby Esq one of the Masters of the Chancery Ieffery Nightingale Esq Richard Sutton Esq Iohn Law Gentleman Thomas Brown Gentleman and Master of the Hospital of King Iames founded in Charter-house within the County of Middlesex at the humble Petition and only costs and charges of Thomas Sutton Esq are elected nominated and ordained by the Kings most excellent Majesty in his Letters Pattents granted as aforesaid the first Governours of the Lands Possessions Revenues and Goods of the said Hospitall of King Iames founded in Charterhouse And further power is given to the said Governours as you may find more at large in the said Letters Patents Hereupon divers Lands by him formerly purchased are made and past over to this Hospital for maintenance of the poor people there to be relieved Preparations is made for fit Lodgings and other necessaries and all things go onwards with as convenient speed as may be to the wished end Now for the Readers better information and content it will not be amisse to set down what Lands they were and in what Counties which were made over and annexed by Mr. Sutton to the said Hospitall Thus therfore they are named as they follow in order viz. All those his Mannors and Lordships of Southminster N●…on little Hallingbury alias Hallingbury Bouchers and Much Stanbridge in the county of Essex with all their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances whatsoever Also all those his Mannors and Lordships of Bastingthorp alias Buslingthorp and Dunnesby in the County of Lincoln with their and every of their rights members and Appurtenances whatsoever Also those his Mannors of Santhorp alias Saltrop alias Haltrap Chilton and Blackegrove in the County of VVilts with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances whatsoever and also all those his Lands and Pasture Grounds called Blackegrove containing by estimation two hundred Acres of Pasture with the Appurtenances in Blackegrove and VVroughton in the said County of VVilts and also all that his Mannor of Missenden otherwise cal●ed the Mannor of Missunden in the Parishes of VVroughton Lydi●rde and Tregose in the County of VVilts with all his rights members and appurtenances And all that his Mannor of Elcombe and Parke called Elcombe Parke with the appurtenances in the said County of VVilts Also all that his Mannor of VVatlescote alias VViglescete with the appurtenances in the said County of VVilts And also all that his Mannor of VVoscote alias VVesc●te with the Appurtenances in the said County of Wilts and also all those his Lands and Pastures containing by estimation 100 Acres of Land and 60 Acres of Pasture with the Appurtenances in Wiglescote Wroughton in the said County of VVilts and all that his Mannor of Vffcote with the Appurtenances in the said County of VVilts and also all those his two Messuages and 1000. Acres of Land 2000. Acres of Pasture 300 acres of Meadowes and 300 Acres of Wood with the Appurtenances in Brodehinton in the said County of VVilts And also all those the Mannors and Lordships of Campes alias Campes Castle otherwise called Castle Campes with the Appurtenances scituate lying being and
Baxter if he be living at my death 3000 l. of lawfull mony of England if not then I give the same summe to his child or children to be equally devided amongst them Item I give unto Francis Baxter if he be living at my death 500. markes of lawfull mony of England if not I give the same sum to his child o● children to be equally devided amongst them Item I give unto each of my Servingmen to whom I give wages with my Cooke that shall be alive at my decease 13 l. six shillings and eight pence over and above their wages then due Item I give to so many of my maidservants as I have in my house at the time of my decease 5 markes a peece over and above their wages Item I give unto the children of Reinold T●mps my late servant if any of them be alive at my death 10 l. to be distributed amongst them Item I give to the fishermen of the Towne of Oastend in the Low-Countries 100 l. of English money to be given distributed amongst the poorest fishermen of that Towne or for want of a competent number of them to call in some other of that Towne to have a share of the said 100 l. by the descretion of the Governours of that Towne and his assistance and the Person and Minister there for the time being the same to be paid within one yeare after my decease Item I give towards the mending of the High-waies between Islington and Newington in the County of Middlesex Twenty six l. thirteene shillings and 4 pence of lawfull money of England to be imployed and bestowed by the good oversight of mine Executor or Executors the Constable of Newington and the Church-wardens there for the time being the same High-wayes to be amended made and holpen within one yeare after my decease Item I give towards the amending of the highwayes betweene Ashd●n and VValden in the County of Essex called Walden Laine one hundered pounds of lawfull mony of England And towards the amending of the highwayes betweene great Lynton in the County of Cambridge and the said Towne of Walden threescore six pounds 13. s. and 4. d. of lawfull money of England And I also give towards the amending of Horseth-Lane 60. l. of lawfull money of England All these works next before recited I will shall be overseen and guided by the two head Constables thereunto next adjoyning the Treasurer of Walden and the Persons of Ashden Hodstock and Horsheath and the Constables of the same Parishes for the time being And the same severall summes to be imployed the said high-waies so to be amended so farre as the same summes will extend within on yeare after my decease Also I give towards the amending of the Bridges and the ordinary high-wayes between Southminster and Malden in the said County of Essex the summe of 100 l. of lawfull money of England and the same worke to be overseene and guided by the two head Constables thereunto next adjoyning and the Persons or Vicars of South-Minster and Malden for the time being and the same money to be so employed and the high-wayes so amended within one yeer next after my decease Item I give to Mr. Robert Dudley Alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne or to his children or to so many of his children as shall be living at the time of my decease 30. l. of lawfull money of England which he oweth me And I will and do earnestly charge mine Executor or Executors to deliver into the Treasury or Chamber of the City of London 1000. pounds in currant money of England with such care and fore-sight to be had that such Bonds or Assurances be taken of the Lord Major and Aldermen of the same City that for the time shall be by learned Councel in the Law as the same may be safe and for ever goe and be converted to these uses following that is to say That the said 1000. l. be yeerly lent and put forth to ten young Marchant-men not having any great stocks of their own being young-men and of honest life and conversation and towardly in their Trades that is to every one of them 100. l. for a year without paying any thing for the same And these ten young Merchants to be chosen and appointed by the Lord Major and Aldermen of the said City that for the time shall be and the Dean of the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul in London for the time being Provided as before that none have or continue the said 100. l. so appointed above one yeare Item I will and give to the children of Iustinian Crome Draper somtimes dwelling in the City of Lincoln or to his childrens children if any of them shall be living at my decease 20. l. of lawfull money of England to be equally divided amongst them I give also to the wife and children or child of Martin Wather●…e Dutchman sometime dwelling at the sign of the White-Bear in Buttolph Lane London if any of them be living at the time of my death 10. l. to be equally divided amongst them Item I give to the next Kinsman or Kinswoman of Henry Vavering Dutchman Smith sometimes dwelling in Barwick 3. l. 6. s. 8 d. Item I give and bequeath unto Sir Francis Popham Kt. as well in respect and good will which I bear unto his wife being the daughter of my late deceased dear wife the sum of 2000 Marks of lawfull money of England upon condition neverthelesse and so that the said Sir Fran●is Popham add the said Lady Anne his wife give a sufficient discharge and a generall release to mine Executor or Executors as well for that sum as also for the receipt of all the rest of her part of portion of the Plate Money and Houshold-stuffe already paid and de●ivered to them or to their use as appeareth by severall Bills or Notes subscribed with mine own hand which I do think to be the very true half and better halfe of the said Plate Money and Houshold-stuffe part whereof was delivered by one Iohn Frishborn my late Servant to Sir Iohn Popham ●night late Lord chief Justice of England at his late house in Chancery-Lane the rest of the Houshold-stuff as Chaires Stooles Bedsteeds Kitchin-stuffe Tables and such like was delivered by the said Fishborn to Sir Iohn Pophams Servants at Newington 1000 pounds in money paid in this sort viz. To Sir Iohn Popham by his Servant Straker upon the said Sir Iohns Bill before marriage 300. l. which Bill after the marriage I returned to the said Sir Iohn Popham 700. l. were paid to the said Sir Iohn Popham upon the marriage by one Mr. Anthony Law late dwelling in Pater-noster-Row London the better moity of the Plate due to Sir Francis Popham received by one Master Clarke sometimes towards the said Sir Iohn and now a Councellor at Law of the Middle Temple as I guesse Item I give to my welbeloved Friend Amy Popham 200. l. to be paid to her at the day of her
marriage or when she shall accomplish the age of 18. years Item I give to Francis Popham Mary Popham Elizabeth Popham Jane Popham and Anne Popham all daughters of the said Lady Anne Popham 100. l. a piece which severall sums I will shall be paid them at the dayes of their marriage or when they shall accomplish the age of 18. years And my will and meaning is that unlesse the said Sir Francis Popham and the said Lady Anne his wife doe or shall give to mine Executor or Executors a generall acquittance or release to the effect above mentioned that then as well the said Legacy of 2000. Marks so wiled to be given to the said Sir Francis Popham and the Lady Anne his wife as also the other severall Legacies given and bequeathed to every of the said children of Sir Francis Popham and the Lady his wife shall remain and be to the use of mine Executor or Executors to be wholy dispo●ed and given by them within one year after my decease partly to the amending of High wayes and partly to poore Maidens marriages and partly to the releasing of poor men that lye in prison for debt and partly to the poor people of mine intended Hospital when it shall please God that it shall be established and erected And where perhaps it is or may be supposed that the said Sir Io. Popham hath paid 300. l. to Sir Rowland Hayward of the City of London Alderman as a due debt unto him upon the Bonds of Iohn Dudley and Thomas Dudley I protest before God that I paid the whole 300. l. to the said Sir John Popham in this sort to be paid over to the said Sir Rowland Heyward viz. 200. l. by my Servant John Fishborn and 100 l. by one Henry Best Scrivener neer Temple-Bar There was a demand made by Alderman Duckets Executor for 400. l. owing to the said Alderman upon the Bonds of John Dudley and Tho Dudley for Copper for the use of the Earl of Leicester which the said Earl transpor●ed into Spain which debt was paid to the said Alderman For I my self was a Messenger from the said Earl to the said Alderman to let him understand that Mr. Bainham my Lords speciall Officer and Receiver should discharge them presently and after it was discharged the said Alderman demanded interest for the forbearing of the 400. l. which as I remember Thomas Dudley discharged Mr. Juctice Owin as I remember who had the doing in the Testament of Alderman Ducket promised to deliver in the said Bond to Sir J. Popham then being Attorney which I do believe he did And where Mr. John Gardiner brother to my late wife by his last Will and Testament did give unto Anne Dudley now wife to Sir Francis Popham 200. l. to be paid to her at the day of her marriage the same 100 l. was and is paid by me at or before the day of her marriage viz. In a Chain of Gold being fourscore seventeen pounds ten shillings in Gold and for the fashion paid to Mr. Padmore Goldsmith in London 50. s. which compleats the 100. l. for the which amongst other things which I delivered in trust have no acquittance Item I give to Mr. Jeffery Nightingale Esq the Sum of 40. l. of lawfull money of England Also I give to my Cosen Will. Stapleton Son of Sir Richard Stapleton Knight 100. Marks Item I give unto the children of Sir Francis Willoughby Knight 100 l. of lawfull money of England to bee equally distributed amongst them Item I give unto Iohn Law one of the Procurators of the Arches London 200. pounds And to Mr. Thomas Brown 10. l. to make a Ring Item I give to the wife and children of Iohn Gardiner my late wifes Nephew if they be living after my decease being the Mother and two Sons 200. Marks to be equally divided amongst them Item I give to the poor people of Hadstocke to be distributed amongst them by the Church-wardens and Constables there for the time being 20. pounds Item I give to the poor people of Littlebury and to the poor people of Balsham to be distributed as afore to either Towne twenty pounds Item I give to the Person and Church-wardens of Balsham aforesaid for the time being to buy a Bell withall to bee hanged up in the Steeple to amend the Ring there 20. pounds Item To the poor of Sout●minster 20. pounds Item To the poor of little Hallenbury 20. pounds Item To the poor of Dunsby in the County of Lincoln 20 pounds Item I give to Robert Wright Poulterer of little Hallenbury Five pound Item I give to Widow Aske late wife of Robert Aske of London Goldsmith 20. l. which she oweth me Item my will and meaning is that there shall no interest or increase for money be taken after my decease so as he or they by whom any Sums of money are or shall be owing doe pay the principall debt within one half year next after my decease Item I give and bequeath to the poor prisoners within the Prisons of Ludgate Newgate the two Compters in London the Kings Bench and the Marshalsea the sum of 200. l. to be paid and divided among the same Prisoners by even and equall portions Item I give to Susan Price at the day of her marriage 40. l. Item I give to one Collins of the Towne of Cursall in Essex Five pounds Item I give to my good Friends Mistris Heyward and Mistris Low either of them 10. l. Item I give to Margaret Woodhall my God-daughter the Sum of 20. pounds Item I give to all other my God-children five pounds a piece Item I give and bequeath to the Masters and Fellowes as the Corporation of Jesus Colledge in Cambridge the Sum of 500. Markes of lawfull money of England to be employed used and bestowed for or in some perpetuity for and to the use benefit and behalf of the said Colledge Master Fellowes and Schollers in such sort manner and forme as by the discretion of the Bishop of Ely for the time being the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge for the time being the Master and Fellowes of the said Colledge for the time being and my Executors hereafter named or the Survivor or Survivors of them if they be living when the bestowing of the said Sum shall come in question shall be thought best and most convenient Item I give and bequeath to the Master and Fellowes as the Corporation of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge the Sum of five hundred pounds to be employed used or bestowed for or in some perpetuity for and to the use benefit and behalf of the said Colledge Master Fellowes and Schollers there in such sort manner and forme as by the discretion privity and consent of the Vice-Chancellor in Cambridge for the time being the Master of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge for the time being and the Master and Fellowes of the said Magdalene Colledge for the time being shall be thought best and most convenient And I will that all my great