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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31231 The compendium, or, A short view of the late tryals in relation to the present plot against His Majesty and government with the speeches of those that have been executed : as also an humble address, at the close, to all the worthy patriots of this once flourishing and happy kingdom. Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of, 1634-1705. 1679 (1679) Wing C1241; ESTC R5075 90,527 89

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Religions sake or in short for the sake of all that is Good and Holy put a stop to this present Tempest which bearing up Perjury has not only destroy'd all Trade and Commerce among us but render'd us a Laughing-stock to the whole world and shaken the very Basis and Foundation of our Island FINIS The Certificate of the City of St. Omer concerning Titus Oates WE the Mayor and Sherifs of the City of St Omer being surpris'd at the Report That the English Fathers residing with us had about the beginning of the Present Year by the Negotiation of one Titus Oates in France and England contrived and Plotted a wicked and bloody Treason against their natural Lord the most excellent King of Great Britain and being the more amazed at it since they had given through a long ●cries of Years a rare example among us not only of Learning and Piety in particular but of Obedience in general to all Civil Magistrates and Governors a thing which makes the whole Society of Jesus highly respected and esteemed by most of the Christian Princes of the World We say that being surpris'd at this report we took as far as we could the Examination of the matter into hand and therefore certify That it has appeared to us by the Oaths of several of the best and antientest Scholars of that Seminary the whole College having offer'd to make the same Oath That the said Titus Oates was not only effectively in the said Seminary at the end of April and beginning of May 1678 but did constantly reside there from the tenth of December 1677. to the twenty third of June following without ever being absent from thence except one night in January at which time he was at Watten two Leagues distant from us The said Deponents also have alledg'd as a reason of this their knowledge That they Lodg'd Convers'd Drunk and Eat with the said Oates in the said Seminary all that while he being at a distinct table alone and did parti●ularly take notice that he was there in April and May as abovesaid as having seen him at that time constantly perform the Office of Reader in the Sodality of the Students in the said Seminary and as being present at the departure of one Killembeck alias Pool an English Scholar who went from this City the fifth day of the said Moneth of May New Stile to take his journey into England In Witness whereof we have caus'd the Seal of the said City to be hereunto put this 28 of December 1678. Loco Sigilli ✚ J. Ganon The Certificate of the City of Liege in Relation to Sir Thomas Preston WE the Eschevines of the high Court of Justice of his most Serene Highness in the City and Countrey of Liege To all those to whom these presents shall come greeting do certify and attest That a Petition being presented to us in our ordinary Consistory in the Palace of his said Highness on the behalf of Sir Thomas Preston Knight and Baronet residing at the English College of this City That whereas the said Sir Thomas Preston during the greatest part of the Year One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy and Eight and more especially in the Moneths of March April May and June did constantly reside in the said College be the said Sir Thomas Preston having petition'd that we would in favour of the Truth hear a great many Witnesses which he had to produce we condeseended unto his said Petition as reasonable and just and have accordingly heard upon Oath fourteen creditable persons who have all unanimously upon their respective Oaths declared and attested that the said Sir Thomas Preston Knight and Baronet did reside all the time aforesaid at the College aforesaid and particularly in the Moneths of March April May and June in the Year 1678. and that he was not absent s● much as one-night during the said time and they further have attested that they knew this to be true in that they resided all in the said College and there saw and convers'd dayly with Him Given at our Court of Justice this 28 of March 1679. By Order of the High Court of Justice abovesaid Locus Sigilli ✚ De Bernimolin per Bonhomme THe like Certificate came from Watten about Sir John Warner the Witnesses names being Albert Bapthorpe William Bitchfielt Tousaint Vanden Cruys F. Caeles Augustin Elmers Jaques Broos Nicholas Willaert Thomas Higgenson Marc. Bartolet Charles Verons FINIS * Vid. Trial. Pag. 17 18. † pag. 19. ‖ pag. 20. * pag. 28. † pag. 21 ‖ pag. 29. * pag. 22. † pag. 23. ‖ pag. 72. * pag. 24. † pag. 25. ‖ pag. 26. * pag. 27. † pag. 30. ‖ pag. 40. * pag. 39. † pag. 16. ‖ pag. 72. * pag. 80. and 96. † pag. 30. ‖ pag. 38. * pag. 30. † pag. 32. ‖ pag. 31. pag. 40. † pag. 80. ‖ pag. 38. * pag. 41. † pag. 42. † pag. ib. † pag. 43. ‖ pag. 44. * pag. 72. † pag. 68. ‖ pag. 57. * pag. 73. † pag. 16. ‖ pag. 69. * pag. 72. ‖ pag. 102. ‖ pag. 102. 103. * Pag. 70. * pag. 68. † pag. 66. ‖ pag. 69. * pag. 80. ‖ pag. 161. * Bedlow † Vid. Trial. ‖ pag. 35. Pag. 19. * pag. 36. † pag. 34. ‖ pag. 60. * pag. 22. † p. 19. ‖ p. 26 * pag. 47. † pag. 19 26. ‖ pag. 23. * pag. 24. † pag. 22. ‖ pag. 30. * pag. 32. † pag. 20. * pag. 47. ‖ pag. 46. * pag. 41 44. † pag. 49. ‖ pag. 67. * pag. 25. † pag. 56. * pag. 59. ‖ pag. 62. * pag. 65. † pag. 56. ‖ pag. 56 62. * pag. 65. † pag. 57. ‖ pag. 12. ‖ pag. 14. ‖ pag. 16. ‖ pag. ib. ‖ pag. 18. ‖ pag. 19. ‖ pag. 20. † pag. 22. * pag. 21. ‖ pag. 44. ‖ pag. 29. ‖ pag. 28. † pag. 29. ‖ pag. 30. ‖ pag. 31. ‖ pag. 32. ‖ pag. 33. * pag. 32. * pag. 32. ‖ pag. 33. † pag. 14. ‖ pag. 40. * pag. 41. † pag. 49. * pag. 46. * pag. 47. † pag. 23. ‖ pag. 71. * pag. 26. † pag. 24. ‖ pag. 25. * pag. 71. † pag. 70. ‖ pag. 52. * pag. 53. † pag. 54. * pag. 56. ‖ pag. 58. * pag. ib. * pag. 56. † pag. 54. ‖ pag. 55. * p. 56 57. † pag. 59. ‖ pag. 61. * pag. 67. † pag. 62. ‖ pag. 63. * pag. 64. † pag. 65. ‖ pag. 65. * pag. 70. † pag. 68. ‖ pag. 69. * pag. 48. ‖ pag. 43. * pag. 60. † pag. 40. ‖ pag. 49. * pag. 50. * Vid. Trial. Pag. 3. † p. 4. 5. ‖ pag. 6. * pag. 12. † pag. 13. ‖ p. 14. 15. * pag. 15. ‖ pag. 16. * pag. 17. ‖ pag. 21. * pag. 22. ‖ pag. 29. * pag. ib. † pag. 44. ‖ pag. 29. † pag. 23. ‖ pag. 24. * pag. 25. ‖ pag. 26.
and Protestation and every part thereof in the Plain and Ordinary Sense wherein the same stands Written as they are commonly understood by English Protestants and the Courts of Justice of England without any Evasion or Equivocation or Delusion or Mental Reservation whatsoever And without any Dispensation or Pardon or Absolution already granted to me for this or any other purpose by the Pope or any other Power Authority or Person whatsoever Or without any hope expectation or desire of any such Dispensation and without thinking or believing that I am or can be acquitted before God or Man or absolved of this Declaration or any part thereof although the Pope or any other Person or persons or Power or Authority whatsoever should dispence with Or take upon him or them to dispence with or Annul the same Or declare that it was or is or ought to be Null or Void in part or in the whole from the beginning or otherwise howsoever Having made this Declaration and Protestation in the most plain Terms that I can possibly imagin to express my sincere Loyalty and Innocency and the clear intention of my Soul I leave it to the Judgment of all Good and Charitable persons whether they will believe what is here in this manner affirmed and sworn by me in my present Circumstances or what is sworn by my Accusers I do now farther declare That I die a member though an unworthy one of that Holy Catholick and Apostolick Church of Christ mentioned in the Three Holy and publick Creeds of which Church our Lord Jesus Christ is the Invisible Head of Influence to illuminate guide protect and govern it by his Holy Spirit and Grace and of which Church the Bishop of Rome as the Successor of St. Peter the Prince of the Apostles is the visible Head of Government and Unity I take it to be clear That my Religion is the sole cause which moved my Accusers to charge me with the Crime for which upon their Evidence I am adjudged to die and that my being of that Religion which I here prosess was the only ground which could give them any hope to be believed or which could move my Ju●●y to believe the Evidence of such men I have had not only a Pardon but also great Advantages as to preferments and Estates offered unto me since this Judgment was against me in case I would have forsaken my Religion and owned my self guilty of the Crime charged against me and charged the same Crimes upon others But blessed be my God who by his Grace hath preserved me from yeilding to those Temptations and strengthened me rather to choose this death than to stain my Soul with sin and to charge others against truth with Crimes of which I do not know that any person is guilty Having said what concerns me to say as to my self I now humbly beseech God to bless the Kings Majesty with all temporal and eternal Blessings and to preserve Him and His Government from all Treasons and Traitors whatsoever and that his Majesty may never fall into such hands as His Royal Father of Glorious Memory fell into I also humbly beseeh thee O God to give true Repentance and Pardon to all my Enemies and most particularly to the said Mr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe and to all who have been any ways accessary to the taking away of my Life and the shedding of my Innocent Blood or to the preventing the King's Mercy from being extended unto me and likewise to all those who rejoyced at the Judgment given against me or at the Execution of the said Judgment and to all those who are or shall be so unchristianly uncharitable as to disbelieve and to refuse to give credit unto my now Protestations And I beseech thee O my God to bless this whole Nation and not to lay the guilt of my Blood unto the charge of this Nation or of any other particular person or persons of this Nation Unite all O my God unto thee and thy Church by true Faith Hope and Charity for thy mercies sake And for all those who have shewed Charity to me I humbly beg O my Jesus that thou wilt reward them with all Blessings both temporal and eternal 13 July 1679. R. Langhorn Mr. Langhorns's Speech at the time of Execution WHen the Hangman was putting the Rope over his Head he took it into his hands and kissed it Afterwards He said I would gladly speak to Mr. Sheriff HOW who coming up to him he addressed himself thus Mr. Sheriff I having some doubt whether I should be suffered to speak in relation to my Innocency and Loyalty I did for that Reason prepare what I had to say and what I intended to say in Writing and it is delivered into your hands Mr. Sheriff and therefore for the particular and precise Words and Expressions I do refer my self to that and I hope you will be so just to my Memory that you will permit it to be seen I shall therefore make only a short Preface and I do declare in the Presence of the Eternal God and as I hope to be saved by the Merits and Death of my dear Jesus That I am not Guilty directly or indirectly of any Crime that was sworn against me I do not speak this to Arraign the Court of Publick Justice either Judges or Jury but those Men that did swear it and the Jury had liberty to believe or not believe as they pleased And I do like wise say with the same Averrment That I did never in my Life see any Commission or Patent or any Writing or any other Thing under the hand of Johannes Paulus de Oliva c. S. Nor under no other Hand L. No nor under any other Hand of any Commission or Patents for the Raising of an Army or any Thing else against the King S. What was the Patent for for Nothing L. I never saw any nor do I believe there was any And whereas I have read in a Narrative that I sent a Commission by my Son to the Lord Arundel of Warder and that I delive'rd another to the Lord Petre or Petres with my own hands I take God to Witness that I never knew him in my life or ever to my knowledge saw the face of that Lord nor did I send or know of any thing that was sent to my Lord Arundel of Warder of that nature S. Shorten your business you have Mr. Langhorn and your Party so many ways to Equivocate and after Absolution you may say any thing L. I refer my self to that Paper I gave you Mr. Sheriff S. I think it is not fit to be Printed I will do you no wrong L. I do not think you will S. You have already printed a Paper or some body for you L. Sir I did not Print it and it was done without any Direction or Permission of mine The Lord preserve his Majesty from all manner of Treason and preserve Him from falling into such Hands as His Royal Father